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1 Spiritual Growth
2 Past Resurrection
3 Present Resurrection
4 Future Resurrection
5 Eternal Judgment
6 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
8 Laying on of Hands
9 Divine Healing
10 Inner Healing
11 Giving and Prosperity
12 Spiritual Warfare
13 Deliverance


JOHN 15:16 2 TIMOTHY 1:11-12




Lesson 1


1. Eternal life
The eternal life is the life of Lord Jesus.
a. We will receive eternal life by accepting Jesus. 1 John 5:11-12
b. We can accept Jesus by opening our hearts. Revelation 3:20
c. We will open our hearts through Jesus by:
1. Repentance of our sins. Mark 1:15
2. Make Jesus as Lord to our life. 2 Corinthians 5:15; Luke 6:46
d. The word of God will teach us so that we will live forever.

2. We will be buried
The Lord allows that the believer will be buried in Problems, Trials and Persecutions. John 12:24;
2 Corinthians 4:7-11, 17-17

Experiences of Paul
 2 Corinthians 11:24-28;
 Philippians 3:10;
 Romans 8:28

3. Be Fed by the Word of God Hebrews 5:12-14

 The believer be fed by the word of God, through using and living it, he obey
and listen. What is being said in the word (Matthew 7:24)
 The believer who use and live the word of God is like eating solid foods.
(Hebrews 5:14)
 The believer who listens and does not use it is like a child who is not yet able
to eat solid foods but milk only.
 Jeremiah 15:16
 1 Peter 1:23

4. Planted in the house of God Psalm 92:12-14

1. Being planted in the house of God means that you are included and part in a local
church Psalm 68:6; 1 Corinthians 12:12

2. This church should be a House of God

Nature of God’s house:
a. Jesus is Lord Colossians 1:18
 Not the Pastor, Elders or the Deacons
b. Jesus is Alive Revelation 1:18
 In a local church, Jesus is alive if we can see the love and His power
c. The word of God is above all. Matthew 24:25; Revelation 22:18-19
d. His Words id Obeyed
a. Palm Tree – Fruitful
b. Cedar of Lebanon – Strong


1. Revelation 2:4 – Lost of the first love
2. Revelation 2:14 – idolatry
3. Revelation 3:15-16 – Lukewarm
Lesson 2

Romans 6:3-4

I. The Three Kinds of Resurrection

1. The past resurrection, talks about flesh resurrection of Lord Jesus from the dead.

2. The present resurrection, this will happen to those who are unbelievers that will accept
Lord Jesus and his dead spirit will live.

3. The future resurrection, this will happen to all people who are good and wicked as Jesus
Christ will judge.

II. Resurrection of Lord Jesus

a. Jesus was resurrected from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:20, Revelation 1:18

b. Miracles will happen if a person believe in the resurrected Jesus Acts 3:1-8, 14-16;
8:4-8; 9:33-35; 16:18
 Share an experience of miracle in the resurrection of Jesus Christ as
you work in the ministry
c. The power of resurrection of Jesus, (Matthew 27:52:53)
 There are a lot of righteous that was resurrected in Jerusalem as
Jesus was resurrected.
 That is why the resurrection of Jesus called as the first fruits, 1
Corinthians 15:20, the first fruit means that the fruit of, example
“mango, first fruit of ripe mango, if there is first, there is second, and
others that will follow.”
 That is why the resurrection of Jesus is the first fruit and it means
that there’s next to that, this will happen in topic Future Resurrection.

III. The Body of Jesus is Resurrected

a. The body of a believer will transform just like the body of Jesus was resurrected,
Philippians 3:20-21

b. The nature of the resurrected body of Jesus;

1. There is flesh and bone – Luke 24:39 that is why it can be touched, Jesus said
“touch me”
2. Can be shown, it depends if He wants – Luke 24:15, 31
3. Can eat solid food – Luke 24:41-43
4. Can fly fast. Acts 1:9
5. Get through hard things (wall) – John 20:19
6. There are scars on His wounds and this is a proof of His love for us – John

IV. The Accomplishment of the Resurrection of Jesus

a. Jesus is the way to heaven. John 14:6

b. The believer is justified. Romans 4:25 – this was declared that you are
justified, just like you’ve never sin.

c. Victory above death, Romans 6:9 – Jesus who holds the keys of death.
Revelation 1:18
d. There is healing in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17-18 – after His
resurrection, he said to His disciples to use His name in healing
sickness, drive out demons.

e. There is power in using the resurrected name of Jesus.

