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“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments,

but what is worth woven into the lives of others.”



Organ donation is the gift on an individual to help someone who suffers from damage

and gross malfunction of their organ .organ transplantation has greatly improved the

looks of patient suffering from end stage organ failure.

“When we donate life, we give someone more than resorted health an wellbeing .we

given them hope for a better tomorrow.”The gift of the donated organ and tissue

provide recipients with the opportunity to regain health and productive period of life

.The donor’s family also views their beloved one’s gift of donated organ and tissue as

a source of comfort ,during the time of intensive sorrow.

Organ transplantation is a routine life saving procedure, due the demand for organs

out strips the supply when organs such as heart , kidney and liver fail and no drugs are

available , a transplant can be the only option .organ transplant were first attempted a

hundred years ago ,but the early failed because of rejection .The body sees the new

tissue as foreign and immune system destroys it.

Some organs such as kidneys, lungs can be provided by living donor, most people can

survive with one kidney, at time affected part of the other kidney may also can come

back to health with the transplant. Organ donation is the process of surgically

removing an organ or tissue from one person and placing it into another person. Types

of organ donation are living donation, deceased donation , vascularized composite

allograft VCA. Type of transplantation are autograft, allograft , sograft , xenograft.

In 1994, the government of India passed the transplantation of human .Organs act

legalized the concept of brain death and for the facilitated organ procurement from

heart beating, brain dead donors, however this concept has not caught on well in India

for want of public education and awareness this is turn in perpetuating the commercial

sale of human organs due to the widening gap between the demand and supply.

Thousands of lives are last in India annually from heart and liver failure since

transplantation of unpaired like hearts, liver, and pancreas is either difficult or

impossible from living donors this in only possible on a large scale if these organs are

available from cadaver donors.

Medical science is expanding its horizons by leaps and bounds and edging towards

hence successes by unveiling gods god miraculous mystery-human being and

primarily human body. In any of the organs of the human body fails to function,

medical science can extend its functioning for some time , but when an end stage

failure is reached , just like a machine whose parts are changed the failed organ needs

to be replaced . There are millions of needy patients all over the world who suffers

from various end stage organ failures and whose liver can be saved only by the timely

replacement of the failed organ.

Human to human (allogencie) transplantation of cell tissue and organs has become

the best treatment and often the only for a wide range of fatal disease. Transplantation

has been increasing over the previous decades. However the human organ of the

therapeutic material entails the potential for safety and ethical violation .One of the

miraculous discoveries of medical science has brought a ray of hope in the lines of

those needy patients by transplanting these functioning organs from the bodies of

brain these functioning organs from the bodies of brain dead patient to these patient .

This is cadaver organ transplantation.

Whenever there is an injury to the brain stem or intracranial hemorrhage the patient

goes into coma. The brain is the almost important organ of the body and on

irreversible damage to the some leads to the death of the living being but other

internal organ remain functional. Though the advances in medical science have made

transplantation of lose their lives because the donor are not available in adequate

numbers. More than 150,000 people are damaged with end stage kidney disease every

in India .However , not more than a few thousand transplants are performed every

year and the patients are forced to survive on dialysis.

There is a district lack of awareness among the general public in India about how

immensely beneficial donating organs can prove to be for the recipients and their

familiar. Most of the people needing transplantation belong to the young and middle

age groups. Hence donating vital organ to a person belonging to these age groups can

save a whole family from being ruined. There is also superstition and among people

that by donating organs, they will be born deformed and disfigured in their next birth.

Hence urgent action is required on several fronts if the acute shortage of human

organs in india has to be met. Awareness should be increased about the benefits of

organ donations through the means of mass communication and superstitions among

people should be fought by the way of religious in junctions.

Organ transplantation on saves thousands of lives worldwide. According to WHO,

kidney transplantation are carried out in 91 countries. Around 66,000 kidney

donations 21,000 liver donations and 6000 heart donations were transplanted globally

in 2005. Organ for donation are procured from both living donors as well as cadavers.

In south-east Asia and Pakistan However , almost all organ donation come from living


According to the estimates of a prominent kidney transplants center of Pakistan .

Sindh Institute of urology and transplantation (SIUT), approximately 15,000 patients

in Pakistan suffer from kidney failure every year . The only treatment option available

for these patients are either dialysis or kidney transplantation. As of 2007 there are 12

transplantation centers in Pakistan with five being in the public sector and seven in the

private sector. Approximately 400 renal transplants are done every year despite the

increasing number of patient with end stage renal disease, The donors being living It

is dismal fact that there is no liver transplantation center in the country despite the

estimated prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in our population ; being 3-4%

% 6% respectively.

The law is important to protect the impoverished section of the society from

exploitations. A survey of kidney vendors done is Punjab, Pakistan, showed that 34%

were living below the poverty line . Most of these kidney vendors were illiterate, 69%

were bonded laborers.

Overall, globally the prevalence of knowledge for organ donation ranges from 60%

to 85% using different knowledge variables. The trend has been reported to very with

the development status of the country. Motivation to donate has been shown to have

an association with knowledge and awareness of organ donation.

Therefore the aim of our study was to fill the gaps regarding public awareness of

organ donation in Pakistan. Also we wished to determine factors that motivate or

dissuade Pakistani individuals from organ donation .This information would be

helpful for tailoring more precisely targeted programs and campaigns in the future.


Organ transplantation is unique among surgical procedures in that the procedure

cannot take place without the donation of an organ or a partial organ from another


In WHO, since 1988, than 390,000 organ have been transplanted , with approximately

30 percent of the transplanted organs coming from deceased donors. In 2005, 7,593

deceased donors provided 23,249 transplanted organs in the united states, and there

were 6,896 living donors (OPTN, 2006)

In India, around 6000 people die every day waiting for organ transplant every 17

minutes someone die waiting for transplant. . Every 13 minutes someone is added to

waiting list .India however slips to the 40th rank in study of 69 countries in terms of

number of transplants per million population with only three in a million getting the

kidney in case of a renal failure according to a new report of the kidney international

.The journal of international society of nephrology3,200 transplants took place in

India .

In MP, In the last 10 years in Ujjain, only 80 people have filled up to consent form for

body donation of which the R.D Gard I Medical College has received 7 bodies .

Each day an average of 75 people receive organ transplants. However, an average of

20 people died each waiting for transplants that can take place because of the shortage

of donated organs . In November 2010, the national waiting list was 45% white , 29%

Black , 18%Hisponic and 6% Asian . In 2007 there were almost 2.5 million deaths

in US due to shortage of organs. 105,567 people is in waiting list 28,463 transplants

took place , diseased and living donors are 14,630.

Hence, we are conducting this research because we have seen that there is less

knowledge among GNM 2nd year regarding organ donation and to give education on

organ donation to GNM 2nd year student to enhance their knowledge.







1 .Assess the pre-test knowledge regarding organ donation among GNM 2nd year

student in selected college of Jabalpur city.

2. Assess the post-test knowledge regarding organ donation among GNM 2nd year

student in selected of Jabalpur city.

3. Compare pre-test and post-test knowledge score regarding organ donation among

GNM 2nd year student in selected of Jabalpur city.

4. Associate pre-test knowledge score with selected demographic variable


1. ASSESS: It refers to estimate the quality of attitude and knowledge of GNM 2nd

year student in selected nursing college of Jabalpur.

