WKS 4 Hsbydesign Health and Safety by Design GPG

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Health and
Safety by


August 2018
These guidelines help you to consider
health and safety when designing plant,
structures or substances.


WorkSafe would like to acknowledge and thank stakeholders

who have contributed to the development of these guidelines.
Guide to Health and
Safety by Design

–– Designers have an important role in managing

health and safety risks.

–– There are key principles of Health and Safety

by Design that designers should follow.

–– There are specific things to consider when

designing structures, plant or substances.

1.0 Introduction 5
1.1 Who is this guidance for? 6

1.2 What does it cover? 6

2.0 What is Health and Safety by Design? 8

2.1 Health and Safety by Design 9

2.2 Why is Health and Safety by Design important? 10

3.0 Health and safety duties 11

3.1. What is HSWA? 12

3.2 Duties of all PCBUs 12

3.3 Additional duties for designer PCBUs 14

3.4 Roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety by Design 15

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design 16

4.1 Key principles of Health and Safety by Design 17

5.0 Specific considerations when

designing structures 25
5.1 Designing structures 26

5.2 Systematic steps for designing structures 27

5.3 Reviewing control measures 36

6.0 Specific considerations when
designing plant 37
6.1 Designing plant 38

6.2 Systematic steps for designing plant 39

6.3 Design phase 41

6.4 Design information for the manufacturer 45

6.5 Design verification of pressure equipment, cranes

and passenger ropeways 46

6.6 Intended use of plant 47

6.7 Design sources of human error 47

7.0 Specific considerations when

designing substances 49
7.1 What is a hazardous substance? 50

7.2 Approval of hazardous substances 50

7.3 Control measures for managing substances 51

7.4 Design considerations for substances 51

7.5 Inherently safer substances 52

8.0 Case studies 53

8.1 NZTA’S Waterview connection project 54

8.2 Queenstown weather mast – weather reporting system 57

8.3 Compac service trolley 59

8.4 Auckland Council special housing area: stormwater upgrade 60

8.5 Noise control for shearing clippers 61

Appendix A: Glossary 63
Appendix B: General risks to consider when designing structures, plant or substances 65
Appendix C: Health and Safety by Design checklist for structures 74

1 Duties of designer PCBUs 14
2 Types of control measures 21
3 Information sources for identifying risks 29
4 Framework for the preliminary risk identification 30
5 The design process 33
6 Things to consider when identifying plant risks 40
7 Examples of plant risks and phases of the plant lifecycle 40
8 Designer information that should be provided to the manufacturer 45
9 Design sources of human error 47

1 Symberszki chart of influence over a product’s lifecycle 9
2 People who may be affected by a PCBU’s work 12
3 Roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety by Design 15
4 Key principles 17
5 Typical lifecycle of a product 19
6 A risk management approach 19
7 Hierarchy of controls 20
8 Pre-design phase 28
9 The design development phase 30
10 Design considerations for structures 33
11 Examples of plant 38
12 The design phase 41
13 Plant design considerations 42
14 Properties of hazardous substances 50

1.1 Who is this guidance for?

1.2 What does it cover?

1.0 Introduction

This section outlines

who this guidance is
for, and what it covers.

1.1 Who is this guidance for?

These good practice guidelines are for persons conducting a business or
undertaking (PCBUs) with a role in designing structures, plant or substances.
These people may include:
–– designers
–– PCBUs who are employing or engaging designers of structures, plant
or substances to be used, or could reasonably be expected to be used,
at work
–– people who make decisions about the design or redesign of structures,
plant or substances
–– external experts who contribute to design projects.

The guidelines are for people who want to learn about designing with health
and safety in mind.

1.2 What does it cover?

Designers are ‘upstream PCBUs’. An upstream PCBU’s duties are important
because they can influence the health and safety of products and structures
before they’re used at work. The guidelines explain these designer duties, and
describe how designers can manage health and safety risks (called ‘Health and
Safety by Design’). These guidelines could be used for projects of varying sizes.

The guidelines:
–– begin with general concepts that cover the Health and Safety at Work Act
2015 (HSWA)
–– look at the key principles of Health and Safety by Design
–– describe Health and Safety by Design – what’s good practice when
considering the design of structures, plant and substances.

These guidelines are based on guidance produced by Safe Work Australia.1

Key elements of good practice have been adapted for a New Zealand audience.

These guidelines cover the basic principles of Health and Safety by Design.
The Health and Safety by Design process can apply to plant, substances,
structures, materials, technology, facilities, equipment, hardware, software
and the way workers interact with these. These guidelines don’t cover every
aspect listed above, but act as a starting point for PCBUs.

Safe Work Australia Handbook Principles of Good Work Design (2015)
Safe Work Australia Code of Practice Safe Design of Structures (2012)
Safe Work Australia Guide for Safe Design of Plant (2014)

1.0 Introduction

Key points
–– HSWA does not define a ‘designer’, but for the purposes of these
guidelines, ‘designer’ means any person who prepares or modifies a
design, or arranges for or instructs a person under their control to do
so. Examples of designers could include, but are not limited to, architects,
industrial designers, engineers and software designers.2
–– HSWA (Section 16) defines the term ‘design’ in relation to plant,
a substance, or structure as:
a. the design of part of the plant, substance, or structure; and
b. the redesign or modification of a design.

–– For the purposes of these guidelines, the term ‘design’ includes drawings,
design details, specifications and bills of quantities (including specification
of articles or substances) relating to a structure, and calculations prepared
for the purpose of a design.2

Adapted from the UK HSE Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

What is Health
and Safety
by Design?

2.1 Health and Safety by Design

2.2 Why is Health and Safety
by Design important?

2.0 What is Health and Safety by Design?

Health and Safety by Design

is good design.

2.1 Health and Safety by Design

‘Health and Safety by Design’ is the process of managing health and safety
risks throughout the lifecycle of structures, plant, substance or other products.
Designers are in a strong position to make work healthy and safe from the start
of the design process. Health and Safety by Design is not a separate concept
from good design – they are the same thing.

Figure 1 shows the decrease in ability to influence safety that a PCBU has over
the lifecycle of a product.

Ability to influence Cost to

safety of the design manage
health and
safety risks

Symberszki chart
of influence over a
product’s lifecycle
(adapted from
Szymberski, R, (1997),
Construction Project
Safety Planning. TAPPI
Journal, 80 (11), 69–74)

Preliminary Detail of Operation and

Concept Construction Demolition
design design maintenance

2.0 What is Health and Safety by Design?

2.2 Why is Health and Safety by Design important?

It is important to think about health and safety risks at the design stage.
Here’s why:

Research illustrates its benefits

International research3 shows the following:
–– Good design can result in significant reductions in work-related ill-health
and injuries.
–– Good design reduces damage to property and the environment, and the
related costs.
–– Good design enhances the health, wellbeing and productivity of workers.
–– The most effective risk control measure – eliminating hazards – is often
cheaper and more practicable to achieve at the design or planning stage
than managing risks later in the lifecycle.
–– The design of plant or structures contributes to a significant proportion
of work-related injuries, and solutions already exist for many of those
design problems.
–– It is more efficient and effective to manage risk in the design phase than
to retrofit health and safety solutions.
–– Design based on Health and Safety by Design principles can reduce the need
for retrofitting, personal protective equipment, health monitoring, exposure
monitoring, and maintenance.

Smart design of products can help provide a high level of

protection for end users
Workers have the right to the highest level of protection, so far as is reasonably
practicable. Managing risks in the design stage of a product is an effective way
of providing the best protection. It is more effective than, for example,
retrofitting a product later in its lifecycle.

Smart design of products makes good business sense

Eliminating health and safety risks before they happen makes good business
sense for PCBUs. People who work in safe, healthy conditions are less likely
to take time off work and will be more engaged and positive in their job.
This may mean that productivity is increased in the long run.

Health and Safety by Design is also important for developing and maintaining
a good reputation to win future work. It gives businesses the opportunity to
become leaders in their industry and become the most desirable places to work.

Safe Work Australia Work-related fatalities associated with unsafe design of machinery, plant and powered tools 2006-2011 (2014)
Safe Work Australia Handbook Principles of Good Work Design (2015)
Safe Work Australia Code of Practice Safe Design of Structures (2012)
Safe Work Australia Guide for Safe Design of Plant (2014)
Approved American National Standard ANSI/ASSE Z590.3 Prevention through design – Guidelines for addressing occupational
hazards and risks in design and redesign processes (2011)
Health and Safety Executive Research Report RR218 Peer Review of analysis of specialist group reports on causes of construction
accidents (2004).

Health and
safety duties

3.1. What is HSWA?

3.2 Duties of all PCBUs
3.3 Additional duties for
designer PCBUs
3.4 Roles and responsibilities in
Health and Safety by Design

3.0 Health and safety duties

PCBUs must ensure

the health and safety
of workers so far as is
reasonably practicable.

3.1 What is HSWA?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealand’s work health
and safety law. It sets out the principles, duties and rights in relation to work
health and safety. There are different groups of people that hold health and
safety duties under HSWA, called ‘duty holders’. They are:

–– persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs)

–– officers
–– workers
–– other persons at workplaces.

A person may have more than one duty (eg a person can be a PCBU and a worker).

More than one person may have the same duty (eg different PCBUs may have
the same duty towards the same worker).

For more information on duty holders and their duties, see the Glossary or
WorkSafe’s special guide Introduction to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

3.2 Duties of all PCBUs

Primary duties
A PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of
workers, and that other people are not put at risk by work carried out as part of
the conduct of the PCBU. This is called the ‘primary duty of care’. Figure 2 below
illustrates the people who may be affected by a PCBU’s work.

People who work

for the PCBU – includes
of the public
contractors, subcontractors
and their workers

People who
may be affected
by a PCBU’s
work include:

People whose work activities FIGURE 2:

Visitors to
are influenced or directed People who may
by the PCBU such as other
the workplace
workers at a shared worksite be affected by
a PCBU’s work

3.0 Health and safety duties

Engage workers about decisions on Health and Safety

by Design
PCBUs must involve their workers and their representatives in work health
and safety.

PCBUs have a general duty to engage with workers. In addition, they must
engage under specified circumstances which include when identifying hazards
and assessing risks to health and safety, and when making decisions about ways
to manage health and safety risks.

They must also have practices that give their workers reasonable opportunities
to participate effectively in improving work health and safety on an ongoing
basis (these are known as worker participation practices). This includes processes
for workers to report health and safety issues such as concerns that risks are
not being adequately managed.

Having worker representatives is one way for workers to participate.

Well-established ways to do this include having Health and Safety
Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and unions.
Other representatives can include community or church leaders.

For further guidance on worker engagement, participation and representation see:

–– WorkSafe’s good practice guidelines Worker Engagement, Participation and
–– WorkSafe’s interpretive guidelines Worker Representation through Health
and Safety Representatives and Health and Safety Committees.

Overlapping duties
More than one PCBU can have a duty around the same matter. This might
happen in a contracting chain, or when different PCBUs work on the same site.
This is known as having ‘overlapping duties’.

PCBUs must carry out their overlapping duties to the extent they have the
ability to influence and control the matter. They must also, so far as is reasonably
practicable, consult, cooperate, and coordinate activities with each other.

Although PCBUs can’t contract out of their health and safety duties, contractual
agreements can be one way of setting out health and safety expectations
for each PCBU. Responsibility to consult, cooperate and coordinate with the
designer also applies to contractors and sub-contractors who win a tender.

For more information, see WorkSafe’s quick guide Overlapping Duties.

Eliminating and minimising risk

Risks to health and safety arise from people being exposed to hazards (anything
that can cause harm). Managing risks involves identifying hazards and then
assessing risk to determine which work risks to deal with first, and how the risks
should be dealt with.

PCBUs must eliminate health and safety risks arising from work so far as is
reasonably practicable. If it’s not practicable to eliminate, they must minimise
risks, so far as is reasonably practicable. This applies for matters that are within
their ability to influence or control.

More information on how designers can carry out risk assessments and
manage risks can be found in Section 4 of these guidelines.

For more information about ‘reasonably practicable’, see WorkSafe’s fact

sheet Reasonably Practicable.

3.0 Health and safety duties

3.3 Additional duties for designer PCBUs

There are further duties for PCBUs who are designers, manufacturers, suppliers,
importers and installers (so called upstream PCBUs). Upstream duties apply to
any PCBU that:
–– designs, manufactures, imports, or supplies structures, substances or plant
to be used in a workplace; or
–– installs, builds or commissions plant or structures to be used, that could
be or reasonably expected to be used, as or at a workplace.

An upstream PCBU’s duties are important because upstream duty-holders

can influence the safety of products and structures before they’re used in work.
This may help to eliminate risks. Table 1 below provides an overview of these
duties for designer PCBUs.

Duties of designer PCBUs

Duty to, so far Make sure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the plant, substance or structure designed is without
as is reasonably health and safety risks to people who:
practicable, make –– use the plant, substance or structure at a workplace for its designed purpose
sure that structures, –– handle the substance at a workplace
plant and substances
–– store the plant or substance at a workplace
are without health
–– construct the structure at a workplace
and safety risk
–– carry out reasonably foreseeable workplace activities (such as inspection, cleaning,
maintenance or repair) in relation to:
-- the manufacture, assembly or use of the plant, substance or structure for its designed
or manufactured purpose
-- the proper storage, handling, decommissioning, dismantling or disposal of the plant,
substance or structure
–– are at or near a workplace, and are exposed to the plant, substance or structure, or whose
health and safety may be affected by a work activity listed above.

Duty to test Carry out calculations, analyses, tests or examinations needed to make sure the structure, plant
or substance designed is without health and safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable (or
arrange the carrying out of such tests).
Note: Where multiple designers are contributing to a project, they all hold responsibilities to carry
out their testing duties for the individual parts that they are designing.

Duty to provide Provide adequate information to people who are provided with the design of the plant, structure
information or substance. This includes information about:
–– the purpose for which the plant, substance or structure was designed
–– the results of any calculations, analyses, tests or examinations carried out to make sure the
plant, substance or structure is without health and safety risks (in relation to a substance, this
includes any hazardous properties of the substance identified by testing)
–– any conditions necessary to make sure the plant, substance or structure is without health and
safety risks when used for its designed purpose, or when being handled, stored, constructed,
or other foreseeable activities such as inspection, cleaning, maintenance, or repair in relation to:
-- the manufacture, assembly or use of the plant, substance or structure for its designed or
manufactured purpose
-- the proper storage, handling, decommissioning, dismantling or disposal of the plant,
substance or structure.
On request, make reasonable efforts to give the current relevant specified information on the
purpose, results of calculations, analysis, testing and examination, conditions necessary to make
sure it is without risk to a person who carries out or is to carry out work activities listed above
with the plant, structure or substance.

