C Inter (1) UPDATED Sep 18

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1.Explain about compilation stages in C?

2.What is declaration & definition ?

3.What is a Structure & how to access the members?

4.What is the difference between “ . ” and “ -> ” in structures?

5.What is Volatile keyword? Have you used in your projects?

6.What are the storage class?explain.

7.What is the difference between structures & unions?

8.what is the difference between malloc & calloc ?

9.what is memory leak &Dangling pointer/

10. Here some code

Int a , b, c;



these four lines where will be stored in memory?

========================= ========= ===========================


1.Brief discussion about storage class?

2.Main difference between Static and Extern?

3.Types of pointers and its use?

4.What is function pointer and explanation/

5.Find biggest number without using array?

6.Structures and unions?

7.explain about malloc?

====================== ===================== ==================


1.Explain about preprocessor stage?(with examples)

2.What is the difference between static and extern?

3. void( )

Void( );

What is the output of this code?

4.What is the difference between c & c++ ?

5.Syntax of malloc ?

6.Copy the arry1 to arry2 with different indexes ,what is the logic you will use?

7.Without using strlen library function ,how will you implement to find length of string?

INVETECH info solution pvt ltd

1. Int a[10];

Printf(“ %p %p %p \n”, a, &a, &a[0]);

What is the program output?

2.What is the difference between structures and unions ?Where do we use unions?

3.Explain about function pointers and cal back functions?

4.What is void pointer NULL pointer ,and their use/

5.Explain malloc , calloc & realloc with examples/

6.Bit manipulations using logic operators, count the no,of 1’s in abyte?

7.Write a function to figure out ,if stack grows up or down ?

8.Difference between stack and heap?

9.Find little Endean and big endean with a example.

10.Explain about DMA?

11.int i= 9;

i = ! i > 15;

printf(“i= %d”, i);

what is the output?

12. char j[ ] ={ ‘a’ ,’ b’,’c’,’\n’,’ c’,’\0’};

Char *p,*str, *str1;

P= &j[3];

Str = p;

Str1= j;

Printf(“%d”, ++*p+ ++*str1-32);

What is the output?

13. int a[2][2][2] ={{10,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8}};

Int *p, *q ;


*q =***a;

Printf(“ %d ------ %d”, *p,*q);


–---->What s out put?

14. char *p= “hi friends”, *p1;




Printf(“%s %s ”,p,p1);

What is the output?


1.Find middle node in a linked list ?

2.What is merge sort?

3.Structure padding

struct a

{ int a;

Char b;

Float c;

Short d;

Struct a

Int *a;

Char *b;

Float *c;

Short *d;

Fill the above structure members and print the values in the structure members?

4.Hoe to avoid structure padding ?

5.Modulo operation without “%” .

6.How to exit from while loop without using return ,break, continue ?

7.How to extract 5 to 10 bits in a integer ?


1.Write recursive function to write (x%y) using multiple substance.

2.Using 2 arrays write a function to find common element in both A and B arrays.
3.find the output of the following program


{int x,y;


fib( );

printf(“%d”, x);

int fib(int n)

{int Num,


return ;


x - -;

fib( );

return ;

4.Functions for binary input to convert all numbers to 1 after 1’s bit.

0000 0000 0000 0001 1100

0000 0000 0000 0001 1111

5.Write a program to use space and time complexity for count multiple integers numbers with out using


1.Write a program for swap two variables.

2.Write a program for fibnoic series?

3.Difference between structure and unions?

4.What are the storage class or variables and explain?

5.Difference between macro and typedef with examples?

What is function pointer?

7.Is it possible static is variable in another file?why?

8.What is inline function ?(c++).

9.Can we use static for functions or not?


1.Explain about volatile keyword?(with example)

2.Difference between static function and non static function?

3.What is bit field with example?

4.What is the use of register keyword?

5.Which is the better loop for infinity loop in c?

6.How raw values are converted into human understandable values(explain logic)?

7.Write a C program for triangle or pyramid?

8.main( )


What is the output of the program?

9.main( )

clrscr( );

clrscr( );

what is output?

10.main( )

char *p;



What is the output?


1.Difference between malloc & callloc?

2.storage classes in C?

3.Difference between long, short, double?

4.Explain Stack and Quees operations?

5.Use of pointers? ++*P increaments?

6.What is sorting?

7.Difference between bubble sorting and quick sorting ?


1.Program for multiplication given by user. Multiplication number and row no. to be multiplied given by
the user

Ex: multiplication number 5, row =20

5*1=5 to 5*20=100;

Multiplication functionality done using functions.

2.Enter the numbers ex:5, the range of no. is stored in an array. Write a program using functions to print
the reverse of given array and main function program is used only to print reverse numbers.

3.Program to print the prime numbers ,given by the user (10 to 1000),(50 to 2000)and program using

4.write the decimal output for following.(no need of program)just write steps.

I) v1=45, v2=036

v1&v2, v1|v2, v1^v2

ii) v1=49, v2= 12;

v1&v2, v1|v2, ~v1, v1>>3, v1<<2

iii) v1= 0xA5 ,v2=AB

v1&v2, v1|v2 , v1^v2, ~v1, ~v2, v1>>3, v1<<2


1.what are the compilation stages in c? what are data types?