2. KNOWLEDGE: It refers to the ideas expressed by GNM 2nd year student

related to organ donation in selected nursing college of Jabalpur.

3. ATTITUDE: It refers to feeling expressed by the GNM 2nd year student related

to organ donation in selected nursing college of Jabalpur.

4. EFFECTIVENESS: It refers to desired changes brought about the plan

teaching programme on the knowledge and attitude of GNM 2nd year student related

to organ donation in selected nursing college of Jabalpur.

5. PLANNED TEACHING PROGRAMME: It refers system of planned

instructions desired to impart information in order to gain knowledge regarding organ

donation of GNM 2nd year student related to organ donation in selected nursing

college of Jabalpur.

6. ORGAN DONATION: It refers to removal of specific organ of the human

body from a person who has recently died or from living donor , for the purpose of

transplanting them in to other person.



1. The GNM 2nd year student will have some knowledge regarding organ


2. The teaching programme will enhance the knowledge and attitude of a GNM

2nd year student regarding organ donation.


HO – There will be no significant difference between pre-test and post-test score of

GNM 2nd year student regarding organ donation in selected nursing college of


H1 – There will be significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge

score of GNM 2nd year student regarding organ donation in selected nursing college

of Jabalpur.



1. The GNM 2nd student in the age group 17-21 year.

2. In selected nursing college of Jabalpur.


According to polithungler (1994), conceptual framework is cohesive and supportive

linkage of selected inter related concepts . It serves as a guide to research and a spring

board for the generation of research hypothesis .Not every study is based on a theory

or conceptual model but every study has its in a framework and study is based on

system model (1985) a guide for development utilization and evaluation.

In present study input refer to the demographic variable such as age ,sex.

Process refers to the assessment knowledge and to provide planned teaching

programme on organ donation among GNM 2nd student in selected nursing college of


Output refers to the adequate knowledge of GNM 2nd year student regarding organ

donation that may lead to increase in the knowledge of GNM 2nd year student

regarding organ donation.



G.N.M. 2nd YEAR Assess the knowledge of Lack of

STUDENTS GNM 2nd year student knowledge
regarding organ donation
- Age after planned teaching
- Sex programme and post test


Figure No: 1 Conceptual framework based on general system model



Review of literature is systemic identification selection, critical analysis and

reporting existing on the topic of material for study

The review of literature of the present is organized under the following


2.1 Studies related to effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding organ


2.2 Studies related to organ donation in general.

2.3 Studies related to knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation.

2.1 Studies related to effectiveness of planned teaching

programme regarding organ donation –

2.1.1 A descriptive study conducted at the department of medical ethics and history of

department of medical ethics and history of medicine university of Gottingen on

public attitudes toward organ donation and its commercialization on 120 urban

people. The study found that current political and legal discourse, neglects the central

role of reciprocity for long people and patients. Lake of awareness and

misconceptions is the main cause for shortage of organ .

Arunjose (2006)

2.1.2 The cross sectional studies was conducted on knowledge, attitude and practices

about organ donation among college studies in Chennai. Tamil Nadu 75%

respondents were in favour of organ donation but only 2% were registered for organ


Annaduraik ,mani k et al, (2012)

2.1.3 The cross sectional study was conducted on community attitude toward kidney

donation in Mumbai India. This study resulted that participants had an average level

of awareness regarding kidney donation and a neutral attitude.

Almeida N et al , (2013)

2.1.4 The pre-experimental design was conducted for this study to assess the effect of

structured teaching programme regarding organ donation 60 sample were selected by

purposive sampling technique. The pilot study selected was conducted on 6 subject of

Rajiv Gandhi college of Nursing Jammu. The findings showed that the pre-test

knowledge ie,31 (51.76%) had inadequate knowledge and 9(15%) had moderately

adequate knowledge. And the attitude in pre-test 25(41.7%) Had neutral and

35(58.3%)had negative attitude .The post-test attitude revealed that all subjects

ie,60(100%) had positive attitude paired ‘+’ test was applied to assess the effect of

teaching programme on attitude of subject . The obtained ‘+’ value was found to be

highly significant at the level of P<0.05.

Shanthaseelan G and Eshasharma(2016)

2.2 Studies related to organ donation in general –

2.2.1 The cross sectional studies was conducted on university of Delhi analysis the

opinion and understanding of adult patients about organ donation and transplantation

among 347 samples voluntarily completed a questions with 17 queries concerning

organ donation. The study concluded that lack of interest and moderately positive

attitude of patients towards organ donation and lack attitude is because of the

prelevence of misconception.

Arun Jose(2006)

2.2.2 The cross sectional study was conducted on 850 health care workers self

administered questionnaires were used to obtain information from participants in

which 716 (90%) returned their completed questionnaires .The mean +_ SD age of

participants had heard of organ donation 82.5% and 39.4% would be willing to donate

and counsel potential organ donation cards .Only 19.4% believed that organ

transplantation is often organ effective and 63.4% believed they were permitted by

their religion to donate permission by religion (OR 3.5;95%CI 2.3 to 5.3) good

knowledge (OR 2.9:95%CI1.4 to 5.7) readiness to sign donation (OR 2.6:95%CI 1.7

to 3.8) discus organ donation(OR 2.7:95% CI 8 to 63.8)and knowing somebody who

had donated (OR 2.9) independently influenced willingness to donate organ .There is

disparity in knowledge of organ donation and willingness to donate among health care


R. Oluyombo et al(2012)

2.2.3 The cross sectional studies was conducted on 193 randomly selected relatives of

patients attending the outpatient department at a tertiary care center, we used a

structured questionnaire to collect data through face-to-face interview we found that

52.8% of the participants has adequate knowledge and 67% had a positive attitude

towards organ donation .while 181 (93.8%) Participants were aware of organ donation

and 147 (76.2%) supported organ donation .Only 120(62.2%) were willing to donate

organ after death further there were significant association between age ,gender

,education ,economic status and background of the participants with their intention to

donate organ or study advocate for public education programme to increase

awareness among the general population about the legislation related to organ


Poreddivijaylakshmi et al(2014)

2.2.4 The cross sectional study was conducted on among undergraduate nursing

student at a college of nursing ,Bengoluru , south India. A total of 278 students were

eligible to participate in the stud. However , seven questionnaires were discarded

because of incomplete responses and few were absent during data collection ( n=4).

Hence final sample comprised 267 undergraduate nursing students with high response

rate (94%) . the sample the present study consisted of 267 individuals of whom

99.3%(n=265) were women. The mean age of the participants was [mean ± standard

deviation (SD)] 19.20 ±1.23 year. Majority of the participants were Christian

(n=207,77.5%) . All of them head about organ donation and were in favor of organ

donation. However , only 51.3% (n=137) of them wereawere of brain death .A vast

majority of the participants were unaware of organ donation low (n=251,941). A

great majority also knowledge that newspapers (61%) and television (58%) were

then main source of information about organ donation .

Vijay alakshmiporeddi et al(2014)

2.2.5 The randomized controlled trial conducted at saku central hospital nursing

school located in nagano prefecture, japan. The number of registered nursing student

in the school is 253. Data of 203 (99.0%) student were analyzed At study end seven of

102 student (6.9%) of the programme group and one of 101 student (1.01%) of the

booklet group consented to donate organ (proportion ratio 6.93[95%CI 0.87-55.32])

There were significant between group differences in willingness to consent for

donation (54.9% VS 39.6% ;proportion ratio 1.39[95% CI 1.03- .87]) family

discussion (31.4% VS 15.9% ;1.98 [1.16-3.38]) and donor designation of family

member( 11.8% VS 2.0;5.94[1.36-25.88]). No group difference were found in

willingness for organ donation by student and family members.

