1 Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
1 Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
1 Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
Sector : TOURISM
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and
skills in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with
minimum supervision or help from your facilitator.
Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Answer keys are
included in this package to allow immediate feedback. Answering the self-
check will help you acquire the knowledge content of this competency.
Perform the task sheets and job sheets until you are confident that your
output conforms to the performance criteria checklist that follows the
Submit outputs of the task sheets and job sheets to your facilitator for
evaluation and recording in the Accomplishment Chart. Outputs shall serve
as your portfolio during the institutional competency evaluation.
This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required by bakers
and pastry cooks (patissiers) to prepare and produce a range of high-
quality bakery products in commercial food production environments
and hospitality establishments.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Varieties and characteristics of bakery products.
2. Historical and cultural, aspects of bakery products.
3. Underlying principles in making bakery products.
4. Knowledge commodity on including quality indicators of ingredients for bakery products,
properties of ingredients used,interaction and changes during processing to produce
required characteristics.
5. Properties and requirements of yeast and control of yeast action.
6. Culinary and technical terms related to bakery products commonly used in the industry.
7. Expected taste, texture and crumb structure appropriate for particular bakery products.
8. Ratio of ingredients required to produce a balanced formula.
9. The influence of correct portion control, yields, weights and sizes on the profitability of an
Assessment Criteria:
1. Required ingredients are selected, measured and weighed according to recipe or
production requirements and established standards and procedures
2. A variety of bakery products are prepared according to standard mixing
procedures/formulation/ recipes and desired product characteristics
3. Appropriate equipment are used according to required bakery products and standard
operating procedures
4. Bakery products are baked according to techniques and appropriate conditions; and
enterprise requirement and standards
5. Required oven temperature are selected to bake goods in accordance with the desired
characteristics, standards recipe specifications and enterprise practices
Commercial mixers and Ovens
attachments Moulds, shapes and cutters
Cutting implements Baking sheets and containers
Scales Various shapes and sizes of
Measures pans
Actual Demonstration
On- the-job training
Video Presentation
Assessment Method:
Oral questioning and written
Date Developed: Issued by:
Bread and Pastry Production Date Revised:
“Prepare and Produce Bakery Developed by:
Learning Outcome # 1
Definition of Terms
Term Explanation
Acidity Sourness is the taste caused by the presence of acids in
solution. Different types of fermentation produce different
acids. When milk sours, lactic acid is formed, and when
vinegar is made from apples or grain, ascetic acid is formed.
Sour rye bread is made by the addition of sours or ferments
containing bacteria, which produce various acids, but mostly
lactic and ascetic.
Alcohol The alcohol formed during the fermentation of sugar by yeast
is ethyl alcohol, the same alcohol found in beer and whisky
(chemically known as ethanol)
Ambient Temperature of the surrounding area, room temperature
Antioxidant A material which, when added to a product, extends the life
of the product by protecting it against oxidisation.
Appearance Visual stimulation, whether or not it looks attractive
Ascorbic acid Vitamin C
Baking Time Time taken to complete the baking process
Boiling point 100°C
Bake Out Bake for the full extent
Bake/Baking Subjecting food to heat inside an enclosed area: oven
Bakers Flour Flour which produces dough’s having good gas retention
properties and strong, elasticity. Usually associated with
higher protein content.
Batch A given quantity determined by the amount needed.
Bind Combining two or more ingredients to form a mixture.
Creaming The process of beating sugar and fat for the purpose of
incorporating air.
Docking Punching a number of vertical impressions into a dough so
that the dough will expand uniformly without bursting during
Dusting flour A flour used to prevent sticking of products to the bench or
Egg wash Egg or egg yolk with some milk or water added, for brushing
products prior to baking to improve colouring and to give a
glossy sheen when baked.
Elasticity The property whereby dough’s regain their original shape
Date Developed: Issued by:
Bread and Pastry Production Date Revised:
“Prepare and Produce Bakery Developed by:
Term Explanation
after having been stretched or otherwise distorted.
Enzyme A substance produced by living organisms which has the
power to bring about changes in organic materials.
Fermentation The chemical changes of an organic compound due to the
action of living organisms (yeast or bacteria), usually
producing a leavening gas.
Formula A recipe giving ingredients, amounts to be used and a
method of combining them.
Gelatinise Heated water entering a starch granule, rupturing it, and
allowing the contents to spill out and form a colloidal
Glaze A coating that is applied to baked products for protection and
Gluten The protein of wheat flour which combines with water forming
a rubbery mass which retains the gas and steam in baking
and gives volume to the product.
Kneading To manipulate dough by folding and pressing until the
required consistency is obtained.
Lean dough A dough that is not very rich in fat, sugar and eggs, or one
that contains a smaller percentage of these ingredients than
the average.
Leavening Raising or lightening by air, steam or gas (carbon dioxide).
The agent for generating gas in a dough or batter is usually
yeast or baking powder.
Leavening Agent Ingredients used to introduce carbon dioxide, like yeast or
baking powder.
Moulding Manipulation of dough to provide a desired size and shape.
Moulding Manipulating dough into the desired shape.
Oxidization The colouring of certain fruits due to exposure to air.
Proof (American) The rise of yeast dough’s during proving, usually referred to
as the amount of increase in volume of the product after
being shaped and before going to the oven: half prove = 50%
increase in volume three-quarter prove = 75% increase full
prove = doubling in volume.
Prove (Australian) The rise of yeast dough’s during proving, usually referred to
as the amount of increase in volume of the product after
being shaped and before going to the oven: half prove = 50%
increase in volume three-quarter prove = 75% increase full
prove = doubling in volume.
Term Explanation
Prover A cabinet into which yeast goods are placed before baking.
