First Periodical - Filipino III
First Periodical - Filipino III
First Periodical - Filipino III
Day: __________________
I. Objective:
Make inferences.
V. Assignment:
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Infer the mood of certain events through the speaker’s actions / intonations / utterances.
B. During Listening:
1. Setting standards for listening.
2. Pupils listen attentively to the teacher while reading the short story with action, intonation
and utterances.
3. Teacher’s supervision.
C. Post Listening:
1. Answering of motive question.
2. Answering of guide questions.
a. What were the boys yelling?
b. To whom were they yelling?
c. What did Tirso do with the angry boys?
d. Who helped Tirso when he was about to pass out?
e. Why do you think the boys were angry with Tirso?
f. Why do you Tirso did not join them during the demonstration?
g. What could have happened if Tirso joined the boys in the campus?
D. Engagement Activity:
Call a pupil to read the selection once more with correct action, proper intonation
and utterances, then have them answer the questions below.
1. What do you think was the mood of the boys action when they yelled at Tirso?
2. What do you think was the mood of Mr. Gomez’ utterances to the boys?
3. What do you think was the mood of Tirso’s intonation when he did not join the boys during
the demonstration rally?
4. What do you think is the moral lesson of the selection?
E. Enrichment Activity
Pupils listen to the teacher while reading the events with correct intonation, action and utterances.
1. “Christian! Cherry! Come here!” Grandmother almost shouted at her grandchildren.
Question: What do you think was the mood of grandmother’s utterances when she shouted at
her grandchildren?
2. One day, Alex got the surprise of his life. His father was chosen as the “Farmer of the Year”
Question: If you were Alex, what would you feel after what happened?
a. Happy of what happened to my father.
b. Ashamed of what I had felt for my father.
c. Worried of what happened to my father.
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to a selection and be able to answer the following questions by inferring the mood of
certain events through the speaker’s actions/intonations/utterances.
The Graduation Gift
“Thank you! O thank you Father!” cried Glenn embracing his Father tightly. “This is the best gift I
have ever received in my whole life. I have prayed and longed to own one and my prayer has been answered.”
“I am very glad about that,” Father said putting his arms around his son. “I waited for your graduation
to buy you one.”
“I am not very happy about the motorcycle,” butt in mother. “I hope it will not be a source of trouble.”
“you don’t know it mother, but I have been riding Jay’s motorcycle every now and then,” said Glenn.
“I can ride very well now.”
One afternoon, as mother was tending her garden, she saw Glenn pass by on his motorcycle with
Roland. Suddenly there was a loud crash! People were looking at the direction where Glenn turns on a curb.
1. What do you think was the mood of Glenn’s action when father gave him a motorcycle?
a. Glenn was ashamed
b. Glen was embarrassed.
c. Glen was excited.
2. What was the mood of Father’s intonation when Father answered Glenn?
a. Father was glad.
b. Father was humiliated
c. Father was surprised.
3. What do you think was the mood of Mother’s utterances about the motorcycle?
a. Mother was sad.
b. Mother was worried.
c. Mother was discouraged.
4. What was the mood of Glenn’s utterances about the motorcycle?
a. Glenn was humble.
b. Glenn was showy
c. Glenn was boastful.
5. What do you think was the mood of the people’s action when they heard a loud crash?
a. The people were worried.
b. The people were in trouble.
c. The people were delighted.
V. Assignment
1. Request a member of your family to read a short selection for you, then infer the mood of certain
events through the speaker’s actions/intonations/utterances.
2. Write your inferences on your notebook.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Evaluate and make judgments
Distinguish advertisement from propaganda
IV. Evaluation:
Listen and write whether each one is an advertisement or a propaganda.
1. LOSE WEIGHT WHILE SLEEPING. Thanks to the surprising power of Biotic Sauna Pajama to
eliminate heat. Simply put on Biotic Sauna Pajama and you will get rid of your excess fats.
2. To help you find ajob or buy anything and many others, read The Exponent of Philippine
Progress since 1900, Bulletin, The Nation’s leading newspaper.
3. PARENTS. Cora Doloroso can help your children face the future with confidence: Lessons they
will get on speech, poise, grooming and social graces can lead to lifetime of success. Now
accepting enrollees. Makati 817-0995, Recto 735-5210.
V. Assignment:
Bring some clippings of advertisements or bits of propaganda from newspapers and magazines.
They may also write down those they hear over the radio or TV programs. Then, have them form groups,
share their clippings and discuss whether they are advertisements or propaganda.
I. Objective:
Use the comparative form of adverb in sentences correctly
Value: Sportamanship
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review
Reading of the following adverbs in flashcards
softly well
soon orderly
loudly early
happily often
badly worse
2. Motivation:
Look at the picture posted on the board while I read to you some sentences about it. Listen
carefully and take note of the adverbs used in sentences.
A child who dresses neatly is a pleasant sight.
Mother waited patiently for her child.
The little boy in blue shirt recited the poem expressively.
B. Presentation
Dina speaks more softly than Joyce.
The sun shines more brightly than the moon.
Can you stay underwater longer than I can?
IV. Evaluation:
Select the correct form of adverbs to complete the sentences.
1. Pilots fly the helicopter _________ than airplane.
a. effectively
b. more effectively
c. most effectively
2. A jet soars ________ than a helicopter
a. high
b. higher
c. highest
3. Teaching should be regarded ______noble profession than any other profession.
a. highly
b. more highly
c. most highly
4. Farmers work ________ than teachers.
a. diligently
b. more diligently
c. most diligently
5. Your dress is ___________ embroidered than mine.
a. beautifully
b. more beautifully
c. most beautifully
V. Assignment:
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Differentiate between comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.
