Acta Materialia: Svea Mayer, Manuel Petersmann, Franz Dieter Fischer, Helmut Clemens, Thomas Waitz, Thomas Antretter

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Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249

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Experimental and theoretical evidence of displacive martensite in an

intermetallic Mo-containing g-TiAl based alloy
Svea Mayer a, *, Manuel Petersmann b, Franz Dieter Fischer b, Helmut Clemens a,
Thomas Waitz c, Thomas Antretter b
Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Roseggerstr. 12, 8700 Leoben, Austria
Institute of Mechanics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Franz-Josef-Str. 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria
Physics of Nanostructured Materials, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study the martensitic transformation behavior of a Mo-bearing g-TiAl based alloy was investi-
Received 10 April 2016 gated. Therefore, a homogenization treatment within the single b-phase field region followed by water
Received in revised form quenching has been carried out, whereby the majority of the disordered b-phase transforms into hex-
2 June 2016
agonal a20 -martensite during cooling. Since the b to a transformation in the intermetallic b-solidifying
Accepted 2 June 2016
Available online 10 June 2016
Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy (at%) occurs at very high temperatures causing enhanced diffusional processes,
a very locally diffusion-controlled transformation together with a displacive, hence purely martensitic
transformation take place. This work investigates the displacive martensite formation in the high-
Titanium aluminides
temperature regime using state-of-the-art experimental methods as well as modelling concepts from
Martensitic phase transformation the phenomenological theory of martensite crystallography. The high temperature at which the trans-
Electron microscopy formation takes place suggests the preference of plastic slip over twinning. This fact has also been
High-energy X-ray diffraction verified by transmission electron microscopy, as no twinning has been observed after generation of
Phenomenological crystallographic theory single martensite variants forming an invariant interface plane with the initial b-lattice. Such invariant
interfaces are formally possible according to the phenomenological theory of martensite crystallography,
if the Bain strains of the martensite variants are superimposed by additional simple shear.
© 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction solidification pathway from the liquid to the stable solid for alloy
Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B (in at%) is L / Lþb / b / aþb /
Urgent topics concerning energy efficiency and environmental aþbþg / aþb/boþg / aþboþg / a/a2þboþg / a2þboþg. In
policies require novel approaches to materials design. One recent thermodynamic equilibrium at room temperature the phases a2-
example is the implementation of lightweight intermetallic g-TiAl Ti3Al (D019, P63/mmc), bo-TiAl (B2, Pm3m) and g-TiAl (L10, P4/mmm)
based alloys as structural materials in aerospace and automotive co-exist. The phase constituents close to thermodynamic equilib-
applications. For their use, balanced mechanical properties at a rium at different temperatures are well studied by means of in-situ
high level as well as an excellent hot-workability have to be ach- diffraction techniques employing synchrotron radiation and neu-
ieved by adding alloying elements, such as Mo, which acts as a trons as reported in Refs. [5,6]. Technological processes such as hot-
strong b-stabilizer. The disordered body-centered cubic (bcc) b- working and heat treatments, however, are more or less far from
phase (A2, Im3m) is of great technological importance due to its thermodynamic equilibrium, which first influence the solid-state
beneficial effect on the solidification and hot-deformation behavior phase transformation b to a and hence the resulting microstruc-
of TiAl alloys [1e4]. As an example for b-solidifying alloys, the ture and thus the mechanical properties of the specific alloy.
Therefore, the material’s behavior under non-equilibrium condi-
tions has to be investigated.
In general, on slow cooling from the single b-phase field, the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Mayer), manuel.petersmann@
equiaxed a-phase initially nucleates and grows at the b-grain (M. Petersmann), (F.D. Fischer), boundaries, leading to a significant grain refining effect [3,7]. Bur- (H. Clemens), gers [8] was one of the first who investigated the lattice
(T. Waitz), (T. Antretter).
1359-6454/© 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249 243

