Students Satisfaction With Library Services in An Academic Library: Specialreference To Trincomalee Campus
Students Satisfaction With Library Services in An Academic Library: Specialreference To Trincomalee Campus
Students Satisfaction With Library Services in An Academic Library: Specialreference To Trincomalee Campus
Senior AsstLibrarian,Trincomalee Campus
ABSTRACT: Academic libraries play an important role in the institutions they serve. The
core objective of academic libraries is to support the parent institution to achieve its
objectives. The purpose of the study was to identify the information needs of graduate
students and assess the satisfaction level of the students towards the library services. Upon
the basis of findings strong user oriented hands on training are recommended, as majority of
the first year students from both faculties are lack of ICT skills. Better ICT skills are a must
for effective handling of EIR, Therefore, in order to raise the awareness in accessing EIR,
more vigorous campaigns are of dire necessity. It can be suggested to both libraries to
revive modes and timing of providing access to EIR. Future research is required to identify
particular group of students who are indeed in need of training, in order to improve ICT
Libraries are service institutions. It’s activities are established to serve the needs
of users. Academic libraries play an important role in the institutions they serve.
The core objective of academic libraries is to support the parent institution to
achieve its objectives. Any university system needs the support of well-
established library. The basic function of an academic library is to provide
teaching, learning andresearch support activities by providing relevant and useful
resources in the form of books, serials and electronic resources.
Hiller (2001) has discussed the fact that library user satisfaction surveys have
become widespread in academic libraries during the past twenty years. Surveys
have often been used as a tool to assess service quality and user satisfaction.
Surveys can range from broad and comprehensive to those narrowly focused on
specific services or activities. Lancaster university library (2006) regularly
conducts user satisfaction surveys as a means of identifying areas for service
improvement and ensuring that it remains responsive to the helps in justifying
resources and improving the services.
Yang (2004) noted that user satisfaction is based on the degree of perceived
quality that meets users’ expectations, therefore library management should
periodically evaluate the services they provide to their users. That is the only way
to assess users’ needs and expectations as far as the services of a library are
concerned. Periodic survey studies need to be done to evaluate all the existing
resources and services since necessary measures can be taken in case users
are dissatisfied with the services. Resources are critical to user satisfaction. The
availability of resources both print and electronic can have significant influence on
user satisfaction. The overall perception of a library’s services and resources
contribute to user satisfaction. Ensuring that relevant information resources and
to users goes a long way to encourage users to visit the library more often in
future. Library is a warehouse of information without users. The users are the
ultimate consumers of the library services.
Libraries from time to time, need to be assessed and evaluated by its users. The
users’ satisfaction is considered to be a reliable benchmark for determining library
effectiveness.Majid, Anwar and Eisenschitz(2001) had mentioned that the goal of
most surveys is to gauge user’s perception of library effectiveness regarding
services, resources and activities.
A university library is attached to the university. It has a very vital role to play in
the meeting the multi- dimensional demands for information and knowledge of
students, teachers and research scholars. University library invests huge amount
of money every year on the purchase, process and storage of information
resources to serve its user. Horovitz(1990) had mentioned that customers who
have experienced poor services will reveal their experiences to other people and
therefore this is likely to lead a reduction in potential customers. So that
measuring users’ satisfaction level is critical for a library
5th International Symposium 2015 – IntSym 2015, SEUSL
Eager and Oppenheim(1996) and Fidzani(1998) have pointed out that users’
assessment can provide invaluable information to libraries in re-orienting their
collections, services and activities for effectively meeting their information
needs.Changing information environment, application of ICT in library and
Information science field, availability of electronic resources forces the librarian to
focus on user satisfaction surveys. Academic libraries are established to provide
information resources and services to meet users’ information needs.
To assess the satisfaction level of the students towards the library services.
The data used in the study are obtained from a self-administered
questionnaires. Non probability convenient sampling method was adopted for
the study with an intention that the regular users of the library should be
selected for the study.This method helps to select a desired sample units
deliberately to get accurate representative respondent. Probability sampling
technique involves scientific techniques of selection. This method was not
employed since the researcher’s expectation is to get the opinion from the users
of the library not from the non-users.Larson and Owusu(2012) have adopted the
availability sampling method for the users who are regular users of library and
available at the time of study were asked to respond to the questionnaire as they
entered the library.Sivathaasan and Chandrasekar(2013) have collected data by
distributing a questionnaire to users of the library who visited to the library during
a particular period.
visit from various discipline, frequent queries from students and peak hours of
service delivery.
The services and facilities provided by this library are borrowing of books and
other materials, reference services, catalogue, photocopying services, printing
services and online public access catalogue information services. Services
provided by Trincomalee Campus were considered for this study. The study was
conducted to find out users’ satisfaction over the current services and resources
available at the Library.
Satisfying the needs of the user is the prime objective in academic libraries. It has
two major customer segment of academic staff and undergraduate students. The
study considers the student satisfaction since every year new students come to
the university with different needs and expectations and practically have more
regular visits to library than the staff. In the study of Larson and Owusu(2012) the
satisfaction level of the students have been examined.
Library environment has a moderate level of agreement with a mean value of 2.7.