TABLE 1: Duties of designer PCBUs (based on the requirements in Section 39 of HSWA)

For further guidance on HSWA, see WorkSafe’s special guide Introduction

to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

For information on what ‘reasonably practicable’ means, see WorkSafe’s fact

sheet Reasonably Practicable.

3.0 Health and safety duties

Other legislation may affect work health and safety (eg the Gas Act 1992 and
the Building Act 2004). Where two pieces of legislation apply, the duty holder
needs to follow both. HSWA addresses such overlaps by providing that other
legislative requirements may be considered when deciding if health and safety
duties are being met. However, duty holders may need to do more than what
other legislation requires to meet HSWA duties.

Example: An architect that designs a building has duties under HSWA to ensure
health and safety, and must also ensure the design complies with the Building
Act. Under HSWA the requirements of the Building Act will be taken into account
in determining what is required to comply with the architect’s HSWA duties.

3.4 Roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety by Design

Throughout the design process of a structure, plant or substance, different
people contribute ideas, solutions and knowledge to help manage health and
safety risks. PCBUs involved in the design process must consult, cooperate with,
and coordinate activities with each other, so far as is reasonably practicable.
In general, the more influence and control a PCBU has over a health and safety
matter, the more responsibility it is likely to have.

Figure 3 describes the roles of designers, the manufacturer of the design, the
supplier of the manufactured product and the end-user. Adequate information or
instructions for safe use should be made available between all the identified parties.

Designer/ Manufacturer/
Client Design team Constructor Supplier End-user
– commissions the design – designs the plant, – builds or assembles – sells the plant, structure – the PCBU that will
– could be the end user structure, or substance the plant, structure, or substance for use the product
or substance use in the workplace
- could be the supplier - could be the manufacturer

Consults, cooperates Consults, cooperates Consults, cooperates On request, provides Should tell supplier of any
and coordinates with the and coordinates with the and coordinates with the information as described in faults that may create health
designer/design team, manufacturer/constructor designer/design team, so far Table 1 to those who use the and safety risks.
so far as is reasonably of their design, so far as as is reasonably practicable. plant, structure or substance
practicable. is reasonably practicable. in the workplace. Can ask the supplier or
Health and safety risks they manufacturer/constructor
Provides information to the identify are referred back Should tell manufacturer/ (may be the same PCBU) for
manufacturer/constructor to the designer/design constructor of any faults information on a structure,
about the purpose of team for review. they become aware of plant or substance.
the plant, structure or that may create health
substance, the results of On request, provides and safety risks.
any calculations, testing information as described in
etc to make sure that risks Table 1 to those who sell or
are minimised so far as is use the plant, structure or
reasonably practicable, and substance in the workplace.
any conditions necessary
to make sure that risks
are minimised so far as
is reasonably practicable
(when used for its designed
purpose or when being
inspected, cleaned
maintained or repaired).

On request, provides
information as described
above to those who will
manufacture or supply
the structure, plant or

FIGURE 3: Roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety by Design

of Health
and Safety
by Design

4.1 Key principles of Health

and Safety by Design

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

Health and Safety

by Design consists
of five key principles.

4.1 Key principles of Health and Safety by Design

As shown in Figure 4, WorkSafe’s approach to Health and Safety by Design
outlines five key principles. They are discussed in more detail below.

Key principles
A risk management A capable team
approach Good documentation
Lifecycle and communication
Frequent monitoring
and review

Combining great design and risk management can be achieved with a team
of capable people. Consultation, coordination and cooperation are essential,
particularly between the client and the designer. Teams need strong leadership,
technical knowledge, and an understanding of the workplace that products
will be used in including how they will be used. A team should be made up of
capable people with a variety of different skills and knowledge, and should
include workers who will use the structure, plant or substance.

Teams could include:

–– an effective facilitator who has experience in Health and Safety by Design
–– workers and their representatives (eg Health and Safety Representatives)
–– managers –– supply chain stakeholders
–– designers –– health and safety advisors
–– engineers –– technical experts
–– architects –– builders
–– human factors professionals –– owners
–– industrial designers –– insurers.
–– software designers

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

People who have responsibility for designing work processes and systems have
a key role in Health and Safety by Design. This includes a wide range of work
health and safety professionals such as:
–– generalist health and safety practitioners
–– occupational hygienists
–– hazardous substances professionals
–– safety, risk and reliability engineers
–– occupational health physicians and nurses
–– human factors professionals/ergonomists.

A team of capable people may hold these skills:

–– knowledge of work health and safety legislation, good practice guidance
and other regulatory requirements
–– an understanding of the intended purpose of the design
–– knowledge of risk management processes
–– knowledge of technical design standards
–– an appreciation of construction methods and their impact on the design
–– the ability to source and apply relevant data on human dimensions, capacities
and behaviours.

For further information on competency in Health and Safety by Design, see

HSE’s Competency Guide: www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/designer.htm

Risk management
Choosing inherently safer and healthier options should be the initial
consideration when selecting which solution or technology to apply, even before
entering the design process. When in the design process, Health and Safety by
Design is most effective when applied at the earliest stage. Health and Safety
by Design principles should be applied throughout the lifecycle of the the thing
being designed – from the concept through to decommissioning and disposal.

The lifecycle encompasses design, planning, assembly, installation, construction,

manufacture, commissioning, use, handling, cleaning, maintenance, inspection,
repair, transport, storage, dismantling, demolition, or carrying out any reasonably
foreseeable activity/work for a purpose for which it was designed.

Health and Safety by Design principles should be embedded throughout the
procurement process.

For example:
–– consult with end user representatives in pre-design or early design phases
–– choose designers, contractors or consultants who are proven and able
to deliver key Health and Safety by Design principles
–– ensure that Health and Safety by Design expectations (evidence,
standards, documents, communications etc) are included in procurement
and contract processes
–– choose materials and products based on Health and Safety by Design
–– bring suppliers into the consultation and design process to collectively
engineer or design solutions.

Figure 5 shows the different lifecycle stages of a structure, plant or substance.

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

Health and Safety

Develop Procurement Design Construct/ Install/ Commission/ Maintain Decommission Disposal/

Concept manufacture supply use recycle

FIGURE 5: Typical lifecycle of a product


Risks to health and safety arise from people being exposed to hazards (anything
that can cause harm). This includes workers and others.

Designers must eliminate health and safety risks arising from work so far as is
reasonably practicable. If it’s not practicable to eliminate, they must minimise
risks, so far as is reasonably practicable.

Designers should take a systematic approach when identifying and managing

work risks that are within their ability to influence or control. Figure 6 outlines
an approach that can be taken.


A risk management
Establish design context
Obtain information on the intended
use, industry ill-health/injury profile,
Consult with client about needs.
and existing guidance on risks and
possible control measures.


Identify possible risks throughout the

Assess the risks to manage
lifecycle (consult with team) that are within
within your control.
the control of you as a designer.


First try to eliminate the risk. If this is not reasonably practicable, minimise it. For more
information on ‘reasonably practicable’, see WorkSafe’s fact sheet Reasonably Practicable.

Implement solutions from proven good practice. However, you still need to check that
it’s the most reasonably practicable option. Design control measures. Use the hierarchy
of controls and focus on the most effective control measures for your circumstances.

Review the design to check whether effective risk management has been
achieved, including that the control measures have not introduced new risks.

Yes No

Re-design to reduce risks

Finalise design.
within the designer’s control.

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

Seek the views of your workers and their representatives when assessing work
risks or making decisions about ways to manage risk. Your workers will have
operational day-to-day knowledge that will be invaluable.

Key information about identified risks and action taken or required to control
them should be recorded and transferred from the design phase to those
involved in later stages of the project lifecycle. Communicating this information
to other duty holders will make them aware of any residual risks and reduce
the likelihood of safety features incorporated into the design being altered
or removed.

Wherever possible, design safety reviews should involve the people who will
eventually construct, manufacture or maintain the structure, plant or substance.
If this is not possible, the client and designer should include people with
knowledge and experience in the construction and maintenance processes in the
design safety reviews. Their expertise will help with identifying health and safety
issues which may have been overlooked in the design.

Designers can use the hierarchy of controls (Figure 7) to help them work out the
most effective control measures, so far as is reasonably practicable. Table 2
describes the types of control measures.

Most effective


Substitution (wholly or partly) and/or

Isolation/Preventing contact and/or

Engineering control measures


Administrative control measures


Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Least effective Hierarchy of controls

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design


Eliminating Removing the sources of harm Removing a trip risk or getting faulty equipment repaired.
(eg equipment, substances or
Prefabrication of components to eliminate cutting (to eliminate
work processes).
risks from airborne contaminants, vibrations and noise).
Using non-toxic glue instead of a toxic glue.

Substituting Substituting (wholly or partly) Buying quiet plant, equipment and vehicles.
the hazard giving rise to the
Using methods that produce less vibration (eg using a cut
risk with something that gives
off saw instead of an angle grinder).
rise to a lesser risk (eg using a
less hazardous thing, substance
or work practice).

Isolating/ Isolating the hazard giving Fitting screens or putting up safety barriers around the hazard
preventing rise to the risk to prevent any for example:
contact person coming into contact –– welding screens to isolate welding operations from
with it (eg by separating people other workers
from the hazard/preventing –– barriers and/or boundary lines to separate areas where
people being exposed to it). forklifts operate near pedestrians.
Isolation focuses on boxing in Using fully automated processes, for example:
the hazard or boxing in people
–– an automated arm to remove objects from degreasing baths
to keep them away from the
–– fully automated spray booths that don’t require anyone

to enter.

Using Using physical control Modifying tools or equipment, or fitting guards to machinery.
engineering measures including mechanical
Using extraction ventilation to remove harmful substances.
control measures devices or processes.

Using Using safe methods of work, Requiring all people to walk only within the painted
administrative processes or procedures pedestrian zones when on the factory floor.
control measures designed to minimise risk.
Having emergency plans and evacuation procedures in place.
It does not include an
Having exclusion zones so workers don’t unnecessarily go
engineering control measure, or
near noisy or dangerous equipment or tasks.
the wearing or use of personal
protective equipment. Reducing the time workers need to spend in a hazardous
area, to reduce exposure.

Using personal Using safety equipment to Using safety glasses, overalls, gloves, helmets, respiratory
protective protect against harm. PPE acts gear and ear muffs associated with jobs such as handling
equipment (PPE) by reducing exposure to, or chemicals or working in a noisy environment. PPE is the least
contact with, the hazard. effective type of control measure and should not be the first
or only control measure considered.

TABLE 2: Types of control measures

When considering risk management, designers should think about:

–– capability of workers who will use the product
–– control measures that protect multiple people at once.
–– Risks must be eliminated so far as is reasonably practicable. If a risk can’t
be eliminated, it must be minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.
–– Risk management is not just hazard spotting. Risk management involves
identifying and then assessing which work risks to deal with. Risk has two
components – the likelihood that it will occur and the consequences (degree
of harm) if it happens. To manage risk, you can reduce how serious the harm
is if it does occur and/or reduce the chances of it occurring, or ideally both.
–– Check if there are widely used control measures (eg industry standards) for
that risk. However, just because something is a common practice doesn’t mean
that it’s the most reasonably practicable option. You should focus on the most
effective control measures for the risks.

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

–– The management of risk needs to be appropriate/proportionate for the

scale of the risk. This means risks with potentially significant consequences
(eg chronic ill-health, serious injury, and death) may require more effort
and resources to determine the most effective way to manage the risk.
–– You may need to use multiple control measures to adequately deal with
a given risk.

For more advice on managing risks, see WorkSafe’s quick guide Identifying,
Assessing and Managing Work Risks.

The following tools and techniques may be useful for identifying and assessing
risks at the design stage.

–– HAZOP: Hazard and operability review

–– HAZOP: Computer/Control HAZOP
–– HAZOP: Electrical HAZOP
–– HAZID: Hazard identification
–– ENVID: Environmental hazard identification
–– HAZAN: Hazard analysis
–– FMEA: Failure mode and effects analysis
–– ETA: Event tree analysis
–– FTA: Fault tree analysis
–– LOPA: Layers of protection analysis
–– MSRA: Machine safety risk assessment

The risks that designers of structures, plant and substances may encounter and
possible control measures are discussed in Sections 5, 6 and 7 of these guidelines.

Quality management systems

Health and safety aspects of the design should be reflected in the requirements
of contract documents for the construction/manufacture stage and help with
the selection of suitable and competent contractors for the project. Consultation,
cooperation and coordination are an important part of quality management.

Designers must provide adequate information to people who will be using the
design. Information about identified health and safety risks, how they were
assessed during the design process, and the control measures used should
be documented, and applicable standards and decision pathways recorded
throughout the design process.

Providing this information to others involved later in the lifecycle is necessary

to make them aware of any leftover risks and the methods used to minimise
risk. This includes training needed at any stage of the structure, plant or
substance’s lifecycle.

Points for designers to consider when providing information include:

–– making notes on drawings
–– providing information on:
-- significant hazards, hazardous substances or flammable materials
-- heavy or awkward prefabricated elements likely to create handling risks
-- features that create access problems

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design

-- temporary work required to construct or renovate the building as designed

-- features of the design essential to safe operation
-- methods of access where normal methods of securing scaffold are
not available
-- any parts of the design where risks have been minimised but not eliminated
-- providing risk registers that describe the significant risks identified
alongside the mitigation measures adopted or proposed to manage the risk.

Design safety report
One method of communicating specific health and safety information relating
to the design of a structure/plant is by providing a Design Safety Report.
The Design Safety Report should include information about:
–– the purpose of the structure/plant as communicated by the client in the
project brief
–– the parties consulted in undertaking the design
–– the hazards and risks identified during the design process, and control
measures incorporated into the design, specifically in relation to:
-- any hazardous materials specified in the design
-- any unusual or atypical features requiring specific attention during
construction and manufacture
-- any features of the design which present specific risks

-- the recommended control measures for any foreseeable activities

(eg operation, maintenance, repair, dismantling, demolition, disposal)
to be carried out during the life of the structure/plant when used for
its intended purpose.

Records: Work health and safety file

The development of a work health and safety file (containing all relevant
information for a structure/plant) will assist the designer to meet the duty to
provide information to others. It could include copies of all relevant health and
safety information the designer prepared and used in the design process, such
as the Design Safety Report, risk register, product technical statements, safety
data sheets, manuals and procedures for safe maintenance, dismantling or
eventual demolition.

Consulting your workers

If you are:
–– commissioning a new workplace
–– commissioning a new piece of plant, or
–– refurbishing your existing workplace,

you must consult with your workers who will be using the workplace or plant.
Their health and safety may be affected by the new design.