correspondences between the parent b- and the product a-phase in respectively, as shown for TieAleV alloys in Ref. [20]. Recently,
Ti- and Zr-based alloys. He noticed that the basal plane (0001) of a Hu et al. [21] determined in an ice-brine quenched
is derived from a (011)b plane. The close-packed ½111b and ½111b Tie44Ale4Nbe4Hfe0.1Si (at%) alloy an incomplete martensitic
directions are lying onD that Especific basal plane, which corresponds transformation followed by a diffusional b/a or massive trans-
to the close-packed
D E 1120 directions. This accountsD for four
E of formation, in dependence on the local microstructure.
the six 1120 directions, while the remaining two 1120 di- The analysis and determination of the influence of continuous
a a
rections are derived from the [100]b as well as ½100b directions. cooling, most popularly water quenching, on the solid state high
Due to symmetry reasons, six crystallographically equivalent lattice temperature b/a transformation mechanism and microstructure
correspondences are possible [9,10]. The Bain strain and the rigid development in a multi-phase TieAleMo alloy is an important part
body rotation exactly maintain the (011)b and (0001)a planes par- of the present work. Even though the occurrence of martensite in
allel, while the rotation makes the close-packed directions coincide Ti-based alloys is well established, the range of existence and
within a tolerance of 1.5 [10]. It should also be noted that the morphology of the corresponding phases in ternary Mo-containing
Burgers orientation relation renders the (112)b plane nearly parallel g-TiAl based alloys needs to be determined, since the mechanical
to the ð1100Þa plane [10]. This last correspondence will additionally properties are extremely sensitive to the microstructure. Therefore,
confirm our calculation results presented in section 3. the disordered b to ordered hexagonal a20 -martensite trans-
The morphology of the hexagonal a-phase is strongly depen- formation has been investigated experimentally by means of
dent on the cooling rate, as is known from a þ b titanium alloys, i.e. scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron backscatter diffrac-
moderate cooling rates lead to colony and/or basket-weave mi- tion (EBSD) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and
crostructures. Thereby, based on a diffusional ledge mechanism, a in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction (HEXRD) experiments. Along
colony of Widmanst€ atten a-plates precipitates at b-grain bound- with the combined use of the phenomenological theory of
aries, at grain boundary allotriomorphs or intragranularly during martensite crystallography (PTMC), a unique approach to verify the
cooling from the b-phase field region [11,12]. The retained b-matrix occurring displacive martensite formation in the
in between is highly enriched with Ti and alloying elements that Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy (at%) is elaborated. Last but not least
partition to the b-phase, as reported in Ref. [7]. In case of localized because, up until now, the transformation has been characterized
short-range diffusion due to a higher cooling rate the a-formation as diffusional, i.e. crystallographic theories based on a coherent
occurs through a massive transformation without any change in interface matching, above all the edge to edge model (E2EM),
chemical composition. The rapid growth is therein propagated by where the main principle is the parallelism of close-packed di-
migration of the interface, which is typically serrated or faceted. rections [22], have been used. In the present study it will be shown
And last of all, very fast cooling or quenching from the single b- that the predictions of the PTMC match the experimental obser-
phase field region in the course of a homogenization treatment vations thus confirming the presence of martensite in Mo-
leads to a displacive martensitic transformation [13]. containing g-TiAl based alloys.
According to reference [7], a martensitic transformation in bi-
nary b-solidifying g-TiAl based alloys can only occur in rapidly 2. Material and experimental details
