B SRV Admin Ref Aix
B SRV Admin Ref Aix
B SRV Admin Ref Aix
for AIX
Version 8.1.7
Administrator's Reference
IBM Spectrum Protect
for AIX
Version 8.1.7
Administrator's Reference
Before you use this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 1887.
This edition applies to version 8, release 1, modification 7 of IBM Spectrum Protect (product numbers 5725-W98,
5725-W99, 5725-X15, 5725-Z10), and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1993, 2019.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . xiii AUDIT commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . xiii AUDIT CONTAINER commands . . . . . . 36
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY (Audit an LDAP
Conventions used in this publication . . . . . xiii directory server) . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
AUDIT LIBRARY (Audit volume inventories in
What's new in this release . . . . . . xv an automated library) . . . . . . . . . . 50
AUDIT LIBVOLUME (Verify database
information for a tape volume) . . . . . . . 52
Chapter 1. Managing the server from the AUDIT LICENSES (Audit server storage usage) 54
command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AUDIT VOLUME (Verify database information
Issuing commands from the administrative client . . 1 for a storage pool volume) . . . . . . . . 55
Starting and stopping the administrative client . . 2 BACKUP commands . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Monitoring server activities from the BACKUP DB (Back up the database) . . . . . 62
administrative client . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BACKUP DEVCONFIG (Create backup copies of
Monitoring removable-media mounts from the device configuration information) . . . . . . 68
administrative client . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BACKUP NODE (Back up a NAS node) . . . . 70
Processing individual commands from the BACKUP STGPOOL (Back up primary storage
administrative client . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pool data to a copy storage pool) . . . . . . 75
Processing a series of commands from the BACKUP VOLHISTORY (Save sequential volume
administrative client . . . . . . . . . . . 4 history information) . . . . . . . . . . 79
Formatting output from commands . . . . . . 4 BEGIN EVENTLOGGING (Begin logging events) . . 81
Saving command output to a specified location . . 4 CANCEL commands . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Administrative client options . . . . . . . . 5 CANCEL EXPIRATION (Cancel an expiration
Issuing commands from the Operations Center . . . 8 process) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Issuing commands from the server console . . . . 8 CANCEL EXPORT (Delete a suspended export
Entering administrative commands . . . . . . . 8 operation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Reading syntax diagrams . . . . . . . . . 9 CANCEL PROCESS (Cancel an administrative
Using continuation characters to enter long process) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CANCEL REPLICATION (Cancel node
Naming IBM Spectrum Protect objects . . . . 13 replication processes) . . . . . . . . . . 89
Using wildcard characters to specify object CANCEL REQUEST (Cancel one or more mount
names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 requests) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Specifying descriptions in keyword parameters 15 CANCEL RESTORE (Cancel a restartable restore
Controlling command processing . . . . . . . 16 session). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Server command processing . . . . . . . . 16 CANCEL SESSION (Cancel one or more client
Stopping background processes. . . . . . . 17 sessions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Performing tasks concurrently on multiple servers 17 CHECKIN LIBVOLUME (Check a storage volume
Routing commands to a single server. . . . . 18 into a library). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Routing commands to multiple servers . . . . 18 CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME (Check a storage
Routing commands to a server group. . . . . 18 volume out of a library) . . . . . . . . . . 100
Routing commands to server groups . . . . . 19 CLEAN DRIVE (Clean a drive) . . . . . . . 106
Routing commands to two servers and a server COMMIT (Control committing of commands in a
group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 macro). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Routing commands inside scripts . . . . . . 19 CONVERT STGPOOL (Convert a storage pool to a
Privilege classes for commands . . . . . . . . 20 container storage pool) . . . . . . . . . . 108
Commands requiring system privilege . . . . 20 COPY commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Commands requiring policy privilege . . . . 23 COPY ACTIVEDATA (Copy active backup data
Commands requiring storage privilege . . . . 24 from a primary storage pool to an active-data
Commands requiring operator privilege . . . . 25 pool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Commands any administrator can issue . . . . 26 COPY CLOPTSET (Copy a client option set) . . 115
COPY DOMAIN (Copy a policy domain) . . . 116
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 29 COPY MGMTCLASS (Copy a management
ACCEPT DATE (Accepts the current system date) 30 class) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
ACTIVATE POLICYSET (Activate a new policy set) 31 COPY POLICYSET (Copy a policy set) . . . . 120
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS (Assign a default COPY PROFILE (Copy a profile) . . . . . . 122
management class) . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Contents v
MOVE GRPMEMBER (Move a server group QUERY DRMSTATUS (Query disaster recovery
member) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728 manager system parameters) . . . . . . . 868
MOVE MEDIA (Move sequential-access storage QUERY ENABLED (Query enabled events) . . 871
pool media) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729 QUERY EVENT (Query scheduled and
MOVE NODEDATA (Move data by node in a completed events) . . . . . . . . . . . 873
sequential access storage pool) . . . . . . 737 QUERY EVENTRULES (Query rules for server
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS (Notify managed servers or client events) . . . . . . . . . . . 886
to update profiles). . . . . . . . . . . . 747 QUERY EVENTSERVER (Query the event
PERFORM LIBACTION (Define or delete all drives server). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889
and paths for a library) . . . . . . . . . . 748 QUERY EXPORT (Query for active or
PING SERVER (Test the connection between suspended export operations) . . . . . . . 890
servers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752 QUERY EXTENTUPDATES (Query updated
PREPARE (Create a recovery plan file) . . . . . 753 data extents). . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
PROTECT STGPOOL (Protect data that belongs to QUERY FILESPACE (Query one or more file
a storage pool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758 spaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
QUERY commands . . . . . . . . . . . 764 QUERY FSCOUNTS (Query number of objects) 907
QUERY ACTLOG (Query the activity log) . . . 767 | QUERY JOB (Query a retention set creation job) 909
QUERY ADMIN (Display administrator QUERY LIBRARY (Query a library) . . . . . 913
information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774 QUERY LIBVOLUME (Query a library volume) 916
QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of QUERY LICENSE (Display license information) 919
defined alert triggers) . . . . . . . . . 779 QUERY LOG (Display information about the
QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of an recovery log) . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
alert) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781 QUERY MACHINE (Query machine
QUERY ASSOCIATION (Query client node information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
associations with a schedule) . . . . . . . 786 QUERY MEDIA (Query sequential-access
QUERY AUDITOCCUPANCY (Query client storage pool media) . . . . . . . . . . 928
node storage utilization). . . . . . . . . 788 QUERY MGMTCLASS (Query a management
QUERY BACKUPSET (Query a backup set) . . 791 class) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934
contents of a backup set) . . . . . . . . 796 configuration settings for monitoring alerts and
QUERY CLEANUP (Query the cleanup that is server status) . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
required in a source storage pool) . . . . . 798 QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the
QUERY CLOPTSET (Query a client option set) 801 monitoring status) . . . . . . . . . . . 941
QUERY COLLOCGROUP (Query a collocation QUERY MOUNT (Display information on
group). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 mounted sequential access volumes). . . . . 945
QUERY CONTAINER (Query a container). . . 805 QUERY NASBACKUP (Query NAS backup
QUERY CONTENT (Query the contents of a images) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
storage pool volume) . . . . . . . . . . 810 QUERY NODE (Query nodes) . . . . . . . 952
QUERY CONVERSION (Query conversion QUERY NODEDATA (Query client data in
status of a storage pool) . . . . . . . . . 817 volumes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
QUERY COPYGROUP (Query copy groups) . . 819 QUERY NODEGROUP (Query a node group) 968
QUERY DAMAGED (Query damaged data in a QUERY OCCUPANCY (Query client file spaces
directory-container or cloud-container storage in storage pools) . . . . . . . . . . . 970
pool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 QUERY OPTION (Query server options) . . . 974
QUERY DATAMOVER (Display data mover QUERY PATH (Display a path definition) . . . 976
definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828 QUERY POLICYSET (Query a policy set) . . . 980
QUERY DB (Display database information) . . 831 QUERY PROCESS (Query one or more server
QUERY DBSPACE (Display database storage processes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
space) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834 QUERY PROFILE (Query a profile) . . . . . 989
deduplication statistics) . . . . . . . . . 836 storage pool protection) . . . . . . . . . 992
QUERY DEVCLASS (Display information on QUERY PROXYNODE (Query proxy authority
one or more device classes). . . . . . . . 845 for a client node) . . . . . . . . . . . 994
QUERY DIRSPACE (Query storage utilization of QUERY PVUESTIMATE (Display processor
FILE directories) . . . . . . . . . . . 850 value unit estimate) . . . . . . . . . . 995
QUERY DOMAIN (Query a policy domain) . . 851 QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA (Query recovery
QUERY DRIVE (Query information about a media) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
drive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854 QUERY REPLFAILURES (Query data about
QUERY DRMEDIA (Query disaster recovery replication failures) . . . . . . . . . . 1002
media) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858 QUERY REPLICATION (Query node
replication processes) . . . . . . . . . 1005
Contents vii
duration of an active alert) . . . . . . . 1270 of a file to contain commands) . . . . . . 1307
duration of a closed alert) . . . . . . . . 1271 (Specify the container-copy storage pools to be
SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to processed by DRM commands) . . . . . . 1308
email alerts to administrators) . . . . . . 1272 SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL (Specify the copy
SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the email storage pools to be managed by DRM) . . . 1309
address of the sender) . . . . . . . . . 1273 SET DRMCOURIERNAME (Specify the courier
SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the SMTP name) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310
mail server host name) . . . . . . . . . 1274 SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS (Specify
SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the SMTP DB backup series expiration) . . . . . . . 1311
mail server host port) . . . . . . . . . 1275 SET DRMFILEPROCESS (Specify file
SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the processing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313
list of administrators to receive alert SET DRMINSTRPREFIX (Specify the prefix for
summaries by email ) . . . . . . . . . 1276 recovery instructions file names) . . . . . 1314
duration of an inactive alert) . . . . . . . 1277 the not mountable location name) . . . . . 1316
SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert monitor to SET DRMPLANPREFIX (Specify a prefix for
on or off) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1278 recovery plan file names) . . . . . . . . 1317
the alert monitor updates and prunes alerts) . 1279 replacement volume names) . . . . . . . 1319
(Activate data retention protection) . . . . . 1280 storage pools to be managed by DRM) . . . 1320
replication rule for archive data) . . . . . 1282 recovery plan file expiration) . . . . . . . 1321
replication rule for backup data) . . . . . 1284 name) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
period for the client action) . . . . . . . 1287 period for event records) . . . . . . . . 1324
configuration manager). . . . . . . . . 1288 high level address) . . . . . . . . . . 1325
SET CONFIGREFRESH (Set managed server SET INVALIDPWLIMIT (Set the number of
configuration refresh) . . . . . . . . . 1289 invalid logon attempts). . . . . . . . . 1326
context reporting on or off) . . . . . . . 1290 password for the server) . . . . . . . . 1328
SET CPUINFOREFRESH (Refresh interval for SET LDAPUSER (Specify an ID for an LDAP
the client workstation information scan) . . . 1291 directory server) . . . . . . . . . . . 1329
SET CROSSDEFINE (Specifies whether to SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD (Set license audit
cross-define servers) . . . . . . . . . . 1292 period) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1330
SET DBRECOVERY (Set the device class for SET MAXCMDRETRIES (Set the maximum
automatic backups) . . . . . . . . . . 1293 number of command retries) . . . . . . . 1331
percentage of extents to verify) . . . . . . 1296 scheduled sessions) . . . . . . . . . . 1332
default authentication method for REGISTER length) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1334
SET DEPLOYPKGMGR (Enable the group of monitored servers) . . . . . . . 1335
deployment package manager) . . . . . . 1300 SET MONITORINGADMIN (Set the name of
SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY (Set the download the monitoring administrator) . . . . . . 1336
path for client deployment packages) . . . . 1301 SET NODEATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies at-risk
SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS (Set the maximum mode for an individual node) . . . . . . 1337
number of client deployment packages to SET PASSEXP (Set password expiration date) 1339
store). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1302 SET PRODUCTOFFERING (Set the product
SET DISSIMILARPOLICIES (Enable the offering that is licensed to your enterprise) . . 1341
policies on the target replication server to SET QUERYSCHEDPERIOD (Set query period
manage replicated data) . . . . . . . . 1303 for polling client nodes) . . . . . . . . 1343
active-data pools to be managed by DRM) . . 1305 scheduled start times) . . . . . . . . . 1344
checking) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1306 whether damaged files are recovered from a
replication server) . . . . . . . . . . 1346
Contents ix
VALIDATE POLICYSET (Verify a policy set) 1703 DRIVEACQUIRERETRY . . . . . . . . . 1767
VALIDATE REPLICATION (Validate ENABLENASDEDUP . . . . . . . . . . 1768
replication for a client node) . . . . . . . 1705 EVENTSERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . 1769
VALIDATE REPLPOLICY (Verify the policies EXPINTERVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 1770
on the target replication server) . . . . . . 1710 EXPQUIET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771
VARY (Bring a random access volume online or FFDCLOGLEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . 1772
offline) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1713 FFDCLOGNAME . . . . . . . . . . . 1773
FFDCMAXLOGSIZE . . . . . . . . . . 1774
Chapter 3. Server options . . . . . 1715 FFDCNUMLOGS. . . . . . . . . . . . 1775
Modifying server options . . . . . . . . . 1715 FILEEXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1776
Types of server options. . . . . . . . . . 1716 FILETEXTEXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777
Server communication options . . . . . . 1716 FIPSMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777
Server storage options . . . . . . . . . 1718 FSUSEDTHRESHOLD . . . . . . . . . . 1779
Client-server options . . . . . . . . . 1719 IDLETIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . 1780
Date, number, time, and language options . . 1719 KEEPALIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1781
Database options . . . . . . . . . . . 1719 KEEPALIVETIME . . . . . . . . . . . 1782
Data transfer options . . . . . . . . . 1720 KEEPALIVEINTERVAL. . . . . . . . . . 1783
Message options . . . . . . . . . . . 1720 LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1784
Event logging options . . . . . . . . . 1721 LDAPCACHEDURATION. . . . . . . . . 1786
Security options and licensing options. . . . 1721 LDAPURL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787
Miscellaneous options . . . . . . . . . 1722 MAXSESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1788
3494SHARED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1723 MESSAGEFORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . 1789
ACSACCESSID . . . . . . . . . . . . 1724 MIRRORLOGDIRECTORY . . . . . . . . 1790
ACSLOCKDRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . 1725 MOVEBATCHSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 1791
ACSQUICKINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726 MOVESIZETHRESH . . . . . . . . . . 1792
ACSTIMEOUTX . . . . . . . . . . . . 1727 MSGINTERVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 1793
ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . 1728 NDMPCONNECTIONTIMEOUT . . . . . . 1794
ACTIVELOGSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 1729 NDMPCONTROLPORT . . . . . . . . . 1795
ADMINCOMMTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . 1730 NDMPENABLEKEEPALIVE . . . . . . . . 1796
ADMINIDLETIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . 1731 NDMPKEEPIDLEMINUTES . . . . . . . . 1797
ADMINONCLIENTPORT . . . . . . . . . 1732 NDMPPORTRANGE . . . . . . . . . . 1798
ALIASHALT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1733 NDMPPREFDATAINTERFACE . . . . . . . 1799
ALLOWDESAUTH . . . . . . . . . . . 1734 NOPREEMPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800
ALLOWREORGINDEX. . . . . . . . . . 1735 NORETRIEVEDATE. . . . . . . . . . . 1801
ALLOWREORGTABLE . . . . . . . . . . 1736 NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED. . . . . . . . 1802
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY. . . . . . 1737 PUSHSTATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1804
ARCHLOGCOMPRESS. . . . . . . . . . 1738 QUERYAUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1805
ARCHLOGDIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . 1739 RECLAIMDELAY . . . . . . . . . . . 1806
ARCHLOGUSEDTHRESHOLD . . . . . . . 1740 RECLAIMPERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . 1807
ASSISTVCRRECOVERY . . . . . . . . . 1741 REORGBEGINTIME. . . . . . . . . . . 1808
AUDITSTORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . 1742 REORGDURATION . . . . . . . . . . . 1809
BACKUPINITIATIONROOT . . . . . . . . 1743 REPORTRETRIEVE . . . . . . . . . . . 1810
CHECKTAPEPOS . . . . . . . . . . . 1744 REPLBATCHSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 1811
CLIENTDEDUPTXNLIMIT . . . . . . . . 1746 REPLSIZETHRESH . . . . . . . . . . . 1812
CLIENTDEPLOYCATALOGURL . . . . . . 1748 REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE . . . . . . . . . 1813
COMMMETHOD . . . . . . . . . . . 1750 RESTHTTPSPORT . . . . . . . . . . . 1815
COMMTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . 1752 RESTOREINTERVAL . . . . . . . . . . 1816
DBDIAGLOGSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 1754 SANDISCOVERY. . . . . . . . . . . . 1818
DBDIAGPATHFSTHRESHOLD . . . . . . . 1756 SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . 1819
DBMEMPERCENT . . . . . . . . . . . 1757 SANREFRESHTIME . . . . . . . . . . . 1820
DBMTCPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . 1758 SEARCHMPQUEUE. . . . . . . . . . . 1821
DEDUPREQUIRESBACKUP . . . . . . . . 1759 SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT . . . . . . . . 1822
DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE. . . . . . . . . . 1760 SHMPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824
DEDUPTIER3FILESIZE. . . . . . . . . . 1761 SHREDDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825
DEVCONFIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1762 SNMPHEARTBEATINTERVAL . . . . . . . 1826
DISABLEREORGTABLE . . . . . . . . . 1763 SNMPMESSAGECATEGORY . . . . . . . . 1827
DISABLESCHEDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1764 SNMPSUBAGENT . . . . . . . . . . . 1828
DISPLAYLFINFO. . . . . . . . . . . . 1765 SNMPSUBAGENTHOST . . . . . . . . . 1829
DNSLOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1766 SNMPSUBAGENTPORT . . . . . . . . . 1830
Contents xi
xii IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
About this publication
IBM Spectrum Protect™ is a client/server program that provides storage
management solutions to customers in a multi-vendor computer environment. IBM
Spectrum Protect provides an automated, centrally scheduled, policy-managed
backup, archive, and space-management facility for file servers and workstations.
This publication provides you with the commands and options that you can use to
manage the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
You should be familiar with the operating system on which the server resides and
the communication protocols required for the client/server environment. You also
need to understand the storage management practices of your organization, such
as how you are currently backing up workstation files and how you are using
storage devices.
The IBM Spectrum Protect product family includes IBM Spectrum Protect Plus,
IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments, IBM Spectrum Protect for
Databases, and several other storage management products from IBM®.
In the usage and descriptions for administrative commands, the term characters
corresponds to the number of bytes available to store an item. For languages in
which it takes a single byte to represent a displayable character, the character to
byte ratio is 1 to 1. However, for DBCS and other multi-byte languages, the
reference to characters refers only to the number of bytes available for the item and
may represent fewer actual characters.
Ensure that your administrative client and your server are running in compatible
languages. See “LANGUAGE” on page 1784 for language and locale options. If
your client and server are using different languages, the messages that IBM
Spectrum Protect generates might not be understandable.
Tip: Text strings that are sent from the client to the server do not depend on the
server language setting. The text is displayed properly if the administrative client
runs in the same locale when sending the string and when receiving the string.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server must be running before an administrative client
can connect.
v To start an administrative client session in command-line mode, enter this
command on your workstation:
dsmadmc -id=admin -password=adminpwd -dataonly=yes
By entering the DSMADMC command with the -ID and -PASSWORD options as
shown, you are not prompted for a user ID and password.
v To stop an administrative command-line client session, enter the following
v To interrupt a DSMADMC command before the IBM Spectrum Protect server finishes
processing it, press Ctrl+C or use the UNIX kill -15 command.
v To start an administrative client session in console mode, enter the following
dsmadmc -consolemode
You are prompted for a password if authentication is turned on for the server. If
you do not want to be prompted for your user ID and password, enter the
DSMADMC command with the -ID and -PASSWORD options.
v To end an administrative client session in console mode, use a keyboard break
v To start an administrative client session in mount mode, enter the following
dsmadmc -mountmode
You are prompted for a password if authentication is turned on for the server. If
you do not want to be prompted for your user ID and password, enter the
DSMADMC command with the -ID and -PASSWORD options.
v To end an administrative client session in mount mode, use a keyboard break
v If the width of your screen or window is not wide enough to display the output
horizontally, IBM Spectrum Protect arranges and displays the information
v You can format the output of QUERY commands using the DISPLAYMODE and
OUTFILE administrative client options.
The examples in the following table show how to redirect command output.
Task Procedure
Redirect the output of a QUERY Use a single greater-than sign (>) to redirect the output to a new file or write
DOMAIN command to a new file in over an existing file:
batch or interactive mode
dsmadmc -id=sullivan -pa=secretpwd query domain acctg > dominfo.acc
Append the output of a QUERY Use two consecutive greater-than signs (>>) to append the output to the end of
DOMAIN command to the end of an an existing file:
existing file in batch or interactive
mode dsmadmc -id=sullivan -pa=secretpwd query domain acctg >> dominfo.acc
Redirect all output from an Use the vertical bar (|) to direct all output for a session to a program:
administrative client session in
console mode to a program called dsmadmc -console -id=sullivan -password=secretpwd | filter.exe
The program can be set up to monitor the output for individual messages as
they occur and take appropriate action, such as sending mail to another user.
In console mode, redirect all Specify the -OUTFILE option with a destination file name. For example, the
output to a file following command redirects all output to the save.out file:
►► DSMADMC ▼ ►◄
admin_client_option server_command
You can enter the DSMADMC command with your user ID and password by using the
-ID and -PASSWORD options so that you are not prompted for that information. To
have IBM Spectrum Protect redirect all output to a file, specify the -OUTFILE option
with a destination file name. For example, to issue the QUERY NODE command in
batch mode with the output redirected to the SAVE.OUT file, enter:
dsmadmc -id=sullivan -password=secret -outfile=save.out query node
Administrative client options can be specified with the DSMADMC command and are
valid from an administrative client session only. You can type an option in
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or any combination. Uppercase letters denote
the shortest acceptable abbreviation. If an option appears entirely in uppercase
letters, you cannot abbreviate it.
In addition to the options that are listed here, you can also specify any option that
is in the client options file. Each option must be preceded with a hyphen and
delimited with a space.
To open the command-line interface, hover over the globe icon in the
Operations Center menu bar, and click Command Builder.
Not all IBM Spectrum Protect commands are supported by the server console. You
cannot specify the WAIT parameter from the server console.
You can also type help followed by the topic number for the command. Topic
numbers are listed in the table of contents for command-line help, for example:
3.0 Administrative commands
3.46.1 REGISTER ADMIN (Register an administrator)
3.46.2 REGISTER LICENSE (Register a new license)
3.46.3 REGISTER NODE (Register a node)
To display help for the DEFINE DEVCLASS command for 3590 device classes, type:
Command names
The command name can consist of a single action word, such as HALT, or it can
consist of an action word and an object for the action, such as DEFINE DOMAIN.
You can enter the command in any column of the input line.
Enter the entire command name or the abbreviation that is specified in the syntax
diagram for the command. Uppercase letters denote the shortest acceptable
abbreviation. If a command appears entirely in uppercase letters, you cannot
abbreviate it. You can enter the command in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or
any combination. In this example, you can enter CMDNA, CMDNAM, or
CMDNAME in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
►► CMDNAme ►◄
Required parameters
When a parameter is on the same line as the command name, the parameter is
required. When two or more parameter values are in a stack and one of them is on
the line, you must specify one value.
Optional parameters
When a parameter is below the line, the parameter is optional. In this example,
you can enter PARMNAME=A or nothing at all. Do not include any blanks
immediately before or after the equal sign (=).
►► ►◄
PARMName = A
When two or more parameter values are in a stack below the line, all of them are
optional. In this example, you can enter PARMNAME=A, PARMNAME=B,
PARMNAME=C, or nothing at all. Do not include any blanks immediately before
or after the equal sign (=).
►► ►◄
Defaults are above the line. The system uses the default unless you override it. You
can override the default by entering an option from the stack below the line.
►► ►◄
PARMName = A
►► CMDNAme var_name ►◄
►► ►◄
PARMname = var_name
You must code these symbols exactly as they appear in the syntax diagram.
* Asterisk
: Colon
, Comma
= Equal sign
- Hyphen
() Parentheses
. Period
Repeating values
An arrow returning to the left means that the item can be repeated. A character
within the arrow means that you must separate repeated items with that character.
►► ▼ file_name ►◄
Repeatable choices
A stack of values followed by an arrow returning to the left means that you can
select more than one value or, when permitted, repeat a single item. In this
example, you can choose more than one value, with each name delimited with a
comma. Do not include any blanks before or after the equal sign (=).
►► PARMNAme = ▼ value1 ►◄
►► ▼ file_name ►◄
1 You can specify up to five file names.
Entering parameters
The order in which you enter parameters can be important. The following example
shows a portion of the command for defining a copy storage pool:
REClaim = 100
► ►◄
DESCription = description REClaim = percent
The first two parameters in this command (pool_name and device_class_name are
required parameters. pool_name and device_class_name are also positional. That is,
they must be entered in the order shown, immediately after the command name.
The POOLTYPE parameter is a required keyword parameter. DESCRIPTION and
RECLAIM, are optional keyword parameters. Keyword parameters are identified by
an equal sign that specifies a specific value or a variable. Keyword parameters
must follow any positional parameters in a command.
The following command entries, in which the keyword parameters are ordered
differently, are both acceptable:
define stgpool mycopypool mydeviceclass pooltype=copy description=engineering
define stgpool mycopypool mydeviceclass description=engineering pooltype=copy
Syntax fragments
Some diagrams, because of their length, must display parts of the syntax with
fragments. The fragment name appears between vertical bars in the diagram.
The expanded fragment appears in the diagram after all other parameters or at the
bottom of the diagram. A heading with the fragment name identifies the expanded
fragment. Commands appearing directly on the line are required.
►► Fragment ►◄
Note: In the MACRO command, the maximums apply after any substitution variables
have been applied.
Character Description
A–Z Any letter, A through Z
0–9 Any number, 0 through 9
_ Underscore
. Period
- Hyphen
+ Plus
& Ampersand
Passwords considered “LOCAL” are those passwords that authenticate with the
IBM Spectrum Protect server and are not case-sensitive. Once a node or
administrator is updated to use the SESSIONSECURITY=STRICT parameter, the
password becomes case-sensitive the next time you change the it. Passwords
considered “LDAP” are those passwords that authenticate with an LDAP directory
server and are case-sensitive.
When you use DEFINE commands to define database, recovery log, and storage
pool volumes, the naming convention for the volume name is dependent on the
type of sequential access media or random access media that you are using. Refer
to the specific VOLUME command for details.
The wildcard characters you use depend on the operating system from which you
issue commands. For example, you can use wildcard characters such as an asterisk
(*) to match any (0 or more) characters, or you can use a question mark (?) or a
percent sign (%) to match exactly one character.
Table 1 provides references to wildcard characters for some operating systems. Use
wildcard characters appropriate for your system.
Table 1. Wildcard characters by operating system
Operating system Match any Match exactly one
AIX, Linux, Windows * ?
TSO * %
If your system uses a question mark as the match-exactly-one character, and you
want to query the management classes in POLICYSET1 in DOMAIN1, you can
query mgmtclass domain1 policyset1 mc?
IBM Spectrum Protect displays information about management classes with names
The opening and closing quotation marks must be the same type of quotation
marks. For example, if the opening quotation is a single quotation mark, the
closing quotation mark must also be a single quotation mark.
For example, to register a new client node named Louie, with a password of secret,
and with his title included as contact information, enter:
register node louie secret contact="manager of dept. 61f"
The following table presents ways of entering a description for the CONTACT
parameter. The value can contain quotation marks, embedded blanks, or equal
Most IBM Spectrum Protect commands process in the foreground. For some
commands that normally process in the background (for example, BACKUP DB), you
can specify the WAIT parameter (WAIT=YES) with the command so that the command
processes in the foreground. You might want to process a command in the
foreground rather than in the background for any of the following reasons:
v To quickly determine whether a command completed successfully. When you
issue a command that processes in the foreground, IBM Spectrum Protect sends
a confirmation message that indicates that the command completed successfully.
If you process the command in the background, you need to open operational
reporting or query the activity log to determine whether the command
completed successfully.
v To monitor server activities (for example, messages) on the administrative client
as a command is being processed. This might be preferable to searching a long
activity log after the command has completed.
v To be able to start another process immediately after a command completed. For
example, you might specify WAIT=YES for a command that takes a short time to
process so that, when the processing completes, you can immediately start
processing another command.
v To serialize commands in an administrative script when it is important that one
command completes before another begins.
You can cancel commands that are processed in the foreground from the server
console or from another administrative client session.
v If you are defining a schedule with a command that specifies WAIT=NO (the
default), and you issue QUERY EVENT to determine the status of your scheduled
operation, failed operations report an event status of COMPLETED with a return
of OK. In order for the QUERY EVENT output to reflect the failed status, the WAIT
parameter must be set to YES. This runs the scheduled operation in the
foreground and informs you of the status when it completes.
v You cannot process commands in the foreground from the server console.
When you issue a QUERY command from the administrative client, multiple
screens of output might be generated. If this occurs and additional output is not
needed, you can cancel the display of output to the client workstation. Doing so
does not end the processing of the command.
To route commands to other servers, you must have the same administrator ID
and password as well as the required administrative authority on each server to
which the command is being routed. You cannot route commands to other servers
from the server console.
After the command has completed processing on all servers, the output displays,
in its entirety, for each server. For example, the output from SERVER_A displays in
its entirety, followed by the output from SERVER_B. The output includes summary
messages for each individual server and identifies which server processed the
output. Return codes indicate whether commands processed on the servers
successfully. These return codes include one of three severities: 0, ERROR, or
Each server that is identified as the target of a routed command must first be
defined using the DEFINE SERVER command. The command is automatically
routed to all servers specified as members of a server group or to individual
servers specified with the command.
The following examples describe how to route the QUERY STGPOOL command to
one server, multiple servers, a server group, multiple server groups, or a
The colon after the server name indicates the end of the routing information. This
is also called the server prefix. Another way to indicate the end of routing
information is to use parentheses around the server name, for example:
(astro) query stgpool
If the first server has not been defined to IBM Spectrum Protect, the command is
routed to the next defined server in the list of servers.
You can also enter the command this way:
(hd_qtr,midas,saturn) query stgpool
To route the QUERY STGPOOL command to the server group named ADMIN,
admin: query stgpool
In this example, the server group ADMIN2 has servers SERVER_A, SERVER_B,
and SERVER_C defined as group members, and server group ADMIN3 has servers
ASTRO, GUMBY, and CRUSTY defined as group members. The command is
routed to servers SERVER_A, SERVER_B, SERVER_C, ASTRO, GUMBY, and
To route the QUERY STGPOOL command to two server groups that are named
ADMIN2 and ADMIN3, enter:
admin2,admin3: query stgpool
In this example, the server group DEV_GROUP has servers SALES, MARKETING,
and STAFF defined as group members. The command is routed to servers SALES,
1. Define a script called QU_STG to route it to the DEV_GROUP server group.
define script qu_stg "(dev_group) query stgpool"
2. Run the QU_STG script:
run qu_stg
In this example, the server group DEV_GROUP has servers SALES, MARKETING,
and STAFF defined as group members. The QUERY STGPOOL command is routed
to these servers.
After an administrator has been registered using the REGISTER ADMIN command,
the administrator can issue a limited set of commands, including all query
commands. When you install IBM Spectrum Protect, the server console is defined
as a system administrator named SERVER_CONSOLE and is granted system
The following sections describe each type of administrator privilege and the
commands that can be issued by an administrator who has been granted the
corresponding authority.
Table 4 on page 21 lists the commands that administrators with system privilege
can issue. In some cases administrators with lower levels of authority, for example,
unrestricted storage privilege, can also issue these commands. In addition, the
REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option can be used to specify that certain
commands require system privilege if they cause the server to write to an external
file. For more information about this server option, review
With unrestricted policy privilege, you can issue all of the administrator
commands that require policy privilege. You can issue commands that affect all
existing policy domains as well as any policy domains that are defined in the
future. An unrestricted policy administrator cannot define, delete, or copy policy
With restricted policy privilege, you can issue administrator commands that affect
one or more policy domains for which authority is granted. For example, the
DELETE MGMTCLASS command requires you to have policy privilege for the policy
domain to which the management class belongs.
Table 5 on page 24 lists the commands that an administrator with policy privilege
can issue.
Table 6 lists the commands an administrator with storage privilege can issue.
Table 6. Storage privilege commands
Command name Command name
Table 8 on page 27 lists the commands any registered administrator can issue.
When the server does not start normal processing because of a discrepancy
between the server date and the current date, this command forces the server to
accept the current date and time as valid. If the system time is valid and the server
has not been run for an extended time, this command should be run to allow the
server to begin normal processing.
Attention: If the system date is invalid or the server was created or run
previously with an invalid system date and this command is issued, any server
processing or command that uses dates can have unexpected results. File
expiration can be affected, for example. When the server is started with the correct
date, files backed up with future dates will not be considered for expiration until
that future date is reached. Files backed up with dates that have passed will expire
faster. When the server processing encounters a future date, an error message is
If the server detects an invalid date or time, server sessions become disabled (as if
the DISABLE SESSIONS command had been issued). Expiration, migration,
reclamation, and volume history deletion operations are not able to continue
Use the ENABLE SESSIONS ALL command after you issue the ACCEPT DATE command
to re-enable sessions to start.
Privilege class
►► ACCept Date ►◄
Allow the server to accept the current date as the valid date.
accept date
Related commands
Table 9. Command related to ACCEPT DATE
Command Description
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the
DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE
Before activating a policy set, check that the policy set is complete and valid by
using the VALIDATE POLICYSET command.
The ACTIVATE POLICYSET command fails if any of the following conditions exist:
v A copy group specifies a copy storage pool as a destination.
v A management class specifies a copy storage pool as the destination for files that
were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
v The policy set has no default management class.
v A TOCDESTINATION parameter is specified, and the storage pool is either a copy
pool or has a data format other than NATIVE or NONBLOCK.
The ACTIVE policy set and the last activated policy set are not necessarily
identical. You can modify the original policy set that you activated without
affecting the ACTIVE policy set.
If the server has data retention protection enabled, the following conditions must
v All management classes in the policy set to be activated must contain an archive
copy group.
v If a management class exists in the active policy set, a management class with
the same name must exist in the policy set to be activated.
v If an archive copy group exists in the active policy set, the corresponding copy
group in the policy set to be activated must have a RETVER value at least as
large as the corresponding values in the active copy group.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► ACTivate POlicyset domain_name policy_set_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain for which you want to activate a policy set.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to activate.
Related commands
Table 10. Commands related to ACTIVATE POLICYSET
Command Description
COPY POLICYSET Creates a copy of a policy set.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE POLICYSET Deletes a policy set, including its
management classes and copy groups, from a
policy domain.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE POLICYSET Changes the description of a policy set.
VALIDATE POLICYSET Verifies and reports on conditions the
administrator must consider before activating
the policy set.
To ensure that clients can always back up and archive files, choose a default
management class that contains both an archive copy group and a backup copy
The server uses the default management class to manage client files when a
management class is not otherwise assigned or appropriate. For example, the
server uses the default management class when a user does not specify a
management class in the include-exclude list.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► ASsign DEFMGmtclass domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set for which you want to assign a default management
class. You cannot assign a default management class to the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class that is to be the default management class for
the policy set.
Assign DEFAULT1 as the default management class for policy set SUMMER in the
PROG1 policy domain.
assign defmgmtclass prog1 summer default1
Related commands
Table 11. Commands related to ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
You can use this command to complete the following actions for a container in a
cloud-container storage pool:
v Scan the contents of a container to validate the integrity of the data extents
v Remove data from a container that is marked as damaged, such as when a file
has references in the server database, but has missing or corrupted data in the
v Mark an entire container as damaged
v Remove data that is marked as orphaned, such as when an object stored in the
cloud does not have a reference in the server database
Privilege class
To use this command, you must have system privilege, or unrestricted storage
ENDTime = 23:59:59
► ►◄
ENDTime = end_time
Specifies the name of the container that you want to audit. If you do not
specify this parameter, you must specify a cloud-container storage pool.
Specifies the name of the cloud-container storage pool that you want to audit.
This parameter is optional. If you specify only this parameter, all containers
that are defined to the storage pool are audited. If you do not specify this
parameter, you must specify a container.
Restriction: You must specify a storage pool that uses local storage.
Specifies what action the server takes when a container in a cloud-container
storage pool is audited. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the
following values:
Specifies that the server identifies database records that refer to data
extents with inconsistencies. A check is done for data in the
cloud-container storage pool that does not match data in the server
database. This value is the default. The server marks the data extent as
damaged in the database.
State reset condition: If the audit does not detect an error with a data extent
that is marked as damaged, the state of the data extent is reset. The data
extent can then be used. This condition provides a means for resetting the state
of damaged data extents if errors are caused by a correctable problem. The
SCANALL and SCANDAMAGED options are the only options that reset a damaged
extent if it is found not to be damaged.
Restriction: The server ignores this parameter when you use MAXPROCESS with
Specifies whether the audit or verification operation is completed in the
foreground or background. This parameter is optional. The following options
are available:
No Specifies that the operation is completed in the background. You can
continue with other tasks when the command is processing. Messages that
are related to the background process are displayed in the activity log file
or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged. This
value is the default.
Specifies that the operation is completed in the foreground. It might take a
long time to complete the operation. The operation must complete before
you can continue with other tasks. Messages are displayed in the activity
log file or the server console, or both, depending on where the messages
are logged.
Restriction: You cannot specify the WAIT=YES parameter from the server
Specifies the date range value at which auditing should start. Containers that
were last audited within the specified date range are audited. If you specify a
time but do not specify a beginning date, the current date is used. If you do
not specify a beginning and end date, all containers are audited. The default is
the date before the first audit was completed for the container. This parameter
is optional.
You can specify the date to begin the audit in one of the following ways:
Specifies the time range value at which auditing should start. Containers that
were last audited within the specified time range are audited. If you do not
specify a beginning and end time, the time range is set from 00:00:00 to
23:59:59. The default is 00:00:00. If you did not specify a date range, the default
is today's date. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the date to begin the audit in one of the following ways:
Specifies the date range value at which auditing should stop. Containers that
were last audited within the specified date range are audited. If you specify a
time but do not specify a value, the current date is used. If you do not specify
Specifies the time range value at which auditing should stop. Containers that
were last audited within the specified time range are audited. If you do not
specify a beginning and end time, the time range is set to 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
The default is 23:59:59. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Audit a cloud-container storage pool that is named POOL3 and only include
containers from yesterday between 9:30 and 12:30.
audit container stgpool=pool3 begindate=today-1
begintime=09:30:00 endtime=12:30:00
Table 12. Commands related to AUDIT CONTAINER
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY CONTAINER Displays information about a container.
QUERY DAMAGED Displays information about damaged files.
You can use this command to complete the following actions for a container in a
directory-container storage pool:
v Scan the contents of a container to validate the integrity of the data extents
v Remove damaged data from a container
v Mark an entire container as damaged
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, or unrestricted storage
Specifies the name of the container that you want to audit. If you do not
specify this parameter, you must specify a directory-container storage pool.
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool that you want to
audit. This parameter is optional. If you specify only this parameter, all
containers that are defined to the storage pool are audited. If you do not
specify this parameter, you must specify a container.
Specifies the name of the container storage pool directory that you want to
audit. This parameter is optional. If you specify this parameter, all containers
that are defined to the container storage pool directory are audited. To specify
this parameter, you must also specify a storage pool.
Specifies what action the server takes when a container in a directory-container
storage pool is audited. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the
following values:
State reset condition: If the audit does not detect an error with a data extent
that is marked as damaged, the state of the data extent is reset. The data
extent can then be used. This condition provides a means for resetting the state
of damaged data extents if errors are caused by a correctable problem. The
SCANALL and SCANDAMAGED options are the only options that reset a damaged
extent if it is found not to be damaged.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for checking a
container in a directory-container storage pool. This parameter is optional.
Enter a value in the range 1 - 99. The default value is 4.
Specifies whether the audit or verification operation is completed in the
foreground or background. This parameter is optional. The following options
are available:
No Specifies that the operation is completed in the background. You can
continue with other tasks when the command is processing. Messages that
are related to the background process are displayed in the activity log file
or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged. This is
the default value.
Specifies that the operation is completed in the foreground. It might take a
long time to complete the operation. The operation must complete before
you can continue with other tasks. Messages are displayed in the activity
log file or the server console, or both, depending on where the messages
are logged.
Restriction: You cannot specify the WAIT=YES parameter from the server
Specifies the date range value at which auditing should start. Containers that
were last audited within the specified date range are audited. If you specify a
time but do not specify a beginning date, the current date is used. If you do
Specifies the time range value at which auditing should start. Containers that
were last audited within the specified time range are audited. If you do not
specify a beginning and end time, the time range is set from 00:00:00 to
23:59:59. The default is 00:00:00. If you did not specify a date range, the default
is today's date. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the date to begin the audit in one of the following ways:
Specifies the date range value at which auditing should stop. Containers that
were last audited within the specified date range are audited. If you specify a
time but do not specify a value, the current date is used. If you do not specify
a beginning and end date, all containers are audited. The default is the date
after the last audit was completed for the container. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the time range value at which auditing should stop. Containers that
were last audited within the specified time range are audited. If you do not
specify a beginning and end time, the time range is set to 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
The default is 23:59:59. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Audit a directory-container storage pool that is named NEWDEDUP and mark all
files as damaged.
audit container stgpool=newdedup maxprocess=2 action=markdamaged
Audit a directory-container storage pool that is named POOL2 and only include
containers before yesterday between 9:30 and 12:30.
audit container stgpool=pool2 begindate=today-1
begintime=09:30:00 endtime=12:30:00
Nodes and administrator user IDs that do not authenticate their passwords with
the LDAP directory server are deleted with the AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY FIX=YES
command. Nodes or administrator user IDs that no longer exist in the IBM
Spectrum Protect database are also deleted.
Before you issue this command, ensure that the LDAPURL option is specified in the
dsmserv.opt file. See the LDAPURL option for more information. If you specified
more than one LDAPURL option in the dsmserv.opt file, each option is validated in
the order in which they are placed. If the LDAPURL option is not specified, the
command fails.
Privilege class
Fix = No Wait = No
►► AUDIT LDAPdirectory ►◄
Fix = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
This optional parameter specifies how the IBM Spectrum Protect server
resolves inconsistencies between the database and the external directory. The
default is NO. You can specify the following values:
No The server reports all inconsistencies but does not change the external
The server resolves any inconsistencies that it can and suggests further
actions, if needed.
Important: If there are LDAP entries that are shared with other IBM
Spectrum Protect servers, choosing YES might cause those servers to
become out-of-sync.
This optional parameter specifies whether to wait for the IBM Spectrum Protect
server to complete processing this command in the foreground. The default is
NO. You can specify the following values:
Audit the LDAP directory that you specified in the LDAPURL option. The IBM
Spectrum Protect server resolves some inconsistencies.
audit ldapdirectory fix=yes
ANR2749W Admin ADMIN1 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2749W Admin ADMIN2 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2749W Admin NODE1 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2749W Admin NODE2 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2748W Node NODE1 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2748W Node NODE2 was located in the LDAP directory server but not
in the database.
ANR2745I AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY command completed: 4 administrator
entries are only in the LDAP directory server (not in the IBM Spectrum
Protect server), 0 administrator entries are only in the IBM Spectrum
Protect server (not in the LDAP directory server), 2 node entries are
only in the LDAP directory server (not in the IBM Spectrum Protect
server), 0 node entries are only in the IBM Spectrum Protect server,
(not in the LDAP directory server), 6 entries were deleted from the
LDAP server in total.
Related commands
Table 14. Commands related to AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY
Command Description
SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION Specifies the default password authentication
method for any REGISTER NODE or
SET LDAPPASSWORD Sets the password for the LDAPUSER.
SET LDAPUSER Sets the user who oversees the passwords
and administrators on the LDAP directory
When the AUDIT LIBRARY command is issued on a library client, the client
synchronizes its inventory with the inventory on the library manager. If the library
client detects inconsistencies, it corrects them by changing the ownership of the
volume on the library manager.
When the AUDIT LIBRARY command is issued on a server where the library is SCSI,
synchronizes its inventory with the inventory of the library device. If the server
detects inconsistencies, it deletes missing volumes from its inventory.
v In SCSI libraries, the server also updates the locations of volumes in its
inventory that have been moved since the last audit.
v In 349X libraries, the server also ensures that scratch volumes are in the scratch
category and that private volumes are in the private category.
When the AUDIT LIBRARY command is issued on a server that is a library manager
for the library (SHARED=YES), the server updates ownership of its volumes if it
detects inconsistencies.
Regardless the type of server or type of library, issuing the AUDIT LIBRARY
command does not automatically add new volumes to a library. To add new
volumes, you must use the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
Attention: The following precautions apply to SCSI, 349X, and ACSLS libraries
v Running the AUDIT LIBRARY command prevents any other library activity until
the audit completes. For example, the server will not process restore or retrieve
requests that involve the library when the AUDIT LIBRARY command is running.
v If other activity is occurring in the library, do not issue the AUDIT LIBRARY
command. Issuing the AUDIT LIBRARY command when a library is active can
produce unpredictable results (for example, a hang condition) if a process
currently accessing the library attempts to acquire a new tape mount.
This command creates a background process that you can cancel with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To display information about background processes, use the
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
CHECKLabel = Yes
►► AUDIT LIBRary library_name ►
CHECKLabel = Yes
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to audit.
Specifies how the storage volume label is checked during the audit. This
parameter applies to SCSI libraries only. The parameter is ignored for other
library types. The default is YES. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server checks each volume label to verify the identity of
the volume.
Specifies that the server uses the barcode reader to read the storage label.
Using the barcode decreases the audit processing time. This parameter
applies only to SCSI libraries.
Attention: If the scanner cannot read the barcode label or the barcode
label is missing, the server loads that tape in a drive to read the label.
Specifies whether the server's information about a library, which is normally
obtained during initialization, is refreshed, so that any changes in configuration
are reflected. By setting the REFRESHSTATE parameter to Yes, this action is
completed without having to restart the server or re-define the library. The
default is No. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server does not refresh the library's state when the library
is audited.
Specifies that the server does refresh the library's state when the AUDIT
LIBRARY command is issued.
Related commands
Table 15. Commands related to AUDIT LIBRARY
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DISMOUNT VOLUME Dismounts a sequential, removable volume
by the volume name.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
You can issue the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command from any tape volume that is
checked in to a library. The command runs in the background by default. You can
issue the command from the following library types that have IBM TS1140, IBM
LTO 5, or a later generation tape drive:
v SCSI tape library
v Virtual tape library (VTL)
The following table outlines the tape drives that can verify tape volumes with
media types for IBM TS1140 and IBM LTO 5 and later generation LTO tape drives:
Table 16. Tape drives and the media types
Drive Media type
TS1140 JB, JX, JA, JW, JJ, JR, JC, JY, and JK
IBM LTO 5 LTO 3, LTO 4, and LTO 5
IBM LTO 6 LTO 4, LTO 5, and LTO 6
IBM LTO 7 LTO 5, LTO 6, and LTO 7
The following table outlines the minimum device driver level that you require to
run the command:
Table 17. Minimum IBM device driver level
Driver name Device driver level
Atape driver on AIX
lin_tape driver on Linux
IBM tape driver on Windows
Restriction: You cannot issue the CANCEL PROCESS command while the AUDIT
LIBVOLUME command is in progress.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, or unrestricted storage
privilege for the library to which the tape volume is defined.
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library volume where the tape volume is located that
you want to audit.
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the physical tape volume that you want to audit.
Wait (Optional)
Specifies whether the audit or verification operation is completed in the
foreground or background. This parameter is optional. The following options
are available:
No Specifies that the operation is completed in the background. The NO value
is the default value.
Specifies that the operation is completed in the foreground. It might take a
long time to complete the operation.
Audit the EZLIFE library that has a tape volume that is called KM0347L5.
audit libvolume ezlife KM0347L5
An audit creates a background process you can cancel with the CANCEL PROCESS
command. If you halt and restart the server, an audit is run automatically as
specified by the SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD. To view audit results, use the QUERY
LICENSE command.
Attention: The audit of server storage can take a lot of CPU time. You can use
the AUDITSTORAGE server option to specify that storage is not to be audited.
Privilege class
►► AUDit LICenses ►◄
Related commands
Table 18. Commands related to AUDIT LICENSES
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY AUDITOCCUPANCY Displays the server storage utilization for a
client node.
QUERY LICENSE Displays information about licenses and
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER LICENSE Registers a license with the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD Specifies the number of days between
automatic license audits.
Restriction: You cannot use this command for volumes that are assigned to
copy-container storage pools.
You can only audit volumes that belong to storage pools with
You cannot audit a volume if it is being deleted from a primary or copy storage
While an audit process is active, clients cannot restore data from the specified
volume or store new data to that volume.
If the server detects a file with errors, handling of the file will depend on the type
of storage pool to which the volume belongs, whether the FIX option is specified
on this command, and whether the file is also stored on a volume assigned to
other pools.
If IBM Spectrum Protect does not detect errors for a file that was marked as
damaged, the state of the file is reset so that it can be used.
The server will not delete archive files that are on deletion hold. If archive
retention protection is enabled, the server will not delete archive files whose
retention period has not expired.
To display information about the contents of a storage pool volume, use the QUERY
CONTENT command.
To audit multiple volumes, you can use the FROMDATE and TODATE parameters.
Use the STGPOOL parameter to audit all volumes in a storage pool. When you use
the parameters FROMDATE, TODATE, or both, the server limits the audit to only
the sequential media volumes that meet the date criteria, and automatically
includes all online disk volumes in storage. To limit the number of volumes that
may include disk volumes, use the FROMDATE, TODATE, and STGPOOL
If you are running a server with archive retention protection enabled, and you
have data stored in storage pools which are defined with the parameter
RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK, the Last Access Date on the NetApp
SnapLock Filer for a volume should be equal to the End Reclaim Period date that
you see when you issue a QUERY VOLUME F=D command on that volume. During
AUDIT VOLUME processing, these dates are compared. If they do not match and
the AUDIT VOLUME command is being run with the FIX=NO parameter, a message
will be issued to you indicating that the command should be run with the FIX=YES
parameter to resolve the inconsistency. If they do not match and the AUDIT
VOLUME command is being run with the FIX=YES parameter, the inconsistencies
will be resolved.
This command creates a background process that can be canceled with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To display information on background processes, use the QUERY
PROCESS command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to which the volume is
Fix = No
►► AUDit Volume volume_name ►
A Fix = No
SKIPPartial = No Quiet = No
► ►◄
SKIPPartial = No Quiet = No
Yes Yes
(1) FROMDate = date
STGPool = poolname
TODate = TODay
TODate = date
1 You cannot specify a volume name if you specify a storage pool name,
Specifies the name of the storage pool volume you want to audit. This
parameter is required if you do not specify a storage pool. You cannot specify
a volume name together with the FROMDATE and TODATE parameters.
Specifies how the server resolves inconsistencies between the database
inventory and the specified storage pool volume. This parameter is optional.
The default is NO.
Note: If the AUDIT VOLUME command does not detect an error in a file that was
previously marked as damaged, IBM Spectrum Protect resets the state of the
file so that it can be used. This provides a means for resetting the state of
damaged files if it is determined that the errors were caused by a correctable
hardware problem such as a dirty tape head.
IBM Spectrum Protect reports, but does not delete, database records that
refer to files with inconsistencies:
v IBM Spectrum Protect marks the file as damaged in the database. If a
backup copy is stored in a copy storage pool, you can restore the file
v If the file is a cached copy, you must delete references to the file on this
volume by issuing the AUDIT VOLUME command and specifying
FIX=YES. If the physical file is not a cached copy, and a duplicate is
stored in a copy storage pool, it can be restored by using the RESTORE
The server fixes any inconsistencies as they are detected:
v If the physical file is a cached copy, the server deletes the database
records that refer to the cached file. The primary file is stored on another
v If the physical file is not a cached copy, and the file is also stored in one
or more copy storage pools, the error will be reported and the physical
file marked as damaged in the database. You can restore the physical file
by using the RESTORE VOLUME or RESTORE STGPOOL command.
v If the physical file is not a cached copy, and the physical file is not
stored in a copy storage pool, each logical file for which inconsistencies
are detected are deleted from the database.
v If archive retention protection is enabled by using the SET
ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command, a cached copy of data can be
deleted if needed. Data in primary and copy storage pools can only be
marked damaged and never deleted.
Do not use the AUDIT VOLUME command with FIX=YES if a restore process
command could cause the restore to be incomplete.
Copy Storage Pool:
The server reports the error and marks the physical file copy as damaged
in the database.
The server deletes any references to the physical file and any database
records that point to a physical file that does not exist.
Specifies whether IBM Spectrum Protect ignores partial files, which are files
that span multiple storage pool volumes. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NO. When performing an audit operation on a sequential
Specifies the ending date of the range for volumes to audit. All sequential
media volumes meeting the time range criteria that were written to before this
date are audited. The server includes all online disk volumes in storage. If you
do not specify a value, the server defaults to the current date. You cannot use
this parameter if you have specified a volume. This parameter is optional. To
limit the number of volumes that may include disk volumes, use the
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
This parameter specifies that the server only audits the volumes from the
specified storage pool. This parameter is optional. You cannot use this
parameter if you have specified a volume.
Verify that the database information for all eligible volumes written to from
3/20/2002 to 3/22/2002 is consistent with data stored on the volume.
audit volume fromdate=03/20/2002 todate=03/22/2002
Verify that the database information for all volumes in storage pool STPOOL3 is
consistent with data stored on the volume for today.
audit volume stgpool=STPOOL3
Verify that the database information for all volumes in storage pool STPOOL3 is
consistent with data stored on the volume for the last two days.
audit volume stgpool=STPOOL3 fromdate=-1
Related commands
Table 19. Commands related to AUDIT VOLUME
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY VOLUME Displays information about storage pool
SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION Specifies whether data retention protection is
Attention: To restore a database, the server must use information from the
volume history file and the device configuration file. You must make and save
copies of the volume history file and the device configuration file. These files
cannot be recreated.
To determine how much extra storage space a backup requires, issue the QUERY DB
Restrictions: You cannot restore a server database if the release level of the server
database backup is different from the release level of the server that is being
restored. For example, an error occurs when you restore a Version 6.3 database and
you are using a Version 7.1 server.
After the database backup is complete, the IBM Spectrum Protect server backs up
information, depending on the options that are specified in the server options file.
The following information is backed up:
v Sequential volume-history information is backed up to all files that the
VOLUMEHISTORY option specifies
v Information about device configuration is backed up to all files that the
DEVCONFIG option specifies
v The server's master encryption key
If there is not enough space available on the defined active log directory volume or
file space, you can define the Db2® option, overflowlogpath, to use a directory with
the required space available. For example, use the following command to use the
/home/tsminst2/overflow_dir directory:
db2 update db cfg for TSMDB1 using overflowlogpath /home/tsminst2/overflow_dir
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
Type = Full
►► BAckup DB DEVclass = device_class_name ►
Type = Incremental
NUMStreams = 1
► ►
, NUMStreams = number
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►◄
PASSword = password_name
1 The default value of the COMPRESS parameter is conditional. If you specify the
COMPRESS parameter in the BACKUP DB command, it overrides any COMPRESS
parameter value that is set in the SET DBRECOVERY command. Otherwise, the
value that is set in the SET DBRECOVERY command is the default.
DEVclass (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access device class to use for the backup.
If the SET DBRECOVERY command is not issued to set a device class, the BACKUP
DB command fails.
v You cannot use a device class with a device type of NAS or CENTERA.
v A restore database operation fails if the source for the restore is a FILE
library. A FILE library is created if the FILE device class specifies
If all drives for this device class are busy when the backup runs, IBM
Spectrum Protect cancels lower priority operations, such as reclamation, to
make a drive available for the backup.
Specifies the type of backup to run. This parameter is optional. The default is
FULL. The following values are possible:
Specifies that you want to run a full backup of the IBM Spectrum Protect
Specifies that you want to run an incremental backup of the IBM Spectrum
Protect database. An incremental (or cumulative) backup image contains a
copy of all database data that is changed since the last successful full
backup operation.
Specifies that you want to run a full snapshot database backup. The entire
contents of a database are copied and a new snapshot database backup is
created without interrupting the existing full and incremental backup series
for the database.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 63
Specifies the volumes that are used to back up the database. This parameter is
optional. However, if you specify SCRATCH=NO, you must specify a list of
Specifies the volumes that are used to back up the database. Specify
multiple volumes by separating the names with commas and no
intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes that are used to
back up the database. Each volume name must be on a separate line. Blank
lines and comment lines, which begin with an asterisk, are ignored.
For example, to use volumes DB0001, DB0002, and DB0003, create a file
that contains these lines:
v Use caution when you specify the COMPRESS parameter. Using compression
during database backups can reduce the size of the backup files. However,
compression can increase the time that is required to complete database
backup processing.
v Do not back up compressed data to tape. If your system environment stores
database backups on tape, set the COMPRESS parameter to No in the SET
Specifies that database backups include a copy of the server master encryption
key that is used to encrypt node passwords, administrator passwords, and
storage pool data. The master encryption key is stored in the dsmkeydb files. If
you lose the dsmkeydb files, nodes and administrators are unable to
authenticate with the server because the server is unable to read the passwords
that are encrypted by using the master encryption key. In addition, any data
that is stored in an encrypted storage pool cannot be retrieved without the
master encryption key. This parameter is optional. The default is the value that
is specified for the PROTECTKEYS parameter on the SET DBRECOVERY command.
You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that database backups do not include a copy of the server master
encryption key.
Encrypt storage pool data by specifying that database backups include a copy of
the server master encryption key. Issue the following command:
backup db protectkeys=yes password=password_name
Related commands
Table 20. Commands related to BACKUP DB
Command Description
BACKUP DEVCONFIG Backs up IBM Spectrum Protect device
information to a file.
BACKUP VOLHISTORY Records volume history information in
external files.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DELETE VOLHISTORY Removes sequential volume history
information from the volume history file.
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DB Displays allocation information about the
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
SET DBRECOVERY Specifies the device class to be used for
automatic backups.
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS Specifies criteria for database backup series
Attention: To restore a database, the server must use information from the
volume history file and the device configuration file. You must make and save
copies of the volume history file and the device configuration file. These files
cannot be recreated.
You can use the DEVCONFIG server option to specify one or more files in which to
store device configuration information. IBM Spectrum Protect updates the files
whenever a device class, library, or drive is defined, updated, or deleted.
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command unless it includes the FILENAMES
parameter. If the FILENAMES parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE
server option is set to YES, the administrator must have system privilege. If the
FILENAMES parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to
NO, the administrator must have operator, policy, storage or system privilege.
►► BAckup DEVCONFig ►◄
Filenames = ▼ filename
Specifies the files in which to store device configuration information. You can
specify multiple files by separating the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 21. Commands related to BACKUP DEVCONFIG
Command Description
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE DEVCLASS (z/OS media server) Defines a device class to use storage
managed by a z/OS media server.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
LABEL LIBVOLUME Labels volumes in manual or automated
QUERY LIBVOLUME Displays information about a library volume.
SET SERVERNAME Specifies the name by which the server is
SET SERVERPASSWORD Specifies the server password.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
UPDATE DEVCLASS (z/OS media server) Changes the attributes of a device class for
storage managed by a z/OS media server.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
UPDATE LIBVOLUME Changes the status of a storage volume.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.
Backups that are created for NAS nodes with this BACKUP NODE command are
functionally equivalent to backups that are created by using the BACKUP NAS
command on an IBM Spectrum Protect client. You can restore these backups with
either the server's RESTORE NODE command or the client's RESTORE NAS command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the
domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.
►► BAckup Node node_name ►
▼ file_system_name
node_name (Required)
Specifies the node for which the backup will be performed. You cannot use
wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
Specifies the name of one or more file systems to back up. You can also specify
names of virtual file spaces that have been defined for the NAS node. The file
system name that you specify cannot contain wildcard characters. You can
specify more than one file system by separating the names with commas and
no intervening spaces.
If you do not specify a file system, all file systems will be backed up. Any
virtual file spaces defined for the NAS node are backed up as part of the file
system image, not separately.
If a file system exists on the NAS device with the same name as the virtual file
space specified, IBM Spectrum Protect automatically renames the existing
virtual file space in the server database, and backs up the NAS file system
which matches the name specified. If the virtual file space has backup data, the
file space definition associated with the virtual file space will also be renamed.
Tip: See the virtual file space name parameter in the DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING
command for more naming considerations.
v You cannot specify TOC=YES or TOC=PREFERRED.
v The file_system_name cannot be a virtual filespace name.
v The snapshot which is created automatically by the file server during the
SnapMirror copy operation will be deleted at end of the operation.
v This parameter is valid for NetApp and IBM N-Series file servers only.
Perform a full backup on the /vol/vol10 file system of NAS node NAS1.
backup node nas1 /vol/vol10 mode=full
Back up the directory /vol/vol2/mikes on the node NAS1 and create a table of
contents for the image. For the following two examples, assume Table 22 contains
the virtual file space definitions exist on the server for the node NAS1.
backup node nas1 /mikesdir
Table 22. Virtual file space definitions
Virtual file space name File system Path
/mikesdir /vol/vol2 /mikes
/DataDirVol2 /vol/vol2 /project1/data
/TestDirVol1 /vol/vol1 /project1/test
Related commands
Table 23. Commands related to BACKUP NODE
Command Description
BACKUP NAS (client command) Creates a backup of NAS node data.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
You can back up data from a primary storage pool that is defined with the
NATIVE, NONBLOCK, or any of the NDMP formats (NETAPPDUMP,
CELERRADUMP, or NDMPDUMP). The copy storage pool to which data is to be
backed up must have the same data format as the primary storage pool. IBM
Spectrum Protect supports back-end data movement for NDMP images.
If a file exists in the copy storage pool, the file is not backed up unless the copy of
the file in the copy storage pool is marked as damaged. However, a new copy is
not created if the file in the primary storage pool is also marked as damaged. In a
random-access storage pool, cached copies of migrated files and damaged primary
files are not backed up.
Tip: Issuing this command for a primary storage pool that is set up for data
deduplication removes duplicate data, if the copy storage pool is also set up for
data deduplication.
If migration for a storage pool starts during a storage pool backup, some files
might be migrated before they are backed up. You might want to back up storage
pools that are higher in the migration hierarchy before you back up storage pools
that are lower.
v Do not run the MOVE DRMEDIA and BACKUP STGPOOL commands concurrently.
Ensure that the storage pool backup processes are complete before you issue the
v You cannot back up data from or to storage pools defined with a CENTERA
device class.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the copy storage pool in which backup
copies are to be produced.
►► BAckup STGpool primary_pool_name copy_pool_name ►
MAXPRocess = 1 Preview = No
► ►
MAXPRocess = number Preview = No
1 Valid only for storage pools that are associated with a sequential-access
device class.
primary_pool (Required)
Specifies the primary storage pool.
copy_pool (Required)
Specifies the copy storage pool.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for backing up
files. This parameter is optional. Enter a value 1 - 999. The default is 1.
Using multiple, parallel processes can improve throughput for the backup. The
expectation is that the time needed to complete the storage pool backup is
decreased by using multiple processes. However, when multiple processes are
running, in some cases one or more of the processes needs to wait to use a
volume that is already in use by a different backup process.
When you determine this value, consider the number of logical and physical
drives that can be dedicated to this operation. To access a sequential access
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect uses a mount point and, if the device type is
not FILE, a physical drive. The number of available mount points and drives
depends on other IBM Spectrum Protect and system activity and on the mount
limits of the device classes for the sequential access storage pools that are
involved in the backup.
Each process needs a mount point for copy storage pool volumes, and, if the
device type is not FILE, each process also needs a drive. If you are backing up
a sequential storage pool, each process needs an extra mount point for primary
storage pool volumes and, if the device type is not FILE, an extra drive. For
example, suppose that you specify a maximum of three processes to back up a
primary sequential storage pool to a copy storage pool of the same device
class. Each process requires two mount points and two drives. To run all three
processes, the device class must have a mount limit of at least 6, and at least
six mount points and six drives must be available.
To preview a backup, only one process is used and no mount points or drives
are needed.
Specifies whether you want to preview but not run the backup. The preview
displays the number of files and bytes to be backed up and a list of the
primary storage pool volumes that you must mount. This parameter is
optional. The default is NO. You can specify the following values:
No Specifies that the backup is done.
Specifies that you want to preview the backup but not do the backup.
Specifies that you want to preview the backup only as a list of the volumes
Back up the primary storage pool that is named PRIMARY_POOL to the copy
storage pool named COPYSTG.
backup stgpool primary_pool copystg
Tip: You must use volume history information when you reload the database and
audit affected storage pool volumes. If you cannot start the server, you can use the
volume history file to query the database about these volumes.
The volume history includes information about the following types of volumes:
v Archive log volumes
v Database backup volumes
v Export volumes
v Backup set volumes
v Database snapshot volumes
v Database recovery plan file volumes
v Recovery plan file volumes
v Recovery plan file snapshot volumes
v The following sequential access storage pool volumes:
– Volumes added to storage pools
– Volumes reused through reclamation or MOVE DATA operations
– Volumes removed by using the DELETE VOLUME command or during
reclamation of scratch volumes
Attention: To restore a database, the server must use information from the
volume history file and the device configuration file. You must make and save
copies of the volume history file and the device configuration file. These files
cannot be recreated.
You must use the VOLUMEHISTORY server option to specify one or more volume
history files. IBM Spectrum Protect updates volume history files whenever server
sequential volume history information is changed.
To ensure that updates are complete before the server is halted, follow these steps:
v Do not halt the server for a few minutes after you issue the BACKUP
v Specify multiple VOLUMEHISTORY options in the server options file.
v Examine the volume history file to see if the file has been updated.
Privilege class
| Any administrator can issue this command unless it includes the FILENAMES
| parameter:
| v If the FILENAMES parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option
| is set to YES, the administrator must have system privilege.
| v If the FILENAMES parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option
| is set to NO, the administrator must have operator, policy, storage, or system
| privilege.
Filenames = ▼ file_name
Specifies the names of one or more files in which to store a backup copy of
volume history information. Separate multiple file names with commas and no
intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
If you do not specify a file name, IBM Spectrum Protect stores the information
in all files specified with the VOLUMEHISTORY option in the server options
Related commands
Table 25. Commands related to BACKUP VOLHISTORY
Command Description
DELETE VOLHISTORY Removes sequential volume history
information from the volume history file.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
UPDATE VOLHISTORY Adds or changes location information for a
volume in the volume history file.
When the server is started, event logging automatically begins for the console and
activity log and for any receivers that are started automatically based on entries in
the server options file. You can use this command to begin logging events to
receivers for which event logging is not automatically started at server startup. You
can also use this command after you have disabled event logging to one or more
Privilege class
►► BEGin EVentlogging ►◄
(1) (2)
1 This parameter is only available for the Windows operating system.
2 This parameter is only available for the Linux operating system.
Specify one or more receivers. You can specify multiple receivers by separating
them with commas and no intervening spaces. If you specify ALL, logging begins
for all receivers that are configured. The default is ALL.
Specifies all receivers that are configured for event logging.
Specifies the server console as a receiver.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect activity log as a receiver.
Specifies the event server as a receiver.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file and a
person cannot read each logged event easily.
Related commands
Table 26. Commands related to BEGIN EVENTLOGGING
Command Description
DISABLE EVENTS Disables specific events for receivers.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
QUERY ENABLED Displays enabled or disabled events for a
specific receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server
and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Use the CANCEL EXPIRATION command if the expiration process number is not
known, otherwise use the CANCEL PROCESS and specify the process number of
the expiration process. Both commands call the same code to end the expiration
You can use the CANCEL EXPIRATION command to automate the cancellation of
an expiration process. For example, if you start inventory expiration at midnight
and, due to the maintenance workload on the server, the process must finish at
03:00, you can schedule a CANCEL EXPIRATION command to run at 03:00
without knowing the process number.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► CANcel EXPIration ►◄
Related commands
Table 27. Command related to CANCEL EXPIRATION
Command Description
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration
Privilege class
►► CANcel EXPort ►◄
The unique identifier of the suspended export operation that you wish to
delete. You can also enter wildcard characters for the identifier. Issue the QUERY
EXPORT command to list the currently suspended export operations.
Related commands
Table 28. Commands related to CANCEL EXPORT
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
QUERY EXPORT Displays the export operations that are
currently running or suspended.
RESTART EXPORT Restarts a suspended export operation.
SUSPEND EXPORT Suspends a running export operation.
Issue the QUERY REQUEST command to list open requests, or query the activity log to
determine whether a process has a pending mount request. A mount request
indicates that a volume is needed for the current process, but the volume is not
available in the library. The volume might not be available if the administrator
issues the MOVE MEDIA or CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command, or manually removes the
volume from the library.
After you issue a CANCEL PROCESS command for an export operation, the process
cannot be restarted. To stop a server-to-server export operation but allow it to be
restarted later, issue the SUSPEND EXPORT command.
Privilege class
►► CANcel PRocess process_number ►◄
process_number (Required)
Specifies the number of the background process you want to cancel.
Related commands
Table 29. Commands related to CANCEL PROCESS
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
CANCEL REQUEST Cancels pending volume mount requests.
CONVERT STGPOOL Convert a storage pool to a
directory-container storage pool.
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
QUERY EXPORT Displays the export operations that are
currently running or suspended.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
►► CANcel REPLication ►◄
Related commands
Table 30. Commands related to CANCEL REPLICATION
Command Description
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► CANcel REQuest request_number ►◄
ALl PERManent
Specifies the request number of the mount request to cancel.
Specifies to cancel all pending mount requests.
Specifies that you want the server to flag the volumes for which you are
canceling a mount request as unavailable. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 31. Commands related to CANCEL REQUEST
Command Description
QUERY REQUEST Displays information about all pending
mount requests.
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool
Privilege class
►► CANcel RESTore session_number ►◄
Specifies the number for the restartable restore session. An active session is a
positive number, and a restartable session is a negative number.
Specifies that all the restartable restore sessions are to be canceled.
Related commands
Table 32. Commands related to CANCEL RESTORE
Command Description
QUERY RESTORE Displays information about restartable restore
If you cancel a session that is in the idle wait (IdleW) state, the client session is
automatically reconnected to the server when it starts to send data again.
If this command interrupts a process, such as backup or archive, the results of any
processing active at the time of interruption are rolled back and not committed to
the database.
Privilege class
►► CANcel SEssion session_number ►◄
Specifies the number of the administrative, server, or client node sessions that
you want to cancel.
Specifies that all client node sessions are canceled. You cannot use this
parameter to cancel administrative client or server sessions.
Related commands
Table 33. Commands related to CANCEL SESSION
Command Description
DISABLE SESSIONS Prevents new sessions from accessing IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect but
permits existing sessions to continue.
LOCK ADMIN Prevents an administrator from accessing
IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
QUERY SESSION Displays information about all active
administrator and client sessions with IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
1. The CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command processing does not wait for a drive to
become available, even if the drive is only in the IDLE state. If necessary, you
can make a library drive available issuing the DISMOUNT VOLUME command to
dismount the volume. After a library drive is available, reissue the CHECKIN
LIBVOLUME command.
2. You do not define the drives, check in media, or label the volumes in an
external library. The server provides an interface that external media
management systems use to operate with the server.
3. When you check in WORM tapes other than 3592, you must use
CHECKLABEL=YES or they are checked in as normal read/write tapes.
This command creates a background process that you can cancel with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To display information about background processes, use the
For detailed and current drive and library support information, see the Supported
Devices website for your operating system:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
OWNer = ""
► STATus = PRIvate ►
SCRatch OWNer = server_name
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
OWNer = ""
► STATus = PRIvate ►
SCRatch OWNer = server_name
WAITTime = 60
► ►◄
WAITTime = value
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
OWNer = ""
► STATus = PRIvate ►
SCRatch OWNer = server_name
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library.
Specifies the volume name of the storage volume that is being checked in. This
parameter is required if SEARCH equals NO. Do not enter this parameter if
the SEARCH parameter equals YES or BULK. If you are checking a volume
into a SCSI library with multiple entry/exit ports, the volume in the lowest
numbered slot is checked in.
STATus (Required)
Specifies the volume status. Possible values are:
Specifies that the volume is a private volume that is mounted only when it
is requested by name.
Specifies that the volume is a new scratch volume. This volume can be
mounted to satisfy scratch mount requests during either data storage
operations or export operations.
If a volume has an entry in volume history, you cannot check it in as a
scratch volume.
Specifies that the volume is a cleaner cartridge and not a data cartridge.
The CLEANINGS parameter is required for a cleaner cartridge and must
be set to the number of cleaner uses.
CHECKLABEL=YES is not valid for checking in a cleaner cartridge. Use
STATUS=CLEANER to check in a cleaner cartridge separately from a data
Specifies which library client owns a private volume in a library that is shared
across a SAN. The volume for which you specify ownership must be a private
volume. You cannot specify ownership for a scratch volume. Furthermore, you
cannot specify an owner when you use SEARCH=YES or SEARCH=BULK.
When you issue the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command, the server validates the
owner. If you did not specify this parameter, then the server uses the default
and delegates volume ownership to the owning library client, as recorded in
the volume history file on the library manager. If the volume is not owned by
any library client, then the server delegates ownership to the library manager.
1. Do not specify both CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=BULK.
2. You can use the VOLRANGE or VOLLIST parameter to limit the
Specifies a range of volume names that are separated by commas. You can use
this parameter to limit the search for volumes to be checked in when you
specify SEARCH=YES (349X, ACSLS, and SCSI libraries) or SEARCH=BULK
(SCSI libraries only). If there are no volumes in the library that are within the
specified range, the command completes without errors.
Specify only volume names that can be numerically incremented. In addition
to the incremental area, a volume name can include an alphanumeric prefix
and an alphanumeric suffix, for example:
Parameter Description
volrange=bar110,bar130 The 21 volumes are checked in: bar110,
bar111, bar112,...bar129, bar130.
volrange=bar11a,bar13a The 3 volumes are checked in: bar11a,
bar12a, bar13a.
volrange=123400,123410 The 11 volumes are checked in: 123400,
123401, ...123409, 123410.
Specifies a list of volumes. You can use this parameter to limit the search for
volumes to be checked in when you specify SEARCH=YES (349X, ACSLS, and
96 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
SCSI libraries) or SEARCH=BULK (SCSI libraries only). If there are no volumes
in the library that are in the list, the command completes without errors.
Possible values are:
Specifies one or more volumes names that are separated by commas and
no intervening spaces. For example: VOLLIST=TAPE01,TAPE02.
FILE: file_name
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes for the
command. In the file, each volume name must be on a separate line. Blank
lines and comment lines that begin with an asterisk are ignored. For
example, to use volumes TAPE01, TAPE02 and TAPE03, create a file,
TAPEVOL, that contains these lines:
1. For SCSI libraries, do not specify both SEARCH=YES and
CHECKLABEL=NO in the same command.
2. For WORM media other than 3592, you must specify YES.
No Specifies that the media label is not read during check-in. However,
suppressing label checking can result in future errors (for example, either a
wrong label or an improperly labeled volume can cause an error). For 349X
and ACSLS libraries, specify NO to avoid loading cartridges into a drive to
read the media label. These libraries always return the external label
information about cartridges, and IBM Spectrum Protect uses that
Specifies that the server reads the bar code label if the library has a bar
code reader and the volumes have external bar code labels. You can
decrease the check-in time by using the bar code. This parameter applies
only to SCSI libraries.
If the bar code reader cannot read the bar code label, or if the tape does
not have a bar code label, the server mounts the tape and reads the
internal label.
Specifies the device type for the volume that is being checked in. This
parameter is required if none of the drives in this library have defined paths.
Check in a volume named WPDV00 into the SCSI library named AUTO.
checkin libvolume auto wpdv00 status=scratch
Scan a SCSI library named AUTOLIB1 and, using the bar code reader, look for
cleaner cartridge CLNV. Use SEARCH=YES, but limit the search by using the
VOLLIST parameter.
checkin libvolume autolib1 search=yes vollist=cleanv status=cleaner
cleanings=10 checklabel=barcode
Use the barcode reader to scan a SCSI library named MYLIB for VOL1, and put it in
scratch status.
checkin libvolume mylib search=yes vollist=vol1 status=scratch
Related commands
Table 34. Commands related to CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an
automated library is in
a consistent state.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background
server process.
volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated
or manual library.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be
used for storage within
a specified storage pool.
DISMOUNT VOLUME Dismounts a sequential,
removable volume by
the volume name.
LABEL LIBVOLUME Labels volumes in
manual or automated
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information
about one or more
QUERY LIBVOLUME Displays information
about a library volume.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information
about background
REPLY Allows a request to
continue processing.
UPDATE LIBVOLUME Changes the status of a
storage volume.
1. Check out processing does not wait for a drive to become available, even if the
drive is in the IDLE state. If necessary, you can make a library drive available
by dismounting the volume with the DISMOUNT VOLUME command. After a drive
is available, the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command can be reissued.
2. Before checking out volumes from a 349X library, ensure that the 349x
Cartridge Input and Output facility has enough empty slots for the volumes to
be checked out. The 3494 Library Manager does not inform an application that
the Cartridge Input and Output facility is full. It accepts requests to eject a
cartridge and waits until the Cartridge Input and Output facility is emptied
before returning to the server. IBM Spectrum Protect might appear to be hung
when it is not. Check the library and clear any intervention requests.
3. Before checking volumes out of an ACSLS library, ensure that the CAP priority
in ACSLS is greater than zero. If the CAP priority is zero, then you must
specify a value for the CAP parameter on the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command.
For detailed and current drive and library support information, see the Supported
Devices website for your operating system:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
A :
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
A :
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►◄
CAP = x,y,z
A :
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library.
Specifies the volume name.
Specifies two volume names separated by a comma. This parameter is a range
of volumes to be checked out. If there are no volumes in the library that are
within the specified range, the command completes without errors.
Specify only volume names that can be numerically incremented. In addition
to the incremental area, a volume name can include an alphanumeric prefix
and an alphanumeric suffix, for example:
Specifies a list of volumes to check out. If there are no volumes in the library
that are in the list, the command completes without errors.
Possible values are:
Specifies the names of one or more values that are used for the command.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes for the
command. In the file, each volume name must be on a separate line. Blank
lines and comment lines that begin with an asterisk are ignored. For
example, to use volumes TAPE01, TAPE02 and TAPE03, create a file,
TAPEVOL, that contains these lines:
SCSI libraries: The default is BULK. The following table shows how the server
responds for a SCSI libraries.
The server then prompts The server does not prompt The server does not prompt
you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge
from the slot and to issue a and does not require a and does not require a
REPLY command. REPLY command. REPLY command.
Has entry/exit ports and an The server moves the The server moves the The server leaves the
entry/exit port is available cartridge to the available cartridge to the available cartridge in its current slot
entry/exit port and entry/exit port and within the library and
specifies the port address in specifies the port address in specifies the slot address in
a message. a message. a message.
The server then prompts The server does not prompt The server does not prompt
you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge
from the slot and to issue a and does not request a and does not require a
REPLY command. REPLY command. REPLY command.
Has entry/exit ports, but no The server leaves the The server waits for an The server leaves the
ports are available cartridge in its current slot entry/exit port to be made cartridge in its current slot
within the library and available. within the library and
specifies the slot address in specifies the slot address in
a message. a message.
ACSLS libraries: The default is YES. If the parameter is set to YES, and the
cartridge access port (CAP) has an automatic selection priority value of 0, you
must specify a CAP ID. The following table shows how the server responds for
ACSLS libraries.
Table 37. How the server responds for ACSLS libraries
The server ejects the cartridge to the convenience I/O The server does not eject the cartridge. The server deletes
station, and deletes the volume entry from the server the volume entry from the server library inventory and
library inventory. leaves the volume in the library.
Specifies how or whether the server reads sequential media labels of volumes.
Attention: This parameter does not apply to IBM 349X or ACSLS libraries.
This parameter is optional. The default is YES. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server attempts to read the media label to verify that the
correct volume is being checked out.
Attention: This parameter does not apply to IBM 349X or ACSLS libraries.
This parameter is optional. The default is NO. Possible values are:
No The server does not check out a storage volume if an I/O error occurs
when reading the label.
The server checks out the storage volume even if an I/O error occurs.
Specifies which cartridge access port (CAP) to use for ejecting volumes if you
specify REMOVE=YES. This parameter applies to volumes in ACSLS libraries
only. If the CAP priority value is set to 0 in the library, this parameter is
required. If a CAP priority value greater than 0 is set in the library, this
parameter is optional. By default, all CAPs initially have a priority value of 0,
which means that ACSLS does not automatically select the CAP.
To display valid CAP identifiers (x,y,z), issue the QUERY CAP command with ALL
specified from the Automated Cartridge System System Administrator
(ACSSA) console on the ACSLS server host. The identifiers are as follows:
x The Automated Cartridge System (ACS) ID. This identifier can be a
number in the range 0 - 126.
y The Library Storage Module (LSM) ID. This identifier can be a number
in the range 0 - 23.
z The CAP ID. This identifier can be a number in the range 0 - 11.
Check out the volume that is named EXB004 from the library named FOREST.
Read the label to verify the volume name, but do not move the volume out of the
checkout libvolume forest exb004 checklabel=yes remove=no
Related commands
Table 38. Commands related to CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
There are special considerations if you plan to use this command with a SCSI
library that provides automatic drive cleaning through its device hardware.
Restriction: You cannot run the CLEAN DRIVE command for a drive whose only
path source is a NAS file server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► CLEAN DRIVE library_name drive_name ►◄
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to which the drive is assigned.
drive_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the drive.
You have already defined a library named AUTOLIB by using the DEFINE LIBRARY
command, and you have already checked a cleaner cartridge into the library using
the CHECKIN LIBVOL command. Inform the server that TAPEDRIVE3 in this library
requires cleaning.
clean drive autolib tapedrive3
Related commands
Table 39. Commands related to CLEAN DRIVE
Command Description
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
If an error occurs while processing the commands in a macro, the server stops
processing the macro and rolls back any changes (since the last COMMIT). After a
command is committed, it cannot be rolled back.
Ensure that your administrative client session is not running with the ITEMCOMMIT
option if you want to control command processing. The ITEMCOMMIT option
commits commands inside a script or a macro as each command is processed.
Privilege class
►► COMMIT ►◄
From the interactive mode of the administrative client, register and grant authority
to new administrators using a macro named REG.ADM. Changes are committed
after each administrator is registered and is granted authority.
Macro Contents:
/* REG.ADM-register policy admin & grant authority*/
REGister Admin sara hobby
GRant AUTHority sara CLasses=Policy
COMMIT /* Commits changes */
REGister Admin ken plane
GRant AUTHority ken CLasses=Policy
COMMIT /* Commits changes */
macro reg.adm
Related commands
Table 40. Commands related to COMMIT
Command Description
MACRO Runs a specified macro file.
ROLLBACK Discards any uncommitted changes to the
database since the last COMMIT was
During conversion processing, all data from the source storage pool is moved to
the target storage pool. When the process is completed, the source storage pool
becomes unavailable. When a storage pool is unavailable, you are unable to write
any data to it. The source storage pool is eligible for deletion but is not
automatically deleted. You can restore data from the source storage pool if
Attention: During storage pool conversion, data is deleted from copy storage
pools and active-data storage pools. This action occurs even if you specified the
number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a volume before
the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
Privilege class
►► CONvert STGpool source_stgpool target_stgpool ►
MAXPRocess = 8
► ►◄
MAXPRocess = number DUration = minutes
source_stgpool (Required)
Specify a primary storage pool that uses a FILE device class, a tape device
class, or a virtual tape library (VTL) for backup and archive processing. This
parameter is required.
target_stgpool (Required)
Specify the name of an existing directory-container or cloud-container storage
pool that the storage pool is converted to. This parameter is required the first
time that you issue this command.
Tip: If you restart storage pool conversion and the target storage pool is
different than the value that is specified the first time that you issued the
CONVERT STGPOOL command, the command fails.
Tip: Changes to the default value are automatically saved. If you restart
storage pool conversion and the parameter value is different than the value
that is specified the first time that you issued the CONVERT STGPOOL command,
the most recently specified value is used.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a conversion should take
before it is canceled. When the specified number of minutes elapses, the server
cancels all conversion processes for the storage pool. You can specify a number
in the range 1 - 9999. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this
parameter, the conversion runs until it is completed.
Tip: Storage pool conversion for large storage pools can take days to complete.
Use this parameter to limit the amount of time for storage pool conversion
daily. As a best practice, schedule conversion for at least 2 hours for a storage
pool that uses a FILE type device class and at least 4 hours for VTL.
Convert a storage pool that is named DEDUPPOOL1, move the data to a container
storage pool that is named DIRPOOL1, and specify 25 maximum processes.
convert stgpool deduppool1 dirpool1 maxprocess=25
Table 41. Commands related to CONVERT STGPOOL
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY CLEANUP Query the cleanup status of a source storage
QUERY CONVERSION Query conversion status of a storage pool.
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
REMOVE DAMAGED Removes damaged data from a source
storage pool.
If a file already exists in the active-data pool, the file is not copied unless the copy
of the file in the active-data pool is marked damaged. However, a new copy is not
created if the file in the primary storage pool is also marked damaged. In a
random-access storage pool, neither cached copies of migrated files nor damaged
primary files are copied.
If migration for a storage pool starts while active data is being copied, some files
might be migrated before they are copied. For this reason, you should copy active
data from storage pools that are higher in the migration hierarchy before copying
active data from storage pools that are lower. Be sure a copy process is complete
before beginning another.
v You can only copy active data from storage pools that have a data format of
v Issuing this command for a primary storage pool that is set up for data
deduplication removes duplicate data, if the active-data pool is also set up for
data deduplication.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the active-data pool from which active
versions of backup data are being copied.
►► COPY ACTIVEdata primary_pool_name active-data_pool_name ►
MAXProcess = 1 Preview = No
► ►
MAXProcess = number Preview = No
Wait = No SHREDTONOshred = No
► ►◄
Wait = No SHREDTONOshred = No
Yes Yes
1 The VOLUMESONLY parameter applies to sequential-access storage pools only.
Copy the active data from a primary storage pool named PRIMARY_POOL to the
active-data pool named ACTIVEPOOL. Issue the command:
copy activedata primary_pool activepool
Related commands
Table 42. Commands related to COPY ACTIVEDATA
Command Description
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
IMPORT NODE Restores client node information from
external media.
IMPORT SERVER Restores all or part of the server from
external media.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
►► COPy CLOptset current_option_set_name new_option_set_name ►◄
current_option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client option set to be copied.
new_option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new client option set. The maximum length of the
name is 64 characters.
Copy a client option set named ENG to a new client option set named ENG2.
copy cloptset eng eng2
Related commands
Table 43. Commands related to COPY CLOPTSET
Command Description
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
Privilege class
►► COPy DOmain current_domain_name new_domain_name ►◄
current_domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to copy.
new_domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new policy domain. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
ENGPOLDOM now contains the standard policy set, management class, backup
copy group, and archive copy group.
Related commands
Table 44. Commands related to COPY DOMAIN
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
The server copies the following information to the new management class:
v Management class description
v Copy groups defined to the management class
v Any attributes for managing files for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management clients
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the new
management class belongs.
►► COPy MGmtclass domain_name policy_set_name ►
► current_class_name new_class_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the management class belongs.
current_class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to copy.
new_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new management class. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
Related commands
Table 45. Commands related to COPY MGMTCLASS
Command Description
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
The server copies the following information to the new policy set:
v Policy set description
v Management classes in the policy set (including the default management class, if
v Copy groups in each management class
The policies in the new policy set do not take effect unless you make the new set
the ACTIVE policy set.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the new
policy set belongs.
►► COPy POlicyset domain_name current_set_name new_set_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the policy set belongs.
current_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to copy.
new_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new policy set. The maximum length of this name is
30 characters.
Copy the policy set VACATION to the new policy set HOLIDAY in the
EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain.
copy policyset employee_records vacation holiday
Related commands
Table 46. Commands related to COPY POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DELETE POLICYSET Deletes a policy set, including its
management classes and copy groups, from a
policy domain.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE POLICYSET Changes the description of a policy set.
Privilege class
►► COPy PROFIle current_profile_name new_profile_name ►◄
current_profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile to copy.
new_profile_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new profile. The maximum length of the profile
name is 30 characters.
Related commands
Table 47. Commands related to COPY PROFILE
Command Description
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
DELETE SUBSCRIBER Deletes obsolete managed server
DELETE SUBSCRIPTION Deletes a specified profile subscription.
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
QUERY SUBSCRIBER Displays information about subscribers and
their subscriptions to profiles.
QUERY SUBSCRIPTION Displays information about profile
The COPY SCHEDULE command takes two forms, depending on whether the
schedule applies to client operations or administrative commands. The syntax and
parameters for each form are defined separately.
v “COPY SCHEDULE (Create a copy of a schedule for client operations)” on page
v “COPY SCHEDULE (Create a copy of a schedule for administrative operations)”
on page 127
Table 48. Commands related to COPY SCHEDULE
Command Description
DEFINE ASSOCIATION Associates clients with a schedule.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
DELETE SCHEDULE Deletes a schedule from the database.
QUERY SCHEDULE Displays information about schedules.
UPDATE SCHEDULE Changes the attributes of a schedule.
Privilege class
To copy a client schedule, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which you are
copying the schedule.
current_sched_name REPlace = No
► ►◄
new_sched_name REPlace = No
current_domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain that contains the schedule you want to
current_sched_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule you want to copy.
new_domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a policy domain to which you want to copy the new
Specifies the name of the new schedule. You can specify up to 30 characters for
the name.
If you do not specify this name, the name of the original schedule is used.
If the schedule name is already defined in the policy domain, you must specify
REPLACE=YES, or the command fails.
Specifies whether to replace a client schedule. The default is NO. The values
No Specifies that a client schedule is not replaced.
Specifies that a client schedule is replaced.
Privilege class
REPlace = No
► ►◄
REPlace = No
current_schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule you want to copy.
new_schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new schedule. You can specify up to 30 characters for
the name.
If the schedule name is already defined, you must specify REPLACE=YES, or
the command fails.
Specifies that an administrative command schedule is to be copied.
Specifies whether to replace an administrative command schedule. The default
is NO. The values are:
No Specifies that an administrative command schedule is not replaced.
Specifies that an administrative command schedule is replaced.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have operator, policy, storage, or system
►► COPy SCRipt current_script_name new_script_name ►◄
current_script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script you want to copy.
new_script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new script. You can specify up to 30 characters for
the name.
Related commands
Table 49. Commands related to COPY SCRIPT
Command Description
DEFINE SCRIPT Defines a script to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DELETE SCRIPT Deletes the script or individual lines from the
QUERY SCRIPT Displays information about scripts.
RENAME SCRIPT Renames a script to a new name.
RUN Runs a script.
UPDATE SCRIPT Changes or adds lines to a script.
Privilege class
►► COPy SERVERGroup current_group_name new_group_name ►◄
current_group_name (Required)
Specifies the server group to copy.
new_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new server group. The maximum length of this name
is 64 characters.
Related commands
Table 50. Commands related to COPY SERVERGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE GRPMEMBER Defines a server as a member of a server
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE GRPMEMBER Deletes a server from a server group.
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
MOVE GRPMEMBER Moves a server group member.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
When you issue the DEACTIVATE DATA command, all active backup data that was
stored before the specified date becomes inactive. The data can no longer be
retrieved, and is deleted when it expires.
The DEACTIVATE DATA command affects only the files that were copied to the server
before the specified date and time. Files that were copied after the specified date
are still accessible, and the client can still access the server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
TOTime = 23:59:59
►► DEACtivate DAta node_name TODate = date ►
TOTime = time
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of an application client node whose data is to be
TODate (Required)
Specifies the date to use to select the backup files to deactivate. IBM Spectrum
Protect deactivates only those files with a date on or before the date you
specify. You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies that you want to deactivate files that were created on the server
before this time on the specified date. This parameter is optional. The default is
the end of the day (23:59:59). Specify the time by using one of the following
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. Specify
the following values:
No The server processes this command in the background and you can
continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages
that are related to the background process are shown either in the
activity log file or the server console, depending on where the
messages are logged.
Yes The server processes this command in the foreground. The operation
must complete before you can continue with other tasks. Messages are
The client node BANDIT is an IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data
Protection for Oracle application client. All of the backup data is active, and so all
of the backup data is retained. The following command deactivates data that was
backed up before January 3, 2014, so it can be deleted when it expires.
deactivate data bandit todate=01/23/2014
To periodically deactivate data so it can be deleted when it expires, you might run
the following command from within a client schedule.
deactivate data bandit todate=today
Related commands
Table 51. Commands related to DEACTIVATE DATA
Command Description
DECOMMISSION NODE Decommissions an application or system.
DECOMMISSION VM Decommissions a virtual machine.
Attention: This action cannot be reversed and causes deletion of data. Although
this command does not delete the client node definition until after its data expires,
you cannot recommission the client node. After you issue this command, the client
node cannot access the server and its data is not backed up. The client node is
locked, and can be unlocked only to restore files. File spaces that belong to the
client node, and the client node itself, are eventually removed.
By using this command, you can decommission the following types of client nodes:
Application client nodes
Application client nodes include email servers, databases, and other
applications. For example, any of the following applications can be an
application client node:
v IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot
v IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases
v IBM Spectrum Protect for Enterprise Resource Planning
v IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail
v IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments
System client nodes
System client nodes include workstations, network-attached storage (NAS)
file servers, and API clients.
When a client node is no longer needed in the production environment, you can
issue this command to initiate a gradual, controlled decommission operation. The
command completes the following actions:
v Deletes all schedule associations for the client node. Schedules are no longer run
on the client node. This action is equivalent to issuing the DELETE ASSOCIATION
command for every schedule with which the client node is associated.
v Prevents the client from accessing the server. This action is equivalent to issuing
the LOCK NODE command.
After the command finishes, client node data is no longer backed up to the server.
Data that was backed up before the client node was decommissioned is not
immediately deleted from the server. However, all backup file versions, including
the most recent backup, are now inactive copies. The client files are retained on the
server according to your storage management policies.
| After all data retention periods expire or a node's retention sets expire or are
| deleted, and after all client backup and archive file copies are removed from server
| storage, IBM Spectrum Protect deletes the file spaces that belong to the
| decommissioned node. This action is equivalent to issuing the DELETE FILESPACE
| command.
After the file spaces for the decommissioned node are deleted, the node definition
is deleted from the server. This action is equivalent to issuing the REMOVE NODE
Privilege class
Wait = No
►► DECommission Node node_name ►◄
Wait = No
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to be decommissioned.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. You
can specify the following values:
No The server processes this command in the background and you can
continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages
that are related to the background process are shown either in the
activity log file or the server console, depending on where the
messages are logged.
Yes The server processes this command in the foreground. The operation
must complete before you can continue with other tasks. Messages are
shown either in the activity log file or the server console, or both,
depending on where the messages are logged.
Related commands
Table 52. Commands related to DECOMMISSION NODE
Command Description
DECOMMISSION VM Decommissions a virtual machine.
DEACTIVATE DATA Deactivates data for a client node.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DECommission VM node_name vm_name ►
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = Yes
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the data center node that hosts the virtual machine to be
vm_name (Required)
Identifies the file space that represents the virtual machine to be
decommissioned. Each virtual machine that is hosted by a data center node is
represented as a file space.
If the name includes one or more spaces, you must enclose the name in double
quotation marks when you issue the command.
By default, the server interprets the file space name that you enter by using the
server code page and also attempts to convert the file space name from the
server code page to the UTF-8 code page. Conversion might fail if the string
includes characters that are not available in the server code page, or if the
server cannot access system conversion routines.
Related commands
Table 53. Commands related to DECOMMISSION VM
Command Description
DECOMMISSION NODE Decommissions an application or system.
DEACTIVATE DATA Deactivates data for a client node.
Privilege class
CATegory = SErver
► ►◄
CATegory = APplication ,
CLient ADmin = ▼ admin_name
message_number (Required)
Specifies the message number that you want to associate with the alert trigger.
Specify multiple message numbers, which are separated by commas, and no
intervening spaces. Message numbers are a maximum of eight characters in
Specifies the category type for the alert, which is determined by the message
types. The default value is SERVER.
Note: Changing the category of an alert trigger does not change the category
of existing alerts on the server. New alerts are categorized with the new
Specify one of the following values:
Alert is classified as application category. For example, you can specify this
category for messages that are associated with application (TDP) clients.
Alert is classified as inventory category. For example, you can specify this
category for messages that are associated with the database, active log file,
or archive log file.
Alert is classified as client category. For example, you can specify this
category for messages that are associated with general client activities.
Issue the following command to specify that you want two message numbers to
trigger an alert:
define alerttrigger ANR1067E,ANR1073E
Related commands
Table 54. Commands related to DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER
Command Description
“DELETE ALERTTRIGGER (Remove a Removes a message number that can trigger
message from an alert trigger)” on page 470 an alert.
“QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of Displays information about alerts that have
an alert)” on page 781 been issued on the server.
“QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of Displays message numbers that trigger an
defined alert triggers)” on page 779 alert.
1. IBM Spectrum Protect cannot run multiple schedules concurrently for the same
client node.
2. In a macro, the server may stall if some commands (such as REGISTER NODE and
DEFINE ASSOCIATION) are not committed as soon as you issue them. You could
follow each command in a macro with a COMMIT command. However, a simpler
solution is to include the -ITEMCOMMIT option with the DSMADMC command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
v Restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the schedule belongs
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule that you want to associate with one or more
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a client node or a list of client nodes to associate with the
specified schedule. Use commas to separate the items in the list. Do not leave
spaces between the items and commas. You can use a wildcard character to
specify a name. The command will not associate a listed client to the schedule
v The client is already associated with the specified schedule.
v The client is not assigned to the policy domain to which the schedule
v The client is a NAS node name. All NAS nodes are ignored.
Associate the client nodes JOE, TOM, and LARRY with the WINTER schedule. The
associated clients are assigned to the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain;
however, the client JOE is already associated with the WINTER schedule.
define association employee_records
winter joe,tom,larry
Related commands
Table 55. Commands related to DEFINE ASSOCIATION
Command Description
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
DELETE ASSOCIATION Deletes the association between clients and a
DELETE SCHEDULE Deletes a schedule from the database.
QUERY ASSOCIATION Displays the clients associated with one or
more schedules.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
Any backup set generated on one server can be defined to another server when the
servers share a common device type. The level of the server to which the backup
set is being defined must be equal to or greater than the level of the server that
generated the backup set.
You can also use the DEFINE BACKUPSET command to redefine a backup set that was
deleted on a server.
Privilege class
If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to YES (the default), the administrator
must have system privilege. If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to NO,
the administrator must have system privilege or policy privilege for the domain to
which the client node is assigned.
RETention = 365
► ►
RETention = days DESCription = description
► ►
► ►◄
TOCMGmtclass = class_name
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is contained
in the specified backup set volumes. To specify multiple node and node group
names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. Node
Note: The device type that is associated with the device class you specify must
match the device class with which the backup set was originally generated.
VOLumes (Required)
Specifies the names of the volumes that are used to store the backup set. You
can specify multiple volumes by separating the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. The volumes that you specify must be available to the
server that is defining the backup set.
Note: The volumes that you specify must be listed in the order they were
created, or the DEFINE BACKUPSET command fails.
The server does not verify that every volume specified for a multiple-volume
backup set contains part of the backup set. The first volume is always checked,
and in some cases extra volumes are also checked. If these volumes are correct,
the backup set is defined and all of the volumes that are listed in the
command are protected from being overwritten. If a volume that contains part
of the backup set is not listed in the command, the volume is not protected
and can potentially be overwritten during normal server operations.
Define the PERS_DATA backup set that belongs to client node JANE to the server
that is running this command. Retain the backup set on the server for 50 days.
Specify that volumes VOL001 and VOL002 contain the data for the backup set. The
volumes are to be read by a device that is assigned to the AGADM device class.
Include a description.
define backupset jane pers_data devclass=agadm
volumes=vol1,vol2 retention=50
description="sector 7 base image"
Related commands
Table 56. Commands related to DEFINE BACKUPSET
Command Description
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
The server automatically defines a schedule and associates the client node to the
schedule. The server assigns the schedule priority 1, sets the PERUNITS to
ONETIME, and determines the number of days to keep the schedule active. The
number of days is based on the value set with the SET CLIENTACTDURATION
How quickly the client processes this command depends on whether the
scheduling mode for the client is set to server-prompted or client-polling. The
client scheduler must be started on the client workstation in order for the server to
process the schedule.
Remember: The start of the IBM Spectrum Protect scheduler depends on the
processing of other threads in the server and other processes on the IBM Spectrum
Protect server host system. The amount of time it takes to start the scheduler also
depends on network traffic and how long it takes to open a socket, to connect with
the IBM Spectrum Protect client, and to receive a response from the client. In
general, the greater the processing and connectivity requirements on the IBM
Spectrum Protect server and client, the longer it can take to start the scheduler.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy for the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.
DOmain = *
►► DEFine CLIENTAction ▼ node_name ►
DOmain = ▼ domain_name
► ►
OPTions = option_string OBJects = object_string
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node that will process the schedule associated
with the action. If you specify multiple node names, separate the names with
commas; do not use intervening spaces. You can use the asterisk wildcard
character to specify multiple names.
Specifies the list of policy domains used to limit the list of client nodes. Only
client nodes that are assigned to one of the specified policy domains will be
scheduled. All clients assigned to a matching domain will be scheduled.
Separate multiple domain names with commas and no intervening spaces. If
you do not specify a value, all policy domains will be included in the list.
Specifies the action that occurs when this schedule is processed. Possible
values are:
Specifies that the schedule backs up all files that are new or that have
changed since the last incremental backup. Incremental also backs up any
file for which all existing backups might have expired.
Issue an incremental backup command for client node TOM assigned to policy
domain EMPLOYEE_RECORDS. IBM Spectrum Protect defines a schedule and
associates the schedule to client node TOM (assuming that the client scheduler is
define clientaction tom domain=employee_records
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
►► DEFine CLIENTOpt option_set_name option_name option_value ►
Force = No
► ►◄
Force = No SEQnumber = number
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the option set.
option_name (Required)
Specifies a client option to add to the option set.
1. The QUIET and VERBOSE options do not have an option value in the
client option's file. To specify these values in a server client option set,
specify a value of YES or NO.
2. To add an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE option for a file name that contains one
or more spaces, put single quotation marks around the file specification,
and double quotation marks around the entire option. See “Example: Add
an option to a client option set” on page 156 for more information.
3. The option_value is limited to 1024 characters.
Specifies whether the server forces the client to use the option set value. The
value is ignored for additive options, such as INCLEXCL and DOMAIN. The
default is NO. This parameter is optional. The values are:
Specifies that the server forces the client to use the value. (The client
cannot override the value.)
No Specifies that the server does not force the client to use the value. (The
client can override the value.)
Add a client option to the option set WINSPEC to exclude a temporary internet
directory from backup services. When you use the EXCLUDE or INCLUDE option
with file names that contain spaces, put single quotation marks around the file
specification, then double quotation marks around the entire option.
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "exclude.dir ’*:\...\Temporary Internet Files’"
Add client options to the option set WINSPEC to bind all files in directories
C:\Data and C:\Program Files\My Apps to a management class named
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "include C:\Data\...\* prodclass"
define clientopt winspec inclexcl "include ’C:\Program
Files\My Apps\...\*’ prodclass"
Related commands
Table 58. Commands related to DEFINE CLIENTOPT
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
To add options to the new set, issue the DEFINE CLIENTOPT command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
►► DEFine CLOptset option_set_name ►◄
DESCription = description
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client option set. The maximum length of the name is
64 characters.
Specifies a description of the client option set. The maximum length of the
description is 255 characters. The description must be enclosed in quotation
marks if it contains any blank characters. This parameter is optional.
To define a client option set named ENG issue the following command.
define cloptset eng
Related commands
Table 59. Commands related to DEFINE CLOPTSET
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
►► DEFine COLLOCGroup group_name ►◄
DESCription = description
Specifies the name of the collocation group name that you want to create. The
maximum length of the name is 30 characters.
Specifies a description of the collocation group. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
To define a node or file space collocation group named GROUP1, issue the
following command:
define collocgroup group1
Related commands
Table 60. Commands related to DEFINE COLLOCGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
Add a node to a collocation group
Specifies the name of the collocation group to which you want to add a client
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to add to the collocation
group. You can specify one or more names. Separate multiple names with
commas; do not use intervening spaces. You can also use wildcard characters
to specify multiple names.
► FIlespace = ▼ file_space_name ►
► ►◄
Specifies the name of the collocation group to which you want to add a file
This command places all file spaces on the linux237 node with a name that
ends with _linux_fs into the manufacturing collocation group.
See the following list for tips about working with collocation groups:
v When you add members to a new collocation group, the type of the first
collocation group member determines the type of the collocation group. The
group can either be a node collocation group or a file space collocation
This example command adds all file spaces from the Win_3419 node to the
production collocation group. The default is BOTH, so the file spaces are
included, regardless of code page type. You can specify one of the following
Include the file spaces, regardless of code page type.
Include file spaces that are only in Unicode.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode.
Related commands
Table 61. Commands related to DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP Updates the description of a collocation
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
To enable clients to use the new copy group, you must activate the policy set that
contains the new copy group.
You can define one backup and one archive copy group for each management
class. To ensure that client nodes can back up files, include a backup copy group in
the default management class for a policy set.
Attention: The DEFINE COPYGROUP command fails if you specify a copy storage
pool as a destination.
The DEFINE COPYGROUP command has two forms, one for defining a backup copy
group and one for defining an archive copy group. The syntax and parameters for
each form are defined separately.
v “DEFINE COPYGROUP (Define an archive copy group)” on page 170
v “DEFINE COPYGROUP (Define a backup copy group)” on page 165
Table 62. Commands related to DEFINE COPYGROUP
Command Description
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default
for a specified policy set.
BACKUP NODE Backs up a network-attached storage (NAS)
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COPYGROUP Deletes a backup or archive copy group from
a policy domain and policy set.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management
SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION Specifies whether data retention protection is
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy
group belongs.
►► DEFine COpygroup domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►
VERExists = 2 VERDeleted = 1
► ►
VERExists = number VERDeleted = number
NOLimit NOLimit
RETExtra = 30 RETOnly = 60
► ►
RETExtra = days RETOnly = days
NOLimit NOLimit
► ►◄
TOCDestination = pool_name
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain for which you are defining the copy group.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set for which you are defining the copy group.
You cannot define a copy group for a management class that belongs to the
ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class for which you are defining the copy group.
Specifies the name of the copy group, which must be STANDARD. This
parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD.
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 2. Preferred values
are 3, 4, or more.
Specifies that you want the server to retain all backup versions.
The number of backup versions to retain is controlled by this parameter until
versions exceed the retention time specified by the RETEXTRA parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that have
been deleted from the client file system after being backed up using IBM
Spectrum Protect. This parameter is optional. The default value is 1.
If a user deletes a file from the client file system, the next incremental backup
causes the server to expire the oldest versions of the file in excess of this
number. The expiration date for the remaining versions is determined by the
retention time specified by the RETEXTRA or RETONLY parameter. Possible
values are:
Specifies the number of backup versions to retain for files that are deleted
from the client file system after being backed up. You can specify an
integer from 0 to 9999.
Specifies that you want the server to retain all backup versions for files
that are deleted from the client file system after being backed up.
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 14 days. The
preferred value is 30 or more days.
Specifies that you want to retain inactive backup versions indefinitely.
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server deletes inactive backup versions based
on the VEREXISTS parameter (when the file still exists on the client file
system) VERDELETED parameter (when the file no longer exists on the
client file system).
Specifies the number of days to retain the last backup version of a file that has
been deleted from the client file system. This parameter is optional. The default
value is 60. Possible values are:
Specifies the number of days to retain the last remaining inactive version
of a file. You can specify an integer from 0 to 9999.
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 30 days.
Specifies that you want to keep the last remaining inactive version of a file
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains the last remaining backup
version forever, unless a user or administrator deletes the file from server
Specifies whether IBM Spectrum Protect backs up a file only if the file has
changed since the last backup, or whenever a client requests a backup. This
parameter is optional. The default value is MODIFIED. Possible values are:
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect backs up the file only if it has changed
since the last backup. IBM Spectrum Protect considers a file changed if any
of the following is true:
v The date last modified is different
v The file size is different
v The file owner is different
v The file permissions are different
The MODE value is used only for full incremental backup. This value is
ignored during partial incremental backup or selective backup.
Specifies how IBM Spectrum Protect processes files or directories when they
are modified during backup processing. This parameter is optional. The default
value is SHRSTATIC. Possible values are:
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect backs up a file or directory only if it is
not being modified during backup. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to
perform a backup as many as four times, depending on the value specified
for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option. If the file or directory is modified
during each backup attempt, IBM Spectrum Protect does not back it up.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect backs up a file or directory only if it is
not being modified during backup. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to
perform the backup only once.
Platforms that do not support the STATIC option default to SHRSTATIC.
Specifies that if the file or directory is being modified during a backup
attempt, IBM Spectrum Protect backs up the file or directory during the
last attempt even though the file or directory is being modified. IBM
Spectrum Protect attempts to perform a backup as many as four times,
depending on the value specified for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect backs up a file or directory on the first
attempt, regardless of whether the file or directory is being modified
during backup processing.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy
group belongs.
►► DEFine COpygroup domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►
FREQuency = Cmd
► Type = Archive DESTination = pool_name ►
FREQuency = Cmd
SERialization = SHRSTatic
► ►◄
SERialization = SHRSTatic
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain for which you are defining the copy
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy set for which you are defining the copy group.
You cannot define a copy group for a management class that belongs to the
ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the management class for which you are defining the
copy group.
Specifies the name of the copy group, which must be STANDARD. This
parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD.
Type=Archive (Required)
Specifies that you want to define an archive copy group.
Tip: To help ensure that your data can be recovered after a malware
incident, such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 30 days.
The RETENTIONEXTENSION server option can affect the volume retention if
the following conditions are true:
v You specify zero for the number of days
v The destination storage pool for the archive copy group is a SnapLock
If the two conditions are met, retention of the volumes is defined by the
server option value also applies if data is copied or moved into the
SnapLock storage pool by a server process such as migration, or by using
the MOVE DATA or MOVE NODEDATA commands.
Specifies that you want to keep an archive copy indefinitely.
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains archive copies forever, unless a
user or administrator deletes the file from server storage. If you specify
NOLIMIT, you cannot also specify EVENT for the RETINIT parameter.
The value of the RETVER parameter can affect the management class to which
the server binds an archived directory. If the client does not use the ARCHMC
option, the server binds directories that are archived to the default
management class. If the default management class has no archive copy group,
the server binds directories that are archived to the management class with the
shortest retention period.
The RETVER parameter of the archive copy group of the management class to
which an object is bound determines the retention criterion for each object. See
the SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command for a description of data
If the primary storage pool specified in the DESTINATION parameter belongs to a
Centera device class and data protection is enabled, then the RETVER value is
sent to Centera for retention management purposes. See the SET
ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command for a description of data protection.
Specifies when the retention time specified by the RETVER attribute is
initiated. This parameter is optional. If you define the RETINIT value during
copy group creation, you cannot modify it later. The default value is
CREATION. Possible values are:
Tip: You can place a deletion hold on an object that was stored with
RETINIT=EVENT for which the event has not been signaled. If the event is
signaled while the deletion hold is in effect, the retention period is initiated,
but the object is not deleted while the hold is in effect.
Specifies the minimum number of days to keep an archive copy after it is
archived. This parameter is optional. The default value is 365. If you specify
RETINIT=CREATION, this parameter is ignored.
Specifies that a file is always archived when the client requests it. The MODE
must be ABSOLUTE. This parameter is optional. The default value is
Specifies how IBM Spectrum Protect processes files that are modified during
archive. This parameter is optional. The default value is SHRSTATIC. Possible
values are:
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file only if it is not being
modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to perform an archive operation
as many as four times, depending on the value that is specified for the
CHANGINGRETRIES client option. If the file is modified during the archive
attempt, IBM Spectrum Protect does not archive the file.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file only if it is not being
modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to perform the archive operation
only once.
Platforms that do not support the STATIC option default to SHRSTATIC.
Specifies that if the file is being modified during an archive attempt, IBM
Spectrum Protect archives the file during its last attempt even though the
file is being modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to archive the file as
many as four times, depending on the value that is specified for the
CHANGINGRETRIES client option.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file on the first attempt,
regardless of whether the file is being modified during archive processing.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
Type = NAS
►► DEFine DATAMover data_mover_name ►
(1) (2)
LLAddress = 10000
► HLAddress = address USERid = userid ►
LLAddress = tcp_port
ONLine = Yes
► PASsword = password ►
ONLine = Yes
► DATAFormat = NETAPPDump ►◄
1 You can specify TYPE=NASCLUSTER and TYPE=NASVSERVER only on an AIX,
Linux, or Windows operating system.
2 You can specify TYPE=NASCLUSTER and TYPE=NASVSERVER only if
data_mover_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the data mover. This name must be the same as a node
name that you previously registered by using the REGISTER NODE TYPE=NAS
command. The data that is backed up from this NAS data mover will be
assigned to this node name in the server database. A maximum of 64
characters can be used to specify the name.
Specifies the type of data mover. This parameter is optional. The default value
is NAS.
Specifies that the data mover is a NAS file server.
Specifies that the data mover is a clustered NAS file server.
Tip: To determine the numerical IP address, access the NAS file server. Then,
follow the instructions in the file server documentation for obtaining the
Specifies the TCP port number to access the NAS device for Network Data
Management Protocol (NDMP) sessions. This parameter is optional. The
default value is 10000.
USERid (Required)
Specifies the user ID for a user that is authorized to initiate an NDMP session
with the NAS file server. For example, enter the user ID that is configured on
the NetApp file server for NDMP connections.
Tip: To determine the user ID, access the NAS file server. Then, follow the
instructions in the file server documentation for obtaining the user ID.
PASsword (Required)
Specifies the password for the user ID to log on to the NAS file server.
Tip: To determine the password, access the NAS file server. Then, follow the
instructions in the file server documentation for obtaining the password.
Specifies whether the data mover is available for use. This parameter is
optional. The default is YES.
The default value. Specifies that the data mover is available for use.
No Specifies that the data mover is not available for use. When the hardware
is being maintained, you can use the UPDATE DATAMOVER command to set the
data mover offline.
If a library is controlled by using a path from a NAS data mover to the
library, and the NAS data mover is offline, the server is not able to access
the library. If the server is halted and restarted while the NAS data mover
is offline, the library is not initialized.
DATAFormat (Required)
Specifies the data format that is used by this data mover.
Must be used for NetApp NAS file servers and the IBM System Storage® N
Must be used for EMC Celerra NAS file servers.
Define a data mover for the node named NAS1. The domain name for the data
mover is NETAPP2.EXAMPLE.COM at port 10000.
define datamover nas1 type=nas hladdress=netapp2.example.com lladdress=10000
userid=root password=admin dataformat=netappdump
Define a data mover for the clustered file server named NAS3. The NAS file server
is a NetApp device. The numerical IP address for the data mover is, at
port 10000.
define datamover nas3 type=nascluster hladdress=
lladdress=10000 userid=root password=admin dataformat=netappdump
Related commands
Table 63. Commands related to DEFINE DATAMOVER
Command Description
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE DATAMOVER Deletes a data mover.
QUERY DATAMOVER Displays data mover definitions.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
UPDATE DATAMOVER Changes the definition for a data mover.
For the most up-to-date list of supported devices and valid device class formats,
see the IBM Spectrum Protect Supported Devices website:
Supported devices for AIX and Windows
Note: The DISK device class is defined by IBM Spectrum Protect and cannot be
modified with the DEFINE DEVCLASS command.
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see Define device class for z/OS media server.
The following IBM Spectrum Protect device classes are ordered by device type.
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3590 device class)” on page 178
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3592 device class)” on page 182
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 4MM device class)” on page 189
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define an 8MM device class)” on page 193
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a CENTERA device class)” on page 199
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a DLT device class)” on page 201
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define an ECARTRIDGE device class)” on page 207
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a FILE device class)” on page 214
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a GENERICTAPE device class)” on page 217
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define an LTO device class)” on page 220
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a NAS device class)” on page 227
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a REMOVABLEFILE device class)” on page 230
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a SERVER device class)” on page 233
v “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a VOLSAFE device class)” on page 235
Table 64. Commands related to DEFINE DEVCLASS
Command Description
BACKUP DEVCONFIG Backs up IBM Spectrum Protect device
information to a file.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE DEVCLASS Deletes a device class.
QUERY DEVCLASS Displays information about device classes.
QUERY DIRSPACE Displays information about FILE directories.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3590 device class for z/OS
media server)” on page 241.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DEVType = 3590 ►
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the tape drives
that can be used by this device class.
For information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY
DEVType=3590 (Required)
Specifies the 3590 device type is assigned to the device class. 3590 indicates
that IBM 3590 cartridge tape devices are assigned to this device class.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
20.0 GB
3590E-B 10.0 GB Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B
3590E-C See note Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
20.0 GB
3590H-B 30.0 GB (J Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B
cartridge – format
60.0 GB (K
cartridge -
extended length)
3590H-C See note Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
60.0 GB (J
cartridge -
standard length)
120.0 GB (K
cartridge -
extended length)
Note: If this format uses the tape drive hardware compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity might be greater than the listed value.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. The default value
is 60 minutes. You can specify a number 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
However, for EXTERNAL library types, setting this parameter to a low value
(for example, two minutes) enhances device sharing between applications.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3592 device class for z/OS
media server)” on page 246.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
LBProtect = No WORM = No
► DEVType = 3592 ►
LBProtect = READWrite WORM = Yes
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
1 You cannot specify both WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON.
2 Drive encryption is supported only for 3592 Generation 2 or later drives.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the tape drives
that can be used by this device class.
For information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY
DEVType=3592 (Required)
Specifies that the 3592 device type is assigned to the device class.
Specifies whether logical block protection is used to ensure the integrity of
data stored on tape. When LBPROTECT is set to READWRITE or to WRITEONLY,
the server uses this feature of the tape drive for logical block protection and
generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) protection information for each data
block written on tape. The server also validates the CRC protection information
when data is read from the tape.
The default is NO.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for both read and write operations. Data is stored with CRC
information in each block. This mode affects performance because
additional processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect and the
tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values. The READWRITE value
does not affect backup sets and data that is generated by the BACKUP DB
When the LBPROTECT parameter is set to READWRITE, you do not have to
specify the CRCDATA parameter in a storage pool definition because logical
block protection provides better protection against data corruption.
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for write operations only. Data is stored containing CRC information
in each block. For read operations, the server and the tape drive do not
validate the CRC. This mode affects performance because additional
processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect to generate the CRC
1. To use 3592 WORM support in 3584 libraries, you must specify the WORM
parameter. The server distinguishes between WORM and non-WORM
scratch volumes. However, to use 3592 WORM support in 349X libraries,
command. For details, see “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a library)” on page
2. When WORM=Yes, the only valid value for the SCALECAPACITY
parameter is 100.
3. Verify with your hardware vendors that your hardware is at the
appropriate level of support.
Specifies the percentage of the media capacity that can be used to store data.
This parameter is optional. The default is 100. Possible values are 20, 90, or
Setting the scale capacity percentage to 100 provides maximum storage
capacity. Setting it to 20 provides fastest access time.
Note: The scale capacity value takes effect only when data is first written to a
volume. Any updates to the device class for scale capacity do not affect
volumes that already have data that is written to them until the volume is
returned to scratch status.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
Tip: The format name is specified as, for example, 3592-X, 3592-XC, 3592-XA,
or 3592-XAC, where X indicates the drive generation, C indicates a compressed
format, and A indicates an archive drive.
Table 67. Recording formats and default estimated capacities for 3592
Format Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
Special configurations are also required for mixing different generations of 3592
drives in 349x and ACSLS libraries.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 187
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies whether drive encryption is allowed. This parameter is optional. The
default is ALLOW.
ON Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect is the key manager for drive
encryption and allows drive encryption for empty storage pool volumes
only if the application method is enabled. (Other types of volumes-for
example, back up sets, export volumes, and database backup volumes-will
not be encrypted.) If you specify ON and you enable either the library or
system method of encryption, drive encryption is not allowed and backup
operations fail.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. However, drive encryption for empty volumes is allowed if
either the library or system method of encryption is enabled.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. Use this setting with an encryption methodology that is
provided by another vendor and that is used with Application Method
Encryption (AME) enabled on the drive.