4.0 Elements of Health and Safety by Design


Ongoing monitoring and review throughout design and the lifecycle improves
outcomes and allows for variation as new information arises, such as unexpected
risks. It will also confirm whether the Health and Safety by Design intent is being
achieved. Change management processes will be necessary.

Here are some ways you can monitor and review your control measures:
–– Monitor the effectiveness of all steps of the risk management process. This is
important for continuous improvement. Monitor risks and the effectiveness
of control measures. Make sure that control measures have not introduced
any new risks, and that control measures are effectively managing the risks.
–– On-going review ensures that the data obtained through monitoring is
available for feedback into the system.
–– Make sure that the safety recommendations and residual risks within the
design are documented for users ‘downstream’ in the lifecycle.
–– Take steps to make sure that essential modifications and maintenance are
carried out and documented for future users.
–– Designs or redesigns should be continually monitored and adjusted to adapt
to changes in the workplace. Make sure that new information is used to
improve design.
–– As the design progresses and design decisions become more fine-tuned and
detailed, there are still opportunities for managing risks. Wherever possible,
design safety reviews should involve the people who will eventually construct
the structure, plant or substance. If this is not possible, the client and
designer should include people with the right knowledge and experience.
Their expertise will assist in identifying health and safety issues which may have
been overlooked in the design. Peer review of design and risk assessment from
industry/professional groups is encouraged. This approach can encourage
collaboration and professional development.

Change management4
A robust change management process based on good training and awareness
should be implemented and maintained throughout the entire asset life cycle.
A formal change approval process should be in place, and this should specifically
require any health and safety implications to be considered. For Health and
Safety by Design, considerations may include questions such as:
–– Does the change impact on the design intent?
–– Does the change impact on the design risk register?
–– Does the change affect an item identified as a safety or health risk mitigation?
–– Does the change challenge the safe design envelope?
–– Does the change introduce new risks?
–– Does the change result in excessive schedule pressure that may compromise
the quality of deliverables?
–– Does the change impact on the methodology?
–– Does the change impact on the risk register?
–– Does the change require changes to organisational structures?
–– Does the change require changes to work practices, such as moving to an
outsourced model for maintenance, engineering or project management?

Adapted with permission from the Electricity Engineers Association Safety in Design (Guide) 2016.

when designing

5.1 Designing structures

5.2 Systematic steps for
designing structures
5.3 Reviewing control measures

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

The process of designing

structures is separated
into three distinct phases.

5.1 Designing structures

This section provides information to designers of structures. A designer of
structures is a PCBU whose profession, trade or business may involve them:
–– preparing sketches, plans, calculations, specifications, instructions or drawings
for a structure, including variations to a plan or changes to a structure
–– making decisions for a design that may affect the health or safety of persons
who fabricate, construct, occupy, use or carry out other activities in relation
to the structure.

PCBUs that design and work with structures could be:

–– architects, building designers, engineers, building surveyors, interior
designers, landscape architects, town planners and all other design
practitioners contributing to, or having overall responsibility for, any part of
the design (eg drainage engineers designing the drain for a new subdivision)
–– building service designers, engineering firms or others designing services,
including the design of seismic restraint systems, that are part of the
structure such as ventilation, electrical systems and permanent fire
extinguisher installations
–– contractors carrying out design work as part of their contribution to a
project (eg an engineering contractor providing design, procurement and
construction management services)
–– temporary works engineers, including those designing formwork, falsework,
scaffolding and sheet piling
–– persons who specify how structural alteration, maintenance, demolition
or dismantling work is to be carried out.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

For the purposes of these guidelines, ‘structures’ means anything that is

constructed, whether fixed or moveable, temporary or permanent, and includes:
–– buildings, masts, towers, framework, pipelines, quarries, bridges, and
underground works (including shafts or tunnels)
–– any component or part of a structure.

Design includes:
–– the design of any part of the structure
–– the alteration or modification of a design.

Design output includes:

–– drawings in any form
–– design detail
–– design instruction
–– scope of works documents relating to the structure.

The safe design of a structure will always be part of a wider set of design
objectives, including practicability, performance, aesthetics, cost and
functionality. These sometimes competing objectives need to be balanced
in a manner that does not compromise the health and safety of those who
work on or use the structure over its life, which includes the maintenance
and/or demolition of the structure.

5.2 Systematic steps for designing structures

Designing structures is a process with a series of steps. These are separated into
three distinct phases, which are explained in more detail below:
–– pre-design phase
–– conceptual and schematic design phase
–– design development phase.

Once risks have been identified, designers need to work out how they will
manage them.

For more information on how to manage risk, see Figure 7 (hierarchy of controls)
in Section 4 of these guidelines.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Pre-design phase
Figure 8 illustrates what is involved in the pre-design phase, starting with
identifying the purpose of the structure:

consult and research

to help with identifying
risks, and assessing
and managing risks

establish relationships identify the purpose of

with clients and the structure, and the
others who influence scope and complexity
the design outcome of the project

Pre-design Pre-design phase

identify the roles and identify risks, relevant

responsibilities of legislation, good
relevant stakeholders practice guidance
and standards

identify the required

design disciplines, skills
and competencies

The client should prepare a project brief that includes the safety requirements
and objectives for the project. This will create a shared understanding of safety
expectations between the client and designer.

The client should give the designer all available information relating to the site
that may affect health and safety.

Designers should ask their clients about the types of activities likely or intended
to be carried out in the structure, including the tasks of those who maintain,
repair, service or clean the structure as part of its use.

Information can be found from various sources to help with identifying, assessing
and managing risks, including:
–– HSWA and building laws, technical standards and WorkSafe or industry
–– industry statistics regarding injuries and incidents
–– hazard alerts or other reports from: relevant statutory authorities, unions and
business associations, specialists, professional bodies representing designers,
and engineers’ research and testing done on similar designs.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Table 3 below illustrates some possible information sources for identifying hazards.


Initial discussions Get information on the:

–– purpose of the structure, including plant, ancillary equipment and tasks
–– industry injury profile and statistics and common risks and health and safety issues
–– guidance from health and safety authorities and relevant industry associations, and standards
–– known hazards and the consultation arrangements between the client and designer/design team.

Pre-design Useful techniques may include the client doing a combination of these things:
preliminary –– holding workshops and discussions with people using or working on similar structures within the
risk analysis client company, including health and safety representatives
–– holding an onsite assessment of an existing similar structure with feedback from its users
–– researching information on similar structures, their associated hazards and relevant sources and
stakeholder groups, then completing an analysis for their own design needs
–– holding workshops with experienced people who will construct, use and maintain the new structure
–– holding workshops with specialist consultants and experts in the health and safety risks
–– using BIM (building information modelling) and other forms of modelling to view the physical
and functional characteristics of the proposed structure.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) website has some useful information
about BIM and how this could be used throughout the design process. The use of digital information
and modelling software applications like BIM in design development and delivery enhances the
designer’s ability to anticipate, spot and foresee hazards and risks in the design. Designers can use
these applications to enable locations, structures and plant to be accurately visualised, sequences
of activity to be realistically demonstrated and construction programmes simulated.

Determine what Workshops/discussions to determine which risks are affected, introduced or increased by the
risks are ‘in-scope’ design of the structure.

TABLE 3: Information sources for identifying risks

Conceptual and schematic design phase

Risk identification should take place as early as possible in this phase. It is important
that the risk identification is systematic and not limited to one or two people’s
experiences of situations.

Broad groupings of risks should be identified before design scoping begins

(Appendix B of these guidelines provides an indicative checklist of issues that
should be considered). The designer and others involved should then decide
which risks are ‘in scope’ of the steps of the risk management process, and
should be considered in the design process. A risk is ‘in scope’ if it can be
affected, introduced or increased by the design of the structure.

A system of work may also be classed as a risk if it is part of the construction

method or intended use of the structure. The nature of the structure should
also be taken into account.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Potential risks relating to structures are illustrated in Table 4 below:

Site of structure Potential design issues that may cause health and safety risks are:
–– how close the structure is to nearby properties or roads
–– what the surrounding land is used for
–– special clearances needed for construction equipment
–– existing structures that may need to be demolished
–– nearby underground or overhead services
–– nearby traffic flow
–– condition of the work site
–– safety of the public near the work site
–– possible soil contamination and site stability.

Systems of work Systems of work that could pose health and safety risks are:
–– rapid construction techniques such as prefabrication
–– dangerous materials that are used in construction
–– other work in the area
–– vehicles and equipment used where there are pedestrians
–– restricted access for building and plant maintenance
–– manual tasks that could cause injuries and health problems
–– exposure to violence
–– technical and human factors, including how the structure could be misused
–– site access for construction workers and material
–– storage, handling or work with high energy and health hazards.

Environmental or –– adverse natural events such as cyclones, earthquakes and floods

work conditions –– poor ventilation or lighting
–– exposure to extremes of temperature
–– high noise levels
–– poor welfare facilities.

Spatial planning Appropriately sized amenities and facilities, including access, egress, space to perform tasks, fall
and features prevention, confined spaces, surface treatments, sharp edges, height of features, roof pitch, material
durability, site security, and traffic management.

Incident mitigation The risks following an unexpected event or emergency due to inadequate egress, siting of assembly
areas, and inadequate emergency services access.

TABLE 4: Framework for the preliminary risk identification

Design development phase

In this phase, the designer converts concepts for the structure into detailed
drawings and technical specifications. They decide on control measures and
prepare construction documentation. At that stage, the design is complete and
can be handed to the client.

Figure 9 illustrates what this phase involves.

Choosing the safest Finalising the design,

Developing a set and healthiest option, then preparing the
Testing, trialling
of design options so far as is reasonably Redesigning to control safety report and
or evaluating the
using the hierarchy practicable to provide any residual risks other risk control
design solution
of controls the highest level of information needed for
protection for workers the structure’s lifecycle

FIGURE 9: The design development phase

Check if there are widely used control measures (eg industry standards) for
that risk. However, just because something is a common practice doesn’t mean
that it’s the most reasonably practicable option. You should focus on the most
effective control measures for your circumstances.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures


The primary legislative provision governing the design of buildings and structures
in New Zealand is the Building Act and the New Zealand Building Code (Building
Code). In addition, there are technical and engineering guidelines and standards
produced by other government agencies, Standards New Zealand and relevant
professional bodies. The main focus is to make sure that structures meet
acceptable standards for structural soundness, safety, health and amenity.

The design should include technical provisions for:

–– structural soundness
–– fire spread within and between buildings
–– building occupant entry and exit
–– fire-fighting equipment
–– presence or use of hazardous substances
–– smoke hazard management and
–– emergency services access to buildings.

Health and safety amenity aspects such as ventilation, lighting, Legionella

controls, sanitary facilities and damp and weatherproofing measures should
also be covered.

For information about preventing Legionnaires’ disease see WorkSafe’s

guidance Preventing Legionnaires’ disease from cooling towers and
evaporative condensers.

The Building Code refers to New Zealand and Australia/New Zealand Standards,
but designers should be aware that these may not adequately manage risks
if applied to a situation outside that contemplated in the Standard or if the
Standard is out-dated. The Building Code also does not provide guidance
for some specialised structures such as major hazard facilities (eg refineries).

A risk assessment looks at what could happen if someone is exposed to a hazard,
and how likely this is to happen. It is important that those involved in a risk
assessment have the information, knowledge and experience of the work
environment to make informed decisions.

If similar tasks or processes apply for a number of projects, a general risk

assessment model may be appropriate. However, the designer is still responsible
for ensuring that the generic assessment is valid for the project, before deciding
to adopt it.

Risk assessment methods for assessing design safety may include:

–– fact finding to determine possible health and safety risks
–– testing design assumptions to make sure that no aspect of it is based
on incorrect beliefs or anticipations on the part of the designer
–– testing of structures or components specified for use in the construction,
end use and maintenance
–– talking with key people who have the knowledge to control or influence
the design (such as the architect, client, construction manager, engineers,
project managers, and health and safety representatives)

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

–– talking with key people who have the knowledge to identify and assess risks
–– when designing for the renovation or demolition of existing buildings,
reviewing previous design documentation or information recorded about the
design structure and any alterations to address health and safety concerns
–– talking with professional industry and worker associations, and local
authorities, who could help with risk assessments for the type of work
and workplace
–– ensuring you don’t fall into traps in risk assessment such as:
-- carrying out a risk assessment to attempt to justify a decision that has
already been made
-- using a generic assessment when a site-specific assessment is needed
-- carrying out a risk assessment using bad practice
-- only considering the risk from one activity
-- not involving a team of relevantly skilled people in the assessment or
not including workers with practical knowledge of the process/activity
being assessed
-- ineffective use of consultants
-- failure to identify all risks associated with a particular activity
-- failure to fully consider all possible outcomes
-- inappropriate use of data
-- inappropriate use of risk criteria (the measures you compare risk against
to decide if it’s acceptable or not)
-- no consideration of ‘reasonably practicable’ or further measures that
could be taken
-- inappropriate use of cost benefit analysis
-- using ‘Reverse Reasonably Practicable’ arguments (ie using cost benefit
analysis to attempt to argue that it is acceptable to reduce existing
health and safety standards)
-- not doing anything with the results of the assessment
-- not linking hazards with risk controls.

When thinking about which control measures to implement:

–– look specifically at risks that a capable user would not be expected
to be aware of
–– look at where leftover risks remain, and make sure the builder and other
relevant stakeholders are aware of these
–– look at the interaction of hazards in the assessment of their risks and
implementation of control measures
–– assess alternative control measures for their suitability.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Table 5 below outlines the design process.


Identify solutions Talk with all relevant people to figure out which risks can be Designer led.
from regulations, addressed with recognised standards.
Health and Safety by Design
good practice
Plan the risk management process for other hazards. team input.
guidance and
recognised standards Client approval of decisions.

Apply risk Further detailed information may be needed on risks, for example by: Designer led.
management –– using checklists and referring to guidance material Client provides further
techniques –– job/task analysis techniques. information as agreed
A variety of risk assessment measures can be used to check the in the planned risk
effectiveness of control measures. These may be qualitative or management process.
quantitative. Health and Safety by Design
Scale models and talking with experienced industry members may team input.
be necessary to come up with solutions to longstanding health
and safety issues.

Discuss design Take into account how design decisions influence risks when Designer led.
options discussing control measure options.
Client contributing.
Health and Safety by Design
team input.

Design finalisation Check that the evaluation of control measures is complete Designer led.
and accurate.
Client and designer agree
Prepare information about risks to health and safety for the with final result.
structure that remain after the design process.
Health and Safety by Design
team input.

Potential changes in Make sure that changes which affect design do not increase risks. Construction team in
construction stage consultation with designer
and client.
Health and Safety by Design
team input.