solidified Tie48Al (in at%) powders during the atomization process,
but not via a solid-state b/a transformation, even under ice-brine The Mo-containing g-TiAl based alloy chosen for the current
quenching. The reason for this is explained by the high T0 tem- work was produced on an industrial scale facility via centrifugal
perature of about 1330  C for an Al-content of 40 at%, for which the casting by GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH, Germany, in form of
massive transformation is preferred [14]. In a2-Ti3Al-based alloys, cylindrical ingots with a length of 200 mm and a diameter of
however, the bcc b-phase transforms martensitically upon fast 53 mm, for details see Ref. [3]. Subsequently, these ingots were hot-
cooling below the martensite start temperature Ms, similar to many isostatically pressed (HIP) at 1200  C for 240 min at a maximum
Ti-based alloys [11], to the disordered hexagonal close-packed pressure of 200 MPa followed by furnace cooling. This processing
(hcp) a0 -phase, which rearranged into the ordered a20 , as reported step was performed in order to eliminate casting defects, e.g. re-
in Ref. [15]. Associated with an increasing Al-content, Ms increases sidual porosity, and to provide near-equilibrium conditions. By
from about 900  C for pure Ti to 1150  C for stoichiometric a2-Ti3Al means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, the chemical composi-
[15]. The influence of b-stabilizing elements, such as Nb, V or Mo, tion was measured as average value at different locations of the
on the martensitic transformation of ternary titanium aluminides is HIPed ingot to be Ti-44.58Al-3.23Mo-0.12B (at%). The small amount
considered in the following. of B is added to refine the microstructure during solidification by
Strychor et al. [16] analyzed the effect of Nb on the stabilization the formation of borides. The subsequent b-homogenization
of the b-phase, during the solution annealing in the single b-phase treatment was conducted in a laboratory high-temperature furnace
field region followed by rapid cooling, by measuring Ms. For a2- RHF 16/15 from Carbolite, where the specimen was annealed in the
Ti3Al-xNb alloys (5 at% < x < 17 at%), the obtained results show that single b-phase field region at 1450  C for 30 min and then water
below 5 at% Nb the formation of hcp a20 -martensite occurs, quenched. The microstructure of the two sample states with regard
whereas an increasing Nb-content reduces Ms (as well as the to the morphology of the appearing phases was initially investi-
martensite finish temperature, Mf) even below room temperature gated by SEM. These measurements were conducted on a Zeiss EVO
at 10 at% Nb, allowing the retention of b [15]. An increasing amount 50 operating in back-scattered electron (BSE) mode at an acceler-
of Mo (3e4 at%) in a2-Ti3Al-based alloys causes a substantial ation voltage of 15 kV. The microscope is additionally equipped
decrease in the b-transus temperature and furthermore a stabili- with an Inca Dry Cool energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS)
zation of bo at room temperature [17]. Hence, for high cooling rates from Oxford Instruments for analytical characterization. In order to
the microstructure of Ti-(20e24)Al-(3e4)Mo alloys (in at%) con- determine the crystalline structure and orientation relationship of
sists of a20 -plates within the bo-matrix [18,19]. In case of g-TiAl both phases, EBSD analysis was performed at the Materials Center
based alloys the b-decomposition mechanism changes from Leoben Forschung GmbH (MCL), Leoben, Austria, using an EDAX
massive (Tie42Ale5V, in at%) to martensite (Tie42Ale10V and DigiView IV EBSD system on a dual beam Zeiss Auriga workstation
Tie38Ale5V, in at%), after homogenization annealing in the single operating at 20 kV with a step size of 10 nm. The specimens were
b-phase field region followed by water quenching, with a rising therefore prepared metallographically followed by electrolytic
content on b-stabilizing elements and a reduced Al-content, polishing, according to [23]. For the TEM investigations at the
244 S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249