When you specify EXTERNAL and IBM Spectrum Protect detects that
AME encryption is enabled, IBM Spectrum Protect does not turn off
By contrast, when you specify ALLOW and IBM Spectrum Protect detects
that AME encryption is enabled, IBM Spectrum Protect turns off
Specifies that drive encryption is not allowed. If you enable either the
library or system method of encryption, backups fail. If you enable the
application method, IBM Spectrum Protect disables encryption and
backups are attempted.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DEVType = 4MM ►
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the 4 mm tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
DEVType=4MM (Required)
Specifies that the 4MM device type is assigned to the device class. The 4MM
indicates that 4 mm tape devices are assigned to this device class.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
8.0 GB
DDS3 12.0 GB Uncompressed format, applies only to 125-meter
DDS3C See note Compressed format, applies only to 125-meter tapes
24.0 GB
DDS4 20.0 GB Uncompressed format, applies only to 150-meter
DDS4C See note Compressed format, applies only to 150-meter tapes
40.0 GB
DDS5 36 GB Uncompressed format, when using DAT 72 media
DDS5C See note Compressed format, when using DAT 72 media
72 GB
DDS6 80 GB Uncompressed format, when using DAT 160 media
160 GB
Note: If this format uses the tape drive hardware compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity might be greater than the listed value.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
For more information about the default estimated capacity for 4 mm tapes, see
Table 68 on page 190
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the file name that the server writes into the
sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned to
this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default is ADSM. The maximum length of this prefix
is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. The default value
is 60 minutes. You can specify a number 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
However, for EXTERNAL library types (that is, a library that is managed by an
external media management system), set this parameter to a low value (for
example, two minutes) to enhance device sharing between applications.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 191
Note: For environments in which devices are shared across storage
applications, the MOUNTRETENTION setting must be carefully considered. This
parameter determines how long an idle volume remains in a drive. Some
media managers do not dismount an allocated drive to satisfy pending
requests. You might need to tune this parameter to satisfy competing mount
requests while maintaining optimal system performance. Typically, problems
arise more frequently when the MOUNTRETENTION parameter is set to a value that
is too small, for example, zero.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes the server waits for an operator to
respond to a request to either mount a volume in a drive in a manual library
or check in a volume to be mounted in an automated library. This parameter is
optional. If the mount request is not satisfied within the specified amount of
time, the mount request is canceled. The default value is 60 minutes. You can
specify a number 0 - 9999.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the 8 mm tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Note: If you select Yes, the only options available for the FORMAT parameter
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
v LTO-8 drives are unable to read LTO-6 media. If you are mixing LTO-6 with
LTO-8 drives and media in a single library, you must partition the library
into two libraries. One library must have only LTO-8 drives and media and
the other must have LTO-6 drives and media.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for 8
mm devices:
Table 69. Recording format and default estimated capacity for 8 mm tape
4.6 GB
V6 (62m) 20 GB VXA–2
V10 (124m) 40 GB
V17 (170m) 60 GB
VXA2C See note Drive (Read Write)
V6 (62m) 40 GB VXA–2
V10 (124m) 80 GB
V17 (170m) 120 GB
VXA3 See note Drive (Read Write)
X6 (62m) 40 GB VXA–3
X10 (124m) 86 GB
X23 (230m) 160 GB
VXA3C See note Drive (Read Write)
X6 (62m) 80 GB VXA–3
X10 (124m) 172 GB
X23 (230m) 320 GB
Note: The actual capacities might vary depending on which cartridges and drives are used.
v For the M2C format, the normal compression ratio is 2.5:1.
v For the AITC and SAITC formats, the normal compression ratio is 2.6:1.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 197
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
(1) MINCAPacity = 100M
► HLAddress = ▼ ip_address ?PEA_file ►
MINCAPacity = size
MOUNTLimit = 1
► ►◄
MOUNTLimit = number
1 For each Centera device class, you must specify one or more IP addresses.
However, a Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file name and path are optional,
and up to one PEA file specification can follow the IP addresses. Use the "?"
character to separate the PEA file name and path from the IP addresses.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
DEVType=CENTERA (Required)
Specifies that the Centera device type is assigned to this device class. All
volumes that belong to a storage pool that is defined to this device class are
logical volumes that are a form of sequential access media.
Specifies one ore more IP addresses for the Centera storage device and,
optionally, the name and path of one Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file.
Specify the IP addresses with the dotted decimal format (for example, A Centera device might have multiple IP addresses. If multiple IP
addresses are specified, then the store or retrieve operation attempts a
connection by using each IP address that is specified until a valid address is
The PEA file name and path name are case-sensitive.
If you append the name and path of a PEA file, ensure that the file is stored in
a directory on the system that runs the server. Separate the PEA file name and
path from the IP address with the "?" character, for example:
1. The server does not include a PEA file during installation. If you do not
create a PEA file, the server uses the Centera default profile, which can
allow applications to read, write, delete, purge, and query data on a
Centera storage device. To provide tighter control, create a PEA file with
the command-line interface that is provided by EMC Centera. For details
about Centera authentication and authorization, refer to the EMC Centera
Programmer's Guide.
2. You can also specify the PEA file name and path in an environment
variable with the syntax CENTERA_PEA_LOCATION=filePath_ fileName.
The PEA file name and path that is specified with this environment
variable apply to all Centera clusters. If you use this variable, you do not
have to specify the PEA file name and path with the HLADDRESS
Specifies the minimum size for Centera volumes that are assigned to a storage
pool in this device class. This value represents the minimum amount of data
that is stored on a Centera volume before the server marks it full. Centera
volumes continue to accept data until the minimum amount of data is stored.
This parameter is optional.
Specify this value as an integer followed by K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G
(gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The default value is 100 MB
(MINCAPACITY=100M). The minimum value that is allowed is 1 MB
(MINCAPACITY=1M). The maximum value that is allowed is 128 GB
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open for
input and output. The default value is 1. This parameter is optional. You can
specify any number from 0 or greater; however, the sum of all mount limit
values for all device classes that are assigned to the same Centera device must
not exceed the maximum number of sessions that are allowed by Centera.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►◄
Note: Support for DLT WORM media is available only for SDLT-600, Quantum
DLT-V4, and Quantum DLT-S4 drives in manual, SCSI, and ACSLS libraries.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
v LTO-8 drives are unable to read LTO-6 media. If you are mixing LTO-6 with
LTO-8 drives and media in a single library, you must partition the library
into two libraries. One library must have only LTO-8 drives and media and
the other must have LTO-6 drives and media.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
DLT devices:
Table 70. Recording format and default estimated capacity for DLT
Format Capacity Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define an ECARTRIDGE device
class for z/OS media server)” on page 252.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
LBProtect = No
► DEVType = ECARTridge ►
LBProtect = READWrite
► ►
Yes T9840C
1 You cannot specify both WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON.
2 You can use drive encryption only for Oracle StorageTek T10000B drives with
a format value of DRIVE, T10000B, or T10000B-C, for Oracle StorageTek
T10000C drives with a format value of DRIVE, T10000C or T10000C-C, and
for Oracle StorageTek T10000D drives with a format value of DRIVE,
T10000D and T10000D-C.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the ECARTRIDGE
tape drives that can be used by this device class. For information about
defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
DEVType=ECARTridge (Required)
Specifies that the ECARTRIDGE device type is assigned to the device class.
ECARTRIDGE indicates that a specific type of cartridge tape device
(StorageTek) is assigned to this device class.
Specifies whether logical block protection is used to ensure the integrity of
data stored on tape. When LBPROTECT is set to READWRITE or to WRITEONLY,
the server uses this feature of the tape drive for logical block protection and
generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) protection information for each data
block written on tape. The server also validates the CRC protection information
when data is read from the tape.
The default is NO.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for both read and write operations. Data is stored with CRC
information in each block. This mode affects performance because
additional processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect and the
tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values. The READWRITE value
does not affect backup sets and data that is generated by the BACKUP DB
When the LBPROTECT parameter is set to READWRITE, you do not have to
specify the CRCDATA parameter in a storage pool definition because logical
block protection provides better protection against data corruption.
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
Restriction: If you select Yes, the only options that are available for the
FORMAT parameter are:
v T9840C
v T9840C-C
v T9840D
v T9840D-C
v T10000A
v T10000A-C
v T10000B
v T10000B-C
v T10000C
v T10000C-C
v T10000D
v T10000D-C
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
v LTO-8 drives are unable to read LTO-6 media. If you are mixing LTO-6 with
LTO-8 drives and media in a single library, you must partition the library
Important: If you specify DRIVE for a device class that has non-compatible
sequential access devices, then you must mount volumes on devices that are
capable of reading or writing the format that is established when the volume
was first mounted. This can cause delays if the only sequential access device
that can access the volume is already in use.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
Table 71. Recording formats and default estimated capacities for ECARTRIDGE tapes
Format capacity Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. The default value
is 60 minutes. You can specify a number 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies whether drive encryption is allowed. This parameter is optional. The
default is ALLOW.
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a FILE device class for z/OS
media server)” on page 258.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
DEVType=FILE (Required)
Specifies that the FILE device type is assigned to the device class. FILE
indicates that a file is assigned to this device class. When the server must
access a volume that belongs to this device class, it opens a file and reads or
writes file data.
A file is a form of sequential-access media.
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open for
input and output. This parameter is optional. The default value is 20. You can
specify a number from 0 to 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
Specifies the maximum size of any data storage files that are defined to a
storage pool in this device class.
Important: You must ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE
volumes. Failure of the storage agent to access a FILE volume can cause
operations to be retried on a LAN-only path or to fail. For more information,
see the description of the DIRECTORY parameter in “DEFINE PATH (Define a
path)” on page 300.
Tip: If you specify multiple directories for a device class, ensure that the
directories are associated with separate file systems. Space trigger functions
and storage pool space calculations take into account the space that remains in
each directory. If you specify multiple directories for a device class and the
directories are in the same file system, the server calculates space by adding
values that represent the space that remains in each directory. These space
Define a device class named PLAINFILES with a FILE device type and a
maximum capacity of 50 MB.
define devclass plainfiles devtype=file
When you use this device type, the server does not recognize either the type of
device or the cartridge recording format. Because the server does not recognize the
type of device, if an I/O error occurs, error information is less detailed compared
to error information for a specific device type (for example, 8MM). When you
define devices to the server, do not mix various types of devices within the same
device type.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DEVType = GENERICtape ►
ESTCAPacity = size
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the tape drives
that can be used by this device class.
For information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY
DEVType=GENERICtape (Required)
Specifies that the GENERICTAPE device type is assigned to the device class.
GENERICTAPE indicates that the volumes for this device class are used in
tape drives that are supported by the operating system's tape device driver.
The server recognizes that the media can be removed and that more media can
be inserted, subject to limits set with the MOUNTLIMIT parameter for the device
class and the MAXSCRATCH parameter for the storage pool.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
LBProtect = No WORM = No
► DEVType = LTO ►
LBProtect = READWrite WORM = No
► ►
(2) ESTCAPacity = size
1 You cannot specify both WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON.
2 IBM Spectrum Protect server supports LTO-2 tape drives; however, IBM Tape
Device drivers do not. In the event of an issue with the LTO-2 drive, the
preferred corrective action is to upgrade your tape drive hardware to a higher
generation drive, then install the latest version of the device driver.
3 Drive encryption is supported only for LTO-4 and higher generation LTO
drives and media.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the LTO tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
DEVType=LTO (Required)
Specifies that the linear tape open (LTO) device type is assigned to the device
Specifies whether logical block protection is used to ensure the integrity of
data stored on tape. When LBPROTECT is set to READWRITE or to WRITEONLY,
the server uses this feature of the tape drive for logical block protection and
generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) protection information for each data
block written on tape. The server also validates the CRC protection information
when data is read from the tape.
The default is NO.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for both read and write operations. Data is stored with CRC
information in each block. This mode affects performance because
additional processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect and the
tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values. The READWRITE value
does not affect backup sets and data that is generated by the BACKUP DB
When the LBPROTECT parameter is set to READWRITE, you do not have to
specify the CRCDATA parameter in a storage pool definition because logical
block protection provides better protection against data corruption.
1. To use WORM media in a library, all the drives in the library must be
WORM capable.
2. You cannot specify IBM Spectrum Protect as the key manager for drive
encryption of WORM (write once, read many) media. (Specifying both
WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON is not supported.)
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
v LTO-8 drives are unable to read LTO-6 media. If you are mixing LTO-6 with
LTO-8 drives and media in a single library, you must partition the library
into two libraries. One library must have only LTO-8 drives and media and
the other must have LTO-6 drives and media.
If you are considering mixing different generations of LTO media and drives,
be aware of the following restrictions.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
LTO devices:
Table 73. Recording format and default estimated capacity for LTO
Format capacity Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
400 GB
ULTRIUM3 400 GB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 3
ULTRIUM3C See note Compressed format, using Ultrium 3 cartridges
800 GB
ULTRIUM4 800 GB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 4
ULTRIUM4C See note Compressed format, using Ultrium 4 cartridges
1.6 TB
ULTRIUM5 1.5 TB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 5
ULTRIUM5C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium 5 cartridges
described in note
9 TB for LTO-M8
ULTRIUM8C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium M8 or Ultrium 8
described in note cartridges
Note: If this format uses the tape-drive hardware-compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity is varied.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
For more information about estimated capacities, see Table 73 on page 223.
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
Restriction: If encryption is enabled for a device class, and the device class is
associated with a storage pool, the storage pool should not share a scratch pool
with other device classes that cannot be encrypted. If a tape is encrypted, and
you plan to use it on a drive that cannot be encrypted, you must manually
relabel the tape before it can be used on that drive.
ON Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect is the key manager for drive
encryption and allows drive encryption for empty storage pool volumes
only if the application method is enabled. (Other types of volumes are not
encrypted. For example, back up sets, export volumes, and database
backup volumes are not encrypted.) If you specify ON and you enable
another method of encryption, drive encryption is not allowed and backup
operations fail.
Note: You cannot specify IBM Spectrum Protect as the key manager for
drive encryption of WORM (write once, read many) media. (Specifying
both WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON is not supported.)
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. However, drive encryption for empty volumes is allowed if
another method of encryption is enabled.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. Use this setting with an encryption methodology that is
provided by another vendor and that is used with Application Method
Encryption (AME) enabled on the drive. When you specify EXTERNAL
and IBM Spectrum Protect detects that AME encryption is enabled, IBM
Spectrum Protect does not turn off encryption. By contrast, when you
specify ALLOW and IBM Spectrum Protect detects that AME encryption is
enabled, IBM Spectrum Protect turns off encryption.
Specifies that drive encryption is not allowed. If you enable another
method of encryption, backups fail. If you enable the application method,
IBM Spectrum Protect disables encryption and backups are attempted.
Define a device class that is named LTOTAPE for an LTO drive in a library named
LTOLIB. The format is ULTRIUM, mount limit is 12, mount retention is 5, tape
volume prefix is named SMVOL, and the estimated capacity is 100 GB.
define devclass ltotape devtype=lto library=ltolib
format=ultrium mountlimit=12 mountretention=5
prefix=smvol estcapacity=100G
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
MOUNTWait = 60
► LIBRary = library_name MOUNTRetention = 0 ►
MOUNTWait = minutes
► ESTCAPacity = size ►
► ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
DEVType=NAS (Required)
Specifies that the network-attached storage (NAS) device type is assigned to
the device class. The NAS device type is for drives that are attached to and
used by a NAS file server for backup of NAS file systems.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the SCSI tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
MOUNTRetention=0 (Required)
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. Zero (0) is the only supported value for
device classes with DEVType=NAS.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes the server waits for an operator to
respond to a request to either mount a volume in a drive in a manual library
or check in a volume to be mounted in an automated library. This parameter is
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
ESTCAPacity (Required)
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Define a device class that is named NASTAPE for a NAS drive in a library named
NASLIB. The mount limit is DRIVES, mount retention is 0, tape volume prefix is
named SMVOL, and the estimated capacity is 200 GB.
define devclass nastape devtype=nas library=naslib
mountretention=0 mountlimit=drives
prefix=smvol estcapacity=200G
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
MAXCAPacity = space_remaining
► DEVType = REMOVABLEfile ►
MAXCAPacity = size
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the removable
media drives used by this device class. For information about defining a
library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
DEVType=REMOVABLEfile (Required)
Specifies that the REMOVABLEFILE device type is assigned to the device class.
REMOVABLEFILE indicates that the volumes for this device class are files on
local, removable media.
Volumes in a device class with device type REMOVABLEFILE are sequential
access volumes.
Use the device manufacturer's utilities to format (if necessary) and label the
media. The label on the media must meet the following restrictions:
v The label can have no more than 11 characters.
v The volume label and the name of the file on the volume must match
v The MAXCAPACITY parameter value must be specified at less than the
capacity of the media.
Specifies the maximum size of any volumes that are defined to a storage pool
categorized by this device class. This parameter is optional.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is DRIVES. You can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
MAXCAPacity = 500M
► SERVERName = server_name ►
MAXCAPacity = size
MOUNTLimit = 1 MOUNTRetention = 60
► ►
MOUNTLimit = number MOUNTRetention = minutes
RETRYInterval = 30
► ►◄
RETRYInterval = retry_value_(seconds)
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
DEVType=SERVER (Required)
Specifies a remote connection that supports virtual volumes.
SERVERName (Required)
Specifies the name of the server. The SERVERNAME parameter must match a
defined server.
Specifies the maximum size for objects that are created on the target server; the
default for this value is 500M. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that the maximum capacity is 500M (500 MB).
Specify this value as an integer followed by K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G
(gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The minimum value that is allowed is 1 MB
1. NAS-attached libraries are not supported.
2. VolSafe media and read/write media must be in separate storage pools.
3. Check in cartridges with CHECKLABEL=YES on the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
4. Label cartridges with OVERWRITE=NO on the LABEL LIBVOLUME command. If
VolSafe cartridges are labeled more than one time, no additional data can be
written to them.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DEVType = VOLSAFE WORM = Yes ►
MOUNTRetention = 60
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size MOUNTRetention = minutes
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the VolSafe drives
that can be used by this device class. If any drives in a library are
VolSafe-enabled, all drives in the library must be VolSafe-enabled. Consult your
hardware documentation to enable VolSafe on the 9840 and T10000 drives.
For information about defining a library object, see “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define
a library)” on page 270.
DEVType=VOLSAFE (Required)
Specifies that the VOLSAFE device type is assigned to the device class. The
label on this type of cartridge can be overwritten one time, which IBM
Spectrum Protect does when it writes the first block of data. Therefore, it is
important to limit the use of the LABEL LIBVOLUME command to one time per
volume by using the OVERWRITE=NO parameter.
Specifies whether the drives use WORM (write once, read many) media. The
parameter is required. The value must be Yes.
Specifies that the drives use WORM media.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
Important: If you specify DRIVE for a device class that has non-compatible
sequential access devices, then you must mount volumes on devices that are
capable of reading or writing the format that is established when the volume
was first mounted. This can cause delays if the only sequential access device
that can access the volume is already in use.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
VolSafe devices:
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
ESTCAPacity = 9G
► DEVType = 3590 ►
MOUNTWait = 60 MOUNTLimit = 2
► ►
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
COMPression = Yes
► ►
COMPression = Yes EXPiration = yyyyddd
No RETention = days
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of a library that was defined with the LIBTYPE=ZOSMEDIA
parameter. The library and the tape drives that can be used by this device class
are controlled by the z/OS media server.
Restriction: The z/OS media server supports 256 KB data blocks when writing
to 3590 tape drives. Verify that your hardware supports this capability.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
See the following table for the recording formats.
Table 76. Recording formats for 3590
Format Description
3590B Uncompressed (basic) format
3590C Compressed format
3590E-B Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B format
3590E-C Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
3590H-B Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B format
3590H-C Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
Note: If the format uses the tape drive hardware compression feature the actual capacity
can increase, depending on the effectiveness of compression.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional. The default estimated capacity for 3590 tapes
is 9 GB.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate because of compression of data. The value does not
determine the amount of data stored on the volume. The server uses the value
to estimate the usage before a volume is filled. After a volume is full, the
actual amount of data stored on the tape is used for the usage calculation.
Specify the value as an integer with one of the following unit indicators: K
(KB), M (MB), G (GB), or T (TB). For example, specify that the estimated capacity
is 9 GB with the parameter ESTCAPACITY=9G. The smallest value that is accepted
is 100 KB (ESTCAPACITY=100K).
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is 2.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
class. You can specify a number, 0 - 4096.
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool.
Specifies whether file compression is used for this device class. This parameter
is optional. The default value is YES.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the data for each tape volume is compressed.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 243
No Specifies that the data for each tape volume is not compressed.
Specifies the expiration date that is placed on the tape labels for this device
class. This parameter is optional. There is no default value.
Specify the date when the server no longer requires the tape. The server does
not use this information, but this information is passed to the z/OS media
server for use by z/OS or tape management systems.
Specify the expiration date using the format, yyyyddd (four digits for the year
and three digits for the day). For example, January 7, 2014 is specified as
2014007 (the seventh day of year 2014).
If you specify the EXPIRATION parameter, you cannot specify the RETENTION
Specifies the number of days to retain the tape. This parameter is optional.
Specify the number of days (1 - 9999) that the server is expected to use the
tape. The server does not use this information, but this information is passed
to the z/OS media server for use by z/OS or tape management systems.
If you specify the RETENTION parameter, you cannot specify the EXPIRATION
Specifies whether the RACF® program, if installed, protects volumes that are
assigned to this device class. If protection is provided, RACF profiles are
created when volumes are first used. This parameter is optional. The default
value is NO. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the RACF program does not protect volumes that are
assigned to this device class.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes, but the profiles are not deleted when volumes are
deleted from the server. Profiles must be manually deleted.
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
See the documentation for the RACF program for details about the TAPEVOL
and TAPEDSN settings and the profiles that are created when these settings are
Specifies an esoteric unit name to specify a group of tape devices that support
3590 tape. This parameter is optional. The default unit name is 3590. The unit
name can be up to 8 characters.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
PROtection = No
► ►
EXPiration = yyyyddd PROtection = No
RETention = days Yes
UNIT = 3592
► ►◄
UNIT = unit_name
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Use the specific format that the drives use. For
optimal results, do not mix generations of drives in the same library. If a
library contains mixed generations, media problems can result. For example,
generation 1 and generation 2 drives cannot read generation 3 media. If
possible, upgrade all drives to 3592 generation 3. If you cannot upgrade all
drives to 3592 generation 3, you must use a special configuration.
Specifies whether the drives use WORM (write once, read many) media. This
parameter is optional. The default is No. You can specify one of the following
Specifies that the drives use WORM media.
No Specifies that the drives do not use WORM media.
Tip: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not automatically delete scratch
volumes in WORM storage pools after the volumes are emptied by expiration
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
See the documentation for the RACF program for details about the TAPEVOL
and TAPEDSN settings and the profiles that are created when these settings are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DEVType = ECARTridge ►
MOUNTRetention = 60 MOUNTWait = 60
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
PROtection = No
► ►
EXPiration = yyyyddd PROtection = No
RETention = days Yes
UNIT = 9840
► ►◄
UNIT = unit_name
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional. The default estimated capacity is 9 GB.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate because of compression of data. The value does not
determine the amount of data stored on the volume. The server uses the value
to estimate the usage before a volume is filled. After a volume is full, the
actual amount of data stored on the tape is used for the usage calculation.
Specify the value as an integer with one of the following unit indicators: K
(KB), M (MB), G (GB), or T (TB). For example, specify that the estimated capacity
is 9 GB with the parameter ESTCAPACITY=9G. The smallest value that is accepted
is 100 KB (ESTCAPACITY=100K).
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The default value is ADSM. The maximum length of this
prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle tape volume is retained before it
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. The
default is 2.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
class. You can specify a number, 0 - 4096.
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool.
Specifies whether file compression is used for this device class. This parameter
is optional. The default value is YES.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the data for each tape volume is compressed.
No Specifies that the data for each tape volume is not compressed.
Specifies the expiration date that is placed on the tape labels for this device
class. This parameter is optional. There is no default value.
Specify the date when the server no longer requires the tape. The server does
not use this information, but this information is passed to the z/OS media
server for use by z/OS or tape management systems.
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
See the documentation for the RACF program for details about the TAPEVOL
and TAPEDSN settings and the profiles that are created when these settings are
Specifies an esoteric unit name to specify a group of tape devices that support
ECARTRIDGE tapes. Use the unit name that represents the subset of drives in the
library that are attached to the z/OS system. This parameter is optional. The
default value is 9840. The unit name can be up to 8 characters.
Define a device class named E1 with the ECARTRIDGE device type and with RACF
protection active for all tape volumes that are assigned to this device class. All data
is compressed for this device class. The device class is for a z/OS media server
library named ZOSELIB.
define devclass e1 devtype=ecartridge library=zoselib compression=yes
A volume in this device class is a Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) linear
data set that is accessed by the z/OS media server. SCRATCH volumes can be
used with device class and the z/OS media server can dynamically allocate the
VSAM LDS. It is not necessary to define volumes for the server to use the device
class. If you define volumes, set the high-level qualifier (HLQ) so that SMS
recognizes the allocation request by the z/OS media server. If you are using
defined volumes, the format volume function is not supported for the server when
this device class is used. The z/OS media server uses a FormatWrite feature of
DFSMS Media Manager when filling FILE volumes.
You can define volumes for the FILE device class by using the DEFINE VOLUME
command. However, the z/OS media server does not allocate space for a defined
volume until the volume is opened for its first use.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
MAXCAPacity = 10G
► LIBRary = library_name ►
MAXCAPacity = size
DEVType=FILE (Required)
Specifies that the FILE device type is assigned to the device class.
LIBRary (Required)
Specifies the name of a library that was defined with the LIBTYPE=ZOSMEDIA
parameter. The disk storage that is used by this device class is accessed by the
z/OS media server and managed by SMS.
For information about defining a library, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the maximum size of file volumes that are defined to a storage pool
in this device class. This parameter is optional. The default value is 10 GB
Tip: To fill volumes when you specify a large value for the MAXCAPACITY
parameter, specify large values for the PRIMARYALLOC and SECONDARYALLOC
parameters. Use larger MVS™ volume sizes to reduce the chance of extend
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that is used to allocate
scratch volume data sets. For all scratch file volumes created in this device
class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This parameter is
optional. The default is ADSM. The maximum length of the prefix, including
periods, is 32 characters.
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a file volume data set name using the default prefix is
If you have a data set naming convention, use a prefix that conforms to your
naming conventions. For example, the following value is acceptable:
If you are running multiple server instances for either IBM Spectrum Protect or
Tivoli® Storage Manager for z/OS Media you must use a unique value for the
PREFIX parameter for each device class that you define.
Specifies the maximum number of FILE volumes that can be open concurrently
for this device class. This parameter is optional. The default value is 20.
If you are using IBM 3995 devices that emulate 3390 devices, set the value no
higher than the number of concurrent input or output streams that are possible
on the physical media.
The value that you specify in this parameter is important if there is a
significant penalty switching from one volume to another. For example,
switching can take place when using IBM 3995 devices to emulate 3390
devices. The value that you specify must be no higher than the number of
physical drives available on the device.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
You must activate a policy set in the domain before clients assigned to the policy
domain can back up, archive, or migrate files.
Privilege class
►► DEFine DOmain domain_name ►
DESCription = description
► ►◄
ACTIVEDESTination = ▼ active-data_pool_name
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to be defined. The maximum length of
this name is 30 characters.
Specifies a description of the policy domain. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the number of days (from the date the backup versions became
inactive) to retain backup versions of files that are no longer on the client file
system. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer from 0 to 9999.
The default value is 30. The server uses the backup retention value to manage
inactive versions of files when any of the following conditions occur:
v A file is rebound to a new management class, but the new management class
and the default management class do not contain a backup copy group.
v The management class to which a file is bound no longer exists. The default
management class does not contain a backup copy group.
v The backup copy group is deleted from the management class to which a
file is bound. The default management class does not contain a backup copy
Specifies the number of days (from the date of archive) to retain archive copies.
Define a policy domain with a name of PROG1 and the description, Programming
Group Domain. Specify that archive copies are retained for 90 days when
management classes or archive copy groups are deleted and the default
management class does not contain an archive copy group. Also, specify that
backup versions are retained for 60 days when management classes or copy groups
are deleted and the default management class does not contain a backup copy
define domain prog1
description="Programming Group Domain"
backretention=60 archretention=90
Related commands
Table 79. Commands related to DEFINE DOMAIN
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY DOMAIN Creates a copy of a policy domain.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE DOMAIN Deletes a policy domain along with any
policy objects in the policy domain.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
UPDATE DOMAIN Changes the attributes of a policy domain.
A path must be defined after you issue the DEFINE DRIVE command to make the
drive usable by IBM Spectrum Protect. For more information, see “DEFINE PATH
(Define a path)” on page 300. If you are using a SCSI or VTL library type, see
“PERFORM LIBACTION (Define or delete all drives and paths for a library)” on
page 748.
You can define more than one drive for a library by issuing the DEFINE DRIVE
command for each drive. Stand-alone drives always require a manual library.
For detailed and current drive support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
SERial = AUTODetect
►► DEFine DRive library_name drive_name ►
SERial = AUTODetect
ONLine = Yes ELEMent = AUTODetect
► ►
ONLine = Yes ELEMent = AUTODetect
No address
► ►
ACSDRVID = drive_id
► ►◄
1 The ELEMENT parameter is only necessary for drives in SCSI libraries when
the drive type is a network attached SCSI (NAS) drive.
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to which the drive is assigned. This parameter
is required for all drives, including stand-alone drives. The specified library
must have been previously defined by using the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
drive_name (Required)
Specifies the name that is assigned to the drive. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
Specifies the serial number for the drive that is being defined. This parameter
is optional. The default is AUTODETECT.
If SERIAL=AUTODETECT, then the serial number reported by the drive when
you define the path is used as the serial number.
If SERIAL=serial_number, then the serial number that is entered is used to
verify that the path to the drive is correct when you define the path.
v The ELEMENT parameter is valid only for drives in SCSI libraries or VTLs
when the drive type is not a network attached SCSI (NAS) drive.
v This parameter is not effective when the command is issued from a library
client server (that is, when the library type is SHARED).
v Depending on the capabilities of the library, ELEMENT=AUTODETECT
might not be supported. In this case, you must supply the element address.
Restriction: IBM Spectrum Protect does not control the drives that are
connected to the NAS file server. If a drive is attached only to a NAS file
server (no connection to a storage agent or server), do not specify ASNEEDED
for the cleaning frequency.
Specifies, in gigabytes, how much data is processed on the drive before the
server loads the drive with a cleaner cartridge. The server resets the
gigabytes-processed counter each time it loads a cleaner cartridge in the
Define a drive in a manual library with a library name of LIB01 and a drive name
of DRIVE01.
define drive lib01 drive01
define path server01 drive01 srctype=server desttype=drive
library=lib01 device=/dev/rmt0
Define a drive in an ACSLS library with a library name of ACSLIB and a drive
name of ACSDRV1.
define drive acslib acsdrv1 acsdrvid=1,2,3,4
define path server01 acsdrv1 srctype=server desttype=drive
library=acslib device=/dev/rmt0
Related commands
Table 80. Commands related to DEFINE DRIVE
Command Description
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
If you define an event server, one IBM Spectrum Protect server can send events to
another IBM Spectrum Protect server that will log those events.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DEFine EVENTSERVer server_name ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the event server. The server you specify must have
already been defined with the DEFINE SERVER command.
Related commands
Table 81. Commands related to DEFINE EVENTSERVER
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE EVENTSERVER Deletes reference to the event server.
DISABLE EVENTS Disables specific events for receivers.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
PING SERVER Tests the connections between servers..
QUERY EVENTSERVER Displays the name of the event server.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
Privilege class
group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the server group to which the member will be added.
member_name (Required)
Specifies the names of the servers or groups to be added to the group. To
specify multiple servers and groups, separate the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. The servers or server groups must already be defined to
the server.
Define the server TUCSON and the server group CALIFORNIA to server group
define grpmember west_complex tucson,california
Related commands
Table 82. Commands related to DEFINE GRPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE GRPMEMBER Deletes a server from a server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
MOVE GRPMEMBER Moves a server group member.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
A library can be accessed by only one source: an IBM Spectrum Protect server or a
data mover. However, the drives in a library can be accessed by multiple sources.
The following library types can be defined to the server. Syntax and parameter
descriptions are available for each type.
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a 349X library)” on page 272
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define an ACSLS library)” on page 275
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define an External library)” on page 278
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a FILE library)” on page 280
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a manual library)” on page 281
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a SCSI library)” on page 283
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a shared library)” on page 286
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a VTL library)” on page 287
v “DEFINE LIBRARY (Define a ZOSMEDIA library type)” on page 290
For detailed and current library support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Related commands
Table 83. Commands related to DEFINE LIBRARY
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
LABEL LIBVOLUME Labels volumes in manual or automated
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine LIBRary library_name LIBType = 349X ►
SHAREd = Yes
► ►◄
WORMSCRatchcategory = number
1 The default value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is conditional. If the SHARED
parameter is set to NO, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is NO. If the
SHARED parameter is set to YES, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=349X (Required)
Specifies that the library is an IBM 3494 or 3495 Tape Library Dataserver.
Restriction: IBM 3494 libraries support only one unique device type at a time.
Specifies whether this library is shared with other servers in a storage area
network (SAN). This parameter is required when you define a library to the
library manager.
Specifies that this library can be shared with other servers. When you
specify YES, the library manager server mounts volumes as requested by
other servers and tracks drive and volume allocation to other servers.
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies the category number to be used for scratch volumes in the library.
This parameter is optional. The default value is 301 (becomes X'12D' on the
IBM 3494 since it uses hexadecimal values). You can specify a number from 1
to 65279. This number must be unique. It cannot be shared with other
applications or defined libraries, and it must be different from the other
category numbers in this library.
Specifies the category number for private volumes that must be mounted by
name. This parameter is optional. The default value is 300 (this value becomes
X'12C' on the IBM 3494 because it uses hexadecimal values). You can specify a
number from 1 to 65279. This number must be unique. It cannot be shared
with other applications or defined libraries, and it must be different from the
other category numbers in this library.
Specifies the category number to be used for WORM scratch volumes in the
library. This parameter is required if you use WORM volumes. You can specify
a number from 1 to 65279. This number must be unique. It cannot be shared
with other applications or defined libraries, and it must be different from the
other category numbers in this library. This parameter is only valid when 3592
WORM volumes are used.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used. YES is the default for a library that is defined with
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. NO is the default for a library that is defined with
SHARED=NO. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a
clustered environment when SHARED=NO.
Define a library named my3494 with a scratch category number of 550, a private
category number of 600, and a WORM scratch category number of 400®
define library my3494 libtype=349x scratchcategory=550
privatecategory=600 wormscratchcategory=400
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine LIBRary library_name LIBType = ACSLS ►
SHAREd = Yes
► ACSID = number ►◄
1 The default value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is conditional. If the SHARED
parameter is set to NO, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is NO. If the
SHARED parameter is set to YES, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=ACSLS (Required)
Specifies that the library is a StorageTek library that is controlled by StorageTek
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS).
Specifies whether this library is shared with other servers in a storage area
network (SAN). This parameter is required when you define a library to the
library manager.
Specifies that this library can be shared with other servers. When you
specify YES, the library manager server mounts volumes as requested by
other servers and tracks drive and volume allocation to other servers.
NO Specifies that this library cannot be shared with other servers.
SHARED=NO is required if the library is controlled by passing commands
through a NAS file server.
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established. If, for example, a storage agent becomes
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used. YES is the default for a library that is defined with
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. NO is the default for a library that is defined with
SHARED=NO. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a
clustered environment when SHARED=NO.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional. The default is YES.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes.
Define a library named ACSLIB with the library type of ACSLS and an ACSID of
define library acslib libtype=acsls acsid=1 shared=yes
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
AUTOLabel = Yes
► ►◄
AUTOLabel = No
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=EXTernal (Required)
Specifies that the library is managed by an external media management
system. This library type does not support drive definitions with the DEFINE
DRIVE command. Rather, the external media management system identifies the
appropriate drive for media access operations.
In an IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks environment, this
parameter specifies that StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library
Software (ACSLS) or Library Station software controls the library. Software,
such as Gresham EDT-DistribuTAPE, allows multiple servers to share the
library. The drives in this library are not defined to IBM Spectrum Protect.
ACSLS identifies the drive for media operations.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional. The default is YES.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
For an IBM Spectrum Protect for Storage Area Networks configuration, define a
library named EXTLIB with the library type of EXTERNAL. If you are using
Gresham Enterprise DistribuTAPE, the external library manager executable file is
in the following directory:
If you are using the IBM Tape System Library Manager, the external library
manager executable file can be found in the following directory:
For more information, see the IBM Tape System Library Manager User's Guide at
1. Define the library:
define library extlib libtype=external
2. Define the path:
define path server1 extlib srctype=server desttype=library
Restriction: The only file system that is supported for a FILE library is the General
Parallel File System (GPFS).
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine LIBRary library_name LIBType = FILE ►◄
SHAREd = Yes
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=FILE (Required)
Specifies that a pseudo-library is created for sequential file volumes. When you
parameters, this occurs automatically. FILE libraries are necessary only when
sharing sequential file volumes between the server and one or more storage
agents. The use of FILE libraries requires library sharing. Shared FILE libraries
are supported for use in LAN-free backup configurations only. You cannot use
a shared FILE library in an environment in which a library manager is used to
manage library clients.
Specifies whether this library is shared with other IBM Spectrum Protect
servers in a storage area network (SAN). This parameter is required when you
define a library to the library manager.
Specifies that this library can be shared with other servers. When you
specify YES, the library manager server mounts volumes as requested by
other servers and tracks drive and volume allocation to other servers.
NO Specifies that this library cannot be shared with other servers.
SHARED=NO is required if the library is controlled by passing commands
through a NAS file server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=MANUAL (Required)
Specifies that the library is not automated. When volumes must be mounted
on drives in this type of library, messages are sent to operators. This type of
library is used with stand-alone drives.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional. The default is YES.
To use this option, you need to check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established. If, for example, a storage agent becomes
unavailable but is still holding the path to a drive, persistent reserve allows the
server to break the storage agent's reservation and access the drive.
If persistent reserve is not supported, the server completes a reset of the path
to the target device.
Support for persistent reservation has the following limitations:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine LIBRary library_name LIBType = SCSI ►
SHAREd = Yes
RESETDrives = No AUTOLabel = No
► ►
(1) AUTOLabel = No
RESETDrives = Yes Yes
1 The default value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is conditional. If the SHARED
parameter is set to NO, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is NO. If the
SHARED parameter is set to YES, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=SCSI (Required)
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device. To mount
volumes on drives in this type of library, the server uses the media changer
Specifies whether this library is shared with other servers in a storage area
network (SAN). This parameter is required when you define a library to the
library manager.
Specifies that this library can be shared with other servers. When you
specify YES, the library manager server mounts volumes as requested by
other servers and tracks drive and volume allocation to other servers.
NO Specifies that this library cannot be shared with other servers.
SHARED=NO is required if the library is controlled by passing commands
through a NAS file server.
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies whether the server relabels volumes that were deleted and returned
to scratch. When this parameter is set to YES, a LABEL LIBVOLUME operation
is started and the existing volume label is overwritten. This parameter is
optional and intended for use with a Virtual Tape Library (VTL).
If you have both virtual and real volumes in your VTL, both types are
relabeled when this parameter is enabled. If the VTL includes real volumes,
specifying this option might impact performance.
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
No Specifies that the server does not relabel volumes that are deleted and
returned to scratch.
Specifies that the server relabels volumes that are deleted and returned to
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation if the drive is
already reserved by persistent reserve when the server tries to access the drive.
For example, a storage agent becomes unavailable, but the agent still holds the
drive that is reserved through persistent reserve. With persistent reserve, the
server can break a drive reservation and access the drive.
If the drive is reserved by a SCSI-2 reserve, (and not by persistent reserve), the
server uses a LUN reset to break the drive reservation to access the target
For network-attached storage (NAS) devices, reservation is controlled by the
NAS file server. IBM Spectrum Protect does not control NAS devices and the
RESETDrives parameter is not relevant for NAS devices.
Support for persistent reserve has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
supported only on some tape drives. For details, see technote 1470319 at
The library requires a path. The device name for the library is:
Define the path:
define path server1 scsilib srctype=server desttype=library
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► PRIMarylibmanager = server_name ►◄
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=SHAREd (Required)
Specifies that the library is shared with another IBM Spectrum Protect server
over a storage area network (SAN) or a dual SCSI connection to library drives.
Important: Specify this library type when you define the library on a library
Specifies the name of the IBM Spectrum Protect server that is responsible for
controlling access to library resources. You must define this server with the
DEFINE SERVER command before you can use it as a library manager. This
parameter is required and valid only if LIBTYPE=SHARED.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine LIBRary library_name LIBType = VTL ►
SHAREd = Yes
RESETDrives = No AUTOLabel = No
► ►
(1) AUTOLabel = No
RESETDrives = Yes Yes
1 The default value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is conditional. If the SHARED
parameter is set to NO, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is NO. If the
SHARED parameter is set to YES, the value of the RESETDRIVES parameter is
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType=VTL (Required)
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device that is
represented by a virtual tape library. To mount volumes in drives in this type
of library, the server uses the media changer device.
If you are defining a VTL library, your environment must not include any
mixed-media and paths must be defined between all drives in the library and
all defined servers, including storage agents, that use the library. If either of
these characteristics are not true, the overall performance can degrade to the
same levels as the SCSI library type; especially during times of high stress.
Specifies whether this library is shared with other servers in a storage area
network (SAN). This parameter is required when you define a library to the
library manager.
Specifies that this library can be shared with other servers. When you
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Restriction: If you are defining a library that has drives that are attached to a
network-attached storage (NAS) device, you must use the LABEL LIBVOLUME
command to label the volumes for this library.
Specifies that the server relabels volumes that are deleted and returned to
scratch. YES is the default.
No Specifies that the server does not relabel volumes that are deleted and
returned to scratch.
Specifies the serial number for the library that is being defined. This parameter
is optional. The default is AUTODETECT.
If SERIAL=AUTODETECT, then when you define the path to the library, the
serial number reported by the library is used as the serial number.
If SERIAL=serial_number, then the number you entered is compared to the
number detected by the server.
The library requires a path. The device name for the library is:
Define the path:
define path server1 vtllib srctype=server desttype=library
Define a library of type ZOSMEDIA when you want the library to be exclusively
managed by Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS Media. The library appears to the
IBM Spectrum Protect server as a logical storage device that does not require
DRIVE definitions. A PATH definition is required for the server and any storage
agents that need access to the ZOSMEDIA library resource.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined.
LIBType=ZOSMEDIA (Required)
Specifies that the library type is the ZOSMEDIA which represents a TAPE or
FILE storage resource that is maintained by Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS
The following example shows the steps needed to define and configure a zosmedia
library. The configuration includes these components:
v A server named sahara
v A library defined as type zosmedia named zebra
v A z/OS media server named oasis
v A storage agent named mirage
The server requires a path to the library resource managed by Tivoli Storage
Manager for z/OS Media:
define path sahara zebra srctype=server
desttype=library zosmediaserver=oasis
The storage agent requires a path to the library resource managed by Tivoli
Storage Manager for z/OS Media:
define path mirage zebra srctype=server
desttype=library zosmediaserver=oasis
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DEFine MACHine machine_name ►
DESCription = description
► ►
BUilding = building FLoor = floor ROom = room
PRIority = 50 ADSMServer = No
► ►◄
PRIority = number ADSMServer = No
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the machine name. The name can be up to 64 characters.
Specifies a machine description. This parameter is optional. The text can be up
to 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains any blank
Specifies the building that this machine is in. This parameter is optional. The
text can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the floor that this machine is on. This parameter is optional. The text
can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains
any blank characters.
Specifies the room that this machine is in. This parameter is optional. The text
can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains
any blank characters.
Specifies the restore priority for the machine an integer from 1 to 99. The
highest priority is 1. This parameter is optional. The default is 50.
Specifies whether the machine is an IBM Spectrum Protect server. Only one
machine can be defined as an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is
optional. The default is NO. Possible values are:
Define a machine named DISTRICT5, and specify a location, a floor, and a room
name. This machine contains critical data and has the highest priority.
define machine district5 building=101 floor=27
room=datafacilities priority=1
Related commands
Table 86. Commands related to DEFINE MACHINE
Command Description
Spectrum Protect node with a machine.
DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Associates recovery media with a machine.
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
INSERT MACHINE Inserts machine characteristics or recovery
instructions into the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect database.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
UPDATE MACHINE Changes the information for a machine.
The machine must be defined and the nodes registered to IBM Spectrum Protect.
To retrieve the information, issue the QUERY MACHINE command. This information
will be included in the plan file to help you recover the client machines.
A node remains associated with a machine unless the node, the machine, or the
association itself is deleted.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the machine name.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the node names. A node can only be associated with one machine. To
specify multiple nodes, separate the names with commas and no intervening
spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify a name.
Related commands
Table 87. Commands related to DEFINE MACHNODEASSOCIATION
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
DELETE MACHNODEASSOCIATION Deletes association between a machine and
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
You can define one or more management classes for each policy set in a policy
domain. A management class can contain a backup copy group, an archive copy
group, or both. The user of a client node can select any management class in the
active policy set or use the default management class.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the
management class belongs.
►► DEFine MGmtclass domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►
► ►◄
DESCription = description
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the management class belongs. You cannot
define a management class to the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new management class. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters. You cannot use either default or grace_period as a class
Specifies whether a file that is using this management class is eligible for
migration. This parameter is optional. The default is NONE. This parameter is
Define a management class that is called MCLASS1 for policy set SUMMER in the
PROG1 policy domain. For IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients,
Related commands
Table 88. Commands related to DEFINE MGMTCLASS
Command Description
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default
for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
UPDATE MGMTCLASS Changes the attributes of a management
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.
►► DEFine NODEGroup group_name ►◄
DESCription = description
Specifies the name of the node group that you want to create. The maximum
length of the name is 64 characters. The specified name may not be the same
as any existing client node name.
Specifies a description of the node group. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Related commands
Table 89. Commands related to DEFINE NODEGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.
Specifies the name of the node group to which you want to add a client node.
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to add to the node group.
You can specify one or more names. Separate multiple names with commas; do
not use intervening spaces. You can also use wildcard characters when
specifying multiple names.
Related commands
Table 90. Commands related to DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Syntax and parameter descriptions are available for the following path types.
v “DEFINE PATH (Define a path when the destination is a drive)” on page 301
v “DEFINE PATH (Define a path when the destination is a library)” on page 306
v “DEFINE PATH (Define a path when the destination is a ZOSMEDIA library)”
on page 309
For detailed and current device support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Related commands
Table 91. Commands related to DEFINE PATH
Command Description
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DATAMOVER Changes the definition for a data mover.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
ONLine = Yes
► LIBRary = library_name DEVIce = device_name ►
FILE ONLine = Yes
DIRectory = current_directory_name
► ►◄
DIRectory = ▼ directory_name
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path. This parameter is required.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination. This parameter is required.
SRCType (Required)
Specifies the type of the source. This parameter is required. Possible values are:
Specifies that a data mover is the source.
Specifies that a storage agent is the source.
Specifies whether the serial number for a drive is automatically updated in the
database at the time that the path is defined. This parameter is optional. This
parameter is only valid for paths that are defined from the local server to a
drive. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the serial number is not automatically updated. The serial
number is still compared with what is already in the database for the
device. The server issues a message if there is a mismatch.
Specifies that the serial number is not automatically updated to reflect the
same serial number that the drive reports to the server.
v For information about the device name when the source is a storage agent,
see the IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN product information.
v For 349X libraries, the alias name is a symbolic name that is specified in the
/etc/ibmatl.conf file. For more information, see IBM Tape Device Drivers
Installation and User’s Guide, which can be downloaded from the IBM
Systems support site at http://www.ibm.com/support/
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
For example, if the path from a data mover to a drive is online, but either the
data mover or the drive is offline, you cannot use the path.
Specifies the directory location or locations where the storage agent reads and
writes the files that represent storage volumes for the FILE device class that is
associated with the FILE library. The DIRECTORY parameter is also used for
devices of type REMOVABLEFILE. For REMOVABLEFILE devices, the
DIRECTORY parameter provides information for the server (not a storage
agent) along with the DRIVE parameter to describe access to the device. This
parameter is optional.
For a path from a storage agent to a FILE device, this parameter is only valid
when all of the following conditions are true:
v The source type is SERVER (meaning a storage agent that has been defined
as a server to this server).
v The source name is the name of a storage agent, not the server.
v The destination is a logical drive that is part of a FILE library that is created
when the device class was defined.
If you specified multiple directories for the device class associated with the
FILE library, you must specify the same number of directories for each path to
the FILE library. Do not change or move existing directories on the server that
the storage agent is using so that the device class and the path remain
synchronized. Adding directories is permitted. Specifying a mismatched
number of directories can cause a runtime failure.
The default value for DIRECTORY is the directory of the server at the time the
command is issued. The Windows registry is used to locate the default value.
Use a naming convention that you can use to associate the directory with a
particular physical drive. This can help ensure that your configuration is valid
for sharing the FILE library between the server and storage agent. If the
storage agent is on a Windows system, use a universal naming convention
(UNC) name. When the storage agent lacks permission to access remote
storage, it experiences mount failures.
Define a path from a server to a drive. In this case, the server name is NET1, the
drive name is TAPEDRV6, the library is NETLIB, and the device name is mt4. Set
define path net1 tapedrv6 srctype=server autodetect=no desttype=drive
library=netlib device=mt4
Example: Define a path from a data mover server to a drive for backup
and restore
Define a path from the data mover that is a NAS file server to the drive that the
NAS file server will use for backup and restore operations. In this example, the
NAS data mover is NAS1, the drive name is TAPEDRV3, the library is NASLIB,
and the device name for the drive is rst0l.
define path nas1 tapedrv3 srctype=datamover desttype=drive library=naslib
Example: Define a path from a storage agent to a drive for backup and
Define a path from storage agent SA1 to the drive that the storage agent uses for
backup and restore operations. In this example, the library is TSMLIB, the drive is
TAPEDRV4, and the device name for the drive is /dev/mt3.
define path sa1 tapedrv4 srctype=server desttype=drive library=tsmlib
Define a path that gives the storage agent access to files on disk storage that is
shared with the server. Drive FILE9 is defined to library FILE1 on the server. The
storage agent SA1 accesses FILE9. On the storage agent, this data is on directory
The following example illustrates the importance of matching device classes and
paths to ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE volumes.
Suppose you want to use these three directories for a FILE library:
v /opt/tivoli1
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DEFine PATH source_name destination_name SRCType = DATAMover ►
► DESTType = LIBRary ►
AUTODetect = No
ONLine = Yes
► DEVIce = device_name ►◄
EXTERNALManager = path_name ONLine = Yes
1 DATAMOVER only applies to NAS devices.
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path. This parameter is required.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination. This parameter is required.
Attention: To define a path from a NAS data mover to a library, the library
must have LIBTYPE of SCSI, 349x, or ACSLS.
SRCType (Required)
Specifies the type of the source. This parameter is required. Possible values are:
Specifies that a data mover is the source.
Specifies that a storage agent is the source.
Specifies whether the serial number for a drive or library will be automatically
updated in the database at the time that the path is defined. This parameter is
optional. This parameter is only valid for paths defined from the local server to
a drive or a library. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the serial number will not be automatically updated. The
serial number is still compared with what is already in the database for the
device. The server issues a message if there is a mismatch.
Specifies that the serial number will be automatically updated to reflect the
same serial number that the drive reports to IBM Spectrum Protect.
v For information about the device name when the source is a storage agent,
see the IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN product information.
v For 349X libraries, the alias name is a symbolic name that is specified in the
/etc/ibmatl.conf file. For more information, see IBM Tape Device Drivers
Installation and User’s Guide, which can be downloaded from the IBM
Systems support site at http://www.ibm.com/support/
v For information about how to obtain names for devices that are connected to
a NAS file server, consult the product information for the file server. For
example, for a NetApp file server, connect to the file server using Telnet and
issue the SYSCONFIG command. Use this command to determine device
names for drives:
sysconfig -t
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
Attention: If the path to a library is offline, the server will not be able to
access the library. If the server is halted and restarted while the path to the
library is offline, the library will not be initialized.
Define a path from the server SATURN to the SCSI type library SCSILIB:
define path saturn scsilib srctype=server
desttype=library device=/dev/lb3
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
ONLine = Yes
► DESTType = LIBRary ZOSMEDIASERVER = server_name ►◄
ONLine = Yes
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the ZOSMEDIA library.
SRCType=SERVer (Required)
Specifies that a storage agent or server is the source.
DESTType=LIBRary (Required)
Specifies that a library is the destination.
ZOSMEDIAServer (Required)
Specifies the name of the server that represents a Tivoli Storage Manager for
z/OS Media server.
Specifies whether the path is available for use. This parameter is optional. The
default is YES. Possible values are:
Specifies that the path is available for use.
No Specifies that the path is not available for use.
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
Attention: If the path to a library is offline, the server will not be able to
access the library. If the server is halted and restarted while the path to the
library is offline, the library will not be initialized.
If the z/OS media server cannot be accessed during initialization of the IBM
Spectrum Protect server, the library path will be set offline. Use the UPDATE
PATH command and specify ONLINE=YES to vary the ZOSMEDIA library back
To put a policy set into effect, you must activate the policy set by using the
ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. Only one policy set can be active in a policy
domain. The copy groups and management classes within the active policy set
determine the rules by which client nodes perform backup, archive, and space
management operations, and how the client files stored are managed.
Use the VALIDATE POLICYSET command to verify that a policy set is complete and
valid before activating it with the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► DEFine POlicyset domain_name policy_set_name ►
► ►◄
DESCription = description
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the policy set belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy set. The maximum length of this name is 30
characters. You cannot define a policy set named ACTIVE.
Specifies a description for the new policy set. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Define a policy set called SUMMER for the PROG1 policy domain and include the
description, “Programming Group Policies.”
define policyset prog1 summer
description="Programming Group Policies"
Related commands
Table 94. Commands related to DEFINE POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
COPY POLICYSET Creates a copy of a policy set.
You can use this command to define an initial set of profile associations and to add
to existing associations.
Tip: The configuration manager does not distribute status information for an
object to managed servers. For example, information such as the number of days
since an administrator last accessed the server is not distributed to managed
servers. This type of information is maintained in the databases of the individual
managed servers.
Privilege class
►► DEFine PROFASSOCiation profile_name ►
ADMins = *
▼ admin_name
► ►
DOmains = * ADSCHeds = *
, ,
▼ domain_name ▼ schedule_name
► ►
SCRipts = *
▼ script_name
▼ option_set_name
► ►◄
SERVers = * SERVERGroups = *
, ,
▼ server_name ▼ group_name
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the configuration profile.
Specifies administrators to associate with the profile. You can use wildcard
characters in the names. You can specify more than one name by separating
the names with commas and no intervening spaces. Use the match-all
definition, an asterisk (*) by itself, to specify all administrators that are
registered with the configuration manager. If you specify the match-all
definition and later add more administrators, they are automatically
distributed through the profile.
The configuration manager distributes the administrator name, password,
contact information, and authorities of administrators associated with the
profile. The configuration manager does not distribute the following:
v The administrator named SERVER_CONSOLE, even if you use a match-all
v The locked or unlocked status of an administrator.
v The value of the SESSIONSECURITY parameter for an administrator. If you
must reissue certificates and you use an administrator ID to log in to
multiple systems and that administrator ID meets the requirements for the
SESSIONSECURITY=STRICT value, you must update the administrator ID. On
the servers that the administrator logs in to, use the UPDATE ADMIN command
to specify the SESSIONSECURITY=TRANSITIONAL value. Changing the value of
the SESSIONSECURITY parameter on the managing server does not affect the
value of the administrator's SESSIONSECURITY parameter on managed servers.
To update the SESSIONSECURITY parameter and reissue the certificates for
administrators, issue the following command on each managed server:
Tip: Administrative schedules are not active when they are distributed by a
configuration manager. An administrator on a managed server must activate
any schedule to have it run on that server.
When the profile already has administrative schedules associated with it, the
following apply:
v If you specify a list of administrative schedules and a list already exists, IBM
Spectrum Protect combines the new list with the existing list.
v If you use a match-all definition and a list of administrative schedules
already exists, IBM Spectrum Protect replaces the list with the match-all
v If you specify a list of administrative schedules, and a match-all definition
had previously been specified, IBM Spectrum Protect ignores the list. To
1. A server definition on a managed server is not replaced by a definition
from the configuration manager unless you have allowed replacement of
the definition on the managed server. To allow replacement, on the
managed server update the server definition by using the UPDATE SERVER
command with ALLOWREPLACE=YES.
2. If a configuration manager distributes a server definition to a managed
server, and a server group of the same name exists on the managed server,
the distributed server definition replaces the server group definition.
Specifies server groups to associate with the profile. You can use wildcard
characters in the names. You can specify more than one name by separating
the names with commas and no intervening spaces. Use the match-all
definition, an asterisk (*) by itself, to specify all server groups that are defined
on the configuration manager. If you specify the match-all definition and later
add more server groups, they are automatically distributed through the profile.
You have already associated a list of domains with a profile named GAMMA. Now
associate all domains defined on the configuration manager with the profile.
Related commands
Table 95. Commands related to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UNLOCK PROFILE Enables a locked profile to be distributed to
managed servers.
UPDATE PROFILE Changes the description of a profile.
After defining a profile, you can use the DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION command to
specify objects to be distributed to managed servers subscribing to the profile.
Privilege class
►► DEFine PROFIle profile_name ►◄
DESCription = description
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the profile. The maximum length of the name is 30
Specifies a description of the profile. The maximum length of the description is
255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 96. Commands related to DEFINE PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UNLOCK PROFILE Enables a locked profile to be distributed to
managed servers.
To associate a machine with recovery media, both the machine and media must be
defined to IBM Spectrum Protect. A machine remains associated with the media
until the association, the media, or the machine is deleted.
Privilege class
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media with which one or more machines
will be associated.
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the machines to be associated with the recovery media. A
machine can be associated with multiple recovery media. To specify a list of
machines, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You
can use wildcard characters to specify a name.
Related commands
Table 97. Commands related to DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA Defines the media required to recover a
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
DELETE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Deletes association between recovery media
and a machine.
DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA Deletes recovery media.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DEFine RECOVERYMedia media_name ►
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
► ►
DESCription = description LOcation = location
Type = OTher
► ►
Type = OTher PROduct = product_name
► ►◄
PRODUCTInfo = product_information
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media to be defined. The name can be up to
30 characters.
Specifies the names of volumes that contain the recoverable data (for example,
operating system image copies). This parameter is required if you specify a
media type of BOOT. Specify boot media volume names in the order in which
they are to be inserted into the machine at recovery time. The maximum length
of the volume names list is 255 characters. Enclose the list in quotation marks
if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the description of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length is 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the location of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length is 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the type of recovery media. This parameter is optional. The default is
Define the recovery media named DIST5RM. Include a description and the
define recoverymedia dist5rm
description="district 5 base system image"
location="district 1 vault"
Related commands
Table 98. Commands related to DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA
Command Description
DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Associates recovery media with a machine.
DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA Deletes recovery media.
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA Changes the attributes of recovery media.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DEFine RECOVERYMedia media_name ►
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
► ►
DESCription = description LOcation = location
Type = OTher
► ►
Type = OTher PROduct = product_name
► ►◄
PRODUCTInfo = product_information
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media to be defined. The name can be up to
30 characters.
Specifies the names of volumes that contain the recoverable data (for example,
operating system image copies). This parameter is required if you specify a
media type of BOOT. Specify boot media volume names in the order in which
they are to be inserted into the machine at recovery time. The maximum length
of the volume names list is 255 characters. Enclose the list in quotation marks
if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the description of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length is 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the location of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length is 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the type of recovery media. This parameter is optional. The default is
Define the recovery media named DIST5RM. Include a description and the
define recoverymedia dist5rm
description="district 5 base system image"
location="district 1 vault"
Related commands
Table 99. Commands related to DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA
Command Description
DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Associates recovery media with a machine.
DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA Deletes recovery media.
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA Changes the attributes of recovery media.
| You can define the retention rule to run only once or on a scheduled basis.
| A one-time only retention rule enables you to create a retention set to meet
| requirements to collect active data in either the past, present, or in the future.
| You can also define a retention rule to run on a scheduled basis, beginning from
| the current date and time or a date and time in the future.
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Syntax
| ,
►► DEFine RETRule retrule_name ▼ node_name ►
| ► ►
| ,
(1) (2) (3) NAMEType = SERVER CODEType = BOTH
▼ filespace_name
UNIcode NONUNIcode
| ACTive = Yes
| ► ►◄
ACTive = Yes DESCription = description
| classic schedule:
| DAYofweek = ANY
| ►
DAYofweek = ANY
| enhanced schedule:
| SCHEDStyle = Enhanced
| DAYofweek = ANY
| ►
, DAYofweek = ANY
WEEKofmonth = ▼ ANY WEEKEnd
FIrst ,
Third ▼ SUnday
FOurth Monday
Last TUesday
| Notes:
| 1 The filespace_name must correspond to an IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
| Environments virtual machine.
| 2 If you specify a file space name, you can specify only one fully qualified node
| name.
| 3 Instead of specifying a file space name, you can specify the name of the
| virtual machine.
| Parameters
| retrule_name (Required)
| Specifies the name of the retention rule. The name must be unique and the
| maximum length is 64 characters.
| node_name or node_group_name (Required)
| Specifies the name of the client node or node groups to which the retention
| rule applies. To specify multiple node names and node group names, separate
| the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
| characters with node names but not with node group names. If you specify
| wildcard characters in the node name, when the retention set is created, all
| nodes are included in the retention set that match that wildcard specification.
| If you specify a file space name, you can specify a single node name only.
| filespace_name
| Specifies the name of a file space to which the retention rule applies. The file
| Tip: Issue the QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file spaces and
| file space IDs are defined for a node on the server.
| NAMEType
| Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space name that you
| enter. Use this parameter only when you specify a partially or a fully qualified
| file space name.
| The default value is SERVER. If a virtual file space mapping name is specified,
| you must use SERVER. You can specify one of the following values:
| The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space name.
| UNIcode
| The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
| code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
| on the characters in the name and the server's code page. Conversion fails
| if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code
| page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
| The server interprets the file space name as the file space ID (FSID).
| CODEType
| Specifies the type of file spaces to be included in retention rule processing. The
| default value is BOTH, meaning that file spaces are included regardless of code
| page type. Use this parameter only when you enter a single wildcard character
| for the file space name. You can specify one of the following values:
| UNIcode
| Specifies only file spaces that are in Unicode.
| NONUNIcode
| Specifies only file spaces that are not in Unicode.
| Specifies all file spaces regardless of code page type.
| Specifies the beginning time in a range of times in which the retention rule is
| first processed. If the start time is in the past, files that were active from the
| specified time and that are still stored on the IBM Spectrum Protect server are
| to be included in the retention set, even if they are inactive at the time you
| issue the command.
| Tip: For retention sets that are created in the past, an information message is
| issued to the activity log that indicates that the retention set can include files
| as they existed in the past.
| If the scheduled creation of a retention set does not run as planned, its creation
| occurs as soon as possible.
| The default is the current time. This parameter is optional.
| Tip: For retention sets that are created in the past, an information message is
| issued to the activity log that indicates that the retention set can include files
| as they existed in the past.
| If the scheduled creation of a retention set does not run as planned, its creation
| occurs as soon as possible.
| This parameter is optional. The default is the current date.
| You can specify one of the following values:
|| Value Description Example
| MM/DD/YYYY A specific date. 05/15/2018
| TODAY The current date. TODAY
| TODAY+days or The current date plus the TODAY+3 or +3
| +days number of specified days. The
| maximum number of days that
| you specify is 9999.
| EOLM (End Of The last day of the previous EOLM
| Last Month) month.
| EOLM-days The last day of the previous EOLM-1
| month minus the specified
| number of days. To include files that were active a day
| before the last day of the previous
| month
| BOTM The first day of the current BOTM
| (Beginning Of month.
| This Month)
| BOTM+days The first day of the current BOTM+9
| month, plus the number of
| specified days. To include files that were active on the
| 10th day of the current month
| RETention
| Specifies the length of time, in days, for which any retention set that is created
| by the retention rule is retained by the server. This parameter is required.
| Define a retention rule on NODE1 that initiates the creation of a retention set
| weekly and that is named MY_WEEKLY_RETSET. Specify the start date as 10 May
| 2018 and that the retention sets are created each Saturday at 1.00 AM. The
| retention sets that are created with this retention rule are retained for 150 days.
| define retrule my_weekly_retset NODE1 retention=150
| description="Weekly retention set creation"
| startdate=05/10/2018 starttime=01:00:00
| schedstyle=classic frequency=weekly dayofweek=saturday
| Related commands
| Table 101. Commands related to DEFINE RETRULE
| Command Description
| UPDATE RETRULE Changes the attributes of a retention rule.
| QUERY RETRULE Displays information about retention rules.
The DEFINE SCHEDULE command takes two forms: one if the schedule applies to
client operations, one if the schedule applies to administrative commands. Within
these two forms, you can select either classic or enhanced style schedules. The
syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.
v “DEFINE SCHEDULE (Define a schedule for an administrative command)” on
page 348
v “DEFINE SCHEDULE (Define a client schedule)” on page 334
For each schedule, a startup window is specified. The startup window is the time
period during which the schedule must be initiated. The schedule will not
necessarily complete processing within this window. If the server is not running
when this window starts, but is started before the end of the defined window is
reached, the schedule will run when the server is restarted. Options associated
with each schedule style (classic and enhanced) determine when the startup
windows should begin.
Table 102. Commands related to DEFINE SCHEDULE
Command Description
COPY SCHEDULE Creates a copy of a schedule.
DEFINE ASSOCIATION Associates clients with a schedule.
DELETE SCHEDULE Deletes a schedule from the database.
QUERY EVENT Displays information about scheduled and
completed events for selected clients.
QUERY SCHEDULE Displays information about schedules.
SET MAXCMDRETRIES Specifies the maximum number of retries
after a failed attempt to execute a scheduled
SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS Specifies the maximum number of
client/server sessions available for processing
scheduled work.
SET RETRYPERIOD Specifies the time between retry attempts by
the client scheduler.
UPDATE SCHEDULE Changes the attributes of a schedule.
You must start the client scheduler on the client workstation for IBM Spectrum
Protect to process the schedule.
Not all clients can run all scheduled operations, even though you can define the
schedule on the server and associate it with the client. For example, a Macintosh
client cannot run a schedule when the action is to restore or retrieve files, or run
an executable script. An executable script is also known as a command file, a batch
file, or a script on different client operating systems.
IBM Spectrum Protect cannot run multiple schedules concurrently for the same
client node.
Privilege class
To define a client schedule, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the schedule
Classic client schedule
► ►
DESCription = description
► ►
OPTions = option_string (1)
OBJects = object_string
1 The OBJECTS parameter is optional when ACTION=INCREMENTAL, but is required
for other actions.
Enhanced client schedule
► ►
DESCription = description
ACTion = Incremental
► ►
ACTion = Incremental
► ►
OPTions = option_string (1)
OBJects = object_string
► SCHEDStyle = Enhanced ►
1 The OBJECTS parameter is optional when ACTION=INCREMENTAL, but is required
for other actions.
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which this schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to be defined. You can specify up to 30
characters for the name.
Specifies that a schedule for a client is defined. This parameter is optional.
Values for the following options are restricted when you specify
parameter is ignored.
Specify MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS for the DURUNITS parameter. Do not
Specify the default style, CLASSIC.
v If you specify a second file specification, and it is not a valid destination,
you receive this error:
ANS1082E Invalid destination file specification <filespec> entered.
v If you specify more than two file specifications, you receive this error:
ANS1102E Excessive number of command line arguments passed to the
this parameter, you can list a maximum of twenty (20) file specifications.
Enclose the object string in double quotes if it contains blank characters
(spaces), and then surround the double quotes with single quotes. If the object
string contains multiple file names, enclose each file name with its own pair of
double quotes, then surround the entire string with one pair of single quotes.
Errors can occur if file names contain a space that is not quoted correctly.
The following examples show how to specify some file names:
v To specify /home/file 2, /home/gif files, and /home/my test file, enter:
OBJECTS=’"/home/file 2" "/home/gif files" "/home/my test file"’
v To specify /home/test file, enter:
OBJECTS=’"/home/test file"’
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is
first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. This
parameter is used in conjunction with the STARTDATE parameter to specify
when the initial startup window begins.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the number of units that define the length of the startup window of
the scheduled operation. This parameter is optional. This value must be from 1
to 999. The default is 1.
Use this parameter with the DURUNITS parameter to specify the length of the
startup window. For example, if you specify DURATION=20 and
DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started within 20 minutes of the
start date and start time. The default length of the startup window is 1 hour.
The duration of the window must be shorter than the period between
This value is ignored if you specify DURUNITS=INDEFINITE.
Tip: Define schedules with durations longer than 10 minutes. Doing this will
give the IBM Spectrum Protect scheduler enough time to process the schedule
and prompt the client.
Specifies the time units used to determine the duration of the window in
which the schedule can start. This parameter is optional. The default is
Use this parameter with the DURATION parameter to specify how long the
startup window remains open to process the schedule. For example, if
DURATION=20 and DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started
within 20 minutes of the start date and start time. The schedule may not
necessarily complete processing within this window. If the schedule needs to
be retried for any reason, the retry attempts must begin before the startup
window elapses, or the operation does not restart.
The default value for the length of the startup window is 1 hour. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in minutes.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in hours.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in days.
Specifies that the startup window of the scheduled operation has an
indefinite duration. The schedule can run any time after the scheduled
Tip: The maximum run time is calculated from the beginning of the startup
window and not from the time that sessions start within the startup window.
v The value of the parameter is not distributed to servers that are managed by
an enterprise configuration manager.
v The value of the parameter is not exported by the EXPORT command.
The parameter is optional. You can specify a number in the range 0-1440. The
default value is 0. A value of 0 means that the maximum run time is indefinite,
and no warning message is issued. The maximum run time must be greater
than the startup window duration, which is defined by the DURATION and
DURUNITS parameters.
For example, if the start time of a scheduled operation is 9:00 PM, and the
duration of the startup window is 2 hours, the startup window is 9:00 PM -
11:00 PM. If the maximum run time is 240 minutes, that is, 4 hours, all client
sessions for this operation should be completed by 1:00 AM. If one or more
sessions are still running after 1:00 AM, the server issues a warning message.
Tip: Alternatively, you can specify a Run time alert value of 1:00 AM in the
IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. SCHEDSTYLE defines either the interval between
times when a schedule can run, or the days on which it runs. The default is
the classic syntax.
Possible values are:
The parameters for the Classic syntax are: PERIOD, PERUNITS, and
DAYOFWEEK. You cannot use these parameters: MONTH,
The parameters for the Enhanced syntax are: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH,
WEEKOFMONTH, and DAYOFWEEK. You cannot use these parameters:
Specifies the length of time between startup windows for this schedule. This
parameter is optional. This parameter is used only with classic schedules. You
can specify an integer from 1 to 999. The default is 1.
Use this parameter with the PERUNITS parameter to specify the period between
startup windows. For example, if you specify PERIOD=5 and
PERUNITS=DAYS (assuming that DAYOFWEEK=ANY), the operation is
Define a schedule that archives specific files quarterly on the last Friday of the
define schedule employee_records quarterly_archive
starttime=20:00 action=archive
duration=1 durunits=hour schedstyle=enhanced
month=mar,jun,sep,dec weekofmonth=last dayofweek=fri
1. You cannot schedule the MACRO command or the QUERY ACTLOG command.
2. If you are scheduling a command that specifies the WAIT parameter, the
parameter must be set to YES in order for the process to provide a return code
to the session that started it. For more information about the WAIT parameter,
see “Server command processing” on page 16.
Privilege class
Classic administrative schedule
► CMD = command ►
ACTIVE = Yes DESCription = description
EXPiration = Never
► ►◄
EXPiration = Never
Enhanced administrative schedule
► CMD = Command ►
ACTIVE = YES DESCription = description
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to be defined. You can specify up to 30
characters for the name.
Specifies that a schedule for an administrative command is defined. This
parameter is optional. An administrative command is assumed if the CMD
parameter is specified.
CMD (Required)
Specifies the administrative command to schedule for processing. The
maximum length of the command is 512 characters. Enclose the administrative
command in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is
first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. This
Specifies the number of units that define the length of the startup window of
the scheduled operation. This parameter is optional. This value must be from 1
to 999. The default is 1.
Use this parameter with the DURUNITS parameter to specify the length of the
startup window. For example, if you specify DURATION=20 and
DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started within 20 minutes of the
start date and start time. The default length of the startup window is 1 hour.
The duration of the window must be shorter than the period between
This value is ignored if you specify DURUNITS=INDEFINITE.
Specifies the time units used to determine the duration of the window in
which the schedule can start. This parameter is optional. The default is
Use this parameter with the DURATION parameter to specify how long the
startup window remains open to process the schedule. For example, if
DURATION=20 and DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started
within 20 minutes of the start date and start time. The schedule may not
necessarily complete processing within this window. If the schedule needs to
be retried for any reason, the retry attempts must begin before the startup
window elapses, or the operation does not restart.
The default value for the length of the startup window is 1 hour. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in minutes.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in hours.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in days.
v The processes might not end immediately when the central scheduler cancels
them; they end when they register the cancellation notification from the
central scheduler.
v The maximum run time is calculated beginning from when the server
process starts. If the schedule command starts more than one process, each
process maximum run time is calculated from when the process starts.
v This parameter does not apply to some processes, such as
duplicate-identification processes, which can continue to run after the
maximum run time.
v This parameter does not apply if the scheduled command does not start a
server process.
v Another cancel time might be associated with some commands. For
example, the MIGRATE STGPOOL command can include a parameter that
specifies the length of time that the storage pool migration runs before the
migration is automatically canceled. If you schedule a command for which a
cancel time is defined, and you also define a maximum run time for the
schedule, the processes are canceled at whichever cancel time is reached
v The value of the parameter is not distributed to servers that are managed by
an enterprise configuration manager.
v The value of the parameter is not exported by the EXPORT command.
The parameter is optional. You can specify a number in the range 0-1440. The
default value is 0. A value of 0 means that the maximum run time is indefinite,
and the central scheduler does not cancel processes. The maximum run time
must be greater than the startup window duration, which is defined by the
DURATION and DURUNITS parameters.
For example, if the start time of a scheduled command is 9:00 PM, and the
duration of the startup window is 2 hours, the startup window is 9:00 PM -
11:00 PM. If the maximum run time is 240 minutes, that is, 4 hours, all
applicable server processes that are started by the command must be
completed by 1:00 AM. If one or more applicable processes are still running
after 1:00 AM, the central scheduler cancels the processes.
Tip: Alternatively, you can specify an end time of 1:00 AM in the IBM
Spectrum Protect Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. SCHEDSTYLE defines either the interval between
Privilege class
►► DEFine SCRATCHPadentry major_category minor_category subject ►
major_category (Required)
Specifies the major category in which data is to be stored. Enter a text string of
up to 100 alphanumeric characters. This parameter is case sensitive.
minor_category (Required)
Specifies the minor category in which data is to be stored. Minor categories are
sections within major categories. Enter a text string of up to 100 alphanumeric
characters. This parameter is case sensitive.
subject (Required)
Specifies the subject under which data is to be stored. Subjects are sections
within minor categories. Enter a text string of up to 100 alphanumeric
characters. This parameter is case sensitive.
Line (Required)
Specifies the number of the line on which data is to be stored. Lines are
sections within subjects. Specify an integer in the range 1 - 1000.
Data (Required)
Specifies the data to be stored on the line. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
Enclose the data in quotation marks if the data contains one or more blanks.
The data is case sensitive.
Enter the vacation dates of an administrator, Jane, in a table that stores information
about the location of all administrators.
define scratchpadentry admin_info location jane line=2 data=
"Out of the office from 1-15 Nov."
Related commands
Table 103. Commands related to DEFINE SCRATCHPADENTRY
Command Description
DELETE SCRATCHPADENTRY Deletes a line of data from the scratch pad.
QUERY SCRATCHPADENTRY Displays information that is contained in the
scratch pad.
SET SCRATCHPADRETENTION Specifies the amount of time for which
scratch pad entries are retained.
The first line for the script can be defined with this command. To add subsequent
lines to the script, use the UPDATE SCRIPT command.
v When routing commands inside scripts, enclose the server or server group in
parentheses and omit the colon. Otherwise, if the syntax includes a colon, the
command is not routed when the RUN command is issued. Instead, the command
runs only on the server from which the RUN command is issued.
v You cannot redirect the output of a command within an IBM Spectrum Protect
script. Instead, run the script and then specify command redirection. For
example, to direct the output of script1 to the c:\temp\test.out directory, run
the script and specify command redirection as in the following example:
run script1 > c:\temp\test.out
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have operator, policy, storage, or system
Line = 001
►► DEFine SCRipt script_name command_line ►
Line = number
File = file_name
► ►◄
DESCription = description
script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script to be defined. You can specify up to 30
characters for the name.
Specifies the first command to be processed in a script. You must specify either
this parameter (and optionally, the LINE parameter) or the FILE parameter.
The command that you specify can include substitution variables and can be
continued across multiple lines if you specify a continuation character (-) as the
last character in the command. Substitution variables are specified with a '$'
character, followed by a number that indicates the value of the parameter
when the script is processed. You can specify up to 1200 characters for the
command line. Enclose the command in quotation marks if it contains blanks.
You can run commands serially, in parallel, or serially and in parallel by
specifying the SERIAL or PARALLEL script commands for the COMMAND_LINE
parameter. You can run multiple commands in parallel and wait for them to
complete before you proceed to the next command. Commands run serially
until the parallel command is encountered.
Define and run a script that routes the QUERY STGPOOL command to a server
group named DEV_GROUP.
define script qu_stg "(dev_group) query stgpool"
run qu_stg
Define a script whose command lines are read in from a file that is named
MY.SCRIPT and name the new script AGADM. The file must be on the server, and
be read by the server.
define script agadm file=my.script
Related commands
Table 104. Commands related to DEFINE SCRIPT
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
DELETE SCRIPT Deletes the script or individual lines from the
QUERY SCRIPT Displays information about scripts.
RENAME SCRIPT Renames a script to a new name.
If you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords, any target servers
must be configured for LDAP-authenticated passwords. Data that is replicated
from a node that authenticates with an LDAP directory server is inaccessible if the
target replication server is not properly configured. If your target replication server
is not configured, replicated data from an LDAP node can make it to the target
server. But the target replication server must be configured to use LDAP if you
want to access the data.
The use of virtual volumes is not supported when the source server and the target
server are on the same IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Privilege class
v Command routing
v Status monitoring of remote servers
v Alert monitoring of remote servers
v Server-to-server export
Tip: Command routing uses the ID and the password of the administrator who is
issuing the command.
SSL = No
► ►
DESCription = description SSL = No
SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►◄
v Enterprise configuration
v Enterprise event logging
v Storage agent
v Node replication source and target servers
v z/OS media server
► ►
URL = url DESCription = description
CROSSDEFine = No (2) VALIdateprotocol = No
► ►
CROSSDEFine = No VALIdateprotocol = No
Yes All
1 The CROSSDEFINE parameter does not apply to storage agent definitions.
2 The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is deprecated and applies only to storage
agent definitions.
► ►
URL = url DELgraceperiod = days NODEName = node_name
SSL = No
► ►
DESCription = description SSL = No
SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the server. This name must be unique on the server. The
maximum length of this name is 64 characters.
For server-to-server event logging, library sharing, and node replication, you
must specify a server name that matches the name that was set by issuing the
SET SERVERNAME command at the target server.
Specifies the password that is used to sign on to the target server for virtual
volumes. If you specify the NODENAME parameter, you must specify the PASSWORD
parameter. If you specify the PASSWORD parameter but not the NODENAME
parameter, the node name defaults to the server name that is specified with the
SET SERVERNAME command. The minimum length of the password is 8
characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET MINPWLENGTH
command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
Specifies the password of the server that you are defining. This password must
match the password that is set by the SET SERVERPASSWORD command. This
parameter is required for enterprise configuration and server-to-server event
logging functions. The minimum length of the password is 8 characters unless
a different value is specified by using the SET MINPWLENGTH command. The
maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
HLAddress (Required)
Specifies the IP address (in dotted decimal format) of the server.
Do not use the loopback address as the value of this parameter. Virtual
volumes are not supported when the source server and the target server are
the same IBM Spectrum Protect server.
| LLAddress (Required)
| Specifies the low-level address of the server. This address is usually the same
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to storage agent or object agent
If this parameter is included, you must also issue the SET SERVERNAME, SET
SERVERLLADDRESS commands. The default is NO.
v For replication operations, the names of the source and target replication
servers must match the names that you specify in this command.
v CROSSDEFINE can be used with SSL=YES if all of the conditions that are
specified for the SSL=YES parameter are in place on the source and target
You can specify one of the following values:
No Cross definition is not completed.
Cross definition is completed.
VALIdateprotocol (deprecated)
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check validates the data that is sent
between the storage agent and IBM Spectrum Protect server. The parameter is
optional. The default is NO.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 and Tivoli
Storage Manager Version 7.1.8, validation that was enabled by this parameter
Tip: If both servers are using IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 or later software or
Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 software, SSL is automatically configured between
the servers and manual configuration is not required.
If both servers are not using V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later software, you must manually
configure the two servers to use SSL to communicate.
Complete the following steps to set up the two servers for SSL:
1. Specify option TCPPORT 1500 for both servers in the dsmserv.opt option file.
2. Start both servers.
3. Shut down both servers to import the cert256 partner certificate. For ServerA,
the certificate is in the /tsma instance directory. For ServerB, the certificate is in
the /tsmb instance directory.
4. Start both servers. The /tsma/cert256.arm file is copied to
/tsmb/cert256.bfa.arm on the bfb.tucson.ibm.com address. The
/tsmb/cert256.arm file is copied to /tsmb/cert256.bfb.arm on the
bfa.tucson.ibm.com address.
5. Issue the following command:
v From ServerA:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db cert.kdb -stashed -format ascii
-label "bfb" -file /tsma/cert256.bfb.arm
v From ServerB:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db cert.kdb -stashed -format ascii
-label "bfa" -file /tsmb/cert256.bfa.arm
If you do not use SSL, issue the following example DEFINE SERVER command on
DEFINE SERVER BFBTCP hla=bfb.tucson.ibm.com lla=1500
serverpa=passwordforbfb SSL=NO
If you do not use SSL, issue the following example DEFINE SERVER command on
DEFINE SERVER BFATCP hla=bfa.tucson.ibm.com lla=1500
serverpa=passwordforbfa SSL=NO
Define a server that can receive commands that are routed from other servers.
Name the server WEST_COMPLEX. Set the high-level address to, the
low-level address to 1500, and the URL address to http://west_complex:1580/.
define server west_complex
hladdress= lladdress=1500
Related commands
Table 105. Commands related to DEFINE SERVER
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE PATH Define a path when the destination is a z/OS
media server.
DELETE DEVCLASS Deletes a device class.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
RECONCILE VOLUMES Reconciles source server virtual volume
definitions and target server archive objects.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
SET CROSSDEFINE Specifies whether to cross define servers.
SET SERVERNAME Specifies the name by which the server is
SET SERVERHLADDRESS Specifies the high-level address of a server.
SET SERVERLLADDRESS Specifies the low-level address of a server.
SET SERVERPASSWORD Specifies the server password.
SET REPLSERVER Specifies a target replication server.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
UPDATE PATH Define a path when the destination is a z/OS
media server.
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DEFine SERVERGroup group_name ►◄
DESCription = description
group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the server group. The maximum length of the name is 64
Specifies a description of the server group. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Related commands
Table 106. Commands related to DEFINE SERVERGROUP
Command Description
COPY SERVERGROUP Creates a copy of a server group.
DEFINE GRPMEMBER Defines a server as a member of a server
DELETE GRPMEMBER Deletes a server from a server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
MOVE GRPMEMBER Moves a server group member.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server allocates more space when space utilization
reaches a specified value. After allocating more space, the server either adds the
space to the specified pool (random-access or sequential-access disk).
Important: Space trigger functions and storage pool space calculations take into
account the space remaining in each directory. An inaccurate calculation can result
in a failure to expand the space available in a storage pool. Failure to expand space
in a storage pool is one of the conditions that can cause a trigger to become
For example, if you specify multiple directories for a device class and the
directories reside in the same file system, the server calculates space by adding
values representing the space remaining in each directory. These space calculations
are inaccurate. Rather than choosing a storage pool with sufficient space for an
operation, the server might choose the directory that is specified for the device
class and run out of space prematurely.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
Fullpct = 80
►► DEFine SPACETrigger STG ►
Fullpct = percent
SPACEexpansion = 20
► ►
SPACEexpansion = percent EXPansionprefix = prefix
► ►◄
STGPOOL = storage_pool_name
Specifies a storage pool space trigger.
This parameter specifies the utilization percentage of the storage pool. This
parameter is optional. Specify an integer value 0 - 99. The default is 80. A
Set up a space trigger for the WINPOOL1 storage pool to increase the amount of
space in the storage pool by 40 percent when it is filled to 80 percent utilization of
existing volumes.
Related commands
Table 107. Commands related to DEFINE SPACETRIGGER
Command Description
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
DELETE SPACETRIGGER Deletes the storage pool space trigger.
QUERY SPACETRIGGER Displays information about a storage pool
space trigger.
UPDATE SPACETRIGGER Changes attributes of storage pool space
Multiple thresholds can be defined for an activity. For example, you can create a
threshold that provides a warning status if storage pool capacity utilization is
greater than 80%. You can then create another threshold that provides error status
if storage pool capacity utilization is greater than 90%.
Note: If a threshold is already defined for an EXISTS condition, you cannot define
another threshold with one of the other condition types.
Privilege class
►► DEFine STAtusthreshold threshold_name activity ►
Condition = EXists
► ►
Condition = EXists Value = value
STatus = Normal
► ►◄
STatus = Normal
threshold_name (Required)
Specifies the threshold name. The name cannot exceed 48 characters in length.
activity (Required)
Specifies the activity for which you want to create status indicators. Specify
one of the following values:
Specifies the number of processes that are currently active.
Specifies the number of sessions that are currently active.
Specifies the number of client sessions that are currently active.
Define a status threshold for average storage pool utilization percentage by issuing
the following command:
define statusthreshold avgstgpl "AVGSTGPOOLUTIL" value=85
condition=gt status=warning
Related commands
Table 108. Commands related to DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD
Command Description
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status Displays information about a status
monitoring thresholds)” on page 1092 monitoring thresholds.
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Update a Changes the attributes of an existing status
status monitoring threshold)” on page 1617 monitoring threshold.
A primary storage pool provides a destination for backup files, archive files, or
files that are migrated from client nodes. A copy storage pool provides a
destination for copies of files that are in primary storage pools. An active-data pool
provides a destination for active versions of backup data that are in primary
storage pools. A container storage pool provides a destination for deduplicated
files. A cloud storage pool provides storage in a cloud environment. A
container-copy storage pool provides a tape copy of a directory-container storage
pool. The maximum number of storage pools that you can define for a server is
All volumes in a storage pool belong to the same device class. Random access
storage pools use the DISK device type. After you define a random access storage
pool, you must define volumes for the pool to create storage space.
Sequential access storage pools use device classes that you define for tape devices,
files on disk (FILE device type), and storage on another server (SERVER device
type). To create storage space in a sequential access storage pool, you must allow
scratch volumes for the pool when you define or update it, or define volumes for
the pool after you define the pool. You can also do both.
Tip: To optimize backup and archive performance, set up one or more local
storage directories to temporarily hold data that IBM Spectrum Protect is
transferring to the cloud. After you use the DEFINE STGPOOL command to define a
cloud-container storage pool, use the DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command to assign
local storage directories to the cloud-container storage pool. For more information,
see Optimizing performance for cloud object storage in IBM Knowledge Center.
Privilege class
POoltype = PRimary
►► DEFine STGpool pool_name STGType = CLoud ►
POoltype = PRimary
CLOUDType = SWift
► ►
DESCription = description CLOUDType = AZure
► CLOUDUrl = cloud_url IDentity = cloud_identity ►
CLOUDLocation = OFfpremise
► PAssword = password ►
CLOUDLocation = OFfpremise
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
(2) ACCess = READWrite
BUCKETName = bucket_name READOnly
1 If you specified CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, do not specify the IDENTITY parameter.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the cloud-container storage pool to define. This parameter is required.
The maximum length of the name is 30 characters.
STGType=CLoud (Required)
Specifies the type of storage that you want to define for a cloud-container
storage pool. To ensure that the storage pool can be used in a cloud
environment, you must specify STGTYPE=CLOUD.
Tip: To use more than one IBM Cloud Object Storage accesser, list the accesser
IP addresses separated by a vertical bar (|), with no spaces, such as in the
following example:
If you are using the Operations Center, type an accesser IP address in the URL
field of the Add Storage pool wizard, and then press Enter to add additional
IP addresses. Use multiple accessers to improve performance.
This parameter is required if you specify the CLOUDTYPE parameter.
v AZure
v S3 (Simple Storage Service)
v IBMCLoudswift
v SWift
v V1Swift
Specifies the user ID for the cloud that is specified in the STGTYPE=CLOUD
parameter. This parameter is required for all supported cloud computing
systems except Azure. If you specified CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, do not specify the
IDENTITY parameter. Based on your cloud provider, you can use an access key
ID, a user name, a tenant name and user name, or a similar value for this
parameter. The maximum length of the user ID is 255 characters.
PAssword (Required)
Specifies the password for the cloud that is specified in the STGTYPE=CLOUD
parameter. Based on your cloud provider, you can use a shared access
signature (SAS) token, secret access key, an API key, a password, or a similar
value for this parameter. This parameter is required. The maximum length of
the password is 255 characters. The IDENTITY and PASSWORD parameters are not
validated until the first backup begins.
Specifies the physical location of the cloud that is specified in the CLOUD
parameter. This parameter is optional. The default value is OFFPREMISE. You can
specify one of the following values:
v OFfpremise
v ONpremise
384 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
Specifies the name for an AWS S3 bucket or a IBM Cloud Object Storage vault
to use with this storage pool, instead of using the default bucket name or vault
name. This parameter is optional, and is valid only if you specify
CLOUDTYPE=S3. If the name that you specify does not exist, the server creates a
bucket or vault with the specified name before using the bucket or vault.
Follow the naming restrictions for your cloud provider when specifying this
parameter. Review the permissions for the bucket or vault and make sure that
the credentials for this storage pool have permission to read, write, list, and
delete objects in this bucket or vault. If you do not have the ability to change
or view the permissions, and you have not already written data to this storage
pool, use the UPDATE STGPOOL command with the BUCKETNAME
parameter to use a different bucket or vault.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes access the cloud-container
storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default value is READWRITE. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read and write to the
cloud-container storage pool. This value is the default.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read only from the
cloud-container storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes cannot access the
cloud-container storage pool.
Specifies the maximum number of writing sessions that can run concurrently
on the cloud-container storage pool. Specify a maximum number of writing
sessions to control the performance of the cloud-container storage pool from
negatively impacting other system resources. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NOLIMIT. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that no maximum size limit exists for the number of writers that
you can use. This value is the default.
Limits the maximum number of writers that you can use. Specify an
integer in the range 1 - 99999.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all deduplicated extents are
removed from a cloud-container storage pool. This parameter controls the
duration that deduplicated extents are associated with a cloud-container
storage pool. When the value that is specified for the parameter expires, the
deduplicated extents are deleted from the cloud-container storage pool. The
default is 1. You can specify one of the following values:
1 Specifies that deduplicated extents are deleted from a cloud-container
storage pool after one day. This value is the default.
You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999.
This parameter is optional. The default depends on the physical location of the
cloud, which is specified by the CLOUDLOCATION parameter. If the cloud is off
premise, the server encrypts data by default. If the cloud is on premises, the
server does not encrypt data by default.
Specifies whether data is compressed in the storage pool. This parameter is
optional. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that data is not compressed in the storage pool.
Specifies that data is compressed in the storage pool. This is the default.
Define a cloud-container storage pool that is named STGPOOL1 with read only
define stgpool stgpool1 stgtype=cloud
cloudtype=swift cloudurl=
identity=admin:admin password=protect8991 access=readonly
Privilege class
POoltype = PRimary
►► DEFine STGpool pool_name STGType = DIrectory ►
POoltype = PRimary
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
DESCription = description ACCess = READWrite
MAXSIze = NOLimit
► ►
MAXSIze = NOLimit
MAXWriters = NOLimit
► ►
MAXWriters = NOLimit NEXTstgpool = pool_name
► ►
PROTECTstgpool = target_stgpool
► ►
PROTECTLOCalstgpools = ▼ local_target_stgpool
REUsedelay = 1 ENCRypt = No
► ►
REUsedelay = days ENCRypt = Yes
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to define. This parameter is required. The maximum
length of the name is 30 characters.
STGType=DIrectory (Required)
Specifies the type of storage that you want to define for a storage pool. This
parameter specifies that a directory-container type of storage pool is assigned
to the storage pool. You must define a storage pool directory for this type of
storage pool by using the DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command.
v Ensure that enough space is available on the file system for the
directory-container storage pool.
v You must store the directory-container storage pool and the Db2 database on
separate mount points on the file system. The directory-container storage
pool might grow to occupy all the space on the directory it is stored on.
v You must use a file system other than the file system where the IBM
Spectrum Protect server is located.
Specifies that you want the storage pool to be used as a primary storage pool.
This parameter is optional.
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains blank characters.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes can access the storage pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read and write to the
storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read only from the
storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes cannot access the storage
Specifies the maximum size for a physical file that the server can store in the
storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default value is NOLIMIT. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that there is no maximum size limit for physical files that are
stored in the storage pool.
Tip: If you do not specify a unit of measurement for the maximum file
size, the value is specified in bytes.
When the physical size of the storage pool exceeds the MAXSIZE parameter, the
following table shows where files are typically stored.
Table 111. The location of a file according to the file size and the pool that is specified
Pool that is specified Result
No pool is specified as the next storage pool The server does not store the file.
in the hierarchy.
A pool is specified as the next storage pool The server stores the file in the storage pool
in the hierarchy. that you specified.
Tip: If you also specify the NEXTstgpool parameter, define one storage pool in
your hierarchy to have no limit on the maximum file size by specifying the
MAXSIze=NOLimit parameter. When you have at least one pool with no size
limit, you ensure that no matter what its size, the server can store the file.
For multiple files that are sent during data deduplication processing, the server
considers the size of the data deduplication process to be the file size. If the
total size of all files in the process is larger than the maximum size limit, the
server does not store the files in the storage pool.
Specifies the maximum number of I/O threads for the following processes:
v The number of I/O threads that can run concurrently on the
directory-container storage pool.
v The number of I/O threads that are written simultaneously to the
directory-container storage pool.
This parameter is optional. As a best practice, use the default value of
NOLIMIT. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that no maximum number of I/O threads are written to the
storage pool.
Limits the maximum number of I/O threads that you can use. Specify an
integer in the range 1 - 99999.
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
v If you specify a sequential-access pool as the next storage pool, the pool
must be in either NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
v Do not specify a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
v Do not use this parameter to specify a storage pool for data migration.
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool on the target
replication server where the data is backed up when you use the PROTECT
STGPOOL command for this storage pool. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the container-copy storage pool on a local device where
the data is backed up. This container-copy storage pool will be a local target
storage pool when you use the PROTECT STGPOOL command. You can specify a
maximum of two container-copy storage pool names. Separate multiple names
with commas and no intervening spaces. The maximum length of each name is
30 characters. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse before all deduplicated extents
are removed from a directory-container storage pool. This parameter controls
the duration that deduplicated extents are associated with a directory-container
storage pool after they are no longer referenced. When the value that is
specified for the parameter expires, the deduplicated extents are deleted from
the directory-container storage pool. Specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999.
The default value for directory-container storage pools is 1, which means that
deduplicated extents that are no longer referenced are deleted from a
directory-container storage pool after 1 day.
Set this parameter to a value greater than the number that is specified as your
database backup period to ensure that data extents are still valid when you
restore the database to another level.
Specifies whether the server encrypts client data before the server writes the
data to the storage pool. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that client data is encrypted by the server.
No Specifies that client data is not encrypted by the server. This is the default
Specifies whether data is compressed in the storage pool. This parameter is
optional. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that data is not compressed in the storage pool.
Define a directory-container storage pool that is named STGPOOL3. The data for
storage pool STGPOOL3 is backed up to a directory-container storage pool,
TARGET_STGPOOL3 on the target replication server.
define stgpool stgpool3 stgtype=directory protectstgpool=target_stgpool3
Define a directory-container storage pool that is named STGPOOL3. The data for
storage pool STGPOOL3 is backed up to a local container-copy storage pool,
define stgpool stgpool3 stgtype=directory protectlocalstgpools=target_localstgpool
Privilege class
► MAXSCRatch = number ►
DESCription = description
REUsedelay = 0
► ►◄
REUsedelay = days
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the container-copy storage pool. The name must be
unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access device class to which this storage
pool is assigned.
Tip: Set different reclamation values for offsite container-copy storage pools
and onsite container-copy storage pools. Because container-copy storage pools
store deduplicated data, the data extents are spread across multiple tape
volumes. When you choose a reclamation threshold for an offsite copy,
carefully consider the number of available mount points and the number of
tape volumes that you must retrieve if a disaster occurs. Setting a higher
threshold means that you must retrieve more volumes than you would if your
reclamation value was lower. Using a lower threshold reduces the number of
mount points that are required in a disaster. The preferred method is to set the
reclamation value for offsite copies to 60, and for onsite copies, in the range 90
- 100.
Specifies the maximum number of volumes that the server reclaims when you
issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command and specify the RECLAIM=YESLIMITED or
RECLAIM=ONLYLIMITED option. This parameter is valid only for container-copy
storage pools. This parameter is optional. The default value is NOLIMIT. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that all volumes in the container-copy storage pool are processed
for reclamation.
Specifies the maximum number of volumes in the container-copy storage
pool that are reclaimed. The value that you specify determines how many
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to extents in the storage pool are still valid.
You must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you
plan to retain the oldest database backup. If you use disaster recovery
manager, the number of days that are specified for this parameter must be the
same as the number specified for the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command.
Privilege class
POoltype = PRimary
►► DEFine STGpool pool_name DISK ►
POoltype = PRimary
STGType = Devclass
► ►
STGType = Devclass DESCription = description
CRCData = No
► ►
CRCData = Yes NEXTstgpool = pool_name
MIGPRocess = 1 MIGDelay = 0
► ►
MIGPRocess = number MIGDelay = days
► ►
COPYContinue = Yes
COPYSTGpools = ▼ copy_pool_name
COPYContinue = Yes
ACTIVEDATApools = ▼ active-data_pool_name
► ►◄
SHRED = overwrite_count
1 This parameter is not available for CENTERA or SnapLock storage pools.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be defined. The name must be
unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
DISK (Required)
Specifies that you want to define a storage pool to the DISK device class (the
DISK device class is predefined during installation).
Specifies that you want to define a primary storage pool. This parameter is
optional. The default value is PRIMARY.
Specifies the type of storage that you want to define for a storage pool. This
parameter is optional. The default value is DEVCLASS.
Specifies that a device class type of storage pool is assigned to the storage
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes (such as migration and
reclamation) can access files in the storage pool. This parameter is optional.
The default value is READWRITE. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read and write to files
stored on volumes in the storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes can only read files from the volumes in the
storage pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
However, no new writes are permitted to volumes in the storage pool from
volumes outside the storage pool.
If this storage pool was specified as a subordinate storage pool (with the
NEXTSTGPOOL parameter) and is defined as readonly, the storage pool is
skipped when server processes attempt to write files to the storage pool.
The client estimates the size of files that are sent to the server. The client
estimate is used rather than the actual amount of data that is sent to the server.
Client options, such as deduplication, compression, and encryption, can cause
the actual amount of data that is sent to the server to be larger or smaller than
the size estimate. For example, the compression of a file might be smaller in
size than the estimate, thus sending less data than the estimate. Furthermore, a
binary file might be larger in size after the compression processing, thus
sending more data than the estimate.
When the physical size of the storage pool exceeds the MAXSIZE parameter, the
following table shows where files are typically stored.
Table 114. The location of a file according to the file size and the pool that is specified
File size Pool specified Result
Exceeds the maximum size No pool is specified as the The server does not store the
next storage pool in the file
A pool is specified as the The server stores the file in
next storage pool in the the next storage pool that
hierarchy can accept the file size
Tip: If you also specify the NEXTstgpool parameter, define one storage pool in
your hierarchy to have no limit on the maximum file size by specifying the
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
v If you specify a sequential-access pool as the next storage pool, the pool
must be in either NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
v Do not specify a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
v Do not use this parameter to specify a storage pool for data migration.
Specifies that the server starts migration for this storage pool when the amount
of data in the pool reaches this percentage of the pool's estimated capacity.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 100. The default
value is 90.
When the storage pool exceeds the high migration threshold, the server can
start migration of files by node, to the next storage pool. The NEXTSTGPOOL
parameter defines this setting. You can specify HIGHMIG=100 to prevent
migration for this storage pool.
Specifies that the server stops migration for this storage pool when the amount
of data in the pool reaches this percentage of the pool's estimated capacity.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 99. The default value
is 70.
Using cache might improve the ability to retrieve files, but might affect the
performance of other processes.
Specifies the number of processes that the server uses for migrating files from
this storage pool. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 1 - 999.
The default value is 1.
During migration, these processes are run in parallel to provide the potential
for improved migration rates.
v The number of migration processes is dependent upon the following
– The MIGPROCESS parameter
– The collocation setting of the next pool
– The number of nodes or the number of collocation groups with data in
the storage pool that is being migrated
For example, suppose that MIGPROCESS =6, the next pool COLLOCATE
parameter is set to NODE, but there are only two nodes with data on the
storage pool. Migration processing consists of only two processes, not six. If
the COLLOCATE parameter is set to GROUP and both nodes are in the same
group, migration processing consists of only one process. If the COLLOCATE
parameter is set to NO or FILESPACE, and each node has two file spaces with
backup data, then migration processing consists of four processes.
v When you specify this parameter, consider whether the simultaneous-write
function is enabled for server data migration. Each migration process
requires a mount point and a drive for each copy storage pool and
active-data pool that is defined to the target storage pool.
Specifies the minimum number of days a file must remain in a storage pool
before it becomes eligible for migration. To calculate a value to compare to the
specified MIGDELAY value, the server counts the following items:
v The number of days that the file was in the storage pool
v The number of days, if any, since the file was retrieved by a client
The lesser of the two values are compared to the specified MIGDELAY value. For
example, if all the following conditions are true, a file is not migrated:
v A file was in a storage pool for five days.
v The file was accessed by a client within the past three days.
v The value that is specified for the MIGDELAY parameter is four days.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect active-data pools.
If a write failure occurs for any of the active-data pools, the server stops
writing to the failing active-data pool for the remainder of the session, but
continues storing files into the primary pool and any remaining active-data
pools and copy storage pools. The active-data pool list is active only for the
life of the session and applies to all the primary storage pools in a particular
storage pool hierarchy.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server import. If data is being written
simultaneously and a write failure occurs to the primary storage pool or any
copy storage pool, the server import process fails.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server data migration. If data is being
written simultaneously and a write failure occurs to any copy storage pool
or active-data pool, the failing storage pool is removed and the data
migration process continues. Write failures to the primary storage pool cause
the migration process to fail.
Specifies the names of active-data pools where the server simultaneously
writes data during a client backup operation. The ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameter
is optional. Spaces between the names of the active-data pools are not allowed.
The combined total number of storage pools that are specified in the
COPYSGTPOOLS and ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameters cannot exceed three.
When a data storage operation switches from a primary storage pool to a next
storage pool, the next storage pool inherits the list of active-data pools from
the destination storage pool that is specified in the copy group. The primary
storage pool is specified by the copy group of the management class that is
bound to the data.
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use
“NATIVE” or “NONBLOCK” data format. This parameter is not available
for storage pools that use the following data formats:
2. Writing data simultaneously to active-data pools is not supported when
you use LAN-free data movement. Simultaneous-write operations take
precedence over LAN-free data movement, causing the operations to go
over the LAN. However, the simultaneous-write configuration is followed.
3. The simultaneous-write function is not supported when a NAS backup
operation is writing a TOC file. If the primary storage pool specified in the
TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has active-data
pools that are defined:
v The active-data pools are ignored
v The data is stored into the primary storage pool only
4. You cannot use the simultaneous-write function with CENTERA storage
5. Data that is being imported is not stored in active-data pools. After an
import operation, use the COPY ACTIVEDATA command to store the imported
data in an active-data pool.
Important: After an export operation finishes and identifies files for export,
any change to the storage pool SHRED value is ignored. An export operation
that is suspended retains the original SHRED value throughout the operation.
You might want to consider canceling your export operation if changes to the
storage pool SHRED value jeopardize the operation. You can reissue the export
command after any needed cleanup.
Define a primary storage pool, POOL1, to use the DISK device class, with caching
enabled. Limit the maximum file size to 5 MB. Store any files larger than 5 MB in
subordinate storage pools that begin with the PROG2 storage pool. Set the high
migration threshold to 70 percent, and the low migration threshold to 30 percent.
define stgpool pool1 disk
description="main disk storage pool" maxsize=5m
highmig=70 lowmig=30 cache=yes
Privilege class
POoltype = PRimary
►► DEFine STGpool pool_name device_class_name ►
POoltype = PRimary
STGType = Devclass
► ►
STGType = Devclass DESCription = description
CRCData = No
► ►
CRCData = Yes (1) (2)
(1) NEXTstgpool = pool_name
HIghmig = 90 LOwmig = 70
► ►
(1) (2) (1) (2)
HIghmig = percent LOwmig = percent
REClaim = 60 RECLAIMPRocess = 1
► ►
(1) (2) (1) (2)
REClaim = percent RECLAIMPRocess = number
► ►
(1) (2)
RECLAIMSTGpool = pool_name
► ►
(1) (2) (3)
REUsedelay = 0
► ►
(2) (1) (2)
REUsedelay = days OVFLOcation = location
MIGPRocess = 1
► ►
(1) (2)
MIGPRocess = number
► ►
(1) (2)
COPYSTGpools = ▼ copy_pool_name
COPYContinue = Yes
► ►
(1) (2)
COPYContinue = Yes
► ►
ACTIVEDATApools = ▼ active-data_pool_name
DEDUPlicate = No IDENTIFYPRocess = 1
► ►◄
DEDUPlicate = No (6)
(5) IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the data formats
408 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
2 This parameter is not available or is ignored for CENTERA storage pools.
3 The RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK setting is valid only for storage
pools that are defined to servers that are enabled for IBM Spectrum Protect
for Data Retention. The storage pool must be assigned to a FILE device class,
and the directories that are specified in the device class must be NetApp
SnapLock volumes.
4 The values NETAPPDUMP, CELERRADUMP, and NDMPDUMP are not valid
for storage pools that are defined with a FILE-type device class.
5 This parameter is valid only for storage pools that are defined with a
FILE-type device class.
6 This parameter is available only when the value of the DEDUPLICATE
parameter is YES.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be defined. The name must be
unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to which this storage pool is assigned.
You can specify any device class except for the DISK device class.
Specifies that you want to define a primary storage pool. This parameter is
optional. The default value is PRIMARY.
Specifies the type of storage that you want to define for a storage pool. This
parameter is optional. The default value is DEVCLASS.
Specifies that a device class type of storage pool is assigned to the storage
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes (such as migration and
reclamation) can access files in the storage pool. This parameter is optional.
The default value is READWRITE. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read and write to files
stored on volumes in the storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes can only read files from the volumes in the
storage pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
However, no new writes are permitted to volumes in the storage pool from
volumes outside the storage pool.
The client estimates the size of files that are sent to the server. The client
estimate is used rather than the actual amount of data that is sent to the server.
Client options, such as deduplication, compression, and encryption, can cause
the actual amount of data that is sent to the server to be larger or smaller than
the size estimate. For example, the compression of a file might be smaller in
size than the estimate, thus sending less data than the estimate. Furthermore, a
binary file might be larger in size after the compression processing, thus
sending more data than the estimate.
When the physical size of the storage pool exceeds the MAXSIZE parameter, the
following table shows where files are typically stored.
Table 115. The location of a file according to the file size and the pool that is specified
File size Pool specified Result
Exceeds the maximum size No pool is specified as the The server does not store the
next storage pool in the file
A pool is specified as the The server stores the file in
next storage pool in the the next storage pool that
hierarchy can accept the file size
This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the following data
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) validates storage pool data
when audit volume processing occurs on the server. This parameter is only
valid for NATIVE data format storage pools. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NO. By setting CRCDATA to YES and scheduling an AUDIT
VOLUME command, you can continually ensure the integrity of data that is
stored in your storage hierarchy. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that data is stored containing CRC information, allowing for audit
volume processing to validate storage pool data. This mode impacts
performance because more processing is required to calculate and compare
CRC values between the storage pool and the server.
No Specifies that data is stored without CRC information.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
v If you specify a sequential-access pool as the next storage pool, the pool
must be in either NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
v Do not specify a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
v Do not use this parameter to specify a storage pool for data migration.
v This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the following data
Specifies that the server starts migration when storage pool utilization reaches
this percentage. For sequential-access disk (FILE) storage pools, utilization is
the ratio of data in a storage pool to the pool's total estimated data capacity,
including the capacity of all scratch volumes specified for the pool. For storage
pools that use tape media, utilization is the ratio of volumes that contain data
to the total number of volumes in the storage pool. The total number of
volumes includes the maximum number of scratch volumes. This parameter is
optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 100. The default value is 90.
When the storage pool exceeds the high migration threshold, the server can
start migration of files by volume to the next storage pool defined for the pool.
You can set the high migration threshold to 100 to prevent migration for the
storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies when the server reclaims a volume, which is based on the percentage
of reclaimable space on a volume. Reclaimable space is the amount of space
that is occupied by files that are expired or deleted from the database.
Reclamation makes the fragmented space on volumes usable again by moving
any remaining unexpired files from one volume to another volume, thus
making the original volume available for reuse. This parameter is optional. You
can specify an integer 1 - 100. The default value is 60, except for storage pools
that use WORM devices.
For storage pools that use a WORM device class, you can lower the value from
the default of 100. Lowering the value allows the server to consolidate data
onto fewer volumes when needed. Volumes that are emptied by reclamation
can be checked out of the library, freeing slots for new volumes. Because the
volumes are write-once, the volumes cannot be reused.
The server determines that the volume is a candidate for reclamation if the
percentage of reclaimable space on a volume is greater than the reclamation
threshold of the storage pool.
Specify a value of 50 percent or greater for this parameter so that files stored
on two volumes can be combined onto a single output volume.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies the number of parallel processes to use for reclaiming the volumes in
this storage pool. This parameter is optional. Enter a value 1 - 999. The default
value is 1. You can specify one or more reclamation processes for each primary
sequential-access storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies another primary storage pool as a target for reclaimed data from this
storage pool. This parameter is optional. When the server reclaims volumes for
the storage pool, the server moves unexpired data from the volumes that are
being reclaimed to the storage pool named with this parameter.
A reclaim storage pool is most useful for a storage pool that has only one drive
in its library. When you specify this parameter, the server moves all data from
reclaimed volumes to the reclaim storage pool regardless of the number of
drives in the library.
To move data from the reclaim storage pool back to the original storage pool,
use the storage pool hierarchy. Specify the original storage pool as the next
storage pool for the reclaim storage pool.
v This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the following data
Specifies the method by which volumes are reclaimed and managed. This
parameter is optional. The default value is THRESHOLD. The following are
possible values:
Specifies that volumes that belong to this storage pool are reclaimed based
on the threshold value in the RECLAIM attribute for this storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies whether the server attempts to keep data, which is stored on as few
volumes as possible, that belong to one of the following candidates:
v A single client node
v A group of file spaces
v A group of client nodes
v A client file space
This parameter is optional. The default value is GROUP.
Collocation reduces the number of sequential access media mounts for restore,
retrieve, and recall operations. However, collocation increases both the amount
of server time that is needed to collocate files for storing and the number of
volumes required. Collocation can also impact the number of processes
migrating disks to sequential pool.
You can specify one of the following options:
No Specifies that collocation is disabled. During migration from disk, processes
are created at a file space level.
Specifies that collocation is enabled at the group level for client nodes or
file spaces. For collocation groups, the server attempts to put data for
nodes or file spaces that belong to the same collocation group on as few
volumes as possible.
If you specify COLLOCATE=GROUP but do not define any collocation groups,
or if you do not add nodes or file spaces to a collocation group, data is
collocated by node. Consider tape usage when you organize client nodes
or file spaces into collocation groups.
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status and does not append
to them. If the value of the MAXSCRATCH parameter is too low, server-to-server
operations can fail.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a
volume before the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999. The default
value is 0, which means that a volume can be rewritten or returned to the
scratch pool as soon as all the files are deleted from the volume.
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to files in the storage pool are still valid. You
must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you plan to
retain the oldest database backup. The number of days that are specified for
this parameter must be the same as the number specified for the SET
Specifies the overflow location for the storage pool. The server assigns this
location name to a volume that is ejected from the library by the command.
This parameter is optional. The location name can be a maximum length of 255
characters. Enclose the location name in quotation marks if the location name
contains any blank characters.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies the minimum number of days a file must remain in a storage pool
before it becomes eligible for migration. All files on a volume must be eligible
for migration before the server selects the volume for migration. To calculate a
value to compare to the specified MIGDELAY, the server counts the number of
days that the file has been in the storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies whether you allow the server to migrate files that do not satisfy the
migration delay time. This parameter is optional. The default is YES.
Because you can require that files remain in the storage pool for a minimum
number of days, the server may migrate all eligible files to the next storage
pool yet not meet the low migration threshold. This parameter allows you to
specify whether the server is allowed to continue the migration process by
migrating files that do not satisfy the migration delay time.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that, when necessary to meet the low migration threshold, the
server continues to migrate files that do not satisfy the migration delay
If you allow more than one migration process for the storage pool, some
files that do not satisfy the migration delay time may be migrated
unnecessarily. As one process migrates files that satisfy the migration delay
time, a second process could begin migrating files that do not satisfy the
migration delay time to meet the low migration threshold. The first process
that is still migrating files that satisfy the migration delay time might have,
by itself, caused the low migration threshold to be met.
No Specifies that the server stops migration when no eligible files remain to be
migrated, even before reaching the low migration threshold. The server
does not migrate files unless the files satisfy the migration delay time.
Specifies the number of parallel processes to use for migrating the files from
the volumes in this storage pool. This parameter is optional. Enter a value 1 -
999. The default value is 1.
When calculating the value for this parameter, consider the number of
sequential storage pools that will be involved with the migration, and the
number of logical and physical drives that can be dedicated to the operation.
To access a sequential-access volume, IBM Spectrum Protect uses a mount
point and, if the device type is not FILE, a physical drive. The number of
available mount points and drives depends on other IBM Spectrum Protect and
system activity and on the mount limits of the device classes for the sequential
access storage pools that are involved in the migration.
For example, suppose you want to simultaneously migrate the files from
volumes in two primary sequential storage pools and that you want to specify
three processes for each of the storage pools. The storage pools have the same
device class. Assuming that the storage pool to which files are being migrated
has the same device class as the storage pool from which files are being
migrated, each process requires two mount points and, if the device type is not
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies the data format to use to back up files to this storage pool and restore
files from this storage pool. The default format is the NATIVE server format.
You can specify the following values:
Specifies the data format is the native IBM Spectrum Protect server format
and includes block headers.
Specifies the data format is the native IBM Spectrum Protect server format
and does not include block headers.
The default minimum block size on a volume that is associated with a
FILE device class is 256 KB, regardless how much data is written to the
volume. For certain tasks, you can minimize wasted space on storage
volumes by specifying the NONBLOCK data format. For example, you can
specify the NONBLOCK data format for the following tasks:
v Using content-management products
v Using the DIRMC client option to store directory information
v Migrating very small files by using IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management or IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows
In most situations, however, the NATIVE format is preferred.
Specifies the data is in a NetApp dump format. This data format must be
specified for file system images that are in a dump format and that were
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use NATIVE
or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is not available for storage
pools that use the following data formats:
2. Writing data simultaneously to copy storage pools is not supported when
LAN-free data movement is used. Simultaneous-write operations take
precedence over LAN-free data movement, causing the operations to go
over the LAN. However, the simultaneous-write configuration is accepted.
3. The simultaneous-write function is not supported for NAS backup
operations. If the primary storage pool specified in the DESTINATION or
TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has copy
storage pools defined, the copy storage pools are ignored and the data is
stored into the primary storage pool only.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect active-data pools.
If a write failure occurs for any of the active-data pools, the server stops
writing to the failing active-data pool for the remainder of the session, but
continues storing files into the primary pool and any remaining active-data
pools and copy storage pools. The active-data pool list is active only for the
life of the session and applies to all the primary storage pools in a particular
storage pool hierarchy.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server import. If data is being written
simultaneously and a write failure occurs to the primary storage pool or any
copy storage pool, the server import process fails.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server data migration. If data is being
written simultaneously and a write failure occurs to any copy storage pool
or active-data pool, the failing storage pool is removed and the data
migration process continues. Write failures to the primary storage pool cause
the migration process to fail.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use NATIVE
or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is not available for storage
pools that use the following data formats:
2. Write data simultaneously to active-data pools is not supported when
LAN-free data movement is used. Simultaneous-write operations take
precedence over LAN-free data movement, causing the operations to go
over the LAN. However, the simultaneous-write configuration is accepted.
3. The simultaneous-write function is not supported when a NAS backup
operation is writing a TOC file. If the primary storage pool specified in the
TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has
active-data pools defined, the active-data pools are ignored, and the data is
stored into the primary storage pool only.
4. You cannot use the simultaneous-write function with CENTERA storage
5. Data being imported is not stored in active-data pools. After an import
operation, use the COPY ACTIVEDATA command to store the imported data in
an active-data pool.
Define a primary storage pool that is named 8MMPOOL to the 8MMTAPE device
class (with a device type of 8MM) with a maximum file size of 5 MB. Store any
files larger than 5 MB in subordinate pools, beginning with POOL1. Enable
collocation of files for client nodes. Allow as many as 5 scratch volumes for this
storage pool.
define stgpool 8mmpool 8mmtape maxsize=5m
nextstgpool=pool1 collocate=node
Privilege class
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
DESCription = description ACCess = READWrite
► MAXSCRatch = number ►
REUsedelay = 0
► ►
REUsedelay = days OVFLOcation = location
DEDUPlicate = No IDENTIFYPRocess = 0
► ►◄
DEDUPlicate = No (4)
(3) IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 The RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK setting is valid only for storage
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be defined. The name must be
unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access device class to which this copy
storage pool is assigned. You can specify any device class except DISK.
POoltype=COpy (Required)
Specifies that you want to define a copy storage pool.
Specifies a description of the copy storage pool. This parameter is optional.
The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the
description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes (such as reclamation) can
access files in the copy storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default
value is READWRITE. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that files can be read from and written to the volumes in the copy
storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes can read files that are stored only on the
volumes in the copy storage pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
The server can use files in the copy storage pool to restore files to primary
storage pools. However, no new writes are allowed to volumes in the copy
storage pool from volumes outside the storage pool. A storage pool cannot
be backed up to the copy storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes cannot access files that are stored on volumes in
the copy storage pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
The server can use files in the copy storage pool to restore files to primary
storage pools. However, no new writes are allowed to volumes in the copy
storage pool from volumes outside the storage pool. A storage pool cannot
be backed up to the copy storage pool.
The order in which offsite volumes are reclaimed is based on the amount of
unused space in a volume. (Unused space includes both space that has never
been used on the volume and space that has become empty because of file
deletion.) Volumes with the largest amount of unused space are reclaimed first.
For example, suppose a copy storage pool contains three volumes: VOL1,
VOL2, and VOL3. VOL1 has the largest amount of unused space, and VOL3
has the least amount of unused space. Suppose further that the percentage of
unused space in each of the three volumes is greater than the value of the
RECLAIM parameter. If you do not specify a value for the OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT
parameter, all three volumes will be reclaimed when the reclamation runs. If
you specify a value of 2, only VOL1 and VOL2 will be reclaimed when the
reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 1, only VOL1 will be reclaimed.
MAXSCRatch (Required)
Specifies the maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request
for this storage pool. You can specify an integer 0 - 100000000. By allowing the
server to request scratch volumes as needed, you avoid having to define each
volume to be used.
The value that is specified for this parameter is used to estimate the total
number of volumes available in the copy storage pool and the corresponding
estimated capacity for the copy storage pool.
Scratch volumes are automatically deleted from the storage pool when they
become empty. However, if the access mode for a scratch volume is OFFSITE,
the volume is not deleted from the copy storage pool until the access mode is
changed. An administrator can then query the server for empty, offsite scratch
volumes and return them to the onsite location.
When scratch volumes with the device type of FILE become empty and are
deleted, the space that the volumes occupied is freed by the server and
returned to the file system.
