MM Ofbpm 2018

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Para No. Topic/subject Page No.

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Basic Principles of Procurement
1. Introduction 12
1.1 Challenges in Procurement 12
1.2 Terminology and Abbreviations 12
1.3 Present Manual 13
1.4 Scope of Manual 14
1.5 Definition of Goods 14
1.6 Transparency in Purchase 14
1.7 Salient feature of Bids Solicitation 15
1.8 e-Procurement 16
1.9 Consideration of Purchase Quantities 17
1.10 Timely Procurement 17
1.11 Competent Financial Authority (CFA) 17
1.12 Consultations with Finance 18
1.13 Responsibility of the Competent Financial Authority (CFA) 19
1.14 Difference of opinion in TEC/TPC 19
1.15 Exemptions/relaxation from some tender conditions to certain 19
1.16 Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 20
1.17 Development of Start-ups 20
1.18 Procurement from Defence Public Sector Undertakings 21
1.19 Standard Tender Documents 21
1.20 Time Frames for Processing 21
1.21 Amendments to the Manual 21
1.22 Applicability 22

Chapter 2 – Procurement Procedure

2. Procurement Procedure 23
2.1 a) Need for Procurement 23
b) Procurement of items ex-import
2.2 Make or Buy Decision 23
2.3 Authority for Procurement 24
2.4 Specifications 24
i) Proprietary Articles specification 24
ii) Branded Product specification 24
iii) Industrial specifications 25
iv) Defence specifications 25
v) Indigenized item specifications 25

vi) Ad-hoc specifications 25
vii) As per Sample specification 25
viii) Common Use items specifications 26
2.5 Store Holders Inability Sheet 26
2.6 Quantity to be purchased 27
2.7 Procurement Lead Time 29
2.8 Stockpile 30
2.9 Channels of Procurement 32
2.10 Deciding the mode of purchase from trade 32
2.11 IFD on Sister Factories 32
2.12 RC concluded by OFB/Ordnance Factories 33
2.13 Purchase from Trade without inviting Quotation 33
2.14 Purchase from Trade through Purchase Committee 33
2.15 Purchase from Trade by obtaining Tenders 34
2.16 Advertised Tenders (OTE/GTE) 34
2.17 Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE) 34
2.18 Single Tender Enquiry (STE) 36
2.19 Proprietary Article Procurement 37
2.20 Procurement from a Single Known Source 38
2.21 Cash and Carry Procurement 38
2.22 Government e-Marketplace (GeM) 38
2.23 Electronic Reverse Auction 39
2.24 Classification of Goods/Stores 39
2.25 Procedure for COTS items (other than MTO items) 40
2.26 Procedure for Made-to-Order items 41
2.27 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 47
2.28 Identification of Suppliers 47
2.29 Registration of Firms 48
2.30 Vendor Selection (VSL) 49
2.31 Single Bid System 49
2.32 Two Bid System 49
2.33 Evaluation of Technical Bids 50
2.34 Evaluation of Financial Bids 52
2.35 Discounted Cash Flow Technique for Evaluation of Price Bids 53
2.36 Resultant Single Tenders 54
2.37 Option and Repeat Order Clause 55
2.38 Retendering 57
2.39 Cartel Formation / Pool Rates 58
2.40 Placement of Order on more than one firm in a tender 59
2.41 Samples 59
2.42 Entire and Severable Contracts 59

2.43 Pre-contract Integrity Pact 60
2.44 Import Regulation 60
2.45 Ground Rent 60
2.46 General Instructions to Bidders 61
2.47 Instructions to Purchase Officers 62

Chapter 3 – The Tender Process

3. The Tender Process 65
3.1 Tendering 65
3.2 Publicity in Advertised Tenders 65
3.3 Notice Inviting Tender 66
3.4 Sale of Tender Documents 66
3.5 Despatch of Tender Documents 67
3.6 Format of Tender 67
3.7 Time for Submission of Bids 67
3.8 Amendments / Modifications to Tenders 67
3.9 Extension of Tender Opening Date 68
3.10 Prequalification in Advertised Tenders 69
3.11 Pre-bid Conference 69
3.12 Receipt and Custody of Tenders 70
3.13 Reference to Brands in TE 70
3.14 Opening of Tenders under Single Bid System 70
3.15 Opening of Tenders under Two Bid System 71
3.16 Late Tenders and Unsolicited Offers 71
3.17 Force Majeure 72

Chapter 4 – Inspection and Delivery

4. Inspection and Delivery 73
4.1 Inspection 73
4.2 Inspection at Supplier’s Premises 73
4.3 Acceptance of Stores against Supplier’s Inspection Report and 74
4.4 Inspection at Consignee’s Premises 75
4.5 Inspection after Installation & Commissioning at Site 75
4.6 Inspection Procedure 75
4.7 Inspection of Goods offered at the fag-end/on the Last Date of the 75
Contract Delivery Period
4.8 Purchaser’s Right of Rejection 76
4.9 Acceptance of goods vis-à-vis Warranty Provisions 76
4.10 Joint Inspection against complaints relating to quality of goods 76
4.11 Outside Testing Laboratories 76

4.12 Delivery Period 76
4.13 Terms of Delivery 78
4.14 Relationship between the Terms of Delivery and the Date of 78
4.16 Air Consignment 79
4.17 Insurance 79
4.18 Failure to deliver within the Contract DP 80
4.19 Re-fixation of Delivery Period 80
4.20 Extension of Delivery Period 81
4.21 Risk and Expense Purchase 82
4.22 Performance Notice 83
4.23 Despatch of Goods after Expiry of Delivery Period 83
4.24 Packaging and Dispatch for Imports 83
4.25 Warranty Claims for Imports 84
4.26 Short Deliveries 84
4.27 Correspondence with the Supplier after Breach of Contract 84
4.28 Cancellation of Contract for Default 85
4.29 Termination of Contract for Insolvency 85
4.30 Termination of Contract for Convenience 85
4.31 Signing of Contracts / Placing of Supply Orders 86
4.32 Amendment to Contract 86

Chapter 5 – Commercial Aspects

5. Commercial Aspects 87
5.1 Price and Payment Terms 87
5.2 Currency 87
5.3 Earnest Money Deposit 88
5.4 Performance Security Deposit 89
5.5 Firm Price via-a-vis Variable Price 92
5.6 Exchange Rate Variation 93
5.7 Mode of Payment 94
5.8 Standard Payment Terms to Domestic Vendors 95
5.9 Payment Terms for Foreign Vendors 96
5.10 Stage / Part Payments 97
5.11 Advance Payment to Suppliers 98
5.12 Bank Guarantees 98
5.13 Direct Bank Transfer 99
5.14 Letter of Credit 99
5.15 Liquidated Damages 100
5.16 E-Payment 101

5.17 Estimating the Cost of Procurement 101
5.18 Evaluation of Price Bids 102
5.19 Basis for Cost Comparison 102
5.20 Comparative Statement of Tenders 103
5.21 Negotiations 104
5.22 Bench Marking 104
5.23 Last Purchase Price 105
5.24 Indices for Assessing Price Movements 106
5.25 Deduction of Income Tax etc at Source from Payments to Suppliers 107
5.26 Payment of Air Freight Charges 107
5.27 Documents for Claiming Payment 107
5.28 Refund from Supplier 107
5.29 Verification of Bank Guarantees 108
5.30 Safe Custody / Monitoring of EMDs and PSDs 108
5.31 Duties & Taxes on Domestic Goods 108
5.32 Custom Duty on Imported Goods 109
5.33 Taxes & Duties on Raw Materials 109
5.34 Procurement governed by General Contracts 109

Chapter 6 – Rate Contracts and Long-term Agreements / Contracts

6. Rate Contracts and Long-term Agreements/Contracts 110
6.1 Items suitable for Rate Contract 110
6.2 Rate Contract Definition 110
6.3 OFB Rate Contracts 110
6.4 Competent Financial Authority 111
6.5 Estimate/Indent/Requisition 111
6.6 Selection of Firms 111
6.7 Price Negotiation 112
6.8 Conclusion of a Rate Contract 112
6.9 Conclusion of Parallel Rate Contract 112
6.10 Operating RCs 112
6.11 Special Conditions applicable for RC 112
6.12 Fall Clause 113
6.13 Performance Security 114
6.14 Renewal and Extension 114
6.15 Termination and Revocation of RC 114
6.16 Payment Terms 115
6.17 Paying Authorities 115
6.18 Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts 115
6.19 Processing Long-term Umbrella Contracts by Nodal Factory 116
6.20 Long-term Product Support 117

6.21 Long-term Contract for Transportation in case of Import through 117
Ocean/Sea Route

Chapter 7 – Contracts
7. Contracts 118
7.1 Elementary Law 118
7.2 Contract 118
7.3 Proposal or Offer 118
7.4 Acceptance of the Proposal 118
7.5 Agreements are Contracts 119
7.6 Competency of Parties 119
7.7 Parties to the Contract 119
7.8 Contracts with Individuals 119
7.9 Contracts with Partnerships 119
7.10 Contracts with Limited Companies 120
7.11 Corporation other than Limited Companies 120
7.12 Parties to Contracts entered into by Ordnance Factories 120
7.13 Consent of Both Parties 121
7.14 Free Consent of the Parties 121
7.15 Consent given under Mistake 121
7.16 Mistake of Fact and Law 121
7.17 Consideration 122
7.18 Lawfulness of Object 122
7.19 Communication of an Offer or Proposal 122
7.20 Communication of Acceptance 122
7.21 Completion of Communication of Acceptance 122
7.22 Acceptance to be identical with Proposal 123
7.23 Withdrawal of an Offer or Proposal 123
7.24 Withdrawal of Acceptance 123
7.25 Signing of Contracts 123
7.26 Acceptance of the Contracts 124
7.27 Stamping of Contracts 124
7.28 Types of Contract 124
7.29 General Principles of Contracting 124
7.30 Changes / Amendments to a concluded Contract 125
7.31 Enhancement in Rates 125
7.32 Vetting of Price Variation Clause 125
7.33 Imposition of LD while granting Extensions 126
7.34 Liability on account of Taxes & Duties on grant of Extension of 126
Delivery Period
7.35 Consultation with IFA 126

7.36 Termination of Concluded Contract 126
7.37 Contract Effective Date 126
7.38 Conditions of Contract 127
7.39 General Conditions of Contract 127
7.40 Special Conditions of Contract 127
7.41 Applicability of GCC to Supply Orders 127
7.42 Applicability of all terms and conditions 128
7.43 Amplification of the terms and conditions 128
7.44 Effective Date 128
7.45 Arbitration 129
7.46 Appointment of Arbitrators through Court 129
7.47 Settlement of Disputes 129
7.48 Buy Back Offer 130
7.49 Fall Clause 130
7.50 Penalties 130

Chapter 8 – Procurement of Consultancy

8. Procurement of Consultancy 131
8.1 Requirement for engaging consultants 131
8.2 Procedure for engagement of Research Assistance 131
8.3 Conflict of Interest 131


Annexure No. Subject Page No.

Annexure -1 List of acronyms used in this Manual 132

Annexure -2 Definitions 135
Annexure -3 Format for Proprietary Article Certificate 137
Annexure -4 Format for Single Known Source Certificate 138
Annexure -5A Format for Pre-Contract Integrity Pact 139
(for cases valuing above Rs. 100 Cr)
Annexure -5B Format for Pre-Contract Integrity Pact 146
(for cases valuing above Rs. 5 Cr and up to Rs. 100 Cr)
Annexure -6A Time Frame for Purchase Case (Single Commercial Bid) 152
Annexure -6B Time Frame for Purchase Case (Two Bids - Tech/Commercial) 153
Annexure -7 Procedure for Acquisition of Contract Services for R&D 154
Annexure -8 INCOTERMS 2010 162
Annexure -9 Letters related to decentralisation of shipping arrangements in 166
respect of ocean transportation of cargoes under the control
of Government/PSUs
Annexure-10 Letters related to Relaxations of Norms for Startups Medium 173
Enterprises in public procurement regarding Prior Experience -
Prior Turnover
Annexure-11 Settlement of disputes/claims arising out of the contracts 176
through arbitration/court-procedure
Annexure-11A Demand Note to firm when Arbitral award is in favour of 185
Annexure-11B Demand Note to firm when Arbitral award is against the 186
Purchaser and it has been decided not to go for appeal
Annexure-11C Format for Arbitration Clause - Indigenous Private bidders 187
Annexure-11D Format for Arbitration Clause - CPSUs/DPSUs 188
Annexure-11E Format for Arbitration Clause - Foreign bidders 189
Annexure-12 Guidelines of the Ministry of Defence for Penalties in Business 191
Dealings with Entities vide MoD I.D No. 31013/1/2016-D (Vig)
Vol.II dated 21.11.2016
Annexure-12A Amendment to the guidelines of the MoD for Penalties in 198
Business Dealings with Entities vide MoD I.D No.
31013/1/2016-D (Vig) Vol.II dated 30.12.2016
Annexure-13 Public Procurement (Preference to Make India), Order 2017 - 199
Revision; regarding
Annexure -14 Standard Tender Enquiry/RFP for Stores procurement 206
Annexure -15 Compliance Statement (OTE) 246
Annexure -16 Compliance Statement (LTE/STE) 249

Annexure -17 Important T&C to be decided by VSL TPC before floating of TE 251
Annexure -18 Model ECS Mandate Format 252
Annexure -19 Bank Guarantee Format for furnishing EMD 253
Annexure -20 Performance Bank Guarantee Format 254
Annexure -21 Certificate of Conformity format 255
Annexure -22 Quantity Claim Format 256
Annexure -23 Quality Claim Format 257
Annexure-24 Supply Order Format 259
Annexure-25 Acknowledgment Of Acceptance Of Tender 263
Annexure-26 Standard Form for Intimating Firms regarding Rejection of 264
their Offer
Annexure-27 Closure of Supply Order 265
Annexure-28 Inter Factory Demand 266
Annexure-29 Format for Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment 267
Annexure-30 Guidelines on confirmation of Bank Guarantee of Foreign 269
Banks by Indian Banks
Annexure-31 Form of Letter to be addressed to Bank for Verification of Bank 270
Annexure-32 Format for Refund of Security Deposit 271
Annexure-33 Performance Notice for not submitting Advance Sample 272
Annexure-34 Format for Performance Notice 273
Annexure-35 Correspondence with seller after breach of contract 274
Annexure-36 Short Closure and Cancellation of Supply Order 275
Annexure-37 Letter for Final Payment 276
Annexure-38 Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order 2012 277

Note: All SOPs (updated time to time) related to OFBPM 2018 have been uploaded on OFB
Comnet / OFB Internet Website.

Chapter 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Challenges in procurement
a) Maintaining an uninterrupted and reliable flow of material of the
requisite quality is an inescapable necessity for seamless manufacturing. Indian
Ordnance Factories, being engaged in manufacture of military hardware, has
to adhere to this inescapable necessity. The challenges in material
procurement in Ordnance Factories are as follows:

(i) Major parts of the inputs required for production of military hardware
are of very stringent specifications that are normally not applicable in
commercial settings, and therefore are available only as Made-to-Order.
(ii) Low quantity requirement and demand fluctuations restrict the interest
of potential suppliers.
(iii) Specifications of Inputs are mostly governed by JSS, GOST and other
defence specifications, and do not have scope for use in other fields of
(iv) Diverse product range with common procurement procedure.
(v) The requirements of Ordnance Factories are not always adequate for
vendors to keep the production lines customised for a unique product
range, running throughout the year.

b) The above indicated fundamental necessities and challenges comprise of

the basic fabric of the procurement policy and govern the procurement
decisions in ordnance factories.

c) It is imperative that material purchase be made following systematic,

efficient and cost effective way, in compliance with laid down procedure in this
Manual, while ensuring timely positioning of the material.

