Vijin PROJECT REPORT Front Page Original

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“Study of value stream mapping of production process”

AT Synthite Industries Ltd, kolenchery

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

degree of Master of Business Administration (CSS) of University of

Submitted by,
Vijin V R

Under the guidance of

Faculty guide company guide

Dr.Ambeesh mon.S Mr.Deepu chandran
(Asst.Prof ) (Asst.production manager)

Institute of Management in Kerala

University of Kerala
Thiruvananthapuram -695581

I declare that the Project study done on “Value stream mapping of production
process” at Synthite industries Ltd and submitted by me for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration of the University of kerala is my own work. The
report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree of this university or any
other University.

Place: Kariavatom Vijin V R


I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me

throughout the course of this Project study. I am thankful for their aspiring guidance,
invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project work. It gives me
immense pleasure to acknowledge all those have rendered encouragement and support for
the successful completion of this organization study.

I express my heart felt thanks to Mr. Deepu Chandran (Asst. production manager) and
Mr.Ajay kumar (plant Incharge), Synthite Ltd, for their constant encouragement and
support during the entire Project study.

My sincere thanks to Prof. and Head of department K.S. Chandrashekar and Dr.
Ambeesh mon.S (Asst.Prof). for giving me an opportunity for doing my organization study
at MAX Fashions, Trivandrum.

I am also thankful to all the employees and staff of Synthite Ltd for helping me in
conducting this Project successfully.

I am grateful to all friends, colleagues and family whose encouragement and

assistance have helped me a great deal for the smooth completion of the organization study.

Vijin V R

Chapter Title Page No:

1 Introduction 1-7

1.1.Statement of the problem 3

1.2.Scope of the study 4

1.3.Objective of the study 4

1.4.Rationale of the study

1.5.Research methodology
1.6.Limitations of the study

2 Review of literature 8-16

3 Industry and company profile 17-46

4 Theoretical framework 47-74

5 Data analysis and Interpretation 75-100

6 Findings,conclusion and suggesstions 101-103

Reference 104-106


SI No: Title Page No:

3.1 World spice production details 20

3.2.1 history 26-27

3.2.2 certificates 28

5.1 Summary of data in current state map 92

5.2.1 Capacity analysis of current state map 97

5.2.2 Capacity analysis of future state map 98

5.2.3 Comparison of production lead times 99

5.2.4 Comparison of process efficiency 100


SI No: Title Page no:

3.1 World spice market share 21

4.1 Value stream mapping symbols 61

5.1.1 Flow chart of celery salt production process 82

5.2.1 Pie chart for capacity analysis of current state map 97

5.2.2 Pie chart for capacity analysis of future state map 98

5.2.3 Comparison of production lead time 99

5.2.4 Comparison of process efficiency 100

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