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status and does not append
to them. If the value of the MAXSCRATCH parameter is too low, server-to-server
operations can fail.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a
volume before the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999. The default
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to files in the copy storage pool are still valid.
You must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you
plan to retain the oldest database backup. The number of days that are
specified for this parameter must be the same as the number specified for the
Specifies the overflow location for the storage pool. The server assigns this
location name to a volume that is ejected from the library by the command.
This parameter is optional. The location name can be a maximum length of 255
characters. Enclose the location name in quotation marks if the location name
contains any blank characters.
Specifies the data format to use to back up files to this storage pool and restore
files from this storage pool. The default format is the NATIVE server format.
You can specify the following values:
Specifies the data format is the native IBM Spectrum Protect server format
and includes block headers.
Specifies the data format is the native IBM Spectrum Protect server format
and does not include block headers.
The default minimum block size on a volume that is associated with a
FILE device class is 256 KB, regardless how much data is written to the
volume. For certain tasks, you can minimize wasted space on storage
volumes by specifying the NONBLOCK data format. For example, you can
specify the NONBLOCK data format for the following tasks:
v Using content-management products
v Using the DIRMC client option to store directory information
v Migrating very small files by using IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management or IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows
In most situations, however, the NATIVE format is preferred.
Specifies that the data is in a NetApp dump format. Do not specify this
data format for file system images that are in a dump format and that
were backed up from a NetApp file server by using NDMP. The server
does not complete storage pool reclamation or AUDIT VOLUME for a storage
pool with DATAFORMAT=NETAPPDUMP. You can use the MOVE DATA command to
move NDMP-generated data out of a volume if the volume must be
Specifies that the data is in an EMC Celerra dump format. Do not specify
this data format for file system images that are in a dump format and that
were backed up from an EMC Celerra file server by using NDMP. The
server does not complete storage pool reclamation or AUDIT VOLUME for a
storage pool with DATAFORMAT=CELERRADUMP. You can use the MOVE DATA
command to move NDMP-generated data out of a volume if the volume
must be reused.
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
Define a copy storage pool, TAPEPOOL2, to the DC480 device class. Allow up to
50 scratch volumes for this pool. Delay the reuse of volumes for 45 days.
define stgpool tapepool2 dc480 pooltype=copy
maxscratch=50 reusedelay=45
Privilege class
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
DESCription = description ACCess = READWrite
COLlocate = No REClaim = 60
► ►
COLlocate = No REClaim = percent
► MAXSCRatch = number ►
REUsedelay = 0
► ►
REUsedelay = days OVFLOcation = location
DEDUPlicate = No IDENTIFYPRocess = 0
► ►◄
DEDUPlicate = No (3)
(2) IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 The RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK setting is valid only for storage
pools that are defined to servers that are enabled for IBM Spectrum Protect
for Data Retention. The storage pool must be assigned to a FILE device class,
and the directories that are specified in the device class must be NetApp
SnapLock volumes.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be defined. The name must be
unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access device class to which this
active-data pool is assigned. You can specify any device class except DISK.
POoltype=ACTIVEdata (Required)
Specifies that you want to define an active-data pool.
Specifies a description of the active-data pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes (such as reclamation) can
access files in the active-data pool. This parameter is optional. The default
value is READWRITE. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that files can be read from and written to the volumes in the
active-data pool.
Specifies that client nodes can read only files that are stored on the
volumes in the active-data pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
The server can use files in the active-data pool to restore files to primary
storage pools. However, no new writes are allowed to volumes in the
active-data pool from volumes outside the storage pool. A storage pool
cannot be copied to the active-data pool.
Specifies that client nodes cannot access files that are stored on volumes in
the active-data pool.
Server processes can move files within the volumes in the storage pool.
The server can use files in the active-data pool to restore files to primary
storage pools. However, no new writes are allowed to volumes in the
active-data pool from volumes outside the storage pool. A storage pool
cannot be copied to the active-data pool.
Specifies whether the server attempts to keep data, which is stored on as few
volumes as possible, that belong to one of the following candidates:
v A single client node
v A group of file spaces
v A group of client nodes
v A client file space
The order in which offsite volumes are reclaimed is based on the amount of
unused space in a volume. (Unused space includes both space that has never
been used on the volume and space that has become empty because of file
deletion.) Volumes with the largest amount of unused space are reclaimed first.
For example, suppose an active-data pool contains three volumes: VOL1,
VOL2, and VOL3. VOL1 has the largest amount of unused space, and VOL3
has the least amount of unused space. Suppose further that the percentage of
unused space in each of the three volumes is greater than the value of the
RECLAIM parameter. If you do not specify a value for the
OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT parameter, all three volumes are reclaimed when the
reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 2, only VOL1 and VOL2 are
reclaimed when the reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 1, only VOL1 is
MAXSCRatch (Required)
Specifies the maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request
for this storage pool. You can specify an integer 0 - 100000000. By allowing the
server to request scratch volumes as needed, you avoid having to define each
volume to be used.
The value that is specified for this parameter is used to estimate the total
number of volumes available in the active-data pool and the corresponding
estimated capacity for the active-data pool.
Scratch volumes are automatically deleted from the storage pool when they
become empty. However, if the access mode for a scratch volume is OFFSITE,
the volume is not deleted from the active-data pool until the access mode is
changed. An administrator can then query the server for empty, offsite scratch
volumes and return them to the onsite location.
When scratch volumes with the device type of FILE become empty and are
deleted, the space that the volumes occupied is freed by the server and
returned to the file system.
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status and does not append
to them. If the value of the MAXSCRATCH parameter is too low, server-to-server
operations can fail.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a
volume before the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999. The default
value is 0, which means that a volume can be rewritten or returned to the
scratch pool as soon as all the files are deleted from the volume.
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to files in the active-data pool are still valid.
You must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
Tip: After you define a cloud-container storage pool, create one or more directories
that are used for local storage. You can temporarily store data in local storage
during the data ingestion, before the data is moved to the cloud. In this way, you
can improve backup and archive performance. For more information, see
Optimizing performance for cloud object storage in IBM Knowledge Center.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
This parameter is required.
directory_name (Required)
Specifies the directory to be defined in the storage pool. This parameter is
required. You can specify more than one directory name by separating each
name with a comma, with no intervening spaces.
If you use the administrative client and the directory name contains a comma
or a backslash ("\"), enclose the name in quotation marks.
Define storage pool directories that are named DIR1 and DIR2 by using a
directory-container storage pool that is named POOL1.
define stgpooldirectory pool1 /storage/dir1,/storage/dir2
The DEFINE STGRULE command takes several forms. The syntax and parameters for
each form are defined separately.
v “DEFINE STGRULE (Define a rule for auditing storage pools)”
v “DEFINE STGRULE (Define a rule for generating data deduplication statistics)”
on page 445
v “DEFINE STGRULE (Define a rule for reclaiming cloud containers)” on page 449
v “DEFINE STGRULE (Define a storage rule for tiering)” on page 451
Table 117. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (auditing) Updates a storage rule for auditing storage
UPDATE STGRULE (data deduplication Updates a storage rule for generating data
statistics) deduplication statistics.
UPDATE STGRULE (reclaiming) Updates a storage rule for reclaiming
cloud-container storage pools.
UPDATE STGRULE (tiering) Updates a tiering storage rule.
Privilege class
► ►◄
DESCription = description
Restriction: In IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.5, you can use the DEFINE
STGRULE command with the ACTIONTYPE=AUDIT setting only to audit extents.
Objects are not audited.
Specifies the level of the audit. This parameter is optional. The following
values are possible:
1 Specifies a minimal audit operation of the extents in the storage pool.
5 Specifies a full audit operation of the extents in the storage pool. This is
the default value.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the storage rule is
first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies whether storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is optional.
The default is YES. The following values are possible:
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time.
Related commands
Table 118. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (auditing) Updates a storage rule for auditing storage
Privilege class
DELAY = 1 MAXPRocess = 8
► ►
DELAY = delay MAXPRocess = number
► ►◄
DESCription = description
rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage rule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
target_stgpool (Required)
Specifies the name of the target storage pool.
ACTiontype=GENdedupstats (Required)
Specifies that data deduplication statistics are generated.
Specifies the interval, in days, between operations to collect statistics. The
default value is 1 day. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to collect statistics. This
parameter is optional. You can enter a value in the range 1 - 99. The default
value is 8. For example, if you have 4 storage pools and you specify the
default value for this parameter, 32 processes are started.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the storage rule is
first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional. The
storage rule runs daily within 5 minutes following the specified time.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is
optional. The default is YES. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain an asterisk.
Specify one of the following values:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names.
This is the default.
The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
on the characters in the name and the server's code page.
Tip: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not
available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the names of one or more file spaces for which data deduplication
statistics are collected. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. The specified value can have a maximum of
1024 characters. An asterisk is the default. You can specify one of the following
* Specify an asterisk (*) to show information for all file spaces or IDs.
Specifies the name of the file space. You can specify more than one file
space by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file space identifier. This parameter is valid for
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or an FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and FSIDs:
v You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
v Do not specify both file space names and FSIDs on the same command.
Specifies what type of file spaces to include in the record. The default value is
BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter an asterisk to display
information about all file spaces. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the
following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type. This is the default.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 119. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (data deduplication Updates a storage rule for generating data
statistics) deduplication statistics.
Privilege class
Restriction: You can configure a cloud reclamation rule for a storage pool only on
a Microsoft Azure cloud computing system or on a cloud computing system with
the Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol.
PCTUnused = 70 MAXPRocess = 16
► ►
PCTUnused = percentage MAXPRocess = number
► ►◄
ACTIVE = No DESCription = description
rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage rule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the cloud-container storage pool.
ACTiontype=REClaim (Required)
Specifies that a cloud-container storage pool is reclaimed. Used data extents are
moved to a new container. Unused extents are discarded.
Specifies the percentage of the container that is no longer in use. After unused
space reaches a percentage that you designate, the cloud container is reclaimed.
The default value is 70 percent. You can specify an integer in the range 50 - 99.
This parameter is optional.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes that can be used to
complete the storage rule for the storage pool that is specified. This parameter
is optional. You can enter a value in the range 1 - 99. The default value is 16.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the storage rule runs before it
is automatically canceled. You can specify a number in the range 60 - 1440. The
default value is 120 minutes (2 hours). This parameter is optional.
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is
optional. The default is YES. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 120. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (reclaiming) Updates a storage rule for reclaiming
cloud-container storage pools.
Privilege class
, (1)
TIERDelay = 30
► ▼ SRCPools = source_pool ►
TIERDelay = delay
► ►◄
DESCription = description
1 If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE, the default value for the TIERDELAY
parameter is 30. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE, the default value for
the TIERDELAY parameter is 1. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING, you
cannot specify the TIERDELAY parameter.
Specifies the name of the storage rule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the target cloud-container storage pool.
Specifies whether the storage rule tiers data and, if so, the method for tiering
data. Specify one of the following values:
Tip: You can define exceptions to a tiering rule by specifying one or more
subrules. By using the DEFINE SUBRULE command, you can tier data from
subrule members.
Specifies the name of the source directory-container storage pools. If you
specify a pool as the source of a storage rule, you cannot specify the same pool
as the source of another storage rule. To specify multiple storage pools,
separate the names with commas with no intervening spaces. If you specify
must also specify the SRCPOOLS parameter.
Specifies the number of days to wait before the storage rule tiers objects to the
next storage pool. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999. The
parameter value applies to all files in the storage pool. If you specify
ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE, the default value for the TIERDELAY parameter is 30. If
you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE, the default value for the TIERDELAY
parameter is 1. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING, you cannot specify the
TIERDELAY parameter.
Specifies the total maximum number of parallel processes for the storage rule
and each of its subrules. This parameter is optional. Enter a value in the range
1 - 99. The default value is 8. For example, if the default value of 8 is specified,
and the storage rule has four subrules, the storage rule can run eight parallel
processes and each of its subrules can run eight parallel processes. The total
number of parallel processes is 40.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the storage rule runs before it
is automatically canceled. You can specify a number in the range 60 - 1440. The
default value is unlimited. If you do not specify a value, or if you specify a
value of NOLimit, the storage rule runs until it is completed. This parameter is
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the storage rule is
first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional. The
storage rule runs daily within 5 minutes following the specified time.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is
optional. The default is NO. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Define a storage rule that is named tieraction to move data from the source
directory-container storage pools dirpool1 and dirpool2 to the target
cloud-container storage pool cloudpool1. Specify a start time of 03:00 hours that
uses a maximum of 10 processes for a tiering storage rule:
define stgrule tieraction cloudpool1 srcpools=dirpool1,dirpool2
actiontype=tierbyage maxprocess=10 starttime=03:00:00
Related commands
Table 121. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE SUBRULE Defines an exception to a storage rule.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (tiering) Updates a tiering storage rule.
Privilege class
MAXPRocess = 4 FIlespace = *
► ►
MAXPRocess = number FIlespace = filespace_name
1 If ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE is specified, the default value is 30. If
ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE is specified, the default value is 1. If
ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING is specified, you cannot specify a tier delay.
parent_rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the parent storage rule.
subrule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the subrule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the nodes to which the subrule applies. You can specify a single node
name or a comma-delimited list of node names.
ACTiontype (Required)
Specifies the subrule type. You must specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data is tiered to cloud object storage after an age threshold is
Specifies that only inactive data is tiered to cloud object storage after an
age threshold is met.
Specifies that data is not tiered to cloud object storage.
Specifies the interval, in days, after which data is tiered. You can specify an
integer in the range 0 - 9999. This parameter is optional. If
ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE is specified, the default value is 30. If
ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE is specified, the default value is 1. If
ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING is specified, you cannot specify a tier delay.
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or an FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
When you specify nodes and file spaces, the following rules apply:
v You can specify a single node and a single file space, which corresponds to
an existing virtual machine.
v You can specify a single node and all file spaces by using an asterisk (*) as a
wildcard to represent all file spaces, or by entering no value to include all
file spaces.
v You can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes and no file space to include
all file spaces.
v You can specify a single node and a file space name with one or more
asterisks in the file space name. The asterisks can be placed in any part of
the name.
v If you use wildcard characters in a file space name, you cannot specify
wildcard patterns that might result in overlapping node and file space pairs.
Each wildcard pattern can specify one or more node and file space pairs, but
the pairs in one pattern cannot overlap the pairs in another pattern. For
example, you cannot specify node NODE1 and file space ABC* in one
subrule, and specify node NODE1 and file space A* in the same subrule or
in a different subrule.
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. Use this parameter when IBM Spectrum Protect clients have file spaces
that are in Unicode format, and are on Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X
operating systems. This parameter is optional.
This parameter is required if you specify a node name and a file space name or
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain an asterisk.
Restriction: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are
not available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the type of file spaces to include in the subrule. The default value is
BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter an asterisk to display
information about all file spaces. This parameter is optional. You can specify
one of the following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type.
Define a subrule
The storage rule TIERROSTERS is used to tier employee rosters from disk storage
to cloud storage. Define an exception to the TIERROSTERS storage rule by creating
a subrule, THISWEEK. The subrule ensures that the roster for the current week is
not tiered, but remains in local storage on disk. The name of the affected node,
where current rosters are stored, is NODE1:
define subrule tierrosters thisweek node1 actiontype=notiering
Related commands
Table 122. Commands related to DEFINE SUBRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE (tiering) Defines a storage rule for tiering.
DELETE SUBRULE Deletes subrules.
QUERY SUBRULE Displays information about subrules.
UPDATE SUBRULE Updates a subrule, which is an exception to a
storage rule.
When a server subscribes to its first profile, a subscription is also created to the
default profile (if one exists) of the configuration manager. The server then contacts
the configuration manager periodically for configuration updates.
1. A server cannot subscribe to profiles from more than one configuration
2. If a server subscribes to a profile with an associated object that is already
defined on the server, the local definition is replaced by the definition from the
configuration manager. For example, if a server has an administrative schedule
named WEEKLY_ BACKUP, then subscribes to a profile that also has an
administrative schedule named WEEKLY_BACKUP, the local definition is
Privilege class
►► DEFine SUBSCRIPtion profile_name ►◄
SERVer = server_name
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the profile to which the server subscribes.
Specifies the name of the configuration manager from which the configuration
information is obtained. This parameter is required, if the managed server does
not have at least one subscription. If the managed server has a subscription,
you can omit this parameter and it defaults to the configuration manager for
that subscription.
Related commands
Table 123. Commands related to DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
Virtual file space names can be used in the NAS data operations BACKUP NODE and
RESTORE NODE similar to a file system name. Refer to the documentation about your
NAS device for guidance on specifying the parameters for this command.
Note: The NAS node must have an associated data mover definition because when
the IBM Spectrum Protect server updates a virtual file space mapping, the server
attempts to contact the NAS device to validate the virtual file system and file
system name.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
v Restricted policy privilege for the domain to which the NAS node is assigned.
►► DEFine VIRTUALFSmapping node_name virtual_filespace_name ►
► file_system_name path ►◄
node_name (Required)
Specifies the NAS node on which the file system and path reside. You cannot
use wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
virtual_filespace_name (Required)
Specifies the name which refers to this virtual file space definition. The virtual
file space name is case sensitive and the first character must be a forward slash
/. The length of the name cannot be more than 64 characters, including the
required forward slash. Virtual file space names are restricted to the same
character set as all other objects in the server except that the forward slash /
character is also allowed.
The virtual file space name cannot be identical to any file system on the NAS
node. When selecting a virtual file space name, consider the following
v If a file system is created on the NAS device with the same name as a
virtual file system, a name conflict will occur on the server when the new
file space is backed up. Use a string for the virtual file space name that is
unlikely to be used as a real file system name on your NAS device in the
For example: A user follows a naming convention for creating file spaces on
a NAS device with names of the form /vol1, /vol2, /vol3. The user defines
Define the virtual file space mapping name /mikeshomedir for the path /home/mike
on the file system /vol/vol1 on the NAS node named NAS1.
define virtualfsmapping nas1 /mikeshomedir /vol/vol1 /home/mike
Related commands
Table 124. Commands related to DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING
Command Description
DELETE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Delete a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING Query a virtual file space mapping.
UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Update a virtual file space mapping.
When you use a FILE device class for storage that is managed by a z/OS media
server, it is not necessary to format or define volumes. If you define a volume for
such a FILE device class by using the DEFINE VOLUME command, the z/OS media
server does not allocate space for the volume until the volume is opened for its
first use.
Attention: Volumes for the z/OS media server that are created using the DEFINE
VOLUME command remain physically full or allocated after the server empties the
volume, for example, after expiration or reclamation. For FILE volumes, the DASD
space is not relinquished to the system when the volume is emptied. If a storage
pool requires an empty or filling volume, the FILE volume can be used. In
contrast, tape volumes that are logically empty are the same as physically empty.
FILE and tape volumes remain defined in the server. In contrast, SCRATCH
volumes, including the physical storage that is allocated for SCRATCH FILE
volumes, are returned to the system when emptied.
To create space in sequential access storage pools, you can define volumes or allow
the server to request scratch volumes as needed, as specified by the MAXSCRATCH
parameter for the storage pool. For storage pools associated with the FILE device
class, the server can create private volumes as needed using storage-pool space
triggers. For DISK storage pools, the scratch mechanism is not available. However,
you can create space by creating volumes and then defining them to the server.
Alternatively, you can have the server create volumes that use storage-pool space
The server does not validate the existence of a volume name when defining a
volume in a storage pool that is associated with a library. The defined volume has
“0” EST capacity until data is written to the volume.
If you change the size of IBM Spectrum Protect volumes by extending raw logical
volumes through SMIT or otherwise altering the file sizes of the volumes with
operating system commands or utilities, the server might not initialize correctly
and data can be lost.
v You cannot use this command to define volumes in storage pools with the
parameter setting RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK. Volumes in this type of storage
pool are allocated by using the MAXSCRATCH parameter on the storage pool
Physical files that are allocated with DEFINE VOLUME command are not removed
from a file space if you issue the DELETE VOLUME command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to which the volume is
ACCess = READWrite
►► DEFine Volume pool_name volume_name ►
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
Wait = No
Formatsize = megabytes
Wait = No
Numberofvolumes = 1
► ►◄
(2) (3)
Numberofvolumes = number LOcation = location
1 This value is valid only for volumes that are assigned to copy storage pools.
2 This parameter is valid only for DISK or FILE volumes.
3 This parameter is valid only for sequential access volumes.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to which the volume is assigned.
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool volume to be defined. If you specify a
number greater than 1 for the NUMBEROFVOLUMES parameter, the volume name is
used as a prefix to generate multiple volume names. The volume name that
you specify depends on the type of device that the storage pool uses.
Each volume that is used by a server for any purpose must have a unique
name. This requirement applies to all volumes, whether the volumes are used
for storage pools, or used for operations such as database backup or export.
The requirement also applies to volumes that reside in different libraries but
that are used by the same server.
Table 127. z/OS media server: Volume name requirements for FILE
Volume Name Requirements Example
For FILE volumes used with the z/OS media server server, SERVER1.BFS.POOL3.VOLA
specify a data set name. The data set name can consist of one or
more qualifiers that are delimited by a period. The qualifiers can
contain up to 8 characters. The maximum length of the data set
name is 44 characters. The first letter of each qualifier must be
alphabetic or national (@#$), followed by alphabetic, national,
hyphen, or numeric characters.
If the data set does not exist, the server creates it when the
volume is used for a specific IBM Spectrum Protect storage
operation. The data set is not created when the volume is defined.
Data loss can result when defining volumes because the z/OS
media server reuses the volume or VSAM LDS if it exists at the
time of allocation time.
Table 129. z/OS media server: Volume name requirements for tape
Volume Name Requirements Example
For tape cartridges, specify a tape volume name with 1 - 6 DSMT01
alphanumeric characters. The server converts tape volume names
to uppercase.
Each volume that is used by a server for any purpose must have
a unique name. This requirement applies to all volumes, whether
the volumes are used for storage pools, or used for operations
such as database backup or export. The requirement also applies
to volumes that reside in different z/OS media libraries but that
are used by the same server.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes (such as migration) can access
files in the storage pool volume. This parameter is optional. The default value
is READWRITE. Possible values are:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read from and write to
files stored on the volume.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can only read files that are
stored on the volume.
Specifies that client nodes or server processes cannot access files that are
stored on the volume.
If you define a random access volume as UNAVAILABLE, you cannot vary
the volume online.
If you define a sequential access volume as UNAVAILABLE, the server
does not attempt to access the volume.
Specifies that the volume is at an offsite location from which it cannot be
mounted. You can specify this value only for volumes in copy or
active-data storage pools.
Important: You must ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE
volumes. For more information, see “DEFINE PATH (Define a path)” on page
Create a volume of 100 MB in the disk storage pool named BACKUPPOOL. The
volume name is /var/storage/bf.dsm. Let the volume be created as a background
define volume backuppool
/var/storage/bf.dsm formatsize=100
A storage pool named POOL1 is assigned to a tape device class. Define a volume
named TAPE01 to this storage pool, with READWRITE access.
define volume pool1 tape01 access=readwrite
A storage pool that is named FILEPOOL is assigned to a device class with a device
type of FILE. Define a volume that is named filepool_vol01 to this storage pool.
define volume filepool /usr/storage/filepool_vol01
Define 10 volumes in a sequential storage pool that uses a FILE device class. The
storage pool is named FILEPOOL. The value of the MAXCAPACITY parameter for the
device class that is associated with this storage pool is 5 GB. Creation must occur
in the background.
define volume filepool filevol numberofvolumes=10 formatsize=5000
Volumes are created in the directory or directories that are specified with the
DIRECTORY parameter of the device class that is associated with storage pool
filepool. If you specified multiple directories for the device class, individual
volumes can be created in any of the directories in the list.
Privilege class
message_number (Required)
Specifies the message number that you want to remove from the list of alert
triggers. Specify multiple message numbers, which are separated by commas,
and no intervening spaces. Message numbers are a maximum of eight
characters in length. Wildcard characters can be used to specify message
Delete two message numbers that are designated as alerts, by issuing the following
delete alerttrigger ANR1067E,ANR1073E
Related commands
Table 132. Commands related to DELETE ALERTTRIGGER
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
“QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of Displays information about alerts that have
an alert)” on page 781 been issued on the server.
“QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of Displays message numbers that trigger an
defined alert triggers)” on page 779 alert.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER (Update a Updates the attributes of one or more alert
defined alert trigger)” on page 1390 triggers.
“UPDATE ALERTSTATUS (Update the status Updates the status of a reported alert.
of an alert)” on page 1393
If you try to disassociate a client from a schedule to which it is not associated, this
command has no effect for that client.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
v Restricted policy privilege for the domain to which the schedule belongs
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule from which clients are to be disassociated.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node that is no longer associated with the
client schedule. You can specify a list of clients which are to be no longer
associated with the specified schedule. Commas, with no intervening spaces,
separate the items in the list. You can also use a wildcard character to specify a
name. All matching clients are disassociated from the specified schedule.
Delete the association of selected clients, assigned to the DOMAIN1 policy domain,
to the WEEKLY_BACKUP schedule so that this schedule is no longer run by these
clients. The nodes that are disassociated from the schedule contain ABC or XYZ in
the node name. Issue the command:
delete association domain1 weekly_backup *abc*,*xyz*
When the server creates a backup set, the retention period assigned to the backup
set determines how long the backup set remains in the database. When that date
passes, the server automatically deletes the backup set when expiration processing
runs. However, you can also manually delete the client's backup set from the
server before it is scheduled to expire by using the DELETE BACKUPSET command.
Attention: If the volumes contain multiple backup sets, they are not returned to
scratch status until all the backup sets are expired or are deleted.
Privilege class
If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to YES (the default), the administrator
must have system privilege. If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to NO,
the administrator must have system privilege or policy privilege for the domain to
which the client node is assigned.
, ,
► ►
BEGINDate = date BEGINTime = time ENDDate = date
► ►
ENDTime = time ,
► ►
WHERERETention = days WHEREDESCription = description
Preview = No
► ►◄
Preview = No
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is contained
in the specified backup set volumes. To specify multiple node and node group
Specifies the beginning time in which the backup set to delete was created.
This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the
BEGINDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify
a begin time without a begin date, the date will be the current date at the time
you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending date in which the backup set to delete was created. This
parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the
ENDTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify
an end date without an end time, the time will be at 11:59:59 p.m. on the
specified end date.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time of the range in which the backup set to delete was
created. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction
with the ENDDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you
specify an end time without an end date, the date will be the current date at
the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Delete backup set named PERS_DATA.3099 that belongs to client node JANE. The
backup set was generated on 11/19/1998 at 10:30:05 and the description is
"Documentation Shop".
delete backupset pers_data.3099
begindate=11/19/1998 begintime=10:30:05
wheredescription="documentation shop"
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege.
►► DELete CLIENTOpt option_set_name option_name ►
► ►◄
SEQnumber = number
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client option set.
option_name (Required)
Specifies a valid client option.
Specifies a sequence number when an option name is specified more than
once. This parameter is optional. Valid values are:
n Specifies an integer of 0 or greater.
Specifies all sequence numbers.
Related commands
Table 135. Commands related to DELETE CLIENTOPT
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege.
►► DELete CLOptset option_set_name ►◄
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client option set to delete.
Related commands
Table 136. Commands related to DELETE CLOPTSET
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
You can remove all the members in the collocation group by issuing the DELETE
COLLOCMEMBER command with a wildcard in the node_name parameter.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
►► DELete COLLOCGroup group_name ►◄
Specifies the name of the collocation group that you want to delete.
Related commands
Table 137. Commands related to DELETE COLLOCGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP Updates the description of a collocation
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
Delete a node from a collocation group
Specifies the name of the collocation group from which you want to delete a
client node.
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to delete from the
collocation group. You can specify one or more names. When you specify
multiple names, separate the names with commas; do not use intervening
spaces. You can also use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes.
► FIlespace = ▼ file_space_name ►
► ►◄
Specifies the name of the collocation group from which you want to delete a
file space.
Specifies the client node where the file space is located.
Specifies the file_space_name on the client node that you want to delete from the
Delete two nodes, NODE1 and NODE2, from a collocation group, GROUP1.
delete collocmember group1 node1,node2
Issue the following command to delete files space cap_27400 from collocation
group collgrp_2 on node hp_4483:
delete collocmember collgrp_2 hp_4483 filespace=cap_27400
If the file space has a partial name, you can use a wildcard to delete it. Issue the
following command to delete file space cap_ from collocation group collgrp_4 from
win_4687 node:
delete collocmember collgrp_4 win_4687 filespace=cap_* codetype=unicode
If there is more than one file space whose name begins with cap_, those file spaces
are also deleted.
Related commands
Table 138. Commands related to DELETE COLLOCMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP Updates the description of a collocation
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
When you activate the changed policy set, any files that are bound to a deleted
copy group are managed by the default management class.
You can delete the predefined STANDARD copy group in the STANDARD policy
domain (STANDARD policy set, STANDARD management class). However, if you
later reinstall the IBM Spectrum Protect server, the process restores all STANDARD
policy objects.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy
group belongs.
►► DELete COpygroup domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►
Type = Backup
► ►◄
Type = Backup
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the copy group belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the copy group belongs.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to which the copy group belongs.
Specifies the copy group, which is always STANDARD. This parameter is optional.
The default value is STANDARD.
Specifies the type of copy group to delete. This parameter is optional. The
default value is BACKUP. Possible values are:
Specifies that the backup copy group is deleted.
Specifies that the archive copy group is deleted.
Delete the backup copy group from the ACTIVEFILES management class that is in
the VACATION policy set of the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain.
delete copygroup employee_records
vacation activefiles
Delete the archive copy group from the MCLASS1 management class that is in the
SUMMER policy set of the PROG1 policy domain.
delete copygroup prog1 summer mclass1 type=archive
Related commands
Table 139. Commands related to DELETE COPYGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete DATAMover data_mover_name ►◄
data_mover_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the data mover.
Note: This command deletes the data mover even if there is data for the
corresponding NAS node.
Related commands
Table 140. Commands related to DELETE DATAMOVER
Command Description
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
QUERY DATAMOVER Displays data mover definitions.
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DATAMOVER Changes the definition for a data mover.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool.
►► DELete DEDUPSTats pool_name ►
node_name ,
▼ filespace_name
► ►◄
TODate = date TOTime = time
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool that is reported in
the data deduplication statistics. You can specify up to 30 characters for the
storage pool name. If you specify more than 30 characters the command fails.
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or a FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and file
space identifiers (FSID):
v You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
v Do not specify both file space names and FSIDs on the same command.
Specifies what type of file spaces to include in the report. The default value is
BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter an asterisk to display
information about all file spaces. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the
following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type. This is the default.
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. Use this parameter when IBM Spectrum Protect clients have file spaces
that are in Unicode format, and are on Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X
operating systems. This parameter is optional.
This parameter is required if you specify a node name and a file space name or
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain an asterisk.
Specify one of the following values:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names.
This is the default.
The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
on the actual characters in the name and the server's code page.
Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not available
in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system conversion
The server interprets the file space names as their file space IDs (FSIDs).
Specifies that you want to delete data deduplication statistics that are created
on or before this time on the specified date. This parameter is optional. The
default is the end of the day (23:59:59). Specify one of the following values:
Delete data deduplication statistics of a file space that is called /srvr that belongs
to a directory-container storage pool, POOL1, that is stored on client node NODE1.
delete dedupstats pool1 node1 /srvr
Related commands
Table 141. Commands related to DELETE DEDUPSTATS
Command Description
GENERATE DEDUPSTATS Generates data deduplication statistics.
QUERY DEDUPSTATS Displays data deduplication statistics.
To use this command, you must first delete all storage pools that are assigned to
the device class and, if necessary, cancel any database export or import processes
that are using the device class.
You cannot delete the device class DISK, which is predefined at installation, but
you can delete any device classes defined by the IBM Spectrum Protect
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete DEVclass device_class_name ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be deleted.
Related commands
Table 142. Commands related to DELETE DEVCLASS
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE DEVCLASS (z/OS media server) Defines a device class to use storage
managed by a z/OS media server.
QUERY DEVCLASS Displays information about device classes.
QUERY DIRSPACE Displays information about FILE directories.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
UPDATE DEVCLASS (z/OS media server) Changes the attributes of a device class for
storage managed by a z/OS media server.
You cannot delete a policy domain to which client nodes are registered. To
determine if any client nodes are registered to a policy domain, issue the QUERY
DOMAIN or the QUERY NODE command. Move any client nodes to another policy
domain, or delete the nodes.
You can delete the predefined STANDARD policy domain. However, if you later
reinstall the IBM Spectrum Protect server, the process restores all STANDARD
policy objects.
Privilege class
►► DELete DOmain domain_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to delete.
Related commands
Table 143. Commands related to DELETE DOMAIN
Command Description
COPY DOMAIN Creates a copy of a policy domain.
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
UPDATE DOMAIN Changes the attributes of a policy domain.
All paths related to a drive must be deleted before the drive itself can be deleted.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete DRive library_name drive_name ►◄
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library where the drive is located.
drive_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the drive to be deleted.
Related commands
Table 144. Commands related to DELETE DRIVE
Command Description
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
This command only deletes the event records that exist at the time the command is
processed. An event record will not be found:
v If the event record has never been created (the event is scheduled for the future)
v If the event has passed and the event record has already been deleted.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
00:00 TYPE = Client
►► DELete EVent date ►◄
time TYPE = Client
date (Required)
Specifies the date used to determine which event records to delete. The
maximum number of days you can specify is 9999.
Use this parameter in conjunction with the TIME parameter to specify a date
and time for deleting event records. Any record whose scheduled start occurs
before the specified date and time is deleted. However, records are not deleted
for events whose startup window has not yet passed.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the type of events to be deleted. This parameter is optional. The
default is CLIENT. Possible values are:
Specifies to delete event records for client schedules.
Specifies to delete event records for administrative command schedules.
Specifies to delete event records for both client and administrative
command schedules.
Delete records for events with scheduled start times prior to 08:00 on May 26, 1998
(05/26/1998), and whose startup window has passed. Records for these events are
deleted regardless of whether the retention period for event records, as specified
with the SET EVENTRETENTION command, has passed.
delete event 05/26/1998 08:00
Related commands
Table 145. Commands related to DELETE EVENT
Command Description
QUERY EVENT Displays information about scheduled and
completed events for selected clients.
SET EVENTRETENTION Specifies the number of days to retain
records for scheduled operations.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DELete EVENTSERVer ►◄
Related commands
Table 146. Commands related to DELETE EVENTSERVER
Command Description
DEFINE EVENTSERVER Defines a server as an event server.
QUERY EVENTSERVER Displays the name of the event server.
IBM Spectrum Protect deletes one or more file spaces as a series of batch database
transactions, thus preventing a rollback or commit for an entire file space as a
single action. If the process is canceled or if a system failure occurs, a partial
deletion can occur. A subsequent DELETE FILESPACE command for the same node or
owner can delete the remaining data.
If this command is applied to a WORM (write once, read many) volume, the
volume is returned to scratch if it has space on which data can be written. (Data
on WORM volumes, including deleted and expired data, cannot be overwritten.
Therefore, data can be written only in space that does not contain current, deleted,
or expired data.) If a WORM volume does not have any space available on which
data can be written, it remains private. To remove the volume from the library, you
must use the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command.
v If archive retention protection is enabled, the server deletes archive files with
expired retention periods. For more information, see the SET
v The server does not delete archive files that are on deletion hold until the hold is
| v The server does not delete data that is contained in a retention set. Data in a
| retention set must remain accessible as long as the retention set exists. When the
| retention set itself expires or is deleted, then the server can delete the data as
| normal.
v Reclamation does not start while the DELETE FILESPACE command is running.
v If a file space is part of a collocation group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the collocation group.
v If you delete a file space in a deduplicated storage pool, the file space name
DELETED is displayed in the output of the QUERY OCCUPANCY command until all
deduplication dependencies are removed.
v When replication is configured for a file space, the DELETE FILESPACE command
deletes only the file space on the server where you issued the command. If you
issue the REPLICATE NODE command, the file space is not deleted on the other
replication server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
►► DELete FIlespace node_name file_space_name ►
► ►◄
CODEType = UNIcode
1 This parameter can be used only when TYPE=ANY or TYPE=BACKUP is specified.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to which the file space belongs.
file_space_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the file space to be deleted. This name is case-sensitive
and must be entered exactly as it is known to the server. To determine how to
enter the name, use the QUERY FILESPACE command. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name.
For a server that has clients with support for Unicode, you might have the
server convert the file space name that you enter. For example, you might
want to have the server convert the name that you entered from the server's
code page, to Unicode. See the NAMETYPE parameter for details. If you do not
specify a file space name, or specify only a single wildcard character for the
name, you can use the CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode
file spaces or to non-Unicode file spaces.
Specifies the type of data to be deleted. This parameter is optional. The default
value is ANY. You can use the following values:
Delete only backed-up versions of files and archived copies of files.
If you specify delete filespace node_name * type=any, all backed-up data
and archived data in all file spaces for that node are deleted. File spaces
are deleted only if they do not contain files that are moved from an IBM
Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
Delete backup data for the file space.
Delete all archived data on the server for the file space.
Delete the C_Drive file space that belongs to the client node HTANG.
delete filespace htang C_Drive
Delete all files that are migrated from client node APOLLO (that is, all
space-managed files).
delete filespace apollo * type=spacemanaged
Related commands
Table 147. Commands related to DELETE FILESPACE
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY OCCUPANCY Displays file space information by storage
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
RENAME FILESPACE Renames a client filespace on the server.
Privilege class
group_name (Required)
Specifies the group.
member_name (Required)
Specifies the server or group to delete from the group. To specify multiple
names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Related commands
Table 148. Commands related to DELETE GRPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE GRPMEMBER Defines a server as a member of a server
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
MOVE GRPMEMBER Moves a server group member.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
Use this command to delete a library. Before you delete a library, delete the path
and all associated drives.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete LIBRary library_name ►◄
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be deleted.
Related commands
Table 149. Commands related to DELETE LIBRARY
Command Description
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Privilege class
Type = All
►► DELete MACHine machine_name ►◄
Type = All
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the machine whose information is to be deleted.
Specifies the type of machine information. This parameter is optional. The
default is ALL. Possible values are:
Specifies all information.
Specifies the recovery instructions.
Specifies the machine characteristics.
Related commands
Table 150. Commands related to DELETE MACHINE
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
INSERT MACHINE Inserts machine characteristics or recovery
instructions into the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect database.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
UPDATE MACHINE Changes the information for a machine.
Privilege class
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a machine that is associated with one or more nodes.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a node associated with a machine. If you specify a list of
node names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You
can use wildcard characters to specify a name. If a node is not associated with
the machine, that node is ignored.
Related commands
Table 151. Commands related to DELETE MACHNODEASSOCIATION
Command Description
Spectrum Protect node with a machine.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
You can delete the management class assigned as the default for a policy set, but a
policy set cannot be activated unless it has a default management class.
You can delete the predefined STANDARD management class in the STANDARD
policy domain. However, if you later reinstall the IBM Spectrum Protect server, the
process restores all STANDARD policy objects.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the
management class belongs.
►► DELete MGmtclass domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the management class belongs.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to delete.
Delete the ACTIVEFILES management class from the VACATION policy set of the
EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain.
delete mgmtclass employee_records
vacation activefiles
Related commands
Table 152. Commands related to DELETE MGMTCLASS
Command Description
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default
for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management
UPDATE MGMTCLASS Changes the attributes of a management
Attention: You can remove all the members in the node group by issuing the
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER command with a wildcard in the node_name parameter.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.
►► DELete NODEGroup group_name ►◄
Specifies the name of the node group that you want to delete.
Related commands
Table 153. Commands related to DELETE NODEGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.
Specifies the name of the node group from which you want to delete a client
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to delete from the node
group. You can specify one or more names. When specifying multiple names,
separate the names with commas; do not use intervening spaces. You can also
use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes.
Delete two nodes, node1 and node2, from a node group, group1.
delete nodegroupmember group1 node1,node2
Related commands
Table 154. Commands related to DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete PATH source_name destination_name SRCType = DATAMover ►
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the source of the path to be deleted. This parameter is
The name specified must be that of a server or data mover that is already
defined to the server.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination of the path to be deleted. This parameter
is required.
SRCType (Required)
Specifies the source type of the path to be deleted. This parameter is required.
Possible values are:
Specifies that a data mover is the source.
Specifies that a storage agent is the source.
DESTType (Required)
Specifies the type of the destination. Possible values are:
DRive LIBRary=library_name
Specifies that a drive is the destination. The DRIVE and LIBRARY
parameters are both required when the destination type is drive.
Specifies that a library is the destination.
Delete a path from a NAS data mover NAS1 to the library NASLIB.
delete path nas1 naslib srctype=datamover desttype=library
The ACTIVE policy set in a policy domain cannot be deleted. You can replace the
contents of the ACTIVE policy set by activating a different policy set. Otherwise,
the only way to remove the ACTIVE policy set is to delete the policy domain that
contains the policy set.
You can delete the predefined STANDARD policy set. However, if you later
reinstall the IBM Spectrum Protect server, the process restores all STANDARD
policy objects.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► DELete POlicyset domain_name policy_set_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the policy set belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to delete.
Delete the VACATION policy set from the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain by issuing
the following command:
delete policyset employee_records vacation
Related commands
Table 156. Commands related to DELETE POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY POLICYSET Creates a copy of a policy set.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE POLICYSET Changes the description of a policy set.
VALIDATE POLICYSET Verifies and reports on conditions the
administrator must consider before activating
the policy set.
A managed server deletes the objects that were deleted from the profile, unless the
objects are associated with another profile to which that server subscribes.
Privilege class
►► DELete PROFASSOCiation profile_name ►
ADMins = *
▼ admin_name
► ►
DOmains = * ADSCHeds = *
, ,
▼ domain_name ▼ schedule_name
► ►
SCRipts = *
▼ script_name
► ►
CLOptsets = *
▼ option_set_name
► ►◄
SERVers = * SERVERGroups = *
, ,
▼ server_name ▼ group_name
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile from which to delete associations.
Specifies the administrators whose association with the profile is deleted. You
can specify more than one name by separating the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. Use the match-all character (*) to delete all administrators
from the profile. If you specify a list of administrators and a match-all
definition exists for the profile, the command fails.
Related commands
Table 157. Commands related to DELETE PROFASSOCIATION
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UNLOCK PROFILE Enables a locked profile to be distributed to
managed servers.
UPDATE PROFILE Changes the description of a profile.
You cannot delete a locked profile. You must first unlock the profile with the
Deleting a profile from a configuration manager does not delete objects associated
with that profile from the managed servers. You can use the DELETE SUBSCRIPTION
command with the DISCARDOBJECTS=YES parameter on each subscribing
managed server to delete subscriptions to the profile and associated objects. This
also prevents the managed servers from requesting further updates to the profile.
Privilege class
Force = No
►► DELete PROFIle profile_name ►◄
Force = No
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile to delete.
Specifies whether the profile is deleted if one or more managed servers have
subscriptions to that profile. The default is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the profile is not deleted if one or more managed servers
have subscriptions to that profile. You can delete the subscriptions on each
managed server using the DELETE SUBSCRIPTION command.
Specifies that the profile is deleted even if one or more managed servers
have subscriptions to that profile. Each subscribing server continues to
request updates for the deleted profile until the subscription is deleted.
Delete a profile named BETA, even if one or more managed servers subscribe to it.
delete profile beta force=yes
Related commands
Table 158. Commands related to DELETE PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media that is associated with one or more
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the machine associated with the recovery media. To
specify a list of machine names, separate the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify a name. If a
machine is not associated with the recovery media, the machine is ignored.
Delete the association between the DIST5RM recovery media and the DISTRICT1
and DISTRICT5 machines.
delete recmedmachassociation
dist5rm district1,district5
Related commands
Table 159. Commands related to DELETE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION
Command Description
DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Associates recovery media with a machine.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
Privilege class
►► DELete RECOVERYMedia media_name ►◄
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media.
Related commands
Table 160. Commands related to DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA
Command Description
DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA Defines the media required to recover a
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA Changes the attributes of recovery media.
| Tip: If you cannot delete the retention rule, you can deactivate it instead by
| issuing the UPDATE RETRULE command and setting the ACTIVE parameter to No.
| When ACTIVE is set to No, the IBM Spectrum Protect server no longer creates
| retention sets from that retention rule.
| Privilege class
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Syntax
| ►► DELete RETRule retrule_name ►◄
| Related commands
| Table 161. Commands related to DELETE RETRULE
| Command Description
| DEFINE RETRULE Defines a retention rule.
| UPDATE RETRULE Changes the attributes of a retention rule.
| RENAME RETRULE Renames a retention rule.
| QUERY RETRULE Displays information about retention rules.
| Attention:
| It is not possible to recover a deleted retention set. Before you start a delete
| operation, verify that you selected the correct retention set for deletion.
| Privilege class
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Syntax
| ►► DELete RETSet retset_id ►◄
| Parameters
| retset_id (Required)
| Specifies the ID of the retention set that you want to delete. The set number is
| a unique numeric value.
The DELETE SCHEDULE command takes two forms: one if the schedule applies to
client operations, one if the schedule applies to administrative commands. The
syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.
v “DELETE SCHEDULE (Delete an administrative schedule)” on page 522
v “DELETE SCHEDULE (Delete a client schedule)” on page 521
Table 163. Commands related to DELETE SCHEDULE
Command Description
COPY SCHEDULE Creates a copy of a schedule.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
QUERY SCHEDULE Displays information about schedules.
UPDATE SCHEDULE Changes the attributes of a schedule.
Privilege class
To delete a client schedule, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the specified policy domain.
Type = Client
►► DELete SCHedule domain_name schedule_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to delete. You can use a wildcard character
to specify this name.
Specifies to delete a client schedule. This parameter is optional. The default is
Privilege class
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to delete. You can use a wildcard character
to specify this name.
Type=Administrative (Required)
Specifies to delete an administrative command schedule.
Privilege class
►► DELete SCRATCHPadentry major_category minor_category subject ►
Line = *
► ►◄
Line = number
major_category (Required)
Specifies the major category from which one or more lines of data are to be
deleted. This parameter is case sensitive.
minor_category (Required)
Specifies the minor category from which one or more lines of data are to be
deleted. This parameter is case sensitive.
subject (Required)
Specifies the subject from which one or more lines of data are to be deleted.
This parameter is case sensitive.
Specifies a line of data that is to be deleted. For number, enter the number of
the line that is to be deleted. All data on the line is deleted. The numbering of
other lines in the subject section is not affected. You can delete all lines of data
from a subject section by omitting the Line parameter in this command.
Delete all lines of data about the location of an administrator, Jane, from a database
that stores information about administrators:
delete scratchpadentry admin_info location jane
Related commands
Table 164. Commands related to DELETE SCRATCHPADENTRY
Command Description
DEFINE SCRATCHPADENTRY Creates a line of data in the scratch pad.
QUERY SCRATCHPADENTRY Displays information that is contained in the
scratch pad.
SET SCRATCHPADRETENTION Specifies the amount of time for which
scratch pad entries are retained.
UPDATE SCRATCHPADENTRY Updates data on a line in the scratch pad.
Privilege class
To issue this command, the administrator must have previously defined the script
or must have system privilege.
►► DELete SCRipt script_name ►◄
Line = number
script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script to delete. The script is deleted unless you
specify a line number.
Specifies the line number to delete from the script. If you do not specify a line
number, the entire script is deleted.
Using the following script named QSAMPLE and issue a command to delete line
005 from it.
001 /* This is a sample script */
delete script qsample line=5
Related commands
Table 165. Commands related to DELETE SCRIPT
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
DEFINE SCRIPT Defines a script to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
QUERY SCRIPT Displays information about scripts.
RENAME SCRIPT Renames a script to a new name.
RUN Runs a script.
UPDATE SCRIPT Changes or adds lines to a script.
Privilege class
►► DELete SERver server_name ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies a server name.
Related commands
Table 166. Commands related to DELETE SERVER
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
QUERY EVENTSERVER Displays the name of the event server.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
RECONCILE VOLUMES Reconciles source server virtual volume
definitions and target server archive objects.
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.
Privilege class
►► DELete SERVERGroup group_name ►◄
group_name (Required)
Specifies the server group to delete.
Related commands
Table 167. Commands related to DELETE SERVERGROUP
Command Description
COPY SERVERGROUP Creates a copy of a server group.
DEFINE GRPMEMBER Defines a server as a member of a server
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE GRPMEMBER Deletes a server from a server group.
MOVE GRPMEMBER Moves a server group member.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► DELete SPACETrigger STG ►◄
STGPOOL = storage_pool_name
Specifies a storage pool space trigger.
Specifies the storage pool trigger to be deleted. If STG is specified without
specifying STGPOOL, the default storage pool space trigger is the deletion
Delete the space trigger definition for the WINPOOL1 storage pool.
delete spacetrigger stg stgpool=winpool1
Related commands
Table 168. Commands related to DELETE SPACETRIGGER
Command Description
DEFINE SPACETRIGGER Defines a space trigger to expand the space
for a storage pool.
QUERY SPACETRIGGER Displays information about a storage pool
space trigger.
UPDATE SPACETRIGGER Changes attributes of storage pool space
Multiple thresholds can be defined for an activity. For example, you can create a
threshold that provides a warning status if storage pool capacity utilization is
greater than 80%. You can then create another threshold that provides error status
if storage pool capacity utilization is greater than 90%.
Note: If a threshold is already defined for an EXISTS condition, you cannot define
another threshold with one of the other condition types.
Privilege class
►► DELete STAtusthreshold threshold_name ►◄
threshold_name (Required)
Specifies the threshold name that you want to delete.
Related commands
Table 169. Commands related to DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status Displays information about a status
monitoring thresholds)” on page 1092 monitoring thresholds.
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
You cannot delete a storage pool that is identified as the next storage pool for
another storage pool. For more information about storage pool hierarchy, see the
NEXTSTGPOOL parameter in the DEFINE STGPOOL command.
v For container storage pools, delete all storage pool directories before you delete
the storage pool.
v Do not delete a storage pool that is specified as a destination for a management
class or copy group in the ACTIVE policy set. Client operations might fail as a
v When you delete a copy storage pool that was previously included in a primary
storage-pool definition (specifically in the COPYSTGPOOLS list), you must
remove the copy storage pool from the list before deletion. Otherwise, the
DELETE STGPOOL command fails until all references to that copy pool are
removed. For each primary storage pool with a reference to the copy storage
pool to be deleted, remove the reference by entering the UPDATE STGPOOL
command with the COPYSTGPOOLS parameter with all previous copy storage
pools except the copy storage pool to be deleted.
Privilege class
►► DELete STGpool pool_name ►◄
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to delete.
Related commands
Table 170. Commands related to DELETE STGPOOL
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Defines a storage pool directory to a
directory-container or cloud-container storage
You might want to delete a storage pool directory for the following reasons:
v To decommission old storage.
v To discontinue using the local disk before moving data to the cloud.
v To no longer maintain the data in the storage pool directory because there is no
requirement to do so.
v You can issue this command only when no containers are assigned to the
storage pool directory. Issue the QUERY CONTAINER command to determine
whether any containers are assigned to the storage pool directory.
v To remove containers from a storage pool directory, you must issue the UPDATE
STGPOOLDIRECTORY command and specify the ACCESS=DESTROYED parameter. Then,
issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command and specify
the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter. Verify that the containers are removed.
The ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter removes the inventory information of the
objects that were backed up or archived. You should only remove the inventory
information if you do not need the backups.
If you experience a hardware failure or a loss of your directory, see the relevant
AUDIT and REPAIR commands. You should make any repairs to the IBM
Spectrum Protect environment before you delete the storage pool directory.
Privilege class
►► DELete STGPOOLDIRectory pool_name directory ►◄
Update the storage pool directory that is named DIR1 in storage pool POOLA to
mark as destroyed. When a storage pool is marked as destroyed, you can delete it.
update stgpooldirectory poola /storage/dir1 access=destroyed
Delete the storage pool directory that is named DIR1 in storage pool POOLA.
delete stgpooldirectory poola /storage/dir1
Table 171. Commands related to DELETE STGPOOLDIRECTORY
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Defines a storage pool directory to a
directory-container or cloud-container storage
QUERY STGPOOLDIRECTORY Displays information about storage pool
UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Changes the attributes of a storage pool
QUERY EXTENTUPDATES Displays information about updates to data
extents in directory-container storage pools.
Privilege class
►► DELete STGRULE rule_name ►◄
Specifies the name of the storage rule that must be deleted. The maximum
length of the name is 30 characters.
Related commands
Table 172. Commands related to DELETE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE Defines a storage rule.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE Updates a storage rule.
Privilege class
►► DELete SUBRULE parent_rule_name subrule_name ►◄
parent_rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the parent storage rule.
subrule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the subrule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
Delete a subrule
Delete the subrule, SUBRULE23, which is associated with the storage rule, RULE1:
delete subrule rule1 subrule23
Related commands
Table 173. Commands related to DELETE SUBRULE
Command Description
DEFINE SUBRULE Defines an exception to a storage rule.
QUERY SUBRULE Displays information about subrules.
UPDATE SUBRULE Updates a subrule, which is an exception to a
storage rule.
Attention: Use this command only in rare situations in which the configuration
manager's database contains an entry for a subscription, but the managed server
does not have such a subscription. For example, use this command if a managed
server no longer exists or cannot notify the configuration manager after deleting a
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► DELete SUBSCRIBer server_name ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the managed server with subscription entries to be
Related commands
Table 174. Commands related to DELETE SUBSCRIBER
Command Description
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE SUBSCRIPTION Deletes a specified profile subscription.
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
QUERY SUBSCRIBER Displays information about subscribers and
their subscriptions to profiles.
QUERY SUBSCRIPTION Displays information about profile
Privilege class
DISCARDobjects = No
►► DELete SUBSCRIPtion profile_name ►◄
DISCARDobjects = No
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the profile for which the subscription is to be deleted.
Specifies whether objects associated with the profile are to be deleted on the
managed server. This parameter is optional. The default is NO.
No Specifies that the objects are not to be deleted.
Specifies that the objects are to be deleted, unless they are associated with
another profile for which a subscription is defined.
Related commands
Table 175. Commands related to DELETE SUBSCRIPTION
Command Description
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE SUBSCRIBER Deletes obsolete managed server
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
QUERY SUBSCRIBER Displays information about subscribers and
their subscriptions to profiles.
QUERY SUBSCRIPTION Displays information about profile
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
v Restricted policy privilege for the domain to which the NAS node is assigned
►► DELete VIRTUALFSmapping node_name virtual_filespace_name ►◄
node_name (Required)
Specifies the NAS node on which the file system and path reside. You cannot
use wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
virtual_filespace_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the virtual file space mapping definition to be deleted.
Wildcard characters are allowed.
Delete the virtual file space mapping definition /mikeshomedir for the NAS node
named NAS1.
delete virtualfsmapping nas1 /mikeshomedir
Related commands
Table 176. Commands related to DELETE VIRTUALFSMAPPING
Command Description
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING Query a virtual file space mapping.
UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Update a virtual file space mapping.
When you delete records for volumes that are not in storage pools (for example,
database backup or export volumes), the volumes return to scratch status even if
IBM Spectrum Protect acquired them as private volumes. Scratch volumes of
device type FILE are deleted. When you delete the records for storage pool
volumes, the volumes remain in the IBM Spectrum Protect database. When you
delete records for recovery plan file objects from a source server, the objects on the
target server are marked for deletion.
For users of DRM, the database backup expiration should be controlled with the
command. Use the DELETE VOLHISTORY command to remove a record of the volume.
This can cause volumes to be lost that were managed by the MOVE DRMEDIA
command. Use the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command to manage the automatic
expiration of DRM database backup volumes.
v Volumes for the most recent database backup series are not deleted.
v Existing volume history files are not automatically updated with this command.
v You can use the DEFINE SCHEDULE command to periodically delete volume
history records.
Privilege class
TOTime = 23:59:59
►► DELete VOLHistory TODate = date ►
TOTime = time
TODate (Required)
Specifies the date to use to select sequential volume history information to be
deleted. You can delete only those records with a date on or before the date
that you specify. You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies that you want to delete records that are created on or before this time
on the specified date. This parameter is optional. The default is the end of the
day (23:59:59). You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Type (Required)
Specifies the type of records, which also meet the date and time criteria, to
delete from the volume history file. Possible values are:
Specifies to delete all records.
Delete all recovery plan file information that is created on or before 03/28/2016.
delete volhistory type=rpfile todate=03/28/2016
Related commands
Table 177. Commands related to DELETE VOLHISTORY
Command Description
BACKUP VOLHISTORY Records volume history information in
external files.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY RPFILE Displays information about recovery plan
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS Set criteria for recovery plan file expiration.
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS Specifies criteria for database backup series
If the volume has data, to delete the volume you must do one of the following:
v Before deleting the volume, use the MOVE DATA command to move all files to
another volume.
v Explicitly request to discard all files in the volume when the volume is deleted
(by specifying DISCARDDATA=YES).
If you are deleting several volumes, delete the volumes one at a time. Deleting
more than one volume at a time can adversely affect server performance.
Storage pool volumes cannot be deleted if they are in use. For example, a volume
cannot be deleted if a user is restoring or retrieving a file residing in the volume, if
the server is writing information to the volume, or if a reclamation process is using
the volume.
If you issue the DELETE VOLUME command, volume information is deleted from the
IBM Spectrum Protect database. However, the physical files that are allocated with
DEFINE VOLUME command are not removed from the file space.
If this command is applied to a WORM (write once, read many) volume, the
volume returns to scratch if it has space remaining in which data can be written.
Data on WORM volumes, including deleted and expired data, cannot be
overwritten. Therefore, data can only be written in space that does not contain
current, deleted, or expired data. If a WORM volume does not have any space
available in which data can be written, it remains private. To remove the volume
from the library, you must use the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command.
The DELETE VOLUME command automatically updates the server library inventory
for sequential volumes if the volume is returned to scratch status when the volume
becomes empty. To determine whether a volume will be returned to scratch status,
issue the QUERY VOLUME command and look at the output. If the value for the
attribute "Scratch Volume?" is "Yes," then the server library inventory is
automatically updated.
If the value is "No," you can issue the UPDATE LIBVOLUME command to specify the
status as scratch. It is recommended that you issue the UPDATE LIBVOLUME command
after issuing the DELETE VOLUME command.
Attempting to use the DELETE VOLUME command to delete WORM FILE volumes in
a storage pool with RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK fails with an error
message. Deletion of empty WORM FILE volumes is performed only by the
reclamation process.
If you issue the DELETE VOLUME command for a volume in a storage pool that has a
SHRED parameter value greater than 0, the volume is placed in the pending state
until shredding is run. Shredding is necessary to complete the deletion, even if the
volume is empty.
If you issue the DELETE VOLUME command for a volume in a storage pool that is set
up for data deduplication, the server destroys any object that is referencing data on
that volume.
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to which the volume is
DISCARDdata = No
►► DELete Volume volume_name ►
DISCARDdata = No
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the volume to delete.
Specifies whether files stored in the volume are deleted. This parameter is
optional. The default value is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that files stored in the volume are not deleted. If the volume
contains any files, the volume is not deleted.
Specifies that all files stored in the volume are deleted. The server does not
need to mount the volume for this type of deletion.
1. The server does not delete archive files that are on deletion hold.
2. If archive retention protection is enabled, the server deletes only
archive files whose retention period has expired.
If the volume being deleted is a primary storage pool volume, the server
checks whether any copy storage pool has copies of files that are being
deleted. When files stored in a primary storage pool volume are deleted,
any copies of these files in copy storage pools are also deleted.
When you delete a disk volume in a primary storage pool, the command
also deletes any files that are cached copies (copies of files that have been
migrated to the next storage pool). Deleting cached copies of files does not
delete the files that have already been migrated or backed up to copy
storage pools. Only the cached copies of the files are affected.
If the volume being deleted is a copy storage pool volume, only files on
the copy pool volume are deleted. The primary storage pool files are not
Do not use the DELETE VOLUME command with DISCARDDATA=YES if a
restore process (RESTORE STGPOOL or RESTORE VOLUME) is running. The
DELETE VOLUME command could cause the restore to be incomplete.
Delete storage pool volume stgvol.1 from the storage pool FILEPOOL.
delete volume stgvol.1
Related commands
Table 178. Commands related to DELETE VOLUME
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
MOVE DATA Moves data from a specified storage pool
volume to another storage pool volume.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY VOLUME Displays information about storage pool
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool
Tip: Messages in the SEVERE category and message ANR9999D can provide
valuable diagnostic information if there are serious server problems. For this
reason, you should not disable these messages.
v Certain messages are displayed on the console even if they are disabled. These
include some messages issued during server startup and shutdown and
responses to administrative commands.
v Server messages from the server on which this command is issued cannot be
disabled for the activity log.
ANR1822I indicates that event logging is being ended for the specified receiver.
When the DISABLE EVENTS command is issued, this message is logged to the
receiver even if it is one of the events that has been disabled. This is done to
confirm that event logging has ended to that receiver, but subsequent ANR1822I
messages are not logged to that receiver.
Privilege class
, ,
► ►◄
NODEname = ▼ node_name
SERVername = ▼ server_name
Disable all client events in the INFO and WARNING categories for the activity log
and console receivers for all nodes.
disable events actlog,console
info,warning nodename=*
Related commands
Table 179. Commands related to DISABLE EVENTS
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
QUERY ENABLED Displays enabled or disabled events for a
specific receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server
and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
The use of this command does not stop running replication processes. Running
replication processes continue until they complete or until they end without
completing. Use this command and the ENABLE REPLICATION command to control
replication processing.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
►► DISAble REPLication ►◄
Related commands
Table 180. Commands related to DISABLE REPLICATION
Command Description
CANCEL REPLICATION Cancels node replication processes.
DISABLE SESSIONS Prevents new sessions from accessing IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect but
permits existing sessions to continue.
ENABLE REPLICATION Allows outbound replication processing on a
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the
DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
Server processes, such as migration and reclamation, are not affected when you
issue the DISABLE SESSIONS command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► DISAble SESSions ►
► ►◄
DIRection = Both
DIRection = Both
DIRection = INbound
DIRection = OUTbound
Specifies the type of session to be disabled. This parameter is optional. The default
value is CLIENT. You can specify one of the following values:
Disables only backup and archive client sessions.
Disables all session types.
Disables only administrative sessions.
Disables only server-to-server sessions. Only the following types of sessions are
v Server-to-server event logging
v Enterprise management
v Server registration
v LAN-free: storage agent - server
v Virtual volumes
v Node replication
You can also specify whether to disable inbound sessions, outbound sessions,
or both for a particular server.
Temporarily prevent new client node sessions from accessing the server.
disable sessions
Related commands
Table 181. Commands related to DISABLE SESSIONS
Command Description
CANCEL SESSION Cancels active sessions with the server.
DISABLE REPLICATION Prevents outbound replication processing on
a server.
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the
DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE
QUERY SESSION Displays information about all active
administrator and client sessions with IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► DISMount Volume volume_name ►◄
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the volume to dismount.
Related commands
Table 182. Command related to DISMOUNT VOLUME
Command Description
QUERY MOUNT Displays information about mounted
sequential access media.
Privilege class
►► DISplay OBJname token_ID ►◄
token_ID (Required)
Specifies the ID reported in the [TSMOBJ:] tag, when an object name is too
long to display.
Display the full object name for the file referenced in the error message by
specifying the token ID on the DISPLAY OBJNAME command.
display obj 1.1.649498
Related commands
Table 183. Commands related to DISPLAY OBJNAME
Command Description
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
Restriction: Certain events, such as some messages issued during server start-up
and shutdown, automatically go to the console. They do not go to other receivers
even if they are enabled.
Administrative commands are returned to the command issuer and are only
logged as numbered events. These numbered events are not logged to the system
console, but are logged to other receivers, including administrative command-line
sessions running in console mode.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
, ,
► ►◄
NODEname = ▼ node_name
SERVername = ▼ server_name
1 This parameter is only available for the Linux operating system.
receivers (Required)
Specifies one or more receivers for which to log enabled events. You can
specify multiple receivers by separating them with commas and no intervening
spaces. Valid values are:
All receivers.
The standard server console as a receiver.
556 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
The server activity log as a receiver.
The event server as a receiver.
A user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file. The
records are not easily readable by people.
A user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a fixed-size, readable line.
The Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) as a receiver.
A user-written program as a receiver. The server writes information to the
events (Required)
Specifies the type of events to be enabled. You can specify multiple events by
separating them with commas and no intervening spaces. Possible values are:
All events.
A four-digit message number preceded by ANR for a server event or ANE for
a client event. Valid ranges are from ANR0001 to ANR9999 and from
ANE4000 to ANE4999. Specify the NODENAME parameter if client events
are to be enabled for matching nodes. Specify the SERVERNAME
parameter if server events are to be enabled for matching servers.
For the TIVOLI event receiver, you can specify the following additional
ranges for the IBM Spectrum Protect application clients:
v Specifying the ALL option enables these messages. However, the INFO,
WARNING, ERROR, and SEVERE options have no effect on the
v Because of the number of messages, you should not enable all messages
from a node to be logged to the Tivoli Event Console.
Enable all ERROR and SEVERE client events to the USEREXIT receiver for the
node BONZO.
enable events userexit error,severe nodename=bonzo
Related commands
Table 184. Commands related to ENABLE EVENTS
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
DISABLE EVENTS Disables specific events for receivers.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
QUERY ENABLED Displays enabled or disabled events for a
specific receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server
and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► ENable REPLication ►◄
Related commands
Table 185. Commands related to ENABLE REPLICATION
Command Description
DISABLE REPLICATION Prevents outbound replication processing on
a server.
DISABLE SESSIONS Prevents new sessions from accessing IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect but
permits existing sessions to continue.
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the
DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
The processing of this command does not affect system processes, such as
migration and reclamation.
Use the QUERY STATUS command to display the availability of the server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► ENable SESSions ►
► ►◄
DIRection = Both
DIRection = Both
DIRection = INbound
DIRection = OUTbound
Specifies the type of session to be enabled. This parameter is optional. The default
value is CLIENT. You can specify one of the following values:
Enables only backup and archive client sessions.
Enables all session types.
Enables only administrative sessions.
Enables only server-to-server sessions. You can also specify whether to enable
inbound sessions, outbound sessions, or both for a particular server.
Specifies the name of a particular server whose sessions you want to
enable. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter,
new sessions with all other servers are enabled.
Specifies whether to enable inbound sessions, outbound sessions, or
both. This parameter is optional. The default is BOTH. The following
values are possible:
Related commands
Table 186. Commands related to ENABLE SESSIONS
Command Description
ACCEPT DATE Accepts the current date on the server.
CANCEL SESSION Cancels active sessions with the server.
ENABLE REPLICATION Allows outbound replication processing on a
DISABLE SESSIONS Prevents new sessions from accessing IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect but
permits existing sessions to continue.
QUERY SESSION Displays information about all active
administrator and client sessions with IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
MAXPRocess = 4
►► ENCrypt STGpool pool_name ►
MAXPRocess = number
Preview = No Wait = No
► ►◄
Preview = Yes Wait = No
No Yes
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool that contains data that must be
v You can specify only directory-container storage pools or cloud-container
storage pools.
v You can specify up to 30 characters for the storage pool name. If you specify
more than 30 characters, the command fails.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes that can occur when the
storage pool is encrypting data. This parameter is optional. Enter a value in the
range 1 - 99. The default value is 4.
Specifies whether a preview is displayed of all the commands that are
processed as part of the ENCRYPT STGPOOL command. This parameter is
optional. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that a preview of the commands is not displayed. This is the
default value.
Specifies that a preview of the commands is displayed.
Specifies whether the storage pool encryption occurs in the foreground or
background. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following
No Specifies that the operation is completed in the background. You can
continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages that
are related to the background process are displayed in the activity log file
or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged. This is
the default value.
Restriction: You cannot specify the WAIT=YES parameter from the server
Related commands
Table 187. Commands related to ENCRYPT STGPOOL
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL (directory-container) Define a directory-container storage pool.
Privilege class
►► END EVentlogging ►◄
1 This parameter is only available for the Linux operating system.
Specify a type of receiver. You can specify multiple receivers by separating them
with commas and no intervening spaces. This is an optional parameter. The default
is ALL. If you specify ALL or no receiver, logging ends for all receivers.
Specifies all receivers.
Specifies the server console as a receiver.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect activity log as a receiver. Logging can be
stopped only for client events.
Specifies the event server as a receiver.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file and a
person cannot read each logged event easily.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a fixed-size, readable
Specifies the Tivoli Management Environment (TME) as a receiver.
Specifies a user-written routine to which IBM Spectrum Protect writes
information as a receiver.
Related commands
Table 188. Commands related to END EVENTLOGGING
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
DISABLE EVENTS Disables specific events for receivers.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
QUERY ENABLED Displays enabled or disabled events for a
specific receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server
and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
When you have the disaster recovery manager function for your IBM Spectrum
Protect server, the inventory expiration process also removes eligible virtual
volumes that are used by the following processes:
v Database backups of type BACKUPFULL, BACKUPINCR, and DBSNAPSHOT.
The SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command controls when these volumes are
eligible for expiration.
v Recovery plan files of type RPFILE and RPFSNAPSHOT. The SET
DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command controls when these volumes are eligible for
The inventory expiration process that runs during server initialization does not
remove these virtual volumes.
Only one expiration process is allowed at any time, but this process can be
distributed among a maximum of 40 threads. If an expiration process is running,
you cannot start another process.
You can set up automatic expiration processing with the EXPINTERVAL server
option. If you set the EXPINTERVAL option to 0, the server does not run expiration
automatically, and you must issue the EXPIRE INVENTORY command to start
expiration processing.
This command creates a background process that can be canceled with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To display information about background processes, use the
Run the EXPIRE INVENTORY command to delete files from server storage if they
were not deleted when you used client delete operations.
Privilege class
Quiet = No Wait = No
►► EXPIre Inventory ►
Quiet = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
Type = ALl
► ►
DOmain = domain_name Type = ALl
REsource = 4 SKipdirs = No
► ►◄
REsource = number SKipdirs = No DUration = minutes
Specifies whether the server suppresses detailed messages about policy
changes during the expiration processing. This parameter is optional. The
default is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server sends detailed informational messages.
Specifies that the server sends only summary messages. The server issues
messages about policy changes only when files are deleted and either the
default management class or retention grace period for the domain was
used to expire the files.
You can also specify the EXPQUIET option in the server options file to
automatically determine whether expiration processing is run with
summary messages.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO.
Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. You
can continue with other tasks while the command is being processed.
The server displays messages that are created from the background process
either in the activity log or the server console, depending on where
messages are logged.
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You
wait for the command to complete before you continue with other tasks.
The server then displays the output messages to the administrative client
when the command completes.
Attention: Do not use this option all of the time. With IBM Spectrum
Protect Version 6.0 and later, you can run multiple threads (resources) for
an expiration process. Also, if you specify YES often, the database grows as
the directory objects accumulate, and the time that is spent for expiration
increases. Run SKIPDIRS=NO periodically to expire the directories and
reduce the size of the database.
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is to be
processed. To specify multiple node and node group names, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces. Node names can contain
wildcard characters, but node group names cannot. This parameter is optional.
You can specify NODES, EXCLUDENODES, DOMAIN, or any combination.
If you specify more than one of these parameters, only those nodes that match
the criteria for both NODES and DOMAIN and does not match the criteria for
EXCLUDENODES command options are processed. If you do not specify
NODES, EXCLUDENODES, or DOMAIN with a value, data for all nodes is
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is not to be
processed. To specify multiple node and node group names, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces. Node names can contain
wildcard characters, but node group names cannot. This parameter is optional.
You can specify NODES, EXCLUDENODES, DOMAIN, or any combination.
If you specify more than one of these parameters, only those nodes that match
the criteria for both NODES and DOMAIN and does not match the criteria for
EXCLUDENODES command options are processed. If you do not specify
NODES, EXCLUDENODES, or DOMAIN with a value, data for all nodes is
Specifies that only data for client nodes that are assigned to the specified
domain is to be processed. This parameter is optional. You can specify
NODES, EXCLUDENODES, DOMAIN, or any combination. If you specify
more than one of these parameters, only those nodes that match the criteria for
both NODES and DOMAIN and does not match the criteria for
EXCLUDENODES command options are processed. If you do not specify
NODES, EXCLUDENODES, or DOMAIN with a value, data for all nodes is
Specifies the type of data to be processed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is ALL. Possible values are:
Process all types of data that is eligible for expiration
Run inventory expiration processing for the backup data for two client nodes,
CHARLIE and ROBBIE. Allow the server to run expiration processing until
expire inventory nodes=charlie,robbie resource=2 type=backup
Run inventory expiration processing for all client nodes in a domain except one
node, ROBBIE. Allow the server to run expiration processing until completed.
expire inventory domain=standard excludenodes=robbie
Important: For commands that export administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the EXPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
v “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator information)” on page 572
v “EXPORT NODE (Export client node information)” on page 579
v “EXPORT POLICY (Export policy information)” on page 601
v “EXPORT SERVER (Export server information)” on page 608
Important: For commands that export administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the EXPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the export operation.
You can also view this information from the server console.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If you export information to sequential media and the
background process is canceled, the sequential media that is holding the exported
data is incomplete, it must not be used for importing data. If a server-to-server
export background process is canceled, a partial import might result. Evaluate any
imported data on the target server to determine whether you want to keep or
delete the imported data. Review the import messages for details. To display
information about background processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
The EXPORT ADMIN command takes two forms: Export directly to another server on
the network, or export to sequential media. The syntax and parameters for each
form are defined separately.
v “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator definitions to sequential media)” on
page 574
v “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator information directly to another server)”
on page 577
Table 190. Commands related to EXPORT ADMIN
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
EXPORT POLICY Copies policy information to external media
or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
IMPORT ADMIN Restores administrative information from
external media.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
Privilege class
* Preview = No
►► EXPort Admin ►
, (1) (2)
Preview = No
▼ admin_name Yes
Scratch = Yes
► ►
(1) (2)
DEVclass = device_class_name Scratch = Yes
► ►
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
ENCryptionstrength = AES
► ►◄
USEDVolumelist = file_name ENCryptionstrength = AES
1 If PREVIEW=NO, a device class must be specified.
2 If PREVIEW=NO and SCRATCH=NO, one or more volumes must be
Specifies the administrators for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. The default is all administrators.
Separate the items in the list by commas, with no intervening spaces. You can
use wildcard characters to specify names.
Specifies whether to preview the results of the export operation, without
exporting information. You can use this parameter to preview how many bytes
of data are transferred, and determine how many volumes are required. The
following parameter values are supported:
No Specifies that the administrator information is to be exported. If you
specify this value, you must specify a device class.
Tip: You can export data to a storage pool on another server by specifying a
device class whose device type is SERVER.
Specifies whether scratch volumes can be used. The default value is YES. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that scratch volumes can be used for export. If you also specify a
list of volumes, scratch volumes are used only if there is not enough space
on the volumes specified.
No Specifies that scratch volumes cannot be used for export. To determine
how many volumes you might need, you can run the command specifying
Specifies the volumes to be used to contain exported data. This parameter is
optional, unless you specify SCRATCH=NO and PREVIEW=NO. If you do not
specify a volume name, scratch volumes are used.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes. In the file, each
volume name must be on a separate line. Blank and comment lines that
begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when specifying volumes associated with the
following device types:
REMOVABLEFILE 1-6 alphanumeric characters.
SERVER 1-250 alphanumeric characters.
From the server, export the information for all defined administrators to tape
volumes TAPE01, TAPE02, and TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read
by a device that is assigned to the MENU1 device class. The number and types of
objects that are exported are reported to the system console and in the activity log.
Issue the command:
export admin devclass=menu1
From the server, export the information for all defined administrators to tape
volumes that are listed in the following file:
Specify that these tape volumes be used by a device that is assigned to the
MENU1 device class. Issue the command:
export admin devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
The number and types of objects that are exported are reported to the system
console and in the activity log.
You can issue a QUERY PROCESS command from the target server to monitor the
progress of the import operation. See “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator
information)” on page 572 for a list of restrictions that apply to the export function.
Privilege class
►► EXPort Admin ►
, TOServer = servername
▼ admin_name
PREVIEWImport = No Replacedefs = No
► ►
PREVIEWImport = No Replacedefs = No
Yes Yes
ENCryptionstrength = AES
► ►◄
ENCryptionstrength = AES
Specifies the administrators for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. The default is all administrators.
Separate the items in the list by commas, with no intervening spaces. You can
use wildcard characters to specify names.
Specifies the name of a server to which the export data is sent directly over the
network for immediate import.
Important: The target server must be defined on the originating server with
the DEFINE SERVER command. The administrator that issues the export
command must be defined with the same administrator name and password
and have system authority on the target server.
When you specify TOSERVER, you cannot specify the DEVCLASS,
Specifies whether to view how much data is transferred, without actually
moving any data. This information can be used to determine how much
storage pool space is required on the target server. The default is NO.
From the target server, OTHERSERVER, you can view the import operations by
issuing the command:
query process
Important: For commands that export administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the EXPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
If you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords, any servers that
you export to must be configured for LDAP passwords. Node data that is exported
from a node that authenticates with an LDAP directory server is inaccessible if the
target server is not properly configured. If your target server is not configured,
exported data from an LDAP node can still be exported. But the target server must
be configured to use LDAP, to access the data.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
For a server that has clients with support for Unicode, you can get the server to
convert the file space name that you enter, or use one of the following parameters:
Privilege class
►► EXPort Node ►
, ,
► ►
, ,
FILEData = None
► ►
, FILEData = ALl
DOmains = ▼ domain_name ARchive
Preview = No
► ►
(1) (2) (1)
Preview = No DEVclass = device_class_name
Scratch = Yes
► ►
(2) ,
Scratch = Yes (2)
No VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►
USEDVolumelist = file_name
► ►
FROMTime = 00:00:00
FROMDate = date
FROMTime = time
1 If PREVIEW=NO, a device class must be specified.
2 If PREVIEW=NO and SCRATCH=NO, one or more volumes must be
Specifies the client node names for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. For each
node entered, all file spaces in the file space, FSID, and Unicode enabled lists
are searched.
Restriction: If a file space is specified, Unicode enabled file spaces are not
Specifies the file spaces by using their file space IDs (FSIDs). The server uses
the FSIDs to find the file spaces to export. To find the FSID for a file space, use
the QUERY FILESPACE command. Separate multiple file space IDs with commas
and no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the file spaces that are known to the server as Unicode enabled. The
server converts the names that you enter from the server code page to the
UTF-8 code page to find the file spaces to export. The success of the
conversion depends on the actual characters in the name and the server's code
page. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. A
wildcard character can be used to specify a name. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the policy domains from which nodes are to be exported. This
parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no
intervening spaces. If you specify domains, a node is exported only if it
belongs to one of the specified domains. You can use wildcard characters to
specify a name.
Note: If you are exporting a node that has group data, data that is not a part
of the target objects might be exported. An example of group data is virtual
machine data or system state backup data. For example, if
are specified, it is possible to include inactive backup data. The incremental
backup processing for the data can cause extra files that do not meet the
filtering criteria to be exported.
If you are exporting to sequential media: the device class that is used by the
file data is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same
device class that is specified in this command, two drives are needed to export
node information. The mount limit for the device class must be at least 2.
Tip: You can export data to a storage pool on another server by specifying a
device class whose device type is SERVER.
Specifies whether scratch volumes can be used. The default value is YES. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that scratch volumes can be used for export. If you also specify a
list of volumes, scratch volumes are used only if there is not enough space
on the volumes specified.
No Specifies that scratch volumes cannot be used for export. To determine
how many volumes you might need, you can run the command specifying
Specifies the volumes to be used to contain exported data. This parameter is
optional, unless you specify SCRATCH=NO and PREVIEW=NO. If you do not
specify a volume name, scratch volumes are used.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes. In the file, each
volume name must be on a separate line. Blank and comment lines that
begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when specifying volumes associated with the
following device types:
REMOVABLEFILE 1-6 alphanumeric characters.
Specifies the file where a list of volumes used in the export operation are
stored. This parameter is optional.
This file can be used in the import operation. This file contains comment lines
with the date and time the export was done, and the command issued to create
the export.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. Group data on the node is, for example, virtual machine data
or system state backup data. This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
If this parameter is not specified, IBM Spectrum Protect exports all objects
stored before the TODATE parameter and as qualified by the FILEDATA
parameter. If no TODATE parameter is specified, then all data as qualified by
the FILEDATA parameter is exported.
When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative FROMDATE, for
example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted
process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For
example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and
the FROMDATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting
files is 07/03/2009. If this same export operation is suspended and restarted
ten days later (07/14/2009), the date that is used for selecting files is still
07/03/2009. This behavior ensures that the entire export operation uses the
same cutoff date for selecting files to export.
Specifies the latest date for files to be exported from the server. Files stored on
the server on a date later than the TODATE value are not exported. TODATE
only applies to client file data and does not affect other information that is
being exported, such as policy.
v IBM Spectrum Protect ignores the TODATE parameter when the FILEDATA
parameter is set to NONE.
v If a TODATE parameter is specified without a TOTIME parameter, the server
exports all objects that are inserted on or before the day specified by the
TODATE parameter.
v If you specified the FROMDATE parameter, the value of TODATE must be
later than or equal to the FROMDATE value. If the TODATE and
FROMDATE are equal, then the TOTIME parameter must be later that the
FROMTIME parameter.
v The TODATE parameter does not apply to directories. All directories in a file
space are processed even if the directories were not backed up in the
specified date range.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up after the TODATE or TOTIME parameters can be exported.
An example of group data is virtual machine data or system state backup data.
The incremental backup processing can cause extra files that do not meet the
filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a consistent image for the
backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. An example of group data on the node is virtual machine
data or system state backup data, This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
The default value for this parameter when used with the FROMDATE
parameter is midnight (00:00:00).
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the latest time that objects to be exported were stored on the server.
You must specify the TODATE parameter in order to use the TOTIME
parameter. TOTIME only applies to client file data and does not affect other
information that is being exported, such as policy. IBM Spectrum Protect
ignores the TOTIME parameter if the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
The default value for this parameter, when used with the TODATE parameter,
is midnight minus one second (23:59:59).
Important: The value of the TOTIME and TODATE parameters must be later
than the FROMDATE and the FROMTIME value.
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Indicates which algorithm to use to encrypt passwords when exporting
administrative and node records. This parameter is optional. The default value
is AES. If you are exporting to a server that does not support AES, specify
DES. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the Advanced Encryption Standard.
From the server, export client node information to tape volumes TAPE01, TAPE02,
and TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be used by a device that is assigned
to the MENU1 device class.
export node devclass=menu1 volumenames=tape01,tape02,tape03
From the server, use the FSID to export active backup versions of file data for
client node JOE to tape volume TAPE01. To determine the FSID, first issue a QUERY
FILESPACE command.
1. To determine the FSID, issue a QUERY FILESPACE command.
query filespace joe
Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Capacity Pct
Name Type Filespace (MB) Util
--------- ---------- ---- ------- --------- --------- -------- ----
JOE \\joe\c$ 1 WinNT NTFS Yes 2,502.3 75.2
JOE \\joe\d$ 2 WinNT NTFS Yes 6,173.4 59.6
2. Export the active backup versions of file data and specify that the tape volume
is used by a device that is assigned to the MENU1 device class.
export node joe fsid=1,2 filedata=backupactive devclass=menu1
From the server, export client node information to tape volumes that are listed in
the following file:
Specify that the tape volumes be used by a device that is assigned to the MENU1
device class. Issue the following command:
export node devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
Important: You cannot export nodes of type NAS. Export processing excludes
these nodes.
You can suspend and restart a server-to-server export operation that has a
FILEDATA value other than NONE. The server saves the state and status of the
export operation so that it can be restarted from the point at which the operation
failed or was suspended. The export operation can be restarted later by issuing the
The export operation cannot be restarted if the export operation fails before
transmitting the eligible node and file space definitions to the target server. You
must reenter the command to begin a new export operation.
You can issue a QUERY PROCESS command from the target server to monitor the
progress of the import operation. Issue the QUERY EXPORT command to list all
restartable server-to-server export operations. See “EXPORT ADMIN (Export
administrator information)” on page 572 for a list of restrictions that apply to the
export function.
Privilege class
►► EXPort Node ►
node_name FILESpace = file_space_name
► ►
FSID = file_space_ID UNIFILESpace = file_space_name
► ►
FROMTime = 00:00:00
FROMDate = date
FROMTime = time
► ►
TOTime = 23:59:59
TODate = date
TOTime = time
► ►
EXPORTIDentifier = export_identifier TOServer = servername
PREVIEWImport = No MERGEfilespaces = No
► ►
PREVIEWImport = No MERGEfilespaces = No
Yes Yes
Replacedefs = No PROXynodeassoc = No
► ►
Replacedefs = No PROXynodeassoc = No
Yes Yes
Specifies the client node names for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. For each
node entered, all file spaces in the file space, FSID, and Unicode enabled lists
are searched.
Restriction: If you specify a list of node names or node patterns, the server
does not report the node names or node patterns that do not match any of the
entries in the database. Check the summary statistics in the activity log to
verify that the server exported all intended nodes.
Specifies the file spaces for which data is to be exported. This parameter is
optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces.
You can use wildcard characters to specify a name.
Note: If you are exporting a node that has group data, data that is not a part
of the target objects might be exported. An example of group data is virtual
machine data or system state backup data. For example, if
are specified, it is possible to include inactive backup data. The incremental
backup processing for the data can cause extra files that do not meet the
filtering criteria to be exported.
If you are exporting to sequential media, the device class that is used by the
file data is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same
device class that is specified in this command, IBM Spectrum Protect requires
two drives to export node information. The mount limit for the device class
must be at least 2.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. Group data on the node is, for example, virtual machine data
or system state backup data. This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
If this parameter is not specified, IBM Spectrum Protect exports all objects
stored before the TODATE parameter and as qualified by the FILEDATA
parameter. If no TODATE parameter is specified, then all data as qualified by
the FILEDATA parameter is exported.
When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative FROMDATE, for
example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted
process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For
example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and
the FROMDATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting
files is 07/03/2009. If this same export operation is suspended and restarted
ten days later (07/14/2009), the date that is used for selecting files is still
07/03/2009. This behavior ensures that the entire export operation uses the
same cutoff date for selecting files to export.
Specifies the latest date for files to be exported from the server. Files that are
stored on the server on a date later than the TODATE value are not exported.
TODATE only applies to client file data and does not affect other information
that is being exported, such as policy.
v IBM Spectrum Protect ignores the TODATE parameter when the FILEDATA
parameter is set to NONE.
v If a TODATE parameter is specified without a TOTIME parameter, the server
exports all objects that are inserted on or before the day specified by the
TODATE parameter.
v If you specified the FROMDATE parameter, the value of TODATE must be
later than or equal to the FROMDATE value. If the TODATE and
FROMDATE are equal, then the TOTIME parameter must be later that the
FROMTIME parameter.
v The TODATE parameter does not apply to directories. All directories in a file
space are processed even if the directories were not backed up in the
specified date range.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up after the TODATE or TOTIME parameters can be exported.
An example of group data is virtual machine data or system state backup data.
The incremental backup processing can cause extra files that do not meet the
filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a consistent image for the
backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. An example of group data on the node is virtual machine
data or system state backup data, This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
The default value for this parameter when used with the FROMDATE
parameter is midnight (00:00:00).
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the latest time that objects to be exported were stored on the server.
You must specify the TODATE parameter in order to use the TOTIME
parameter. TOTIME only applies to client file data and does not affect other
information that is being exported, such as policy. IBM Spectrum Protect
ignores the TOTIME parameter if the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
The default value for this parameter, when used with the TODATE parameter,
is midnight minus one second (23:59:59).
Important: The value of the TOTIME and TODATE parameters must be later
than the FROMDATE and the FROMTIME value.
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the name of a server to which the export data is sent directly over the
network for immediate import.
Important: The target server must be defined on the originating server with
the DEFINE SERVER command. The administrator that issues the export
command must be defined with the same administrator name and password
and have system authority on the target server.
Restriction: After an export operation finishes identifying files for export, any
changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value is ignored. An export
operation that is suspended retains the original ALLOWSHREDABLE value
throughout the operation. You might want to consider canceling your export
operation if changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value jeopardize the
operation. You can reissue the export command after any needed cleanup.
This optional parameter specifies the name that you select to identify this
export operation. If you do not specify an identifier name, the server generates
one for you. The export identifier name cannot be more than 64 characters,
cannot contain wildcard characters, and is not case-sensitive. You can use the
identifier name to reference export operations in the QUERY EXPORT, SUSPEND
Restriction: You must specify the TOSERVER parameter if you are specifying the
To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB,
issue the following command:
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
Example: Export client node information and all client files for a
specific date range
To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB
between February 1, 2009 and today.
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 todate=today
Example: Export client node information and all client files for a
specific date and time range
To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB
from 8:00 AM on February 1, 2009 until today at 8:00 AM, issue the following
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 fromtime=08:00:00
todate=today totime=08:00:00
To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB
for the past three days, issue the following command:
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=today -3
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the export operation.
You can also view this information from the server console.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If you export policy information to sequential media
and the background process is canceled, the sequential media that is holding the
exported data is incomplete and must not be used to import data. If a
server-to-server export background process is canceled, a partial import might
result. Evaluate any imported data on the target server to determine whether you
want to keep or delete the imported data. Review the import messages for details.
To display information about background processes, use the QUERY PROCESS
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
Privilege class
* Preview = No
►► EXPort Policy ►
, (1) (2)
Preview = No
▼ domain_name Yes
Scratch = Yes
► ►
(1) (2)
DEVclass = device_class_name Scratch = Yes
► ►
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►◄
USEDVolumelist = file_name
1 If PREVIEW=NO, a device class must be specified.
2 If PREVIEW=NO and SCRATCH=NO, one or more volumes must be
Specifies the policy domains for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. The default is all policy domains. Separate multiple
names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
characters to specify names.
Specifies whether to preview the results of the export operation, without
exporting information. You can use this parameter to preview how many bytes
of data are transferred so that you can determine how many volumes are
required. This parameter supports the following values:
No Specifies that the policy information is to be exported. If you specify this
value, you must also specify a device class.
Specifies that the operation is previewed but not completed. Information is
Tip: You can export data to a storage pool on another server by specifying a
device class whose device type is SERVER.
Specifies whether scratch volumes can be used. The default value is YES. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that scratch volumes can be used for export. If you also specify a
list of volumes, scratch volumes are used only if there is not enough space
on the volumes specified.
No Specifies that scratch volumes cannot be used for export. To determine
how many volumes you might need, you can run the command specifying
Specifies the volumes to be used to contain exported data. This parameter is
optional, unless you specify SCRATCH=NO and PREVIEW=NO. If you do not
specify a volume name, scratch volumes are used.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes. In the file, each
volume name must be on a separate line. Blank and comment lines that
begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when specifying volumes associated with the
following device types:
REMOVABLEFILE 1-6 alphanumeric characters.
SERVER 1-250 alphanumeric characters.
Specifies the file where a list of volumes used in the export operation are
stored. This parameter is optional.
From the server, export policy information to tape volumes TAPE01, TAPE02, and
TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device that is assigned to the
MENU1 device class.
export policy devclass=menu1
From the server, export policy information to tape volumes that are listed in the
following file:
Specify that these tape volumes be used by a device that is assigned to the
MENU1 device class. Issue the following command:
export policy devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
To monitor the progress of the import operation, you can issue a QUERY PROCESS
command from the target server. See “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator
information)” on page 572 for a list of restrictions that apply to the export function.
Privilege class
►► EXPort Policy ►
, TOServer = servername
▼ domain_name
PREVIEWImport = No Replacedefs = No
► ►◄
PREVIEWImport = No Replacedefs = No
Yes Yes
Specifies the policy domains for which information is to be exported. This
parameter is optional. The default is all policy domains. Separate multiple
names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
characters to specify names.
Specifies the name of a server to which the export data is sent directly over the
network for immediate import.
Important: The target server must be defined on the originating server with
the DEFINE SERVER command. The administrator that issues the export
command must be defined with the same administrator name and password
and have system authority on the target server.
When you specify TOSERVER, you cannot specify the DEVCLASS,
Specifies whether to view how much data is transferred, without actually
moving any data. This information can be used to determine how much
storage pool space is required on the target server. The default is NO.
Valid values are:
Specifies that you want to preview the results of the import operation on
the target server, without importing the data. Information is reported to the
server console and the activity log.
When you export server information to sequential media, you can later use the
media to import the information to another server with a compatible device type.
Important: For commands that import administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the IMPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
You also have the option of processing an export operation directly to another
server on the network. This results in an immediate import process without the
need for compatible sequential device types between the two servers.
You can export the following types of server information by issuing the EXPORT
SERVER command:
v Policy domain definitions
v Policy set definitions
v Management class and copy group definitions
v Schedules defined for each policy domain
v Administrator definitions
v Client node definitions
This command generates a background process that can be canceled by the CANCEL
PROCESS command. If you export server information to sequential media, and the
background process is canceled, the sequential media holding the exported data
are incomplete and should not be used for importing data. If a server-to-server
export background process is canceled, a partial import might result. Evaluate any
imported data on the target server to determine whether you want to keep or
delete the imported data. Review the import messages for details.
Issue the QUERY PROCESS command from the target server to monitor the progress
of the import operation. Issue the QUERY EXPORT command to list all
server-to-server export operations (that have a FILEDATA value other than NONE) that
are running or suspended.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the actual status information
which indicates the size and the success or failure of the export operation.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
The EXPORT SERVER command takes two forms: Export directly to another server on
the network, or export to sequential media. The syntax and parameters for each
form are defined separately.
v “EXPORT SERVER (Export a server to sequential media)” on page 611
v “EXPORT SERVER (Export server control information and client file data to
another server)” on page 619
Table 193. Commands related to EXPORT SERVER
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
Privilege class
FILEData = None
►► EXPort Server ►
FILEData = ALl
Preview = No
► ►
(1) (2) (1)
Preview = No DEVclass = device_class_name
Scratch = Yes
► ►
(2) ,
Scratch = Yes (2)
No VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►
USEDVolumelist = file_name
► ►
FROMTime = 00:00:00
FROMDate = date
FROMTime = time
► ►
TOTime = 23:59:59
TODate = date
TOTime = time
1 If PREVIEW=NO, a device class must be specified.
Specifies the type of files that are exported for all nodes that are defined to the
server. This parameter is optional. The default value is NONE.
If you are exporting to sequential media, the device class to access the file data
is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same device
class that is specified in this command, two drives are needed to export server
information. The mount limit for the device class must be set to at least 2.
The following descriptions mention active and inactive backup file versions. An
active backup file version is the most recent backup version for a file that still
exists on the client workstation. All other backup file versions are called
inactive copies. The following values are available:
IBM Spectrum Protect exports all backup versions of files, all archived files,
and all files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management client.
IBM Spectrum Protect does not export files, only definitions.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports only archived files.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports only backup versions, whether the versions
are active or inactive.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports only active backup versions.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports all active backup versions of files, all
archived files, and all files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect
for Space Management client.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports only files that were migrated by an IBM
Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
Specifies whether you want to preview the results of the export operation,
without exporting information. You can use this parameter to preview how
many bytes of data are transferred so that you can determine how many
volumes are required. This parameter supports the following values:
No Specifies that the server information is to be exported. If you specify this
value, you must also specify a device class.
Specifies that the operation is previewed but not completed. Information is
reported to the server console and the activity log. If you specify this
value, you do not need to specify a device class.
Tip: You can export data to a storage pool on another server by specifying a
device class whose device type is SERVER.
Specifies whether scratch volumes can be used. The default value is YES. You
can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that scratch volumes can be used for export. If you also specify a
list of volumes, scratch volumes are used only if there is not enough space
on the volumes specified.
No Specifies that scratch volumes cannot be used for export. To determine
how many volumes you might need, you can run the command specifying
Specifies the volumes to be used to contain exported data. This parameter is
optional, unless you specify SCRATCH=NO and PREVIEW=NO. If you do not
specify a volume name, scratch volumes are used.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes. In the file, each
volume name must be on a separate line. Blank and comment lines that
begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when specifying volumes associated with the
following device types:
REMOVABLEFILE 1-6 alphanumeric characters.
SERVER 1-250 alphanumeric characters.
Specifies the file where a list of volumes used in the export operation are
stored. This parameter is optional.
This file can be used in the import operation. This file contains comment lines
with the date and time the export was done, and the command issued to create
the export.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. Group data on the node is, for example, virtual machine data
or system state backup data. This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
If this parameter is not specified, IBM Spectrum Protect exports all objects
stored before the TODATE parameter and as qualified by the FILEDATA
parameter. If no TODATE parameter is specified, then all data as qualified by
the FILEDATA parameter is exported.
When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative FROMDATE, for
example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted
process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For
example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and
the FROMDATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. An example of group data on the node is virtual machine
data or system state backup data, This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
The default value for this parameter when used with the FROMDATE
parameter is midnight (00:00:00).
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the latest time that objects to be exported were stored on the server.
You must specify the TODATE parameter in order to use the TOTIME
parameter. TOTIME only applies to client file data and does not affect other
information that is being exported, such as policy. IBM Spectrum Protect
ignores the TOTIME parameter if the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
The default value for this parameter, when used with the TODATE parameter,
is midnight minus one second (23:59:59).
Important: The value of the TOTIME and TODATE parameters must be later
than the FROMDATE and the FROMTIME value.
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Indicates which algorithm to use to encrypt passwords when exporting
administrative and node records. This parameter is optional. The default value
is AES. If you are exporting to a server that does not support AES, specify
DES. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies the Advanced Encryption Standard.
Specifies the Data Encryption Standard.
Specifies whether data from a storage pool that enforces shredding is exported.
This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that data is not exported from a storage pool that enforces
Specifies that data can be exported from a storage pool that enforces
shredding. The data on the export media is not shredded.
From the server, export server information to tape volumes TAPE01, TAPE02, and
TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device that is assigned to the
MENU1 device class.
export server devclass=menu1
From the server, export server information to tape volumes that are listed in the
following file:
Server-to-server export operations that have a FILEDATA value other than NONE
can be restarted after the operation is suspended. The server saves the state and
status of the export operation so that it may be restarted from the point at which
the operation failed or was suspended. The export operation can be restarted at a
later date by issuing the RESTART EXPORT command. These export operations can be
manually suspended as well as restarted. Therefore, if an export fails, it is
automatically suspended if it has completed the transmitting definitions phase.
The export operation cannot be restarted if the export operation fails prior to
transmitting the eligible node and filespace definitions to the target server. You
must reenter the command to begin a new export operation.
Issue the QUERY PROCESS command from the target server to monitor the progress
of the import operation. Issue the QUERY EXPORT command to list all
server-to-server export operations (that have a FILEDATA value other than NONE)
that are running or suspended. See “EXPORT ADMIN (Export administrator
information)” on page 572 for a list of restrictions that apply to the export function.
Privilege class
FILEData = None
►► EXPort Server ►
FILEData = ALl
► ►
TOTime = 23:59:59
TODate = date
TOTime = time
► ►
EXPORTIDentifier = export_identifier TOServer = servername
PREVIEWImport = No MERGEfilespaces = No
► ►
PREVIEWImport = No MERGEfilespaces = No
Yes Yes
Replacedefs = No PROXynodeassoc = No
► ►
Replacedefs = No PROXynodeassoc = No
Yes Yes
Specifies the type of files to export for all nodes defined to the server. This
parameter is optional. The default value is NONE.
If you are exporting to sequential media: The device class to access the file
data is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same
device class specified in this command, IBM Spectrum Protect requires two
drives to export server information. You must set the mount limit for the
device class to at least 2.
The following descriptions mention active and inactive backup file versions.
An active backup file version is the most recent backup version for a file that
still exists on the client workstation. All other backup file versions are called
inactive copies. The values are:
IBM Spectrum Protect exports all backup versions of files, all archived files,
and all files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management client.
IBM Spectrum Protect does not export files, only definitions.
IBM Spectrum Protect exports only archived files.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. Group data on the node is, for example, virtual machine data
or system state backup data. This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
If this parameter is not specified, IBM Spectrum Protect exports all objects
stored before the TODATE parameter and as qualified by the FILEDATA
parameter. If no TODATE parameter is specified, then all data as qualified by
the FILEDATA parameter is exported.
When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative FROMDATE, for
example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted
process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For
example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and
the FROMDATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting
files is 07/03/2009. If this same export operation is suspended and restarted
ten days later (07/14/2009), the date that is used for selecting files is still
07/03/2009. This behavior ensures that the entire export operation uses the
same cutoff date for selecting files to export.
Specifies the latest date for files to be exported from the server. Files stored on
the server on a date later than the TODATE value are not exported. TODATE
only applies to client file data and does not affect other information that is
being exported, such as policy.
v IBM Spectrum Protect ignores the TODATE parameter when the FILEDATA
parameter is set to NONE.
v If a TODATE parameter is specified without a TOTIME parameter, the server
exports all objects inserted on or before the day specified by the TODATE
v If you specified the FROMDATE parameter, the value of TODATE must be
later than or equal to the FROMDATE value. If the TODATE and
FROMDATE are equal, then the TOTIME parameter must be later that the
FROMTIME parameter.
v The TODATE parameter does not apply to directories. All directories in a file
space are processed even if the directories were not backed up in the
specified date range.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data
that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can
also be exported. An example of group data on the node is virtual machine
data or system state backup data, This export is a result of incremental backup
processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra
files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported so that there is a
consistent image for the backup data.
The default value for this parameter when used with the FROMDATE
parameter is midnight (00:00:00).
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the latest time that objects to be exported were stored on the server.
You must specify the TODATE parameter in order to use the TOTIME
parameter. TOTIME only applies to client file data and does not affect other
information that is being exported, such as policy. IBM Spectrum Protect
ignores the TOTIME parameter if the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
The default value for this parameter, when used with the TODATE parameter,
is midnight minus one second (23:59:59).
Important: The value of the TOTIME and TODATE parameters must be later
than the FROMDATE and the FROMTIME value.
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Specifies the name of a server to which the export data is sent directly over the
network for immediate import.
Important: The target server must be defined on the originating server with
the DEFINE SERVER command. The administrator that issues the export
command must be defined with the same administrator name and password
and have system authority on the target server.
When you specify TOSERVER, you cannot specify the DEVCLASS,
Specifies whether to view how much data is transferred, without actually
moving any data. This information can be used to determine how much
storage pool space is required on the target server. The default is NO.
Important: After an export operation finishes identifying files for export, any
changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value is ignored. An export
operation that is suspended retains the original ALLOWSHREDABLE value
throughout the operation. You might want to consider canceling your export
operation if changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value jeopardize
the operation. You can reissue the export command after any needed cleanup.
This optional parameter specifies the name that you selected to identify this
export operation. If you do not specify a command name, the server generates
one for you. The export identifier name cannot be more than 64 characters,
cannot contain wildcard characters, and is not case sensitive. You can use the
identifier name to reference export operations in the QUERY EXPORT, SUSPEND
If you are specifying the EXPORTIDENTIFIER parameter, you must specify the
TOSERVER parameter.
To export directly to SERVERB between February 1, 2009 and today, issue the
following command.
export server filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 todate=today
To export directly to SERVERB from 8:00 a.m. on February 1, 2009 until today at
8:00 a.m., issue the following command.
export server filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 fromtime=08:00:00
todate=today totime=08:00:00
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
When you issue the EXTEND DBSPACE command, directories are added to the
database. With the default parameter settings, data is redistributed across all
database directories, and storage space is reclaimed. This action improves parallel
I/O performance and makes the new directory space available for immediate use.
If you do not want to redistribute data when you add new directories, you can
specify RECLAIMSTORAGE=NO. If you specify No for this parameter, all space in
existing directories is filled before new directories are used. You can redistribute
data and reclaim space later, but you must complete the manual procedure for this
task by using Db2 commands.
After an operation to extend the database space is complete, halt and restart the
server to fully use the new directories. If the existing database directories are
nearly full when a new directory is added, the server might encounter an out of
space condition (reported in the db2diag.log). You can fix the out of space
condition by halting and restarting the server.
REClaimstorage = Yes
►► EXTend DBSpace ▼ db_directory ►
REClaimstorage = No
db_directory (Required)
Specifies the directories for database storage. The directories must be empty
and accessible by the user ID of the database manager. A directory name must
be a fully qualified name and cannot exceed 175 characters in length. Enclose
the name in quotation marks if it contains embedded blanks, an equal sign, or
other special characters. If you are specifying a list of directories for database
storage, the maximum length of the list can be 1400 characters.
Tip: Specify directories that are the same size as existing directories to ensure
a consistent degree of parallelism for database operations. If one or more
directories for the database are smaller than the others, they reduce the
potential for optimized parallel prefetching and distribution of the database.
Specifies whether data is redistributed across newly created database
directories and space is reclaimed from the old storage paths. This parameter is
optional. The default value is Yes.
Unless you specify WAIT=YES, the operation is completed as a background
Specifies that data is redistributed so that new directories are available for
immediate use.
Add two directories (/tsm_db/stg1 and tsm_db/stg2) under the /tsm_db directory
to the storage space for the database. Issue the command:
Related commands
Table 194. Commands related to EXTEND DBSPACE
Command Description
DSMSERV EXTEND DBSPACE Adds directories to increase space for use by
the database.
QUERY DB Displays allocation information about the
QUERY DBSPACE Displays information about the storage space
defined for the database.
Restriction: You cannot generate a backup set with files that were backed up to
IBM Spectrum Protect using NDMP. However, you can create a backup set with
files that were backed up using NetApp SnapShot Difference.
The server creates copies of active versions of a client's backed up objects that are
within the one-or-more file spaces specified with this command. The server then
consolidates them onto sequential media. Currently, the backup object types that
are supported for backup sets include directories and files only.
The backup-archive client node can restore its backup set from the server and from
the media to which the backup set was written.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If the background process created by this command is
canceled, the media might not contain a complete backup set. You can use the
QUERY PROCESS command to show information about the background process that is
created by this command.
Tip: When IBM Spectrum Protect generates a backup set, you can improve
performance if the primary storage pools containing the client data are collocated.
If a primary storage pool is collocated, client node data is likely to be on fewer
tape volumes than it would be if the storage pool were not collocated. With
collocation, less time is spent searching database entries, and fewer mount
operations are required.
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or policy privilege for the
domain to which the client node is assigned.
► DEVclass = device_class_name ►
▼ file_space_name
SCRatch = Yes
► ►
SCRatch = Yes ,
VOLumes = ▼ volume_names
RETention = 365
► ►
RETention = days DESCription = description
► ►◄
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node and node groups whose data is contained
in the backup set. To specify multiple node names and node group names,
separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters with node names but not with node group names. When
multiple node names are specified, the server generates a backup set for each
node and places all of the backup sets together on a single set of output
backup_set_name_prefix (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set for the client node. The maximum length
of the name is 30 characters.
When you select a name, IBM Spectrum Protect adds a suffix to construct your
backup set name. For example, if you name your backup set mybackupset, IBM
Spectrum Protect adds a unique number such as 3099 to the name. The backup
set name is then identified to IBM Spectrum Protect as mybackupset.3099. To
later show information about this backup set, you can include a wildcard with
the name, such as mybackupset.* or specify the fully qualified name, such as
When multiple node names or node group names are specified, the server
generates a backup set for each node or node group and places all the backup
sets on a single set of output volumes. Each backup set is given the same fully
qualified name consisting of the backup_set_name_prefix and a suffix determined
by the server.
Specifies the names of one or more file spaces that contain the data to be
included in the backup set. This parameter is optional. The file space name
that you specify can contain wildcard characters. You can specify more than
one file space by separating the names with commas and no intervening
spaces. If you do not specify a file space, data from all the client nodes
backed-up and active file spaces is included in the backup set.
For a server that has clients with support for Unicode-enabled file spaces, you
can enter either a file space name or a file space ID (FSID). If you enter a file
space name, you might need to have the server convert the file space name
that you enter. For example, you might need to have the server convert the
name that you enter from the server's code page to Unicode. See the
NAMETYPE parameter for details. If you do not specify a file space name, or
specify only a single wildcard character for the name, you can use the
CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode file spaces or to
non-Unicode file spaces.
Restriction: You cannot specify a device class with a device type of NAS or
Specifies whether to use scratch volumes for the backup set. If you include a
list of volumes using the VOLUMES parameter, the server uses scratch
volumes only if the data cannot be contained in the volumes you specify. The
default is SCRATCH=YES. The values are:
Specifies to use scratch volumes for the backup set.
NO Specifies not to use scratch volumes for the backup set.
Specifies the names of one or more volumes that will contain the backup set.
This parameter is optional. You can specify more than one volume by
separating each volume with a comma, with no intervening spaces.
If you do not specify this parameter, scratch volumes are used for the backup
Specifies the number of days to retain the backup set on the server. You can
specify an integer from 0 to 30000. The default is 365 days. The values are:
Specifies the number of days to retain the backup set on the server.
Specifies that the backup set should be retained on the server indefinitely.
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains the volumes containing the
backup set forever, unless a user or administrator deletes the volumes from
server storage.
Specifies the description to associate with the backup set. This parameter is
optional. The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the
description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. The values
Specifies the command processes in the foreground. Messages that are
created are not displayed until the command completes processing. You
cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.
No Specifies that the command processes in the background. Use the QUERY
PROCESS command to monitor the background processing of this command.
Specify how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with support for
Unicode-enabled file spaces. You can use this parameter for IBM Spectrum
Protect clients using Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X operating systems.
Specifies that files that were active on the specified time and that are still
stored on the IBM Spectrum Protect server are to be included in the backup
set, even if they are inactive at the time you issue the command. This
parameter is optional. IF a PITDate was specified, the default is midnight
(00:00:00); otherwise the default is the time at which the GENERATE BACKUPSET
command is started. You can specify the time using one of the following
Specifies that backup sets containing the specified types of data that are to be
generated. This parameter is optional. The default is that file level backup sets
are to be generated. To specify multiple data types, separate data types with
commas and no intervening spaces.
The server generates a backup set for each data type and places all the backup
sets on a single set of output volumes. Each backup set is given the same fully
qualified name consisting of the backup_set_name_prefix and a suffix determined
by the server. However, each backup set has a different data type, as shown by
the QUERY BACKUPSET command. Possible values are:
Specifies that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and
application) that have been backed up on the server are to be generated.
Specifies that a file level backup set is to be generated. File level backup
sets contain files and directories that are backed up by the backup client. If
no files or directories have been backed up by the backup client, a file level
backup set is not generated. This is the default.
Generate a backup set of a file space that is called /srvr that belongs to client node
JANE. Name the backup set PERS_DATA and retain it for 75 days. Specify that
volumes VOL1 and VOL2 contain the data for the backup set. The volumes are to
be read by a device that is assigned to the AGADM device class. Include a
generate backupset jane pers_data /srvr devclass=agadm
retention=75 volumes=vol1,vol2
description="area 51 base image"
Generate a backup set of the Unicode-enabled file space, \\joe\c$, that belongs to
client node JOE. Name the backup set JOES_DATA. Specify that volume VOL1
contain the data for the backup set. The volume is to be read by a device that is
assigned to the AGADM device class. Have the server convert the \\joe\c$ file
space name from the server code page to the UTF-8 code page.
generate backupset joe joes_data \\joe\c$ devclass=agadm
volumes=vol1 nametype=unicode
Related commands
Table 195. Commands related to GENERATE BACKUPSET
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
Creating a table of contents for a backup set requires storage pool space and
possibly one or more mount points during the creation operation.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or policy privilege for the
domain to which the client node is assigned.
►► GENerate BACKUPSETTOC node_name backup_set_name ►
► ►◄
, TOCMGmtclass = class_name
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node whose data is contained in the backup
set. You cannot use wildcard characters to specify a name, nor can you specify
a list of client node names.
backup_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set for the client node. You cannot use
wildcard characters to specify a name, nor can you specify a list of backup set
Specifies the type of data to be included in the table of contents. This
parameter is optional. By default, all data is included. To specify multiple data
types, separate the data types with commas and no intervening spaces.
Possible values are:
Specifies that the table of contents includes all types of data (file-level,
image, and application) stored in the backup set. This is the default.
Specifies that the table of contents includes only file-level data. File-level
data consists of files and directories backed up by the backup-archive
client. If the backup set contains no files or directories, the table of contents
is not generated.
Specifies that the table of contents will include only image backups. Image
Generate a table of contents for a backup set named PROJX_DATA that contains
the data for client node GARY. The table of contents is to be bound to the default
management class.
generate backupsettoc gary projx_data
Related commands
Table 196. Commands related to GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC
Command Description
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool.
► ►
, CODEType = UNIcode
▼ filespace_name BOTH
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No DESCription = description
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool that is reported in the data
deduplication statistics. You can specify up to 30 characters for the storage pool
name. If you specify more than 30 characters, the command fails.
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or an FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and FSIDs:
v You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
v Do not specify both file space names and FSIDs on the same command.
Specifies what type of file spaces to include in the record. The default value is
BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter an asterisk to display
information about all file spaces. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the
following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type. This is the default.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to generate statistics for a
container in a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool. This
parameter is optional. Enter a value in the range 1 - 99. The default value is 4.
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. Use this parameter when IBM Spectrum Protect clients have file spaces
that are in Unicode format, and are on Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X
operating systems. This parameter is optional.
This parameter is required if you specify a node name and a file space name or
Tip: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not
available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies whether the data deduplication statistics are generated in the
foreground or background. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of
the following values:
No Specifies that the operation is completed in the background. You can
continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages that
are related to the background process are displayed in the activity log file
or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged. This is
the default value.
Specifies that the operation is completed in the foreground. It might take a
long time to complete the operation. The operation must end before you
can continue with other tasks. Messages are displayed in the activity log
file or the server console, or both, depending on where the messages are
Restriction: You cannot specify the WAIT=YES parameter from the server
Specifies a description of the generated statistics. This parameter is optional.
Generate data deduplication statistics for a file space that is called /srvr that
belongs to a directory-container storage pool, POOL1, that is stored on client node
generate dedupstats pool1 node1 /srvr
Generate data deduplication statistics for a Unicode-enabled file space that is called
\\abc\c$ that belongs to client node NODE2. Convert the \\abc\c$ file space name
from the server code page to the UTF-8 code page.
generate dedupstats node2 \\abc\c$ nametype=unicode
Privilege class
►► GRant AUTHority admin_name CLasses = ▼ SYstem ►
Node A
► ►◄
, ,
DOmains = ▼ domain_name STGpools = ▼ pool_name
AUTHority = Access
DOmains = domain_name
AUTHority = Access NOde = node_name
1 You must specify one or more of these parameters.
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator that is being granted an administrative
privilege class.
Specifies one or more privilege classes to grant to an administrator. This
parameter is required, except when you specify the STGPOOLS parameter. You
can specify more than one privilege class by separating each with a comma.
The following classes are possible:
Specifies that you want to grant system privilege to an administrator. A
system administrator has the highest level of authority in IBM Spectrum
Protect. A system administrator can issue any administrative command and
Attention: When you specify the node privilege class, you must also
specify either the DOMAIN parameter or the NODE parameter, but not
Specifies the authority level of a user with node privilege. This
parameter is optional.
If an administrator already has system or policy privilege to the policy
domain to which the node belongs, this command will not change the
administrator's privilege. Possible authority levels are:
Specifies that you want to grant client access authority to a user
with the node privilege class. This is the default when
CLASSES=NODE is specified. A user with client access authority
can access the backup-archive client GUI and perform backup and
restore actions on that client.
Grant node privilege to user HELP so that help desk personnel can assist the client
node LABCLIENT in backing up or restoring data without having other higher
level IBM Spectrum Protect privileges.
grant authority help classes=node node=labclient
Related commands
Table 198. Commands related to GRANT AUTHORITY
Command Description
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
REVOKE AUTHORITY Revokes one or more privilege classes or
restricts access to policy domains and storage
Target client nodes own the data and agent nodes act on behalf of the target nodes.
When granted proxy authority to a target client node, an agent node can perform
backup and restore operations for the target node. Data that the agent node stores
on behalf of the target node is stored under the target node's name in server
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
►► GRant PROXynode TArget = target_node_name AGent = agent_node_name ►◄
TArget (Required)
Specifies the name of the node that owns the data. Wildcard names cannot be
used to specify the target node name.
AGent (Required)
Specifies the name of the node performing operations for the target node. The
agent node does not have to be in the same domain as the target node.
Wildcard characters and comma-separated lists of node names are allowed.
Assume that MOE and JOE are agent nodes in a NAS cluster and are used to
backup and restore shared NAS data. To create a proxy authority relationship for
target node NASCLUSTER, issue the following command:
grant proxynode target=nascluster agent=moe,joe
Issue the following command on agent node MOE to back up NAS cluster data
stored on the E: drive. The name of the target node is NASCLUSTER.
dsmc -asnode=nascluster incremental e:
Related commands
Table 199. Commands related to GRANT PROXYNODE
Command Description
QUERY PROXYNODE Display nodes with authority to act as proxy
REVOKE PROXYNODE Revoke proxy authority from an agent node.
Any transactions in progress interrupted by the HALT command are rolled back
when you restart the server. Use the HALT command only after the administrative
and client node sessions are completed or canceled. To shut down the server
without severely impacting administrative and client node sessions, perform the
following steps:
1. Use the DISABLE SESSIONS command to prevent starting new client node
2. Use the QUERY SESSIONS command to identify any existing administrative and
client node sessions.
3. Notify any existing administrative and client node sessions that you plan to
shut down the server (you must do this outside of IBM Spectrum Protect).
4. Use the CANCEL SESSIONS command to cancel any existing administrative or
client node sessions.
5. Issue the HALT command to shut down the server and stop any administrative
and client node sessions.
The HALT command can be replicated using the ALIASHALT server option. Use the
server option to define a term other than HALT that performs the same function.
The HALT command retains its normal function however, the server option provides
an additional method for issuing the HALT command. See “ALIASHALT” on page
1733 for additional information.
Privilege class
►► HALT ►◄
Related commands
Table 200. Commands related to HALT
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
Privilege class
►► Help ►◄
command_name ▼
Specifies the number of your selection from the help topics. This parameter is
Topic numbers are displayed in the table of contents, for example:
3.0 Administrative commands
3.13.10 DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a device class) DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3590 device class) DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a 3592 device class)
The topic number for the command DEFINE DEVCLASS for a 3592 device class is
Specifies the name of the administrative command you want to display. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies up to two of the subcommand names that are associated with the
name of the administrative command that you want to display. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies the number of the message for which you want to display
information. This parameter is optional. You can get help information about
server messages (prefixed by ANR) and client messages (prefixed by ANE or
ANS). Do not include the prefix and severity code when specifying an error
message number.
Specifies the name of the server option for which you want to display
information. This parameter is optional.
Partial output:
1.0 Administering the server from the command line
1.1 Issuing commands from the administrative client
1.1.1 Starting and stopping the administrative client
1.1.2 Monitoring server activities from the administrative client
Display help information by using the help topic number. The topic number for
the command DEFINE DEVCLASS for a 3592 device class is
Display the description, syntax, and an example for the COMMMETHOD server
help commmethod
Display the description, syntax, and an example for the DSMSERV utility.
help dsmserv
When you create a new storage pool for data deduplication, you can specify 0 - 50
duplicate-identification processes. IBM Spectrum Protect starts the specified
number of duplicate-identification processes automatically when the server is
started. If you do not stop them, they run indefinitely.
With the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES command, you can start more processes, stop some
or all of the processes, and specify an amount of time that the change remains in
effect. If you increased or decreased the number of duplicate-identification
processes, you can use the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES command to reset the number of
processes to the number that is specified in the storage pool definition.
If you did not specify any duplicate-identification processes in the storage pool
definition, you can use the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES command to start and stop all
processes manually.
This command starts or stops a background process or processes that you can
cancel with the CANCEL PROCESS command. To display information about
background processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
v You can also change the number of duplicate-identification processes by
updating the storage pool definition by using the UPDATE STGPOOL command.
However, when you update a storage pool definition, you cannot specify a
duration. The processes that you specify in the storage pool definition run
indefinitely, or until you issue the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES command, update the
storage pool definition again, or cancel a process.
Issuing the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES does not change the setting for the number of
duplicate-identification processes in the storage pool definition.
v Duplicate-identification processes can be either active or idle. Processes that are
deduplicating files are active. Processes that are waiting for files to deduplicate
are idle. Processes remain idle until volumes with data to be deduplicated
become available. Processes stop only when canceled or when you change the
number of duplicate-identification processes for the storage pool to a value less
than what is specified. Before a duplicate-identification process stops, it must
finish the file that it is deduplicating.
The output of the QUERY PROCESS command for a duplicate-identification process
includes the total number of bytes and files that have been processed since the
process first started. For example, if a duplicate-identification process processes
four files, becomes idle, and then processes five more files, then the total number
of files that are processed is nine.
Privilege class
► ►◄
DURation = minutes
stgpool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool name in which duplicate data is to be identified. You
can use wildcards.