f. Complete salvation in Jesus. Hebrews 7:25

a. Involve in the salvation are the following:
i. Salvation in the curse of sin, Revelation 20:15
ii. Salvation in the effect of sin, Romans 5:10
iii. Salvation in the power of sin, Colossians 1:13
iv. Victory in life , Romans 5:17 , 8:37

g. Blessings of the believer – 1 Corinthians 15:14-20

a. Hope
i. Your faith is not in vain – there is hope
ii. Your preaching is not in vain – there is hope
a. “Jesus is the center in our preaching”

b. What hope can be given in the resurrection of Jesus

i. It affects the others – Matthew 27:52-53
ii. Give us hope that we will also be resurrected – Philippians 3:21

h. How important is the resurrection of Jesus

a. Way, Truth, Life – John 14:1-6
b. The believer is justified – Romans 4:25
c. Victory above the truth – Romans 6:9
d. Power in the name of Jesus in healing the sick – Acts 3:1-8
e. Complete salvation / safe to survive – Hebrew 7:25
Lesson 3

Ephesians 2:6

I. Three Parts of a Man, 1 Thessalonians 5:23

a. BODY – our body has five senses, this are; Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Touching, and
Taste. In this way we will know what are the things in this world.

b. SOUL – this has three works:

1. Intellect – this is the mind, this is part of soul, the mind and meditation

2. Decision – this is our will, this is part of the soul, and this is doing the decision

3. Emotion – the emotion is the part three of soul. There are lots of emotion just
like; love, anger, mercy, loneliness and a lot more.

c. SPIRIT – through our human spirit that we can make engagement in the spiritual
world. When the time a person becomes a Christian, God lives in his spirit. Ephesians
3:17, the spirit is the house of our conscience.

II. The Man is Dead Spiritually, Ephesians 2:1-3

 The word “dead” means that a man is separated from God because of the sin.
 Colossians 1:20 – separation/restoration
o When are we die in our sin
 Romans 6:5-11 – when we become one in Him
 Ephesians 2:4-6
 We live with Christ
 Reign with Him
 Seat with Him

a. Jesus came to give life to a man, John 10:10 – this life is the eternal life with
God 1 John 5:11-13

b. A man who accepts Jesus receives eternal life. I John 5:11-13

c. How to accept Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:15 – repentance of your sins and

accept Him as your Personal Lord and Savior of your life.

d. Your spirit will live when you accept Jesus. Ephesians 2:1, 4-6

III. God the Father Put the Believer in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Corinthians 1:30
a. Because the believer is in Christ, whatever happens to Christ happens to
believers too. Romans 6:3-4, 6, 11
1. The believer died with Christ
2. The believer is buried with Christ
3. The believer is also resurrected with Christ in a new life.
b. To experience this truth from the word, the believer must:
1. Confess your sins – Romans 10:10
2. Deny the feeling and fulfill the word – Matthew 7:24

IV. Proofs that has been Resurrected

a. NEW LIFE – 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 John 5:11-12, Romans 6:6, 11
 God puts the believer in Christ, and as such the testimony mentioned above will
occur to the believer.
 The believer has new life, the eternal life in Christ Jesus.

b. NEW PURPOSE – Colossians 3:1-3, Matthew 6:33, 13-21

 The new purpose of the believer is to look for the things that is above where
Jesus is, first is the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

c. NEW MASTER – the believer is transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom
of Jesus. Colossians 1:13
 Jesus is the new master – 2 Corinthians 5:15
 God delivered us from the power of darkness. Colossians 1:13
 This means that our sins have nothing to do with our life, we are delivered from
our sins, we will live in triumph over sin, and we will reign in life through Christ
alone. Romans 5:17
 What is the effect? – Decision, Body and Mind

V. The Believer is Transform from Glory to Glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18

a. By the spirit of God – when we grow spiritually.
b. As we learn to know God by not pretending – this means that we are not wearing veil
and we follow Jesus. 2 Corinthians 3:16
 To follow God means Jesus is your life
1. Every day
2. In every area and situation of your life
 As we make Jesus as our Lord means we obey Him.
Lesson 4

