Sr. No. Capital Investment Cost of Industries/project Fee Amount (RS.)

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Schedule of fee prescribed by Government of Haryana,

Environment Department/HSPCB for obtaining consent to

establish/NOC & consent to operate and sampling under water
(Prevention and control of pollution), Act, 1974 & Air
(Prevention and control of pollution), Act, 1981, Authorization
under Bio Medical Waste (M & H) Rules, 1998, and public
hearing under EIA Notification, 2006.

I. Fee prescribed for obtaining consent to establish/NOC & consent to

operate under Water Act, 1974 & Air Act, 1981.

A Fees for Consent to Establish/NOC

A-I NOC/CTE Fees for highly polluting industries such fertilizers

(nitrogen/phosphate), sugar, fermentation & distillery,
petrochemical, thermal power plant, oil refinery, sulfuric acid, iron &
steel, pulp & paper, dye & dye intermediates, pesticides
manufacturing, basic drugs & pharmaceuticals etc. (Red category of
projects/industries other than specific type projects/industries
mentioned) – prescribed under Water Act, 1974.

Sr. No. Capital Investment cost of Industries/project Fee amount

a. Exceeding Rs. 100 crores I,05,000

b. Exceeding Rs. 50 crores but not exceeding Rs. 100 60,000


c. Exceeding Rs. 10 crores but not exceeding Rs. 50 36,000


d. Exceeding Rs. 3.0 crores but not exceeding Rs. 10 24,000


e. Exceeding Rs. 1.0 crores but not exceeding Rs. 3.0 17,700

f. Exceeding Rs. 0.50 crores but not exceeding Rs. 1.0 14,500

g. Exceeding Rs. 0.25 crores but not exceeding Rs. 0.50 7,500

h. Exceeding Rs. 0.10 crores but not exceeding Rs. 0.25 4,500

i. Exceeding Rs. 0.02 crores but not exceeding Rs. 0.10 2,250

j. up to Rs. 0.02 crores 600

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A-II For industries other than covered under heading A-I (Orange &
Green category) – (Prescribed under Water Act, 1974)
Sr. No. Industries having Capital Investment Fee amount (Rs.)
a. Exceeding Rs. 100 crores. 35,000
b. Exceeding Rs. 50 crores but not exceeding Rs. 20,000
100 crores.
c. Exceeding Rs. 10 crores but not exceeding Rs. 50 12,000
d. Exceeding Rs.3.0 crores but not exceeding Rs. 8,000
10.0 crores
e. Exceeding Rs. 1.0 crores but not exceeding Rs. 5,700
3.0 crores
f. Exceeding Rs. .50 crores but not exceeding Rs. 4,500
1.0 crores.
g. Exceeding Rs. 0.25 crores but not exceeding Rs. 2,500
0.50 crores
h. Exceeding Rs. 0.10 crores but not exceeding Rs. 1,500
0.25 crores.
i. Exceeding Rs. 0.02 crores but not exceeding Rs. 750
0.10 crores.
j. up to Rs. 0.02 crores 200

A-III For legally constituted bodies other than industrial units (Prescribed
under Water Act, 1974)

Sr. No. Local Bodies/Govt. Department/Colonizers etc. Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Municipal Corporation Faridabad 25,000
b. Class „A‟ Municipalities 5,000
c. Class „B‟ Municipalities 2,500
d. Class „C‟ Municipalities 500
e. Public Health 5,000 per each
f. Haryana Urban Development Authority 50,000 per each
g. Private Colonizers 50,000 per each

A-IV For Stone Crushers (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Crushing capacity Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding 100 tons/day 5,000

b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 7,500

A-V For Pulverisers (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Pulverisers with capacity Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding 100 tons/day 2,000

b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 3,000

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A-VI For Hot Mix Plants (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Hot Mix Plant with capacity Fee amount (Rs.)