Specifies the number of duplicate-identification processes to run after the
command completes. You can specify 0 - 50 processes. The value that you
specify for this parameter overrides the value that you specified in the storage
pool definition or the most recent value that was specified when you last
issued this command. If you specify zero, all duplicate-identification processes
This parameter is optional. If you do not specify a value, the server starts or
stops duplicate-identification processes so that the number of processes is the
same as the number that is specified in the storage pool definition.
For example, suppose that you define a new storage pool and specify two
duplicate-identification processes. Later, you issue the IDENTIFY DUPLICATES
command to increase the number of processes to four. When you issue the
IDENTIFY DUPLICATES command again without specifying a value for the
NUMPROCESS parameter, the server stops two duplicate-identification processes.
If you specified 0 processes when you defined the storage pool definition and
you issue IDENTIFY DUPLICATES without specifying a value for NUMPROCESS, any
running duplicate-identification processes stop, and the server does not start
any new processes.
Related commands
Table 202. Commands related to IDENTIFY DUPLICATES
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
Important: For commands that import administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the IMPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
v “IMPORT ADMIN (Import administrator information)” on page 661
v “IMPORT NODE (Import client node information)” on page 665
v “IMPORT POLICY (Import policy information)” on page 672
v “IMPORT SERVER (Import server information)” on page 675
Important: For commands that import administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the IMPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the import operation.
You can also view this information from the server console.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If an IMPORT ADMIN background process is canceled,
some of the data is already imported. To display information about background
processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
v If target and source server levels are not compatible, the operation might not
v If the administrator definition that is being imported includes analyst authority,
the administrator definition is imported but not the analyst authority. Analyst
authority is not valid for servers at V6.1 or later.
v Importing data from a CENTERA device class is not supported. However, files
that are being imported can be stored on a CENTERA storage device.
Privilege class
* Preview = No
►► IMport Admin ►
, Preview = No
▼ admin_name
Replacedefs = No
► ►◄
Replacedefs = No
Specifies the administrators for which you want to import information. This
parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
Specifies whether you want to preview the results of the import operation,
without importing administrator information. This parameter is optional. The
following parameters values are supported:
No Specifies that the information is to be imported.
Specifies that the operation is previewed but not completed. Information
about the number and types of objects that are imported, together with the
number of bytes transferred, are reported to the server console and the
activity log.
The default value is NO. If you specify YES for the value, you must mount the
export volumes.
DEVclass (Required)
Specifies the device class from which import data is to be read.
You cannot specify the DISK, NAS, or CENTERA device classes.If all drives for
the device class are busy when the import runs, IBM Spectrum Protect cancels
lower priority operations, such as reclamation, to make a drive available.
VOLumename (Required)
Specifies the volumes to be used for the import operation. Volumes must be
imported in the same order as they were exported. The following parameter
values are supported:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate names
with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes that are used for
the imported data. In the file, each volume name must be on a separate
line. Blank and comment lines that begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when you specify volumes that are associated
with the following device types:
REMOVABLEFILE 1 - 6 alphanumeric characters.
SERVER 1 - 250 alphanumeric characters.
Specifies whether to replace administrator definitions on the target server. The
following parameter values are supported:
No Specifies that definitions are not to be replaced.
Specifies that definitions are to be replaced.
From the server, import the information for all defined administrators from tape
volumes TAPE01, TAPE02, and TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read
by a device that is assigned to the MENU1 device class. Issue the command:
import admin devclass=menu1
From the server, import the information for all defined administrators from tape
volumes that are listed in the following file:
Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device that is assigned to the MENU1
device class. Issue the command:
import admin devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
Related commands
Table 203. Commands related to IMPORT ADMIN
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
EXPORT ADMIN Copies administrative information to external
media or directly to another server.
IMPORT NODE Restores client node information from
external media.
IMPORT POLICY Restores policy information from external
Important: For commands that import administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the IMPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
If you specify a domain on the source server and if that policy domain also exists
on the target server, the imported nodes get associated with that same policy
domain on the target server. Otherwise, imported nodes are associated with the
STANDARD policy domain on the target server.
IBM Spectrum Protect servers with retention protection enabled do not allow
import operations.
1. If target and source server levels are not compatible, the operation might not
2. Importing data from a CENTERA device class is not supported. However, files
that are being imported can be stored on a CENTERA storage device.
3. If you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords, any target
servers must be configured for LDAP passwords. Data that is imported from a
node that authenticates with an LDAP directory server is inaccessible if the
target server is not properly configured. If your target server is not configured,
imported data from an LDAP node can still go there. But the target server must
be configured to use LDAP in order for you to access the imported data.
4. If target and source server levels are not compatible, the operation might not
5. You cannot use a CENTERA device class as the target medium for an export
command, or as the source medium for an import command.
6. Incrementally exporting/importing the following types of client data to another
IBM Spectrum Protect server is not supported:
v VMWare backups where full plus incremental backups need to be
periodically, incrementally transferred to another server.
v Backups groups where full plus differential backups need to be periodically,
incrementally transferred to another server.
Full export/import of this data to a new file system on the target is supported
by exporting the entire filespace that contains the data. In other words, the
export must not use the FILEDATA=ALLACTIVE, FROMDATE, TODATE, or
The best practice for incrementally transferring this type of data between two
servers is to use Node Replication.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the import operation.
You can also view this information from the server console.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If an IMPORT NODE background process is canceled, some
For a server that has clients with support for Unicode, you can get the server to
convert the file space name that you enter, or use the following parameters:
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► IMport Node ►
, ,
► ►
HEXFILESpace = ▼ file_space_name
► ►
, ,
Replacedefs = No
► VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name ►
FILE: file_name Replacedefs = No
MERGEfilespaces = No PROXynodeassoc = No
► ►◄
MERGEfilespaces = No PROXynodeassoc = No
Yes Yes
Specifies the client nodes for which you want to import information. This
parameter is optional.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. All matching nodes are included in the
Specifies file space names for which you want to import information. This
parameter is optional. The default is all file spaces.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names.
1. Existing file spaces are not replaced. New file spaces are created when
identical names are encountered. However, this new name might match an
existing name on the client node, which can have file spaces that are not
yet backed up to the server.
2. This parameter is only specified for non-Unicode file spaces. To import all
file spaces that are both Unicode and non-Unicode, use the
Specifies the policy domains from which to import node information. These
domains must be included in the data that was exported. This parameter is
optional. The default is all domains that were exported.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify a name.
Specifies the type of files that can be imported for all nodes that are specified
and found on the export media. This parameter is optional. The default value
is NONE.
If you are importing from sequential media, the device class that is used by the
file data is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same
Use these naming conventions when you specify volumes that are associated
with the following device types:
Specifies whether to replace definitions on the target server. The default value
is NO. The parameter supports the following values:
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 669
No Objects are not to be replaced.
Objects are to be replaced.
Specifies the hexadecimal representation of the file space names in UTF-8
format. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. This
parameter is optional.
To view the hexadecimal representation of a file space name, you can use the
Specifies that the file spaces that are known to the server are Unicode enabled.
The server converts the names that you enter from the server code page to the
UTF-8 code page to find the file spaces to import. The success of the
conversion depends on the actual characters in the name and the server's code
page. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. A
wildcard character can be used to specify a name. This parameter is optional.
Specifies whether IBM Spectrum Protect merges client files into existing file
spaces on the target server (if they exist), or if IBM Spectrum Protect generates
new file space names. The default is NO.
Valid values are:
Specifies that imported data on the target server is merged with the
existing file space, if a file space with the same name exists on the target
No Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect generates a new file space name for
imported data on the target server if file spaces with the same name exists.
Specifies whether proxy node associations are imported. This parameter is
optional. The default value is NO.
Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device that is assigned to the MENU1
device class.
From the server, import the active backup versions of file data for client node JOE
from tape volume TAPE01. The file space is Unicode.
import node joe unifilespace=\\joe\c$ filedata=backupactive devclass=menu1
Related commands
Table 204. Commands related to IMPORT NODE
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
IMPORT ADMIN Restores administrative information from
external media.
IMPORT POLICY Restores policy information from external
IMPORT SERVER Restores all or part of the server from
external media.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
IBM Spectrum Protect client data can be moved between servers with export and
import processing, if the same removable media type is supported on both
1. If target and source server levels are not compatible, the import operation
might not work.
2. Importing data from a CENTERA device class is not supported. However, files
that are imported can be stored on a CENTERA storage device.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the import operation.
You can also view this information from the server console.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If an IMPORT POLICY background process is canceled,
some of the data is already imported. To display information about background
processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII
characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication
operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server
limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported,
or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.
Privilege class
* Preview = No
►► IMport Policy ►
, Preview = No
▼ domain_name
Specifies the policy domains for which information is to be imported. Separate
multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
characters to specify names. The default (*) is all policy.
Specifies whether you want to preview the results of the import operation
without importing information.This parameter supports the following values:
No Specifies that the information is to be imported.
Specifies that the operation is previewed but not completed. Information is
reported to the server console and the activity log.
The PREVIEW=YES option requires that you mount the export volumes. This
parameter is optional. The default value is NO.
DEVclass (Required)
Specifies the device class from which import data is to be read. You cannot
specify the DISK, NAS, or CENTERA device classes.
If all drives for the device class are busy when the import runs, IBM Spectrum
Protect cancels lower priority operations, such as reclamation, to make a drive
VOLumenames (Required)
Specifies the volumes to be used for the import operation. Volumes must be
imported in the same order as they were exported. This parameter supports
the following values:
Specifies the volume name. To specify multiple volumes, separate the
names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes. In the file, each
volume name must be on a separate line. Blank and comment lines that
begin with an asterisk are ignored.
Use these naming conventions when you specify volumes that are associated
with the following device types:
From the server, import the information for all defined policies from tape volumes
that are listed in a file that is named thus:
Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device that is assigned to the MENU1
device class. The file contains the following lines:
import policy devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
Related commands
Table 205. Commands related to IMPORT POLICY
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
EXPORT POLICY Copies policy information to external media
or directly to another server.
IMPORT ADMIN Restores administrative information from
external media.
IMPORT NODE Restores client node information from
external media.
IMPORT SERVER Restores all or part of the server from
external media.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
Important: For commands that import administrators or nodes, you must consider
the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or
import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP
directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory
server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must
update the password. After issuing the IMPORT command, set the password by
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
IBM Spectrum Protect servers with retention protection enabled do not allow
import operations.
v If target and source server levels are not compatible, the operation might not
v Importing data from a CENTERA device class is not supported. However, files
that are imported can be stored on a CENTERA storage device.
v If you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords, any target
servers must be configured for LDAP passwords. Server data that is exported
from a node that authenticates with an LDAP directory server is inaccessible if
the target server is not properly configured. If your target server is not
configured, exported data from an LDAP node can still go there. But the target
server must be configured to use LDAP in order for you to access the data.
v Incrementally exporting or importing the following types of client data to
another IBM Spectrum Protect server is not supported:
– VMware backups where full plus incremental backups need to be periodically,
incrementally transferred to another server
– Backups groups where full plus differential backups must be periodically,
incrementally transferred to another server
– Windows System State data that is periodically, incrementally transferred to
another server
Full export or import of this data to a new file system on the target is supported
by exporting the entire file space that contains the data. The export must not use
Using node replication to incrementally transfer this type of client data between
two servers is optimal.
You can also initiate an import of server information and client file data directly
from the originating server. For more information, see the EXPORT commands.
This command generates a background process that can be canceled with the
CANCEL PROCESS command. If an IMPORT SERVER background process is canceled,
some of the data is already imported. To display information about background
processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during
export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different
locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable.
Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for
the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
FILEData = None Preview = No
►► IMport Server ►
FILEData = ALl Preview = No
None Yes
Dates = Absolute
► DEVclass = device_class_name ►
Dates = Absolute
Replacedefs = No
► VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name ►
FILE: file_name Replacedefs = No
MERGEfilespaces = No PROXynodeassoc = No
► ►◄
MERGEfilespaces = No PROXynodeassoc = No
Yes Yes
Specifies the type of files that can be imported for all nodes that are defined to
the server. This parameter is optional. The default value is NONE.
The device class that is used to access the file data is determined by the device
class for the storage pool. If it is the same device class that is specified in this
command, two drives are needed to import information. The mount limit for
the device class must be set to at least 2.
The following descriptions mention active and inactive backup file copies. An
active backup file copy is the most recent backup copy for a file that still exists
on the client workstation. All other file copies are called inactive copies. This
parameter supports the following values:
Use these naming conventions when you specify volumes that are associated
with the following device types:
Specifies whether to replace objects on the server. Existing file spaces are not
replaced. New file spaces are created when identical names are encountered.
This parameter supports the following values:
No Specifies that objects are not to be replaced by imported objects.
Specifies that objects are to be replaced by the imported objects.
From the server, import the information for all defined servers from tape volumes
TAPE01, TAPE02, and TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device
that is assigned to the MENU1 device class.
import server devclass=menu1 volumenames=tape01,tape02,tape03
From the server, import the information for all defined servers from tape volumes
TAPE01, TAPE02, and TAPE03. Specify that these tape volumes be read by a device
that is assigned to the MENU1 device class and that client files be merged into file
spaces on the target server if file spaces of the same names exist.
import server devclass=menu1 volumenames=tape01,tape02,tape03 mergefilespaces=yes
From the server, import the information for all defined servers from tape volumes
that are listed in a file named TAPEVOL. Specify that the tape volumes are read by
a device that is assigned to the MENU1 device class. The input file contains these
import server devclass=menu1 volumenames=file:tapevol
Related commands
Table 206. Commands related to IMPORT SERVER
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
You can write a program to read files containing the information and generate the
appropriate INSERT MACHINE commands.
You can use QUERY commands to retrieve the information if a disaster occurs.
Privilege class
►► INsert MAchine machine_name sequence_number ►
► CHaracteristics = text ►◄
RECOVERYInstructions = text
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client machine.
sequence_number (Required)
Specifies the sequence number for the line of text in the database.
Specifies machine characteristics information. You must specify the
characteristics or recovery instructions, but not both. Enclose the text in
quotation marks if it contains blank characters. The text can be up to 1024
Specifies recovery instructions. You must specify the characteristics or recovery
instructions, but not both. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains
blank characters. The text can be up to 1024 characters.
For the machine DISTRICT5, insert this characteristics text on line 1: “Machine
owner is Mary Smith”.
insert machine district5 1
characteristics="Machine owner is Mary Smith"
Related commands
Table 207. Commands related to INSERT MACHINE
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
Privilege class
►► ISSUE MESSAGE message_severity message_text ►◄
message_severity (Required)
Specifies the severity of the message. The message severity indicators are:
I Information. ANR1496I is displayed in the message text.
W Warning. ANR1497W is displayed in the message text.
E Error. ANR1498E is displayed in the message text.
S Severe. ANR1499S is displayed in the message text.
message_text (Required)
Specifies the description of the message.
Assume you have a script called backupscript that quiesces a client's database,
takes a backup of that database, and then restarts the client's database. For
illustration, your script results in a non-zero return code. Use the ISSUE MESSAGE
command with the message severity and message text. The following is an
example of a server script that calls backupscript on the client machine and issues
messages based on the return code from backupscript.
issue message i "Starting backup"
define clientaction nodename action=command objects="c:\backupscript" wait=yes
if (101) goto qfail
if (102) goto qwarn
if (103) goto backupf
if (104) goto restartf
issue message i "Backup of database complete"
qfail: issue message e "Quiesce of database failed"
qwarn: issue message w "Quiesce of database failed, taking fuzzy backup"
backupf: issue message e "Backup of database failed"
restartf: issue message s "Database restart failed"
issue message e "quiesce of database failed"
Restriction: Use this command only for MANUAL, SCSI, ACSLS, and 349X
libraries. The command processing does not wait for a drive to become available,
even if the drive is only in the IDLE state. If necessary, you can make a library
drive available by issuing the DISMOUNT VOLUME command to dismount the volume
in that particular drive. When the library drive becomes available, you can reissue
the LABEL LIBVOLUME command.
For detailed and current drive and library support information, see the Supported
Devices website for your operating system:
To use the LABEL LIBVOLUME command, at least one drive must exist that is not in
use by another IBM Spectrum Protect process. This includes idle volumes that are
mounted. If necessary, use the DISMOUNT VOLUME command to dismount the idle
volume to make that drive available.
By default, the LABEL LIBVOLUME command does not overwrite an existing label.
However, if you want to overwrite an existing label, you can specify the
v By overwriting a volume label, you destroy all data on the volume. Use caution
when you overwrite volume labels to avoid deleting valid data.
v The labels on VolSafe volumes can be overwritten only once. Therefore, use the
LABEL LIBVOLUME command only once for VolSafe volumes. You can guard
against overwriting the label by using the OVERWRITE=NO option with the LABEL
LIBVOLUME command.
When you use the LABEL LIBVOLUME command, you can identify the volumes to be
labeled in one of the following ways:
v Explicitly name one volume.
v Enter a range of volumes by using the VOLRANGE parameter.
v Use the VOLLIST parameter to specify a file that contains a list of volume names
or to explicitly name one or more volumes.
For automated libraries, you are prompted to insert the volume in the entry/exit
slot of the library.
When virtual input/output (VIO) is enabled, volumes that are in the I/O station
are no longer in entry/exit ports. To ensure that the volumes can be processed,
move them from the I/O station to VIO slots. If no I/O convenience station is
available, insert the volume into an empty slot.
For manual libraries, you are prompted to load the volume directly into a drive.
Tip: To automatically label tape volumes, you can use the AUTOLABEL parameter on
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
WAITTime = 60
► ►◄
WAITTime = value
► volume_name ►
SEARCH = Yes A LABELSource = Barcode
Bulk A Prompt
Vollist B
► ►
PRIvate Yes
WAITTime = 60
► ►◄
WAITTime = value
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
B (LABELSource=Vollist):
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►
PRIvate Yes
WAITTime = 60
► ►◄
WAITTime = value
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
► ►
PRIvate Yes
WAITTime = 60
► ►◄
WAITTime = value
VOLRange = volume_name1,volume_name2
VOLList = ▼ volume_name
FILE: file_name
Note: If you specify a volume name, the name you specify overrides the
label that is printed on the cartridge.
v For MANUAL libraries: The server requests that the volume is inserted into
a drive.
v For 349X libraries: The volume might already be in the library, or you might
be prompted to put it into the I/O station.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the command labels the
volume, but does not check it in. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter and you want to check in the volume, you must issue the CHECKIN
LIBVOLUME command.
Specifies that the server searches the library for usable volumes to label. This
parameter applies to SCSI, 349X, and ACSLS libraries.
The following values are valid:
Specifies that the server labels only volumes that are stored in the library,
unless the volume is already labeled or its bar code cannot be read.
If you specify the LABELSOURCE=PROMPT option, the volume is moved into
the drive from its location in the library or entry and exit ports. The server
prompts you to issue the REPLY command that contains the label string,
and that label is written to the tape.
Tip: You can use the VOLRANGE or VOLLIST parameter to limit the search.
Specifies a range of volume names that are separated by a comma. Use this
parameter to limit the search for volumes to be labeled when you specify
libraries only). If there are no volumes in the library that are within the
specified range, the command completes without errors.
You can specify only volume names that can be numerically incremented. In
addition to the incremental area, a volume name can include an alphanumeric
prefix and an alphanumeric suffix, for example:
Parameter Description
volrange=bar110,bar130 The 21 volumes are labeled: bar110, bar111,
bar112,...bar129, bar130.
volrange=bar11a,bar13a The 3 volumes are labeled: bar11a, bar12a,
volrange=123400,123410 The 11 volumes are labeled: 123400, 123401,
...123409, 123410.
Specifies a list of volumes. Use this parameter to limit the search for volumes
to be labeled when you specify SEARCH=YES (349X, ACSLS, and SCSI
libraries) or SEARCH=BULK (SCSI libraries only). If there are no volumes in
the library that are in the list, the command completes without errors. The
VOLLIST parameter can also be the source of names to be used to label volumes
if the LABELSOURCE parameter is set to VOLLIST. If LABELSOURCE=VOLLIST, you
must specify the VOLLIST parameter.
The following values are valid:
Specifies the names of one or more values that are used for the command.
For example: VOLLIST=TAPE01,TAPE02.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of volumes for the
command. In the file, each volume name must be on a separate line. Blank
lines and comment lines that begin with an asterisk are ignored. For
example, to use volume TAPE01, TAPE02 and TAPE03, create a file that is
named TAPEVOL that contains these lines:
Important: For bar code support to work properly, the appropriate device
drivers must be installed for the libraries.
This option applies only to SCSI libraries. The server attempts to read the
specified file or list of files. If the attempt fails, the server does not label
the volumes and displays a message.
Specifies whether the server attempts to overwrite existing labels. This
parameter is optional. The default is NO. You can specify the following values:
No Specifies that the server labels only unlabeled volumes. For StorageTek
VolSafe volumes, the value must be NO.
Specifies that the server overwrites existing labels only if both the existing
label and the prompted or bar code label are not already defined in either
the server storage pool or volume history list.
Specifies the number of minutes that the server waits for you to reply or
respond to a request. Specify a value in the range 0-9999. If you want to be
prompted by the server, specify a wait time greater than zero. The default
value is 60 minutes. For example, suppose that the server prompts you to
insert a tape into the entry/exit port of a library. If you specified a wait time of
60 minutes, the server issues a request and wait 60 minutes for you to reply.
Alternatively, suppose that you specify a wait time of 0. If you inserted a tape,
a wait time of zero causes the operation to continue without prompting. If you
did not insert a tape, a wait time of zero causes the operation to fail.
Label tapes in a SCSI library named AUTO automatically as you are checking in the
label libvolume auto checkin=scratch search=yes labelsource=barcode
Label 3 volumes from bar11a to bar13a in a SCSI library named ABC. When you
issue the following command, the three volumes are labeled: bar11a, bar12a,
label libvolume abc checkin=scratch search=yes volrange=bar11a,bar13a
Related commands
Table 209. Commands related to LABEL LIBVOLUME
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
QUERY LIBVOLUME Displays information about a library volume.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
REPLY Allows a request to continue processing.
UPDATE LIBVOLUME Changes the status of a storage volume.
For a newly installed server, a default set of messages is defined to trigger alerts.
You can modify or delete default alert triggers. Use this command to complete the
following tasks:
v Load the default set of alert triggers, restoring any that were deleted.
v Replace all alert triggers with the original default set.
By default, this command does not delete other alert triggers that were created,
and does not replace default alert triggers that were modified. To delete all alert
triggers and restore the original set of default alert triggers, specify RESET=yes.
Privilege class
REset = No
►► LOad DEFALerttriggers ►◄
REset = No
Specifies whether you want to replace all of your alert triggers with the default
set of alert triggers. This parameter is optional. The default value is No.
Possible values are:
No Specifies that the default alert triggers are added only. The original default
alert triggers are added to the server. Existing triggers are not deleted. If a
default trigger exists on the server, it is not replaced or modified.
Specifies that the alert triggers are restored to the original defaults. All
alert triggers are deleted and then the original set of default alert triggers
are added.
Load the default triggers to restore any that were deleted. Issue the command:
load defalerttriggers
Example: Replace all alert triggers on the server with the default
alert triggers
Delete all alert triggers on the server and replace them with the original defaults.
Issue the command:
load defalerttriggers reset=yes
You can use the authentication filter to lock all administrators, excluding console
administrators. After configuring an LDAP directory server for password
authentication, you can lock administrators to force them to create passwords that
authenticate with an LDAP server.
Privilege class
►► LOCK Admin * ►◄
admin_name AUTHentication = LOcal
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator to be locked out. You can use wildcard
characters to specify the administrator name. You do not have to enter an
administrator name if you want to lock all of the administrators according to
their authentication method. Use the wildcard with an authentication method
to lock multiple administrators.
Specifies the method of authentication that the administrator uses to log in.
Specifies to lock administrators who authenticate to the IBM Spectrum
Protect server.
Specifies to lock administrators who authenticate to the LDAP directory
Use the wildcard character (*) to lock all the administrators who authenticate their
passwords locally. Console administrators are not affected by this command. Issue
the following command:
lock admin * authentication=local
After configuring an LDAP directory server for password authentication, you can
lock nodes to force them to use passwords that authenticate with an LDAP server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node belongs.
►► LOCK Node * ►◄
node_name AUTHentication = LOcal
Specifies the name of the client node to lock out. You can use a wildcard
character instead of a node name if you want to lock all of the nodes according
to their method of authentication.
Specifies the method of password authentication that is needed to log into a
Specifies to lock nodes that authenticate with the IBM Spectrum Protect
Specifies to lock nodes that authenticate with an LDAP directory server.
Related commands
Table 212. Commands related to LOCK NODE
Command Description
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
You can use this command when you are making multiple updates to your
configuration and do not want to distribute this information until the changes are
Privilege class
►► LOCK PROFIle profile_name ►◄
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile to lock. You can use wildcard characters to indicate
multiple names.
Specifies the time, in minutes, before IBM Spectrum Protect unlocks the
configuration profile. Specify an integer from 0 to 10000. The default is 60
minutes. If you specify 0, the configuration profile will not unlock
automatically. Use the UNLOCK PROFILE command to unlock the profile before
the time period elapses, or to unlock it if you have specified a value of 0. This
parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 213. Commands related to LOCK PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
A macro is a file that contains one or more IBM Spectrum Protect administrative
commands. You can only issue a macro from the administrative client in batch or
interactive mode. A macro is stored as a file on the administrative client machine
(or system). Macros are not distributed across servers and cannot be scheduled on
the server.
Creating a macro to enter commands can be helpful when you want to issue
commands that are used repeatedly, to issue commands that contain several
parameters, or to process related commands in a specific order. After you create a
macro, you can update the information it contains and use it again, or you can
copy the macro file, make changes to the copy, and then run the copy.
Privilege class
►► MACRO macro_name ►◄
▼ substitution_value
macro_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the macro.
Specifies the value for a substitution variable in a macro. When you use a
substitution variable, you can reuse a macro whenever you need to perform
the same task for different objects or with different parameter values. To
specify a value that contains blanks, you must enclose the value in quotation
marks. This parameter is optional.
Issue a command similar to the following, entering the values you want to pass to
the server to process the command when you run the macro.
macro authrg.mac jones passwd x1235 Policy
Related commands
Table 214. Commands related to MACRO
Command Description
COMMIT Makes changes to the database permanent.
ROLLBACK Discards any uncommitted changes to the
database since the last COMMIT was
This command can only be used with primary storage pools. The storage pool data
format cannot be NETAPPDUMP, CELERRADUMP, or NDMPDUMP. Data cannot
be migrated into or out of storage pools that are defined with a CENTERA device
Only one migration or reclamation process for a given storage pool is allowed at
any given time. If a migration or reclamation process is already running for the
storage pool, you cannot start another migration process for the storage pool.
You should only use this command if you are not going to use automatic
migration for the storage pool. To prevent automatic migration from running, set
the HIGHMIG attribute of the storage pool definition to 100.
If you use this command to start a migration process, but the storage pool does not
have a next storage pool identified in the hierarchy, a reclamation process is
triggered for the source storage pool. To prevent the reclamation process, define
the next storage pool in the hierarchy. Then, start the migration process.
The MIGRATE STGPOOL command honors the values of the following parameters on
Tip: You can override the value of the LOWMIG parameter on DEFINE STGPOOL and
UPDATE STGPOOL by specifying a value for the LOWMIG parameter on the
The MIGRATE STGPOOL command ignores the value of the HIGHMIG parameter of
the storage pool definition. Migration occurs regardless of the value of the
HIGHMIG parameter.
This command creates one or more migration processes that can be canceled with
the CANCEL PROCESS command. The number of processes is limited by the
MIGPROCESS attribute of the storage pool definition. To display information about
background processes, use the QUERY PROCESS command.
Remember: Migrating data from a primary storage pool that is set up for data
deduplication to another primary storage pool that is also set up for data
deduplication removes duplicate data.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for both the storage pool from which the
files are to be migrated and the next storage pool to which files are to be migrated.
REClaim = No Wait = No
► ►◄
DUration = minutes REClaim = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the primary storage pool from which files are to be migrated.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes the migration runs before being
automatically canceled. When the specified number of minutes elapses, the
server will automatically cancel all migration processes for this storage pool.
As soon as the processes recognize the automatic cancellation, they end. As a
result, the migration might run longer than the value you specified for this
parameter. You can specify a number from 1 to 9999. This parameter is
optional. If not specified, the server will stop only after the low migration
threshold is reached.
For random-access and sequential-access disk storage pools, specifies that
migration should stop when the amount of data in the pool is at or below this
percentage of the pool's estimated capacity. This parameter is optional.
The calculation for sequential-access disk storage pools includes the capacity of
all the scratch volumes that are specified for the pool. Because migration is by
node or filespace, depending upon collocation, the occupancy of the storage
pool can fall below the value that you specified for this parameter. To empty
the storage pool, set LOWMIG=0. For other types of sequential-access storage
pools, the server stops migration when the ratio of volumes containing data to
the total number of volumes in the storage pool is at or below this percentage.
The total number of volumes includes the maximum number of scratch
volumes. You can specify a number from 0 to 99 for this optional parameter.
The default value is the LOWMIG attribute of the storage pool definition.
Specifies whether reclamation is attempted for the storage pool before
completing the migration. This parameter can only be specified for a
sequential-access storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default is No.
Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server will not attempt a reclamation before starting the
Specifies that the server will attempt reclamation before starting the
migration. Any volumes in the storage pool that meet the reclamation
threshold as specified by the RECLAIM attribute of the storage pool
definition will be reclaimed before completing the migration. If no volumes
meet the reclamation threshold or if, after reclamation, the LOWMIG
threshold has not been reached, the server will begin the migration. Before
reclaiming space for storage pools defined with
Migrate data from the storage pool named BACKUPPOOL to the next storage pool.
Specify that the server should end the migration as soon as possible after 90
migrate stgpool backuppool duration=90
Related commands
Table 215. Commands related to MIGRATE STGPOOL
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
RECLAIM STGPOOL Performs reclamation for the storage pool.
If the data in a storage pool is fragmented, the command consolidates the data:
v For a directory-container storage pool, the command potentially reduces the
number of containers.
v For a cloud-container storage pool, the command consolidates the data into a
smaller container.
In addition, for directory-container storage pools, you can use this command to
move the contents of a storage pool container under these conditions:
v When you upgrade hardware
v If I/O errors occur on a disk
Privilege class
DEFRag = Yes
►► MOVe CONTainer container_name ►
DEFRag = Yes
Wait = Yes
► ►◄
STGPOOLDIRectory = directory_name Wait = Yes
container_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the container to move. You must specify the full path
name of the container.
Restriction: If you are issuing the MOVE CONTAINER command for a cloud
container, you cannot specify the DEFRAG=NO setting.
In some cases, especially if you encrypt data, you might have to create
additional containers and allocate the data to the new containers to ensure
sufficient space. For instructions, see technote 7050411.
Specifies the name of the storage pool directory to which the container is
moved. This parameter is optional.
If you specify a storage pool directory, it must be in the same storage pool as
the original container. The storage pool directory is used for the new container.
If you don't specify a storage pool directory, the IBM Spectrum Protect server
selects a storage pool directory from the same storage pool.
Restriction: If you are issuing the MOVE CONTAINER command for a cloud
container, do not specify the STGPOOLDIRECTORY parameter.
Specifies whether to wait for the IBM Spectrum Protect server to process this
command in the foreground. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of
the following values:
No The server processes this command in the background and you can
continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages that
are related to the background process are shown either in the activity log
file or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged.
This is the default.
The server processes this command in the foreground. The operation must
complete processing before you can continue with other tasks. Messages
are shown either in the activity log file or the server console, or both,
depending on where the messages are logged.
Restriction: You cannot specify the WAIT=YES parameter from the server
Restriction: You cannot use this command for volumes that are assigned to
copy-container storage pools.
You can move files from a primary storage pool volume only to volumes in the
same or a different primary storage pool. You can move files from a copy storage
pool volume only to volumes in the same copy storage pool. You can move files
from an active-data pool volume only to volumes in the same active-data pool.
In addition to moving data from volumes in storage pools that have NATIVE or
NONBLOCK data formats, you can use this command to move data from volumes
in storage pools that have NDMP data formats (NETAPPDUMP, CELERRADUMP,
or NDMPDUMP). The target storage pool must have the same data format as the
source storage pool. If you are moving data out of a storage pool for the purpose
of upgrading to new tape technology, the target primary storage pool must be
associated with a library that has the new device for the tape drives. IBM
Spectrum Protect supports backend data movement for NDMP images.
You cannot move data into or out of a storage pool that is defined with a
CENTERA device class.
If you are moving files to volumes in the same storage pool, sufficient space must
be available on the volumes. Otherwise, the operation fails.
When you move files from a sequential access volume, multiple sequential access
volume mounts are required to move files that span volumes.
When you move files from a random access volume, the server erases any cached
copies of files on the volume.
After a move data operation completes, a volume might not be empty if one or
more files cannot be relocated to another volume because of input/output errors
on the device or because errors were found in the file. If needed, you can delete
the volume using the option to discard any data. The files with I/O or other errors
are then deleted.
You can use this command to move files from an offsite volume in a copy storage
pool or active-data pool. Because the offsite volume cannot be mounted, the server
obtains the files that are on the offsite volume from either a primary storage pool
or another copy storage pool. These files are then written to the destination
volumes in the original copy storage pool or active-data pool.
During the data movement process, active-data pools cannot be used to obtain
If you run the MOVE DATA command on an offsite volume that contains collocated
data, it might be necessary to issue the MOVE DATA command multiple times to
move all of the data out of the volume. For example, if you are using filespace
collocation groups with an offsite volume that contains filespaces in a collocation
group and filespaces that are not in the group, you must issue two MOVE DATA
commands. Each MOVE DATA command moves the data for a single collocated or
non-collocated group of files.
A volume in a deduplicated storage pool might contain files that are logically
deleted but are still linked by files on other volumes. If you use the MOVE DATA
command to move the contents of a deduplicated storage pool volume to a
non-deduplicated storage pool, the logically deleted files are not written to the new
volume since they do not exist logically. The deleted files are kept on the original
volumes for other files to reference. The MOVE DATA process ends successfully but
none of the deleted files are moved to the new target volume and the source
volume is not deleted. You can issue the QUERY CONTENT command with the
FOLLOWLINKS=YES or FOLLOWLINKS=JUSTLINKS parameter to verify whether the
volume contains files that are linked by files on other volumes.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to which the volume
belongs and also for the new storage pool, if one is specified.
►► MOVe Data volume_name ►
STGpool = pool_name
(1) (2)
SHREDTONOshred = No RECONStruct = No or Yes
► ►
SHREDTONOshred = No RECONStruct = No
Yes Yes
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
1 The default is NO if either the source or target storage pool is random access.
The default is YES if both the source and target storage pools are sequential
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool volume from which to move files.
Specifies the primary storage pool to which you want to move files (the target
storage pool). This parameter is optional and applies only to moving data from
primary storage pool volumes. If you do not specify a value for this parameter,
files are moved to other volumes within the same storage pool.
Specifies whether data is moved from a storage pool that enforces shredding to
a storage pool that does not enforce shredding. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server will not allow data to be moved from a storage
pool that enforces shredding to a storage pool that does not enforce
shredding. If the source storage pool enforces shredding and the target
storage pool does not, the operation fails.
Specifies that the server allows data to be moved from a storage pool that
enforces shredding to a storage pool that does not enforce shredding. The
source data is shredded when the operation is complete. The target data
will not be shredded when it is deleted.
Specifies whether to reconstruct file aggregates during data movement.
Reconstruction removes empty space that has accumulated during deletion of
logical files from an aggregate. This parameter is optional. If both the source
and target storage pools are sequential access, the default value is YES. If
either the source or target storage pool is random access, the default is NO.
The parameter is not available or is ignored if any of the following conditions
are true:
v The data is in a storage pool that is configured for data deduplication.
v The target storage pool for the data movement is configured for data
Move files from storage pool volume STGVOL.1 to any available volumes assigned
to the 8MMPOOL storage pool.
move data stgvol.1 stgpool=8mmpool
Related commands
Table 217. Commands related to MOVE DATA
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY SHREDSTATUS Displays information about data waiting to
be shredded.
SHRED DATA Manually starts the process of shredding
deleted data.
The processing of volumes by this command depends on what the volumes are
used for:
Backups of the server database
To control whether the command processes database backup volumes, use
the SOURCE parameter on this command. The command can process
volumes that are used for full plus incremental or snapshot database
backups. You cannot specify virtual volumes (backup objects that are
stored on another server). You can change volumes through each state, or
you can use the TOSTATE parameter and skip states to simplify the
Copy storage pools
The MOVE DRMEDIA command always processes copy storage-pool volumes.
Container-copy storage pools
By default, volumes in container-copy storage pools are not eligible for
processing by the MOVE DRMEDIA command. To process container-copy
storage pool volumes, you must issue the SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL
command first, or specify the COPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL parameter on the MOVE
DRMEDIA command.
Active-data storage pools
By default, volumes in active-data storage pools are not eligible for
processing by the MOVE DRMEDIA command. To process active-data pool
volumes, you must issue the SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL command first, or
specify the ACTIVEDATASTGPOOL parameter on the MOVE DRMEDIA command.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to see whether the MOVE DRMEDIA
command was successful. You can also view this information from the server
Restriction: Do not run the MOVE DRMEDIA and BACKUP STGPOOL commands
concurrently. Ensure that the storage pool backup processes are complete before
you issue the MOVE DRMEDIA command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set
to NO: operator, unrestricted storage, or system privilege.
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set
to YES (the default): system privilege.
► ►
BEGINDate = date ENDDate = date BEGINTime = time
► ►
ENDTime = time COPYCONtainerstgpool = pool_name
► ►
COPYstgpool = pool_name ACTIVEDatastgpool = pool_name
► ►
TOSTate = NOTMOuntable WHERELOcation = location
► ►
TOLOcation = location CMd = "command"
APPend = No Wait = No
► ►
CMDFilename = file_name APPend = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
► ►◄
CAP = x,y,z
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the volume to be processed. You can use wildcard
characters. If you use wildcard characters to specify this name, you must also
specify the WHERESTATE parameter. The server looks for matching names among
the following eligible volumes:
v Database backup volumes, as specified by the SOURCE parameter of this
v Copy storage pool volumes from the storage pools named in the
COPYSTGPOOL parameter. If you do not use the COPYSTGPOOL parameter, the
Specifies the ending date that is used to select volumes. This parameter is
optional. Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA command
changes the volume to its current state on or before the specified date. The
default is the current date.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the beginning time that is used to select volumes for processing. This
parameter is optional. Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA
command changes the volume to its current state on or after the specified time
and date. The default is midnight (00:00:00) on the date that is specified with
the BEGINDATE parameter.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time that is used to select volumes for processing. This
parameter is optional. Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA
command changes the volume to its current state on or after the specified time
and date. The default is 23:59:59.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Restriction: You can use the REMOVE=UNTILEEFULL option only with the library
type SCSI.
SCSI libraries
The response of the server to the command depends on whether the
library has entry/exit ports, and if so, whether a port is available for
use. See the following table.
Table 218. Server response for SCSI libraries
Server response Server response Server response Server response
when you specify when you specify when you specify when you specify
Library has no The server leaves the The server leaves the The server leaves the The server leaves the
entry/exit ports cartridge in its cartridge in its cartridge in its cartridge in its
current slot within current slot within current slot within current slot within
the library and the library and the library and the library and
specifies the slot specifies the slot specifies the slot specifies the slot
address in a message. address in a message. address in a message. address in a message.
The server then The server does not The server does not The server does not
prompts you to prompt you to prompt you to prompt you to
remove the cartridge remove the cartridge remove the cartridge remove the cartridge
from the slot and to and does not require and does not require and does not require
issue a REPLY a REPLY command. a REPLY command. a REPLY command.
349X libraries
The 3494 Library Manager ejects the cartridge to the
convenience I/O station.
The 3494 Library Manager ejects the cartridge to the
high-capacity output facility.
The 3494 Library Manager does not eject the volume. The
server leaves the cartridge in the library in the INSERT
category for use by other applications.
ACSLS libraries
The server ejects the cartridge to the convenience I/O station.
The server then deletes the volume entry from the server
library inventory.
When you move volumes from the MOUNTABLE state with
REMOVE=YES specified, the MOVE MEDIA command uses more than
one slot in the CAP for a StorageTek library with ACSLS.
The server does not eject the cartridge.
The following example is not a valid way to specify the CMD parameter:
cmd=""checkin libvol lib8mm" &vol status=scratch""
The command can include substitution variables. The variables are not
case-sensitive, and must not contain blank spaces after the ampersand (&).
You can specify the following values:
A volume name.
A volume location.
The file name to be written into the sequential access media labels. For
example, if the applicable device class sets BKP as the tape volume
The following table shows how DRM determines the destination state and location
of a volume.
Destination state
v The value of the TOSTATE parameter that was specified
v The next state of the WHERESTATE parameter that was specified, if the
TOSTATE parameter was not specified
Destination location
v The value of the TOLOCATION parameter that was specified
v The location of the TOSTATE parameter that was specified, if the
TOLOCATION parameter was not specified
v The location of the next state of the WHERESTATE parameter that was
specified, if the TOLOCATION and TOSTATE parameters are not specified
Table 219. Volume destination and location
Parameters specified Destination state Destination location
WHERESTATE The next state of the Location of the next state
WHERESTATE, The next state of the TOLOCATON
The following tables show the state transitions that volumes are eligible for, based
on their current state.
Move disaster recovery media from the MOUNTABLE state to the COURIER state.
If the media is in an automated library, MOVE DRMEDIA ejects the media before you
change the state.
move drmedia * wherestate=mountable tostate=courier wait=yes
ANR0984I Process 12 for MOVE DRMEDIA started
in the FOREGROUND at 09:57:17.
ANR0609I MOVE DRMEDIA started as process 12.
ANR0610I MOVE DRMEDIA started by HSIAO as
process 12.
volume TAPE01 in library LIB8MM starting.
volume TAPE01 in library LIB8MM completed
ANR6683I MOVE DRMEDIA: Volume TAPE01 was moved
from MOUNTABLE state to COURIER.
volume TAPE02 in library LIB8MM starting.
volume TAPE02 in library LIB8MM completed
ANR6683I MOVE DRMEDIA: Volume TAPE02 was moved
from MOUNTABLE state to COURIER.
volume DBTP05 in library LIB8MM starting.
volume DBTP05 in library LIB8MM completed
ANR6683I MOVE DRMEDIA: Volume DBTP05 was moved
from MOUNTABLE state to COURIER.
volume DBTP04 in library LIB8MM starting.
volume DBTP04 in library LIB8MM completed
ANR6683I MOVE DRMEDIA: Volume DBTP04 was moved
from MOUNTABLE state to COURIER.
ANR6682I MOVE DRMEDIA command ended: 4 volumes
ANR0611I MOVE DRMEDIA started by HSIAO as
process 12 has ended.
ANR0985I Process 12 for MOVE DRMEDIA running
in the FOREGROUND processed 4 items with a
completion state of SUCCESS at 10:12:25.
The volume check-in commands were also created in the file that was specified
with the CMDFILENAME parameter:
Tip: To process the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME commands, issue the MACRO command with
the file name as the macro name.
Related commands
Table 223. Commands related to MOVE DRMEDIA
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database
to sequential access volumes.
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DISMOUNT VOLUME Dismounts a sequential, removable volume
by the volume name.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
Privilege class
►► MOVe GRPMEMber member_name from_group to_group ►◄
member_name (Required)
Specifies the member (a server or a server group) to move.
from_group (Required)
Specifies the server group with which the member is currently associated.
to_group (Required)
Specifies the new server group for the member.
Related commands
Table 224. Commands related to MOVE GRPMEMBER
Command Description
DEFINE GRPMEMBER Defines a server as a member of a server
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE GRPMEMBER Deletes a server from a server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
This command applies to sequential-access primary and copy storage pool volumes
that are managed by an automated library (including an external library). The
library does not have to be full. One or more sequential-access storage pool
volumes can be processed at the same time.
Use the DAYS parameter to identify eligible volumes to be moved. Use the
OVERFLOW LOCATION parameter to record the storage location for the moved
This command generates a background process that you can view by using the
QUERY PROCESS command. To cancel, issue the CANCEL PROCESS command.
To determine whether the command was successful, issue the QUERY ACTLOG
command or use the server console.
The volumes that are moved by the MOVE DRMEDIA command for offsite recovery are
not processed by the MOVE MEDIA command.
The MOVE MEDIA command does not process copy storage pool volumes with a
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v If the CMD parameter is NOT specified: operator or system privilege.
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server
option is set to NO: operator, unrestricted storage, or system privilege.
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server
option is set to YES (the default): system privilege.
Days = 0
►► MOVe MEDia volume_name STGpool = pool_name ►
Days = days
► ►
► ►
, ACCess = READWrite
APPend = No
► ►
CMDFilename = file_name APPend = No
CHECKLabel = Yes
► ►◄
CHECKLabel = Yes CAP = x,y,z
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access primary or copy storage pool
volume to be processed. You can use a wildcard character to specify the name.
All matching volumes are considered for processing.
STGpool (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential access primary or copy storage pool that is
used to select the volumes for processing. You can use a wildcard character to
specify the name. All matching storage pools are processed. If the storage pool
specified is not managed by an automated library, no volumes are processed.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after the volume is written or
read before the volume is eligible for processing by the command. This
parameter is optional. You can specify a number from 0 to 9999. The default
value is 0. The most recent of the volumes' last written date or last read date is
used to calculate the number of days elapsed.
Specifies the current state of the volumes to be processed. This parameter is
used to restrict processing to the volumes that are in the specified state. This
parameter is optional. The default value is MOUNTABLEINLIB.
Possible values are:
Specifies that storage pool volumes are to move from the
in the MOUNTABLEINLIB state contain valid data and are in the library.
Specifies that storage pool volumes are to change from the
Volumes in the MOUNTABLENOTINLIB state might contain valid data
and are in the overflow location.
v For empty scratch volumes, the MOVE MEDIA command deletes the
volume records so that they can be used again.
v For private volumes, the MOVE MEDIA command resets the volume
location to blank, changes the volumes' state to CHECKIN, and changes
the last update date to the current date.
Attention: Volumes in the CHECKIN state might contain valid data and
must be checked into the library.
Specifies that the move process must be restricted by volume status. This
parameter is optional. You can specify more than one status in a list by
separating each status with a comma and no intervening spaces. If you do not
specify this parameter, volumes moved from the MOUNTABLEINLIB state to
the MOUNTABLENOTINLIB state are restricted to only full volumes, and
volumes moved from the MOUNTABLENOTINLIB state to the
MOUNTABLEINLIB state are restricted to only empty volumes.
Possible values are:
Moves volumes with a status of FULL.
Moves volumes with a status of FILLING.
Moves volumes with a status of EMPTY.
Specifies how users and system processes access files in the storage pool
volume that is moved out from an automated library and stored in an
overflow location by the MOVE MEDIA command. This parameter is optional. If
you do not specify this parameter, moving volumes from the
MOUNTABLEINLIB state to the MOUNTABLENOTINLIB process updates the
volumes' access mode to READONLY, and moving volumes from the
MOUNTABLENOTINLIB state to the MOUNTABLEINLIB process updates the
volumes' access mode to READWRITE.
Possible values are:
Specifies that users and system processes can read from and write to files
stored on the volume that is in the overflow location. If this value is
specified, IBM Spectrum Protect requests the volume to be checked into the
library when the volume is needed for a read or write operation.
Specifies that users and system processes can read but not write to files
that are stored on the volume that is in the overflow location. The server
requests the volume to be checked into the library only when the volume
is needed for a read operation.
Specifies the overflow location that is the destination of the volumes that are
being processed. The maximum length of the location name is 255 characters.
The location name information must be enclosed in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters. If you do not specify an overflow location and
the storage pool also has no overflow location identified, the server changes
the location of the ejected volume to a null string ("").
SCSI libraries: The following table shows how the server responds to YES,
BULK, and NO for SCSI libraries.
Table 226. How the Server Responds for SCSI Libraries
If a library... And REMOVE=YES... And REMOVE=BULK... And REMOVE=NO
Does not have entry/exit The server leaves the The server leaves the The server leaves the
ports cartridge in its current slot cartridge in its current slot cartridge in its current slot
within the library and within the library and within the library and
specifies the slot address in specifies the slot address in specifies the slot address in
a message. a message. a message.
The server then prompts The server does not prompt The server does not prompt
you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge
from the slot and issue a and does not require a and does not require a
REPLY command. REPLY command. REPLYcommand.
Has entry/exit ports and an The server moves the The server moves the The server leaves the
entry/exit port is available cartridge to the available cartridge to the available cartridge in its current slot
entry/exit port and entry/exit port and within the library and
specifies the port address in specifies the port address in specifies the slot address in
a message. a message. a message.
The server then prompts The server does not prompt The server does not prompt
you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge you to remove the cartridge
from the slot and issue a and does not request a and does not require a
REPLY command. REPLY command. REPLY command.
Has entry/exit ports, but no The server leaves the The server waits for an The server leaves the
ports are available cartridge in its current slot entry/exit port to be made cartridge in its current slot
within the library and available. within the library and
specifies the slot address in specifies the slot address in
a message. a message.
ACSLS libraries: The following table shows how the server responds for
ACSLS libraries.
External libraries: The following table shows how the server responds for
external libraries.
Table 228. How the Server Responds for External Libraries
The server ejects the cartridge to the convenience I/O The server does not eject the cartridge.
station. The server then deletes the volume entry from the
server library inventory. The server deletes the volume entry from the server
library inventory and leaves the volume in the library.
Specifies the creation of executable commands. This parameter is optional. You
must enclose your command specification in quotation marks. The maximum
length of the command specification is 255 characters. For each volume
successfully processed by the MOVE MEDIA command, the server writes the
associated commands to a file. Specify the file name with the CMDFILENAME
If you do not specify the file name, the MOVE MEDIA command generates a
default file name by appending the string exec.cmds.media to the IBM
Spectrum Protect server directory.
If the length of the command that is written to the file exceeds 255 characters,
it is split into multiple lines and a continuation character, +, is added to all but
the last line of the command. You must alter the continuation character
according to the requirements of the product that runs the commands.
If you do not specify CMD, the MOVE MEDIA command might not generate any
executable commands.
Specifies the string to build an executable command. You can specify any
free form text for the string. Enclose the full string in quotation marks. For
example, the following is a valid executable command specification:
Move all full volumes that are in the ARCHIVE sequential primary storage pool
out of the library.
move media * stgpool=archive
Generate the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME commands for full and partially full
volumes that are in the ONSITE.ARCHIVE primary storage pool and stored in the
overflow location, Room 2948/Bldg31.
Tip: Run the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME commands by issuing the MACRO command
with the following as the macro name:
Related commands
Table 229. Commands related to MOVE MEDIA
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY MEDIA Displays information about storage pool
volumes moved by the MOVE MEDIA
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
This command is helpful for reducing the number of volume mounts during client
restore or retrieve operations by consolidating data for a specific node within a
storage pool, or to move data to another storage pool. For example, you can use
this command for moving data to a random-access storage pool in preparation for
client restore processing.
Ensure that the access mode of the volumes from which you are moving the node
data is read/write or read-only and that the access mode of the volumes to which
you are moving the node data is set to read/write. This operation will not move
data on volumes with access modes of offsite, unavailable, or destroyed.
The MOVE NODEDATA command takes two forms, depending on whether you are
moving data only for selected filespaces. The syntax and parameters for each form
are defined separately.
v “MOVE NODEDATA (Move data in file spaces for one or more nodes or a
collocation group)” on page 739
v “MOVE NODEDATA (Move data from selected file spaces of a single node)” on
page 743
Restriction: You cannot move node data into or out of a storage pool that is
defined with a CENTERA device class.
Table 230. Commands related to MOVE NODEDATA
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
MOVE DATA Moves data from a specified storage pool
volume to another storage pool volume.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY OCCUPANCY Displays file space information by storage
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the source storage pool. If your
authorization is restricted storage privilege and you are moving data to another
storage pool, you need the appropriate authority for the destination storage pool.
► FROMstgpool = source_pool_name ►
TOstgpool = destination_pool_name
Wait = No RECONStruct = No or Yes
► ►◄
Wait = No RECONStruct = No
Yes Yes
1 The default is NO if either the source or target storage pool is random access.
The default is YES if both the source and target storage pools are sequential
node_name (Required unless the COLLOCGROUP parameter is specified)
Specifies the node name that is related to the data that is moved with this
command. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces.
You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
COLLOCGroup (Required unless the node_name parameter is specified)
Specifies the name of the collocation group whose data is to be moved. Data
for all nodes and file spaces that belong to the collocation group are moved.
FROMstgpool (Required)
Specifies the name of a sequential-access storage pool that contains data to be
moved. This storage pool must be in the NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
Important: If you are moving data within the same storage pool, there must be
volumes available that do not contain the node data that you are moving. That
is, the server cannot use volumes that contain the data to be moved as
destination volumes.
Specifies the type of files to be moved. This parameter is optional. The default
value is ANY. If the source storage pool is an active-data pool, the only valid
values are ANY and BACKUP. However, only the active versions of backup
data are moved if TYPE=ANY. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that all types of files are moved.
Specifies that backup files are moved.
Specifies that archive files are moved. This value is not valid for
active-data pools.
Specifies that space-managed files (files that were migrated by an IBM
Spectrum Protect for Space Management client) are moved. This value is
not valid for active-data pools.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for moving data.
This parameter is optional. You can specify a value from 1 to 999, inclusive.
The default value is 1. Increasing the number of parallel processes usually
improves throughput.
When you determine this value, consider the number of logical and physical
drives that can be dedicated to this operation. To access a sequential access
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect uses a mount point and, if the device type is
not FILE, a physical drive. The number of available mount points and drives
depends on other IBM Spectrum Protect system activity. The mount points and
drives also depend on the mount limits of the device classes for the sequential
access storage pools that are involved in the move. Each process needs a
mount point for storage pool volumes, and, if the device type is not FILE, each
process also needs a drive.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is No. Specify
one of the following values:
No Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. You
can continue with other tasks while the command is being processed.
Move a specific node's data from a tape storage pool to a disk storage
Move all data that belongs to node MARY that is stored in storage pool
TAPEPOOL. Data can be moved to disk storage pool BACKUPPOOL.
move nodedata mary
fromstgpool=tapepool tostgpool=backuppool
Move data for a node collocation group from one storage pool to
Move all data for node collocation group NODEGROUP1 from storage pool
move nodedata collocgroup=nodegroup1 fromstgpool=sourcespool tostgpool=targetpool
Move all data for file space collocation group FSGROUP1 from storage pool
SOURCEPOOL2 to storage pool TARGETPOOL2.
move nodedata collocgroup=fsgroup1 fromstgpool=sourcespool2 tostgpool=targetpool2
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the source storage pool. If your
authorization is restricted storage privilege and you intend to move data to
another storage pool, you must also have the appropriate authority for the
destination storage pool.
► ►
TOstgpool = destination_pool_name
► ►
FIlespace = ▼ file_space_name
► ►
UNIFILESpace = ▼ unicode_filespace_name
Type = ANY
► ►
, Type = ANY
FSID = ▼ filespace_identifier ARchive
MAXPRocess = 1 Wait = No
► ►
MAXPRocess = num_processes Wait = No
RECONStruct = No or Yes
► ►◄
RECONStruct = No
node_name (Required)
Specifies the node name related to the data that is moved with this command.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names.
FROMstgpool (Required)
Specifies the name of a sequential-access storage pool that contains data to be
moved. This storage pool must be in the NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
Specifies the name of a storage pool to which data will be moved. This storage
pool must be in the NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is
optional and does not apply when the source storage pool is a copy storage
pool or an active-data pool. That is, if the source storage pool is a copy storage
pool the destination must be the same copy storage pool. Similarly, if the
source storage pool is an active-data pool, the destination must be the same
active-data pool. If a value is not specified, data is moved to other volumes
within the source pool.
Important: If you are moving data within the same storage pool, there must be
volumes available that do not contain the node data you are moving. That is,
the server cannot use volumes that contain the data to be moved as destination
Specifies the name of the non-Unicode filespace that contains data to be
moved. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You
can use wildcard characters to specify names. This parameter is optional. If
you do not specify a value for this parameter and values for UNIFILESPACE
or the FSID or both, non-Unicode file spaces are not moved.
Specifies the name of the Unicode filespace that contains data to be moved.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. This parameter is optional. If you do not
specify a value for this parameter and values for FILESPACE or the FSID or
both, non-Unicode file spaces are not moved.
Specifies file space identifiers (FSIDs) for the file spaces to be moved. Separate
multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. This parameter is
Specifies the type of files to be moved. This parameter is optional. The default
value is ANY. If the source storage pool is an active-data pool, the only valid
values are ANY and BACKUP. However, only the active versions of backup
data are moved if TYPE=ANY. Possible values are:
Specifies that all types of files are moved.
Move data for node TOM in storage pool TAPEPOOL. Restrict movement of data
to files in non-Unicode file spaces as well as Unicode file spaces, \\jane\d$. Data
should be moved to disk storage pool BACKUPPOOL.
move nodedata tom
fromstgpool=tapepool tostgpool=backuppool
filespace=* unifilespace=\\jane\d$
Example: Move all node data from tape storage pools to a disk storage
Move all data for node SARAH, from all primary sequential-access storage pools
(for this example, TAPEPOOL*) to DISKPOOL. To obtain a list of storage pools
that contain data for node SARAH, issue either of the following QUERY OCCUPANCY
or SELECT commands:
query occupancy sarah
SELECT * from OCCUPANCY where node_name=’sarah’
Attention: For this example assume that the results were TAPEPOOL1,
move nodedata sarah
fromstgpool=tapepool1 tostgpool=DISKPOOL
The following is an example of moving non-Unicode and Unicode file spaces for a
node. For node NOAH move non-Unicode filespace \\servtuc\d$ and Unicode
file space \\tsmserv1\e$ that has a filespace ID of 2 from sequential access storage
pool TAPEPOOL to random access storage pool DISKPOOL.
move nodedata noah
fromstgpool=tapepool tostgpool=diskpool
filespace=\\tsmserv1\d$ fsid=2
Privilege class
PROFIle = *
►► NOTIfy SUBSCRIBers ►◄
PROFIle = ▼ profile_name
PROFIle (Required)
Specifies the name of the profile. Any managed servers that subscribe to the
profile are notified. You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple
profiles. To specify multiple profiles, separate the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. The default is to notify all subscribers.
Related commands
Table 231. Commands related to NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS
Command Description
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE SUBSCRIBER Deletes obsolete managed server
DELETE SUBSCRIPTION Deletes a specified profile subscription.
QUERY SUBSCRIBER Displays information about subscribers and
their subscriptions to profiles.
QUERY SUBSCRIPTION Displays information about profile
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
SET CONFIGREFRESH Specifies a time interval for managed servers
to contact configuration managers.
This command can be used when you set up a library environment or modify an
existing hardware setup that requires changes to many drive definitions. After you
define a library, issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command to define drives and their
paths for the library. You can also delete all drives and paths for a library by
issuing the command with ACTION=DELETE.
| In a shared library environment, you can issue this command only in the following
| cases:
| v When both the library manager and the library client (or storage agent host
| systems) detect the same tape drives.
| v When the library manager detects all the tape drives that the library client or
| storage agent has, even if the library client or storage agent has more tape drives
| than the library manager.
This command is only valid for library types of SCSI and VTL. To use this
command with ACTION=DEFINE, the SANDISCOVERY option must be supported
and enabled.
For detailed and current library support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► PERForm LIBACTion library_name ACTion = DEFine A ►
PREView = No
► ►◄
SOURCe = source_name PREView = Yes
A (DEFine):
PREFix = library_name
DRIVEsonly = No
ACTion = RESet
DRIVEsonly = Yes
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined or deleted. The maximum
length of this name is 30 characters unless you are issuing PERFORM LIBACTION
with ACTION=DEFINE and using the default PREFIX value. In that case, the
maximum length of the name is 25 characters.
Then, issue PERFORM LIBACTION from the library manager, LIBMGR1, to define the
drive paths for the library client:
perform libaction sharedtsm action=define source=libcl1
Then issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command to define drives and paths for the
perform libaction kona action=define device=/dev/lb3
Related commands
Table 232. Commands related to PERFORM LIBACTION
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Important: The name and password of the administrator client issuing this
command must also be defined on the remote server.
If the remote server is at the current level, the server credentials are verified
automatically when you run the PING SERVER command. If the remote server is not
at the current level, the server credentials are not verified.
Privilege class
►► PING SERVER server_name ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the remote server.
Related commands
Table 233. Commands related to PING SERVER
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
You can use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view whether the PREPARE command
was successful.
You can also view this information from the server console or, if the WAIT
parameter equals YES, an administrative client session.
Privilege class
Source = DBBackup
►► Prepare ►
Source = DBBackup DEVclass = device_class_name
► ►
PLANPrefix = prefix INSTRPrefix = prefix
► ►
, ,
Wait = No
► ►◄
, Wait = No
PRIMstgpool = ▼ pool_name
Specifies the type of database backup series that IBM Spectrum Protect
assumes when generating the recovery plan file. This parameter is optional.
The default is DBBACKUP. The choices are:
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect assumes the latest full database
backup series.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect assumes the latest database snapshot
backup series.
Specifies the device class name that is used to create a recovery plan file object
on a target server. The device class must have a device type of SERVER.
If the DEVCLASS parameter is not specified, the recovery plan file is written to
a file based on the plan prefix.
If SOURCE=DBBACKUP is specified or is defaulted to, the volume history
entry for the recovery plan file object specifies a volume type of RPFILE. If
SOURCE=DBSNAPSHOT is specified, the volume history entry specifies a
volume type of RPFSNAPSHOT.
Specifies the path name prefix that is used in the recovery plan file name. This
parameter is optional.
The maximum length is 250 characters.
IBM Spectrum Protect appends to the prefix the sortable date and time format
yyyymmdd.hhmmss. For example: 20081115.051421.
The prefix can be one of the following:
Directory path
End the prefix with the forward slash (/). For example:
Issue the PREPARE command and query the activity log to check the results.
query actlog search=prepare
Related commands
Table 234. Commands related to PREPARE
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DELETE VOLHISTORY Removes sequential volume history
information from the volume history file.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
QUERY RPFCONTENT Displays the contents of a recovery plan file.
QUERY RPFILE Displays information about recovery plan
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL Specifies that active-data storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL Specifies that copy storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMINSTRPREFIX Specifies the prefix portion of the path name
for the recovery plan instructions.
SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX Specifies the replacement volume names in
the recovery plan file.
SET DRMPLANPREFIX Specifies the prefix portion of the path name
for the recovery plan.
SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL Specifies that primary storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS Set criteria for recovery plan file expiration.
UPDATE VOLHISTORY Adds or changes location information for a
volume in the volume history file.
When you issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command for a directory-container storage
pool, data that is stored in that storage pool is backed up to the target that you
specify. The data can be backed up to the following target types:
v A directory-container storage pool on the target replication server.
Prerequisite: For the storage pool that is being protected, you must specify the
target pool by using the PROTECTSTGPOOL parameter on the DEFINE STGPOOL or
When you regularly use the PROTECT STGPOOL command, you can typically
reduce the processing time for the REPLICATE NODE command. The data extents
that are already copied to the target replication server by storage pool protection
operations are skipped when node replication is started.
As part of the PROTECT STGPOOL operation, processes might run to repair
damaged extents in the target server's storage pool. The repair operation occurs
under the following conditions:
– Both the source server and the target server must be at V7.1.5 or later.
– Extents that are already marked as damaged on the target server are repaired.
The repair process does not run an audit process to identify damage.
– Only target extents that match source extents are repaired. Target extents that
are damaged but have no match on the source server are not repaired.
Limitations: The repair operation that runs as part of the PROTECT STGPOOL
operation has the following limitations:
– Extents that belong to objects that were encrypted are not repaired.
– The timing of the occurrence of damage on the target storage pool and the
sequence of REPLICATE NODE and PROTECT STGPOOL commands can affect
whether the repair process is successful. Some extents that were stored in the
target storage pool by a REPLICATE NODE command might not be repaired.
v Container-copy storage pools on the same server, protected to tape.
Prerequisite: For the storage pool that is being protected, you must specify the
target storage pool by using the PROTECTLOCALSTGPOOLS parameter. For details
about the parameter, see the commands for defining and updating
directory-container storage pools (DEFINE STGPOOL and UPDATE STGPOOL
As part of the PROTECT STGPOOL operation, volumes in the target pool might be
reclaimed. The value of the RECLAIM parameter for the container-copy storage
pool affects whether volumes are reclaimed. For details about the parameter, see
the commands for defining and updating container-copy storage pools (DEFINE
FORCEREConcile = No MAXSESSions = 10
► ►
FORCEREConcile = No MAXSESSions = number_sessions
source_stgpool (Required)
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool on the source server.
Specifies the type of target for the protection operation. This parameter is
optional. The default value is REPLSERVER. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the target is the storage pool on the replication target server,
as defined for the source storage pool with the PROTECTSTGPOOL parameter
Specifies that the target is on the same server as the source storage pool.
The target is the container-copy storage pool that is defined for the source
storage pool with the PROTECTLOCALSTGPOOLS parameter on the DEFINE
v If you issue a QUERY SESSION command, the total number of sessions might
exceed the number of data sessions. The difference is because of short
control sessions that are used to query and set up operations.
v The number of sessions that are used for protection depends on the amount
of data that is backed up. If you are backing up only a small amount of
data, increasing the number of sessions provides no benefit.
Specifies whether to preview data. This parameter is optional. The default
value is NO. Specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the data is backed up to the target server but that the data is
not previewed.
Specifies that data is previewed but not backed up.
Specifies that data extents are deleted from the target server. This parameter is
optional. The default value is NO. You can specify one of the following values:
Protect a storage pool that is named SPOOL1 on the source server by backing up
the data to a target replication server, TPOOL1. Specify a maximum of 20 data
update stgpool spool1 protectstgpool=tpool1
protect stgpool spool1 maxsessions=20
Reclaim space on the tape volumes that are used to protect a directory-container
storage pool. Then, protect the data in the directory-container storage pool. In this
example, the directory-container storage pool is named SPOOL1.
1. Reclaim space in the local container-copy storage pool that is defined as the
target protection pool for SPOOL1.
protect stgpool spool1 type=local reclaim=only
2. Protect the data in the directory-container storage pool that is named SPOOL1
without running reclamation.
protect stgpool spool1 type=local reclaim=no
The activity log contains all messages that are sent to the server console under
normal operation. The results of commands entered at the server console are not
recorded in the activity log unless the command affects or starts a background
process or client session. Error messages are displayed in the activity log.
Restriction: You cannot schedule the QUERY ACTLOG command by using the DEFINE
SCHEDULE command.
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
BEGINDate = current_date
►► Query ACtlog ►
BEGINDate = date
ENDTime = current_time
► ►
ENDTime = time MSGno = message_number
► ►
Search = string NODEname = node_name (1)
JOB = id
ORiginator = ALL
► ►◄
ORiginator = ALL
CLient A
OWNERname = owner_name SCHedname = schedule_name
DOmainname = domain_name SESsnum = session_number
1 The JOB parameter applies to the creation of retention sets only.
Specifies the beginning time of the range for messages to be displayed. All
messages meeting the time range criteria that occurred after this time are
displayed. If you do not specify time, all messages that occurred in the last
hour are displayed.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending date of the range for messages to be displayed. All
messages meeting the time range criteria that occurred before this date are
displayed. If you do not specify a value, the current date is used. This
parameter is optional.
You can specify the date using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time of the range for messages to be displayed. All
messages meeting this time range criteria that occurred before this time are
displayed. If you do not specify a value, all messages are displayed up to the
time when you issued this command. This parameter is optional.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies an integer that defines the number of the message to be displayed
from the activity log. This integer is just the numeric part of the message. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies a text string that you want to search for in the activity log. Enclose
the string expression in quotation marks if it contains blanks. You can use text
and a wildcard character to specify this string. This parameter is optional.
Note: Do not enter as a text string either the IBM Spectrum Protect server
name or text and a wildcard character that would find the server name. If you
do so, the output includes messages that do not include the search string.
Specifies that the query displays messages logged for this node. If you do not
specify a value for this parameter, messages for all nodes are displayed.
Specifies that the query displays messages logged from a retention set creation
job that ran on the server. The required value is the job ID.
Messages for the specific job ID that is issued by the job scheduler are
displayed. Messages that are logged for the retention set creation process are
also displayed. When the activity log management style is retention-based,
activity log messages for a specific job are retained in the activity log until a
specified number of days after the associated retention set is deleted. The
number of days is equal to the value specified in the SET ACTLOGRETENTION
When the server is configured to create retention sets, set the MGMTSTYLE
parameter of the SET ACTLOGRETENTION command to DATE and not SIZE to
ensure that messages in the activity log are not deleted inadvertently.
Search the activity log for any message that contains the string “delete”. The
output includes only messages produced during the past hour. Issue the command:
query actlog search=delete
Date/Time Message
-------------------- -----------------------------------------
08/27/1998 15:19:43 ANR0812I Inventory client file expiration
complete: 0 files deleted.
Display messages that occurred yesterday between 9:30 and 12:30. Issue the
query actlog begindate=today-1
begintime=09:30:00 endtime=12:30:00
Date/Time Message
------------------- ----------------------------------------------
10/21/1998 10:52:36 ANR0407I Session 3921 started for administrator
ADMIN (WebBrowser) (HTTP
10/21/1998 11:06:08 ANR0405I Session 3922 ended for administrator
ADMIN (WebBrowser).
10/21/1998 12:16:50 ANR0405I Session 3934 ended for administrator
ADMIN (WebBrowser).
Example: Search activity log for client and server messages from
a specific client node and session
Search the activity log for IBM Spectrum Protect messages from the client and
server for node A associated with Session 1. The output includes all messages with
the defined text string, "SESSION: 1". Issue the command:
query actlog search="(SESSION:1)"
Date/Time Message
------------------- ------------------------------------------------
02/13/2012 12:13:42 ANR0406I Session 1 started for node A (WinNT)
(Tcp/Ip colind(2463)). (SESSION: 1)
02/13/2012 12:13:56 ANE4952I (ANE4985I Session: 1, ANE4986I Node: A)
Total number of objects inspected: 34
02/13/2012 12:13:56 ANE4954I (ANE4985I Session: 1, ANE4986I Node: A)
Total number of objects backed up: 34
02/13/2012 12:13:56 ANE4958I (ANE4985I Session: 1, ANE4986I Node: A)
Total number of objects updated: 0
02/13/2012 12:13:56 ANE4964I (ANE4985I Session: 1, ANE4986I Node: A)
Elapsed processing time: 00:00:02
02/13/2012 12:13:59 ANR0403I Session 1 ended for node A (WinNT).
Field descriptions
Specifies the date and time when the message was generated by the server
or client.
Specifies the message that was generated by the server or client.
Privilege class
►► Query ADmin ►
admin_name ,
CLasses = ▼ SYstem
Format = Standard
► ►
Format = Standard AUTHentication = LOcal
Detailed LDap
► ►◄
ALerts = Yes
Specifies the name of the administrator for which you want to display
information. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to
specify this name. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all
administrators are displayed.
Specifies that you want to restrict output to those administrators that have
privilege classes that you specify. This parameter is optional. You can specify
multiple privilege classes in a list by separating the names with commas and
no intervening spaces. If you do not specify a value for this parameter,
information about all administrators is displayed, regardless of privilege class.
Possible values are:
Display information on administrators with system privilege.
Display information on administrators with policy privilege.
Display information on administrators with storage privilege.
Display information on administrators with operator privilege.
Display information on users with client node privilege.
Tip: Alert monitoring must be enabled, and email settings must be correctly
defined to successfully receive alerts by email. To view the current settings,
issue the QUERY MONITORSETTINGS command.
Field descriptions
Administrator Name
Specifies the name of the administrator.
Last Access Date/Time
Specifies the date and time that the administrator last accessed the server.
Days Since Last Access
Specifies the number of days since the administrator last accessed the
Password Set Date/Time
Specifies the date and time that the administrator’s password was defined
or most recently updated.
Days Since Password Set
Specifies the number of days since the administrator’s password was
defined or most recently updated.
Invalid Sign-on Count
Specifies the number of invalid sign-on attempts that have been made
since the last successful sign-on. This count can only be non-zero when an
invalid password limit (SET INVALIDPWLIMIT) is greater than zero.
When the number of invalid attempts equals the limit set by the SET
INVALIDPWLIMIT command, the administrator is locked out of the
Specifies whether the administrator is locked out of the system.
Specifies any contact information for the administrator.
System Privilege
Specifies whether the administrator has been granted system privilege.
Related commands
Table 236. Commands related to QUERY ADMIN
Command Description
GRANT AUTHORITY Assigns privilege classes to an administrator.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER ADMIN Defines a new administrator without
granting administrative authority.
REMOVE ADMIN Removes an administrator from the list of
registered administrators.
RENAME ADMIN Changes an IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM
Spectrum Protect administrator’s name.
RESET PASSEXP Resets the password expiration for nodes or
REVOKE AUTHORITY Revokes one or more privilege classes or
restricts access to policy domains and storage
SET INVALIDPWLIMIT Sets the number of invalid logon attempts
before a node is locked.
SET MINPWLENGTH Sets the minimum length for client
SET PASSEXP Specifies the number of days after which a
password is expired and must be changed.
Privilege class
►► Query ALERTTrigger ►◄
Specifies the message number that you want to query. Specify multiple
message numbers, which are separated by commas, and no intervening spaces.
Message numbers are a maximum of eight characters in length. Wildcard
characters can be used to specify message numbers. If you do not specify a
message number, all alert triggers are displayed.
Display all messages that are designated as alerts by issuing the following
query alerttrigger
Example output:
Alert Trigger Category Administrator
-------------- --------- ------------------------------
Example output:
Alert Trigger Category Administrator
-------------- --------- -------------
Field descriptions
Alert Trigger
The message number for the alert trigger.
The category of the alert trigger.
Related commands
Table 237. Commands related to QUERY ALERTTRIGGER
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
“DELETE ALERTTRIGGER (Remove a Removes a message number that can trigger
message from an alert trigger)” on page 470 an alert.
“QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of Displays information about alerts that have
an alert)” on page 781 been issued on the server.
“UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER (Update a Updates the attributes of one or more alert
defined alert trigger)” on page 1390 triggers.
“UPDATE ALERTSTATUS (Update the status Updates the status of a reported alert.
of an alert)” on page 1393
Privilege class
STAtus = ANy
►► Query ALERTSTatus ►
STAtus = ▼ ACtive
► ►
, CATegory = APplication
MSGnum = ▼ message_num CLient
► ►
SOURCEType = LOcal
CLient SOURCEName = source_name
► ►◄
, ASSigned = text RESolvedby = text
ID = ▼ alert_id
Specifies the status type that you want to display. If you do not specify a
status, all alerts are queried and displayed. Specify one of the following values:
Displays alerts that are specified in the IBM Spectrum Protect server
database as active.
Displays alerts that are in the inactive state.
Displays alerts that are in the closed state.
Display only alerts that are active in the server database by issuing the following
query alertstatus status=active
Query active alerts for two messages issued by the local server
Issue the following command to display only active alerts for message numbers
ANE4958I and ANR4952E that were issued by the local server:
query alertstatus msgnum=4958,4952 status=active sourcetype=local
Issue the following command to display only active alerts for message numbers
ANE4958I and ANE4952I that were issued by a client:
query alertstatus msgnum=4958,4952 status=active sourcetype=client
Issue the following command to display all alerts that are on the server:
query alertstatus
Example output: Display all the alerts that are on the server:
Alert Identifier: 85
Alert Message Number: 293
Source Name: SEDONA
Source Type: LOCAL
First Occurrence: 03/08/2013 05:45:00
Most Recent Occurrence: 03/08/2013 05:45:00
Count: 1
Status: ACTIVE
Last Status Change: 12/31/1969 17:00:00
Message: ANR0293I Reorganization for table
Resolved By:
Field descriptions
Alert Identifier
The unique identifier for the alert.
Related commands
Table 238. Commands related to QUERY ALERTSTATUS
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
“DELETE ALERTTRIGGER (Remove a Removes a message number that can trigger
message from an alert trigger)” on page 470 an alert.
“QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of Displays message numbers that trigger an
defined alert triggers)” on page 779 alert.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER (Update a Updates the attributes of one or more alert
defined alert trigger)” on page 1390 triggers.
“UPDATE ALERTSTATUS (Update the status Updates the status of a reported alert.
of an alert)” on page 1393
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
* *
►► Query ASSOCiation ►◄
Specifies the name of the policy domain to display. You can use a wildcard
character to specify this name. All matching policy domain names are
displayed. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all existing policy
domains are queried. If you specify a domain name, you do not have to
specify a schedule name.
Specifies the name of the schedule to display. You can use a wildcard character
to specify this name. All matching schedule names are displayed. If you do not
specify a value for this parameter, all existing schedules are queried. If you
specify a schedule name, you must also specify a policy domain name.
Display all the client nodes that are associated with each schedule that belongs to
the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain. Issue the command:
query association employee_records *
Policy Domain Name: EMPLOYEE_RECORDS
Schedule Name: WEEKLY_BACKUP
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.
Schedule Name
Specifies the name of the schedule.
Associated Nodes
Specifies the names of the client nodes that are associated with the
specified schedule.
As part of a license audit operation, the server calculates, by node, the amount of
backup, archive, and space management storage in use. For servers that manage
large amounts of data, this calculation can take a great deal of processor time and
can stall other server activity. You can use the AUDITSTORAGE server option to
specify that storage is not to be calculated as part of a license audit.
You can use the information from this query to determine if and where client node
storage utilization must be balanced. This information can also assist you with
billing clients for storage usage.
Privilege class
►► Query AUDITOccupancy ►
, ,
POoltype = ANY
► ►◄
POoltype = ANY
Specifies a list of nodes for which to display server storage use information.
Specify more than one node by separating the node names with commas, with
no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. The
default (*) is to query all client nodes. Use the DOMAIN parameter to limit this
list by policy domain. This parameter is optional.
Specifies a list of policy domains to restrict which nodes are displayed. Nodes
belonging to the specified policy domains are displayed. Specify more than one
policy domain by separating the policy domain names with commas, with no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies the type of storage pool to display. This parameter is optional. The
default is ANY. Possible values are:
Specifies both primary and copy storage pools. The value that is presented
is the total for the two pools.
Display combined storage use in primary and copy storage pools. Issue the
query auditoccupancy
License information as of last audit on 05/22/1996 14:49:51.
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node.
Backup Storage Used (MB)
Specifies the total backup storage use for the node. For this value, one MB
= 1048576 bytes.
Archive Storage Used (MB)
Specifies the total archive storage use for the node. For this value, one MB
= 1048576 bytes.
Space-Managed Storage Used (MB)
Specifies the amount of server storage that is used to store files that are
migrated from the client node by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management client. For this value, one MB = 1048576 bytes.
Total Storage Used (MB)
Specifies the total storage use for the node. For this value, one MB =
1048576 bytes.
Related commands
Table 240. Commands related to QUERY AUDITOCCUPANCY
Command Description
AUDIT LICENSES Verifies compliance with defined licenses.
QUERY LICENSE Displays information about licenses and
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
* *
►► Query BACKUPSET ►
, ,
▼ node_name ▼ backup_set_name
► ►
BEGINDate = date BEGINTime = time ENDDate = date
► ►
ENDTime = time WHERERETention = days
► ►
WHEREDESCription = description
► ►
WHEREDEVclass = device_class_name WHERETOCexists = Yes
Format = Standard
► ►◄
, Format = Standard
node_name or node_group_name
Specifies the name of the client node and node groups whose data is contained
in the backup set to be displayed. To specify multiple node names and node
group names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You
can use wildcard characters with node names but not with node group names.
Specifies the name of the backup set whose information is to be displayed. The
backup set name you specify can contain wildcard characters. You can specify
more than one backup set name by separating the names with commas and no
intervening spaces.
Specifies the beginning date of the range in which the point-in-time date of the
backup set to be displayed must fall. This parameter is optional. You can use
Specifies the beginning time of the range in which the point-in-time date of the
backup set to be displayed must fall. This parameter is optional. You can use
this parameter with the BEGINDATE parameter to specify a range for the date
and time. If you specify a begin time without a begin date, the date will be the
current date at the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending date of the range in which the point-in-time date of the
backup set to be displayed must fall. This parameter is optional. You can use
this parameter with the ENDTIME parameter to specify an ending date and time.
If you specify an end date without an end time, the time will be at 11:59:59
p.m. on the specified end date.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time of the range in which the point-in-time date of the
backup set to be displayed must fall. This parameter is optional. You can use
this parameter with the ENDDATE parameter to specify a date and time. If
you specify an end time without an end date, the date will be the current date
at the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies the retention value, specified in days, that must be associated with
the backup sets to be displayed. You can specify an integer from 0 to 30000.
The values are:
Specifies that backup sets that are retained this number of days are
Specifies that backup sets that are retained indefinitely are displayed.
Specifies the description that must be associated with the backup set to be
Display information for backup sets whose names begin with PERS_DATA. The
backup sets belong to the node JANE and are assigned to the DVLMENT device
query backupset jane pers_data*
Node Name: JANE
Backup Set Name: PERS_DATA.3089
Data Type: File
Date/Time: 03/17/2007 16:17:47
Retention Period: 60
Device Class Name: DVLMENT
Description: backupset created from /srvr
Has Table of Contents (TOC)?: Yes
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node whose data is contained in the
backup set.
Related commands
Table 241. Commands related to QUERY BACKUPSET
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Remember: Processing this command can use considerable network resources and
mount points.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or policy privilege for the
domain to which the client node is assigned.
►► Query BACKUPSETCONTENTS node_name backup_set_name ►
► ►◄
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node whose data is contained in the backup set
to display. The name you specify cannot contain wildcard characters nor can it
be a list of node names separated by commas.
backup_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set to display. The name that you specify
cannot contain wildcard characters nor can it be a list of node names that are
separated by commas.
Specifies that the backup set containing the specified types of data is to be
queried. This parameter is optional. The default is that a file level backup set is
to be queried. Possible values are:
Specifies that a file level backup set is to be queried. File level backup sets
contain files and directories backed up by the backup-archive client.
Specifies that an image backup set is to be queried. Image backup sets
contain images created by the backup-archive client BACKUP IMAGE
Display the contents from backup set named PERS_DATA.3099 belonging to client
node JANE. Issue the command:
query backupsetcontents jane pers_data.3099
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node whose data is contained in the
backup set.
Filespace Name
Specifies the name of the file space to which the specified file belongs.
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed
up and can be restored normally, but the file space name or file name
might be displayed with a combination of invalid characters or blank
If the file space name is Unicode-enabled, the name is converted to the
server code page for display. The success of the conversion depends on the
operating system, the characters in the name, and the server code page.
Conversion can be incomplete if the string includes characters that are not
available in the server code page or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines. If the conversion is incomplete, the name might
contain question marks, blanks, unprintable characters, or ellipses (...).
Client's Name for File
Specifies the name of the file.
File space names and file names that can be in a different code page or
locale than the server do not display correctly in the Operations Center or
the administrative command-line interface. The data itself is backed up and
can be restored properly, but the file space or file name may display with a
combination of invalid characters or blank spaces.
If the file space name is Unicode enabled, the name is converted to the
server's code page for display. The results of the conversion for characters
not supported by the current code page depends on the operating system.
For names that IBM Spectrum Protect is able to partially convert, you may
see question marks (??), blanks, unprintable characters, or “...”. These
characters indicate to the administrator that files do exist. If the conversion
is not successful, the name is displayed as “...”. Conversion can fail if the
string includes characters that are not available in the server code page, or
if the server has a problem accessing system conversion routines.
A file name that is displayed as “......” indicates that both the file path and
file name were not successfully converted. An example of the path and
name could be:
When you issue the CONVERT STGPOOL command to convert a FILE device class, a
tape device class, or a virtual tape library (VTL) to a directory-container storage
pool, some files in the source storage pool might not convert because of damaged
data. To display damaged data that is identified during the conversion process,
issue the QUERY CLEANUP command on a source storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query CLeanup pool_name ►◄
Specifies the storage pool to query.
Display damaged files in a storage pool that is named POOL1. See “Field
descriptions” on page 799 for field descriptions.
query cleanup pool1
Field descriptions
File Name
The name of the damaged file.
State The state of the data in the inventory. The following states are possible:
Active The version of the file in the inventory is active. You can have only
one active version of the file in the inventory.
The version of the file in the inventory is inactive. You can have
multiple inactive versions of the file in the inventory.
Stored Size
The size of the data, in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), that is stored in
the storage pool.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space where the file is assigned.
Type The type of operation that was used to store the file. The following types
are possible:
Files that are backed up.
Files that are archived.
Files that are migrated from an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management client.
Client Name
The name of the client that owns the file.
Protection Date
The time and date that the file was backed up, archived, or migrated by an
IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
Related commands
Table 243. Commands related to QUERY CLEANUP
Command Description
CONVERT STGPOOL Convert a storage pool to a
directory-container storage pool.
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
QUERY CONVERSION Query conversion status of a storage pool.
REMOVE DAMAGED Removes damaged data from a source
storage pool.
REPAIR STGPOOL Repairs a directory-container storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query CLOptset ►◄
option_set_name DESCription = description
Specifies the name of the client option set to be queried. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The default is
option set names.
Specifies the description used on the DEFINE or UPDATE CLOPTSET commands to
be used as a filter. If the description contains spaces, enclose it in quotation
marks. This parameter is optional.
From a managed server, query a client option set named ENG. Issue the following
query cloptset eng
Optionset: ENG
Last Update by (administrator): $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$
Managing profile:
Replica Option Set: Yes
Sequence number: 0
Use Option Set Value (FORCE): No
Option Value: 40
Sequence number: 0
Use Option Set Value (FORCE): No
Option Value: yes
Field descriptions
Specifies the name of the option set.
Specifies the description of the client option set.
Last Update by (administrator)
Specifies the name of the administrator that most recently updated the
option set. If this field contains $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$, the client option
set is associated with a profile that is managed by the configuration
Related commands
Table 244. Commands related to QUERY CLOPTSET
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query COLLOCGroup ►◄
group_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the collocation group to display. To specify multiple
names, use a wildcard character. This parameter is optional. The default is to
display all collocation groups.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed. To display the members
of the collocation group, you must specify FORMAT=DETAILED.
Display the collocation groups defined on the server. Issue the following
query collocgroup
Collocation Group Name Collocation Group Description
-------------------------- ------------------------------
DEPT_ED Education department
GROUP1 Low cap client nodes.
Field descriptions
Collocation Group Name
The name of the collocation group.
Collocation Group Description
The description for the collocation group.
Last Update by (administrator)
The name of the administrator that defined or most recently updated the
collocation group.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time that an administrator defined or most recently updated
the collocation group.
Collocation Group Member(s)
The members of the collocation group.
Filespace Member(s)
The file space or file spaces that are members of the collocation group. If
there is more than one file space, each file space is displayed in a separate
Related commands
Table 245. Commands related to QUERY COLLOCGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
Privilege class
►► Query CONTAINER ►
container_name STGpool = pool_name
► ►◄
TYPe = NONdedup
Specifies the name of the container. Specify one of the following values:
* Specifies that an asterisk (*) represents a wildcard character. Use wildcard
characters such as an asterisk to match any characters. Alternatively, you
Display detailed information about containers that are stored in the cloud storage
query container stgpool=CLOUDPOOL format=detail
Container: 7-64a1261000c811e58e8f005056c00008
Storage Pool Name: CLOUDPOOL
Container Type: Cloud
Free Space (MB):
Maximum Size (MB):
Approx. Date Last Written: 05/22/2015 14:36:57
Approx. Date Last Audit:
Cloud Type: SWIFT
Cloud URL: http://cloudurl:5000/v2.0
Cloud Object Size (MB):
Space Utilized (MB): 27
Data Extent Count: 95
Field descriptions
The name of the container.
Storage Pool Name
The name of the storage pool.
Container Type
The type of container.
You can use this command to identify files that the server found to be damaged
and files that were backed up to a copy storage pool or copied to an active-data
pool. This command is useful when a volume is damaged or before you:
v Request the server to fix inconsistencies between a volume and the database
v Move files from one volume to another volume
v Delete a volume from a storage pool
Because this command can take a long time to run and the results can be large,
consider using the COUNT parameter to limit the number of files displayed.
Note: Files that are cached in a disk volume and that are marked as damaged are
not included in the results.
Privilege class
►► Query CONtent volume_name ►
NODE = node_name
► ►
FIlespace = file_space_name COUnt = number
DAmaged = ANY COPied = ANY
► ►
DAmaged = ANY COPied = ANY
Yes Yes
No No
1 Use this parameter only for volumes in primary storage pools.
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the volume to be queried.
Specifies the backup-archive client or the IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management associated with the file space to query. This parameter is
optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not
specify a name, all backup-archive and IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management clients are included.
Specifies the file space to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. File space names are case-sensitive. If
you do not specify a file space name, all file spaces are included.
For a server that has clients with Unicode support, you might need to have the
server convert the file space name that you enter. For example, you might need
to have the server convert the name that you enter from the server's code page
to Unicode. See the NAMETYPE parameter for details. If you do not specify a file
space name or specify only a single wildcard character for the name, you can
use the CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode file spaces or
non-Unicode file spaces.
Specifies the number of files to be displayed. This parameter is optional. You
can specify either a positive integer or a negative integer. If you specify a
positive integer, n, the first n files are displayed. If you specify a negative
integer, -n, the last n files are displayed in reverse order. You cannot specify
COUNT=0. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all files are
Specifies the types of files to query. This parameter is optional. The default
value is ANY. If the volume that is being queried is assigned to an active-data
pool, the only valid values are ANY and BACKUP. Possible values are:
Specifies that all types of files in the storage pool volume are queried;
backup versions of files, archived copies of files, and files that are migrated
by IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients from client nodes.
Specifies that only backup files are queried.
Specifies that only archive files are queried. This value is not valid for
active-data pools.
Query the contents of a volume and limit the results to files backed up from the
PEGASUS client node.
Query the contents of the tape volume named WPD001. Display only files that are
backed up by the node MARK, and files that are either stored on the volume or
linked to the volume. Display only the first four files on the volume.
query content wpd001 node=mark count=4 type=backup followlinks=yes
Node Name: MARK
Type: Bkup
Filespace Name: \\mark\e$
Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
Client’s Name for File: \UNI_TEST\ SM01.DAT
Hexadecimal Client’s Name for File:
Aggregated?: 1/3
Stored Size: 2,746
Segment Number:
Cached Copy?: No
Linked: No
Fragment Number:
Related commands
Table 247. Commands related to QUERY CONTENT
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
RESTORE STGPOOL Restores files to a primary storage pool from
copy storage pools.
RESTORE VOLUME Restores files stored on specified volumes in
a primary storage pool from copy storage
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have restricted storage privilege.
Format = Standard
►► Query CONVERSion ►◄
pool_name Format = Standard
Specifies the source storage pool to query. This parameter is optional. If you do
not specify a value for this parameter, information is displayed for all storage
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display conversion information for all storage pools. See “Field descriptions” on
page 818 for field descriptions.
query conversion
Source Storage Target Storage Starting Total Last
Pool Pool Amount Converted Converted
------------- --------------- --------- ---------- ----------
FPOOL CTR 333 MB 333 MB 267 MB
Field descriptions
Source Storage Pool
The name of the storage pool that is being converted.
Target Storage Pool
The name of the destination storage pool, where the converted data will be
Maximum Processes
Specifies the maximum number of conversion processes.
Specifies the length of time, in minutes, for conversion.
Starting Amount
The starting amount of data to convert, in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB),
or terabytes (TB).
Total Converted
The total amount of data that is converted, in megabytes (MB), gigabytes
(GB), or terabytes (TB).
Last Converted
The amount of data, in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB),
that is converted during this conversion process.
Start Date/Time
The time and date that the CONVERT STGPOOL command was first issued for
the storage pool.
Related commands
Table 248. Commands related to QUERY CONVERSION
Command Description
CONVERT STGPOOL Convert a storage pool to a
directory-container storage pool.
QUERY CLEANUP Query the cleanup status of a source storage
Privilege class
►► Query COpygroup ►
► ►
Specifies the policy domain that is associated with the copy group to query.
This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy domains are
queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named
copy group.
Specifies the policy set associated with the copy group to query. This
parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you
do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy sets are queried. You must
specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named copy group.
Specifies the management class that is associated with the copy group to query.
This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all management classes are
queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named
copy group.
Specifies the name of the copy group. This parameter is optional. The name of
the copy group must be STANDARD. The default is STANDARD.
Specifies the type of copy group to be queried. This parameter is optional. The
default value is BACKUP. Possible values are:
Specifies that you want to query backup copy groups.
Display information about the default backup copy group in the ENGPOLDOM
engineering policy domain. Issue the following command:
query copygroup engpoldom * *
The following data shows the output from the query. It shows that the ACTIVE
policy set contains two backup copy groups that belong to the MCENG and
STANDARD management classes.
Policy Policy Mgmt Copy Versions Versions Retain Retain
Domain Set Class Group Data Data Extra Only
Name Name Name Name Exists Deleted Versions Version
--------- -------- -------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------
From a managed server, display complete information on the backup copy group
assigned to the STANDARD management class in the STANDARD policy set of the
ADMIN_RECORDS policy domain. Issue the command:
query copygroup admin_records
standard standard format=detailed
From a managed server, display complete information on the archive copy group
STANDARD that is assigned to the MCLASS1 management class in the SUMMER
policy set of the PROG1 policy domain. Issue the command:
query copygroup prog1 summer mclass1
type=archive format=detailed
Policy Domain Name: PROG1
Policy Set Name: SUMMER
Mgmt Class Name: MCLASS1
Copy Group Name: STANDARD
Copy Group Type: Archive
Retain Version: 730
Retention Initiation: Creation
Minimum Retention:
Copy Serialization: Shared Static
Copy Frequency: Cmd
Copy Mode: Absolute
Copy Destination: ARCHPOOL
Last Update by (administrator): $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$
Last Update Date/Time: 2002.10.02 17.42.49
Managing profile: ADMIN_INFO
Query the copy group for the NAS backup. Issue the command:
query copygroup nasdomain
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
The name of the policy domain.
Policy Set Name
The name of the policy set.
Mgmt Class Name
The name of the management class.
Copy Group Name
The name of the copy group. This name is always STANDARD.
Copy Group Type
The type of the copy group.
Versions Data Exists
The maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that are
currently on the client file system.
Versions Data Deleted
The maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that have been
deleted from the client file system after being backed up using IBM
Spectrum Protect.
Retain Extra Versions
The number of days to retain a backup version after that version becomes
Retain Only Version
The number of days to retain the last backup version of a file that has been
deleted from the client file system.
Copy Serialization
Whether a file can be in use during an archive operation.
Copy Frequency
The copy frequency of the copy group. For archive copy groups, this value
is always CMD.
Copy Mode
Specifies that files in the copy group are archived regardless of whether
they have been modified. For archive copy groups, this value is always
Related commands
Table 249. Commands related to QUERY COPYGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DELETE COPYGROUP Deletes a backup or archive copy group from
a policy domain and policy set.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
Privilege class
Nodename = node_name
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the directory-container or cloud storage pool.
Specifies the type of information to display. This parameter is optional. Specify
one of the following values:
Specifies that information is displayed about damaged data extents. For
cloud storage pools, orphaned extents are also displayed. This is the
Specifies that information about the number of damaged files per node is
Specifies that inventory information for each damaged file is displayed.
Specifies that the containers that contain damaged data extents or cloud
orphaned extents are displayed. For directory-container storage pools,
storage pool directories are also displayed.
Specifies that damaged file information for a single node is displayed.
Display information about the status of damaged data extents that are stored in a
query damaged pool1 type=status
Storage Pool Non-Dedup Data Dedup Data Cloud Orphaned
Name Extent Count Extent Count Extent Count
--------------- ------------- ---------- -------------
POOL1 58 145
For cloud storage pools, the number of orphaned extents is also displayed.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query DATAMover ►
data_mover_name Format = Standard
Type = *
► ►◄
(1) (2)
Type = NAS
1 You must specify the TYPE parameter if FORMAT=DETAILED.
2 You can specify TYPE=NASCLUSTER and TYPE=NASVSERVER only on an AIX,
Linux, or Windows operating system.
Specifies the name of the data mover to display. You can specify multiple
names with a wildcard character. The default displays all data movers.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD.
Specifies that name and address information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Specifies the type of data mover to be displayed. If you specify
FORMAT=DETAILED, you must specify a value for the TYPE parameter.
Specifies a NAS file server.
Specifies a clustered NAS file server.
Specifies a virtual storage device within a cluster.
Display partial information about data mover DATAMOVER6. Issue the command:
query datamover datamover6 type=nas
Source Name Type Online
------------- ------- ------
Display detailed information about a clustered NAS data mover that is named
CLUSTERA. Issue the following command:
query datamover clustera format=detailed type=nascluster
Data Mover Name: CLUSTERA
Data Mover Type: NASCLUSTER
IP Address:
TCP/IP Port Number: 10000
User Name: ndmp
Storage Pool Data Format: NETAPPDUMP
Online: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 04/28/2015 09:26:33
Related commands
Table 251. Commands related to QUERY DATAMOVER
Command Description
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DELETE DATAMOVER Deletes a data mover.
UPDATE DATAMOVER Changes the definition for a data mover.
Privilege class
Format = Standard
►► Query DB ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display detailed statistical information about the database. Issue the command:
query db format=detailed
Field descriptions
Database Name
The name of the database that is defined and configured for use by the
IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Total Space of File System (MB)
The total space, in megabytes, of the file systems in which the database is
Space Used on File System (MB)
The amount of database space, in megabytes, that is in use.
Space Used by Database (MB)
The size of the database, in megabytes. The value does not include any
temporary table space. The size of the database is calculated from the
amount of space that is used on the file system containing the database.
Free Space Available (MB)
The amount of database space, in megabytes, that is not in use.
Total Pages
The total number of pages in the table space.
Usable Pages
The number of usable pages in the table space.
Used Pages
The number of used pages in the table space.
Free Pages
The total number of free pages in all table spaces. The IBM Spectrum
Protect database has up to 10 table spaces.
Buffer Pool Hit Ratio
The total hit ratio percent.
Total Buffer Requests
The total number of buffer pool data logical reads and index logical reads
since the last time the database was started or since the database monitor
was reset.
Related commands
Table 252. Commands related to QUERY DB
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database
to sequential access volumes.
EXTEND DBSPACE Adds directories to increase space for use by
the database.
QUERY DBSPACE Displays information about the storage space
defined for the database.
Privilege class
►► QUERY DBSpace ►◄
Field descriptions
Specifies the locations of database directories.
Total Space of File System (MB)
The total amount of space, in megabytes, of the file system in which the
database is located.
Used Space on File System (MB)
The amount of storage space, in megabytes, that is in use.
When you run the QUERY DBSPACE command, the value in the output might
be greater than the value that is obtained by running the df system
command. The output from the df system command does not include the
amount of space that is reserved for the root user.
Free Space Available (MB)
The amount of space, in megabytes, that is not in use.
Related commands
Table 253. Commands related to QUERY DBSPACE
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database
to sequential access volumes.
You must issue the GENERATE DEDUPSTATS command before you can issue the QUERY
Privilege class
►► Query DEDUPSTats ▼ ►
pool_name node_name
* Format = Standard
► ►
, Format = Standard
▼ filespace_name SUMmary
► ►
BEGINDate = date BEGINTime = time ENDDate = date
► ►◄
DESCription = description
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool whose data is
contained in the data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. If you
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and FSIDs:
v You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
v Do not mix file space names and FSIDs in the same command.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. Specify
one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified data
deduplication sets. This is the default.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the specified data
deduplication sets.
Specifies that summarized status is displayed for data deduplication sets
that are in the same group, as defined by the REPORTID parameter.
Specify what type of file spaces to include in the operation. The default value
is BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter a single wildcard character for
the file space name. Specify one of the following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain a wildcard.
Specify one of the following values:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names.
This is the default.
The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
on the actual characters in the name and the server's code page.
Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not available
in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system conversion
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the start date to query data deduplication statistics. This parameter is
optional. You can use this parameter with the BEGINTIME parameter to specify a
range for the date and time. If you specify a begin date without a begin time,
the time is at 12 midnight on the date you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the
ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies the start time to query the data deduplication statistics. This
parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the BEGINDATE
parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify a begin time
without a begin date, the date is the current date at the time you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the
ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies the end date to query data deduplication statistics. This parameter is
optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDTIME parameter to specify a
range for the date and time. If you specify an end date without an end time,
the time is at 11:59:59 p.m. on the specified end date.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the
ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies the end time of the range to query the data deduplication statistics.
This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDDATE
parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end time
without an end date, the date is the current date at the time you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the
ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies whether to display all data deduplication statistics or only the most
recently generated data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional.
Specify one of the following values:
No Displays only data deduplication statistics that were most recently
generated for each node and file space.
Displays all data deduplication statistics.
Specifies an ID for a set of data deduplication statistics that is generated on a
specific day for specified nodes, file spaces, or both. For example, if you
generate statistics on 30 September 2018 for a node list (TEST1, TEST2, TEST3,
and MYGROUP1) and a file space list (FS1, FS2, and /tmp*), a report ID (for
example, 1) is assigned to that set. If statistics are generated for the same nodes
and file spaces on the next day, a new report ID (for example, 2) is assigned to
that set. This parameter is optional.
Specifies a description of the generated statistics. This parameter is optional.
Display data deduplication statistics for a storage pool that is named POOL1. The
data deduplication statistics are for node NODE1 and the statistics from 8 May
2015 are displayed. See “Field descriptions” on page 842 for field descriptions.
query dedupstats pool1 node1 begindate=05/08/2015
Display detailed information for data deduplication for a storage pool that is
named POOL1.
query dedupstats pool1 format=detailed
Date/Time: 05/05/2015 15:15:23
Storage Pool Name: POOL1
Node Name: NODE1
Filespace Name: \\fs1\a1
FSID: 41
Type: Bkup
Total Data Protected (MB): 47,646
Total Space Used (MB): 10,139
Total Space Saved (MB): 37,507
Total Saving Percentage: 78.72
Deduplication Savings: 16,228,107,499
Deduplication Percentage: 42.59
Non-Deduplicated Extent Count: 1,658
Non-Deduplicated Extent Space Used: 732,626
Unique Extent Count: 189,791
Unique Extent Space Used: 23,385,014,635
Shared Extent Count: 178,712
Shared Extent Data Protected: 26,575,010,669
Shared Extent Space Used: 5,267,815,421
Compression Savings: 5,267,815,421
Compression Percentage: 62.93
Compressed Extent Count: 352,498
Uncompressed Extent Count: 17,663
Encryption Extent Space Used: 52,901,672
Encryption Percentage: 100.00
Encrypted Extent Count: 188
Unencrypted Extent Count: 0
Report ID: 1
Field descriptions
Report ID
An ID for a set of data deduplication statistics that is generated on a
specific day for a specified group of nodes, file spaces, or both.
A description of the statistics set that is generated.
The time and date that the data deduplication statistics are generated.
Storage Pool Name
The name of the storage pool.
Node Name
The name of the client node whose data is contained in the data
deduplication statistics.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space.
FSID The name of the file space identifier.
Type The type of data. The following values are possible:
Arch Data that is archived.
Bkup Data that is backed up.
SpMg Data that is migrated from an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management client.
Total Data Protected (MB)
The logical amount of data, in megabytes, that is protected in the storage
pool before data deduplication and compression. This value represents the
sum of the Total Space Used (MB) and Total Space Saved (MB) values.
Tip: Data extents that are not deduplicated consist of the following data or
file types:
v File metadata.
v Files that are less than 2 KB.
v Files that use client encryption.
Unique Extent Count
The number of data extents that are not shared by a node.
Unique Extent Space Used
The amount of space in the storage pool that is not shared by a node. This
value applies to containers that have a .dcf file type and that do not have
deduplicated data.
Shared Extent Count
The number of data extents that are used multiple times by the same node
or by different nodes because of data deduplication.
Shared Extent Data Protected
The amount of space in the storage pool that is protected by shared data
extents before data deduplication.
Shared Extent Space Used
The amount of space in the storage pool that is used by shared data
extents after data deduplication.
Compression Savings
The amount of used space that is saved in the storage pool because of
compression after data deduplication.
Related commands
Table 254. Commands related to QUERY DEDUPSTATS
Command Description
DELETE DEDUPSTATS Deletes data deduplication statistics.
GENERATE DEDUPSTATS Generates data deduplication statistics.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query DEVclass ►◄
device_class_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the device class to be queried. This parameter is optional.
You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. All matching device
classes are displayed. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all
device classes are displayed.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified device class.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the specified device
Server Name:
Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Primary Allocation (MB):
Secondary Allocation (MB):
Expiration Date:
Logical Block Protection:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 05/31/2000 13:15:36
Library: MANLIB
Server Name:
Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
High-level Address:
Scaled Capacity: 90
Drive Encryption: On
Primary Allocation (MB):
Secondary Allocation (MB):
Expiration Date:
Logical Block Protection: Read/Write
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 08/04/03 14:28:31
Field descriptions
Device Class Name
The name of the device class.
Device Access Strategy
How data is written to the device class.
Storage Pool Count
The number of storage pools that are assigned to the device class.
Device Type
The device type of the device class.
The recording format.
Est/Max Capacity (MB)
The estimated or maximum capacity of a volume that is associated with
the device class.
Mount Limit
The maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be mounted
concurrently or specifies that DRIVES is the mount limit.
Mount Wait (min)
The maximum number of minutes to wait for a sequential access volume
to be mounted.
Mount Retention (min)
The number of minutes to retain an idle sequential access volume before
dismounting it.
Label Prefix
The high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into the
sequential access media labels.
The name of the defined library object that contains the drives that are
used by the device class.
The directory or directories for a shared FILE device class.
Server Name
The name of a defined server.
Retry Period
The interval over which the server attempts to contact a target server if
communications failure is suspected.
Retry Interval
How often the retries are done within a retry period.
Whether this FILE device class is shared between the server and one or
more storage agents.
High-level Address
The IP address of the device in dotted decimal format.
Minimum Capacity
The minimum capacity of a volume that is associated with the device class.
Privilege class
►► Query DIRSPace ►◄
Specifies the name of the device class to be queried. This parameter is optional.
You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. All matching device
classes of device type FILE are displayed. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, all device classes of device type FILE are displayed.
Display information for all device classes with a device type of FILE. In the
following example the unit M is equivalent to megabytes, and the unit G is
equivalent to gigabytes.
query dirspace
Field descriptions
Device Class Name
The name of the device class.
The path of the directory located on the server.
Estimated Capacity
The estimated total capacity for the directory.
Estimated Available
The estimated remaining available space for the directory.
Related commands
Table 256. Commands related to QUERY DIRSPACE
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DELETE DEVCLASS Deletes a device class.
QUERY DEVCLASS Displays information about device classes.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query DOmain ►◄
domain_name Format = Standard
Specifies the policy domain to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, all policy domains are displayed.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display partial information for all policy domains on the server. Issue the
query domain
Policy Activated Activated Number of Description
Domain Policy Default Registered
Name Set Mgmt Nodes
--------- --------- --------- ---------- -----------------
PROG1 0 Programming Group
Test Domain
PROG2 0 Programming Group
Test Domain
policy domain
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
The name of the policy domain.
Activated Policy Set
The name of the policy set that was last activated in the domain.
The definitions in the last activated policy set and the ACTIVE policy set
are not necessarily identical. When you activate a policy set, the server
copies the contents of the policy set to the policy set with the special name
ACTIVE. The copied definitions in the ACTIVE policy set can be modified
only by activating another policy set. You can modify the original policy
set without affecting the ACTIVE policy set. Therefore, definitions in the
policy set that was last activated might not be the same as those in the
ACTIVE policy set.
Activation Date/Time
The date and time that the policy set was activated.
Days Since Activation
The number of days since the policy set was activated.
Activated Default Mgmt Class
The assigned default management class for the policy set.
Number of Registered Nodes
The number of client nodes registered to the policy domain.
The description of the policy domain.
Backup Retention (Grace Period)
The number of days to retain inactive backup versions of files when any of
the following conditions occur:
v A file is rebound to a new management class, but neither the new
management class nor default management class contains a backup copy
v The management class to which a file is bound no longer exists, and the
default management class does not contain a backup copy group.
v The backup copy group is deleted from the management class to which
a file is bound and the default management class does not contain a
backup copy group.
Related commands
Table 257. Commands related to QUERY DOMAIN
Command Description
COPY DOMAIN Creates a copy of a policy domain.
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
DELETE DOMAIN Deletes a policy domain along with any
policy objects in the policy domain.
UPDATE DOMAIN Changes the attributes of a policy domain.
Privilege class
* * Format = Standard
►► Query DRive ►◄
* Format = Standard
library_name Detailed
Specifies the name of the library where the queried drive is located. This
parameter is optional. You can use a wildcard character to specify this name.
You must specify a value for this parameter if you specify a drive name.
Specifies the name assigned to the drive. This parameter is optional. You can
use a wildcard character to specify this name. If you specify a drive name, you
must also specify a library_name.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the drive.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the drive.
Display detailed information about the drive named DRIVE02 that is associated
with the library LIB2. Issue the command:
Field descriptions
Library Name
The name of the library to which the drive is assigned.
Drive Name
The name assigned to the drive.
Device Type
The device type as specified in the associated device class. The server must
have a path defined from the server to the drive in order to determine the
true device type. As long as there is a path defined from the server to the
drive, the server will display the true device type of the drive even if there
are other paths defined to this drive. Exceptions to this occur if the device
type is remote or unknown.
The server does not have a path to the device. The only defined
paths to the device are from data movers.
No path exists.
Tip: Review the output of the QUERY PATH command to determine if the
desired paths are defined. If they are not defined, define those desired
paths using the DEFINE PATH command. Also, if using a data mover device,
review the output of the QUERY DATAMOVER command to determine the type
of the data mover device. If you are using a path from the server to a
drive, the device type of the device class and the drive need to match. If
you are using a path from a data mover device to a drive, review the
documentation for your type of data mover to ensure the device type of
the device class is compatible with the type of data mover device.
Specifies the status of the drive:
Yes The drive is online and available for server operations.
No The drive is offline and was put in this state by an administrator
updating the status.
Unavailable Since
Specifies that the drive has been unavailable since mm/dd/yy
hh:mm:ss. Output shows the time the server marked the drive as
Polling Since
Specifies that the server is polling the drive because the drive
The processing of volumes by this command depends on what the volumes are
used for:
Backups of the server database
To control whether the command processes database backup volumes, use
the SOURCE parameter. The command can process volumes that are used for
full plus incremental or snapshot database backups. You cannot specify
virtual volumes (backup objects that are stored on another server). You can
change volumes through each state, or you can use the TOSTATE parameter
and skip states to simplify the movements.
Copy storage pools
The QUERY DRMEDIA command always processes eligible copy storage-pool
Container-copy storage pools
By default, volumes in container-copy storage pools are not eligible for
processing by the QUERY DRMEDIA command. To process container-copy
storage pool volumes, you must issue the SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL
command first, or specify the COPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL parameter on the
Active-data storage pools
By default, volumes in active-data storage pools are not eligible for
processing by the QUERY DRMEDIA command. To process active-data pool
volumes, you must issue the SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL command first, or
specify the ACTIVEDATASTGPOOL parameter on the QUERY DRMEDIA command.
If you are using an external library and have moved a volume to the
command might still report the volume state as MOUNTABLE if it detects that the
volume is in the library. Refer to the external library documentation for
information about the procedures that you should follow when you use the MOVE
DRMEDIA and the QUERY DRMEDIA commands.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v If the CMD parameter is NOT specified: operator or system privilege.
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is
set to NO: operator, unrestricted storage, or system privilege.
v If the CMD parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is
set to YES (the default): system privilege.
► ►
BEGINDate = date ENDDate = date BEGINTime = time
► ►
ENDTime = time COPYstgpool = pool_name
► ►
ACTIVEDatastgpool = pool_name COPYCONtainerstgpool = pool_name
► ►
WHERELOCation = location
CMd = ▼ "command"
APPend = No
► ►◄
CMDFilename = file_name APPend = No
Specifies the names of the volumes to be queried. You can use wildcard
characters to specify multiple names. This parameter is optional. The server
looks for matching names among the following eligible volumes:
v Database backup volumes, as selected by the SOURCE parameter of this
v Copy storage pool volumes from copy storage pools specified by the
COPYSTGPOOL parameter. If you do not use the COPYSTGPOOL parameter, the
server queries volumes from copy storage pools previously specified by the
v Active-data storage pool volumes from active-data storage pools specified by
the ACTIVEDATASTGPOOL parameter. If you do not use the ACTIVEDATASTGPOOL
parameter, the server queries volumes from active-data storage pools that
were previously specified by the SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL command.
Specifies the ending date used to select volumes. This parameter is optional.
Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA command has changed the
volume to its current state on or before the specified date. The default is the
current date.
You can specify the date using one of the following values:
Specifies the beginning time used to select volumes. This parameter is optional.
Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA command has changed the
volume to its current state on or after the specified time and date. The default
is midnight (00:00:00) on the date specified with the BEGINDATE parameter.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time used to select volumes. This parameter is optional.
Volumes are considered eligible if the MOVE DRMEDIA command has changed the
volume to its current state on or before the specified time and date. The
default is 23:59:59.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies the name of the copy storage pool whose volumes are to be
processed. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to
specify this name. The copy storage pools specified with this parameter
override those specified with the SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL command.
If this parameter is not specified, the server selects the storage pools as follows:
v If the SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL command was previously issued with valid copy
storage pool names, the server processes only those storage pools.
v If the SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL command has not been issued, or if all of the
copy storage pools have been removed using the SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL
command, the server processes all copy storage pool volumes in the
Specifies whether any database backup volumes are selected. This parameter is
optional. The default is DBBACKUP. Possible values are:
Full and incremental database backup volumes are selected.
Snapshot database backup volumes are selected.
No database backup volumes are selected.
Specifies the name of the active-data storage pool whose volumes are to be
processed. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to
specify this name. The active-data storage pools that are specified with this
parameter override those specified with the SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL
If this parameter is not specified, the server selects the storage pools as follows:
v If the SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL command was previously issued with valid
active-data storage pool names, the server processes only those storage
Field descriptions
Volume Name
The name of the database backup or copy storage pool volume.
State The state of the volume.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time that the volume state was last updated. For volumes in
the VAULTRETRIEVE state, this field displays the date and time that a
volume was moved to the VAULT state, not VAULTRETRIEVE. The server
does not "update" volumes to VAULTRETRIEVE. At the time the QUERY
DRMEDIA command is issued, the server dynamically determines whether
the data in copy storage pool volumes and database backup volumes is no
longer valid and whether the volume can be brought back onsite for reuse
or disposal.
The Location field is displayed when the volume is not mountable or
when it's not in the library. The Location field is empty if the volume is
mountable and is in the library.
Volume Type
The type of volume. Possible values are:
A full or incremental database backup volume.
A database snapshot backup volume.
Related commands
Table 259. Commands related to QUERY DRMEDIA
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database
to sequential access volumes.
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL Specifies that active-data storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL Specifies the container-copy storage pools
that are used in DRM commands.
SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL Specifies that copy storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS Specifies criteria for database backup series
SET DRMCMDFILENAME Specifies a file name for containing DRM
executable commands.
QUERY DRMEDIA command processes files
associated with a device type of file.
Privilege class
►► Query DRMSTatus ►◄
Field descriptions
Recovery Plan Prefix
User-specified prefix portion of the file name for the recovery plan file.
Plan Instructions Prefix
User-specified prefix portion of the file names for the server recovery
instructions files.
Replacement Volume Postfix
The character added to the end of the replacement volume names in the
recovery plan file.
Primary Storage Pools
The primary storage pools that are eligible for processing by the PREPARE
command. If this field is blank, all primary storage pools are eligible.
Copy Storage Pools
The copy storage pools that are eligible for processing by the MOVE DRMEDIA,
PREPARE, and QUERY DRMEDIA commands. If this field is blank, all copy
storage pools are eligible.
Related commands
Table 260. Commands related to QUERY DRMSTATUS
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
SET DRMCHECKLABEL Specifies whether IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM
Spectrum Protect should read volume labels
during MOVE DRMEDIA command
SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL Specifies that active-data storage pools are
managed by DRM.
Privilege class
►► Query ENabled CONSOLE ►◄
ACTLOG NODEname = node_name
EVENTSERVER SERVername = server_name
1 This parameter is only available for the Linux operating system.
Specifies a type of receiver for enabled events. This is a required parameter.
Valid values are:
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect activity log as a receiver.
Specifies the standard server console as a receiver.
Specifies the event server as a receiver.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file
and a person cannot read each logged event easily.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a fixed-size,
readable line.
Specifies the Tivoli Management Environment (TME) as a receiver.
Specifies a user-written routine to which IBM Spectrum Protect writes
information as a receiver.
Specifies a node name to be queried. You can specify NODENAME or
SERVERNAME. If neither parameter is specified, the query is for events
enabled for the server running this command.
Specifies a server name to be queried. You can specify NODENAME or
Query the server for server events that are enabled for the console. There are 10000
possible server events. Either a list of enabled events or disabled events is
displayed (whichever list is shorter).
query enabled console
9998 events are enabled for the CONSOLE receiver. The
following events are DISABLED for the CONSOLE receiver:
ANR8409, ANR8410
Related commands
Table 261. Commands related to QUERY ENABLED
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
DISABLE EVENTS Disables specific events for receivers.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server
and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
The command syntax differs for queries that apply to scheduled client operations
and to scheduled administrative commands.
v “QUERY EVENT (Display administrative event schedules)” on page 882
v “QUERY EVENT (Display client schedules)” on page 874
Table 262. Commands related to QUERY EVENT
Command Description
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
DELETE EVENT Deletes event records before a specified date
and time.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
SET EVENTRETENTION Specifies the number of days to retain
records for scheduled operations.
SET RANDOMIZE Specifies the randomization of start times
within a window for schedules in
client-polling mode.
Privilege class
Type = Client
►► Query EVent domain_name schedule_name ►
BEGINDate = current_date
► ►
, BEGINDate = date
Nodes = ▼ node_name
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedules belong. You
can use a wildcard character to specify this name.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule for which events are displayed. You can use
a wildcard character to specify this name.
Specifies that the query displays events for client schedules. This parameter is
optional. The default is CLIENT.
Specifies the name of the client node that belongs to the specified policy
domain for which events are displayed. You can specify multiple client nodes
by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify nodes. If you do not specify a client name,
events display for all clients that match the domain name and the schedule
Specifies the beginning date of the time range for events to be displayed. All
events scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is
optional. The default is the current date.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies the beginning time of the range for events to be displayed. All events
scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is optional.
The default value is 00:00.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the ending date of the time range for events to be displayed. All
events that were schedule to start during this time are displayed. This
parameter is optional. The default is the value used for the BEGINDATE.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies the ending time of the range for events to be displayed. All events
that were scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is
optional. The default value is 23:59.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the type of information you want on scheduled or completed events.
This parameter is optional. The default is NO. You can specify one of the
following values:
No Specifies that the information on past and projected events is displayed.
Specifies that the events that failed or did not process as scheduled are
Specifies how information displays. This parameter is optional. The default is
STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information for events displays.
Specifies that complete information for events displays.
