Alita (BD.) Limited: Industrial Tour Report On
Alita (BD.) Limited: Industrial Tour Report On
Alita (BD.) Limited: Industrial Tour Report On
I n d u s t r i a l To u r R e p o r t
I n d u s t r i a l To u r R e p o r t
Letter of Submission
S.M.Nasrul Quadir
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Chittagong.
Dear sir,
It is a great pleasure for me to submit you my Report on “Management
Practices in ALITA (BD) LIMITED to fulfill the requirement of 4 th year
BBA program.
Sincerely Yours
Dedicated To our -
Beloved Parents And Teachers
Preface 6
Acknowledgement 7
Methodology 8
Objectives and Functions 10
Scope And Sources 11
Limitations 12
Introduction Part 14
Company’s brief history & background 14
Department and Division 17
Chapter 2
Human Resource Development 22
Marketing Management Part 34
Management Practice Part 39
Financial Management Part 42
Analysis of Problems 47
Recommendations and Suggestions 51
Bibliography 57
Appendix =========
Personal observation
Discussion with the concerned officer and employee of the ALITA
Through the questionnaire.
Analysis of collected information.
Primary sources:
Observation of the production and management of the
Interview of officials and concerned experts,
Question-answer session with the General Manager of the
Secondary sources:
Bike engineering Norman,
Related books,
Newspaper reports etc.
Every project \Program has some limitations. I faced some constraints during
the course of my Industrial Tour Report.
These are as follows:
7. Alita (BD) Limited has no direct sales; as a result we don’t get actual
figure of cost of goods sold, inventories control and account receivable.
Chapter - 1
Alita (BD) Ltd. (Alita) & Ace Bicycles (BD) Ltd. (Ace) are 100% export
oriented manufacturing companies located at Chittagong Export Processing
Zone. Alita engage in exporting own produced international standard bicycles,
while Ace manufactures necessary parts and components for Alita.
Promoters of Akoko Sdn. Bhd. could successfully interpret the upward import
trend of EU market and threat of increasing operating cost of developed country
and to take the benefit of upward import trend of EU market more competitively
they set up Alita in Bangladesh. The industry is 1st of its kind in the country as a
result there was no supporting industry to supply necessary parts for the
company, and to overcome this promoters simultaneously setup Ace.
Alita and Ace incorporated in Bangladesh with the Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies & Firm on January 04, 1994 and commenced operation in April 1995.
Authorized capital of Alita and Ace are TK. 160 million and TK. 6.66 million
respectively, subscribed & paid up capital of the two companies are TK. 19.97
million and TK. 80 million respectively.
F I N D I N G S & A N A LY S I S
2. Marketing Management
3. Management Practice
4. Financial Management
Production process:
How to
Suspension Assemble
Fork Suspension
Chapter –2
The term ‘HRM’ has been defined in different ways. The British Institute of
HR has defined it “as that part of the management concern with people at work
and with their relationship within an enterprise”. It has also been defined as:-
Current Terminology:
Principles of HRM:
Perspective of HRM:
Job Analysis:
Job analysis is the procedure by which the facts with regard to each job
are systematically discovered and noted. In short, it is a procedure for obtaining
pertinent job information. This information is recorded basically on two forms to
make a permanent record-one is called Job Description and the other is called
Job Specification. This is the primary and pre-condition before recruiting and
selecting a person. ALITA (BD) LIMITED follows job analysis before employee
Job Description:
Job Specification:
Employee Recruitment:
ALITA (BD) LTD. usually searches from internal sources for recruiting the
required candidates. There are some advantages and disadvantages of internal
sources. They are:
Employee Selection:
After completing the recruitment of employees, then the selection procedure starts.
There are various types of selection test for employee selection. These are:
and qualification. Then the company follows the following tests for employee
Written (subjective type) test,
Oral test
Medical test
But this selection procedure can vary person to person. Such that
ALITA (BD) LIMITED maintains on the job training.
This training is conducted by the supervisors or by a senior employee who is
responsible for instructing the employee. One major advantage of the on the job
training method is that the employee have first-hand experience with the job and
learns by doing.
Performance Appraisal:
Personnel department has its own policy for salary and wage
There are some bases for setting pay. These are as follows:
a. Seniority
b. Experience
c. Performance
d. Position
e. Geographical distance
f. Academic qualification
g. Personal relation
subordinates is to say that they do these things which they hope will satisfy these
drives and desires and include the subordinates to act in a desired manner.