Minarumurakami et al (2016)

2.3 Studies related to knowledge and regarding organ


2.3.1 The cross section study was conducted on among 1136 medical student and

physicians to evaluate the knowledge about and attitude toward organ donation and

transplantation at a large academic medical center in Germany. The authars used a 28

item questionnaire that include item on knowledge, attitude and demographic. Only

8% of the respondents felt sufficiently relative of potential organ donors. Knowledge

about and attitude toward organ donation were highly associated with increasing level

of medical education. In multivariate analysis knowledge ( 1. 17 , 95 % confidence

interval [CI] , 1.08-1.25] attitude [ OR , 1.03,95% CI ,1.02-1.04] and level of

education. Were significantly associated with likelihood of holding on organ donor

card, whereas age, gender and personal experience with renal replacement therapy

were not.

Windisch w. et al (2004)

2.3.2 The cross section study was conducted on among 440 students age 18 year and

above in Hindustan. Ars and science college Chennai, Tamilnadu. The student were

interviewed with a pretested questionnaire. The study was conducted between January

2012 to September 2012. Through all the participants were aware of the term organ

donation, knowledge about different aspects was low 86.1 % were not legislation.

75% of respondents were in favor of organ donation but only about 2 % were

registered for organ donation. The study implies the need for intensified and sustained

education campaign to raise the knowledge on organ donation and its

Amadurai k. et al (2012)

2.3.3Thecross sectional study was conducted on among 298 undergraduate dental

student of the paninecya . Institute of dental sciences and hospital , Hyderabad India

A 27 item self administered questionnaire , which assessed the levels of knowledge

[Q1-13] , Positive attitude [Q14-Q24] and practice habits [Q25-Q27] regarding organ

donation with dichotomous scale. As compared to males , females reported better

mean ± SD scores in knowledge [8.22±1.51] and practice [0.91±0.8] higher mean ±

SD attitude score [8.55±1.56] were reported among males [p<0.00]. While second

year dental student has higher scores for their knowledge [8.55±1.56] and practice

[1.02±0.44] compare to other year of training. There are an average level of

knowledge and low levels of positive attitude and practice habits among studied

dental students towards organ donation and transplantation. al (2013)

2.3.4 The cross sectional study was conducted on among 150 nurses recruited in

randomly. After taking inframed consent questionnaires were filled. The data

collection tool was a multipart questionnaire including demographic information. 18

question about attitude and practice and 15 question about knowledge toward organ

donation. Most of participants (76%) were 25-44 year old. About 81.3%of them

female [n=112].The attitude average score between males and female was

85.25±35.61 and 70.37±46.53 respectively. The practice average score in females was

34.43±47.71 and between males was 29.63±46.53. The knowledge average score were

50.60±16.19 and 56.54±17.48 for two group [p<0.05]. the knowledge average scores

between different age groups was significant [P<0.05]

Mohadesebobaie; et al (2013 )

2.3.5 The cross sectional study was conducted on relatives of trauma patients referred

to the emergency department of Sina hospital , Tabriz, Iran ,through 2013 to 2014.The

questionnaire included parts of demographic data and socio-economic situations as

well as status of knowledge and regarding organ donation .A score between 0-7 was

belonged to each person based on his/her level of knowledge .Attitude level has a

score between 0-12 chi-square .fisher and mann-whitney U test were performed to

assess the relation between demographic variables and the level of knowledge and

attitudes. P<0.05 was considered as a significant level.79persons [57.1%males] with

the mean age of 31.3 ±11.3 year were evaluated. 57 [ 73.1%] of subjects agreed with

organ transplant. The present study showed that 73.1% of participants agreed with

organ donation.

Mahboob Pouraghaei; et al (20014)




The research methodology indicates that the general pattern organizing the procedure

for the empirical study to gather with the method of obtaining valid and reliable dates

for problem under investigation. It includes the description of research approach

research design setting of the study .sample and sampling techniques development of

data collection the plan for data analysis.

The present study was conducted among the GNM 2nd year in selected mahatma

Gandhi institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.

Aimed at assessing the knowledge of GNM 2nd year regarding the organ donation.


The choice of research approach constitutes one of the major decision .which must be

made in conducting a research study. Research approach is the systematic objective

method of discovery with empirical evidence and rigorous control. Quantitative

evaluate approach the research has used one group pre-test, post-test study one group

pre-test, post-test approach provide a comparison between a group of subject before

and after the test. In this study investigator aimed at programme regarding organ

donation among GNM 2nd year at selected mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing

college of Jabalpur the study intended to measure the gain in knowledge score after

the were given plan teaching programme here group was observed independent



The research design refers to the strategies that the research adopts to develop

information that is accurate objective and meaningful. According to pilot and Hungler

(1990) the research design is an overall plan for obtaining answers to the question

being studied. It spells out the basic strategies that the research adopts to develop

information whether there is an intervention that is accurate and interpretable. The

research design indicates then there is an intervention and what the intervention is the

nature of any comparison to be made.

The method to be used to control extraneous variables and enhance the studies

interpretability. the timing and frequency of data collection the setting in which the

data collection is to take place and the nature of communication with subjects the

selection of research design depend upon the purpose of the study research approach

and variable to be studied. The research design for prevent study is pre experimental

one group pre-test and post-test design to measure the effectiveness of the plan

teaching programme for GNM 2nd year student An experimental design is a blue print

of the procedure that enables the research to test the hypothesis by reaching valid

conclusion about the relationship between independent and dependent variables. It is

considered as a strong measure before and after planned exposure which as 01and 02

respectively In the present study the base measure was plan teaching programme.

These research design can be represents

01 X 02

Pre-test Intervention Post-test

01- It is the knowledge the administered to the GNM 2nd year before the

administration of plan teaching programme

X- Plan teaching programme for GNM 2nd year regarding the organ donation

02- It is the knowledge test administer to the GNM 2nd year undergone organ donation

section of plan teaching programme.

The investigator observed the experimental group prior to the investigation (pre-

test).The intervention plan teaching progamme was administered to the group again

the group is assessed (pre-test )


“A variable as the implies is something that varies or a variables is any quality of an

group or situation that make different values ( Polit and Hungler ).


- The dependent variable are the condition or characteristics that appear, disappear

or changes as the investigation introduces removes or changes independent variable .

-The dependent variable of this study was knowledge of GNM 2nd year in organ



-The independent variables is the condition or characteristics that the investigator

manipulation or control in his /her attempt to as certain their relationship to observe

phenomena. In the preset study independent variable was effectiveness of plan

teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ donation are cannot be charged

so demographic variable and plan teaching programme was independent variables.


Setting refers to the area where the study is conduct (Polit and Hungler).The setting of

the present study was proposed the setting to be present study was proposed to be

conducted in the GNM 2nd year of under gone organ donation in the mahatma Gandhi

institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.

POPULATION- A population group who is member person specify attribute that

the researcher is interested in this study (TALBDAT).

A population of the present study comprises GNM2nd year who have undergone

organ donation in selected mahatma Gandhi institution of nursing college of Jabalpur.