Leavening Agent Ingredients used to introduce carbon dioxide, like yeast or
baking powder.
Quark A mild tasting curd cheese. It is moist in texture and used in
fillings and toppings.
Rich Dough One that contains more than average of the enriching
ingredients fat, sugar and eggs.
Shortening Fat or oil used to tenderise baked products.
Sifting To pass through a fine sieve for effective blending, for
aerating and to remove foreign or oversized particles.
Skinning The drying out and forming of skin on uncovered doughs.
Slack dough A dough containing excess water.
Water absorption Water required to produce a dough of a desired consistency.
Flours vary in ability to absorb water. This depends upon the
age of the flour, moisture content, wheat from which it was
milled, storage conditions and milling process.
Zest The finely grated oily coloured outer skin of washed,
untreated citrus fruit.
Zitron The candied fruit of the cedrat tree, green to yellow in colour;
the flavour of its fleshy aromatic part is desirable in European
festive baking.
Wheat is the prime grain that flour is obtained from for the baking industry. White flour is
the most popular flour. This is because other parts of the wheat grain are harsh and are
unpopular with the general public. This is not to say they are not good to eat.
The following information relates to dough’s for bread and yeast goods, not pastry.
Flour consists of the following elements on average:
Starch 64 – 71%
Protein 9 – 14%
Sugar 2 – 4%
Moisture 11 – 15%
Fat 1 – 2%
Enzymes naturally occurring in wheat
STARCH 64% – 71%, provides main body structure through gelatinisation – bursts
(through heat) and swell.
Starch is broken down by enzymes into simple sugars, which are to be used by
yeast as food.
Sucrose 2 – 4%: all plant material naturally contains sugar.
1.5 – 2% is sufficient for gas production up to 5 hours (Bulk
Ferment Time) plus glucose, plus dextrose (inversion of cane
If flour is low in these sugars, malt can be added to formulae, to
allow longer Bulk Fermentation Times. (BFT)
MOISTURE11 – 15%
The natural proportion of water depends on conditions of growth, storage and milling.
Wheat is a hard grain and needs to be soaked in water to aid the milling process.
There are laws pertaining to the amount of moisture allowed in flour. In Australia it
cannot be more than 15%.
Diastatic– Amylase change starch in sugars.
Proteolytic– Conditions the proteins
Responsible to soften the gluten, dough tolerance is reduced and could cause collapsing
of the bread, especially in wholemeal products.
Salt is a natural mineral that consists of 6 parts chlorine and
4 parts sodium.
Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is manufactured specially
for the production of Yeast Goods.
It is a unicellular organism yet each microscopic cell contains a
multitude of enzymes capable of carrying out the most intricate series
of chemical reactions.
Because it is a living organism, baker’s yeast is very perishable and must have optimum
storage conditions.
Compressed yeast should be stored in dark and cool conditions; it is best used for
up to two weeks after manufacture, as it slowly loses its strength.
Yeast produces carbon dioxide and Ethyl alcohol, by changing sugars.
The activity of yeast is destroyed at temperatures above 55°C. and may be
severely impaired at temperatures over 45°C.
Production of Flavour
Imparts flavours during fermentation through flavour substances such as organic acids,
esters, alcohols and ketones.
Yeast is rich in protein and B Vitamins. It must not come
into direct contact with salt, sugar or fat.
Dough temperature:
The warmer the dough temperature, faster rate of fermentation
The cooler the dough temperature the slower the rate of fermentation
4 – 6pH range. Outside these, activity is slower
Yeast Quantity:
Lower quantities of yeast will result in longer proof.
Amounts of salt and fat also inhibit the rate of fermentation or the activity of yeast.
Remember: yeast is a living thing. It needs to be cared for and used properly.
Hydrates gluten forming proteins (Gliadin and
Dissolves and disperses salt and sugars and carries
sugars to the yeast which it can only use in liquid
Provides moisture for yeast to grow
Hydrates dry yeast and disperses both dry and compressed
Controls dough temperature
Controls dough consistency
Wets and swells starch during baking (gelatinisation) – makes it available to
analyse enzymes
Controls enzyme activity (enzymes are active only in liquid or semi liquid
Increases shelf life
Contributes to eating qualities.
Bread Improvers
Ensures additional food supply for yeast
Contains malt which is changed into maltose and changes starch into simple
sugar easily fermentable by yeast
Contains chemical stimulants ensuring adequate source of nitrogen– essential for
building up protein in newly forming yeast cells
Modifies gluten so that the dough is mature as it comes from the mixer. This is
required to hold increased CO2 Gas produced by the fermenting yeast.
These extra ingredients may be added to a basic yeast formula to improve product
qualities in the following areas:
Improve eating qualities
Add nutritional value
Add visual appeal
Improve keeping qualities
Add and improve flavour.
Fats are added in varying proportions to bread and yeast goods. The % below are just
an indicative amount.
Fat is a generic term; it can mean oil, butter, margarine, shortening. Each have their own
advantages and disadvantages, cost and flavour benefits. Storage requirements also are
Bread, normal 2%
Buns 5 – 7%
Fruit Loavel 9– 15%
Croissants 45%
Brioche up to 50%
Fat contributes to the volume, softer texture, brighter crumb colour and better keeping
qualities. There are many fats available to baking industry and some are specially
manufactured to contain other compounds such as emulsifiers (TEM and SSL). Some
fats contain sugar and others may contain water.
It should always be remembered that butter provides better flavour to the product when
deciding upon what type of fat to use.
Effects of fat
Improves slicing
Softer crumb
Shorter eating crumb
softer crust
Better keeping qualities
Increases volume
Shorter eating crust
Emulsified fats retard crumb
Enhances firmness.