Display partial information for all events that are scheduled for DOMAIN1 that
did not run successfully. Limit the search to the client named JOE. Limit the events
that are displayed to events that were scheduled to occur from February 11, 2001
(02/11/2001) to February 12, 2001 (02/12/2001).
query event domain1 * nodes=joe begindate=02/11/2001
enddate=02/12/2001 exceptionsonly=yes
Scheduled Start Actual Start Schedule Node Status
Name Name
-------------------- -------------------- --------- ---- ---------
02/11/1999 01:00:00 02/11/1999 01:13:55 BACK1 JOE Failed
02/12/1999 01:00:00 DAILYBKP JOE Missed
Display complete information for all events that are scheduled for processing. Use
the start time as 10 days previous to today, and the finish includes today.
query event * * begindate=today-10 enddate=today
Scheduled Start Actual Start Schedule Name Node Name Status
-------------------- -------------------- ------------- ------------- ---------
02/04/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/04/2013 14:00:00 02/04/2013 14:12:49 VDATAMVR1-IN1 VDATAMVR1-T1 Completed
02/04/2013 14:30:00 02/04/2013 14:33:10 VDATAMVR1-IN2 VDATAMVR1-T2 Completed
02/04/2013 15:00:00 02/04/2013 15:01:49 VDATAMVR1-IN3 VDATAMVR1-T3 Completed
02/04/2013 15:30:00 02/04/2013 15:42:00 VDATAMVR1-IN4 VDATAMVR1-T4 Completed
02/05/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/05/2013 14:00:00 02/05/2013 14:05:22 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/05/2013 14:30:00 02/05/2013 14:32:53 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Failed 12
02/05/2013 15:00:00 02/05/2013 15:00:38 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/05/2013 15:30:00 02/05/2013 15:36:41 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/06/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/06/2013 14:00:00 02/06/2013 14:06:42 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/06/2013 14:30:00 02/06/2013 14:35:41 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Completed
02/06/2013 15:00:00 02/06/2013 15:08:56 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/06/2013 15:30:00 02/06/2013 15:40:49 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/07/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/07/2013 14:00:00 02/07/2013 14:03:43 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/07/2013 14:30:00 02/07/2013 14:35:10 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Completed
02/07/2013 15:00:00 02/07/2013 15:09:12 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/07/2013 15:30:00 02/07/2013 15:40:21 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/08/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/08/2013 14:00:00 02/08/2013 14:10:17 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/08/2013 14:30:00 02/08/2013 14:39:16 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Completed
02/08/2013 15:00:00 02/08/2013 15:08:17 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/08/2013 15:30:00 02/08/2013 15:41:16 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/09/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/09/2013 14:02:16 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Failed 12
02/09/2013 14:30:00 02/09/2013 14:44:26 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Failed 12
02/09/2013 15:00:00 02/09/2013 15:06:24 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Failed 12
02/09/2013 15:30:00 02/09/2013 15:32:18 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/11/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/11/2013 14:00:00 02/11/2013 14:01:05 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Failed 12
02/11/2013 14:30:00 02/11/2013 14:31:42 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Failed 12
02/11/2013 15:00:00 02/11/2013 15:06:17 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Failed 12
02/11/2013 15:30:00 02/11/2013 15:30:19 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/12/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/12/2013 14:00:00 02/12/2013 14:03:37 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/12/2013 14:30:00 02/12/2013 14:33:07 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Completed
02/12/2013 15:00:00 02/12/2013 15:03:56 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/12/2013 15:30:00 02/12/2013 15:36:44 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/13/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Missed
02/13/2013 14:00:00 02/13/2013 14:06:24 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Completed
02/13/2013 14:30:00 02/13/2013 14:34:50 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Completed
02/13/2013 15:00:00 02/13/2013 15:15:01 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Completed
02/13/2013 15:30:00 02/13/2013 15:30:18 VDATAMVR1-F4 VDATAMVR1-F4 Completed
02/14/2013 14:00:00 SCHD_INCR-DM1 TSM_CET_DM1 Future
02/14/2013 14:00:00 VDATAMVR1-F1 VDATAMVR1-F1 Future
02/14/2013 14:30:00 VDATAMVR1-F2 VDATAMVR1-F2 Future
02/14/2013 15:00:00 VDATAMVR1-F3 VDATAMVR1-F3 Future
Display the detailed information for events that are scheduled for processing by
client DOC between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM on November 1, 2005
(11/01/2005). Notice that when the status is FAILED, the result code is displayed.
query event domain1 * nodes=doc begindate=11/01/2005
begintime=10:00 endtime=11:00 enddate=11/01/2005
exceptionsonly=yes format=detailed
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule is assigned.
Schedule Name
Specifies the name of the schedule that initiated this event.
Node Name
Specifies the client that is scheduled to perform the operation.
Scheduled Start
Specifies the scheduled starting date and time for the event.
Actual Start
Specifies the date and time at which the client began processing the
scheduled operation. No information is displayed if the scheduled
operation has not started.
Specifies the date and time the scheduled event is completed.
Status Specifies the status of the event at the time the QUERY EVENT command is
issued. The following values are possible:
Specifies that the scheduled event is completed.
Failed Specifies that the client reports a failure when you run the
scheduled operation and successive retries failed.
Failed - no restart
Specifies an intermediate status, when a client session is
interrupted by a communications error or timeout on the server.
This status can be changed to a final status of "Completed" or
"Failed" when the event completes.
Future Specifies that the beginning of the startup window for the event is
in the future. This status also indicates that an event record has not
been created for this event.
In Progress
Specifies that the scheduled event is running and has not yet
reported the completion state to the server.
Periodically check the status for completion of the scheduled event.
If this status is not updated in a reasonable amount of time, review
your client dsmsched.log and dsmerror.log to determine why the
client did not report the outcome of this event to the server. If the
scheduled backup failed, rerun the scheduled event or perform a
manual incremental backup to ensure the data backup.
Privilege class
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule for which events display. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names.
Type=Administrative (Required)
Specifies that the query displays events for administrative command schedules.
Specifies the beginning date of the time range for events to be displayed. All
events scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is
optional. The default is the current date.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies the beginning time of the range for events to be displayed. All events
scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is optional.
The default value is 00:00.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the ending date of the time range for events to be displayed. All
events that were schedule to start during this time are displayed. This
parameter is optional. The default is the value used for the BEGINDATE.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies the ending time of the range for events to be displayed. All events
that were scheduled to start during this time are displayed. This parameter is
optional. The default value is 23:59.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Display partial information for all events scheduled for an administrative schedule
named DOSADMIN. Limit the query to events that are scheduled for March 30,
1999 (03/30/1999). Issue the command:
query event dosadmin type=administrative
Scheduled Start Actual Start Schedule Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------
03/30/1999 00:00:00 03/30/1999 00:00:01 DOSADMIN Completed
03/30/1999 04:00:00 03/30/1999 04:00:01 DOSADMIN Completed
03/30/1999 12:00:00 DOSADMIN Future
03/30/1999 16:00:00 DOSADMIN Future
Field descriptions
Scheduled Start
Specifies the scheduled starting date and time for the event.
Actual Start
Specifies the date and time at which the client began processing the
scheduled operation. No information displays if the schedule has not
started executing.
Schedule Name
Specifies the name of the schedule that initiated this event.
Status For administrative commands or scripts that specify WAIT=YES, the status
of a scheduled event is STARTED until the operation specified by the
command or script is completed. The final status of the scheduled event
depends on the return code of the operation. However, if WAIT=YES and
if the schedule is running a script that specifies PREVIEW=YES, the final
status is COMPLETED, unless the script contained a syntax error.
For administrative commands or scripts that specify WAIT=NO, the status
of a scheduled event is COMPLETED if the scheduled command or script
started. The success of the schedule is independent of the success of the
operation performed by the command or script.
Privilege class
►► Query EVENTRUles ►◄
NODEname = node_name
SERVername = server_name
1 This parameter is only available for the Linux operating system.
Specifies the name of one or more receivers for enabled events. This parameter
is optional.
You can use a wildcard character to specify all receivers.
Valid values are:
Specifies the standard console as a receiver.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect activity log as a receiver.
Specifies the event server as a receiver.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file
and a person cannot read each logged event easily.
Specifies a user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a fixed-size,
readable line.
Specifies the Tivoli Management Environment (TME) as a receiver.
Display the history of client events enabled or disabled for the server console and
activity log receivers.
query eventrules console,actlog nodename=*
Date/Time Client Event Rules
-------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Display the history of server events enabled or disabled for all receivers.
query eventrules
Date/Time Server Event Rules
-------------------- ------------------------------------------------
05/22/97 14:35:13 ENABLE EVENTS CONSOLE ANR2578
05/30/97 14:29:31 ENABLE EVENTS CONSOLE ANR0272
05/30/97 14:31:46 ENABLE EVENTS USEREXIT ANR0130
05/30/97 14:31:54 ENABLE EVENTS USEREXIT ANR0131
05/30/97 14:50:28 ENABLE EVENTS USEREXIT ANR0266
Field descriptions
Specifies the date and time when the event was enabled or disabled.
Client Event Rules
Specifies client events that were enabled or disabled for the specified
Server Event Rules
Specifies server events that were enabled or disabled for the specified
Privilege class
►► Query EVENTSERVer ►◄
Related commands
Table 264. Commands related to QUERY EVENTSERVER
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
DEFINE EVENTSERVER Defines a server as an event server.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE EVENTSERVER Deletes reference to the event server.
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
displayed. Additionally, the QUERY EXPORT command does not show export
operations where the target device is either sequential media or virtual volumes.
Privilege class
* STate = ALl
►► Query EXPort ►
export_identifier STate = ALl
Format = Standard
► ►◄
PROCess = process_number Format = Standard
This optional parameter is the unique string identifier for the server-to-server
export operation. Wildcard characters can be used to specify this name, and all
matching export operations are queried. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter and you also do not specify a PROCESS identifier, then all export
operations are queried.
This optional parameter queries the state of the valid server-to-server export
operations. The default value is ALL. The possible values are:
Lists all running and suspended server-to-server export operations.
Lists all active server-to-server export operations that are identifying
eligible files or exporting files to the target server.
Lists all suspended server-to-server export operations. These suspended
operations stopped running because of a failure or by the SUSPEND EXPORT
command being issued.
This optional parameter specifies the number of a running server-to-server
export operation that you want to query. If PROCESS is specified, IBM
Spectrum Protect only displays the running server-to-server export operation
associated with the process number. If PROCESS is not specified, IBM
Spectrum Protect displays information on all server-to-server export operations.
List information for all currently running and suspended export operations. Issue
the following command:
query export state=all
Export Start Time State Process Command
Identifier ID
------------- ----------- --------- -------- ------------------
MYEXPORTNODE 01/24/2007 Suspended -- Export NODE
10:30:03 me,you,them
List information for the currently running export operation with process number
“7.” Issue the following command:
query export process=7
List information for all currently suspended export operations. Issue the following
query export state=suspended format=detailed
Export Identifier: MyExportNode
Start Time: 01/24/2007 10:30:03
State: Suspended
Process Id: --
Command: Export NODE m* filespace=c$
filedata=all durunits=indefinite
Phase: File list complete. Exporting
eligible files
Total Running Time: 3 Days 0 Hours 24 Minutes
Current Process Running Time:
Export Operation Restart Count: 0
Date and Time of Last Restart: --
Date and Time of Last Suspend: 01/25/2007 08:30:11
Policy Domains Exported: 0
Policy Sets Exported: 0
Schedules Exported: 0
Mgmt Classes Exported: 0
Copy Groups Exported: 0
Administrators Exported: 1
Option Sets Exported: 0
Node Definitions Exported: 3
Filespace Definitions Exported: 7
Archive Files Exported: 50,000
Backup Files Exported: 150,000
Space Managed Files Exported: 0
Archive Files Skipped: 0
Backup Files Skipped: 25
Space Managed Files Skipped: 0
Total bytes Transferred (MB): 7,000
Total Files to be Transferred: 900,000
Files Remaining: 700,000
Field descriptions
Export identifier
The unique identifier assigned to this server-to-server export operation.
Start time
The time and date that this export operation was first initiated.
State The current state of this export operation. The value is one of the
Running - Not Suspendible
The operation is active and is transmitting definitions to the target
server. The process cannot be suspended, and if the process fails
while in this state, you cannot restart it.
The operation is active and is either searching for eligible files or
transmitting file data to the target server.
Running - Suspend in Progress
The operation is in the process of being suspended as a result of a
SUSPEND EXPORT command. The export operation is fully suspended
when all of the data from the export operation is saved. An export
operation in this state does not respond to the following
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 893
The operation stopped running due to a failure or was suspended
with the SUSPEND EXPORT command.
Process ID
The process ID for the export operation when the status is either
“Initializing” or “Running”.
The full command issued to start this server-to-server export.
Phase The current step that the operation is performing. The possible phases are
shown in the order in which they are performed:
Creating definitions on target server
The operation is exporting definitions. The process cannot be
suspended. Should the process fail in this phase, it cannot be
Identifying and exporting eligible files
The operation is building a list of eligible files for export. Some
files may also be transmitted to the target during this phase. A
process in this phase can be suspended. Should the process fail in
this phase, it can be restarted.
File list complete. Exporting eligible files
The operation has completed building the list of eligible files for
export and it is now transmitting the files to the target. A process
in this phase can be suspended. Should the process fail in this
phase, it can be restarted.
Total running time
The overall running time for this server-to-server export operation. For
example, if this operation started and was then suspended and restarted
two times, this value is the total running time of all three active processes
of the export operation.
Current® process running time
The running time of the active process of a server-to-server export
operation. No value is displayed for a suspended operation because no
active process exists.
Export operation restart count
The number of times the server-to-server export operation was restarted.
Date and time of last restart
The last date and time at which this server-to-server export operation was
Date and time of last suspend
The last date and time at which this server-to-server export operation was
Policy domains exported
The number of policy domain definitions successfully exported to the
target server.
Policy sets exported
The number of policy set definitions successfully exported to the target
Privilege class
►► Query EXTENTUPDates pool_name ►◄
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to query. You cannot use wildcards to specify this
Field descriptions
Number of Extents Pending Update
Specifies the number of data extent references that are pending an update
in the directory-container storage pool. Data that is stored in the
directory-container storage pool increases the number of references and
data deletion decreases the number of references.
Number of Extents Not Referenced
Specifies the number of data extents that are not referenced in the
directory-container storage pool. You can delete the data extents if they are
not referenced again within the reuse delay period that is specified on the
Number of Extents Eligible for Deletion
Specifies the number of data extents that can be deleted from the storage
pool. The data extents exceed the reuse delay period that is specified on
the DEFINE STGPOOL command.
Extent Reuse Delay (Days)
Specifies the reuse delay time, in days, for data extents.
Tip: If a node has more than one file space, you can issue a DELETE FILESPACE
command for one of the file spaces. However, if you issue a QUERY FILESPACE
command for the node during the deletion process, the output shows no file
spaces. To obtain accurate information about remaining file spaces, issue the QUERY
FILESPACE command after the deletion process ends.
Privilege class
* *
►► Query FIlespace ►
► ►◄
CODEType = UNIcode
Specifies the client node to which the file space belongs. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The default is all
client node names.
You must specify a value for this parameter if you specify a file name.
Specifies the name of the file space to be queried. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. If a value is not
specified, all file spaces are queried.
If a server includes clients that use Unicode-enabled files spaces, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter. For example, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter from the server code page
to Unicode. For more information, see the NAMETYPE parameter. If you do not
specify a file space name, or if you specify only a single wildcard character for
the name, you can use the CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to
Unicode file spaces or to non-Unicode file spaces.
Query all file spaces that are associated with all client nodes.
query filespace
Display detailed information for the file space /HomeDir, which is a virtual file
space mapping and belongs to the NAS node NAS1.
query filespace nas1 /HomeDir
Node Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Capacity Pct
Name Name Type Filespace Util
---- ----------- ---- ------- -------- --------- -------- ----
NAS1 /HomeDir 1 NetApp WAFL (VFS) No 2,502.3 75.2
Important: You might not see the expected results after you request a detailed
format because several fields must be completed by the API application. These
fields include:
v File space type
v Platform
v Capacity
v Pct Util
v Last backup start Date/Time
v Last backup completion Date/Time
For more information about specific fields that are updated by the API, see the
IBM Spectrum Protect: Using the Application Programming Interface.
Display detailed information about the \\joe\c$ file space that belongs to the
client node JOE.
query filespace joe \\joe\c$ nametype=unicode format=detailed
Field descriptions
Important: You might not see the expected results after requesting a detailed
format because several fields must be completed by the API application. These
fields include:
v Filespace Type
v Platform
v Capacity
v Pct Util
v Last Backup Start Date/Time
v Last Backup Completion Date/Time
For more information about specific fields that are updated by the API, see the
IBM Spectrum Protect: Using the Application Programming Interface.
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space that belongs to the node.
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed
up and can be restored normally, but the file space name or file name
might be displayed with a combination of invalid characters or blank
Related commands
Table 267. Commands related to QUERY FILESPACE
Command Description
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
RENAME FILESPACE Renames a client filespace on the server.
UPDATE FILESPACE Changes file-space node-replication rules.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Tip: To obtain accurate information, issue the QUERY FSCOUNTS command after the
backup operations ends. Also, if you are currently expiring objects from the file
space, the numbers might not reflect the latest changes.
The database is queried and the counts are completed in real time.
Privilege class
►► Query FSCounts node_name ►
► ►◄
CODEType = UNIcode
node_name (Required)
Specifies the client node to which the file space belongs. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name, or use a group name. A group name specifies
the name of the group to which the client node belongs. This parameter is
required. Comma-delimited lists are not allowed. An asterisk specifies all client
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with support for
Unicode. You can use this parameter for Unicode-enabled IBM Spectrum
Protect clients that have Windows, Macintosh OS X, and NetWare operating
Use this parameter only when you enter a partly qualified or fully qualified
file space name. The default value is SERVER. You can specify one of the
following values:
The server uses the server code page to interpret the file space names.
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node.
FSID Specifies the file space ID of the file space.
Filespace Type
Specifies the type of file space.
A file space type that is appended with "(VFS)" denotes that this file space
name is a virtual file space mapping for a directory path on a
network-attached storage (NAS) device.
Is Filespace Unicode?
Indicates whether the file space is Unicode.
Related commands
Table 268. Commands related to QUERY FSCOUNTS
Command Description
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY OCCUPANCY Displays file space information by storage
| Privilege class
| Syntax
| STatus = ANy
| ►► Query JOB ►
job_id Status = ANy
| Parameters
| job_id
| Specifies the ID of the job to query. The job ID is a unique numeric value that
| is automatically assigned when the job starts. If you specify a job ID, only that
| job is considered during query processing and you do not have to specify
| other parameters. If you do not specify a job ID, all jobs are queried.
| Status
| Specifies the status of a job. Only jobs that match the specified status are
| displayed. If you do not specify a status, all jobs are displayed. This parameter
| is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
| ANy
| Displays all jobs. This is the default value.
| Running
| Displays all jobs that are currently running. When a job starts, the job
| status is automatically set to RUNNING and a time stamp that indicates
| the start time for the job is stored in the database. When a job stops
| running, the job status changes to INTERRUPTED or COMPLETED,
| depending on what happens during job execution. Also, when a job stops
| running, active processes stop and the job information is updated with an
| end time and a status.
| Interrupted
| Displays all jobs that were interrupted because of an error.
| COmpleted
| Displays all jobs that were completed successfully without errors.
| Specifies the beginning date in a range of retention set creation job dates. All
| Display information about all jobs that created retention sets. See “Field
| descriptions” on page 912 for field descriptions.
| query job
| Field descriptions
| Job ID
| The unique numeric ID that is associated with the job.
| Begin Date/Time
| The data and time when the retention set creation job was started.
| End Date/Time
| The date and time when the retention set creation job ended.
| Status The status of the job.
| Related commands
| Table 269. Commands related to QUERY JOB
| Command Description
| QUERY RETRULE Displays information about retention rules.
| QUERY RETSET Displays information about retention sets.
| QUERY RETSETCONTENTS Displays information about the contents of
| retention sets.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query LIBRary ►◄
library_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the library to be queried. You can use wildcards to
specify names. This parameter is optional.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the library.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the library.
Display information in full detail about the library named EZLIFE. Issue the
query library ezlife format=detailed
Field descriptions
Library Name
The name of the library.
Library Type
The type of library.
Specifies that the library is a StorageTek library that is controlled by
StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS).
Private Category
The category number for private volumes that must be mounted by name.
The information that is displayed in this field applies only to an IBM 3494
or 3495 Tape Library Dataserver.
Scratch Category
The category number to use for scratch volumes in the library.
The information that is displayed in this field applies only to an IBM 3494
or 3495 Tape Library Dataserver.
WORM Scratch Category
The category number that is used for WORM scratch volumes in the
The information that is displayed in this field applies only to an IBM 3494
or 3495 Tape Library Dataserver.
External Manager
The location of the external library manager where the server can send
media access requests.
Whether this library is shared with other IBM Spectrum Protect servers in
a storage area network (SAN).
Whether an external library is used for LAN-free operations.
Whether the server uses the value that is set for mount retention in the
device class that is associated with this external library.
Related commands
Table 270. Commands related to QUERY LIBRARY
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
Privilege class
* *
►► Query LIBVolume ►
library_name volume_name
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the library. You can use wildcard characters to specify
this name. This parameter is optional. The default is all libraries.
Specifies the volume name. You can use wildcard characters to specify this
name. This parameter is optional. The default is all volumes.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display information about all of the volumes that are checked into the library
named TAPE. See “Field descriptions” on page 917 for field descriptions.
query libvolume tape
Library Name Volume Name Status Owner Last Use Home Device
Element Type
------------ ----------- -------- ------- -------- ------ ------
TAPE 000114 Scratch 1,000 LTO
TAPE NY1602 Scratch 1,001 DLT
Field descriptions
Library Name
The name of the library where the storage volume is located.
Volume Name
The name of the storage volume.
Status The status of the storage volume according to the library inventory. If the
status is Private, the volume is being used by IBM Spectrum Protect. If the
status is Scratch, the volume is available for use.
The owner server of the volume, if the volume is private.
Last Use
The type of data on the volume. This field applies only to volumes in
Private status. For storage pool volumes, this field shows Data. For
database backup volumes (full, incremental, or snapshot), this field shows
Home Element
The element address of the library slot containing the volume.
Device Type
The type of device that the volume is used on. This field will display a
value only for volumes checked into a library that has mixed media
Cleanings Left
For cleaner cartridges, the number of cleanings left.
Media Type
The type of media the volume represents (for example, 8mm tape).
Related commands
Table 271. Commands related to QUERY LIBVOLUME
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated
library is in a consistent state.
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into
an automated library.
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out
of an automated library.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used
for storage within a specified
storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query LICense ►◄
Related commands
Table 272. Commands related to QUERY LICENSE
Command Description
AUDIT LICENSES Verifies compliance with defined licenses.
QUERY AUDITOCCUPANCY Displays the server storage utilization for a
client node.
Privilege class
Format = Standard
►► Query LOG ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display summary information about the recovery log. See “Field descriptions” on
page 924 for field descriptions.
query log
Total Space (MB) Used Space (MB) Free Space (MB)
---------------- --------------- ---------------
38,912 543.3 38,368.7
Display detailed information about the recovery log. See “Field descriptions” on
page 924 for field descriptions.
query log format=detailed
Field descriptions
Total Space
Specifies the maximum size of the active log, in megabytes.
Used Space
Specifies the amount of used active log space, in megabytes.
Free Space
Specifies the amount of active log space that is not being used by
uncommitted transactions, in megabytes.
Total Size of File System
Specifies the total size of the file system, in megabytes.
Space Used on File System
Specifies the amount of used space on the file system, in megabytes.
Free Space on File System
Specifies the amount of space that is available on the file system, in
Archive Log Compressed
Specifies whether the archive logs are compressed.
Active Log Directory
Specifies the location where active log files are stored. When you change
the active log directory, the server moves all archived logs to the archive
log directory and all active logs to a new active log directory.
Mirror Log Directory
Specifies the location where the mirror for the active log is maintained.
Archive Failover Log Directory
Specifies the location into which the server saves archive logs if the logs
cannot be archived to the archive log directory.
Archive Log Directory
Specifies the location into which the server can archive a log file after all
the transactions that are represented in that log file are completed.
Attention: IBM Spectrum Protect does not use the information in any way. It is
available only to help you plan for the disaster recovery of client machines.
IBM Spectrum Protect displays information for multiple machines in the following
v According to the priority specified.
v Within a priority, according to the specified location and machine name.
Privilege class
►► Query MACHine ►
machine_name BUilding = building
► ►
FLoor = floor ROom = room PRIority = priority
Format = Standard
► ►◄
ADSMServer = Yes Format = Standard
No Detailed
Specifies the name of one or more machines to be queried. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The
default is all machines that meet the specified criteria.
Specifies the name or number of the building that the machines are in. This
parameter is optional. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters.
Specifies the name or number of the floor that the machines are on. This
parameter is optional. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters.
Specifies the name or number of the room that the machines are in. This
parameter is optional. The text can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Related commands
Table 273. Commands related to QUERY MACHINE
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
Spectrum Protect node with a machine.
DEFINE RECMEDMACHASSOCIATION Associates recovery media with a machine.
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
INSERT MACHINE Inserts machine characteristics or recovery
instructions into the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect database.
UPDATE MACHINE Changes the information for a machine.
Privilege class
Any administrator with system or operator privilege can issue this command
unless it includes the CMD parameter. If the CMD parameter is specified and the
REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to NO, the administrator must have
operator, unrestricted storage, or system privilege. If the CMD parameter is
specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to YES (the default),
the administrator must have system privilege.
The QUERY MEDIA command displays only volumes with an ACCESS MODE value
* Days = 0
►► Query MEDia STGpool = pool_name ►
volume_name Days = days
► ►
Format = Standard
► ►
Format = Standard WHERESTate = All
Detailed MOUNTABLEInlib
► ►
WHEREOVFLOcation = location CMd = "command"
APPend = No
► ►◄
CMDFilename = file_name APPend = No
Specifies the name of the sequential-access primary or copy storage pool
volume to display. This parameter is optional. You can use a wildcard
character to specify the name. All matching volumes are considered for
processing. If you do not specify this parameter, all volumes defined in the
storage pool specified with the STGPOOL parameter display.
STGpool (Required)
Specifies the name of the sequential-access primary or copy storage pool that is
used to select the volumes for processing. You can use wildcard characters to
1. If the command written to the file exceeds 255 characters, it is split into
multiple lines, and a continuation character (+) is added to all but the last
line. You may need to alter the continuation character according to the
requirements of the product that runs the commands.
2. If an executable command is specified with any value for FORMAT other
than CMD, the command string is ignored, and the QUERY MEDIA command
will not write any command line.
Specify a command string and any substitution variables:
Specifies the string to build an executable command to process the volume
name or volume location or both. You can specify any free form text for
the string. Do not use embedded quotation marks. For example, the
following is a valid executable command specification:
cmd="checkin libvolume &vol"
Display all full and partial full volumes that are in the sequential access primary
storage pool, ARCHIVE. See “Field descriptions” on page 933 for field
query media * stgpool=archive wherestatus=full, filling
Generate the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME commands for full and partially full volumes that
are in the ONSITE.ARCHIVE primary storage pool and stored in the overflow
location Room 2948/Bldg31.
The QUERY MEDIA command created the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME executable commands
in /tsm/move/media/checkin.vols, which can be run by issuing the MACRO
command with /tsm/move/media/checkin.vols as the macro name.
checkin libvol lib3494 TAPE04 status=private
checkin libvol lib3494 TAPE13 status=private
checkin libvol lib3494 TAPE14 status=private
Field descriptions
Volume Name
Specifies the name of the primary sequential access storage pool volume.
State Specifies the state of the volume.
Volume Status
Specifies the status of the volume.
Specifies the access mode of the volume.
Last Reference Date
Specifies the volume's last written date or last read date, whichever is more
Last Update Date/Time
Specifies the date and time when the volume was most recently updated.
Specifies where the volume is stored. If the volume is ejected from the
library and its location is not specified or defined, a question mark (?) is
displayed for the location.
Storage Pool Name
Specifies the name of the sequential access storage pool where the volume
is defined.
Automated LibName
Specifies the automated library name if the volume is in the library.
Related commands
Table 274. Commands related to QUERY MEDIA
Command Description
MOVE MEDIA Moves storage pool volumes that are
managed by an automated library.
Privilege class
* * *
►► Query MGmtclass ►
* *
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the policy domain associated with the management class to query.
This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this
name. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, management classes in
all policy domains are queried. You must specify this parameter when
querying an explicitly named management class.
Specifies the policy set associated with the management class to query. This
parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If
you do not specify a value for this parameter, management classes in all policy
sets are queried. You must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly
named management class.
Specifies the management class to query. This parameter is optional. You can
use wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not specify a value for
this parameter, all management classes are queried.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Query all management classes for all policy domains. Create the output in
standard format. See “Field descriptions” on page 935 for field descriptions.
query mgmtclass
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
The policy domain.
Policy Set Name
The policy set.
Mgmt Class Name
The management class.
Related commands
Table 275. Commands related to QUERY MGMTCLASS
Command Description
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
UPDATE MGMTCLASS Changes the attributes of a management
Privilege class
►► Query MONITORSEttings ►◄
Display details about the monitoring settings. See Field descriptions for more
query monitorsettings
Example output:
Monitor Status: On
Status Refresh Interval (Minutes): 5
Status Retention (Hours): 48
Monitor Message Alerts: On
Alert Update Interval (Minutes): 10
Alert to Email: On
Send Alert Summary to Administrators: On
Alert from Email Address: DJADMIN@MYDOMAIN.COM
Alert SMTP Port: 25
Alert Active Duration (Minutes): 480
Alert Inactive Duration (Minutes): 480
Alert Closed Duration (Minutes): 60
Monitoring Admin: ADMIN
Monitored Group: MONGROUP
Monitored Servers: SERVER2
At-Risk Interval for Applications: 24
Skipped files as At-Risk for Applications?: Yes
At-Risk Interval for Virtual Machines: 24
Skipped files as At-Risk for Virtual Machines?: Yes
At-Risk Interval for Systems: 24
Skipped files as At-Risk for Systems?: Yes
At-Risk Interval for Object Clients: 24
Deployment Repository: /source/packages/deploy
Maximum Deployment Packages: 4
Deployment Package Manager: On
Field descriptions
Monitor Status
Specifies whether alert monitoring on the server is enabled or disabled.
Status Refresh Interval (Minutes)
Specifies the number of minutes between intervals that the monitoring
server gathers event data.
Status Retention (Hours)
Specifies the number of hours that status monitoring indicators are
Related commands
Table 276. Commands related to QUERY MONITORSETTINGS
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
“DELETE ALERTTRIGGER (Remove a Removes a message number that can trigger
message from an alert trigger)” on page 470 an alert.
“DELETE GRPMEMBER (Delete a server Deletes a server from a server group.
from a server group)” on page 501
“DELETE SERVER (Delete a server Deletes the definition of a server.
definition)” on page 525
“QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of Displays information about alerts that have
an alert)” on page 781 been issued on the server.
“QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of Displays message numbers that trigger an
defined alert triggers)” on page 779 alert.
“SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert Specifies whether alert monitoring is set to
monitor to on or off)” on page 1278 on or off.
“SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY (Set the Specifies the location where client
download path for client deployment deployment packages are downloaded.
packages)” on page 1301
“SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS (Set the maximum Specifies the maximum number of client
number of client deployment packages to deployment packages that are downloaded
store)” on page 1302 and stored on the server.
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
You can limit the output to a specified status, such as only messages with a status
of active. If you do not specify any parameters, all messages are displayed.
Privilege class
Format = Standard
►► Query MONITORSTatus ►
Format = Standard
Type = ACtive
► ►
Type = ALl ACtivity = activity_name
► ►◄
NAme = element_name ,
STatus = ▼ Normal
Specifies the amount of information that is displayed. The default value is
STANDARD. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that only partial information is displayed for the specified
Specifies that all information is displayed for the specified messages.
This parameter restricts the output to only messages with the specified type
value. Specify one of the following values:
Displays all information.
Displays all active messages. This is the default value.
Displays all inactive messages.
Example output:
Server Name: SERVER1
Activity Date: 03/05/2013 15:57:37
Element Numeric Value: 0
Element String Value:
Element State: NORMAL
Example output:
Server Name: SERVER1
Activity Date: 03/05/2013 15:57:37
Element Numeric Value: 0
Element String Value:
Element State: NORMAL
Element Details:
Primary Repair Suggestion:
First Alternate Repair Suggestion:
Second Alternate Repair Suggestion:
Field descriptions
Server Name
The name of the server.
Activity Date
The last date and time activity was reported.
Related commands
Table 277. Commands related to QUERY MONITORSTATUS
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status Displays information about a status
monitoring thresholds)” on page 1092 monitoring thresholds.
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Update a Changes the attributes of an existing status
status monitoring threshold)” on page 1617 monitoring threshold.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query MOunt ►◄
volume_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the mounted sequential access volume. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The
default is all mounted volumes.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
1. If the status of a volume is full or if its access mode is read-only (R/O), the
mount mode of the volume is R/O. To determine the status and access mode of
a volume, issue the QUERY VOLUME FORMAT=DETAILED command. If a volume can
be written to (that is, the status is filling or empty), the mount mode of the
volume is read/write (R/W), even if it is only being read.
2. In a storage pool that is associated with the FILE or CENTERA device type, the
server can complete concurrent multiple read-access and one write-access to the
same volume. As a result, a volume in a storage pool with a device type of
FILE or CENTERA can appear to be mounted more than once.
Related commands
Table 278. Commands related to QUERY MOUNT
Command Description
DISMOUNT VOLUME Dismounts a sequential, removable volume
by the volume name.
REPLY Allows a request to continue processing.
The server displays all matching objects, the dates that these objects were backed
up, and information about a table of contents (TOC) for the object.
Privilege class
►► Query NASBAckup node_name filespace_name ►
BEGINDate = date
► ►◄
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the NAS node for which backup objects are displayed.
You cannot use wildcards to specify this name.
filespace_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the file space for which backup objects are displayed.
You can use wildcards to specify this name.
Specifies the beginning date to select the backup objects to display. All backup
objects that were created on or after the specified date are displayed. The
default is seven days prior to the current date. You can use this parameter with
the BEGINTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. This
parameter is optional.
You can specify the date using one of the following values:
Specifies the beginning time to select the backup objects to display. All backup
objects created on or after the specified time display. This parameter is
optional. The default is midnight (00:00:00) on the date specified for the
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending date used to select the backup objects to be displayed. All
backup objects created on or before the specified date are displayed. This
parameter is optional. The default is the current date. You can use this
parameter with the ENDTIME parameter to specify an ending date and time.
You can specify the date using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time used to select the backup objects to be displayed. All
backup objects created on or before the specified time are displayed. This
parameter is optional. The default is 23:59:59. You can use this parameter with
the ENDDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time.
You can specify the time using one of the following values:
Specifies the type of NDMP backup images for which you want to display
information. The default value for this parameter is BACKUPIMAGE. Other
image types represent backup methods that might be specific to a particular
file server. Possible values are:
Issue the QUERY NASBACKUP command to display information about a node, nas1,
and a filespace, /vol/vol1.
query nasbackup nas1 /vol/vol1
Node Filespace Object Object Creation Has Mgmt Image
Name Name Type Size Date Table of Class Storage
(MB) (MB) Contents Contents Name Pool
(TOC) Name
----- -------- --------- ----- ---------- -------- -------- --------
NAS1 vol/vol1 Full image 1050.5 10/22/2002 YES DEFAULT NASBACKUPS
NAS1 vol/vol1 Differential 9.1 10/22/2002 YES DEFAULT NASBACKUPS
image 11:03:21
NAS1 vol/vol1 Full image 1050.5 10/22/2006 YES STANDARD FILEPOOL
NAS1 vol/vol1 Differential 9.1 10/25/2006 YES STANDARD FILEPOOL
image 11:53:21
Issue the QUERY NASBACKUP command to display information about all NetApp
SnapMirror to Tape images for a node, nas2, and a filespace, /vol/vol2.
query nasbackup nas2 /vol/vol2 type=snapmirror
Node Filespace Object Object Creation Mgmt Class Image
Name Name Type Size Date Name Storage
(MB) Pool Name
----- -------- --------–- ----—- ---------- --------- -------–-
NAS2 vol/vol2 SnapMirror 1050.5 04/02/2008 STANDARD MYPOOL
NAS2 vol/vol2 SnapMirror 1450.5 04/02/2008 STANDARD MYPOOL
Field descriptions
Node Name
The name of the client node.
Filespace Name
The name of the filespace.
Object Type
The type of object backed up.
Object Size (MB)
The size of the object in megabytes.
Related commands
Table 279. Commands related to QUERY NASBACKUP
Command Description
BACKUP NODE Backs up a network-attached storage (NAS)
BACKUP NAS (IBM Spectrum Protect client Creates a backup of NAS node data.
QUERY TOC Displays details about the table of contents
for a specified backup image.
RESTORE NODE Restores a network-attached storage (NAS)
Privilege class
►► Query Node ►
node_name ,
DOmain = ▼ domain_name
Format = Standard
► ►
Format = Standard AUTHentication = LOcal
Detailed LDap
Type = Client
► ►◄
Type = Client
Specifies the name of the client node to be queried. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. All matching client nodes are queried. If you
do not specify a value for this parameter, all client nodes are queried. The
parameter is optional.
Specifies a list of policy domains that limit the client node query. Only nodes
that are assigned to one of the specified policy domains are displayed. This
parameter is optional. Separate the items in the list by commas, with no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify a domain. All
clients that are assigned to a matching domain are displayed. If you do not
specify a value for this parameter, all policy domains are included in the query.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified client nodes.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the specified client
Specifies the type of node to include in the query results. The parameter is
optional. The default value is CLIENT. You can specify one of the following
Field descriptions
Node Name
The name of the client node.
The operating system of the client node, as of the last time that the client
node contacted the server. A question mark (?) is displayed until the client
node first accesses the server and reports its operating system type.
Client OS Level
The level of the operating system for the client as of the last time that the
client node contacted the server.
Client Version
The version of the client that is installed on the client node.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS
Application Version
The version of the Data Protection for VMware client.
Policy Domain Name
The assigned policy domain of the client node.
Last Access Date/Time
The last date and time that the client node accessed the server.
Days Since Last Access
The number of days that elapsed since the last time that the client node
accessed the server.
Password Set Date/Time
The date and time that the password was set for the client node.
Days Since Password Set
The number of days that elapsed since the password was set for the client
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS.
Archive Delete Allowed?
Whether the client node can delete its own archive files.
Backup Delete Allowed?
Whether the client node can delete its own backup files.
Registration Date/Time
The date and time that the client node was registered.
Registering Administrator
The name of the administrator that registered the client node.
Last Communication Method Used
The communication method that was last used by the client node to
contact the server.
Bytes Received Last Session
The number of bytes received by the server during the last client node
This field does not apply to NAS nodes.
Bytes Sent Last Session
The number of bytes sent to the client node.
This field does not apply to NAS nodes.
Duration of Last Session
How long the most recent client node session lasted, in seconds.
This field does not apply to NAS nodes.
Pct. Idle Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client was not running any
This field does not apply to NAS nodes.
Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client waited for a
communication response from the server.
This field does not apply to NAS nodes.
Pct. Media Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client waited for a
removable volume to be mounted.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS
Auto Filespace Rename
Whether IBM Spectrum Protect prompts the client to rename file spaces
when the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode. This
field is valid only for client systems that use Windows, Macintosh OS X, or
NetWare operating systems.
Validate Protocol (deprecated)
Whether the client has data validation enabled. If the client has data
validation enabled, this field specifies whether IBM Spectrum Protect
validates only the file data or all data, which includes file metadata. You
can enable data validation by using the REGISTER NODE or UPDATE NODE
command. This field is deprecated.
Tip: If the node contains file spaces that are members of a file space
collocation group, this field is left blank. You can find file space names by
issuing the QUERY FILESPACE command.
Proxynode Target
Specifies which nodes are proxy nodes (agents) for other nodes, in a
space-separated list. If there are no nodes in that type of association, this
field is blank.
If you want to view all nodes that authenticate locally, specify the following
query node * authentication=local
Node Platform Policy Days Since Days Since Locked?
Name Domain Name Last Access Password Set
Related commands
Table 280. Commands related to QUERY NODE
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
Privilege class
Restriction: You cannot use this command to display information for container
storage pools.
► ►◄
STGpool = pool_name VOLume = vol_name
Specifies the name of the client node for which you want to locate data. You
can specify one or more names. If you specify multiple names, separate the
names with commas; do not use intervening spaces. You can also use wildcard
characters to specify multiple names. You must specify either a node name or
collocation group name, but not both.
Specifies the name of the collocation group for which you want to locate data.
You must specify either a node name or collocation group name, but not both.
Important: If the amount of space that is needed to complete the query about
a collocation group exceeds the SQL buffer limit, the QUERY NODEDATA command
can fail. If the command fails for this reason, issue the QUERY COLLOCGROUP
command to display a list of nodes in the group. Then, issue the QUERY
NODEDATA command for each node in the group.
Specifies the name of the sequential storage pool to query. This parameter is
optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify the names. If a wildcard
matches the name of a disk storage pool, the name of the disk storage pool is
ignored. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all sequential storage
pools are queried.
Specifies the volume that contains the data. This parameter is optional. You can
use wildcard characters to specify multiple names. If you do not specify a
value for this parameter, all volumes in the storage pool are queried.
Display information about the location of node data in a sequential storage pool
for a particular collocation group. In this example, nodes EDU_J3 and EDU_JJ1 are
the only members that belong to collocation group, grp1, and have data in a
sequential access storage pool.
query nodedata collocgroup=grp1
Node Name Volume Name Storage Pool Physical
Name Space
--------- ------------------------------ ------------ --------
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000120.BFS EDU319 0.01
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000121.BFS EDU512 0.01
If you specify a file space collocation group, only the volumes of the file spaces
that belong to the collocation group are displayed. If you specify a file space
collocation group and a volume, the file space volumes within the collocation
group that are also in the specified volume are displayed.
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the node.
Volume Name
Specifies the name of the volume that contains the node data.
Storage Pool Name
Specifies the name of the storage pool in which the volume is located.
Physical Space Occupied (MB)
Specifies the amount of physical space that is occupied by the node's data.
Physical space includes empty space within aggregates, from which files
might be deleted or expired.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query NODEGroup ►◄
group_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the node group to display. To specify multiple names,
use a wildcard character. This parameter is optional. The default is to display
all node groups.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed. To display the members
of the node group, you must specify FORMAT=DETAILED.
Display the node groups defined on the server. See “Field descriptions” on page
969 for field descriptions.
query nodegroup
Node Group Name Node Group Description
-------------------------- ------------------------------
DEPT_ED Education department
GROUP1 Low cap client nodes.
Display complete information about all node groups and determine which client
nodes belong to which node groups. See “Field descriptions” on page 969 for field
query nodegroup format=detailed
Field descriptions
Node Group Name
The name of the node group.
Node Group Description
The description for the node group.
Last Update by (administrator)
The name of the administrator that defined or most recently updated the
node group.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time that an administrator defined or most recently updated
the node group.
Node Group Member(s)
The members of the node group.
Related commands
Table 282. Commands related to QUERY NODEGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
* *
►► Query OCCupancy ►
► ►
STGpool = pool_name DEVclass = device_class_name
► ►◄
CODEType = UNIcode
Specifies the node that owns the file spaces that you want to locate. This
parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you
do not specify a value for this parameter, all nodes are queried.
Specifies the file space that you want to locate. This parameter is optional. You
can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a value for
this parameter, all file spaces are queried. You must specify a node name if you
specify a file space name.
For a server that has clients with Unicode support, you might need to have the
server convert the file space name that you enter. For example, you might need
to have the server convert the name that you enter from the server's code page
to Unicode. See the NAMETYPE parameter for details. If you do not specify a file
space name or specify only a single wildcard character for the name, you can
use the CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode file spaces or
non-Unicode file spaces.
Specifies the storage pool to query for files from the specified file space. This
Display information about where all file spaces assigned to the node named
DAISY are stored. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query occupancy daisy
Node Type Filespace FSID Storage Number Physical Logical
Name Name Pool of Space Space
Name Files Occupied Occupied
(MB) (MB)
------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- --------
DAISY Bkup DRIVED 1 COPYFILE 38 0.45 0.42
Display information about the file spaces that belong to the node WAYNE, and that
have a backup file type. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query occupancy wayne type=backup
Node Type Filespace FSID Storage Number Physical Logical
Name Name Pool of Space Space
Name Files Occupied Occupied
(MB) (MB)
------ ----- --------- ----- ----------- ------- --------- --------
WAYNE Bkup DWG1 1 BACKUPPOOL1 2,330 53.19 50.01
WAYNE Bkup OS2C 2 BACKUPPOOL1 1,554 32.00 31.30
Field descriptions
Node Name
The node that owns the file space. If the node was previously deleted, the
node name DELETED is displayed.
Type The type of data. Possible values are:
Arch Data that has been archived.
Bkup Data that has been backed up.
SpMg Data that has been migrated from an IBM Spectrum Protect for
Space Management client.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space that belongs to the node.
If the file space was previously deleted, the file space name DELETED is
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed
up and can be restored normally, but the file space name or file name
might be displayed with a combination of invalid characters or blank
If the file space name is Unicode-enabled, the name is converted to the
server code page for display. The success of the conversion depends on the
Tip: This field does not display a value for storage pools that are set up
for data deduplication. If you turn off data deduplication for a storage
pool, a value for physical occupancy is not displayed until the storage pool
is empty of deduplicated files.
Logical Space Occupied (MB)
The amount of space that is occupied by logical files in the file space.
Logical space is the space that is actually used to store files, excluding
empty space within aggregates. For this value, 1 MB = 1048576 bytes.
FSID The file space ID (FSID) for the file space. The server assigns a unique
FSID when a file space is first stored on the server.
Related commands
Table 283. Commands related to QUERY OCCUPANCY
Command Description
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
Change server options by editing the server options file or by issuing the SETOPT
command. When you edit the server options file, you must restart the server
before any changes take effect. Any changes you make by issuing the SETOPT
command take effect immediately.
Privilege class
►► Query OPTion ►◄
Specifies the name of an option in the server options file. This parameter is
optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. All matching
server options display. If you do not specify this parameter, information on all
options displays.
Display general information about all server options. The output lists all options
with their specified values.
query option
View the option settings for all options that begin with L.
query option l*
Server Option Option Setting
----------------- --------------------
Language AMENG
Field descriptions
Server Option
Specifies the name of the option in the server options file.
Related commands
Table 284. Commands related to QUERY OPTION
Command Description
SETOPT Updates a server option without stopping
and restarting the server.
Privilege class
►► Query PATH ►
► ►
► ►
DRIVE LIBRary = library_name
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the name of a source for which to display paths. This parameter is
optional. You can specify wildcard characters. The default is to display paths
for all sources.
A source is a data mover, a server, or a storage agent.
Specifies the name of a destination for which to display paths. This parameter
is optional. You can specify wildcard characters. The default is to display paths
for all destinations.
Specifies the type of the source. This parameter is optional. The default is to
display paths for all source types. Possible values are:
Specifies to display paths with any source type.
Specifies to only display paths with the DATAMOVER source type.
Specifies to only display paths with the SERVER source type. (A source
that has a source type of SERVER is a storage agent.)
Display information about paths for the source NETAPP1. See “Field descriptions”
on page 978 for field descriptions.
query path netapp1
Source Name Source Type Destination Name Destination Type Online
----------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------
Display detailed information about paths for the source NETAPP1. See “Field
descriptions” on page 978 for field descriptions.
query path netapp1 format=detailed
Field descriptions
Source Name
The name of the source.
Destination Name
The name of the destination.
Source Type
The type of the source.
Destination Type
The type of the destination.
The name of the library that contains the drive that is the destination.This
field will be blank if the destination type is library. The library name is in
destination name field when the destination is a library.
Related commands
Table 285. Commands related to QUERY PATH
Command Description
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Privilege class
* *
►► Query POlicyset ►
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the policy domain associated with the policy set to query. This
parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you
do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy domains are queried. You
must specify this parameter when querying an explicitly named policy set.
Specifies the policy set to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify either ACTIVE or a
policy set name, all policy sets are queried.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Query all policy sets for all policy domains. Create the output in standard format.
See “Field descriptions” on page 981 for field descriptions.
query policyset
Field descriptions
Policy Domain Name
The name of the policy domain.
Policy Set Name
The name of the policy set.
Default Mgmt Class Name
The management class assigned as the default for the policy set.
The description of the policy set.
Last Update by (administrator)
The name of the administrator or server that most recently updated the
policy set. If this field contains $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$, the policy set is
associated with a domain that is managed by the configuration manager.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time when the policy set was most recently defined or
Related commands
Table 286. Commands related to QUERY POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY POLICYSET Creates a copy of a policy set.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE POLICYSET Deletes a policy set, including its
management classes and copy groups, from a
policy domain.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
UPDATE POLICYSET Changes the description of a policy set.
VALIDATE POLICYSET Verifies and reports on conditions the
administrator must consider before activating
the policy set.
Privilege class
►► Query PRocess ►
process_number DESCription = string
► ►◄
STATus = string
Specifies the number of the background process to be queried. This parameter
is optional. If not specified, information about all background processes is
Specifies a text string that you want to search for in the list of active processes'
descriptions. Enclose the string expression in quotation marks if it contains
blanks. You can use text and a wildcard character to specify this string. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies a text string that you want to search for in the list of active processes'
statuses. Enclose the string expression in quotation marks if it contains blanks.
You can use text and a wildcard character to specify this string. This parameter
is optional.
After you start a node replication process with file recovery enabled, verify that
the target replication server initiated the file recovery process. Issue the QUERY
PROCESS command on the target replication server. For descriptions of fields, see
“Field descriptions” on page 987.
query process
After you start a node replication process with file recovery enabled, verify that
damaged files are being recovered. Issue the QUERY PROCESS command on the
source replication server. For descriptions of fields, see “Field descriptions” on
page 987.
query process
Process Process Description Process Status
------- ------------------- ------------------------
6 Replicate Node Recovering damaged files
(As Secondary from server SERVER2,
Recovery) process 4, number of
active sessions 10.
After you start a storage pool conversion process, verify that the files are being
converted. For descriptions of fields, see “Field descriptions” on page 987.
query process
After the data-transfer operation from the local disk to the cloud starts, verify that
the data is moving. For descriptions of fields, see “Field descriptions.”
query process
Field descriptions
Process Number
Specifies the number that is assigned to the active background process.
Process Description
Specifies a description of the active background process.
Tip: When a node replication process is finished on the target replication server,
only end process information is stored in the activity summary table. The full
summary for the replication process is stored in the activity summary table on the
source replication server.
Related commands
Table 287. Command related to QUERY PROCESS
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
IDENTIFY DUPLICATES Identifies duplicate data in a storage pool.
QUERY EXPORT Displays the export operations that are
currently running or suspended.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
RESTART EXPORT Restarts a suspended export operation.
SUSPEND EXPORT Suspends a running export operation.
If you query a locked profile from the configuration manager to which the profile
belongs, complete profile information is displayed. If you query a locked profile
from another server, the query displays only that the profile is locked.
Privilege class
►► Query PROFIle ►
profile_name (1)
SERVer = server_name
1 The server name you specify depends on the server from which you issue the
command. See the description of the SERVER parameter.
Specifies the profile to display. To specify multiple names, use a wildcard
character. This parameter is optional. The default is to display all profiles.
Specifies the configuration manager whose profile information is displayed.
The requirements for the name depends on where the query is issued:
v From a configuration manager: This parameter is optional. The default is the
configuration manager's name.
v From a managed server: This parameter is optional. The default is the name
of the configuration manager for this managed server.
v From a server that is neither a configuration manager nor a managed server:
You must specify a name.
Specifies whether partial or detailed information is displayed. The default is
STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that detailed information is displayed.
Note: When the profile is locked, most fields are not displayed.
query profile admin_info
format=detailed uselocal=no
Configuration manager: SERVER1
Profile name: ADMIN_INFO
Locked: No
Description: Distributed administrative schedules
Server administrators: DENNIS EMILY ANDREA
Policy domains: ADMIN RECORDS
Administrative command schedules: ** all objects **
Server Command Scripts:
Client Option Sets:
Server Groups:
Field descriptions
Configuration manager
The name of the configuration manager that owns the profile.
Related commands
Table 288. Commands related to QUERY PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UNLOCK PROFILE Enables a locked profile to be distributed to
managed servers.
UPDATE PROFILE Changes the description of a profile.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query PROTECTStatus ►◄
pool_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool to be queried. This
parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If
you do not specify a value, the status of all directory-container storage pools is
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display information about the storage pool that is named POOL1. Issue the
following command:
query protectstatus pool1
Source Source Target Target Pct. Last Complete
Server Name Storage Pool Server Name Storage Pool Protected Protect
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- --------------
NEXT POOL1 NEXT POOL1COPY 96.55 02/17/2017 11:15:07
NEXT POOL1 NEXT1 POOL2 99.99 02/17/2017 11:14:53
NEXT1 POOL2 NEXT POOL1 100.00 02/17/2017 12:56:58
Display information in full detail about the storage pool named, POOL1. Issue the
following command:
query protectstatus pool1 format=detailed
Field descriptions
Source Server Name
The name of the source server.
Source Storage Pool
The name of the directory-container storage pool on the source server.
Target Server Name
The name of the target server.
Target Storage Pool
The name of the directory-container storage pool on the target server.
Pct. Protected
The percentage of protected data in the directory-container storage pool.
Data Extents Protected
The number of data extents that are protected in the directory-container
storage pool.
Data Extents Total
The total number of data extents in the directory-container storage pool.
Protected (MB)
The total amount of protected data that is in the directory-container
storage pool, in megabytes.
Total (MB)
The total amount of data that is in the directory-container storage pool, in
Last Completed Protection
The date and time that the directory-container storage pool was last
Last Refresh Date/Time
The date and time that the directory-container storage pool was last
Related commands
Table 289. Commands related to QUERY PROTECTSTATUS
Command Description
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query PROXynode TArget = ►◄
Specifies the name of the node targeted by the node with proxy authority. It is
optional to specify a target node name. Wildcard names can be used to specify
the target node name. A comma-separated list of node names is also allowed.
To display all IBM Spectrum Protect client nodes with proxy authority to the target
node named MYCLUSTER, issue the following command.
query proxynode target=mycluster
Target Node Agent Node
--------------- ----------------
Field descriptions
Target Node
Specifies the name of the node targeted by the node with proxy authority.
Agent Node
Specifies the name of the agent node.
Related commands
Table 290. Commands related to QUERY PROXYNODE
Command Description
GRANT PROXYNODE Grant proxy authority to an agent node.
REVOKE PROXYNODE Revoke proxy authority from an agent node.
This command generates a PVU estimate that is based on the number of logical
nodes that are defined to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. By contrast, the
calculation of license obligations is based on the number of physical computers.
There might not be a one-to-one correlation between the number of logical nodes
and the number of physical computers. The report that is generated by the QUERY
PVUESTIMATE command is an estimate, which is not legally binding.
Note: The PVU information reported by IBM Spectrum Protect is not considered
an acceptable substitute for the IBM License Metric Tool.
Privilege class
Format = Standard
►► Query PVUESTIMate ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the output format. This parameter is optional. The default is
Standard. The following values can be used:
Specifies standard output.
Specifies detailed output.
Display the estimated number of client devices and server devices, and the
estimated PVU for the server devices, for an IBM Spectrum Protect server. Issue
the following command:
query pvuestimate
Display information for individual nodes by specifying the detailed (d) value for
the Format parameter. Issue the following command:
tsm: PATMOS_630> query pvuestimate f=d
Table 292. Node classifications for specific products
Product Number Number PVU of
of Client of Server Server
Devices Devices Devices
IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition 1,000 905 90,500
- banode1 1
- banode2 1 200
- banode3 1
- banode3 1 100
Related commands
Table 293. Commands related to QUERY PVUESTIMATE
Command Description
AUDIT LICENSES Verifies compliance with defined licenses.
QUERY LICENSE Displays information about licenses and
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
REGISTER LICENSE Registers a license with the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
SET CPUINFOREFRESH Specifies the number of days between client
scans for workstation information used for
PVU estimates.
SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD Specifies the number of days between
automatic license audits.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Remember: IBM Spectrum Protect does not use the information. It is available
only to help you plan for the disaster recovery of client machines.
Privilege class
►► Query RECOVERYMedia ►
media_name Type = BOot
Format = Standard
► ►◄
LOcation = location Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the recovery media. You can use wildcard characters to
specify the name. This parameter is optional. The default is all recovery media.
Specifies the type of media to be queried. This parameter is optional. If this
parameter is not specified, all recovery media are queried. Possible values are:
Only boot media are queried.
All media other than boot media are queried.
Specifies the location of the recovery media to be queried. This parameter is
optional. You can specify up to 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. Possible
values are:
Displays partial information. This is the default.
Displays all information.
Field descriptions
Recovery Media Name
The name of the recovery media.
Type Whether the recovery media are boot media or another type of media.
Possible values are:
Boot The recovery media are boot media.
Other The recovery media are not boot media.
Volume Names
The set of volumes that contain the data needed to recover machines
associated with this media.
Where the recovery media is stored.
A description of the recovery media.
The product used to create the boot media.
Product Information
Information about the product that created the boot media. This
information may be needed for restoring the machine.
Machine Name
The machines that are associated with this recovery media.
When you issue this command, you will see which client nodes failed during the
replication process. Files that failed to replicate from the source server to the target
server are displayed during this process.
Privilege class
Type = Summary
►► Query REPLFAILures ▼ ►◄
node_name Type = Summary
node_group_name Objects
node_name or node_group_name
Specifies the name of the client node or defined group of client nodes that you
want to verify. This parameter is optional. You can also specify a combination
of client node names and client-node group names. To specify multiple client
node names or client-node group names, separate the names with commas
with no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters with client node
names but not with client-node group names.
Specifies the output format. This parameter is optional. The default value is
SUMMARY. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that summarized status is displayed.
Specifies that a full report is displayed of all objects that failed to replicate.
Display a summary about the NODE2 replication failure. See “Field descriptions” on
page 1003 for field descriptions.
query replfailures node2
Display detailed information about all replication failures on NODE2. See “Field
descriptions” for field descriptions.
query replfailures node2 type=objects
Field descriptions
Node Name
The name of the client node whose data is displayed.
Time Stamp
The date and time when the object starts to be replicated.
FSID The file space identifier (FSID).
Object Name
The name of the object that failed to replicate.
Object ID
The object identifier.
Source RC
The error code.
Source RC Explanation
The reason why the node on the source server was not replicated.
Target RC
The error code.
Target RC Explanation
The reason why the target server was unable to store data for the node.
Related commands
Table 295. Commands related to QUERY REPLFAILURES
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
CANCEL REPLICATION Cancels node replication processes.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Important: You cannot display information about running replication processes for
client nodes that are being converted from import and export operations to
replication operations. The conversion process might run for a long time, but it
occurs only once for a client node that is being converted.
To display the retention period, issue the QUERY STATUS command. Check the value
in the Replication Record Retention Period field. To change the retention period,
issue the SET REPLRETENTION command.
Privilege class
►► Query REPLIcation node_name ►
DISplay = 1
► ►
DISplay = number_of_days PROCessid = process_identifier
1 Do not mix FSIDs (file space identifiers) and file space names in the same
2 Do not specify FSID if you use wildcard characters for the client node name.
Display information about replication processes for a file space in client node
PAYROLL. The file space identifier is 10.
query replication ironman
NodeName Filespace FSID Start Time End Time Status Phase
IRONMAN /space 2 02/08/11 02/08/11 Ended None
21:44:19 21:48:14
Field descriptions
Node Name
The name of the client node whose data is displayed.
Filespace Name
The name of the client file space whose data is displayed.
FSID The file space identifier.
Start Time
The date and time that the node replication process started.
End Time
The date and time that the node replication process ended.
Status The status of the node replication process. The following values are
Privilege class
node_name (Required)
Specifies the client node that owns the files about which you want information.
You can specify one or more names. If you specify multiple names, separate
the names with commas. Do not use intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
characters to specify multiple names.
Information about client nodes that match the file criteria, but that are not
configured for replication, is not displayed.
Specifies the name of the replication server to query for replication
information. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, the server that is the default target for replicated data is queried.
As the value for this parameter, you can also specify a server that was
formerly a target for replicated data.
The client nodes that are defined to a replication server can be the source or
the target of replicated data. To determine whether a particular client node is
sending or receiving data, issue the QUERY NODE command. Look for the value
Send or Receive in the Replication Mode field of the output.
To display the name of the active target replication server, issue the QUERY
STATUS command, and look for the name in the Target Replication Server field.
The number of files that are displayed for the replication servers might be different
for the following reasons:
v The output of the QUERY REPLNODE command displays the number of files
obtained from the occupancy table. The occupancy table contains only files that
have a length greater than zero. Files that have a length of 0 and have been
replicated are not reflected in this output.
v If only active data is replicated to the target server, the number of files that are
displayed for the source server will be larger than the number of files that are
displayed on the target server. The reason for the difference is that the source
replication server has both active and inactive data, and the target server has
only active data.
v A client node might have data that was exported from the source replication
server and imported to the target replication server. If that data was
synchronized and if the client node also stored data to the target replication
server, then the number of files on the target replication server will be greater
than the number of files stored as a result of export-and-import operations and
v When you replicate node data from a source server prior to version 7.1, to a
target server at version 7.1 or later, files that are larger than 10 GB are split in to
smaller files if the SPLITLARGEOBJECTS parameter for the node definition is set to
Yes. Each of these split files are counted on the target server.
Field descriptions
Node Name
The name of the client node that owns the files.
Type The type of data. If this field is blank, the client node is configured for
replication, but it does not have data on the replication server. In the
example output, NODE2 is configured for replication, but it does not have
backup, archive, or space-managed data.
The following values are possible:
Arch Archive data
Bkup Backup data
SpMg Data that was migrated by IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management clients
Filespace Name
The name of the file space that belongs to the node.
If this field is blank, the client node is configured for replication, but it
does not have data on the replication server.
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
Related commands
Table 297. Commands related to QUERY REPLNODE
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
►► Query REPLRule ►◄
Privilege class
Specifies the name of the replication rule that you want to display information
about. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify
one or more rules. If you do not specify this parameter, information about all
rules is displayed in the query output. You can specify the following values:
Displays information about the ALL_DATA replication rule. This rule
replicates backup, archive, or space-managed data. The data is replicated
with a normal priority.
Displays information about ACTIVE_DATA replication rule. This rule
replicates only active backup data. The data is replicated with a normal
priority. This rule is not valid for archive or space-managed data.
Field descriptions
Replication Rule Name
Specifies the name of the rule that was queried.
Target Replication Server
Specifies the name of the target replication server.
Active Only
Specifies whether the rule applies only to active backup data. The
following values are possible:
Yes Specifies that only active backup data is replicated for file spaces to
which this rule is assigned.
No Specifies that all backup data is replicated for file spaces to which
this rule is assigned.
Specifies whether the rule is enabled or disabled. The following values are
Yes Specifies that the rule is enabled for replication. Data in file spaces
to which the rule is assigned is replicated.
No Specifies that the rule is not enabled for replication. Data in file
spaces to which the rule is assigned is not replicated.
Related commands
Table 298. Commands related to QUERY REPLRULE
Command Description
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
UPDATE REPLRULE Enables or disables replication rules.
Privilege class
►► Query REPLServer ►◄
Display information about the replicating server. Issue the command from either
the source or the target replication server:
query replserver *
Replication Globally Unique ID: 4d.83.fc.30.67.c1.11.e1.b8.
Server Name: Server1
Last Replication:
Failover High Level Address: server1.example.com
Failover TCP Port Number: 1500
Failover SSL Port Number: 1542
Deletion in Progress: No
Dissimilar Policies:
Display information about the replicating server DRServer1. Issue the command
from either the source or the target replication server:
1024 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
query replserver drserver1
Replication Globally Unique ID: 91.0f.ef.90.5c.cc.11.e1.ae.
Server Name: DRServer1
Last Replication: 06/30/2012 08:16:30 PM
Heartbeat: 07/09/2012 22:15:22 PM
Fail over High Level Address: drserver1.example.com
Failover TCP Port Number: 1500
Failover SSL Port Number: 1542
Deletion in Progress: No
Dissimilar Policies: On
Specifies the name of the replication server to be queried. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. All matching servers are queried. If
you do not specify a value for this parameter, all servers are queried. The
parameter is optional.
Field descriptions
Replication Globally Unique ID
The unique identifier for the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The values for
the Replication Globally Unique ID are created when a server is first used
in a replication process.
Tip: The ID listed in the Replication Globally Unique ID field is not the
same value as the value for the ID listed in the Machine Globally Unique
ID field that is shown in the QUERY STATUS command.
Server Name
The name of the replication server.
Last Replication
The date of the last replication process that used the server.
The last time that the server completed a successful test communication
Failover TCP Port Number
The active Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) client port on the
replication server that is used for client connections. If the client is
configured for TCP, the port is used to connect to the failover server.
Failover SSL Port Number
The active Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port on the replication server that is
used for client connections. If the client is configured for SSL, the port is
used to connect to the failover server.
Failover High Level Address
The high-level address that the client uses to connect to the replication
server during failover.
Deletion in Progress
Specifies whether a REMOVE REPLSERVER command was issued for this
replication server and is still in progress. The following values are possible:
Yes The deletion of the replication server is in progress.
No The deletion of the replication server is not in progress.
Related commands
Table 299. Commands related to QUERY REPLSERVER
Command Description
“REMOVE REPLNODE (Remove a client Removes a node from replication.
node from replication)” on page 1192
“REMOVE REPLSERVER (Remove a Removes a server from replication.
replication server)” on page 1194
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
►► Query REQuest ►◄
Specifies the identification number of the pending mount request. This
parameter is optional. The default is all pending mount requests.
Display information about all pending mount requests after a CHECKIN LIBVOL is
query request
Related commands
Table 300. Related commands for QUERY REQUEST
Command Description
CANCEL REQUEST Cancels pending volume mount requests.
REPLY Allows a request to continue processing.
Privilege class
►► Query RESTore ►
node_name file_space_name
Specifies the client node to be queried. This parameter is optional. If you do
not specify a value, all client nodes with restartable restore sessions are
displayed. You must specify a value for this parameter if you specify a file
space name.
Specifies the file space to be queried. This parameter is optional. If you do not
specify a value, all file spaces are matched for the specified node.
For a server that has clients with support for Unicode, you may need to have
the server convert the file space name that you enter. For example, you may
need to have the server convert the name you enter from the server's code
page to Unicode. See the NAMETYPE parameter for details.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Specify how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with support for
Unicode. You can use this parameter for Unicode-enabled IBM Spectrum
Protect clients using Windows, Macintosh OS 9, Macintosh OS X, and NetWare
operating systems.
Use this parameter only when you enter a partly or fully qualified file space
name. The default value is SERVER. Possible values are:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names.
Display detailed information about client node JAMES associated with file space
DRIVE_F_R. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query restore james drive_f_r format=detailed
Sess Number: -1
Restore State: Restartable
Elapsed Minutes: 2
Node Name: JAMES
Filespace Name: DRIVE_F_R:
Field descriptions
Sess Number
Specifies the session number for the restartable restore session. The number
for active restore sessions is the same number displayed on the QUERY
SESSION command. For restore sessions in the restartable state, a negative
number is displayed for the session number. Any session number
displayed in the QUERY RESTORE output may be specified from the QUERY
RESTORE output.
Restore State
v Active: Specifies the restore session is actively restoring files to the client.
v Restartable: Specifies the restore session failed and can be restarted from
where it left off.
Elapsed Minutes
Specifies the number of minutes since the restore session started. Any
restartable restore session with an elapsed time greater than the
RESTOREINTERVAL server option can be automatically deleted from the
database when needed or during expiration processing. If the elapsed time
is less than the RESTOREINTERVAL, you can delete this entry (and unlock
the filespace) only by issuing the CANCEL RESTORE command lowering the
Node Name
Specifies the node associated with the restartable restore session.
FSID Specifies the file space ID of the file space.
Filespace Name
Specifies the file space associated with the restartable restore session.
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed
Related commands
Table 301. Commands related to QUERY RESTORE
Command Description
CANCEL RESTORE Cancels a restartable restore session.
| Privilege class
| Syntax
| Format = Standard
►► Query RETRule ►◄
retrule_name Format = Standard
| Parameters
| retrule_name
| Specifies the name of the retention rule to query. This parameter is optional. If
| you specify a retention rule, only that retention rule is considered during query
| processing. If you do not specify a rule, all retention rules are displayed.
| Format
| Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
| default value is STANDARD. You can specify one of the following values:
| Standard
| Specifies that partial information is displayed.
| Detailed
| Specifies that complete information is displayed. For example, you can see
| when the next retention set creation job will run.
| Display detailed information about a retention rule that is named WEEKLY. See
| “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
| query retrule weekly format=detailed
| Retention Rule Name: WEEKLY
| Retention Period: 2,000
| Number of Clients: 2
| Description:
| Retention Rule Contents: FILEMAN TAPEMAN
| Start Date/Time: 05/07/2018 08:44:35
| Next Scheduled Start Date/Time: 07/02/2018 08:44:35
| Schedule Style: Classic
| Retention Rule Frequency: Weekly
| Day of Week: Any
| Month:
| Day of Month:
| Week of Month:
| Active?: Yes
| Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN1A
| Last Update Date/Time: 05/07/2018 08:44:35
| Field descriptions
| Retention Rule Name
| The name of the retention rule.
| Retention Period
| The length of time, in days, for which any retention set that is created by
| the retention rule is retained by the server. If no retention period was
| specified, the value NOLIMIT is displayed.
| Number of Clients
| The number of clients that are included in the retention rule. If wildcards
| are used in the node and/or filespace specifications, this value reflects the
| number of clients that match those specifications when the query runs.
| Description
| A description of the retention rule.
| Retention Rule Contents
| The clients that are included in retention sets created by this retention rule.
| If wildcards are specified for the nodes or file spaces, these wildcard
| values are displayed in the query output.
| Start Date/Time
| The starting date and time of the range from when the retention rule runs.
| Next Scheduled Start Date/Time
| The starting date and time when the next retention rule is scheduled.
| If the ACTIVE parameter is set to Yes, this date corresponds to the date is
| when the next retention set is created by this retention rule. If the ACTIVE
| parameter is set to No, this field is blank.
| Schedule Style
| Specifies whether classic or enhanced schedule rules are used.
| Retention Rule Frequency
| The frequency with which a retention rule is created. If the
| SCHEDSTYLE=ENHANCED setting is specified, this field is blank.
| Day of Week
| The day of the week that the scheduled retention rule runs.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 1031
| Month
| The month of the year that the scheduled retention rule runs. If the
| SCHEDSTYLE=CLASSIC setting is specified, this field is blank.
| Week of Month
| The week of the month that the scheduled retention rule runs. If the
| SCHEDSTYLE=CLASSIC setting is specified, this field is blank.
| Active Indication of whether the retention rule is active or inactive.
| Last Update by (administrator)
| The administrator ID that defined or most recently updated the retention
| rule.
| Last Update Date/Time
| The date and time that an administrator defined or most recently updated
| the retention rule.
| Related commands
| Table 302. Commands related to QUERY RETRULE
| Command Description
| DEFINE RETRULE Defines a retention rule.
| UPDATE RETRULE Changes the attributes of a retention rule.
| DELETE RETRULE Deletes a retention rule.
| RENAME RETRULE Renames a retention rule.
| Privilege class
| Syntax
| ►► Query RETSet ►
| retset_id NOdename = node_name
| ,
► FIlespace = ▼ filespace_name ►
UNIcode NONUNIcode
1032 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
| EXPBEGINDate = earliest_date EXPBEGINTime = 00:00:00 EXPENDDate = TODAY
| ► ►
EXPBEGINDate = date EXPBEGINTime = time EXPENDDate = date
| ► ►◄
EXPENDTime = time
| Notes:
| 1 The filespace_name must correspond to an IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
| Environments virtual machine. If you specify a file space name, you can
| specify only one fully qualified node name. Instead of specifying a file space
| name, you can specify the name of the virtual machine.
| Parameters
| retset_id
| Specifies the ID of a retention set that you want to query. The retention set ID
| is a unique numeric value. This parameter is optional. If you specify a
| retention set ID, only that retention set is considered during query processing
| and you do not have to specify any other parameters. If you do not specify a
| retention set ID, all retention sets are queried.
| NOdename
| Specifies a node or node group. Use this parameter to limit the display of
| retention sets to those that match a single node or node group, or to nodes that
| match a node pattern specified with wildcards (such as asterisks). This
| parameter is optional.
| FIlespace
| Specifies the name of a file space or file spaces on a virtual machine to be
| queried. This parameter is optional. The filespace name can include wildcard
| characters if the NAMETYPE and the CODETYPE parameters are not specified. To
| specify a file space that contains a comma in the name, you must specify the
| file space numerical ID and then specify NAMETYPE=FSID. For example, if the
| filespace name is 71256,4, specify 71256,4 nametype=fsid.
| Tip: Issue the QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file spaces and
| file space IDs are defined for a node on the server.
| NAMEType
| Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space name that you
| enter. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with support for
| Unicode. You can use this parameter for Unicode-enabled IBM Spectrum
| Protect clients with Windows, Macintosh OS X, and NetWare operating
| systems. This parameter is optional.
| The default value is SERVER. If a virtual file space mapping name is specified,
| you must use SERVER. You can specify one of the following values:
| The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space name.
| UNIcode
| The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
| code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
| on the characters in the name and the server's code page. Conversion can
| fail if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code
| page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
| Display detailed information about retention set 36. See “Field descriptions” on
| page 1039 for field descriptions.
| query retset 36
| Field descriptions
| Retention Set ID
| The number that is associated with the retention set.
| Retention Rule Name
| The name of the retention rule that created the retention set.
| Point-In-Time Date
| The date and time of the point-in-time snapshot of the client data.
| Retention Period
| The length of time, in days, for which any retention set that is created by
| the retention rule is retained by the server. If no retention period was
| specified, the value No Limit is displayed.
| Related commands
| Table 303. Commands related to QUERY RETSET
| Command Description
| DELETE RETSET Deletes a retention set.
| UPDATE RETSET Changes the attributes of a retention set.
| QUERY RETSETCONTENTS Displays information about the contents of
| retention sets.
| Privilege class
| Syntax
| (1) NOdename = *
| ►► Query RETSETContents ►
retset_id NOdename = node_name
| ,
► FIlespace = ▼ filespace_name ►
UNIcode NONUNIcode
1040 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
| RETRulename = * Format = Standard
► ►◄
RETRulename = retrule_name COUnt = number Format = Standard
| Notes:
| 1 You must specify either a retention set ID, a node name, or a retention rule
| name.
| 2 The filespace_name must correspond to an IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
| Environments virtual machine. If you specify a file space name, you can
| specify only one fully qualified node name. Instead of specifying a file space
| name, you can specify the name of the virtual machine.
| Parameters
| retset_id
| Specifies the ID of a retention set whose contents you want to query. The
| retention set ID is a unique numeric value. This parameter is optional. If you
| specify a retention set ID, you cannot specify either the NODENAME or the
| RETRULENAME parameters.
| NOdename
| Specifies a node or node group to which the retention set applies. This
| parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name.
| FIlespace
| Specifies the name of a file space or file spaces on a virtual machine to be
| queried. This parameter is optional. The filespace name can include wildcard
| characters if the NAMETYPE and the CODETYPE parameter values are not specified.
| To specify a file space that contains a comma in the name, you must specify
| the file space numerical ID and then specify NAMETYPE=FSID. For example, if the
| filespace name is 71256,4, specify 71256,4 nametype=fsid.
| Tip: Issue the QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file spaces and
| file space IDs are defined for a node on the server.
| NAMEType
| Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
| enter.
| The default value is SERVER. If a virtual file space mapping name is specified,
| you must use SERVER. ou can specify one of the following values:
| The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space name.
| UNIcode
| The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
| code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
| on the characters in the name and the server's code page. Conversion can
| fail if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code
| page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
| The server interprets the file space name as the file space ID (FSID).
| CODEType
| Specify how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
| enter. The default value is BOTH, meaning that file spaces are included
| Display detailed information about the contents of retention set 35. See “Field
| descriptions” on page 1043 for field descriptions.
| query retsetcontents 35
| Retention Node Name Filespace Client’s Name for File
| Set ID Name
| --------- ------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
| 35 FILEMAN \\lambo\k$ \TESTFILES\EXPRESS\5.3.7\SQL
| 35 FILEMAN \\lambo\k$ \TESTFILES\EXPRESS\5.3.7\CLIENT\TSM533C.0-
| 35 FILEMAN \\lambo\k$ \TESTFILES\EXPRESS\5.3.7\CLIENT\TSM533C.0-
| Field descriptions
| Retention Set ID
| The number that is associated with the retention set.
| Node Name
| The name of the node that is associated with the retention set.
| Filespace Name
| The name of the file space that is associated with the retention set.
| Client's Name for File
| The name by which the objects in a retention set are known by the client.
Privilege class
►► Query RPFContent plan_file_name DEVclass = device_class_name ►◄
NODEName = node_name
plan_file_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery plan file to be queried. The format of the
file name is servername.yyyymmdd.hhmmss. To see the names of existing files,
issue the QUERY RPFILE command.
Specifies the name of the device class used to create the recovery plan file.
Wildcard characters are not allowed.
Specify this parameter when:
v You want to display the contents of the recovery plan file that was created
for this server.
v You are issuing this command to the same server on which the PREPARE
command was issued (the source server).
v The specified device class name was used on the PREPARE command that
created the recovery plan file.
Specifies the node name, registered on the target server, of the source server
that created the recovery plan file. Wildcard characters are not allowed.
Specify this parameter when:
v You want to display the contents of the recovery plan file that was stored on
this server.
v You are issuing this command to the server that was the target of the
PREPARE command that created the recovery plan file.
v The specified node name is registered to this server with a node type of
v The IBM Spectrum Protect server that created the recovery plan file is not
On the source server, display the contents of a recovery plan file that was created
for this server on March 19, 1998, at 6:10 A.M. The PREPARE command specifies the
device class REMOTE. The output of this command is the entire contents of the
recovery plan file.
query rpfcontent branch1.19980319.061000 devclass=remote
On the target server, display the contents of a recovery plan file that was stored in
this server on March 19, 1998, at 6:10 A.M. The server that created the file is
registered on the target server as a node named POLARIS with a node type of
SERVER. The output of this command is the entire contents of the recovery plan
query rpfcontent branch1.19980319.061000 nodename=polaris
Related commands
Table 305. Commands related to QUERY RPFCONTENT
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY RPFILE Displays information about recovery plan
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
►► Query RPFile DEVclass = device_class_name ►
NODEName = node_name
Specifies the name of the device class that was used to create the recovery plan
files. Use this parameter when logged on to the server that created the
recovery plan file. You can use wildcard characters in the device class name.
All recovery plan files that are created with the device class specified are
included in the query.
Specifies the node name, registered on the target server, of the source server
that created the recovery plan files. Use this parameter when logged on to the
target server. You can use this parameter when the source server is not
available. You can use wildcard characters to specify the node name. All file
objects that are stored with the node name specified are included in this query.
Specifies the type of database backup that was specified when the recovery
plan file was prepared. This parameter is optional. The default is DBBACKUP.
Possible values are:
The recovery plan file was prepared with full and incremental database
backups specified.
The recovery plan file was prepared with snapshot database backups
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Displays partial information for the recovery plan file.
Display recovery plan files that were created for this server using the specified
device class. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query rpfile devclass=* format=detailed
Recovery Plan File Name: ALASKA.20000406.170423
Node Name: BRANCH1
Device Class Name: REMOTE
Recovery Plan File Type: RPFILE
Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
Recovery Plan File Size: 16,255 Bytes
Marked for Deletion: Yes
Deletion Date: 06/12/2000 13:05:31
Display a list of all recovery plan file objects that are stored with the specified
node name (TYPE=SERVER). See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query rpfile nodename=branch1
Recovery Plan File Name Node Name Device Class Name
----------------------- --------- -----------------
ALASKA.19980406.170423 BRANCH1 REMOTE
ALASKA.19980407.170845 BRANCH1 REMOTE
Field descriptions
Recovery Plan File Name
The recovery plan file name.
Node Name
The node name that is registered with the target server and used to store
the recovery plan file objects.
Device Class Name
The device class name that is defined in the source server and used to
create the recovery plan files.
Recovery Plan File Type
The type of recovery plan file:
The plan assumes full plus incremental database backups.
The plan assumes snapshot database backups.
Related commands
Table 306. Commands related to QUERY RPFILE
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
QUERY RPFCONTENT Displays the contents of a recovery plan file.
The QUERY SAN command requires the libhbaapi.a that supports SNIA common
Host Bus Adapter (HBA) API. With this library object, IBM Spectrum Protect can
call the hbaapi functions that are specified in the SNIA common HBAAPI standard.
The QUERY SAN command might not show all the devices if the SANDISCOVERY server
option is not set to ON.
Privilege class
Type = Any Format = Standard
►► Query SAN ►◄
Type = Any Format = Standard
DRive Detailed
Specifies the type of device that is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is Any. Possible values are:
Specifies that any device detected on the SAN is displayed.
Specifies that only drive devices are displayed.
Specifies that only library devices are displayed.
Specifies the type of information that is displayed. This parameter is optional.
The default value is Standard. Possible values are:
Specifies that the information displayed is summarized.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Tip: The output might not display the serial number of the device. If this
happens, look on the back of the device or contact the manufacturer of the
Display summary information for drive devices on a SAN. See “Field descriptions”
on page 1051 for field descriptions.
query san type=drive
Display detailed information for all drive devices on a SAN. See “Field
descriptions” for field descriptions.
query san type=drive format=detailed
Device Type: DRIVE
Vendor: IBM
Product: 03570B02
Serial Number:
Device: mt10.2.0.3
DataMover: No
Node WWN: 5005076206039E05
Port WWN: 5005076206439E05
LUN: 0
SCSI Port: 3
SCSI Bus: 0
SCSI Target: 10
Field descriptions
Device Type
The type of device that is being displayed.
The name of the device's vendor.
The name of the product that is assigned by the vendor.
Serial Number
The serial number of the device.
The device special file name.
Data Mover
Whether the device is a data mover.
Node WWN
The worldwide name for the device.
Port WWN
The worldwide name for the device, which is specific to the port that the
device is connected to.
LUN The Logical Unit Number of the device.
The port of the Fibre Channel (or SCSI) Host Bus Adapter.
The bus of the Host Bus Adapter card.
SCSI Target
The target number of the device.
The QUERY SCHEDULE command takes two forms, depending on whether the
schedule applies to client operations or administrative commands. The syntax and
parameters for each operation are defined separately. Some options in the query
display will be blank depending on whether the schedule style is classic or
v “QUERY SCHEDULE (Query an administrative schedule)” on page 1058
v “QUERY SCHEDULE (Query client schedules)” on page 1054
Table 308. Commands related to QUERY SCHEDULE
Command Description
COPY SCHEDULE Creates a copy of a schedule.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
UPDATE SCHEDULE Changes the attributes of a schedule.
Privilege class
* * Type = Client
►► Query SCHedule ►
Format = Standard
► ►◄
, Format = Standard
Nodes = ▼ node_name
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the schedule belongs. You
can use a wildcard character to specify this name. If you specify a domain
name, you do not have to specify a schedule name.
Specifies the name of the schedule that belongs to the specified policy domain.
You can use a wildcard character to specify this name. If you specify a
schedule name, you must also specify a policy domain name.
Specifies that the query displays client schedules. This parameter is optional.
The default is CLIENT.
Specifies the name of one or more client nodes that are associated with the
schedules to be displayed. This parameter is optional. You can use a wildcard
character to specify client nodes. If you do not specify a client name, all
schedules matching the DOMAINNAME and SCHEDULENAME parameters
are displayed. You can specify multiple client nodes by separating the names
with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies how information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default
is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the schedules.
Specifies that detailed information is displayed for the schedules.
The standard format displays a blank in the period column and an asterisk in
the day column for enhanced schedules. To display complete information
about an enhanced schedule, issue FORMAT=DETAILED.
Display all schedules that belong to the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain. See
“Field descriptions: Schedules for a specific policy domain” for field descriptions.
query schedule employee_records
The standard format displays a blank in the period column and an asterisk in the
day column for enhanced schedules. To display complete information about an
enhanced schedule, issue FORMAT=DETAILED.
Domain * Schedule Name Action Start Duration Period Day
------- - -------------- ------ ---------- -------- ------ ---
EMPLOY WEEKLY_BACKUP Inc Bk 2004.06.04 1 H 1 D Any
EE_RE- 17.04.20
EMPLOY- EMPLOYEE_BACKUP Inc Bk 2004.06.04 1 H (*)
EE_RE- 17.04.20
From a managed server, display detailed information about client schedules. See
“Field descriptions: Detailed client schedules” on page 1056 for field descriptions.
query schedule * type=client format=detailed
Privilege class
►► Query SCHedule Type = Administrative ►
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the schedule to be queried. You can use a wildcard
character to specify this name.
Type=Administrative (Required)
Specifies that the query displays administrative command schedules.
Specifies how information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default
is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the schedules.
Specifies that detailed information is displayed for the schedules.
The standard format displays a blank period column and an asterisk in the day
column for enhanced schedules. Issue FORMAT=DETAILED to display
complete information about an enhanced schedule.
Field descriptions
Schedule Name
Specifies the name of the schedule.
Specifies the description of the schedule.
Specifies the command that is scheduled.
Specifies the priority value for this schedule.
Start Date/Time
Specifies the initial starting date and time for this schedule.
Specifies the length of the startup window.
Maximum Run Time (Minutes)
Specifies the number of minutes during which server processes that are
started by the scheduled commands must be completed. If processes are
still running after the maximum run time, the central scheduler cancels the
Privilege class
* * *
►► Query SCRATCHPadentry ►
* *
Line = *
► ►◄
Line = number
Specifies the major category to be queried. This parameter is case sensitive.
You can query all major categories by omitting this parameter.
Specifies the minor category to be queried. This parameter is case sensitive.
You can query all minor categories in the major category by omitting this
Specifies the subject to be queried. This parameter is case sensitive. You can
query all subjects in the minor category by omitting this parameter.
Specifies the number of the line to be queried. For number, enter an integer in
the range 1 - 1000. You can query all lines of data in the subject by omitting
this parameter.
Query a database that stores information about the location of all administrators.
query scratchpadentry admin_info location
Field descriptions
Scratchpad data
The data that is stored in the scratch pad entry.
Date/time of creation
The date and time at which the scratch pad entry was created.
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time at which the scratch pad entry was last updated.
Last Update by (administrator)
The administrator who last updated the scratch pad entry.
Related commands
Table 309. Commands related to QUERY SCRATCHPADENTRY
Command Description
DEFINE SCRATCHPADENTRY Creates a line of data in the scratch pad.
DELETE SCRATCHPADENTRY Deletes a line of data from the scratch pad.
SET SCRATCHPADRETENTION Specifies the amount of time for which
scratch pad entries are retained.
UPDATE SCRATCHPADENTRY Updates data on a line in the scratch pad.
You can use this command with the DEFINE SCRIPT command to create a new
script by using the contents from another script.
Privilege class
The privilege class that is required for this command depends on whether the
Outputfile parameter is specified in the command.
v If the Outputfile parameter is not specified, any administrator can issue this
v If the Outputfile parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server
option is set to YES, the administrator must have system privilege.
v If the Outputfile parameter is specified and the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server
option is set to NO, the administrator must have operator, policy, storage, or
system privilege.
►► Query SCRipt ►
FORMAT = Standard
► ►◄
FORMAT = Standard
Outputfile = file_name
Specifies the name of the script for which information is to be displayed. You
can include a wildcard character to specify this name.
Important: If you do not specify a script, the query displays information about
all scripts. The time that is used to process this command and the amount of
information that is displayed can be extensive.
Specifies the output format for displaying script information. The default is
STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that only the script name and description in a script are
Specifies that detailed information about the script is displayed. This
information includes the commands in the script and their line numbers,
the date of the last update and the administrator that completed the
Query the ENGDEV script and direct the output to a file named MY.SCRIPT.
query script engdev format=raw outputfile=my.script
Display detailed information about scripts. See “Field descriptions” on page 1065
for field descriptions.
Line Number: 1
Command: select colname from columns where
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 12/02/1997 16:05:29
Field descriptions
Name The name of the script.
Line Number
The line number of the script or the string DESCRIPTION.
The command included on the line number that is displayed in the
previous field.
Last Update by (administrator)
The name of the administrator that defined or most recently updated the
Last Update Date/Time
The date and time that the administrator defined or updated the script.
Related commands
Table 310. Commands related to QUERY SCRIPT
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
DEFINE SCRIPT Defines a script to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DELETE SCRIPT Deletes the script or individual lines from the
RENAME SCRIPT Renames a script to a new name.
RUN Runs a script.
UPDATE SCRIPT Changes or adds lines to a script.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query SERver ►◄
server_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of the server to be queried. You can use wildcard characters
to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The default is all server
Specifies how the information is displayed. The parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD.
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Display information in standard format about all servers. See “Field descriptions”
on page 1067 for field descriptions.
query server *
Server Comm. High-level Low-level Days Server Virtual Allow
Name Method Address Address Since Password Volume Replace-
Last Set Password ment
Access Set
-------- ------ ----------- -------- ------ ------- -------- --------
SERVER_A TCPIP 1501 11 Yes No No
SERVER_B TCPIP 1500 <1 Yes No No
ASTRO TCPIP 1500 24 Yes No No
Field descriptions
Server Name
The name of the server.
Comm. Method
The communication method that is used to connect to the server.
Transfer Method
The method that is used for server-to-server data transfer.
High-level Address
The IP address (in dotted decimal format) of the server.
Low-level Address
The port number of the server.
The server description.
Allow Replacement
Specifies whether a server definition on a managed server can be replaced
with a definition from a configuration manager.
Node Name
The name of the client node.
Related commands
Table 311. Commands related to QUERY SERVER
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE DEVCLASS Deletes a device class.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
Privilege class
Specifies the server group to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name.
From a managed server, query all server groups. “Field descriptions” for field
query servergroup *
Server Group Members Description Managing Profile
------------ ------------ ----------------- ----------------
Field descriptions
Server Group
The name of the server group.
The group members.
The description of the server group.
Managing Profile
The profile or profiles to which the managed server subscribed to get the
definition of the server groups.
Related commands
Table 312. Commands related to QUERY SERVERGROUP
Command Description
COPY SERVERGROUP Creates a copy of a server group.
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
Privilege class
►► Query SEssion ►
sessnum MINTIMethreshold = minutes
Format = Standard
► ►
MAXTHRoughput = kilobytes_per_second Format = Standard
Type = * CLIENTName = *
► ►◄
Type = Admin CLIENTName = client_name
Specifies the number of the administrative or client node session to query.
This parameter is optional. If you do not specify a value for this parameter,
all sessions display.
Specifies to display sessions that had at least this number of minutes
elapse from the time the client sent data to the server for storage. This
parameter is optional. The minimum number of minutes is 1. The
maximum number of minutes is 99999999.
Specifies to display sessions that are transferring data at a rate less than
this number of kilobytes per second. This parameter is optional. The
minimum number of kilobytes per second is 0. The maximum number of
kilobytes per second is 99999999.
Specifies how the information displays. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information displays for the session.
Specifies that complete information displays for the session.
Type Specifies the type of sessions to include in the query results. If you do not
specify a value for this parameter, all types of sessions are queried. This
parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Display information about all administrative and client node sessions that are
communicating with the server. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query session
Sess Comm. Sess Wait Bytes Bytes Sess Platform Client
Number Method State Time Sent Recvd Type Name
------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ----- -------- ------
4 TCP/IP Run 0 S 1.4 K 162 Admin WinNT ADMIN
Display detailed information about all administrative and client node sessions that
are communicating with the server. See “Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query session format=detailed
Sess Number: 4
Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
Sess State: Run
Wait Time: 0 S
Bytes Sent: 1.4 K
Bytes Recvd: 162
Sess Type: Admin
Platform: WinNT
Client Name: ADMIN
Media Access Status:
User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:
Proxy By Storage Agent:
Failover Mode: No
Field descriptions
Sess Number
Specifies a unique session identification number that is assigned by the
Related commands
Table 313. Command related to QUERY SESSION
Command Description
CANCEL SESSION Cancels active sessions with the server.
Privilege class
Format = Standard
►► QUERY SHREDstatus ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed. This is the default.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Show partial information about data shredding on the server. See “Field
descriptions” for field descriptions.
query shredstatus
Shredding Objects
Active Awaiting
------- --------
NO 4
Display detailed information about data shredding on the server. See “Field
descriptions” for field descriptions.
query shredstatus format=detailed
Shredding Objects Occupied Data Left
Active Awaiting Space To Shred
Shred (MB) (MB)
--------- -------- -------- ----------
NO 4 182 364
Field descriptions
Shredding Active
Indicates whether or not the server is actively shredding data at this time.
Objects Awaiting Shred
The number of objects currently waiting to be shredded.
Related commands
Table 314. Commands related to QUERY SHREDSTATUS
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup
MOVE DATA Moves data from a specified storage pool
volume to another storage pool volume.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
SETOPT Updates a server option without stopping
and restarting the server.
SHRED DATA Manually starts the process of shredding
deleted data.
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query SPACETrigger STG ►
STGPOOL = storage_pool
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
Specifies a storage pool space trigger.
Specifies one or more storage pools (using a wildcard) for which storage pool
trigger information will be displayed. If STG is specified but STGPOOL is not,
the default storage pool space trigger, if any, is displayed.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Field descriptions
STGPOOL Full Percentage
The trigger utilization percentage at which IBM Spectrum Protect allocates
more space for the storage pool.
STGPOOL Expansion Percentage
The percentage of space by which the storage pool should be expanded.
Related commands
Table 315. Commands related to QUERY SPACETRIGGER
Command Description
DEFINE SPACETRIGGER Defines a space trigger to expand the space
for a storage pool.
DELETE SPACETRIGGER Deletes the storage pool space trigger.
UPDATE SPACETRIGGER Changes attributes of storage pool space
Tip: To display information about a target replication server, you must issue the
command from the target replication server.
Privilege class
►► Query STatus ►◄
Display general information about server parameters. The command is run from a
configuration manager. For descriptions of displayed fields, see “Field
descriptions” on page 1084.
query status
When you issue the SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION command, you define the
resulting authentication method for all REGISTER ADMIN and REGISTER NODE
commands. The default is LOCAL.
Failover High Level Address
Specifies the high-level address for the failover server that is used by the
client. Client restore operations fail over to this high-level address when
the interface that is used by the client is different from the interface that is
used by replication.
Scratchpad retention
Specifies the number of days for which scratch pad entries are retained
since they were last updated.
Replication Recovery of Damaged Files
Specifies whether node replication is enabled to recover damaged files
from a target replication server. This is a system-side setting. If ON is
specified, the node replication process can be configured to detect
damaged files on a source replication server and replace them with
undamaged files from a target replication server. If OFF is specified,
damaged files are not recovered from a target replication server.
Value specified by the SET PRODUCTOFFERING Value shown in the QUERY STATUS command
command output
ENTry IBM Spectrum Protect Entry
DATARet IBM Spectrum Protect for Data Retention
BASIC IBM Spectrum Protect
EE IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition
SUIte IBM Spectrum Protect Suite
SUITECloud IBM Spectrum Protect Suite - IBM Cloud
Object Storage Option
SUITEEntry IBM Spectrum Protect Suite Entry
SUITEArchive IBM Spectrum Protect Suite - Archive
SUITEProtectier IBM Spectrum Protect Suite - ProtecTier
SUITEFrontend IBM Spectrum Protect Suite - FrontEnd
SUITEENTRYFrontend IBM Spectrum Protect Suite Entry -
Related commands
Table 316. Commands related to QUERY STATUS
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
Multiple thresholds can be defined for an activity. For example, you can create a
threshold that provides a warning status if storage pool capacity utilization is
greater than 80%. You can then create another threshold that provides error status
if storage pool capacity utilization is greater than 90%.
Note: If a threshold is already defined for an EXISTS condition, you cannot define
another threshold with one of the other condition types.
Privilege class
►► Query STAtusthreshold ►
Format = Standard
► ►
Format = Standard Activity = activity
► ►
Condition = EXists Value = value_name
► ►◄
STatus = Normal
Specifies the threshold name. The name cannot exceed 48 characters in length.
Specifies how the information is displayed. The default value is STANDARD.
Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified status
Query status thresholds and display the output in detailed format, by issuing the
following command:
query statusthreshold f=d
Condition Name: >
Value: 90
Report Status: ERROR
Server Name: TSMAWP24
Related commands
Table 317. Commands related to QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Update a Changes the attributes of an existing status
status monitoring threshold)” on page 1617 monitoring threshold.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query STGpool ►
pool_name Format = Standard
POoltype = ANY
► ►◄
POoltype = ANY
Specifies the storage pool to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, all storage pools are displayed.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Specifies the type of storage pool to query. This parameter is optional. The
default value is ANY. Specify one of the following values:
Query primary storage pools, copy storage pools, and active-data pools.
Query only primary storage pools.
Query only copy storage pools.
Query only container-copy storage pools.
Query only active-data storage pools.
Display details for a storage pool that is named DISKPOOL. See “Field
descriptions” on page 1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool diskpool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: DISKPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 66 G
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 3.1
Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 32
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 1
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Display details for a storage pool that is named FILEPOOL. See “Field
descriptions” on page 1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool filepool format=detailed
Display details for an active-data sequential storage pool that is named FILEPOOL
that uses a FILE type device class. See “Field descriptions” on page 1108 for field
query stgpool filepool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: FILEPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Active-data
Device Class Name: FILEC
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 0.0
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 99
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Display information for a storage pool that is named POOL1. See “Field
descriptions” on page 1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool pool1
Storage Device Estimated Pct Pct High Low Next
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Migr Mig Mig Storage
Pct Pct Pool
---------- ---------- --------- ----- ----- ---- ---- --------
POOL1 DISK 58.5 M 0.8 0.7 90 70 POOL2
Display details for the storage pool named 8MMPOOL. See “Field descriptions” on
page 1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool 8mmpool format=detailed
Display details for a storage pool, NAS2LIBPOOL. When you set up this storage
pool, you set the data format to NETAPPDUMP. See “Field descriptions” on page
1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool nas2libpool format=detailed
Display details for a cloud container storage pool, CPOOL1. See “Field
descriptions” on page 1108 for field descriptions.
query stgpool cpool1 format=detailed
Tip: This field is blank for container storage pools. You cannot use
container storage pools for LAN-free data movement.
Maximum Simultaneous Writers
The maximum number of I/O that can run concurrently on the storage
Protect Processes
The set of protect processes.
Protection Storage Pool
The name of the container storage pool where the data is protected to on
the target replication server.
Protect Local Storage Pool(s)
Indicates whether local storage pools are protected.
Reclamation Volume Limit
For container-copy storage pools, indicates the maximum number of
volumes that the server reclaims during storage pool protection.
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool
The date that the storage pool was last protected to a storage pool on a
remote server.
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool
The date that the storage pool was last protected to a storage pool on the
local server.
Deduplicate Requires Backup?
Indicates whether the sequential storage pool must be backed up if the
storage pool contains deduplicated data.
For directory-container or cloud-container storage pools, indicates whether
client data is encrypted before it is written to the storage pool.
Pct Encrypted
The percentage of deduplicated client data that is encrypted in the
directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
Related commands
Table 318. Commands related to QUERY STGPOOL
Command Description
CONVERT STGPOOL Convert a storage pool to a
directory-container storage pool.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE STGPOOL Deletes a storage pool from server storage.
QUERY STGPOOLDIRECTORY Displays information about storage pool
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
Privilege class
►► Query STGPOOLDIRectory ►
directory STGpool = pool_name
Specifies the storage pool directory to query. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that an asterisk (*) represents a wildcard character. Use wildcard
characters such as an asterisk to match any characters. Alternatively, you
can use a question mark (?) or a percent sign (%) to match exactly one
character. This is the default.
Specifies the storage pool directory. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, all storage pool directories are displayed. The maximum length
of the storage pool directory is 1024.
Specifies the name of the storage pool to query. If you do not specify a value
for this parameter, all storage pool directories are displayed. The maximum
length of the storage pool name is 30. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that output is restricted by directory access mode. This parameter is
optional. Specify one of the following values:
Display all storage pool directories with an access mode of READWRITE.
Display all storage pool directories with an access mode of READONLY.
Display all storage pool directories with an access mode of DESTROYED. The
directories are designated as permanently damaged in the storage pool
Display information for the storage pool directory that is named DPOOL. See
“Field descriptions” for field descriptions.
query stgpooldirectory C:\data
Storage Directory Access
Pool Name
---------- ---------- ---------
DPOOL C:\data Read/Write
Display details for the storage pool directory named that is named DPOOL.
query stgpooldirectory stgpool=dpool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: DPOOL
Directory: /storage/sampleDir
Access: Read/Write
Free Space(MB): 323,170
Total Space(MB): 476,938
File System: /storage
Absolute Path: /storage/data
Field descriptions
Storage Pool Name
The name of the storage pool.
The name of the storage pool directory.
The access mode of the data in the storage pool directory.
Free Space (MB)
The amount of space in the storage pool directory, in megabytes, that is not
in use.
Total Space (MB)
The total amount of space in the storage pool directory, in megabytes.
File System
The name of the file system where the storage pool directory is located.
Privilege class
* Format = Standard
►► Query STGRULE ►
rule_name Format = Standard
Specifies the name of one or more storage rules. This parameter is optional.
You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not specify a
value for this parameter, all storage rules are displayed. The maximum length
of the name is 30 characters.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Tip: In the output examples, some fields are blank because the item does not
apply in the specified environment.
Query all storage rules for all storage pools. See “Field descriptions” on page 1121
for field descriptions.
query stgrule
Storage Target Storage Action Active Source Storage
Rule Pool Type Pools
--------- --------- ------ --------- ------------------------
Query detailed information about a storage rule for auditing storage pools. See
“Field descriptions” on page 1121 for field descriptions.
query stgrule format=detailed
Storage Rule Name: AUDIT
Target Storage Pool: CTR
Action Type: Audit
Active: Yes
Storage Type:
Maximum Processes: 4
Start Time: 11:42:36
Delay (in days): 7
Audit Type: Extent
Audit Level: 5
Node Name:
Filespace names:
Name Type:
Code Type:
Percent Unused:
Last Exe Date/Time: 01/19/2018 11:43:31
Source Storage Pools:
Query detailed information about a storage rule for generating data deduplication
statistics. See “Field descriptions” on page 1121 for field descriptions.
query stgrule format=detailed
Field descriptions
Storage Rule Name
The name of the storage rule.
Target Storage Pool
The name of the target storage pool.
Action Type
The type of storage rule.
Active Indication of whether the storage rule is active or inactive.
Storage Type
The storage type of the target storage pool. For cloud tiering storage rules,
a value of Cloud is displayed.
Maximum Processes
The maximum number of parallel processes per storage pool.
Related commands
Table 320. Commands related to QUERY STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE (auditing) Defines a storage rule for auditing storage
DEFINE STGRULE (data deduplication Defines a storage rule for generating data
statistics) deduplication statistics.
DEFINE STGRULE (reclaiming) Defines a storage rule for reclaiming
cloud-container storage pools.
DEFINE STGRULE (tiering) Defines a storage rule for tiering.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
Privilege class
►► Query SUBRULE ►
Format = Standard
► parent_rule_name ►◄
subrule_name Format = Standard
parent_rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the parent storage rule.
Specifies the name of the subrule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters. This parameter is optional.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Query all subrules for parent storage rule, RULE1, and provide complete
information. See “Field descriptions” on page 1124 for field descriptions.
query subrule rule1 format=detailed
Field descriptions
Subrule Name
The name of the subrule.
Subrule ID
The number that is associated with the subrule.
Action Type
The type of action that the subrule performs. A subrule can tier data by
age or by state, or tier no data.
Delay (in days)
The interval, in days, after which data is tiered.
Maximum Processes
The maximum number of parallel processes for the subrule.
Subrule Members
The members of the subrule. The members are any clients and virtual
machine file spaces to which the subrule applies.
Related commands
Table 321. Commands related to QUERY SUBRULE
Command Description
DEFINE SUBRULE Defines an exception to a storage rule.
Privilege class
* PROFIle = *
►► Query SUBSCRIBer ►◄
server_name PROFIle = profile_name
Specifies the name of a managed server for which subscription information is
displayed. You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple server names.
This parameter is optional. The default is all managed servers.
Specifies a profile name for which information is displayed. You can use
wildcard characters to specify multiple profile names. This parameter is
optional. The default is all profiles.
Field descriptions
The name of the subscriber (managed server).
Profile name
The name of the profile.
Is current?
Whether the subscription has been refreshed with the current information
associated with the profile. Possible values are:
Yes The managed server is current.
No The managed server is not current. If this field is NO after the
profile has been refreshed, check the server messages for error
conditions that might cause the refresh to fail.
Related commands
Table 322. Commands related to QUERY SUBSCRIBER
Command Description
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE SUBSCRIBER Deletes obsolete managed server
DELETE SUBSCRIPTION Deletes a specified profile subscription.
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
QUERY SUBSCRIPTION Displays information about profile
Privilege class
►► Query SUBSCRIPtion ►◄
Specifies the name of the profile for which subscription information is
displayed. You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple names. This
parameter is optional. The default is all profiles.
Field descriptions
Configuration manager
The name of the configuration manager.
Profile name
The name of the profile.
Last update date/time
When the most recent configuration information was successfully
distributed to the subscriber.
Related commands
Table 323. Commands related to QUERY SUBSCRIPTION
Command Description
DEFINE SUBSCRIPTION Subscribes a managed server to a profile.
DELETE SUBSCRIBER Deletes obsolete managed server
DELETE SUBSCRIPTION Deletes a specified profile subscription.
This command consolidates output from select statements, SHOW commands, and
other IBM Spectrum Protect commands. Output is generated from several IBM
Spectrum Protect commands, for example:
Privilege class
►► Query SYStem ►◄
Issue the QUERY SYSTEM command to obtain consolidated system information. For
sample outputs for these query commands, see the individual commands.
query system
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► Query TAPEAlertmsg ►◄
Related commands
Table 325. Commands related to QUERY TAPEALERTMSG
Command Description
SET TAPEALERTMSG Specifies whether tape and library devices
report diagnostic information to the server.
This command cannot be issued from the server console. If the table of contents is
stored on removable media, a mount point is required and output is delayed while
the storage pool volume is mounted.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have either system privilege, policy privilege for
the domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.
►► Query TOC node_name filespace_name ►
► ►
CREATIONDate = date CREATIONTime = time
Format = Standard
► ►◄
Format = Standard
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the NAS node to which the table of contents (TOC)
belongs. You cannot use wildcards to specify this name.
filespace_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the file space to which the table of contents belongs. The
file space name you specify cannot contain wildcard characters.
Specifies the creation date of the backup image for which the table of contents
is to be displayed. This parameter is optional. If you specify CREATIONDATE, you
must also specify CREATIONTIME. If you do not specify these parameters, the
contents of the latest backup image for the specified node and file space will
be displayed, provided that this image has a table of contents. You can only
specify the creation date as the following:
This specifies that you want to display the contents of the backup image
created on this date. You can obtain this date from the output of the QUERY
NASBACKUP command.
Specifies the creation time of the backup image for which the table of contents
is to be displayed. This parameter is optional. If you specify CREATIONTIME, you
1132 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
must also specify CREATIONDATE. If you do not specify these parameters, the
contents of the latest backup image for the specified node and file space will
be displayed, provided that this image has a table of contents. You can only
specify the creation time as the following:
This specifies that you want to display the contents of the backup image
created on this time for the specified date. You can obtain this time from the
output of the QUERY NASBACKUP command.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The
default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the files.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the files, including the
hexadecimal representation of each file or directory name.
Field descriptions
Object Name
The name of the object.
Related commands
Table 326. Commands related to QUERY TOC
Command Description
BACKUP NODE Backs up a network-attached storage (NAS)
QUERY NASBACKUP Displays information about NAS backup
RESTORE NODE Restores a network-attached storage (NAS)
Privilege class
* *
►► Query VIRTUALFSmapping ►◄
Specifies the client node to which the virtual file space belongs. You can use
wildcard characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The
default is all client node names. You must specify a value for this parameter if
you specify a virtual file space name.
Specifies the name of the virtual file space mappings to be queried. You can
use wildcard characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. If a
value is not specified, all virtual file space mappings are queried. Virtual file
space mapping names are case sensitive. Use the QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING
command to determine the correct capitalization for the virtual file space
mapping to be queried.
Field descriptions
Node Name
Specifies the name of the client node.
Virtual Filespace Mapping Name
Specifies the name of the virtual file space mapping.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space that belongs to the node.
Related commands
Table 327. Commands related to QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING
Command Description
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
DELETE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Delete a virtual file space mapping.
UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Update a virtual file space mapping.
Use the VOLUMEHISTORY server option to specify one or more volume history files.
After the server is restarted, IBM Spectrum Protect updates volume information in
both the database and the files.
Use the QUERY BACKUPSET command to query specified backup set information.
Privilege class
BEGINDate = earliest_date
►► Query VOLHistory ►
BEGINDate = date
Specifies that you want to display information beginning with records created
on the specified date. This parameter is optional. The default is the earliest
date for which history information exists.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies that you want to display information ending with records created on
the specified date. This parameter is optional. The default is the current date.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies that you want to display information beginning with records created
at the specified time. This parameter is optional. The default is midnight
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies that you want to display information ending with records created at
the specified time on the end date. This parameter is optional. The default is
the current time.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the type of records to display from the volume history file. This
parameter is optional. The default is ALL. Possible values are:
Specifies all records.
Specifies to display only information about backup set volumes.
Note: The volume history file will contain additional fields that do not appear in
the query output. These fields are specific to database backup and restore support.
They are not intended for use or modification by IBM Spectrum Protect
administrators. The fields will be bracketed with a message indicating these are for
IBM Spectrum Protect internal use only and not meant to be modified.
Display volume history information for a database backup volume stored in the
database. See “Field descriptions” on page 1142 for field descriptions. Issue the
query volhistory type=dbb
Date/Time: 02/25/2011 18:28:06
Backup Series: 176
Backup Operation: 0
Volume Seq: 0
Device Class: FILE
Volume Name: /adsmfct/server/prvol1
Volume Location:
Database Backup ID High: 0
Database Backup ID LOW: 0
Database Backup Home Position: 0
Database Backup HLA:
Database Backup LLA:
Database Backup Total Data Bytes (MB): 0
Database Backup total Log Bytes (MB): 0
Database Backup Block Num High: 0
Database Backup Block Num Low: 0
Database Backup Stream Id: 1
Database Backup Volume Sequence for Stream: 10,001
Note: The volume history file will contain additional fields that do not appear in
the query output. These fields are specific to database backup and restore support.
They are not intended for use or modification by IBM Spectrum Protect
administrators. The fields will be bracketed with a message indicating these are for
IBM Spectrum Protect internal use only and not meant to be modified.
Tip: The following fields are not used by IBM Spectrum Protect servers that are
V6.3 or later. However, the fields are displayed for compatibility with earlier
v Database Backup ID High
v Database Backup ID Low
v Database Backup Home Position
v Database Backup HLA
v Database Backup LLA
v Database Backup Total Data Bytes (MB)
v Database Backup Total Log Bytes (MB)
v Database Backup Block Num High
v Database Backup Block Num Low
Related commands
Table 328. Commands related to QUERY VOLHISTORY
Command Description
BACKUP VOLHISTORY Records volume history information in
external files.
DELETE VOLHISTORY Removes sequential volume history
information from the volume history file.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY RPFILE Displays information about recovery plan
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
UPDATE VOLHISTORY Adds or changes location information for a
volume in the volume history file.
Privilege class
►► Query Volume ►
volume_name ,
ACCess = ▼ READWrite
STGpool = *
► ►
, STGpool = pool_name
STatus = ▼ ONline
Specifies the volume to query. This parameter is optional. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a name, all storage
pool volumes are included in the query.
Specifies that output is restricted by volume access mode. This parameter is
optional. You can specify multiple access modes by separating the modes with
commas and no intervening spaces. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, output is not restricted by access mode. Possible values are:
Display volumes with an access mode of READWRITE. Client nodes and
server processes can read from and write to files stored on the volumes.
Display volumes with an access mode of READONLY. Client nodes and
server processes can read only files that are stored on the volumes.
Display volumes with an access mode of UNAVAILABLE. Client nodes
and server processes cannot access files that are stored on the volumes.
Display information on all storage pool volumes with the device class name of
FILE. See “Field descriptions” on page 1149 for field descriptions.
query volume devclass=file
Volume Name Storage Device Estimated Pct Volume
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Status
----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----- -------
Display details about the storage pool volume named /fct/server/covol1. See
“Field descriptions” on page 1149 for field descriptions.
query volume covol1 format=detailed
Volume Name: /FCT/SERVER/COVOl1
Storage Pool Name: COPYSTG
Device Class Name: DISK
Estimated Capacity: 10.0 M
Scaled Capacity Applied:
Pct Util: 6.7
Volume Status: On-line
Access: Read/Write
Pct. Reclaimable Space: 3.2
Scratch Volume?: Yes
In Error State?: No
Number of Writable Sides: 1
Number of Times Mounted: 11
Write Pass Number: 1
Approx. Date Last Written: 04/14/1998 16:17:26
Approx. Date Last Read: 04/01/1998 13:26:18
Date Became Pending:
Number of Write Errors: 0
Number of Read Errors: 0
Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator): COLLIN
Last Update Date/Time: 05/01/1998 14:07:27
Begin Reclaim Period:
End Reclaim Period:
Logical Block Protected:
Drive Encryption Key Manager:
Display details about a volume in a storage pool with a device class name of
FILECLASS. See “Field descriptions” on page 1149 for field descriptions.
query volume devclass=fileclass format=detailed
Display details about a storage pool volume that is named 000642. The volume is
in a storage pool that is associated with a 3592 device class. See “Field
descriptions” on page 1149 for field descriptions.
query volume 000642 format=detailed
Volume Name: 000642
Storage Pool Name: 3592POOL
Device Class Name: 3592CLASS
Estimated Capacity: 2.0 G
Scaled Capacity Applied:
Pct Util: 0.0
Volume Status: Filling
Access: Read/Write
Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
Scratch Volume?: Yes
In Error State?: No
Number of Writable Sides: 1
Number of Times Mounted: 1
Write Pass Number: 1
Approx. Date Last Written: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
Approx. Date Last Read: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
Date Became Pending:
Number of Write Errors: 0
Number of Read Errors: 0
Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator):
Last Update Date/Time: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
Begin Reclaim Period: 03/22/2005
End Reclaim Period: 04/22/2005
Logical Block Protected: Yes
Drive Encryption Key Manager: IBM Spectrum Protect
Related commands
Table 329. Commands related to QUERY VOLUME
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool
VARY Specifies whether a disk volume is available
to the server for use.
You cannot use the QUIT command from the SERVER_CONSOLE administrative
ID, or the console, batch, or mount modes of the administrative client.
Privilege class
►► QUIT ►◄
Related commands
This command cannot be used for the following types of storage pools:
v Container-copy storage pools. Space in these storage pools is reclaimed as part
of the processing that is done by PROTECT STGPOOL commands.
v Storage pools with one of the following data formats:
v Storage pools that use a CENTERA device class.
v Storage pools that use a Write Once Read Many (WORM) device class.
Reclamation is not necessary because WORM volumes are not reusable, but you
can run reclamation to consolidate data onto fewer volumes.
Use this command only if you are not going to use automatic reclamation for the
storage pool. This command accepts the values of the RECLAIMPROCESS and
RECLAIMSTGPOOL attributes of the storage pool definition. This command also
accepts the values of the OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT and RECLAIM parameters of the
storage pool definition, if not overridden by the OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT and
THRESHOLD command parameters.
v When you issue this command, duplicate data in a primary storage pool, copy
storage pool, or active-data pool that is set up for data deduplication is
v When you use this command to restore deduplicated objects to the same storage
pool, any duplicate data blocks are replaced with references to deduplicated
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool that is being reclaimed
and the reclaim storage pool, if applicable.
►► RECLaim STGpool pool_name ►
THreshold = number
► ►◄
OFFSITERECLAIMLimit = number_of_volumes
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool in which volumes are to be reclaimed.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the reclamation runs before it
is automatically canceled. You can specify a number 1 - 9999. This parameter is
After the specified number of minutes elapses, the next time the server checks
the reclamation process the server stops the reclamation process. The server
checks the reclamation process when the server mounts another eligible
volume from the storage pool that is being reclaimed. The server also checks
the reclamation process when the server begins to reclaim a new batch of files
from the currently mounted volume. As a result, the reclamation can run
longer than the value you specified for this parameter.
Until the server checks the reclamation process, there is no indication the
duration period expired. When the server stops the reclamation process, the
server issues message ANR4927W: Reclamation terminated for volume xxx -
duration exceeded.
If you do not specify this parameter, the process stops only when no more
volumes meet the threshold.
If you specify a duration value for reclamation of a copy storage pool with
offsite volumes, you might cause the reclamation to end before any volumes
are reclaimed. In most situations when you initiate reclamation for a copy
storage pool with offsite volumes, consider limiting the number of offsite
volumes to be reclaimed rather than limiting the duration. For details, see the
Specifies the percentage of reclaimable space on a volume that makes it eligible
for reclamation. Reclaimable space is the amount of space that is occupied by
files that are expired or deleted from the server database. Reclaimable space
also includes unused space.
You can specify a number 1 - 99. This parameter is optional. If not specified,
the RECLAIM attribute of the storage pool definition is used.
To determine the percentage of reclaimable space for a volume, issue the QUERY
VOLUME command and specify FORMAT=DETAILED. The value in the field Pct.
Reclaimable Space is the percentage of reclaimable space for the volume.
Specify a value of 50 percent or greater for this parameter so that files stored
on two volumes can be combined into a single target volume.
Specifies the maximum number of offsite storage pool volumes that the server
tries to reclaim. This parameter is valid only for copy storage pools. You can
Reclaim volumes in the storage pool named TAPEPOOL. Specify that reclamation
ends as soon as possible after 60 minutes.
reclaim stgpool tapepool duration=60
Related commands
Table 330. Commands related to RECLAIM STGPOOL
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
MIGRATE STGPOOL Migrates files from a primary storage pool to
the next storage pool in the hierarchy.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
Privilege class
* Fix = No
►► REConcile Volumes ►◄
device_class_name Fix = No
Specifies the device class name of the virtual volumes. If you do not specify a
name, IBM Spectrum Protect reconciles all virtual volumes. This parameter is
Specifies whether or not IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to correct any
identified inconsistencies. This parameter is optional. The default is NO.
Possible values are:
No Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not fix any inconsistencies.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect makes the following corrections:
v IBM Spectrum Protect marks as unavailable storage pool volumes on the
source server that cannot be located on the target server. Volumes that
are only found in the volume history, such as database backups and
import and export volumes, are reported as being inconsistent.
v Archive files on the target server that do not correspond to any virtual
volumes on the source server are marked for deletion from the target
The following table shows the details of the actions taken:
Reconcile the differences between all virtual volumes definitions on the source
server and archive files on the target server to correct any inconsistencies.
reconcile volumes remote1 fix=yes
Related commands
Table 331. Commands related to RECONCILE VOLUMES
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
DELETE SERVER Deletes the definition of a server.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.
Privilege class
When you register an administrator with the same name as an existing node, be
aware of the administrator authentication method and the SSLREQUIRED setting.
Any node that has the same name as the administrator that is being registered
inherits those settings.
►► REGister Admin admin_name ►
password (1)
PASSExp = days
FORCEPwreset = No
► ►
CONtact = text FORCEPwreset = No
AUTHentication = LOcal
► ►
EMAILADdress = userID@node AUTHentication = LOcal
SSLrequired = DEFault SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►
SSLrequired = Yes SESSIONSECurity = STRict
No TRANSitional
1 The PASSEXP command does not apply to administrators who authenticate to
an LDAP directory server.
2 The default value can change if you issued the SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION
command and specified LDAP.
3 The SSLREQUIRED parameter is deprecated.
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator to be registered. The maximum length
of the name is 64 characters.
You cannot specify an administrator name of NONE.
If you plan to authenticate the administrator ID with an LDAP server, ensure
that the administrator ID does not match the name of any node that
authenticates with an LDAP server.
Specifies the password of the administrator to be registered. The minimum
length of the password is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by
using the SET MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is
64 characters.
If you authenticate passwords locally with the IBM Spectrum Protect server,
you must specify a password. The password is not case-sensitive.
If you authenticate passwords with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) server, do not specify a password on the REGISTER ADMIN command.
Specifies the number of days the password remains valid. You can set the
password expiration period in the range 0 - 9999 days. A value of 0 means that
the password never expires. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify
this parameter, the password is set with the global expiration period of 90
days. This parameter does not affect passwords that authenticate with an
LDAP directory server.
Specifies information identifying the administrator being registered. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this string is 255 characters. The
contact information must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains any
Specifies whether the administrator is required to change or reset the
password. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. Possible values
No Specifies that the administrator does not need to change or reset the
password while attempting to sign on to the server.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 software and
Tivoli Storage Manager Version 7.1.8 software, this parameter is deprecated.
Validation that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2
protocol, which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The
SSLREQUIRED parameter is ignored. Update your configuration to use the
Specifies whether the administrator must use the most secure settings to
communicate with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the strictest security settings are enforced for the
administrator. The STRICT value uses the most secure communication
protocol available, which is currently TLS 1.2. The TLS 1.2 protocol is used
for SSL sessions between the server and the administrator. To specify
whether the server uses TLS 1.2 for the entire session or only for
authentication, see the SSL client option.
To use the STRICT value, the following requirements must be met to ensure
that the administrator can authenticate with the server:
| Tip: Beginning with V8.1.7, you can also use the UPDATE ADMIN command
| to modify the SESSIONSECURITY parameter value of an administrator ID on
| a managed server.
Specifies whether alerts are sent to an administrators email address.
Specifies that alerts are sent to the specified administrators email address.
No Specifies that alerts are not sent to the specified administrators email
address. This is the default value.
Tip: Alert monitoring must be enabled, and email settings must be correctly
defined to successfully receive alerts by email. To view the current settings,
issue the QUERY MONITORSETTINGS command.