1. The Second Coming of Jesus

a. The assurance/proof of the event – Acts 1:11, John 14:3
b. The two kinds of people to be taken/to meet when Jesus returns. 1 Thess. 4:16
1. The dead that have Jesus in their life.
2. Those who are living who serves Christ. 1 Corinth. 15:23
- These are the two types of person who will reign with Jesus here on earth in
millennial reign ( or 1000 years) – Revelation 20:4, they have glorious body.
1 Corinth. 15:51-53
c. The second coming of Jesus heals those troubled hearts/relief in their problems- John 14:1-3
d. The exact time of his return was unannounced. Matthew 24:36 – those believers/who
believes must be alert and ready always for his coming – Matt. 25:13,24:44
e. The things that hindered Christians not to be ready for the second coming of Jesus.
Your heart might be deceived.
1. To waste, weigh down heart/heavy heart – Luke 21:34 – this mean to waste in time,
money, talent and many more. Matt.12:36 – too much talk.
2. To be drunk – and this is caused by:
a. Wine or Alcoholic drinks
b. Ambition
c. Fleshly Desire
d. And many more – Gal. 5:19-21
3. Worries in life
4. Slave in doing evil / slave in sins

f. How are you going to be ready?

1. By thinking that Jesus is coming today.
* That’s why you need to obey and follow Him.
2. In thinking or if you think that his coming is delayed, that is evil. Matt. 24:28
g. The assurance to meet Jesus in his return.
- A person that have Jesus in their life will be able to meet him in his return.
h. Who are those worthy to be taken?
a. 1 Corinth 15:23 those who belong to Christ
i. Additional teachings.
* There are many different theories of the events in the second coming of Jesus.
There are the followings:
a. Pre-millennial
* PRE-MILLENNIAL theory divided by three.
1. Pre-tribulation
2. Mid-tribulation
3. Post-tribulation
b. Post-millennial
c. A - millennial
 It’s not good burdensome to the new believer/soul winner/worker in many
 The most important for those who works/win souls is to be ready always in the
return of our Lord Jesus.

Lesson 5
Judgment that cannot be change

I. The elementary principle in this lesson.

* The eternal judgment is one of the elementary lesson in Christ. Heb 6:1-2
* A Christian will not progress into maturity until he/she will not undergo and established
the elementary lessons in Christ.
* The eternal judgment is from the Lord and this will not be change forever.

II. Who fill face the court of Christ?

All – 1 Cor 5:10 and Romans 8:1

III. The Court of Christ – 2 Corinth. 5:10-11

a. The work/deeds of a Christian/Believer will be judged.
b. The eyes of Jesus will test our deeds. Rev. 1:14. 1 Corinth. 3:11-15
c. There are two types of work in a believer. 1 Cor. 3:12
1. The works same with gold, silver, and precious stones. This will be rewarded
2. The works same with hay, wood and straw. This will not be rewarded
d. There are three requirements so that your deed will be rewarded
1. Works according to God’s will. Ephesians 2:10
2. Works used with the power of God/ Works that used the power of God–
Zech. 4:6
3. Works for the Glory and Honor to God - ! Corinth. 10:31, Revelation 7:11
e. Rewards for those who work same as Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones
1. Eternal Crown– 1 Cor. 9:25-27 – this will be given to those believers who
discipline their body to obey the Lord.
2. Crown of Life – Rev. 2:10 – this will be the reward for those believers died for
their faith. (Martyr)
3. Crown of Glory – 1 Peter 5:2-4 – this will be the reward for those who take
good care of other Christians with honesty, readiness and enthusiasm.
Serving as an example to others.
4. Crown of Righteousness – 2 Tim. 4:8 – this will be the reward for those who
loved the second coming of Jesus, and faithfully/honestly ready to meet
5. Crown of Rejoicing – 1 Thess. 2:19-20 – this will be the reward for those who
bring/lead souls to God.

Romans 8:18

I. The White Throne Judgment. Rev. 20:11-15

a. All wicked will be resurrected and be judged by God.

b. Basis for God’s Judgment:

Rev. 20:15 – if your name is written in the book of life. In order for your name to be
written in the book of life, you must receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

c. Names that were not written in the book of life will be thrown in the lake of fire.
Two Kinds of Judgment
1. White Throne Judgment
2. BEMA Judgment

Lesson 6

I. The Fruit of the Spirit – Gal. 5: 22-23

a. There’s only one fruit of the Spirit, but has 9 characters that reveal the characters of Jesus.
b. The fruit of the Spirit is at work in a Christian life.
c. While the believer is under the working of the Spirit the fruit will be reveled in his life.
d. The fruit of the Spirit that is evident in every believer is a proof that he is mature in the LORD.