Up to 5% increases fermentation
Over 5% retards fermentation.
Effects of sugar
Softens crumb
Increases crust and whiter crumb colour
Increased levels slacken or weaken the dough
Greater water retention (stays moist, therefore better shelf-life)
Better eating qualities, but high quantities result in bread flavour loss.
Milk Powder
“Food Standards” stipulate that Milk Bread must contain 4% non-fat milk solids on the
dry crumb.
The purpose of this regulation is to increase the food value in protein and mineral
content, therefore Skim Milk Powder (reduced fat) is mostly used.
Eggs can be purchased as follows:
Shell Egg
Liquid Egg or Egg Pulp
Frozen Egg
Effects of eggs
Enriching due to fat in the yolk
Increased nutritional value
Emulsifying, due to lecithin in the yolk, therefore better keeping qualities
aids structure, due to the proteins, which coagulate at 65
to 70oC
Better colour and appearance to baked product
Better eating qualities
Better keeping.
As egg is added to formulae, water has to decrease (in re-
Bran is the by-product of the brake system after all the available endosperm has been
removed. Bran can vary in particle size and composition, depending on both wheat type
and the efficiency of the milling system. Some bran is sold for Human Consumption as it
is a good source of insoluble dietary fibre.
Effects of Bran
Darker crumb colour
Lower volume, due to the non-gluten forming
Increased water levels
Shorter mixing times
Higher fibre intake, assisting in bowel function.
Dried Fruit
Dried fruits evolved as a way of preserving excess fruits
when they were in abundance to be enjoyed when fruits
were not readily available because of the season.
European seasons are extreme so little food is grown in
winter. Drying of fruits made them available for
Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Almost any dried fruit or nut can be added to yeast goods.
Most commonly dried fruits used are sultanas, currants, raisins, mixed peel and
All fruit should be washed prior to use and then thoroughly dried, to avoid
discolouration of the dough.
The most commonly used nuts are hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and
Nuts have a very high fat content. Large amounts used in bread
making need the addition of extra yeast and also extra gluten.
Activity 1
The student should research the following and find required information
Evolutions of the product Was it:
Commemoration of an event?
Very few products were just invented. They evolve over time.
In the modern world customers crave variety and producers are able to introduce new
varieties from other countries very easily.
This delicate and porous rich festive bread is studded with sultanas and flavoured with
candied citrus peel.
It is baked in tall cylindrical moulds and can be served with cream or fresh mascarpone.
To develop rich yeasty flavours, the dough is sometimes
prepared in several stages with prolonged maturing times in
Gingerbread dough’s
This dough is multipurpose dough and can be used for a variety
of products. By adding different spices and/or fruit, different
shapes can be given or cut out and after baking coated with icings
or chocolate. The dough is also suited for making gingerbread
It is important not to overheat the honey at the initial stage, as it
may crystallise, rendering it useless for the dough. The honey is
best heated to 65°C, then allowed to cool to 35°–40°C, to avoid burning the flour.
The flavour of the gingerbread will improve if the dough is prepared well ahead of use,
adding the raising (lifting) agents only just prior to using the dough.
Always use quality spices in order to achieve optimum flavour.
Gingerbread dough is baked at 180°C.
Tsoureki (Greece)
This traditional sweet bread can be found during any major religious festival.
Its flavouring components can be many, as each family or baking professional have their
own favourite.
Most popular are orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, allspice,
aniseed, cloves and mace, either singly or in any combination.
The traditional shape is a round or braided loaf.
To simplify cutting and storing (it keeps for up to one week), the
dough can also be formed into long loaves. Cut into slices and
toasted is a popular way of serving this bread.
Stollen (Germany)
A product popular in many European countries around
Christmas time and originating from Germany, stollen is
made from a heavy (rich in fat) yeast dough.
Some varieties contain mainly sultanas (and some candied
peel) and almonds, others almonds only or a poppy seed or
nut filling.
The cleaned sultanas are usually steeped in rum for enhanced flavour. So as not to
break or damage the fruit, they are worked under the dough last.
A somewhat tighter ferment is worked with the other ingredients to a dough, which
should also on the firm side. This hinders the flattening out (losing the intended
traditional shape) of the stollen during baking.
For uniformity and better control of the shape, special stollen moulds (tins) can be used.
After resting the dough, it is scaled into intended portion sizes and moulded round, then
worked into a roll with flat ends. Your Trainer can demonstrate the shaping of a stollen.
Danish Pastries
These pastries are made with yeast dough laminated with butter (or other fats), then
turns given similar to puff paste, resulting in light and crisp pastries. They are produced
in many different shapes and sizes with a variety of fillings and toppings.
Fillings used may be custard, jam, cheese, fruit, poppy seed, marzipan and nuts with the
possible addition of dried fruit and candied peel.
Crescent shaped pastries of delicate, flaky structure prepared from laminated yeast
Croissants are consumed plain or filled (sweet or savoury) or cut open and filled with
meats, cheese and/or salads (snacks, light meals).
Yeast dough rich in butter and eggs, traditionally in the shape of a large ball with a
smaller one on top. Its smooth, delicate crumb structure is directly related to the high
content of butter and eggs.
Brioche is very versatile and can be made in a variety of shapes, some versions with
added dried fruit.
Served at breakfast (individual or toasted slices), as an entree (with a savoury filling or
as an accompaniment), as a dessert (filled with cream, mousse and/or fruit), as a lining
for charlottes or for covering pies and meat and fish dishes.
Buchty is a fine flavoured egg and butter enriched breakfast treat, very similar to brioche.
It can be either eaten with cured meat or jams, toasted or plain. Buchty is often used in
airline catering due to its long shelf life and due to the fact that it is suitable for any meal.
