Space Mcqs
Space Mcqs
Space Mcqs
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The largest circular storm in our solar system is on the surface of
which of the following planets?
w) Jupiter
x) Venus
y) Uranus
z) Earth
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The rapidly moving stream of charged particles that is being driven
away from the sun is known as what?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Rounded to the nearest day, the Mercurian year is equal to:
w) 111 days
x) 88 days
y) 50 days
z) 25 days
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: One of the largest volcanos in our solar system-if not the largest-is
named Olympus Mons. This volcano is located on:
w) Jupiter's moon Callisto
x) Venus
y) Saturn's moon Titan
z) Mars
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: One of the largest volcanos in our solar system, if not the largest, is
named Olympus Mons. Name the planet which has the volcano.
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: One Jupiter day is equal to which of the following?
w) 30 hrs 40 min
x) 9 hrs 50 min
y) 3 hrs 20 min
z) 52 hrs 10 min
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The time interval between two successive occurrences of a specific
type of alignment of a planet (or the moon) with the sun and the earth is referred to as:
w) a conjunction
x) an opposition
y) a sidereal period
z) a synodic period.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: During the period between 1979 and 1998, what is the farthest planet
from the sun?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Of the following four times, which one best represents the time it
takes energy generated in the core of the sun to reach the surface of the sun and be radiated?
w) Three minutes
x) Thirty days
y) One thousand years
z) One million years
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The andromeda Galaxy is which of the following types of galaxies?
w) elliptical
x) spiral
y) barred-spiral
z) irregular
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: About how many light years across is the Milky Way? Is it:
w) 1,000
x) 10,000
y) 100,000
z) 1,000,000
ANSWER: Y -- 100,000
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Which unlucky Apollo lunar landing was canceled after an oxygen tank
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What device first proved that Earth rotates on its axis?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
ASTR-91; Which planet has a moon almost as big as the planet itself?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: In what year did Neil Armstrong make his historic walk on the Moon?
ANSWER: 1969
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Only one planet in the solar system has a day which lasts longer than
its year. Name this planet.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is the heavenly body Charon (pron: kar-en), that's spelled
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Who was the first black American astronaut in space?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Triton, Neptune's moon, has an ocean made of a liquid. What is this
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Who was the first man to classify stars according to their brightness.
Was it:
w) Aristarchus
x) Pythagorus
y) Copernicus
z) Hipparchus
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: For what reason was the Schmidt telescope specially built? Was it
to serve as:
w) a sky camera
x) a radio telescope
y) an optical telescope
z) a solar telescope
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The greatest distance of a planet from the sun is called what? Is it
the planet's:
w) aphelion (pron: ah-feel-yen)
x) perihelion (pron: per-eh-heel-yen)
y) helix
z) eccentricity
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is the name given to very bright meteors or bolides?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: How is the atmospheric pressure of Mars as compared to the
atmospheric pressure of the earth? Is it:
w) about the same as the earth's
x) about 100 times as great as the earth's
y) about 1/200th that of the earth's
z) half as much as that of the earth's
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What gas is the main component of the atmosphere of Mars?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The planet Jupiter has a mass that is:
w) equal to the combined masses of the earth and Mars
x) equal to the combined masses of Saturn and Pluto
y) equal to the combined masses of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus
z) greater than the combined masses of all of the planets
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which one of the following moon features is named Copernicus? Is
it a:
w) sea
x) crater
y) mountain range
z) rill
ASTR-91; Short Answer: On which day of the year does the summer solstice usually occur?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: When the earth if farthest from the sun, what season is it in the
Northern Hemisphere?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Of the nine known planets, seven have one or more natural satellites.
Name the only two moonless planets.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The English nickname for this CONSTELLATION is "The Chained
Maiden". Give me the astronomer's name for this constellation.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Hercules is a constellation which is commonly viewed in the summer in
North America. In which of the seasons is the constellation "Pegasus" normally viewed?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The brightest star in this constellation is Vega. In which constellation
can Vega be found?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The brightest star in this constellation is Aldebaran (pron:
al-DEB-ar-on). In which constellation can this star be found?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: A binary star system lends itself very well to a determination of the
total mass of the binary star system. What TWO observables must be measured to make the total
mass determination.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The Orion Nebula is a good example of what kind of nebula?
ASTR-91; True-False: A major component of the interstellar media consists of charged particles
which have speeds close to that of light. What are these charged particles called?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: A typical galaxy, such as our Milky Way galaxy, contains how many
billion stars? Is it approximately:
w) 10 billion
x) 40 billion
y) 200 billion
z) 800 billion
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What do we call the path in the sky that the sun appears to traverse
over the course of a year?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Refracting telescopes always contain which one of the following?