1.2 Terminology and Abbreviations

a) Standard terminologies have been adopted in the Manual. Important
acronyms used in this Manual are listed as Annexure for ready reference.

b) In certain areas, there may be two or more widely used terminologies

bearing the same meaning as mentioned below:

Tender, Bid, Quotation Offer received from a supplier
Tenderer, Bidder, Vendor An entity who seeks to supply goods
by sending tender/bid/offer.
Tender Enquiry Document, Tender Detailed document issued by the
Document, Bidding Document purchaser specifying his needs and
the requirements that a potential
tenderer/bidder must meet.
Notice Inviting Tenders, Request for Advertisement containing brief
Proposal (RFP), Invitation for Bids details of the requirement
Earnest Money Deposit, Bid Security Monetary guarantee furnished by a
bidder along with its tender
Security Deposit, Performance Monetary guarantee furnished by the
Security successful bidder for due
performance of the contract
concluded with it
Bid, Offer, Quotation Offer from a vendor in response to a

1.3 Present Manual

a) MOD while finalizing DPM 2009 that guides procurement of revenue items
by Defence Units has kept OFB out of the purview of the DPM considering the
pressing needs of a manufacturing industry to position material in a time
bound manner. This Manual has been formulated within the ambit of DPM
2009 (or amended from time to time), GFR 2017(or amended from time to
time) as also other policies/guidelines/instructions issued by MoD, DIPP, MoF,
MoMSME, CVC and ATN on CAG observations keeping in view the specific
requirements of production and to ensure availability of material for continuity
of production.
b) If any instance of variance with GFR 2017 (or amended from time to time) is
noticed, the matter should be referred to MoD for clarification. However, the
ongoing procurements may not be stopped pending receipt of the clarification,
if there is operational urgency in going ahead with the production or delay is
likely to have adverse implications to meet production targets.
c) Stores procurement by the Ordnance Factory Board and its Factories/Units/
Establishments shall be governed by the provisions of this Manual.

d) All related SOPs, guidelines, instructions, orders, etc. issued by Ordnance
Factory Board and its units may be deemed to have been modified by the
provisions of this Manual, to the extent the former is not in conformity with
this Manual. Accordingly in case of any inconsistency, the provisions of this
Manual shall prevail in the context of procurements covered under the scope
defined in paragraph 1.4. These SOPs, guidelines, instructions, orders, etc.,
shall be updated in line with the provisions of this Manual.

1.4 Scope of the Manual

Procedures detailed in the Manual are applicable for purchase of:

(i) Inputs and aids for production such as all articles, material, commodity,
livestock, furniture, fixtures, raw materials, spares, instruments,
equipment, medicines, components, assemblies, sub-assemblies, tools,
gauges, jigs, accessories, process materials, production consumables,
indirect consumables, IT products/items, software, technology transfer,
licences, patents or other intellectual properties purchased or otherwise
acquired for the use of Govt.etc. but excludes books, publications,
periodicals, etc. for a library.
(ii) Maintenance aids, including spares, tools & tackles, etc.
(iii) Services (production related) which are incidental or consequential to
the supply of such goods, i.e. conversion, job-work, packing, unpacking,
preservation, transportation, insurance, delivery, maintenance support,
technical assessment, consultation, system study, software
development, maintenance conservancy, etc.

1.5 Definition of Goods/Stores/Items

The term goods/stores/items used in this Manual are interchangeable
and applies to all items mentioned at 1.4 above.

1.6 Transparency in Purchase

Procurement by the Ordnance Factory Board and its units are Public
Procurement, and accordingly, should be conducted in a transparent manner
to bring competition, fairness and eliminate arbitrariness in the system.

1.7 Salient Feature of Bids Solicitation

(i) The tender document should be comprehensive, unambiguous, and

relevant to the objective of the purchase. The right and commonly used
technical and industrial parlance need to be used.
(ii) The specifications of the required goods should be framed giving
adequate details. The specifications must be broad-based and meet the
essential requirements, without including superfluous or non-essential
features, which may result in unwarranted expenditure.
(iii) The tender document should clearly mention the eligibility criteria such
as minimum level of production experience, past performance, technical
capability, manufacturing facilities, financial position, ownership or any
legal restriction, etc. that need to be made by the bidders.
(iv) Eligibility criteria should conform to extant Government policies (which
includes the provisions of this Manual) and be judiciously chosen so as
not to stifle competition amongst potential suppliers.
(v) All aspects pertaining to tender preparations, submission, deadlines,
acceptance, evaluation, ranking and conclusion of contract should be
unambiguously and explicitly detailed.
(vi) Offers should be invited following a fair, transparent and reasonable
procedure. Tender enquiries (and subsequent amendments etc., if any)
shall be given wide publicity, including display at the OFB official website
and mirrored at the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPP Portal).
(vii) Sufficient time should be allowed to the bidders to prepare and submit
their tenders. Suitable provisions should be kept in the tender document
allowing the bidders a reasonable opportunity to enquire about the
tender conditions, tendering process, and/ or rejection of its tender and
the settlement of disputes, if any, emanating from the resultant
(viii) Bidders must not be permitted to alter or modify their tender responses
after the expiry of their deadlines for submission; such modified bids will
be summarily rejected.

(ix) Tenders should be evaluated only as per the evaluation details provided
in the tender documents. No new condition, which was not incorporated
in the tender document, should be brought into consideration while
evaluating the tenders.
(x) Negotiations with the bidders must be avoided. However, under some
circumstances, where price negotiations are considered unavoidable,
they may be resorted to only with the lowest evaluated responsive
bidder, with the approval of the CFA only after duly recording reasons
for such action.
(xi) At every stage of procurement the procuring authority must place on
record, in precise terms, the considerations which weighed with it while
taking the procurement decision.
(xii) The name of the successful bidder to whom the contract is awarded
should be appropriately notified for the information of general public,
through the OFB and Central Public Procurement portal. Wherever
display in website is prescribed in this manual, it shall also imply
mirroring at the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPP Portal).

1.8 e-Procurement

(i) The e-procurement system, available at, will be

used for all procurement processes in excess of Rs. 2 lakh (or revised time to
time). The maximum threshold value of the procurement would be determined
based on the estimated value (landed cost) of the procurement duly
considering the option quantities also, if any. The system supports all modes of
tendering like OTE, LTE, GTE, and STE. There may be instances where
considering the type of product (or services)/procurement, e-procurement
may not be the appropriate procurement process, in such cases manual
tendering process may be followed with the prior approval of the Operating
Member of OFB, in consultation with finance and duly recording the reasons
for the same.
(ii) The basic procurement procedures (unless repugnant to the context or
not relevant in e-procurement being system performed) shall remain as
contained in this manual even if procurement is through e-procurement.
(iii) Procurement will be processed through e-procurement portal for cases
above the threshold limit, except LPC and cash and carry procurements.

1.9 Considerations for Purchase Quantities
(i) Purchase quantities in excess of requirement is not permitted.
(ii) A demand should not be split into small quantities for the purpose of
avoiding the necessity of taking approval of the higher authority required for
sanctioning the purchase of the original demand.

1.10 Timely Procurement

(i) To reduce delays, the time-frame stipulated for each stage of
procurement should be adhered to.
(ii) Contract should be concluded within the original validity of the tenders.
Extension of tender validity must be discouraged and resorted to only in
absolutely unavoidable, exceptional circumstances.

1.11 Competent Financial Authority

a) Financial powers have been delegated to various authorities in Ordnance
Factory Board and its units, through the DFP. These powers are to be used
within the framework of laid down procedures, canons of financial propriety
and amplificatory instructions. The powers so delegated also imply
accountability; and the CFA must ensure that financial propriety and probity
are observed in all cases.
b) All financial powers are to be exercised by the appropriate CFA. Where
financial powers have been delegated to more than one authority under the
same item/ head of delegation, authority with next higher delegated financial
powers will constitute the ‘next higher CFA’.
c) The financial powers delegated by Ministry of Defence/ Ordnance
Factory Board to various authorities in the Ordnance Factory Board and its
factories/ units/ establishments cannot be further sub-delegated by the
delegate. However, on the strict understanding that the sole responsibility
rests on them, the authorities to whom financial powers have been delegated
may authorize gazetted officer(s) to sign communications and financial
documents on their behalf conveying the sanction of the original delegate
provided that the name of the officer who is so authorized is communicated to
the Audit Officer concerned.
d) The current approved system for Ordnance Factory Board and its units is
the CFA-in-committee i.e., TPC system. However, the recommendations of TPC
will be concurred by IFA and approved by CFA in the same TPC. CFA is the
Chairman of relevant TPC/TEC. In case of dissent note/different opinion (IFA or
any other TPC/TEC member), the decision of CFA will be final. CFA can
overrule IFA or any other TPC/TEC member after recording reasons for
overruling as explained later on.
e) The constitution of the TEC/TPC shall be as notified in the DFP. However,
the Chairpersons of these Committees(CFA), if necessary, may co-opt other
relevant experts on the Committee. Reference in this manual to VSL TPC
(Vendor Selection TPC) is to the appropriate TPC while performing initial
activities for procurement (including vendor selection amongst other activities)
indicated later on.
f) The CFA will be decided taking into consideration, the value of the
original quantity to be ordered plus the Option Clause quantity. In case of
foreign procurements, the current Exchange Rate of SBI, Parliament Street
Branch/ RBI as on Tender bid closing date, shall be taken into consideration for
determining the CFA. For the purpose of cost reduction and convenience,
number of items or group of items may be clubbed for tendering, provided the
CFAs are defined in advance before floating the TE by VSL TPC i.e. individual
item wise or all items together.
g) In umbrella agreements of multi years (including RCs), CFA shall be
decided on the basis of average annual requirement and not the sum of annual
h) In respect of cases beyond the powers of Factory TPC-I that have been
duly approved, unless specifically decided otherwise by the CFA, subsequent
operation of OC shall be done by the Factory TPC-I after strictly complying with
the provisions of this Manual.

1.12 Consultations with Finance

a) Procurement above the prescribed threshold limit in the DFP shall be
done only with the concurrence of the Integrated Finance at all the prescribed
stages. Though Finance is an integral part of the TPC/TEC structure, a financial
concurrence will also be required on the recommendations of the TPC prior to
CFA’s approval in the same TPC.

b) In case of disagreement/ non concurrence by the Integrated Financial

Advisor, the CFA can overrule the IFA after recording reasons for overruling the
views of the IFA.

c) In all cases where the CFA has overruled the advice of IFA, the Secretary
of the TPC shall send a copy of the TPC minutes to the Member/Finance of
OFB. The CFA is accountable and responsible for her/his decision and
accordingly, the decision of the CFA (although by overruling) shall stand.

1.13 Responsibility of the Competent Financial Authority
a) CFA is the Chairman of relevant TPC/TEC. The CFA must consider all
aspects of the case, including the quoted price, terms and conditions of the
contract, delivery period, warranty, freight, insurance and other charges and
the compliance with the technical specifications/QR before a purchase
decision is taken. Conditional offers and those with specifications not in
conformity with the tendered specifications (Essential QRs), normally should
not be considered. However, in exceptional cases of any justifiable minor
discrepancies, CFA (Chairman of relevant TPC/TEC) may take appropriate
decision with recorded reasons. Wherever as per DFP, delegated powers are
exercisable subject to financial concurrence, it shall be ensured before
according sanction that the requisite financial consultations have been done at
all the prescribed stages.
b) While making the purchase decision, the CFA needs to satisfy
himself/herself that (i) proper procedures have been followed at various stages
of procurement, (ii) purchase policies of the Government have been complied
with, and (iii) capacity and financial status of the firm have been checked.
Purchase decisions should be communicated only through a formal order in a
written form.

1.14 Difference of opinion in TEC/ TPC

a) The designated CFA is accountable for all decisions taken by them while
approving any measure involving Government funds.
b) In case of disagreement/ non concurrence by the Integrated Financial
Advisor, the CFA can overrule the IFA after recording reasons for overruling the
views of the IFA.
1.15 Exemptions/ Relaxation from some Tender Conditions to Certain
Government of India has issued general directives on (i) mandatory/
preferential purchase of specified goods from specified suppliers (ii) extension
of price preference (iii) exemptions/ relaxation from certain tender conditions
like tender fee, EMD, PSD, etc., to certain categories of suppliers. In
procurements attracting these general directives, the contemporary directives
of the Government of India should be checked (from the relevant website) for
necessary action. These contemporary directives shall apply in the
procurement of Commercially-off-the-shelf (COTS) as well as Made-to-order
(MTO) items. DDP may issue separate directives indicating the eligibility and
nature of concession/relaxation in order to promote MSEs (Micro & Small
Enterprises), Start-ups, Stand-ups etc. to be followed.
1.16 Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
a) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006
provides that “For facilitating promotion and development of micro and small
enterprises, the Central Government or the State Government may, by order
notify from time to time, preference policies in respect of procurement of
goods and services, produced and provided by micro and small enterprises, by
its Ministries or departments, as the case may be, or its aided institutions and
public sector enterprises”.

b) Any order issued by Central Government in relation to Micro, Small or

other sections of Industries relevant to procurement shall be followed by all
units under OFB. Currently, one such Public Procurement Policy for Micro and
Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 w.e.f 01.04.2012, is in force and should
be strictly adhered to. The Public Procurement Policy shall apply to Micro and
Small Enterprises registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and
Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir
Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts
and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSME). Declaration of Udyog Aadhaar
Memorandum(UAM) number by the MSME vendors on CPPP/OFB e-
procurement portal should be made. The MSE bidders who fail to submit
UAM number will not be able to avail the benefits available to MSEs as
contained in Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012 issued by MSME
for tenders invited electronically through CPPP/OFB e-procurement portal.

1.17 Development of Start-ups

For Startups (whether MSEs or otherwise), prior experience and
turnover requirement may be relaxed subject to meeting of quality and
technical specification in accordance with relevant provisions of GFR 2017 (or
revised time to time) as per Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Policy Circular No. 1(2)(1)/2016-MA dated 10th March 2016 and Ministry of
Finance, Dept. of Expenditure O.M No. F.20/2/2014-PPD(Pt) dated 25th July
2016. Also as per MoF, Dept of Expenditure O.M. No. F.20/2/2014-PPD(Pt)
dated 20th September 2016, the criteria of prior experience / turnover may not
be relaxed for Startups, for procurement of items related to public safety,
health, critical security operations and equipments etc., where vendors with
prior experience are preferred and adequate justification is available.

1.18 Procurement from Defence Public Sector Undertakings
a) Goods and Services may be procured from Defence Public Sector
Undertakings through tender. Any items developed / manufactured by a
Defence PSU specifically for the Defence Services, with transfer of technology
or through design and development, should be procured from the concerned
Defence PSU only. Similarly, Defence PSUs shall be approached for providing
any service, such as repairs and overhauling, if facility for providing such
services has been set up by a Defence PSU exclusively for the Defence Services.
This cases will not be treated as STE/PAC procurements as per OFB DFP.
Reasons for invoking this provision shall, however, be recorded.

b) For cases other than category stated above, Defence Public Sector
Undertakings will have to bid for contracts through a tendering process open
to private sector enterprises, for supplying goods and services to OFs.

1.19 Standard Tender Documents

Standard forms of tender are to be used as enquiry documents and
contracts in line with the extant rules, regulations, directives, procedures etc.
Deviations in the standard provisions of the standard documents may be
permitted by an authority competent to grant waiver/ relaxation for the
provision as per the DFP. Extent of deviation that may be permitted by the said
competent authority shall be as per the powers available to him under the DFP
for granting waiver/ relaxation.

1.20 Time Frame for Processing

All activities must be undertaken expeditiously, and consultations/
advice rendered within a specified time frame. The time frame given in
Annexure shall be adhered to in the procurement process to ensure that the
bids are finalized within validity period. In case the prescribed time frame
cannot be adhered to in any specific case, suitable extension of validity of the
bids should invariably be asked for, after recording valid reasons justifying
extension of the said validity.

1.21 Amendments to the Manual

No modifications / amendments will be made to the OFB Procurement
Manual 2018 (OFBPM 2018) without prior approval of Department of Defence
Production, Ministry of Defence. However, changes in policies issued by MoD
necessitating amendments in OFBPM 2018 may be implemented immediately
under intimation to DDP.

1.22 Applicability
This manual shall come into force with effect from 01st September 2018.
However, all on-going procurements where tender has been issued prior to
date of effect of this Manual may continue to be regulated by the provisions of
the OFBPM 2010.


Chapter 2

2 Procurement Procedure
2.1 a. Need for Procurement
The need for procurement of goods may arise for (i) catering to the
annual production and allied activities (ii) building up authorized stocks (iii)
repair and maintenance of assets. Similarly, the need for procurement of
services may arise for (i) maintenance of equipment/ assets (ii) outsourcing
work that can be economically performed in trade or where facilities are not
available/ not adequate in-house (iii) for engaging experts and consultants.

b. Procurement of Items Ex-Import

An item already established by any of the Ordnance Factory or
indigenized, should normally not be imported. However, decision to import
can be taken considering the in-house production capacity, delivery timelines,
the product mix, availability of manpower, condition of plant & machinery etc.
and after duly recording specific reasons with the approval of General
Manager. While initiating the case, at the time of taking decision for placement
of order as well as taking all subsequent decisions like extension/re-fixation of
delivery period etc., all relevant aspects like capacity of ordnance factories,
availability of indigenous sources, capacity and reliability of indigenous
sources, cost of indigenous supplies v/s the import cost etc. should be kept in
view. The supply position of indigenous sources should be ascertained at every
stage of procurement. In order to promote import substitution, the norms
detailed in this chapter shall be adopted.