Register an administrator named Harry, and require Harry to use the strictest
security settings to authenticate with the server. Issue the command:
register admin harry sessionsecurity=strict
Related commands
Table 332. Commands related to REGISTER ADMIN
Command Description
GRANT AUTHORITY Assigns privilege classes to an administrator.
LOCK ADMIN Prevents an administrator from accessing
IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE ADMIN Removes an administrator from the list of
registered administrators.
RENAME ADMIN Changes an IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM
Spectrum Protect administrator’s name.
SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION Specifies the default password authentication
method for any REGISTER NODE or
SET PASSEXP Specifies the number of days after which a
password is expired and must be changed.
UNLOCK ADMIN Enables a locked administrator to access IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
UPDATE ADMIN Changes the password or contact information
associated with any administrator.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Licenses are stored in enrollment certificate files. The enrollment certificate files
contain licensing information for the server product. The NODELOCK file
preserves the licensing information for your installation. Your license agreement
determines what you are licensed to use, even if you cannot use the REGISTER
LICENSE command to register all components. You are expected to comply with
the license agreement and use only what you have purchased. Use of the
REGISTER LICENSE command implies that you agree to and accept the license
terms specified in your license agreement.
v Before upgrading from a previous version of IBM Spectrum Protect, you must
delete or rename the NODELOCK file.
v To unregister licenses, you must erase the NODELOCK file in the server instance
directory of your installation, and reregister any previously registered licenses.
v You cannot register licenses for IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail, IBM Spectrum
Protect for Databases, IBM Spectrum Protect for ERP, and IBM Spectrum Protect
for Space Management.
To generate a report that can help you understand the license requirements for
your system, run the QUERY PVUESTIMATE command. The report contains estimates
of the number of client devices and PVU totals for server devices. The estimates
are not legally binding.
Privilege class
►► REGister LICense FILE = tsmbasic.lic ►◄
Specifies the name of the enrollment certificate file containing the license to be
registered. The specification can contain a wildcard (*). Enter the complete file
name or a wildcard in place of the file name. The file names are case-sensitive.
The following values can be used:
To license base IBM Spectrum Protect.
To license IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition. This includes the
disaster recovery manager, large libraries, and NDMP.
Related commands
Table 333. Commands related to REGISTER LICENSE
Command Description
AUDIT LICENSES Verifies compliance with defined licenses.
QUERY LICENSE Displays information about licenses and
QUERY PVUESTIMATE Displays processor value unit estimates.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD Specifies the number of days between
automatic license audits.
This command can create an administrative user ID with client owner authority
over the node. You can use this administrative user ID to access the IBM Spectrum
Protect backup-archive client GUI from remote locations through a web browser.
v In earlier product releases, the REGISTER NODE command automatically created an
administrative user ID whose name matched the node name. Beginning with
IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1, the REGISTER NODE command does not
automatically create an administrative user ID that matches the node name.
v If you plan to use the LAN-free option with this node, you must register an
administrative ID that matches the node name. To register the administrative ID,
use the USERID parameter or manually register the administrator and grant
owner authority to the node.
If a client requires a different policy domain than STANDARD, you must register
the client node with this command or update the registered node.
When you register or update a node, you can specify whether damaged files on
the node can be recovered from a replication server. Files can be recovered only if
all the following conditions are met:
v V7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers.
v The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to ON. The system parameter
can be set by using the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command.
v The source server includes at least one file that is marked as damaged in the
node that is being replicated.
v The node data was replicated before the damage occurred.
The following table describes how parameter settings affect the recovery of
damaged, replicated files.
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
USerid = NONE
►► REGister Node node_name ►
password (1) USerid = NONE
PASSExp = days user_id
► ►
UTILITYUrl = utility_url MAXNUMMP = number AUTOFSRename = Yes
SESSIONINITiation = Clientorserver
► ►
SESSIONINITiation = Clientorserver
SERVEROnly HLAddress = ip_address LLAddress = tcp_port
► ►
HLAddress = ip_address LLAddress = tcp_port EMAILADdress = userID@node
► ►
ARREPLRuledefault = ALL_DATA
ROLEOVERRIDE = Usereported AUTHentication = LOcal
► ►
ROLEOVERRIDE = Client AUTHentication = LOcal
Server LDap
SSLrequired = DEFault SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►
SSLrequired = Yes SESSIONSECurity = STRict
No TRANSitional
► ►◄
1 The PASSEXP command does not apply to administrators who authenticate
with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server.
2 The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is deprecated.
SPREPLRULEDEFAULT parameter only if you specify the REPLSTATE parameter.
4 The default value can change if you issued the SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION
command and specified LDAP.
5 The SSLREQUIRED parameter is deprecated.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to be registered. The maximum length of
the name is 64 characters.
You cannot specify a node name of NONE.
If you register a node that has the same name as an administrator, the
administrator authentication method and SSLREQUIRED setting change to match
the authentication method of the node. Passwords that are shared between
same-named nodes and administrators are kept synchronized during an
authentication change.
If you plan to use the LAN-free option with this node, use the USERID
parameter to register an administrative ID that matches the node name.
For users of LDAP servers: If you plan to authenticate the node with an
LDAP server, keep the default setting (USERID=NONE) or specify an
administrative user ID that differs from the node name. If the administrative
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the client determines whether to compress files.
Specifies that the client node compresses its files before it sends these files
to the server for backup and archive.
No Specifies that the client node does not compress its files before it sends
these files to the server for backup and archive.
Specifies whether the client node can delete its own archive files from the
server. The parameter is optional. The default value is YES. You can specify
one of the following values:
Specifies that the client node can delete its own archive files from the
No Specifies that the client node cannot delete its own archive files from the
Specifies whether the client node can delete its own backup files from the
server. The parameter is optional. The default value is NO. You can specify one
of the following values:
No Specifies that the client node cannot delete its own backup files from the
Specifies that the client node can delete its own backup files from the
Note: The name of the NAS node must be the same as the data mover.
Therefore, the name cannot be changed after a corresponding data mover
is defined.
Specifies that the client node is a source server that is being registered on
the target server.
Specifies the URL of the IBM Spectrum Protect web client that is configured on
the client system. You can use the URL in a web browser and in the
Operations Center to remotely manage the client node.
This parameter is optional. The URL must include the DNS name or IP address
of the client system, and the port number that is defined on the client system
for the IBM Spectrum Protect web client. For example, http://
Specifies the address of the IBM Spectrum Protect client management services
that are configured on the client system. This URL is used by the Operations
Center to access client log files so that you can remotely diagnose client issues
from the Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. You can specify a URL of up to 200 characters in
length. The URL must start with https. It includes the DNS name or IP
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or
For volumes in a storage pool that is associated with the FILE or CENTERA
device type, the server can have multiple sessions to read and one process to
write to the same volume concurrently. To increase concurrency and provide
efficient access for nodes with data in FILE or CENTERA storage pools,
increase the value of the MAXNUMMP parameter.
For nodes that store data into primary storage pools with the
simultaneous-write function that is enabled, you must adjust the value of the
MAXNUMMP parameter to specify the correct number of mount points for each
client session. A client session requires one mount point for the primary
storage pool and one mount point for each copy storage pool and each
active-data pool.
For server-to-server backup, if one server is at a different version than the
other server, set the number of mount points on the target server to a value
higher than one. Otherwise, you receive an error.
A storage agent independently tracks the number of points that are used
during a client session. If a node has a storage agent that is installed, it might
exceed the MAXNUMMP value. The MAXNUMMP value might also be
exceeded under conditions where the node does not have to wait for a mount
Note: The server might preempt a client operation for a higher priority
operation and the client might lose a mount point if no other mount points are
Specifies whether the client node keeps the mount point for the entire session.
The parameter is optional. The default value is NO. You can specify one of the
following values:
Specifies that the client node must retain the mount point during the entire
session. If policy definitions cause data to be stored to a disk storage pool
The new name indicates that the file space is stored on the server in a
format that is not Unicode.
No Existing file spaces are not automatically renamed when the client system
upgrades to a client that supports Unicode, and the client runs one of the
following operations: archive, selective backup, full incremental backup, or
partial incremental backup.
The option AUTOFSRENAME in the client's option file determines whether
file spaces are renamed.
By default, the client option is set to PROMPT. When the client system
upgrades to a client that supports Unicode and the client runs an IBM
Spectrum Protect operation with the graphical user interface or the
command line, the program displays a one-time prompt to the user about
whether to rename file spaces.
When the client scheduler runs an operation, the program does not prompt
for a choice about renaming, and does not rename file spaces. Backups of
existing file spaces are sent as before (not in Unicode).
VALIdateprotocol (deprecated)
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 and Tivoli Storage
Manager V7.1.8, this parameter is deprecated. The validation that was enabled
by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2 protocol, which is enforced by the
SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is ignored.
Update your configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
To avoid these errors, ensure that the VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is set to NO.
Specifies the number of files per transaction commit that are transferred
between a client and a server. The parameter is optional. Client performance
might be improved by using a larger value for this option.
The default value is 0. Specifying 0 indicates that the node uses the server
global value that is set in the server options file. To use a value other than the
server global value, specify a value of 4 through 65,000 for this parameter. The
node value takes precedence over the server value.
Note: If a path is unavailable, the node cannot send any data. For example, if
you select the LAN-free option but a LAN-free path is not defined, the
operation fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data is sent to the server, storage agent, or both, by any
available path. A LAN-free path is used if one is available. If a LAN-free
path is unavailable, the data is moved by using the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent by using the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent by using a LAN-free path.
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the server, storage agent, or both
Note: If a path is unavailable, data cannot be read. For example, if you select
the LAN-free option but a LAN-free path is not defined, the operation fails.
The value for the transfer path also applies to failover connections. If the value
is set to LANFree, failover cannot occur for the node on the secondary server.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the server, storage agent, or both use any available path to
read data. A LAN-free path is used if one is available. If a LAN-free path is
unavailable, the data is read by using the LAN.
Specifies that data is read by using the LAN.
Specifies that data is read by using a LAN-free path.
Specifies the client deployment package that is targeted for this node. The
parameter only applies to nodes with a type of CLIENT. You can substitute an
applicable release package for Version.Release.Modification.Fix (V.R.M.F) Level.
For example: TARGETLevel=
You must specify each segment with a number that is applicable to a
deployment package. You cannot use an asterisk in any field as a substitution
for a valid number. The parameter is optional.
Restriction: The TARGETLEVEL parameter does not apply to nodes with a type
Controls whether the server or the client initiates sessions. The default is that
the client initiates sessions. The parameter is optional.
Specifies that the client might initiate sessions with the server by
communicating on the TCP/IP port that is defined with the server option
TCPPORT. Server-prompted scheduling might also be used to prompt the
client to connect to the server.
Specifies that the server does not accept client requests for sessions. All
sessions must be initiated by server-prompted scheduling on the port that
is defined for the client with the REGISTER or UPDATE NODE commands. You
cannot use the client acceptor, dsmcad, to start the scheduler when
Specifies the client IP address that the server contacts to initiate
scheduled events. This parameter must be used when
SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY, regardless of any
addresses that are previously used by the client to contact the server.
The address can be specified either in numeric or host name format. If
a numeric address is used, it is saved without verification by a domain
name server. If the address is not correct, it can cause failures when the
If the file space rules for the data type are set to DEFAULT and you do not
SPREPLRULEDEFAULT parameter, data is replicated according to the server rule for
the data type.
If the previous conditions are not true, all new and changed files since the
last replication are replicated, including inactive files, and files are deleted
when they expire.
Replicates active and inactive backup data, archive data, or space-managed
data. Data is replicated with a high priority.
This rule is the same as the ACTIVE_DATA replication rule except data is
replicated with a high priority. This rule is valid only for
Replicates data according to the server replication rule for backup data.
For example, suppose that you want to replicate the archive data in all the
file spaces that belongs to a client node. Replication of the archive data is a
high priority. One method to accomplish this task is to specify
ARREPLRULEDEFAULT=DEFAULT. Ensure that the file space rules for archive
data are also set to DEFAULT and that the server rule for archive data is set
Restriction: If a node is configured for replication, the file space rules are
set to DEFAULT after the node stores data on the source replication server.
Data of the specified type is not replicated.
For example, if you do not want to replicate space-managed data that
belongs to a client node, specify SPREPLRULEDEFAULT=NONE
Specifies whether damaged files can be recovered for this node from a target
replication server. The parameter is optional. The default value is YES. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that recovery of damaged files from a target replication server is
enabled for this node.
No Specifies that recovery of damaged files from a target replication server is
not enabled for this node.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 software and Tivoli
Storage Manager V7.1.8 software, this parameter is deprecated. The validation
that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2 protocol, which
is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The SSLREQUIRED parameter is
ignored. Update your configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
Specifies whether the node must use the most secure settings to communicate
with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is optional.
Example: Register a client node that only the root user can back
Register the client node mete0rite with password KingK0ng to back up files from
only the root user to the server.
register node mete0rite KingK0ng
Register a node name of NAS1 for a NAS file server that is using NDMP operations.
Assign this node to a special NAS domain.
register node nas1 pwd4nas1 domain=nasdom type=nas
Register a node name of JIM and allow it to deduplicate data on the client system.
register node jim jimspass deduplication=clientorserver
Define NODE1 to a source replication server. Specify a replication rule for the
backup data that belongs to NODE1 so that active backup data is replicated with a
high priority. Enable replication for the node.
register node node1 bkreplruledefault=active_data_high_priority replstate=enabled
Tip: When you register a node in this way, an administrative user ID is not
Register a node name of PAYROLL. For the PAYROLL node, enable the recovery of
damaged files from a target replication server.
register node payroll recoverdamaged=yes
Register a node name of OCO10 that can offload data to IBM Spectrum Protect
register node oco10 objectclient=yes
Related commands
Table 335. Commands related to REGISTER NODE
Command Description
DEFINE ASSOCIATION Associates clients with a schedule.
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
Spectrum Protect node with a machine.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY PVUESTIMATE Displays an estimate of the client-devices and
server-devices being managed.
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
Privilege class
SYNCldapdelete = No
►► REMove Admin admin_name ►◄
SYNCldapdelete = No
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the administrative user ID to be removed.
Specifies whether to delete the administrative user ID on the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.
Deletes the administrative user ID on the LDAP server.
Related commands
Table 336. Commands related to REMOVE ADMIN
Command Description
LOCK ADMIN Prevents an administrator from accessing
IBM Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
The REMOVE DAMAGED command permanently deletes damaged data from the storage
Tip: Before you remove damaged data from the storage pool, try to recover an
undamaged version of the data from a copy or active-data storage pool by issuing
the RESTORE STGPOOL command. Recover an undamaged version of the data from a
target replication server by issuing the REPLICATE NODE command and specifying
Privilege class
* Wait = No
►► REMove DAMaged pool_name ►◄
, Wait = No
▼ node_name
pool_name (Required)
Specify a primary storage pool that uses a FILE device class, a tape device
class, or a virtual tape library (VTL). The storage pool contains the damaged
data. This parameter is required.
Specifies the name of the client node. Separate multiple names with commas
and no intervening spaces. You can use a wildcard character instead of a node
name if you want to remove damage from all of the nodes in the storage pool.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to remove damaged data from the
storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. You can
specify this parameter only from an administrative command line. You can
specify one of the following values:
If a node is part of a collocation group and you remove the node from the server,
the node is removed from the collocation group. If a node is removed and the
node contained file spaces in a file space collocation group, those file spaces are
removed from the group member list.
If you remove a node that stored data in a deduplicated storage pool, the node
name DELETED is displayed in the QUERY OCCUPANCY command output until all
data deduplication dependencies are removed.
Before you can remove a node, you must delete all backup and archive file spaces
that belong to that node.
Before you can remove a NAS node that has a corresponding data mover, you
must complete the following tasks in order:
1. Delete any paths from the data mover
2. Delete the data mover
3. Delete all virtual file space definitions for the node
4. Remove the NAS node
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
SYNCldapdelete = No
►► REMove Node node_name ►◄
SYNCldapdelete = No
Related commands
Table 338. Commands related to REMOVE NODE
Command Description
DELETE MACHNODEASSOCIATION Deletes association between a machine and
DELETE DATAMOVER Deletes a data mover.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Delete a virtual file space mapping.
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY SESSION Displays information about all active
administrator and client sessions with IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
RENAME NODE Changes the name for a client node.
You cannot delete client node data by issuing the REMOVE REPLNODE command. You
can issue the command on a source or on a target replication server. You can only
issue this command from an administrative command-line client. You cannot issue
this command from the server console.
If you issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command for a client node whose replication
mode is set to SEND or RECEIVE, the mode is set to NONE. The replication state
is also set to NONE. After you remove a client node from replication, the target
replication server can accept backup, archive, and space-managed data directly
from the node.
When you issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command, the data that belongs to a client
node is not deleted. To delete file space data that belongs to the client node, issue
the DELETE FILESPACE command for each of the file spaces that belong to the node.
If you do not want to keep the client node definition, issue the REMOVE NODE
command. To delete file space data and the client node definition, issue DELETE
FILESPACE and REMOVE NODE on the target replication server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node or defined group of client nodes that you
want to remove from replication. To specify multiple client node names and
client-node group names, separate the names with commas and no intervening
spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify client node names, but not
to specify client-node group names. You cannot combine node or node group
names with the domain name.
Related commands
Table 339. Commands related to REMOVE REPLNODE
Command Description
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
Restriction: You cannot delete client node data by using the REMOVE REPLSERVER
Restriction: If you specify the default replication server for the REMOVE REPLSERVER
command and a node replication process is running, the command fails and no
replication information is removed.
Privilege class
►► REMove REPLServer GUID ►◄
replication_guid (Required)
The unique identifier for the replication server that is being removed. You can
use wildcards to specify the Replication Global Unique Identifier (GUID),
however, only one GUID can match the wildcard. If the wildcard sequence
matches more than one GUID, the command fails. You must qualify the
wildcard string until only the GUID that you want to delete is found.
Related commands
Table 340. Commands related to REMOVE REPLSERVER
Command Description
“REMOVE REPLNODE (Remove a client Removes a node from replication.
node from replication)” on page 1192
If you specify that protection must be removed, data from the directory-container
storage pool will no longer be copied to another storage pool as part of the storage
pool protection process.
v You can issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command to back up and protect data in a
local storage pool after storage protection is removed.
v Issue the CANCEL PROCESS command and specify the process number to cancel
the removal of storage pool protection.
To remove storage pool protection, you must run the same command twice, once
on each server where storage pool protection occurs. In the command, you must
specify both the local storage pool and the remote storage pool.
v You can issue this command only when storage pool protection is enabled for
the storage pool.
v You cannot issue this command if protection processing is in progress for the
specified storage pool.
v You cannot issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command to recover damaged data in local
storage pool after protected data in the remote storage pool protection is deleted.
Privilege class
►► REMove STGProtection LOCALSTGpool = pool_name ►
Preview = No Wait = No
► ►◄
Preview = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
LOCALSTGpool (Required)
Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool on the local server,
where the backed-up data is stored. This parameter is required.
Remove storage pool protection from a local storage pool that is named POOL1
and from a remote storage pool that is named POOL2. The storage pool protection
must be removed from the server that is named SERVER2. Specify that the server
must wait to complete processing in the foreground.
Tip: To remove storage pool protection, you must run the same command twice,
once on each server where storage pool protection occurs.
remove stgprotection localstgpool=pool1 remoteserver=server2
remotestgpool=pool2 wait=yes
Table 341. Commands related to REMOVE STGPROTECTION
Command Description
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
REPAIR STGPOOL Repairs a directory-container storage pool.
If you assign an existing administrative user ID to another person, use the UPDATE
ADMIN command to change the password.
When an administrator and a node share a name and you change the
administrator authentication method, the node authentication method also changes.
If you rename an administrator to the same name as an existing node, the
authentication method and the SSLREQUIRED setting for the node can change. If
those settings are different, after the renaming, both administrator and node will
have the same authentication method and SSLREQUIRED setting.
Privilege class
►► REName Admin current_admin_name new_admin_name ►
SYNCldapdelete = No
► ►◄
SYNCldapdelete = No
current_admin_name (Required)
Specifies the administrative user ID to be renamed.
new_admin_name (Required)
Specifies the new administrative user ID. The maximum length of the name is
64 characters.
Specifies whether to delete the administrative user ID on the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and replace the ID with a new one.
Related commands
Table 342. Commands related to RENAME ADMIN
Command Description
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
UPDATE ADMIN Changes the password or contact information
associated with any administrator.
You might want to rename a file space that was imported or to cause the creation
of new Unicode-enabled file spaces for Unicode-enabled clients.
Restriction: Do not rename NAS or VMware file spaces. If you rename a NAS or
VMware file space, it is no longer visible and cannot be restored. To restore a
renamed NAS or VMware file space, you must rename it back to its original name
and set the force parameter as follows:force=yes
Privilege class
►► REName FIlespace node_name current_file_space_name new_file_space_name ►
► ►◄
force = yes
1 This parameter is the default when you specify NAMEType=UNIcode.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to which the file space to be renamed
current_file_space_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the file space to be renamed. A file space name is
case-sensitive and must be specified exactly as defined to the server. Virtual
file space mapping names are allowed.
new_file_space_name (Required)
Specifies the new name for the file space. A client file space name is
case-sensitive and must be specified exactly as it is to be defined to the server.
This parameter cannot be an existing virtual file space mapping name. If the
current_file_space_name is a virtual file space, the new_file_space_name must
follow all the rules for defining a virtual file space name. See the DEFINE
VIRTUALFSMAPPING command for more information.
Restriction: You cannot specify a new name of a type that is different from
the original name. You can rename a file space that is Unicode to another
Client node LARRY, however, already had a file space named /r031 that was not
backed up, therefore, was unknown to the server. Unless the imported file space is
renamed, it overlays file space /r031 because the file space name generated by the
IMPORT function is the same as a file space on client node LARRY that is
unknown to the server.
Use the following command to rename imported file space /r031. The new name,
/imported-r033, identifies that the new file space is an imported image of file
space /r033.
rename filespace larry /r031 /imported-r033
Client JOE is using an English Unicode-enabled IBM Spectrum Protect client. JOE
backed up several large file spaces that are not Unicode that is enabled in server
storage. File space \\joe\c$ contains some files with Japanese file names that
cannot be backed up to a file space that is not Unicode that is enabled. Because the
file spaces are large, the administrator does not want to convert all of JOE's file
spaces to Unicode-enabled file spaces now. The administrator wants to rename
only the non-Unicode file space, \\joe\c$, so that the next backup of the file space
causes the creation of a new Unicode-enabled file space. The new Unicode-enabled
file space allows the Japanese files to be successfully backed up.
Related commands
Table 343. Commands related to RENAME FILESPACE
Command Description
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
DELETE FILESPACE Deletes data associated with client file
spaces. If a file space is part of a collocation
group and you remove the file space from a
node, the file space is removed from the
collocation group.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
If you are assigning an existing node ID to another person, use the UPDATE NODE
command to change the password.
v You cannot rename a NAS node name that has a corresponding data mover
defined. If the data mover has defined paths, the paths must first be deleted.
v If a node is configured for replication, it cannot be renamed.
Privilege class
You must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy
privilege for the policy domain to which the client node is assigned.
►► REName Node current_node_name new_node_name ►
SYNCldapdelete = No
► ►◄
SYNCldapdelete = No
current_node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the node to be renamed.
new_node_name (Required)
Specifies the new name of the node. The maximum length is 64 characters.
Rename the node JOYCE to JOE and do not delete the previous name from
corresponding LDAP servers.
rename node joyce joe
Related commands
Table 344. Commands related to RENAME NODE
Command Description
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
| Privilege class
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Tip: When you rename a retention rule, only the name of the retention rule
| changes. The name change does not affect the attributes of existing retention sets
| that were created based on the rule.
| Syntax
| ►► REName RETRule current_retrule_name new_retrule_name ►◄
| Related commands
| Table 345. Commands related to RENAME RETRULE
| Command Description
| DEFINE RETRULE Defines a retention rule.
| UPDATE RETRULE Changes the attributes of a retention rule.
| DELETE RETRULE Deletes a retention rule.
| QUERY RETRULE Displays information about retention rules.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have operator, policy, system, storage, or system
►► REName SCRipt current_script_name new_script_name ►◄
current_script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script to rename.
new_script_name (Required)
Specifies the new name for the script. The name can contain as many as 30
Related commands
Table 346. Commands related to RENAME SCRIPT
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
DEFINE SCRIPT Defines a script to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DELETE SCRIPT Deletes the script or individual lines from the
QUERY SCRIPT Displays information about scripts.
RUN Runs a script.
UPDATE SCRIPT Changes or adds lines to a script.
Privilege class
►► REName SERVERGroup current_group_name new_group_name ►◄
current_group_name (Required)
Specifies the server group to rename.
new_group_name (Required)
Specifies the new name of the server group. The maximum length of the name
is 64 characters.
Related commands
Table 347. Commands related to RENAME SERVERGROUP
Command Description
COPY SERVERGROUP Creates a copy of a server group.
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
UPDATE SERVERGROUP Updates a server group.
When you rename a storage pool, any administrators with restricted storage
privilege for the old storage pool automatically retain restricted storage privilege
for the renamed storage pool. If the renamed storage pool is in a storage pool
hierarchy, the hierarchy is preserved. You must update the management class or
copy group to specify the new storage pool name as the destination for files.
If processes are active when a storage pool is renamed, the old name might still be
displayed in messages or queries for those processes.
Privilege class
►► REName STGpool current_pool_name new_pool_name ►◄
current_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to rename.
new_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the new name of the storage pool. The maximum length of the name
is 30 characters.
Related commands
Table 348. Commands related to RENAME STGPOOL
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE STGPOOL Deletes a storage pool from server storage.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
RESTORE STGPOOL Restores files to a primary storage pool from
copy storage pools.
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
v You can issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command only if you already issued the
PROTECT STGPOOL command to back up data to another storage pool on a
replication target server or on the same server.
v When you repair a directory-container storage pool from the replication server,
the REPAIR STGPOOL command fails when any of the following conditions occur:
– The target server is unavailable.
– The target storage pool is damaged.
– A network outage occurs.
v When you repair a directory-container storage pool from container-copy pools,
the REPAIR STGPOOL command fails when any of the following conditions occur:
– The container-copy storage pool is unavailable.
– The container-copy storage pool is damaged.
Privilege class
MAXSESSions = 1 Preview = No
► ►
MAXSESSions = number_sessions Preview = No
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
Wait = No
► ►◄
Wait = No
v If you issue a QUERY SESSION command, the total number of sessions might
exceed the number of data sessions.
v The number of sessions that are used to repair storage pools depends on the
amount of data that is repaired. If you repair only a small amount of data,
there is no benefit to increasing the number of sessions.
Specifies whether to preview data or to repair the data. This parameter is
optional. The default value is NO. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the data is repaired to the storage pool but the data is not
Specifies that the data is previewed but not repaired.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete the repair processing of
the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. You can
specify this parameter only from an administrative command line. You can
specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the command processes run in the background. To monitor
the background processing of the REPAIR STGPOOL command, issue the
Specifies that the command processes run in the foreground. Messages are
not displayed until the command completes processing.
Repair a storage pool that is named POOL1 and preview the data.
repair stgpool pool1 preview=yes
Repair a storage pool that is named POOL1 and specify local for the source
repair stgpool pool1 SRCLOCation=local
When you issue this command, a process is started in which data that belongs to
the specified client nodes is replicated according to replication rules. Files that are
no longer stored on the source replication server, but that exist on the target
replication server, are deleted during this process.
Tip: Avoid conflicts in managing administrative IDs and client option sets by
identifying the IDs and option sets that are replicated to the target server and the
IDs and option sets that are managed in an enterprise configuration. You cannot
define an administrative user ID for a registered node if an administrative ID exists
for the same node.
If a node replication process is already running for a client node that is specified
by this command, the node is skipped, and replication begins for other nodes that
are enabled for replication.
After the node replication process is completed, a recovery process can be started
on the target replication server. Files are recovered only if all the following
conditions are met:
v V7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers.
v The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to ON. The system parameter
can be set by using the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command.
v The source server includes at least one file that is marked as damaged in the
node that is being replicated.
v The node data was replicated before the damage occurred.
The following table describes how settings affect the recovery of damaged,
replicated files.
Tip: When the QUERY PROCESS command is issued during node replication, the
output can show unexpected results for the number of completed replications. The
reason is that, for node replication purposes, each file space is considered to
contain three logical file spaces:
v One for backup objects
v One for archive objects
By default, the QUERY PROCESS command generates results for each logical file
space. Other factors also affect the output of the QUERY PROCESS command:
v If a file space has a replication rule that is set to NONE, the file space is not
included in the count of file spaces that are being processed.
v If you specify data types in the REPLICATE NODE command, only those data types
are included in the count of file spaces that are being processed, minus any file
spaces that are excluded.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
► ►
(1) UNIcode
▼ filespace_name (2)
FORCEREConcile = No
► ►◄
RECOVERDamaged = Yes FORCEREConcile = No
No Yes
1 Do not mix file space identifiers (FSIDs) and file space names in the same
2 Do not specify FSID if you use wildcard characters for the client node name.
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node or defined group of client nodes whose
data is to be replicated. You can also specify a combination of client node
names and client-node group names. To specify multiple client node names or
client-node group names, separate the names with commas with no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters with client node names
but not with client-node group names. The replication rules for all file spaces
in the specified client nodes are checked.
filespace_name or FSID
Specifies the name of the file space or the file space identifier (FSID) to be
replicated. A name or FSID is optional. If you do not specify a name or an
FSID, all the data in all the file spaces for the specified client nodes is eligible
for replication.
Specifies the name of the file space that has data to be replicated. File
space names are case-sensitive. To determine the correct capitalization for
the file space, issue the QUERY FILESPACE command. Separate multiple
names with commas with no intervening spaces. When you specify a
name, you can use wildcard characters.
A server that has clients with file spaces that are enabled for Unicode
might have to convert the file space name. For example, the server might
have to convert a name from the server code page to Unicode. For details,
see the NAMETYPE parameter. If you do not specify a file space name, or if
you specify a single wildcard character for the name, you can use the
CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode file spaces or to
non-Unicode file spaces.
Specifies the file space identifier for the file space to be replicated. The
server uses FSIDs to find the file spaces to replicate. To determine the FSID
for a file space, issue the QUERY FILESPACE command. Separate multiple
Restriction: Objects are deleted from the target replication server when
nodes and file spaces are recognized by a replication process but the
objects are not recognized.
Replicate high-priority active backup data and high-priority archive data that
belongs to all the client nodes in group PAYROLL.
replicate node payroll datatype=backupactive,archive priority=high
NODE1 has a single file space. The following replication rules apply:
v File space rules:
– Backup data: ACTIVE_DATA
– Archive data: DEFAULT
Active backup data in the file space is replicated with normal priority. Archive
data is replicated with high priority. Space-managed data is not replicated.
Related commands
Table 351. Commands related to REPLICATE NODE
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
CANCEL REPLICATION Cancels node replication processes.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE REPLNODE Removes a node from replication.
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► REPly request_number ►◄
LABEL = volume_label
request_number (Required)
Specifies the identification number of the request.
Specifies the label to be written on a volume when you reply to a message
from a LABEL LIBVOLUME command process. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 352. Commands related to REPLY
Command Description
CANCEL REQUEST Cancels pending volume mount requests.
QUERY REQUEST Displays information about all pending
mount requests.
Restriction: You cannot reset the password expiration period to the common
expiration period with the SET PASSEXP command.
Use the QUERY STATUS command to display the common password expiration
Restriction: If you do not specify either the NODE or ADMIN parameters, the
password expiration period for all client nodes and administrators will be reset.
Privilege class
►► RESet PASSExp ►◄
, ,
Specifies the name of the node whose password expiration period you would
like to reset. To specify a list of nodes, separate the names with commas and
no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the administrator whose password expiration period you
would like to reset. To specify a list of administrators, separate the names with
commas and no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Reset the password expiration period for client nodes bj and katie.
reset passexp node=bj,katie
Reset the password expiration period for all users to the common expiration
reset passexp
Important: Nodes or file spaces (on the exporting server) in the original export
operation that are subsequently renamed are not included in the resumed
operation. Any remaining data for nodes or file spaces on the target server that are
deleted prior to resumption are discarded.
Privilege class
This optional parameter is the unique identifier for the suspended
server-to-server export operation. You can use the wildcard character to specify
this name. The export identifier name can be found by issuing the QUERY
EXPORT command to list all the currently suspended server-to-server export
Related commands
Table 354. Commands related to RESTART EXPORT
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
You can use the RESTORE NODE command to restore backups that were created by
using either the client's BACKUP NAS command or the server's BACKUP NODE
command. NAS data may be restored from primary or copy native IBM Spectrum
Protect pools; primary or copy NAS pools; or any combination needed to achieve
the restore.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the
domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.
►► RESTORE Node node_name source_file_system ►
► ►
FILELIST = ▼ file_name UNIcode
FILE: file_list
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the node to restore. You cannot use wildcard characters
or specify a list of names.
source_file_system (Required)
Specifies the name of the file system to restore. You cannot use wildcard
characters for this name. You cannot specify more than one file system to
restore. Virtual file space names are allowed.
Specifies that the file server restores the data to an existing, mounted file
system on the file server. This parameter is optional. The default is the original
location of the file system on the file server. Virtual file space names are
Any file names that contain commas must have double quotation marks
surrounding the entire argument, surrounded by single quotation marks
('“argument with commas”').
Specifies the point-in-time time. When used with the PITDATE parameter,
PITTIME establishes the point in time from which you want to select the data to
restore. The latest data that was backed up on or before the date and time that
you specify will be restored. This parameter is optional. The default is the
current time.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. The default is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. Use
the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor the background processing of this
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You
wait for the command to complete before continuing with other tasks. The
server then displays the output messages to the administrative client when
the command completes.
Restore the data from the /vol/vol10 file system on NAS node NAS1.
restore node nas1 /vol/vol10
Restore the directory-level backup to the original location. The source is the virtual
file space name /MIKESDIR and no destination is specified.
restore node nas1 /mikesdir
For this example and the next example, assume the following virtual file space
definitions exist on the server for the node NAS1.
VFS Name Filesystem Path
/mikesdir /vol/vol2 /mikes
/TargetDirVol2 /vol/vol2 /tmp
/TargetDirVol1 /vol/vol1 /tmp
Restore the directory-level backup to a different file system but preserve the path.
restore node nas1 /mikesdir /vol/vol0
Related commands
Table 355. Commands related to RESTORE NODE
Command Description
BACKUP NODE Backs up a network-attached storage (NAS)
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY NASBACKUP Displays information about NAS backup
QUERY TOC Displays details about the table of contents
for a specified backup image.
IBM Spectrum Protect restores all the primary storage pool files that:
v Have been identified as having errors
v Reside on a volume with an access mode of DESTROYED
Restriction: You cannot use this command for container storage pools. Use the
REPLICATE STGPOOL command to protect data for container storage pools.
You can also use this command to identify volumes that contain damaged, primary
files. During restore processing, a message is issued for every volume in the
restored storage pool that contains damaged, non-cached files. Use the QUERY
CONTENT command to identify damaged, primary files on a specific volume.
You cannot restore a storage pool defined with a CENTERA device class.
Tip: To restore NAS client-node data to NAS storage pools, you must manually
change the access mode of the volumes to DESTROYED using the UPDATE VOLUME
command. However, if you are using disaster recovery manager, the plan file will
contain the information the server needs to automatically mark the volumes as
Restoration of files might be incomplete if backup file copies in copy storage pools
or active-data pools were moved or deleted by other IBM Spectrum Protect
processes during restore processing. To prevent this problem, do not issue the
following commands for copy storage pool or active-data pool volumes while
restore processing is in progress:
Also, you can prevent reclamation processing for your copy storage pools by
setting the RECLAIM percentage to 100 with the UPDATE STGPOOL command.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the primary storage pool for which files
are to be restored. If you are a restricted storage administrator and you want to
restore files to a new primary storage pool, you must also have authority for the
new storage pool.
► ►
Yes A
MAXPRocess = 1
► ►
NEWstgpool = new_primary_pool_name MAXPRocess = number
Preview = No Wait = No
► ►◄
Preview = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
A (Yes):
ACTIVEDATAPool = active-data_pool_name
primary_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the primary storage pool that is being restored.
Specifies the name of the copy storage pool from which the files are to be
restored. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not specified, files are
restored from any copy pool in which copies can be located. Do not use this
parameter with the ACTIVEDATAONLY or ACTIVEDATAPOOL parameters.
Specifies that active versions of backup files are to be restored from active-data
pools only. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. If this parameter is
not specified, files are restored from copy-storage pools. Do not use this
parameter with the COPYSTGPOOL parameter. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the storage pool will not be restored from active-data pools.
Specifies that the storage pool will be restored from active-pool or pools
that you specify using the ACTIVEDATAPOOL parameter. If you specify
YES as a value for ACTIVEDATAONLY, but do not specify a value for
ACTIVEDATAPOOL, files are restored from any active-data pool in which
active versions of backup files can be located.
Note: For only a list of offsite copy storage pool volumes to be mounted
during a restore, change the access mode of the copy pool volumes to
UNAVAILABLE. This prevents reclamation and move data processing of the
volumes until they are moved onsite for the restore.
This parameter is optional. The default is NO. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the restore is done.
Specifies that you want to preview the restore but not do the restore.
Restore files from any copy storage pool to the primary storage pool,
restore stgpool primary_pool
Restore files from active-data pool ADP1 to the primary storage pool
restore stgpool primary_pool activedataonly=yes activedatapool=adp1
Related commands
Table 356. Commands related to RESTORE STGPOOL
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
RESTORE VOLUME Restores files stored on specified volumes in
a primary storage pool from copy storage
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool
This command changes the access mode of the specified volumes to DESTROYED.
When all files on a volume are restored to other locations, the destroyed volume is
empty and is deleted from the database.
The restoration may be incomplete for one or more of the following reasons:
v Files were either never backed up or the backup copies are marked as damaged.
Use the QUERY CONTENT command to get more information on the remaining files
on the volume.
v A copy storage pool was specified on the RESTORE command, but files were
backed up to a different copy storage pool. Use the PREVIEW parameter when
you issue the RESTORE command again to determine if this is the problem.
v Volumes in the copy storage pool needed to perform the restore operation are
offsite or unavailable. Check the activity log for messages that occurred during
restore processing.
v Backup file copies in copy storage pools were moved or deleted by other
processes during a restore. See note 3.
v An active-data pool was specified for the restore, and inactive files were not
available to be copied.
1. You cannot restore volumes in storage pools defined with a CENTERA device
2. Before you restore a random-access volume, issue the VARY command to vary
the volume offline.
3. To prevent copy storage pools files from being moved or deleted by other
processes, do not issue the following commands for copy storage pool volumes
during a restore:
To prevent reclamation processing of copy storage pools, issue the UPDATE
STGPOOL command with the RECLAIM parameter set to 100.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the primary storage pool. If you have
restricted privilege and want to restore files to a new primary storage pool, you
► ►
Yes A
MAXPRocess = 1
► ►
NEWstgpool = new_primary_pool_name MAXPRocess = number
Preview = No Wait = No
► ►◄
Preview = No Wait = No
Yes Yes
A (Yes):
ACTIVEDATAPool = active-data_pool_name
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the primary storage pool volume to be restored. To
specify a list of volumes that belong to the same primary storage pool,
separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of the copy storage pool from which the files are to be
restored. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, files
are restored from any copy pool in which copies can be located. Do not use
this parameter with the ACTIVEDATAONLY or ACTIVEDATAPOOL
Specifies that active versions of backup files are to be restored from active-data
pools only. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. If this parameter is
not specified, files are restored from copy-storage pools. Do not use this
parameter with the COPYSTGPOOL parameter. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the storage pool will not be restored from active-data pools.
Specifies that the storage pool will be restored from active-pool or pools
that you specify using the ACTIVEDATAPOOL parameter. If you specify
YES as a value for ACTIVEDATAONLY, but do not specify a value for
ACTIVEDATAPOOL, files are restored from any active-data pool in which
active versions of backup files can be located.
Tip: If you preview a restore to see a list of offsite copy pool volumes to
be mounted, you should you change the access mode of the identified
volumes to UNAVAILABLE. This prevents reclamation and MOVE DATA
processing for these volumes until they are transported to the onsite
location for use in restore processing.
The preview displays the following:
Related commands
Table 357. Commands related to RESTORE VOLUME
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
RESTORE STGPOOL Restores files to a primary storage pool from
copy storage pools.
You can also use this command to reduce the number of policy domains to which
a restricted policy administrator has authority and the number of storage pools to
which a restricted storage administrator has authority.
If you use the REVOKE AUTHORITY command without the CLASSES, DOMAINS, and
STGPOOLS parameters, you will revoke all privileges for the specified
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► REVoke AUTHority admin_name ►
CLasses = ▼ SYstem
Node A
► ►◄
, ,
DOmains = ▼ domain_name STGpools = ▼ pool_name
AUTHority = Access
DOmains = domain_name
AUTHority = Access NOde = node_name
1 If all these parameters are omitted, all administrator privileges will be
revoked for this administrator.
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator whose administrative privilege is to be
revoked or reduced.
Specifies one or more administrative privilege classes to be revoked. You can
specify more than one class by separating each with a comma.
Usage notes
1. To change an unrestricted storage administrator to a restricted storage
administrator, you must first use this command to revoke the unrestricted
privilege. Then, use the GRANT AUTHORITY command to grant the administrator
restricted storage privilege and to identify the storage pools to which the
administrator has authority.
To revoke unrestricted storage privilege from an administrator, specify the
CLASSES=STORAGE parameter. You cannot use the STGPOOLS parameter to
revoke authority for selected storage pools from an unrestricted storage
2. To change an unrestricted policy administrator to a restricted policy
administrator, you must first use this command to revoke the unrestricted
privilege. Then, use the GRANT AUTHORITY command to grant the administrator
restricted policy privilege and to identify the policy domains to which the
administrator has authority.
To revoke unrestricted policy privilege from an administrator, specify the
CLASSES=POLICY parameter. You cannot use the DOMAINS parameter to
revoke authority for selected domains from an unrestricted administrator.
Help desk personnel user CONNIE currently has node privilege with client owner
authority for client node WARD3. Revoke her node privilege with client owner
revoke authority connie classes=node
authority=owner node=ward3
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
►► REVoke PROXynode TArget = target_node_name AGent = agent_node_name ►◄
TArget (Required)
Specifies the target node to which an agent node has been granted proxy
authority. Wildcard characters and comma-separated lists of node names are
AGent (Required)
Specifies which node has authority to act as proxy to the target node. Wildcard
characters and comma-separated lists of node names are allowed.
To revoke authority from target node NASCLUSTER to act as proxy for all agent
nodes which start with the letter M, issue the following command.
revoke proxynode target=nascluster agent=m*
Related commands
Table 359. Commands related to REVOKE PROXYNODE
Command Description
GRANT PROXYNODE Grant proxy authority to an agent node.
QUERY PROXYNODE Display nodes with authority to act as proxy
Ensure that your administrative client session is not running with the
ITEMCOMMIT option when using this command.
Privilege class
Run the REGN macro with the ROLLBACK command to verify that the macro works
without committing any changes. The macro contents are:
/* Macro to register policy
administrators and grant authority */
REGister Admin sara hobby
GRant AUTHority sara CLasses=Policy
REGister Admin ken plane
GRant AUTHority ken CLasses=Policy
ROLLBACK /* prevents any changes from being committed */
Related commands
Table 360. Commands related to ROLLBACK
Command Description
COMMIT Makes changes to the database permanent.
MACRO Runs a specified macro file.
You can include RUN commands in scripts as long as they do not create loops. For
example, you should avoid including RUN commands where SCRIPT_A runs
Important: IBM Spectrum Protect does not have a command that can cancel a
script after it starts. To stop a script, you must halt the server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have operator, policy, system, storage, or system
Preview = No
►► RUn script_name ►
, Preview = No
▼ substitution_value
Verbose = No
► ►◄
Verbose = No
script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script you want processed. The name you specify
cannot be a substitution variable, such as $1.
Specifies one or more values to substitute for variables when the script is run.
In a script, a substitution variable consists of a '$' character, followed by a
number. When you run the script, IBM Spectrum Protect replaces the
substitution variables defined in a script with the values you supply with this
command. You must specify values for each substitution variable defined in
the script or the script will fail. This parameter is optional.
Specifies whether to preview the command lines of a script without actually
processing the script. The default is NO.
Possible values are:
Specifies that the command lines included in a script are displayed, but the
script is not processed.
No Specifies that the command lines included in a script are displayed and the
script is processed.
Specifies whether command lines, variable substitution, and conditional logic
To run the following example script, called QSAMPLE, you issue a RUN command
that specifies the table name ACTLOG as the value for the substitution variable,
$1. Use the output to preview the commands generated by the script before
running the commands.
001 /* This is a sample SQL Query in wide format */
010 SELECT colname FROM -
run qsample actlog preview=yes
ANR1461I RUN: Executing command script QSAMPLE.
ANR1466I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE, Line 5 :
set sqldisplaymode wide.
ANR1466I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE, Line 15 :
select colname from columns where tabname=’ACTLOG’.
ANR1470I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE completed successfully
(PREVIEW mode)
Run the same script as show in the prior example to display both the generated
commands and the results of the commands.
run qsample actlog verbose=yes
ANR1461I RUN: Executing command script QSAMPLE.
ANR1466I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE, Line 5 :
set sqldisplaymode wide.
ANR1466I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE, Line 5 : RC=RC_OK
ANR1466I RUN: Command script QSAMPLE, Line 15 :
select colname from columns where tabname=’ACTLOG’.
Related commands
Table 361. Commands related to RUN
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
DEFINE SCRIPT Defines a script to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DELETE SCRIPT Deletes the script or individual lines from the
QUERY SCRIPT Displays information about scripts.
RENAME SCRIPT Renames a script to a new name.
UPDATE SCRIPT Changes or adds lines to a script.
To help you find what information is available, IBM Spectrum Protect provides
three system catalog tables:
Contains information about all tables that can be queried with the SELECT
Describes the columns in each table.
You can issue the SELECT command to query these tables to determine the location
of the information that you want.
Usage notes
Because the select command does not lock and unlock records, contention for a
record can cause the server to erroneously issue message ANR2034E: SELECT: No
match found using this criteria. Check your selection criteria, and if you
believe that it is correct, try the command again.
Temporary table spaces are used to process SQL queries within Db2. Inadequate
temporary space can cause SQL queries to fail.
Privilege class
For SELECT statement syntax and guidelines, search the Db2 product information.
Important: The appropriate syntax for the timestamp Select statement is:
The SELECT command is used to customize a wide variety of queries. To give you
an idea of what you can do with the command, this section includes many
examples. There are, however, many more possibilities. Query output is shown
only for the more complex commands to illustrate formatting.
List all the tables available for querying the IBM Spectrum Protect database.
select * from syscat.tables
CREATE_TIME: 1999-05-01 07:39:06
REMARKS: Server activity log
CREATE_TIME: 1995-05-01 07:39:06
REMARKS: Administrative command schedules
CREATE_TIME: 1995-05-01 07:39:06
REMARKS: Server administrators
CREATE_TIME: 1995-05-01 07:39:06
REMARKS: Client archive files
Example: List the client nodes that are using the client option
set named SECURE
select node_name from nodes where option_set=’SECURE’
Example: List the client nodes that are in each policy domain
select domain_name,num_nodes from domains
Example: Count how many files have been archived from each
Example: For all active client sessions, determine how long have
they been connected and their effective throughput in bytes per
select session_id as "Session",
client_name as "Client",
state as "State",
current_timestamp-start_time as "Elapsed Time",
(cast(bytes_sent as decimal(18,0)) /
cast(second(current_timestamp-start_time) as decimal(18,0)))
as "Bytes sent/second",
(cast(bytes_received as decimal(18,0)) /
cast(second(current_timestamp-start_time) as decimal(18,0)))
as "Bytes received/second"
from sessions
Session: 24
Client: ALBERT
State: Run
Elapsed Time: 0 01:14:05.000000
Bytes sent/second: 564321.9302768451
Bytes received/second: 0.0026748857944
Session: 26
Client: MILTON
State: Run
Elapsed Time: 0 00:06:13.000000
Bytes sent/second: 1638.5284210992221
Bytes received/second: 675821.6888561849
SunOS 27
Win32 14
Linux 20
Example: Count the number of file spaces each client node has
and list the client nodes ascending order
select node_name, count(*) as "number of filespaces"
from filespaces group by node_name order by 2
NODE_NAME number of filespaces
------------------ --------------------
Generate the PVU estimate for a node named ACCTSRECSRV, which is used by
the IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition product.
The following example shows partial results for a selected node, including
PVU-related information and role information. Possible roles are CLIENT, SERVER,
or OTHER. PVU is calculated only for nodes defined as servers.
select * from nodes
Field descriptions
Rollup of license types into products at the level presented in the QUERY
PVUESTIMATE command. Possible values are PRODEE, PROTBASIC,
The license assigned to this node.
The node name.
where the processor type represents the number of cores, and the pvu
value is the value defined for the processor type in the IBM PVU table.
Flag that indicates whether the PVU was calculated based on the IBM PVU
table. Possible values are YES or NO. If NO, a value of 100 is applied for
each node defined as a server. If no role is defined for a node, the role of
server is assumed for purposes of PVU calculation.
Flag that indicates whether license information was reported by client.
Possible values are YES or NO.
Flag that indicates an API application. Possible values are YES or NO.
Flag indicating that the client version release level is earlier than IBM
Spectrum Protect V6.3. If the version is earlier than 6.3, valid PVU metrics
are not expected. Possible values are YES or NO.
Name of the virtual machine software as reported by the client.
Use the QUERY STATUS command to determine whether accounting records are
generated. At installation, this value is set to OFF.
Privilege class
►► Set ACCounting ON ►◄
ON Specifies that the server creates an accounting record every time a client node
session ends.
Specifies that the server does not create accounting records.
To create an accounting record at the end of each client node session issue the
set accounting on
Related commands
Table 362. Commands related to SET ACCOUNTING
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
You can choose to adjust the length of time that the activity log retains messages to
avoid insufficient or outdated data. The server automatically removes the messages
from the activity log after the retention period passes.
Alternatively, you can choose to limit the total size of the activity log to control the
amount of space occupied by the activity log. The server will periodically remove
the oldest activity log records until the activity log size no longer exceeds the
configured maximum size allowed.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the current number of records
in the activity log and the size (in megabytes) that the activity log currently
Privilege class
Mgmtstyle = Date
►► Set ACTlogretention number ►◄
Mgmtstyle = Date
number (Required)
Specifies the number of days to retain messages in the activity log when the
log is managed by date, or specifies the maximum size of the activity log when
it is managed by size. With retention-based management, a value of 1 specifies
to retain the activity log records only for the current day. With size-based
management, a value of 1 specifies a maximum size of 1 MB for the activity
log. You can specify a number from 0 to 9999. A value of 0 disables activity log
Specifies whether activity log management is retention-based or size-based.
This parameter is optional. The default is DATE. Possible values are:
Set the server to retain activity log records for 60 days. Issue the command:
set actlogretention 60
Set the server to limit the size of the activity log to 300 MB. Issue the command:
set actlogretention 300 mgmtstyle=size
Related commands
Table 363. Command related to SET ACTLOGRETENTION
Command Description
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTACtiveduration number_mins ►◄
number_mins (Required)
Specifies the number of minutes that an alert remains active before it is
becomes inactive. Specify a value from 1 to 20160. The initial server default
value is 480 minutes.
Issue the following command to specify that alerts remain active for 1440 minutes
before they change to inactive status:
set alertactiveduration 1440
Related commands
Table 364. Commands related to SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION
Command Description
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains inactive
duration of an inactive alert)” on page 1277 before it is closed.
“SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains closed
duration of a closed alert)” on page 1271 before it is deleted.
“SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert Specifies whether alert monitoring is set to
monitor to on or off)” on page 1278 on or off.
“SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL (Set how Specifies how often the alert monitor updates
often the alert monitor updates and prunes and prunes alerts from the database.
alerts)” on page 1279
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTCLosedduration number_mins ►◄
number_mins (Required)
Specifies the number of minutes that an alert remains closed before it is
deleted. Setting the value to 0 causes alerts to be deleted immediately after
they are closed. Specify a value from 0 to 99999. The default value is set to 60
minutes when the IBM Spectrum Protect server database is initially formatted.
Specify that alerts remain closed for 120 minutes before they are deleted:
set alertclosedduration 120
Related commands
Table 365. Commands related to SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION
Command Description
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains active
duration of an active alert)” on page 1270 before it is moved to inactive status.
“SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains inactive
duration of an inactive alert)” on page 1277 before it is closed.
“SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert Specifies whether alert monitoring is set to
monitor to on or off)” on page 1278 on or off.
“SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL (Set how Specifies how often the alert monitor updates
often the alert monitor updates and prunes and prunes alerts from the database.
alerts)” on page 1279
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTEMail ON ►◄
Specifies that alerts can be sent to specified administrators by email.
Specifies that alerts cannot be sent to specified administrators by email. When
the server database is initially formatted, the ALERTEMAIL setting is set to OFF.
Related commands
Table 366. Commands related to SET ALERTEMAIL
Command Description
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the Specifies the email address of the alert
email address of the sender)” on page 1273 sender.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server host name
SMTP mail server host name)” on page 1274 that is used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server port that is
SMTP mail server host port)” on page 1275 used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the Specifies the administrators that want to
list of administrators to receive alert receive alert summaries by email.
summaries by email )” on page 1276
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTEMAILFRomaddr email_address ►◄
email_address (Required)
Specifies the email address of the sender. Email addresses are in the form of
name@domain. Email names, including the address, cannot exceed 64 characters
in length, and the domain name cannot exceed 255 characters in length.
Related commands
Table 367. Commands related to SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR
Command Description
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to Enables alerts to be sent by email to specified
email alerts to administrators)” on page 1272 administrators.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server host name
SMTP mail server host name)” on page 1274 that is used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server port that is
SMTP mail server host port)” on page 1275 used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the Specifies the administrators that want to
list of administrators to receive alert receive alert summaries by email.
summaries by email )” on page 1276
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTEMAILSMTPHost host_name ►◄
host_name (Required)
Specifies the SMTP mail server host name.
Related commands
Table 368. Commands related to SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST
Command Description
“SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to Enables alerts to be sent by email to specified
email alerts to administrators)” on page 1272 administrators.
“SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the Specifies the email address of the alert
email address of the sender)” on page 1273 sender.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server port that is
SMTP mail server host port)” on page 1275 used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the Specifies the administrators that want to
list of administrators to receive alert receive alert summaries by email.
summaries by email )” on page 1276
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTEMAILSMTPPort tcp_port ►◄
tcp_port (Required)
Specifies the port number of the SMTP mail server. Specify a value of 1
through 32767. The default port number is 25.
Related commands
Table 369. Commands related to SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT
Command Description
“SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to Enables alerts to be sent by email to specified
email alerts to administrators)” on page 1272 administrators.
“SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the Specifies the email address of the alert
email address of the sender)” on page 1273 sender.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server host name
SMTP mail server host name)” on page 1274 that is used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the Specifies the administrators that want to
list of administrators to receive alert receive alert summaries by email.
summaries by email )” on page 1276
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTSUMMARYToadmins admin_name ►◄
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the administrator name that wants to receive alert summaries by
email. You can specify up to three administrator names by separating them
with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specify that administrators HARRY and COLIN want to receive alert summaries,
by issuing the following command:
set alertsummarytoadmins HARRY,COLIN
Related commands
Table 370. Commands related to SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS
Command Description
“SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to Enables alerts to be sent by email to specified
email alerts to administrators)” on page 1272 administrators.
“SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the Specifies the email address of the alert
email address of the sender)” on page 1273 sender.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server host name
SMTP mail server host name)” on page 1274 that is used to send alerts by email.
“SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the Specifies the SMTP mail server port that is
SMTP mail server host port)” on page 1275 used to send alerts by email.
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTINactiveduration number_mins ►◄
number_mins (Required)
Specifies the number of minutes that an alert remains inactive before it is
closed. You can specify a value in the range 1 - 20160. The initial server default
value is 480 minutes.
Issue the following command to specify that an alert remains in inactive status for
60 minutes before it changes to closed status:
set alertinactiveduration 60
Related commands
Table 371. Commands related to SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION
Command Description
“SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains active
duration of an active alert)” on page 1270 before it is moved to inactive status.
“SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains closed
duration of a closed alert)” on page 1271 before it is deleted.
“SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert Specifies whether alert monitoring is set to
monitor to on or off)” on page 1278 on or off.
“SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL (Set how Specifies how often the alert monitor updates
often the alert monitor updates and prunes and prunes alerts from the database.
alerts)” on page 1279
Privilege class
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server monitors alerts.
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server does not monitor alerts. When
the IBM Spectrum Protect server database is initially formatted, the alert
monitoring setting is set to OFF.
Related commands
Table 372. Commands related to SET ALERTMONITOR
Command Description
“SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains inactive
duration of an active alert)” on page 1270 before it is closed.
“SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains inactive
duration of an inactive alert)” on page 1277 before it is closed.
“SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains closed
duration of a closed alert)” on page 1271 before it is deleted.
“SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL (Set how Specifies how often the alert monitor updates
often the alert monitor updates and prunes and prunes alerts from the database.
alerts)” on page 1279
During this check interval, the alert monitor examines each alert on the server and
completes the following actions:
v The alert monitor determines whether the active or inactive durations elapsed. If
the specified duration elapses, the alert status is updated to the next state. For
– Active to Inactive
– Inactive to Closed
v If an alert is closed for the duration that is specified by the SET
ALERTCLOSEDDURATION command, the alert is deleted.
You can use the QUERY MONITORSETTINGS command to determine whether alert
monitoring is on. Use the SET ALERTMONITOR command to turn on alert monitoring.
Privilege class
►► Set ALERTUPDateinterval number_mins ►◄
number_mins (Required)
Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that the monitor waits before alerts are
updated and pruned on the server. Specify a value from 1 to 9999. The server
has an initial default value of 10 minutes.
Specify that alerts are updated every hour by issuing the following command:
set alertupdateinterval 60
Related commands
Table 373. Commands related to SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL
Command Description
“SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains active
duration of an active alert)” on page 1270 before it is moved to inactive status.
“SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains inactive
duration of an inactive alert)” on page 1277 before it is closed.
“SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION (Set the Specifies how long an alert remains closed
duration of a closed alert)” on page 1271 before it is deleted.
“SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert Specifies whether alert monitoring is set to
monitor to on or off)” on page 1278 on or off.
Use the QUERY STATUS command to display the status of archive data retention
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
Specifies that archive data retention protection is not active.
ON Specifies the archive data retention protection is active.
Related commands
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
AUDIT VOLUME Compares database and storage pool
information, and optionally, resolves any
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
Restriction: The replication rule that you set with this command is applied only if
file space rules and client node rules for archive data are set to DEFAULT.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
For example, suppose that your client nodes contain archive data and backup data.
Replication of the archive data is a higher priority than the backup data. To
prioritize the archive data, issue the SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT command and specify
the ALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY replication rule. To prioritize the backup data,
issue the SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT command and specify the ALL_DATA replication
rule for backup data. The ALL_DATA rule for backup data replicates backup data
with a normal priority.
Privilege class
►► Set ARREPLRuledefault ALL_DATA ►◄
Replicates archive data with a normal priority.
Replicates archive data with a high priority.
Archive data is not replicated.
Set up the default rule for archive data to replicate with a high priority.
set arreplruledefault all_data_high_priority
Related commands
Table 375. Commands related to SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
Restriction: The replication rule that you set with this command is applied only if
file space rules and client node rules for backup data are set to DEFAULT.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
For example, suppose that your client nodes contain archive data and active
backup data. Replication of the active backup data is a higher priority than the
archive data. To prioritize the backup data, issue the SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT
command and specify the ACTIVE_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY replication rule. To
prioritize the archive data, issue the SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT command and specify
the ALL_DATA replication rule for archive data. The ALL_DATA rule for archive
data replicates archive data with a normal priority.
Privilege class
►► Set BKREPLRuledefault ALL_DATA ►◄
Replicates active and inactive backup data. The data is replicated with normal
Replicates active backup data. The data is replicated with normal priority.
Set up the default rule for backup data to replicate only active data and to
replicate the data with a high priority.
set bkreplruledefault active_data_high_priority
Related commands
Table 376. Commands related to SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for
archive data.
SET REPLRETENTION Specifies the retention period for replication
history records.
The program deletes these event records whether or not the client has processed
the schedule. However, the schedules are not deleted until after the first event
records are deleted. The retention period for events defaults to 10 days at
Privilege class
►► SET CLIENTACTDuration days ►◄
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days during which the schedule for the client action is
active. You can specify an integer from 0 to 999. The default is 5 days.
The number of days you specify determines how long the database retains the
schedule before deletion. A value of 0 indicates that the schedule duration is
indefinite, and the schedule and associations are not deleted from the database.
To specify that the schedule for the client action be active for 15 days issue the
following command.
set clientactduration 15
Related commands
Table 377. Commands related to SET CLIENTACTDURATION
Command Description
DEFINE CLIENTACTION Defines a command to be performed at a
client node.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set CONFIGManager ►◄
ON Specifies that the server is a configuration manager.
When you designate a server as a configuration manager, IBM Spectrum
Protect creates a default profile named DEFAULT_PROFILE and associates
with the profile all servers and server groups defined on the configuration
manager. You can modify or delete the default profile.
Specifies that the server is not a configuration manager.
Related commands
Table 378. Commands related to SET CONFIGMANAGER
Command Description
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET CONFIGREFRESH Specifies a time interval for managed servers
to contact configuration managers.
To display the current setting, issue the QUERY STATUS command. At installation, the
interval is set to 60 minutes.
Privilege class
►► Set CONFIGRefresh minutes ►◄
minutes (Required)
Specifies the interval, in minutes, before a managed server contacts its
configuration manager for configuration updates. Specify an integer from 0 to
v If the value is greater than 0, the managed server immediately contacts the
configuration manager. The next contact occurs when the specified interval
is reached.
v If the value is 0, the managed server does not contact the configuration
This value is ignored if the server does not subscribe to at least one profile on
a configuration manager.
Related commands
Table 379. Commands related to SET CONFIGREFRESH
Command Description
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS Notifies servers to refresh their configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UPDATE PROFILE Changes the description of a profile.
Note: When consecutive messages are issued from the same code area by the same
thread, only the first of these messages will report the context information.
Privilege class
►► Set CONTEXTmessaging ON ►◄
ON Specifies to enable message context reporting.
Specifies to disable message context reporting.
Related commands
Table 380. Commands related to SET CONTEXTMESSAGING
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days between scans for client devices. To retrieve the
current setting, issue the QUERY STATUS command. The possible values are 1 -
9999. The default is 180.
Related commands
Table 381. Commands related to SET CPUINFOREFRESH
Command Description
QUERY PVUESTIMATE Displays an estimate of the client-devices and
server-devices being managed.
Privilege class
►► Set CROSSDefine ON ►◄
ON Specifies that a server may be cross-defined to another server. To automatically
define one server to another, you must also permit cross defining in the server
Specifies that a server may not be cross-defined to another server.
Related commands
Table 382. Command related to SET CROSSDEFINE
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
SET SERVERHLADDRESS Specifies the high-level address of a server.
SET SERVERLLADDRESS Specifies the low-level address of a server.
SET SERVERPASSWORD Specifies the server password.
If you run the BACKUP DB command, and the device class is not the one that is
specified in the SET DBRECOVERY command, a warning message is returned.
However, the backup operation continues and is not affected.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
NUMStreams = 1
►► SET DBRECOVery device_class_name ►
NUMStreams = number
► ►◄
PASSword = password_name
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the device class to use for database backups.
Specifies the number of parallel data movement streams to use when you back
up the database. The default value is 1, and the maximum number is 32.
Increasing this value causes a corresponding increase in the number of
database backup sessions to be used and in the number of drives to be used
for the device class. A NUMSTREAMS value that is specified in the BACKUP DB
command overrides any value set in the SET DBRECOVERY command. The
NUMSTREAMS value is used for all types of database backups.
If a value is specified that is greater than the number of drives available for the
device class, the number of available drives are used. The available drives are
defined to the device class by the MOUNTLIMIT parameter or by the number of
online drives for the specified device class. The session is displayed in the
v Use caution when you specify the COMPRESS parameter. Using compression
during database backups can reduce the size of the backup files. However,
compression can increase the time to complete database backup processing.
v Do not back up compressed data to tape. If your system environment stores
database backups on tape, set the COMPRESS parameter to No in the SET
Specifies that database backups include a copy of the master encryption key
for the server that is used to encrypt node passwords, administrator
passwords, and storage pool data. The master encryption key is stored in the
dsmkeydb files. If you lose the dsmkeydb files, nodes and administrators are
unable to authenticate with the server because the server is unable to read the
passwords that are encrypted by using the master encryption key. In addition,
any data that is stored in an encrypted storage pool cannot be retrieved
without the master encryption key. This parameter is optional. The default
value is Yes. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that database backups do not include a copy of the master
encryption key for the server.
Specify the DBBACK device class for database backups. Run the following
set dbrecovery dbback
Specify the DBBACK device class for database backups, and specify that the
backup is to use two data movement streams. Run the following command:
set dbrecovery dbback numstreams=2
Encrypt storage pool data by specifying that database backups include a copy of
the master encryption key for the server. Run the following command:
set dbrecovery dbback protectkeys=yes password=password_name
Related commands
Table 383. Commands related to SET DBRECOVERY
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database
to sequential access volumes.
QUERY DB Displays allocation information about the
QUERY DBSPACE Displays information about the storage space
defined for the database.
A rogue application that resides on a client system and that imitates the client, API,
or GUI application can initiate an attack on the server. To reduce server
vulnerability to such attacks, you can specify a percentage of client extents for the
server to verify.
If the server detects that a security attack is in progress, the current session is
canceled. In addition, the setting of the DEDUPLICATION parameter on the REGISTER
NODE command is changed. The setting is changed from CLIENTORSERVER to
SERVERONLY. The SERVERONLY setting disables client-side data deduplication
for that node.
The server also issues a message that a potential security attack was detected and
that client-side data deduplication was disabled for the node. If client-side data
deduplication is disabled, all other client operations (for example, backup
operations) continue. Only client-side data deduplication is disabled. If client-side
data deduplication is disabled for a node because a potential attack was detected,
the server deduplicates the data that is eligible for client-side data deduplication.
Privilege class
►► Set DEDUPVERificationlevel ►◄
percent_value (Required)
Specify an integer value 0 - 100 to indicate the percentage of client extents to
be verified. A value of 0 indicates that no client extents are verified. The
default for this command is 0.
v Verifying extents consumes processing power and adversely affects server
performance. For optimal performance, do not specify values greater than 10
for this command.
v To display the current value for SET DEDUPVERIFICATIONLEVEL, issue the
To specify that none of the extents created during client-side data deduplication are
verified, issue the following command:
set dedupverificationlevel 0
Related commands
Table 384. Commands related to SET DEDUPVERIFICATIONLEVEL
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
QUERY CONTENT Displays information about files in a storage
pool volume.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
If you specify LDAP, you establish the default value for authenticating to an
external directory for any new REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN commands. This
command makes it easier to register nodes or administrators when you use an
LDAP directory server.
Tip: The default authentication setting can be overwritten when the authentication
method is specified in a REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN command.
Privilege class
►► SET DEFAULTAUTHentication LOcal ►◄
Specifies that any future REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN commands that you
issue use LOCAL as the default authentication parameter value.
Locally-authenticated passwords are those stored on the IBM Spectrum Protect
server. The passwords authenticated locally are not case sensitive.
Specifies that any future REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN commands that you
issue use LDAP as the default authentication parameter value.
LDAP-authenticated passwords are those stored on an LDAP directory server
and are case sensitive.
Specify that any REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN commands that you issue
authenticate passwords with an LDAP directory server.
set defaultauthentication ldap
Related commands
Table 385. Commands related to SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION
Command Description
SET LDAPPASSWORD Sets the password for the LDAPUSER.
SET LDAPUSER Sets the user who oversees the passwords
and administrators on the LDAP directory
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
ON Specifies that the deployment package manager queries the FTP site for new
deployment packages and downloads new packages as they become available.
This is the default.
Specifies that the deployment package manager does not query the FTP site or
download new packages. If you disable the deployment package manager
while packages are downloading, the active download processes continue to
run until they are completed.
Related commands
Table 386. Commands related to SET DEPLOYPKGMGR
Command Description
QUERY MONITORSETTINGS Displays information about monitoring alerts
and server status settings.
SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY Specifies the location where client
deployment packages are downloaded.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► SET DEPLOYREPository path_name ►◄
path_name (Required)
Specifies the fully qualified path name where deployment packages are
downloaded. This path also specifies the location where the server places the
files that represent the storage volumes for the client deployment device class.
You must specify a path name. If you do not, the server does not download
the deployment packages.
When you modify the location where update packages are stored, previously
downloaded packages are deleted automatically. Server volumes are deleted as
data is pruned or expired.
Important: Do not manually delete files with a file name extension of .BFS.
BFS files are volumes that are managed by the server, and they contain archive
data that is expired or pruned automatically.
Related commands
Table 387. Commands related to SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY
Command Description
QUERY MONITORSETTINGS Displays information about monitoring alerts
and server status settings.
SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS Specifies the maximum number of client
deployment packages that are downloaded
and stored on the server.
Privilege class
►► SET DEPLOYMAXPkgs number ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of deployment packages that are stored in the
deployment repository for each product version. The minimum number of
packages is 1, and the maximum number is 4. If you decrease the number,
older versions of the packages are removed the next time packages are
refreshed. It can take up to one day for packages to refresh. The default
number is 4.
Related commands
Table 388. Commands related to SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS
Command Description
QUERY MONITORSETTINGS Displays information about monitoring alerts
and server status settings.
“SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY (Set the Specifies the location where client
download path for client deployment deployment packages are downloaded.
packages)” on page 1301
Ensure that IBM Spectrum Protect, Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source
and target replication servers before you issue this command. Issue this command
on the source replication server.
Before you use the policies that are defined on a target replication server, you must
issue the VALIDATE REPLPOLICY command for that target replication server. This
command displays the differences between the policies for the client nodes on the
source replication server and policies on the target replication server. You can
modify the policies on the target replication server before you enable these policies
to manage replicated client-node data.
To obtain the name of the target replication server for which you want to manage
data and to check whether the policies on the target replication server are set to
ON, use the QUERY REPLSERVER command. At installation, the value is set to OFF.
Privilege class
►► Set DISSIMILARPolicies target_server_name ►◄
target_server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the target replication server for which you want to
enable the policies.
ON Specifies that replicated client-node data is managed by the policies that are
defined on the target replication server.
Specifies that replicated client-node data is managed by the policies that are
defined on the source replication server. Off is the default value.
By default, volumes in active-data pools are not eligible for processing by disaster
recovery manager. To process active-data pool volumes, you must issue the SET
command-line parameter on the MOVE DRMEDIA, QUERY DRMEDIA, or PREPARE
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
active-data_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the active-data pool names. Separate multiple names with commas
with no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters. The specified
names will overwrite any previous settings. If you enter a null string (""), all
current names are removed, and no active-data pool volumes in MOUNTABLE
state are processed if they were not explicitly entered as MOVE DRMEDIA , QUERY
DRMEDIA, or PREPARE command parameters.
Related commands
Table 390. Commands related to SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL Specifies that copy storage pools are
managed by DRM.
SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL Specifies that primary storage pools are
managed by DRM.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMCHECKLabel ►◄
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect reads the labels of sequential media
checked out by the MOVE DRMEDIA command.
No Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not read the labels of sequential
media checked out by the MOVE DRMEDIA command.
Related commands
Table 391. Commands related to SET DRMCHECKLABEL
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
Use the QUERY DRMSTATUS command to display the current command file name.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMCMDFilename file_name ►◄
file_name (Required)
Specifies a full path name for a file to contain the commands created by the
Attention: If a file of the same name already exists, MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY
DRMEDIA command tries to use it, and the existing data is overwritten.
Related commands
Table 392. Commands related to SET DRMCMDFILENAME
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
By default, volumes in container-copy storage pools are not processed by the MOVE
DRMEDIA and QUERY DRMEDIA commands. To process the volumes, you must issue
the SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL command, or you must use the
Tip: To display the current settings, use the QUERY DRMSTATUS command.
Privilege class
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the names of the container-copy storage pools. Separate multiple
names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard
characters. The specified names replace any previous setting. If you enter a
null string (""), all current names are removed.
Related commands
Table 393. Commands related to SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
If the MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY DRMEDIA command does not include the COPYSTGPOOL
parameter, the command processes the volumes in the MOUNTABLE state that are
in the copy storage pool named by the SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL command. At
installation, all copy storage pools are eligible for DRM processing.
Privilege class
copy_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the copy storage pool names. Separate multiple names with commas
and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters. The specified
names replace any previous setting. If you enter a null string (""), all current
names are removed, and all copy storage pools are eligible for processing.
Related commands
Table 394. Commands related to SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL Specifies that primary storage pools are
managed by DRM.
You can use the QUERY DRMSTATUS to see the name of the courier.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMCOUriername courier_name ►◄
courier_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the courier. The name can be up to 255 characters.
Enclose the name in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Related commands
Table 395. Commands related to SET DRMCOURIERNAME
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
The value set by this command applies to both a snapshot and a full plus
incremental database backup series. Any type of database backup series is eligible
for expiration if all of the following are true:
v The age of the last volume of the series exceeds the expiration value set with the
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command and the value that is specified for the
DELgraceperiod parameter in the DEFINE SERVER command. The DELgraceperiod
parameter applies only to remote database backups. The default value for the
DELgraceperiod parameter is 5 days. For example, if you set the value for the
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command to 7 days and set the value for the
DELgraceperiod parameter to 6 days, the remote database backup series does not
expire until 13 days elapse.
v For volumes that are not virtual volumes, all volumes in the series are in the
VAULT state.
v The volume is not part of the most recent database backup series.
Remember: The most recent backup series of either type is not deleted.
See the MOVE DRMEDIA command for more information on the expiration of database
backup volumes that are not virtual volumes. See the EXPIRE INVENTORY command
for more information on expiration of database backup volumes that are virtual
Privilege class
►► Set DRMDBBackupexpiredays days ►◄
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days that must elapse since a database series was
created before it is eligible to be expired. The number of days must match the
volume reuse delay period for copy storage pools that are managed by disaster
recovery manager. Specify an integer value 0 - 9999.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set DRMFILEProcess ►◄
No Specifies that the MOVE DRMEDIA and QUERY DRMEDIA commands does not process
database backup and copy storage pool volumes that are associated with a
FILE device class. This is the default.
Specifies that the MOVE DRMEDIA and QUERY DRMEDIA commands process database
backup and copy storage pool volumes that are associated with a FILE device
Related commands
Table 397. Commands related to SET DRMFILEPROCESS
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
Use the QUERY DRMSTATUS command to display the current value for the prefix.
the prefix is the current IBM Spectrum Protect server working directory.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMINSTRPrefix prefix ►◄
prefix (Required)
Specifies a path name prefix for the files that contain the recovery instructions.
When processing the PREPARE command, IBM Spectrum Protect appends the
name of the appropriate recovery plan file stanza to find the file. The
maximum length is 250 characters.
The prefix can be one of the following:
v Directory path: End the prefix with a foward slash (/). For example:
Related commands
Table 398. Commands related to SET DRMINSTRPREFIX
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
The location name is used by the MOVE DRMEDIA command to set the location of
volumes that are moving to the NOTMOUNTABLE state.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMNOTMOuntablename location ►◄
location (Required)
Specifies the name of the onsite location for storing the media. The name can
be up to 255 characters. Enclose the name in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters.
Related commands
Table 399. Commands related to SET DRMNOTMOUNTABLENAME
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
If you issue this command, IBM Spectrum Protect uses the specified prefix if the
PREPARE command does not include the PLANPREFIX parameter.
Use the QUERY DRMSTATUS command to display the current value for the recovery
plan prefix.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMPLANPrefix prefix ►◄
prefix (Required)
Specifies the prefix for a recovery plan file name. The maximum length of the
prefix is 250 characters. If you enter a null string (""), the current prefix is
removed, and the server uses the algorithm described in the PLANPREFIX
parameter in the PREPARE command.
For the prefix, you can specify:
v A directory path followed by a forward slash (/): IBM Spectrum Protect
appends to the prefix the date and time in the yyyymmdd.hhmmss format. For
example, the SET DRMPLANPREFIX is set to the following:
Specify a prefix so that the generated recovery plan files are stored in the following
Issue the command:
set drmplanprefix /drmplan/primsrv/
Related commands
Table 400. Commands related to SET DRMPLANPREFIX
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
Privilege class
►► Set DRMPLANVpostfix character ►◄
character (Required)
Specifies the character appended to the replacement volume names in the
recovery plan file. Specify an alphanumeric or special character.
Attention: A special character can cause unpredictable results in the AIX shell
or command line environment.
Related commands
Table 401. Commands related to SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
Use the QUERY DRMSTATUS command to display the current settings. At installation,
all primary storage pools defined to the server are eligible for DRM processing.
Privilege class
primary_pool_name (Required)
Specifies the names of the primary storage pool names you want to recover.
Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use
wildcard characters to specify names. The names that you specify replace any
previous setting. If you enter a null string (""), all current names are removed,
and all primary storage pools are eligible for DRM processing.
Related commands
Table 402. Commands related to SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL Specifies that copy storage pools are
managed by DRM.
An RPFILE file is associated with a full plus incremental database backup series.
An RPFSNAPSHOT file is associated with a database snapshot backup series.
Attention: The latest RPFILE and RPFSNAPSHOT files are never deleted.
A recovery plan file is eligible for expiration if both of the following are true:
v The last recovery plan file of the series exceeds the expiration value that is
specified with the SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command and the value that is
specified for the DELgraceperiod parameter in the DEFINE SERVER command. The
default value for the DELgraceperiod parameter is 5 days. For example, if you
set the value for the SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command to 80 days and set the
value for the DELgraceperiod parameter to 6 days, the recovery plan file does
not expire until 86 days elapse.
v The latest recovery plan file is not associated with the most recent database
backup series.
For more information about expiration processing, see the EXPIRE INVENTORY
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set DRMRPFEXpiredays days ►◄
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days that must elapse before a recovery plan file
expires. You can specify a number 0 - 9999. At installation, this value is set to
Related commands
Table 403. Commands related to SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS
Command Description
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
Privilege class
►► SET DRMVAultname vault_name ►◄
vault_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the vault. The name can be up to 255 characters. Enclose
the name in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Related commands
Table 404. Commands related to SET DRMVAULTNAME
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY DRMSTATUS Displays DRM system parameters.
You can adjust the length of time that the server maintains event information to
avoid insufficient or outdated data. The server automatically removes the event
records from the database after the retention period passes and the startup
window for the event has elapsed.
You can issue the QUERY EVENT command to display information about scheduled
and completed events.
You can issue the DELETE EVENT command to delete event records regardless of
whether their retention period has passed.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the value for the event
retention period. At installation, this value is set to 10 days.
Privilege class
►► Set EVentretention days ►◄
days (Required)
The number of days that the database retains event records. You can specify an
integer from 0 to 9999. A value of 0 indicates that only event records for the
current day are retained.
Related commands
Table 405. Commands related to SET EVENTRETENTION
Command Description
DELETE EVENT Deletes event records before a specified date
and time.
QUERY EVENT Displays information about scheduled and
completed events for selected clients.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
You must specify the address of the server that is used if the high-level address
(HLA) is different. This command is required only if you use separate dedicated
networks for server-to-server communication and client access.
Privilege class
►► SET FAILOVERHladdress high_level_address ►◄
high_level_address (Required)
Specifies a server HLA as a numeric dotted decimal name or a host name to
use during failover. If you specify a host name, a server that can resolve the
name to the dotted decimal format must be available.
To remove the failover IP address, issue the command without specifying a
The name of the HLA that you want to set for failover operations on this server.
set failoverhladdress server1
To remove a high-level address for a failover server, issue the following command:
set failoverhladdress
Related commands
Table 406. Commands related to QUERY REPLSERVER
Command Description
“QUERY REPLSERVER (Query a replication Displays information about replicating
server)” on page 1024 servers.
“REMOVE REPLSERVER (Remove a Removes a server from replication.
replication server)” on page 1194
The SET INVALIDPWLIMIT command also applies to LDAP directory servers that
store complex node passwords. LDAP directory servers can limit the number of
invalid password attempts independent of the IBM Spectrum Protect server. You
might not want to set up the LDAP directory server for invalid attempts for the
IBM Spectrum Protect namespace if you use the SET INVALIDPWLIMIT command.
Privilege class
►► Set INVALIDPwlimit number ►◄
number (Required)
Specifies the number of invalid logon attempts allowed before a node is
You can specify an integer from 0 to 9999. A value of 0 means that invalid
logon attempts are not checked. A value of 1 means that if a user issues an
invalid password one time, the node is locked by the server. The default is 0.
Related commands
Table 407. Commands related to SET INVALIDPWLIMIT
Command Description
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
Requirement: You must define the LDAPURL option and issue the SET LDAPUSER
command before you issue the SET LDAPPASSWORD command. If the LDAPURL option
is not defined when you set the user password for the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) server, you must restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server
after you define the LDAPURL option.
Privilege class
►► Set LDAPPassword ldap_user_password ►◄
Specifies the password that the IBM Spectrum Protect server uses when it
authenticates to the LDAP server. The minimum length of the password is 8
characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET MINPWLENGTH
command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters. If you have
equal signs within your password, you must contain the whole password
within quotation marks. You can use the following characters:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` ( )
| { } [ ] : ; < > , ? / ~
Related commands
Table 408. Commands related to SET LDAPPASSWORD
Command Description
AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY Audit an IBM Spectrum Protect-controlled
namespace on an LDAP directory server.
SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION Specifies the default password authentication
method for any REGISTER NODE or
SET LDAPUSER Sets the user who oversees the passwords
and administrators on the LDAP directory
The specified ID must have read access to the accounts on the LDAP server that
are used for authentication. To modify LDAP IDs or reset passwords for LDAP
IDs, the specified ID must have write authority for accounts on the LDAP server.
Privilege class
►► Set LDAPUser ldap_user_dn ►◄
Specifies the ID of a user or account that can access an LDAP server.
Related commands
Table 409. Commands related to SET LDAPUSER
Command Description
AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY Audit an IBM Spectrum Protect-controlled
namespace on an LDAP directory server.
SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION Specifies the default password authentication
method for any REGISTER NODE or
SET LDAPPASSWORD Sets the password for the LDAPUSER.
Privilege class
►► Set LICenseauditperiod ►◄
Specifies the number of days between automatic server license audits. This
parameter is optional. The default value is 30. You can specify an integer from
1 to 30, inclusive.
Related commands
Table 410. Commands related to SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD
Command Description
AUDIT LICENSES Verifies compliance with defined licenses.
QUERY AUDITOCCUPANCY Displays the server storage utilization for a
client node.
QUERY LICENSE Displays information about licenses and
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER LICENSE Registers a license with the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
You can use the command to override the maximum number of retries that are
specified by the client node. A client’s value is overridden only if the client is able
to connect with the server.
This command is used with the SET RETRYPERIOD command to regulate the time
and the number of retry attempts to rerun failed command.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the current retry value. At
installation, IBM Spectrum Protect is configured so that each client determines its
own retry value.
Privilege class
►► Set MAXCMDRetries ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of times the scheduler on a client node can
retry a failed scheduled command. This parameter is optional.
The default is that each client determines its own value for this parameter. You
can specify an integer from 0 to 9999. See the appropriate client documentation
for more information on setting the maximum command retries from the client.
Related commands
Table 411. Command related to SET MAXCMDRETRIES
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET RETRYPERIOD Specifies the time between retry attempts by
the client scheduler.
Limiting the number of sessions ensures that some are available for unscheduled
operations, such as backup or archive. You can increase either the total number of
sessions (with the MAXSESSIONS parameter) or the maximum percentage of
scheduled sessions. Increasing the total number of sessions available, however, can
affect server performance. Increasing the maximum percentage of scheduled
sessions can reduce the sessions available for unscheduled operations.
Privilege class
►► Set MAXSCHedsessions percent ►◄
percent (Required)
Specifies the percentage of total server sessions that can be used for scheduled
operations. You can specify an integer from 0 to 100. The MAXSESSIONS
parameter in the server options file determines the maximum number of total
available server sessions.
If you set the maximum percentage of scheduled sessions to 0, no scheduled
events can begin. If you set the maximum percentage of scheduled sessions to
100, the maximum number of scheduled sessions is the value of the
Tip: If the maximum number of scheduled sessions do not coincide with the
percentage that you set in the SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command, run the SET
MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command again. Look in the MAXSESSIONS option and determine
the number that is specified there. If the MAXSESSIONS option number changed and
you did not issue the SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command since the change, the
maximum number of scheduled sessions can change.
The MAXSESSIONS option has a value of 80. If you want no more than 20 sessions
to be available for scheduled activity, set the percentage to 25.
set maxschedsessions 25
Related commands
Table 412. Commands related to SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS
Command Description
QUERY OPTION Displays information about server options.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
►► Set MINPwlength ►◄
length (Required)
Specifies the minimum length of a password. This parameter is optional. You
can specify an integer in the range 1 - 64. The default value is 8.
Related commands
Table 413. Commands related to SET MINPWLENGTH
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET INVALIDPWLIMIT Sets the number of invalid logon attempts
before a node is locked.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect server group name that contains all
monitored servers. You can remove a monitored server group name by issuing
the command without specifying a value, or by specifying an empty value ("").
Any existing monitoring for alerts and status from remote servers is ended.
Set the name of a monitored server group SUBS, by issuing the following
set monitoredservergroup subs
Related commands
Table 414. Commands related to SET MONITOREDSERVERGROUP
Command Description
“DEFINE SERVERGROUP (Define a server Defines a new server group.
group)” on page 372
“DEFINE GRPMEMBER (Add a server to a Defines a server as a member of a server
server group)” on page 269 group.
“DELETE GRPMEMBER (Delete a server Deletes a server from a server group.
from a server group)” on page 501
“QUERY SERVERGROUP (Query a server Displays information about server groups.
group)” on page 1071
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET MONITORINGADMIN (Set the name Set the name of the monitoring administrator.
of the monitoring administrator)” on page
To display the name of the monitored server group, issue the QUERY
The administrator name that you specify must match the name of an existing
administrator, otherwise the command fails.
Privilege class
Specifies administrator names. You can remove names by issuing the command
without specifying a value, or by specifying an empty value ("").
Related commands
Table 415. Commands related to SET MONITORINGADMIN
Command Description
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET MONITOREDSERVERGROUP (Set the Set the group of monitored servers.
group of monitored servers)” on page 1335
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the
domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.
CUSTOM Interval = value
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node that you want to update.
TYPE (Required)
Specifies the at-risk evaluation type. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the node is evaluated with the same interval that was
specified for the nodes classification by the SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL
command. The value is either system or applications, or VM, and is
determined by the status monitor.
For example, you can specify TYPE = DEFAULT, which allows the status
monitor to go ahead and classify the node automatically. Then the interval
that is used, is the interval that was defined for that classification by the
Specifies that the node is not evaluated for at-risk status by the status
monitor. The at risk status is also reported as bypassed to the Operations
Specifies that the node is evaluated with the specified interval, rather than
the interval that was specified by the SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL command.
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, between client backup activity before
the status monitor considers the client to be at risk. You can specify an integer
in the range 6 - 8808. You must specify this parameter when TYPE = CUSTOM.
You do not specify this parameter when TYPE = BYPASSED or TYPE = DEFAULT.
The interval value for all client types is set to 24 at server installation.
Related commands
Table 416. Commands related to set nodeatriskinterval
Command Description
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET VMATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies the Sets the at-risk mode for a VM filespace
at-risk mode for an individual VM
filespace)” on page 1375
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“QUERY NODE (Query nodes)” on page 952 Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
“QUERY FILESPACE (Query one or more file Displays information about data in file
spaces)” on page 899 spaces that belong to a client.
Restriction: The SET PASSEXP command does not apply to passwords that
authenticate with an LDAP directory server.
You can override the SET PASSEXP setting for one or more nodes by using the
REGISTER NODE or UPDATE NODE command with the PASSEXP parameter.
Privilege class
►► Set PASSExp days ►
Node = ▼ node_name
► ►◄
Admin = ▼ admin_name
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days that a password remains valid.
You can specify from 1 to 9999 if you do not specify the NODE or the ADMIN
parameter. If you specify the NODE or the ADMIN parameter, you can specify
from 0 to 9999. A value of 0 means that the password never expires. If a
password expires, the server prompts for a new password when the
administrator or client node contacts the server.
Specifies the name of the node for which you are setting the password
expiration period. To specify a list of nodes, separate the names with commas
and no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the administrator whose password expiration period you
would like to set. To specify a list of administrators, separate the names with
commas and no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 417. Commands related to SET PASSEXP
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
RESET PASSEXP Resets the password expiration for nodes or
UPDATE ADMIN Changes the password or contact information
associated with any administrator.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Privilege class
►► SET PRODUCTOFFERING product_offering ►◄
product_offering (Required)
Specifies a product offering. The maximum length of the text string is 255
characters. The following options are available:
Specifies that the product offering licensed in your enterprise is IBM
Spectrum Protect Entry. This product offering uses a Per Managed
Server licensing metric. Capacity measurements for this product
offering are not applicable.
Specifies that the product offering licensed in your enterprise is IBM
Spectrum Protect for Data Retention. Capacity measurements for this
product offering are not calculated automatically or made available for
use by ILMT.
Specifies that the product offering licensed in your enterprise is IBM
Spectrum Protect. This product offering uses a processor value unit
(PVU) licensing metric. Capacity measurements for this product
offering are not applicable.
EE Specifies that the product offering licensed in your enterprise is IBM
Spectrum Protect Extended Edition. This product offering uses a PVU
licensing metric. Capacity measurements for this product offering are
not applicable.
Related commands
Table 418. Commands related to SET PRODUCTOFFERING
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Each client can set its own retry period at the time its scheduler is started. You can
use this command to override the value specified by all clients that can connect
with the server.
If client nodes poll more frequently for schedules, the nodes receive changes to
schedules more quickly. However, increased polling by the client nodes also
increases network traffic.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the value for the period
between schedule queries. At installation, IBM Spectrum Protect is configured so
that each client node determines its own value for this setting.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set QUERYSCHedperiod ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of hours the scheduler on a client node waits
between attempts to contact the server to obtain a schedule. This parameter is
optional. You can specify an integer from 1 to 9999. If you do not specify a
value for this parameter, each client determines its own value for this
Have all clients using the polling scheduling mode contact the server every 24
set queryschedperiod 24
Related commands
Table 419. Commands related to SET QUERYSCHEDPERIOD
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET SCHEDMODES Specifies the central scheduling mode for the
Each schedule has a window during which it can be run. To balance network and
server load, the start times for clients can be scattered across that window. Use this
command to specify the fraction of the window over which start times for clients
are distributed.
The randomization occurs at the beginning of the window to allow time for retries,
if necessary. When the scheduling mode is not set to polling, randomization does
not occur if the client's first contact with the server is after the start time for the
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the value for the schedule
randomization percentage. At installation, the value is 25 percent.
Privilege class
►► Set RANDomize percent ►◄
percent (Required)
Specifies the percentage of the startup window over which the start times for
individual clients are distributed. You can specify an integer from 0 to 50.
A value of 0 indicates that no randomization occurs and that all clients run
schedules at the beginning of the startup windows.
A value of 50 indicates that clients are assigned start times that are randomly
scattered across the first half of each startup window.
At installation, this value is 25, indicating that the first 25 percent of the
window is used for randomization.
command, the percentage is applied to a 24 hour period. For example, a value
of 25 percent would result in a 6 hour window.
The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter affects all file recovery processes across
all replication processes for all nodes and file spaces. File recovery is possible only
if the server software, Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target
replication servers, and if the node data was replicated before the file damage
If you upgrade the server and no damaged files are detected, the default setting is
If you upgrade the server and damaged files are detected, the parameter is set to
OFF, and a message is issued to indicate that the recovery of damaged files is
disabled. The OFF setting prevents the server from scanning database tables for
damaged objects that can be recovered. Prevention of the scan is necessary in case
many damaged files are detected. In that case, a scan can take a considerable
amount of time, and should be scheduled when use of server resources is at a
minimum. When you are ready to start the scan and recover damaged files, you
must issue the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command and specify the ON setting.
After the server successfully completes the scan, the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system
parameter is set to ON.
The following table describes how the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter and
other parameters affect the recovery of damaged, replicated files.
Table 421. Settings that affect the recovery of damaged files
Value of the
RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the
Setting for the parameter on the REGISTER NODE and
system parameter command commands Result
OFF YES, NO, or not YES or NO During node
specified replication, standard
replication occurs
and damaged files
are not recovered
from the target
replication server.
OFF ONLY YES or NO An error message is
displayed because
files cannot be
recovered when the
system parameter is
set to OFF.
Privilege class
►► ►◄
To specify a system-wide setting that enables the server to recover damaged files
from a target replication server, issue the following command:
set replrecoverdamaged on
Related commands
Table 422. Commands related to SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Issue the SET REPLRETENTION command on the server that acts as a source for
replicated data.
Privilege class
►► Set REPLRETention ►◄
number_of_days (Required)
The number of days that the source replication server retains replication
records. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999. The default value is 30.
Related commands
Table 423. Commands related to SET REPLRETENTION
Command Description
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
To display the name of a target replication server, issue the QUERY STATUS
command on a source replication server.
v The server name that you specify with this command must match the name of
an existing server definition. It must also be the name of the server to be used as
the target replication server. If the server name specified by this command does
not match the server name of an existing server definition, the command fails.
v Use care when you are changing or removing a target replication server. If you
change a target replication server, replicated client-node data is sent to a
different target replication server. If you remove a target replication server, client
node data is not replicated.
Privilege class
►► Set REPLSERVer ►◄
Specifies the name of the target replication server. The name that you specify
must match the name of an existing server. The maximum length of a name is
64 characters.
To remove a target replication server, issue the command without specifying a
Note: If you do not want to continue replicating data, you can remove the
node replication configuration after you remove the target replication server.
Related commands
Table 424. Commands related to SET REPLSERVER
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
Each client can set its own retry period at the time its scheduler program is started.
You can use this command to override the values specified by all clients that can
connect with the server.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the value for the period
between retries. At installation, IBM Spectrum Protect allows each client to
determine its own retry period.
Privilege class
►► Set RETRYPeriod ►◄
Specifies the number of minutes the scheduler on a client node waits between
retry attempts after a failed attempt to contact the server or after a scheduled
command fails to process. When setting the retry period, set a time period that
permits more than one retry attempt within a typical startup window. You can
specify an integer from 1 to 9999.
Have the client scheduler retry failed attempts to contact the server or to process
scheduled commands every fifteen minutes.
set retryperiod 15
Related commands
Table 425. Commands related to SET RETRYPERIOD
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET MAXCMDRETRIES Specifies the maximum number of retries
after a failed attempt to execute a scheduled
Use this command with the SET RETRYPERIOD command to regulate the time and
the number of retry attempts to process a failed command.
You can issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the value for the scheduling
mode supported. At installation, this value is ANY.
Privilege class
►► Set SCHEDMODes ANY ►◄
Specifies that clients can run in either the client-polling or the server-prompted
scheduling mode.
Specifies that only the client-polling mode can be used. Client nodes poll the
server at prescribed time intervals to obtain scheduled work.
Specifies that only the server-prompted mode can be used. This mode is only
available for clients that communicate with TCP/IP. Client nodes wait to be
contacted by the server when scheduled work needs to be performed and a
session is available.
Related commands
Table 426. Command related to SET SCHEDMODES
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
days (Required)
Specifies the number of days that a scratchpad entry is retained after the last
update to the scratchpad entry. You can enter an integer in the range 1 - 9999.
Example: Retain scratch pad entries for 367 days after they are
set scratchpadretention 367
Related commands
Table 427. Commands related to SET SCRATCHPADRETENTION
Command Description
DEFINE SCRATCHPADENTRY Creates a line of data in the scratch pad.
DELETE SCRATCHPADENTRY Deletes a line of data from the scratch pad.
QUERY SCRATCHPADENTRY Displays information that is contained in the
scratch pad.
UPDATE SCRATCHPADENTRY Updates data on a line in the scratch pad.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set SERVERHladdress ip_address ►◄
ip_address (Required)
Specifies a server high-level address as a numeric dotted decimal name or a
host name. If a host name is specified, a server that can resolve the name to
the dotted decimal form must be available.
Related commands
Table 428. Command related to SET SERVERHLADDRESS
Command Description
SET CROSSDEFINE Specifies whether to cross define servers.
SET SERVERLLADDRESS Specifies the low-level address of a server.
SET SERVERPASSWORD Specifies the server password.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
►► Set SERVERLladdress tcp_port ►◄
tcp_port (Required)
Specifies the low-level address of the server. Generally, this address is identical
to the TCPPORT option in the server option file of the server.
Related commands
Table 429. Command related to SET SERVERLLADDRESS
Command Description
SET CROSSDEFINE Specifies whether to cross define servers.
SET SERVERHLADDRESS Specifies the high-level address of a server.
SET SERVERPASSWORD Specifies the server password.
If you migrate from ADSM to IBM Spectrum Protect, the name is set to ADSM or
the name last specified to ADSM with a SET SERVERNAME command.
v If this is a source server for a virtual volume operation, changing its name can
impact its ability to access and manage the data it has stored on the
corresponding target server.
v To prevent problems related to volume ownership, do not change the name of a
server if it is a library client.
Privilege class
►► Set SERVername server_name ►◄
server_name (Required)
Specifies the new server name. The name must be unique across a server
network for enterprise event logging, enterprise configuration, command
routing, or virtual volumes. The maximum length of the name is 64 characters.
Related commands
Table 430. Command related to SET SERVERNAME
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
►► Set SERVERPAssword password ►◄
password (Required)
Specifies a password for the server. Other servers must have the same
password in their definitions of this server. The minimum length of the
password is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET
MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
Related commands
Table 431. Command related to SET SERVERPASSWORD
Command Description
SET CROSSDEFINE Specifies whether to cross define servers.
SET SERVERHLADDRESS Specifies the high-level address of a server.
SET SERVERLLADDRESS Specifies the low-level address of a server.
Restriction: The replication rule that you set with this command is applied only if
file space rules and client node rules for space-managed data are set to DEFAULT.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
For example, suppose that your client nodes contain space-managed data and
backup data. Replication of the space-managed data is a higher priority than the
backup data. To prioritize the space-managed data, issue the SET
replication rule. To prioritize the backup data, issue the SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT
command and specify the ALL_DATA replication rule for backup data. The
ALL_DATA rule for backup data replicates backup data with a normal priority.
Privilege class
►► Set SPREPLRuledefault ALL_DATA ►◄
Replicates space-managed data with a normal priority.
Replicates space-managed data with a high priority.
Space-managed data is not replicated.
Set up the default rule for space-managed data to replicate with a high priority.
set spreplruledefault all_data_high_priority
Related commands
Table 432. Commands related to SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
Privilege class
►► Set STATUSATRISKINTERVAL TYPE = ALl Interval = value ►◄
TYPE (Required)
Specifies the type of client that should be evaluated. Specify one of the
following values:
Specify this setting for all client types.
Specify this setting for only application client types.
VM Specify this setting for virtual system clients types.
Specify this setting for systems client types.
Specify this setting for object client types.
Interval (Required)
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, between client activity before the status
monitor considers the client to be at risk. You can specify an integer in the
range 6 - 8808. The interval value for all client types is set to 24 at server
Set the at-risk interval check for systems client types to 2 weeks.
set statusriskinterval type=systems interval=336
Related commands
Table 433. Commands related to SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
Set STATUSMonitor = OFf
►► ►◄
Set STATUSMonitor = ON
ON Specifies that the status monitoring is turned on. The first time that you set
status monitoring to ON, it sets all the default threshold values that are
commands. It also sets the retention value for event records to at least 14 days.
For example, when you turn status monitoring on, the default values for
primary storage pool utilization is automatically set to display a warning when
the threshold value reaches 80%, and an error when the threshold reaches 90%
Specifies that the status monitoring is turned off. Off is the default value.
Related commands
Table 434. Commands related to SET STATUSMONITOR
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status Displays information about a status
monitoring thresholds)” on page 1092 monitoring thresholds.
Privilege class
►► Set STATUSREFreshinterval minutes ►◄
minutes (Required)
Specifies the approximate number of minutes between status monitoring server
queries. You can specify an integer in the range 1 - 2440. The default value is 5.
v In a storage environment that is monitored by the Operations Center, set the
same refresh interval on the hub and spoke servers. If you use different
intervals, the Operations Center can show inaccurate information for spoke
v Short status refresh intervals use more space in the server database and
might require more processor and disk resources. For example, decreasing
the interval by half doubles the required database and archive log space.
Long intervals reduce the currency of Operations Center data but better suit
a high-latency network configuration.
v A status refresh interval of less than 5 minutes can cause the following
– Operations Center data that is supposed to be refreshed after the defined
interval takes a longer time to be refreshed.
– Operations Center data that is supposed to be refreshed almost
immediately when a related change occurs in the storage environment
also takes a longer time to be refreshed.
Specify that the server status is queried every 6 minutes, by issuing the following
set statusrefreshinterval 6
Related commands
Table 435. Commands related to SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
Privilege class
No APplications
State (Required)
Specifies whether to enable the check for skipped files during the last backup.
This check signifies that the client is at-risk if any files were skipped. Client
data that is skipped or not backed up properly is considered at risk.
Specifies that the server evaluates whether a client is at risk.
No Specifies that the server does not evaluate whether a client is at risk.
TYPE (Required)
Specifies the type of client that should be evaluated. Specify one of the
following values:
Specify this setting for all client types.
Specify this setting for only application client types.
VM Specify this setting for virtual system clients types.
Specify this setting for systems client types.
Specify this setting for object client types.
Disable the at-risk evaluation for virtual systems client types by issuing the
following command:
set statusskipasfailure off type=vm
Related commands
Table 436. Commands related to SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE
Command Description
“DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a Defines a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 376
With subfile backups, when a client's file has been previously backed up, any
subsequent backups are typically made to the portion (a subfile) of the client's file
that has changed, rather than the entire file.
Use the QUERY STATUS command to determine whether subfiles can be backed up to
the server running this command.
Privilege class
►► Set SUBFILE Client ►◄
Specifies that the client node can determine whether to use subfile backup.
No Specifies that the subfile backups are not to be used. At installation, this value
is set to No.
Related commands
Table 437. Command related to SET SUBFILE
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
The SQL activity summary table contains statistics about each client session and
server processes. For a description of the information in the SQL activity summary
table, issue the following command:
select colname, remarks from columns where tabname=’SUMMARY’
Issue the QUERY STATUS command to display the number of days the information is
kept. At installation, IBM Spectrum Protect allows each server to determine its own
number of days for keeping information in the SQL activity summary table.
Privilege class
►► Set SUMmaryretention ►◄
Specifies the number of days to keep information in the activity summary
table. You can specify a number from 0 to 9999. A value of 0 means that
information in the activity summary table is not kept. A value of 1 specifies to
keep the activity summary table for the current day.
Set the server to retain the activity summary table information for 15 days.
set summaryretention 15
Related commands
Table 438. Commands related to SET SUMMARYRETENTION
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
SET ACTLOGRETENTION Specifies the number of days to retain log
records in the activity log.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity
SELECT Allows customized queries of the IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► Set TAPEAlertmsg ON ►◄
ON Specifies that diagnostic information will be reported to the server.
Specifies that diagnostic information will not be reported to the server.
Related commands
Table 439. Command related to SET TAPEALERTMSG
Command Description
QUERY TAPEALERTMSG Displays whether the server logs hardware
diagnostic information.
During NDMP-controlled backup operations of NAS file systems, the server can
optionally collect information about files and directories in the image and store this
information in a table of contents within a storage pool. The IBM Spectrum Protect
backup-archive client graphical user interface (GUI) can be used to examine files
and directories in one or more file-system images by displaying entries from the
table of contents data. The server loads the necessary table of contents data into a
temporary database table.
After the data is loaded, the user can then select those files and directories to be
restored. Because this database table is temporary, the data remains loaded only for
a specified time since the last reference to that data. At installation, the retention
time is set to 120 minutes. Use the QUERY STATUS command to see the table of
contents load retention time.
Privilege class
►► Set TOCLOADRetention minutes ►◄
minutes (Required)
Specifies the approximate number of minutes that an unreferenced table of
contents data is retained in the database. You can specify an integer from 30 to
Related commands
Table 440. Commands related to SET TOCLOADRETENTION
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the
domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.
► ►◄
Interval = value
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node, that owns the VM filespace, that you
want to update.
fsid (Required)
Specifies the filespace ID of the client node that you want to update.
TYPE (Required)
Specifies which at-risk evaluation mode the status monitor should use when
evaluating the at-risk classification for the specified nodes VM filespace.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the VM filespace is evaluated with the same interval that was
specified for the SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL command.
Specifies that the VM filespace is not evaluated for at-risk status by the
status monitor. The at-risk status is also reported as bypassed to the
Operations Center.
Specifies that the VM filespace is evaluated with the specified interval,
rather than the interval that was specified for the SET
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, between client backup activity before
the status monitor considers the client to be at risk. You can specify an integer
in the range 6 - 8808. You must specify this parameter when TYPE = CUSTOM.
You do not specify this parameter when TYPE = BYPASSED or TYPE = DEFAULT.
The interval value for all client types is set to 24 at server installation.
Set the at-risk interval for a node named charlievm (filespace ID 50) on datacenter
node named alice to use a 90 day at-risk interval. You can issue the QUERY
FILESPACE command to determine the filespace ID for the VM.
set vmatriskinterval alice 50 type=custom interval=2160
Exclude the VM called davevm (filespace ID 213) on datacenter node named erin
from at-risk interval checking. You can issue the QUERY FILESPACE command to
determine the filespace ID for the VM called davevm. Then set the at-risk interval
check for the VM as bypassed.
set vmatriskinterval erin 213 type=bypassed
Related commands
Table 441. Commands related to set vmatriskinterval
Command Description
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET NODEATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Sets the at-risk mode and interval for a node
at-risk mode for an individual node)” on
page 1337
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“QUERY NODE (Query nodes)” on page 952 Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
“QUERY FILESPACE (Query one or more file Displays information about data in file
spaces)” on page 899 spaces that belong to a client.
Privilege class
►► SETOPT option_name option_value ►◄
option_name (Required)
Specifies a text string of information identifying the server option to be
updated. The maximum length of the text string is 255 characters. The
following options are available:
Update the server option for the maximum number of client sessions to a value of
setopt maxsessions 40
Related commands
Table 442. Commands related to SETOPT
Command Description
QUERY OPTION Displays information about server options.
QUERY SYSTEM Displays details about the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server system.
You can control automatic shred processing with the SHREDDING server option.
This command creates a background process that can be canceled with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To display information on background processes, use the QUERY
PROCESS command.
If data from a storage pool that enforces shredding is deleted while a manual
shredding process is running, it will be added to the running process.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege.
Wait = No
DUration = minutes Wait = No
► ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of minutes the shredding process runs before
being automatically canceled. When the specified number of minutes elapses,
the server cancels the shredding process. As soon as the process recognizes the
cancellation, it ends. Because of this, the process may run longer than the value
you specified for this parameter. You can specify a number from 1 to 9999. This
parameter is optional. If not specified, the server will stop only after all deleted
sensitive data has been shredded.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default is No. Possible
values are:
No Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. You
can continue with other tasks while the command is being processed.
Messages created from the background process are displayed either in the
activity log or the server console, or both, depending on where messages
are logged. To cancel a background process, use the CANCEL PROCESS
command. If you cancel this process, some files might already have been
shredded before the cancellation. This is the default.
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You
must wait for the operation to complete before continuing with other tasks.
Manually start the shredding of all deleted sensitive data. Continue the process for
up to six hours before automatically canceling it.
shred data duration=360
Related commands
Table 443. Commands related to SHRED DATA
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background
QUERY SHREDSTATUS Displays information about data waiting to be
Privilege class
You must have system privilege to issue this command.
►► SUSPend EXPOrt ►◄
This optional parameter specifies the name of the export operation. You can
find a name by issuing the QUERY EXPORT command to list all the currently
running server-to-server export operations that can be suspended. You can also
use the wildcard character to specify the name.
Related commands
Table 444. Commands related to SUSPEND EXPORT
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
EXPORT NODE Copies client node information to external
media or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external
media or directly to another server.
QUERY EXPORT Displays the export operations that are
currently running or suspended.
RESTART EXPORT Restarts a suspended export operation.
Privilege class
►► UNLOCK Admin * ►◄
admin_name AUTHentication = LOcal
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator to unlock. You can use wildcard
characters to specify the administrator name. You do not have to enter an
administrator name if you want to unlock all of the administrators according
to their method of authentication. Use the wildcard with an authentication
method to unlock multiple administrators. The parameter is required (no
default wildcard).
Specifies the method of password authentication that is needed for an
administrator to log on.
Specifies that you want to unlock administrator user IDs that authenticate
passwords with the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Specifies that you want to unlock administrator user IDs that authenticate
passwords with an LDAP directory server.
The administrator user ID JOE is locked out of IBM Spectrum Protect. Allow JOE
to access the server. Issue the following command:
unlock admin joe
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
►► UNLOCK Node * ►◄
node_name AUTHentication = LOcal
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to unlock. You can use wildcard
characters to specify the node name. You do not have to enter a node name if
you want to unlock all of the nodes according to their method of
authentication. Use the wildcard with an authentication method to unlock
groups of nodes. The parameter is required. There is no default wildcard
character available.
Specifies the node password authentication method. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that you want to unlock nodes that authenticate passwords with
the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Specifies that you want to unlock nodes that authenticate passwords with
an LDAP directory server.
The client node SMITH is locked out of IBM Spectrum Protect. Allow SMITH to
access the server.
unlock node smith
Related commands
Table 446. Commands related to UNLOCK NODE
Command Description
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
Privilege class
►► UNLOCK PROFIle profile_name ►◄
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile to unlock. You can use wildcard characters to indicate
multiple names.
Related commands
Table 447. Commands related to UNLOCK PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UPDATE PROFILE Changes the description of a profile.
Privilege class
CAtegory = SErver
► ►
CAtegory = APplication
► ►◄
, ,
message_number (Required)
Specifies the message number that you want to associate with the alert trigger.
Specify multiple message numbers, which are separated by commas, and no
intervening spaces. Message numbers are a maximum of eight characters in
Specifies the category type for the alert, which is determined by the message
types. The default value is SERVER.
Note: Changing the category of an alert trigger does not change the category
of existing alerts on the server. New alerts are categorized with the new
Specify one of the following values:
Alert is classified as application category. For example, you can specify this
category for messages that are associated with application (TDP) clients.
Alert is classified as inventory category. For example, you can specify this
category for messages that are associated with the database, active log file,
or archive log file.
Related commands
Table 448. Commands related to UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
Privilege class
► ►◄
ASSigned = text RESolvedby = text REMark = text
alert_id (Required)
Species the alert that you want to update. You can specify multiple message
numbers by separating them with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the status type that you want to update. Alerts can be changed from
active to inactive or closed, or from inactive to closed. Possible values are:
Active alerts can be changed to inactive status.
Active and inactive alerts can be changed to closed status.
Specifies the administrator name that is assigned the alert that you want to
Specifies the administrator name that resolved the alert that you want to query.
This parameter specifies comment text. The comment text cannot exceed 255
characters. If the description contains any blank spaces, enclose the entire text
in quotation marks (""). Remove previously defined text by specifying a null
string ("") for this value.
Issue the following command to update the comment text for alert ID number 25
and indicate that DJADMIN is working on the alert:
update alertstatus 25 assigned=DJADMIN
Issue the following command to change alert ID number 72 to the closed status,
and add a remark about how the alert was resolved:
update alertstatus 72 status=closed remark="Increased the file system size for
the active log"
Related commands
Table 449. Commands related to UPDATE ALERTSTATUS
Command Description
“DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER (Define an alert Associates specified messages to an alert
trigger)” on page 140 trigger.
“DELETE ALERTTRIGGER (Remove a Removes a message number that can trigger
message from an alert trigger)” on page 470 an alert.
“QUERY ALERTSTATUS (Query the status of Displays information about alerts that have
an alert)” on page 781 been issued on the server.
“QUERY ALERTTRIGGER (Query the list of Displays message numbers that trigger an
defined alert triggers)” on page 779 alert.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER (Update a Updates the attributes of one or more alert
defined alert trigger)” on page 1390 triggers.
Restriction: You cannot update the authentication method for your own user ID. If
necessary, another administrator must make that change. Also, when you update a
password with the UPDATE ADMIN command, you cannot use a wildcard with the
admin_name parameter.
Administrators with the same name as a node can be created during a REGISTER
NODE command. To keep the node and administrator with the same name
synchronized, the authentication method and the SSLREQUIRED setting for the node
are updated to match the administrator. If the administrator authentication method
is changed from LOCAL to LDAP and a password is not provided, the node is put
in “LDAP pending” status. A password is then requested at the next logon.
Passwords between same-named nodes and administrators are kept in sync
through any authentication change.
You must use the RENAME ADMIN command to change the name of a registered
Privilege class
(1) (2)
►► UPDate Admin admin_name ►
password PASSExp = days
► ►
EMAILADdress = userID@node
► ►
SYNCldapdelete = No
AUTHentication = LOcal
LDap SYNCldapdelete = Yes
► ►
SSLrequired = Yes
SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►◄
SESSIONSECurity = STRict ALert = Yes
TRANSitional No
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
2 Passwords are optional for this command, except when changing the
authentication method from LDAP to LOCAL.
3 The SYNCldapdelete parameter applies only if an administrator authenticating
to an LDAP directory server reverts to local authentication.
4 The SSLREQUIRED parameter is deprecated.
admin_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the administrator to be updated.
Specifies the administrator's password. The minimum length of the password
is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET
MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
This parameter is optional in most cases. If the administrator authentication
method is changed from LDAP to LOCAL, a password is required. If an LDAP
server is used to authenticate administrators, do not specify a password by
using the UPDATE ADMIN command.
Specifies the number of days the password remains valid. You can set the
password expiration period in the range 0 - 9999. A value of 0 means that the
password never expires. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this
parameter, the password expiration period is unchanged. This parameter does
not apply to passwords that are stored on an LDAP directory server.
v For administrative user IDs that authenticate with an LDAP server,
password expiration is set by using LDAP server utilities. For this
reason, do not specify FORCEPWRESET=YES if you plan to specify
v If you plan to update an administrative user ID to authenticate with an
LDAP server, and you specified FORCEPWRESET=YES, you must change the
password before you can specify FORCEPWRESET=NO and
This parameter is used for additional contact information. The information that
is specified by this parameter is not acted upon by IBM Spectrum Protect.
This parameter determines the password authentication method that the
administrator ID uses; either LDAP or LOCAL.
Specifies that the administrator uses the local IBM Spectrum Protect server
database to store passwords for authentication.
Specifies that the administrator uses an LDAP directory server for
password authentication.
This parameter applies only if an administrator who authenticates to an LDAP
server wants to revert to local authentication.
Specifies that the administrator is deleted from the LDAP server.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 software and
Tivoli Storage Manager Version 7.1.8 software, this parameter is deprecated.
Validation that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2
protocol, which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The
SSLREQUIRED parameter is ignored. Update your configuration to use the
Specifies whether the administrator must use the most secure settings to
communicate with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the strictest security settings are enforced for the
administrator. The STRICT value uses the most secure communication
protocol available, which is currently TLS 1.2. The TLS 1.2 protocol is used
for SSL sessions between the server and the administrator. To specify
whether the server uses TLS 1.2 for the entire session or only for
authentication, see the SSL client option.
To use the STRICT value, the following requirements must be met to ensure
that the administrator can authenticate with the server:
v Both the administrator and server must be using IBM Spectrum Protect
software that supports the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
v The administrator must be configured to use the TLS 1.2 protocol for
SSL sessions between the server and the administrator.
Administrators set to STRICT that do not meet these requirements are
unable to authenticate with the server.
Specifies that the existing security settings are enforced for the
administrator. This is the default value. This value is intended to be used
temporarily while you update your security settings to meet the
requirements for the STRICT value.
If SESSIONSECURITY=TRANSITIONAL and the administrator has never met the
requirements for the STRICT value, the administrator will continue to
authenticate by using the TRANSITIONAL value. However, after an
administrator meets the requirements for the STRICT value, the
SESSIONSECURITY parameter value automatically updates from
TRANSITIONAL to STRICT. Then, the administrator can no longer authenticate
on the same server by using a version of the client or an SSL/TLS protocol
that does not meet the requirements for STRICT. In addition, after an
administrator successfully authenticates by using a more secure
communication protocol, the administrator can no longer authenticate by
using a less secure protocol. For example, if an administrator that is not
using SSL is updated and successfully authenticates by using TLS 1.2, the
administrator can no longer authenticate by using no SSL protocol or TLS
1.1. This restriction also applies when you use functions such as command
routing or server-to-server export, when the administrator authenticates to
the IBM Spectrum Protect server as an administrator from another server.
Tip: Alert monitoring must be enabled, and email settings must be correctly
defined to successfully receive alerts by email. To view the current settings,
issue the QUERY MONITORSETTINGS command.
Update all administrators to use the strictest security settings to authenticate with
the server.
update admin * sessionsecurity=strict
| or
| update admin larry sessionsecurity=strict
Related commands
Table 450. Commands related to UPDATE ADMIN
Command Description
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM
Spectrum ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
REGISTER ADMIN Defines a new administrator without
granting administrative authority.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or policy privilege for the
domain to which the client node is assigned.
, ,
► RETention = days ►
NOLimit BEGINDate = date BEGINTime = time
► ►
ENDDate = date ENDTime = time
► ►
WHERERETention = days ,
► ►
WHEREDESCription = description Preview= No
VERSion = Any
► ►◄
VERSion = Any
node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the names of the client nodes or node groups whose data is contained
in the specified backup set to be updated. To specify multiple node and node
group names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. The
node names that you specify can contain wildcard characters, but node group
names cannot contain wildcard characters.
backup_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set to update. The backup set name you
Specifies the beginning time in which the backup set to update was created.
This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. You can use this
Specifies the ending date in which the backup set to update was created. This
parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDTIME parameter
to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end date without an
ending time, the time will be at 11:59:59 p.m. on the specified end date.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Specifies the ending time in which the backup set to update was created. This
parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDDATE parameter
to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end time without an
end date, the date will be the current date at the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Specifies the retention value, specified in days, that is associated with the
backup set to update. The values are:
Specifies that the backup set that is retained this number of days is
Specifies that the backup set retained indefinitely is updated.
Specifies the description that is associated with the backup set to update. This
parameter is optional. You can specify wildcard characters for the description.
Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the backup sets containing the specified types of data are to be
updated. This parameter is optional. The default is that backup sets for all
types of data (file level, image, and application) are to be updated. To specify
multiple data types, separate each data type with a comma and no intervening
spaces. Possible values are:
Specifies that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and
application) are to be updated. This is the default.
Specifies that a file level backup set is to be updated. File level backup sets
contain files and directories backup up by the backup-archive client.
Specifies that an image backup set is to be updated. Image backup sets
contain images created by the backup-archive client BACKUP IMAGE
Specifies whether to preview the list of backup sets to update, without actually
updating the backup sets. This parameter is optional. The default is No. The
values are:
No Specifies that the backup sets are updated.
Specifies that the server displays the backup sets to update, without
actually updating the backup sets.
Specifies the version of the backup set to update. Backup sets with the same
prefix name are considered to be different versions of the same backup set.
This parameter is optional. The default is to update any version that matches
the criteria specified on the command. The values are:
Update the retention period where the description is Healthy Computers. The
retention period is assigned to backup set PERS_DATA.3099 that contains data
from client node JANE. Change the retention period to 70 days.
update backupset jane pers_data.3099
retention=70 wheredescription="healthy computers"
Related commands
Table 451. Commands related to UPDATE BACKUPSET
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup set.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
►► UPDate CLIENTOpt option_set_name option_name ►
► current_sequence_number new_sequence_number ►◄
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the option set.
option_name (Required)
Specifies a valid client option.
current_sequence_number (Required)
Specifies the current sequence number of the option.
new_sequence_number (Required)
Specifies the new sequence number of the option.
To update the current client option sequence number issue the following
update clientopt eng dateformat 0 9
Related commands
Table 452. Commands related to UPDATE CLIENTOPT
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node is assigned.
►► UPDate CLOptset option_set_name DESCription = description ►◄
option_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the option set.
DESCription (Required)
Specifies a description of the client option set. The maximum length of the
description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it
contains blank characters.
Related commands
Table 453. Commands related to UPDATE CLOPTSET
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
QUERY CLOPTSET Displays information about a client option
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client
option in a client option set.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted storage privilege.