w) mirrors
x) lenses
y) television systems
z) film
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Spectral line splitting due to the influence of magnetic fields is
w) Boltzmann Effect
x) Zeeman Effect
y) Planck Effect
z) Zanstra's Effect
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is the term applied to the dark, relatively smooth LUNAR plains
whose name is derived from the Latin for "sea"?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is the collection of small rocky bodies, otherwise known as
minor planets, 99.8 percent of whose orbits lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Elliptical, Spiral and Irregular are classifications of what type of
astronomical systems?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: I am a type of star with a relatively low effective temperature (3,000 to
4,000 Kelvins), and have a large radius-about 100 times that of the Sun. What am I?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: A 5th magnitude star is how many times brighter than an 8th
magnitude star?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which of the following statements is true for BOTH Saturn and
w) both rotate faster than the Earth
x) both rotate slower than the Earth
y) only one rotates rapidly while the other rotates very slowly
z) their periods of rotation are linked to their period of revolution
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which of the following is true for ORION? Orion is:
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which of the following men wrote the book "On the Revolutions of
the Heavenly Spheres"?
w) Kepler
x) Euclid
y) Copernicus
z) Newton
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is the name given to the configuration when three celestial bodies
are in a line?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Of the planets that circle the Sun, which planet has the most eccentric
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which of the following is TRUE for Retrograde motion?
Retrograde motion is:
w) caused by epicycles
x) undergone only by superior planets
y) undergone only by inferior planets
z) an effect due to the projection of planet orbits onto the sky
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What name was given to the series of two-man U.S. space missions
undertaken in the mid 1960's?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: What is formed when a massive star, after reaching supergiant status,
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Beads of light visible around the rim of the moon at the beginning
and end of a total solar eclipse are called:
w) Lunar Beads
x) Solar Beads
y) Baily's Beads
z) Rim Beads
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Whereas latitude and longitude are the coordinates of places on
earth, the coordinates used for star locations are two of the following, choose two.
w) ascension
x) right ascension
y) altitude
z) declination
e) polar angle
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Which planet is usually the brightest in the sky?
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The 2.7 Kelvin cosmic background radiation is concentrated in the:
w) radio wavelengths
x) infrared
y) visible
z) ultraviolet
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Which planets can never be in opposite direction from the Sun in earth's
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: If you were watching a star collapsing to form a black hole, the light
would disappear because it:
w) is strongly redshifted
x) is strongly blueshifted
y) its color suddenly becomes black
z) none of the above
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: In which spectral region is it possible for astronomers to observe
through clouds?
w) visual
x) radio
y) ultraviolet
z) x-ray
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The first U.S. planetary probe released since the Challenger accident
was launched in October, 1989. What is its name and which planet is its primary and final
ASTR-91; Short Answer: The extraterrestrial impact hypothesis of dinosaur extinction is based on
finding anomalously high concentrations of a certain element at the geological boundary between
the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. What is the name of this element which was found?
ASTR-91: Short Answer: Technically, the reflecting power of an object is defined as the ratio of
the radiation reflected from an object to the total amount incident upon the object. What term is
used in astronomy to indicate the reflecting power of an object?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91: Multiple Choice: The VISUAL aurora consists of luminous arcs, rays or bands in the
night sky, usually confined to high latitudes and located in the:
w) troposphere
x) stratosphere
y) ozonosphere
z) ionosphere
ASTR-91: Multiple Choice: This yellow-white, spectral F-type star is located in the constellation
Carina south of the ecliptic. It ranks second in apparent brightness among the stars. Is this star:
w) Canopus
x) Alpha Centauri
y) Castor
z) Rigel
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Name the northern latitude constellation that is easily recognized by 5
bright stars forming an irregular "W", some observers seeing not only a W but also a chair. One
of the brightest novae on record appeared in this constellation in 1572.
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: When two heavenly bodies occupy the same longitude, the bodies
are said to be in:
w) sympathy
x) conjunction
y) parallel
z) series
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The study of the origin and evolution of the universe is known as:
w) tomography
x) cystoscopy
y) cryology
z) cosmology
ASTR-91: Short Answer: Penzias and Wilson made what famous discovery which supported the
idea that the universe was created by a "big Bang".
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Name the English astronomer and professor at Cambridge University
who determined the orbit of the then unknown planet Neptune.
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Name the two constellations that make up the famous "Great Square
of Pegasus".
ASTR-91; Short Answer: This allotrope of oxygen is formed in the upper atmosphere by the
action of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Name it.
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: What percentage of the Sun's mass has been converted to energy?
w) 50%
x) 1%
y) 2%
z) .001% (read: one-thousandth of a percent)
ANSWER: Z -- .001%
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: According to Kepler's Laws, all orbits of the planets are:
w) ellipses
x) parabolas
y) hyperbolas
z) square
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: According to Kepler's Laws, the cube of the mean distance of a
planet from the sun is proportional to the:
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which type of star is maintained by the pressure of an electron gas?
w) Main Sequence Star
x) White Dwarf
y) Neutron Star
z) Black Hole
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: In our solar system, which planet has a moon with a mass closest to
its own?
w) Earth
x) Mars
y) Jupiter
z) Pluto
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are satellites of what planet?
w) Jupiter
x) Saturn
y) Neptune
z) Uranus
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The universe is estimated to be between ten and twenty billion years
old. This estimate is based on the value of which constant?
w) The mass of the Earth
x) The speed of light
y) The Hubble Constant
z) The mass of the electron
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: Which of the following first hypothesized that the Earth orbited the
w) Alexander the Great
x) Copernicus
y) Socrates
z) Tycho Brahe
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The LAST manned moon flight was made in what year?
w) 1971
x) 1972
y) 1973
z) 1974
ANSWER: X -- 1972
ASTR-91; Multiple Choice: The cosmic background radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang, is at
what temperature?
w) 100K
x) 0K
y) 5.3K
z) 2.7K
ANSWER: Z -- 2.7K
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Name the outer boundary of the sun's magnetic field?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Superbubbles and chimneys are both galactic structures theorized to
result from what explosive phenomena?