2.2 Make or Buy Decision

(i) Policy on make or buy (including import substitution) decision should be
such that it not only promotes optimum utilization of in-house capacity in
Ordnance Factories but also lays equal emphasis on cost of production being
reasonable. After weighing all facts, an appropriate make or buy decision shall
be taken by the GM on the advice of the Make & Buy Committee of the factory
or the operating Member in consultation with Member (P&MM), in case of
outsourcing items manufactured by ordnance factories. The constitution of
Make or Buy Committee at factory shall be (i) Sr.GM/GM as a Chairman, (ii)
AGM/Jt.GM(Plng), (iii) AGM/Jt.GM(MM), (iv) AGM/Jt.GM(User).

(ii) Non-core activities should as far as possible be outsourced, if cheaper
options can be found outside OFB & resources thus released should be utilised
for core activities.

2.3 Authority for Procurement

Indent/ Letter of Intent/Roll-on-Indent/Roll-on-Plan/Extract/IFD/ SWOD/
Supply Plans issued by Ordnance Factory Board/ Purchase Requisition raised by
user section are the required authority for procurement.

Annual Supply plan supported by Roll-on-plan issued with approval of

Member/Operating Division may also be an authority for procurement.

2.4 Specifications
All procurements have to meet the stringent specifications prescribed. In
addition to qualitative requirements, the specifications indicate the detailed
qualitative requirements of the item being procured and shall indicate all
relevant requirements/ parameters like (i) material composition (ii) physical
(iii) dimensional (iv) performance (v) tolerances (if any) (vi) manufacturing
process (where applicable) (vii) test/ inspection schedule (viii) acceptance
criteria (ix) preservation & packing (x) transportation requirements (especially
relevant for chemicals), etc, without any superfluous requirements that may
have the effect of stifling competition or increasing expenses. AHSP/
Specifications promulgating authority should periodically forward copies of
specifications/ amendments to all agencies concerned to ensure that goods of
current specification are purchased. Various types of specifications relevant to
the defence items are:

i) Proprietary Article Specification

These are available only with the proprietary firm and are protected by
the intellectual property rights. PAC specifications are normally not available
with the purchaser and therefore these stores may be accepted based on the
firm’s certificate of quality.

ii) Branded Product Specification

The specifications for branded commercial product are not available
with the purchaser or the inspecting agency and these are to be accepted on
the firm’s guarantee / warranty.

iii) Industrial Specifications
There are standard industrial specifications like the IS, BS, DIN and GOST
available for sale in the market. In the case of medical stores standard
specifications are issued by WHO, FDA, CE etc. Every procuring and inspecting
agency should acquire such specifications for reference to ensure quality-
standard of the product being procured.
iv) Defence Specifications
There are defence specifications for specialist items for use by the
defence departments, particularly the defence services. These are Joint
Services Specifications, Milspecs, etc. Copies of such specifications should be
available with the procuring agency, inspecting authority and the AHSP.
v) Indigenized Item Specification
The manufacturing agency, QA agency, DRDO, OFB and Service
Headquarters, involved in the indigenization efforts often successfully
indigenize some items as import substitutes. In such cases, the specifications,
including the drawing and other details, are formulated by these agencies in
consultation with the Ordnance Factory Board, manufacturing firms, QA
agency, Design agency, Service Head Quarters (as the case may be) to guide
future production. Such specifications should be available with the purchase
agency as well as the inspecting authority so as to ensure conformity with the
required quality standards of the items being supplied.
vi) Ad-hoc Specifications
There may be items for which neither the industrial nor the defence
specifications are available. In such cases, the Indentor must indicate the
general parameters, normally the dimensions, mechanical parameters,
chemical composition, performance parameters, etc. to enable procurement
and inspection. Such ad-hoc specifications must be broad enough to permit
wider participation by the suppliers and should not be restrictive.
vii) As per Sample Specification
There are occasions when items, normally PAC products, cannot be
procured from the original manufacturer and have to be procured from
another manufacturer as per sample in the absence of detailed specifications
or drawing. For such items, the supplier prepares detailed specifications as well
as the drawing and gets it approved by purchaser. The purchaser and the
inspecting authority should acquire such specifications and drawings and retain
with them to guide future production and inspection.

viii) Common Use Items Specification
There are a large number of items used in the ordnance factories which
are common-use items, freely available in the open market. As in the case of
ad-hoc specifications, specifications of common use items should also be broad
enough to permit wider participation by the suppliers and should not be
restrictive to stifle competition.

2.5 Store Holders Inability Sheet

a) For procurement of any item a Store Holder Inability Sheet/Material
Planning Sheet shall necessarily be prepared, duly indicating the requirement,
present stock, dues and the net requirement. The Store Holders Inability Sheet
and the Material Planning Sheet together provide the complete details of the
computation of quantities to be procured. Normally the annual requirement is
taken into consideration for preparation of SHIS/MP Sheet. The reference to
annual requirement in respect of direct material shall include the requirement
for the first quarter of the subsequent year. SHIS for multiple year
requirements can also be generated wherever relevant. Attention shall be paid
to the shelf life (where relevant) of the item to eliminate avoidable losses in
storage. In such cases staggered deliveries should necessarily be resorted to.

b) If valid labour estimate exists in the factory for the item (or operation)
being procured (or outsourced) from trade then justification for the
procurement (or outsourcing) shall be recorded, and the factory shall ensure
that payments for the same work (or operations) are not claimed for
departmental labour also.

c) (i) The SHIS/MP Sheet has to be vetted by QC/Pattern Office for the
technical specification to ensure that material is procured as per the latest
drawings/ technical specifications.
(ii) Direct material SHIS is not required to be vetted by LAO but to be
signed by Group ‘A’ officer.
(iii) SHIS/MP Sheet will have a life of six months (i.e SHIS generation to
issue of tender) and will need revalidation by Sr. GM/GM thereafter.

d) The cases where indents are delayed or existing supply orders not likely to
fructify, then to save time, procurement action can be initiated on provisional
SHIS and can be processed up to Tender opening stage with the approval of
Operating Member.

2.6 Quantity to be Purchased
a) Normally the Annual Supply Plans issued by the Ordnance Factory Board
shall be the basis for procuring direct material. However, when Roll-on-
Plans/ Roll-on-Indents/LoI (wherever applicable) are available, supply
plans exceeding one-year time-horizon may be issued by Ordnance
Factory Board to improve material availability at the factories. Such
multi-year supply plans can also be the basis for procuring direct
material for the period specifically authorised. Prior approval of the
Member of Operating division shall be taken for initiating multi-year
proposals for procurement. Availability of such multi-year plans does not
imply that all procurements are to be necessarily made in one go for the
entire multi-year period. The VSL TPC shall, as a part of due diligence,
after considering the nature of the store and the lead-time & difficulty
involved in procuring the store, take an appropriate decision as to
whether it would be advantageous to procure (i) the annual requirement
plus coverage for the first quarter of the subsequent year or part of
annual requirement or (ii) the multi-year requirement.

b) If procurement is made on multi Year basis, the following authorities

may apply to determine time period of the contracts:
i) Roll-on-Indents are available for 3 years or more.
ii) Roll-on-Indents are available for 3 years and Roll-on-Plan for another
3 years or more.
iii) Roll-on-Plan for 3 years or more.
iv) Letter of Intent(LoI) wherever applicable.

c) Multi Year Procurement Procedure (Long-term Umbrella Agreement/

Contracts for MTO items):
i) Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts may be concluded up
to 5 years for MTO items.
ii) The Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts shall be with the
condition that Supply Order will be placed under the agreement
on annual basis or as and when required based on agreed delivery
schedule/period commensurate with production program, only
against firm indents.
iii) Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts may even be concluded
at the same rate parallel with multiple vendors to ensure
reliability, continuity and ease of supply.

iv) CFA in the Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts shall be
decided on the basis of average annual requirement, since the
total value of the contract is the sum of annual contracts (i.e.,
Total tendered quantity divided by no of contract years).
v) Supply Order may also be concluded with multiple vendors to
ensure reliability, continuity and ease of supply.
vi) The Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts shall contain:
o Indicative total quantity and annual off-take.
o PV Clause, wherever feasible.
o Delivery & Supply Schedule
o Fall Clause
o EMD and PSD as applicable.
o Provision of Option Clause up to 25% of the annual contract
quantity may be provided and operated only in case of source
development failures or to meet unforeseen requirement from
the indentor.
vii) The Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts does not make any
binding for the purchaser to procure the indicated quantity of the
viii) Para 6.18 on Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts of this
manual may also be referred for further details.

d) SHIS/ MP Sheet shall be prepared to work out the requirement. The

procurement lead-time and the production throughput-time should also be
kept in mind while working out the requirement. Procurement shall be made
for the Net Deficiency worked out based on the annual requirement or multi-
year requirement where relevant. Net Deficiency shall be computed, duly
taking into reckoning the Supply Plan conveyed by Ordnance Factory Board, all
stocks, WIP and dues.
e) Staggered deliveries shall be insisted upon, especially when procurement is
authorised for more than the annual requirement unless such staggering is not
feasible or will result in additional expenditure with no specific benefits.
f) IFD shall be placed for the firm/fixed quantity. Option clause / repeat order
not relevant in case of IFD.
g) Procurement of indirect materials (not required directly for production)
shall be made on the basis of monthly average consumption during the
preceding 24 months, duly making an allowance for relevant factors like the
quantum of production, machines being utilised, product-mix, etc. For new
indirect materials the necessity for procurement shall be approved by the
Sr. General Manager/General Manager.

h) The Vendor Selection TPC shall also deliberate on the justification for the
quantities proposed for procurement for all items.

2.7 Procurement Lead Time

a) Timely procurement action should be initiated duly taking into account
the procurement lead-time and the production throughput-time so that the
end-product issue-plan matches with the requirement projected by the
Indentor. Apart from initiating timely action, the case shall also be processed
expeditiously at every stage of examination and the model time-frame
indicated in the Annexure to the Manual shall be complied with.

b) Prompt and timely action should be taken, for both indigenous as well as
imported items, so that stock-out situations are avoided to ensure continuity
of production while at the same time maintaining the overall SIH inventory
within the authorised limit. The present authorised SIH inventory levels are:

Group of Factories SIH inventory level

Armoured Vehicles 6 Months
except HVF
HVF 12 Months
Ordnance Equipment 3 Months
Other Factories 4 Months

A higher SIH inventory holding can be authorised under exceptional

circumstances by the operating Member in consultation with the Member
(Finance). Stocking of COTS and Rate contract items are to be decided on the
basis of contract terms and conditions.

c) The authorised inventory level as indicated in the above table shall be

reviewed at least once in a year by the Operating Member in consultation with
the Member/P&MM and Member/Finance of Ordnance Factory Board to
reduce the inventory carrying cost. Report of such exercise shall be sent to
Secretary (DP) for his information in the month of April every year. After
receipt of report, Secretary (DP) may have an external validation exercise
through outside agency.

d) In the event of any Ordnance Factory holding inventory in excess of their
authorised limit, the Factory shall work out a time-bound action plan for
liquidation of the excess inventory. The Factory shall closely monitor &
progress the action plan duly associating the LAO. The operating division
concerned shall also monitor the progress of liquidation on quarterly basis.
However, since procurement of stores is based on the SHIS with the deficiency
being worked out after considering the stocks, WIP and dues, it will not result
in the procurement resulting in holding stock of the item in excess of the

e) Provisioning review shall be an annual exercise based on Supply Plan.

Apart from this annual review, any change in production programme of any
end product due to increase or decrease in demand or any other reason will
necessitate midcourse review.

f) The provisioning period comprises of (i) the lead time, intended to cover
all actions right from assessment of net requirement up to completion of
delivery by the supplier, and (ii) the period of utilisation, which is the
production period during which the entire ordered quantity (including the
stocks and dues existing at the time of the provisioning action) will be utilised
for meeting the production target. Normally the period of utilisation is 12
months (plus the first quarter of the subsequent year), however, this would
not be applicable to procurements done with respect to Roll-on-Indents/ Roll-

2.8 Stockpile
a) Stockpile is an emergency reserve of imported and difficult to procure
indigenous stores clearly identified as such, held for the purpose of enhancing
the responsiveness of production units to unexpected demand surges and
stock out situations.

b) Once an item is identified for stockpiling and its quantity determined,

the competent authority shall be approached for sanctioning the stockpile
creation. Maximum permissible Stockpile for imported and difficult-to-procure
indigenous stores is for 6 months and 3 months respectively, unless otherwise
higher levels have been specifically authorised. The monthly requirement of
stockpile items shall be determined with reference to the maximum achievable
production capacity in the factory for the related end-product as evidenced by
past performance.

c) Stockpile, being an emergency reserve held by a Factory, should be kept
intact; however, it needs to be turned-over from time-to-time keeping in view
the shelf-life/ preservation requirements for the item. Factories shall submit,
to MM Division of Ordnance Factory Board, a half-yearly certificate that all
items held in stockpile are in good condition and have been subjected to
requisite care & preservative treatment.

d) Stockpile shall be turned-over by transfer from stockpile-stock to

working-stock, subject to the following:
(i) Ordnance Factory Board approval should be obtained for
withdrawal from stockpile.
(ii) The withdrawal from stockpile will be first transferred to Stock
Ledger and issued on Demand Notes.

e) Stockpile referred to above will be entirely distinct from the regular or

any other stocks that are referred to above. Each item of Stockpile shall be
reviewed annually or as soon as it comes to notice that:
(i) Indigenous production of imported items has developed or
manufacturing capacity expanded adequately.
(ii) Supply position of indigenous items has improved.
(iii) Production of the relevant store has been discontinued
(iv) Obsolescence/ phasing out/ reduction in demand of end-products
(v) Change in specifications/ substitution.

f) A database of stockpile items shall be maintained by each of the holding

Factories and a centralised database of all Stockpile items shall be maintained
at MM Division at Ordnance Factory Board. MM Division, in co-ordination with
the concerned factories, shall carry out continuous review of Stockpile items.

g) The cost of the Stockpile shall be capitalised, and a separate Store

Ledger of Stockpile Items shall be maintained by the LAO.

h) DDP is the competent authority for approving new stockpile items. All
existing stockpile items may be reviewed by DDP annually.

2.9 Channels of Procurement
Stores shall generally be procured by one of the following methods:
(i) IFD on sister factories
(ii) RC concluded by OFB/ Ordnance Factories
(iii) Purchase from Trade
(iv) Demand on other Government Department(s)
(v) Govt e-Marketplace (GeM)
(vi) Electronic Reverse Auction
(vi) Any other approved procedure notified by Central Government.

2.10 Deciding the Mode of Purchase from Trade

The Vendor Selection(VSL) TPC, after considering (i) the necessity for the
procurement (ii) whether the store is COTS or MTO (iii) the quantity to be
procured (iv) the value of the procurement (v) the period of supply and (vi)
special terms & conditions (if any) for the procurement, shall decide the mode
of procurement. It should also be ensured by the VSL TPC that the demand for
the store is not divided into smaller quantities for making piece meal
purchases for the sole purpose of avoiding the necessity of obtaining the
sanction of a higher authority with reference to the estimated value of the
total demand.

2.11 IFD on Sister Factories

a) Indenting factory (user), after ensuring that the particulars mentioned in
the IFD are correct, shall place IFD on the supplying factory in the prescribed
form giving inter-alia, the following particulars:

(i) Related Extract No. and Date

(ii) Correct nomenclature of the stores demanded together with the
relevant manufacturing particulars etc.
(iii) Purpose for which the stores are required
(iv) Delivery Schedule

b) Indenting factory shall also provide the feeder factory with all
particulars/ drawings/ specifications referred in the IFD and are required for
execution of the IFD. Copies of IFDs should be endorsed, among others, to the
concerned AHSP/ QA of indenting factory/ LAO of indenting & supplying
factories for necessary action by these authorities.

2.12 RC concluded by OFB/ Ordnance Factories
a) Ordnance Factory Board may, where feasible, conclude RCs through OTE
on a 2- bids system for stores of standard type that are identified as common
user items and are needed on recurring basis by various Ordnance Factories.
RCs can be finalized through LTE with PSUs in respect of items which are
known to be manufactured only by them. The Ordnance Factories, as Direct
Demanding Officer, can procure the items under the RC concluded by
Ordnance Factory Board. The Ordnance Factories can also conclude RCs under
their delegated powers, if not covered RC of OFB.
b) When RCs are concluded the specifications, prices and other salient
details of the rate contracted items shall be posted on the COMNET, and
appropriately updated, for use by all ordnance factories/ units under the
Ordnance Factory Board. The RCs concluded by the Ordnance Factory Board/
Ordnance Factories shall be operated to the maximum extent possible.
2.13 Purchase from Trade without Inviting Quotation
As provided in Rule 154 of GFR-2017(or amended time to time), the
competent authority (as per DFP) may purchase stores (goods & services)up to
the value of Rs. 25,000(Rupees twenty five thousand only) on each occasion
without inviting quotations or bids, on the basis of a certificate to be recorded
by him (or her) in the format given below.
"I, ________, am personally satisfied that these goods/services purchased are
of the requisite quality and specifications and have been purchased from a
reliable supplier at a reasonable price."
2.14 Purchase from Trade through Purchase Committee
As provided in Rule 155 of GFR-2017(or amended time to time),
purchase of stores (goods & services) costing above Rs.25,000(Rupees twenty
five thousand only) and up to Rs.2,50,000(Rupees two lakh fifty thousand only)
on each occasion may be made on the recommendations of a duly constituted
Local Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an appropriate level
as decided by the Head of Department. The committee will survey the market
to ascertain the reasonableness of rate, quality and specifications; and identify
the appropriate supplier. Before recommending placement of the purchase
order, the members of the committee will jointly record a certificate as under:
"Certified that we, members of the purchase committee are jointly and
individually, satisfied that the goods/services recommended for purchase are of
the requisite specification and quality, priced at the prevailing market rate and
the supplier recommended is reliable and competent to supply the goods
/services in question, and it is not debarred by Department of Commerce or
Ministry of Defence or DDP or OFB/OFs."