►► UPDate COLLOCGroup group_name DESCription = description ►◄
Specifies the name of the collocation group whose description you want to
DESCription (Required)
Specifies a description of the collocation group. This parameter is required. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. If the description contains
any blanks, enclose the entire description in quotation marks.
Related commands
Table 454. Commands related to UPDATE COLLOCGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
MOVE NODEDATA Moves data for one or more nodes, or a
single node with selected file spaces.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
UPDATE STGPOOL Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
Tip: The UPDATE COPYGROUP command fails if you specify a copy storage pool as a
The UPDATE COPYGROUP command takes two forms, depending upon whether the
update is for a backup copy group or for an archive copy group. The syntax and
parameters for each form are defined separately.
v “UPDATE COPYGROUP (Update a backup copy group)” on page 1410
v “UPDATE COPYGROUP (Update a defined archive copy group)” on page 1415
Table 455. Commands related to UPDATE COPYGROUP
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default
for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DELETE COPYGROUP Deletes a backup or archive copy group from
a policy domain and policy set.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
EXPIRE INVENTORY Manually starts inventory expiration
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy
group belongs.
► ►
Type = Backup DESTination = pool_name FREQuency = days
► ►
VERExists = number VERDeleted = number
NOLimit NOLimit
► ►
RETExtra = days RETOnly = days
NOLimit NOLimit
► ►
MODE = MODified SERialization = SHRSTatic
ABSolute STatic
► ►◄
TOCDestination = pool_name
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the copy group belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the copy group belongs. You cannot update a
copy group in the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to which the copy group belongs.
Specifies the copy group, which must be STANDARD. This parameter is
Specifies that you want to update a backup copy group. This parameter is
Specifies the primary storage pool where the server initially stores backup
data. This parameter is optional. You cannot specify a copy storage pool as the
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 2. Preferred values
are 3, 4, or more.
Specifies that you want the server to retain all backup versions.
The number of backup versions to retain is controlled by this parameter until
versions exceed the retention time specified by the RETEXTRA parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that have
been deleted from the client file system after being backed up using the server.
This parameter is optional.
If a user deletes a file from the client file system, the next incremental backup
causes the server to change the active backup version of the file to inactive and
expire the oldest versions in excess of this number. The expiration date for the
remaining versions is determined by the retention time specified by the
RETEXTRA or RETONLY parameter. Possible values are:
Specifies the number of backup versions to retain for files that are deleted
from the client file system after being backed up. You can specify a value
from 0 to 9999.
Specifies that you want the server to retain all backup versions for files
that are deleted from the client file system after being backed up.
Specifies the number of days that the server retains a backup version after that
version becomes inactive. A version of a file becomes inactive when the client
stores a more recent backup version, or when the client deletes the file from
the workstation and then runs a full incremental backup. The server deletes
inactive versions based on retention time even if the number of inactive
versions does not exceed the number allowed by the VEREXISTS or
VERDELETED parameters. This parameter is optional. Possible values are:
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 14 days. The
preferred value is 30 or more days.
Specifies that you want to retain inactive backup versions indefinitely.
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server deletes extra backup versions based on
the VEREXISTS parameter (when the file still exists on the client file
system) or the VERDELETED parameter (when the file no longer exists on
the client file system).
Specifies the number of days to retain the last backup version of a file that has
been deleted from the client file system. This parameter is optional. Possible
values are:
Specifies the number of days to retain the last remaining inactive copy of a
file. You can specify an integer from 0 to 9999.
Tip: To help ensure that files can be recovered after a malware incident,
such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 30 days.
Specifies that you want to keep the last remaining inactive version of a file
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains the last remaining backup
version forever, unless a user or administrator deletes the file from server
Specifies whether the server backs up a file only if the file has changed since
the last backup, or whenever a client requests a backup. This parameter is
optional. Possible values are:
Specifies that the file is backed up only if it has changed since the last
backup. A file is considered changed if any of the following is true:
v The date last modified is different
v The file size is different
v The file owner is different
v The file permissions are different
Specifies that the file is backed up regardless of whether it has been
The MODE value is used only for full incremental backup. This value is
ignored during partial incremental backup or selective backup.
Specifies how the server processes files or directories when they are modified
during backup processing. This parameter is optional. Possible values are:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy
group belongs.
► Type = Archive ►
DESTination = pool_name FREQuency = Cmd
► ►
RETVer = days MODE = ABSolute RETMin = days
► ►◄
SERialization = SHRSTatic
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the copy group belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the copy group belongs. You cannot update a
copy group in the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to which the copy group belongs.
Specifies the copy group, which must be STANDARD. This parameter is optional.
Type=Archive (Required)
Specifies that you want to update an archive copy group. This parameter is
Specifies the primary storage pool where the server initially stores the archive
copy. This parameter is optional. You cannot specify a copy storage pool as the
Specifies the copy frequency, which must be CMD. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the number of days to keep an archive copy. This parameter is
optional. Possible values are:
Tip: To help ensure that your data can be recovered after a malware
incident, such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 30 days.
Specifies that you want to keep an archive copy indefinitely.
If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains archive copies forever, unless a
user or administrator deletes the file from server storage.
The value of the RETVER parameter can affect the management class to which
the server binds an archived directory. If the client does not use the ARCHMC
option, the server binds directories that are archived to the default
management class. If the default management class has no archive copy group,
the server binds directories that are archived to the management class with the
shortest retention period.
Specifies that a file is always archived when the client requests it. The MODE
must be ABSOLUTE. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the minimum number of days to keep an archive copy after it has
been archived. This parameter is optional. The default value is 365.
Specifies how the server processes files that are modified during archive. This
parameter is optional. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server does not archive a file that is being modified. The
server attempts to perform an archive as many as four times, depending
on the value specified for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option. If the file is
modified during the archive attempt, the server does not archive the file.
Specifies that the server does not archive a file that is being modified. If a
file is modified during the archive attempt, the server does not archive the
Platforms that do not support the STATIC option default to SHRSTATIC.
Specifies that if the file is being modified during an archive attempt, the
server archives the file during its last attempt even though the file is being
modified. The server attempts to archive the file as many as four times,
depending on the value specified for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option.
Specifies that the server archives a file on the first attempt, regardless of
whether the file is being modified during archive processing.
Tip: Be cautious when selecting retention values for primary storage pools that
are of type RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK. Volumes in these types of
storage pools cannot be deleted until after their retention dates have passed.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► UPDate DATAMover data_mover_name ►
HLAddress = address
► ►
LLAddress = tcp_port USERid = userid PASsword = password
► ►◄
ONLine = Yes
data_mover_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the data mover.
Specifies either the new numerical IP address or the new domain name, which
is used to access the NAS file server. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the new TCP port number to access the NAS file server for Network
Data Management Protocol (NDMP) sessions. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the user ID for a user that is authorized to initiate an NDMP session
with the NAS file server. For example, enter the administrative ID for a
NetApp file server. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the new password for the user ID to log onto the NAS file server.
This parameter is optional.
Specifies whether the data mover is available for use. This parameter is
Specifies that the data mover is available for use.
No Specifies that the data mover is not available for use.
Update the data mover for the node named NAS1. Change the numerical IP
address from to
update datamover nas1 hladdress=
Related commands
Table 456. Commands related to UPDATE DATAMOVER
Command Description
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE DATAMOVER Deletes a data mover.
QUERY DATAMOVER Displays data mover definitions.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
Note: The DISK device class is predefined by IBM Spectrum Protect and cannot be
modified with the UPDATE DEVCLASS command.
If you are updating a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “UPDATE DEVCLASS - z/OS media server (Update device
class for z/OS media server)” on page 1481.
The syntax and parameter descriptions are provided according to the device type.
The syntax and parameter information is presented in the following order.
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a 3590 device class)” on page 1421
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a 3592 device class)” on page 1425
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a 4MM device class)” on page 1432
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update an 8MM device class)” on page 1436
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a CENTERA device class)” on page 1442
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a DLT device class)” on page 1444
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update an ECARTRIDGE device class)” on page 1450
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a FILE device class)” on page 1456
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a GENERICTAPE device class)” on page 1460
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update an LTO device class)” on page 1463
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a NAS device class)” on page 1470
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a REMOVABLEFILE device class)” on page 1473
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a SERVER device class)” on page 1475
v “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a VOLSAFE device class)” on page 1477
Table 457. Commands related to UPDATE DEVCLASS
Command Description
BACKUP DEVCONFIG Backs up IBM Spectrum Protect device
information to a file.
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DELETE DEVCLASS Deletes a device class.
QUERY DEVCLASS Displays information about device classes.
QUERY DIRSPACE Displays information about FILE directories.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a 3590 device class for
z/OS media server)” on page 1482.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the tape drives
that can be used by this device class. This parameter is optional.
For information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
20.0 GB
3590E-B 10.0 GB Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B
3590E-C See note Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
20.0 GB
3590H-B 30.0 GB (J Uncompressed (basic) format, similar to the 3590B
cartridge- format
standard length)
60.0 GB (K
extended length)
3590H-C See note Compressed format, similar to the 3590C format
60.0 GB (J
standard length)
120.0 GB (K
extended length)
Note: If this format uses the tape drive hardware compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity might be greater than the listed value.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the sequential access volumes that are
categorized by this device class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. You can specify a
number 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
However, for EXTERNAL library types, setting this parameter to a low value
(for example, two minutes) enhances device sharing between applications.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
LBProtect = READWrite SCALECAPacity = 100
WRITEOnly 90
No 20
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
► ►◄
(1) (2)
DRIVEEncryption = ON
1 You cannot specify both WORM=Yes and DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON.
2 Drive encryption is supported only for 3592 Generation 2 or later drives.
Note: The scale capacity value takes effect when data is first written to a
volume. Any updates to the device class for scale capacity do not affect
volumes that already have data that is written to them until the volume is
returned to scratch status.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
v LTO-8 drives are unable to read LTO-6 media. If you are mixing LTO-6 with
LTO-8 drives and media in a single library, you must partition the library
into two libraries. One library must have only LTO-8 drives and media and
the other must have LTO-6 drives and media.
The following table lists the recording formats, estimated capacities, and
recording format options for 3592 devices.
Tip: The format name is specified as, for example, 3592-X, 3592-XC, 3592-XA,
or 3592-XAC, where X indicates the drive generation, C indicates a compressed
format, and A indicates an archive drive.
Table 460. Recording formats and default estimated capacities for 3592
Format Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
Special configurations are also required for mixing different generations of 3592
drives in 349x and ACSLS libraries.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies whether drive encryption is allowed. This parameter is optional.
Updating this parameter affects empty volumes only. If a filling volume was
previously encrypted or is unencrypted, and you update the
DRIVEENCRYPTION parameter, the volume maintains its original encrypted
or unencrypted status. The filling volume also maintains its original
key-management status.
ON Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect is the key manager for drive
encryption and allows drive encryption for empty storage pool volumes
only if the application method is enabled. (Other types of volumes-for
example, back up sets, export volumes, and database backup volumes-will
not be encrypted.) If you specify ON and you enable either the library or
system method of encryption, drive encryption is not allowed and backup
operations fail.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. However, drive encryption for empty volumes is allowed if
either the library or system method of encryption is enabled.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the 4 mm tape
drives used by this device class. This parameter is optional. For information
about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
v If you plan to upgrade all drives to Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, you must
delete all existing LTO Ultrium drive definitions and the paths that are
associated with them. Then, you can define the new Generation 4, 5, 6, 7, or
8 drives and paths.
8.0 GB
DDS3 12.0 GB Uncompressed format, applies only to 125-meter
DDS3C See note Compressed format, applies only to 125-meter tapes
24.0 GB
DDS4 20.0 GB Uncompressed format, applies only to 150-meter
DDS4C See note Compressed format, applies only to 150-meter tapes
40.0 GB
DDS5 36 GB Uncompressed format, when using DAT 72 media
DDS5C See note Compressed format, when using DAT 72 media
72 GB
DDS6 80 GB Uncompressed format, when using DAT 160 media
DDS6C See note Compressed format, when using DAT 160 media
160 GB
Note: If this format uses the tape drive hardware compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity might be greater than the listed value.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the 8 mm tape
drives that can be used by this device class. For more information about
defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Instead, specify the format that the drives use.
4.6 GB
8500 See note Drives (Read Write)
V6 (62m) 20 GB VXA–2
V10 (124m) 40 GB
V17 (170m) 60 GB
V6 (62m) 40 GB VXA–2
V10 (124m) 80 GB
V17 (170m) 120 GB
VXA3 See note Drive (Read Write)
X6 (62m) 40 GB VXA–3
X10 (124m) 86 GB
X23 (230m) 160 GB
VXA3C See note Drive (Read Write)
X6 (62m) 80 GB VXA–3
X10 (124m) 172 GB
X23 (230m) 320 GB
Note: The actual capacities might vary depending on which cartridges and drives are used.
v For the AITC and SAITC formats, the normal compression ratio is 2.6:1.
v For the M2C format, the normal compression ratio is 2.5:1.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
For more information about the default estimated capacity for 8 mm tapes, see
Table 462 on page 1437.
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Update a device class named 8MMTAPE. Change the mount limit to 3 and the
estimated capacity to 10 GB.
update devclass 8mmtape mountlimit=3 estcapacity=10G
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► UPDate DEVclass device_class_name HLAddress = ip_address?PEA_file ►
► ►◄
MINCAPacity = size MOUNTLimit = number
1 For each Centera device class, you must specify an IP address. However, a
Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file name and path are optional, and the PEA
file specification must follow the IP address. Use the "?" character to separate
the PEA file name and path from the IP address.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
Specifies an IP address for the Centera storage device and, optionally, the name
and path of one Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file. Specify the IP address
with the dotted decimal format (for example, A Centera device
might have multiple IP addresses. However, you must specify one of them as a
value for this parameter.
The PEA file name and path name are case-sensitive.
If you append the name and path of a PEA file, ensure that the file is stored in
a directory on the system that runs the IBM Spectrum Protect server. Separate
the PEA file name and path from the IP address or addresses with the "?"
character, for example:
Specify only one PEA file name and path for each device class definition. If
you specify two different Centera device classes that point to the same Centera
storage device and if the device class definitions contain different PEA file
names and paths, the server uses the PEA file that is specified in the device
class HLADDRESS parameter that was first used to open the Centera storage
1. The server does not include a PEA file during installation. If you do not
create a PEA file, the server uses the Centera default profile, which can
allow applications to read, write, delete, purge, and query data on a
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the DLT tape
drives that can be used by this device class. For information about defining a
library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
80.0 GB
DLT10 10.0 GB Uncompressed format, using only CompacTape III or
CompacTape IV cartridges
DLT10C See note 1 on Compressed format, using only CompacTape III and
page 1447. CompacTape IV cartridges
20.0 GB
DLT15 15.0 GB Uncompressed format, using only CompacTape IIIxt
or CompacTape IV cartridges (not CompacTape III)
Note: Valid with DLT2000XT, DLT4000, and DLT7000
DLT15C See note 1 on Compressed format, using only CompacTape IIIxt or
page 1447. CompacTape IV cartridges (not CompacTape III)
160.0 GB
DLT4 160.0 GB Uncompressed format, using Quantum DLTtape VS1
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
For more information about estimated capacities, see Table 463 on page 1445.
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update an ECARTRIDGE device
class for z/OS media server)” on page 1492.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
WRITEOnly T9840C
No T9840C-C
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►
► ►◄
(1) (2)
DRIVEEncryption = ON
1 You can use drive encryption only for Oracle StorageTek T10000B drives with
a format value of DRIVE, T10000B, or T10000B-C, for Oracle StorageTek
T10000C drives with a format value of DRIVE, T10000C or T10000C-C, and
for Oracle StorageTek T10000D drives with a format value of DRIVE,
T10000D and T10000D-C.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the defined library object with the ECARTRIDGE tape
drives that can be used by this device class. For information about defining a
library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies whether logical block protection is used to ensure the integrity of
data stored on tape. When LBPROTECT is set to READWRITE or to WRITEONLY,
the server uses this feature of the tape drive for logical block protection and
generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) protection information for each data
block written on tape. The server also validates the CRC protection information
when data is read from the tape.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for both read and write operations. Data is stored with CRC
information in each block. This mode affects performance because
additional processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect and the
tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values. The READWRITE value
does not affect backup sets and data that is generated by the BACKUP DB
When the LBPROTECT parameter is set to READWRITE, you do not have to
specify the CRCDATA parameter in a storage pool definition because logical
block protection provides better protection against data corruption.
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for write operations only. Data is stored containing CRC information
in each block. For read operations, the server and the tape drive do not
validate the CRC. This mode affects performance because additional
processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect to generate the CRC
and for the tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values for write
operations. The WRITEONLY value does not affect backup sets and data
that are generated by the BACKUP DB command.
No Specifies that logical block protection is not enabled in the server and the
tape drive for read and write operations. However, the server enables
logical block protection on write operations for a filling volume that
already has data with logical block protection.
Important: If you specify DRIVE for a device class that has non-compatible
sequential access devices, then you must mount volumes on devices that are
capable of reading or writing the format that is established when the volume
was first mounted. This can cause delays if the only sequential access device
that can access the volume is already in use.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
Table 464. Recording formats and default estimated capacities for ECARTRIDGE tapes
Format Capacity Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
For more information about the default estimated capacity for cartridge tapes,
see Table 464 on page 1452.
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
An example of a tape volume data set name using the default prefix is
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. You can specify a
number 0 - 9999.
Chapter 2. Administrative commands 1453
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
However, for EXTERNAL library types (that is, a library that is managed by an
external media management system), set this parameter to a low value (for
example, two minutes) to enhance device sharing between applications.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies whether drive encryption is allowed. This parameter is optional.
If you are defining a device class for devices that are to be accessed through a
z/OS media server, see “UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update a FILE device class for
z/OS media server)” on page 1498.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
MAXCAPacity = size ,
DIRectory = ▼ directory_name
► ►◄
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously open for
input and output. This parameter is optional. You can specify a number from 0
to 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
Specifies the maximum size of any data storage files that are categorized by
this device class. This parameter is optional.
Specify this value as an integer followed by K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G
(gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The minimum size is 1 MB (MAXCAPACITY=1M). If
you are defining a FILE device class for database-backup volumes, specify a
value for MAXCAPACITY that is appropriate for the size of the database and
that minimizes the number of database volumes.
For example, MAXCAPACITY=5G specifies that the maximum capacity for a
volume in this device class is 5 gigabytes. The value that is specified must be
less than or equal to the maximum supported size of a file on the target file
Important: If you are using storage agents for shared access to FILE volumes,
you must use the DEFINE PATH command to define a path for each storage
agent. The path definition includes the directory names that are used by the
storage agent to access each directory.
Later, if the server must allocate a scratch volume, it creates a new file in one
of these directories. (The server can choose any of the directories in which to
create new scratch volumes.) For scratch volumes used to store client data, the
file that is created by the server has a file name extension of .bfs. For scratch
volumes used to store export data, a file name extension of .exp is used.
For example, if you define a device class with a directory of tsmstor and the
server needs a scratch volume in this device class to store export data, the file
that the server creates might be named /tsmstor/00566497.exp.
Tip: If you specify multiple directories for a device class, ensure that the
directories are associated with separate file systems. Space trigger functions
and storage pool space calculations take into account the space that remains in
each directory. If you specify multiple directories for a device class and the
directories are in the same file system, the server calculates space by adding
values that represent the space that remains in each directory. These space
calculations are inaccurate. Rather than choosing a storage pool with sufficient
space for an operation, the server might choose the wrong storage pool and
run out of space prematurely. For space triggers, an inaccurate calculation
might result in a failure to expand the space available in a storage pool. Failure
to expand space in a storage pool is one of the conditions that can cause a
trigger to become disabled. If a trigger is disabled because the space in a
storage pool was not expanded, you can re-enable the trigger by issuing the
following command: update spacetrigger stg. No further changes are
required to the space trigger.
Restriction: To modify a list of directories, you must replace the entire list.
Specifies that this FILE device class is shared between the server and one or
more storage agents. To prepare for sharing, a library is automatically defined
along with a number of drives corresponding to the MOUNTLIMIT associated
with the device class. If the library and drives exist and the MOUNTLIMIT is
changed, drives can either be created to reach a new higher MOUNTLIMIT
value or deleted to reach a new lower value.
You must ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE volumes. To
access FILE volumes, storage agents replace names from the directory list in the
device-class definition with the names in the directory list for the associated path
definition. The following illustrates the importance of matching device classes and
paths to ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE volumes.
Suppose you want to use these three directories for a FILE library:
1. You use the following command to set up a FILE library named CLASSA with
one drive named CLASSA1 on SERVER1:
define devclass classa devtype=file
shared=yes mountlimit=1
2. You want the storage agent STA1 to be able to use the FILE library, so you
define the following path for storage agent STA1:
v define path server1 sta1 srctype=server desttype=drive device=file
directory="/usr/ibm1,/usr/ibm2,/usr/ibm3" library=classa
In this scenario, the storage agent, STA1, replaces the directory name
/usr/tivoli1 with the directory name /usr/ibm1 to access FILE volumes that
are in the /usr/tivoli1 directory on the server.
Prepare a FILE device class (named PLAINFILES) for sharing with an IBM
Spectrum Protect storage agent.
update devclass plainfiles shared=yes
When this device type is used, the server does not recognize either the type of
device or the cartridge recording format. Because the server does not recognize the
type of device, if an I/O error occurs, error information is less detailed compared
to error information for a specific device type (for example, 8MM). When you
define devices to the server, do not mix various types of devices within the same
device type.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the tape drives
that can be used by this device class. This parameter is optional.
For information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
Specify a capacity appropriate to the particular tape drive that is being used.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
LBProtect = READWrite (1)
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►
► ►◄
(2) (3)
DRIVEEncryption = ON
1 IBM Spectrum Protect server supports LTO-2 tape drives; however, IBM Tape
Device drivers do not. In the event of an issue with the LTO-2 drive, the
preferred corrective action is to upgrade your tape drive hardware to a higher
generation drive, then install the latest version of the device driver.
2 You cannot specify DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON if your drives are using
WORM (write once, read many) media.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the LTO tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies whether logical block protection is used to ensure the integrity of
data stored on tape. When LBPROTECT is set to READWRITE or to WRITEONLY,
the server uses this feature of the tape drive for logical block protection and
generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) protection information for each data
block written on tape. The server also validates the CRC protection information
when data is read from the tape.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for both read and write operations. Data is stored with CRC
information in each block. This mode affects performance because
additional processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect and the
tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values. The READWRITE value
does not affect backup sets and data that is generated by the BACKUP DB
When the LBPROTECT parameter is set to READWRITE, you do not have to
specify the CRCDATA parameter in a storage pool definition because logical
block protection provides better protection against data corruption.
Specifies that logical block protection is enabled in the server and the tape
drive for write operations only. Data is stored containing CRC information
in each block. For read operations, the server and the tape drive do not
validate the CRC. This mode affects performance because additional
processor usage is required for IBM Spectrum Protect to generate the CRC
and for the tape drive to calculate and compare CRC values for write
operations. The WRITEONLY value does not affect backup sets and data
that are generated by the BACKUP DB command.
No Specifies that logical block protection is not enabled in the server and the
tape drive for read and write operations. However, the server enables
logical block protection on write operations for a filling volume that
already has data with logical block protection.
The following table lists the recording formats and estimated capacities for
LTO devices:
Table 466. Recording format and default estimated capacity for LTO
Format capacity Description
DRIVE – The server selects the highest format that is
supported by the drive on which a volume is
400 GB
ULTRIUM3 400 GB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 3
ULTRIUM3C See note Compressed format, using Ultrium 3 cartridges
800 GB
ULTRIUM4 800 GB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 4
ULTRIUM4C See note Compressed format, using Ultrium 4 cartridges
1.6 TB
ULTRIUM5 1.5 TB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 5
ULTRIUM5C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium 5 cartridges
described in note
ULTRIUM6 2.5 TB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 6
ULTRIUM6C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium 6 cartridges
described in note
ULTRIUM7 6 TB Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium 7
ULTRIUM7C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium 7 cartridges
described in note
ULTRIUM8 12 TB for LTO-8 Uncompressed (standard) format, using Ultrium M8
media or Ultrium 8 cartridges
9 TB for LTO-M8
ULTRIUM8C Varied, as Compressed format, using Ultrium M8 or Ultrium 8
described in note cartridges
Note: If this format uses the tape-drive hardware-compression feature, depending on the
effectiveness of compression, the actual capacity is varied.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the sequential access volumes that are
categorized by this device class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate due to compression of data.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies whether drive encryption is allowed. This parameter is optional.
Drive encryption is supported only for LTO-4 and higher generation drives
and media.
Restriction: If encryption is enabled for a device class, and the device class is
associated with a storage pool, the storage pool should not share a scratch pool
with other device classes that cannot be encrypted. If a tape is encrypted, and
you plan to use it on a drive that cannot be encrypted, you must manually
relabel the tape before it can be used on that drive.
ON Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect is the key manager for drive
encryption and allows drive encryption for empty storage pool volumes
only if the application method is enabled. (Other types of volumes are not
encrypted. For example, back up sets, export volumes, and database
backup volumes are not encrypted.) If you specify ON and you enable
another method of encryption, drive encryption is not allowed and backup
operations fail.
Note: You cannot specify IBM Spectrum Protect as the key manager for
drive encryption of WORM (write once, read many) media. (If you are
using WORM media, you cannot specify DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON.)
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. However, drive encryption for empty volumes is allowed if
another method of encryption is enabled.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect does not manage the keys for drive
encryption. Use this setting with an encryption methodology that is
provided by another vendor and that is used with Application Method
Encryption (AME) enabled on the drive. When you specify EXTERNAL
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
MOUNTRetention = 0 MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►
MOUNTLimit = DRIVES ESTCAPacity = size
► ►◄
PREFIX = tape_volume_prefix
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the SCSI tape
drives used by this device class. For information about defining a library
object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. Zero (0) is the only supported value for
device classes with DEVType=NAS.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes the server waits for an operator to
respond to a request to either mount a volume in a drive in a manual library
or check in a volume to be mounted in an automated library. This parameter is
optional. If the mount request is not satisfied within the specified amount of
time, the mount request is canceled. You can specify a number 0 - 9999.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by one of the following unit
indicators: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The
smallest value that is accepted is 1 MB (ESTCAPACITY=1M).
For example, specify that the estimated capacity is 9 GB with the parameter
To force the IBM Spectrum Protect server to determine the estimated capacity
for the volumes that are assigned to this device class, specify ESTCAPACITY="".
Specifies the high-level qualifier of the data set name that the server writes into
the sequential access media labels. For each sequential access volume assigned
to this device class, the server uses this prefix to create the data set name. This
parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8 characters.
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
v The qualifiers must be separated by a single period.
v The first letter of each qualifier must be alphabetic or national (@,#,$),
followed by alphabetic, national, hyphen, or numeric characters.
Update a device class named NASTAPE. Change the estimated capacity to 200 GB.
update devclass nastape library=naslib estcapacity=200G
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
MAXCAPacity = size MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the removable
media drives used by this device class. This parameter is optional. For
information about defining a library object, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the maximum size of any volumes that are defined to a storage pool
categorized by this device class. This parameter is optional.
Because the server opens only one file per physical removable medium, specify
a capacity that enables one file to make full use of your media capacity.
You must specify this value as an integer followed by K (kilobytes), M
(megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes).
For example, MAXCAPACITY=5M specifies that the maximum capacity for a
volume in this device class is 5 MB. The smallest value that is allowed is 1 MB
(that is, MAXCAPACITY=1M).
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle sequential access volume is
retained before it is dismounted. This parameter is optional. You can specify a
number 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
MAXCAPacity = size PREFIX = ADSM
► ►
RETRYPeriod = minutes RETRYInterval = seconds
► ►◄
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTLimit = number
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of the server. The SERVERNAME parameter must match a
defined server.
Note: If you change the SERVERNAME of an existing server to a new name, data
on the volumes under the old SERVERNAME is no longer accessible with this
device class.
Specifies the maximum size that objects can be when created on the target
server. This parameter is optional.
Specify this value as an integer followed by K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G
(gigabytes), or T (terabytes). The minimum value that is allowed is 1 MB
Specifies the beginning portion of the high-level archive file name on the target
server. This parameter is optional. The maximum length of this prefix is 8
If you have a naming convention for media labels to support your current
management system, use a volume prefix that conforms to your naming
Values that are specified for this parameter must meet the following
v The value is to be made up of qualifiers, which can be a maximum of eight
characters including periods. For example, the following value is acceptable:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
► ►
PREFIX = ADSM MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►◄
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the defined library object that contains the VolSafe drives
that can be used by this device class. If any drives in a library are
VolSafe-enabled, all drives in the library must be VolSafe-enabled. For more
information about the VolSafe device type, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a
VOLSAFE device class)” on page 235.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional. The default value is DRIVE.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional. You
can specify a number 0 - 4096.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
The following are possible values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Note: For EXTERNAL library types, do not specify DRIVES for the
MOUNTLIMIT value. Specify the number of drives for the library as the
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool. Any
current transactions continue and complete, but new transactions are
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
(1) (2)
►► UPDate DEVclass device_class_name ►
LIBRary = library_name
► ►
► ►
COMPression = Yes MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
► ►
EXPiration = yyyyddd RETention = days
► ►◄
PROtection = No UNIT = unit_name
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
2 You cannot update the PREFIX parameter with this command. You must create
a device class with the value that you require for the PREFIX parameter.
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the sequential access volumes that are
categorized by this device class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate because of compression of data. The value does not
determine the amount of data stored on the volume. The server uses the value
to estimate the usage before a volume is filled. After a volume is full, the
actual amount of data stored on the tape is used for the usage calculation.
Specify the value as an integer with one of the following unit indicators: K
(KB), M (MB), G (GB), or T (TB). For example, specify that the estimated capacity
is 9 GB with the parameter ESTCAPACITY=9G. The smallest value that is accepted
is 100 KB (ESTCAPACITY=100K).
Specifies whether file compression is used for this device class. This parameter
is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the data for each tape volume is compressed.
No Specifies that the data for each tape volume is not compressed.
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle tape volume is retained before it
is dismounted. The time span for mount retention begins after the idle timeout
period has expired. This parameter is optional. Specify a number, 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
class. You can specify a number, 0 - 4096.
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool.
Specifies the expiration date that is placed on the tape labels for this device
class. This parameter is optional.
Specify the date when the server no longer requires the tape. The server does
not use this information, but this information is passed to the z/OS media
server for use by z/OS or tape management systems.
Specify the expiration date using the format, yyyyddd (four digits for the year
and three digits for the day). For example, January 7, 2014 is specified as
2014007 (the seventh day of year 2014).
If you specify the EXPIRATION parameter, you cannot specify the RETENTION
Specifies the number of days to retain the tape. This parameter is optional.
Specify the number of days (1 - 9999) that the server is expected to use the
tape. The server does not use this information, but this information is passed
to the z/OS media server for use by z/OS or tape management systems.
If you specify the RETENTION parameter, you cannot specify the EXPIRATION
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
(1) (2)
►► UPDate DEVclass device_class_name ►
► ►
LIBRary = zos_media_library FORMAT = DRIVE
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size COMPression = Yes
► ►
MOUNTRetention = minutes MOUNTWait = minutes
► ►
MOUNTLimit = DRIVES EXPiration = yyyyddd
► ►
RETention = days PROtection = No
► ►◄
UNIT = unit_name
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
2 You cannot update the PREFIX parameter with this command. You must create
a device class with the value that you require for the PREFIX parameter.
If the drives are in a library that includes drives of different tape technology,
do not use the DRIVE value. Use the specific format that the drives use. For
optimal results, do not mix generations of drives in the same library. If a
library contains mixed generations, media problems can result. For example,
generation 1 and generation 2 drives cannot read generation 3 media. If
possible, upgrade all drives to 3592 generation 3. If you cannot upgrade all
drives to 3592 generation 3, you must use a special configuration.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the volumes that are assigned to this device
class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate because of compression of data. The value does not
determine the amount of data stored on the volume. The server uses the value
to estimate the usage before a volume is filled. After a volume is full, the
actual amount of data stored on the tape is used for the usage calculation.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
simultaneous-write operation is greater than the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter for a device class, the transaction fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that every time a mount point is allocated, the number of drives
that are defined and online in the library is used to calculate the true
Specifies the maximum number of drives in this device class that are used
concurrently by the server. This value must never exceed the number of
drives that are defined and online in the library that services this device
class. You can specify a number, 0 - 4096.
0 (zero)
Specifies that no new transactions can gain access to the storage pool.
Tip: You can specify a value of zero for this parameter. However, do so only if
you also want to specify a value for the EXPIRATION parameter. You cannot
specify a value for the EXPIRATION parameter if you specify a non-zero value
for the RETENTION parameter.
Specifies whether the RACF program, if installed, protects volumes that are
assigned to this device class. If protection is provided, RACF profiles are
created when volumes are first used. This parameter is optional. You can
specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the RACF program does not protect volumes that are
assigned to this device class.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes, but the profiles are not deleted when volumes are
deleted from the server. Profiles must be manually deleted.
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
See the documentation for the RACF program for details about the TAPEVOL
and TAPEDSN settings and the profiles that are created when these settings are
Specifies an esoteric unit name to specify a group of tape devices that support
3592 tape. This parameter is optional. This name can be as many as 8
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
(1) (2)
►► UPDate DEVclass device_class_name ►
► ►
LIBRary = zos_media_library FORMAT = DRIVE
► ►
ESTCAPacity = size MOUNTRetention = minutes
► ►
MOUNTWait = minutes MOUNTLimit = DRIVES
► ►
COMPression = Yes EXPiration = yyyyddd
► ►
RETention = days PROtection = No
► ►◄
UNIT = unit_name
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be updated.
Specifies the name of a library that was defined with the LIBTYPE=ZOSMEDIA
parameter. The library and the tape drives that can be used by this device class
are controlled by the z/OS media server. This parameter is optional.
For information about defining a library, see the DEFINE LIBRARY command.
Specifies the recording format to be used when data is written to sequential
access media. This parameter is optional.
See the following table for the recording formats.
Table 471. Recording formats for ECARTRIDGE tapes
Format Capacity Description
DRIVE - The server selects the highest format that is supported by
the drive on which a volume is mounted. DRIVE is the
default value.
Specifies the estimated capacity for the sequential access volumes that are
assigned to this device class. This parameter is optional.
You can specify this parameter if the default estimated capacity for the device
class is inaccurate because of compression of data. The value does not
determine the amount of data stored on the volume. The server uses the value
to estimate the usage before a volume is filled. After a volume is full, the
actual amount of data stored on the tape is used for the usage calculation.
Specify the value as an integer with one of the following unit indicators: K
(KB), M (MB), G (GB), or T (TB). For example, specify that the estimated capacity
is 9 GB with the parameter ESTCAPACITY=9G. The smallest value that is accepted
is 100 KB (ESTCAPACITY=100K).
Specifies the number of minutes that an idle tape volume is retained before it
is dismounted. The time span for mount retention begins after the idle timeout
period has expired. This parameter is optional. Specify a number, 0 - 9999.
This parameter can improve response time for sequential access media mounts
by leaving previously mounted volumes online.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the z/OS media server waits
for a volume mount. If the mount request is not satisfied within the specified
time, the mount request fails. If a device is successfully allocated and the
device-open request does not complete within the specified time, the
device-open request ends and the mount request fails.
This parameter is optional. Specify a number, 1 - 9999.
Restriction: If the library that is associated with this device class is external
(LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL), do not specify the MOUNTWAIT parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of sequential access volumes that can be
simultaneously mounted for the device class. This parameter is optional.
If you plan to use the simultaneous-write function, ensure that sufficient drives
are available for the write operation. If the number of drives needed for a
Tip: You can specify a value of zero for this parameter. However, do so only if
you also want to specify a value for the EXPIRATION parameter. You cannot
specify a value for the EXPIRATION parameter if you specify a non-zero value
for the RETENTION parameter.
Specifies whether the RACF program, if installed, protects volumes that are
Tip: If sensitive data is stored on volumes that are assigned to this device
class, use PROTECTION=YES and manually delete RACF profiles only after
tape volumes have been erased.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Specifies that the RACF program protects volumes that are assigned to this
device class. RACF profiles are created for volumes when the server first
uses the volumes. RACF profiles are deleted when volumes are deleted
from the server.
The profiles that are created for volumes depend on the system RACF
settings. The protection that is provided is the same as using PROTECT=YES
in JCL. If the RACF program is active and both TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN are
inactive, allocation of tapes fails.
Profile creation and deletion occur based on the protection setting when the
volume is first used and when it is deleted. The server does not attempt to
create profiles for volumes that it has already used. If protection is set to
AUTOMATIC, the server attempts to delete profiles when volumes are deleted.
See the documentation for the RACF program for details about the TAPEVOL
and TAPEDSN settings and the profiles that are created when these settings are
Specifies an esoteric unit name to specify a group of tape devices that support
A volume in this device class is a Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) linear
data set that is accessed by the z/OS media server. SCRATCH volumes can be
used with a device class and the z/OS media server dynamically allocates the
VSAM LDS. It is not necessary to define volumes for the server to use the device
class. If you define volumes, set the high-level qualifier (HLQ) so that SMS
recognizes the allocation request by the z/OS media server. If you are using
defined volumes, the format volume function is not supported for the server when
you use this device class. The z/OS media server z/OS media server uses a
FormatWrite feature of DFSMS Media Manager when filling FILE volumes.
You can define volumes for the FILE device class by using the DEFINE VOLUME
command. However, the z/OS media server does not allocate space for a defined
volume until the volume is opened for its first use.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
PRIMARYalloc = size SECONDARYalloc = size
► ►◄
PREFIX = file_volume_prefix MOUNTLimit = number
device_class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class to be defined. The maximum length of
the device class name is 30 characters.
Specifies the maximum size of file volumes that are defined to a storage pool
in this device class. This parameter is optional.
Specify this value as an integer followed by K (KB), M (MB), G (GB), or T (TB).
The minimum size is 1 MB (MAXCAPACITY=1M). The maximum size is 16384 GB
Specifies the initial amount of space that is dynamically allocated when a new
volume is opened. Enough space must be available to satisfy the primary
allocation amount. Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) policy determines
whether multiple physical volumes can be used to satisfy the primary
allocation request.
Restriction: Ensure that the values that you specify for the PRIMARYALLOC and
SECONDARYALLOC parameters are within practical limits for the storage device.
The server cannot check whether the values exceed practical device limits, and
does not check whether the two values together exceed the current
Tip: To fill volumes when you specify a large value for the MAXCAPACITY
parameter, specify large values for the PRIMARYALLOC and SECONDARYALLOC
parameters. Use larger MVS volume sizes to reduce the chance of extend
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the specified policy domain.
►► UPDate DOmain domain_name ►
DESCription = description
► ►
BACKRETention = days ARCHRETention = days
► ►◄
ACTIVEDESTination = ▼ active-data_pool_name
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain.
Describes the policy domain by using a text string. This parameter is optional.
The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the
description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove a
previously defined description, specify a null string (“”).
Specifies the number of days (from the date the backup versions became
inactive) to retain backup versions that are no longer on the client file system.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999.
The server uses the backup retention value to manage inactive versions of files
when any of the following conditions occur:
v A file is rebound to a new management class, but the new management class
and the default management class do not contain a backup copy group.
v The management class to which a file is bound no longer exists. The default
management class does not contain a backup copy group.
v The backup copy group is deleted from the management class to which a
file is bound. The default management class does not contain a backup copy
Specifies the number of days (from the date of archive) to retain archive copies.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 30000.
The server uses the archive retention value to manage archive copies of files
when either of the following conditions occur:
v The management class to which a file is bound, no longer exists. The default
management class does not contain an archive copy group.
v The archive copy group is deleted from the management class to which a
file is bound. The default management class does not contain an archive
copy group.
Update the policy domain ENGPOLDOM so that the backup retention grace
period is extended to 90 days and the archive retention grace period is extended to
two years. Specify an active-data pool as the destination for active versions of
backup data belonging to nodes that are assigned to the domain. Use engactivedata
as the name of the active-data pool. Issue the following command:
update domain engpoldom description=’Engineering Policy Domain’
backretention=90 archretention=730 activedestination=engactivedata
Related commands
Table 472. Commands related to UPDATE DOMAIN
Command Description
COPY DOMAIN Creates a copy of a policy domain.
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE DOMAIN Deletes a policy domain along with any
policy objects in the policy domain.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
For detailed and current drive support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
►► UPDate DRive library_name drive_name ►
SERial = serial_number
► ►
ONLine = Yes ELEMent = address
No AUTODetect
► ►
ACSDRVID = drive_id
► ►◄
1 The ACSDRVID parameter is valid only for drives in ACSLS libraries.
2 The CLEANFREQUENCY parameter is valid only for drives in SCSI libraries.
3 The CLEANFREQUENCY=ASNEEDED parameter value does not work for
all tape drives. For more information, see the parameter description.
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to which the drive is assigned.
drive_name (Required)
Specifies the name that is assigned to the drive.
Specifies the serial number for the drives that are being updated. This
parameter is valid only for drives in a SCSI or virtual tape library (VTL). This
parameter is optional. The possible values are:
Specifies the serial number for the drive that is being updated.
Attention: When a drive is in use, do not specify the ELEMENT parameter with
the ONLINE parameter. The drive is not updated, and the command fails.
The drive state is not changed even if the server is halted and restarted. If a
drive is offline when the server is restarted, a warning message is issued
stating that the drive must be manually brought online. If all of the drives in a
library are updated to be offline, processes that need a library mount point fail,
rather than queue up for a mount point.
Specifies that the drive is available for use (online).
No Specifies that the drive is not available for use (offline).
Specifies the element address of the drive within a SCSI or VTL library. The
server uses the element address to connect the physical location of the drive to
the SCSI address of the drive. This parameter is valid only for a drive in a
SCSI or VTL library when the command is issued from an IBM Spectrum
Protect library manager server. The possible values are:
Specifies the element address for the drive that is being updated.
To find the element address for your library configuration, consult the
information from the manufacturer.
Remember: If a path to this drive is already defined, then the number you
enter here is compared to the number previously detected by IBM
Spectrum Protect. If the numbers do not match, then this command fails.
Specifies that the element number is automatically detected and used by
IBM Spectrum Protect if a path is already defined to this drive.
If a path to this drive is not defined, then the element number is not
Restriction: IBM Spectrum Protect does not control the drives that are
connected to the NAS file server. If a drive is attached only to a NAS file
server (no connection to a storage agent or server), do not specify ASNEEDED
for the cleaning frequency.
Specifies, in gigabytes, how much data is processed on the drive before the
server loads the drive with a cleaner cartridge. The server resets the
gigabytes-processed counter each time it loads a cleaner cartridge in the
Tip: For IBM 3590, specify a value for the cleaning frequency to ensure
that the drives receive adequate cleaning. Consult the information from the
drive manufacturer for cleaning recommendations. Using the cleaning
frequency that is recommended by IBM does not over clean the drives.
Update DRIVE3, in the library named AUTO, by changing the element address to
update drive auto drive3 element=119
Related commands
Table 473. Commands related to UPDATE DRIVE
Command Description
CLEAN DRIVE Marks a drive for cleaning.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node with the file space to be updated belongs.
►► UPDate FIlespace node_name file_space_name ►
► DATAType = ▼ BACKup ►
► ►
► ►◄
REPLState = ENabled
1 You cannot specify a file space identifier (FSID) if you use wildcard characters
for the client node name.
2 You can specify each rule only once.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the client node to which the file space belongs. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. However, file space identifiers can be different
among client nodes for the same file space. Therefore, you cannot specify
wildcard characters for the client node name and FSID as the value for the
NAMETYPE parameter.
file_space_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the file space to be updated. You can use wildcard
characters or a comma-delineated list to specify names.
For a server that has clients with Unicode-enabled file spaces, you might have
to make the server convert the file space name that you enter. For example,
you might have to make the server convert a name from the server code page
to Unicode. For details, see the NAMETYPE parameter. If you specify only a single
wildcard character for the name, you can use the CODETYPE parameter to limit
the operation to Unicode file spaces or to non-Unicode file spaces.
File space names are case-sensitive. To determine the correct capitalization for
the file space to be updated, use the QUERY FILESPACE command.
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. You can use this parameter for IBM Spectrum Protect clients that
Unicode-enabled and that have Windows, Macintosh OS X, or NetWare
operating systems.
Use this parameter only when you enter a partly-qualified or fully-qualified
file space name. The default value is SERVER. You can specify one of the
following values:
The server uses the server code page to interpret file space names.
The server converts file space names from the server code page to the
UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends on the operating
system, on the characters in the name, and the server code page.
Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not available
in the server code page or if the server cannot access system conversion
routines. If the conversion fails, the name can contain question marks,
blanks, or ellipses (...).
The server interprets file space names as file space identifiers.
Specifies the type of file spaces to be included in node replication processing.
The default value is BOTH, meaning that file spaces are included regardless of
code page type. Use this parameter only when you enter a single wildcard
character for the file space name. You can specify one of the following values:
Remember: PURGEDATA processing does not delete file spaces. Only data is
deleted. The file space shows as empty in the output of the QUERY
OCCUPANCY command.
NODE1 has three file spaces: /a, /b, and /c. The replication rules for all file spaces
are set to ALL_DATA. However, you want to replicate the backup and archive data in
file space /a before the data in other file spaces is replicated.
update filespace node1 /a datatype=backup,archive replrule=
NODE2 has two file spaces: /a and /b. You want to temporarily suspend
replication of all data in file space /b.
update filespace node2 /b datatype=backup,archive,spacemanaged
Related commands
Table 474. Commands related to UPDATE FILESPACE
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
SET REPLRETENTION Specifies the retention period for replication
history records.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated
with a client node.
UPDATE REPLRULE Enables or disables replication rules.
VALIDATE REPLICATION Verifies replication for file spaces and data
To update the device name, the ACS number, or the external manager path name
of a library, you must use the UPDATE PATH command.
Syntax and parameter descriptions are available for the following library types.
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a 349X library)” on page 1513
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update an ACSLS library)” on page 1515
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update an EXTERNAL library)” on page 1517
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a FILE library)” on page 1518
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a manual library)” on page 1519
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a SCSI library)” on page 1521
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a shared library)” on page 1524
v “UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a VTL library)” on page 1525
For detailed and current library support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Related commands
Table 475. Commands related to UPDATE LIBRARY
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a
consistent state.
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume into an automated
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Checks a storage volume out of an
automated library.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
LABEL LIBVOLUME Labels volumes in manual or automated
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
UPDATE LIBVOLUME Changes the status of a storage volume.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
RESETDrives = Yes AUTOLabel = No
No Yes
► ►◄
WORMSCRatchcategory = number
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
Specifies that this library is shared with other servers in a storage area network
(SAN). You must issue this command from the server defined as the primary
library manager for the shared library. This parameter is required for libraries
defined to a library manager and for libraries used for NDMP operations.
Specify SHARED=YES to update a library that is not currently shared.
Important: If a library has a path from a data mover (such as a NAS file
server) but no connection to the server, the library cannot be shared with
another server.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies the category number to be used for WORM scratch volumes in the
library. This parameter is required if you use WORM volumes. You can specify
a number from 1 to 65279. This number must be unique. It cannot be shared
Restriction: This parameter can only be updated if the device class WORM
parameter is set to YES and the WORMSCRATCHCATEGORY currently has no defined
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established.
If persistent reserve is not supported, the server completes a reset of the path
to the target device.
Support for persistent reservation has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
only supported on some tape drives. See Technote 1470319 at
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21470319 for details.
v If you are using the IBM device driver, persistent reserve must be enabled at
the device driver level. See the IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User's
Guide at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S7002972 for
information about driver configuration.
v If you are using a virtual tape library that is emulating a supported drive, it
might not support persistent reserve.
The following table describes the three possible configurations for drives that
are attached to NAS devices.
Table 476. Configurations for drives that are attached to NAS devices.
Library device configuration The behavior for persistent reserve
The library device is attached to the IBM Drive reservation preemption is supported
Spectrum Protect server, and the tape drives when the NAS device supports persistent
are shared by the server and the NAS reserve and it is enabled. For more
device. information about setting persistent reserve,
see the documentation for your NAS device.
The library device is attached to the IBM Drive reservation preemption is not
Spectrum Protect server and the tape drives supported. If you enable persistent reserve
are accessed only from the NAS device. on the NAS device for these drives and a
reservation is set by the NAS device but
never cleared, you must use another method
to clear the reservation.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used.
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a clustered
environment when SHARED=NO.
Update a 3494 shared library named 3494LIB2 with new device names.
update library 3494lib2 device=/dev/lmcp1,/dev/lmcp2,/dev/lmcp3
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
RESETDrives = Yes AUTOLabel = No
No Yes
► ►◄
ACSID = number
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
Specifies that this library is shared with other servers in a storage area network
(SAN). You must issue this command from the server defined as the primary
library manager for the shared library. This parameter is required for libraries
defined to a library manager and for libraries used for NDMP operations.
Specify SHARED=YES to update a library that is not currently shared.
Important: If a library has a path from a data mover (such as a NAS file
server) but no connection to the server, the library cannot be shared with
another server.
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established.
If persistent reserve is not supported, the server completes a reset of the path
to the target device.
Support for persistent reservation has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
only supported on some tape drives. See Technote 1470319 at
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21470319 for details.
v If you are using the IBM device driver, persistent reserve must be enabled at
the device driver level. See the IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User's
Guide at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S7002972 for
information about driver configuration.
v If you are using a virtual tape library that is emulating a supported drive, it
might not support persistent reserve.
The following table describes the three possible configurations for drives that
are attached to NAS devices.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used.
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a clustered
environment when SHARED=NO.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
ACSID (Required)
Specifies the number of this StorageTek library assigned by the ACSSA
(Automatic Cartridge System System Administrator). This can be a number
from 0 to 126. Issue QUERY ACS on your system to get the number for your
library ID. This parameter is required.
See your StorageTek documentation for more information.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Update an external library named EXTLIB with a new path name for the media
update library extlib externalmanager=/v/server/mediamanager
Restriction: The only file system that is supported for a FILE library is the General
Parallel File System (GPFS).
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
Specifies that this library is shared with other servers in a storage area network
(SAN). You must issue this command from the server defined as the primary
library manager for the shared library. This parameter is required for libraries
defined to a library manager and for libraries used for NDMP operations.
Specify SHARED=YES to update a library that is not currently shared.
Important: If a library has a path from a data mover (such as a NAS file
server) but no connection to the server, the library cannot be shared with
another server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►◄
AUTOLabel = No
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established.
If persistent reserve is not supported, the server completes a reset of the path
to the target device.
Support for persistent reservation has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
only supported on some tape drives. See Technote 1470319 at
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21470319 for details.
v If you are using the IBM device driver, persistent reserve must be enabled at
the device driver level. See the IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User's
Guide at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S7002972 for
information about driver configuration.
v If you are using a virtual tape library that is emulating a supported drive, it
might not support persistent reserve.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used.
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a clustered
environment when SHARED=NO.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
RESETDrives = Yes AUTOLabel = No
No Yes
► ►◄
RELABELSCRatch = No SERial = serial_number
Yes AUTODetect
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be updated.
LIBType (Required)
Specifies the library type that you want to update to. Possible values are:
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device that is
represented by a Virtual Tape Library. To mount volumes on drives in this
type of library, IBM Spectrum Protect uses the media changer device. This
value is effective when specified for libraries with a current library type of
Note: Selecting the VTL library type assumes that the following conditions
are true:
v Your environment does not include mixed-media
v Paths are defined between all drives in the library and all defined
servers, including storage agents, that use the library
If both conditions are not met, performance can degrade to the same levels
as the SCSI library type especially during times of high stress when most
drives are in use concurrently.
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device. To
mount volumes on drives in this type of library, IBM Spectrum Protect
uses the media changer device. This value is effective when specified for
libraries with a current library type of VTL.
Specifies that this library is shared with other servers in a storage area network
(SAN). You must issue this command from the server defined as the primary
library manager for the shared library. This parameter is required for libraries
Important: If a library has a path from a data mover (such as a NAS file
server) but no connection to the server, the library cannot be shared with
another server.
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation if the drive is
already reserved by persistent reserve when the server tries to access the drive.
If the drive is reserved by a SCSI-2 reserve, (and not by persistent reserve), the
server uses a LUN reset to break the drive reservation to access the target
For Network-Attached Storage (NAS) devices, reservation is controlled by the
NAS file server. IBM Spectrum Protect does not control NAS devices and the
RESETDrives parameter is not relevant for NAS devices.
Support for persistent reserve has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
supported only on some tape drives. For details, see Technote 1470319 at
v If you are using the IBM device driver, persistent reserve must be enabled at
the device driver level. For information about driver configuration, see the
IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User's Guide at http://www.ibm.com/
support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S7002972 .
v If you are using a virtual tape library that is emulating a supported drive,
persistent reserve might not be supported.
v A library manager is not able to break a drive reservation if the system that
has the drive reservation is not configured to use persistent reserve.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset is
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset is
not used. The RESETDrives parameter must be set to YES in a clustered
environment when SHARED=NO.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies the serial number for the library being updated. This parameter is
optional. The possible values are:
Note: If you have both virtual and real volumes in your VTL, both types are
relabeled when this parameter is enabled. If the VTL includes real volumes,
specifying this option might affect performance.
No Specifies that the server does not relabel volumes that are deleted and
returned to scratch.
Specifies that the server relabels volumes that are deleted and returned to
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the server that is responsible for controlling access to
library resources. You must define this server with the DEFINE SERVER
command before you can use it as a library manager.
For a library client server, change the name of the library manager server to
update library ltolib primarylibmanager=castor
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
RESETDrives = Yes AUTOLabel = No
No Yes
► ►◄
RELABELSCRatch = No SERial = serial_number
Yes AUTODetect
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined. The maximum length of this
name is 30 characters.
LIBType (Required)
Specifies the type of library that is being defined. Possible values are:
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device. To
mount volumes on drives in this type of library, IBM Spectrum Protect
uses the media changer device. This value is effective when specified for
libraries with a current library type of VTL.
Specifies that the library has a SCSI-controlled media changer device that is
represented by a Virtual Tape Library. To mount volumes on drives in this
type of library, IBM Spectrum Protect uses the media changer device. This
value is effective when specified for libraries with a current library type of
Note: Select the VTL library type only if the following conditions are true:
v Your environment does not include mixed-media
v Paths are defined between all drives in the library and all defined
servers, including storage agents, that use the library
If both conditions are not met, performance can degrade to the same levels
as the SCSI library type especially during times of high stress when most
drives are in use concurrently.
Specifies that this library is shared with other servers in a storage area network
(SAN). You must issue this command from the server defined as the primary
library manager for the shared library. This parameter is required for libraries
Important: If a library has a path from a data mover (such as a NAS file
server) but no connection to the server, the library cannot be shared with
another server.
Specifies whether the server preempts a drive reservation with persistent
reserve when the server is restarted or when a library client or storage agent
reconnection is established.
If persistent reserve is not supported, the server completes a reset of the path
to the target device.
Support for persistent reservation has the following limitations:
v If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver, persistent reserve is
only supported on some tape drives. See Technote 1470319 at
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21470319 for details.
v If you are using the IBM device driver, persistent reserve must be enabled at
the device driver level. See the IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User's
Guide at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S7002972 for
information about driver configuration.
v If you are using a virtual tape library that is emulating a supported drive, it
might not support persistent reserve.
Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are used.
No Specifies that drive preemption through persistent reserve or target reset
are not used. The RESETDRIVES parameter must be set to YES in a clustered
environment when SHARED=NO.
Specifies whether the server attempts to automatically label tape volumes. This
parameter is optional.
To use this option, you must check in the tapes with
No Specifies that the server does not attempt to label any volumes.
Specifies that the server only labels unlabeled volumes.
Specifies that the server attempts to overwrite an existing label. The server
overwrites existing labels only if both the existing label and the bar code
label are not already defined in any server storage pool or volume history
Specifies whether the server relabels volumes that have been deleted and
returned to scratch. When this parameter is set to YES, a LABEL LIBVOLUME
operation is started and the existing volume label is overwritten.
Note: If you have both virtual and real volumes in your VTL, both types are
relabeled when this parameter is enabled. If the VTL includes real volumes,
specifying this option might affect performance.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► UPDate LIBVolume library_name volume_name STATus = PRIvate ►
► ►◄
OWNer = server_name
library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library.
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the volume name of the storage volume.
STATus (Required)
Specifies a change to the status of a storage volume. Possible values are as
Specifies that the server updates the storage volume to a private volume.
Specifies that the server updates the storage volume to a scratch volume.
Restriction: You cannot change the status of a volume from private to scratch
if the volume belongs to a storage pool or is defined in the volume history file.
You can change the status if you make a mistake when you check in volumes
to the library and assign the volumes the wrong status.
Specifies which server owns a private volume in a shared library that is shared
across a SAN. You can change the owner of a private volume in a shared
library (SAN) when you issue the command from the library manager server. If
you do not specify this parameter, the library manager server owns the private
Important: Do not use OWNER as a value for scratch volumes. However, you
can use OWNER when you change a scratch volume to private.
Update the volume that is named WPDV00 in the library that is named AUTO to
reflect a status of PRIVATE.
update libvolume auto wpdv00 status=private
Privilege class
►► UPDate MACHine machine_name ►
DESCription = description
► ►
BUilding = building FLoor = floor ROom = room
► ►◄
PRIority = number ADSMServer = Yes
machine_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the machine to be updated.
Specifies a description of the machine. This parameter is optional. The text can
be up to 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters. To remove existing text, specify a null string ("").
Specifies the name or number of the building that this machine is in. This
parameter is optional. The text can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove existing text,
specify a null string ("").
Specifies the name or number of the floor that this machine is on. This
parameter is optional. The text can be up to16 characters. Enclose the text in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove existing text,
specify a null string ("").
Specifies the name or number of the room that this machine is in. This
parameter is optional. The text can be up to 16 characters. Enclose the text in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove existing text,
specify a null string ("").
Specifies the restore priority for the machine as an integer from 1 to 99. The
highest priority is 1. This parameter is optional. Use this value to prioritize
client machine recovery.
Specifies whether the machine contains an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This
parameter is optional. Possible values are:
No This machine does not contain an IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Update the DISTRICT5 machine information to reflect that it contains the server.
update machine district5 adsmserver=yes
Related commands
Table 479. Commands related to UPDATE MACHINE
Command Description
DEFINE MACHINE Defines a machine for DRM.
DELETE MACHINE Deletes a machine.
INSERT MACHINE Inserts machine characteristics or recovery
instructions into the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect database.
QUERY MACHINE Displays information about machines.
Important: The UPDATE MGMTCLASS command fails if a copy storage pool is specified
as the destination for files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for
Space Management client.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► UPDate MGmtclass domain_name policy_set_name class_name ►
► ►
SPACEMGTECHnique = AUTOmatic AUTOMIGNonuse = days
► ►
MIGREQUIRESBkup = Yes MIGDESTination = pool_name
► ►◄
DESCription = description
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the management class belongs. You cannot
update a management class that belongs to the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the management class to update.
Specifies whether a file using this management class is eligible for migration.
This parameter is optional. This parameter is effective only for IBM Spectrum
Protect for Space Management clients, not for backup-archive clients or
application clients. Possible values are:
Specifies that the file is eligible for both automatic migration and selective
Specifies that the file is eligible for selective migration only.
Specifies that the file is not eligible for migration.
Related commands
Table 480. Commands related to UPDATE MGMTCLASS
Command Description
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default
for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy
groups from a policy domain and policy set.
You must use the RENAME NODE command to change the name of a registered node.
If you update the node authentication method or the node SSLREQUIRED setting and
there is a same-named administrator, those administrator ID settings change.
You must have system level authority to update the node authentication method or
the node SSLREQUIRED setting and also update a same-named administrator ID. If
the same-named administrator ID has client owner authority over the node that is
being updated, then system level authority is not required. You must have either
unrestricted policy privilege or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to
which the client node belongs.
When you register or update a node, you can specify whether damaged files on
the node can be recovered from a target replication server. Files can be recovered
only if all the following conditions are met:
v V7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers.
v The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to ON. The system parameter
can be set by using the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command.
v The source server includes at least one file that is marked as damaged in the
node that is being replicated.
v The node data was replicated before the damage occurred.
The following table describes how parameter settings affect the recovery of
damaged, replicated files.
Table 481. Settings that affect the recovery of damaged files
Value of the
RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the
Setting for the parameter on the REGISTER NODE and
system parameter command commands Result
OFF YES, NO, or not YES or NO During node
specified replication, standard
replication occurs
and damaged files
are not recovered
from the target
replication server.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client
node belongs.
►► UPDate Node node_name ►
(2) (3)
FORCEPwreset = No
FORCEPwreset = Yes
► ►
(5) CLOptset = option_set_name CONtact = text
PASSExp = days
► ►
DOmain = domain_name COMPression = Client ARCHDELete = Yes
Yes No
► ►
BACKDELete = No WHEREDOmain = domain_name WHEREPLatform = client_platform_name
► ►
MAXNUMMP = number KEEPMP = No URL = url_address
► ►
UTILITYUrl = utility_url AUTOFSRename = Yes
► ►
VALIdateprotocol = No TXNGroupmax = 0
Dataonly number
SESSIONINITiation = Clientorserver
► ►
SESSIONINITiation = Clientorserver
SERVEROnly HLAddress = ip_address LLAddress = tcp_port
► ►
HLAddress = ip_address (7) EMAILADdress = userID@node
LLAddress = tcp_port
► ►
DEDUPlication = SERVEROnly BACKUPINITiation = All
Clientorserver ROOT
► ►
ARREPLRuledefault = ALL_DATA
► ►
SPREPLRuledefault = ALL_DATA
► ►
REPLState = ENabled
DISabled (9)
► ►
No Server
► ►
SYNCldapdelete = No
AUTHentication = LOcal
LDap SYNCldapdelete = Yes
SPLITLARGEObjects = Yes GENeratekeys = No
► ►◄
SPLITLARGEObjects = Yes GENeratekeys = Yes
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
2 Passwords are optional for this command, except when you change the
authentication method from LDAP to LOCAL.
3 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
4 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
5 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
6 The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is deprecated.
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to be updated. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name.
Restriction: When you update a password with the UPDATE NODE command,
you cannot use a wildcard character with the node_name parameter.
Specifies the new password for the client node. The minimum length of the
password is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET
MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
This parameter is optional in most cases. If the node authentication method is
changed from LDAP to LOCAL, a password is required. If the node
authentication method is LDAP, do not specify a password by using the UPDATE
NODE command. Passwords remain current for a period that is determined by
the password expiration period.
Specifies whether to force a client to change or reset the password. This
parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that the password expiration period is set by the SET PASSEXP
command. Do not force a client to change or reset the password while
it attempts to log on to the server.
Specifies that the client node or administrator password will expire at
the next logon. The client must change or reset the password at the
next logon.
v For nodes that authenticate with an LDAP server, password
expiration is set by using LDAP server utilities. For this reason, do
not specify FORCEPWRESET=YES if you plan to specify
v If you plan to update a node to authenticate with an LDAP server,
and you specified FORCEPWRESET=YES, you must change the password
Specifies the number of days the password remains valid. You can set the
password expiration period in the range 0 - 9999 days. A value of 0 means that
Important: After the client with support for Unicode is installed, any new file
spaces that the client backs up are stored in server storage by using the UTF-8
code page. UTF-8 is a byte-oriented encoding form that is specified by the
Unicode Standard.
You can specify one of the following values:
The server automatically renames existing file spaces when the client
system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode, and the client runs one
of the following operations: archive, selective backup, full incremental
backup, or partial incremental backup. The renaming occurs whether the
client uses the graphical user interface, the command line, or the client
For example, the server renames a drive as follows:
v Original name: D_DRIVE
v New name: D_DRIVE_OLD
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 and Tivoli
Storage Manager Version 7.1.8, this parameter is deprecated. The validation
that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2 protocol,
which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The
VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is ignored. Update your configuration to use
the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
Remember: If a path is unavailable, the node cannot send any data. For
example, if you select the LAN-free option but a LAN-free path is not
defined, the operation fails.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data is sent to the server, storage agent, or both, using
any available path. A LAN-free path is used if one is available. If a
LAN-free path is unavailable, the data is moved over the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent over the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent over a LAN-free path.
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the server, storage agent, or
both read data for a client, during operations such as restore or retrieve.
The parameter is optional.
If the previous conditions are not true, all new and changed files since the
last replication are replicated, including inactive files, and files are deleted
when they expire.
Replicates active and inactive backup data, archive data, or space-managed
data. Data is replicated with a high priority.
This rule is the same as the ACTIVE_DATA replication rule except data is
replicated with a high priority. This rule is valid only for
Replicates data according to the server replication rule for backup data.
For example, suppose that you want to replicate the archive data in all the
file spaces that belongs to a client node. Replication of the archive data is a
high priority. One method to accomplish this task is to specify
ARREPLRULEDEFAULT=DEFAULT. Ensure that the file space rules for archive
data are also set to DEFAULT and that the server rule for archive data is set
Restriction: If a node is configured for replication, the file space rules are
set to DEFAULT after the node stores data on the source replication server.
v You can set the REPLMODE parameter only if the initial replication state is
NONE. To synchronize data, you change the replication state to ENABLED
or DISABLED and specify a value for the REPLMODE parameter.
v Data can be synchronized only if you specified DATES=ABSOLUTE on the
IMPORT NODE command. If you specified DATES=RELATIVE to import data, you
must rename the node or delete its data before replication. If you do not
take one of these steps, you can lose data.
v If the REPLMODE parameter was set incorrectly, you must issue the REMOVE
REPLNODE command before you update the client node definition. For
example, suppose that you updated the definition of a client node whose
data you wanted to replicate. The data that belongs to the node was
previously exported to the target replication server. You specified ENABLED
as the setting of the REPLSTATE parameter. However, you did not specify
SYNCSEND on the source replication server. As a result, the REPLMODE
parameter was automatically set to SEND, and data that belongs to the node
could not be synchronized or replicated.
Issuing REMOVE REPLNODE sets the replication state and the replication mode
to NONE. After the REMOVE REPLNODE command is completed, reissue the
UPDATE NODE command with the correct parameters and values.
Specifies whether damaged files can be recovered for this node from a target
replication server. The parameter is optional. The default value is YES. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that recovery of damaged files from a target replication server is
enabled for this node.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 software and Tivoli
Storage Manager V7.1.8 software, this parameter is deprecated. The validation
that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS 1.2 protocol, which
is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The SSLREQUIRED parameter is
ignored. Update your configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
Specifies whether the node must use the most secure settings to communicate
with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the strictest security settings are enforced for the node. The
STRICT value uses the most secure communication protocol available,
which is currently TLS 1.2. The TLS 1.2 protocol is used for SSL sessions
between the server and the node. To specify whether the server uses TLS
1.2 for the entire session or only for authentication, see the SSL client
To use the STRICT value, the following requirements must be met to ensure
that the node can authenticate with the server:
v Both the node and server must be using IBM Spectrum Protect software
that supports the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
v The node must be configured to use the TLS 1.2 protocol for SSL
sessions between the server and the node.
Nodes set to STRICT that do not meet these requirements are unable to
authenticate with the server.
Specifies that the existing security settings are enforced for the node. This
is the default value. This value is intended to be used temporarily while
you update your security settings to meet the requirements for the STRICT
If SESSIONSECURITY=TRANSITIONAL and the node has never met the
requirements for the STRICT value, the node will continue to authenticate
by using the TRANSITIONAL value. However, after a node meets the
requirements for the STRICT value, the SESSIONSECURITY parameter value
automatically updates from TRANSITIONAL to STRICT. Then, the node can no
longer authenticate by using a version of the client or an SSL/TLS protocol
that does not meet the requirements for STRICT. In addition, after a node
successfully authenticates by using a more secure communication protocol,
the node can no longer authenticate on the same server by using a less
secure protocol. For example, if a node that is not using SSL is updated
and successfully authenticates by using TLS 1.2, the node can no longer
When you specify the SSLREQUIRED parameter, the server is not automatically
configured for SSL. You must follow the instructions for connecting with SSL in
order for the example to work.
Update all nodes to use the strictest security settings to authenticate with the
update node * sessionsecurity=strict
The client deployment feature helps you update a backup-archive client to a newer
release. The information that is generated from the UPDATE NODE command can help
you when you plan a deployment. The information is stored for a future
deployment and can be viewed by issuing the QUERY NODE command. After a
deployment, you can issue the QUERY NODE command to see the current level and
the target level. For example, to update node LARRY to backup-archive client
update node LARRY targetlevel=
Update node LARRY so that the data on node LARRY is compressed when it is
backed up or archived by IBM Spectrum Protect and so that the client cannot
delete archived files.
update node larry compression=yes archdelete=no
Update the PAYROLL node to enable the recovery of damaged files from a target
replication server.
update node payroll recoverdamaged=yes
Related commands
Table 482. Commands related to UPDATE NODE
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY PVUESTIMATE Displays an estimate of the client-devices and
server-devices being managed.
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication
status of a client node.
REGISTER ADMIN Defines a new administrator without
granting administrative authority.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets
options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered
nodes for a specific policy domain.
REMOVE REPLNODE Removes a node from replication.
RENAME NODE Changes the name for a client node.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system or unrestricted policy privilege.
►► UPDate NODEGroup group_name DESCription = description ►◄
Specifies the name of the node group whose description you want to update.
DESCription (Required)
Specifies a description of the node group. This parameter is required. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. If the description contains
any blanks, enclose the entire description in quotation marks.
Related commands
Table 483. Commands related to UPDATE NODEGROUP
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to
a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a
backup set.
Syntax and parameter descriptions are available for the following path types.
v “UPDATE PATH (Change a path when the destination is a drive)” on page 1557
v “UPDATE PATH (Change a path when the destination is a library)” on page
v “UPDATE PATH (Update a path when the destination is a ZOSMEDIA library)”
on page 1563
For detailed and current device support information, see the Supported Devices
website for your operating system:
Related commands
Table 484. Commands related to UPDATE PATH
Command Description
DEFINE DATAMOVER Defines a data mover to the IBM Spectrum
ProtectIBM Spectrum Protect server.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a
source to a destination.
UPDATE DATAMOVER Changes the definition for a data mover.
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► ►
DEVIce = device_name ONLine = Yes
► ►◄
DIRectory = ▼ directory_name
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path. This parameter is required.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination. This parameter is required.
SRCType (Required)
Specifies the type of the source. This parameter is required. Possible values are:
Specifies that a data mover is the source.
Specifies that a server or a storage agent is the source.
Specifies whether the serial number for a drive or library will be automatically
detected, reported, and updated in IBM Spectrum Protect. This parameter is
optional. This parameter is only valid for paths defined from the local server to
a drive or a library. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the serial number is not automatically updated.
Specifies that the serial number is automatically updated to reflect the
same serial number that the drive reports to IBM Spectrum Protect.
1. If you have not previously entered a serial number, then
AUTODETECT defaults to YES. If you have previously entered a serial
number, then AUTODETECT defaults to NO.
v For information about the device name when the source is a storage agent,
see the IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN product information.
v For 349X libraries, the alias name is a symbolic name that is specified in the
/etc/ibmatl.conf file. For more information, see IBM Tape Device Drivers
Installation and User’s Guide, which can be downloaded from the IBM
Systems support site at http://www.ibm.com/support/
v For information about how to obtain names for devices that are connected to
a NAS file server, consult the product information for the file server. For
example, for a NetApp file server, connect to the file server using Telnet and
issue the SYSCONFIG command. Use this command to determine device
names for drives:
sysconfig -t
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
For example, if the path from a data mover to a drive is online, but either the
data mover or the drive is offline, you cannot use the path.
Specifies the directory location or locations for a storage agent to access the
files in a FILE library. The DIRECTORY parameter is also used for devices of
parameter provides information for the server (not a storage agent) along with
the DRIVE parameter to describe access to the device. This parameter is
On storage agents, this parameter is only valid when all of the following
conditions are true:
v The source type is SERVER (meaning a storage agent that has been defined
as a server to this server).
v The source name is the name of a storage agent, not the server.
v The destination is a logical drive that is part of a FILE library.
v If multiple directories were specified for the device class associated with the
FILE library, the same number of directories must be specified with the
DIRectory parameter of the DEFINE PATH command, for each drive in the
FILE library. Storage agent directories are not validated on the server.
Specifying incorrect directories can cause a run-time failure.
The directory name or names identify the locations where the storage agent
reads and writes the files that represent storage volumes for the FILE device
class that is associated with the FILE library. The default value for
DIRECTORY is the directory of the server at the time the command is issued.
Use a naming convention that you can use to associate the directory with a
particular physical drive. This can help ensure that your configuration is valid
for sharing the FILE library between the server and storage agent. If the
storage agent is on a Windows system, use a universal naming convention
(UNC) name. When the storage agent lacks permission to access remote
storage, the storage agent will experience mount failures.
v IBM Spectrum Protect does not create shares or permissions, or mount the
target file system. You must perform these actions before starting the storage
v You can modify a list of directories only by replacing the entire list.
v You must ensure that storage agents can access newly created FILE volumes.
To access FILE volumes, storage agents replace names from the directory list
in the device-class definition with the names in the directory list for the
associated path definition. The following illustrates the importance of
matching device classes and paths to ensure that storage agents can access
newly created FILE volumes.
Example: Update a path from a data mover NAS file server to a tape
Update a path from a data mover that is a NAS file server to the drive TAPEDRV2
that the data mover uses for backup and restore operations. In this example, the
NAS data mover is NAS1, the library is NASLIB, and the device name for the drive
is rst0l.
update path nas1 tapedrv2 srctype=datamover desttype=drive library=naslib
Privilege class
To issue this command you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
► DESTType = LIBRary ►
AUTODetect = No
► ►◄
DEVIce = device_name ONLine = Yes
EXTERNALManager = path_name No
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path. This parameter is required.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination. This parameter is required.
Important: To define a path from a NAS data mover to a library, the library
must have LIBTYPE of SCSI, 349X, or Automated Cartridge System Library
Software (ACSLS).
SRCType (Required)
Specifies the type of the source. This parameter is required. Possible values are:
Specifies that a data mover is the source.
Specifies that a server or a storage agent is the source.
Specifies whether the serial number for a drive or library is automatically
detected, reported, and updated in IBM Spectrum Protect. This parameter is
optional. This parameter is only valid for paths defined from the local server to
a library. Possible values are:
No Specifies that the serial number is not automatically updated.
Specifies that the serial number is automatically updated to reflect the
same serial number that the drive reports to IBM Spectrum Protect.
1. If you have not previously entered a serial number, then
AUTODETECT defaults to YES. If you have previously entered a serial
number, then AUTODETECT defaults to NO.
v For information about the device name when the source is a storage agent,
see the IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN product information.
v For 349X libraries, the alias name is a symbolic name that is specified in the
/etc/ibmatl.conf file. For more information, see IBM Tape Device Drivers
Installation and User’s Guide, which can be downloaded from the IBM
Systems support site at http://www.ibm.com/support/
v For information about how to obtain names for devices that are connected to
a NAS file server, consult the product information for the file server. For
example, for a NetApp file server, connect to the file server using Telnet and
issue the SYSCONFIG command. Use this command to determine the device
name for a library:
sysconfig -m
Specifies the location of the external library manager where IBM Spectrum
Protect can send media access requests. Use single quotation marks around the
value of this parameter. For example, enter:
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
Important: If the path to a library is offline, the server will not be able to
access the library. If the server is halted and restarted while the path to the
library is offline, the library will not be initialized.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
source_name (Required)
Specifies the name of source for the path.
destination_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the destination.
SRCType=SERVer (Required)
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server or a storage agent is the source.
DESTType=LIBRary (Required)
Specifies that a library is the destination.
ZOSMEDIAServer (Required)
Specifies the server name that represents a Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS
Media server.
Specifies whether the path is available for use. This parameter is optional.
Possible values are:
Specifies that the path is available for use.
No Specifies that the path is not available for use.
The source and the destination must both be available to use the path.
Important: If the path to a library is offline, the server cannot access the
library. If the server is halted and restarted while the path to the library is
offline, the library is not initialized during server initialization. The path must
be updated to ONLINE=YES to access the library.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► UPDate POlicyset domain_name policy_set_name ►
► DESCription = description ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the policy set belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to update. You cannot change the ACTIVE policy set.
DESCription (Required)
Specifies text that describes the policy set. The maximum length of the
description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it
contains any blank characters. To remove a previously defined description,
specify a null string (“”).
Update a policy set called VACATION for the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS policy domain with a
description of “Schedule Planning Information.”
update policyset employee_records vacation
description="schedule planning information"
Related commands
Table 487. Commands related to UPDATE POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE DOMAIN Defines a policy domain that clients can be
assigned to.
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified
policy domain.
DELETE POLICYSET Deletes a policy set, including its
management classes and copy groups, from a
policy domain.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
Privilege class
►► UPDate PROFIle profile_name DESCription = description ►◄
profile_name (Required)
Specifies the profile to update.
DESCription (Required)
Specifies a description for the profile. The maximum length of the description
is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any
blank characters. To remove a description, specify a null string ("").
Related commands
Table 488. Commands related to UPDATE PROFILE
Command Description
COPY PROFILE Creates a copy of a profile.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.
DEFINE PROFILE Defines a profile for distributing information
to managed servers.
DELETE PROFASSOCIATION Deletes the association of an object with a
DELETE PROFILE Deletes a profile from a configuration
LOCK PROFILE Prevents distribution of a configuration
QUERY PROFILE Displays information about configuration
SET CONFIGMANAGER Specifies whether a server is a configuration
UNLOCK PROFILE Enables a locked profile to be distributed to
managed servers.
Privilege class
►► UPDate RECOVERYMedia media_name ►
VOLumenames = ▼ volume_name
► ►
DESCription = description LOcation = location
► ►
Type = BOot PROduct = product_name
► ►◄
PRODUCTInfo = product_information
media_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the recovery media to be updated.
Specifies the names of volumes that contain the recoverable data (for example,
operating system image copies). If you specify a TYPE=BOOT, you must
specify the boot media volume names in the order in which they are to be
loaded at recovery time. The volume names list can be up to 255 characters.
Enclose the list in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To
remove all volume names, specify a null string ("").
Specifies the description of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. You
can use up to 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains
any blank characters.
Describes the location of the recovery media. This parameter is optional. You
can use up to 255 characters. Enclose the text in quotation marks if it contains
any blank characters. To remove a location description, specify a null string ("")
for the value.
Specifies the type of recovery media. This parameter is optional. Possible
values are:
Specifies that this is boot media. You must specify volume names if the
type is BOOT.
Specifies that this is not boot media. For example, a CD that contains
operating system manuals.
Related commands
Table 489. Commands related to UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA
Command Description
DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA Defines the media required to recover a
DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA Deletes recovery media.
QUERY RECOVERYMEDIA Displays media available for machine
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
►► UPDate REPLRule rule_name STate = ENabled ►◄
rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the replication rule to be updated. You can use wildcard
characters to specify one or more rules. You can specify one of the following
STate (Required)
Specifies whether replication is allowed for the rule. You can specify one of the
following values:
Specifies that the data to which the rule applies is ready to be replicated
Specifies that replication does not occur until you enable it.
Disable replication of normal-priority, active-backup data for all file spaces in all
client nodes that are configured for replication:
update replrule active_data state=disabled
Related commands
Table 490. Commands related to UPDATE REPLRULE
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLICATION Displays information about node replication
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication
| Privilege class
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Syntax
| ►► UPDate RETRule retrule_name add_client ►◄
| add_client:
| ,
ADD CLIent ▼ node_name ►
| ►
| ,
▼ filespace_name
UNIcode NONUNIcode
| remove_client:
| ,
REMove CLIent ▼ node_name ►
| properties:
| ►
| STARTTime = time STARTDate = date
| ► classic_schedule ►
| enhanced_schedule RETention = days
| ►
| ACTive = Yes DESCription = description
| classic schedule:
| ►
| SCHEDStyle = Classic FREQuency = Weekly
| ►
| DAYofweek = ANY
| enhanced schedule:
▼ JAnuary
| ► ►
▼ DAy FIrst
| ►
| DAYofweek = ANY
▼ SUnday
| Notes:
| 1 The filespace_name must correspond to an IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
| Environments virtual machine. If you specify a file space name, you can
| specify only one fully qualified node name. Instead of specifying a file space
| name, you can specify the name of the virtual machine. This is relevant for
| both the add client and remove client actions.
| Note:
| Parameters
| retrule_name (Required)
| Specifies the name of the retention rule. The name must be unique, and the
| maximum length is 64 characters.
| node_name or node_group_name (Required)
| Specifies the name of the client node or node groups to which the retention
| rule applies. To specify multiple node names and node group names, separate
| Tip: Issue the QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file spaces and
| file space IDs are defined for a node on the server.
| NAMEType
| Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space name that you
| enter. Use this parameter only when you specify a partially or a fully qualified
| file space name.
| The default value is SERVER. If a virtual filespace mapping name is specified,
| you must use SERVER. You can specify one of the following values:
| The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space name.
| UNIcode
| The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
| code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
| on the characters in the name and the server's code page. Conversion fails
| if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code
| page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
| The server interprets the file space name as the file space ID (FSID).
| CODEType
| Specifies the type of file spaces to be included in retention rule processing. The
| default value is BOTH, meaning that file spaces are included regardless of code
| page type. Use this parameter only when you enter a single wildcard character
| for the file space name. You can specify one of the following values:
| UNIcode
| Specifies only file spaces that are in Unicode.
| NONUNIcode
| Specifies only file spaces that are not in Unicode.
| Specifies all file spaces regardless of code page type.
| Specifies the beginning time in a range of times in which the retention rule is
| first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional. You
| can update the STARTTime as follows, depending on the type of retention
| rule.
| v One-time only
| For a one-time only retention rule, the STARTTime can be a time in the
| past. Files that were active from the specified time and that are still stored
| on the IBM Spectrum Protect server are to be included in the retention set,
| Tip: For retention sets that are created in the past, an information message is
| issued to the activity log that indicates that the retention set can include files
| as they existed in the past. For example, expiration processing or other deletion
| activities might have deleted one or more of files that would have been
| included in the retention set had the retention set been created at that point in
| time in the past.
| You can specify one of the following values:
|| Value Description Example
| HH:MM:SS A specific time 23:30:08
| NOW The current time NOW
| NOW+HH:MM or The current time plus the NOW+02:00 or +02:00
| +HH:MM specified number of hours and
| minutes
| NOW-HH:MM or The current time minus the NOW-02:00 or -02:00
| -HH:MM specified number of hours and
| minutes
| Specifies the beginning date in a range of dates in which the retention rule is
| first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current date. You
| can update the STARTDate as follows, depending on the type of retention
| rule.
| v One-time only
| For a one-time only retention rule, the STARTDate can be a date in the past.
| Files that were active from the specified date and that are still stored on the
| IBM Spectrum Protect server are to be included in the retention set, even if
| they are inactive at the time you issue the command. You can update the
| STARTDate value, but only for retention set creation runs that have not yet
| started to run.
| Related commands
| Table 492. Commands related to UPDATE RETRULE
| Command Description
| DEFINE RETRULE Defines a retention rule.
| QUERY RETRULE Displays information about retention rules.
| DELETE RETRULE Deletes a retention rule.
| RENAME RETRULE Renames a retention rule.
| Privilege class
| To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted policy
| privilege.
| Syntax
| ►► UPDate RETSet retset_id ►
| DESCription = description
| ► ►◄
| RETention = days
| Parameters
| retset_id (Required)
| Specifies the number of the retention set that you want to update. The
| retention set ID is a unique numeric value.
The UPDATE SCHEDULE command takes two forms, depending on whether the
schedule applies to client operations or administrative commands. Within these
two forms, you can select either classic or enhanced style schedules. The syntax
and parameters for each form are defined separately.
v “UPDATE SCHEDULE (Update an administrative schedule)” on page 1594
v “UPDATE SCHEDULE (Update a client schedule)” on page 1581
Table 495. Commands related to UPDATE SCHEDULE
Command Description
COPY SCHEDULE Creates a copy of a schedule.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or
an administrative command.
DELETE SCHEDULE Deletes a schedule from the database.
QUERY EVENT Displays information about scheduled and
completed events for selected clients.
QUERY SCHEDULE Displays information about schedules.
SET MAXCMDRETRIES Specifies the maximum number of retries
after a failed attempt to execute a scheduled
SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS Specifies the maximum number of
client/server sessions available for processing
scheduled work.
SET RETRYPERIOD Specifies the time between retry attempts by
the client scheduler.
This command does not change the client associations that have been made to this
schedule. Any clients that are associated with the original schedule, process the
modified schedule.
Not all clients can run all scheduled operations, even though you can define the
schedule on the server and associate it with the client. For example, a Macintosh
client cannot run a schedule when the action is to restore or retrieve files, or run
an executable script. An executable script is also known as a command file, a batch
file, or a script on different client operating systems.
Privilege class
To update a client schedule, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the schedule
►► UPDate SCHedule domain_name schedule_name ►
Type = Client
► ►
DESCription = description
► ►
ACTion = Incremental
► ►
OPTions = option_string OBJects = object_string
► ►
DURation = number DURUnits = Minutes
► ►
MAXRUNtime = number SCHEDStyle = Classic PERiod = number
► ►
PERUnits = Hours DAYofweek = ANY
Days WEEKDay
Weeks WEEKEnd
Months SUnday
Years Monday
Onetime TUesday
► ►◄
EXPiration = Never
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
►► UPDate SCHedule domain_name schedule_name ►
Type = Client
► ►
DESCription = description
► ►
OPTions = option_string OBJects = object_string
► ►
PRIority = number STARTDate = date STARTTime = time
► ►
DURation = number DURUnits = Minutes
► ►
MAXRUNtime = number SCHEDStyle = Enhanced
► ►
JAnuary Day
► ►◄
EXPiration = Never
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which this schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to be updated.
Specifies that a client schedule is updated. This parameter is optional. The
default is CLIENT.
Specifies a description of the schedule. This parameter is optional. You can
specify up to 255 characters for the description. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains blank characters. To remove a previously defined
description, specify a null string ("") for this value.
Specifies the action that occurs when this schedule is processed. Possible
values are:
Specifies that the schedule backs up all files that are new or that have
changed since the last incremental backup. Incremental also backs up any
file for which all existing backups might have expired.
Specifies that the schedule backs up only files that are specified with the
OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule archives files that are specified with the
OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule backs up files that are specified with the
OBJECTS parameter.
Values for the following options are restricted when you specify
parameter is ignored.
Specify MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS for the DURUNITS parameter. Do not
Specify the default style, CLASSIC.
v If you specify a second file specification, and it is not a valid destination,
you receive this error:
ANS1082E Invalid destination file specification <filespec> entered.
v If you specify more than two file specifications, you receive this error:
ANS1102E Excessive number of command line arguments passed to the
this parameter, you can list a maximum of twenty (20) file specifications.
Enclose the object string in double quotes if it contains blank characters
(spaces), and then surround the double quotes with single quotes. If the object
string contains multiple file names, enclose each file name with its own pair of
double quotes, then surround the entire string with one pair of single quotes.
Errors can occur if file names contain a space that is not quoted correctly.
The following examples show how to specify some file names:
v To specify /home/file 2, /home/gif files, and /home/my test file, enter:
OBJECTS=’"/home/file 2" "/home/gif files" "/home/my test file"’
v To specify /home/test file, enter:
OBJECTS=’"/home/test file"’
Specifies the priority value for a schedule. This parameter is optional. You can
specify an integer from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest priority and 10 being
the lowest. The default is 5.
If two or more schedules have the same window start time, the value you
specify determines when IBM Spectrum Protect processes the schedule. The
schedule with the highest priority starts first. For example, a schedule with
PRIORITY=3 starts before a schedule with PRIORITY=5.
Specifies the date for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is
first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current date. Use
this parameter with the STARTTIME parameter to specify when the initial startup
window of the schedule starts.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is
first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. This
parameter is used in conjunction with the STARTDATE parameter to specify
when the initial startup window begins.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Specifies the number of units that define the length of the startup window of
the scheduled operation. This parameter is optional. This value must be from 1
to 999. The default is 1.
Use this parameter with the DURUNITS parameter to specify the length of the
startup window. For example, if you specify DURATION=20 and
DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started within 20 minutes of the
start date and start time. The default length of the startup window is 1 hour.
The duration of the window must be shorter than the period between
Tip: Define schedules with durations longer than 10 minutes. Doing this will
give the IBM Spectrum Protect scheduler enough time to process the schedule
and prompt the client.
Specifies the time units used to determine the duration of the window in
which the schedule can start. This parameter is optional. The default is
Use this parameter with the DURATION parameter to specify how long the
startup window remains open to process the schedule. For example, if
DURATION=20 and DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started
within 20 minutes of the start date and start time. The schedule may not
necessarily complete processing within this window. If the schedule needs to
be retried for any reason, the retry attempts must begin before the startup
window elapses, or the operation does not restart.
The default value for the length of the startup window is 1 hour. You can
specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in minutes.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in hours.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in days.
Specifies that the startup window of the scheduled operation has an
indefinite duration. The schedule can run any time after the scheduled
start time, until the schedule expires. You cannot specify
INDEFINITE value is not allowed with enhanced schedules.
Specifies the maximum run time, which is the number of minutes during
which all client sessions that are started by the scheduled operation should be
completed. If sessions are still running after the maximum run time, the server
issues a warning message, but the sessions continue to run.
Tip: The maximum run time is calculated from the beginning of the startup
window and not from the time that sessions start within the startup window.
v The value of the parameter is not distributed to servers that are managed by
an enterprise configuration manager.
v The value of the parameter is not exported by the EXPORT command.
The parameter is optional. You can specify a number in the range 0-1440. A
value of 0 means that the maximum run time is indefinite, and no warning
message is issued. The maximum run time must be greater than the startup
window duration, which is defined by the DURATION and DURUNITS parameters.
For example, if the start time of a scheduled operation is 9:00 PM, and the
duration of the startup window is 2 hours, the startup window is 9:00 PM -
11:00 PM. If the maximum run time is 240 minutes, that is, 4 hours, all client
Tip: Alternatively, you can specify a run time alert value of 1:00 AM in the IBM
Spectrum Protect Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. SCHEDSTYLE defines either the interval between
times when a schedule can run, or the days on which it can run. The style can
be either classic or enhanced. This parameter must be specified when you
change a schedule from classic to enhanced or back to classic. Otherwise, the
value for the existing schedule is used.
For classic schedules, these parameters are allowed: PERIOD, PERUNITS, and
DAYOFWEEK. These parameters are not allowed: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH,
and WEEKOFMONTH. If the previous schedule style was enhanced, the
are reset. DAYOFWEEK, PERIOD, and PERUNITS are set to default values
unless they are specified with the update command.
For enhanced schedules, these parameters are allowed: MONTH,
not allowed: PERIOD and PERUNITS. If the previous schedule style was
classic, the DAYOFWEEK, PERIOD, and PERUNITS parameters are reset.
default values unless they are specified with the update command.
Specifies the length of time between startup windows for this schedule. This
parameter is optional. This parameter is used only with classic schedules. You
can specify an integer from 1 to 999. The default is 1.
Use this parameter with the PERUNITS parameter to specify the period between
startup windows. For example, if you specify PERIOD=5 and
PERUNITS=DAYS (assuming that DAYOFWEEK=ANY), the operation is
scheduled every five days after the initial start date and start time. The period
between startup windows must exceed the duration of each window. The
default is 1 day.
This value is ignored if you specify PERUNITS=ONETIME.
Specifies the time units used to determine the period between startup windows
for this schedule. This parameter is optional. This parameter is used only with
classic schedules. The default is DAYS.
Use this parameter with the PERIOD parameter to specify the period between
startup windows. For example, if you specify PERIOD=5 and
PERUNITS=DAYS (assuming that DAYOFWEEK=ANY), the operation is
scheduled every 5 days after the initial start date and start time. The default is
1 day. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in hours.
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in days.
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in weeks.
Update a schedule from archiving files quarterly on the last Friday of the month to
archiving on the last day of the specified months.
update schedule employee_records quarterly_archive dayofmonth=-1
Privilege class
Classic administrative schedule
►► UPDate SCHedule schedule_name ►
Type = Administrative
► ►
CMD = command ACTIVE = Yes DESCription = description
► ►
PRIority = number STARTDate = date STARTTime = time
► ►
DURation = number DURUnits = Minutes
► ►
MAXRUNtime = number SCHEDStyle = Classic PERiod = number
► ►
PERUnits = Hours DAYofweek = ANY
Days WEEKDay
Weeks WEEKEnd
Months SUnday
Years Monday
Onetime TUesday
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
Enhanced administrative schedule
►► UPDate SCHedule schedule_name ►
Type = Administrative
► ►
CMD = command ACTIVE = Yes DESCription = description
► ►
PRIority = number STARTDate = date STARTTime = time
► ►
DURation = number DURUnits = Minutes
► ►
MAXRUNtime = number SCHEDStyle = Enhanced
► ►
JAnuary Day
► ►◄
EXPiration= Never
1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to be updated.
Type=Administrative (Required)
Specifies that an administrative command schedule is updated.
Specifies the administrative command to be scheduled for processing. This
parameter is optional. The command you specify can contain up to 512
characters. Enclose the command in quotation marks if it contains blanks.
You cannot specify redirection characters with this parameter.
Specifies whether the administrative command is eligible for processing. This
parameter is optional. An administrative command schedule will not be
processed unless it is set to the active state. Possible values are:
Specifies that the administrative command is eligible for processing.
NO Specifies that the administrative command is not eligible for processing.
Specifies a description of the schedule. This parameter is optional. You can
specify up to 255 characters for the description. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains blanks. To remove a previously defined
description, specify a null string ("") for this value.
Specifies the priority value for a schedule. This parameter is optional. You can
specify an integer from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest priority and 10 being
the lowest. The default is 5.
If two or more schedules have the same window start time, the value you
specify determines when IBM Spectrum Protect processes the schedule. The
schedule with the highest priority starts first. For example, a schedule with
PRIORITY=3 starts before a schedule with PRIORITY=5.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is
first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. This
parameter is used in conjunction with the STARTDATE parameter to specify
when the initial startup window begins.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
v The processes might not end immediately when the central scheduler cancels
them; they end when they register the cancellation notification from the
central scheduler.
v The maximum run time is calculated beginning from when the server
process starts. If the schedule command starts more than one process, each
process maximum run time is calculated from when the process starts.
v The value of the parameter is not distributed to servers that are managed by
an enterprise configuration manager.
v The value of the parameter is not exported by the EXPORT command.
This parameter is optional. You can specify a number in the range 0-1440. A
value of 0 means that the maximum run time is indefinite, and the central
scheduler does not cancel processes. The maximum run time must be greater
than the startup window duration, which is defined by the DURATION and
DURUNITS parameters.
For example, if the start time of a scheduled command is 9:00 PM, and the
duration of the startup window is 2 hours, the startup window is 9:00 PM -
11:00 PM. If the maximum run time is 240 minutes, that is, 4 hours, all
applicable server processes that are started by the command must be
completed by 1:00 AM. If one or more applicable processes are still running
after 1:00 AM, the central scheduler cancels the processes.
Tip: Alternatively, you can specify an end time of 1:00 AM in the IBM
Spectrum Protect Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. SCHEDSTYLE defines either the interval between
times when a schedule should run, or the days on which it should run. The
style can be either classic or enhanced. This parameter must be specified when
you change a schedule from classic to enhanced or back to classic. Otherwise,
the value for the existing schedule is used.
For classic schedules, these parameters are allowed: PERIOD, PERUNITS, and
DAYOFWEEK. These parameters are not allowed: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH,
and WEEKOFMONTH. If the previous schedule style was enhanced, the
will be reset. DAYOFWEEK, PERIOD, and PERUNITS will be set to default
values unless they are specified with the update command.
For enhanced schedules, these parameters are allowed: MONTH,
not allowed: PERIOD and PERUNITS. If the previous schedule style was
classic, the DAYOFWEEK, PERIOD, and PERUNITS parameters will be reset.
to default values unless they are specified with the update command.
Specifies the length of time between startup windows for this schedule. This
Privilege class
►► UPDate SCRATCHPadentry major_category minor_category subject ►
major_category (Required)
Specifies the major category in which data is to be updated. This parameter is
case sensitive.
minor_category (Required)
Specifies the minor category in which data is to be updated. This parameter is
case sensitive.
subject (Required)
Specifies the subject under which data is to be updated. This parameter is case
Line (Required)
Specifies the number of the line on which data is to be updated.
Data (Required)
Specifies the new data to be stored on the line. Previous data is deleted. You
can enter up to 1000 characters. Enclose the data in quotation marks if the data
contains one or more blanks. The data is case sensitive.
Related commands
Table 496. Commands related to UPDATE SCRATCHPADENTRY
Command Description
DEFINE SCRATCHPADENTRY Creates a line of data in the scratch pad.
DELETE SCRATCHPADENTRY Deletes a line of data from the scratch pad.
QUERY SCRATCHPADENTRY Displays information that is contained in the
scratch pad.
SET SCRATCHPADRETENTION Specifies the amount of time for which
scratch pad entries are retained.
Privilege class
To issue this command, the administrator must have previously defined the script
or must have system privilege.
►► UPDate SCRipt script_name ►
Line = number
► ►◄
DESCription = description
script_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the script to be updated.
Specifies a new or updated command to be processed in a script. You must
update a command, a description, or both when you issue this command.
Command can contain substitution variables and may be continued across
multiple lines if you specify a continuation character (-) as the last character in
the command. You can specify up to 1200 characters for the command. Enclose
the command in quotation marks if it contains blanks. If you specify this
parameter, you can optionally specify the following parameter.
You have the options of running commands serially, in parallel, or serially and
in parallel by specifying the SERIAL or PARALLEL script commands for this
parameter. You can run multiple commands in parallel and wait for them to
complete before proceeding to the next command. Commands will run serially
until the parallel command is encountered.
Conditional logic flow statements can be used. These statements include IF,
Specifies the line number for the command. If you do not specify a line
number, the command line is appended to the existing series of command
lines. The appended command line is assigned a line number of five
greater than the last command line number in the sequence. For example,
if the last line in your script is 015, the appended command line is
assigned a line number of 020.
Assume that you have defined the following three line script, named QSAMPLE,
and that you want to add the QUERY SESSION command to the end of the script.
001 /* This is a sample script */
update script qsample "query session"
After the command processes, the script now consists of the following lines:
001 /* This is a sample script */
Using the script from the prior example, change line 010 so that it processes the
QUERY STGPOOL command instead of the QUERY PROCESS command:
update script qsample "query stgpool" line=010
After the command processes, the script now consists of the following lines:
001 /* This is a sample script */
Using the script from the prior example, insert a new command line (QUERY NODE)
after the QUERY STATUS command line in the QSAMPLE script:
update script qsample "query node"
After the command processes, the script now consists of the following lines:
001 /* This is a sample script */
Related commands
Table 497. Commands related to UPDATE SCRIPT
Command Description
COPY SCRIPT Creates a copy of a script.
Privilege class
Syntax for:
v Enterprise configuration
v Enterprise event logging
v Command routing
v Storage agent
v Node replication source and target servers
v z/OS media server
► ►
HLAddress = ip_address LLAddress = tcp_port
► ►
COMMmethod = TCPIP URL = url ALLOWReplace = Yes
► ►
DESCription = description FORCESync = Yes
► ►
(1) SSL = No
VALIdateprotocol = No Yes
SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►◄
► ►
HLAddress = ip_address LLAddress = tcp_port
► ►
COMMmethod = TCPIP URL = url DELgraceperiod = days
► ►
NODEName = node_name SSL = Yes
SESSIONSECurity = TRANSitional
► ►
SESSIONSECurity = STRict FORCESync = Yes
TRANSitional No
► ►◄
DESCription = description
server_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the server to be updated. This parameter is required.
Specifies the password that is used to sign on to the target server for virtual
volumes. This parameter is optional. If you specify a password, the minimum
length of the password is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by
using the SET MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is
64 characters.
Specifies the server password, which is used for enterprise configuration,
command routing, and server-to-server event logging functions. The password
must match the server password that is set by the SET SERVERPASSWORD
command. This parameter is optional. The minimum length of the password is
8 characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET MINPWLENGTH
command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters.
Specifies the IP address (in dotted decimal format) of the server. This
parameter is optional.
Tip: If you previously set up an object agent and change this parameter, the
following actions occur:
| Tip: If you previously set up an object agent and change this parameter, the
| existing object agent configuration file is updated with the new information.
Specifies the communication method that is used to connect to the server. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies the URL address that is used to access this server from the
Administration Center. The parameter is optional.
Specifies a number of days that an object remains on the target server after it
was marked for deletion. You can specify a value 0 - 9999. The default is 5.
This parameter is optional.
Specifies a node name to be used by the server to connect to the target server.
This parameter is optional.
Specifies a description of the server. This parameter is optional. The description
can be up to 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it
contains blank characters. To remove an existing description, specify a null
string ('').
Specifies whether to reset the server verification key when the source server
next signs on to the target server. A valid verification key enables a source
server to put objects on the target server, manage the grace deletion period
value, and update the password, if the current password is known and the
verification key matches. The parameter is optional. You can specify one of the
following values:
Specifies that a new verification key will be sent to and accepted by the
target server if a valid password is received.
No Specifies that a new verification key will not be sent to the target server.
VALIdateprotocol (deprecated)
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check validates the data sent between
the storage agent and the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The parameter is
optional. The default is NO.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 and Tivoli
Storage Manager Version 7.1.8, validation that is enabled by this parameter is
replaced by the TLS 1.2 protocol, which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY
parameter. The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is ignored. Update your
configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.2 and Tivoli Storage
Manager V7.1.8, SSL is used to encrypt some communication with the specified
server even when you specify NO.
The following conditions and considerations apply when you specify the SSL
v Before starting the servers, self-signed certificates of the partner servers must
be in the key database file (cert.kdb) of each of the servers.
v You can define multiple server names with different parameters for the same
target server.
You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies an SSL session for all communication with the specified server,
except when the server is sending or receiving object data. Object data is
sent and received by using TCP/IP. By choosing not to encrypt the object
data, server performance is similar to communication over a TCP/IP
session and the session is secure.
Specifies an SSL session for all communication with the specified server,
even when the server is sending and receiving object data.
Specifies whether the server that you are defining must use the most secure
settings to communicate with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter
is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the strictest security settings are enforced for the server that
you are defining. The STRICT value uses the most secure communication
protocol available, which is currently TLS 1.2. The TLS 1.2 protocol is used
for SSL sessions between the specified server and an IBM Spectrum Protect
To use the STRICT value, the following requirements must be met to ensure
that the specified server can authenticate with the IBM Spectrum Protect
v Both the server that you are defining and the IBM Spectrum Protect
server must be using IBM Spectrum Protect software that supports the
Update the definition of SERVER2 to specify that objects remain on the target
server for 10 days after they were marked for deletion.
update server server2 delgraceperiod=10
Update the definition of all servers to use the strictest security settings to
authenticate with the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
update server * sessionsecurity=strict
Related commands
Table 498. Commands related to UPDATE SERVER
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server
Privilege class
►► UPDate SERVERGroup group_name DESCription = description ►◄
group_name (Required)
Specifies the server group to update.
DESCription (Required)
Specifies a description of the server group. The maximum length of the
description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it
contains blank characters.
Related commands
Table 499. Commands related to UPDATE SERVERGROUP
Command Description
COPY SERVERGROUP Creates a copy of a server group.
DEFINE SERVERGROUP Defines a new server group.
DELETE SERVERGROUP Deletes a server group.
QUERY SERVERGROUP Displays information about server groups.
RENAME SERVERGROUP Renames a server group.
Important: Space trigger functions and storage pool space calculations take into
account the space remaining in each directory. Ideally, you associate each directory
with a separate file system. If you specify multiple directories for a device class
and the directories reside in the same file system, the server calculates space by
adding values representing the space remaining in each directory. These space
calculations will be inaccurate. Rather than choosing a storage pool with sufficient
space for an operation, the server might choose the wrong storage pool and run
out of space prematurely. For space triggers, an inaccurate calculation might result
in a failure to expand the space available in a storage pool. Failure to expand space
in a storage pool is one of the conditions that can cause a trigger to become
disabled. If a trigger is disabled because the space in a storage pool could not be
expanded, you can re-enable the trigger by specifying the following command:
update spacetrigger stg. No further changes are required to the space trigger.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage
►► UPDate SPACETrigger STG ►
Fullpct = percent
► ►
SPACEexpansion = percent EXPansionprefix = prefix
► ►◄
STGPOOL = storage_pool_name
STG (Required)
Specifies a storage pool space trigger
This parameter specifies the utilization percentage of the storage pool.
When this value is exceeded, the space trigger creates new volumes.
You can determine storage pool utilization by issuing the QUERY STGPOOL
command with FORMAT=DETAILED. The percentage of storage pool
utilization for the storage pool is displayed in the field "Space Trigger Util."
The calculation for this percentage does not include potential scratch volumes.
The calculation for the percentage utilization used for migration and
reclamation, however, does include potential scratch volumes.
Related commands
Table 500. Commands related to UPDATE SPACETRIGGER
Command Description
DEFINE SPACETRIGGER Defines a space trigger to expand the space
for a storage pool.
DELETE SPACETRIGGER Deletes the storage pool space trigger.
QUERY SPACETRIGGER Displays information about a storage pool
space trigger.
Multiple thresholds can be defined for an activity. For example, you can create a
threshold that provides a warning status if storage pool capacity utilization is
greater than 80%. You can then create another threshold that provides error status
if storage pool capacity utilization is greater than 90%.
Note: If a threshold is already defined for an EXISTS condition, you cannot define
another threshold with one of the other condition types.
►► UPDate STAtusthreshold threshold_name ►
Activity = activity_name
► ►
Condition = EXists Value = value
► ►◄
STatus = Normal
threshold_name (Required)
Specifies the threshold name that you want to update. The name cannot exceed
48 characters in length.
Specify this value to change the activity for an existing threshold. This
parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies the number of processes that are currently active.
Specifies the number of sessions that are currently active.
Specifies the number of client sessions that are currently active.
Specifies the number of scheduled client sessions.
Specifies the database utilization percentage. The default warning threshold
value is 80%, and the default error threshold value is 90%.
Update a status threshold for average storage pool utility percentage by issuing the
following command:
update statusthreshold avgstgpl "AVGSTGPOOLUTIL" value=90 condition=gt status=error
Related commands
Table 501. Commands related to UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD
Command Description
“DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
status monitoring threshold)” on page 528
“QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
monitoring status)” on page 941 and server status settings.
“QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the Displays information about monitoring alerts
configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status settings.
and server status)” on page 937
“QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status Displays information about a status
monitoring thresholds)” on page 1092 monitoring thresholds.
“SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether Specifies whether to enable status
to enable status monitoring)” on page 1365 monitoring.
“SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies Specifies whether to enable client at-risk
the backup activity interval for client at-risk activity interval evaluation
evaluation)” on page 1363
“SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set Specifies the refresh interval for status
refresh interval for status monitoring)” on monitoring.
page 1367
“SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies Specifies whether to use client at-risk
whether to use client at-risk skipped files as skipped files as failure evaluation
failure evaluation)” on page 1369
“UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Update a Changes the attributes of an existing status
status monitoring threshold)” on page 1617 monitoring threshold.
The UPDATE STGPOOL command takes seven forms. The syntax and parameters
for each form are defined separately.
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a primary random access storage pool)” on page
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a primary sequential access pool)” on page 1645
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a copy sequential access storage pool)” on page
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update an active-data sequential access)” on page 1667
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a directory-container storage pool)” on page 1626
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a container-copy storage pool)” on page 1631
v “UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a cloud-container storage pool)” on page 1622
Table 502. Commands related to UPDATE STGPOOL
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy
storage pool.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a
collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a
collocation group.
DELETE STGPOOL Deletes a storage pool from server storage.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
MOVE MEDIA Moves storage pool volumes that are
managed by an automated library.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and
size of data for a client node.
QUERY SHREDSTATUS Displays information about data waiting to
be shredded.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
RESTORE STGPOOL Restores files to a primary storage pool from
copy storage pools.
The preferred way to define and configure a cloud-container storage pool is to use
the Operations Center. For instructions and tips for the Operations Center and the
command-line interface, see Configuring a cloud-container storage pool for data storage
in IBM Knowledge Center.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
► ►
(1) CLOUDUrl = cloud_url
CLOUDType = SWift
► ►
(2) PAssword = password
IDentity = cloud_identity
► ►
CLOUDLocation = OFfpremise (3)
ONpremise BUCKETName = bucket_name
► ►
ACCess = READWrite MAXWriters = NOLimit
READOnly maximum_writers
► ►
REUsedelay = days
1 CLOUDTYPE=S3 and CLOUDTYPE=AZURE cannot be changed.
2 For Azure storage pools, it is not necessary to specify the IDENTITY parameter.
3 This parameter is valid only if you specify CLOUDTYPE=S3.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to update. This parameter is required.
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains blank characters. To remove an existing
description, specify a null string ("").
Specifies the type of cloud environment where you are configuring a storage
pool. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the storage pool uses an IBM Cloud cloud computing system
with an OpenStack Swift cloud computing system.
Specifies that the storage pool uses an OpenStack Swift cloud computing
system. This value also specifies that the storage pool uses Version 2 of the
protocol for authentication to the cloud. The URL of the cloud usually
contains the version number of the protocol it is using.
Specifies that the storage pool uses an OpenStack Swift cloud computing
system. This value also specifies that the storage pool uses Version 1 of the
protocol for authentication to the cloud. The URL of the cloud usually
contains the version number of the protocol it is using.
Restriction: If you used the DEFINE STGPOOL command to define a storage pool
with CLOUDTYPE=S3 (Simple Storage Service) or CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, you cannot
change to a different cloud type by using the UPDATE STGPOOL command.
Additionally, you cannot change the following cloud types by using the UPDATE
STGPOOL command:
v A non-S3 storage pool to S3
v A non-Azure storage pool to Azure
Specifies the URL of the cloud environment where you are configuring the
storage pool. Based on your cloud provider, you can use a region endpoint
URL, an accesser IP address, a public authentication endpoint, or a similar
value for this parameter. Be sure to include the protocol, such as https:// or
Tip: To use more than one IBM Cloud Object Storage accesser, list the accesser
IP addresses separated by a vertical bar (|), with no spaces, such as in the
following example:
Use multiple accessers to improve performance. If you are using the IBM
Cloud S3 solution, only one accesser is needed.
Specifies the user ID for the cloud that is specified in the STGTYPE=CLOUD
parameter. This parameter is required for all supported cloud computing
systems except Azure. If you specified CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, do not specify the
IDENTITY parameter. Based on your cloud provider, you can use an access key
ID, a user name, a tenant name and user name, or a similar value for this
parameter. The maximum length of the user ID is 255 characters.
PAssword (Required)
Specifies the password for the cloud that is specified in the STGTYPE=CLOUD
parameter. Based on your cloud provider, you can use a shared access
signature (SAS) token, secret access key, an API key, a password, or a similar
value for this parameter. This parameter is required. The maximum length of
the password is 255 characters. The IDENTITY and PASSWORD parameters are not
validated until the first backup begins.
Specifies the physical location of the cloud that is specified in the CLOUD
parameter. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following
v OFfpremise
v ONpremise
Specifies the name for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) bucket or IBM Cloud
Object Storage vault to use with this storage pool. AWS buckets and IBM
Cloud Object Storage vaults are used in the same manner as containers in a
cloud-container storage pool. This parameter is optional, and is valid only if
this storage pool has a cloud type of S3. If the name that you specify does not
exist, the server creates a bucket or vault with the specified name before using
the bucket or vault. Follow the naming restrictions for your cloud provider
when specifying this parameter. Review the permissions for the bucket or vault
and ensure that the credentials for this storage pool have permission to read,
write, list, and delete objects in this bucket or vault.
Restriction: You cannot change the bucket or vault if any cloud containers
exist in this storage pool.
Specifies how client nodes and server processes access the storage pool. This
parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Tip: Set this parameter to a value that is greater than the number specified for
the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command. By setting this parameter to a
higher value, you can ensure that when you restore the database to an earlier
level, the references to files in the storage pool are still valid.
Specifies whether the server encrypts client data before it writes it to the
storage pool. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that client data is encrypted by the server.
No Specifies that client data is not encrypted by the server.
Update a cloud storage pool that is named STGPOOL1 and specify a maximum of
10 data sessions.
update stgpool stgpool1 maxwriters=10
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
MAXWriters = NOLimit
► ►
MAXWriters = maximum_writers NEXTstgpool = pool_name
► ►
PROTECTstgpool = target_stgpool
PROTECTLOCalstgpools = ▼ local_target_stgpool
REUsedelay = 1
► ►
REUsedelay = days ENCRypt = Yes
COMPRession = Yes
► ►◄
COMPRession = Yes
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool to update. This parameter is required. The maximum
length of the name is 30 characters.
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove an existing
description, specify a null string ("").
Specifies how client nodes and server processes access files in the storage pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can read and write to the
storage pool. This is the default.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes can only read from the
storage pool.
Specifies that client nodes and server processes cannot access the storage
Specifies the maximum size for a physical file that the server can store in the
storage pool. This parameter is optional. The default value is NOLIMIT.
Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that there is no maximum size limit for physical files that are
stored in the storage pool.
Limits the maximum physical file size. Specify an integer in the range 1 -
999999, followed by a scale factor. For example, MAXSIZE=5G specifies that
the maximum file size for this storage pool is 5 GB. Use one of the
following scale factors:
Tip: If you do not specify a unit of measurement for the maximum file
size, the value is specified in bytes.
When the physical size of the storage pool exceeds the MAXSIZE parameter, the
following table shows where files are typically stored.
Table 504. The location of a file according to the file size and the pool that is specified
Pool that is specified Result
No pool is specified as the next storage pool The server does not store the file.
in the hierarchy.
A pool is specified as the next storage pool The server stores the file in the storage pool
in the hierarchy. that you specified.
Tip: If you also specify the NEXTstgpool parameter, update one storage pool in
your hierarchy to have no limit on the maximum file size by specifying the
MAXSIze=NOLimit parameter. When you have at least one pool with no size
limit, you ensure that no matter what its size, the server can store the file.
For multiple files that are sent during data deduplication processing, the server
considers the size of the data deduplication process to be the file size. If the
total size of all files in the process is larger than the maximum size limit, the
server does not store the files in the storage pool.
Specifies the maximum number of I/O threads that can run concurrently on
the storage pool. Specify a maximum number of I/O threads to control the
number of I/O threads that are written simultaneously to the
directory-container storage pool. This parameter is optional. As a best practice,
use the default value of NOLIMIT. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that no maximum number of I/O threads are written to the
storage pool.
Limits the maximum number of I/O threads that you can use. Specify an
integer in the range 1 - 99999.
Specifies the name of a random-access or primary sequential storage pool to
which files are stored when the directory-container storage pool is full. This
parameter is optional.
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
Tip: Set this parameter to a value greater than the number that is specified as
your database backup period to ensure that data extents are still valid when
you restore the database to another level.
Specifies whether the server encrypts client data before the server writes the
data to the storage pool. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that client data is encrypted by the server.
No Specifies that client data is not encrypted by the server.
Specifies whether data is compressed in the storage pool. This parameter is
optional. You can specify one of the following values:
No Specifies that data is not compressed in the storage pool.
Specifies that data is compressed in the storage pool. This is the default.
Update a storage pool that is named STGPOOL2. The storage pool specifies the
maximum file size that the server can store in the storage pool as 100 megabytes.
update stgpool stgpool2 maxsize=100M
Update a storage pool that is named STGPOOL3. Remove the existing description
from the storage pool.
update stgpool stgpool3 description=""
Table 505. Commands related to UPDATE STGPOOL
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Defines a storage pool directory to a
directory-container or cloud-container storage
PROTECT STGPOOL Protects a directory-container storage pool.
QUERY CONTAINER Displays information about a container.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
REPAIR STGPOOL Repairs a directory-container storage pool.
UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Changes the attributes of a storage pool
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to be updated.
► ►
DESCription = description ACCess = READWrite
► ►
PROTECTPRocess = number REClaim = percent
► ►◄
RECLAIMLIMit = NOLimit REUsedelay = days
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be updated.
Specifies the maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request
for this storage pool. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 100000000. If
the server can request scratch volumes as needed, you do not have to define
each volume to be used.
The value of this parameter is used to estimate the total number of volumes
that are available in the storage pool and the corresponding estimated capacity
for the storage pool.
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove an existing
description, specify a null string ("").
Specifies how server processes such as storage-pool protection and repair can
access data in the storage pool. This parameter is optional. You can specify one
of the following values:
Specifies that the server can read and write to volumes in the storage pool.
Specifies that the server can only read volumes in the storage pool. The
server can use data in the storage pool to restore extents to
directory-container storage pools. No operations that write to the
container-copy storage pool are allowed.
Tip: Set different reclamation values for offsite container-copy storage pools
and onsite container-copy storage pools. Because container-copy storage pools
store deduplicated data, the data extents are spread across multiple tape
volumes. When you choose a reclamation threshold for an offsite copy,
carefully consider the number of available mount points and the number of
tape volumes that you must retrieve if a disaster occurs. Setting a higher
threshold means that you must retrieve more volumes than you would if your
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to extents in the storage pool are still valid.
You must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you
plan to retain the oldest database backup. If you use disaster recovery
manager, the number of days that are specified for this parameter must be the
same as the number specified for the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command.
Update the storage pool that is named CONTAINER1_COPY2 to change the delay
for volume reuse to 30 days.
update stgpool container1_copy2 reusedelay=30
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to be updated.
► ►
ACCess = READWrite MAXSIze = maximum_file_size
READOnly NOLimit
► ►
CRCData = Yes NEXTstgpool = pool_name
► ►
HIghmig = percent LOwmig = percent CAChe = Yes
► ►
MIGPRocess = number MIGDelay = days
► ►
MIGContinue = Yes AUTOCopy = None
No CLient
► ►
, COPYContinue = Yes
COPYSTGpools = ▼ copypoolname
► ►
ACTIVEDATApools = ▼ active-data_pool_name
► ►◄
SHRED = overwrite_count
The client estimates the size of files that are sent to the server. The client
estimate is used rather than the actual amount of data that is sent to the server.
Client options, such as deduplication, compression, and encryption, can cause
the actual amount of data that is sent to the server to be larger or smaller than
the size estimate. For example, the compression of a file might be smaller in
size than the estimate, thus sending less data than the estimate. Furthermore, a
binary file might be larger in size after the compression processing, thus
sending more data than the estimate.
See the following table for information about where a file is stored when its
size exceeds the MAXSIZE parameter.
Table 507. Where a file is stored according to the file size and the pool that is specified
File size Pool specified Result
Exceeds the maximum size No pool is specified as the The server does not store the
next storage pool in the file
A pool is specified as the The server stores the file in
next storage pool in the the next storage pool that
hierarchy can accept the file size
If you specify the next storage pool parameter, define one storage pool in your
hierarchy to have no limit on the maximum file size. By having no limit on the
size for at least one pool, you ensure that no matter what its size, the server
can store the file.
For multiple files that are sent in a single transaction, the server considers the
size of the transaction to be the file size. If the total size of all files in the
transaction is larger than the maximum size limit, the server does not store the
files in the storage pool.
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) validates storage pool data
when audit volume processing occurs on the server. This parameter is optional.
The default value is NO. By setting CRCDATA to YES and scheduling an AUDIT
VOLUME command, you can continually ensure the integrity of data that is
stored in your storage hierarchy. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that data is stored containing CRC information, allowing for audit
volume processing to validate storage pool data. This mode impacts
performance because more expenditure is required to calculate and
compare CRC values between the storage pool and the server.
No Specifies that data is stored without CRC information.
Specifies a primary storage pool to which files are migrated. This parameter is
To remove an existing storage pool from the storage hierarchy, specify a null
string ("") for this value.
If you do not specify a next storage pool, the following actions occur:
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
v If you specify a sequential-access pool as the next storage pool, the pool
must be in either NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
v Do not specify a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
v Do not use this parameter to specify a storage pool for data migration.
Specifies that the server starts migration for this storage pool when the amount
of data in the pool reaches this percentage of the pool's estimated capacity.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 100.
When the storage pool exceeds the high migration threshold, the server can
start migration of files by node to the next storage pool, as defined with the
NEXTSTGPOOL parameter. You can specify HIGHMIG=100 to prevent migration
for this storage pool.
Specifies that the server stops migration for this storage pool when the amount
of data in the pool reaches this percentage of the pool's estimated capacity. You
can specify an integer 0 - 99 for this optional parameter.
When migration is by node or file space, depending upon collocation, the level
of the storage pool can fall below the value that you specified for this
parameter. To empty the storage pool, set LOWMIG=0.
Specifies whether the migration process leaves a cached copy of a file in this
storage pool after you migrate the file to the next storage pool. This parameter
is optional. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that caching is enabled.
No Specifies that caching is disabled.
Using cache might improve your ability to retrieve files, but might affect the
performance of other processes.