TABLE 5: The design process

There are different design options to manage risks throughout a structure’s
lifecycle. Figure 10 illustrates these, and examples are given below.

Design for safe


Demolition and
Design for safe use


Modification of Design for safe

existing structures maintenance Design considerations
for structures

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Design for safe construction

Below are some examples of control measures relating to the construction
of a structure:
–– providing enough clearance between the structure and overhead
electric lines by burying, disconnecting or re-routing cables before
construction begins
–– designing components that can be made off-site or on the ground –
this reduces falls from heights or being struck by falling objects
–– designing parapets to a height that complies with guardrail requirements
– this eliminates the need to construct guardrails during construction
and provides future edge protection for work at heights
–– using continual support beams for beam-to-column double connections
– this will provide continual support for beams during erection, and
will reduce the risk of falls due to unexpected vibration, unexpected
construction loads and misalignment
–– designing and constructing permanent stairways to help prevent falls
and other hazards associated with temporary stairs and scaffolding
–– reducing the space between roof trusses and battens to reduce the
risk of internal falls during roof construction
–– choosing construction materials that are safe to handle
–– designing in aids for lifting during construction (eg provision of lifting
lugs to roof-top air conditioning plants)
–– limiting the size of pre-made wall panels where site access is restricted,
including glass panels used for cladding or other purposes
–– selecting building materials, paints or other finishes that emit low levels
of dangerous vapours
–– indicating, where practicable, the position and height of all electric lines
to help with site safety procedures
–– maintaining safe smooth access, so far as is reasonably practicable,
throughout the site for separately moving people, materials and vehicles
–– designing components that can be partially finished off-site or
prefabricated (so far as is reasonably practicable) to reduce exposure
during construction to substances hazardous to health such as dusts,
paints, glues etc.

Design to facilitate safe use

Consider the intended function of the structure, including the likely systems
of use, and the type of machinery and equipment that may be used.

Consider whether workers may be exposed to specific hazards, such as

manual tasks in health facilities, workplace violence in law enforcement
facilities, or dangerous goods storage in warehouses.

Below are some examples of how risks relating to a structure’s use can be
managed by:
–– designing traffic areas to separate vehicles and pedestrians, including
adequate access for delivery of construction material and plant to the site
–– designing in access for maintenance purposes (eg fixed stairs to a
machine room)
–– using non-slip materials on floor surfaces in areas exposed to the weather
or dedicated wet areas

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

–– providing enough space within the structure to safely install, operate

and maintain plant
–– providing enough lighting for intended tasks in the structure
–– designing spaces in which workers can use mechanical plant or tools
to reduce manual task risks
–– designing access to structures that will serve a specific purpose, such
as wide corridors for wheelchairs in hospitals
–– designing effective noise barriers and acoustical treatments to walls
and ceilings
–– designing the structure to isolate noisy plant
–– designing floor loadings to accommodate heavy machinery that may
be used in the structure
–– clearly indicating on documents the design loads for different parts
of the structure
–– designing for specific task demands
–– considering for potential future use
–– designing to accommodate the physical characteristics of different users
–– using sub-floor heating on floor surfaces that are exposed to moisture
from weather or tracked moisture to enable them to dry more easily
–– providing detailed plans and instructions that are comprehensive and
understandable to enable safe use of designed accessways, access
systems and their components.

Design for safe maintenance

Below are some examples of how risks relating to cleaning, servicing and
maintaining a structure can be managed by:
–– designing the structure so that maintenance can be performed at ground
level or safely from the structure. For example, positioning air-conditioning
units and lift plant at ground level, designing inward opening windows,
and integrating window cleaning bays or gangways into the structural
–– designing features to avoid dirt or moisture traps
–– designing and positioning permanent anchorage and hoisting points into
structures where maintenance needs to be completed at height
–– designing safe access (such as stairways or fixed ladders) and enough
space to complete structure maintenance activities
–– eliminating or minimising the need for entry into confined spaces
–– using long-life components such as LED lighting that don’t require
frequent replacement
–– using durable materials that do not need to be re-coated or treated.

Modification of existing structures

Design can involve the alteration of an existing structure. Modification may

mean partial or full demolition. At this stage, designers should consult with
key stakeholders to manage risks, and follow the key principles of Health
and Safety by Design. Anyone who modifies a design is also a designer.

5.0 Specific considerations when designing structures

Demolition and dismantling

A structure should be designed so it can be demolished using existing
techniques. The designer should provide information so that potential
demolishers can understand the structure, load paths and any features
incorporated to help with demolition. They should also provide information
on any features that require unusual demolition techniques or sequencing.

Designers of new structures should design facilities such as lifting lugs on beams,
or columns and protecting inserts in pre-cast panels, so they can be used for
disassembly. Materials and finishes specified for the original structure may
require special attention at the time of demolition, and any special requirements
for the disposal and/or recycling of those materials or finishes should be
described in the risk assessment documentation.

There are general risks that should be considered when designing structures.
Designers should consider as many factors as possible to manage the health
and safety risks they present. Appendix B outlines some common risks, and
design considerations to manage them.

5.3 Reviewing control measures

As the design progresses and design decisions become more fine-tuned and
detailed, there are still opportunities for managing risks. At various points in
the design process, designers should review design solutions to confirm the
effectiveness of control measures and if necessary, redesign to eliminate the
risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

Wherever possible, design safety reviews should involve the people who will
eventually construct the structure. If this is not possible, the client and designer
should include people with knowledge and experience in the construction and
maintenance processes in the design safety reviews. Their expertise will assist
in identifying safety issues which may have been overlooked in the design.

Health and safety aspects of the design should be reflected in the requirements
of contract documents for the construction stage and assist in the selection of
suitable and competent contractors for the project.

On completion of construction, the effectiveness of Health and Safety by

Design should be evaluated. This will help the designer to identify the most
effective design practices and any design innovations that could be used
on other projects. Feedback from users to help designers in improving their
future designs for structures may be provided through:
–– post-occupancy evaluations for buildings
–– defect reports
–– accident investigation reports
–– information regarding modifications
–– user difficulties
–– changes from intended conditions of use.

Section 4 of these guidelines outlines some ways that designers can review
control measures to make sure that risks are being effectively managed.

when designing

6.1 Designing plant

6.2 Systematic steps for
designing plant
6.3 Design phase
6.4 Design information for
the manufacturer
6.5 Design verification of pressure
equipment, cranes and
passenger ropeways
6.6 Intended use of plant
6.7 Design sources of human error

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

There are several different

factors to take into
consideration when
designing plant.

6.1 Designing plant

This section provides information to designers of plant to be used at work.
Plant includes:
–– machinery
–– equipment
–– appliances
–– containers
–– implements
–– tools and components.

Examples of plant are illustrated in Figure 11 below.


Power tools Lifts

Vehicles Cranes

Examples of
plant include:
Software and
Examples of plant

Conveyors Machinery


This section also applies to the design of structures where items of plant are
designed as a structural component or are assembled to form a structure.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

6.2 Systematic steps for designing plant

Designing plant is a process with a series of steps. These are separated
into two distinct phases, which are explained in more detail below:
–– pre-design and concept development phase
–– design development phase.

Once risks have been identified, designers need to work out how they will
be managed.

Pre-design and concept development phase

This phase involves:

–– deciding on the intended use of the plant, its functions and limitations
–– identifying the roles and responsibilities for the project
–– establishing co-operative relationships with clients, manufacturers and
users of the plant, including those who maintain and repair the plant
–– researching and consulting to help with identifying hazards, and identifying
and managing risks.


Designers can decide on the intended use of the plant, including its functions
and limitations, by looking at:
–– the expected place of use
–– intended functions and operating modes
–– safe use requirements, including reasonably foreseeable misuse
–– planned service life
–– relevant standards and specifications
–– possible malfunctions and faults
–– testing, maintenance and repair requirements
–– the people interacting with the plant
–– other products interacting with or related to the plant.


The first step in the risk management process is to identify all risks, so far as is
reasonably practicable. Risk identification should be done as early as possible
in the concept development and design phases. Risks relating to plant are often
caused by the plant itself, and how and where the plant is used.

Risks may be identified by looking at the workplace and how work is carried
out. Designers could talk to workers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and
health and safety specialists, and review relevant information, records and
incident reports.

Table 6 lists things to consider when looking for plant risks.

Table 7 shows examples of potential plant risks and phases of the plant
lifecycle after the design has been completed where people might be exposed
to plant hazards.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant


Risks –– Can the plant cause injury or ill health from poor design?
–– Can the plant cause injury from entanglement, crushing, trapping, cutting, stabbing, puncturing,
shearing, abrasion, tearing or stretching?
–– Can the plant create hazardous conditions from pressurised content, electricity, noise, radiation,
friction, vibration, fire, explosion, temperature, moisture, vapour, gases, dusts, mists, fumes, ice,
or hot or cold parts?
–– Can the plant cause injury from lack of guarding of moving parts?
–– Can the plant cause injury as a result of unexpected start-up?

Suitability –– Is the plant fit for its intended purpose? What is likely to happen if it is used for a purpose other than
the intended purpose?
–– Are the materials used to make the plant suitable?
–– Are plant accessories fit for their intended purpose?
–– Is the plant stable? Could it roll over?
–– If the plant is intended to lift and move people, equipment or materials, is it capable of doing this?

Access –– Is access to the plant necessary when installing, using and maintaining the plant or in an emergency?
–– Can workers access the plant safely without being injured by the plant or slips, trips and falls (eg by a
walkway, gantry, elevated work platform or fixed ladder) or having to enter a dangerous environment
to access plant?

Location –– Does the plant affect the safety of the area where it will be located?
–– Does the location affect the plant in a way that could impact health or safety (eg environmental conditions,
terrain, airborne hazards and work area)?
–– Will there be people or other plant nearby? What effect would this have?

Systems –– Do the systems of work for the plant create risks?

of work –– Does the plant’s safety depend on the competency of its users?
–– Will users and others working near the plant need relevant training, information, instruction
and supervision?

Unusual –– What unusual situations or misuse could occur?

situations –– What would happen if the plant failed? Would it result in loss of contents, loss of load, unintended
ejection of work pieces, explosion, fragmentation or collapse of parts, release of substances hazardous
to health, or other hazardous exposures?
–– Is it possible for the plant to move or be turned on accidently?

TABLE 6: Things to consider when identifying plant risks


–– mechanical (eg crushing, cutting, trapping, –– manufacture

shearing and high pressure fluids) –– storage
–– electrical –– packing and transportation
–– thermal –– unloading and unpacking
–– noise –– assembly
–– vibration –– installing
–– radiation – light, heat, electric fields, magnetic –– commissioning
fields, radioactivity –– using
–– substances hazardous to health including –– cleaning and adjustment
chemicals, chemical by-products
–– inspection
–– biological exposures (eg bacteria, molds, viruses)
–– planned and unplanned
–– slipping, tripping and falling maintenance or repair
–– manual handling –– decommissioning
–– confined spaces –– dismantling
–– hazards resulting from a combination –– disposal and recycling.
of the above.

TABLE 7: Examples of plant risks and phases of the plant lifecycle

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

6.3 Design phase

Figure 12 illustrates what is involved in this phase.

Redesigning to control Finalising the design

Testing, trialling
Developing an any remaining risks, and preparing risk
or evaluating the
initial design
initial design
so far as is reasonably control plans for the FIGURE 12:
practicable lifecycle of the product
The design phase

Check if there are widely used control measures (eg industry standards) for
common risks. However, just because something is a common practice doesn’t
mean that it’s the most reasonably practicable option. You should focus on the
most effective control measures. So before considering applying a widely used
control measure, consider whether it will be effective in managing the risk in your
situation (eg when working at height, will using mobile work platforms, rather
than step ladders, more effectively minimise the risk?).

Technical standards
A plant designer may use technical standards, or a combination of standards and
engineering, design, or ergonomics principles relevant to the design requirements
(as long as the design meets regulatory requirements). Engineering principles
could include mathematical or scientific procedures outlined in an engineering
reference or standard.

Testing and examining plant

The designer should carry out any analysis, testing or examination that may
be necessary to make sure the plant is without health and safety risks so far
as is reasonably practicable.

Testing may include developing a prototype to:

–– simulate the normal range of operational capabilities
–– test design features to ensure ‘fail-safe’ operation
–– measure imposed stresses on critical components to make sure maximum
design stresses are not exceeded
–– test critical safety features under both normal and adverse operational
–– develop overload testing procedures to ensure plant safety when plant
is misused.

Records of tests and examinations must be kept by the designer.

For more information on duties for designers, see Section 3.3 of these

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

Design considerations
There are several different factors to think about when looking to identify and
manage risks throughout plant’s lifecycle. Figure 13 illustrates some of these,
and they are explained in further detail below.

Designing plant
which is safe to use

Erecting and
Design User
Plant design
installing plant considerations characteristics

Human error

foreseeable misuse

Designing plant which is safe to use

A designer should consider:
–– the required skill levels to manufacture, install, commission, use or
maintain the plant
–– the complexity of functions a user can be expected to perform
–– the need for and the location of items such as aids, guides, indicators,
guards, mounted instruction, signs, symbols, gauges, alarms, dials,
screens, switches, emergency stops and name plates to make sure the
plant is used correctly
–– making sure plant design is ‘fail-safe’ to the category, performance and
safety level determined by the plant risk assessment
–– the layout of work stations
–– instrumentation needed at each work station or cabin and the layout
of the instrumentation
–– devices, tools or control measures the user and support people need
in order to carry out their jobs safely
–– the options available to maintain the safety and integrity of the system
if the user makes a mistake, or if the plant fails
–– whether the user of the plant can be easily accessed if they need help
(eg if emergency rescue of the user is required)
–– environmental conditions that may weaken user performance (eg working
in extremes of temperature, humidity)
–– separating people, including the user, from entrapment when using plant
–– ensuring hazardous fumes, gases or vapours are not able to escape plant,
or are directed away from the user if they do escape (eg directing exhaust
that contains hazardous fumes, gases or vapours away from the users, or
ensuring filtering is in place to reduce the release of hazardous exposure).

Designers should also consider predictable human behaviour. Where user

error is likely, higher order control measures such as elimination or substitution
should be incorporated into the design.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

User characteristics
When designing plant, designers should consider the range of physical
and intellectual characteristics of likely users. Things like height, weight,
reach and physical ability should be considered. If future user information
is available, the designer could tailor the plant design to meet the needs of
specific people, keeping in mind that the people using the plant may change
over time.

A designer should:
–– apply ergonomic design principles so risks to health and safety are
managed, so far as is reasonably practicable
–– take into account the physical ability of workers including requirements
for strength, reach, vision, and hearing
–– consider whether the plant could be misused or how a user’s uncontrolled
physical movements could impact how the plant operates
–– consider the risks that arise when an unexpected event or emergency
happens that impact on the user characteristics.