University of Vienna the specimens were electrolytically thinned to is obtained for an isolated transforming domain when the
electron transparency using a TenuPol-5 with an A3-electrolyte minimum misfit due to the transformation strain is parallel
from Struers at an applied voltage of 22 V and a flow rate of 10 to a long dimension of the domain and the maximum misfit
and studied with a Philips CM200 microscope operated at 200 kV is parallel to a short dimension. As a result, the martensite
equipped with an EDAX energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis forms as a plate. Thus the assumptions of the PTMC are
(EDXMA). HEXRD experiments have been carried out for the in-situ consistent with the minimization of the strain energy of an
determination of the lattice parameters of the individual phases as enclosed plate.
a function of temperature. The measurements were performed at
the high-energy materials science (HEMS) beamline at Petra III at It should be pointed out that habit-planes are the most
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron) in Hamburg, Germany, frequently observed objects in studies of displacive martensitic
which is operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, where transformations. For further theoretical treatment all calculated
the beam had a mean energy of 100 keV (l ¼ 0.124 Å). To this end habit-planes are expressed relative to the common basis of the
samples with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 10 mm in the cubic parent phase given by the lattice vectors {[100], [010], [001]}
HIPed condition were induction-heated to 1450  C, held for 2 min and the following notation convention is adopted: tensorial quan-
to avoid excessive grain growth and subsequently quenched at the tities that are not represented in this cubic coordinate system are
highest rate possible in a quenching and deformation dilatometer marked with a prime, e.g. U′ for the Bain strain in a representation
DIL 805A/D from Baehr-Thermoanalyse GmbH. The temperature relative to its principal axes, i.e. appearing as diagonal matrix. As a
was controlled using a type B thermocouple, which was spot- first step we correlate the parent b-Ti(Al) (Fig. 1a) to the product a-
welded on a Ta-platelet working as diffusion barrier to the sam- Ti(Al)/a2-Ti3Al-phase (Fig. 1b) by verifying the Burger’s orientation
ple surface. For recording the diffraction pattern a PerkinElmer flat relationship which is outlined in section 4. To this end a pole figure
panel detector of the type XRD 1622 was used. The Debye-Scherrer is calculated under the assumption of the applicability of the Bur-
rings were azimuthally integrated by applying the software fit2D ger’s relation along with the absolute position of the crystal in the
[24]. Finally, the experimental evidence for the bcc to hcp EBSD image and compared to the measured pole figure.
martensitic transformation was established for the investigated The PTMC is applied to provide a theoretical proof for the ex-
Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy. This type of displacive transformation istence of a displacive martensitic transformation. It is essentially
was also reported for polymers [25], pure Ti [9,26], Zr [10] and/or based on the fact that the total deformation gradient F after
metallic alloys as ZreNb, see Ref. [27], and most recently, by Hu and transformation leaves at least one plane (here habit-plane between
Jiang [21] for a Nb bearing g-TiAl based alloy. Both, our experi- the parent and martensite phase) undistorted and unrotated. F can
mental work and the experiments reported in the literature have be decomposed according to the polar decomposition theorem into
motivated us to study the martensite formation by a consistent F ¼ RU, where R is the skew-symmetric rotation matrix and U the
theory which is described in the next section. symmetric Bain strain tensor, for which Wechsler et al. [38] intro-
duced the term “pure part of the deformation”. It has been shown,
3. Theoretical concept for the martensitic transformation e.g. see Wechsler et al. [38], equations (17) till (21) therein, Simha
[41], Bhattacharya [42,43], and James and co-workers [44], that a
The three most frequently used theoretical concepts to describe necessary and sufficient condition for such a plane to exist is that
the martensitic transformation process are: the middle eigenvalue of U l2 ¼ 1, while the maximum eigenvalue
l1  1 and the minimum eigenvalue l3  1. In this case U becomes
(i) Introduction of order parameters hi as function of atomic diagonal in a Cartesian coordinate system following the convention
displacements xj, formulation of a Helmholtz free energy F(hi according to Pitsch and Schrader [45]:
(xj)) as a function of the order parameters and minimization .pffiffiffi
of this free energy, see the pioneering work by Falk [28]. This 2 3 2c 2ab 0 0 3
concept was then followed in the phase field approach for
h1 0 0 pffiffiffi .pffiffiffi
6 7
U ¼4 0
h2 0 5¼ 4 0 3aa 2ab 0 5
martensitic transformation, see Zhang and Purdy [29,30], Y. .
Wang and co-workers [31,32] and recently Schmitt et al. [33].
0 0 h3
0 0 aa ab
It should be further mentioned that the formation of Wid-
mansta €tten structures has most recently been dealt in (1)
Ref. [34] by a phase field method, which in principle belongs
where ab, aa and ca are the lattice parameters of the b- and the a-
to this general concept, see also [35].
phase, respectively.
(ii) Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, e.g. see Refs. [36,37].
The reader is also referred to the work of S.C. Wang [9] who
For the particular case of a bcc to hcp transformation as it
applied the same concept for pure Ti. After the transformation it is
occurs in Zr the concept has been demonstrated in Ref. [36].
found that the Burgers relation can be transferred to the Pitsch-
As another example we refer to [37] where martensite for-
Schrader relation by applying a rotation of the hexagonal lattice
mation induced by the stresses ahead of a crack tip has been
around the c-axis (Fig. 1c) by an angle of ±5.26 , see Ref. [10]. Note
investigated in a 2D MD study.
that due to two possible rotations for each Ui (i ¼ 1 … 6) 12 possible
(iii) The PTMC as followed here, starting with the ideas of Bain
deformation gradients Fj (j ¼ 1 … 12) are obtained in one and the
who considered linear mappings of the lattice vectors lead-
same cubic basis.
ing to the Bain strain. The specific approach used here goes
back to Wechsler, Liebermann and Read [38] as well as
Bowles and Mackenzie [39,40] in the 1950’s. Their theory is 4. Results and discussion
formulated on the premise that the martensite-parent habit-
plane is essentially undistorted and unrotated. Phenome- 4.1. Experiment
nology suggests the existence of such an invariant plane.
While the theory is purely geometric, it is also supported The microstructural features of the investigated
from elastic energy consideration following Eshelby’s inclu- Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy in the as-HIPed and b-homogenized
sion theory. Intuitively it is clear that minimum strain energy condition were characterized by SEM in the BSE mode. Fig. 2a
S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249 245