II. The 9 Characters of the Fruit of the Spirit:

1. LOVE - is decision from oneself for the welfare of others. Love is a decision and is never
base on emotion. 1 Cor. 13:3-8, John 3:16, Rom. 5:8

2. JOY - is a feeling from deep within because of the love and goodness of the LORD. This joy
gives strength in order to persevere. Heb. 12:2, Neh. 8:10, Luke 10:20

3. PEACE – this is the inner rest in the Spirit ones a believer totally surrenders and comes to
Jesus Christ. Matt. 11:28-29

4. PATIENCE – is about persevering amidst all trials and testing until ‘til the end. 1Sam. 1:2-4

5. KINDNESS – this is a character of being sensitive and considerate to the needs of others.
Prov. 25:15b, 1Thess. 2:7-11

6. GOODNESS – this is a trait that overcomes any form of evil. Goodness is seen when you
beat evil things with good. Rom 2:4, 12:20-21, 1Sam 24:12-18

7. FAITHFULNESS – is trusting the WORD of God, though there are trials, testing and tough
situations in life that contradicts to the Word of GOD.

8. GENTLENESS – is being ready to receive the discipline of the LORD in your life. Joseph is
one of the examples. Gen.39-50:20.

9. SELF- CONTROL – this is evident in a believer if he always disciplines his emotion, passion
and desires in order to offer oneself to Christ as a living sacrifice. 1 Cor. 9:27, Rom. 12:1-2,
1Sam 1:14-15

III. Serving the LORD Jesus. 2Cor 3:16,18

a. It’s the Holy Spirit’s doing to change every believer to be like Christ.
b. A Christian needs to cooperate.
c. By serving God, it truly shows that one’s life is already surrendered to Christ, surrendering to
Christ takes listening to Him and being obedient. Ones a believer obeys Jesus, it then
enables the Holy Spirit to give the fruit of the Spirit to a believer.
Lesson 7

Galatians 5:24-26 1Corinthians 12:8-10

The Holy Spirit has many gifts, but in this lesson we will study about the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit
mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

The Principles of Discussion:

a. So that the believers will not be ignorant about the spiritual gifts. 1Corinthians 12:1,
Believers might have been using the gifts all the while but is still ignorant of the right way in
using it.
i. The believers in Corinth received a many gifts from the Holy Spirit, however they
don’t have enough knowledge on how to handle it that’s why it caused them
confusion. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 1 Corinthians 12:1, 1Corinthians 14:26-33
b. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given to prove the Lordship of Jesus.1 Corinthians 12:2-3
c. The same Spirit is the one who gives different gifts and works. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
i. The gifts of the Holy Spirit can be manifested in different workings through the gift of
healing, this can be used by the Prophet, Evangelist or Pastor
ii. The same gifts of the Holy Spirit can be used ways and style.
d. The gifts of the Spirit are given for the benefit of everyone.
1 Corinthians 12:7
i. The gifts are given, not for self-fame of those who have it.
e. The Spirit gives gift to those He wills; those who truly desire for it
1 Corinthians 12:11,31
i. What is the best gift of the Holy Spirit?
It’s the gift that is needed in the place where you live, in order to solve a problem,
and this gift depends on the needs of the work to be done.
f. Desire to be progressive in the gifts of the Spirit so it’ll be used for the edification of
the church. 1 Corinthians 14:12
i. How to be progressive in acquiring the gifts? Always exercise the gifts given by the
Spirit to you so it
will be cultivated. 2Timothy 1:6

I. Division of Gifts of the Spirit:

Revelation from the LORD about the truth
John 8:3-11 Matthew 22:15-21 Acts 5:1-7
Revelation from the LORD how to use the truth that is not common
John 1:47-50 2 Kings 50:20-26 John 4:17-19
This is a gift from the LORD, how to know the spiritual condition of a person, in a specific place or
Matthew 16:21-23 Acts 16:16-18

3 Kinds of spirit:
1. Holy Spirit
2. Evil spirit
3. Human spirit
It’s a certainty from the LORD that he can do miracles
Jos. 10:8-14 Mark 11:12-14 Isaiah 55:1 Romans 4:17 Job 22:28
This is a gift that the LORD reveals himself in simple ways
Mark 6:33-44 Acts 9:34-41
The Holy Spirit gives gifts of healing, this is spiritual healing.
Mark 8:22-26, 14-27