Europe is the origin of most of the specialty products. Each of the products has a history
and also reasons, apart from the eating qualities, why it was created and why it is still
produced today.
The standard recipe for buns and fruit buns was usually the basis for many products, and
is still regarded by many as a suitable medium for a range of popular products such as
buns, fingers, scrolls, loaves and large items such as Boston buns.
Although the fermentation process is still the means of aeration, formulae and ingredient
specifications for the above products vary somewhat from bread.
Variations in ingredient quantities influence the fermentation process greatly, particularly
fat and sugar levels.
As these both can have a detrimental effect on fermentation, more yeast is usually
Traditionally, religion has played an important part in development of ‘special’ products.
Yeast goods containing dried fruits would be produced in seasons such as Christmas
and Easter. These are Christian religious festivals and when something special is to be
produced extra special ingredients should be used.
Dried fruits were developed as a way of preserving in times
of plenty to be used when fresh fruits were not available;
Christmas and Easter are ideal times to use these
expensive dried fruits.
The range of product varieties available has been greatly
influenced by the demand for European products
Usually specialty sweet yeast products are very rich because of large amounts of butter
and fruit used.
Due to the richness of the specialty products, a sponge or ferment is used rather than a
no time dough as fat and/or acids retard the yeast. In some recipes a sour dough is even
used to ensure fermentation (Panatone).
The addition of heavy fruits to dough’s can have a detrimental
effect on the shape of the finished product. Gluten can be added
to strengthen the dough structure to produce a more bolder product.
Date Developed: Issued by:
Bread and Pastry Production Date Revised:
“Prepare and Produce Bakery Developed by:
Excess sugar can also affect the dough structure so extra gluten will help this effect as
Water temperature for required Finish Dough Temperature (FDT)
The ideal FDT for no-time, rapid or instant dough’s is 27°–29°C.
The variation of water temperature is known as your experience
figure because the required water temperature to finish dough at a
pre-determined figure is based on bakery conditions and the baker’s
experience. These include:
1. Climatic conditions
2. Bake house environment
3. Dough size
4. Mixer speed
5. Flour temperature
6. Mixing time
7. Specialty ingredient additions–gluten, conditioners, etc.
8. Experience.
Note: In subsequent topics, students should refer back to these notes when calculating
dough quantity and required water temperature for FDT.
Required FDT 28ºC
Multiply by 2 x2= 56ºC
Subtract actual flour temp __________
Subtract Experience
Calculated req. water temp __________
Actual water temp. used __________
Add up the new recipe and the total weight should be sufficient to produce the required
dough weight.
Made in
two stages
Stage 1: Stage 2:
Contains: Process to a
dough with
20% of the flour Add Ferment remaining
All water ingredients:
All yeast
Up to 5% sugar
Ferment for 30
(doubled in size)
After Bulk
(doubled in size),
dough is ready to
scaled off
Setting a Ferment
1. Disperse yeast in water, whisking vigorously to break down lumps. Add small
sugar to stimulate the yeast
2. Mix in flour, mixing to produce a smooth batter then whisk to aerate to stimulate
the action of the yeast.
3. Cover and allow to rest in warm environment 32°C
for approximately 25-35 mins
4. Allow the ferment to stand until it begins to fall
away (starts to sink in the middle). This will take
approximately 25 minutes depending on the
5. For many years the ferment and dough method
was traditional because it ensured a thorough
ripening of the dough, particularly when slower
types of yeast were used.
6. Yeast requires Dextrose sugar (Glucose) before it
can ferment, but because it contains enzymes
which are capable of changing both Cane sugar (Sucrose) and Malt sugar
(Maltose) into dextrose, almost any sweet material (except milk sugar) can act as
a food material.
Wheat flour contains 2.5% of these sugars, so any flour, water and yeast mixture will
Important to note:
The optimum is approximately 12.5%; anything above this will have a retarding effect on
the dough.
When dough’s are made with high sugar levels additional yeast must be used.
This is the experience component.
Remember: Yeast is a living organism, nothing is constant.
The fermentation stage is when a lot of the dough flavour is developed so choice of
method is important.
For dough’s that have large amounts of ingredients that retard the growth of the yeast,
the ferment method is better for flavour development.
Dough mixing
This dough’s need to be well developed before the fruit is added.
Do not mix excessively after adding the fruit, as this may cause
the fruit to break up, particularly if it has been washed
Rest period
A recovery time of approximately 10 minutes following mixing will ensure that the dough
is suitable for processing
The dough pieces should be adequately moulded and/or rolled. However excessive
handling will produce roughly finished products.
Final prove
A temperature of 30° – 40°C with a relative humidity (RH) of 80 – 85% to prevent
skinning is recommended.
Excessive steam in the final proves will cause the formation of a tough, leathery crust
and should be avoided at all times.
Over-proving weakens the dough structure and could cause it to collapse in the oven
Due to the high sugar content, an oven temperature of approximately 190° – 210°C is
usually most suitable for buns and loaves.
To prevent the crust toughening and the possible collapse of the products, steam
injection should not be used.
Buns should only be baked enough to prevent collapse or shrinkage
after removal from the oven.
The shiny surface usually associated with this type of product is best
obtained by washing immediately after baking with a sugar syrup or
bun wash
Decoration will be similar but slightly different for each product. Moist yeast product is
produced to be consumed on the day or soon after being produced.
Bakery goods are baked in special ovens with a large flat base. Sometimes they will be
brick for breads but for pastries you need an oven with more versatile heating elements.
There is much better and wider choice with modern ovens. There are deck ovens,
electric, gas and wood fired.