Fig. 1. Crystallographic relation between the bcc parent and hcp product phase. a) Pitsch-Schrader [45] coordinate system with a centered atom position as origin in the parent
phase. b) The grey (101)b plane from a) becomes the basal plane of the hexagonal product phase. Note that for the Bain strain the atoms in the middle plane of the hexagonal phase
do not play any role and are therefore not shown. c) Illustration of the rotation related to the closely packed lines in the parent and product phase.

displays the SEM image after casting and HIP, where lamellar containing g-TiAl based alloys. However, in Tie44Ale7Nb [48],
(a2þg)-colonies as well as globular g-grains are present. Within the Tie44Ale5Nbe2Mn [48], Tie44Ale4Nbe4Hfe0.1Si [21] and
individual a2-lamellae small bo-precipitates are embedded. How- Tie44Al-8X-(0e0.2)Si-(0e1)B (X ¼ Nb, Zr, Ta, Hf) [1] alloys, acicular
ever, the majority of the bo-phase is located along the colony a2-laths arise at high cooling rates due to the decomposition of the
boundaries. From the established phase diagram in Ref. [46] and b-phase by secondary lath formation and/or a Widmansta€tten
the prevailing microstructure, the phase transformation sequence transformation, i.e. by diffusional processes, where changes in
as mentioned in the introduction can be confirmed. Since this chemical composition between the parent and the product phase
sample state is not in full thermodynamic equilibrium, a homoge- appear. In our case, however, EDS analyses reveal that both phases,
nization annealing in the single b-phase field region, followed by present at room temperature in Fig. 2c, have the same chemical
water quenching was applied. As the b-transus temperature Tb composition. This is also backed up by TEM-EDS and is an indica-
depends on the alloy composition, the determination was con- tion of a purely displacive transformation in this area of the
ducted by differential scanning calorimetry yielding a Tb of microstructure, where diffusion-controlled nucleation and growth
~1410  C, referring to [47]. Fig. 2b shows the SEM image of the processes of the g- and a2-phase are suppressed and the b-phase,
microstructure after the b-homogenization and subsequent water which is ordered at room temperature, cannot be fully retained by
quenching. At the first glance the microstructure consists of coarse water quenching.
precipitated a2-plates (dark contrast) along prior b-grain bound- Based on the corresponding literature on diffusionless phase
aries, at grain boundary allotriomorphs and situated within the bo- transformations in g-TiAl based alloys, an increasing amount of b-
matrix. This diffusion-controlled b/a transformation occurred stabilizing elements and/or a decreasing Al-content promotes the
through air cooling in the course of transferring the sample from martensitic transformation towards the massive transformation
the high-temperature furnace to the water bath. The relatively slow because of shifting and simultaneously narrowing the a-phase field
cooling of the sample caused the transition from the single b-to the region to lower temperatures, so that the involving short-range
(aþb)-phase field region, due to the high Tb, before the quenching diffusion across the parent/product interface is hampered [20]. In
process sets in, providing the conditions for a diffusionless trans- spite of the high Al-content of the selected Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B
formation process. However, the a-precipitates formed by alloy, but due to the strong b-stabilizing effect of Mo [49], no single
diffusion-assisted processes are far from thermodynamic a-phase field region is present and moreover, according to Fig. 3, no
equilibrium. irregular interfaces with the parent b-phase appear [13,20,21,50],
A closer examination of the retained bo-matrix (light contrast) providing a first experimental evidence of the martensitic b / a20
shows a fine acicular substructure (Fig. 2c) whose formation has transformation during rapid continuous cooling. In addition, the
not been completely elucidated in the literature in case of Mo- TEM image in Fig. 3 illustrates that no twinning occurs after

Fig. 2. SEM images taken in BSE mode of the investigated TiAleMo alloy in the a) as-HIPed and b), c) b-homogenized and water quenched condition; c) is taken from the area
marked with a square in b).
246 S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249

recorded in the area of one initial parent grain, showing all six
possible a20 -variants, formed within the analyzed b-grain at high
temperature. The underlying Burgers orientation relationship has
also been verified by analytically reproducing the recorded pole
figures. To this end the calculated Bain strain tensors Ui (see section
3) were rotated into the specimen coordinate system and displayed
in the usual stereographic projection of a pole figure, as shown in
Fig. 4c. As can be seen in Fig. 4 the a20 - and bo-orientation coincides
exactly with the theoretical assumption of the crystal lattices,
proving that the (0001)a20 pole of each a20 -variant corresponds to a
{110}bo pole of the matrix.