Human error
Human error is not always the result of people being careless. Sometimes
workers may want to finish a job quickly or make a task easier. This can lead to
workers making decisions that can lead to an increase in health and safety risks.

Workers have a responsibility to take reasonable care for their own health
and safety and must take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do
not adversely affect the health and safety of others. They must comply with
any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable policy or
procedure. Workers should not use unsafe practices or deliberately avoid
guarding on plant.

Designers should be aware of the factors contributing to human error when

designing plant including:
–– forgetfulness
–– workers’ motivation to ‘get the job done’ or to ‘find a better way’
–– ability to understand information including literacy
–– psychological or cultural environment
–– habit
–– accepted practice
–– fatigue
–– level of training
–– availability of support, help or emergency equipment outside normal
work hours.

Reasonably foreseeable misuse

When designing plant, designers should assess the risk of reasonably foreseeable
misuse by users, and incorporate appropriate control measures into their design.
One way of identifying potential misuse is by reviewing incident reports for
similar types of plant, as well as literature reviews and industry reports.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

Environmental conditions that the plant will be used in

A designer should consider the risks created by the physical, environmental
and operational conditions that plant and its users could be exposed to
during its lifecycle. These conditions may include:
–– ice
–– water
–– wind
–– UV and, infrared light
–– dust, mist, gases and fumes
–– lightning
–– temperature and humidity - both high and low
–– positioning of the plant in relation to work flow

–– health hazards (eg noise, vibration, hazardous fumes, gases or vapours

created by or around the plant).

A designer can also contribute to minimising the environmental risks by

providing instructions to erectors and installers of plant about positioning
of the plant (eg by showing how much less noise the plant will emit if it is
placed in an open area rather than in a corner where reflection of sound from
walls will increase noise levels). If a user is physically uncomfortable using the
plant, this may lead to inattention, carelessness, fatigue, or cutting corners
which can cause incidents.

Erecting and installing plant

A designer should, so far as is reasonably practicable, make sure health
and safety risks arising from erecting and installing plant are managed.
These risks may include:
–– working at heights – leading to falls
–– stretching or bending at an unnatural angle – leading to injuries
–– hazardous exposures during installation or commissioning (eg hazardous
gases, fumes, vapours, noise, vibration, light).

Designers should also consider the stability of plant when it is assembled,

erected or installed, and whether special supports are required.

A designer’s responsibility extends to eliminating or minimising the risks
associated with maintaining the plant, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Any reasonably foreseeable hazards with future plant maintenance and
repair should be identified and designed out.

If the plant needs to be operated during cleaning or maintenance, the designer

should design the operator’s controls so the plant cannot be operated by
anyone other than the person maintaining or cleaning the plant.

Where a worker has to maintain plant, a designer should:

–– design places for adjusting, lubricating and maintaining the plant outside
danger zones
–– incorporate interlocks into the design so the plant cannot be activated
while maintenance work is carried out in the danger zones

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

–– design safe entry points, like walkways and guardrails for maintenance
or inspection (eg cooling towers or storage silos)
–– pass on relevant information to the manufacturer for inclusion in the
manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance
–– design parts of the plant where workers move or stand to manage the risk
of slips, trips and falls
–– design the plant to manage the risk of accidently touching hot, sharp
or moving parts
–– design the plant so that exposure to hazardous substances, or other
hazards (eg noise) are minimised during maintenance.

There are general risks that should be considered when designing plant.
Designers should consider as many factors as possible to manage the health
and safety risks they present. Appendix B outlines some common risks, and
design considerations to manage them.

6.4 Design information for the manufacturer

Designers should provide specific information to the manufacturer, so that the
plant is manufactured following the design specifications.

They should provide information on:

–– installing, commissioning, using, handling, storing, decommissioning and

dismantling the plant
–– hazards and risks associated with using the plant, and the identified
control measures that need to be included in the manufacture of the plant
–– testing or inspections to be carried out
–– systems of work and competency of users necessary for the plant to be
used safely
–– emergency procedures if there is a malfunction.

If the manufacturer tells the designer there are health and safety issues with the
design, the designer should revise the design to take account of these concerns,
or they could tell the manufacturer in writing why revisions are not needed.
Designer information that can be provided to the manufacturer is in Table 8.


Manufacturing plant –– specific conditions relating to the method of manufacture

–– instructions for fitting or refitting plant parts and their correct location
–– instruction where hot or cold parts or material may create a risk
–– specifications of material
–– specifications for components (eg ergonomically designed controls)
–– wiring diagrams
–– specifications for proprietary items (eg electric motors)
–– component specifications including drawings and tolerances
–– assembly drawings
–– assembly procedures including specific tools or equipment to be used
–– manufacturing processes
–– details of hazards presented by materials during manufacturing
–– safety outcomes for programming.

Transporting, handling –– dimensions and weight

and storing plant –– handling instructions
–– conditions for storage.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant


Installing and –– risks from exposure to dangerous parts before guards are installed
commissioning plant –– lifting procedures
–– plant interacting with people
–– plant interacting with other plant
–– stability during installation
–– the proposed method for installing and commissioning
–– using special tools, jigs, fixtures and appliances necessary to minimise risk during
–– concealed installations
–– environmental factors affecting installation and commissioning that may present risk.

Using, inspecting, testing –– intended uses for the plant including prohibited uses
and decommissioning –– operating procedures
plant –– safe entry and exit
–– requirements for maintenance and repair
–– emergency situations
–– hazardous exposures including hazardous substances, exhausts, light, heat, noise,
biological exposures
–– how environmental conditions affect using the plant
–– the results or documentation of tests carried out on the plant and design
–– de-commissioning, dismantling and disposing of plant
–– known leftover risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently minimised by design
–– details of control measures to further minimise the risks associated with plant
–– information on administrative control measures
–– requirements for special tools needed to use or maintain plant.

TABLE 8: Designer information that should be provided to the manufacturer

6.5 Design verification of pressure equipment, cranes and

passenger ropeways
The Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and
Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999 require the design of this type of plant
to be verified before it can be certified and first used. 

For plant under these Regulations, the information that the designer should provide
to the manufacturer should include the verified drawings and certification.

This provides evidence the plant design has been verified under the Regulations.

See www.legislation.govt.nz for more information about the Regulations.

A design should only be verified by a competent person.

In general, people who are competent to verify the design of plant are
those who:
–– are employed or engaged by a Recognised Inspection Body, and
–– hold Chartered Professional Engineer Status recognised by the
Engineering New Zealand (ENZ) and are deemed competent to carry
out design verification (or similar overseas), and
–– have educational or vocational qualifications in an engineering discipline
relevant to the design to be verified, and
–– have knowledge of the technical standards relevant to the design to be
verified, and

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant

–– have the skills necessary to independently verify that the design was
produced following the published technical standards and engineering
principles used in the design, and
–– are authorised by a body accredited or approved by the Joint
Accreditation System – Australia and New Zealand or an equivalent
overseas body to carry out conformity assessments of the design against
the relevant technical standards. In New Zealand this body is International
Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ).

The design verifier may be in-house or an independent contractor. They should

not have been involved in the plant design process unless that PCBU has an
accredited and documented quality system in place that has been certified by
IANZ (or a body accredited or approved by the Joint Accreditation System –
Australia and New Zealand).

6.6 Intended use of plant

The intended use of the plant, including its functions and limitations,
can be determined by looking at:
–– the expected place of use (eg environment and supporting surfaces)
–– intended functions and operating modes
–– safe use requirements including reasonably foreseeable misuse
–– planned service life
–– relevant standards and specifications (eg what is produced and materials
to be used)
–– possible malfunctions and faults
–– testing, maintenance and repair requirements
–– the people interacting with the plant
–– other products interacting with or related to the plant.

6.7 Design sources of human error

Poorly designed plant can lead to inadvertent or inappropriate actions from the
people using the plant. Examples of these are in Table 9 below.


Inadvertent activation of plant –– Lack of interlocks or time lockouts.

–– Lack of warning signs against activating equipment under specified damaging

Errors of judgement, particularly –– Critical displays of information are too similar or too close together, or visually
during periods of stress or high difficult to see.
job demand –– Job requires user to make hurried judgements at critical times, without
programmed back-up measures.

Critical components installed –– Design and instructions on installing components are difficult to understand.
incorrectly –– Lack of configurations or guides on connectors or equipment.

Inappropriate use or delay in use –– Critical operator controls are too close, similar in design or awkwardly located.
of operator controls –– Readout instrument blocked by arm when making adjustment.
–– Labels on operator controls are confusing or missing.
Information is too small to see from user’s position.

Inadvertent activation of –– Operator controls can be activated accidentally.

operator controls Lack of guards over critical operator controls.

6.0 Specific considerations when designing plant


Critical instruments and displays –– Critical instruments or displays not in an obvious area.
not read or information –– Displays look too similar.
misunderstood because of clutter

Failure to notice critical signal –– Lack of acceptable warning to attract user’s attention to information.

Plant use results in unexpected –– Direction of operator controls conflicts with normal operation.
direction or response

Lack of understanding of procedures –– Instructions are difficult to understand.

Following prescribed procedures –– Written prescribed procedures are wrong and have not been checked.
results in error or incident

Lack of correct or timely actions –– Available information incomplete, incorrect or not available in time.
–– Response time of system or plant too slow for making the next correct action.
–– Lack of automatic corrective devices with fast fluctuations.

Exceeding prescribed limitations –– Lack of governors and other parameter limiters.

on load or speed –– Lack of warnings on exceeding parameters.

TABLE 9: Design sources of human error

when designing

7.1 What is a hazardous substance?

7.2 Approval of hazardous substances
7.3 Control measures for managing
7.4 Design considerations
for substances
7.5 Inherently safer substances

7.0 Specific considerations when designing substances

The intrinsically hazardous

properties of a substance
may be unavoidable, but
the principles of Health and
Safety by Design should
be applied.

7.1 What is a hazardous substance?

A hazardous substance is any substance with one or more of the following
properties, as described in Figure 14.

Toxicity Ecotoxicity,
Explosiveness Flammability Corrosiveness (acute and with or without
to oxidise
chronic) bioaccumulation

FIGURE 14: Properties of hazardous substances

In addition, if a substance gains any of the above properties when it comes into
contact with air or water, it is considered hazardous.

This section focuses on the design, redesign or modification of a substance.

7.2 Approval of hazardous substances

All hazardous substances that are manufactured in or imported into New Zealand
need to be approved under the HSNO Act (Hazardous Substances and New
Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996). The approvals are given by the Environmental
Protection Authority (EPA). When a substance is approved, controls are applied
to manage any risk that may arise during the substance’s lifecycle.

The Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017

are a set of controls developed for each class of hazardous substance, and
for particular phases of a substance’s life cycle. They replace the controls set
under the HSNO Act 1996. For more information on the Hazardous Substances
Regulations 2017, see the WorkSafe website.

Not all substances hazardous to health are covered by the Hazardous

Substances Regulations (eg fumes produced as a by-product of heating).
However, there is still a requirement to make sure that the hazard is identified
and the risk associated with the substance is managed.

7.0 Specific considerations when designing substances

7.3 Control measures for managing substances

The specific control measures required by the Regulations may help manage
the risks associated with manufacturing, using, handling or storing hazardous
substances at work.

Depending on the hazardous properties of the substance these control measures

may include specific requirements around:
–– inventories
–– safety data sheets
–– emergency preparation and response plans
–– labelling
–– protective equipment
–– fire extinguishers
–– signage
–– certified handlers
–– compliance certification
–– establishment of hazardous areas
–– secondary containment (bunding)
–– stationary container compliance certification
–– tracking
–– approved filler certification, and
–– controlled substances licences.

A simple way to find out the key controls that apply to a substance is to use
the hazardous substances calculator at: www.hazardoussubstances.govt.nz

Although these control measures apply when the substance is in the

manufacture, use, handling or storage phases of the lifecycle, they should be
given consideration during the pre-design and design stage, as the control
measures are a critical element in the management of risk from the substance.

7.4 Design considerations for substances

The intrinsically hazardous properties of a substance may be unavoidable,
if they are integral to the function of the substance at work. However, the
principles of Health and Safety by Design should still be applied.

Designers of substances should consider:

–– their understanding of chemistry principles, toxicology and
environmental science
–– looking at whether hazardous properties can be removed while
still maintaining the functionality and efficacy of the substance
–– looking at whether the toxicity or reactivity of the substance
can be managed by varying these things:
-- the molecular weight
-- volatility
-- particle size
-- solubility
-- reactivity
-- thermo-reactivity
-- shape
-- molar mass

7.0 Specific considerations when designing substances

–– looking at whether the substance’s potential for the following things can
be managed through good chemical design:
-- bioaccumulation
-- environmental persistence
-- receptor binding
–– ensuring that there is reliable, well tested data for all relevant routes of
exposures, no observed adverse effect levels or concentrations (NOAEL/
NOAEC) and lowest observed adverse effect levels/concentrations
–– understanding the process of metabolism or degradation of the
substances in the body and in the environment
–– taking a product stewardship approach – making health, safety and
environmental protection an integral part of the life cycle of chemical
products, in partnership with others involved in the product.

There are general risks that should be considered when designing substances.
Designers should consider as many factors as possible to manage the health
and safety risks they present. Appendix B outlines some common risks, and
design considerations to manage them.

7.5 Inherently safer substances

When designing and developing safer substances, the designer needs to find a
balance between eliminating, then minimising health, safety or environmental risks,
and maintaining the effectiveness of the substance. If a less hazardous version
of the substance is designed that is not as effective as those currently being used,
the health and safety benefits may outweigh this reduction in effectiveness.

So far as is reasonably practicable, the designer should consider what

is able to be done to ensure health and safety, taking into account:
–– the likelihood of risk
–– the degree of harm
–– the ways of eliminating or minimising risk and
–– the cost and whether it is grossly disproportionate to the risk
being considered.

Information on how PCBUs can make safer choices around substances to use
is available on WorkSafe’s website: worksafe.govt.nz

More information on how designers can communicate, cooperate and coordinate

with other relevant stakeholders is outlined in Section 3 of these guidelines.

Information on safe substitution of substances is also available from the

following resources:
–– www.osha.gov/dsg/safer_chemicals/basics.html
–– www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-toxics-reduction-program-reference-
–– Minimising chemical risk to workers’ health and safety through substitution,
European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs
and Inclusion Unit Health, Safety & Hygiene at Work (2012).