SAMPLE- A Sample is a portion of the population that has been selected to present

the population interest “calbor”.

In this study the sample include 30 GNM 2nd year students of Mahatma Gandhi

Institute of Nursing, Jabalpur.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE- A purposive is a deliberate selection of sample

unit that confine to source predetermined criteria. In this study non probability

purposive sampling technique was used to selected sample for the study.

CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION- The following criteria are

selected sample.

INCLUSION CRITERIA – The study include-

 GNM 2nd year student who were present during the time of data collection.

 GNM 2nd year student who understand English language.

 Those who are willing to participate in the study.


 GNM 2nd year students who are not versed with English language.

 GNM 2nd year student who are not willing to participate in the study.


The most important aspect of research in data collection which provide answer to the

question under study.

 FIRST DRAFT- The first draft was made in English then it was translated

to Hindi and given to English and Hindi expert for correction.

 SECOND DRAFT- The second draft was used for the pilot study, the

investigator administered a questionnaire to three GNM 2nd year student. The

scores were analyzed and item analysis was done thereafter. Draft was finally

considered after all the suggested amendment

 THIRED DRAFT – The draft was use for the final studies.


Validity refers to adequacy of sampling of domain studies.

To determine the contained validity, the knowledge question was sub-native

to the team of experts and were regarded to give opinion and suggestion. Members of

the expert team were Mrs. Mousami S Lendhe (Principal), Mrs. Pratibha Patel, Mrs.

Tuleshori Devi, Ms. Ranjana Mam, Ms. Nikita Pathak and Mrs. Sudha Yadav

professors of Nandvandan College of Nursing, Jabalpur


Treece and Treece emphasized that the instrument selected in research should be a

possible the variable and would best obtain data for during conduction presenting to

the study. The structured question is was prepared for answering the knowledge of

mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing college verify regarding of organ donation. The

planned teaching was prepared on organ donation. A thorough review of published

and unpublished literature conceiving the knowledge of GNM 2nd year student

regarding the organ donation.


Reliability is defined as the extend to which instrument yields the some result on

repeated measures it is then conquered with consistency accuracy stability and



After establishing the validity of the tool to be used for the study the final tool was

made and then the reliability of the tool was done. The reliability of the question was

obtained by split half method. Tool was administered to 3 GNM 2nd year student of

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing College of Nursing Jabalpur.

Schematic Presentation Of Research Design

Pre experimental
(Quantitative evaluative approach)

Target population
GNM 2ND Year

Accessible population
Among GNM 2nd year student mahatma Gandhi
institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.

Sampling size and sampling technique

Sample size 30 sampling technique non probability
purposive sampling technique.

Tool for data collection self structured question for the


Pre test

Structured teaching programme

Data analysis and interpretation

Figure 2 : Research Design



Analysis is the categorizing, ordering, manipulating and summarizing of data

to obtain answers to the research questions. The interpretation of tabulated data can

bring light to the real meaning and effectiveness of the findings.

In this study, an evaluative survey approach was adopted to assess the

effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge on organ donation

among GNM II year student in selected nursing college of Jabalpur city. Data

collected from 30 selected subjects was edited, tabulated and interpreted by using

descriptive and inferential statistics based on the formulated objectives of the study.

This chapter deals with the organization and analysis of the data and its interpretation.

The data collected was analyzed as per the objectives of the study. The purposed of

analysis is to reduce the data into meaningful and interpretable so that research

problem can be studies and tested.

As Kerlinger (1972) stated analysis if categorizing, manipulating and summarizing

the data to obtain research problem interpretation of tabulated data can bring rights to

the real meaning of the finding of the study.

Polit and Hungler (1999) described analysis as a a process of organizing and

synthesizing data in such a way that research question can be answered and

hypothesis based.

Interpretation refers to the process sense of research and of examining the implication

the finding within the broad context.

Abdulla and Cavine (1970) interpretation of tabulated data can brief light to the real

meaning of the study.

In this study analysis and interpretation of data were based on data collected from II

year GNM students of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing College, Jabalpur.

Both descriptive and inferential statistics have been used. Analysis and interpretation

of data of the study and hypothesis to tested.


1. Assess the pre-test knowledge regarding organ donation among GNM 2nd year

student in selected college of Jabalpur city.

2. Assess the post-test knowledge regarding organ donation among GNM 2nd year

student in selected college of Jabalpur city.

3. Compare pre-test and post-test knowledge score regarding organ donation among

GNM 2nd year student in selected of Jabalpur city.


HO – There will be no significant difference between pre-test and post-test score of

GNM 2nd year student regarding organ donation in selected nursing college of


H1 – There will be significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge

score of GNM 2nd year student regarding organ donation in selected nursing college

of Jabalpur.


In order to find out the effectiveness of Planned teaching programme the data were

tabulated analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics methods.

The data were presented under the following heading.

Section I : Distribution of GNM Students according for demographic variables using

frequency and percentage.

Section II: Assessment of the pretest knowledge score regarding knowledge on organ

donation among II year GNM students of selected nursing colleges of Jabalpur.

Section III: Assessment of the post test knowledge score on knowledge regarding

organ donation among II year GNM students of selected nursing colleges of Jabalpur.

Section IV: Comparison of pre and post test knowledge scores regarding among II

year GNM students of selected nursing colleges of Jabalpur.

Demographic Variable Frequency Percentage

6 20.00

16 53.33
8 26.67

0 0.00

5 16.67

25 83.33
0 0.00

0 0.00

12 40.00
Area of Residence
18 60.00

1 3.33

9 30.00
6 20.00

14 46.67

Detailed distribution of selected demographic variable used by the researcher In

this section of the research study.

Description of the socio-demographic characteristics

of the study subjects.

Table 2 . Distribution of sample according to their age.

Age Frequency Percentage

17-18 Years 6 20.00

19-20 Year 16 53.33

More than 21 Years 8 26.67

Total 30 100

Data depicted above revealed the distribution of subjects according to their age and it

was found that 6 (20%) of the subjects were aged between range of 17-18 years, 16

(53.33) subjects age ranged between 19-20 years and 8 (26.67%) subjects were aged

more than 21 years.

Figure 3. Distribution of sample according to their age.








17-18 Years 19-20 Year More than 21 Years

Table 3. Distribution of sample according to their Gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 5 16.67

Female 25 83.33

Total 30 100

Above analysis determined the distribution of the subjects as per their gender and it

revealed that most of the subjects 25 (83.33%) were females and rest 5 (16.67%) were


Figure 4. Distribution of sample according to their Gender







Male Female

Table 4. Distribution of sample according to their area of residence.
Area of Residence Frequency Percentage

Rural 12 40.00

Urban 18 60.00

Total 30 100

Data presented in above graphical presentation showed the distribution of subjects

according to their area of residence and it was found that more than half 18 (60.00%)

of the subjects were residing in urban areas of Jabalpur city whereas 12(40.00%) of

the subjects were residing in rural areas of the city

Figure 5. Distribution of sample according to their area of residence.




20 18



Rural Urban Total

Table 5. Distribution of sample according to their level of previous
Source of Knowledge Frequency Percentage

Mass Media 1 3.33

Friends and relatives 9 30.00

Teachers 6 20.00

Any other Sources 14 46.67

Total 30 100

Data presented in above graphical presentation showed the distribution of the subjects

according to their level of previous knowledge on organ donation and data revealed

that 14(46.67%) subjects source of previous knowledge was some other source which

was not listed in the questionnaire, 9 (30.00%) subjects source of knowledge was

friends and relatives (6 (20.00%) sources of previous knowledge was their teachers

and only 1 (3.33%) subject source of knowledge was mass media.