Fig. 3. Bright field TEM image of the b-homogenized and water quenched condition 4.2. Theory
showing different variants of a20 -martensite embedded in the bo-matrix (see Fig. 2c).
Note that no signs of mechanical twinning within the a20 -variants can be detected. The lattice parameters measured by means of HEXRD near the
pffiffiffi temperature yield intermediate middle eigenvalue
l2 of ca20 = 2ab ¼ 1:020 for Ui and hence do not quite fulfill the
generation of single martensite a20 -variants, offering decisive in- condition for a habit-plane (see section 3). As a remedy the Ui must
formation for the theoretical approach to elucidate the trans- be corrected by an additional distortion, which does not affect the
formation mechanism (as described in section 3). lattice structure (lattice invariance) [38]. Twinning would be such a
For characterizing the prevailing phases by determining their mechanism, however it has not been observed experimentally (see
crystalline structure and phase fractions as well as their lattice section 4.1). Also note that the small volumetric change observed
parameters near the transformation temperature, in-situ HEXRD during transformation in the dilatometer experiments is already
experiments were carried out. First, in the b-homogenized and contained in the Ui. Alternatively, a small amount of plastic defor-
water quenched condition, besides the bcc bo-phase, strong mation due to an additional simple shear represented by a tensor Sk
diffraction peaks of the hcp a2-phase were detected at room tem- can be superimposed, where the index k indicates the slip system
perature, which imply, along with the microstructural morphology enabling the simple shear. Consequently the total deformation
shown in Fig. 2, the occurrence of acicular a20 -martensite next to gradient becomes Fik ¼ SkUiR. The assumption of an additional
the precipitated coarse a2-plates. Due to the same ordered hcp plastic deformation is reasonable considering that the structural
crystalline structure of the two hexagonal phases at room tem- transformation takes place at high temperatures. Note that this
perature, it is not possible to determine their individual fractions by additional shear will not exhibit in the pole-figure since it leaves
means of Rietveld analysis, resulting in 87 vol% a2/a20 and 13 vol% the lattice invariant. It should be mentioned that also Khachaturyan
bo. In a second step, the lattice parameters aa20 and ca20 of the [51] and co-workers supported most recently the argument that a
martensite as well as ab of the high-temperature b-phase were shear strain, superimposed to the Bain strain, allows an energeti-
established in-situ in the course of the martensitic transformation cally favorable arrangement of martensite variants. If the volume is
during quenching from the single b-phase field region at 1450  C, sheared by the vector l on a plane whose normal is given by the
which leads to aa20 ¼ 0.290 nm, ca20 ¼ 0.466 nm and ab ¼ 0.323 nm. (reciprocal lattice) vector m and if it is assumed that the slip activity
Such an accurate determination of the high-temperature lattice is equivalently spaced, i.e. slip occurs on every dth plane, then the
parameters is essential for the crystallographic calculations. slip deformation is:
Finally, from the experimental point of view, EBSD analyses
were performed on the fine needle-like microstructure of the 1
martensite (Fig. 2c) to determine the orientation relationship be- S0 ¼ I þ l5m (2)
tween the parent b- and the product a20 -phase. Fig. 4a and b shows
the pole figure of (0001)a20 and {110}bo planes respectively, In a coordinate system defined by l, m and l  m, the defor-
mation gradient representing the shear S′ takes the simple form:

Fig. 4. Pole figures from EBSD analyses of a) the a20 - and b) bo-orientation; c) calculated pole figure of (110) plane vectors verifying the applicability of the underlying Burgers
orientation relationship, where six orientation variants of the hexagonal a20 -lattice can be developed within one parent b-crystal as verified experimentally by EBSD conducted on
the Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy after b-homogenization and water quenching (see microstructure in Fig. 2c).
S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249 247