There are rack ovens that will take an entire rack full of trays. These
will pick a rack up off the floor and rotate the rack in the oven. They
are fan forced which distributes the heat better throughout the oven.
Brick floored electric ovens have been notorious with irregular heat
on base with ‘hot spots’ and ‘cold spots’ in the ovens.
Prove: The meaning is: if the dough rises then it has proved to be good.
Warm environment with high humidity is required as this will allow the yeast to reproduce
and make the dough rise and increase in size.
Modern proofers will also retard.
This is a chilled environment with high humidity that will hold the dough and not allow the
yeast to grow.
Modern proofer/retarders will work together, hold the raw
dough in a chilled environment and then will turn off the
chilling and turn on the heater and allow the yeast to grow,
expand the dough to its full capacity, ready to bake.
This oven can take trays with built in rack or will take an
entire rack as shown in photo.
After baking, the product might need to be cut again into portions.
Product characteristics that customers look for come from the following:
1. Colour of the product when it is finally removed from the oven is important to the
visual appeal of the product. Colour stimulates the senses and encourages the
customer to purchase.
4. Moisture content adds to the shelf life and mouth feel of the product.
Danish pastry
These pastries will have a golden colour when baked due to
lower sugar content in dough.
The shape should be ‘contained’ in the shape in which they
were moulded.
Golden brown finish with a light flaky texture. When squeezed they should give a crunch.
When cut the texture should be open and irregular in shape
Baba and Savarin
These will have a closed texture that will open up as the pieces are soaked in flavoured
sugar syrup before serving.
Stollen is a traditional rich East European/German Christmas product, oval shaped with
three segments. It can be filled with almond paste, quark or
cream cheese or left plain.
After baking it is dipped or brushed with butter, covered with
icing sugar and left to mature in an airtight container, to
develop the flavour (similar to a fruitcake). The butter will also
slow down the staling process and help extend the shelf life.
Compact, dense texture with a short crumb. Due to high fat content, very
good eating qualities.
Is a light Fruit bread, originated in Milan, Italy.
Panettone is available all year around, but traditionally consumed during Christmas and
characterised by its rich flavour and unique shape, which is a tall cylinder.
French Brioche is similar in texture and richness to the Panettone, but without fruit and
not as light.
Panettone can be raised with yeast, but is traditionally made with a sour dough.
Due to the richness of the product a ferment or sponge and
dough is required to achieve the texture and the volume
Panettone has a shelf life of up to several weeks, if protected
from drying out by wrapping it Celloform, when they are cold.
Storing will also mature the product and improve the flavour.
Tall cylindrical shape with a rough surface
Light large porous texture due to b.f.p.
Rubbery eating qualities.
Yeast goods will be baked in an oven temperature ranging from 180ºC – 220ºC.
This is because they contain sugar. Products baked with sugar will darken on the crust
quicker than bread.
To control the browning of the crust the product is baked at a lower temperature:
Colour on the outside crust
Colour adds to the appearance.
Too dark and it is burnt:
It will taste bitter.
Under baked it will look pale and uninviting:
A well-baked product will have a bold appearance.
Dextrinization: is produced by the action of heat and steam on the starch. The dextrin is
a carbohydrate smaller in size than starch.
This is also referred to as the Malliard Reaction after the French chemist, Louis Camille
Maillard (1876-1936).
The process is a reaction between reducing sugars such as maltose and glucose,
not sucrose, with amino acids present in the dough on the crust of the loaf.
This is responsible for the glaze and bloom on the crust.
1. Varieties and characteristics of bakery products
2. Historical and cultural, aspects of bakery products
3. Underlying principles in making bakery products
4. Knowledge commodity on including quality indicators of ingredients for bakery products, properties
of ingredients used, interaction and changes during processing to produce required characteristics
5. Properties and requirements of yeast and control of yeast action
6. Culinary and technical terms related to bakery products commonly used in the industry.
7. Expected taste, texture and crumb structure appropriate for particular bakery products.
8. Ratio of ingredients required to produce a balanced formula
9. The influence of correct portion control, yields, weights and sizes on the profitability of an
Assessment Criteria:
Actual Demonstration
On- the-job training
Video Presentation
Assessment Method:
Oral questioning and written
Learning Outcome # 2
It is warmed to body temperature and spread thinly over unbaked product. When
baked it should have a golden crust of nut topping. When cool the product can be
sliced and filled with a crème pâtissièrefilling or served plain.
It can be produced in large pieces or in thin sheets for slicing and cutting into
individual pieces.
Crème pâtissière
Starch thickened milk that can be flavoured and coloured to enterprise
requirements. It is stable at high temperatures and will sit at room temperatures
for extended periods.
Many commercial mixes contain preservatives that extend shelf life at room
Fruit fillings
Most fruits used as filling need to be stabilised in a
starch gel.
This is because when sugar is added to fruit it will
dissolve and the free liquid boils inside the dough and is
detrimental to the finished product.
Fruits will need to be cooked before being used in
fillings. Some fruits may not cook inside the dough
before the dough has baked.
Canned fruits are economical when used in fillings for 47anish and
Solid pack ‘Pie’ fillings can be purchased to fit this need. This is fruit in a can that
has no added water or syrup. However, when sugar is added to this is does
dissolve so that liquid needs to be stabilised.
There are proprietary powders that can be added to fruit mixes. These are pre-
gelatinised gels. They rehydrate when added to the pie mixes and hold the
moisture in suspension.
These powders have been cooked to a thick viscous
state and then dried on steam heated rollers and
ground to powder so they can be added to fruits or
other liquids at a later stage.
These pre-gelatinised powders are best added to the
sugar before mixing into the fruit.