Again, motivation can be defined as the process that account for an
individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.
The three key elements in this definition are important.
Motivation-Hygiene Theory –
This theory is also called two-factor theory of motivation and was
proposed by psychologist Fredrick Hertzberg. According to him, Intrinsic factors
such as the work itself, responsibility, and achievement, seems to be related to
job satisfaction, while Extrinsic factors such as supervision, pay, company
policies, and working conditions are associated with dissatisfaction.
ALITA (BD) LIMITED. Follow the two factor theory of motivation. They
usually give the importance in to the intrinsic factors of the employees. Intrinsic
factors or Motivational factor which is related to job satisfaction such as
recognition, growth, advancement, work itself and achievement etc. The
organization motivates the employees by the following things:
A promotion is the movement of an employee to another job at a higher level,
normally to one that carries increased prestige, pay and performance
requirements. On the other hand, promotion is the advancement of an employee
They are:
Merit & Seniority
ALITA basically considers the merit and seniority as a basis for promotion
of an employee. In this system, experienced and senior employees both are
satisfied. As a multination organization it is essential and effective.
Interpersonal Relationship:
It improves employee’s morality and organization’s citizenship. ALITA
(BD) LIMITED improve their interpersonal relationship through party, meeting,
counseling, annual picnic and official festival.
Fringe Benefit:
There are a lot of fringe benefits which are provided to the employees by this
company. They are:
1. Rest room
2. Reward for long service
3. Uniform
4. Medical facilities
5. Hazard protection
Management-Workers Relationship:
Management and worker relationship are good which indicates high job
satisfaction. Good relationship also indicates high morality, productivity and
group cohesiveness in this team-oriented organization. ALITA (BD) LIMITED
follows counseling, training in order to establish good-management relationship.
Chapter –3
Bicycles Market :
Bicycle as a sports & leisure items is very popular all over the world, and has
very wide market. With continued increasing trend world bicycles consumption is
over 100 million per year. Among various types of bicycles MTB, ATB, BMX, City
Bikes, Trekking bikes, are very popular with major market share. As a leisure
product bicycle is very design sensitive and due to the sports uses qualitative
sensitive too. As safety measures bicycles needs to qualify certain standards
sets by different regulatory body such as BS6002. America, European Union,
Australia and Japan are the major consumer and importers of bicycles. Major
exporters to these markets are Taiwan, China, Philippines & Mexico.
Bicycle Consumption and import of EU countries for last few years were as
Target Market:
In ALITA (BD) LIMITED, there target market is especially for foreign market.
They are marketing their products to CHINA, INDIA and according with
Promoters of Akoko Sdn. Bhd. could successfully interpret the upward import
trend of EU market and threat of increasing operating cost of developed country
and to take the benefit of upward import trend of EU market more competitively
they set up Alita in Bangladesh. The industry is 1st of its kind in the country as a
result there was no supporting industry to supply necessary parts for the
company, and to overcome this promoters simultaneously setup Ace.
Alita :
Built-up area of the factory is 31,966 Sq.ft, situated on a land measuring 61,230
sq.ft. The factory is well equipped with necessary machinery and equipment
imported from Taiwan, Hong Kong & Malaysia, which includes computerized
robotic machine and high-speed paint shop. Plant attainable capacity is 180,000
set bicycles, operating 300 working days on a single shift of eight hours per day.
Ace :
Built-up area of the factory is 27,378 Sq.ft, situated on a land measuring 56,375
sq.ft. The factory is well equipped with necessary machinery and equipment
imported from Taiwan, Hong Kong & Malaysia to produce a variety of parts and
components for bicycles. Products of the company includes, Frame, Fork,
Paddle, Saddle, Grips and Alloy Rims etc.
Sales Target:
Promotional Measures:
Selling is the best marketing task of a company. ALITA (BD) LIMITED lays
stress on promoting sales position of the company. It always makes concerned
efforts to achieve expected sales and keeps the supply position steady. Since
ALITA (BD) LIMITED is 100% export oriented company so it always tries to
develop the sales on global market.
Market Structure:
ALITA (BD) LIMITED is a production oriented manufacturing concern. The
nature of production is sports and luxuries bicycles.
The production target for the whole year is controlled by the marketing
department. The annual target is divided as weekly basis. The change in
manufacturing target is occurred from time to time as per the change of the world
market situation. In order to ensure the requirement of production target
regarding product quality and quantity a weekly and regular review is made.