2.15 Purchase from Trade by Obtaining Tenders
a) Procurement of stores by obtaining tenders shall be done by adopting
the following standard methods. These standard methods shall also apply for
procurement of services, subject to other instructions contained in this Manual
being followed.
(i) Advertised Tender Enquiry (OTE/ GTE)
(ii) Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE)
(iii) Single Tender Enquiry (STE)
b) In stores procurement bids shall be obtained through e-procurement if
the estimated value is above the prescribed threshold limit, else through
conventional tender method, on single or two bid system (refer paragraphs
2.31 and 2.32, respectively).

2.16 Advertised Tenders (OTE/ GTE)

a) Procurement by advertisement should normally be used for
procurement of stores (other than MTO stores) with an estimated value more
than Rs.25 lakh, subject to the exceptions prescribed in this Manual. OTE is the
common advertised tender where only domestic sources participate. OTE
procurement may also be with a prequalification requirement. OTE being the
preferred mode for procurement, the CFA may resort to it even in those cases
where other modes for procurement from trade have been prescribed in this
b) The source development OTE (SDOTE) is an OTE done to develop new
sources for Made-to-order items.
c) GTE is an advertised tender. When no established Indian source is
available for required quality, quantity & specification etc, then GTE may be
resorted. Indian firms may also participate in the GTE. GTE procurement may
also be with a pre-qualification requirement.

2.17 Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE)

a) LTE may be adopted (for other than MTO items) when estimated value
of stores to be procured is up to Rs.25 lakh (including the OC quantity). Copies
of the bidding document should be sent free of cost, directly by speed post/
registered post/ courier/ e-mail, simultaneously to all the firms, which are
borne on the list of registered suppliers for the stores after due consideration
of their past performance/ response, if any. The number of supplier firms in
LTE should invariably be three or more. Efforts should be made to identify a
higher number of approved suppliers to obtain more responsive bids on
competitive basis. LTE can be issued to foreign vendors also. Sufficient time
should be allowed for submission of bids in Limited Tender Enquiry cases.

b) Purchase through LTE may be adopted (for other than MTO items) when
the estimated value of the procurement is more than Rs.25 lakh (including the
OC quantity), in the following circumstances, with the approval of the next
higher CFA:

(i) The competent authority certifies that the demand is urgent and any
additional expenditure involved by not procuring through advertised
tender enquiry is justified in view of urgency. The competent authority
should also put on record the nature of the urgency and reasons why the
procurement could not be anticipated earlier.
(ii) There are sufficient reasons, to be recorded in writing by the competent
authority, indicating that it will not be in public interest to procure the
goods through advertised tender enquiry.
(iii) The sources of supply are definitely known and possibility of fresh
source(s) beyond those being tapped is remote.
(iv) The item to be procured is such that pre-verification of competence of
firm is essential, hence requires registration of firms.
(v) To prevent stock out situations, to cater unforeseen requirements of the
Armed Forces/ MHA and on the ground of national security as per
directive of MoD. The CFA shall certify and record justification.

c) If the estimated value of the proposal for a MTO item, is up to Rs. 25

lakh (including the OC quantity), then the entire deficient quantity may be
procured through LTE without insisting on SDOTE, provided there are
minimum 3 established vendors with valid registration and no cartel is
suspected (to be recorded after due diligence by the relevant TPC). If the
number of established & registered vendors is less than 3, then, established &
registered vendors for the same range of products/ goods/ services/
technology can also be included for the LTE. If the number of established
vendors with valid registration for the same range of products/ goods/
services/ technology is less than three or cartel formation is suspected/
confirmed, then procurement shall be done as per the procedure detailed for
MTO items in paragraph 2.26.

d) However, if (i) the MTO procurement is above Rs. 25 lakhs(including the
OC quantity); or (ii) there are less than 3 established vendors with valid
registration for the same range of products/ goods/ services/ technology or (iii)
cartel formation is suspected/ confirmed, then procurement will be done as
per the procedure detailed for MTO items in paragraph 2.26. Established
source shall be as defined in paragraph 2.26.

2.18 Single Tender Enquiry (STE)

a) Obtaining quotation against tender enquiry issued to an identified
source amounts to purchase without generating competition. Therefore, this
mode of purchase should be resorted to only in unavoidable situations.
Purchase through STE may be adopted when:
i) It is in the knowledge of the user department that only a particular firm
is manufacturing the required goods. The reason for arriving at this
conclusion is to be recorded and approval of the competent authority
ii) In a case of emergency, the required goods are necessarily to be
purchased from a particular source, subject to the reason for such
decision being recorded and approval of the competent authority
iii) For standardization of machinery or components or spare parts to be
compatible to the existing sets of machinery/ equipment (on the advice
of a competent technical expert and approved by the competent
authority), the required goods are to be purchased only from a selected

b) The relevant Proprietary Article/ Single Known Source Certificate (in the
format given at the end on this Manual) should be provided by the Sr. General
Manager/General Manager (with the approval of the operating Member if the
case exceeds the financial powers delegated to Sr. General Manager/General
Manager) before procuring the goods from a single source under the provision
of sub-paragraphs (i) & (iii) above as applicable.
c) Suitable tender document, containing required terms & conditions are
to be issued to the selected firm for preparing and sending its quotation. The
question of ‘late tender’ as well as elaborate process of receipt & opening of
tender, as applicable for advertised tenders and LTE will not apply in case of
procurement through STE.

d) PAC/ SKS sources at times do not accept some of the standard tender
conditions. In such cases the firms should be persuaded to comply with the
standard terms & conditions. If they are still unwilling to accept the standard
terms & conditions, then, since no other alternative source is available,
Sr.GM/GM (for Factory level cases) & Chairman (for OFB level cases) can grant
relaxation/ exemption. In such cases of SKS procurements the factory shall
necessarily increase its efforts to develop alternate sources.

2.19 Proprietary Article Procurement

a) Certain items, particularly equipments, are the propriety product of a
manufacturing firm. Such items are only available with that firm or their
dealers or distributors since detailed specifications are not available to others
for manufacturing the item. Situations may also arise when, for
standardization of machinery or ensuring compatibility of spare parts with the
existing sets of equipment, goods and services have to be obtained from a
particular source. In such situations, a Proprietary Article Certificate may be
issued to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and items procured on
PAC basis from that particular firm or its authorized dealers or distributors.
While PAC is issued only in favour of the concerned OEM, the item may be
bought from any authorised dealer or distributor specified in that particular
PAC on the basis of the information provided by the OEM, provided the
purchase is accompanied by a proper manufacturer certification. In such cases,
tender documents can be issued to the OEM and (or) Authorised
dealer(s)/distributor(s) specified by the OEM. However, the purchase will be
made as per the DFP for PAC cases only. These provisions would also apply to
repairs and servicing of equipment through the sole dealer/ servicing agency,
authorized by the OEM.
b) PAC bestows monopoly and obviates competition. Therefore, PAC status
should be granted only after careful consideration of all relevant factors like
fitness, availability, standardization and value for money. CFA for issuing PAC
shall be as notified in the DFP.
c) It is common for OEMs to outsource their components/ sub assemblies/
assemblies and not manufacture these themselves. Hence, such items may be
available at a cheaper price with the actual manufacturers. The indenting/
procurement officers must, therefore, keep abreast of the probable sources
and may procure items from the right source to protect the interest of the
State. However, machinery spares should be sourced only from the OEM or
OEM approved/ recommended manufacturers to make the OEM responsible
for malfunctioning, if any, of the main equipment in which the spares will be
fitted beyond warranty period.

2.20 Procurement from a Single Known Source
New sources are to be developed through Open Tender Enquiry (OTE).
At times OTEs may result in development of only one source. Pending
development of more sources, 80% of requirement with 25% option clause
may be procured on Single Known Source mode on the basis of an SKS
Certificate to be issued in the prescribed format by the Competent Authority
notified in the DFP. The balance 20% of the requirement may be procured
through SDOTE, without option clause.

2.21 Cash and Carry Procurement

Cash and carry purchase is resorted to in cases of extreme urgency or
when the supplier is not willing to supply the required item on credit. Such
procurement should be made only in exceptional cases. The cash payment is
initially made from the Imprest fund of the unit and the same, on being
claimed, is reimbursed by the paying authority after due audit of the

2.22 Govt E-Marketplace (GeM)

Government of India has hosted an online Government e-Marketplace
(GeM) for common use Goods and Services. As per Rule 149 of GFR 2017, GeM
has been made mandatory for procurement of Goods and Services available on
GeM. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates. The GeM
shall be utilised by Ordnance Factories for direct on-line purchases as under:-

(i) Up to Rs.50,000/- through any of the available suppliers on the GeM,

meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period.

(ii) Above Rs. 50,000/- and up to Rs. 30,00,000/- through the GeM Seller
having lowest price amongst the available sellers, of at least three
different manufacturers, on GeM, meeting the requisite quality,
specification and delivery period. The tools for online bidding and online
reverse auction available on GeM can be used by the Buyer if decided by
the competent authority.

(iii) Above Rs. 30,00,000/- through the supplier having lowest price meeting
the requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily
obtaining bids, using online bidding or reverse auction tool provided on

(iv) The invitation for the online e-bidding/reverse auction will be available to
all the existing Sellers or other Sellers registered on the portal and who
have offered their goods/services under the particular product/service
category, as per the terms and conditions of GeM.
(v) The above mentioned monetary ceiling is applicable only for purchases
made through GeM. For purchases, if any, outside GeM, relevant
provision of this Procurement Manual shall apply.
(vi) The Government Buyers may ascertain the reasonableness of prices
before placement of order using the Business Analytics (BA) tools
available on GeM including the Last Purchase Price on GeM, Department’s
own Last Purchase Price etc.
(vii) A demand for goods shall not be divided into small quantities to make
piecemeal purchases to avoid procurement through L-1 Buying / bidding /
reverse auction on GeM or the necessity of obtaining the sanction of
higher authorities required with reference to the estimated value of the
total demand.
(viii) The detailed SOP for procurement through GeM shall be issued by

2.23 Electronic Reverse Auction

(a) Electronic Reverse Auction means an online real-time purchasing
technique utilized by the procuring entity to select the successful bid, which
involves presentation by bidders of successively more favorable bids during a
scheduled period of time and automatic evaluation of bids.
(b) Reverse auction may be implemented by OFB after creating/arranging a
web portal for the same.
(c) Ordnance Factories/Units may procure items through Electronic Reverse
Auction wherever feasible.

2.24 Classification of Goods/ Stores

The revenue procurement is made for normal business activity as
distinct from capital procurement made by a business for acquiring fixed
assets. Revenue stores in the context of ordnance factories come under two
broad categories:
(i) Commercially-off-the-Shelf (COTS) stores are available commercially
and have application in fields other than defence. These stores are
generally available easily. Standard Procurement Procedures of the
Government of India can be applied while procuring COTS items.

(ii) Made-to-Order (MTO) stores do not have commercial applications. They
are made specifically for the ordnance factories, against specified
drawings of ordnance factories/ collaborators/ design agency or JSS/
other defence specification. MTO items, therefore, have limited sources
and are difficult to procure. Consequently for timely & reliable
positioning of MTO items for production, special procurement
procedures are necessary without compromising on transparency,
competition or fair treatment of vendors.

2.25 Procedure for COTS items (Other than MTO Items)

a) The standard procurement procedure contained in the preceding
paragraphs shall apply while procuring other than MTO items. Advertised OTE
shall be the preferred mode for procurement of common use items of generic
or commercial specifications which are readily available in the market from a
wide range of sources/ vendors. However, depending on the value of the
procurement the appropriate mode of procurement i.e. OTE, LTE, STE, RC, CC
and LPC as contained in the Manual may be followed within the financial limits
therein specified. In procurement of direct material (falling in the category
‘other than MTO’) through LTE, only established vendors with valid registration
as per the OFB SOP for vendor registration shall be allowed to participate.
b) Under advertised tenders (OTE/ GTE), tenders will be issued to OEMs/
Manufacturers or their authorised dealers/ distributors; if, it is the policy the
OEM/ Manufacturer to deal through their authorised dealers/ distributor or
the OEM/ Manufacturer specifically authorises his dealer/ distributor to quote
in the tender.
c) In case of raw materials/ tools & gauges/ machinery spares/ COTS items,
procured indigenously, tender may be issued to authorized dealers/
distributors of the OEMs/ Manufacturers.
d) Similarly, in case of imported stores including raw material/ tools &
gauges/ machinery spares, tender can be issued to authorised dealers/entities
if the OEMs/ Manufacturers deal through them.
e) The long term requirement, if known, shall be indicated in the tender
notice/ tender to attract more firms to quote.
f) Sometimes due to short shelf-life (e.g. shellac), high volatility (e.g.
denatured spirit) or high storage losses, difficulties are experienced in
procurement, and vendors also normally provide very short validity for their
bids. These items being commercially available there are normally adequate
number of sources in the market. Therefore, there may not be a need for any
special source development exercise. In such case procurement may be made
from registered/ government licensed/ reputed vendors through LTE issued to
minimum six vendors. Considering the shelf-life and storage losses, the VSL
TPC, after duly recording reasons, shall decide the optimal frequency at which
the procurement will be made.

g) For limited tender enquiry of COTS items, para 2.17 (a) & (b) may be

2.26 Procedure for Made-to-Order items

The challenges faced in procurement of MTO items are given in
paragraph 1.1. These challenges necessitate special procedure for MTO items
to ensure delivery of quality end-products according to the targeted
production program. The following procedure shall be followed for procuring
Made-to-Order items:

(i) Net deficiency shall be worked out as detailed in paragraph 2.6.

(ii) MTO items are manufactured as per the specific requirements of
ordnance factories and their sources are limited, therefore, to generate
healthy competition, source development exercise shall necessarily be
undertaken through Source Development OTE to develop adequate
sources. Bearing in mind the significance of competition, SDOTE, where
relevant, shall necessarily be issued to vendor with valid registration
(excluding the established suppliers) along with the LTE. Advance Vendor
registration for new vendors should be done twice in a year through
open advertisement during 01st fortnight of January and July of every
year. However, in addition, vendor can also apply for registration
throughout the year. If no response received in AVR/AVR not floated due
to non availability of requirement, then Factory may float SDOTE in two
(iii) Vendors become established source for a particular item after securing
order by participation in a SDOTE for the item and successfully delivering
at least 60% of ordered quantity against the supply order, and the same
being accepted on conformity to the qualitative requirements. However,
supplies against subsequent LTE orders shall be accepted subject to
completion of the supplies under the SDOTE. Established vendors for
aggregates, assemblies and sub-assemblies shall be considered as
established vendors for components and sub-assemblies that go into
making of the aggregate, assembly and sub-assembly.

(iv) The OC is provided in the LTE to take care of the eventuality of the
SDOTE supplies not materialising in time for meeting the targeted
production. Accordingly the OC shall be exercised when it becomes
evident that supplies from SDOTE will not materialise in time for
meeting the targeted production. The OC may also be exercised in case
the supply plan/ indent have been enhanced from that considered while
calculating the net deficiency.
(v) If the value of the net deficiency worked out for a MTO item is up to Rs.
25 lakh (including the OC quantity), then without insisting on SDOTE, the
entire net deficiency may be procured through LTE provided there are
minimum 3 established vendors with valid registration and no cartel is
suspected (to be recorded after due diligence by the relevant TPC). If the
number of established vendors is less than 3, then registered vendors for
the same range of products/ goods/ services/ technology can also be
included for the LTE as provided in paragraph 2.17 (c).
(vi) MTO items are specialised items that do not have commercial
application. Therefore, keeping established sources active/alive is
important. Established production lines in the trade remain alive when
established sources get periodical orders to keep the facilities active.
Thinning out orders on too many established sources has a potential risk
of established sources dying out due to non-availability of adequate
work to keep established facilities alive/active. To avoid such a situation,
for MTO items more than Rs. 25 lakh (including option clause quantity),
where 3 or more established sources is existing for an item, the VSL TPC,
after approval of Empowered Committee/Fy TPC-I / next higher CFA for
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ category items respectively (as mentioned in paragraph
2.24(viii)) and necessary due diligence with recording reasons, may
decide not to undertake further source development, provided the
existing established sources are not acting in collusion/ cartel. In such
case the entire net deficiency may be procured through LTE.
(vii) For items other than those exempted from SDOTE, as decided by (a)
Empowered Committee, (b) Fy TPC-I, (c) Next Higher CFA for ‘A’, ‘B’&‘C’
category items respectively, following provision shall prevail :-
• 80% of the net deficiency shall be procured, with a 25% option
clause, through LTE issued to only established sources with valid
registration. All the established sources, including sources
developed by other factories for that particular item, shall be
allowed to participate in the LTE.