2.Difference between structures and unions?

3.What is palindrome ?write all four and five numbers palindram?

4. Linked list in python?

5. Recursion of a string print “hello world ”in python.

6.Diamand pattern with 1’s?


1.Division of two numbers with division operator?

2.Linked list reverse and node deletion?

3.suduko validation/

4.In an array the absoult sum of two numbers real to zero.

5.Leadeship of numbers in an array/

6.Alternative words reverse?

7.Alternative prime numbers?

8.using single for loop find 3 largest elements in an array/

9.using single for loop compare two arrays having common elements?

10.Rotation of array checking ?


1.Why we use typecasting?

2.Difference between typecasting and typedef ?

3.C compilation steps?


1.Can you write a program to display prime numbers for range n given by the user?
2.Write a program for fibnocci series?

3.Write a program for factorial of a given number using recursive function?

/* automotive robotics on 22-01-2017 */

1.string reverse without using temp variable

2.dynamic memory allocation.

3.how to delete n node in linked list.

4.char x[50]={1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,5,69,54,33,2,12,34,,54,9........};

int *iptr;




where 25 store?

5.int i=10;


/* Globaledge telephonic interview on 15-02 */

1.what is static keyword.

2.copy from user and copy to user.

3.can we use memcopy insteadof copy from user and copy to user.

4.Have you use function pointers.how do they works.

/* HCL interview on 25-02 first round written test second round face to face */
1.clear a 9th bit in an integer.

2.enum day{monday,tuesday,wednesday};

3.reverse string.


5.size of int a b,c;c=65545+65545.

6.size of long,double,long double,int,float.

7.dynamic creation of 3 dimensional array.

8.in a 64 bit byte swapping.

9.binary tree search.

10.a=o24 printf("%d",a);


1.Pointers, memset, code optimization technique.

2.Structures ,Unions difference.

3.What is #define function.

/* MBbit wireless on 29-01 face to face and skype */

1. n*5;




2.in a integer multiply 3rd byte and 2 byte

3.algartham for binary search


5.what is typedef and #define

6.what is macro and inline

7.volatile keyword and where it is stored

8.what is static keyword and where it is stored?

/*static is a storage variable(global variable)

initiated global variables are stored in data segment

unintiated global variables are stored in BSS segment*/.

9.using string pointer swap HELLO WROLD

10.int a=3,b=5,c;


11.how to return multiple values from a function.

using call by reference.

/* qualcomm telephoic interview on 23-02* /

1.what are bit wise operators?

2.how to set a bit?

3.how to clear a bit?

4.in a int variable assign a vlaue and then swap the bit positions i.e in 32 bits swap 0,1 and 2,3......30,31.

5. unsigned int x=9;

int power(unsigned int x)

unsigned int i;


return 1;


result *=2;

return result;

6.what is volatile keyword and how it is works?

/* unik system on 07-02 */

1.what is macro and inline.explain with an example.

2.what is volatile?

3.write a macro for swapping two variables.

4.in a 16 bit compiler,int x=4.set 7th bit.

5.reverse linked list.

/*winit software*/
1st round

1.Write a program for digital watch.

2.Write a program for decimal number to 1.octal 2.hexadecimal 3. Binary .

3.Write a program for this pattern.

n=4; n=5;

2 1

1 2 3 1 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 4

1 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1 2

4. Write aprogram for finding no.fo Zeros & ones and display them .

5. Write aprogram for the given numbers in order like asssending and desending order.

6.Write a program for to create a tree.

/*votary tech*/

1.malloc,calloc explain it.

2.Write a program for the ATM cash withdraw what logic you used.

3.Reversing a string.
4.Tell me about some sorting technics?

Miscellaneous interview questions or latest

1)Is it possible static variable in another file?why?

2)what is the difference between MACRO and CONST?

3)what is the difference between MACRO and TYPEDEF?


5)Write a C logic for decimal to binary conversion?

6)For a given number toggle the 31st bit

unsign a =8FFFFFFF

what is the logic used?

7)for a given number ,access 1byte and assign to another variables

unsign a =0X87654321

8)find the size of array when there is no datatype and arraysize or without using sizeof opereator?

9)what is the difference between array and linkedlist?

9) what complier do and how these are accessable?

#define dmf struct s*

typedef tmf struct *

dmf a,b;

tmf x,y;

10)what exactly executable file contains?

11)write a c program for input from 0 to 99

-----> if number is multiples of 3 ,print FIZZ

------> if number is multiples of 5 ,print BUZZ

-----> if number is multiples of 3 or 5 ,print FIZZBUZZ

-----> if not print the number

12)write a c program to print pattern?


–– 12

– 1 23


13) how to optimize the code writing if,elseif conditions ,not for checking condition directly go and
execute exact condition?


15) Is it possible to compile or not?

1.c 2.c

int x=10; float x=10.5;


1)w.P for reverse the words in a sentence

input: I AM A ProGRAMMER


2)w.P to print pattern

2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

3) w. p to print source file as its output which are in same directory

input: APP.C

output: APP

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