Value: Fairness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review
Identifying the comparative and superlative forms in the following sentences.
Ramon worked well last Monday
He worked better last Tuesday.
He worked best today.
2. Motivation:
Listening to tape-recorded conversation.
Martha and Sophia have just watched a basketball game on their gymnasium.
Listen what they say about the game.
Sophia: How did you like the basketball game?
Martha: Very much. The Narra team played very well
Sophia: I’m sorry but I don’t think so. I would say the Molave team played better.
Martha: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. The Narra team played skillfully.
Sophia: I think the Molave team played more skillfully than Narra team. The players
were better prepared for the game.
B. Presentation
Do Martha and Sophia think the same way about the basketball team?
What games have you watched lately?
What do you think of the game?
Let’s go over the conversation of two girls who watched a track race. Find out how they
compared the participants.
Vina ran fast but Elsa ran faster.
Cherry ran the fastest in the race.
The crowd cheered enthusiastically for Vina.
The crowd cheered more enthusiastically for Elsa than Vina.
But they cheered the most enthusiastically for Cherry.
C. Analysis and Discussion
Who ran faster, Vina or Elsa?
Who ran the fastest?
For whom did the crowd cheer more enthusiastically?
Like adjectives, when use in comparing actions and descriptions, adverbs have positive,
comparative and superlative forms.
1. Vina ran fast. (Positive)
2. But Elsa ran faster. (Comparative)
3. Cherry ran the fastest. (Superlative)
How do the adverbs change in the comparative degree? In the superlative degree?
fast faster fastest
hard harder hardest
soon sooner soonest
Mostly –ly adverbs do this using more or less and most or least.
enthusiastically recently
more enthusiastically more recently
most enthusiastically most recently
Still other adverbs change the word as in:
well better best
much more most
badly worse worst
D. Generalization
What are the differences between the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs?
E. Practice Exercise
Give the comparative and superlative form of adverbs of the following
a. tactfully f. soon
b. evenly g. hopefully
c. hard h. excitingly
d. carefully i. much
e. well
F. Application
Using the adverbs given, fill in each blank with the correct form of comparison.
good 1. The Grade Vi pupils work _________ than the Grade V pupils.
well 2. Among the staff members, pearl writes ________ when it comes to poem.
fast 3. Jets are _______ than gliders.
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adverbs in the parentheses.
(fast) 1. Emmanuel walks _______than Ed.
(good) 2. Among the five girls, Daisy knows _______.
(often) 3. Section one children borrow books _______ than section five children.
(early) 4. Mac wakes up _______ than Baby.
(well) 5. Good children always act ________.
V. Assignment:
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use words that can function as adjectives and adverbs
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review
Give the word that each underlined adverb describes. What part of speech is it?
1. The cooking was quite delicious.
2. The carpenters finally finished their jobs.
3. The dog behaved badly.
2. Motivation:
Class, today we’re going to listen to an interesting selection. It tells something
about the theme, “LEADERSHIP”. We’re celebrating our centennial year of freedom, and it
has something to do with the bravery and courage of our beloved heroes. Let us listen
carefully and try to take note of the words which are used as adjectives and adverbs.
Remember that adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives and other
adverbs. Adjectives describe nouns. They are picture words.
B. Presentation
Have the pupils listen to a tape-recorded selection entitled “Leadership”.
When David conquered Goliath, people suddenly woke up to the fact that youth, skills and
intelligence can achieve many things. David did a hard work of fighting against Goliath. Even if you
work hard and you think fast, but you don’t have courage and bravery, you won’t succeed. David’s fast
thinking ability made him won over Goliath. One should have knowledge of what is right.
The same youthful spirit filled the heroes of the Philippine revolution. They worked hard for
our liberty. Andres Bonifacio was still in his twenties when he co-founded the secret Katipunan Society
in 1892. He made decision carefully and acted on things intelligently. His careful decisions gave the
will to succeed. His trusted friend and adviser Emilio Jacinto. “The Brains of the Katipunan” was even
younger. He was only 18 when he joined the society in 1893. He acted more intelligently. Bonifacio
and Jacinto shared a vision of a free and independent nation for the Filipino people, based on equality,
justice, freedom and respect for all men and women, Both men worked hard. Their hard work made
them great heroes.
IV. Evaluation:
Think – Fair – Share
Pupils are divided in pairs. Each pair has a flap. Have them construct a sentence using
each of the given words on the board – with reference as to how they are used, whether an
adjective or an adverb.
V. Assignment:
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Talk about topics of interest using preposition and prepositional phrases.
Identify whether the prepositions/ prepositional phrases are used as adverb of time, place or
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review
Arrange the words on the order indicated in the parentheses in order to form simple,
compound or complex sentence.
a is polite Liza student (S-LV-PN)
shine after the sun will the rain
2. Motivation:
Showing a picture on space exploration or cut outs from newspapers, clippings
on space exploration.
What do you know about space exploration? Is it interesting? Why? Why do you
think space exploration is important?
3. Presentation
Read the selection/paragraph (Growing in English Language VI p. 281)
Comprehension Check:
1. What has the robocraft Lunar Prospector discovered?
2. Where is the evidence of water found?
3. With this discovery, what possibilities are the scientist thinking of?
4. What can you say about these possibilities?
B. Development Activities
1. Analysis and Discussion
Recall again the meaning of a phrase.