Whipped fresh cream flavoured with sugar and vanilla has always been popular as a
filling but needs to be kept in a controlled environment. It is not suited to hot climates.
Date Developed: Issued by:
Bread and Pastry Production Date Revised:
“Prepare and Produce Bakery Developed by:
Nut fillings
Nuts can be ground and mixed with sugar and liquids to form pastes.
Cheese fillings
Quark, cottage and cream cheeses can be sweetened and flavoured before being used
as fillings. Some cheeses with high moisture contents can be stabilised with the addition
of starch that will thicken during the baking process.
All fillings used in yeast goods:
Add flavour
Add interest
Add food value.
Sugar syrup is the simplest and this must be added while the product is still hot; brush
lightly and quickly over the surface.
If too much is added it will soak into product and make soggy.
When added to hot product the water evaporates away leaving stick sugar paste than
reflects the light and SHINES.
flavour..same as sugar syrup, when brushed on hot excess water will be evaporated
away leaving shine and extra flavour.
Icing sugar;Sift over Danish pastry that is not coated in apricot jam.
Apply after tempering and when product has cooled. When cool the fondant should have
an appealing shine.
Bienstich glaze is applied before product is baked.
A mixture of flaked almonds hone, cream and sugar is cooked on stove to amalgamate.
Can be stored in refrigerator until required.
To use: warm slightly until it flows off the spoon. Apply evenly and thinly over the top of
unbaked dough piece.
When baked in the oven the sugars caramelise and when cooled the topping has an
appealing flavour and colour. The top will also have a crunch from the sugar and nuts.
The topping must be brown before removing from the oven or it will not be crisp and
crunchy. Care must be taken not to burn the sugar. It will then be bitter and be black in
Fresh Dairy Cream
Flavoured with sugar and vanilla essence.
Slice cooled product like buns and donuts and pipe whipped cream
into centre; these product will need to be stored in controlled
environment as the cream melts in warm environment and can
have unacceptable bacterial growth if not controlled.
Crème pâtissière
Flavour and pipe into finished product in place of fresh dairy cream. It can be used in
49anish pastry with fruit to act as binding agent for fruit and add moist mouthfeel:
It can be placed in or onto the yeast good before or after baking.
If it is placed on the outside of the product it will need to be glazed before being
presented for consumption. Starch thickened products will dry on the surface when
exposed to the air diminishing the eating quality.
Nut fillings
Make into paste with sugar and spices then use in 50anish pastries.
Apply to top of fruits added to Danish pastries after baking.
Fruit Decors
Fresh or canned fruits can be added to baked pastries. A
pocket can be baked then crème patisserie is added with
strawberries as the fruit. Strawberries are delicate and do
not bake well like apricots.
These will be glazed with gel to add shine and eye appeal.
Product decorated with fresh fruits will have a limited life but,
as most yeast goods are consumed on the day of production, this is not a big issue.
Apply thinly to top of unbaked product and it will bake and leave a nice crust on finished
Crumbles add textural diversity and interest to the finished product.
Apply to baked product after cooling. These will have a lighter sweetness than fondant
due to the fat content.
They add pleasant mouthfeel and interest to the finished product.
Display in bakery
Most are displayed on trays that contain up to 12 portions. Service is taken from the back
of the tray.Larger pieces might be presented individually on doyley and cardboard bases.
Doyleys are used extensively in presentation as it is a barrier between the product and
service ware.
From the restaurant show case or buffet trolley
When purchasing your morning coffee a selection of bakery goods will be displayed for
customer selection.At the café they will be behind a safety barrier.
In fine dining hotels it can be displayed on a trolley that is wheeled up to the table for the
customer to choose.This is an old practice and is not used in many places these days.
Service ware
These are the platter trays and plates that are
used to display and serve product in cafes and
dining rooms. They can also be used in
conjunction with doyleys between product and
service ware.
A good display should highlight the product at its
Multiple choice
1. A kind of glazing, normally 1 part sugar, & 1 part water boiled and let cool
a. Glazing of yeast goods
b. Boiled apricot jam
c. Frosting
d. Sugar syrup
3. Apply to baked product after cooling. These will have a lighter sweetness then
fondant due to the fat content.
a. Frosting
b. Icing sugar
c. Boiled jam
d. Fresh dairy cream
4. Apply thinly to top unbaked product and it will bake and leave a nice crust on
finished product.
a. Crumbles
b. Frosting
c. Icing sugar
d. Boiled jam
5. Flavor and pipe into finished product in place of fresh dairy cream.
a. Fruit décor
b. Crème patissiere
c. Boiled jam
d. Icing sugar
Multiple choice
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
1. Varieties and characteristics of bakery products
2. Historical and cultural, aspects of bakery products
3. Underlying principles in making bakery products
4. Knowledge commodity on including quality indicators of ingredients for bakery
products, properties of ingredients used, interaction and changes during processing to
produce required characteristics
5. Properties and requirements of yeast and control of yeast action
6. Culinary and technical terms related to bakery products commonly used in the
7. Expected taste, texture and crumb structure appropriate for particular bakery
8. Ratio of ingredients required to produce a balanced formula
9. The influence of correct portion control, yields, weights and sizes on the profitability of
an establishment
Assessment Criteria:
1. Bakery products are stored according to established standards and procedures
2. Packaging are selected appropriate for the preservation of product freshness and
eating characteristics
Actual Demonstration
On- the-job training
Video Presentation
Assessment Method:
Oral questioning and written
Learning Outcome # 3
If freezing baked bakery products care must be taken not to squash them when
This will cause them to be deformed when thawed out.When freezing be sure to label
with the date of freezing and use the FIFO (‘First In, First Out’) rule.