ASTR-91; Short Answer: Mercury's year lasts how many Mercury sidereal days?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: At any time we may describe the position of an inferior planet by the
angle it makes with the sun as seen from the earth. This angle is called the:
w) ecliptic (pron: eh-klip-tik)
x) epicycle
y) elongation
z) proxima
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which of the following planets has the greatest eccentricity?
w) Pluto
x) Jupiter
y) Mars
z) Mercury
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Phobos and Deimos (pron: DEE-mos) are moons that orbit which
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The largest moon in our solar system has an atmosphere that is
denser than the atmosphere of Mars. The name of this moon is:
w) Titan
x) Ganymede
y) Triton
z) Io (pron: I - O)
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The two main radiation belts that surround the earth are known by
what name?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: On which of the following planets would the sun rise in the west?
w) Saturn
x) Pluto
y) Mercury
z) Venus
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which planet seems to be turned on its side with an axis tilt of 98
w) Uranus
x) Pluto
y) Neptune
z) Saturn
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The planet Neptune was found by studying the deviations in another
planet's orbit. Name the other planet discovered in this fashion.
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The angle that the full moon takes up in the night sky is equal to
which of the following values?
w) 1/8 degree
x) 1/2 degrees
y) 1 degree
z) 2 degrees
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The period from one full moon to the next is:
w) 30.3 days
x) 30 days
y) 29.5 days
z) 28 days
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: When a superior planet is at opposition it is making an angle of how
many degrees with the sun?
w) 0 degrees
x) 45 degrees
y) 90 degrees
z) 180 degrees
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The word Albedo (pron: al-BEE-doe) refers to which of the
w) The wobbling motion of a planet
x) The amount of light a planet reflects
y) The phase changes of a planet
z) The brightness of a star
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Galileo discovered something about Venus with his telescope that
shook the old theories. Which of the following was Galileo's discovery?
w) Venus was covered in clouds
x) Venus had phases like the moon
y) Venus' surface was similar to the earth's
z) Venus had retrograde motion
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The law that says that all planets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits is
which of Kepler's three laws?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Name the astronomer who discovered that Mars orbits the sun in an
elliptical orbit.
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Name the phase that the moon is in for each type of eclipse, lunar
and solar:
w) Full moon for both phases
x) New moon for both phases
y) Full moon for lunar and new moon for solar
z) New moon for lunar and full moon for solar
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The orbital plane of the moon is how many degrees inclined from the
w) 15 degrees
x) 10 degrees
y) 5 degrees
z) 0 degrees
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Which JOVIAN planet rotates slower than the earth?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Is a sunspot hotter, cooler, or about the same temperature as the
region around it?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: In the lowest level of the photosphere of the Sun, the temperature is:
w) 1,000 degrees Kelvin
x) 6,000 degrees Kelvin
y) 10,000 degrees Kelvin
z) 13,000 degrees Kelvin
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: A Galactic year is the length of time that it takes our sun to orbit the
galaxy. In Earth years, how long is a Galactic year?
w) 100 million years
x) 230 million years
y) 620 million years
z) 940 million years
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: A first magnitude star is how many times brighter than a second
magnitude star?
w) 2.5
x) 7.3
y) 10.0
z) 12.0
ANSWER: W -- 2.5
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the name of the star that is the BRIGHTEST in the sky?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which of the following constellations has more bright stars than any
other constellation?
w) Big Dipper
x) Cassiopeia
y) Orion
z) Scorpion
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: A line through the three stars in Orion's belt points toward which
one of the following stars?
w) Mizor
x) Polaris
y) Sirius
z) Rigel
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which of the following words best describes the shape of our
w) spherical
x) elliptical
y) spiral
z) barred-spiral
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the name of the star CLOSEST to our sun?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: On February 9, 1991, ROSAT, an orbiting observatory, finished the
first ever all-sky survey of:
w) radio waves.
x) infrared radiation.
y) ultraviolet radiation.
z) x-rays.
ASTR-92; Short Answer: On what planet does a "year" last only 88 days?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The Asteroid Belt is between the orbits of which two planets?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The ring nebula is an example of a planetary nebula. It is:
ASTR-92; Short Answer: After what geophysical occurrence might you see Bishop's Ring
around the Sun?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: A black hole with the mass of the earth would be the size of:
w) the Sun
x) the Moon
y) a bowling ball
z) a marble
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: How many people have set foot on the Moon?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: How many MANNED moon landings have there been?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Whose paradox asks why the sky is not ablaze with starlight if the
universe is infinite in extent and uniformly filled with stars?
w) Olber's
x) Greigheim's
y) Schuller's
z) Miller's
ASTR-92; Short Answer: On one of the moon landings astronauts left an object on the moon.
