Fantastic Book of Logic Puzzles 10

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7. Tsientsien Don't Eat 9.

Harassed during important experiments, three Earth-
Jonathan Mark gathered three specimens of Martian lings were taking three law-breaking Grundi to the au-
plant and animal life to bring back to Earth: a garble, a thorities. Suddenly they heard the thunderous roar of a
farfel and a tsientsien. But Mark was worried. His vehi- rockfall, and they knew they were facing sure death
cle for local travel was not big enough to hold more than unless they crossed to the other side of the canal. The
himself and one specimen. Mark knew that garbles will portable watercraft they carried with them would hold
eat farfels if given half a chance, and farfels will eat only two passengers, regardless of weight. At no time
tsientsien. Garbles, however, don't eat tsientsien, and could there be more Grundi on either side of the water
tsientsien don't eat. All the other astronauts were away than Earthlings or the Grundi would overpower the
from the ship. How could Mark transport the garble, Earthlings. How could they all cross the water safely?
the farfel and the tsientsien one at a time so that they
would all be safe?

10. Fins and Feathers

Hostile members of the Uti, Grundi and Yomi groups
were travelling to a conference. There were two mem-
bers from each group, one finned and one feathered.
The finned Martian was much stronger, and had to
protect her feathered friend. Never could a feathered
Martian be left alone with a finned Martian of another
group. The only time a feathered Martian was safe with
the finned Martian of another group was when the
feathered Martian of that enemy group was also
8. The Gravity on Mars The trip was quiet until they came to a deep ravine.
Two Martians and two Earthlings traveling together The only way to cross it was by swinging across on a
came to a canal. As a result of the gravity on Mars, the rope. But the rope was only strong enough to hold two
Earthlings each weighed 100 pounds and the Martians of them. And it wasn't heavy enough for them to swing
fifty pounds. The watercraft would hold no more than it back over the ravine without someone to weigh it
100 pounds. How did they all cross the canal? down. How did they all cross the ravine?

Clues on page 84. Clues on page 84.

Answers on page 96. Answers on pages 96-97.

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