Storing in Coolroom
Product with dairy ingredients like cream and crème pâtissière need to be kept chilled to
stop bacterial activity rising above acceptable limits.
Never store for too long in cool room: fresh cream, same day only.
Product degradation will be too great and eating quality diminishes.
Croissantswill be considered stale the next day when they lose crispness. After baking it
is best to freeze them if you wish to store them for any period of time:
Thawing is quick as the product is light
Thawing is best at room temperature.
Danish pastry is best consumed on the day that it was produced. It can be stored and
reheated at a later time, but eating quality is reduced.
Any Yeast Goods product is best consumed on the day that it was produced.
Optimise freshness
Bake daily
Bake only what you can sell
Bake in small batches.
Disperse yeast through the water and add the dry ingredients on top
Mix into a clear, well developed dough
FDT 28ºC and allow to rest.
Scale off @ .060gm each
Hand Up – as appropriate
Intermediate proof 5 mins (covered)
Final mould– as for round buns
Proof – 35ºC 80% RH
Bake at 220ºC for 15 mins
Remove from oven, place onto a cooling wire. Brush with Bun Glaze whilst still hot on
removal from the oven
When cold, decorate with fondant.
Finishing alternatives
Cream Buns
Using a serrated edge knife, slice the bun in half in a downward
scaling motion, don't cut right through so as to leave a hinge
Open the buns and pipe a little raspberry jam into the base of the
Fill the bun with fresh whipped cream (sweetened) as instructed by
Dust with icing sugar and dress for final presentation.
Finger Buns
Ice the top of finger bun with thinned warm fondant or fudge icing
Then dip into coconut following the teacher's instruction to achieve the desired finish.
Fruit Buns
B Currants 10 0.100
Sultanas 25 0.250
Mixed Peel 6 0.060
Total 2.360
Chelsea Buns
C Currants 30 0.250
Mixed Peel 6 0.050
Brown or Castor Sugar 25 0.200
Cinnamon, ground 1 0.005
Butter, melted As required
Mix "A". Mix "B". Add "B" into "A" and mix into a clear, well developed dough
FDT 28ºC. Intermediate proof 5 mins (covered)
Pin it out to size: 76 cm x 50 cm. Brush with cool melted butter and sprinkle "C" over
brushed area, or use alternative fillings
Lightly press fruit into dough. Roll up tightly and water wash to seal
Brush top with melted butter
Scale off: Mark into desired pieces and cut
Tray up
Proof – 35ºC 80% RH
Bake at 200ºC for 15 mins
Sprinkle with Castor sugar on removal from oven and place onto a cooling wire.
Brush with bun glaze and decorate with fondant when cold.
Christmas Stollen
Remove 200gm of plain dough from batch. Mould into 2 x 100gm pieces
Take the remaining dough and carefully fold in fruit from group 4
Scale and mould fruit dough into 2 even pieces
Allow dough to recover for 5 minutes
Pin out plain dough to a square shape approximately 1.5mm thick
Pin out fruit dough to a square shape. (See diagram next page)
Mould marzipan into 2 pieces the same length as the fruit dough
Fold in marzipan into 2 pieces the same length as the fruit dough
Wrap each unit inside a plain dough square
Place units into vienna slippers and prove at 28 – 30°C
Prove to ½ proof only
Bake at 200 – 220°C with steam
When baked, brush liberally with melted butter while still hot
Dust with vanilla sugar place onto a cooling wire and allow to cool completely
When cold, dust with icing sugar and wrap in plastic to prevent drying out.
If butter is used, best results occur if dough is prepared 1 day in advance
Plain Croissants:
1. Roll out prepared dough to 1100mm x 400mm
2. Cut dough lengthwise to create 2 strips 1100mm x 200mm
3. Lay strips on top of each other
4. Cut 20 triangle shapes with a base line of 150mm each
5. Brush off all excess flour and roll up the croissants
6. Place onto a clean and lightly greased 2/lGN baking tray
7. Lightly egg wash and half prove at 36ºC, low humidity
8. Bake at 230°C for approx. 12 – 15 min
9. Remove from baking tray and place onto a cooling wire.
Croissant Fillings
Marzipan Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Butter 100 1.000
Raw Marzipan 7.89 0.078
Total 1.078
After baking glaze with apricot jam, sprinkle with toasted almonds and dust with icing sugar
Add filling 30 gm per croissant.
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
Total 1.000
After baking glaze with apricot jam, and pipe line with dark chocolate. For easier production
chocolate may be cut into 15 cm long sticks
Add filling 15 gm per croissant.
Danish Pastry
Danish pastry is leavened puff pastry dough with a rich, delicate and flaky texture. It can be
made with a variety of sweet and savoury fillings in different sizes and shapes.
Usually eaten for breakfast or afternoon tea. Danish Pastry with savoury fillings are also very
suitable for snacks (lunch trade).
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Bakers Flour 100 1.000
Yeast, compressed 5 0.050
Salt 1.5 0.015
Sugar 4 0.040
Bread Improver 1% MRU 0.010
Butter, unsalted 4 0.040
Water 37.5 0.375
Egg 22.5 0.225
Milk Powder 4 0.040
B Butter or 55 0.550
Royal Danish (Margarine)
Total 2.345
YIELD: 24 units.
corners in to
Custard overlap
centre to
Danish Pastry Dough is very similar to Croissant Dough; it only varies in the egg quantity
for Danish pastry.
Most bakers and pastry cooks are using the croissant recipe to produce ‘Danish’, this
ensures that there are no mistakes with what dough to use for which pastry.