Show sentences which are taken from the selection written on sentence strips.
A US roborocket has discovered the pressure of water on the moon.
Pools of frozen water were spotted in the dark cold shade of deep craters at the
lunar poles.
2. Encourage the pupilsto give other examples of prepositions/prepositional phrases in the
selection on page 281 of Growing in English.
3. Show pictures. Encourage the pupils to talk about the pictures using prepositions/prepositional
phrases. Guide them in doing this. Then discuss.
Example: Pupils planting trees.
4. Show more examples of sentences with prepositional phrases. Have the pupils discover for
themselves the uses of prepositional phrases as adverb of time, place and manner by asking
them how, when or where.
Example: I read the book in my room.
I read it at night.
What do the phrases in my room and at night tell about? What word do they modify? How
does each prepositional phrase function? Why?
5. Group Activity
a. Each group will be given 5 prepositions and one leader from the group will
report on how their group used each preposition in meaningful sentences.
b. Encourage the pupils/each group to relate their sentences with their areas of
interests, i.e. the TV show they like most, their friends, etc.
6. Generalization
What is a preposition? A prepositional phrase? When/How is it used as an adverb?
7. Application
Instruct the pupils to form small groups or triads and choose one of the topics
below. Talk about it using prepositional phrases by giving facts, truths and other ideas. Ask
someone in the group to list down the statements. Then report it to the class.
a. Tidal waves d. Thunder and Lightning
b. Volcanoes e. The North Pole
c. Earthquakes f. Cloud Formation
8. Fixing Skills
Pupils may work individually or in dyads. Read the news story below. Then,
on a piece of paper, list down all the prepositional phrases you can find. Encircle each
preposition used. Write whether each is used as adverb of time, manner or place.
Example: on foot – adverb
(Please see pp. 285-286, Growing in English Language VI for the selection)
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositional phrases indicated in parentheses.
(adverb of place) 1. For the trip I will ride ____________.
(adverb of time) 2. I can reach the place ____________.
(adverb of place) 3. Maybe I will be landing __________.
(adverb of time) 4. I will stay there __________.
(adverb of manner) 5. For surely I will enjoy __________.
V. Assignment:
A. Read the paragraph silently. Look for errors in the use of the prepositions and
prepositional phrases. Check these errors and then, read the paragraph aloud. (See Read
and Do on page 288 of Growing in English Language VI, for the paragraph/selection)
B. Study the list of common prepositions on page 283 (Growing in English Language VI)
Then, choose at least five (5) prepositions and use them in meaningful sentences as
adverbs of time, manner and place.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use prepositions/prepositional phrases in sentences appropriately.
Identify/Tell whether the prepositions/ prepositional phrases are used as either adjective phrase or
adverb phrases.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Can you add something to make each sentence more vivid and meaningful? Note the question
word inside the parentheses.
I do my assignment ____________. (When)
Manny Paquiao fought his Mexican opponent _________. (Where)
The children do their tasks _________. (How)
2. Motivation
a. Show an enlarged illustration of the event on p. 259
b. Who among here are members of scouting? Have you ever heard of a boy named Sahjid
S. Bulig? Richard H. Celestino?
3. Presentation
Have the class listen while one volunteer/best reader of the class narrates the
selection/story on pp. 259-260.
Comprehension Check:
Answer each question with a phrase. Ask your classmates to answer the
succeeding questions.
a. Whose floating shrine is the Pagoda?
b. Where was it used?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Analysis and Discussion
a. Put each phrase strips on the board. Have the pupils discover that their answers to all the
questions in comprehension check are all in phrases.
b. Ask the class to find out that prepositions may eithr be made up of single-words or
compound words.
c. Show more written examples of prepositional phrases on the board.
d. Lead the class in discovering the two uses of prepositional phrases as adjectives or
2. Practice Exercise
a. Exercise #1
What are the prepositional phrases in these sentences? Identify the prepositions and their
1. Having an aquarium is the next best thing to living under the sea.
2. A tropical fish store owner will give advice on the kind of tank and fish for a
3. Many start with a ten-gallon tank.
C. Generalization
What is a prepositional phrase? What does it consist of? How does a prepositional phrase
When do we say that it is used as an adjective? As an adverb?
D. Application
A. Work with partner. Draw a circle around the correct preposition in the parentheses.
1. The scout badge is composed (with,of) two major parts: the trefoil and the scroll.
2. The trefoil is the three-pointed portion (of, at) the badge, each point representing one
of the three promises of the scout oath.
3. The three stars stand (for, of) the three geographical divisions of the Philippine
Archipelago: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
E. Fixing Skills
Work in dyads. Remember that anadverb phrase answers the questions when, where, how often,
or with or to what extent. Supply an appropriate adverb phrase.
1. The reenactment of the suffering and death of Jesus is another tradition __________.
2. The event is observed ____________.
3. The observance usually starts _____________.
F. Value Infusion/Value integration
Why does helping others without expecting something in return pay off?
IV. Evaluation:
Copy on a piece of paper the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. Underline each preposition
once and its object twice.
1. Oceans cover much of the earth’s surface.
2. We do not know very much about life under the sea.
3. Sealab I was an experiment in undersea living.
4. The experiment was run by the US Navy.
5. Sealab I was built in 1964
V. Assignment:
Choose any/at least 5 prepositions from the list below and use them in meaningful sentences
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Determine the purpose of the author based on the selection read.