Scientists periodically bounce a laser beam off of this object to measure the distance between the
earth and the moon. What is this object?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What are Schmidt, Cassegrainian, and Galilean examples of?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: How large of an angle is the tilt of the Earth's spin axis from the
normal to the ecliptic plane?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What are the two bright spots of light on opposite sides of a halo
around the sun called?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What was most significant about the Apollo 11 flight?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What are the Geminids (pron: JEM-in-ids), the Perseids (pron:
PER-see-ids), and the Leonids (pron: LEE-o-nids)?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Laika, the first living creature to orbit the earth was what type of
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Most stars are cooler than the sun. These stars, the planets,
interstellar clouds and star-forming regions emit most of their radiant energy in the:
w) visible
x) x-ray region
y) ultraviolet
z) infrared
ASTR-92; Short Answer: If the DIAMETER of a reflector's objective mirror is doubled, how
many times as great is its light-gathering power?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Astronomers use cepheids principally as measures of what? Is it:
w) size
x) speed
y) chemical composition
z) distance
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the name of the class that the andromeda Galaxy belongs to?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What was the year of the first lunar landing by man ?
ANSWER: 1969
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the Latin name for the lunar seas?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Of the following phases of the moon, which is the one at which a
spring tide occurs? Is it
w) new
x) new gibbous
y) first quarter
z) new crescent
ASTR-92; Short Answer: I am one of two stars known as the Pointers. My fellow star is Merak
(MAIR-ak). Which star am I?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: This is a question for you budding young astronomers. What is the
sidereal period of the moon?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: "The Swan" is the English name for this constellation. Give me the
Latin name by which this constellation is known.
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; True-False: A white dwarf has a mass of roughly one solar mass but a size of about:
w) a basketball
x) a car
y) Lake Michigan
z) the Earth.
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Sirius was identified as a binary star long before its small companion
was seen. What kind of star is the small companion of this binary system?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which of the following can be used to see through Venus's clouds?
w) refracting telescopes
x) radar
y) x-rays
z) ultraviolet
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Name the Chicago area astronaut that drove the Lunar Rover during
the Apollo 17 mission to the moon? A space center is named after this astronaut at Triton
College in River Grove.
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the type of reflecting telescope in which the light focused by
the primary mirror is intercepted short of focal point and refocused by a secondary mirror through
a hole in the center of the primary mirror?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The only supernova explosion in modern times visible in the sky to the
naked eye became visible in which year?
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: To within 5% what fraction, by mass, of the observable matter in our
universe is helium?
ASTR-92; Short Answer: What is the source of energy in a supernova explosion? ( Name or
describe the force).
ANSWER: 1930
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Globular clusters in our galaxy are primarily found:
w) in the spiral arms.
x) distributed throughout the disk including regions between the spiral arms.
y) in the bulge at the center of our galaxy.
z) in the halo of our galaxy.
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The phenomenon that causes the Moon's rotation about it's own axis
to be equal to the Moon's period of revolution about the Earth is called:
w) Haner Effect
x) Landow Effect
y) Orbital Synchronization
z) Tidal Friction
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The Sun rotates about it's own axis approximately:
w) once every 60 minutes.
x) once every 24 hours.
y) once every 365 days.
z) varies with solar latitude.
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: PRESENTLY, what is the farthest planet from the sun?
w) Pluto
x) Neptune
y) Uranus
z) None of the above
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Andromeda, the nearest galaxy which is similar to the Milky Way, is
how far from the Earth? Is it:
w) 200,000 light years
x) 2,000,000 light years
y) 20,000,000 light years
z) 200,000,000 light years
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The angular position of an object measured from a fixed point along
the horizon is its:
w) azimuth (pron: AZ-i-myuth)
x) apogee (pron: AP-a-jee)
y) zenith
z) declination
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Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-92; Short Answer: Algol (pron: AL-gall), the Demon star, is a binary star whose larger
component revolves around and regularly eclipses the smaller, brighter star causing periodic
changes in brightness. The constellation that Algol is in is also noted for meteor showers that
appear annually in August. Name the constellation.
ASTR-92; Short Answer: The term "Parsec", a unit of measure for interstellar space, is a
contraction of what two words?
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: The angular position of the sun at solar noon with respect to the
plane of the equator is the definition of:
w) index of refraction
x) solar azimuth angle (pron: AZ-i-muth)
y) latitude
z) solar declination angle
ASTR-92; Multiple Choice: Which of the following men was the first to make systematic use of a
telescope in astronomy?
w) Copernicus
x) Tycho Brahe
y) Kepler
z) Galileo
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ASTR-93; Short Answer: The largest circular storm in our solar system is on the surface of
which planet?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The comet known as Halley's Comet has an average period of:
w) 56 years
x) 66 years
y) 76 years
z) 86 years
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which one of the following planets has no moons?
w) Mars
x) Neptune
y) Venus
z) Jupiter
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: In kilometers, the earth's average distance from the sun is roughly
which of the following distances?
w) 250 million
x) 91 million
y) 150 million
z) 350 million
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ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The gravity on the moon is what fraction of the gravity on the earth?
w) 1/3
x) 2/3
y) 1/6
z) 1/10
ANSWER: Y -- 1/6
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The rocks that enter the earth's atmosphere and blaze a trail all the
way to the ground and do not burn up completely are known as:
w) meteorites
x) meteors
y) asteroids
z) none of these
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: 95% of the Martian atmosphere is composed of what substance?
w) Carbon dioxide
x) Nitrogen
y) Argon
z) Carbon monoxide
ASTR-93; Short Answer: How many of Jupiter's moons did Galileo see with his first telescope?
