The document contains two tables summarizing joint reaction forces and moments from structural analysis. The tables show load case/combination, joint ID, unique name, forces (FX, FY, FZ) and moments (MX, MY, MZ) in kgf and kgf-mm for various joints. A total of 28 joints are listed across two load cases (EY, EX) with forces and moments given. The document also lists member labels and their properties.
The document contains two tables summarizing joint reaction forces and moments from structural analysis. The tables show load case/combination, joint ID, unique name, forces (FX, FY, FZ) and moments (MX, MY, MZ) in kgf and kgf-mm for various joints. A total of 28 joints are listed across two load cases (EY, EX) with forces and moments given. The document also lists member labels and their properties.
The document contains two tables summarizing joint reaction forces and moments from structural analysis. The tables show load case/combination, joint ID, unique name, forces (FX, FY, FZ) and moments (MX, MY, MZ) in kgf and kgf-mm for various joints. A total of 28 joints are listed across two load cases (EY, EX) with forces and moments given. The document also lists member labels and their properties.
The document contains two tables summarizing joint reaction forces and moments from structural analysis. The tables show load case/combination, joint ID, unique name, forces (FX, FY, FZ) and moments (MX, MY, MZ) in kgf and kgf-mm for various joints. A total of 28 joints are listed across two load cases (EY, EX) with forces and moments given. The document also lists member labels and their properties.