Write the author’s purpose based on the selection read.
Value: Courage
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill
/s/ /z/
raise easy
class was
times birds
discuss has
books days
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match Column A with their meaning in Column B.
1. elevator a. extreme pain, unhappiness
2. escalator b. to challenge
3. misery c. cage or platform for moving something from one level to another
4. dare d. to terrify, to scare
5. frightened e. a motorized set of stairs arranged to ascend or descend continously
3. Motivation
Do you still remember the first time you went to school? How did you feel? Why
did you feel that way
B. Presentation
1. Remind the pupils of the standards in silent reading.
2. Have the pupils read the story silently.
“The Frightened Shoes”
3. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why were the shoes frightened of the stairs?
b. What may have the shoes afraid of an escalator but not an elevator?
c. Have you ever taken an escalator? An elevator? How did you feel on your first ride?
d. How did Tina’s mother solve the problem?
e. Was it really the pair of shoes that are afraid of the stairs? Why? What do you think is the
author’s purpose in making it appear that the shoes are the ones afraid and not the one who
wears it ?
4. Analysis/Discussion
Why do you think the writer writes that kind of story?
After reading the story “The Frightened Shoes”, write the purposes of the author
in writing this kind of story. Use the semantic web.
5. Value Infusion
Can trials in your lives make you quit and afraid to face the challenges that come
your way? Why?
6. Fixing Skills
Read each passage. Then write whether the purpose of the author is to entertain,
to inform, or to persuade. Write it on a sheet of paper. (See page 61 English For All Times, R)
7. Generalization
What are the purposes why the author writes?
8. Practice Exercise
Read the selections. Determine the purposes of the author.
1. Cigarette is not good in one’s health and can cause lots of diseases like cancer of the lungs
and tuberculosis
2. Juan Tamad opened his mouth and waited for the guava to fall into his mouth.
IV. Evaluation:
Read each passage and tell the author’s purpose. (English For All Times VI pp.127-128)
V. Assignment:
Read a short story then make a summary. Tell the author’s purpose in writing.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify author’s device to bring out his message
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Pronounce the following words correctly
Words with f sounds
/gh/ /ph/
laugh phonics
cough physical
enough telephone
rough Philippines
tough paragraph
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Meanings are placed in the basket. Call one from the class to pick one and read. Call one
volunteer to answer by putting the right letters together to complete the puzzle.
3. Motivation
Are you fond of looking up and watching the clouds? What feeling does it gives you? What
does the cloud look like?
B. Presentation
1. Have them read the poem “Clouds” (English For All Times (R) p 144
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. What are the clouds being compared in the poem?
b. What characteristics of clouds that make them silver lambs? Like snowy?
c. What make them like huge butterflies?
3. Value Infusion
If you were one of the clouds, are you going to be proud since you are so high, so pretty and
so clean and everyone adores you? Why?
4. Analysis and discussion
1. Try to analyze the diagram
clouds butterflies
IV. Evaluation:
Identify author’s device used in each sentence. Underline them.
1. I’m so happy watching the waves that look like cradles moving in the space.
2. The pageantry of holidays and festivals gleam like threads of silver and gold in the tapetry of life
3. That night of loneliness with me was the moon rose from its sleep.
4. I hate that man and he’s a devil in disguise in my sight.
5. The girl seems so tired because her two legs are sleeping.
V. Assignment:
Copy at least two sentences that compare two things. Identify the device of the author used.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give opinions based on the information read
Write sentences with expressions/words used in giving one’s opinion
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill
/th/ /dh/
think those
thought this
smooth the
both than
cloth they
a. I think those girls are going to Manila
b. She thought of reading a book rather than watching television.
c. This smooth cloth belongs to me.
d. Both of them are my brothers.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Arrange the jumbled letters in Column A to form a word that matches the meaning in
Column B.
1. oorihnz ● The apparent line of junction of earth or sea with the sky
2. ecltascep ● A display usually on a large scale which attracts attention
3. ifraeniot ● The technique of determining the refractive condition of the eye
4. simpr ● A solid figure having two parallel polygonal faces
3. Motivation
Have you seen a rainbow? Are you attracted to its color? What can you say about
a rainbow? Have you heard a saying about it?
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils read the selection “The Rainbow” (Reading Comprehension Exercices in
English VI, p. 88)
2. Comprehension Check up
a. According to an old story, what can you find at the end of the rainbow?
b. Do you think there is really treasure at its end? Why?
c. What maybe seen below the horizon?
d. When is a rainbow best to see by an observer?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Give your opinion in the situation given using the necessary expressions.
Carlos performs better in Mathematics than in Science, so he wants to be an engineer. After
meeting Dr. Johnsons, he decided he would like to become a doctor instead. Should he become a doctor
or an engineer?
V. Assignment:
Read the story “The Two Peso Coin” (BES p.43). Then, give your opinions using necessary
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Draw conclusion based on information given
Write conclusion based on information
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Exercises: /m/
Tongue Twister
Mrs. Master
Mrs. Master mixed a mess of messy mustard
A mess of messy mustard Mrs. Master mixed
If Mrs. Master mixed a mess of messy mustard
Where’s the mess of messy mustard Mrs. Master mixed?
2. Review
Give strips of cartolina with idioms on the first group. The second group will have strips with
meaning. The first pair who will be able to match the idiom with its meaning wins.
3. Motivation
What would you like to be when you grow up?
B. Presentation:
Make a survey of the profession the pupils would like to take. Use the chart below.