Proclaiming the message of the LORD in order to strengthen, rebuke and guide
Acts 11:27-29, 21:9-11 Luke 21:8-36
Who can prophesy?
Any of the believer who’ve been baptized by the Holy Spirit
. Acts 2:17-18 1 Corinthians 14:1,5,31,39
Workings of those who prophesy:
1. The motive of the prophecy is based in love.
2. Prophecy should not contradict nor violate to the WORD of GOD – Matt.24:35, Rev. 22:18-19,
1Pet. 1:19-21.
The LORD is not an enemy of himself.
3. Every prophesy is to be tested by the elders of the church- 1Cor.14:2, 13:9, 1Thess 5:20-21
4. A prophet should learn how to control himself, so he will not be destruction in the gathering or
fellowship. 1Cor 14:32-33,40
In prophesying, it should be declared loudly and clearly so everyone can understand.
5. Every believer who’s filled by the Holy Spirit can prophesy but not all is a prophet, since being
a prophet is a work- Ephesians 4:11


It’s supernatural to speak in unknown language that is gift of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 12:10
Acts 2:4, 9:4-6, 10:44-46, 19:6, 1 Cor. 14:18

There are two kinds of speaking in tongues

a. For oneself
This gift is given for two purposes:
a. Language of Prayer – 1Cor. 14:2
b. To edify himself 1 Cor. 14:4
b. For everyone – 1 Cor 14:26-27
the purpose of this gift is to edify the church.


It’s a Supernatural ability to interpret the message from the LORD spoken through the
speaking in tongues. The WORD of GOD is used in interpreting so that the church can
understand. It is not necessary to interpret word by word, but rather just the meaning of prophecy.
The one who prophesy, can pray for the interpretation of it. 1Cor. 14:13

The LORD uses the gift of interpretation of tongues in order to strengthen

1 Cor. 14:4-5 and to speak to every believer 1Cor. 14:20-21
III. How to acquire the gift of the Holy Spirit?
A. Desire for it – 1Cor 12:31, 14:1
When you desire for it that means you are activating your faith- Luke 11:9-10
B. Our motive why we ask for the gift
a. to strengthen the church – 1Cor. 12:7, 4:12
b. to be used as witnesses – Acts1:8
C. Be totally dependent to the Holy Spirit
a. Obey the LORD
b. Be holy
c. Avoid sin

Lesson 8
I. The laying on of hands, is an act of putting the hands to a certain person accompanied by
prayer and prophesy.
 This one of the first teaching of Christ. (Heb. 6:1-2)
II. The use of laying on of hands:
a. To transfer blessing – Gen. 48:12-20, Num. 27:18-27, Deut. 34:9
b. To send out a person for the ministry – Acts 6:3-6, Num. 27:18-23
c. Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Acts 8:15-17, 9:17-18, 19:5-6
d. To heal the sick – Mark 16:16-18, Luke 13:13, Acts 5:12
e. Impart the gifts – 1Tim. 4:14, 2Tim 1:6

III. Application (Practicum)

Practice what you’ve learned, create a group 3-4 person, lay hands on each other with a prayer and
prophesy then vice versa ‘til finish, ask guidance from the Holy Spirit in your prayer.

Lesson 9

I. Healing is the will of God.

a. Jesus Christ died on the cross to take away our sins and sickness. (Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter
b. Jesus Christ came to destroy all the works of the enemies. (1 John 3:8)
1. Satan tempted humans to sin.
2. Death came because of sin. (Romans 5:12)
3. Sickness leads us to death.
4. It is the works of the enemy to bring or cause sickness to a person. (Luke 13:10-16,
Job 10:38, John 10:10)
c. Jesus Christ heals people in the past and now He will also do the same thing because He
is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8, He never changes)
d. Jesus heals people because He was anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit which is
also evident in the church who do the same miracles. (Job 10:38)
 Paul also did miracles which includes healing the sick by the power of the Holy
Spirit. (Romans 15:18-19, 1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
 The Holy Spirit anoints people in these last days to heal the sick and to make
signs, wonders, and miracles. (Job 1:8, Romans 8:11, 1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
e. Jesus Christ commands His disciples to lay their hands to the sick by the power of His

II. What is included in Divine Healing?

a. Healing of the Spirit
 It is because of sin which causes the spirit of a person to experience
sickness. The only way of this is repentance.

Steps towards Healing of the Spirit:

- If he/she is a believer, preach the good news.
- If he/she is unbeliever, lead him/her to repentance.
- Ask him/her to forgive those who have sin against him/her.
- Repentance also needs reconciliation or returning those stolen things
b. Healing of the Body
o Ways to experience Healing of the body:
1. FAITH- is channel that God will heal.
- This faith represents 3 ways for healing:
 A patient must have faith. (Mark 5:25-34)
 If a patient was with someone they too must also have faith.
 Faith to the one who pray. (John 4:46-53)
2. Let the patient participate in the healing. Ask wants he wants Jesus to do to Him.
Like Bartemius. (Mark 10:51)
3. Lay your hands to the sick. (Mark 16:17-18)
NOTE: when laying of hands, do not touch the private part of the person both man
and woman.
4. Ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to know the sickness through the gift
of wisdom, know different kinds of spirits through gift of knowledge, because the
Holy Spirit will direct you what to pray for healing. (Romans 8:26)
5. While praying, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit towards the patient. After that, ask
the patient if he/she still needs to be prayed again. (Mark 8:23-25)

c. Healing to those who are demon-possessed.

