Love Is Your Only Identity - Ibolya Beres

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Love is your


by Ibolya Beres
We hear so often stories about ego.
Ego is not good. Let go of ego.
Egoistic approach is not acceptable for a spiritual

What is this ego? Why suddenly all the world

turned against the poor ego?
And why we should transcend it instead of letting
it go?

Before going further, close your eyes, take a

moment and feel. What Ego means to you now?

What is your personal definition of the EGO?

Say the first word that pops up. How do your body

react? Is it something bad? Is ego a kind of disease?

What is the definition your body gives to ego?

What is the sensation you feel when thinking of
ego? Where is localized in your body?

Stay with that feeling as long as you need to get to

know it. Without judging. Or without the need to
fix anything. We are just exploring now.
Let’s take the first definition.

EGO – is a person’s sense of self-esteem, self-worth,

self-respect, self-image or self-importance.

How this feels in your body? What kind of

emotions are generated in your body? What your
body remembers you told him or he heard from
others about self-worth?

How many times you told yourself “I am worth

nothing”. I am stupid. I am nobody. Nobody likes
me. Nobody is appreciating me. How much you’ve
tried to get the attention of others? To be seen. At
least a bit. At least a few likes on social media.

How many times you recalled and forced your

body to remember situations when others made
you feel unworthy.  

How many times did you sacrifice your heart

wishes just to get a new title, a new promotion, to
get richer, to get famous, to get more professional,
to look nicer, to be more generous, to be more
something you are not enough in this moment. 
Ego thrives on self-identification.

I am a good person.
I am a badass.
I am a successful leader.
I am a very spiritual, enlightened person.
I am smart.

I am tall. I a fat. I am single. I am a family lover. I

am a worker. I am a guru. I am an evolved person.
I am housekeeper. I am a light being. I am a piece
of shit. I am somebody nobody cares about. I am
somebody everybody loves. I am sad. I am always

I am somebody.
I am nobody.

You name it.

You can define ego by * I am … ‘something’ *.

And something can be anything.

Any word. Any attribute. Any aspect.
Any concept. Any sophisticated or mundane title.
Any concrete or abstract thing.
Anything real or fantasy.  
But if we are not ‘something’?
What if we are the change itself?

What if we are the eternal spirit, soul, self, source

experiencing different aspects of creation,
different possibilities of spending our lives here on

What if the seconds are just new clothes we wear

or try if it fits us, and if we feel comfortable in it?
What if the real self is ONE for everybody. And we
are just nuances of life?

Nothing wrong with that. Where is then the source

of conflict? Why are we not happy with what we
are in certain moments? And why this feeling of
satisfaction, worth, happiness doesn’t last?

What is the ‘secret’?

The secret is at the border between

victim/empowered being which are just another
labels for bands of frequencies. 
In the victim state, we are outsourcing our power,
happiness, evaluation of our worth to others.

We hear and see only what they tell us about


We TRY different things and then wait the

feedback from outside. And we guide ourselves
only through what comes. If we don’t get
something to feed our ego, our ego is starving, and
sometimes he can kill for some appreciation. Or he
can eat you. Victim states are ruled by unconscious
programs. We don’t know that we are the only
ones .

having the ‘keys’ to unlock our own power. And

instead of remembering and feel it and claim it and
own it we try a new thing and a new thing and a
new thing, ‘hoping’ this time will work and
somebody will appreciate us so we can say we are

This is not just exhausting. But is impossible to be

sustainable long term.
How about the outside of this box full with
What is beyond them?

Aren’t we the one who is creating those identities

from scratch?
What were you before being ‘a salesman’, “a
doctor” an ‘IT guy” or a ‘shaman’ or a ‘spiritual
teacher’? What were you before being an
adolescent, or a kid, or a baby?

Is there anything left from when you entered this

Think about.

Maybe you are the seed of a beautiful oak tree.

And you are meant to become the most beautiful
oak tree in your garden. Or in the park. Or wild in
the forest. Or maybe the wind tool you and you
grew in the middle of thousands of cherry trees.
And every spring you wait to blossom and to have
gorgeous pink flowers with divine fragrance, and
you even manage to make some wormlike flowers
but nothing like pink beauties. Than every summer
you try and try and try again to make cherries. .
You are always worth.

You are always worth a Life.

And you know what’s funny?

Everybody is worth a life.

Because living your life is the maximum potential

of every person on this planet.

No matter how. Or what is he doing during a

lifetime. It’s just a role. A cloth. A tiny piece of
puzzle. A way source is experiencing itself.

Maybe with every incarnation you take a piece

puzzle until your soul is so distilled and pure that
it doesn’t need a body anymore. 

LIVE Life.

Life will be here for you, and it will support you in

whatever you want to be. That is what Life told
you when you were born.

"I will travel with you this lifetime. Please take

good care of me. Show me the most beautiful
places and feelings you know.

Honor me. Love me. Be present. Enjoy me.

I am your highest potential. I am the source code

with which you can be anything you chose. Any
identity you want. I give you the freedom to
experience places, roles, to explore your creator
powers, to discover what you like and new
horizons. I trust you so much, that I put myself
totally in your hands. "

At the end, I will ask you to take me back HOME to

the stars, where none of this exists. I return home
so that I can tell the story of being you, and laugh
and cry and smile when I remember of you. 
Maybe you need to live many lives, to play many
roles, to have many identities until one day you
will remember me, the pure consciousness, the life
inside you and you will value and cherish and love
me beyond labels, roles and identities.

Your soul will know then he is no separated from


Your soul will know we all humans, plants,

animals, stones we all have the same One source
which is love.

Love is the hidden purpose of any identity. Love is

the only purpose of life.

Whenever you feel you are not worthy and not

good enough, remember to look how can you get
love through your current identity.

There is always possible to feel love.

You are love. You are emanating love.

Love is your only identity. 

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