Figure 6. Distribution of sample according to their level of previous



10 9


2 1

Mass Media Friends and relatives Teachers Any other Sources

Table-6 Pre test knowledge score

Level of Knowledge Count Percent

Inadequate 30 100.00%

Moderate 0 0.00%

Adequate 0 0.00%

Data depicted in above table revealed that all the subjects knowledge score was under

inadequate level.

Figure 7. Pre test knowledge score







0.00% 0.00%
Inadequate Moderate Adequate

Table 7: Mean, SD and Mean% of the pretest knowledge on organ
donation among students of GNM II year of selected nursing college
of Jabalpur city.

Knowledge Level Mean SD Mean %

Over All 7.2 2.23 24.00%

Table 7 showed that over all pretest mean score is 7.2, SD 2.23 and mean percentage

is 24.00%

Table-8 Comparison of Knowledge Scores between Pre-test and Post-

Pre Test Post Test Diff. t' Value p Value
Mean SD Mean SD
7.2 2.23 24.83 1.72 17.63 38.45 0.0000

* Significant at 0.05 level

The data in table 8 on pre test and post test means score concerning to the knowledge

on organ donation among the students of II year GNM students of Mahatma Gandhi

College of Nursing, Jabalpur. The knowledge score of pre test had mean value 7.2 and

SD 2.23 whereas post test had mean value 24.83 and SD 1.72. To compare the pre and

post test mean scores paired t-test was computed and the results indicated significant

difference among the group as the obtained ‘t’ value 38.45 (df=29) was much higher

than the required level of significance therefore null hypothesis was rejected.

Figure 8. Comparison of Knowledge Scores between Pre-test and






2.23 1.72

Mean SD Mean SD
Pre Test Post Test


The present study aims to assess the level of knowledge of II year GNM students of

Jabalpur regarding organ donation. The study was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi

Institute of Nursing, Jabalpur. A structured questionnaire was selected on the basis of

the objective of the study and was considered to be the most appropriate instrument

for assessing the level of knowledge regarding organ donation, convenient technique

was used to select 30 students as the study subject.

This chapter deals with finding of the study to assess the effectiveness of structured

teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ donation among students of

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing, Jabalpur

Section I:-

Distribution of subjects according to the demographic variables using frequency and


Section II:-

Assessment of the pretest knowledge score regarding knowledge on organ donation

among II Year GNM Students of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing, Jabalpur.

Section III:-

Comparison of pre and post-test knowledge scores on organ donation among II Year

GNM Students of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing, Jabalpur.

Section - I : Finding related to demographic characteristic of the sample

Demographical analysis of the data revealed that 6 (20%) of the subjects were aged

between range of 17-18 years, 16 (53.33) subjects age ranged between 19-20 years

and 8 (26.67%) subjects were aged more than 21 years.

Analysis found the distribution of the subjects as per their gender and it revealed that

most of the subjects 25 (83.33%) were females and rest 5 (16.67%) were males.

It was also found that half 18 (60.00%) of the subjects were residing in urban areas of

Jabalpur city whereas 12(40.00%) of the subjects were residing in rural areas of the


Data revealed that 14(46.67%) subjects source of previous knowledge was some other

source which was not listed in the questionnaire, 9 (30.00%) subjects source of

knowledge was friends and relatives (6 (20.00%) sources of previous knowledge was

their teachers and only 1 (3.33%) subject source of knowledge was mass

Section – II: Finding related to the pre-test level of knowledge.

Date revealed that over all pretest mean score is 7.2, SD 2.23 and mean percentage is

24.00%. percentage wise analysis showed that overall 100% subjects knowledge was

under inadequate level.

Section – III: Finding related to comparison of pre-post test level of knowledge

The data on pre test and post test means score concerning to the knowledge on organ

donation among the students of GNM students of Mahatma Gandhi College of

Nursing revealed the knowledge score of pre test and post test after the administration

of the PTP and it was found that mean value 7.2 and SD 2.23 whereas post test had

mean value 24.83 and SD 1.72. To compare the pre and post test mean scores paired

t-test was computed and the results indicated significant difference among the group

as the obtained ‘t’ value 38.45 (df=29) was much higher than the required level of

significance therefore null hypothesis was rejected.


The present study assessed the knowledge of GNM II year students regarding

knowledge on organ donation before and after the Planned teaching programme.

Results of the study revealed that subjects had lack in knowledge regarding organ

donation which increased significantly after the planned teaching programme. The

knowledge improvement mean score was 24.83 with the ‘t’ value 38.45 (df=2,29),

mean difference 17.63 which showed the effectiveness of structured teaching

programme. So the study concluded that structured teaching programme is effective in

improving the knowledge on organ.


 A similar study can be replicated with a control group

 A similar study can be conducted to the group of adults.

 The study can be replicated on a larger sample for generalizing the findings.

 A comparative study can be conducted to find out the effectiveness of

structured teaching programme and SIM on the similar topic


The awareness in increasing knowledge among G.N.M. 2nd year regarding organ

donation. The G.N.M. second year students are key persons need more knowledge

and attitude regarding organ donation. The present study finding have implicated for

nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.


The nurse educator needs to prepare self learning material such as learning package

and flip charts. Present study was conducted to enhance the knowledge among

nursing students regarding organ donation.


Education has the opportunity to play an important role in changing the behavior of

the learner. There is a need of creating awareness regarding organ donation through

health education program in college.


As a part of administration the nurse play a vital role in educating students.

 Administrator can improve new trends in the training of their subordinates.

 Administrator can also motivate the students to develop and use information

material to improve knowledge about the organ donation with the finding of

the study nurse administrator can encourage the students to participate in

further research.


 It is the hours need for extensive research in the area of strategies for

educating nurse on health in terms of increasing knowledge.

 The nurse researcher should be able to conduct research on various aspects of

organ donation a more scientific data.

 Finding of the study will provide insight and baseline data for educating

nurses, it can be used in references for further studies.


1. In the study sample size was 30 only at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Nursing

College GNM 2nd year students was selected.

2. Study is limited to GNM 2nd year students who were present in the time of



1. Myres L. Judith, Patricia Gauntlett Beare medical surgical Nursing 3rd edition

mosby publication, 1998.

2. Joyce M. Black, Jane. Hokanson Hawks (Medical Surgical Nursing) 7th

edition, Elsevier Publication; 2007.

3. Harton RL, Harton PJ. Knowledge regarding organ donation Social Science

and Medicine 1990; 31 (7) : 791 – 800.

4. Malarvizhi M. Organ and tissue donation, Noghtingale Nursing. Times

Journal 2007 July; 3 (4) : 12 -15.

5. Ingram JE, (et al), Critical Care Nurse Attitude and knowledge related to

organ donation (2002), Page No. – 249-255.

6. Anubhav Srivasthava, Policy proposal for, 2010 February 19.

7. Krekula LG, Clinical Transplant 2009 June – July, 23 (3); 242-350.

8. Linda S Williams, Paila D. Hopper. Understanding medical Surgical Nursing

2nd edition FA Davis Company 2009.