Not exceeding 40 tons/day 5,000
Exceeding 40 tons/day 7, 500

A-VII For Brick Kilns (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Units having a capital investment Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding Rs. 30 lacs 5 ,000

b. Exceeding Rs.30 lacs but not exceeding Rs. 50 10,000
c. Exceeding Rs. 50 lacs 15,000

A-VIII For Rice Shellers (Prescribed under Water Act, 1974)

Sr. No. Units having a capital investment Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding Rs. 30 lacs 20 ,000

b. Exceeding Rs. 30 lacs but not exceeding Rs. 30,000
50 lacs
c. Exceeding Rs. 50 lacs. 50,000

A-IX For Screening Plants (Prescribed under Water Act, 1974)

Sr. No. Units having a production capacity Fee amount (Rs.)

a. Capacity less than 100 Ton /Day 5000

b. Capacity more than 100 Ton /Day 7500

A-X For Mining Activities

1. Prescribed under Water Act, 1974 vide Notification dated


Sr. No. Units paying license fee for mining Fees Amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding Rs. 25 lacs annually 1,00,000

b. Exceeding Rs. 25 lacs but not exceeding Rs. 50 lacs 1,50,000

c. More than Rs. 50 lacs 2,00,000

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2. Prescribed under Air Act, 1981 vide Notification dated 20.09.2002

Sr. No. Units paying license fee for mining Fees Amount (Rs.)

a. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 1,00,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 5 crores and above.

b. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 75,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 2.5 crores to 5 crores.

c. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 60,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 1 crores to 2.5 crores.

d. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 50,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 75 lacs to 1 crore.

e. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 40,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 50 lacs to 75 lacs.

f. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 30,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 25 lacs to 50 lacs.

g. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 20,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 10 lacs to 25 lacs.

h. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 10,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 5 lacs to 10 lacs.

i. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 5,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts Rs. 1 lac to 5 lacs.

j. For units whose dead rent as determined in the 1,000

auction or royalty paid whichever is higher, for
amounts upto Rs. 1 lac.

A-XI Projects/units covered under Haryana Bio Energy Policy 2018.

Sr. No. Under the Act Fee Amount (Rs.)

1. Water Act, 1974 Nil
2. Air Act, 1981 Nil

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B Fees for Consent to operate under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act,
1981 to be charged annually.

B-I Consent fees for highly polluting industries such as fertilizers

(nitrogen / phosphate), sugar, cement, fermentation & distillery,
petor- chemical, thermal power plant, oil refinery, sulfuric acid,
iron & steel, pulp & paper, dye and dye intermediates, pesticides
manufacturing, basic drugs and pharmaceuticals etc.

(Red category Industries other than those specified)

Sr. Industries having Under Water Act Under Air Act

No. Capital Investment 1st Subsequent 1st Year Subsequent
Year Year Year
a. Exceeding Rs. 100 1,50,000 75,000 1,50,000 75,000
b. Exceeding Rs. 50 1,20,000 60,000 1,20,000 60,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 100
c. Exceeding Rs. 10 90,000 45,000 90,000 45,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 50
d. Exceeding Rs. 3.0 60,000 24,000 60,000 24,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 10
e. Exceeding Rs. 1.0 30,000 11,000 30,000 11,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 3.0
f. Exceeding Rs. .50 15,000 4,500 15,000 4,500
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 1.0
g. Exceeding Rs. 0.25 6,000 3,000 6,000 3,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.50

h. Exceeding Rs. 0.10 1500 1500 1500 1500

crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.25
i. Exceeding Rs. 0.02 600 600 600 600
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.10
j. Investment up to 300 300 300 300
Rs. 0.02

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B-II Consent fee for Industries other than covered under headings B-I
(Orange & Green category).

Sr. Industries having Under Water Act Under Air Act

No. Capital Investment 1st Subsequent 1st Subsequent
cost Year Years Year Years
a. Exceeding Rs. 100 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000
b. Exceeding Rs. 50 40,000 20,000 40,000 20,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 100
c. Exceeding Rs. 10 30,000 15,000 30,000 15,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 50
d. Exceeding Rs. 3.0 20,000 8,000 20,000 8,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 10
e. Exceeding Rs. 1.0 10,000 3,700 10,000 3,700
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 3.0
f. Exceeding Rs. .50 5,000 1,500 5,000 1,500
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 1.0
g. Exceeding Rs. 0.25 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.50
h. Exceeding Rs. 0.10 500 500 500 500
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.25
i. Exceeding Rs. 0.02 200 500 200 200
crores but not
exceeding Rs. 0.10
j. Investment up to Rs. 100 200 100 100
0.02 crores

B-III Consent fee to be charged annually for legally constituted bodies

other than industrial units (Prescribed under Water Act, 1974)

Sr. No. Local Bodies / Govt. Fees Amount (Rs.)