Result is little bit higher from the low level of agreement limit of 2.5. It clearly
shows that readers are not much happier with the library environment. It is due to
lack of seating capacity, desk space and surrounding environment to study. The
environment means the physical conditions in which the service is provided. The
physical facilities like reference space, furniture for seating, heat in reference
area, clean flooring, comfortable seating arrangement, proper lighting and
ventilation create a proper service environment for the readers to stay for a long
5th International Symposium 2015 – IntSym 2015, SEUSL
time in library. Awana(2007) had receivedthe same findings for the seating
capacity and for the heat.
Library staff variable has a high level of agreement with a mean value of 4.2. This
result indicate that library staff are helpful to the readers to meet their needs, offer
timely response, no discriminative treatment among the users and knowledgeable
about the materials.
The quality of services rendered to users in any library reflect the quality of the
staff.Inseparatestudiesconductedby Richardson(2003) and
Awana(2007)notedthatthefriendly dispositionofstaff,efficiency andwillingnessin
assisting usersto get the neededinformation contribute to user
satisfaction.Staffprovidesexhaustingallnecessaryavenuesto users to
findananswertoaquery will encourageuserstobesatisfied.
Library procedures has a mean value of 4.1. It is a high level of agreement from
the user’s point of view. The results shows that readers are satisfied with
membership arrangement of the library, clear rules and regulation of library
usage, acceptable fine system of the library and orientation programme to make
the user to be aware of the library practices, collections and procedures.
Portmann and Roush (2004) assessed the effects of library instruction. Their
study found that library instructions significantly increase student library use.
Result has shown that library users are with high level of expectation to get more
services. It is clear with a mean value of 4.6. This is due to the users’ acceptance
for an automated system in library operations, E-resource collection
development, internet and computer facility to the resource access and periodical
collection development. Respondents indicated that more electronic based
materials should be collected in future. The same result was received for the
study conducted by Edem, Aniand and Ocheibi(2009)for students’ perceived
effectiveness in the use of library resources. They suggested that e-library, and e-
resources will helpful for the improvement of the library usage and development.
In another study which was carried out by Tella,Owolabi and Attama(2008)
pointed out about the general use of the library. They found out that majority of
the students 98.8% mentioned that unavailability of internet in library was the
mainproblem. In this study also the same opinion of the students can be
Responses from the students for the frequency of visits are shown in the figure
2.1. 63% visits the library for 2-3 times within a week, 16% accounted for daily
and 21% is for the fortnightly visit. This is an indication that library is not
Responses for the purpose of the visit has shown that 21% of students visit the
library to read books, 20% to read newspaper, 12% to borrow the books. Class
assignment and recreational reading have a portion of 14% out of the all
respondents. Results show that the library is being utilized by the students to
access relevant information.
Students have mentioned that they use books, magazines, thesis and
newspapers more among the other materials available to them. The results
indicated that different type of materials are being used to satisfy their information
The overall mean value of 3.59andstandard deviation value of 0.48 shows that
users are in moderate level of agreement for the overall services offered in the
5th International Symposium 2015 – IntSym 2015, SEUSL
library. These findings agree with the results of the YangYe(2004) and
Bamigboye(2010). Thus it is clear that the user satisfaction is based on the
degree of quality of services offered by the library that meet the user’s
The following implications are presented from the results of the study. These
implications could be the recommendations for the management of the academic
libraries of the university system to standardize their libraries’ operations and
services. The major findings of this research are:
1. Students have sufficient reading and library use habits. Many students’
readings are subject oriented. Students visit library regularly to borrow books
for their studies and recreational reading. Additional copies of the textbooks
and recreational reading collection should be improved.
2. Signage needs to be designed clearly. OPAC terminals should be increased
and updated for the readers. Book shelves arrangement should be
convenient for users.
3. Library services should be provided in electronic based platform to be
convenient for the users. Possible services should be included and
expanded for the betterment of users.
4. Library environment is not conducive for the readers and this should be
improved in future.
5. Library staffs are helpful in delivering services based on the material
6. Library procedures for its services are acceptable by the users. Orientation
programme should be more informative and attractive by using multimedia
projector presentation.
7. Library administrative body should pay more attention on library automation,
ICT based services, e-resource collection and online access to deliver library
The main purpose of any library is to provide relevant and up- to-date materials
with a view to satisfying the information needs of users. The following
recommendations are made based on the conclusion. In-depth user satisfaction
surveys should be conducted by the university libraries regularly to find out the
changing information requirement of users.
Librarian should ensure library documents are shelved properly to enable the
user to locate the materials easily. Arrangements should be made to facilitate
easy access. In an open access libraries shelving of documents is highly
Display of latest issues of journals and new arrivals of text books are important to
make the user to be informative about the resources. User guidance for better
utilization of resources is part of librarian’s job. Self-explanatory boards, labels on
5th International Symposium 2015 – IntSym 2015, SEUSL
the shelves and tracks, proper signage for subjects, staff help, display of rules
and regulations, location map, help menu for OPAC, library orientation and
information literacy programmes are important aspects to be considered to make
aware of the available library resources and services. Access points created
should be conveyed to users to make them to feelthat they are well attended and
properly guided. User guidance plays vital role to satisfy multidimensional
demands of students.
In the present environment information explosion and customer care are the
major challenges. In this context it is inevitable for an academic library to provide
richer information sources to their users to meet information needs. Library
Management needs to conduct user studies annually in order to have feedback
from users on how well the library meeting their information needs. The results of
the survey should be conveyed to the library administrative body for the
necessary step towards library development and user satisfaction.
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