9. Bapat U, Kadhaya PG, Gokulnath organ donation awareness, attitude, and

beliefs among post graduae medical students, Saudi J Kidney disease transpl

2010, 21:174 – 80.

10. Organ donation (online) available from URL.

11. Singh S. India ranks 2nd in kidney transplants from live donors (online).

Available from URL:

12. Milariak I : Organ transplant education the way to from altruistic behaviors

among students among secondary school students towards organ donation

Transplant Proc 2010 Jan-Feb, 42 (1) : 130-3.

13. Organ donation (online) Available from URL en

14. Organ donation (online) Available from URL


Annexure I

Permission Letter of Pilot Study

Annexure II

Letter Permission of main study





Instruction: - In this Section some information are given please read

carefully and tick the most appropriate the given ( ) Your answers will
be kept confidential

Code No. …………….

1. Age
a. 17-18 Year ( )
b. 19-20 Year ( )
c. 21 Year ( )

2. Gender
a. Male ( )
b. Female ( )

3. Area of Residence
a. Rural ( )
b. Urban ( )

4. Previous source of information regarding organ donation –

a. Mass Media ( )
b. Friends and Relatives ( )
c. Teachers ( )
d. Any other Sources ( )

1. Organ is
a. The Basic Unit of living things ( )
b. Group of Similar or different cell work together for specific
function. ( )
c. Different tissue work together for specific function ( )
d. Organ work together to support the whole system. ( )
2. Organ Donation is –
a. Transplant Kidney to patient ( )
b. Transplant liver to patient ( )
c. Transplant eye to the patient ( )
d. A process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from
one person to other person ( )
3. Person who donate an organ is called :-
a. Recipient ( )
b. Donor ( )
c. Taker ( )
d. Giver ( )
4. Person receives an organ is :-
a. Donor ( )
b. Recipient ( )
c. Giver ( )
d. Taker ( )
5. Organ can be donated by :-
a. Elder Person ( )
b. Older Person ( )
c. Children ( )
d. All of the Above ( )
6. Organ which can donated by a live donor is :-
a. Kidney ( )
b. Heart ( )
c. Lung ( )
d. All the Above ( )
7. Following person is unable to donate any organ :-
a. Deceased Person ( )
b. Healthy Person ( )
c. HIV Person ( )
d. All the Above ( )
8. A Donor can donate organ to _______________ recipient :-
a. Single recipient ( )
b. Multiple recipient ( )
c. Both A and B ( )
d. Deceased person ( )
9. ____________________ Organ can be donated :-
a. Uterus ( )
b. Nose ( )
c. Tongue ( )
d. Heart ( )
10.Following _________________can be donated :-
a. Skin ( )
b. Cornea ( )
c. Bone marrow ( )
d. All the above ( )
11.Tissue re growth ____________ is possible in donor after
a. Kidney ( )
b. Heart ( )
c. Liver ( )
d. Lung ( )

12.__________________ part of the eye can be transplanted from
the donor to the recipient
a. Sclera ( )
b. Retina ( )
c. Pupil ( )
d. Cornea ( )
13.Blood Cancer can be cure by transplanting :-
a. Cartilage ( )
b. Bone Marrow ( )
c. Platelets ( )
d. Cornea ( )
14.Kidney can be preserved for _______________ after donation
a. 24 hours ( )
b. 4-6 hours ( )
c. 7-14 days ( )
d. 48-72 hours ( )
15.Eye can be preserved for ______________ after donation :-
a. 7-14 days ( )
b. 4-6 hours ( )
c. 24-30 hours ( )
d. 24 hours ( )
16.Preservation limit of heart is _______________ after donation :
a. 7-14 day ( )
b. 4-6 hours ( )
c. 24-30 hours ( )
d. 48-72 hours ( )

17. Preservation limit of Pancrease is _____________ after
donation :-
a. 7-14 day ( )
b. 24 hours ( )
c. 4-6 hours ( )
d. 24-30 hours ( )
18.Type of Transplantation :
a. Deceased transplantation ( )
b. Allograft, Auto graft, Xenograft, Isograft ( )
c. Autopsy ( )
d. Living donation ( )
19.Transplantation of tissue to the same person is :-
a. Allograft ( )
b. Autograft ( )
c. Xenograft ( )
d. Isograft ( )
20.Isograft is :–
a. Transplant of tissue to the same person ( )
b. Transplant organ between two genetically non-identical
members of the same species ( )
c. Transplant organ to donor to genetically identical recipient ( )
d. Transplant of organ from one species to another ( )
21.Allograft is :-
a. Transplant of organ from one species to another ( )
b. Transplant of tissue to the same person ( )
c. Transplant organ to donor to genetically identical recipient ( )
d. Transplant organ between two genetically non – identical
members of the same species. ( )

22.One of the important role played by organ donation is :-
a. Breaks away all kinds of discrimination ( )
b. Bonds family relation ( )
c. Strengthen religious belief ( )
d. Strengthen social relation ( )
23.___________________ is not a deciding factor for recipient :-
a. Body Size ( )
b. Blood Type ( )
c. How sick the recipient is ( )
d. Recipient wealth ( )
24.The advantage of organ donation :-
a. Religious reason ( )
b. Family beliefs ( )
c. Mis – Conception ( )
d. A single donor can save more than one life ( )
25.Organ which cannot be donated by a live donor :-
a. Eye ( )
b. Kidney ( )
c. Liver ( )
d. Pancrease ( )

26.Living donation is transplantation of organ by donor :-

a. During Life of donor ( )
b. After Death ( )
c. After brain death ( )
d. After heart stops beating ( )

27.The Hematopoietic stem cells are found in :-
a. Bone marrow ( )
b. Peripheral blood ( )
c. Umblical cord blood ( )
d. All the above ( )
28.The Stem cell obtained from placenta are called :-
a. Amniotic epithelial cell ( )
b. Somatic cells ( )
c. Regenerative cells ( )
d. Non-Embryonic Stem cells ( )
29.Brain Death is :-
a. Total irreversible loss of all brain Function ( )
b. Total loss of cardiac function ( )
c. Total irreversible loss of respiratory function ( )
d. Total loss of excretory function ( )
30.Preservation solution used in organ donation is :-
a. Eurocolins solution ( )
b. Benedict solution ( )
c. Hydrochloride solution ( )
d. Formaldehyde solution ( )



1 C 16 B

2 D 17 B

3 B 18 B

4 B 19 B

5 D 20 C

6 A 21 D

7 C 22 A

8 C 23 A

9 D 24 D

10 D 25 A

11 C 26 A

12 D 27 D

13 B 28 D

14 D 29 A

15 A 30 A

[k.M v

'kks/k & i=

funsZ’k & bl Hkkx esa vkidsk vius fo"k; esa tkudkjh

nsuh gS d`i;k uhps fn;s x;s esa ls lgh mRrj ij lgh ( ) dk
fu’kku yxk;saA ;g tkudkjh flQZ 'kks/k ds fy, vr% vkids }kjk
fn xbZ tkudkjh xksiuh; j[kh tk;sxhA