Department/Colonizers etc.
a. Municipal Corporation Faridabad 25,000

b. Class „A‟ Municipalities 5,000

c. Class „B‟ Municipalities 2,500

d. Class „C‟ Municipalities 500
e. Public Health 5,000 per each town
f. Haryana Urban Development Rs. 50,000 per each Estate
g. Private Colonizers Rs. 50,000 per each

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B-IV Consent fees for Mining Activities

1. Under Water Act, 1974

Sr. Units paying license fee for 1st Years (Rs.) Subsequent Years
No. mining (Rs.)
a. Units paying license fee for 1,50,000 1,25,000
mining not exceeding Rs. 25
lacs annually
b. Units paying license fee 2,25,000 1,75,000
for mining exceeding Rs.
25 lacs but not exceeding
Rs. 50 lacs
c. Units paying license fee 3,00,000 2,25,000
for mining
more than

2. Under Air Act, 1981

Sr. Units whose dead rent as 1st Years (Rs.) Subsequent Years
No. determined in the auction (Rs.)
or royalty paid whichever is
a. For amounts Rs. 5 crores 2 lacs 2 lacs
and above

b. For amounts Rs. 2.5 to 5 1.5 lacs 1.5 lacs

c. For amounts Rs. 1 to 2.5 1.25 lacs 1.25 lacs
d. For amounts Rs. 75 lacs to 1 1 lacs 1 lacs
e. For amounts Rs. 50 lacs to 75,000 75,000
75 lacs
f. For amounts Rs. 25 lacs to 50,000 50,000
50 lacs
g. For amounts Rs. 10 lacs to 30,000 30,000
25 lacs.
h. For amounts Rs. 5 lacs to 10 10,000 10,000
i. For amounts Rs. 1 lacs to 5 1,000 1,000
j. For amounts Rs. 1 lacs 1,000 1,000

B-V Consent fee for 1st year and for subsequent years to operate
pulverizes (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Pulverizes with capacity Fees Amount

1st Years (Rs.) Subsequent Years

a. Not exceeding 100 2,000 2,000
b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 3,000 3,000

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B-VI Consent fee for stone crushers (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Crushing unit capacity 1st Years Subsequent Years (Rs.)
a. Not exceeding 100 tons/day 5,000 5,000

b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 7,500 7,500

B-VII Fee for transfer of consent to operate in case of stone crushers

(Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Crushing capacity Fees Amount (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding 100 tons/day 20,000

b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 35,000

B-VIII Consent fee for Hot Mix Plant (Prescribed under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Hot Mix Plant with the capacity 1st Year Subsequent Year
(Rs.) (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding 40 tons/day 5,000 5,000

b. Hot Mix Plant with the capacity 7,500 7,500

B-IX Consent fee for brick kilns (Under Air Act, 1981)

Sr. No. Investment cost of Brick Kilns 1st Year Subsequent Year
(Rs.) (Rs.)

a. Not exceeding Rs. 30 lacs 5,000 5,000

b. Exceeding Rs. 30 lacs but not 10,000 10,000

exceeding Rs. 50 lacs
c. Exceeding Rs. 50 lacs 15,000 15,000

B-X Consent Fees for 1st Year and subsequent Year to operate Rice

Sr. No. Units having capital investment Under water Act Under Air Act
(Rs.) (Rs.)
a. Not exceeding Rs. 25 lacs 10,000 10,000
b. Exceeding Rs. 25 lacs but not 12,500 12,500
exceeding Rs.
c. Exceeding Rs. 50 lacs. 15,000 15,000

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B-XI Consent fees to be charged annually to operate Screening Plant
(Prescribed under Water Act, 1974)
Sr. No. Screening Plant Capacity Fees amount (Rs.)
a. Screening unit with capacity not 5,000
exceeding 100 Tons/day
b. Exceeding 100 tons/day 7,500