Case studies

8.1 NZTA’S Waterview

connection project
8.2 Queenstown weather mast –
weather reporting system
8.3 Compac service trolley
8.4 Auckland Council special housing
area: stormwater upgrade
8.5 Noise control for shearing clippers

8.0 Case studies

8.1 NZTA’s Waterview connection project

Set the scene
This was the largest civil engineering project in New Zealand at the time
of construction between 2011-2017. It comprised:
–– 5 km long, 3-lane (each way) motorway comprising 35 kilometres of lanes
–– two 2.4 km long 13.1 m (ID) diameter bored tunnels and ventilation buildings
–– six road bridges – 1,700 m total length
–– two long span footbridges and several smaller structures
–– over 3 km of retention structures up to 30 m high
–– extensive urban improvements and landscaping
–– 5+ years construction period
–– operations and maintenance responsibilities for 10 years
–– delivered to NZTA for $1.4 billion capital cost.

TBM Breakthrough
at the Southern Portal

What went wrong or what went right?

Safety in Design (SiD) was implemented on the project from the tender
design phase. It was a formal process that was documented in the design
management plan and applied throughout the design and delivery period.
A risk based approach was used, where workshops were held in the early
stages of design with participation from design, construction and operations
personnel. This was so that a range of knowledge and experience was present
and consideration was given to the full life cycle. The workshops identified
safety-related risks for all elements of the project that could be mitigated, to
at least some degree, through smart design. An SiD register was maintained to
capture and monitor the treatment of those safety risks throughout the design
phase, and also to capture the transfer of any residual risk at the end of design
to construction and ultimately to operations. Design reports also specifically
documented SiD considerations and treatment.

This approach was successfully applied across the project with a number
of key design decisions driven by safety considerations.

8.0 Case studies

Two examples of SiD related outcomes from the project:

1. Selection of the tunnelling method and the decision to go with a Tunnel

Boring machine (TBM) was driven in large part by risk mitigation and safety
considerations. The TBM method meant all workers and equipment were
shielded within the TBM shield or permanent lining which removed the risk
of exposure to collapse or inundation. The TBM method itself also reduced
the risk of collapse and inundation from occurring, mitigating risk to surface
infrastructure and facilities.

Alice the TBM

Alice the TBM

2. The southbound motorway approach into the northern portal of the tunnel
has two lanes coming from each direction (east and west) merging into three
lanes into the tunnel (ie three lanes merging into four lanes). This means the
outside lane from each direction has to merge with the one coming from the
other direction. The tunnel approach is all on elevated viaduct and comprises
a merging ramp approaching from each direction with concrete side barriers.
The barriers meant visibility to traffic on the adjacent merging ramp would
have been restricted until very late in the merge process. A decision was
made to improve the pre-merge visibility by using barriers on the merge
side of the ramps with a rail on the top to reduce the height of concrete and
therefore improve cross ramp visibility (by making the tops of the barriers
‘see-through’). Furthermore, where the two ramps connected, an additional
piece of infill slab was constructed that allowed the barriers to be removed
completely. This further improved visibility between traffic in the merging
two lanes.

8.0 Case studies

merge approach
into the northern

Close-up of infill
slab and ‘see through’

What lessons can we take from this project and share

with the industry?
–– Implementation of a SiD process early in the design period means real safety
improvement outcomes can be achieved.
–– Participation of people from differing design disciplines as well as beyond
the overall design discipline, such as constructors and operations personnel,
is extremely beneficial and should be encouraged and accommodated if
at all possible.
–– A risk based approach works well in terms of identifying and ranking the
risks as well as tracking the treatment and transfer of safety related risks.

Thanks to the NZTA and The Well-Connected Alliance for allowing this case
study to be used. Also thanks to Peter Norfolk of Tonkin & Taylor, who was the
Civil Design Manager for the Waterview Project.

8.0 Case studies

8.2 Queenstown weather mast – weather reporting system

Set the scene
The introduction of night time flights into Queenstown airport showed the need
for accurate reporting of the local weather. The weather reporting system filled
the need by using weather stations located around the Queenstown basin.
These stations measure the wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity,
and report to a main computer server through the cellular phone system.
The information is then made available to pilots, air traffic controllers and flight
planners via the Internet. The information can also be sent to pilots whilst in flight.

The system was being upgraded to improve its robustness and reliability.
This included replacing the masts used to support the system instruments.
The masts require bespoke foundations and mounting plates. An additional
complexity is that some of the weather stations are sited in remote hilltop
locations with limited and difficult access.

The mast foundation is a concrete-filled hole in the ground with 4 threaded rods
embedded. Each mast has a base plate fitted to the bottom. This base plate has
holes which slide over the threaded rods, allowing the base plate to be secured
with nuts and washers. The mast is assembled on site, with all instruments and
cables attached whilst the mast is horizontal. The mast is then manually raised
into the upright position, with the base plate sliding over the threaded rods as
the mast reaches the vertical position.

What went wrong or what went right?

The original plan was to steady the base of the mast with a person’s foot as
the mast was raised. Whilst this traditional method would work, a quick risk
assessment showed there was a high likelihood of the person’s foot slipping
off the base of the mast resulting in an uncontrolled movement of the mast
and possible damage to the mast and instruments or worse, injury to people.

The base plate was therefore redesigned to consist of 2 hinged plates. This allows
one plate to be affixed to the mast as before, and the other plate to be attached
to the foundation threaded rods whilst the mast is still in the horizontal position.
The mast can then be raised to the vertical position in a fully controlled manner
with no chance of the mast base slipping. Once the mast is upright the hinged
plates are securely bolted together. This design also ensures the mast base
cannot slip when the mast is lowered for periodic instrument maintenance.

Base plate assembly

8.0 Case studies

What lessons can we take from this project and share

with the industry?
A simple, low cost design change has effectively eliminated a potential hazard.

An early risk assessment has presented an opportunity to change a design to

increase the safety of the system throughout its life in a cost effective manner.

Standard design
versus hinged plate

Thanks to Navigatus Consulting for allowing this case study to be used.

8.0 Case studies

8.3 Compac service trolley

Set the scene
A service trolley was positioned above a fruit sorter. The fruit sorter has fruit
conveying carriers attached to chains running at high speed. This unintentionally
gave access to multiple nip points and hazards in the machine, which were
otherwise not accessible. There was also a danger of falling from height through
the machine and onto the floor.

The purpose of the trolley position above the machine is:

–– For trained personnel to conduct cleaning/routine maintenance when the
machine is shut down and locked out. This task needed the personnel to be
able to lie on the trolley floor and reach the machinery components below.
–– To give unauthorised personnel a platform to observe operations while the
machine is running. For this the trolley needed to prevent access to all the
moving parts underneath.

What went wrong or what went right?

The existing trolley was modified to incorporate the flexibility required for cleaning
and maintenance tasks, while addressing the safety concerns identified by the
risk assessment. This meant that the trolley needed to be configurable to be used
in two distinct modes of operation. This was achieved through the installation
of adjustable infill panels and the application of strict administrative controls.

–– Cleaning/maintenance mode (panel infills folded down): This mode gives

access to the parts below the trolley, but mostly requires the machinery
to be switched off and locked out first.
–– Observation mode (trolley panel infills lifted and secured in place):
Prevents access to moving parts on an operating machine.

What lessons can we take from this project and share

with the industry?
While the new trolley configuration provided safer access for maintenance
staff and observers during standard operation, we learned that we must remain
vigilant regarding unintended uses of the trolley at all lifecycle stages, such as
machine installation onsite. For example, in one instance, the trolley started being
used as an anchor point to protect installers while working at height. This would
have been dangerous as the trolley is ill-equipped to be an anchor point and
might have led to an incident.

Old service trolley vs new service trolley

Thanks to Suhas Shanbhogue of Compac for allowing this case study to be used.

8.0 Case studies

8.4 Auckland Council special housing area: stormwater upgrade

Set the scene
Installation of new stormwater infrastructure to increase capacity and make
allowance for a special housing area and an additional catchment. The project
will also allow for separation of the combined wastewater/stormwater network.

What went wrong or what went right?

The catchment being serviced was located on a ridge with the downstream
network located at a much lower elevation (a drop of 22 m over a 90 m length).
The initial design called for a 24 m deep manhole in order to comply with the
Stormwater Code of Practice.

A Safety in Design workshop was held with attendance by the designers, the
Auckland Council Operations Team and the Auckland Council Design Team.
The workshop identified safety issues with operating and maintaining such a
deep manhole. Safety issues were also raised around the construction of such
a deep structure. The designers were asked to redesign the alignment to remove
the deep manhole. The removal of the deep manhole eliminated the safety
concerns regarding working at depth during construction and operation.

In order for the design to be accepted, Auckland Council, in collaboration with

the designers, relaxed the design criteria, specified more durable products and
agreed to the design of an energy dissipation chamber. These changes were
required in order to incorporate the shallow manhole and associated steeply
graded pipe and high velocity flows.

What lessons can we take from this project and share

with the industry?
In order to design and build a safe asset both the client and designer need
to be prepared to think outside the box and investigate alternative products,
installation methodologies and solutions.

Initial design vs new design

Thanks to Auckland Council for allowing this case study to be used. Also thanks
to Stantec (formerly MWH), who were the Design Consultants for this project.

8.0 Case studies

8.5 Noise control for shearing clippers

Set the scene
Shearing equipment can generate high levels of noise during the shearing
of sheep, meaning that shearers can be exposed to high noise levels for long
periods during the season. Extended periods of exposure to high levels of
noise can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss. This may be partial or full.

What went wrong or what went right?

Research completed at Canterbury University demonstrated that noise levels
could be reduced by simple redesign of the shearing equipment, such as the
prevention of the core hitting the downtube. This was a simple, inexpensive and
reasonably practicable fix to reduce the noise emission to shearers and minimise
a health and safety risk.

To view this report in full, see: Mahn, J. (2010). Noise of sheep shearing
systems. Part 2. Noise Source Identification. Christchurch. Canterbury
University: Acoustic Research Group. Report 120.

Thanks to John Wallaart (Principal Advisor Biological and Chemical, WorkSafe
New Zealand) for providing this case study.


Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: General risks to consider when designing structures,
plant or substances
Appendix C: Health and Safety by Design checklist for structures


Appendix A: Glossary


Control measure Is a way of eliminating or minimising risks to health and safety.

Duty holder Means a person who has a duty under HSWA. There are four types of duty holders –
PCBUs, officers, workers and other persons at workplaces.

Hazard Includes a person’s behaviour where that behaviour has the potential to cause death,
(Section 16 of HSWA) injury, or illness to a person (whether or not that behaviour results from physical or mental
fatigue, drugs, alcohol, traumatic shock, or another temporary condition that affects a
person’s behaviour).

Health and Safety at HSWA is the key work health and safety law in New Zealand. This covers nearly all work
Work Act 2015 (HSWA) and workplaces.

Other person at workplace Examples of other persons include workplace visitors and casual volunteers at workplaces.

Overlapping PCBU duties Means when more than one PCBU has health and safety duties in relation to the same matter.

PCBU a. means a person conducting a business or undertaking:

(Section 17 of HSWA) i. whether the person conducts a business or undertaking alone or with others; and
ii. whether or not the business or undertaking is conducted for profit or gain; but
b. does not include:
i. a person to the extent that the person is employed or engaged solely as a worker
in, or as an officer of, the business or undertaking:
ii. a volunteer association:
iii. an occupier of a home to the extent that the occupier employs or engages another
person solely to do residential work:
iv. a statutory officer to the extent that the officer is a worker in, or an officer of, the
business or undertaking:
v. a person, or class of persons, that is declared by regulations not to be a PCBU for
the purposes of this Act or any provision of this Act.

Plant Includes:
(Section 16 of HSWA) a. any machinery, vehicle, vessel, aircraft, equipment (including personal protective
equipment), appliance, container, implement, or tool; and
b. any component of any of those things; and
c. anything fitted or connected to any of those things.

Reasonably practicable In relation to a PCBU’s primary duty, the duty of PCBUs who manage or control a
(Section 22 of HSWA) workplace, or who manage or control fixtures, fittings or plant at workplaces, and the
upstream PCBU duty means that which is, or was, at a particular time, reasonably able
to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety, taking into account and weighing
up all relevant matters, including:
a. the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring; and
b. the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or risk; and
c. what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about:
i. the hazard or risk; and
ii. ways of eliminating or minimising the risk; and
d. the availability and suitability of ways to manage the risk; and
e. after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or
minimising the risk, the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or
minimising the risk, including whether the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
For more information on the concept of ‘reasonably practicable’, see WorkSafe’s fact
sheet Reasonably Practicable.

Risk Risks arise from people being exposed to a hazard (a source of harm).



Structure a. means anything that is constructed, whether fixed, moveable, temporary, or

(Section 16 of HSWA) permanent; and
b. includes:
i. buildings, masts, towers, frameworks, pipelines, quarries, bridges, and underground
works (including shafts or tunnels); and
ii. any component of a structure; and
iii. part of a structure.

Upstream PCBUs In this guide means PCBUs who design, manufacture, import or supply plant, substances
or structures, or who install, construct or commission plant or structures.
‘Design’ is defined in HSWA as including:
a. the design of part of the plant, substance, or structure; and
b. the redesign or modification of a design.
See Section 3.3 of these guidelines for more information about upstream PCBU duties.

Worker Means an individual who carries out work in any capacity for a PCBU, including work as:
(Section 19 of HSWA) a. an employee; or
b. a contractor or subcontractor; or
c. an employee of a contractor or subcontractor; or
d. an employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the business
or undertaking; or
e. an outworker (including a homeworker); or
f. an apprentice or a trainee; or
g. a person gaining work experience or undertaking a work trial; or
h. a volunteer worker; or
i. a person of a prescribed class.
A constable is:
i. a worker; and
ii. at work throughout the time when the constable is on duty or is lawfully performing
the functions of a constable, but not otherwise.
A member of the Armed Forces is:
i. a worker; and
ii. at work throughout the time when the member is on duty or is lawfully performing
the functions of a member of the Armed Forces, but not otherwise.
A PCBU is also a worker if the PCBU is an individual who carries out work in that business
or undertaking.

Workplace a. means a place where work is being carried out, or is customarily carried out, for a
(Section 20 of HSWA) business or undertaking; and
b. includes any place where a worker goes, or is likely to be, while at work.
In this section, place includes:
a. a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, ship, or other mobile structure; and
b. any waters and any installation on land, on the bed of any waters, or floating on
any waters.