1. mez
v- 17 & 18 o"kZ (
c- 19 & 20 o"kZ (
l- 21 o"kZ (

2. fyax
v- iq:"k ( )

c- efgyk ( )
3. dgka fuokl djrs gS \
v- xkWo esa (
c- 'kgj esa ( )
4. vaxnku ds ckjs esa dksbZ tkudkjh igys ls Fkh A

v- lapkj lk/ku ( )

c- nksLrksa o fj’rsnkjksa ls
( )
l- f’k{kd ( )
n- ;k dksbZ vkSj lk/ku (

[k.M c
Kku & iz’ukoyh
1. vax gS &
v- thou dh ,d bdkbZ gS ( )
c- dk;Z djus ds fy;s ,d tSls ;k vyx dksf’kdkvksa dk
lewg ( )
l- ,d fØ;k dks djus ds fy;s vyx vyx mrd dk;Z djrs gS(
n- iwjs iz.kkyh dh lgk;rk djus ds fy;s vax dk dk;Z djuk
( )
2. vax nku D;k g &
v- ejht dks fdMuh nku djuk (
c- ejht dks yhoj nku djuk ( )
l- ejht dks vkW[k nku djuk (
n- ;g ,d ,slh fØ;k gS tks 'kY; fØ;k ds }kjk mrd ,oa
vaxksa dks ,d euq"; ls nwljs euq"; esa nku fd;k tkrk
gSA ( )
3. O;fDr vax nku djrk gS mls dgrs gS &
v- izkIr djus okyk ( )
c- nkrk ( )
l- ysus okyk (
n- nsus okyk (
4. O;fDr tks vax ysrk gS mls D;k dgrs gS &
v- nkrk ( )
c- izkIr djus okyk (
l- nsus okyk (
n- ysus okyk (

5. vax dkSu nku dj ldrk gS &

v- T;s"B O;fDr ( )
c- cq<k O;fDr (
l- cPpsa ( )
n- mijksDr lHkh (
6. thfor nkrk }kjk dkSu lk vax nku fd;k tkrk gS &
v- fdMuh ( )
c- gn~; ( )
l- QsQMk ( )
n- mijksDr lHkh (
7. bles ls dkSu lk O;fDr vaxnku ugh dj ldrk &

v- e`rd O;fDr ( )
c- OlLFk O;fDr ( )
l- ,p-vkbZ-oh- O;fDr ( )
n- mijksDr lHkh (
8. ,d nkrk nku dj ldrk gS &&&&&&& izkIr djrk
v- vdsyk izkIrdrkZ (
c- ,dkf/kd izkIrdrkZ (
l- v vkSj c ( )
n- e`rd O;fDr ( )
9. _________ vaxnku dj ldrs gS &
v- xHkZ’kk; (
c- ukd ( )
l- thHk ( )
n- gn~; ( )

10. buesa ls ________ nku fd;s tkrs gS &

v- Ropk ( )
c- dkWfuZ;k (
l- vfLFk eTtk ( )

n- mijksDr lHkh (
11.vaxnku ds ckn dkSu lk vax nkrk esa iqu% c<+
tkrk gS &
v- fdMuh ( )
c- gn~; ( )
l- yhoj ( )
n- QsQMk (

12.________ vkW[k dk dkSu lk Hkkx nkrk ls izkIr fd;k

tkrk gS &
v- LDysjk ( )
c- jsfVuk ( )
l- I;wfiy ( )
n- dkWfuZ;k (
13.CyM dSalj ds bykt esa dkSu lk vax nku fd;k tkr gS
v- dkfVZyst (
c- vfLFkeTtk (
l- IysVysV~l (

n- dkWfuZ;k (
14.fdM+uh nku ds ckn fdMuh dks fdrus le; ds fy;s
lqjf{kr fd;k tkrk gS&
v- 24 ?kaVs (
c- 4&6 ?kaVs (
l- 7&14 fnu (
n- 48&72 ?kaVs (
15.vkW[k nku ds ckn vkW[k dks fdrus le; ds fy;s
lqjf{kr fd;k tkr gS &
v- 7&14 fnu ( )
c- 4&6 ?kaVs (
l- 24&30 ?kaVs (
n- 24 ?kaVs (
); dh laj{k.k lhek nku ds ckn fdruh gksrh gS &
v- 7&14 fnu (
c- 4&6 ?kaVs (

l- 24&30 ?kaVs (
n- 48&72 ?kaVs (
17.iSfUØ;kl dh laj{k.k lhek nku ds ckn fdruh gksrh
gS &
v- 7&14 fnu (
c- 24 ?ka.Vs (
l- 4&6 ?ka.Vs (
n- 24&30 ?ka.Vs (
18. nku ds izdkj gksrs gS&
v- e`rd vaxnku ( )

c- ,yksxzk¶V] vkWVksxzk¶V] tsuksxzk¶V] blksxzk¶V

( )
l- 'ko ijh{k.k ( )
n- thfor vaxnku (

19. mlh O;fDr esa Ård dk nku djuk &

v- ,yksxzk¶V] ( )
c- vkWVksxzk¶V
( )
l- tsuksxzk¶V (

n- blksxzk¶V (

20. ]blksxzk¶V D;k gS &

v- ogh O;fDr esa Ård dk vnku& iznku djuk
( )
c- vax vkSj Ård dk vnku&iznku nks vkSj vuqokaf’kd ,d
gh iztkfr ds lnL;ksa ds
chp gksrk gS ( )
l- vax vkSj Ård dk vnku &iznku nks vuqokaf’kd ,d gh
iztkfr ds lnL;ksa ds
chp gksrk gSA (
n- vax vkSj Ård dk nku ,d iztkfr ls nwljs iztkfr esas djrs
gSA ( )

21. ,yksxzk¶V D;k gS&

v- vax vkSj Ård dk nku ,d iztkfr ls nwljs iztkfr esas djrs
gSA ( )
c- ogh O;fDr esa Ård dk vnku& iznku djuk
( )
l- vax vkSj Ård dk vnku &iznku nks vuqokaf’kd ,d gh
iztkfr ds lnL;ksa ds
chp gksrk gSA
( )
n- vax vkSj Ård dk vnku&iznku nks vkSj vuqokaf’kd ,d
gh iztkfr ds lnL;ksa ds
chp gksrk gS ( )

22. vax nku dk egRo D;k gS&

v- lHkh izdkj dh nwfj;ksa dks de djrk gS
( )

c- ifjokj ds laca/k dks cuk;s j[krk gS
( )
l- /kkfeZd eU;rk dks etcwr djuk
( )
n- lkekftd laca/k dks etcwr djuk
( )
23.&&&&&& rRo ;g fu’p; ugh djrk vaax fdlls ysuk
v- CyM Vkbi (
c- ckWMh lkbt ( )
l- izkIrdrkZ fdruk chekj gS (
n- izkIrdrkZ /ku (
24. vax nku ds D;k ykHk gS&
v- /kkfeZd dkj.k ( )
c- ifjokj ekU;rk ( )
l- xyr fopkj ( )
n- ,d vax nkrk ,d ls vf/kd ftanxh dks cpkrk gS (
25. dkSu lk vax thfor nkrk }kjk nku ugh fd;k tkrk gS&
v- vkW[k ( )
c- fdMuh ( )
l- yhoj ( )
n- iSfUØ;kl (

26. thfor vax nku nkrk ds }kjk nku fd;k tkrk gS&
v- thou ds nkSjku nku (
c- e`R;q ds ckn nku (
l- efLrd e`R;q ds ckn nku ( )

n- gzn; dk;Z djus ds ckn nku (

27. fgeksVksikSfVd LVSe dksf’kdk dgkW ikbZ tkrh

v- vfLFkeTtk ( )
c- isfjQsjy CyM ( )
l- vEcykbdy dkWMZ CyM (
n- mijksDr lHkh (

28. Tkks uohu dksf’kdk IyklsUVk ls izkIr gksrh gS&

v- ,fEuvksfVd ,ihFkhfy;y dksf’kdk (
c- lksesfVd dksf’kdk (
l- iqu% fodflr dksf’kdk (
n- xSj Hkzw.k LVse dksf’kdk
( )