Astronomy - 34
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: What is the motion called when a planet seems to be moving
westward in the sky?
w) Retrograde
x) Parallax
y) Opcentric
z) Reverse parallax
ASTR-93; Short Answer: In the Copernican system, what is the shape of the planets' orbits?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: With which one of the following astronomical objects are meteor
showers associated?
w) Asteroids
x) Comets
y) Planets
z) None of the above
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: In what year did Galileo first use an optical telescope to study the
w) 1492
x) 1611
y) 1212
z) 1743
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: A device which would not work on the Moon is:
w) thermometer
x) siphon
y) spectrometer
z) spring balance
Astronomy - 35
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What astronomical event made the headlines in 1986?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What celestial body is known for its 11 year cycle?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What are Callisto and Ganymede? (pronounced Call-IS-toe and
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What feature do only Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus have in
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The size of the average meteor is about the size of which of the
following objects?
w) a grain of sand.
x) a baseball
y) a basket ball
z) a car
Astronomy - 36
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: During what phase of the Moon can a total visual eclipse of the Moon
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What is the more common name for the aurora borealis?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: Which THREE planets have moons larger than Mercury?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What belts are composed of charged particles surrounding the Earth?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What are "cool" areas on the surface of the Sun called?
Astronomy - 37
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: Which is the only moon in the solar system with a substantial
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: A comet's apparent size does which of the following as the comet
gets closer to the Sun?
w) decrease
x) remain the same
y) increase
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The Phythagoreans appear to have been the first to have taught that
the Earth is:
w) at the center of the Universe.
x) spherical in shape.
y) orbits around the sun.
z) flat with sharp edges.
ASTR-93; Short Answer: Who was the first individual to observe the phases of Venus? He
observed Venus' phases with a telescope that he had built.
Astronomy - 38
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Who first used Tycho Brahe's observational data on the planet Mars
to determine that Mars actually traversed an elliptical orbit, the sun being located at one of the
w) Kepler
x) Galileo
y) Hipparchus
z) Aristarchus
ASTR-93; True-False: Newton taught that the natural state of motion of a body is one of uniform
motion in a circular path.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Approximately how many times could a beam of light travel around
the earth in one second?
w) 3 times
x) 7.5 times
y) 15 times
z) 25 times
Astronomy - 39
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: The earth's motion around the sun causes relatively nearby stars to
shift against the background of the more distant fixed stars. What term is used to describe this
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What name is given to the situation where the sun crosses the celestial
equator around March 21?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Of the following colors, which is bent least in passing through a
w) orange
x) violet
y) green
z) red
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: In a reflecting telescope where in the tube is the objective mirror
w) the top to the tube
x) the middle of the tube
y) the bottom of the tube
z) the side of the tube
ASTR-93; Short Answer: The diameter of the disk of our galaxy, within a factor of two, is how
many light years?
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What is the principal source of a young star's energy?
Astronomy - 40
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: What does it mean when someone says that comets have eccentric
orbits? Does it mean
w) they have open orbits
x) they have nearly circular orbits
y) their orbits are unpredictable
z) the sun is far from the foci of their orbits
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which of the following planets has the lowest density?
w) Mercury
x) Venus
y) Saturn
z) Mars
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: What causes the gas tail of a comet to always point away from the
w) solar wind
x) air pressure
y) centrifugal force
z) gravity
Astronomy - 41
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; True-False: Canals have been photographed on Mars by recent space probes.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Of the following, which is the only planet which CANNOT be seen
with the unaided eye?
w) Jupiter
x) Mars
y) Neptune
z) Saturn
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: If we look at a galaxy that is moving AWAY from us, we find that
the wavelengths of light coming from this galaxy are:
w) lengthened
x) shortened
y) unchanged
Astronomy - 42
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: Give me the name of the first artificial earth satellite and the year in
which it was launched.
ASTR-93; Short Answer: The stars Castor and Pollux are the two brightest stars of what
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The age of the Universe in billions of years is approximately
w) 500
x) 3.5
y) 18
z) 1000
ANSWER: Y -- 18
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The reason we call an astronomical body a black hole is that
w) it is a huge star which appears black at its center.
x) its gravity is so high that it absorbs its own photons.
y) it represents lack of matter in a portion of space.
z) it is a dead planet.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: A blue shift means a Doppler shift of light from a(an)
w) receding star.
x) blue star.
y) approaching star.
z) fixed star.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The first and largest asteroid discovered was:
w) Pallas.
x) Juno.
y) Ceres.
z) Trojan.
Astronomy - 43
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which of the following Saturnian satellites is known to possess
an atmosphere?
w) Tethys
x) Titan
y) Dione
z) Mimas
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The Crab Nebula consists of the remnants of a supernova which was
observed by:
w) Brahe in 1572.
x) Kepler and Galileo in 1604.
y) the Chinese in 1054 A.D.
z) several ancient civilizations in 236 B.C.
