NAS Quiz
NAS Quiz
NAS Quiz
A.about 95 V
B. about 80 V
C. about 50 V
D.about 25 V
4. Henry is equivalent to
B. Weber/Volt
C. Weber/Ampere
5. In a minimum function
A.the degree of numerator and denominator are equal
B. the degree of numerator and denominator are unequal
C. the degree of numerator is one more than degree of denominator
D.the degree of numerator is one less than degree of denominator
6. When a current source I is suddenly connected across a two terminal relaxed RC circuit at
time t = 0, the voltage across the current source is shown in figure. The RC circuit is
7. The driving-point impedance Z(s) of a network has a pole-zero locations as shown in the
figure. If Z(0) = 3, then Z (s) is
and i(t) is a unit step, then V(t) in the steady state is given by
B. 4/3
C. 0
9. For a transmission line open circuit and short circuit impedances are 20 Ω and 5 Ω. Then
characteristic impedance is
A.100 Ω
B. 50 Ω
C. 25 Ω
D.10 Ω
10. The terms RMS and average values apply only to sine waves.
B. False
11. The drift velocity of electrons is
A.very small as compared to speed of light
B. equal to speed of light
C. almost equal to speed of light
D.half the speed of light
12. Wave A = 100 sin ωt and wave B = 100 cos ωt. Then
A.rms values of the two waves are equal
B. rms values of A is more than that of B
C. rms values of A is less than that of B
D.rms values of the two waves may or may not be equal
Z(c) for the network shown in the figure is The value of C and R are,
A.1/6 F and 4 Ω
B. 2/9 F and 9/2 Ω
C. 2/3 F and 1/2 Ω
D.1/2 F and 1 Ω
14. In an R-C series circuit excited by a voltage E, the charge across capacitor at t = 0+ is
C. CE (1 - e-t/RC)
D.none of the above
15. Two networks are cascaded through an ideal buffer. If td1 and td2 are delay times of network,
the overall delay time is
A.td1 + td2
B. t2d1 + t2d2
C. td1 + td2
16. A series RC circuit has R = 5 Ω and C = 10 μF. The current in the circuit is 5 sin 20000t. The
applied voltage is
A.252 sin (20000t + 45°)
B. 252 sin (20000t - 45°)
C. 252 sin 20000t
D.252 sin (20000t - 90°)
18. A 0.5 μF capacitor is connected across a 10 V battery. After a long time, the circuit current
and voltage across capacitor will be
A.0.5 A and 0 V
B. 0 A and 10 V
C. 20 A and 5 V
D.0.05 A and 5 V
D.none of the above
20. In the circuit of figure, the switch is closed at t = 0. At t = 0+ the current through C is
A.4 A
B. 2.5 A
C. 3.1 A
21. A cable has an insulation resistance of 1010 ohms. If the length is doubled, the insulation
resistance will be
A.2 x 1010 Ω
B. 0.5 x 1010 Ω
C. 1010 Ω
D.4 x 1010 Ω
, i(t) =
-4t -5t
A.3e - e
B. 3e-4t - 2e-3t
C. 2e-4t - 5e-2t
D.3e-4t - e-t
23. In the figure shown, A1, A2, A3 are identical Ammeters. If A1 and A3 read 5 and 13 A
respectively, reading of A2 will be
B. 13 A
C. 18
D.12 A
27. A 3 phase balanced supply feeds 3 phase unbalanced load. Power supplied to the load can be
measured by using
1. 2 wattmeter
2. one wattmeter
3. 3 wattmeter
A.8.18 A
B. 0 A
C. 9 A
D.can't determined
30. In the circuit of figure the voltage across capacitor when switch is closed at t = ∞ is
A.0 V
B. 20 V
C. very large
D.7.5 V
B. 0.5
C. 0.1
B. 3
C. 2 for 1, 2, 3, and 3 for 4
D.all 3
34. The impedance of an RC series circuit is 12 Ω at f= 50 Hz. At f= 200 Hz, the impedance will
A.more than 12
B. less than 3
C. more than 3 Ω but less than 12 Ω
D.more than 12 Ω but less than 24 Ω
35. A current is flowing through a conductor with non-uniform area of cross-section. Then
A.current will be different at different cross-sections.
B. current will be the same at all the cross-sections.
C. current will be different but current density will be same at all the cross-sections
D.current will be the same but current density will be different at different cross-sections.
A series RL circuit has . If a voltage 4 sint + 4t is applied, the steady state
current will be
A.4 sin (4t - 45°)
37. The electrical energy required to heat a bucket of water to a certain temperature is 2 kWh. If
heat losses, are 25%, the energy input is
A.2.67 kWh
B. 3 kWh
C. 2.5 kWh
D.3.5 kWh
38. The circuit in figure will act as ideal current source with respect to terminals A and B when
frequency is
B. 1 rad/sec
C. 4 rad/sec
D.16 rad/sec
40. In an ac circuit, the maximum and minimum values of power factor can be
A.2 and 0
B. 1 and 0
C. 0 and -1
D.1 and -1
41. The time constant of the circuit in figure shown.
42. In the circuit shown in given figure, the values of i(0+) and I(∞), will be respectively
43. A two branch parallel circuit has a 20 Ω resistance and 1 H inductance in one branch and a
100 μF capacitor in the second branch. It is fed from 100 V ac supply, at resonance, the input
impedance of the circuit is
A.500 Ω
B. 50 Ω
C. 20 Ω
D.5 Ω
45. As compared to the number of network elements in Brune synthesis, the number of network
elements Bott-and Duffin in realization is
B. less
C. equal
D.any of the above
46. A sinusoidal voltage has peak to peak value of 100 V. The rms value is
A.50 V
B. 70.7 V
C. 35.35 V
D.141.41 V
47. A capacitor is needed for an ac circuit of 230 V, 50 Hz the peak voltage rating of the
capacitor should be
A.230 V
B. 0.5 x 230 V
C. 2 x 230V
48. The current wave shape shown in figure (1) is applied to a circuit element. The voltage
across the element is shown in figure (2). The element is
B. L
C. C
49. In figure, the current supplied by battery immediately after switching on the circuit is
A.1 A
B. 4 A
C. 10 A