2 3 there exist two solutions for a habit-plane [44,53,54] leading to a

1 g 0 total number of 24 habit-planes with minimum shear g. The
S ¼ 40
1 05 (3) calculated habit-plane normal c m and shape strain vectors b are
0 0 1 listed in Appendix I.
As mentioned above the smallest possible shear has been found
where g ¼ 1/d is the shear-magnitude, i.e. the length of the vector l. for the two specific <111> {112}b shear systems for each martensite
In a next step the following slip systems (given by their glide plane variant. Its magnitude is jgj ¼ 0:0354, see Table 1. Evidently, only a
normal vector and corresponding in-plane slip direction vector) are tiny shear correction is necessary to achieve l2 ¼ 1 which agrees
investigated: with the observation that the Burgers orientation relation renders
Slip plane families: {{100}, {110}, {112}, {102}, {311}} the bcc (112)b plane nearly parallel to the hcp ð1100Þa plane [10].
Shear direction families: {<100>, <110, <111>, <113>} The second lowest value of the required shear magnitude of
Both family types have been selected corresponding to Otte [52] jgj ¼ 0:0409 is about 15% higher than the found absolute minimum
and Srivastava [27] and it has been calculated that the slip planes and has been calculated for a <111> {110}b slip system; see also Otte
and their corresponding slip directions can form 126 physically [52]. Even though other shear systems might actually appear at
distinct slip systems. Otte [52] pointed out that an accurate deter- high temperatures, it is reasonable to assume that the shear system
mination of lattice parameters present at elevated temperatures is yielding the lowest shear amplitude is the most favorable one and
imperative for the crystallographic calculations, because they are will thus be realized in nature.
quite sensitive to small deviations of the input data. The amount of Note that only a comparison of experimental and calculated
g is determined from the characteristic equation: orientation relationships is not enough to reflect the displacive
nature of the martensitic transformation product leading to its
detðSk Ui  lIÞ ¼ 0 (4) characteristic plate morphology, since the pole figures depend only
on the crystallography, not on the morphology. This means, if the
by requiring l2 ¼ 1. Equation (4) has been evaluated for all Sk (k ¼ 1
martensite formed e.g. as spheres, the pole figures would look
… 126) representing the physically distinct slip systems and each
exactly the same. Therefore, in this study we compare the calcu-
out of all martensite variants Ui (i ¼ 1 … 6) yielding 126 solutions
lated habit-planes with the experimentally recorded EBSD image.
for g. It is reasonable to assume that in accordance with energetic
In order to enable a direct comparison, the traces of the habit-
arguments nature will select the smallest possible value out of
planes have been calculated by intersecting them with the
those 126 admissible solutions. Following this notion two equal
“micrograph plane” of the specimen and are illustrated in Fig. 5.
minima for jgj are found in two specific <111> {112} slip systems for
The calculated habit-planes and the orientation of the
each martensite variant. E.g., for the martensite variant U1, repre-
martensite variants in the EBSD image are compared assuming that
sented in the cubic basis by
the invariant plane is parallel to the longitudinal direction of the
2 3 martensite plate. This comparison shows a very good agreement.
b 0 g
U1 ¼ 4 0 a 0 5 (5)
g 0 b

where b ¼ 1.0598, a ¼ 0.8978 and g ¼ 0.0398, calculated with the

lattice parameters determined by HEXRD on the investigated
Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy (see section 4.1), the minimum magni-
tude for the required shear g occurs h in i the systems
m11 ¼ 121 ; l11 ¼ ½111 and m21 ¼ ð121Þ; l21 ¼ 111 . Note again,
that without the additional shear an invariant plane is strictly not
possible. In Table 1 all determined shear systems where the
required shear magnitude is a minimum are listed for all Ui. Since
two shear systems have been found for each Ui causing the calcu-
lated minimum shear there are 12 modified Bain strains ½Sj Ui j with
j ¼ 1,2. Now the modified Bain strains are used for the calculation of
the invariant habit-planes. The compatibility condition between
the parent phase and a single variant of product phase reads:

Ri ½Sj Ui j  I ¼ b5 c
m (6)

with the unknowns Ri, b and c m . Equation (6) is also known as Fig. 5. Illustration of all calculated habit-plane traces plotted in the plane of the EBSD
image. The martensite a20 -variants in the EBSD as well as the habit-planes are colored
habit-plane equation because c m is the normal to the habit-plane; b according to their related pole figure spots in Fig. 4a. For each of the three major
is the so called shape strain vector, giving the magnitude and the martensite variants in the EBSD, i.e. U2 (red), U1 (bright blue) and U5 (yellow), for
direction of the transformation [53]. b and cm are obtained using a details see Table 1, the orientation of the martensite plate agrees very well with one of
result reported by Ball and James [54] as well as Hane and Shield the four calculated habit-planes for the according variant (drawn as bold line). The
resolution of the other martensite variants is insufficient for a clear definition of a
[53], equations (22) and (23) therein. Note that for every ½Sj Ui j
longitudinal direction of the martensite plate. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 1
Shear systems requiring the minimum shear in order to fulfill the condition for an invariant plane for each martensite variant Ui.