Appendix B: General risks to consider when designing structures,

plant or substances



Confined spaces Confined spaces pose When designing plant or structures that contain a confined space,
a health and safety risk. designers should include:
For further guidance –– use of lining materials that are durable, require minimal cleaning
on confined spaces, see and do not react with materials contained in the confined space
WorkSafe’s quick guide –– mechanical parts that provide for safe and easy maintenance
Confined Spaces. –– provision for ventilation of the confined space, such as
removable panels
–– large, practical access points to permit the rescue of people who
may become trapped in the confined space.
Where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate confined spaces,
the designer should consider designing the area/space:
–– with a safe means of entry and exit
–– that does not allow the build-up of hazardous contaminants,
or allow dangerous levels of oxygen to occur
–– where risks to the health and safety of people who enter the space
are minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.

Control circuit If the control circuit fails, A control circuit used to control the plant should be designed to the
failure this may pose a health requirements of the category, performance level or safety integrity
and safety risk to users. level determined by a risk assessment. In particular:
For further guidance –– the plant should not start unexpectedly
on circuit controls, see –– the plant should not be prevented from stopping if such a command
WorkSafe’s guidelines has already been given
Safe Use of Machinery. –– no moving part of the plant should fall or be ejected
–– automatic or manual stopping of moving parts should not be impeded
–– the protection device should remain fully effective or fail to a
condition that does not create a risk.

Emergency stops An emergency stop is a Designers should consider the number of emergency stops, features
device installed on or next of the plant operation and the location and number of operators
to plant to bring it to a who may need to access them throughout the structure or building.
stop when other control Emergency stops do not remove the need for acceptable guarding.
measures fail. It could
The designer should make sure that:
be a button, grab wire
–– once engaged, the emergency stop controls should remain in place
or foot pedal.
until a risk assessment is done
–– it is only possible to disengage the emergency stop controls using
a deliberate action
–– the emergency stop control cannot be adversely affected by
electrical or electronic circuit malfunction
–– the emergency stop is not the only method of managing risks –
they should be designed as a backup to other control measures
–– the emergency stop system should be compatible with the
operational characteristics of the plant
–– the emergency stop system should be compatible with the physical
characteristics of users
–– the type of emergency stop design is chosen following the
requirements of the category, performance level or safety integrity
level determined by a risk assessment
–– if the plant is designed to be operated by more than one person and
more than one emergency stop control is fitted, the designer should
make sure that the multiple emergency stop controls are of the ‘stop
and lock-off’ type. This is so the plant cannot be restarted after an
emergency stop control has been used unless the emergency stop
control is reset.




The emergency stop control should be prominent, clearly and durably

marked. Warning devices can include:
–– audible alarms
–– motion sensors
–– lights
–– rotary flashing lights
–– air horns
–– percussion alarms
–– radio sensing devices.
These warning devices may need to be located a multiple places
in the building or structure to alert others to the situation.

Energy sources Designers should consider Designers should make sure:

the possibility of a –– plant should default to the ‘off position’
dangerous situation where –– plant should not be able to restart automatically after power
the energy source to the fluctuations
plant or structure becomes
–– protective devices should remain fully effective before, during and
irregular. This could take
after power fluctuation.
the form of a power surge
or fluctuation. Where electrical equipment has been designed for use within certain
voltage limits, only those specific requirements addressing the design
requirement should apply.
Where plant is powered by an energy source other than electricity,
it should be designed to allow the plant to be constructed and
equipped to manage, so far as is reasonably practicable, potential
risks associated with that particular type of energy.

Entanglement Some plant carries a risk Designers should make sure that moving parts of machines are
of entanglement. designed in a way that eliminates the need for user intervention.
Older plant like radial drills, surface planers and milling machines
commonly operate with the rotating tool unguarded. This presents
a risk of entanglement should the user or their clothing contact the
rotating part.
For modern metal-working machines, designers should consider
these things:
–– incorporating protective guards that surround the cutter
–– providing lubricant and swarf removal that could eliminate
the need for user invention
–– ensuring plant is computer controlled where possible.
For older woodworking machinery, designers should consider:
–– using powered feed equipment to provide a safe distance between
the user and the revolving cutters or blades
–– fitting barriers like mesh guards or tunnel guards for close-contact
plant like grain augers or tree-limb mulchers.
Older style machines should be protected by the use of physical
barriers, pressure sensitive mats or presence sensing devices.
Operator controls for plant capable of entanglement should be able
to bring the plant quickly to a complete stop. The braking system on
the plant should, so far as is reasonably practicable, prevent further
movement once the plant has stopped.

Fire and explosion Certain types of plant, A designer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure the plant
substances or structures or structure is designed without risk. They must also manage risks
contain or create the posed by the plant itself. Risks may arise from gases, liquids, dusts,
risk of fire, explosion vapours or other substances produced, stored or used in the plant
or overheating. or structure, or other plant or structures in the vicinity.


Appendix B: General risks to consider when designing structures,

plant or substances



Confined spaces Confined spaces pose When designing plant or structures that contain a confined space,
a health and safety risk. designers should include:
For further guidance –– use of lining materials that are durable, require minimal cleaning
on confined spaces, see and do not react with materials contained in the confined space
WorkSafe’s quick guide –– mechanical parts that provide for safe and easy maintenance
Confined Spaces. –– provision for ventilation of the confined space, such as
removable panels
–– large, practical access points to permit the rescue of people who
may become trapped in the confined space.
Where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate confined spaces,
the designer should consider designing the area/space:
–– with a safe means of entry and exit
–– that does not allow the build-up of hazardous contaminants,
or allow dangerous levels of oxygen to occur
–– where risks to the health and safety of people who enter the space
are minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.

Control circuit If the control circuit fails, A control circuit used to control the plant should be designed to the
failure this may pose a health requirements of the category, performance level or safety integrity
and safety risk to users. level determined by a risk assessment. In particular:
For further guidance –– the plant should not start unexpectedly
on circuit controls, see –– the plant should not be prevented from stopping if such a command
WorkSafe’s guidelines has already been given
Safe Use of Machinery. –– no moving part of the plant should fall or be ejected
–– automatic or manual stopping of moving parts should not be impeded
–– the protection device should remain fully effective or fail to a
condition that does not create a risk.

Emergency stops An emergency stop is a Designers should consider the number of emergency stops, features
device installed on or next of the plant operation and the location and number of operators
to plant to bring it to a who may need to access them throughout the structure or building.
stop when other control Emergency stops do not remove the need for acceptable guarding.
measures fail. It could
The designer should make sure that:
be a button, grab wire
–– once engaged, the emergency stop controls should remain in place
or foot pedal.
until a risk assessment is done
–– it is only possible to disengage the emergency stop controls using
a deliberate action
–– the emergency stop control cannot be adversely affected by
electrical or electronic circuit malfunction
–– the emergency stop is not the only method of managing risks –
they should be designed as a backup to other control measures
–– the emergency stop system should be compatible with the
operational characteristics of the plant
–– the emergency stop system should be compatible with the physical
characteristics of users
–– the type of emergency stop design is chosen following the
requirements of the category, performance level or safety integrity
level determined by a risk assessment
–– if the plant is designed to be operated by more than one person and
more than one emergency stop control is fitted, the designer should
make sure that the multiple emergency stop controls are of the ‘stop
and lock-off’ type. This is so the plant cannot be restarted after an
emergency stop control has been used unless the emergency stop
control is reset.




The emergency stop control should be prominent, clearly and durably

marked. Warning devices can include:
–– audible alarms
–– motion sensors
–– lights
–– rotary flashing lights
–– air horns
–– percussion alarms
–– radio sensing devices.
These warning devices may need to be located a multiple places
in the building or structure to alert others to the situation.

Energy sources Designers should consider Designers should make sure:

the possibility of a –– plant should default to the ‘off position’
dangerous situation where –– plant should not be able to restart automatically after power
the energy source to the fluctuations
plant or structure becomes
–– protective devices should remain fully effective before, during and
irregular. This could take
after power fluctuation.
the form of a power surge
or fluctuation. Where electrical equipment has been designed for use within certain
voltage limits, only those specific requirements addressing the design
requirement should apply.
Where plant is powered by an energy source other than electricity,
it should be designed to allow the plant to be constructed and
equipped to manage, so far as is reasonably practicable, potential
risks associated with that particular type of energy.

Entanglement Some plant carries a risk Designers should make sure that moving parts of machines are
of entanglement. designed in a way that eliminates the need for user intervention.
Older plant like radial drills, surface planers and milling machines
commonly operate with the rotating tool unguarded. This presents
a risk of entanglement should the user or their clothing contact the
rotating part.
For modern metal-working machines, designers should consider
these things:
–– incorporating protective guards that surround the cutter
–– providing lubricant and swarf removal that could eliminate
the need for user invention
–– ensuring plant is computer controlled where possible.
For older woodworking machinery, designers should consider:
–– using powered feed equipment to provide a safe distance between
the user and the revolving cutters or blades
–– fitting barriers like mesh guards or tunnel guards for close-contact
plant like grain augers or tree-limb mulchers.
Older style machines should be protected by the use of physical
barriers, pressure sensitive mats or presence sensing devices.
Operator controls for plant capable of entanglement should be able
to bring the plant quickly to a complete stop. The braking system on
the plant should, so far as is reasonably practicable, prevent further
movement once the plant has stopped.

Fire and explosion Certain types of plant, A designer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure the plant
substances or structures or structure is designed without risk. They must also manage risks
contain or create the posed by the plant itself. Risks may arise from gases, liquids, dusts,
risk of fire, explosion vapours or other substances produced, stored or used in the plant
or overheating. or structure, or other plant or structures in the vicinity.




Guarding The designer should ensure, The guarding should be a permanently fixed barrier or an interlocked
so far as is reasonably physical barrier. If neither of these options is reasonably practicable,
practicable, that guarding the guarding should be a physical barrier that can only be altered
will prevent access to the or removed using a tool. If this option is not practicable, a presence-
danger point of the plant. sensing safeguarding system should be used.
The designer should also make sure that:
–– the guarding can be removed to allow maintenance and cleaning of
the plant. The location of plant inside the structure is an important
consideration here.
–– the guarding can only be removed when the plant is not in normal
–– if the guarding is removed, the plant cannot be restarted unless
the guarding is replaced.
The mechanisms and operator controls forming part of a machine
guard should be of failsafe design. The guarding should not:
–– weaken the structure of the plant
–– cause discomfort to users
–– introduce new hazards like pinch points, rough edges or sharp corners.
The designer should review the regulatory requirements for guarding
at each phase of the design development.
The guard should be designed considering:
–– the placement of the guard (eg to allow the user to observe the
–– removal or ejection of work pieces
–– lubrication
–– inspection
–– the physical characteristics of users
–– adjustment and
–– repair of machine parts.
Where some form of physical barrier is provided to prevent access
to dangerous parts, the size and position of the barrier should take
into account the physical characteristics of likely users.
The illustration shows an example of good guard design on a press brake.




When choosing a guard, designers should consider the environment

it will be used in. Physical barrier guarding should be:
–– constructed from material strong enough to resist normal wear
and shock
–– able to withstand long use with a minimum of maintenance
–– made from corrosion-resistant materials, if it is likely to be exposed
to corrosion.




When an enclosure is used to prevent access to mechanical, chemical

and electrical hazards there may be an opportunity to control other
risks. For example, risks associated with exposure to dust may be
controlled by replacing a mesh guard with a sheet metal guard (ie
enclosure) however; the accumulation of dust within the guard should
not create another hazard.
Where there is a risk of jamming or blocking moving parts, the
designer should document the work procedures, devices and tools to
clear the plant in a way that minimises the risk. This information should
be passed on to the manufacturer and supplier.
The designer should carry out safety integrity testing for presence-
sensing safeguarding systems to check that a safety function will
perform as intended.
A risk assessment determines the safety integrity requirements – the
higher the level of safety integrity, the lower the likelihood of failure
which can cause harm. If applicable, the designer should specify
(in the information provided to the manufacturer) the safe systems
of work for using and maintaining the guarding and the maintenance
of the components being guarded.

Hazardous Hazardous substances Plant should be designed and manufactured to control the release of
substances and may create health and hazardous exposures. This includes controlling hazardous waste and
substances safety risks for people airborne substances.
hazardous to who handle them.
Extraction ventilation for a structure or for plant should be designed
to maximise the capture and containment of the airborne contaminant
and ensure it is carried away from the workers rather than toward the

Lighting Lighting should be Lighting may be internally or externally installed. Emergency lighting
provided to enable safe should use its own power supply and not be subject to power cuts.
use of plant and provide If external lighting is needed to ensure the safety of workers at or
a safe work environment near the plant, the designer should provide written information to
in, or on a structure. the installer and the end user. Designers should consider control
Poor lighting can lead panel lighting when designing plant.
to poor visibility, user
Designers should, by applying appropriate Standards, look into
fatigue, difficulty
lighting requirements for plant use and maintenance including:
performing tasks,
–– the direction and intensity of lighting
and wrong decisions
and accidents. –– the contrast between background and local illumination
–– the colour of the light source
–– control of reflection, glare and shadows
–– the use of colour and finishes on reflecting surfaces
–– adaptation of the worker to the light levels
–– distribution of light in the space and on surfaces
–– the use of light with suitable colour characteristics.

Lightning Lightning strikes pose a risk Plant or structures potentially exposed to lightning strikes while being
of severe burns or death. used, or worked in or on should incorporate a system for conducting
resultant electrical charges to earth.

Manual tasks Manual tasks can pose Designers should:

a risk to workers’ health –– make sure that the plant and layout of the structure is designed
and safety. to eliminate, so far as is reasonably practicable, the need for any
hazardous manual tasks to be carried out
–– take reasonable steps to provide information on hazardous manual
tasks associated with plant. For example, this information may be
in user manuals and manufacturer’s instructions. It should be in plain
English and include pictures or drawings where possible while also
maintaining the accuracy and quality of the technical information.




Designers should consider:

–– characteristics of the plant such as weight, size, shape and stability
–– layout of the structure and work areas in terms of accessibility and
movement of people, plant and vehicles
–– vertical and horizontal reach distances of future users
–– conditions in which the plant will be used, serviced, maintained
and repaired
–– if the plant is suited to the physical characteristics of users including
body size and shape
–– if the plant could create poor working positions or awkward postures
–– if the operator will need to carry out repetitive actions
–– if the operator will be required to work at the same task for long periods
–– sight lines of users.
Designers should consider the following methods to minimise risks
associated with manual tasks:
–– modular components designed to be dismantled so they can easily
be carried or repaired
–– attachments like handles or designated lifting points to make
lifting easier
–– wheels to make moving easier
–– using lightweight materials
–– managing weight of products, substances or components
(eg packing substances only in 10 kg bags rather than 25 kg bags).