• Balance 20% of the net deficiency shall be procured, without
option clause through SDOTE following a two-bid system where
established sources shall not be allowed to participate. However,
to prevent stock out situations and (or) cater to unforeseen
requirements of the Armed Forces/MHA and on the ground of
national security as per directive of MoD, LTE can be resorted to
for even the balance quantity. In such cases, approval of
Empowered Committee shall be obtained for resorting to LTE.
• With low volume/quantity, if considered necessary by VSL TPC,
LTE of 50% quantity with 100% option clause and SDOTE with
balance 50% quantity without option clause can be initiated.

(viii) (a) EMPOWERED COMMITTEE may be set up at factory level to

identify items/ material with adequate vendor base for ‘A’ category
items. “Empowered Committee” may be constituted in each factory,
consisting of GM/Sr.GM as Chairman of the Committee and
DDG/Concerned Operating Division, Controller of Account (Fys),
AGM/MM, AGM/Similar type of factory as member. For ‘B’ category
items, Fy/TPC-I is empowered to identify items/material with adequate
vendor base. For ‘C’ category items, next higher CFA is empowered to
decide items/material on adequacy of vendor base on case to case basis.
A, B & C category items should be as per standard norms for ABC
Analysis of Inventory.

(b) The above committees for ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ category items will be
empowered to decide on adequacy of vendor base for exemption from
SDOTE. Detailed guidelines shall be formulated through SOP by

(c) The scope of work of the committee is as follows:

i) Every year committees may review the MTO items (‘A’ & ‘B’
category), having 3 or more (minimum 3) established and
registered vendors & finalize the list of MTO items for exemption
from SDOTE. The accepted list of the ‘A’ & ‘B’ category items may
remain valid for 2 years.

ii) The Committees’ should consider the adequacy of the vendor
base, projected requirement of the item, complexity of the
system being developed, time required for development
investment required to be made etc. while making such
iii) Decision of 100% LTE for MTO items in case to prevent stock out
situations and (or) cater to unforeseen requirements of the
Armed Forces/ MHA and on the ground of national security as
per directive of MoD.

(ix) Spares for A Vehicle: Factory may initiate procurement action from the
established sources of the Code/System only on PAC basis. Being non-
recurring requirement, SDOTE may not be required. RC information, if
any, available both at Factory & DGOS Branch may be shared for mutual

(x) To ensure expeditious action on the LTE and SDOTE front, efforts should
be made to finalise the SDOTE in a time bound manner and its progress
be closely monitored.
(xi) Normally bids are not invited from both established as well as un-
established vendors in the same TE. However, where necessary this may
be resorted after recording detailed reasons for the same. In such cases
the entire net deficiency may be procured through OTE, following a 2-
bids system, and allowing established and un-established sources to
participate on a level playing field. In this context capacity assessment/
verification of un-established or unregistered firms shall not be
considered as un-equitable treatment, since, capacities of established
firms are known from the fact that they have supplied the item, and the
capacity of firms are required to be verified prior to their registration.
However, the TPC, if considered necessary, is competent to seek fresh
capacity assessment/ verification of established or registered firms also.
(xii) In LTE for a particular item, tender shall be issued to all established and
registered source(s), including sources developed by other factories for
that particular item. In cases where established & registered sources are
less than three, LTE shall be issued to minimum two established and
registered sources. If the established & registered source is only one,
then procurement shall be on Single Known Basis after rendering the
requisite SKS Certificate (or PAC if a proprietary item). If distribution of
quantity is necessary for having more than one source for strategic
reasons, the distribution ratio shall be indicated in the tender.
(xiii) Sources unambiguously approved for a particular item(s) by
collaborators and design agencies shall also be considered as established
sources for that item. They shall be subjected to the normal vendor
rating as per SOP.

(xiv) SDOTE shall normally be issued to OEMs and manufacturers.

(xv) If the OEMs/ manufacturers deal only through their authorized dealers/
distributors/ stockists then SDOTE may be issued to such authorized

(xvi) SDOTE will be on the 2 bid system wherein the technical bid will lay
down the qualifying criteria, such as minimum turnover of the firm,
production facilities, supplies of similar products made in required
quantity/ quality control arrangements etc. The financial bid will contain
(i) Item-wise price (ii) Details of applicable taxes & duties and (iii) All
other commercial terms & conditions.

(xvii) Indication of the long term requirement, if known, shall be specified in

the SDOTE to invoke interest in sources to quote.

(xviii) Established sources for an item will not be eligible to participate in the
SDOTE for that item. The status whether a firm is established or not shall
be reckoned as on the last date of the previous month in which vendor
selection TPC is held.

(xix) There may be attempts by established manufacturers/ suppliers/

sources for an item to prevent new manufacturers/ sources from being
developed. Therefore following precaution may be taken:

a) The open tender for developing new sources will be in two bid
system, however in the technical bid, only those firms will be short
listed that have the capacity for making/ developing the said item in
terms of machineries, capital, skilled manpower, technology, etc.

b) Any quote that is less than 70% of simple average of the basic rate
(LTE and successfully executed SDOTE/OTE) at which orders
(excluding import orders) have been placed over the preceding
three years (reckoned from the date of tender opening) shall be
deemed as freak rate and rejected.
c) To have more firms developing an item and thereby improve the
probability of developing new sources, in SDOTE the L-2 firm may
be given 40% of the tendered quantity on accepting the L-1 rates,
provided this was indicated in the tender.
d) If a firm on which source development order has been placed is
unable to develop the item within the specified time frame,
existing provision of OFB DFP should be followed.
e) In the retender (or the next OTE, if relevant as mentioned in
preceding paragraph), the firm that was unable to develop the
particular item even with the extended timeframe that resulted in
the retender shall not be allowed to participate.

(xx) To develop vendors for new items, development orders for value not
exceeding delegated powers contained in the DFP, may be concluded
when SDOTE efforts have not been successful.
(xxi) If two SD Supply Order(s) for an item have already been placed against
SDOTEs(irrespective of availability of number of established vendors),
further SDOTE will not be processed till any of these SDOTE Supply Order
is completed/ short closed/cancelled. The firm having one SDOTE supply
order is also not allowed to participate in other SDOTE for same item,
floated by same or any other Factory.

(xxii) The manufacture of certain items sourced from trade may require
multiple diverse technologies, e.g. manufacture of certain type of shells
require forging as well as machining facilities/technologies. Trade firms
generally do not possess the entire range of diverse technologies that
are required for the manufacture of such items. In such cases, the
appropriate Vendor Selection TPC after due deliberations may decide
that firms not possessing required facilities with them, but having
agreement (self-declared by vendors)with other firm for these facilities
can also participate in the tender. This is subject to the assessment that
such bidding firm has adequate facilities to ensure the quantitative and
qualitative output as per the tender enquiry. In case the TEC/TPC
considers it necessary, the capacity of the firm(s) with whom the bidding
firm has such agreement(s) can also be verified for the facilities

outsourced by the bidding firm. The bidder shall facilitate such capacity
verification. It should, however, be ensured that, the bidding firm has
the capacity for the important operations in-house. The VSL TPC should
deliberate and decide, prior to issue of the TE, the facilities are
necessarily to be possessed by the bidding firm and should be duly
incorporated in the tender enquiry.

(xxiii) VSL TPCs may also consider for participation of firms those having
facility/capabilities of integration with testing facilities (System
Integrators). These firms may not have manufacturing facilities but have
agreement (self-declared by vendors) for supplying of
components/assemblies/sub-assemblies. The warranty of the integrated
product shall be given by the integrator.

(xxiv) Long-term Umbrella Agreement/Contracts may be concluded for MTO

items up to 5 years as per details mentioned at para 2.6 & Para 6.18 of
this Manual.

2.27 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017

Provisions contained in Public Procurement (Preference to Make in
India), Order 2017 issued by DIPP, Ministry of Commerce & Industries vide
letter No. P-45021/2/2017-B.E-II dated 15-06-2017 alongwith MoD I.D No.
59011/8/2015-D(HAL-II) dated 19-07-2017 and subsequent amendment issued
by DIPP dated 28.05.2018 & subsequent directives shall be followed. A detailed
SOP in this regard will be issued by OFB/MM.

2.28 Identification of Suppliers

Good awareness and identification of right suppliers capable of fulfilling
the product qualitative requirements is a very vital function in competitive
procurement of quality goods. Further, ensuring transparency, equal
opportunity and fair play are fundamental in procurement. Therefore,
transparent, equitable and fair procedure for selection, registration,
performance appraisal, etc., of firms is absolutely necessary, which should also
be disseminated.

2.29 Registration of Firms
a) Registration of firms shall be done as per the OFB Standard Operating
Procedure for Vendor Registration as updated from time to time. However, for
the items valuing up to Rs. 2,50,000 (Rupees two lakh fifty thousand only) the
said SOP shall not be mandatory as it is within the limit for purchase through
Local Purchase Committee.

b) A firm registered with any Ordnance Factory/Unit for a particular range

of products/ goods/ services shall be considered as a registered firm for the
purpose of procurement by other Ordnance Factory/Unit for procuring the
same range of products/ goods/ services.

c) Performance of registered firms shall be monitored by vendor rating as

per the OFB SOP for Vendor Registration. In case of a necessity for reviewing
the registration of a firm or de-registering a firm, the OFB SOP on Vendor
Registration shall be followed.

d) For renewal of registration, the guidelines as mentioned in the OFB SOP

on Vendor Registration should be followed.

e) In addition to provisions contained in the ‘’OFB SOP on Vendor

Registration’’ of the firms, for de-registration of a firm due to misconduct
(suspension/banning/debarment), the existing guidelines issued by MoD vide
I.D No. 31013/1/2016-D(Vig) Vol.II dated 21.11.2016 & 30.12.2016(or revised
time to time) for penalties in business dealing with entities and the suitable
procedure (SOP) for levy of financial penalties and/or suspension/banning of
business dealings with entities promulgated by OFB should be followed. Action
may be taken by the Head of Department by issuing a show cause notice to the
firm(s) and after due consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances of
the case, an appropriate decision may be taken. The reasons for the decision
should be duly recorded in detail. If the Head of Department is of the view that
the gravity of misconduct justifies penal action involved more than one
Factory/Unit, then the case shall be referred to concerned Operating Division
for appropriate action by Competent Authority.

2.30 Vendor Selection(VSL)
The relevant TPC under whose financial powers the case falls will do the
vendor selection for the procurement. For cases beyond the powers of the
factory (i.e. cases falling under the powers of OFB), vendor selection will be
done by Factory Level – I TPC. In addition to various other points, the Vendor
Selection TPC shall necessarily deliberate on the (i) justification for the
quantities proposed for procurement, (ii) categorisation of the item as MTO or
other than MTO,(iii) adequacy of vendor base, (iv) estimated cost, (v) mode of
procurement with OTE percentage, (vi) realistic delivery period (vii)
identification of essential parameters of the tender, if necessary; if no specific
essential parameter has been identified then, to eliminate arbitrariness, all
parameters of the tender shall be treated as essential. The VSL TPC minutes
shall contain complete details of the deliberations with justification/ reasons.

2.31 Single Bid System

Single bid system may be followed in LTEs or where only established
manufacturers are participating. In single bid system since the technical and
financial terms figure in the same bid, their evaluation as contained in
paragraphs 2.33 and 2.34 shall be done together.

2.32 Two Bid System

a) The two bid system is used in procurements that are complex, technical
in nature or has indeterminable parameters. Two bid system may be followed
in all tenders other than that specified in paragraph 2.31. In such cases bids
should normally be obtained in two parts, namely
(i) Technical Bid and
(ii) Financial Bid.

b) The technical bid and the financial bid should be sealed by the bidder in
separate covers duly super-scribed to indicate the appropriate bid. Both these
sealed covers are to be put in a bigger cover which should also be sealed and
super-scribed to indicate the tender reference, date of opening etc. Only the
technical bids are to be opened and evaluated in the first instance.
c) The technical bid should establish the capability of the participating firm
to manufacture & supply the specified item of the requisite quantity and in the
required time frame. The manufacturing facilities of the participating firms
shall also be got verified if they have not been verified earlier. The technical
bid must, amongst other things ascertain that:

(i) The firm has the required financial capability, assessed by the turnover
in the last three years or certificate of solvency issued by Bank or any
other documents to the satisfaction of TEC.
(ii) It has the minimum critical manufacturing capability as indicated in the
RFP/TE, assessed by listing out the required machines/ manufacturing
facilities and ascertaining the legal ownership thereof. In case the firm
(including integrator) outsources certain operations, evidence of
agreement (self-declared by vendors)for such outsourcing should be
(iii) The firm is properly registered for GSTIN, Income Tax, Excise and Sales
Tax (as and whenever applicable).
(iv) It has the proper licence to operate.
(v) Supplies of the similar products made in previous years. ‘Similar
products’ should be defined in the tender to eliminate ambiguity and
arbitrariness in evaluation.
(vi) If asked for in the tender, the Technical bids should be accompanied
with samples of the product offered, in as many numbers as specified in
the tender. The samples shall be examined for conformity with the QR.
d) At the second stage, the financial bids of only the technically acceptable
offers should be opened for further evaluation. The financial bid shall indicate
the (i) item-wise price (ii) details of applicable taxes & duties and (iii) all other
commercial terms & conditions.

2.33 Evaluation of Technical Bids

a) If tenders are invited in 2 bids, in the first instance, the technical bids
shall be opened. The bidders or their duly authorized representatives shall be
permitted to witness the tender opening. Thereafter, technical evaluation shall
be carried by the appropriate Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) notified in
the DFP. TEC has representatives of the user, designated inspecting agency,
procurement agency, Finance and CFA. Finance representative need not be
associated in the TEC if the deliberations are purely technical like assessing
conformity to technical specifications and other related technical aspects.
Finance representative shall, however, be associated if commercial parameters
such as EMD, PSD, Payment Terms, Warranty/ Guarantee clauses, commercial
viability of the firm, registration with Tax Authorities, any aspects having
financial implication, etc., are indicated in the technical Bid and, these or
compliance aspects (other than technical conformity) are required to be
deliberated at the TEC meeting.

b) The main objective of the TEC is to prepare technical matrix showing
how the technical parameters of bids received compare with the parameters
mentioned in the tender document. All offers conforming to essential
parameters should be accepted. The essential parameters should have been
identified and recorded in the vendor selection TPC, if not all parameters are
to be treated as essential to eliminate arbitrariness.

c) The TEC should prepare a compliance statement bringing out the extent
of variations and differences, if any, with the qualifying parameters specified. If
considered necessary, the TEC may invite the vendors who meet essential
parameters for technical presentation/ clarification.

d) However, during these clarifications the basic profile/ character of

technical offer submitted shall not be permitted to undergo a change.
However, opportunity for revision of minor technical details may be accorded
to all vendors equitably. Original Financial bid should remain firm & fixed and
no alteration in price should be permitted as a consequence of presentations/
clarifications sought by the TEC from the vendor. Conditional offers shall not
be accepted.

e) The TEC should prepare a compliance statement in respect of

commercial terms and conditions, such as EMD, PSD, Payment Terms,
Warranty/ Guarantee clauses, etc., included in the technical bid as per the
tender and deliberate on these.

f) The member secretary of the TEC shall ensure timely recording of the
deliberations of the TEC meeting in the form of a minutes of the meeting and
get it signed by the TEC members and Chairperson. Thereafter, same shall be
concurred by IFA and approved by CFA in the same meeting. The minutes of
the meeting shall also record a confirmatory statement that none of the TEC
members have any personal interest in any of the participating company/
agencies. Status of compliance/ deviations from tender clauses in the form of
CST that was considered by the TEC in its deliberations shall be recorded. Cases
beyond the powers of Factory, TEC report may be accepted by Ordnance
Factory Board/TEC.
g) Financial bids of offers evaluated as technically compliant by the TEC
shall only be opened. Where validation trial/ testing etc of samples are
involved, the financial bids of only those firms whose samples have been
recommended as technically compliant in the validation trial/ test reports shall
be opened.