 It is about to those who are controlled by demons or evil spirit. To be discuss
in the topic of deliverance.

d. Healing of Soul
 It is about those who are sick emotionally because of their past experiences.
To be discuss in the topic of Inner Healing.
e. Healing to those who are dying or already dead.
 Jesus Christ raises the dead as well as Paul and Peter. We believe that
raising the dead is part of the Divine Healing.
 There are many indications that we see when Jesus Christ raised the dead.
(Mark 5:22-24, 34-42)
1. Jesus Christ encourage the father of the patient to have faith. (v 35-36)
2. Jesus commanded the people to go outside to those who has no faith. (v 37-40)
3. Jesus prayer is a command. V 41, Luke 7:12-15, John 11:38-44)

III. After healing the patient, what to do to experience total healing?

a. Avoid to commit sin. (John 5:14)
 A person must avoid any forms of temptations for him/her not to commit sins. (2
Timothy 2:22)
b. Should always thank God for his/her healing.
c. Rebuke the enemy if there is/are indications that the sickness might come. Remember
that you are already healed. Worship the Lord by singing to Him a songs of praise.
d. Obey the Lord by obeying His words and pray also to the sick. (Mark 16:15, 17-18)

IV. Why some people has not experience healing?

 Reasons why they never get healed:
a. Have not repented from sin. (Psalm 5:16)
b. Ignorant. (Hosea 4:6)
c. Wrong character and unforgiving. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Proverbs 17:22,
Matthew 6:15, Proverbs 18:21)
d. Abuse of the body.

V. Healing as a group. A group must consist of 3-5 persons who will pray to the sick.
a. A group increases the presence of God. (Matthew 18:19-20)
b. A group avoids self-pride.
c. A group protects the one who pray.
d. A group can do great things.
e. A group teaches the patient to trust only to God not to the one who pray.

i. How to encourage the surrounding for healing

 We see that many people who were healed are only those who have strong faith in
 The encouragement for the healing, needs the following:
a. Preach the good news in order for the patient’s to have in God and to the one
who pray.
b. Teach the person to worship the Lord to increase the anointing of God.

Lesson 10
I. What is “Inner Healing”
a. Man has a BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
b. What is the reason why the soul gets sick?
 When people are in negative or bad situations, their feelings get hurt and the soul
becomes wounded. Therefore, if the feelings get hurt, the soul becomes
c. Past experiences, which brings back painful memories, makes a person easily get angry
in present situations. A believer that is wounded inside and is not healed will not be able
to fully serve the Lord.

II. Four situations that needs inner healing

a. 1st case – A woman that cannot worship God
b. 2nd case –A brother that was a gay/homosexual before
c. 3rd case –A lesbian that was sexually abused by her father
d. 4th case –A woman: Her mother wanted to abort her when she was still in the womb

III. The way to Divine healing

a. If the person is an unbeliever, guide the person to the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior. This would make a person accept the Love of God in his/her heart. (Romans
b. Allow the person to remember the incident which caused his/her inner wound. If the
person cannot remember, pray in the Spirit/to the Holy Spirit because this will help the
person remember the incident.
c. If the person is hurt, Jesus wants to heal and encourage that person. The love of Christ
(John 15:9) will encourage and heal. If sin was committed, Jesus will definitely forgive
and cleanse that person
d. Let the person/patient release forgiveness to anyone who has hurt him/her. The person
has to speak forgiveness because it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and
are saved. (Romans 10:10)
e. If there are other situations which caused emotional wounds, follow the steps above in
order to achieve inner healing.

IV. Signs that a person is healed inwardly

a. When a person can worship and thank God without any emotional hurts, this shows that
the inner wounds caused by past experiences have been healed.

Lesson 11

I. It is the Lord’s will to prosper every believer

a. Jesus became poor so that we may become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9, John 10:10)
b. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants. (Psalm 35:27b) Jabez prayed for
blessing and for the enlargement of his territory and God granted his request. (1
Chronicles 4:10)

II. What is prosperity?

a. Prosperity is the ability to use the power of God in order to meet the needs of others
(Revelation 3:17-18, Matthew 17:24-27)
b. Financial needs. (John 3:1-8) Physical needs (Mark 12:41-44) – The widow’s offering
which is only two very small copper coins became more valuable than those who gave
offerings of bigger amounts.