Specifies the number of processes that are used for migrating files from this
storage pool. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 1 - 999.
During migration, these processes are run in parallel to provide the potential
for improved migration rates.
v The number of migration processes is dependent upon the following
– The setting of the MIGPROCESS parameter
– The collocation setting of the next pool
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect active-data pools.
If a write failure occurs for any of the active-data pools, the server stops
writing to the failing active-data pool for the remainder of the session, but
continues storing files into the primary pool and any remaining active-data
pools and copy storage pools. The active-data pool list is active only for the
life of the session and applies to all the primary storage pools in a particular
storage pool hierarchy.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server import. If data is being written
simultaneously and a write failure occurs to the primary storage pool or any
copy storage pool, the server import process fails.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server data migration. If data is being
written simultaneously and a write failure occurs to any copy storage pool
or active-data pool, the failing storage pool is removed and the data
migration process continues. Write failures to the primary storage pool cause
the migration process to fail.
Specifies the names of active-data pools where the server simultaneously
writes data during a client backup operation. The ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameter
is optional. Spaces between the names of the active-data pools are not allowed.
The combined total number of storage pools that are specified in the
COPYSGTPOOLS and ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameters cannot exceed three.
When a data storage operation switches from a primary storage pool to a next
storage pool, the next storage pool inherits the list of active-data pools from
the destination storage pool that is specified in the copy group. The primary
storage pool is specified by the copy group of the management class that is
bound to the data.
The server can write data simultaneously to active-data pools only during
backup operations by IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive clients or
application clients that use the IBM Spectrum Protect API.
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use
“NATIVE” or “NONBLOCK” data format. This parameter is not available
for storage pools that use the following data formats:
2. Writing data simultaneously to active-data pools is not supported when
you use LAN-free data movement. Simultaneous-write operations take
precedence over LAN-free data movement, causing the operations to go
over the LAN. However, the simultaneous-write configuration is followed.
3. The simultaneous-write function is not supported when a NAS backup
operation is writing a TOC file. If the primary storage pool specified in the
TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has active-data
pools that are defined:
Important: After an export operation finishes and identifies files for export,
any change to the storage pool SHRED value is ignored. An export operation
that is suspended retains the original SHRED value throughout the operation.
You might want to consider canceling your export operation if changes to the
storage pool SHRED value jeopardize the operation. You can reissue the export
command after any needed cleanup.
Update the random access storage pool that is named BACKUPPOOL to allow
caching when the server migrates files to the next storage pool.
update stgpool backuppool cache=yes
1. You cannot use this command to change the data format for the storage pool.
NDMPDUMP, you can modify only the following attributes:
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to be updated.
► ►
ACCess = READWrite
► ►
(1) (2) (1)
MAXSIze = maximum_file_size CRCData = Yes
NOLimit No
► ►
(1) (2) (1) (2)
NEXTstgpool = pool_name HIghmig = percent
► ►
(1) (2) (1) (2)
LOwmig = percent REClaim = percent
► ►
(1) (2)
RECLAIMPRocess = number
► ►
(1) (2)
RECLAIMSTGpool = pool_name
► ►
(2) (2)
COLlocate = No MAXSCRatch = number
► ►
(1) (2) (1) (2)
MIGDelay = days MIGContinue = Yes
► ►
(1) (2) AUTOCopy = None
MIGPRocess = number CLient
► ►
(1) (2)
COPYSTGpools = ▼ copypoolname
► ►
(1) (2)
COPYContinue = Yes
► ►
ACTIVEDATApools = ▼ active-data_pool_name
► ►◄
DEDUPlicate = No (4)
(3) IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the data formats
2 This parameter is not available for CENTERA storage pools.
3 This parameter is valid only for storage pools that are defined with a
FILE-type device class.
4 This parameter is only available if the value of the DEDUPLICATE parameter
is YES.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage pool to be updated.
Specifies a description of the storage pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove an existing
description, specify a null string ("").
The client estimates the size of files that are sent to the server. The client
estimate is used rather than the actual amount of data that is sent to the server.
Client options, such as deduplication, compression, and encryption, can cause
the actual amount of data that is sent to the server to be larger or smaller than
the size estimate. For example, the compression of a file might be smaller in
Tip: If you also specify the NEXTstgpool parameter, define one storage pool in
your hierarchy to have no limit on the maximum file size by specifying the
MAXSIze=NOLimit parameter. When you have at least one pool with no size
limit, you ensure that no matter what its size, the server can store the file.
For multiple files that are sent in a single transaction, the server considers the
size of the transaction to be the file size. If the total size of all files in the
transaction is larger than the maximum size limit, the server does not store the
files in the storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) validates storage pool data
when audit volume processing occurs on the server. This parameter is only
valid for NATIVE data format storage pools. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NO. By setting CRCDATA to YES and scheduling an AUDIT
VOLUME command, you can continually ensure the integrity of data that is
stored in your storage hierarchy. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that data is stored containing CRC information, allowing for audit
volume processing to validate storage pool data. This mode impacts
performance because more processing is required to calculate and compare
CRC values between the storage pool and the server.
No Specifies that data is stored without CRC information.
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
v To ensure that you do not create a chain of storage pools that leads to an
endless loop, specify at least one storage pool in the hierarchy with no
v If you specify a sequential-access pool as the next storage pool, the pool
must be in either NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
v Do not specify a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
v Do not use this parameter to specify a storage pool for data migration.
v This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the following data
Specifies that the server starts migration when storage pool utilization reaches
this percentage. For sequential-access disk (FILE) storage pools, utilization is
the ratio of data in a storage pool to the pool's total estimated data capacity,
including the capacity of all scratch volumes specified for the pool. For storage
pools that use tape media, utilization is the ratio of volumes that contain data
to the total number of volumes in the storage pool. The total number of
volumes includes the maximum number of scratch volumes. This parameter is
optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 100.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies that the server stops migration when storage pool utilization is at or
below this percentage. For sequential-access disk (FILE) storage pools,
utilization is the ratio of data in a storage pool to the pool's total estimated
data capacity, including the capacity of all scratch volumes specified for the
pool. For storage pools that use tape media, utilization is the ratio of volumes
that contain data to the total number of volumes in the storage pool. The total
number of volumes includes the maximum number of scratch volumes. This
parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 99.
When the storage pool reaches the low migration threshold, the server does
not start migration of files from another volume. You can set the low migration
threshold to 0 to allow migration to empty the storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies when the server reclaims a volume, which is based on the percentage
of reclaimable space on a volume. Reclaimable space is the amount of space
that is occupied by files that are expired or deleted from the IBM Spectrum
Protect database.
Reclamation makes the fragmented space on volumes usable again by moving
any remaining unexpired files from one volume to another volume, thus
making the original volume available for reuse. This parameter is optional. You
can specify an integer 1 - 100.
The server determines that the volume is a candidate for reclamation if the
percentage of reclaimable space on a volume is greater than the reclamation
threshold of the storage pool.
Specify a value of 50 percent or greater for this parameter so that files stored
on two volumes can be combined onto a single output volume.
For storage pools that use a WORM device class, you can lower the value from
the default of 100. Lowering the value allows the server to consolidate data
onto fewer volumes when needed. Volumes that are emptied by reclamation
can be checked out of the library, freeing slots for new volumes. Because the
volumes are write-once, the volumes cannot be reused.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies another primary storage pool as a target for reclaimed data from this
storage pool. This parameter is optional. When the server reclaims volumes for
the storage pool, unexpired data is moved from the volumes that are being
reclaimed to the storage pool named with this parameter.
To remove an existing value, specify a null string ("").
A reclaim storage pool is most useful for a storage pool that has only one drive
in its library. When you specify this parameter, the server moves all data from
reclaimed volumes to the reclaim storage pool regardless of the number of
drives in the library.
To move data from the reclaim storage pool back to the original storage pool,
use the storage pool hierarchy. Specify the original storage pool as the next
storage pool for the reclaim storage pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status and does not append
to them. If the value of the MAXSCRATCH parameter is too low, server-to-server
operations can fail.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a
volume before the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies the minimum number of days a file must remain in a storage pool
before it becomes eligible for migration. All files on a volume must be eligible
for migration before the server selects the volume for migration. To calculate a
value to compare to the specified MIGDELAY, the server counts the number of
days that the file has been in the storage pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999.
If you want the server to count the number of days that are based only on
when a file was stored and not when it was retrieved, use the
NORETRIEVEDATE server option.
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies whether you allow the server to migrate files that do not satisfy the
migration delay time. This parameter is optional.
Because you can require that files remain in the storage pool for a minimum
number of days, the server may migrate all eligible files to the next storage
pool yet not meet the low migration threshold. This parameter allows you to
specify whether the server is allowed to continue migration by migrating files
that do not satisfy the migration delay time.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that, when necessary to meet the low migration threshold, the
server continues to migrate files that have not been stored in the storage
pool for the number of days specified by the migration delay period.
No Specifies that the server stops migration when no eligible files remain to be
Restriction: This parameter is not available for storage pools that use the
following data formats:
Specifies the number of parallel processes to use for migrating the files from
the volumes in this storage pool. This parameter is optional. Enter a value 1 -
When calculating the value for this parameter, consider the number of
sequential storage pools that will be involved with the migration, and the
number of logical and physical drives that can be dedicated to the operation.
To access a sequential-access volume, IBM Spectrum Protect uses a mount
point and, if the device type is not FILE, a physical drive. The number of
available mount points and drives depends on other IBM Spectrum Protect and
system activity and on the mount limits of the device classes for the sequential
access storage pools that are involved in the migration.
For example, suppose you want to simultaneously migrate the files from
volumes in two primary sequential storage pools and that you want to specify
three processes for each of the storage pools. The storage pools have the same
device class. Assuming that the storage pool to which files are being migrated
has the same device class as the storage pool from which files are being
migrated, each process requires two mount points and, if the device type is not
FILE, two drives. (One drive is for the input volume, and the other drive is for
the output volume.) To run six migration processes simultaneously, you need a
total of at least 12 mount points and 12 drives. The device class for the storage
pools must have a mount limit of at least 12.
If the number of migration processes you specify is more than the number of
available mount points or drives, the processes that do not obtain mount
points or drives will wait for mount points or drives to become available. If
mount points or drives do not become available within the MOUNTWAIT
time, the migration processes will end. For information about specifying the
MOUNTWAIT time, see “DEFINE DEVCLASS (Define a device class)” on page
The IBM Spectrum Protect server will start the specified number of migration
processes regardless of the number of volumes that are eligible for migration.
For example, if you specify ten migration processes and only six volumes are
eligible for migration, the server will start ten processes and four of them will
complete without processing a volume.
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use NATIVE
or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is not available for storage
pools that use the following data formats:
2. Simultaneous-write operations takes precedence over LAN-free data
movement, causing the operations to go over the LAN. However, the
simultaneous-write configuration is accepted.
3. The simultaneous-write function is not supported for NAS backup
operations. If the primary storage pool specified in the DESTINATION or
TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has copy
storage pools defined, the copy storage pools are ignored and the data is
stored into the primary storage pool only.
4. You cannot use the simultaneous-write function with CENTERA storage
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect active-data pools.
If a write failure occurs for any of the active-data pools, the server stops
writing to the failing active-data pool for the remainder of the session, but
continues storing files into the primary pool and any remaining active-data
pools and copy storage pools. The active-data pool list is active only for the
life of the session and applies to all the primary storage pools in a particular
storage pool hierarchy.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server import. If data is being written
simultaneously and a write failure occurs to the primary storage pool or any
copy storage pool, the server import process fails.
v The setting of the COPYCONTINUE parameter does not affect the
simultaneous-write function during server data migration. If data is being
written simultaneously and a write failure occurs to any copy storage pool
or active-data pool, the failing storage pool is removed and the data
migration process continues. Write failures to the primary storage pool cause
the migration process to fail.
Specifies the names of active-data pools where the server simultaneously
writes data during a client backup operation. The ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameter
is optional. Spaces between the names of the active-data pools are not allowed.
The combined total number of storage pools that are specified in the
COPYSGTPOOLS and ACTIVEDATAPOOLS parameters cannot exceed three.
When a data storage operation switches from a primary storage pool to a next
storage pool, the next storage pool inherits the list of active-data pools from
the destination storage pool specified in the copy group. The primary storage
pool is specified by the copy group of the management class that is bound to
the data.
The server can write data simultaneously to active-data pools only during
backup operations by IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive clients or
application clients that use the IBM Spectrum Protect API.
1. This parameter is available only to primary storage pools that use NATIVE
or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is not available for storage
pools that use the following data formats:
2. Writing data simultaneously to active-data pools is not supported when the
operation is using LAN-free data movement. Simultaneous-write operations
take precedence over LAN-free data movement, causing the operations to
go over the LAN. However, the simultaneous-write configuration is
Update the primary sequential storage pool that is named TAPEPOOL1 to allow as
many as 10 scratch volumes to be mounted.
update stgpool tapepool1 maxscratch=10
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to be updated.
► ►
ACCess = READWrite COLlocate = No
READOnly GRoup
UNAVailable NODe
► ►
REClaim = percent RECLAIMPRocess = number
► ►
OFFSITERECLAIMLimit = NOLimit MAXSCRatch = number
► ►
REUsedelay = days OVFLOcation = location
► ►
CRCData = Yes DEDUPlicate = No
No (1)
► ►◄
IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 This parameter is valid only for storage pools that are defined with a
FILE-type device class.
2 This parameter is only available if the value of the DEDUPLICATE parameter
is YES.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the copy storage pool to be updated.
Specifies a description of the copy storage pool. This parameter is optional.
The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the
description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove
an existing description, specify a null string ("").
The order in which offsite volumes are reclaimed is based on the amount of
unused space in a volume. (Unused space includes both space that has never
been used on the volume and space that has become empty because of file
deletion.) Volumes with the largest amount of unused space are reclaimed first.
For example, suppose a copy storage pool contains three volumes: VOL1,
VOL2, and VOL3. VOL1 has the largest amount of unused space, and VOL3
has the least amount of unused space. Suppose further that the percentage of
unused space in each of the three volumes is greater than the value of the
RECLAIM parameter. If you do not specify a value for the OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT
parameter, all three volumes will be reclaimed when the reclamation runs. If
you specify a value of 2, only VOL1 and VOL2 will be reclaimed when the
reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 1, only VOL1 will be reclaimed.
Specifies the maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request
for this storage pool. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 -
100000000. By allowing the server to request scratch volumes as needed, you
avoid having to define each volume to be used.
The value that is specified for this parameter is used to estimate the total
number of volumes available in the copy storage pool and the corresponding
estimated capacity for the copy storage pool.
Scratch volumes are automatically deleted from the storage pool when they
become empty. However, if the access mode for a scratch volume is OFFSITE,
the volume is not deleted from the copy storage pool until the access mode is
changed. An administrator can query the server for empty, offsite scratch
volumes and return them to the onsite location.
When scratch volumes with the device type of FILE become empty and are
deleted, the space that the volumes occupied is freed by the server and
returned to the file system.
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
IBM Spectrum Protect server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status
and does not append to them. If the value of the MAXSCRATCH parameter is too
low, server-to-server operations can fail.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a
volume before the volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool.
This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 - 9999. A value of 0
means that a volume can be rewritten or returned to the scratch pool as soon
as all files are deleted from the volume.
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
Update the copy storage pool that is named TAPEPOOL2 to change the delay for
volume reuse to 30 days and to collocate files by client node.
update stgpool tapepool2 reusedelay=30 collocate=node
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the storage pool to be updated.
► ►
ACCess = READWrite COLlocate = No
READOnly GRoup
UNAVailable NODe
► ►
REClaim = percent RECLAIMPRocess = number
► ►
OFFSITERECLAIMLimit = NOLimit MAXSCRatch = number
► ►
REUsedelay = days OVFLOcation = location
► ►
CRCData = Yes DEDUPlicate = No
No (1)
► ►◄
IDENTIFYPRocess = number
1 This parameter is valid only for storage pools that are defined with a
FILE-type device class.
2 This parameter is only available if the value of the DEDUPLICATE parameter
is YES.
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the active-data pool to be updated.
Specifies a description of the active-data pool. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in
quotation marks if it contains any blank characters. To remove an existing
description, specify a null string ("").
The order in which offsite volumes are reclaimed is based on the amount of
unused space in a volume. (Unused space includes both space that has never
been used on the volume and space that has become empty because of file
deletion.) Volumes with the largest amount of unused space are reclaimed first.
For example, suppose an active-data pool contains three volumes: VOL1,
VOL2, and VOL3. VOL1 has the largest amount of unused space, and VOL3
has the least amount of unused space. Suppose further that the percentage of
unused space in each of the three volumes is greater than the value of the
RECLAIM parameter. If you do not specify a value for the
OFFSITERECLAIMLIMIT parameter, all three volumes are reclaimed when the
reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 2, only VOL1 and VOL2 are
reclaimed when the reclamation runs. If you specify a value of 1, only VOL1 is
Specifies the maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request
for this storage pool. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer 0 -
100000000. By allowing the server to request scratch volumes as needed, you
avoid having to define each volume to be used.
The value that is specified for this parameter is used to estimate the total
number of volumes available in the active-data pool and the corresponding
estimated capacity for the active-data pool.
Scratch volumes are automatically deleted from the storage pool when they
become empty. However, if the access mode for a scratch volume is OFFSITE,
the volume is not deleted from the active-data pool until the access mode is
changed. An administrator can query the server for empty, offsite scratch
volumes and return them to the onsite location.
When scratch volumes with the device type of FILE become empty and are
deleted, the space that the volumes occupied is freed by the server and
returned to the file system.
Tip: For server-to-server operations that use virtual volumes and that store a
small amount of data, consider specifying a value for the MAXSCRATCH
parameter that is higher than the value you typically specify for write
operations to other types of volumes. After a write operation to a virtual
volume, IBM Spectrum Protect marks the volume as FULL, even if the value of
the MAXCAPACITY parameter on the device-class definition is not reached. The
IBM Spectrum Protect server does not keep virtual volumes in FILLING status
Tip: Use this parameter to ensure that when you restore the database to an
earlier level, database references to files in the active-data pool are still valid.
You must set this parameter to a value greater than the number of days you
plan to retain the oldest database backup. The number of days that are
specified for this parameter must be the same as the number specified for the
Specifies the overflow location for the storage pool. The server assigns this
location name to a volume that is ejected from the library by the MOVE MEDIA
command. This parameter is optional. The location name can be a maximum
length of 255 characters. Enclose the location name in quotation marks if the
location name contains any blank characters.
To remove an existing value, specify a null string ("").
Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) validates storage pool data
when audit volume processing occurs on the server. This parameter is only
valid for NATIVE data format storage pools. This parameter is optional. The
default value is NO. By setting CRCDATA to YES and scheduling an AUDIT
VOLUME command, you can continually ensure the integrity of data that is
stored in your storage hierarchy. You can specify the following values:
Specifies that data is stored containing CRC information, allowing for audit
volume processing to validate storage pool data. This mode impacts
performance because more processing is required to calculate and compare
CRC values between the storage pool and the server.
No Specifies that data is stored without CRC information.
For storage pools that are associated with the 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE
device type, logical block protection provides better protection against data
corruption than CRC validation for a storage pool. If you specify CRC
validation for a storage pool, data is validated only during volume auditing
operations. Errors are identified after data is written to tape.
Update the active-data pool that is named TAPEPOOL2 to change the delay for
volume reuse to 30 days and to collocate files by client node.
update stgpool tapepool3 reusedelay=30 collocate=node
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
►► UPDate STGPOOLDIRectory pool_name directory ACCess = READWrite ►
MAXPRocess = 4 Wait = No
► ►◄
MAXProcess = number Wait = No
pool_name (Required)
Specifies the storage pool that contains the directory to update. This parameter
is required.
v Mark storage pool directories as DESTROYED before you complete data
recovery. When the storage pool directory is marked as destroyed, you
can recover data extents on the target replication server.
v Use the MAXPROCESS parameter to specify the number of parallel
processes that you can use to update a storage pool directory.
Specifies that files cannot be accessed on the storage pool directory in the
storage pool.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for updating a
storage pool directory. This parameter is optional. You can enter a value in the
range 1 - 99. The default value is 4.
Restriction: You can use this parameter only when you specify the
Update a storage pool directory that is named DIR1 in storage pool POOL1 to
mark it as destroyed.
update stgpooldirectory pool1 dir1 access=destroyed
When the storage pool directory is unavailable, the server does not read or write
data to the directory. To update the access mode to unavailable for a storage pool
directory, dir1, in a storage pool that is named pool1, issue the following
update stgpooldirectory pool1 dir1 access=unavailable
Table 509. Commands related to UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection
of server storage media.
DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Defines a storage pool directory to a
directory-container or cloud-container storage
DELETE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Deletes a storage pool directory from a
directory-container or cloud-container storage
QUERY STGPOOLDIRECTORY Displays information about storage pool
The UPDATE STGRULE command takes several forms. The syntax and parameters for
each form are defined separately.
v “UPDATE STGRULE (Update a rule for auditing a storage pool)”
v “UPDATE STGRULE (Update a storage rule for generating data deduplication
statistics)” on page 1678
v “UPDATE STGRULE (Update a storage rule for reclaiming cloud containers)” on
page 1681
v “UPDATE STGRULE (Update a storage rule for tiering)” on page 1683
Table 510. Commands related to UPDATE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE (auditing) Defines a storage rule for auditing storage
DEFINE STGRULE (data deduplication Defines a storage rule for generating data
statistics) deduplication statistics.
DEFINE STGRULE (reclaiming) Defines a storage rule for reclaiming
cloud-container storage pools.
DEFINE STGRULE (tiering) Defines a storage rule for tiering.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
► ►◄
ACTIVE = No DESCription = description
Restriction: In IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.5, you can use the audit
storage rule only to audit extents. Objects are not audited.
Specifies the level of the audit. This parameter is optional. The following
values are possible:
1 Specifies a minimal audit operation of the extents in the storage pool.
5 Specifies a full audit operation of the extents in the storage pool. This is
the default value.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the storage rule is
first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies whether storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is optional.
The following values are possible:
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time. This is the default value.
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional. The
maximum length of the description is 255 characters. If the description
includes spaces, enclose the description in quotation marks.
Related commands
Table 511. Commands related to UPDATE STGRULE
Command Description
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (auditing) Updates a storage rule for auditing storage
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
► ►
STARTTime = time ACTIVE = No
► ►
NODEList = ▼ node_name FSID
► ►
, CODEType = UNIcode
FSList = ▼ filespace_name BOTH
► ►◄
DESCription = description
rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage rule. The name must be unique, and the
maximum length is 30 characters.
Specifies whether storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is optional.
The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time.
Specifies the name of the client node or defined group of client nodes for
which data deduplication statistics are collected. You can also specify a
combination of client node names and client-node group names. To specify
multiple client node names or client-node group names, separate the names
with commas with no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters with
client node names but not with client-node group names. The specified value
can have a maximum of 1024 characters. If you enter an asterisk (*),
information is shown for all client nodes. This parameter is optional.
Specifies how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you
enter. Use this parameter when IBM Spectrum Protect clients have file spaces
that are in Unicode format, and are on Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X
operating systems. This parameter is optional.
This parameter is required if you specify a node name and a file space name or
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain an asterisk.
Tip: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not
available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the names of one or more file spaces for which data deduplication
statistics are collected. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard
characters to specify this name. The specified value can have a maximum of
1024 characters. You can specify one of the following values:
* Specify an asterisk (*) to show information for all file spaces or IDs.
Specifies the name of the file space. You can specify more than one file
space by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the name of a file space identifier. This parameter is valid for
clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format. Specify more than one
file space by separating the names with commas and no intervening
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or an FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and FSIDs:
v You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
v Do not specify both file space names and FSIDs on the same command.
Specifies what type of file spaces to include in the record. Use this parameter
only when you enter an asterisk to display information about all file spaces.
This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 512. Commands related to UPDATE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE (data deduplication Defines a storage rule for generating data
statistics) deduplication statistics.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
Restriction: You can configure a cloud reclamation rule for a storage pool only on
a Microsoft Azure cloud computing system or on a cloud computing system with
the Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol.
► ►
MAXPRocess = number DUration = minutes STARTTime = time
► ►◄
ACTIVE = No DESCription = description
rule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the storage rule.
Specifies the percentage of the cloud container that is no longer in use. This
parameter is optional. After unused space reaches the specified value, the
cloud container is reclaimed. You can specify an integer in the range 50 - 99.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes for each reclamation
operation. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer in the range 1
- 99.
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is
optional. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed
at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the
scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Related commands
Table 513. Commands related to UPDATE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE STGRULE (reclaiming) Defines a storage rule for reclaiming
cloud-container storage pools.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage
privilege, or restricted storage privilege.
► ►
, TIERDelay = delay
▼ SRCPools = source_pool
► ►
MAXPRocess = number DURation = minutes
► ►
STARTTime = time ACTIVE = No
► ►◄
DESCription = description
Specifies the name of the storage rule. The maximum length of the name is 30
Specifies whether the storage rule tiers data and, if so, the method for tiering
data. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data is tiered to cloud object storage after an age threshold is
Specifies that only inactive data is tiered to cloud object storage after an
age threshold is met.
Specifies that data is not tiered to cloud object storage.
Specifies the name of one or more directory-container storage pools from
which objects are tiered to the target storage pool. To specify multiple storage
pools, separate the names with commas with no intervening spaces.
Specifies the number of days to wait before the storage rule tiers objects to the
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is
optional. The following values are possible:
No Specifies that the defined storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not
processed at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the defined storage rule is active. The storage rule is
processed at the scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.
Privilege class
►► UPDate SUBRULE parent_rule_name subrule_name ►
► ACTiontype = TIERBYAge ►
TIERBYState TIERDelay = delay
MAXPRocess = 4
► ►
MAXPRocess = number ADDNode = node_name
► ►
(2) REMNode = node_name
ADDFilespace = file_space_name
► ►
(3) NAMEType = name_type
REMFilespace = file_space_name
► ►◄
CODEType = code_type
1 You must specify one of the following parameters: ACTIONTYPE, TIERDELAY,
ADDNODE, or REMNODE. However, you cannot specify ADDNODE and REMNODE on
the same command.
2 You can specify the ADDFILESPACE parameter only if the ADDNODE parameter is
also specified.
3 You can specify the REMFILESPACE parameter only if the REMNODE parameter is
also specified.
For clients with file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a
file space name or an FSID. If you enter a file space name, the server might
have to convert the file space name that you enter. For example, the server
might have to convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to
When you specify nodes and file spaces, the following rules apply:
v You can specify a single node and a single file space, which corresponds to
an existing virtual machine.
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot
contain an asterisk.
You can specify one of the following values:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names.
This is the default.
The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server
code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends
on the characters in the name and the server's code page.
Restriction: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are
not available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the type of file spaces to include in the subrule. The default value is
BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page
type. Use this parameter only when you enter an asterisk to display
information about all file spaces. This parameter is optional. You can specify
one of the following values:
Update a subrule
The TIERROSTERS storage rule is used to tier employee rosters from disk storage
to cloud storage. The THISWEEK subrule ensures that the roster for the current
week is not tiered, but remains in local storage on disk. Currently, the THISWEEK
subrule ensures that only the data in the NODE1 node is kept on disk. Update the
subrule to ensure that the data on the NODE2 node also says on disk:
update subrule tierrosters thisweek actiontype=notiering addnode=node2
Related commands
Table 515. Commands related to UPDATE SUBRULE
Command Description
DEFINE SUBRULE Defines an exception to a storage rule.
DELETE SUBRULE Deletes subrules.
UPDATE SUBRULE Updates a subrule, which is an exception to a
storage rule.
The NAS device needs an associated data mover definition because when the
server updates a virtual file space mapping, the server contacts the NAS device to
validate the virtual file system and file system name.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
v System privilege
v Unrestricted policy privilege
v Restricted policy privilege for the domain to which the NAS node is assigned
►► UPDate VIRTUALFSMapping node_name virtual_filespace_name ►
► ►
FILESystem = new_file_system_name
► ►◄
PATH = new_path_name
node_name (Required)
Specifies the NAS node on which the file system and path reside. You cannot
use wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
virtual_filespace_name (Required)
Specifies the virtual file space mapping to update. You cannot use wildcard
characters or specify a list of names.
Specifies the new name of the file system in which the path is located. The file
system name must exist on the specified NAS node. The file system name
cannot contain wildcard characters. The file system name should only be
modified when the file system name is modified on the NAS device or, for
example, the directory is moved to a different file system. This parameter is
Specifies the new path from the root of the file system to the directory. The
path can only reference a directory. This should only be modified when the
path on the NAS device has changed; for example, the directory is moved to a
Related commands
Table 516. Commands related to UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING
Command Description
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
DELETE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Delete a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING Query a virtual file space mapping.
Use the UPDATE BACKUPSET command to update specified backup set volume
information in the volume history file. Do not use this UPDATE VOLHISTORY
command to update backup set volume information in the volume history file.
Privilege class
You must have system privilege or unrestricted storage privilege to issue this
►► UPDate VOLHistory volume_name DEVclass = device_class_name ►
► ►◄
LOcation = location ORMSTate = MOuntable
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the volume name. The volume must have been used for a database
backup or an export operation.
DEVclass (Required)
Specifies the name of the device class for the volume.
Specifies the volume location. This parameter is required if the ORMSTATE
parameter is not specified. The maximum text length is 255 characters. Enclose
the text in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Update the location of a volume used for database backup, BACKUP1, to show
that it has been moved to an off-site location.
update volhistory backup1 devclass=tapebkup
location="700 w. magee rd."
Related commands
Table 517. Commands related to UPDATE VOLHISTORY
Command Description
BACKUP VOLHISTORY Records volume history information in
external files.
DELETE VOLHISTORY Removes sequential volume history
information from the volume history file.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery
QUERY VOLHISTORY Displays sequential volume history
information that has been collected by the
You can correct an error condition that is associated with a volume by updating
the volume to an access mode of READWRITE. You can also use this command to
change the location information for one or more volumes in sequential access
storage pools.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
►► UPDate Volume volume_name ►
ACCess = READWrite
WHERESTGpool = *
► ►
(4) WHERESTGpool = pool_name
LOcation = location
WHEREDEVclass = *
► ►
WHEREDEVclass = device_class_name
► ►
, ,
Preview = No
► ►◄
Preview = No
1 You must update at least one attribute (ACCESS or LOCATION).
2 This value is valid only for volumes in primary storage pools.
3 This value is valid only for volumes in copy, container-copy, and active-data
storage pools.
4 This parameter is valid only for volumes in sequential access storage pools.
If you specify values for both the ACCESS and LOCATION parameters, but
the access mode cannot be updated for a particular volume, the location
attribute is also not updated for that volume. For example, if you specify
ACCESS=OFFSITE and a LOCATION value for a primary storage pool volume,
neither the access nor location values are updated because a primary storage
pool volume cannot be given an access mode of OFFSITE.
Specifies the location of the volume. This parameter is optional. It can be
specified only for volumes in sequential access storage pools. The maximum
length of the location is 255 characters. Enclose the location in quotation marks
if it contains any blank characters. To remove a previously defined location,
specify the null string ("").
Specifies the name of the storage pool for volumes to be updated. Use this
parameter to restrict the update by storage pool. This parameter is optional.
You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a
storage pool name, volumes belonging to any storage pool are updated.
Specifies the name of the device class for volumes to be updated. Use this
parameter to restrict the update by device class. This parameter is optional.
You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a
device class name, volumes with any device class are updated.
Specifies the current access mode of volumes to be updated. Use this
parameter to restrict the update to volumes that currently have the specified
access mode. This parameter is optional. You can specify multiple access
modes by separating the modes with commas and no intervening spaces. If
you do not specify a value for this parameter, the update is not restricted by
the current access mode of a volume. Possible values are:
Update volumes with an access mode of READWRITE.
Update volumes with an access mode of READONLY.
Update volumes with an access mode of UNAVAILABLE.
Update volumes with an access mode of OFFSITE.
Update volumes with an access mode of DESTROYED.
Specifies the status of volumes to be updated. Use this parameter to restrict the
update to volumes that have a specified status. This parameter is optional. You
can specify multiple status values by separating the values with commas and
no intervening spaces. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the
update is not restricted by volume status. Possible values are:
Update volumes with a status of ONLINE.
Related commands
Table 518. Commands related to UPDATE VOLUME
Command Description
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage
within a specified storage pool.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
QUERY VOLUME Displays information about storage pool
VARY Specifies whether a disk volume is available
to the server for use.
Privilege class
CLOUDType = SWift
►► VALidate CLOud ►
CLOUDType = AZure
► CLOUDUrl = cloud_url IDentity = cloud_identity ►
► PAssword = password ►◄
BUCKETName = bucket_name
1 If you specify CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, do not specify the IDENTITY parameter.
2 The BUCKETNAME parameter is valid only if you specify CLOUDTYPE=S3.
Specifies the type of cloud environment where you are configuring the storage
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the storage pool uses a Microsoft Azure cloud computing
S3 Specifies that the storage pool uses a cloud computing system with the
Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol, such as IBM Cloud Object Storage or
Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3.
Specifies that the storage pool uses an IBM Cloud cloud computing system
with an OpenStack Swift cloud computing system.
Specifies that the storage pool uses an OpenStack Swift cloud computing
system. This value also specifies that the storage pool uses Version 2 of the
protocol for authentication to the cloud. The URL of the cloud usually
contains the version number of the protocol that it is using.
Specifies that the storage pool uses an OpenStack Swift cloud computing
1698 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
system. This value also specifies that the storage pool uses Version 1 of the
protocol for authentication to the cloud. The URL of the cloud usually
contains the version number of the protocol that it is using.
This parameter is optional. If you do not specify the parameter, the default
value, SWIFT, is used.
CLOUDUrl (Required)
Specifies the URL of the cloud environment where you configure the storage
pool. Based on your cloud provider, you can use a blob service endpoint,
region endpoint URL, an accesser IP address, a public authentication endpoint,
or a similar value for this parameter. Ensure that you include the protocol,
such as https:// or http://, at the beginning of the URL. The maximum
length of the web address is 870 characters. The CLOUDURL parameter is
validated when the first backup begins.
IDentity (Required)
Specifies the user ID for the cloud. This parameter is required for all supported
cloud computing systems except Azure. If you specify CLOUDTYPE=AZURE, do not
specify the IDENTITY parameter. Based on your cloud provider, you can use an
access key ID, a user name, a tenant name and user name, or a similar value
for this parameter. The maximum length of the user ID is 255 characters.
PAssword (Required)
Specifies the password for the cloud. Based on your cloud provider, you can
use a shared access signature (SAS) token, secret access key, an API key, a
password, or a similar value for this parameter. This parameter is required.
The maximum length of the password is 255 characters.
Specifies the name for an AWS S3 bucket or a IBM Cloud Object Storage vault
to use with this storage pool, instead of using the default bucket name or vault
name. This parameter is optional, and is valid only if you specify
CLOUDTYPE=S3. If a bucket or vault exists with the name that you specify, that
bucket or vault is tested to ensure that the proper permissions are set. If the
bucket or vault does not exist, the parameter verifies only that a bucket or
vault with that name does not exist. Follow the naming restrictions for your
cloud provider when you specify this parameter. Review the permissions for
the bucket or vault and make sure that the credentials have permission to read,
write, list, and delete objects in this bucket or vault.
Tip: If you do not specify the BUCKETNAME parameter, the Replication Globally
Unique ID is used as the default bucket name. The default is
ibmsp guid
where guid is the REPLICATION GLOBALLY UNIQUE ID value, minus the periods,
in the output of the QUERY REPLSERVER command. For example, if the
Replication Globally Unique ID is, the default bucket name
is ibmsp.5282392064d011e69d770a0027000000.
Privilege class
►► VALidate LAnfree node_name stgagent_name ►◄
node_name (Required)
The name of the node to evaluate.
stgagent_name (Required)
The name of the storage agent to evaluate.
Validate the current server definitions and configuration for node TIGER to use
storage agent AIX_STA1 for LAN-free data operations.
validate lanfree tiger aix_sta1
Node Storage Operation Mgmt Class Destination LAN-Free Explanation
Name Agent Name Name capable?
----- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- -------- -----------
online paths.
storage pool
is configured
for simultan-
eous write.
contains data
by clients,
and is not
accessible by
agents V6.1
or earlier.
online paths.
storage pool
is configured
for simultan-
eous write.
Related commands
Table 520. Commands related to VALIDATE LANFREE
Command Description
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
The VALIDATE POLICYSET command fails if any of the following conditions exist:
v The policy set has no default management class.
v A copy group within the policy set specifies a copy storage pool as a destination.
v A management class specifies a copy storage pool as the destination for files that
were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
v A TOCDESTINATION parameter is specified, and the storage pool is either a
copy pool or has a data format other than NATIVE or NONBLOCK.
If the server has data retention protection enabled, the following conditions must
v All management classes in the policy set to be validated must contain an archive
copy group.
v If a management class exists in the active policy set, a management class with
the same name must exist in the policy set to be validated.
v If an archive copy group exists in the active policy set, the corresponding copy
group in the policy set to be validated must have a RETVER value at least as
large as the corresponding values in the active copy group.
To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy
privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the policy
set belongs.
►► VALidate POlicyset domain_name policy_set_name ►◄
domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which the policy set is assigned.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy set to be validated.
Related commands
Table 521. Commands related to VALIDATE POLICYSET
Command Description
ACTIVATE POLICYSET Validates and activates a policy set.
COPY POLICYSET Creates a copy of a policy set.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive
processing within a specified management
DEFINE MGMTCLASS Defines a management class.
DELETE POLICYSET Deletes a policy set, including its
management classes and copy groups, from a
policy domain.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy
UPDATE POLICYSET Changes the description of a policy set.
Before you begin replication processing, use the VALIDATE REPLICATION command
to determine whether your replication configuration is correct.
Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
Privilege class
VERIFYconnection = No
►► VALidate REPLication ▼ node_name ►◄
VERIFYconnection = No
node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node whose file spaces you want to display. To
specify multiple client node names, separate the names with commas and no
intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
Information is displayed only for client nodes that are either enabled or
disabled for replication. The replication mode must be SEND. To determine
whether a client node is enabled or disabled for replication and its mode, issue
the QUERY NODE command. Look for values in the Replication State and
Replication Mode fields.
Specifies whether to check the connection to a target replication server. The
version of the target replication server is also checked to verify that it is
Version 6.3 or later. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. You can
specify one of the following values:
No The connection and version of the target replication server are not checked.
The connection and version of the target replication server are checked.
The name of the client node is NODE1. Verify the connection status between the
source and the target replication servers.
validate replication node1 verifyconnection=yes
Output is displayed for all data types regardless of whether a file space contains
the data types. For example, if a file space contains only backup and archive data,
the output of the VALIDATE REPLICATION command also contains information that
would be relevant to space-managed data.
Field descriptions
Node Name
The node that owns the replicated data.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space that belongs to the node.
File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server.
If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative
command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed
up and can be restored normally, but the file space name or file name
might be displayed with a combination of invalid characters or blank
If the file space name is Unicode-enabled, the name is converted to the
server code page for display. The success of the conversion depends on the
operating system, the characters in the name, and the server code page.
Conversion can be incomplete if the string includes characters that are not
available in the server code page or if the server cannot access system
conversion routines. If the conversion is incomplete, the name might
contain question marks, blanks, unprintable characters, or ellipses (...).
FSID The file space identifier for the file space. The server assigns a unique FSID
when a file space is first stored on the server.
Type The type of data. The following values are possible:
Arch Archive data
Bkup Backup data
Related commands
Table 522. Commands related to VALIDATE REPLICATION
Command Description
DISABLE REPLICATION Prevents outbound replication processing on
a server.
ENABLE REPLICATION Allows outbound replication processing on a
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the
DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file
spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information
about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters,
such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a
client node.
SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for
archive data.
SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for
backup data.
SET REPLSERVER Specifies a target replication server.
SET SPREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for
space-managed data.
UPDATE FILESPACE Changes file-space node-replication rules.
The command displays the differences between these policies so that you can
verify that any differences between the policies on the source and target replication
servers are intended or you can modify the policies on the target replication server.
Ensure that IBM Spectrum Protect, Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source
and target replication servers before you issue this command. Issue this command
on the source replication server.
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
►► VALidate REPLPolicy ►◄
Specifies the name of the target replication server that has policies you want to
verify. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the
command sets the default replication server as the target replication server.
To display the differences between the policies on the source replication server and
the policies on the target replication server, CVTCVS_LXS_SRV2, where the client
data is replicated, issue the following command on the source replication server:
Policy domain name Policy domain name Target
on this server on target server server name
-------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------
Affected nodes
Related commands
Table 523. Commands related to VALIDATE REPLPOLICY
Command Description
VALIDATE REPLICATION Verifies replication for file spaces and data
QUERY REPLSERVER Displays information about replicating
SET DISSIMILARPOLICIES Enable the policies on the target replication
server to manage replicated data.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege or operator privilege.
This command is valid only for volumes on random access devices. For example,
use this command during maintenance or corrective action of a random access
volume. You cannot vary a random access volume online that is defined as
Wait = No
►► VARy ONline volume_name ►◄
OFfline Wait = No
Specifies that the server can use the random access volume.
Specifies that the server cannot use the volume.
volume_name (Required)
Specifies the volume identifier. Volume names cannot contain embedded
blanks or equal signs.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command
in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. Possible
values are:
Specifies that the server processes this command in the background, while
other tasks run. The server displays messages created from the background
process either in the activity log or the server console, depending on where
messages are logged.
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. Wait
for the command to complete before you continue with other tasks. The
server displays the output messages to the administrative client when the
command completes.
You cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.
Make volume /adsm/stgvol/1 available to the server for use as a storage pool
vary online /adsm/stgvol/1
You can change some options dynamically without stopping and starting the
server, by using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for
dynamic update)” on page 1377 for details.
The dsmserv.opt.smp file (also provided at installation) contains the format of the
options file and all the default settings. You can change any options in the
dsmserv.opt.smp file. To have the server use the changed options, you must
rename the file to dsmserv.opt. To activate an option within the server options file,
remove the *>>> that precedes the option. The server ignores any options preceded
by *>>>.
Database options
You can use server options to control some aspects of database processing.
Table 529. Database options
Option Description
ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY The new directory for the location where the active log is stored. Use this
option to change the location of the active log.
ACTIVELOGSIZE The maximum size of the active log.
ALLOWREORGINDEX Server-initiated index reorganization.
ALLOWREORGTABLE Server-initiated table reorganization.
ARCHLOGDIRECTORY The directory that the database manager can archive a log file into after all
the transactions represented in that log file are completed.
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY The directory in which the server tries to store archive log files that cannot
be stored in the archive log directory.
DBDIAGLOGSIZE The maximum size of the database manager diagnostic log files.
DBDIAGPATHFSTHRESHOLD The threshold for free space on the file system or disk that contains the
database manager diagnostic log files.
DBMEMPERCENT The percentage of system memory that is dedicated to the database.
“DISABLEREORGTABLE” on page Disables table reorganization for specific tables.
Message options
You can use server options to give you more flexibility in the way IBM Spectrum
Protect issues messages.
Table 531. Message options
Option Description
EXPQUIET Whether IBM Spectrum Protect sends detailed informational messages
during expiration processing
MESSAGEFORMAT Whether a message number is displayed in all lines of a multi-line message
MSGINTERVAL The time, in minutes, between messages prompting an operator to mount a
tape for IBM Spectrum Protect
The default is NO, meaning that no application other than IBM Spectrum Protect
can share the 3494. When you set this option to YES, for every mount request, IBM
Spectrum Protect determines if each drive is in use. After the query completes,
IBM Spectrum Protect selects an available drive that is not in use by another
application. Enable sharing only if you have more than two drives in your library.
If you are currently sharing an IBM 3494 library with other applications, you must
specify this option.
►► 3494SHARED Yes ►◄
Specifies that other applications can share the 3494 library.
No Specifies that no other applications can share the 3494 library.
►► ACSACCESSID name ►◄
Specifies a 1 to 64 character ID. The default ID is your local host name.
acsaccessid region
Specifies that drives are locked.
No Specifies that drives are not locked.
acslockdrive yes
Specifies that a quick initialization of the ACSLS library is performed. When
the option is set to Yes, IBM Spectrum Protect bypasses library inventory
verification, initializing the library quickly, and making it available to IBM
Spectrum Protect sooner than if a full initialization is done.
This option should be set to Yes when it is known that the physical library
inventory and the IBM Spectrum Protect library inventory have not changed
and an audit is not needed.
Specifies that a full initialization of the ACSLS library and library inventory is
performed. When the option is set to No, IBM Spectrum Protect synchronizes
its library volume inventory with what is reported by the ACSLS library
acsquickinit yes
►► ACSTIMEOUTX value ►◄
Specifies the multiple for the built-in timeout value for ACSLS API. The range
is from 1 to 100. The default is 1.
acstimeoutx 1
This option is appended to the options file when the DSMSERV FORMAT command is
run. Under normal operating conditions, the option does not need to be changed.
See “DSMSERV FORMAT (Format the database and log)” on page 1860 for
guidance on this option.
►► ACTIVELOGDirectory dir_name ►◄
Specifies a fully qualified directory name. The directory must exist, it must be
empty, and it must be accessible by the user ID of the database manager. If you
change the active log directory, IBM Spectrum Protect moves the existing active
logs to the location that is specified by this directory. The maximum number of
characters is 175.
activelogdirectory /tsm/activelogdir
This option is appended to the options file when the DSMSERV FORMAT command is
run. Under normal operating conditions the option does not need to be changed.
See “DSMSERV FORMAT (Format the database and log)” on page 1860 for
guidance on this option.
►► ACTIVELOGSize megabytes ►◄
Specifies the size of the active log file in megabytes. The minimum value is
2048 MB (2 GB); the maximum is 524,288 MB (512 GB). If an odd number is
specified, the value is rounded up to the next even number. The default is
16,384 MB (16 GB).
The size of an active log file is based on the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option.
Guidelines for space requirements are in the following table:
Table 535. How to estimate volume and file space requirements
Reserve this much free space in the active
log directory, in addition to the
ACTIVELOGSize option value ACTIVELOGSize space
16 GB - 128 GB 5120 MB
129 GB - 256 GB 10240 MB
257 GB - 512 GB 20480 MB
activelogsize 8192
If the length of time exceeds this time-out period, the server ends the session with
the administrative client. You may want to increase the time-out value to prevent
administrative client sessions from timing out.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► ADMINCOMMTimeout seconds ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a server waits for an
administrative client response. The default value is 60. The minimum value is
admincommtimeout 60
If there is a heavy network load in your environment, you might want to increase
the time-out value to prevent administrative clients from timing out. However, a
large number of idle sessions could prevent other users from connecting to the
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a server waits for an idle
administrative client. The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 1
adminidletimeout 20
If the option is set to YES, or if the TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT are the
same value (the default), administrative sessions can use the TCPPORT.
NO If the option is set to NO, and if the TCPADMINPORT value is different than
the TCPPORT value, administrative sessions cannot use the TCPPORT.
The administrative client recognizes an alias for the HALT command when the
client is started with the CHECKALIASHALT option specified. See “Administrative
client options” on page 5 for details.
►► ALIASHALT newname ►◄
Specifies the alias of the HALT command for shutting down the IBM Spectrum
Protect server. Minimum length of newname is 1; maximum length is 16.
aliashalt tsmhalt
To prevent the use of DES, specify a value of NO for the ALLOWDESAUTH option.
To configure the IBM Spectrum Protect server to be in compliance with the NIST
SP800-131A standard, set this option to NO.
v The backup-archive client must be running Version 6.3 or later if you
authenticate to a server with the ALLOWDESAUTH option set to NO.
v Automatic deployment of the backup-archive client fails if this option is set to
►► ►◄
Specifies that the server allows authentication with any backup-archive clients
that use DES-based encryption. The default is YES.
No Specifies that the server rejects any backup-archive clients that attempt to
authenticate with DES-based encryption.
Specify that the server rejects any backup-archive clients that attempt to
authenticate with DES encryption:
allowdesauth no
Specify that the server allows authentication with any backup-archive clients that
use DES encryption:
allowdesauth yes
Specifies that server-initiated index reorganization is enabled.
No Specifies that server-initiated index reorganization is disabled.
Specifies that server-initiated table reorganization is enabled.
No Specifies that server-initiated table reorganization is disabled.
This option is appended to the options file when the DSMSERV FORMAT command is
run. Typically the directory does not need to be changed.
►► ARCHFailoverlogdirectory dir_name ►◄
Specifies a fully qualified directory name. The maximum number of characters
is 175.
archfailoverlogdirectory /tsm/archfailoverlog
The ARCHLOGCOMPRESS server option specifies whether log files that are written to
the archive directory for logs are compressed.
No Specifies that log files that are written to the archive log directory are not
compressed. The default is No.
Specifies that log files that are written to the archive log directory are
Restriction: Use caution when you enable the ARCHLOGCOMPRESS server option on
systems with sustained high volume usage and heavy workloads. Enabling this
option in this system environment can cause delays in archiving log files from the
active log file system to the archive log file system. This delay can cause the active
log file system to run out of space. Be sure to monitor the available space in the
active log file system after archive log compression is enabled. If the active log
directory file system usage nears out of space conditions, the ARCHLOGCOMPRESS
server option must be disabled. You can use the SETOPT command to disable
archive log compression immediately without halting the server.
To enable compression of log files that are written to the archive log directory,
specify the following option:
archlogcompress yes
This option is appended to the options file when the DSMSERV FORMAT command is
►► ARCHLOGDirectory dir_name ►◄
Specifies a fully qualified directory name. The maximum number of characters
is 175.
archlogdirectory /tsm/archlog
The percentage of archive log file space used before an automatic backup
Specify to start an automatic backup when 90 percent of archive log file space is
archlogusedthreshold 90
►► ASSISTVCRRECovery Yes ►◄
Specifies server assistance in recovery.
No Specifies no server assistance in recovery.
►► AUDITSTorage Yes ►◄
Specifies that storage is to be calculated as part of a license audit. The default
is Yes.
No Specifies that storage is not to be calculated as part of a license audit.
auditstorage yes
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
ON Specifies that sessions from clients on AIX, Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris
operating systems, where the users are not IBM Spectrum Protect authorized
users, are prevented from initiating backup operations. This is the default. The
server overrides the value for the BACKUPINITIATION parameter that is specified
in the REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE commands.
Specifies that the node value for the BACKUPINITIATION parameter is used. The
BACKUPINITIATION parameter is specified in the REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE
Specify that the node value for the BACKUPINITIATION parameter is used.
backupinitiationroot off
The CHECKTAPEPOS option applies only to operations that use tape drives. It does
not apply to non-tape, sequential-access device classes such as FILE. If the server
information about position does not match the position that is detected by the
drive, an error message is displayed, the transaction is rolled back, and the data is
not committed to the database.
Using the CHECKTAPEPOS option, you can enable append-only mode for IBM LTO
Generation 5 and later drives, and for any drives that support this feature. When it
is enabled, the drive issues an error after it receives instructions to overwrite any
data on the currently mounted volume. The IBM Spectrum Protect server
repositions the tape to the correct block and continues writing data. Append-only
mode provides added protection by preventing most data overwrite situations. If
you are using a drive that supports this feature, you can validate data position on
tape by using both IBM Spectrum Protect and the drive or you can enable one or
the other.
Note: When you use SAN Tape acceleration functions in the fabric or SAN switch,
set the CHECKTAPEPOS option to DRIVEonly or No to avoid false positive positioning
errors. The IBM Spectrum Protect CHECKTAPEPOS server option does not require an
append-only capable drive.
Changes to the CHECKTAPEPOS option affect mounts only after the update to the
drive is complete.
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server validates data position on tape.
For drives that support append-only mode, this parameter specifies that IBM
Spectrum Protect enables the drive to also validate the data position during
each WRITE operation to prevent data overwrite. Yes is the default.
No Specifies that all data position validation is turned off.
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server validates data position on tape.
The server does not use append-only mode even if the drive supports the
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server enables append-only mode for
drives that support this feature. The server does not validate the data position
on tape.
Validate data position on tape and enable append-only mode for a supported
checktapepos yes
When you use client-side deduplication for large objects, intensive database
activity can result from long-running transactions that are required to update the
database. High levels of database activity can produce the following symptoms:
v Reduced throughput for client backup and archive operations
v Resource contention resulting from concurrent server operations
v Excessive recovery log activity
The extent to which these symptoms occur depends on the number and size of
objects being stored using client-side data deduplication, the intensity and type of
concurrent operations taking place on the IBM Spectrum Protect server, and the
IBM Spectrum Protect server configuration.
With the CLIENTDEDUPTXNLIMIT server option, you can specify a maximum size, in
gigabytes, for transactions when client-side deduplicated data is backed up or
archived. If an object or set of objects in a single transaction exceeds the limit
specified by CLIENTDEDUPTXNLIMIT, the objects are not deduplicated by the client,
and the transaction can fail. You can specify a value 32 - 102400 GB. The default
value is 5120 GB.
The appropriate value for this option depends on the IBM Spectrum Protect server
configuration and concurrent server activity. You can specify a high value for this
option if you minimize resource contention. To minimize resource contention,
perform operations, such as backup, archive, duplicate identification (the IDENTIFY
DUPLICATES command), and reclamation, at different times.
To update this server option without stopping and restarting the server, use the
SETOPT command.
►► CLIENTDEDUPTXNlimit gigabytes ►◄
Specifies the maximum size, in gigabytes, of objects that can be backed up or
archived using client-side data deduplication. You can specify a value 32 -
102400. The default value is 5120.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic update).
► url ►◄
Specifies the URL from which the server downloads the catalog file for
automatic client deployment operations. The catalog file stores properties for
client deployment operations, including the location of the deployment
packages. The default URL is https://public.dhe.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-
To specify that the catalog file is downloaded from another location, use the
SETOPT command to specify a custom URL. To reset the URL to the default
value, issue the SETOPT command with an empty string: "". If you specify a
custom URL, the custom URL is retained after the server is upgraded.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic update).
No Specifies that the local version of the catalog file is not used. Instead, the
catalog file is downloaded from the location that is specified by the
CLIENTDEPLOYCATALOGURL option. The default value is NO.
Specifies that the local version of the catalog file is used. Catalog files are not
downloaded during client deployment operations. If you set this option to YES,
the value is retained after the server is upgraded.
You can configure the server to use multiple communication methods. The more
commonly used are the TCPIP, V6TCPIP, and SHAREDMEM communication
methods. To specify multiple communication methods, enable each method by
adding a COMMMETHOD stanza to the dsmserv.opt options file.
Important: When you enable a communication method, you must also add the
options that are specific to the communication method to the options file.
►► COMMMethod NONE ►◄
The COMMTIMEOUT server option is used for non-administrative sessions. See the
ADMINCOMMTIMEOUT option for administrative client sessions.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command.
►► COMMTimeout seconds ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a server waits for a client
response. The default value is 60. The minimum value is 1.
commtimeout 60
When a timeout occurs, any data that was stored in the container storage pool
remains there. The data store operation ends, and the request for the container
resource is canceled.
►► CONTAINERRESOURCETimeout minutes ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a server waits before an
operation is canceled. The default value is 180 minutes. The minimum value is
60 minutes.
Specify that the server waits for 4 hours before a data store operation to a
container storage pool is canceled.
containerresourcetimeout 240
The database manager uses diagnostic log files to log messages. You must control
the size of the log files so that they do not fill the file system. Use the
DBDIAGLOGSIZE option to set the amount of space that is used by the log files.
If you set a value in the range 2 - 9999, a maximum of 10 rotating diagnostic log
files are retained. Each file name indicates the order in which the file was created.
After a file is full, the next file is created. When the 10th file is full, the oldest file
is deleted, and a new file is created. The following example shows how the
rotating log files might look:
db2diag.14.log, db2diag.15.log, ... , db2diag.22.log, db2diag.23.log
The server checks the file space that contains the diagnostic log files every hour.
Messages are displayed every 12 hours if either of the following conditions occur:
v The available space in the file system where the diagnostic log files are located is
less than 20% of the total file system space.
v The available space in the file system where the server instance directory is
located is less than 1 GB.
If you specify a value of 0, only one log file, db2diag.log, is used for all diagnostic
messages. No limits are imposed on the size of the log file.
Restriction: You must monitor the size of the diagnostic log files to ensure that
they do not use all the available space in the file system. If there is not enough
available space, the server might fail to respond.
►► DBDIAGLOGSize megabytes ►◄
Specifies the amount of space that is used by diagnostic log files in megabytes.
Specify a value in the range 2 - 9999, or a value of 0. The default value is 1024.
If you specify a value in the range 2 - 9999, rotating log files are used, and the
value specifies the total size in megabytes of all 10 log files. The value is reset
to 1024 whenever the server is restarted.
If you specify a value of 0, one log file is used, and no limits are imposed on
the size of the log file.
If you want to archive messages, specify a value of 0 to ensure that the
db2diag.log file can use all the available space without using rotating log files.
After you set the value of the megabytes parameter to 0 by using the
DBDIAGLOGSIZE option, messages are initially written to rotating log files. After
the server is restarted, messages are written to the db2diag.log file.
Specify the size of the diagnostic log files as 5120 megabytes (5 GB):
dbdiaglogsize 5120
Archive messages by specifying that the messages are written to the db2diag.log
dbdiaglogsize 0
When the amount of free space is equal to or less than the specified threshold, the
ANR1545W error message is shown. By default, the message is shown when the
file system or disk has 20% or less of free disk space.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► DBDIAGPATHFSTHreshold percent ►◄
Specifies the percentage of available space in the file system. Valid values are
in the range 0 - 100. The default is 20.
Tip: For best results, do not set a low or high value for the percent parameter.
A low value might cause the file system to become full before you can correct
the issue. A full file system might corrupt the server database. A high value
might result in many ANR1545W messages in the server activity log.
If applications other than IBM Spectrum Protect server are running on the system,
ensure that the value allows adequate memory for the other applications.
►► DBMEMPERCENT percent ►◄
Set a value from 10 to 99.
The database manager sets the percentage automatically to a value that is
between 75 percent and 95 percent of system RAM. The default value is
dbmempercent 50
The specified port number must be reserved for use by the database manager.
►► DBMTCPPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the number of the TCP/IP port on which the database manager waits
for communications from the server. Valid values are integers from 1024 to
The default port number is the value of the server TCPPORT option plus 50,000.
For example, if the server TCPPORT option is 1500, the default DBMTCPPORT
port number would be 51500.
If the TCPPORT server option is greater than 9999, add the last four digits of
its value to 50000. For example, if the TCPPORT option is 11500, 1550 is added
to 50000, resulting in a DBMTCPPORT port number of 51500.
dbmtcpport 51500
If the value of this option is YES (the default), you must back up data to copy
storage pools that are not set up for data deduplication. Use the BACKUP STGPOOL
command to back up data to copy storage pools.
Be aware that reclamation of a volume in a storage pool that is set up for data
deduplication might not occur when the volume first becomes eligible. The server
makes additional checks to ensure that data from a storage pool that is set up for
data deduplication has been backed up to a copy storage pool. These checks
require more than one BACKUP STGPOOL instance before the server reclaims a
volume. After the server verifies that the data was backed up, the volume is
You can change this option dynamically using the SETOPT command.
Attention: To minimize the possibility of data loss, do not change the default
setting for this server option. Specify a value of NO only if you do not have any
copy storage pools and are not performing storage pool backups.
Specifies that the storage pool must be backed up before volumes can be
reclaimed and before duplicate data can be discarded. This is the default.
No Specifies that volumes in primary sequential-access storage pools that are set
up for data deduplication can be reclaimed and duplicate data can be
discarded if the storage pools are not backed up.
Specify that primary sequential-access storage pools that are set up for data
deduplication do not have to be backed up.
deduprequiresbackup no
Specifies the file size, in gigabytes, at which point the IBM Spectrum Protect
server begins to use Tier 2 processing for data deduplication. You can specify a
value 20 - 9999. The default is 100.
Note: If the value specified or defaulted to for this option is greater than the
value for the SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT option, then this option is ignored for
server data deduplication. If the value specified or defaulted to for this option
is greater than the value for CLIENTDEDUPTXNLIMIT, then this option is ignored
for client data deduplication.
deduptier2filesize 550
Specifies the file size, in gigabytes, at which point the IBM Spectrum Protect
server begins to use Tier 3 processing for data deduplication. You can specify a
value 90 - 9999. The default is 400.
v If the value specified or defaulted to for this option is greater than the value
for the SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT option, then this option is ignored for server
data deduplication.
v If the value specified or defaulted to for this option is greater than the value
for CLIENTDEDUPTXNLIMIT, then this option is ignored for client data
v If the value specified or defaulted to for this option is less than the value
specified or defaulted to for DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE, then the value of
DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE is used for this option.
deduptier3filesize 1150
IBM Spectrum Protect stores the following information in the device configuration
v Device class definitions created by using the DEFINE DEVCLASS command
v Drive definitions created by using the DEFINE DRIVE command
v Library definitions created by using the DEFINE LIBRARY command
v Library inventory information for the LIBTYPE=SCSI automated libraries
v Path definitions created by using the DEFINE PATH command
v Server definitions created with the DEFINE SERVER command
v Server name created with the SET SERVERNAME command
v Server password created with the SET SERVERPASSWORD command
v Only path definitions with SRCTYPE=SERVER are backed up to the device
configuration file. Paths of SRCTYPE=DATAMOVER are not written to the file.
v Library volume location information is stored as comments (/*...*/) in the device
configuration file whenever CHECKIN LIBVOLUME, CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME, and AUDIT
LIBRARY commands are issued for SCSI libraries.
Attention: To restore the database after a disaster, you must have a copy of the
current device configuration file. The device configuration file cannot be recreated.
You can include one or more DEVCONFIG options in the server options file. When
you use multiple DEVCONFIG options, IBM Spectrum Protect automatically updates
and stores a backup copy of device configuration information in each file you
►► DEVCONFig file_name ►◄
Specifies the name of a file in which to store a backup copy of device
configuration information.
devconfig devices.sav
To use the DISABLEREORGTABLE option, you must halt the server, update the options
file, and then restart the server.
►► DISABLEREORGTable tablelist ►◄
Specifies a list of table names for which table reorganization is disabled. If you
do not specify any table names with the option, or if the option is not in the
options file, no tables are disabled.
►► DISABLESCheds Yes ►◄
Specifies that administrative and client schedules are disabled.
No Specifies that administrative and client schedules are enabled.
disablescheds no
When this option is enabled, the accounting records and summary table entries
report node_name(storage_agent_name) for the node name. If the option is not
enabled, the accounting records and summary table entries simply report
node_name for the node name. The default is No.
Specifies that the accounting records and summary table entries will report the
storage agent name.
No Specifies that the accounting records and summary table entries will not report
the storage agent name. This is the default.
displaylfinfo yes
The result shows the following accounting record with the storage agent name
displayed (STA53):
The corresponding summary table also displays the storage agent name:
START_TIME: 2004-07-13 15:35:07.000000
END_TIME: 2004-07-13 15:35:14.000000
ADDRESS: colind-tuc:2229
BYTES: 4160875
Specifies that the server obtains the DNS names of contacting systems. Yes is
the default.
No Specifies that the server does not obtain the DNS names of contacting systems.
dnslookup yes
This option is only valid if you specified 3494SHARED YES in the dsmserv.opt file.
If you specified DRIVEACQUIRERETRY NEVER, you need to monitor how long
jobs have been waiting for drives and how long the server has been polling the
drives. You may also need to check the status of these drives in the other IBM
Spectrum Protect servers. There may be cartridges stuck in the drives, and the
other IBM Spectrum Protect servers may have marked the drives as offline. If this is
the case, you need to mark the drives offline in the IBM Spectrum Protect server
that is polling the drives. If necessary, also cancel any waiting jobs.
►► DRIVEACQuireretry Forever ►◄
The acquisition of a drive is retried until one is successfully acquired. This is
the default.
The server does not retry the acquisition of a drive and fails the operation.
Specifies the maximum number of times, from 1 to 9999, that the server retries
the acquisition of a drive.
Specify that the server should attempt no more than 10 times to acquire the drive:
driveacquireretry 10
If the value of this option is NO, the data stored by the file server is skipped
during duplicate-identification processing. If the value of this option is YES, the
value of the DEDUPLICATE parameter in the storage pool definition must be YES.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect server deduplicates data stored by a
NetApp file server.
No Specifies that the server does not deduplicate data stored by a NetApp file
Specify that the server deduplicates data stored by a NetApp file server.
enablenasdedup yes
►► EVENTSERVer Yes ►◄
Specifies that, at startup, the server tries to contact the event server. Contact
occurs only if a DEFINE EVENTSERVER command has already been issued.
This is the default.
No Specifies that, at startup, the server does not try to contact the event server.
eventserver yes
You can also use the EXPIRE INVENTORY command to start inventory expiration.
Expiration can make space available in your storage pools for additional client
backup or archive files.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► EXPINterval hours ►◄
Specifies the time, in hours, between automatic inventory expiration processes.
You can specify from 0 to 336 (14 days). A value of 0 means that expiration
must be started with the EXPIRE INVENTORY command. The default is 24.
expinterval 5
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► EXPQUiet No ►◄
No Specifies that the server sends detailed messages. This is the default.
Specifies that the server sends only minimal messages. These messages are sent
only for files that have expired based on the copy group in the default
management class or retention grace period for the domain.
expquiet no
The FFDC log contains three categories of general server messages. Setting the
FFDCLOGLEVEL option affects the following categories:
►► FFDCLOGLevel = ALL ►◄
Specifies that all FFDC general server log messages are in the log. This value is
the default.
Specifies that the FFDC_GENERAL_SERVER_WARNING and
FFDC_GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR messages appear in the log.
Specifies that only the FFDC_GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR messages appear in
the log.
ffdcloglevel warn
The FFDC log file is used to gather diagnostic information about the server. When
an error occurs, data about the error is written to the FFDC log file. This
information can be provided to IBM Support to help diagnose problems. The FFDC
log file is in the server instance directory.
►► FFDCLOGNAME file_name ►◄
Specifies a file name for the FFDC log file. The file name can be a fully
qualified file name or a file name relative to the server instance directory. The
default value is dsmffdc.log.
ffdclogname /tsminst1/tsmffdc.log
ffdclogname tsmffdc.log
ffdclogname c:\tsmserv1\tsmffdc.log
The FFDC log file is used to gather diagnostic information about the server. When
an error occurs, data about the error is written to the FFDC log file. This
information can be provided to IBM Support to help diagnose problems.
►► FFDCMAXLOGSIZE kilobytes ►◄
Specifies the size to which the FFDC log file can grow before wrapping. The
minimum value is 500. The maximum value is 2097151. The default value is
To allow the size of the log file to grow indefinitely, specify a value of -1. To
disable the log, specify 0.
ffdcmaxlogsize 2000
Circular logging uses a ring of log files to provide recovery from transaction
failures and system crashes. For example, when the dsmffcd.log file is full, it is
renamed to dsmffdc.log.1. If a dsmffdc.log.1 file exists, the dsmffdc.log.1 file is
renamed to dsmffdc.log.2. If a dsmffdc.log.2 exists, the dsmffdc.log.2 file is
renamed to dsmffdc.log.3, and so on, until the FFDCNUMLOGS value is reached.
If there is a log file that is renamed as the FFDCNUMLOGS value is reached, that
log file is deleted.
The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 100. The default value is 10.
►► FFDCNUMLOGS value ►◄
Specifies the number of log files that are used for circular logging.
If you specify a value of 1 and the log file size reaches the
FFDCMAXLOGSIZE, the server continues to write to the log file. Any logging
information is overwritten and the server continues to write to the log file.
ffdcnumlogs 20
►► FILEEXIT No file_name REPLACE ►◄
Specifies that event logging to the file exit receiver begins automatically at
server startup.
No Specifies that event logging to the file exit receiver does not begin
automatically at server startup. When this parameter has been specified, you
must begin event logging manually by issuing the BEGIN EVENTLOGGING
Specifies the name of the file in which the events are stored.
Specifies that if the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
Specifies that if the file already exists, data is appended to it.
Specifies that if the file already exists, it will not be overwritten.
fileexit yes /tsm/server/data replace
Specifies that event logging to the file exit receiver begins automatically at
server startup.
No Specifies that event logging to the file exit receiver does not begin
automatically at server startup. When this parameter has been specified, you
must begin event logging manually by issuing the BEGIN EVENTLOGGING
Specifies the name of the file in which the events are stored.
Specifies that if the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
Specifies that if the file already exists, data will be appended to it.
Specifies that if the file already exists, it will not be overwritten.
filetextexit yes /tsm/server/data replace
The FIPSMODE option specifies whether the Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) mode is in effect for non-Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) operations.
►► ►◄
No Specifies that FIPS mode is not enforced on the server for non-SSL operations.
The default is NO.
A value of YES indicates that FIPS mode is enforced on the server. This setting
restricts cryptographic operations that involve object data, authentication, and
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command.
If this value is set to a low number, the activity log might be flooded with
messages about the database space being filled, even if there is still space available.
If the value is set too high, the database space might be filled before you can add
more space to the file system.
►► FSUSEDTHreshold percent ►◄
Specifies the value of used space in the database. You can specify a value from
0 to 100. The default is 90.
fsusedthreshold 70
The IDLETIMEOUT server option is used for non-administrative sessions. See the
ADMINIDLETIMEOUT option for administrative client sessions.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command.
►► IDLETimeout minutes ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a server waits for an idle
client. The default value is 15 minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute.
idletimeout 15
If you are using node replication, you can use the KEEPALIVE option on the source
replication server to enable the TCP keepalive function. The KEEPALIVE option is
not required on the target replication server unless you specify bidirectional
replication, in which case the target server becomes the source replication server.
Specifies that the TCP keepalive function is enabled for outbound TCP sockets.
This value is the default.
If the KEEPALIVE option is enabled, default values are used for the
No Specifies that the TCP keepalive function is not enabled for outbound TCP
If you specify a value of NO, it does not affect current TCP socket connections
that originated from outbound connection requests while the KEEPALIVE option
was set to YES. The YES value applies to those sockets until the related session
ends and the socket is closed.
Use the SETOPT command to enable the keepalive function without disabling or
halting the server:
setopt keepalive yes
►► KEEPALIVETIME seconds ►◄
Specifies how often TCP sends keepalive transmissions to verify that an idle
connection is still active. The value is specified in seconds.
You can specify a value in the range 1 - 4294967. The default is 300 (5
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, between keepalive transmissions when
no response is received. The value is specified in seconds.
You can specify a value in the range 1 - 4294967. The default is 30 seconds.
If your client and server are running different languages, the messages that are
generated might not be understandable when messages are issued from the client
to the server or if the server sends output to the client.
►► LANGuage AMENG ►◄
Specifies that American English is used as the default language for the server.
Specifies the name of the locale that is supported by the server. See the
following tables for information on supported locales by operating system.
Note: IBM Spectrum Protect runs in any locale, but defaults to American
English. For the locales listed, language support is available.
Table 536. Server languages for AIX
Language LANGUAGE option value
Chinese, Simplified zh_CN
Chinese, Simplified Zh_CN
Chinese, Simplified (UTF-8) ZH_CN
Chinese, Traditional (Big5) Zh_TW
Chinese, Traditional (UTF-8) ZH_TW
Chinese, Traditional (euc_tw) zh_TW
English en_US
English (UTF-8) EN_US
French fr_FR
French (UTF-8) FR_FR
German de_DE
German (UTF-8) DE_DE
Italian it_IT
Italian (UTF-8) IT_IT
Japanese, EUC ja_JP
Japanese, PC Ja_JP
Japanese, UTF8 JA_JP
Korean ko_KR
lang ja_JP
After a successful LDAP bind, the value that you enter determines the amount of
time that information about the LDAP directory server is kept available. The
higher the number, the better the performance of the LDAP directory server.
During the cache period, though, changes on the LDAP directory server do not
take immediate effect on the node. For example, old passwords might be available
for some time, even after they were changed or locked on the LDAP server.
Specifies the maximum amount of time after a successful LDAP bind, that
subsequent sessions to the same node or administrator skip secondary LDAP
bind operations. Values range from zero to 360 minutes.
►► LDAPURL ldap_url_value ►◄
| Specifies the URL of one LDAP or LDAPS server, or the URLs of multiple
| LDAP or LDAPS servers. You can enter multiple values, with each URL value
up to 1024 characters. The port number is optional and defaults to 389 for
| LDAP and to 636 for LDAPS. Each URL value must contain an LDAP server
name. For example, the format of the server name is
server1.storage.us.example.com and the LDAP port is 341.
| LDAPS uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection to send LDAP data. To
| define an LDAPS server address, specify a URL that begins with ldaps://.The
value of the LDAPURL option must conform to the following specifications:
v If you specify multiple URLs, each URL must be on a separate line.
| v When you specify multiple LDAPURL server option values, they must be
| either all LDAPS addresses or all LDAP addresses.
| v Each URL must begin with ldap:// or ldaps://.
| When ldap:// is specified, IBM Spectrum Protect supports LDAP
connections that are secured with the standard LDAPv3 StartTLS operation,
which establishes a secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) exchange on an
existing LDAP connection. The LDAP Simple Bind operation that IBM
Spectrum Protect uses does not protect the password when it is sent. A
secure TLS connection is required to protect the password.
In the dsmserv.opt file, specify the port value as 341 for an LDAP server:
ldapurl ldap://server1.storage.us.example.com:341
| In the dsmserv.opt file, specify the port value as 636 for an LDAPS server:
| ldapurl ldaps://server2.storage.us.example.com:636
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► MAXSessions number_of_sessions ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client sessions. The default
value is 25 client sessions. The minimum value is 2 client sessions. The
maximum value is limited only by available virtual storage size or
communication resources.
maxsessions 25
►► MESsageformat number ►◄
Select a number to specify if a message number is to be displayed only on the
first line of a multi-line message or is to be displayed on all lines.
1 The message number for a message is displayed only in the first line of
the message. This is the default.
2 The message number for a message is displayed in all lines of a
messageformat 2
All changes made to the active log directory are also written to this mirror
directory. This option is appended to the options file when the DSMSERV FORMAT
command is run. Typically, the directory does not need to be changed.
►► MIRRorlogdirectory dir_name ►◄
Specifies a fully qualified directory name for the active log mirror. The
maximum number of characters is 175.
mirrorlogdirectory /tsm/mirrorlog
►► MOVEBatchsize number_of_files ►◄
Specifies a number of files between 1 and 1000. The default is 1000.
movebatchsize 100
►► MOVESizethresh megabytes ►◄
Specifies the number of megabytes as an integer from 1 to 32768. The default
value is 4096. This option is used with the MOVEBATCHSIZE option.
movesizethresh 500
►► MSGINTerval minutes ►◄
Specifies the time interval at which the operator is prompted by the server to
mount a tape. The default value is 1 minute. The minimum value is 1 minute.
msginterval 2
The number of hours that the IBM Spectrum Protect server waits to receive
status updates during an NDMP restore operation over the LAN. The default
value is 6. The minimum is 1 hour. The maximum is 48 hours.
►► NDMPControlport port_number ►◄
The port number to be used for internal communications for certain NDMP
operations. The port number must be from 1024 to 32767. The default is 10000.
ndmpcontrolport 9999
NO Disable TCP keepalive on all NDMP control connections. NO is the default.
Enable TCP keepalive on all NDMP control connections. The default idle time
before the first TCP keepalive packet is sent is 120 minutes.
Enable TCP keepalive on all NDMP control connections so that inactive NDMP
connections are not closed:
ndmpenablekeepalive yes
Prerequisite: Use this option only after you set the value of the
The number of minutes of inactivity on NDMP control connections before TCP
keepalive packets are transmitted. The default value is 120. The minimum is 1
minute. The maximum is 600 minutes.
Specify an idle time of 15 minutes before the first TCP keepalive packet is sent:
ndmpkeepidleminutes 15
If all ports specified are in use when a NAS device attempts to connect to the
server, the operation fails. If a single port number is chosen (no comma and no
port number for the high value), the default for the high port number is the low
port number plus 100.
►► NDMPPortrange port_number_low ►◄
The low port number from which IBM Spectrum Protect starts to cycle when
needing a port number for accepting session from a NAS device for data
transfer. The minimum port number value is 1024.
The high port number to which IBM Spectrum Protect can cycle when needing
a port number for accepting session from a NAS device for data transfer. The
maximum port number value is 32767. The high port number must be the
same or larger than the low port number.
Specify that IBM Spectrum Protect can cycle from port numbers 1024 - 2024.
ndmpportrange 1024,2024
This option affects all subsequent NDMP filer-to-server operations, but does not
affect NDMP control connections, which use the system's default network interface.
The value for this option is a host name or IPV4 address that is associated with
one of the active network interfaces of the system on which the IBM Spectrum
Protect server is running. This interface must be IPV4 enabled.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command.
Specify an address in either dotted decimal or host name format. If you specify
a dotted decimal address, it is not verified with a domain name server. If the
address is not correct, it can cause failures when the server attempts to open a
socket at the start of an NDMP filer-to-server backup.
Host name format addresses are verified with a domain name server. There is
no default value. If a value is not set, all NDMP operations use the IBM
Spectrum Protect server's network interface for receiving backup data during
NDMP filer-to-server backup operations. To clear the option value, specify the
SETOPT command with a null value, "".
ndmpprefdatainterface net1.tucson.ibm.com
For example, a client data restore operation preempts a client data backup for use
of a specific device or access to a specific volume.
If you do not specify NORETRIEVEDATE, the server migrates files after they have
been in the storage pool for the number of days specified by the MIGDELAY
parameter. The number of days is counted from the day that the file was stored in
the storage pool or retrieved by a client, whichever is more recent. If you specify
NORETRIEVEDATE, the server does not update the retrieve date of a file, and the
number of days is counted from the day the file entered the disk storage pool.
If you specify this option and caching is enabled for a disk storage pool,
reclamation of cached space is affected. When space is needed in a disk storage
pool that contains cached files, the server gets the space by selectively erasing
cached copies. Files that have the oldest retrieve dates and occupy the largest
amount of space are selected for removal. When you specify NORETRIEVEDATE,
the server does not update the retrieve date when a file is retrieved. This may
cause cached copies to be removed even though they have recently been retrieved
by a client.
Specify that the retrieve dates of files in disk storage pools are not updated when
clients restore and retrieve the files:
Input volumes contain data to be read during client-restore operations and server
processes, such as reclamation and migration. Use this option to improve
performance by reducing the frequency with which volumes are opened and
Each session within a client operation or server process can have as many open
FILE volumes as specified by this option. A session is initiated by a client
operation or by a server process. Multiple sessions can be started within each.
During a client restore operation, volumes can remain open for the duration of a
client restore operation and as long a client session is active. During a no-query
restore operation, the volumes remain open until the no-query restore completes.
At that time, all volumes are closed and released. However, for a classic restore
operation started in interactive mode, the volumes might remain open at the end
of the restore operation. The volumes are closed and released when the next classic
restore operation is requested.
Set this value in the server options file or use the SETOPT command.
Tip: This option can significantly increase the number of volumes and mount
points in use at any one time. To optimize performance, follow these steps:
v To set NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED, select a beginning value (the default is
recommended). Monitor client sessions and server processes. Note the highest
number of volumes open for a single session or process. Increase the setting of
NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED if the highest number of open volumes is equal to
the value specified by NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED.
v To prevent sessions or processes from having to wait for a mount point, increase
the value of the MOUNTLIMIT parameter in the device-class definition. Set the
value of the MOUNTLIMIT parameter high enough to allow all client sessions
and server processes using deduplicated storage pools to open the number of
volume specified by the NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED option. For client sessions,
check the destination in the copy group definition to determine how many
nodes are storing data in the deduplicated storage pool. For server processes,
check the number of processes allowed for each process for the storage pool.
v A situation might occur in which a node backs up and restores or archives and
retrieves concurrently to and from a deduplicated storage pool. All the mount
points required for these operations increase the total number of mount points
required by the node.
As a result, the node might not be able to start additional backup sessions if it
already has more mount points open than what the MAXNUMMP parameter in
the client-node definition allows. This can occur even though the MOUNTLIMIT
for the device class was not exceeded.
To prevent backup and retrieve operations from failing, set the value of the
MAXNUMMP parameter in the client-node definition to a value at least as high
as the NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED option. Increase this value if you notice that
the node is failing backup or retrieve operations because the MAXNUMMP
value is being exceeded.
Specifies the number of input FILE volumes in a deduplicated storage pool
that can be open at one time. The default is 10. The minimum value is 3. The
maximum value is 999.
If you must restore the Operations Center configuration to the preconfigured state,
you must issue the following command on each spoke server:
►► QUERYAuth NOne ►◄
Any administrator can issue QUERY or SELECT commands without requiring
any administrative authority.
Administrators must have SYSTEM authority to issue QUERY or SELECT
Administrators must have POLICY authority over one or more policy domains
or SYSTEM authority to issue QUERY or SELECT commands.
Administrators must have STORAGE authority over one or more storage pools
or SYSTEM authority to issue QUERY or SELECT commands.
Administrators must have OPERATOR or SYSTEM authority to issue QUERY
or SELECT commands.
►► RECLAIMDELAY number_of_days ►◄
Specifies the number of days to delay the reclamation of a SnapLock volume.
Before a SnapLock volume is reclaimed, the IBM Spectrum Protect server
allows the specified number of days to pass, so that any files remaining on the
volume have a chance to expire. The default reclaim delay period is 4 days and
can be set anywhere from 1 to 120 days.
►► RECLAIMPERIOD number_of_days ►◄
Specifies the number of days that are allowed for the reclamation period of a
SnapLock volume.
After the retention of a SnapLock volume has expired, the IBM Spectrum
Protect server will reclaim the volume within the specified number of days if
there is still data remaining on the volume. The default reclaim period is 30
days and can be set anywhere from 7 to 365 days.
The reclamation period does not begin until the RECLAIMDELAY period has
►► REORGBEGINTime hh:mm ►◄
Specifies the time that the server can start a reorganization: The default start
time 6:00 a.m. Use a 24-hour format to specify the time.
Specify 6:00 a.m. as the earliest time that a reorganization can start.
reorgbegintime 06:00
Specify 8:30 p.m. as the earliest time that a reorganization can start.
reorgbegintime 20:30
Specify 3:30 p.m. as the earliest time that a reorganization can start.
reorgbegintime 15:30
►► REORGDURation nn ►◄
nn Specifies the number of hours during which a reorganization can start. The
minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 24. The default value is 24.
Specify an interval of four hours during which a reorganization can start.
reorgduration 4
Specifies that messages will be issued to the server console and stored in the
activity log whenever files are restored or retrieved from the IBM Spectrum
Protect server. The messages will specify the name of the objects being restored
or retrieved and identify the client node or administrator performing the
NO Specifies that messages will not be issued.
Specify that messages will be issued and stored in the activity log whenever files
are restored or retrieved from the IBM Spectrum Protect server:
reportretrieve yes
The REPLBATCHSIZE option limits the number of files in a transaction and the
REPLSIZETHRESH option limits the number of bytes in a transaction. The
transaction ends when either the REPLBATCHSIZE threshold or the
REPLSIZETHRESH threshold is reached.
►► REPLBatchsize number_of_files ►◄
Specifies a number of files between 1 - 32768. The default is 4096.
replbatchsize 25000
The amount of data is based on the non-deduplicated size of the file, which is the
original size of the file. The amount of data that is replicated is controlled by the
threshold. When the amount of data exceeds the threshold, the server ends the
transaction and no more files are added to the current batch. A new transaction is
started after the current batch is replicated. This option is used with the
Tip: If you are replicating data from a source server in the cloud and frequently
get an ANR1880W server message on the target server, lower the value of the
REPLSIZETHRESH option on the source server.
►► REPLSizethresh megabytes ►◄
Specifies the number of megabytes as an integer from 1 - 32768. The default
value is 4096.
replsizethresh 2000
►► REQSYSauthoutfile Yes ►◄
System authority is required for administrative commands that cause IBM
Spectrum Protect to write to an external file.
No System authority is not required for administrative commands that cause IBM
Spectrum Protect to write to an external file. That is, there is no change to the
authority level that is required to issue the command.
reqsysauthoutfile no
Note: When managing a set of shared library resources, such as servers designated
as library managers and clients, consider setting this option at the same time limit
for all participants in the shared configuration. In any case of error recovery, IBM
Spectrum Protect will always defer to the longest time limit.
►► RESOURCETimeout minutes ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the server waits for a resource.
The default value is 60 minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute.
Specify that the server will wait 15 minutes for a server resource:
resourcetimeout 15
►► RESTHTTPSport secure_port ►◄
Specifies the port number that is used for secure communications between the
hub server and the Operations Center. The range of values is 1025 - 32767; the
default is 8443.
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
Specifies how long, in minutes, that a restartable restore session can be in the
database before it can be expired. The minimum value is 0. The maximum is
10080 (one week). The default is 1440 minutes (24 hours). If the value is set to
0 and the restore is interrupted or fails, the restore is still put in the restartable
state. However, it is immediately eligible to be expired.
restoreinterval 1440
►► RETENTIONEXTENSION number_of_days ►◄
Specifies the number of days to extend the retention date of a SnapLock
volume. The minimum value is 30 days; the maximum value is 9999 days; the
default is 365.
If you specify a value of 0 (zero) for the RETVER parameter of an archive copy
group, the actual value that is used for RETVER is the value of the option
RETENTIONEXTENSION, if one of the following conditions is also true:
v The destination storage pool for the archive copy group is a SnapLock
storage pool.
v The storage pool that is the target for a storage pool migration or of a MOVE
DATA or MOVE NODEDATA command is a SnapLock storage pool.
If a SnapLock volume is the target volume for data from another SnapLock
volume and if the remaining retention of the data on the volume is less than
the value specified, then the retention date is set using the value specified.
Otherwise, the remaining retention of the data is used to set the retention of
the volume.
If a SnapLock volume has entered the reclamation period but the percentage of
reclaimable space of the volume has not exceeded the reclamation threshold of
the storage pool or the value specified on the THRESHOLD parameter of a
RECLAIM STGPOOL command, then the retention date of the SnapLock volume is
extended by the amount specified in the RETENTIONEXTENSION option.
To use SAN discovery, all devices on the SAN must have a unique device serial
number. When set to ON, the server completes SAN discovery in the following
v When the device path is changed
v When the QUERY SAN command is issued
Using SAN discovery, the server can automatically correct the special file name for
a device if it is changed for a specified tape device.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not require persistent binding with the SAN
discovery function enabled. To display a list of devices that are seen by the server,
you can issue the QUERY SAN command.
►► ►◄
ON Specifies that the server completes SAN discovery when the device path is
changed, or when the QUERY SAN command is issued.
Specifies that the server does not complete SAN discovery when the device
path is changed, or when the QUERY SAN command is issued. If the IBM
Spectrum Protect server is not able to open a device, a message is issued but
the path that is associated with the device is not taken offline. This value is the
Specifies that the server does not complete SAN discovery when the device
path is changed, or when the QUERY SAN command is issued. If the IBM
Spectrum Protect server is not able to open a device, a message is issued and
the path to the device is taken offline.
sandiscovery on
Related commands
Table 537. Commands related to SANDISCOVERY
Command Description
PERFORM LIBACTION Defines all drives and paths for a library.
Specifies the amount of time to elapse before the SAN discovery process times
out. The range is from 15 to 1800 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
sandiscoverytimeout 45
Note: The QUERY SAN server command always receives SAN information at the
time that the command is issued and ignores any value specified for
The length of time, in seconds, before the cached SAN discovery information is
refreshed. The default value is 0 and specifies that SAN discovery information
is not cached. If a value other than 0 is specified, for example, 100 seconds,
then the SAN discovery information is refreshed 100 seconds after the prior
SAN discovery operation.
Specify that the server tries to first satisfy a request for a volume that is already
The extent to which these symptoms occur depends on the number and size of
objects being processed, the intensity and type of concurrent operations taking
place on the IBM Spectrum Protect server, and the IBM Spectrum Protect server
With the SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT server option, you can specify a maximum size, in
gigabytes, for objects that can be deduplicated on the server. If an object or set of
objects in a single transaction exceeds the limit specified by SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT,
the objects are not deduplicated by the server. You can specify a value 32 - 102400
GB. The default value is 5120 GB.
Increasing the value of this option causes the IBM Spectrum Protect server to
search for objects previously deferred whose size falls below the new transaction
Remember: The search for objects previously deferred can take time. Use care
when increasing the value of SERVERDEDUPTXNLIMIT. Reducing the value of this
option does not cause IBM Spectrum Protect to search for deferred objects.
The appropriate value for this option depends on the IBM Spectrum Protect server
configuration and concurrent server activity. You can specify a high value for this
option if you minimize resource contention. To minimize resource contention,
perform operations, such as backup, archive, duplicate identification, and
reclamation, at different times.
To update this server option without stopping and restarting the server, use the
SETOPT command.
►► SERVERDEDUPTXNlimit gigabytes ►◄
Specifies the maximum size, in gigabytes, of objects that can be duplicated on
the server. You can specify a value 32 - 102400. The default value is 5120.
►► SHMPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number. You can specify a value from 1024 to 32767. The
default value is 1510.
shmport 1580
►► SHREDding AUTOmatic ►◄
Specifies that shredding occurs automatically as sensitive data is deleted. Use
this option to shred sensitive data as soon as possible after it is deleted. If the
SHREDDING option is not specified, this is the default behavior. If there is an
I/O error during automatic shredding, an error is reported, and shredding of
the current object halts. If the I/O error cannot be corrected, you might need to
run shredding manually and use the IOERROR keyword.
Specifies that shredding occurs manually, only when the SHRED DATA
command is invoked. Use this option to control when shredding takes place, in
order to ensure that it does not interfere with other server activities.
Tip: If you specify manual shredding, run the SHRED DATA command
regularly, at least as often as you perform other routine server-maintenance
tasks (for example, expiration, reclamation, and so on). Doing so can prevent
performance degradation of certain server processes (in particular, migration).
For best results, run SHRED DATA after any operation (for example, expiration
and migration) that deletes files from a shred pool.
Specify that IBM Spectrum Protect automatically shreds data in a storage pool
configured for shredding after that data is deleted:
shredding automatic
Specifies the heartbeat interval in minutes. Valid values are from 0 to 1440 (one
day). The default is 5 minutes.
snmpheartbeatinterval 20
Specifies that there are four trap types based on message severity level:
1 Severe
2 Error
3 Warning
4 Information
snmpmessagecategory individual
HOSTname host_name COMMunityname community_name
► ►◄
TIMEOUT seconds
HOSTname host_name
Specifies the TCP/IP name or number of the host running the SNMP agent
that the IBM Spectrum Protect SNMP subagent connects to. This parameter is
optional. The default name is localhost.
COMMunityname community_name
Specifies the configured community name on the system running the SNMP
agent. This parameter is optional. The default name is public.
TIMEOUT seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, in which a request must be received. This
parameter is optional. The default value is 600.
snmpsubagent hostname jimbo communityname public timeout 2600
►► SNMPSUBAGENTHOST host_name ►◄
Specifies the TCP/IP host name or number on which the IBM Spectrum Protect
SNMP subagent is located. The subagent and server must be on the same
►► SNMPSUBAGENTPORT port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number of the IBM Spectrum Protect SNMP subagent. Valid
values are 1000 - 32767. The default is 1521.
snmpsubagentport 1525
The SSLFIPSMODE option specifies whether the Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) mode is in effect for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The default is
Because SSLv3 is not supported by FIPS mode, when you are using SSL with
Version 6.1 or V5.5 clients, you must turn off FIPS mode.
►► ►◄
No Specifies that SSL FIPS mode is not active on the server. This setting is
required when Backup-Archive Client versions previous to IBM Spectrum
Protect 6.3 are to connect to the server with SSL.
A value of YES indicates that SSL FIPS mode is active on the server. This
setting restricts SSL session negotiation to use FIPS-approved cipher suites.
Specifying YES is suggested when SSL communication is activated and all
Backup-Archive Clients are at V6.3 or later.
When you specify this option, an SSL session is canceled if a client, server, or
storage agent is not configured for SSL and tries to start an SSL session. Similarly,
an SSL session is canceled if a client SSL session and a server are not configured
with the same Transport Layer Security (TLS) version. In these situations, the SSL
session might fail to completely initialize. The server cancels the session when the
specified timeout is reached.
►► SSLINITTIMEout minutes ►◄
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a server waits for an SSL
session to complete initialization. The default value is 2 minutes. The
minimum value is 1 minute.
sslinittimeout 1
Note: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 and Tivoli Storage
Manager Version 7.1.8, you are no longer required to use the SSLTCPPORT or
SSLTCPADMINPORT option to allow SSL-enabled sessions from the client. The port
number that is specified in the TCPPORT or TCPADMINPORT option listens for both
TCP/IP and SSL-enabled client sessions.
The following types of sessions do not use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol:
v Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP)
v Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)
v Database restore operations
The following restrictions apply when you specify the SSL-only server ports
v When you specify the server's SSL-only port for the LLADDRESS on the DEFINE
SERVER or UPDATE SERVER command, you must also specify the SSL=YES
v When you specify the server's SSL-only port for the client's TCPPORT option, you
must also specify YES for the SSL client option.
►► SSLTCPADMINPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number of the server. Valid values are 1024 - 32767. There is
no default.
ssltcpadminport 1543
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.2 and Tivoli Storage
Manager Version 7.1.8, you are no longer required to use the SSLTCPPORT or
SSLTCPADMINPORT option to allow SSL-enabled sessions from the client. The port
number that is specified in the TCPPORT or TCPADMINPORT option listens for both
TCP/IP and SSL-enabled client sessions.
If you specify the same port number for the SSLTCPPORT and TCPPORT options, only
SSL connections are accepted and TCP/IP connections are disabled for the port.
The following restrictions apply when you specify the SSL-only server ports
v When you specify the server's SSL-only port for the LLADDRESS on the DEFINE
SERVER or UPDATE SERVER command, you must also specify the SSL=YES
v When you specify the server's SSL-only port for the client's TCPPORT option, you
must also specify YES for the SSL client option.
►► SSLTCPPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number of the server. Valid values are 1024 - 32767. There is
no default.
ssltcpport 1542
Using different port numbers for the options TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT enables
you to create one set of firewall rules for client sessions and another set for the
previously listed session types. By using the SESSIONINITIATION parameter of
REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE commands, you can close the port specified by
TCPPORT at the firewall, and specify nodes whose scheduled sessions will be started
from the server. If the two port numbers are different, separate threads are used to
service client sessions and the session types. If you allow the two options to use
the same port number (by default or by explicitly setting them to the same port
number), a single server thread is used to service all session requests.
Client sessions attempting to use the port specified by TCPADMINPORT are terminated
(if TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT specify different ports). Administrative sessions are
allowed on either port, (unless the ADMINONCLIENTPORT option is set to NO) but by
default administrative sessions use the port that is specified by TCPADMINPORT.
SSL-enabled sessions that use the TCPADMINPORT option have the same limitations as
the SSLTCPADMINPORT option. The following types of sessions do not use the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol:
v Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP)
v Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)
v Database restore operations
If the ADMINONCLIENTPORT option is set to NO, SSL-enabled sessions for the
administrative client require that different port numbers are specified for the
►► TCPADMINPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number of the server. Valid values are 1024 - 32767. The
default is the value of TCPPORT.
tcpadminport 1502
►► TCPBufsize kilobytes ►◄
Specifies the size, in kilobytes, of the buffer used for TCP/IP send requests.
The value range is from 1 to 64. The default is 32.
tcpbufsize 5
Change the value from the default of YES only under one of these conditions:
v You are directed to change the option by your service representative.
v You fully understand the effects of the TCP Nagle algorithm on network
transmissions. Setting the option to NO enables the Nagle algorithm, which
delays sending small successive packets.
►► TCPNodelay Yes ►◄
Specifies that the server allows successive small packets to be sent immediately
over the network. Setting this option to YES might improve performance in
some high-speed networks. The default is YES.
No Specifies that the server does not allow successive small packets to be sent
immediately over the network.
tcpnodelay no
Using different port numbers for the options TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT enables
you to create one set of firewall rules for client sessions and another set for other
session types (administrative sessions, server-to-server sessions, storage agent
sessions, library client sessions, managed server sessions, and event server
sessions). If the two port numbers are different, separate threads are used to
service client sessions and the other session types. If you allow the two options to
use the same port number (by default or by explicitly setting them to the same
port number), a single server thread is used to service all session requests.
SSL-enabled client sessions that use the TCPPORT option have the same limitations
as the SSLTCPPORT option. The following types of sessions do not use SSL:
v Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP)
v Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)
v Database restore operations
If the ADMINONCLIENTPORT option is set to NO, SSL-enabled sessions for the
administrative client require that different port numbers are specified for the
If you specify the same port number for both the SSLTCPPORT and TCPPORT options,
only SSL connections are accepted and TCP/IP connections are disabled for the
►► TCPPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the port number of the server. Valid values are 1024 - 32767. The
default value is 1500.
tcpport 1500
v To improve backup performance, increase the TCPWINDOWSIZE on the server.
To improve restore performance, increase the TCPWINDOWSIZE on the client.
v The TCP window acts as a buffer on the network.
v A window size larger than the buffer space on the network adapter might
degrade throughput due to resending packets that were lost on the adapter.
v The TCPWINDOWSIZE option is not related to the TCPBUFFSIZE option nor to
the send and receive buffers allocated in client or server memory.
►► TCPWindowsize kilobytes ►◄
Specifies the size you want to use, in kilobytes, for the TCP/IP sliding window
for your client node. You can specify a value from 0 to 2048. The default is 63.
If you specify 0, the server uses the default window size set by the operating
system. Values from 1 to 2048 indicate that the window size is in the range of
1 KB to 2 MB.
tcpwindowsize 63
►► TECBegineventlogging Yes ►◄
Specifies that event logging begins when the server starts up and if a
TECHOST option is specified.
No Specifies that event logging should not begin when the server starts up. To
later begin event logging to the TIVOLI receiver (if the TECHOST option has
been specified), you must issue the BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command.
tecbegineventlogging yes
►► TECHost host_name ►◄
Specifies the host name or IP address for the Tivoli event server.
►► TECPort port_number ►◄
Specifies the Tivoli event server port address. The value must be between 0
and 32767. This option is not required.
tecport 1555
►► TECUTF8event Yes ►◄
Specifies that the IBM Spectrum Protect server will encode the TEC event into
UTF–8 before issuing the event to the TEC server.
No Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect server will not encode the TEC event into
UTF–8 and it will be issued to the TEC server in ASCII format.
tecutf8event yes
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► THROUGHPUTDatathreshold kilobytes_per_second ►◄
Specifies the throughput that client sessions must achieve to prevent
cancellation after THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD minutes have elapsed.
This threshold does not include time spent waiting for media mounts. A value
of 0 prevents examining client sessions for insufficient throughput. Throughput
is computed by adding send and receive byte counts and dividing by the
length of the session. The length does not include time spent waiting for media
mounts and starts at the time a client sends data to the server for storage. The
default is 0. The minimum value is 0; the maximum is 99999999.
Specify that the server is to wait until 90 minutes plus the media wait time after a
session has started sending data before storage examines it as a candidate for
cancellation due to low throughput. If a session is not achieving 50 KB per second
in transfer rates, it will be canceled.
throughputtimethreshold 90
Throughputdatathreshold 50
You can update this server option without stopping and restarting the server by
using the SETOPT command. See “SETOPT (Set a server option for dynamic
update)” on page 1377.
►► THROUGHPUTTimethreshold minutes ►◄
Specifies the threshold for examining client sessions and canceling them if the
data throughput threshold is not met (see the
THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD server option). This threshold does not
include time spent waiting for media mounts. The time threshold starts when a
client begins sending data to the server for storage (as opposed to setup or
session housekeeping data). A value of 0 prevents examining client sessions for
low throughput. The default is 0. The minimum value is 0; the maximum is
Specify that the server is to wait until 90 minutes plus the media wait time after a
session has started sending data before examining it as a candidate for
cancellation. If a session is not achieving 50 thousand bytes per second in transfer
rates, it will be canceled.
throughputtimethreshold 90
Throughputdatathreshold 50
You can override the value of this option for individual client nodes. See the
TXNGROUPMAX parameter in “REGISTER NODE (Register a node)” on page
1167 and “UPDATE NODE (Update node attributes)” on page 1535.
This option is related to the TXNBYTELIMIT option in the client options file.
TXNBYTELIMIT controls the number of bytes, as opposed to the number of
objects, that are transferred between transaction commit points. At the completion
of transferring an object, the client commits the transaction if the number of bytes
transferred during the transaction reaches or exceeds the value of TXNBYTELIMIT,
regardless of the number of objects transferred.
►► TXNGroupmax number_of_objects ►◄
Specifies a number from 4 to 65000 for the maximum number of objects per
transaction. The default is 4096.
txngroupmax 4096
►► UNIQUETDPtecevents Yes ►◄
Specifies that unique IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection messages are sent
to the TEC event server. Dynamically sets UNIQUETECevents to YES.
No Specifies that general messages are sent to the TEC event server.
uniquetdptecevents yes
►► UNIQUETECevents Yes ►◄
Specifies that unique messages are sent to the TEC event server.
No Specifies that general messages are sent to the TEC event server.
uniquetecevents yes
►► USEREXIT Yes module_name ►◄
Specifies that event logging to the user exit receiver begins automatically at
server startup.
No Specifies that event logging to the user exit receiver does not begin
automatically at server startup. When this parameter has been specified, you
must begin event logging manually by issuing the BEGIN EVENTLOGGING
Specifies the module name of the user exit.
This is the name of a shared library containing the exit. The module name can
be either a fully qualified path name or just the module name itself. If it is just
the module name, it is loaded from the current directory.
userexit yes fevent.exit
Enable additional error checking for commands sent by the client:
You can include one or more VOLUMEHISTORY options in the server options file.
When you use multiple VOLUMEHISTORY options, the server automatically
updates and stores a backup copy of the volume history information in each file
you specify.
►► VOLUMEHistory file_name ►◄
Specifies the name of the file where you want the server to store a backup
copy of the volume history information that it collects.
volumehistory volhist.out
v Do not enter more than 1022 characters in the DSMSERV console command-line
interface. Text that exceeds 1022 characters is truncated.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -noexpire
► ►◄
-o options_file -quiet RUNFILE file_name
1 This parameter applies only to AIX, Linux, and Windows servers.
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before you start the server. To start the
server from the root user ID, you must specify the -u parameter and follow the
instructions about starting the server from the root user ID
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. The instance directory becomes the
current working directory of the server.
Specifies that the server does not remove expired files from the server
database. The files are not deleted from server storage when you start the
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed.
Specifies that the server is started in maintenance mode, and that
administrative command schedules, client schedules, client sessions,
storage-space reclamation, inventory expiration, and storage-pool migration are
Tip: Maintenance mode is the preferred method for running the server during
maintenance or reconfiguration tasks. When you run the server in maintenance
mode, operations that might disrupt maintenance or reconfiguration tasks are
disabled automatically.
RUNFILE file_name
Specifies the name of a text file to be run on the server. The file contains a list
of server commands.
1852 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
Attention: Whenever the RUNFILE parameter is used, the server halts when
processing is complete. You must restart the server by using the DSMSERV utility.
Start the server for normal operation. Issue the following command on one line:
Ensure that you include a space after SHMPSIZE=64K. By starting the server with this
command, you enable 64 KB memory pages for the server. This setting helps you
optimize server performance.
►► rc.dsmserv -u user_name ►◄
-U user_name -i instance_dir
-u user_name
Specifies the instance user ID for which the environment is set up. The server
will run under this user ID.
-U user_name
Specifies the instance user ID for which the environment is set up. The server
will run under the user ID of the invoker of the command.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory, which becomes the working directory of the
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
► DISPlay DBSPace ►◄
-noexpire -quiet
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This becomes the current working
directory of the server.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when starting.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed.
Display information about database storage space. See “Field descriptions” for
details about the information shown in the output. Issue the command.
dsmserv display dbspace
Location Total Space (MB) Used Space (MB) Free Space (MB)
------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------
/tsmdb001 46,080.00 20,993.12 25,086.88
/tsmdb002 46,080.00 20,992.15 25,087.85
Field descriptions
The directory or path that is used for storing the database
Total Space (MB)
The total number of megabytes in the location
Used Space (MB)
The number of megabytes in use in the location
Free Space (MB)
The space remaining in the file system where the path is located
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
-noexpire -quiet
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This becomes the current working
directory of the server.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when starting.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed.
Display information about the recovery logs. See “Field descriptions” for details
about the information shown in the output.
dsmserv display log
Total Space(MB): 38,912
Used Space(MB): 401.34
Free Space(MB): 38,358.65
Active Log Directory: /activelog
Archive Log Directory: /archivelog
Mirror Log Directory: /mirrorlog
Archive Failover Log Directory: /archfailoverlog
Field descriptions
Total Space
Specifies the maximum size of the active log.
Used Space
Specifies the total amount of active log space currently used in the
database, in megabytes.
Free Space
Specifies the amount of active log space in the database that is not being
used by uncommitted transactions, in megabytes.
►► DSMSERV EXTend DBSpace ►
-u user_name -i instance_dir
RECLAIMstorage = Yes
► ▼ db_directory ►◄
RECLAIMstorage = No
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before you initialize the server.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This becomes the current working
directory of the server.
db_directory (Required)
Specifies the directories for database storage. The directories must be empty
and accessible by the user ID of the database manager. A directory name must
be a fully qualified name and cannot exceed 175 characters in length. Enclose
the name in quotation marks if it contains embedded blanks, an equal sign, or
other special characters. If you are specifying a list of directories for database
storage, the maximum length of the list can be 1400 characters.
Tip: Specify directories that are the same size as existing directories to ensure
a consistent degree of parallelism for database operations. If one or more
directories for the database are smaller than the others, they reduce the
potential for optimized parallel prefetching and distribution of the database.
Specifies whether data is redistributed across newly created database
directories and space is reclaimed from the old storage paths when you add
space to the database. This parameter is optional. The default value is Yes.
Specifies that data is redistributed so that new directories are available for
immediate use.
Add a directory named stg1 in the tsm_db directory for the database storage space
and then redistribute data and reclaim space by issuing the following command:
dsmserv extend dbspace /tsm_db/stg1
The directories that are specified in this utility should be on fast, reliable storage.
Do not place the directories on file systems that might run out of space. If certain
directories (for example, the active log directory) become unavailable or full, the
server stops.
When a server is initially created by using the DSMSERV FORMAT utility or the
configuration wizard, a server database and recovery log are created. In addition,
files are created to hold database information that is used by the database
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
ACTIVELOGSize = 16384
► ACTIVELOGDirectory = directory ►
ACTIVELOGSize = megabytes
► ARCHLogdirectory = directory ►
ARCHFailoverlogdirectory = directory
► ►◄
MIRRorlogdirectory = directory
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server. This parameter
is optional.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This directory becomes the current
working directory of the server. This parameter is optional.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when starting. This
parameter is optional.
Tip: If you specify multiple directories, ensure that the underlying file systems
are of equal size to ensure a consistent degree of parallelism for database
operations. If one or more directories for the database are smaller than the
others, they reduce the potential for optimized parallel prefetching and
distribution of the database.
Specifies the name of a file that contains the relative path names of one or
more directories that are used to store database objects. Each directory name
must be on a separate line in the file. You can specify up to 128 directory
names. You must specify either the DBDIR or the DBFILE parameter.
Specifies the size of the active log file in megabytes. This parameter is optional.
The minimum value is 2048 MB (2 GB); the maximum is 524,288 MB (512 GB).
If an odd number is specified, the value is rounded up to the next even
number. The default is 16384 MB.
The size of an active log file is based on the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option.
Guidelines for space requirements are in the following table:
Table 539. How to estimate volume and file space requirements
Reserve this much free space in the active
log directory, in addition to the
ACTIVELOGSize option value ACTIVELOGSize space
16 GB - 128 GB 5120 MB
129 GB - 256 GB 10240 MB
257 GB - 512 GB 20480 MB
ACTIVELOGDirectory (Required)
Specifies the directory in which the server writes and stores active log files.
There is only one active log location. The name must be a fully qualified
directory name. The directory must exist, it must be empty, and it must be
accessible by the user ID of the database manager. The maximum number of
characters is 175.
ARCHLogdirectory (Required)
Specifies the directory for the archive log files. The name must be a fully
qualified directory name. The maximum number of characters is 175.
Specifies the directory to be used as an alternative storage location if the
ARCHLOGDIRECTORY directory is full. This parameter is optional. The
maximum number of characters is 175.
Specifies the directory in which the server mirrors the active log (those files in
Before you use the DSMSERV INSERTDB utility, complete the planning and
preparation tasks, such as backing up the database and saving configuration
information. Ensure that you meet all requirements before you move the server
Before you run the utility to insert the server database into an empty database,
ensure that your system meets the following requirements.
v The manifest file from the DSMUPGRD EXTRACTDB operation must be available.
v If the manifest file does not contain device configuration information, or if you
are specifying the CONFIGINFO=DEVCONFIG parameter, both of the following
statements must be true:
– The server options file must contain an entry for the device configuration file.
– The device configuration file must have information about the device class
that is specified in the manifest file.
v The media that contains the extracted database must be available to the V8
server. Also, the permissions must be set to grant access to the media for the
user ID that owns the V8 server instance.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
PREview = No
► ►◄
PREview = Yes
CONFiginfo = MANifest
DEVclass = device_class_name CONFiginfo = MANifest
► MANifest = file_name
SESSWait = 60
SESSWait = minutes
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server. This parameter
is optional.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This directory becomes the current
working directory of the server. This parameter is optional.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when starting. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed. This parameter is
Specifies a sequential-access device class. You can specify any device class
except for the DISK device class. The definition for the device class must exist
in either the manifest file or the device configuration file.
This parameter is optional and is used only when the database that you want
to insert into the empty V8 database was extracted to media. If the database is
on media and you do not specify a device class, the device class that is
identified in the manifest file is used.
Restriction: You cannot use a device class with a device type of NAS or
Specifies the location of the manifest file. Use a fully qualified file name, or
place in a local directory. For example: ./manifest.txt
This parameter is required when the database that you want to insert into the
empty V8 database was extracted to media.
Specifies the source of the device configuration information that is used by the
DSMSERV INSERTDB operation. The default value for this parameter is
MANIFEST. Possible values are as follows:
Specifies that device configuration information is read from the manifest
file. If the manifest file does not have device configuration information, the
device configuration file is used instead.
Specifies that device configuration information is read from the device
configuration file.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
ACTIVELOGSize = 16384
► ACTIVELOGDirectory = directory ►
ACTIVELOGSize = megabytes
► ARCHLogdirectory = directory ►
ARCHFailoverlogdirectory = directory
► ►◄
MIRRorlogdirectory = directory
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server. This parameter
is optional.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This directory becomes the current
working directory of the server. This parameter is optional.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use. This parameter is optional.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when the server starts. This
parameter is optional.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed. This parameter is
Specifies the relative path names of one or more directories that are used to
store database objects. Directory names must be separated by commas but
without spaces. You can specify up to 128 directory names. You must specify
either the DBDIR or the DBFILE parameter.
ACTIVELOGDirectory (Required)
Specifies the directory in which the server writes and stores active log files.
There is only one active log location. The name must be a fully qualified
directory name. The directory must exist, it must be empty, and it must be
accessible by the user ID of the database manager. The maximum number of
characters is 175.
ARCHLogdirectory (Required)
Specifies the directory for the archive log files. The name must be a fully
qualified directory name. The maximum number of characters is 175.
Specifies the directory to be used as an alternative storage location if the
ARCHLOGDIRECTORY directory is full. This parameter is optional. The
maximum number of characters is 175.
Specifies the directory in which the server mirrors the active log (those files in
the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY directory). This parameter is optional. The
directory must be a fully qualified directory name. The maximum number of
characters is 175.
When you run this utility, you delete the server database, active log files, and
active log mirror files. However, the archive log files and archive log failover log
files are deleted only after you start a point-in-time database restore.
You must halt the IBM Spectrum Protect server before you issue this command.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
-force = No
► REMOVEDB database_name ►◄
-noexpire -quiet -force = No
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before initializing the server.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This becomes the current working
directory of the server.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use.
Specifies that expiration processing is suppressed when starting.
Specifies that messages to the console are suppressed.
The database name that was entered during installation. If the database was
formatted manually, then this is the database name parameter in the DSMSERV
FORMAT or DSMSERV LOADFORMAT utility. This database name can also be
found in dsmserv.opt file. This parameter is required.
Specifies whether the database is removed when there are open connections.
The default is No. This parameter is optional. The values are as follows:
Specifies that the database is removed regardless of open connections
No Specifies that the database is removed only when all connections are
Remove the IBM Spectrum Protect server database TSMDB1 and all of its
Remove the IBM Spectrum Protect server database TSMDB1 and all of its
references, even if it has open connections:
dsmserv removedb TSMDB1 force=yes
Restriction: You cannot restore a server database if the release level of the server
database backup is different from the release level of the server that is being
restored. For example, an error occurs when you restore a Version 7.1.3 database
and you are using a Version 8.1 IBM Spectrum Protect server.
The restore operation uses database backups created with the BACKUP DB command.
Restriction: You cannot restore a server database if the release level of the server
database backup is different from the release level of the server that is being
restored. For example, an error occurs when you restore a Version 7.1.3 database
and you are using a Version 8.1 IBM Spectrum Protect server.
IBM Spectrum Protect requests volume mounts to load the most recent backup
series and then uses the recovery logs to update the database to its most current
Snapshot database backups cannot be used to restore a database to its most current
Tip: When you restore a V7 or later IBM Spectrum Protect server database to its
most current state, the preferred method is to issue the DSMSERV REMOVEDB
command before you issue the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. This ensures that
the system is in a clean state. The system drops and uncatalogs the database in the
background. When you restore data to its most current state, all the required logs
and the database image are retrieved from the backup media.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
-quiet RECOVerydir = directory
► ►
ACTIVELOGDir = directory ON = target_directory_file
PReview = No RESTOREKeys = No
► ►
PReview = Yes RESTOREKeys = No
► ►◄
PASSword = password_name
If this parameter is not specified, the original directories that were recorded in
the database backup are used.
Tip: If you specify multiple directories, ensure that the underlying file systems
are of equal size to ensure a consistent degree of parallelism for database
operations. If one or more directories for the database are smaller than the
others, they reduce the potential for optimized parallel prefetching and
distribution of the database.
Specifies that the volume history files be examined and that the database
backup volumes from the volume history file be evaluated.
1. Which set of database backup volumes best meets the most current criteria
that are specified for restore processing? The volume history information
provides details about the backup series ID, the operation ID (full,
incremental 1, incremental 2, and so on), the date of the database backup,
and the device class. This information and the parameters that are specified
in the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command determine what to use to perform the
restore. The volume history file is examined to find the most recent
database backup and then to restore the data by using that backup.
2. Is self-describing data available for the selected set of database backup
volumes? Cross-check the volume history information for this backup
Restore the database to its most current state by using the already configured
active log directory.
dsmserv restore db
Restore the server master key without restoring the database by issuing the
following command:
dsmserv restore db restorekeys=only
Restriction: You cannot restore a server database if the release level of the server
database backup is different from the release level of the server that is being
restored. For example, an error occurs when you restore a Version 7.1.3 database
and you are using a Version 8.1 IBM Spectrum Protect server.
You can use full and incremental database backups, or snapshot database backups
can be used to restore a database to a point in time.
Tip: When you restore a V7 or later IBM Spectrum Protect server database to a
specific point in time, the preferred method is to issue the DSMSERV REMOVEDB
command before you issue the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. This ensures that
the system is in a clean state. The system drops and uncatalogs the database in the
background. When you restore data to a specific point in time, all the required logs
and the database image are retrieved from the backup media.
-u user_name -i instance_dir -o options_file
TOTime = 23:59:59
► RESTORE DB TODate = date ►
-quiet TOTime = time
Source = DBBackup
► ►
Source = DBBackup RECOVerydir = directory
► ►
ACTIVELOGDir = directory ON = target_directory_file
PReview = No RESTOREKeys = No
► ►
PReview = Yes RESTOREKeys = No
► ►◄
PASSword = password_name
-u user_name
Specifies a user name to switch to before you initialize the server.
-i instance_dir
Specifies an instance directory to use. This becomes the current working
directory of the server.
If this parameter is not specified, the original directories that were recorded in
the database backup are used.
Tip: If you specify multiple directories, ensure that the underlying file systems
are of equal size to ensure a consistent degree of parallelism for database
operations. If one or more directories for the database are smaller than the
others, they reduce the potential for optimized parallel prefetching and
distribution of the database.
Specifies that the volume history files be examined and that the database
backup volumes from the volume history file be evaluated.
1. Which set of database backup volumes best meets the point-in-time criteria
that are specified for restore processing? The volume history information
provides details about the backup series ID, the operation ID (full,
incremental 1, incremental 2, and so on), the date of the database backup,
and the device class. This information and the parameters that are specified
in the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command determine what to use to perform the
restore. The volume history file is examined to find the best database
backup that meets the specified point-in-time criteria and then perform the
restore by using that backup.
Restore the database to its state on May 12, 2011 at 2:25 PM.
dsmserv restore db todate=05/12/2011 totime=14:45
Restore the server master key without restoring the database by issuing the
following command:
dsmserv restore db restorekeys=only
Important: Do not place the user logs in the /usr or /opt file systems because
space constraints in the file system can prevent the server from starting.
►► DSMULOG ▼ logfilename ►◄
logfilename (Required)
Specifies the name of one or more user log files to which IBM Spectrum
Protect writes server console messages. When you specify multiple file names,
each file is written to for one day and then the server moves to the next file to
capture log messages. When all the files in the list have been written to, the
server begins writing to the first file again and any messages contained therein
are overwritten.
In this example, if you invoke this utility on Friday, on Friday the server messages
are captured to log1, on Saturday the messages are captured to log2, and on
Sunday the messages are captured to log3. On Monday, the messages are captured
to log1 and the messages from the previous Friday are overwritten.
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv -u tsminst1 -i
/tsmserv/tsminst1/tsminst1 2>&1 | dsmulog /tsmserv/tsminst1/tsminst1/log1
/tsmserv/tsminst1/tsminst1/log3 &
IBM Spectrum Protect scripts use the symbolic return code for processing, not the
numeric value. The administrative client displays the numeric values when a
command is run. The return codes are shown in the following table.
Table 541. Return codes
Return code Severity value Description
RC_OK OK 0 The command completed successfully.
RC_UNKNOWN ERROR 2 The command is not found; not a known
RC_SYNTAX ERROR 3 The command is valid, but one or more
parameters were not specified correctly.
RC_ERROR ERROR 4 An internal server error prevented the
command from successfully completing.
RC_NOMEMORY ERROR 5 The command could not be completed
because of insufficient memory on the
RC_NOLOG ERROR 6 The command could not be completed
because of insufficient recovery log space on
the server.
RC_NODB ERROR 7 The command could not be completed
because of insufficient database space on the
RC_NOSTORAGE ERROR 8 The command could not be completed
because of insufficient storage space on the
RC_NOAUTH ERROR 9 The command failed because the
administrator is not authorized to issue the
RC_EXISTS ERROR 10 The command failed because the specified
object already exists on the server.
command when no objects are found that
match specifications.
RC_INUSE ERROR 12 The command failed because the object to be
operated upon was in use.
RC_ISREFERENCED ERROR 13 The command failed because the object to be
operated upon is still referenced by some
other server construct.
RC_NOTAVAILABLE ERROR 14 The command failed because the object to be
operated upon is not available.
Appendix A. Return codes for use in IBM Spectrum Protect scripts 1883
1884 IBM Spectrum Protect for AIX: Administrator's Reference
Appendix B. Accessibility features for the IBM Spectrum
Protect product family
Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully.
The IBM Spectrum Protect family of products includes the following major
accessibility features:
v Keyboard-only operation
v Operations that use a screen reader
The IBM Spectrum Protect family of products uses the latest W3C Standard,
WAI-ARIA 1.0 (www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/), to ensure compliance with US Section
508 (www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/
about-the-section-508-standards/section-508-standards) and Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/). To take
advantage of accessibility features, use the latest release of your screen reader and
the latest web browser that is supported by the product.
Keyboard navigation
Interface information
User interfaces do not have content that flashes 2 - 55 times per second.
Web user interfaces rely on cascading style sheets to render content properly and
to provide a usable experience. The application provides an equivalent way for
low-vision users to use system display settings, including high-contrast mode. You
can control font size by using the device or web browser settings.
Web user interfaces include WAI-ARIA navigational landmarks that you can use to
quickly navigate to functional areas in the application.
Vendor software
The IBM Spectrum Protect product family includes certain vendor software that is
not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about
the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for accessibility
information about its products.
In addition to standard IBM help desk and support websites, IBM has a TTY
telephone service for use by deaf or hard of hearing customers to access sales and
support services:
TTY service
800-IBM-3383 (800-426-3383)
(within North America)
For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, see IBM
Accessibility (www.ibm.com/able).
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
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IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
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Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the
information which has been exchanged, should contact:
The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material
available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement,
IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement
between us.
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