Number of
Social Worker
D. Skill Development
School dropouts, though very disheartening, will always be part of the year-end
report. Here’s a report of dropouts per level at Maliwanag Elementary School with a population
of 600 pupils.
Dropouts at Maliwanag Elementary School
School Year 1997-1998
Number of
Grade Level
I 10
II 5
IV 9
V 7
VI 6
What conclusions can you give based from the above data?
E. Generalization
How did you come up with your conclusions?
F. Infusion of Values:
In giving conclusions what must you bear in mind?
G. Practice Exercises
Work with a partner. Use the data on dropouts in completing the bar graph.
No. of Dropouts
Darrel looked out the kitchen window. It was daytime, but outside it was as dark as night. Rain
banged against the window. It sounded as if someone was throwing rocks at the house. The tree in the
backyard was bent over like an old man leaning on a cane. Some of its branches even touched the
ground. Darrel was worried.
For a week, the TV news had been filled with reports about the storm. Now the storm is
moving closer. It almost seemed as if the storm was alive and coming after him. He felt as if it was a
Darrel helped his family get ready for the storm. He and his little brother Tommy put tape
across the windows on their house. This would make the windows stronger. Darrel and his mother went
to the store to buy lots of canned food. They also stocked up candles because the storm might knock
down the power lines.
Getting ready for the storm was fun. It was like getting ready for a camping trip. Now that the
storm was here, it wasn’t fun anymore.
1. At the beginning of the story, it was “as dark as night” during the day. Why?
a. There was an eclipse
b. Darrel closed his eyes
c. A storm was hitting the town
d. The sky was so blue
2. What is true about the wind?
a. It was light
b. It was moderate
c. It was very strong
d. It was very light
3. What is true about Darrel?
a. He was afraid of the storm.
b. He was very relaxed.
c. He was looking forward to the coming of the storm.
d. He thought it was fun to play during the storm.
V. Assignment:
Read then give your conclusions.
Ranier was walking home from school. It started to rain and the rain was muddy. Soon the mud
covered Ranier’s shoes. Then the mud was up to Ranier’s ankles.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify sufficient evidences to justify conclusions
Write evidences to justify conclusions
III. Procedure:
A.Preliminary Activities
1.Pronunciation Exercises: /p/
initial / p/ final /p/
pot keep
place trip
paper group
print clip
plant skip
Give a current political issue/ news. Let the pupils draw conclusions based on
information given..
The tornado is the most dangerous kind of storm. Do you agree or do you not
agree? What evidences can you give to justify your answer?
Read the following article carefully. Then work with a partner, choose five
evidences to support the conclusion that a tornado is the most dangerous kind of storm. Write
them in your notebook.
The tornado is the most dangerous kind of storm. Unlike other storms, a tornado
strikes with very little warning. It moves in slowly under the cover of thunderstorm. When it is
detected, it is often too late. The storm strikes and moves very swiftly. It’s whirling and
funnel-shaped winds move at aspeed of about fifty miles an hour. Some move even faster,
causing disaster in just a few minutes. The “ twister” causes everyone to take cover in a cellar
or any other safe place.
D.Skill Development
The question asked is: If you won a million US dollars in a lottery, what would you do?
A total of 405 Filipino respondents made their choices.
The results of the survey are shown below.
30 Series2
20 Series1
star own Save for Buy a Donate to Give
business future use house charity money to
loved ones
Which statements are true based on the result of the survey? Write the letters in
any order.
Useful for the relief of respiratory infections due to common colds and allergies,
acute and chronic bronchitis ,laryngitis, pharyngitis, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
and for the removal of thick mucous masses from the chest.
To be taken three to four times daily.
Infants: 2.5 mL ( ½ tsp)
Children: 2 to 6 years: 5 mL ( 1 tsp)
7 to 12 years: 5-10 mL ( 1-2 tsp)
Adults 15 mL (1 tbsp)
Or as prescribed by the physician
Storage Condition:
Store at room temperature not exceeding 30 C. Protect from light. Keep bottle
tightly closed.
Here are generalization/ conclusions. Choose the best evidence that supports each.
V. Assignment:
Copy the letter of the conclusion that goes with the information given.
1. Paeng sat down on the bench. He put his fingers on the keys. Then Paeng began to play the new
song he was learning.
a. Paeng has a new piano.
b. Paeng is clever.
c. Paeng was practicing his piani leson.
2. After stepping up to the plate, Maria wound up to swimming. The ball flew toward her. Maria
swing hard and hit the ball.
a. Maria’s team won the game.
b. Maria plays with the softball team.
c. Maria is good at sports.
Date: ____________
I. Objectives
Use the library resources effectively.
Use atlas, encyclopaedia, almanac, and other general references (e.g. maps, charts,
Values: Use the library properly.
II. Using Reference Books
References: BEC PELC 12.1.2
Growing in English 6 TM pp. 46-49
Reading Text pp. 52-59
III. A.1. Read the information on the card from the card catalog then answer the
following questions.
b. to relate as information obtained by investigation
( ortper)
d. the science that deals with collection, tabulation and systematic classification of
quantitative data
e. occurring regularly once a year
f. a concise summary containing all the necessary parts
g. an exclusive right to reproduce literacy, dramatic artistic or musical work given
by law for a certain period to an author.
h. a natural hollow or low lying place
i. height above sea level
4. How are the different materials used?
Lesson 96
I. Objectives
Use the library resources effectively.
Use card catalog to locate information.
Values: Self-discipline in the library.
