Primary Levels
Primary Levels
Primary Levels
Cognitive Domain
C1 Topic: Local, national and global systems and structures
Learning objective: Describe how the local environment is organized and how it relates to the wider world, and
introduce the concept of citizenship
Key themes:
▶▶ The self, family, school, neighbourhood, community, country, the world
▶▶ How the world is organised (groups, communities, villages, cities, countries, regions)
▶▶ Relationships, membership, rule-making and engagement (family, friends, school, community, country, the
▶▶ Why rules and responsibilities exist and why they may change over time
C2 Topic: Issues affecting interaction and connectedness of communities at local, national and global levels
Learning objective: List key local, national and global issues and explore how these may be connected
Key themes:
▶▶ Issues affecting the local community (environmental, social, political, economic or other)
▶▶ Similar or different problems faced in other communities in the same country and in other countries
▶▶ Implications of global issues for the lives of individuals and communities
▶▶ How the individual and the community affect the global community
Socio-emotional Domain
SE4. Topic: Different levels of identity
Learning objective: Recognise how we fit into and interact with the world around us and develop intrapersonal
and interpersonal skills
Key themes:
▶▶ Self-identity, belonging and relationships (self, family, friends, community, region, country)
▶▶ Where I live and how my community links to the wider world
▶▶ Self-worth and the worth of others
▶▶ Approaching others and building positive relationships
▶▶ Recognizing emotions in self and others
▶▶ Asking for and offering help
▶▶ Communication, cooperation concern and care for others
SE5. Topic: Different communities people belong to and how these are connected
Learning objective: Illustrate differences and connections between different social groups
Key themes:
▶▶ Similarities and differences within and between cultures and societies (gender, age, socioeconomic status,
marginalised populations)
▶▶ Connections between communities
▶▶ Common basic needs and human rights
▶▶ Valuing and respecting all human and living beings, the environment and things
BE7. Topic: Actions that can be taken individually and collectively
Learning objective: Explore possible ways of taking action to improve the world we live in
Key themes:
▶▶ How our choices and actions can make our home, school community, country and planet a better place to live
and can protect our environment
▶▶ Learning to work together (collaborative projects on real life issues in the community – e.g. working with
others to collect and present information and using different methods to communicate findings and ideas)
▶▶ Decision-making and problem-solving skills