The company does not follow any advertisement strategy, only for creating
Markets’ demand ALITA (BD) LIMITED always maintains product quality.
Chapter –4
Management Body:
The companies are managed by its Board of Directors headed by Mr. Yeh Cheng
Min, founder and CEO of the companies. Corporate goal, policy and planning of
the companies are set by the CEO and are executed by a group of professionals
from various disciplines with sufficient working experience.
Mdm Chang Min Wei, wife of Mr. Yeh is another pioneer promoter and director
of the companies. She is engaged with bicycles business along with Mr. Yeh and
takes care of finance and material control of the companies.
Mr. Chu Say Kar, General Manager of the companies has been in the bicycles
industry for last ten years. He started his carrier in financial sector and worked in
Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, & Bangladesh in various capacities in multiple
disciplines. Apart from other functions he takes care of International marketing.
Goal or Objective:
The mission or purpose identifies the basic function or task of an enterprise or
agency or of any part of it. Every kind of organized operation has, at least should
have if it is to be meaningful, purposes or missions.
In our practical findings, the main mission or purpose of ALITA (BD) LTD is to
create or increase profit as a production oriented company.
Decision Making:
Span of Control:
Wider span are more efficient in term of cost. However at some point wider pan
reduce effectiveness. That is, when the span becomes too large, employee
performance suffers because supervisors no longer have the times to provide the
necessary leadership and support.
Chapter –5
Financial Statement:
Financial statement is a statement that contains the financial transactions
for a specified time period. Every company has various kinds of financial
statements but the company did not provide any kind of financial statement
because of their financial secrecy.
CEO of the company Mr. Yeh, is engaged in international bicycles business for
last two decades and has wide experience in every aspect of bicycles business
and has gained reputation as a supplier of quality bicycles at competitive prices.
As a result Alita could easily penetrate into European market within commencing
commercial production through major European importers like E.Reece & Moore
& Large Co. Ltd. and continue to increase its share in the world market.
Financial position of the companies as per latest audited accounts as on June 30, 2013 of
million (Taka) is as follows:
Gross Profit 24 31 55
Operating Profit 6 26 32
Net Assets 4 40 44
At the end of the 1st quarter of the current financial year on September 30,2014 the
position is as follows:
Gross Profit 13 26 39
Operating Profit 10 25 35
Net Assets 9 62 71
Associates companies:
Shareholders of the companies also promoted and own whole share capital of
the following companies
Ground Floor
Tachia, Taichung
The company does not provide any type of financial statement due to their
business secrecy.
Market Share:
Most of the company use short term financing to meet their financial
requirements, while long-term (long term dept and equity) is used to meet long-
term capital requirement. There are four basic source of short term financing.
1. Account payable
2. Bank loan
3. Commercial paper
4. Accruals
ALITA (BD) LIMITED always uses the short term finance from company’s
own sources. Long term finance is basically supplied by foreign investment.
Chapter – 6
Analysis of problems
Problems in Alita
Chapter - 7
The company has to develop a strong strategic production planning which will
ensure available out put at a right time within optimal cost. For this purpose the
company can follow the EOQ in purchasing raw materials. The company can
also predict about the necessary output after analyzing the previous demand of
output through out the year.
As a member of world market the company is facing competition from the firms of
world wide. The customers of world market always emphasis on quality and then
never compromise with it. So the company must ensure such kind of quality that
is accepted to customer of world market at a reasonable cost comparing with
world competitors. For this purpose the company must have to install the
updated machineries.
The company should take attempt to develop the job satisfaction among the
worker and officers. For this purpose the company can provide them more
incentives. But what is more effective in developing satisfaction in case of weak
position of the company is informing. The company should inform the workers
about the actual condition of the organization.
Though the company has a group of skilled worker they are not sufficient at
present condition. So the company should recruit adequate human resource thus
it would be able to utilize it full capacity.
The company should formulate a cell for research for market of its product
employing experts. This cell will accumulate necessary information and prepare
recommendations derived out of its research works. The top level management
should take steps to implement these recommendations the lobbyist firms in
foreign countries like the USA.
Alita was set up in 1995 as an export-oriented facility focusing exclusively on the
European market. Last year, the company supplied one of the UK based Falcon
Group subsidiaries 30,000 bikes. With the second unit coming up, we want to
intensify our focus on the European market. 2009 was a difficult year, but
fortunately the market is picking up now.