U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6

l [111] ½111 ½11 1 ½111 ½111 ½111 [111] ½111 ½111 [111] ½111 ½111
m ð121Þ (121) ð112Þ ð112Þ ð121Þ ð1 21Þ ð112Þ (112) (211) ð211Þ ð211Þ ð211Þ
248 S. Mayer et al. / Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 242e249

Note that only four habit-plane traces appear for each martensite and Bernhard Sartory for professional EBSD operation. Financial
variant. Considering the calculated magnitude of necessary shear support by the Austrian Federal Government (in particular from
for the invariant interface and keeping in mind that the slip must Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie and
have a rational burgers vector to be lattice invariant the interface Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft)
will be indented at every d ¼ 0; 03541 y28th plane, see Equation €
represented by Osterreichische Forschungsfo€rderungsgesellschaft
(2) (the presentation of experimental evidence and proof will be mbH and the Styrian and the Tyrolean Provincial Government,
given in a forthcoming publication). € rderungsgesellschaft mbH
represented by Steirische Wirtschaftsfo
and Standortagentur Tirol, within the framework of the COMET
5. Summary Funding Programme, Project A1.14, is gratefully acknowledged. The
research activities have also received funding from the German
While the b / a0 martensitic transformation is explored in BMBF project O3X3530A and the European Community’s 7th
many Ti alloys, their principles have been intensively studied and Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement
implications are reasonably well described, there are only scarce No. 226716.
activities in the field of light-weight g-TiAl based alloys. In order to
understand the evolution of the micro- and nanostructure and
further their impact on mechanical properties detailed experi- Appendix A
mental investigations, such as heat treatments, scanning electron
Habit-plane normal c
m and shear direction b, where
microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction analysis, transmission
electron microscopy and in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction ex- z ¼ 0.607630740008901, h ¼ 0.365292192793851 and
periments combined with the crystallographic phenomenological x ¼ 0.705227975678855 as well as ο ¼ 0.0768840122456506,
theory of martensitic transformation were carried out. It follows c ¼ 0.117114210512645 and j ¼ 0.117128144090466.
that for extremely fast cooling in the course of the b-homogeni-
zation treatment diffusion is inhibited. Consequently, precipitation    
m e U1: ð z h x Þ, h z x , ðh z x Þ, z h x
and growth of the g- and a2-phase is suppressed, and instead an      
m e U2: z x h , h x z , ðz x h Þ, h x z
acicular martensitic hexagonal a20 -phase appears within the bo-    
m e U3: h x z , ðz x h Þ, ð h x z Þ, z x h
matrix. Being a a20 -martensitic variant, however, implies that both      
m e U4: h z x , z h x , ðz h x Þ, h z x
phases a20 and bo have the same chemical composition and are        
m e U5: x h z , x z h , x z h , x h z
related by the Burgers orientation relationship. This has been      
m e U6: x h z , x z h , ðx z h Þ, x h z
experimentally proved in the Tie44Ale3Moe0.1B alloy during
water quenching from the single b-phase field region. Using
transmission electron microscopy, it has been verified that single
martensite variants directly form an invariant interface plane with    
the initial b-lattice, which is only rarely reported in the literature b e U1: ½ ο c j , j c ο , ½ ο c j , j c ο
contrary to a twinned martensite. Also the phenomenological be U2: ο j c , j ο c , j ο c , ο j c
be U3: j c ο , ο c j , j c ο , ο c j
theory of martensite crystallography clearly suggests the event of a    
be U4: j ο c , ½ ο j c , ½ ο j c , j ο c
martensitic formation, with a simple shear superimposed to the    
be U5: c j ο , ½ c ο j , ½ c ο j , c j ο
Bain strain. Several shear systems were investigated and the lowest
be U6: ½ c j ο , ½ c ο j , ½ c ο j , ½ c j ο 
shear magnitude was calculated on two specific <111> {112} shear
systems for each martensite variant. From the modified deforma-
tion gradients all possible habit-planes for all 6 martensite variants
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