I. Using Library Resources Effectively
Section- What is a Card Catalog?
Ref: PELC 12, 12.1
Growing in English 6 TM pp. 39-41 RTX pp.44-46
Mat. enlarged picture of a card catalog, ½ manila paper or cartolina samples of author
card, title card, subject card
II. A.1. Every school has a ,library and every library has a card catalog. What is a card
catalog? What do we find in it? Why do we usually find it in the library?Of what use
is the card catalog?
2.Supply the missing word in each sentence. Choose your answer from the word
illustrator catalog
I. Title 9
V.Using one of your textbook in Grade VI, make a sample of an author card, subject card and the
title card.
Write it in a 3” x 5” index card.
Lesson 97 k
I. Objectives
Get information from the different parts of a newspaper.
Value: Being up-to-date to events.
Realize the importance of newspaper.
II. Parts of a Newspaper
Information One Gets from Each Part.
Ref: BEC PELC 12.2
Growing in English 6, Reading pp. 109-115
Mat. newspaper, pictures
III.A.1.Hidden in the puzzle are names of the different parts of a newspaper. Search for them up,
down, forward, backward or diagonally.
Classified Ads
TV Guide
2.What do you know about satellites? Are you familiar with the first ever Filipino
satellite that was launched on August 20, 1997? What is its name?
3.Match the underlined words in Column A with their meaning in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. successful launching a. checked for equality transmission
2. broadcasting company b. causing to be airborne
3. 56 percent of the venture c. something involving a risk that one
decides to attempt
4. broadcasting transmission d. fabricated; made
5. will be monitored e. something transmitted
6. still being manufactured f. sent out signals
7. five percent stake g. average length of life
8. being mapped out h. transmitted by radio
9. with a lifespan i. interest or share in an undertaking
10. transmit signals j. planned in detail
4.The first Filipino Satellite “Aguila II” was launched last August 20, 1997. Put the
question on board/chart. Let the pupils answer this after reading the news article.
What does the alunching of the first Filipino satellite mean to us Filipino and to our
as a whole ?
B. 1. Have the pupils read the news article.
-“Mabuhay Launches First Philippine Owned Satellite”, Growing in English 6, pages 110-111
2. What is the news about?
Why is it relevant?
Answer the motive question.
In what section of a newspaper can we find information like this?
Why are newspapers important?
How will it help you?
How could you become up-to-date to current news events?
3.A. Have pupils get their newspapers and run through its different pages/sections.
Which part / section of the newspaper:
1. gives information on job opportunities (classified ads)
2. gives opinion on the most significant news items of the day(editorial)
3. features news from other countries (foreign news)
contains cartoon characters and aims to entertain (comics)
contains news on what is going on in our society (society page)
gives information on what is happening in the business world (business section)
announces the death of persons for proper information (obituary)
publishes advertisements on movies in the different theatres and the schedule of
shows on TV (cinema page)
9. features the updated events in the field of sports (sports page)
10. gives the most important news of the day in bold letters (front page)
4.Reading of articles about the different parts.
5.What information can you get from the different parts of a newspaper?
C. Which part of the newspaper gives you the following information?
1. the weather forecast
2. the editor’s opinion about the most important news
3. results of the PBA games
4. the need for housemaids
5. the latest news about your favourite actors and actresses
6. the dollar exchange to pesos
7. the funny where abouts of Pugad Baboy gang, Pupung, Archie, Garfield etc.
8. U.S. Ppresident’s visits to Asian countries
9. a name of a deceased person
Arrange the jumbled letters to get the name of the parts of a newspaper. Provided are the
informations you can get from this part.
The most important news of the day
International market price of fuel, copra or sugar
What the editor thinks of a certain issue
A possible job opportunity
The result of a baseball game
IV.In what section of the newspaper can you find the following information?
1. editorial
2. a name of deceased person
3. job opportunity
4. stock exchange
5. a tournament
Lesson 98
I. Objectives
Organize one’s thought in writing
- Information
- Descriptions
Write paragraph correctly
Values: Neatness, Accurateness
II. Organizing One’s Thought in Writing: Information, descriptions
Writing Paragraph Correctly
Ref: PELC Writing 10, p.25
English for All Times 6/Language, pp. 43-44
Mat. charts, flashcards, sample forms, family tree
III.A.1. Drill: Adverbs with –ly
Cheerfully quickly
Joyfully gracefully
Slowly patiently
Excitedly fiercely
2. Change the following adjectives to adverbs.
Easy careful
Regular slow
Ready heavy
Secret actual
3. Have you seen a family tree?
What can you see in it?
B. 1. Have the pupils look at the illustration of a family tree. Then using it, let them tell
something about their family.
2. The form below is an information sheet filled up by Lorenzo. Study it and be ready to
answer the questions about it.
5.What do you always remember when answering or filling out forms about yourself?
IV. Go over the information sheet you have just answered. On a piece of paper, write a
paragraph about yourself using some of the information you wrote down. Observe the correct
format in writing paragraphs.
V.Find someone whom you want to be your friend. Ask him or her to fill out an information
sheet then write a paragraph from the information sheet he/she gives. Then present it to the
class. Be sure that the rules on punctuation and capitalization were followed.