Astronomy - 44
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: On the celestial sphere, the annual path of the Sun is called
w) the eclipse path.
x) ecliptic.
y) diurnal.
z) solstice.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The angular distance between a planet and the Sun, as viewed from
the Earth, is called
w) angle of inclination.
x) elongation.
y) latitude.
z) opposition.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which of the following has the greatest density?
w) the sun
x) Venus
y) Mars
z) Jupiter
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Mercury and Venus are said to be inferior planets because:
w) they are smaller than the other planets that circle the Sun.
x) their orbits are slower than the Earth's orbit.
y) their orbits are faster than the Earth's orbit.
z) their orbits are inside of the Earth's orbit.
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What is the name of an important galactic cluster of stars in the Milky
Way and commonly known as the Seven Sisters?
Astronomy - 45
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What is the point at which the orbit of Mercury comes closest to the
Sun called?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Galileo made many astronomical discoveries. Which of the
following was NOT one of his discoveries?
w) the phases of Venus
x) mountains on Venus
y) moons of Jupiter
z) sunspots
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Identify the ripples in the overall geometry of space produced by the
acceleration of moving objects.
w) Doppler effect.
x) granulation.
y) gravitational waves.
z) elongation.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which one of the following planets has less mass than the Earth?
w) Jupiter
x) Saturn
y) Uranus
z) Pluto
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which of the following planets is NOT a terrestrial planet?
w) Earth
x) Jupiter
y) Mars
z) Mercury
Astronomy - 46
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Why do we see lunar eclipses much more often than solar eclipses?
w) Lunar eclipses occur more often than solar eclipses.
x) Lunar eclipses last longer than solar eclipses.
y) The lunar eclipse is visible to much more of the Earth than a solar eclipse.
z) The moon is closer to the Earth than the sun.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The apparent magnitude of an object in the sky describes its
w) size
x) magnification
y) brightness
z) distance
Astronomy - 47
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: A coordinate system based on the ecliptic system is especially useful
for the studies of
w) planets
x) stars
y) the Milky Way
z) galaxies
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: When originally discovered, how were planets such as Pluto
distinguished from the multitude of stars in the sky?
w) The planets appear to be bigger than stars
x) The planets are brighter than most stars
y) The planets move relative to the stars
z) The planets are close to the ecliptic
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The moon was closer to earth in March 1993 than it has been for a
dozen years. This near distance was about
w) 200,000 miles
x) 216,000 miles
y) 231,000 miles
z) 240,000 miles
ASTR-93; Short Answer: First, identify by name the largest planet; then identify by name the
brightest planet in our solor system. If they are the same, give only one name.
ASTR-93; Short Answer: Name the type of variable star which is a red dwarf star and shows
rapid and irregular changes in light.
Astronomy - 48
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What happens to a collapsed star that is too massive to be supported
by neutron pressure?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: What is the name of the spacecraft that recently used Jupiter's
gravitational field to redirect its course toward the Sun's polar regions?
w) Magellan
x) Ulysses
y) Galileo
z) Challenger
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The mean distance of the earth from the sun in astronomical units is:
w) 3.7
x) 10
y) 1
z) 101
ANSWER: Y -- 1
ASTR-93; Short Answer: The decreasing pitch of the siren of a receding locomotive has what
analog in astronomy?
Astronomy - 49
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Short Answer: In 1920, Albert Michelson measured the diameter of a star using a
stellar interferometer. It was the first measurement of the diameter of any star other than the sun.
Identify the star.
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: On which planet can one find the solar system's largest volcano?
w) Earth
x) Neptune
y) Mars
z) Jupiter
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: What is the most distant object in the sky that the human eye can see
without optical instruments?
w) The Horsehead Nebula
x) The Andromeda Galaxy
y) The Sagittarius Constellation
z) The Aurora Borealis
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Name the planet that has the greatest number of known moons:
w) Earth
x) Saturn
y) Jupiter
z) Mars
ASTR-93; Short Answer: State the common name given to the group of stars also known as
Crux Australis.
Astronomy - 50
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The solitary moon of Pluto is named after the boatman of Greek
mythology who ferries the dead across the River Styx. Its name is
w) Erebus
x) Charon (pronounced kar-un)
y) Nox
z) Persephone (pronounced per-seph-o-nee)
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Which civilization developed and implemented the first solar
w) Babylonian
x) Greek
y) Egyptian
z) Aztec
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The same side of the moon always faces the Earth because:
w) the moon is not rotating about its axis.
x) the moon's motion was fixed at its creation by the laws of inertia.
y) tidal forces keep the moon's rotation and orbiting motion in sync with each other.
z) the moon's magnetic poles keep aligned with the Earth's magnetic field.
Astronomy - 51
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The determination of stellar parallax is important because it allows
the determination of:
w) mass
x) diameter
y) distance
z) velocity
ASTR-93; Short Answer: What one property besides the temperature does the luminosity of a
star depend upon?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: The Giotto spacecraft set a new record last July for the closest visit
yet to:
w) the core of a comet
x) the red spot of Jupiter
y) an active solar flare
z) the rings of Saturn
ASTR-93; Short Answer: During 1990 and 1991 the Magellan orbiter mapped the surface of
Venus. What technique did it use?