B-XII Consent Fees to be charged for first and for subsequent year to operate
projects/units covered under Haryana Bio Energy Policy 2018.
Sr. No. Under the Act Fee Amount (Rs.)
1. Water Act, 1974 Nil
2. Air Act, 1981 Nil
1. If the industrial units / projects fails to apply for renewal of consent to
operate (CTO) before 90 days of the expiry of previous consent and
applies 60 days before the expiry of previous consent, the unit shall have
to pay additional consent fee @ 50% of the consent fee notified under the
Rules. Subsequently, if the unit fails to apply before 60 days of the expiry
of previous consent and applies 30 days before the expiry of previous
consent, then the unit will have to pay additional consent fee @ 100% of
the consent fee applicable. If the unit fails to apply 30 days before the
expiry of the previous consent, the unit will have to pay additional
consent fee @ 200% of the consent fee applicable. Thereafter, the Board
will take closure action under the provisions of Water Act, 1974 / Air
Act, 1981 against such units for not having the valid consent to operate.
In case the unit apply for renewal of CTO after the date of expiry of
consent period or after taking the penal action as described above then
such applications will be entertained only if such units deposit consent
fees for the longer period as per the policy of the Board depending upon
the category of the unit along with the additional fees @ 300% of the
consent fees prescribed for one year along with normal consent fees for
subsequent years.
2. The industry/ project will deposit requisite NOC fees for consent to
establish for one time along with the application for auto renewal.
3. In case of the CTE applications for expansion of existing projects, the
NOC fees shall be charged on the basis of cost of the expansion project.
4. “capital investment” means the original cost invested and includes
investment on land, factory building , office building and machinery and
factory whether ownership, on rent, mortgage, or lease basis;”
5. The above fees schedule as prescribed under Water Act, 1974 and Air
Act, 1981 by Government of Haryana, Environment Department from
time to time is applicable w.e.f. 05.12.1997 except in the cases where
NOC/Consent fees has been prescribed after 05.12.1997 mentioned
against such entries above. NOC consent fees prior to 05.12.1997 is
chargeable according to fees schedule which was prescribed earlier
through various Notifications from time to time by Government of
Haryana, Environment Department and was substituted with the
schedule mentioned in the table.

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II. Fees prescribed for sampling and analysis of the effluent, Air &
Noise Samples from Board Laboratories.

1. Water Sample Collection & Testing Charges

Sr. Description Ist Sample Two Samples Three

No. fees (Rs.) fees (Rs.) Samples
fees (Rs.)

a. Industries with Capital 1500 2700 3750

Investment up to Rs. 1.00
b. Industries with Capital 2700 4500 6000
Investment more than Rs.
1.0 crores

2. Air Sample Collection & Testing Charges

Sr. Description Ist Sample For each

No. fees (Rs.) subsequent
sample fees (Rs.)

a. Industries with Capital Investment up 1500 1200

to Rs. 1.00 crores
b. Industries with Capital Investment 2700 2200
more than Rs. 1.0 crores

3. Noise Monitoring Fees

Sr. No. Description Fees Amount (Rs.)

a. Noise Sample Collection Charges 500

b. Noise Testing Fee (with noise level 500 per point location up to
meter) three readings

Note: Extra fee at the rate of Rs. 500/- per additional sampling point will be

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III. Fees Prescribed for Conducting the Public Hearing by the Board
Under EIA, Notification No. S.O.1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 issued by
Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India Under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Sr. No. Project Description Fee (In Rs.)

a. Projects having Capital Investment Rs. 50.00 1.50 lacs

Crore or More

b. Projects having Capital Investment more than 1.00 lacs

25 Crores and less than Rs. 50.00 crores

c. Projects having Capital Investment more than 80000.00

10 Crore s and less than 25 Crores.

d. Projects having Capital Investment more than 1 50000.00

Crore and less than 10 Crores.

e. Projects having Capital Investment more than 25000.00

50 Lacs and less than 1 Crore.

f. Projects having Capital Investment less than 50 10000.00


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IV. Performance Security prescribed for obtaining the consent to
establish/expansion or refusal of CTO and failing of samples to make
over deficiencies.

a) Performance Security as per investment cost of the projects (other than

mentioned at Sr. No. b).

Sr. Capital Investment Red Category Orange Green

No. Cost of the project (in Rs.) Category (in Category
(Cost of land, building, Rs.) (in Rs.)
Plant and Machinery)

1. Upto 0.5 crore 25,000/- 12,500/- 5,000/-

2. Above 0.5 crore upto 50,000/- 25,000/- 10,000/-
1.00 crore
3. Above 1.0 crore upto 1,00,000/- 75,000/- 25,000/-
5.00 crore
4. Above 5.0 crore upto 2,00,000/- 1,50,000/- 50,000/-
10.00 crore
5. Above 10.00 crore 3,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 1,00,000/-
upto 50.00 crore
6. Above 50.00 crore 4,00,000/- 2,50,000/- 1,25,000/-
upto 100.00 crore
7. Above 100.00 crore 5,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 1,50,000/-

b) Performance Security for specific projects irrespective of investment cost

1. Hot Mix Plants/ Stone Crushers/ Screening : 50,000/-


2. Brick Kilns : 25,000/-

3. Mining Projects:-

a) More than ten Hectares : 5.0 lac

b) Five to ten Hectares : 2.5 lac
c) Less than five Hectares : 1.0 lac


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