29. efLrd e`R;q D;k gS&

v- efLrd dk iwjh rjg dk;Z djuk can dj nsrk gS (
c- gzn; dk dk;Z djuk can dj nsrk gS (
l- 'olu r= dk;Z djuk can dj nsrk gS (
n- mRltZu ra= dk;Z djuk can dj nsrk gS (

30. vax dks lqjf{kr j[kus ds fy;s dkSu ls ?kksy dk

mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS&

v- ;qjk&dksfyUl ?kksy (
c- csusfMDV ?kksy (
l- gkbMªkWDyksjkbM ?kksy
( )
n- dksjeynsfgns ?kksy
( )



1 L 16 C

2 N 17 C

3 C 18 C

4 C 19 C

5 N 20 L

6 V 21 N

7 L 22 V

8 L 23 V

9 N 24 N

10 N 25 V

11 L 26 V

12 n 27 N

13 c 28 N

14 n 29 V

15 v 30 V

SUBJECT : Nursing Reasearch

NAME OF SUPERVISOR : Mrs. Tuleshori devi

TOPIC : Organ donation

TIME : 11:35 to 12:30

DATE : 06/01/18

VENUE : Mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing college


NO.OF SAMPLE : 30 Sample

METHOD OF TEACHING : 1)Lecture Method

2)Discussion method

USE OF A.V AIDS : Leaflets , Blackboards, pamphlets , Power point

presentation, Chart.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES : After the completion of Plant Teaching Programme

students will gain knowledge about organ donation

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : At the end of Planned teaching programme,

students will be able to :-

 Tell about introduction of our self and topic.

 Explained about introduction of our topic organ donation.
 Define organ and organ donation.
 Explain the types of organ donation.
 Enlist the organs which can be donated.
 Explain about which organ and tissue are transplanted.
 Enlist the time limitation of organ preservation.
 Describe types of transplantation.
 Describe about importance of organ donation.
 Explain about the advantage & disadvantage organ donation.
 Describe who can donate or cannot donate organ.
 Describe about deceased donation process.
 Summarize organ transplantation.

1. Tell about 1min We are student of Bsc (N)4th year in Lecture Listen Black
introduction of Nandvandan college of nursing method carefully Board
our self and Jabalpur(m.p) topic on organ donation.

2. Explained 3 min organ donation is the donation of Lecture Listen Pamphlet What is the
about biological tissue or an organ of the human method carefully introduction of
introduction of body from a living or dead person to a organ donation
our topic living receipient of a transplantation.
organ donation
3. Define an 2min “A group of tissue in a living organism Lecture Listen Leaflet Define an organ
organ that have been adapted to perform a method carefully
specific function”

4. Define organ 3min Organ donation is the process of Lecture Listen Power Define organ
donation surgically removing an organ from one method carefully point donation
person and place it into another person presentati

5. Explain the 5min Types- 1 Living donation Lecture Questioning Leaflet
types of organ 2 Deceased donation method What are the
donation types of organ

6. Enlist the 6min 1 organ donation – Lungs, heart ,Liver , Discussion Questioning Leaflet Which organ
organs which kidney, stomack. method can be donated
can be donated 2 Tissue donation – Cornea, skin, heart
value, tendon middle ear

7. Explain about 5min 1.organ transplanted are-
which organ 1) Kidney transplantation Lecture Listen Power Which organ
and tissue are 2) heart transplantation method carefully point and tissues are
transplanted 3) Liver transplantation presentati transplanted
2.Tissue transplanted are – on
1 Cornea transplantation
2). Bone marrow transplantation

8. Enlist the time 5min Organ and tissue, time limit Lecture Listen Power What is the time
limitation of 1.Kidney-48-72 hrs method carefully point limitation of
organ 2.Liver-24-30hrs presentati organ
preservation 3. Pancreas-24 hrs on preservation
4. heart-4-6 hrs
5.Lungs-4-6 hrs
7. skin and bone-Indefinitely

9 Describe types Type Discussion Questioning Leaflet What are the

of 5 min (a) Autograft method types of
transplantation (b) Allograft transplantation
(c) Isograft
(d) Zenograft

‘ `
10. Describe about 3 min Importance Discussion Questioning Power What are the
importance of 1. Great service life after deal possible method Point importance of
organ donation 2. Make life after death possible presentati organ donation
3. Saves lives which are the most previous on
4. Breaks away all kinds of discrimination

11. Explain about

the advantage 5 min Advantage Lecture Listen Leaflet What are the
& 1. Potential donor’s are easy to find method carefully advantages and
disadvantage 2. A single donor can save more than one disadvantages
organ donation life. of organ
Disadvantage donation
1. Family beliefs
2. Misconception
3. Religious reasons

Who can donate Phamplet Who can donate
12 Describe who 2 min a) Any one can donate a organ Lecture Listen or cannot
can donate or b) There is no age limitation method carefully donate organ
cannot donate
organ Who can not donate
a) only people with HIV positive and
active cancer and severe infection cannot
Describe about
13. deceased 5 min Deceased donation process Lecture Listen Pamphlet What is
donation 1. Registering as a donor method carefully deceased
process 2. Medical care of potential donors. donation
3. Brains death testing process
4. The organ procurement organization.
5. Authorizing donation.
6. The matching process
7. Recovering & Transporting organ.
Transplanting the organs.

14. Summarize 5 min Summary Lecture Listen Pamphlet Summarize

organ  Organ transplantation gives huge method carefully organ
transplantation benefit to the patients both with transplantation.
regard to survival & quality of life

Annexure X

Data Sheet

Section A - Demographic Data Sheet

Age Gender Area of Previous

Sr. No. residence source of
1 1 2 2 1
2 3 2 2 2
3 2 2 2 4
4 2 2 2 4
5 2 2 2 4
6 2 2 2 4
7 1 2 2 2
8 1 2 1 4
9 3 2 2 4
10 2 2 2 2
11 1 2 2 3
12 1 2 1 4
13 2 2 1 3
14 3 2 2 4
15 2 2 1 2
16 2 1 1 2
17 2 2 1 2
18 2 1 2 4
19 3 1 1 2
20 2 2 2 2
21 3 2 1 3
22 3 2 2 4
23 2 1 1 3
24 3 2 2 4
25 2 2 1 4
26 1 2 2 4
27 2 2 2 2
28 3 2 1 3
29 2 1 2 4
30 2 2 1 3

Section A - Demographic Data Sheet

Pre- test Knowledge Scores

Questions Response
Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 7
4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8
7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 6
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
9 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9
10 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
11 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 10
12 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
13 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4
14 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 9
15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7
16 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 11
17 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 10
18 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10
19 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7

20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6
21 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
22 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 7
24 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
25 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 8
26 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
27 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 11
28 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9
29 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 11

Post- test Knowledge Scores

Questions Response

Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 25
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 24
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 26
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 26
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 26
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 24
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 26
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 27
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 28

1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 26
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 26
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 25
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 24
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 23
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 24
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 23

Annexure XI



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