2.34 Evaluation of Financial Bids
a) Financial evaluation shall be carried by the appropriate Tender Purchase
Committee (TPC) notified in the DFP. TPC shall evaluate (financial) all bids
evaluated as technically compliant by the TEC, and unambiguously determine
the L1 duly recording the reasons. The TPC shall deliberate on the
procurement, and its members shall render advice/ opinion freely/ frankly in
their respective domains to arrive at a well considered decision.

b) On opening the financial bids (of technically compliant bidders) the

comparative statement of tenders should be prepared. The CST should be
prepared with due care showing each element of cost (basic cost of items,
freight, insurance, other requirements except levies, taxes and duties levied by
Central/State/Local governments such as GST etc on final product) separately
against each bidder where only Indian bidders are participating. The CST
should be got vetted by the LAO as to its correctness, where delegated powers
are to be exercised with the concurrence of integrated finance. Evaluation of
financial bids is a very critical activity in procurement, therefore, due care
should be exercised to evaluate the bids strictly as per the tender conditions.

c) Price negotiations should not be held in OTEs and LTEs where adequate
response has been received and the L1 price is assessed as reasonable. In case
firms are called for price/ commercial negotiations, the reasons for taking such
a decision should be recorded by the TPC. Price/ commercial negotiation may,
however, become necessary when there is lack of competition like single
tender situations (including PAC, SKS and RST) or when (irrespective of the
mode of tendering) the price quoted by L1 is assessed as unreasonable. Price/
commercial negotiations shall be conducted by the appropriate TPC.
d) The primary objective of commercial negotiation is to conclude a
reasonable price and commercial terms for the procurement. This is a very
complex task requiring careful consideration of numerous diverse factors.
Some indicative factors that need to be considered while assessing the
reasonableness of price & other commercial terms are the last purchase price,
movement of relevant price indices, market intelligence regarding cost of the
store or similar surrogate stores, material composition, cost analysis of raw
materials, technological intricacies/ complexities of the store or (and) the
process of manufacturing it, processing cost in manufacture of the store,
whether the stores are in current production or otherwise, maintenance
requirements, spares requirement, warrantee, etc.

e) Freak rates (unreasonably low or high) are sometimes quoted by
vendors that frustrate the whole tendering process. This is more likely to
happen in source development where established vendors (Indian or foreign)
may have an interest to engineer entry barriers by persuading pliable firms to
quote unreasonably low. Such orders remain unexecuted for long resulting in
blocking of quantities and a roadblock on source development. Therefore it is
essential to periodically review the progress of source development orders and
take necessary steps to release bad dues for short closure/closure of order
after appropriate opportunity given to the firm.

f) Offers with freak rates (as explained in paragraph 2.26) should not be
accepted and reasons for rejection should be specifically recorded. The
standard tender documents should contain these provisions.

g) The member secretary of the TPC shall ensure timely recording of the
deliberations of the TPC (including VSL TPC) meeting in the form of a minutes
of the meeting and get it signed by the TPC members and Chairperson.
Thereafter, same shall be concurred by IFA and approved by CFA in the same
meeting. The minutes of the meeting shall also record a confirmatory
statement that none of the TPC members have any personal interest in any of
the participating company/ agencies. Status of compliance/ deviations from
tender clauses in the form of CST that was considered by the TPC in its
deliberations shall be recorded.

2.35 Discounted Cash Flow technique for evaluation of price bids

a) There may be situations when suppliers may not agree to the standard
payment terms of ordnance factories and insist on their own payment terms.
Since payment terms have financial implication, proper evaluation of the offers
becomes difficult when the payment terms differ from bid to bid. In such
situations, the Discounted Cash Flow technique can be effectively applied for
determining the L1 status. The DCF is the method of evaluation by which cash
outflow of the future are discounted to current levels by the application of a
discount rate(as per Prime Lending Rate of RBI on the last day of submission of
bid), with a view to reducing all cash flow to a common denomination to
enable comparison.

b) Evaluation of price bids is done by calculating the Net Present Value
(NPV) of the quoted cash outflows and evaluating the L1. DCF technique can
also be utilised to evaluate offers when the deliveries/ payments are spread
over multiple years and the quoted price varies year-to-year.

c) Evaluation using NPV involves the following steps (i) selection of the
discount rate (ii) identifying the cash out flows to be considered in the analysis
(iii) establishing the timing of the cash outflow (iv) calculating NPV of each
alternative (v) selecting the offer with the least NPV. Discounting rate to be
used in the calculation is the PLR of RBI on the last day of submission of bid.

d) When bids are received in the same currency the cash outflows can be
structured by (i) excluding the unknown variables like escalation factors, etc.,
for determining the cash outflow (ii) considering the cash outflows as per the
schedule indicated in different bids (the tender should provide a clause that
the bidder shall indicate the cash outflow schedule in the offer) (iii) calculating
the NPV of different bids (iv) selecting the bid with the lowest NPV as the L1
bid. If the bids are received in the different currencies the cash outflows can be
structured as above after the cash outflows indicated in the various bids are
converted to INR. The BC (Base Currency) selling rate of the Parliament Street
Branch of SBI, New Delhi on the last date of the submission of bids shall be
taken as the exchange rate. Any standard software, pre-loaded as part of a
personal computer may be used for the NPV analysis.

2.36 Resultant Single Tenders

a) There are instances when only a single quote or a single valid acceptable
quote is received against LTE or OTE. Such situations may arise in single bid
tendering as well as in two-bid tendering (before or after technical evaluation).
In such circumstances indicating lack of competition, the following aspects
shall be examined:
(i) Whether all necessary requirements such as standard tender enquiry
conditions, industry-friendly specifications, wide publicity, and sufficient
time for formulation of tenders had been taken care of while issuing the
(ii) Whether the tender had been properly dispatched to prospective
(iii) Whether the specifications, particularly in the LTE cases, could be
reformulated and made broader based to generate wider competition.
(iv) Whether time and criticality of requirement permits reformulation of
the specifications.

b) If the examination reveals that (i) & (ii) have been complied with, and
(iii) &(iv) are not feasible, then the proposal may be processed further by the
appropriate TPC as per the DFP. If there is any doubt about the tendering
process or it is considered feasible to reformulate specifications without
compromising on operational requirement, the tender should be retracted and
re-issued after rectifying the deficiencies and (or) reformulating the

2.37 Option and Repeat Order Clause

I) Option Clause
a) Option clause has an impact on the price quoted by the supplier, and
therefore, should not be included routinely. However, when further
requirement of the stores under procurement exist against quantities of
outstanding indents/ Roll-on-Indent /Roll-on-plan/LoI, then it may be
advantageous to have an option clause in the contract, if agreed to by the
supplier. Therefore, in all such cases where regular repeated requirements
exist, provision for option clause as decided by the VSL TPC, shall be made in
the tender/ contract. The option clause can be exercised (if necessary more
than once) provided the cumulative of the option clause quantities exercised
does not exceed the option clause quantity provided in the contract.

b) All tenders (where subsequent requirement of the item being

purchased, exists or is expected) should include a provision for an option
clause stating “the purchaser (during the original DP or the extended DP, if any
DP extension/ re-fixation are granted) retains the right to exercise an option to
increase the ordered quantity up to a maximum option clause quantity of the
originally contracted quantity at the same rate and terms of contract”.

c) The purchaser may operate the option clause within the original DP as
well as Re-Fixed/Extended DP subject to (i) there being a requirement for the
item (ii) incorporation of Option clause in the contract (iii) there being no
downward trend in price (consent of the supplier is not necessary) or if there is
a downward trend, the supplier agreeing to reduce the price for the enhanced
quantity duly matching with the fall in prices, and (iv) if no fruitful result will
accrue by floating fresh TE or when the store is urgently required for meeting
production targets.

d) In case of a downward trend and the supplier agreeing for a matching
reduction in prices for the enhanced quantity, the TPC, before exercising the
option clause, should carry out the necessary due diligence and unambiguously
record that the reduced price is reasonable. While carrying out assessment of
downward trend, if any, provisions of the para 5.23 and 5.24 shall be

e) The CFA shall be decided taking into consideration the value of the originally
ordered quantity plus the option clause quantity. CFA in umbrella agreements
of multi years shall be decided on the basis of average annual requirement,
since the total value of the contract is the sum of annual contracts (i.e. Total
tendered quantity divided by no. of contract years).
f) In contracts with PV formula, the PV formula being the terms & conditions of
the contract, shall apply during the OC also.

g) Option Clause has a price implication, therefore, in multi-vendor situations,

to provide a level playing field to all vendors, if the tender specifies an Option
Clause, bids received without compliance to the same shall be considered as
unresponsive. This shall be clearly mentioned in the tender document. In case
none of the participating vendors have complied to the OC, then the
concerned TPC, after due deliberations, may consider all the bids as responsive
on the principle of equitable treatment of vendors.

h) Option Clause can be exercised in case of STE/PAC/SKS also.

II) Repeat Order

a) Repeat Order clause should not be included in the TE and Contract as it
has an impact on the price quoted by the supplier. However, when further
requirement of the stores under procurement exist against quantities of
outstanding indents/ Roll-on-Indent/Roll-on-plan/LoI, then it may be
advantageous to have a Repeat Order to meet the unforeseen/sudden or
urgent or emergent requirement. Therefore a repeat order may be placed with
prior approval of Sr. GM/GM on file justifying unforeseen/sudden or urgent or
emergent requirement, before initiating Repeat Order. For the Repeat Order
cases falling under Factory TPC-I, prior approval of Operating Member shall be

b) A Repeat order against a previous order may be placed with the

recommendation of relevant TPC and approved by the CFA and concurrence of
integrated finance. The Repeat Order may be placed subject to the following:

i) Items ordered against the previous order were delivered successfully.
ii) It may be exercised within six months from the date of completion of
supply against the previous order.
iii) Original order was not placed to cover urgent/emergent demand.
iv) Repeat Order is not placed to split the requirement to avoid obtaining the
sanction of the next higher CFA.
v) The original order was placed on the basis of lowest reasonable and
justified price and accepted by TPC, and not on the basis of delivery or any
other preference.
vi) The requirement is there for the stores as seen in the calculation of the
net deficiency.
vii) A fresh T.E will be issued to the vendor for getting the commercial offer
for the quantity not exceeding 100% of the previous order.
viii) It should not be construed as single vendor case &CFA for Repeat Order
TPC will remain the same as CFA of Original SO TPC.
ix) In contracts with PV formula, the PV formula being the terms & conditions
of the contract, shall apply during the RO also.
x) RO can be exercised in case of PAC/ Single vendor/OEM also.

2.38 Retendering
a) Retendering may be resorted to under the following circumstances:
(i) None of the offer(s) conform to qualitative requirements and other
terms & conditions set out in the tender.
(ii) There are major changes in specifications and quantity that may have
considerable impact on the price.
(iii) Prices quoted are unreasonably high with reference to assessed
reasonable price or there is evidence of a sudden slump in prices after
receipt of the bids.

b) In case the lowest bidder withdraws his offer, re-tendering should be

resorted to as per the instructions issued by the Central Vigilance Commission.
While retendering TE may not be issued to the vendor who had backed out and
EMD, if any, of such a firm should be forfeited. Further General Managers/
Heads of Establishment may issue a show cause notice to the defaulting firm,
and after considering the reply received thereto, can impose penalty as per
existing guidelines on penalties issued by MoD.

c) If retender is unavoidable in an OTE/ SDOTE for procurement of MTO
items, then (to reduce time) after recording reasons, retender can be issued to
the firms that qualified in the capacity verification in the initial OTE/ SDOTE,
provided the time span between the initial OTE/ SDOTE and the retender is not
more than 6 months. Subsequent retenders, if any, shall be OTE/ SDOTE as

d) When retendering is decided due to unreasonable rates, negotiation

may be held with the firm for supply of the bare minimum urgent/ inescapable
requirement, if retendering for the entire quantity is likely to delay the
availability of the item(s) jeopardizing the essential operations such as meeting
the production targets, maintenance and safety. The balance quantity should,
however, be procured expeditiously through retender following the normal
tendering process.

2.39 Cartel Formation/ Pool Rates

a) Sometimes a group of bidders act in collusion to manipulate the tender
process. Cartels normally attempt at manipulating the price and (or) the
quantities. Pool/ Cartel formation is against the basic principle of competitive
bidding as it defeats the very purpose of open and competitive tendering
system. Such practices should be severely discouraged with strong measures.
In cases where the firms have formed cartel, the offers may be rejected, and
the colluding firms shall be issued show-cause notice and their reply examined.
Thereafter, based on the merits of the case, action may be taken as per
existing guidelines on penalties issued by MoD/OFB. Suitable provision in this
regard should be made in the tender documents. Further, actions like
reporting to the Competition Commission, Registrar of Companies, NSIC, FICCI,
ASSOCHAM, etc., as relevant, should be taken when cartels are formed on case
to case basis requesting them, inter alia, to take suitable strong action against
such bidders. All requests for making reference to outside agencies, such as
Registrar of Companies or trade associations, are to be made to the Ministry of
Defence. Detailed guidelines issued by the Competition Commission of India
may be kept in mind while deliberating on the issue of Cartel formation/Bid
Rigging/ Competition in bidding etc.

b) Where cartel/ collusion is suspected but not confirmed, then to break

the possible anticompetitive efforts, tender shall specify that bids offering less
than 50% of the tendered quantity shall be considered unresponsive. In
addition the tendered quantity may be distributed in the ratio 60:40 or
50:30:20 on the basis of vendor rating of the firms worked out as per the OFB

Vendor Registration SOP updated from time to time. Where feasible, the
possibility of procuring the item on advertised tender instead of LTE should be
explored. Further, the source development efforts for the item should be
stepped up.

2.40 Placement of Order on more than One Firm in a Tender

Provision 7.15.1 of DPM 2009 (as revised from time to time) relating to
apportionment of quantity may be followed. Detailed guidelines shall be issued
by OFB within the overall framework of this Manual.

2.41 Samples
When a contract is to be concluded on the basis of approved sample, the
same shall bear the seal(s) and signature(s) of the approving authority(s) as
appropriate. Various types of samples like standard sample, tender sample,
advance sample, bulk supply sample, quality/ audit sample, reference sample,
etc., may be encountered during the procurement process. All such samples
shall be drawn, retained, classified and disposed in accordance with the
instructions issued.

2.42 Entire and Severable Contracts

a) A contract in the sale of goods to be delivered by instalments may be
either (i) an entire contract or (ii) a severable contract.

(i) Entire contract: Delivery to commence after 45 days and completion
within 3 months @ 20,000 units per month i.e. 31.03.2018 or earlier.
(ii) Severable contract: Delivery date-7410 units by 15.2.2018; 8510 units by

b) According to legal advice, in the case of a severable contract, each

instalment constitutes a separate contract and extension in delivery period
would be necessary for each instalment separately. If stores are accepted after
expiry of the delivery date of a particular instalment without extension in
delivery period being given with reservation of right to liquidated damages the
purchaser will not be legally entitled to claim the liquidated damages.
Therefore, in contracts with delivery in instalments (i.e. the severable
contracts) purchase officers should watch the delivery position of each
instalment against the specified delivery date, and whenever necessary, grant
extension in delivery period if there is delay in supplies against the individual
instalments or cancel that instalment.

2.43 Pre-contract Integrity Pact
Pre-contract Integrity Pact should be signed between the purchaser and
the bidder as per provision and format placed at Annexure.

2.44 Import Regulation

a) Import is regulated by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade under
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce, Government of
India. Authorized dealers, while undertaking import transactions, should
ensure that the imports into India are in conformity with the Foreign Trade
Policy in force (as decided and framed by DGFT) and Foreign Exchange
Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000 framed by
Government of India vide Notification No G.S.R. 381(E) dated 03 May 2000 and
the directions issued by Reserve Bank of India under Foreign Exchange
Management Act from time to time.
b) Importer should follow normal banking procedures and adhere to the
provisions of Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits (UCPDC)
while opening Letters of Credit for import into India.

2.45 Ground Rent

If the material supplied by the vendors is rejected at the factory
premises, the vendor is required to lift the rejected material within 30 days of
issue of rejection I-Note. The OFs have right to recover a charge for the storage
space at @1% of the cost of material un-cleared, per week or part thereof,
with maximum ceiling of 10% of value of the items. After lapse of 10 weeks, if
it is found that firm has not taken any action for lifting of items, the goods may
be confiscated and disposed off as per disposal procedure in vogue after
sending a notice and giving 30 working days time to the firm. A specific
provision should be made in the tender documents to the effect that ground
rent be calculated from the date of expiry of the period of removal of item. No
ground rent should be charged from Central/State Govt/Central PSUs. When
the firm fails to pay the applicable ground rent within the prescribed period,
factory is entitled to recover the ground rent due and all incidental expenses
from EMD/PSD. The financial power for exemption of Ground Rent may be
incorporated in the DFP.

