Aditya Kristianto: Curriculum Vitae

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Aditya Kristianto Jalan Harpa Raya A9 No 6

Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, 14240
Malang, September 25th 1994 +6281 224 633 545,

Currently working as Wholesale Credit Risk Model and Analytics (SM) in UOB Indonesia, a subsidiary of UOB Ltd., one of the
largest banks in SEA. My primary roles are supporting business unit in Scorecard Management, in order to sharpen acquisition for
healthier portfolio and credit modeling for IFRS9 provision and econometric modeling. Having experienced as an Operation
Management Trainee also enabled me to understand the business from various aspects, along with experience in risk management
and financial planning. Always eager to learn new things and work together with new people.

• Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2012 – 2016)
Thesis : Surge Pressure Analysis in Pipeline, GPA : 3.72

• Scholarship Grantee for Outstanding Achievement from Institut Teknologi Bandung (2013 – 2016)
• Dean’s List Award Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (1st Semester until 8th Semester)
• Outstanding Achievement for GPA 4.00 (2nd Semester period)
• Best Student, Graduated with Honors (Cum Laude)

• Practical Working at Premier Oil Indonesia offshore oil and gas facilities in Natuna Sea (2015)
• Assistant Lecturer for Artificial Lift Class at Petroleum Engineering Department (2015)
• Management Trainee, PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (2016 - 2017)
- Comprehensive in-class training and on-job training that covers sales, credit, collection, and services of financial services industry.
- Analyze TAF branches’ problems, create framework of solutions, implement and update solutions to Div. Head and Board of
• Credit Risk Analyst of Risk Management Division, PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (2017 – 2018)
- Application Scorecard (A-Score)
Creating two application scorecard (credit scoring) that are used to grade Toyota and Daihatsu car loan applicants throughout
TAF branches in Indonesia. Performing data preparation and cleansing (SQL), statistical modeling (IBM SPSS Modeler),
backtesting and out-of-time analysis to ensure model’s stability and predictability. Reviewing the model on semi-annual basis by
performing various statistical tests and making necessary improvements. The output of this credit scoring model will be used to
determine credit decision (approve/reject), risk-based pricing, and sales portfolio monitoring.
- Behavior Scorecard (B-Score)
Creating behavior scorecard that is used to grade customers’ behavior throughout their credit life cycle. With this behavior model,
we can separate between potential good customers and bad customers (that will become NPL in the next 3-6 months) based on
their payment behavior, historical past due behavior, and other trends such as increasing maximum overdue days in recent
months. The output of this B-Score model will be used to prioritize collection handling (for potential bad customers) and prioritize
cross selling product for customers retention initiative (for potential good customers).
- Decision Matrix
Decision matrix is a combination matrix between A-Score and B-Score, in order to improve our ability to pick low income
customers (low A-Score) with good conduct of account (high B-Score) and avoid high income customers (high A-Score) with bad
conduct of account (low B-Score). For example, customers who took low down-payment package but have good conduct of
account, their score will be improved compared to customers who took low down-payment package with poor conduct of
account. This Decision Matrix improved our confidence to start piloting Auto Approve and Auto Reject initiative (credit decisioning
automation without Credit Analyst, only minimum KYC and verification to improve approval SLA).
- IFRS9 (PSAK71) and PSAK55 provision
Creating provision calculation model based on IFRS9 accounting standard (PSAK71) and PSAK55 standard, which include
Probability of Default (PD) Model, Loss Given Default (LGD) Model, Exposure at Default (EAD) Model, and Forward-Looking Model
(only for IFRS9). Performing various analysis such as Vintage Analysis, Migration Matrix, and Econometrics Modeling. The output
of this model will be used as booked provision amount on the P/L report (PSAK55) and parallel run for IFRS9 (PSAK71) adoption in
- Net Loss Projection
Supporting Financial Planning Department by forecasting company’s net loss amount for quarterly Outlook update. Also
performing net loss projection for Profitability at Origination initiative.
- Residual Value Projection
Supporting new business model initiative by guaranteeing buy back prices for Toyota cars, 3 and 4 years after loan origination.
The idea behind this project is to manage Toyota used cars price at desired level (working together with Toyota Astra Motor) and
driving new car trade cycle up. We analyzed used car price trend based on car model, its manufacturing year and age. Then we
forecast future used car price to be used by marketing and sales department for their products.
- Credit Policy and Reporting
Managing credit policy, especially for scorecard management and acquisition process. On monthly basis, producing Portfolio
Management Report that will be presented in Risk Committee. It’s a routine update to Board of Directors, consisting of portfolio
performance (overdue level, net loss, etc.), acquisition performance (scorecard distribution, average score movement, etc.) and
collection performance (collection productivity, repossess and recovery numbers, etc.).
- Decision Engine Implementation (Experian – PowerCurve)
Working closely with Experian consultants, internal Credit Approval, IT, and Business Development team on implementing
decision engine. Digitalize every rule, policy, deviation, and flow process in order to improve SLA and audit trail of business
parameters changes.

• Wholesale Credit Risk Model and Analytics, United Overseas Bank Indonesia (2018 – Now)
- Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE) Model Review
Reviewing UOBI Rating Model. Performing various statistical tests to assess model performance, such as Accuracy Ratio (AR) Test,
Binomial Test, Concentration Test (Herfindahl Index), PD Backtesting, and Rank Ordering Test (comparing Expert Rating by Credit
Approver to Model Rating, using measurement such as Kendall’s Tau).
Enhancing UOBI Rating Model. Performing market research to improve model accuracy by changing parameters relative value
(ex: lowering apartment, hotel and villa property score due to weak demand while improving landed residential and warehouse
property due to strong demand) and working closely with Credit Approver Group to understand their view and appetite for
current market condition.
- IFRS9 Model for Wholesale Banking
Creating provision calculation model based on IFRS9 accounting standard (PSAK71), which include Probability of Default (PD)
Model, Loss Given Default (LGD) Model, Exposure at Default (EAD) Model, and Forward-Looking Model. Leading the project by
coordinating Business Unit, Finance, and Credit Risk Management and working closely with PwC consultants. Performing impact
analysis on bank’s P/L and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and coordinating with UOB Group in Singapore for IFRS9 Engine
Computation development.
- Econometric Modeling (using R Language)
Working closely with Economist to create stress testing model (OJK’s requirement) in order to measure the impact of various crisis
scenario to bank’s capital adequacy and recommend strategic action to prepare and mitigate potential risks. Also creating
Forward Looking Model to forecast bank’s NPL based on forecasted macroeconomics condition to be used as multiplier in IFRS9
provision calculation.

• Programming : R Language, SQL, C++
• Software : Experian PowerCurve, IBM SPSS Modeler, Visual Insight Microstrategy (BI), QlikSense (BI), Microsoft Office
• Certification : Franklin Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students, SANS – Security Awareness Training

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