Date: ___________________
Lesson 99
I. Objectives
Organize one’s thought in writing
Fill out form
Values: Hardwork/Industry
II. Organizing One’s Thought in Writing: Resume/Biodata
Filling Out Form
Ref. PELC Writing 10, p.25
English for All Times 6/Language, pp.276-277
Mat. biodata form, chart, flashcards
III. A.1. Spelling
The teacher will read and use them in meaningful sentences.
courtroom profession
battleground lawbreakers
weapon community
ancestors ounce
disease occupation
2. What do you write in an information sheet?
3. Is hardwork or industry important to succeed in life?
B.1. Show a sample form of biodata. Ask:
Do you know how to fill this form?
Where do we use this form?
2. Study the form.
3.A person who is applying for a job needs to fill out a biodata sheet.
Who fills up biodata?
Why do companies/agencies hiring new workers require applicants to fill up biodata?
What information/data should an applicant put in I?II?III?IV?
What should be observed in filling up biodata? (neatness, accurateness, etc.)
4.RMC Company is hiring new workers for the positions as: cashier, receptionist,
saleslady, messenger, janitor, and salesman.
Prepare your own biodata. (Use form given as sample)
I V. Below is a blank biodata sheet. Copy it and with the necessary information about an adult in
your family. Fill it out. Make sure that all data are entered accurately.
EMPLOYER: _______________________
ADDRESS: _______________________
TELEPHONE NO: __________ FAX NO: __________
GROSS ANNUAL INCOME: _____________
V.Imagine that you have fulfilled your ambition or have taken your chosen profession. You are
now ready to apply for a job. Make or write an application letter addressed to the person and
company to whom you are applying.
Date: ____________________
Lesson 100
I. Objectives
Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers
Write an application letter
Values: Neatness
II. Writing an Application Letter
Ref. PELC II, p. 25
Growing in English 6, Language p.204
Mat. chart, advertisement from newspaper
III. A. Display Wanted Advertisements from newspaper or classified ads. Let the pupils
go over these ads. Ask: If you are looking for a job, what would you do to be able to
get one? Have you come across with an application letter before?
B. 1. Reading a sample application letter from the text, p. 204 Language. Ask pupils
to form dyads and make them agree on the answers to be asked.
2. a. Why did Danilo write a letter of application?
b. What qualifications and experiences did he mention?
c. How did he end his letter?
d. What are the parts of the application letter?
e. How is the application letter different from a friendly letter?
f. What part of the application letter is present that cannot be found in a friendly
3. Pupils work on the following exercise which may be written on a chart. The
following are parts of an application letter. Copy them in the correct order.
1. Mrs. Julieta dela Cruz
Adviser, Pupil Government
Catulinan Elementary School
2. Respectfully yours,
3. Regine dela Cruz
4. 156 Camia St.
Catulinan, Baliuag, Bulacan
November 19, 2003
5. Dear Madam
6. I would like to apply as a candidate for the position of secretary this
coming election of officers.
7. I am Regine dela Cruz of Grade VI-Matulungin. At present, i am the
president of our class but I have been always an officer of my class since I was in
Grade III. Considering English as my favourite subject, I have been getting high
grades. In fact, I also belong to the honor roll. It would be my pleasure to serve
our pupil government as the record keeper.
B. 1. Direct the pupils’ attention to page 277 Language. Have them read Lorena’s
letter to the editor.
2. Who wrote the letter?
To whom did she address the letter?
3. What is an oipinion letter? How is it different from an application letter?
4. Let pupils write their own opinion letter about any of the following topics
through the help of guide questions.
Share-a-Plant Project
Clean and Green Project
Where did you get the information?
How do you feel about the project?
IV. A. Write an opinion letter about this topic “Waste Management Project”
B. Let some fast workers read their letter aloud. Have other pupils critic the letter.
V. Copy at least 2 letters to the editor from any of the newspaper available at home.
Lesson 102
I. Objectives
Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers
Write an editorial
Values: Concern for the environment
II. Writing an Editorial
Mat. pictures, books, newspapers
III. A. Show a newspaper with editorial. What is an editorial?
B. Present different clippings of sample editorials like; argumentative or editorial of criticism,
editorial of entertainment, editorial of commendation or tribute, and editorial of interpretation.
C. 1. What are the parts of an editorial?
How do the parts differ from one another?
2. What was the opinion of the editor?
D. The editorial page is said to be “the soul” of the newspaper. It contains the masthead, the
editorial, the editorial column, the reader’s news and the editorial cartoon.
E. Write your opinion about the following issues..
1. Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines?
2. Should same sex marriage be recognized?
F. Write an editorial by completing the paragraph.
Lesson 103
I. Objectives
Write directions clearly and accurately
Values: Accuracy
II. How to Write Directions
Ref: PELC 3.3
Growing in English
Mat. toy tree, toy fruit, arrow, flashcards
III. A. 1. Let’s play a game. I have here a toy tree and a toy fruit. I’ll place the toy tree here.
Place the toy fruit as fast as you can when I give the instruction.
a. Place the toy fruit under the tree.
b. Place the toy fruit above the tree.
2. I have here arrows and phrases. Match the arrows with the phrases.
a. Turn clockwise.
b. Turn counterclockwise.
B.1. Read the following conversation.
As Fido is going to the school canteen, he meets a lady who addresses him as follows.
Lady: Son, can you tell me the way to the principal’s office?
Fido: (pausing a moment) Sure, Ma’am. Please walk straight ahead until the quadrangle.
Then, turn left, you will see the school chapel on your left. Go past the chapel, then turn
right that says “Principal’s Office”. This is located near the accounting office.
Lady: Thank you very much.
Fido: You’re welcome. I’m glad to have assisted you.