2.46 General Instructions to Bidders
a) Subject to other specific provisions in this Manual, the broad instructions
for the prospective bidders are as in following paragraphs.

b) A firm registered with OFB for the manufacture/ supply of the tendered
goods/ services would be eligible to bid. An unregistered firm may get itself
assessed for capacity/ competency to manufacture/ supply the tendered
goods/ services to become eligible to participate in tendering. As regards
unregistered firms participating in OTE in two bid system, the capacity
verification may be done during technical evaluation before opening of the
price bid. This may be through an agency and/ or through physical verification
by a duly constituted capacity verification team. For other details of
registration of the firms, paragraph 2.26 may be referred.

c) A prospective bidder who requires clarification regarding the contents of

the bidding documents shall notify the purchaser in writing, and the purchaser
shall respond in writing to the clarifications well ahead of the tender opening
date. Copies of the query and clarification by the purchaser shall be sent to all
prospective bidders who have received the bidding documents. Last date for
asking queries/clarification by the bidder is to be mentioned in the tender
d) Bids should be forwarded by bidders under their original memo /letter
pad, inter alia, furnishing the TIN No., GSTIN, Bank Address with NEFT/RTGS
account No., IFS Code and the complete postal and e-mail address and contact
number of the firm.
e) At any time prior to the date of submission of bids the purchaser may,
whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective bidder, may modify bid documents by amendments. The
amendments shall be notified in writing to all prospective bidders. In order to
afford prospective bidder a reasonable time to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bids, the purchaser may, at his discretion, extend
the deadline for submission of bids in such cases but not less than 5 working
days after the amendment.

f) A bid shall remain valid for ninety days in case of single bid tender and
one hundred eighty days in case of two-bid system, from the date of the
opening of the tender, unless otherwise specified. A bid valid for shorter
period can be rejected by the purchaser as being nonresponsive, after giving
the bidder an opportunity to comply to the tender specified validity period. In
exceptional circumstances the purchaser may request the consent of the
bidder for an extension to the period of bid validity. Such requests shall be
made in writing. The bid security provided shall also be suitably extended. A
bidder accepting the request and granting extension shall not be permitted to
modify his bid.

g) In the case of advertised tender enquiry or limited tender enquiry, late

bids (i.e. bids received after the specified date and time for receipt of bids)
shall not be considered and returned unopened to the bidder.

h) A bidder may modify or withdraw his bid after submission provided that
the written notice of modification or withdrawal is received by the purchaser
prior to deadline prescribed for submission of bids. A withdrawal notice may
be sent by fax but it should be followed by a signed confirmation copy to be
sent by post and such signed confirmation should reach the purchaser not later
than the deadline for submission of bids. No bid shall be modified after the
deadline for submission of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval
between the deadline for submission of bids and expiration of the period of
bid validity specified. Withdrawal of a bid during this period will result in
Bidder’s forfeiture of bid security.

i) During evaluation and comparison of bids, the purchaser may, at its

discretion, ask the bidder for clarification of his bid. The request for
clarification shall be in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid
shall be sought, offered or permitted. No post bid clarification on the initiative
of the bidder shall be entertained.

j) Enlistment of Indian Agents: OFs if they so require, may enlist Indian

agents, who desire to quote directly on behalf of their foreign principals as per
amended Rule 152 of GFR 2017 (MoF letter No. F.26/2/2016-PPD dated

k) One agent cannot represent two OEMs/ Principals or quote on their

behalf in a particular tender enquiry.

2.47 Instruction to Purchase Officers

a) Subject to other specific provisions of this Manual, the broad
instructions for the purchase officers are contained in the following

b) The categorised vendor list shall be reflected on a common COMNET

portal. Vendors shall be broadly divided into the following categories: -

(i) Registered and established vendors for a particular item
(ii) Established vendors since long but not registered
(iii) Registered vendors but not yet established
(iv) Potential vendors neither registered nor established supplier for a
particular item as yet
(v) DRDO/ AHSP/ Collaborator approver/ recommended vendors for
new items
(vi) Banned / Suspended vendors

c) Purchaser shall evaluate the bids to determine whether they are

complete; whether any computational errors have been made; whether
required sureties have been furnished; whether essential documents such as
the technical literature and supporting documents, etc. specified in the tender
have been furnished; whether the bid documents have been properly signed;
and, whether the bids are generally in order.

d) If there is a discrepancy between unit price and the total price, the unit
price shall prevail. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the
amount in words shall prevail. If a supplier does not accept the correction of
the errors, his bid should be rejected and the bid security may be forfeited.

e) Trivial errors such as omission to (i) enter the rates in words, (ii) initial
any alteration in rates or (iii) sign both the tender and the schedules(s) may be
corrected, initialled & dated both by the officers opening the tenders and,
thereafter, signed & dated by the bidder.
f) Prior to detailed evaluation, the purchaser should determine the
substantial responsiveness of each bid with respect to the tender. A
substantially responsive bid is the one that conforms to all terms & conditions
of the bid documents without material deviations. Deviations from/
objections/ reservations to critical provisions like earnest money, performance
security, liquidated damages, warranty/ guarantee, applicable law, taxes &
duties, non-submission of documents such as valid agency agreement, etc
should be deemed to be material deviations.
g) The evaluation and comparison of responsive bids (where only Indian
bidders are participating) shall be done on the prices of the goods offered and
other charges such as Packing & Forwarding, Freight and Insurance, AMC, etc.,
as indicated in the price schedule of the Bid documents but excluding levies,
taxes and duties such as GST etc on final product, which are to paid extra as
per actual, wherever applicable against documentary evidence.

h) Contract shall be awarded to the successful bidder whose bid has been
determined to be (i) substantially responsive (ii) the lowest evaluated bid (iii)
technically & financially acceptable, and (iv) successful in type approval/
validation tests (where applicable) done by the purchaser. The purchaser
reserves the right to counteroffer price (s) against price (s) quoted by any
i) No tender condition shall be waived or relaxed after issue of TE as this
may result in denial of opportunity to firms that could have met the revised
condition had this been reflected in the TE ab-initio. This is particularly relevant
in resultant single vendor cases where waiver of essential parameters after
issue of TE and receipt of tenders would be prejudicial to the interest of other
firms that could have submitted their bids as per the revised parameters but
did not do so because of the essential parameters mentioned in the TE.
j) To obviate the possibility of the TE fetching no response, resulting in a
single vendor situation or resulting in generation of limited competition,
technical specifications may be firmed up in a pre-bid conference in two-bid
tender, particularly where the goods/ services to be procured are not available
commercially off-the-shelf or are of complex and highly technical nature.

k) In two bid system technical clarifications may be obtained after opening

of technical bids. However, no revision of the financial bids should be
permitted after opening of technical bids.

l) Procurement will be processed through e-procurement portal for cases

above the threshold limit, except LPC and cash and carry procurements.


Chapter 3

3. The Tender Process

3.1 Tendering
a) Preparation of the Tender Enquiry is the most critical stage in the
procurement process. Careful and meticulous preparation of the TE can
eliminate subsequent complications and the associated delays, thereby,
enhance the efficiency of the procurement process. TE should unambiguously
contain all the techno-commercial details of the procurement, and shall
include amongst others, clauses clearly bringing out the complete
specifications/ scope of requirement, technical & financial evaluation criteria,
payment terms, PV formula (if applicable), inspection, delivery schedule &
basis, warranty, liquidated damages, earnest money, performance security,
arbitration, etc., apart from clear instructions to the bidders on how to submit
his bid.
b) Standard tender documents shall be used as per Annexure. If any special
condition (s) is required to be added (including indicating the option that will
apply in the tender in respect of clauses of the standard tender document
containing multiple options) these shall be indicated in the additional
instructions/ conditions of the tender, and the contractor's unqualified
acceptance obtained thereof before incorporating the same in the supply
order. Additional conditions should not replicate any of the clauses of the
general conditions, and wherever the additional conditions are indicated, it
should be made clear that the additional condition is in lieu of the specific
general condition (to be indicated).

3.2 Publicity of Advertised Tenders

a) Printed Advertisement (in the form of a Tender Notice) in leading
newspapers relating to OTE through DAVP/ Indian Trade Journal has been
discontinued and replaced with mandatory e-publishing of advertisement on
CPP portal, OFB e-procurement portal and GeM (for items available). Any OF
still feels that the advertisement should be published in newspaper, a request
for DAVP should be sent in a singed letter stating that competent authority of
Factory has approved publication of newspaper advertisements. In such cases,
only window advertisement will be published. All TEs, RFPs, EoI, Notice for pre-
Qualification/Registration or any other notice inviting bids or proposals in any
form whether they are advertised, issued to limited number of parties or a to a
single party will be uploaded in CPP portal at and/or on
OFB e-procurement portal and/or on GeM (for items available).

b) GTE, in addition to above, may be sent to the selected Indian Embassies
abroad as well as to the Foreign Embassies in India requesting them to give
wide publicity of the requirement in those countries. They may also be
requested to put the tender notice on their web sites. In Embassies and High
Commissions where Defence Attachés are posted, the GTE notice may be sent
to the Defence Attachés for giving publicity. The selection of the embassies will
depend on the possibility of availability of the required stores in such
countries. Copies of the GTE may also be sent to known OEMs.

3.3 Notice Inviting Tender

The tender notice for an advertised tender should be carefully drafted. It
should contain all essential features in brief to give a clear idea to the
prospective bidders about the requirements. Superfluous or irrelevant details
should not be incorporated in the tender notice as it will not only increase the
cost of the advertisement but may also restrict competition. Tender Notice
should normally contain:
(i) Description and specification of the goods and quantity
(ii) Period and terms of delivery
(iii) Cost of the tender/ bidding document
(iv) Place(s) and timing of sale of tender documents
(v) Place and deadline for receipt of tenders
(vi) Place, time & date for opening of tenders
(vii) Amount & Form of Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit
(viii) Web-address for downloading tender documents
(ix) Any other important information

3.4 Sale of Tender Documents

a) Tender documents should preferably be sold up to one day prior to date
of opening of tenders and should be clearly indicated in the documents. The
sale of tender documents against advertised tenders should not be restricted.
Records shall be maintained about the number of tender documents issued,
list of parties to whom issued and details of the amount received through issue
of the tender document.
b) Complete set of the tender documents should be posted on the web site
and prospective bidders shall be permitted to use the document downloaded
from the web site. In e-procurement and where tender documents are
downloadable, cost of tender documents need not be charged. Such
documents must be secured to control/ restrict access as well as avoiding
possibility of modification.

c) Price of the manual tender document should be charged at the rate of
Rs. 200/- as stationery cost. MSEs (Micro and Small enterprises) having UAM
number shall be exempted from payment of tender fee.
d) Cost of drawings and specifications will be extra, if required.

e) In advertised tenders, the NIT and/ or tender documents may also be

sent to (i) all suppliers registered for the particular range of items and (ii) to
the known OEMs, through post or e-mail, through e-portal.

3.5 Despatch of tender documents

Bidding document may be sent to vendors through speed post/
registered post/ courier/ email/ fax. When bidding documents are sent to firms
through email/ fax, copies of the same should also be sent by registered post.

3.6 Format of Tender

The bidders are to furnish their quotations as per the prescribed format
and instructions incorporated in the tender documents. Fax quotations shall
not be accepted.

3.7 Time for submission of bids

a) Ordinarily, the minimum time allowed for submission of bids in an
advertised tender should be three weeks from the date of publication of the
tender notice or availability of the bidding document available on e-portal for
sale, whichever is later. Where it is contemplated to obtain bids from abroad,
the minimum period should be four weeks for both domestic and foreign
bidders. For reasons to be recorded and without compromising on
transparency and fairness, a reduced time frame for submission of bids can be
adopted in case of urgency by VSL TPC.

b) In LTEs sufficient time, normally 3 weeks, should be allowed for

submission of bids. For perishable goods or consumables a reduced time frame
may be adopted.
3.8 Amendments/ Modifications to Tenders
The bidder, after submitting its tender, is permitted to submit
alterations/ modifications to its tender so long such alterations/ modifications
are received duly sealed and marked like original tender, up to the
original/modified tender closing date & time. Any amendment/ modification
received after the prescribed original/modified tender closing date & time,
should not to be considered.

3.9 Extension of Tender Opening Date
a) Sometimes, situations may necessitate modification of the tender
documents already issued (in LTEs) or already put on sale (in OTEs). Also, after
receiving the documents, a bidder may point out some genuine mistakes
necessitating amendment in the tender documents. In such situations, it is
necessary to amend/ modify the tender documents suitably prior to the date
of submission of bids. Copies of such amendment/ modification should be
simultaneously sent to all the selected suppliers by registered/ speed post/
courier/ e-mail in case of LTE. In case of OTE, the copies of such amendment /
modification are to be simultaneously despatched, free of cost, by registered/
speed post/ courier/ e-mail, to all the parties who have already purchased the
tender documents and copies of such amendments are also to be prominently
attached in the unsold sets of the tender documents (which are available for
sale), including the tender documents put in the web site.

b) When the amendment/ modification changes the requirement

significantly and (or) when there is not much time left for the bidders to
respond to such amendments, and prepare revised tender, the time and date
of submission of tenders are also to be extended suitably but not less than five
working days, along with suitable changes in the corresponding time-frames
for receipt of tender, tender validity period etc and validity period of the
corresponding EMD/ bid security. Depending on the situation, such an
amendment may also need fresh publication adopting the same procedure as
for publication of the original tender enquiry.

c) There may also be situation where adequate response has not been
received in a tender, in such cases also the General Managers/ Heads of
Department may after duly recording the reasons, extend the tender opening

d) Even in those cases where extension of tender opening date does not
become necessary because of the amendment to the tender (e.g. situations
where adequate response have not been received) the Sr.GM/GM/ Heads of
Department, for reasons to be recorded, may extend the date of opening of
the tender as specified in the tender but such extension should not exceed the
total delivery period envisaged in the tender. Such extensions and
amendments should be published in the same journals/ newspapers in which
the original tender was published and must be given publicity through the
website if the original tender was hosted on the website.

3.10 Prequalification in advertised tenders
a) Prequalification in advertised tenders is a process to select competent
suppliers having technical and financial capability commensurate with the
requirements of the particular procurement (Project/ supply of goods/ hiring
of services). The prerequisites of the prequalification process are (i)
transparency (ii) fairness and (iii) maintenance of competition.

b) The purpose of prequalification procedure is to attract the participation

of reputed & capable firms with proven track record and ensure that only
capable firms are left in the fray. Therefore, it should be ensured that the
prequalification criteria are exhaustive, yet specific, and there is fair &
adequate competition. It should be ensured that the prequalification criteria
are clearly stipulated in unambiguous terms in the bid documents.

c) Prequalification shall be based entirely upon the capability and

resources of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract
satisfactorily, taking into account their
(i) Experience and past performance on similar contracts for last 2 years.
(ii) Capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment and manufacturing
(iii) Financial standing through latest IT returns, Annual Report (Balance
Sheet and Profit & Loss Account) of last 3 years.

d) The quantity, delivery and value of the requirement shall also be kept in
view while fixing the prequalification criteria. No bidder should be denied
prequalification for reasons unrelated to its capability and resources to
successfully perform the contract.

3.11 Pre-bid Conference

In case of turn-key contract, contract of special nature, complex
procurement, etc., a suitable provision may be kept in the tender enquiry
document for a pre-bid conference for clarifying issues and clearing doubts, if
any, about the specification and other allied technical/ evaluation/ commercial
details of the item projected in the tender enquiry document. The date, time
and place of pre-bid conference should be indicated in the tender enquiry
document for information of the interested bidders. This date should be
sufficiently ahead of tender opening date.

3.12 Receipt and Custody of Tenders
a) Receipt and custody of tenders shall be done in a transparent manner.
To ensure that the bids are received by the purchaser in time, a tender box (s)
is to be placed in an easily accessible but secured place, duly locked and
sealed, clearly indicating the name of the department. The words “Tender
Box” should be written on the box in bold font.

b) In cases where the tenders are required to be submitted by hand, it may

be ensured that the names and designation of at least two officers are
mentioned in the bid documents. The information about these officers should
also be displayed at the entrance/ reception of the premises where tenders are
to be deposited so as to ensure convenient approach for the bidders.

3.13 Reference to Brands in TE

Broad-based specifications, use of industry standards in the
specification, etc., will promote healthy competition in procurement.
Therefore, a specific brand or catalogue number of a brand, etc. should not be
referred to in the tender. However, in some unavoidable situations if it is
essential to buy an item of a specific brand name, then LTE shall be issued to all
known authorized dealers for that brand.