Hazelnut Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Caster Sugar 28 0.280
Butter 6 0.060
Milk 74 0.740
B Ground Hazelnut, toasted 100 1.000
Cake Crumbs 50 0.500
Honey 10 0.100
C Vanilla To taste To taste
Lemon To taste To taste
Cinnamon To taste To taste
Rum To taste To taste
Total 2.680
Lemon Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Lemon Curd 100 1.000
B Cake Crumbs 50 0.500
Total 1.500
Cherry Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Cherry Juice 100 1.000
Caster Sugar 20 0.200
Cinnamon 2 sticks
B Corn flour/Arrowroot 12 0.120
C Sour Cherries 70 0.700
Total 2.020
Cheese Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Cream Cheese (Quark) 100 2.500
Caster Sugar 20 0.500
B Eggs 10 0.250
C Raisins 5 0.125
Lemon Zest #2
Salt pinch
D Custard Powder 2.6 0.065
Total 3.440
Apple Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
Mix all ingredients together. Care must be taken not to lump the liquid with the instant starch.
It is advisable to mix the sugar with the starch.
Almond Filling
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Raw Marzipan 100 0.100
Almonds Ground 100 0.100
Cinnamon 0.1 0.001
Oranges #1
Egg Whites 60 0.060
Rum 0.5 0.005
Total 0.310
Crème Patissiere
Group Ingredients % Weight Costing
A Milk 100 1.000
Caster Sugar 1 10 0.100
B Egg Yolks 12 0.160
Vanilla Essence 0.5 0.005
Caster Sugar 2 10 0.100
C Cake flour 6 0.060
Corn flour 5 0.050
Total 1.475
Strain crème patisseriethrough a strainer, sprinkle with caster sugar and plastic wrap, to
prevent a crust from forming.
Note: In some formulae for the crème patisseriecornflour is replaced with custard powder.
Custard powder is cornflour with yellow food colour and vanilla flavour, usually VANILLIN.
Bohemian Cake
30 x 60 gm Bohemian Cakes
Mix "A" into a clear, well developed dough
Scale off: 60 gm pieces
Hand up: Round
Roll out to 3 mm thick discs
Brush with water
Pipe 25 gm of each filling onto base
Sprinkle with butter crumble
Proof – 32ºC 80% RH
Bake at 200ºC until golden brown in colour
Remove from oven, place onto cooling wires
Dust with icing sugar when cold.
2 x GN Trays
Total 2.152
Poppyseed Filling:
(Filling 3)
Continental Rounds
Mix "A".
Add "C" and mix clear
Add "B"
Rest for 15 min, covered
FDT 26ºC
Scale off: 60 gm Donuts
Mould to shape as instructed
Place onto greased tray
Proof ½ proof
Proof – 35ºC 65% RH
Deep-fry at 170ºC until golden brown in colour
Place onto a cooling wire.
Finish for various donuts
Cinnamon sugar
Glaze with boiled apricot jam and fondant
Pipe a rosette of fresh cream and decorate with fresh fruit. Dust with icing sugar prior to
Berliner Pancakes
Roll in Pipe a little raspberry jam into centre and finish with either:
Rolled in A1 sugar
Glazed with apricot jam and white fondant
Dusted with Icing Sugar.
Troubleshooting Chart
Crust Colour too Dark. Frying temperature too high Calibrate and adjust
Crust Colour too Light Frying temperature too low. Calibrate and adjust.
Dough takes too long Dough temperature too low Adjust water temperature
To rise in bowl
Not enough yeast
Bad yeast
Dough rises too fast Dough mixed too warm Adjust water temperature
Over fermented
Recommended reading
Bailey, Adrian & Ortiz, Elisabeth Lambert; 2003; The book of ingredients, Michael Joseph
DiMuzio, Daniel; 2009; Bread Baking: An Artisan's Perspective; Wiley
Figoni, Paula; 2004; How baking works: Exploring the fundamentals of baking science;
John Wiley and Sons Inc
Forkish, Ken; 2012; Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza; Ten
Speed Press
Hadjiandreou, Emmanuel; 2011; How to Make Bread; Ryland Peters & Small
Hamelman, Jeffrey; 2012; Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes; Wiley
Igoe, Robert S; 2011 (5th edition); Dictionary of food ingredients; Springer
Keller, Thomas; 2012; Bouchon Bakery; Artisan
Mitchell, Karen; 2013; The Model Bakery Cookbook; Chronicle Books
Morgan, Diane; 2005; Pizza: More than 60 Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pizza; Chronicle
Peterson, James; 2009; Baking;Ten Speed Press
Reinhart, Peter; 2001; The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread;
Ten Speed Press
Wood, Ed; 2011; Classic Sourdoughs;Ten Speed Press
The following statements are about the competency you have just completed.
1.3 Produce a variety of yeast goods according to standard recipes and enterprise
2.2 Decorate yeast goods using fillings and coating/icing and decorations
according to standard recipes and/or enterprise standards and/or customer
2.3 Present/display yeast goods to enterprise standards using appropriate service
Store yeast goods
3.1 Store at correct temperature and conditions of storage
Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Unit of competency: Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the necessary tools, the candidate will be able to demonstrate, Prepare and Produce
Bakery Products following standard procedures within 15 minutes.
to show if
Yes No N/A
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:
Demonstrated ability to produce a range of specialist bakery products,
both sweet and savory according to establishment standards and
We are seeking your support in the judgment of this candidate’s competence. Please answer these
questions honestly as a record of the candidate’s performance while working with you. Thank you for
your time.
Comments regarding candidate performance and experience
I can verify the candidate’s ability to: Yes No Not Comments to support my
(tick the correct response] responses:
Check the availability of all resources
required for training.
□□ □
Identify alternative resources for
contingency measures.
□□ □
Identify and arrange appropriate training
locations according to training needs.
□□ □
□□ □
□□ □
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