Astronomy - 52
Science Bowl ASTRONOMY
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: Data from Voyager II indicate that previous estimates of Triton's
size were in error. It is now known that Neptune's largest moon is
w) nearly the size of Mars
x) half the size of Mercury
y) twice the size of the Earth's moon
z) even larger than previously thought
ASTR-93; Short Answer: In 1995, the Galileo spacecraft is scheduled to go into orbit about
which planet?
ASTR-93; Multiple Choice: On a clear, dark, moonless night, approximately how many stars can
be seen with the naked eye?
w) 300
x) 1,000
y) 3,000
z) 10,000
ANSWER: Y -- 3,000
Astronomy - 53
Space Related General Knowledge Questions Answers
1 The first cosmonaut to spend about 17½ days in space endurance flight
* Adrin Nikolayev and Vitaly Sevastyanosov in soyuz-9 (June 1, 1970)
6 The first unmanned spaceship to have soft landed and lifted off from the moon to
* Luna-16 (U.S.S.R.) September 21, 1970
8 The first spaceship which carried three American astronauts to land two of them
* Apollo-11
12 The first space rocket brought back to earth after orbiting the moon
* Zond-5
* Rakesh Sharma
25 The first manned spaceship to perform the longest stay in space (11 days)
* Apollo-7 (U.S.A.)
26 The first manned spaceship to perform space flight round the moon
* Apollo-8 (U.S.A.)
38 First European space probe landing on the surface of the Saturnian Moon Titan
* Huygens (January 15, 2005)
41 The first Japanese spacecraft to get down to an asteroid and collect samples fro
* Hayabusa (November 2005, Japans Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
43 The first space woman to stay for the longest ever Perivale of time in space
* Sunita Williams
46 The US software pioneer who became the first person to travel twice to space a
* Charles Simonyi (March 26, 2009)
Space Q & A
How to play:
This is a game you need to play more than once, but over time it will
make your students feel like real space experts. If you only play the
game one time, you students probably won't be able to remember
any of the facts. The learning comes through repetition.
The questions are hard - and kids probably won't know most of the
answers the first time you play. That's okay, because when the
questions are repeated the second, third, and fourth time you play
the game, they will become better and better at remembering
the answers.
The first time you play, most of their answers will probably be
guesses. The second time you play, they will probably know some
of the answers. The third time you play, they'll know more answers.
And so on.
You may want to offer a small prize for students who answer
questions correctly, or teams who win the game.
Question 5: How long does it take the sun’s light to reach Earth?
Answer: 8 minutes
Question 10: Name all of the planets in order, from closest to the sun to
farthest away.
Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
And Pluto kinda.
Question 19: Who were the first two people to walk on the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
Question 22: What was the name of the first man-made satellite in
Answer: Sputnik (It was a Russian satellite)
Question 25: What is the name of the large space telescope that orbits
the Earth?
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope
Question 27: Name all of the planets that people have walked on.
Answer: Earth (People have walked on the moon, but that's not a
Question 29: Which planet is nicknamed “the morning star” and “the
evening star”?
Answer: Venus (But remember - it's not really a star. It's a planet.)
Question 31: Why can’t you see Neptune or Pluto without a telescope?
Answer: They’re too far away and it’s too dark in that part of the solar
Question 33: How long does it take Earth to orbit around the sun?
Answer: 365 days
Question 34: How long does it take the Earth to rotate/spin all the way
Answer: 24 hours
Question 39: Which planet used to have the “Great Dark Spot”?
Answer: Neptune (The dark spot was a large storm that mysteriously
disappeared in the 1990s.)
Question 42: How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth?
Answer: 29 days
Question 44: Like Earth, Mars is covered with air. What type of gas is
makes up most of Mars' air?
Answer: carbon dioxide
Question 46: How many dwarf planets are in our solar system?
Answer: five
Question 50: If you were standing above the North Pole looking down,
which way would Earth rotate?
Answer: counter-clockwise
Multiple Choice
1. The four inner planets are rocky and small. Which description best fits the next four
outer planets?
2. Which two planets are out of order in this list of our solar system? The planets are listed
in order of distance from the sun.
5. A probe landed on Mars and did soil tests. What information did it discover?
6. Pictures from space are sent to Earth. How are they printed?
A. gravity
B. speed
C. string
D. air currents
A. Earth
B. moon
C. Jupiter
D. sun
10. Without gravity, what would be the shape of the solar system?
Constructed Response
3. How are the orbits of Earth around the sun and the orbit of the moon around Earth
Answers Standard 3-unit test A:
Multiple Choice
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B
Constructed Response
1. Asteroids are chunks of rock in orbit around the sun, meteors are chunks of rock that fall
through Earth’s atmosphere.
3. Both rely on the greater gravitational pull of the more massive object and their own for-
ward motion to match and keep them in orbit.
Grade 6 Standard 3 Unit Test B
Multiple Choice
A. each other
B. a star or sun
C. a moon
D. a galaxy
2. If you could live on Jupiter, what would you see in the sky at night besides stars?
A. many moons
B. the inner planets
C. the sun
D. Earth’s moon
3. Which two planets are out of order in this list of our solar system? The planets are listed
in order as they go out from the sun.