2. What did the lady ask Fido?
How many turns did the Lady have to do?
3. Somebody is asking where the hospital is. Write the directions that should be followed
by the
One asking. Use the following guidelines.
a. Directions should be clear.
b. Must be direct to the point.
c. Be very sure of the directions you’re giving.
d. Person asking and person giving directions should show spirit of respect and courtesy.
4. How should we write directions?
5. A new classmate is asking where the school canteen is. Write a short direction about it.
IV. Write a short direction on how to go to the Municipal Hall.
V. Write the direction to be followed on how to use the rice cooker.
Lesson 104
I. Objectives
Write an effective ad for work.
Tell what make up a good ad for work
Values: Being true and specific
II. Writing an Ad for Work
Mat: newspaper, chart
III.A.1. What are the parts of a newspaper?
Describe each part.
2. What do you find in the classified ads section?
B. 1. Examine the following ads for work.
NEED : Delivery Boys
Sales Girls/Boys
APPLY: A.G. Supermart
Baliuag, Bulacan
CONTACT: Alice Cruz
2. What is being advertised?
How are the words written?
3. What should we remember in writing an ad for work?
a. Specify what you are advertising. Make sure that the words are attention-getters. One
way of
doing this is by making these words bigger than the other words in the ad.
b. If possible, draw or sketch a picture of what you are advertising.
c. Include what, where, when and whom information.
4. Compare these ads. What differences did you notice?
Baliuag, Bulacan WANTED: Drivers
NEED: Baggers
WANTED: Summer Job seekers
APPLY: BGH Supermarket
CONTACT: Badette Cruz
5. Improve these ads for work. What should you add to make it more attractive to the
Wanted Immediately: Yaya
P2,500.00 monthly
Wanted Saleslady
Apply inside
IV. Write a good ad for work, out of this situation. You are in need of 2 housemaids for your
aunt who resides at 142 Mabini St., Tibag, Baliuag, Bulacan.
V. Get an ad for work from a classified ads section. Tell whether it is a good ad and why?
Lesson 105
I. Objectives
Fill out information sheet/community tax certificate.
Values: Self-confidence
II. Filling Out Forms
References: BEC
Skillbook in English VI pp. 34-36
English for All Times pp. 20-21,43-44,112-115
Materials: sample biodata, residence certificate
III.A. 1. Fill up the sample English Club identification card.
Grade & Section:________________________
Name of School:_________________________
Name of English Club:____________________
2. In school and out of school, when one will be working, one needs to fill out information
sheets about oneself. What do you think is the reason for this?
B. 1. Read and study the information sheet filled up by Lorenzo. Tell if he filled out the form
correctly. Pupil’s Information Sheet
Name: Andres Lorenzo Miguel Pacia
Surname Given Name Middle Name
Gr. & Sec: Six-Jaena
Age: 12 Sex: M Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth: November 21 1986
Month Date Year
Place of Birth: Sta. Cruz Manila
Town/District Province/City
Address: 12 Mahabang St. Teacher’s Village Quezon City
No. Street District/Town City/Province
Tel. No. (if any): 434-1556
Father: Lito A. Angeles Occupation: Guidance Counselor
Place of Work: Don Bosco Technical Institute, Makati
Mother: Carmen C. Pacia Occcupation: Teacher
Place of Work: Claret School, Manila
2. Whose information sheet is it?
Did he give the correct information about himself?
What additional information does it give about Lorenzo?
3. Imagine that you are already a grown up. You are twenty six year old and still single.
You are working as an employee at your town or municipal hall. Fill out your community tax
(Teacher provides a sample of community tax certificate)
4. You are applying for a job, what character traits should you possess to be qualified for
that job?
5. How should you fill up an information sheet/community tax certificate?
6. Fill up each form correctly using your own name.
Address of School
Family Name First name M.I.
_________________ ________ _____________
Grade & Section Sex Citizenship
House Number and Street
___________________ ___________________
Date of Birth Place of Birth
Lesson 106
I. Objective
Fill out deposit and withdrawal slips correctly.
Values: Self-confidence
II. Filling Out Forms
Ref. Skillbook in English VI
Mat. sample of deposit and withdrawal slips
III. A.1. What are the things that we wrote on the information sheet and community tax
2. How many of you have experienced depositing and withdrawing cash in a bank?
B. 1. Class, this is a cash deposit slip. If you open a savings account in the bank, the bank will
you give you a bankbook or a passbook in your name. It also has savings account number. In
order to make a cash deposit, you are going to fill out a cash deposit slip.
A withdrawal slip is used when we want to withdraw the money from our savings
2. What form do we use when we want to deposit cash in a bank?
What form do we use if we want to get certain amount of cash we deposited in a bank?
3. Play bank with one or two tellers and a pupil manager. Show how to deposit and
withdraw money from the bank.
4. It’s your first time to deposit money on your new bank account. What are you going to
do? What character trait are you going to show?
5. How do you fill up a deposit slip? Withdrawal slip?
6. Fill up each form correctly using your own name.
a. Deposit Slip
b. Withdrawal Slip
Account No._________________
Received from Balanga savings and loan Association the sum of of ________pesos
Amount is withdrawn from my/our savings account above numbered.
Signature of Depositor
Pesos Ctvs.
Checks, money orders, etc.
List Separately
Total Deposits
_____ ___________________________Pesos
Deposited by:
b. Withdrawal Slip
Depositor’s Signature
V. Get a copy of a deposit slip and withdrawl slip from your bank and fill it up correctly.
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