Mechanical or Parts of plant and Materials used to make the plant and structure should suit the
structural failure structures should be specified working environment. While deciding which materials to
during use able to withstand typical use, designers should consider the possible effects of fatigue, ageing,
stresses during intended corrosion and abrasion.
use and reasonably
The design specification should indicate:
foreseeable misuse.
–– the type and frequency of inspection and maintenance required
to keep the plant or structure in a safe condition
–– the parts subjected to wear
–– the criteria for determining replacement of these parts.
Where risk of rupture or disintegration of parts of plant or structure
remains after control measures are taken, the parts should be designed,
so far as is reasonably practicable, to be mounted, positioned or
guarded so if they rupture their fragments will not put the user or
others at risk.
Designers should consider whether it is appropriate to design plant
such that if one part of the plant disintegrates or fails, the entire plant
should stop (or continue, whatever is safer) so that it does not pose
any additional risk over and above the failed part.
Rigid and flexible hoses and pipes carrying fluids like gases or liquids,
particularly those under high pressure, should be able to withstand
foreseen stresses and be firmly attached and protected against them.
Where material to be processed is automatically fed to moving parts
of the plant, the design should include a way to avoid risks to the user
and others which may arise from the material being ejected or being
blocked in the moving parts of the plant. This may include:
–– allowing the moving parts to reach normal working condition before
material comes into contact with the moving parts and
–– co-ordinating the feed movement of the material and the moving
parts of the plant including on start-up and shut-down, regardless
of whether the use is intentional or unintentional.
For further information, see the ILO Code of Practice (Occupational
Safety and Health).




Noise Designers should design To manage the risks associated with noise emission, the designer
plant and structures so that should consider:
noise emission is as low as –– preventing or reducing the impact between machine parts
is reasonably practicable. –– replacing metal parts with quieter plastic parts
–– combining machine guards with acoustic treatment
–– enclosing noisy machine parts
–– selecting power transmission which permits the quietest speed
–– isolating vibration-related noise sources within machines
–– using effective seals for machine doors
–– machines with effective cooling flanges which reduce the need
for air jet cooling
–– quieter types of fans or placing mufflers in the ducts of ventilation
–– quiet electric motors and transmissions
–– reducing velocity of air or liquids in pipes – maximum 5 metres
per second
–– ventilation ducts with fan inlet mufflers and other mufflers to
prevent noise transfer in the duct between noisy and quiet rooms
–– locating noisy plant outside a structure, or if within a structure at a
position that minimises noise reflection from walls, ceiling and floors.

Operator controls Operator controls can pose Designers should design plant operator controls so they are:
a risk if they are difficult to –– identified on the plant to indicate how to use them
use or access. –– located in an accessible place on the plant
–– located or guarded to prevent accidental activation
–– able to be locked into the ‘off’ position to enable the disconnection
of all motive power.
Control devices should be designed:
–– so the plant is fail-safe to the category, performance level and
safety integrity level determined by a risk assessment
–– to be located within easy access of the user
–– with extra emergency stops which can be used from other parts
of the plant
–– so they are clearly visible, identifiable and suitably marked
–– to clearly indicate the function of the control and control operations
are as indicated
–– using symbols and written instructions
–– so they can be easily read and understood by all users or potential
users (including those with poor vision). This includes dials, screens
and gauges
–– so the control moves consistent with established convention
–– so the desired effect can only occur by intentionally operating
a control
–– to withstand normal use, undue forces and environmental
–– to be outside danger zones
–– to be located or guarded to prevent unintentional activation
–– so they can be locked in the ‘off’ position to isolate the power and
–– to be readily accessible for maintenance.
It should only be possible to start plant by deliberately moving or
operating a control provided for that purpose, including after a
stoppage. Each item of plant should be designed to include a control
which completely stops the plant or its relevant components safely.




Plant combinations Plant that is designed to Plant arranged to work in combination with other plant should
work in combination with be designed so when the stop controls, including the emergency
other plant can pose a stop control, are activated, all the plant being used is stopped
health and safety risk simultaneously.
if not used correctly.
Where production lines are separated into zones, designers should
indicate to the user that the stop controls will only work for that zone.
Separate zones should be clear and intrusions into adjoining zones
should be made as difficult as possible.
Designers should provide information and instructions about
combined plant to the manufacturer.

Powered mobile Powered mobile plant There are various risk controls that may need to be considered in their
plant includes tractors, forklifts, design. These may include:
quad bikes and other –– roll over protective structures (ROPS)
plant that is commonly –– falling object protective structures (FOPS)
used to transport people
–– seat belts
or materials.
–– reversing alarms that can be easily heard above background noise.
For more information on powered mobile plant, see WorkSafe’s
guidance Keep safe around moving plant.

Radiation – Electro-magnetic radiation Designers should consider the effects of plant that generates electro-
Electro-magnetic can pose a health and magnetic radiation.
safety risk. It may occur at
Control measures to minimise exposure to electro-magnetic radiation
workplaces that perform:
may include:
–– forging
–– shielding
–– annealing
–– interlocking doors on industrial microwave ovens
–– tempering
–– installing remote operator controls when stray radiation could be
–– brazing or soldering produced from an induction or dielectric heater.
–– sealing of plastics
–– glue drying
–– curing particle boards
and panels
–– heating fabrics and paper
–– cooking with a
Pregnant women and
people with metallic
implants or cardiac
pacemakers may be at
particular risk from electro-
magnetic radiation.
Plant that produces a
magnetic field may include:
–– devices
–– appliances
–– equipment containing
wires that carry a
direct current.
Technologies that use
magnetic fields may
–– aluminium production
–– electrolytic processes
–– magnet production
–– nuclear magnetic
resonance imaging
–– spectroscopy.
Low frequency radiation is
man-made, low frequency
electromagnetic fields.




Radiation – The use and assessment Designers should design plant:

Ionising of these is covered by the –– to eliminate, so far as is reasonably practicable, personal exposure
Radiation Safety Act 2016 to radiation
and regulations. –– so that external ionising radiation does not affect people working
For more information on with or near the plant
ionising radiation, see –– so that ionising radiation levels are not higher than what is
the Ministry of Health’s necessary to use the plant, even in an emergency
Radiation Safety page: –– so that ionising radiation levels do not exceed relevant exposure
www.health.govt.nz/our- limits set by the Radiation Safety Act 2016 and Radiation Safety
work/radiation-safety Regulations 2016.

Radiation Lasers are devices that Designers of plant with laser equipment should make sure that:
(non-ionising) produce optical radiation
–– laser equipment on plant is designed to prevent harm
– Lasers with unique properties.
–– laser equipment on plant is protected so that users are not exposed
They have varying power
to direct radiation, radiation produced by reflection or diffusion or
and applications.
secondary radiation
High power laser devices –– visual equipment used for observation or adjustment of laser
can present a hazard over equipment on plant does not create health and safety risks.
considerable distances
from the source. Exposure Designers should consult with manufacturers, suppliers, owners and
to some higher powered end users to make sure that the correct strength of laser is used and the
lasers may cause skin housing of the laser unit is designed according to safe design principles.
burns and eye damage. The designer should make sure that written information on how to use
laser products safely is provided to the relevant PCBUs and workers.
Designers of lasers and plant with lasers should provide information
about how to use the lasers safely. This could be a label with both
the classification details and the warnings-for-use relevant to that
classification. The warning labels relevant to that classification should
be permanently attached to the housing of the plant in a highly
visible position.

Radiation – Excessive exposure to Designers should consider ultraviolet light risks associated with the
Ultraviolet ultraviolet (UV) radiation plant, and in structures they are designing. For example, a designer of
from the sun can cause mobile plant should safeguard the driver from exposure to ultraviolet
sunburn, lasting skin radiation from the sun by incorporating an effective canopy into the
damage, premature skin design. They should make sure that UV radiation created by the plant
aging and an increased risk is not released to prevent exposure to other workers in the structure.
of developing skin cancer.
Exposure also increases
the risk of ultraviolet
induced damage to the
lens and cornea of the eye.
Exposure can also come
from artificial sources
like germicidal lamps and
quartz-halogen lights, UV
curing of printing inks and
some forms of welding.

Risk of being Becoming trapped in plant Where there is a risk of a person becoming trapped or enclosed within
trapped poses a risk or injury or the plant, designers should incorporate control measures in the design
even death to users. to allow the plant to come to an immediate stop or prevent the plant
being activated while a person is in that position.
For mobile plant, the risk of the user being trapped if the plant
overturns can be minimised with rollover protection structures.

Software If software is difficult to Designers should investigate any potential Standards they may need
use, it can lead to health to reference when designing software for plant.
and safety risks for users.
Designers considering the use of interactive software for the user
to control the plant should make sure the software is as easy-to-use,
and with as few manual task risks as possible.
See Manual Tasks for more information about user interaction with
plant, structures and substances.




Stability Unstable plant can cause Designers should design plant to be stable under all expected
a risk to health and safety. conditions. Detailed written instructions should be provided by the
It can topple, parts can fall designer to the relevant PCBUs.
off or it can unexpectedly
Detailed written erection, modification and dismantling procedures
move and result in crush
should be provided to the manufacturer by the designer. Stability
or impact injuries.
testing requirements for the plant can be developed and specified
at the design phase and verified after manufacture.

Static electricity Static electricity may Plant and structures should be designed to prevent or limit the
cause an electric shock discharge of electrostatic charges. To manage health and safety
to a person, as well as risks arising from static electricity, designers can incorporate control
unintended combustion measures into their design such as spark detection and suppression
where flammable fumes systems.
are present.

Vibration Vibration can be Plant should be designed to manage risks resulting from vibration.
transmitted to the whole
Three approaches to control vibration are:
body and through the
–– eliminating vibration happening in the first place
hands and arms when
using plant, or working in –– minimising vibration
structures. This can lead –– isolating the vibration from the person.
to muscle damage and Ways that designers could minimise health and safety risks that may
other injuries and health arise from vibration are:
–– designing commercial vehicles to have suspended cabs
–– designing in vibration isolation (eg the use of rubber blocks or
mounts on an engine)
–– tool design that isolates the handles from the percussive action
–– incorporating an electric drive into the design
–– eliminating or reducing the need for people to work on or access
parts of a structure where vibration occurs.

Warning devices If the plant design includes an emergency warning device the designer
should position the device on the plant to make sure the device will
work to best effect. Warning devices can include:
–– audible alarms
–– motion sensors
–– lights
–– rotary flashing lights
–– air horns
–– percussion alarms
–– radio sensing devices.


Appendix C: Health and Safety by Design checklist for structures

The following list is a guide, and may be used to assist in identifying risks associated with the design of
a structure throughout its lifecycle. It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, that all the risks presented by the interaction between their design and people have been
identified and appropriately managed.

Electrical safety Plant

 Earthing of electrical installations  Tower crane locations, loading and unloading
 Location of underground and overhead  Mobile crane loads on slabs
power cables
 Plant and machinery installed in a building
 Protection of leads/cables or structure
 Number and location of power points  Materials handling, plant and equipment
 Maintenance access to plant and equipment
Fire and emergencies
 Guarding of plant and machinery
 Fire risks
 Lift installations
 Fire detection and fire fighting
 Emergency routes and exits Amenities and facilities
 Access for and structural capacity  Access to various amenities and facilities
to carry fire tenders such as storage, first aid rooms/sick rooms,
rest rooms, meal and accommodation areas
 Other emergency facilities
and drinking water
Movement of people and materials
 Safe access and egress, including for
people with disability  Excavations
(eg risks from earth collapsing or engulfment)
 Traffic management
 Location of underground services
 Loading bays and ramps
 Safe crossings Structural safety
 Exclusion zones  Erection of steelwork or concrete frameworks
 Site security  Load bearing requirements
 Lay of work area  Stability and integrity of the structure

Working environment Manual tasks

 Ventilation for thermal comfort and general  Methods of material handling
air quality and specific ventilation requirements
 Accessibility of material handling
for the work to be performed on the premises
 Loading docks and storage facilities
 Acoustic properties and noise control
(eg noise isolation, insulation and absorption)  Workplace space and layout to prevent
musculoskeletal disorders, including facilitating
 Seating use of mechanical aids
 Floor surfaces to prevent slips and trips
 Assembly and disassembly of pre-fabricated
 Space for occupants fixtures and fittings:
 Environmental issues – cold, heat, air –– Work layout and awkward positions – reach,
movement, vibration, noise , lighting ability to adjust work area or plant or tool
 Work organisation – hours worked, to fit worker
shiftwork, work flow, workers ability –– Load and forceful movements – carrying,
to control the job/task pushing, lifting, lowering, pulling (the human
–– Task invariability – repetitive static holding,
lack of variation in cognitive demand
–– Design to ensure that manual handling aids are
suitable for the tasks for which they are used
and that they are effective and safe for the
range of people who may use them, and under
the circumstances in which they are used.


 Exposure to hazardous substances and materials
including insulation and decorative materials
 Exposure to volatile organic compounds and
off gassing through the use of composite wood
products or paints
 Exposure to irritant dust and fumes
 Storage and use of hazardous chemicals,
including cleaning products

Human factors
 Individual factors – age, gender, fitness, fatigue
 Psychosocial factors – stress, time to do the

Falls prevention
 Guard rails
 Window heights and cleaning
 Anchorage points for building maintenance
and cleaning
 Access to working spaces for construction,
cleaning, maintenance and repairs
 Temporary work platforms
 Roofing materials and surface characteristics
such as fragility, slip resistance and pitch

For more information on Working at Height, see

WorkSafe’s guidance Best practice guidelines for
working at height in New Zealand.

Specific risks
 Exposure to radiation
(eg electromagnetic radiation)
 Exposure to biological hazards
 Working alone
 Use of explosives
 Confined spaces
 Over and under water work, including diving
and work in caissons with compressed air supply

Noise exposure
 Exposure to noise from plant or from
surrounding area

Safe Work Australia Code of Practice Safe Design

of Structures (2012)


This publication provides general guidance. It is not possible for WorkSafe to address every situation that
could occur in every workplace. This means that you will need to think about this guidance and how to
apply it to your particular circumstances.

WorkSafe regularly reviews and revises guidance to ensure that it is up-to-date. If you are reading a printed
copy of this guidance, please check worksafe.govt.nz to confirm that your copy is the current version.

ISBN: 978-1-98-856700-6 (print)

ISBN: 978-1-98-852799-4 (online)

Published: August 2018

PO Box 165, Wellington 6140, New Zealand


Except for the logos of WorkSafe, this copyright work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-commercial 3.0 NZ licence.

To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/nz

In essence, you are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes,
as long as you attribute the work to WorkSafe and abide by the other licence terms.

WSNZ_3087_Aug 2018
ISBN 978-1-98-856700-6 (print)
ISBN 978-1-98-852799-4 (online)

Level 6, 86 Customhouse Quay

PO Box 165, Wellington 6140
0800 030 040 worksafe.govt.nz

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