Multiple Choice: Read The Statement and Answer The Following Questions

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Department of Education

Inocencio V. Ferrer Memorial School of Fisheries

Talisay City, Negros Occidental
ICF 7 – Pre/Post Test

Name: Year & Section: Date:

Multiple Choice: Read the statement and answer the following questions.
1. It is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory.
a. Computer c. System Unit
b. Monitor d. Processor
2. Who invented the first commercial calculator?
a. Blaise Pascal c. George Boole
b. Charles Babbage d. Joseph- Marie Jacquard
3. What classification of computer is the biggest in size and the most expensive in price for it can process
trillions of instructions in seconds?
a. Mainframes c. Mini computer
b. Super computer d. Personal computer
4. A classification of computer which many prefer to use by the home users, these are lesser in cost and smaller
in size.
a. Mainframes c. Notebook
b. Personal computer d. Minicomputer
5. What classification of computer that is easy to carry, small in size and low weight?
a. Mainframes c. Handheld computer or notebook
b. Minicomputer d. Personal computer
6. It converts any hardware device that sends data to a computer.
a. Input devices c. Storage devices
b. Output devices d. Converter
7. Any peripheral that receives data from a computer, usually for display, projection, or physical reproduction.
a. Input devices c. Storage devices
b. Output devices d. Converter
8. Any hardware capable of holding information either temporarily or permanently.
a. Input devices c. Storage devices
b. Output devices d. Converter
9. What device that reads data from input or record data onto a disk for storage (output)?
a. Driver c. Disk drive
b. Scanner d. CPU
10. An output device that use for listening and held over the ears.
a. Headset c. Mouthpiece
b. Speaker d. Microphone
11. What input device that users press to input data or type commands?
a. Mouse c. Scanner
b. Keyboard d. Printer
12. What kind of input device that use to point or select item?
a. Mouse c. Arrow keys
b. Keyboard d. Scanner
13. It is an output device that produce sounds or music.
a. Speaker c. Printer
b. Microphone d. Amplifier
14. An input device that reads and copy an image and digitally records image.
a. Printer c. Mouse
b. Monitor d. Scanner
15. It is a storage device that can hold documents, pictures, music even MP3. What storage device it is?
a. CPU c. Flash Drive
b. Printer d. USB
16. It is considered as the brain of the computer.
a. CPU c. ROM
b. RAM d. CD-ROM
17. What output device that can produces paper copy information?
a. Scanner c. Speaker
b. Printer d. Microphone
18. Allow more than 1 program to run.
a. Multi-user c. User interface
b. Multitasking d. Multiple access
19. Allow 2 or more user to run programs
a. Multi-user c. User interface
b. Multitasking d. Multiple access
20. What function when you manage data files?
a. Resource management. c. User interface
b. Task management d. File management
21. What is OS?
a. Operational System c. Operation System
b. Operation Systematic d. Operationalize Sim
22. What function of operating system that allows users to interact with a computer?
a. Resource management c. User interface
b. Task management d. File management
23. What OS that produce two main versions?
a. Windows 98 c. Windows NT
b. Windows ME d. Windows XP
24. A better version of OS windows NT which works well both at home and as a workstation.
a. Windows 2000 c. Windows 98
b. Windows 2010 d. Windows 95
25. How you shut down computer and peripheral devices?
a. Plug out the power cord c. Push the power buttons of the computer
b. Click the start menu button and select and peripherals to shut down
shut down. d. Leave it, it will shut down itself.
26. What windows elements that is composed of the contents of your computer screen after the windows has
been started?
a. Launch bar c. Icons
b. Desktop d. Shortcuts
27. What are those small pictures you found in the Desktop?
a. Icons c. Programs
b. Task d. Shortcuts
28. A type of icons that offer quick access to files, folders, or programs.
a. Quick launch bar c. Window
b. Task bar d. Shortcuts
29. How will you resize the window?
a. Click maximize or minimize buttons of c. Zoom in your screen/monitor
window d. Click restore button
b. Click x/close button of window.
30. What is the file extension of word document?
a. .doc c. .wdc
b. .mbd d. .txt
31. Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V and Ctrl + C are the shortcut commands on your which have the
same functions of copying, deleting and pasting icons.
a. Documents word c. Mouse
b. Keyboard d. Task bar
32. To rename the icon of your documents, simply the icon and click rename.
a. Left click c. Double tap
b. Right click d. One click
33. What key of your keyboard will you press if you want to delete icon?
a. Delete c. Shift
b. Crtl d. Enter
34. How to close a certain window or programs?
a. Click Exit/Close c. Click restore
b. Click maximize d. Click delete
35. What folder view styles where the information about the files come in alphabetical order across columns?
a. Tiles c. Tumbnail
b. Icons d. Details
36. A folder view style that are big icons or of images.
a. Tiles c. Details
b. Thumbnail d. List
37. What do you call a process of arranging items systematically?
a. Sorting
b. Folding
c. grouping
d. detail
38. This folder is convenient place to store documents, spreadsheets, and other files you want to access quickly.
a. My Computer
b. My Pictures
c. My Music
d. My Documents
39. What folder can capable for holding picture files?
a. My Computer
b. My Pictures
c. My Music
d. My Documents
40. This is a folder where most programs are installed.
a. Program Files
b. Documents and Setting
c. Access Files
d. Software Files
41. Used to organize and manipulate numbers and displays options for what if analysis.
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. Presentation
d. Database
42. Used to create attractive finished graphs, presentation or reports.
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. Presentation
d. Database
43. What software package used in set up or structuring data?
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. Presentation
d. Database
44. What application program will you use in making letters, memos, term papers or reports?
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. Presentation
d. Database
Numbers 45 - 48

a. b. c. d.

45. Icon for PowerPoint presentation

46. Icon for word document
47. Icon for excel or spreadsheet
48. Icon for publisher

49. Laser printer uses to put an image on a drum with a special coating.
a. Laser light beam
b. Light
c. Heat
d. Ink
50. What peripherals will you use in installing or printing on the printer?
a. USB/parallel Cable
b. Line in Slot
c. Serial port
d. PS2

Prepared by:
Zenith E. Dugayo
ICF 7 - Teacher
Answer Key ICF Pre-test

1. A 11. B 21. C 31. C 41. B

2. A 12. A 22. C 32. B 42. C
3. B 13. A 23. A 33. A 43. D
4. B 14. D 24. A 34. A 44. A
5. C 15. C 25. B 35. A 45. B
6. A 16. A 26. B 36. B 46. A
7. B 17. B 27. A 37. A 47. C
8. C 18. B 28. D 38. D 48. D
9. C 19. A 29. A 39. B 49. A
10. A 20. D 30. A 40. A 50. A

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