III. The key to prosperity

a. Giving is the key to prosperity (Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
b. Give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

IV. Giving of tithe

a. The tithe is the first 10 percent of your income that God calls you to give to your local
church each month. An offering is any money you choose to give above and beyond the
tithe. If a person was not able to give the tithe, then that person was also not able to give
an offering.
b. The tithe was followed even before the commandments were given to Moses (Genesis
14:19-23, Hebrew 7:1-2)
i. Abraham’s giving
1. He acknowledged God as the owner of heaven and earth
2. He acknowledged that the victory he achieved was because the Lord
was with him.
3. His love for money or treasures was replaced with trust in the Lord.
c. Giving was taught by Jesus (Matthew 23:23)
d. Can man rob God?
1. If a believer does not give his tithe, he is stealing from God.
2. The tithes and offerings have to be brought to the house of God, where
you are planted.
e. Test me on this (Malachi 3:10)
i. After giving the tithes and offering, a believer should wait for the Lord to open the
windows of heaven and pour out His blessings are a fulfillment to His word.
ii. The fulfillment of God’s word is when a person receive blessings through trusting
the Lord completely.
f. The Lord will rebuke the devourer. (Malachi 3:11)
i. The Lord will rebuke Satan and the demons if the Lord’s servants gives their
tithes and offering
V. Reasons why others do not give their tithes and offering
a. Love of money
b. Ignorance of God’s word
c. Lack of Faith/Doubt
d. Confusion/Misinterpretation of God’s word
e. Selfishness/Greed
Lesson 12

I. We fight spiritual battles: spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12)

a. Every believer is included in the spiritual warfare. (2 Corinthians 10:4)
b. Our enemy is Satan and the evil spirits (Ephesians 6:12)
1. The origin of Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:14-15)
a. Satan means ‘adversary’
b. Satan was named Lucifer before (Isaiah 14:12)
c. He was made by God wonderfully (Ezekiel 28:15)
d. Inside his heart, Lucifer decided to sin (Isaiah 14:13)
e. The rebellion of Lucifer is according to Isaiah 14:13-14
c. The Lord gave the angels and human the freedom to choose because God is love.
d. The Lord did not create Satan or evil but this started when Lucifer rebelled against the
Lord along with 1/3 of the angels. (Revelation 12:4)
1. The unseen enemy –we should not be ignorant of his schemes (2 Corinthians
e. One of his schemes is to hide himself and he uses instruments in attacking the believers
of Christ.
 There are spiritual battles/strongholds in every place. Do not let your guard
 The enemy has been defeated through the cross. (Colossians 2:14-15)