4. Mary looked in her science book at a picture of the solar system. The planets were
large and colorful, but she knew it was not an accurate model. Why?
5. What is an important function of space probes, such as Voyager, as they travel in
7. Which of the following instruments could best see the rings on Saturn?
A. your eye
B. binoculars
C. a telescope
D. a magnifying glass
8. Some objects are invisible in space yet astronomers know they exist. On what do they
base their knowledge?
9. What would happen to Earth if it started going faster around the sun?
10. What do objects that have more mass also have more of?
A. volume
B. size
C. gravity
D. speed
Constructed Response
2. Pick a planet (other than Earth) and describe 5 characteristics that you knowabout
it. Be as specific as possible.
3. Space probes have not landed on Pluto yet. Describe three types of information you
would collect if you were designing the probe. Tell what you think the results of each test
might be.
5. How is spinning a weight tied to a string around your head similar to the orbit of a planet
around the sun?
Answers Standard 3-unit test B:
Multiple Choice.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
Constructed Response
1. Planets are smaller than stars and are not glowing producing their own light.
4. They are able to take large amounts of data and process it quickly.
5. The spinning speed is the same as the velocity of a moving planet, the string is like
gravity holding it in orbit.
Grade 6 Standard 3 Performance Test 1
Title: Telemetry
1. Students must work in pairs. Each should have a worksheet with a picture to “send” and
an empty grid to “receive”.
2. Both students need to code their picture. Each square needs to be assigned a number.
· 0 = no color or white
· 1 = gray
· 2 = black
3. Students will have to decide if partially filled squares count as a color or not. They
cannot be partially filled.
4. One student should “send” their picture to the other by reading off the numbers they
established. The “receiving” student should fill in their grid and try to guess what the
picture is.
5. When one student has finished the other can “send.”
6. See attached worksheets
Grading Scale
1. One grid on your paper has a picture on it. Assign a number to each square on the grid.
Use this code:
0 = white or no color
1 = gray
2 = black
2. Read your numbers to your partner who will fill in the empty grid on the bottom of his/her
paper. He/she will guess what the picture is.
3. Reverse the process and have your partner read you his/her numbers.
1. Were you able to guess what the picture was that was sent to you?
2. How was the translated picture different from the real one?
3. You sent the picture to your partner using what type of waves?
5. What would happen if you used a different size grid than the sender? (with more rows
or columns?)
Grade 6 Standard 3 Performance Test 2
Activity Description
In this activity students will model the forces that keep planets in orbit and discover rela-
tionships between mass, distance, and velocity.
1 meter (and a little more for tying the knots) of string per group (4 students) a meterstick,
4 large metal washers, clock with second hand or stopwatch, student sheet (see next page)
Time Needed
50 minutes
Teacher Background
Objects stay in stable orbits when the gravity between them and a larger body (like the
sun) matches their own forward velocity. The distance a planet is from the sun affects the
gravitational attraction. If preferred, this can be done as a demonstration with one student
swinging the “planet” and the class counting and timing the swings.
1. Explain to students that they will be investigating the forces that keep planets in orbit
and read the introduction and procedures to the activity.
2. Allow groups to gather their materials. Remind them to stay far enough apart that the
swinging washers do not hit anyone.
3. Allow time for students to collect data.
4. As a class, discuss data and draw conclusions.
5. Allow students time to answer questions on student sheet.
Scoring Guide
1. Students make prediction…………………………………………….3 pts
2. Students design their own test………………………………………10 pts
3. Students collect and record data……………………………………15 pts
4. Students correctly answer questions……………………………….5 pts
1. Shortening the string increases the speed and shortens the revolution time.
2. The Inner planets have the shortest revolutions
3. Increasing the mass shortens increases speed needed and shortens revolution
4. The larger objects require more speed in forward motion to keep from falling.
5. Answers will vary.
5. Students write specific and pertinent conclusion…………………3 pts
Student Sheet
Introduction: In this activity you will investigate the factors that affect the revolution of
planets around the sun. We will use string for “gravity” and washers for “planets”.
1 meter of string, a meterstick, 4 large metal washers, clock with second hand or stopwatch
1. Tie two washers on the end of your string. Have a student hold the end of the string and
swing it over their head. Swing it only fast enough to keep it in “orbit.” Make sure you will
not hit anyone with the washers.
2. Have one student count the number of revolutions the washers take in 10 seconds.
One student needs to time while the other counts. Do this twice and average your results.
Record your data on the data table.
3. Fold the string in two and hold it in the middle (at the 50 cm) mark. Repeat the count-
ing for 10 seconds. Do this twice and average your results. Record your data on the data
4. Put two more washers on the string and repeat #2 and #3.
5. Think of another different test you can do concerning orbits with the string and washers.
Write down here what you will do:
1. What effect did making the orbit smaller (shortening the string) have on the speed of the
washers and time it took to make an orbit (revolution)?
2. Which planets in the solar system have the shortest revolution time?
3. How does increasing the weight of the “planet” affect its revolution?
4. Why?