1. Jesus disarmed the authorities of their powers.

2. Jesus expose this to everyone
3. Jesus has already won over them.
f. The victory of Jesus over the adversary have been given to all Christians (1 Corinthians
1. Every believer becomes victorious and is seated with Christ in the heavenly
realm (Ephesians 2:4-6)
a. Every believer is alive with Christ
b. Every believer is raised up with Christ
c. Every believer is seated with Christ in the heavenly realm
2. Because we are victorious with Jesus, he commanded us to drive out demons.
(Mark 16:17)
3. A believer does not have to pray for victory, instead, enforce the victory Jesus
gave to every believer.
g. Why did Jesus still allow the enemy to disturb us? (Judges 3:1-2)
1. God teaches us warfare in order for us to become victorious.
2. If there is no enemy that needs to be defeated, we would not be victorious.
However, if we overcome, we would reign with Christ Jesus (Revelation 20:4)
II. The weapon used for battles
a. The Lord gave us weapons for our battles which are very powerful. (2 Corinthians 10:4)
 Let us demolish the demonic territories using our heavenly weapons.
b. The following are the weapons we have to use:
1. Prayer
2. Petition
3. Fasting
4. Praise and Worship
5. Word of God
6. Name of Jesus
7. Blood of Jesus
c. The Word of God
1. The sword of the spirit is the word of God and this is one of weapons every
believer should use. (Ephesians 6:17)
2. Jesus talks about the double-edged sword coming out of His mouth which
strikes down nations (Revelation 1:16, 19:15)
3. The word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)
4. Jesus used the word of God as a weapon (Matthew 4:1-11)
5. Actual situations where the word of God was used as a weapon.
a. A brother who is a doctor and is afraid of riding airplanes (2 Timothy 1:7)
b. A sister that experiences stomach ache (James 4:17)
d. The name of Jesus (John 14:12-14, 16:23-24)
1. Jesus gave believers the right to use His name. (Mark 16:17-18, John 14:12-
14, 16:23-24)
2. Peter used the name of Jesus (Acts 3:3-6, 9:34) as well as Paul (Acts 16:18)
3. The reason why we can use the name of Jesus (Philemon 5:11), we can ask
for anything in the name of Jesus if we:
a. Humble ourselves before God and
b. Become obedient to his commands
4. Actual situations where the name of Jesus was used.
a. Giving of bible to distant places
b. When walking through a forest with a lot of leech or blood sucking
e. The blood of Jesus
1. The importance of the blood of Christ (Hebrews 9:11-12)
a. The blood of Jesus was offered to God for everyone. This was done
once and will never be repeated
 This shows that the shedding of the blood of Jesus which served
as an offering is complete and does not have to be repeated
b. The shedding of the blood of Jesus was done once and this is for
 This shows that the benefits given by the blood of Christ is for
c. The blood of Jesus was shed for the eternal redemption of everyone. ‘
2. The benefits given by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross
The following are the benefits given because of the sacrifice Jesus did on the
a. Forgiveness of sins (1 John 1:7-9)
b. Everlasting life (1 John 5:11-13)
c. Boldly enter His presence (Hebrew 10:9-20)
 The blood of Jesus is: the new and alive way through the Father
d. Healing from sickness (1 Peter 2:24)
 The blood of Jesus also gives healing from sickness
e. Protection (Exodus 12:23, John 1:29)
f. Weapon (Revelation 12:11, Matthew 18:18)
g. Ability to do his will (Hebrew 13:20-21)

Lesson 13

A. Jesus’ ministry and His disciples

a. Jesus: in preaching abou freedom from bondages
b. Disciples: He choses 12 to be united with Him, for them to have power to heal the sick
and deliver the demonized. Mark 3:14-15)

B. Works of the Devil

1. Oppression – the devils attacks the mind and darts deception to the mind.
Solution: Renewing of Mind (Rom 12:2, Fil 2:5)
2. Depression – the devils attacks the heart and mind until the victim will be convinced that
wicked things are good (e.g. Juan 13:2)
Solution: Repentance and go back to the Lord (Mal 3:7-18)
3. Possession- the devil will lead the whole life of the victim (e.g Juan 13:27)
The devil could enter to the heart through the victim
a) Lust
b) Selfishness
c) Fear
d) Sickness or disaster
Example: Mark 9:14-29

C. Practical steps to deliver the possessed person

1. Create a team for deliverance
a) 3-4 members
b) Believers that are filled with Holy Spirit
c) The team leader must have experience conducting deliverance
2. Fasting Mark 9:29)
At this time the Lord will reveal the spirit and his wicked works
3. Meditating the Word of God because it will be your power
a) Our right in Christ (Col 2:9-10, Epeso 1:19-23, 2:4-6)
b) The power was in the believer (Luke 10:19, 1 John 4:4, 1 John 3:8, Mark 16:17-18)
c) Weapons for warfare
-Praise and Worship (Psalm 149:6-9, Psalm 8:2)
-Word of God (Heb 4:12)
-The Name of Jesus (Mark 16:17, Phil 2:8-11)
-Blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11)

4. Bind the strong man. (Mat 12:29, Mat 18:18)

5. What to do before coming to the victim
a) Pray for blood covering to yourself and the group and also to the property and family of
the victim.
b) Unbelievers should not be allowed in the deliverance room.
c) For the victim – in conscious and normal behavior
-Preach the Good news (Roma 1:15)
- Receive let him/her receive Jesus and ask him/her to release forgiveness.
-Command him/her to leave the demon
d) For the victim – in unconscious manner and abnormal behavior
-bind the victim through prayer to restore her well being and consciousness
-Follow the procedure for the victim in a normal behavior
-rebuke the demons

DIRECTION: BE ON GUARD AND BE ACTIVE always on the works of the devil. It would
be easy if you already know the devil to cast out, so don’t stop rebuking the demon.
Surrender your life to God. Rebuke the devil and he will flee from you.James 4:7

e) After deliverance
- Teach the victim about his/her situation in the Lord
- Teach him/her to pray, worship and read the bible
- Teach him/her how to cast out demons (weapons of warfare)
- Guide him/her towards the infilling of the Holy Spirit
- Teach him/her on Inner Healing

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