3.14 Opening of Tenders under Single Bid System

a) All tenders received on time in sealed envelope should be opened in the
presence of authorized representatives of the bidders at the prescribed time,
date and place by the official/ Tender Opening Committee, to be nominated by
the CFA in advance. The authorized representatives, who intend to attend the
tender opening, would be required to bring with them letters of authority from
the bidders concerned.

b) The tender opening official/ committee should announce the salient

features of the tenders like description and specifications of the goods, quoted
price, terms of delivery, delivery period, discount if any, whether EMD
furnished or not and any other special feature of the tender for the
information of the representatives attending the tender opening.
c) After opening, every tender should be numbered serially, initialled and
dated on the first page by the official(s) authorized to open the tenders. Each
page of the price schedule or letter attached to it shall also be initialled by
them with date, particularly the prices, delivery period etc., which should also
be circled and initialled indicating the date. Blank tenders, if any, should be
marked accordingly by the tender opening officials.

d) The official (s) opening the tenders shall encircle and initial with date &
time alterations/ erasing/ cutting, if any found in the opened tenders, to
authenticate that these were present in the tenders at the time of opening.
e) The tender opening official(s) should prepare the list of representatives
who attended the tender opening and obtain the signatures of the
representatives on the list. The list should contain the name of the
representative and the name & address of the firm he is representing.
Authority letters furnished by the representatives should be attached with this
list. This list should be signed by both the tender opening official(s) with date &
time and handed over to the procurement officer and acknowledgement
obtained for the same.
f) The tender opening official (s) shall also prepare an on-the-spot report
containing the names of the bidders (serial number wise) salient features of
the tenders, as read out during public opening of tenders and affix their
signature on the report with date and time. This, along with the tenders that
have been opened, shall be handed over to the procurement officer.

3.15 Opening of Tenders under Two Bid System

The procedure laid down in the preceding paragraph should be followed
mutatis mutandis under two bids system also but only the technical bids
should be opened in the first instance. Financial bids of only technically
acceptable bidders should be opened after evaluation of the technical bids and
approval of the TEC report by the CFA. The financial bids of bidders whose bids
are not found technically acceptable shall be returned back to the bidders

3.16 Late Tenders and Unsolicited Offers

a) Tenders or modifications to tender received after the specified time for
submission shall be treated as ‘Late’ tenders and shall be marked as “Late
tender”. Similar action should be taken in late quotations are received through
post, i.e. the officer should mark these tenders as “Late tender” and file them.
Late tenders shall not be opened but shall be kept sealed in their original
envelopes and returned back to the firm.

b) Unsolicited offers shall be summarily rejected. Such quotations may be

entered, in red ink, in the Comparative Statement of Tenders below all the
regular tenders. Receipt of late tenders, if any, (which shall not be opened)
shall also be entered in the Comparative Statement of Tenders below all the
regular tenders in red ink.

3.17 Force Majeure
a) Force majeure means an event beyond the control of the supplier and
not involving the supplier’s fault or negligence, and which is not foreseeable.
Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the purchaser either
in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, hostility, acts of
public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts, freight embargoes, acts/ actions of
state authorities or any other circumstances beyond the control of the parties.
If there is delay in performance or other failures by the supplier to perform its
obligation under its contract due to an event of Force Majeure occurring after
conclusion of the contract, then the supplier shall not be held responsible for
such delays/ failures.

b) If a force majeure situation arises, the supplier shall promptly notify the
purchaser in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within 21 days of
occurrence of such event (commencement as well as cessation of the force
majeure event). Unless otherwise directed by the purchaser in writing, the
supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as
reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the force majeure event. If the performance in
whole or in part or any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed
by any reason of force majeure for a period exceeding 60 days, either party
may at its option terminate the contract without any financial repercussion on
either side.

c) In contracts on foreign vendors, the Certificate of a Chamber of

Commerce (Commerce and Industry) or other competent authority or
organization of the respective country shall be a sufficient proof of
commencement and cessation of the above circumstances.

d) There may also be a force majeure situation affecting only the

purchaser. In such a situation the purchaser is to take up with the supplier on
similar lines as above for further necessary action.


Chapter 4

4. Inspection and Delivery

4.1 Inspection
a) Before accepting the contracted goods, it must be ensured that the
goods have been manufactured as per the required specifications and are
capable of performing the functions as specified in the contract. Accordingly,
the tender document and the consequent contract shall unambiguously specify
complete details of inspection/ tests to be carried out and the stages/ manner
for carrying out the same. The details of the Inspecting Authority shall also be
incorporated in the tender documents.

b) The stages and modes of inspection will depend on the nature of the
goods, total value of the contract, location of the supplier, location of the user,
etc. The commonly followed mode of inspection is given in the following
paragraphs. Generally stage inspection should not be insisted upon unless the
item is of critical nature.

4.2 Inspection at Supplier’s Premises

a) Normally inspection at supplier’s premises may either be Stage
Inspection, if the inspection is conducted during the manufacturing process or
Pre-despatch Inspection, if the inspection is conducted on the finished
products prior to despatch from supplier’s premises. In import procurements
with Inspection at the supplier’s premises, the TE shall mention the scope of
such inspection, the likely number of such inspections, the composition of the
inspection team and duration of inspections.

b) The stores shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of the

contract. Where inspection at the supplier’s premises is specified, the seller
will give the buyer sufficient advance notice (in writing) of the date on which
the goods will be ready for inspection. The seller will also provide the buyer’s
inspector all the necessary facilities including appliances, tools, material and
labour at no extra cost, to carry out the specified inspection. When
independent tests and analyses, in addition to those made by the inspector on
the seller’s or sub-seller’s premises, are considered necessary, the seller shall
provide testing at seller’s expense and deliver, free of charge, at such place as
the purchaser may direct, such materials as he may require for tests or

c) If any of the products whether finished or in the course of production,
are rejected by the inspector, they shall be marked and segregated in such a
distinctive manner, to the satisfaction of the inspector, so as to ensure that
they are identified as rejected products. The buyer shall not be liable for
payment for any rejected supplies or any costs of inspection thereof. The seller
shall at his own expenses and within the period of delivery, as specified in the
contract, replace or make good, to the satisfaction of the inspector, any
articles rejected on inspection. The decision of the inspector regarding mode,
method, rejection or acceptance of the specified items/ entire batch/ lot will
be final.

d) The buyer reserves the right to inspect the stores on receipt and
discrepancy or defects found shall be reported to the Seller within a period
specified in the contract and the seller shall rectify the same within a period
specified in the contract on receiving the intimation.

4.3 Acceptance of Stores against Supplier’s Inspection Report and

a) Often in case of stores to be imported from abroad, pre-despatch
inspection of goods at supplier’s premises involves considerable expenditure to
the purchaser. In such a situation, if feasible, the purchaser may substitute the
pre-despatch inspection by the purchaser’s inspector with the manufacturer’s
in-house inspection report and warranty. However, before adopting this
procedure, the nature and cost of the goods ordered, the reliability of the
supplier, etc. shall be kept in view and appropriate decision taken. For checking
the reliability and background of the supplier, if necessary, the purchase
organization may also request the Indian Embassy located in that country for a
report on the technical/ financial competence of the firm. Further, reliable
publications/internet sources that provide authentic technical & financial data
and details of the manufacturing companies located in those countries, such
publications may also be relied upon for this purpose.

b) Acceptance of stores against the supplier’s Inspection Report, if

necessary, can also be resorted to in domestic procurements if the supplier is

4.4 Inspection at Consignee’s Premises
In this mode the inspection is done on receipt of goods at the
purchaser’s site before accepting the same. Sometimes Joint Receipt
Inspection at the consignee’s premise, by the representatives of supplier and
the buyer, may be considered necessary, in such cases the requirement shall
be clearly specified in the tender/ contract. Depending on the nature of the
store and its value, generally a Joint Receipt Inspection (JRI) may be necessary
if stores have been provisionally accepted (i) against supplier’s Inspection
Report & warranty or (ii) Pre-despatch Inspection.

4.5 Inspection after Installation & Commissioning at Site

This method is adopted to check the performance and output of the
equipment, machinery, sub-assembly, etc., after the same is installed &
commissioned at site or assembled/ integrated with the main assembly.

4.6 Inspection Procedure

The inspection procedure shall be as per the provisions contained in the
contract. After satisfactory inspection/ tests, the acceptable goods shall be
stamped, labelled, marked or sealed, according to the circumstances in such a
way as to make subsequent identification of accepted lots easy for the
consignee/ user. Inspection Notes shall be issued in the prescribed format for
the goods accepted. For goods, not meeting the contract requirements the
rejection Inspection Notes shall be issued immediately.

4.7 Inspection of Goods offered at the fag-end/ on the last date of the
Contract Delivery Period at Firm’s Premises
Where feasible the supply order while mentioning the delivery period
may also indicate the time required for inspection, so as to facilitate the
supplier offering stores for inspection well in time. In cases where the supplier
offers stores for inspection during the last few days of the contract delivery
period or on the last day of the contract delivery period at firm’s premises, the
stores shall be deemed to have been supplied within the delivery period as per
supply order i.e no DP extension shall be required. In such cases, the inspection
should be completed and I-Note may be issued at the earliest and vendor may
be allowed to deliver the materials maximum within 30 days beyond the issue
of I-Note. Delivery period extension will be required for the supplies beyond 30
days of issue of I-Note and/or full/ partial rejection of stores. As regards
application of LD, refer the provision at paragraph 4.20 (b) & 4.22 of this
manual. This provision may be included in the RFP/TE.
4.8 Purchaser’s Right of Rejection
On many occasions, the stores received at factory’s premises are in
damaged condition or having deviations from the I-Note. Under such
circumstances, Purchaser has the right to reject the goods on receipt at factory
premises during final inspection after recording the reasons, although the
goods have already been inspected and cleared at pre-despatch stage by the
purchaser’s inspector. However, such rejection should be strictly within the
contractual terms & conditions and no new condition should be adopted while
rejecting the goods during final inspection.

4.9 Acceptance of Goods vis-à-vis Warranty Provisions

Goods accepted by the purchaser at initial inspection and in final
inspection in terms of the contract shall in no way dilute purchaser’s right to
reject the same later, if found deficient in terms of the warranty clause of the

4.10 Joint Investigation against Complaints relating to Quality of Goods

In case a written complaint is received from the supplier disputing
rejection of goods by the purchaser’s inspecting officer, the same should be
jointly investigated by an authorized representative of the purchase
organization, who is well conversant with the goods and an authorized
representative of the supplier. The joint inspection report shall be signed by
both the members, and the matter processed accordingly for further necessary

4.11 Outside Testing Laboratories

Sometimes it becomes necessary to conduct type test, acceptance test
or special test at outside laboratories when facilities for these tests are not
available in-house with the supplier or carrying out of confirmatory tests is
considered desirable before accepting the goods. In such cases the list of
reputed testing labs whose reports are acceptable to the purchaser shall be
indicated in the tender/ contract.

4.12 Delivery Period

a) Delivery as per delivery-schedule stipulated in the contract is crucial for
timely positioning of stores required for production. Further, maintaining
sanctity of the delivery-schedule specified in the contract will also avoid
holding unnecessary inventories. To maintain the sanctity of the delivery-

schedule in the contract, in the first instance firms should be given realistic
delivery-schedules duly taking into account their capacity to produce the store,
which will eliminate repeated DP extensions that would otherwise become
necessary. Therefore, procurement proposals should be initiated well in time
and closely monitored after taking into consideration the provisioning period
as defined in the paragraph 2.7, and the earliest time-frame when the store
will be required for production. Further, in cases where a firm holds more than
one supply order for the same item, it shall be ensured that deliveries against
orders concluded at lower rates are made/ accounted for first.

b) The period for delivery of the ordered stores and completion of any
allied service (s) thereof (like installation and commissioning of the equipment,
etc.) should be properly specified in the contract duly indicating definite dates,
and the same shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. Expressions
such as ‘immediate’, ‘ex-stock’, “as early as possible’, ‘off the shelf’, etc. shall
not be used to indicate contractual delivery period. Staggered deliveries (if
relevant) should be clearly indicated in the tender/ contract, duly specifying
unambiguously the date from which the delivery schedule will be reckoned
(normally the date of signing of the contract). Where relevant, the contract
should specify the date by which the stores shall be offered for inspection.
Where inspection by the Purchaser prior to delivery is provided for, no stores
will be considered ready for delivery until the Purchaser or his authorized
inspector certifies in writing that the stores have been inspected and approved
by him.

c) The contract or any part thereof, if delivered in more than one

instalment, shall be deemed to be complete, and the contract price for the
delivered goods shall become payable to the seller (if permissible under the
contract), only when all terms & conditions relevant to that delivery as per the
provisions of the contracts have been completed.

d) Vendor may be allowed to deliver the materials maximum within 30

days beyond the issue of I-Note if material is offered for inspection at the fag
end / last date of delivery period (in case of inspection at firm’s premises).
Delivery period extension will be required for the supplies beyond 30 days of
issue of I-Note and/or full / partial rejection of stores. As regards application of
LD, refer the provision at paragraph 4.20 (b) & 4.22 of this manual. This
provision may be included in the RFP/TE.

4.13 Terms of Delivery
The terms of delivery is decided depending on the nature of goods to be
purchased, transportation facility available, location of the user, location of the
prospective suppliers etc. Terms of delivery inter alia determine the delivery
point of the ordered goods from where the purchaser is to receive/ collect the
goods. Terms of delivery have direct bearing on the quoted prices.

4.14 Relationship between the Terms of Delivery and the Date of Delivery
a) Delivery dates in respect of contracts incorporating standard and
commonly used terms of delivery shall be deemed to be as follows (where
mode is through airlift “Bill of Lading” would imply “Airway Bill”):

Terms of Delivery Date of Delivery

Ex-Works The date the supplier delivers the goods to the
purchaser at its (supplier’s) factory/ premises.
FOR, Station of Despatch The date on which the goods are placed by the
(FOR - Free on Rail) supplier on rail with clear RR (Rail Receipt).
FOR, Destination The date on which the ordered goods reach the
destination railway station specified in the contract.
CIP, Destination The date on which the delivery is made at the
(CIP - Carriage and destination mentioned in the contract.
Insurance paid)
Local Delivery at Site The date on which the delivery is made at the
consignee’s site mentioned in the contract.
FAS, port of shipment The date on which the supplier deliver the goods
(FAS - Free Alongside alongside the vessel at the specified port of
Ship) shipment. This date is reflected in the Bill of Lading.
FOB, port of shipment The date on which the supplier delivers the goods
(FOB - Free on Board) on vessel’s board at the specified port of shipment.
This date is reflected in the Bill of Lading.
CIF, port of destination The date on which the goods arrived at the
(CIF - Cost, Insurance destination port.
and Freight)

b) The FAS, FOB & CIF terms of delivery are applicable for goods that are
directly imported from foreign countries against the subject contract, and not
imported already by the supplier under its own arrangement. The CIP terms of
delivery may be applied both for domestic as well as imported supplies. The
terms of delivery should be clearly indicated in the tender/ contract.

c) The contract (in imports) shall also clearly state that expenditure such as
the cost of packing, internal transportation, fees of forwarding agents,
warehousing charges, port trust, dock/ harbour dues and all other expenses, as
may be incurred for the purpose up to the point of delivery of the stores as per
the terms of delivery, shall be to the sellers account.

Unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the purchaser and the supplier
and incorporated in the contract, the applicable rules & regulations for
transportation of goods from foreign countries will be as per the contemporary
version of International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) evolved by
International Chamber of Commerce, Paris. INCOTERMS are the official rules
for worldwide interpretation about the duties, obligations, etc. of the buyer
and the seller for transportation of the goods from seller’s country to buyer’s
country. INCOTERMS are recognised by the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) as the global standard for such

4.16 Air Consignment

As per the extant directive of the Government, airlifting of any goods
from abroad by OFs will be done through the National Carrier i.e. Air India
wherever available. However, before processing any contract involving import
of goods through air by OFs, contemporary instructions in this regard may be
ascertained and followed. In case the consignments are dispatched by vendors
at their cost, the selection of Airline etc. will be at their discretion.

4.17 Insurance
a) Wherever necessary, the goods supplied under the contract, shall be
fully insured against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition,
transportation, storage and delivery in the manner specified in the contract. If
considered necessary, the insurance may be done for coverage on “all risks”
basis including war risks and strike clauses. The amount to be covered under
insurance should be sufficient to take care of the overall expenditure to be
incurred by the purchaser for receiving the goods at the destination.

b) Insurance of imported goods/equipment would need to be arranged on
a very selective basis and only for cases where the value of individual shipment
is expected to be in excess of Rs. 5 Cr. Where delivery of imported goods is
required by the purchaser on CIF/ CIP basis, the supplier shall arrange and pay
for marine/ air insurance, making the purchaser as the beneficiary. Where
delivery is on FOB/ FAS basis, the marine/ air insurance shall be the
responsibility of the purchaser.

4.18 Failure to Deliver within the Contract DP

When the supplies do not materialize by the delivery date (even after 30
days of issue of I-Note as stipulated in para 4.12.d), the purchaser has the
options given below:
i) Extending the delivery date with imposition of liquidated damages
without concurrence of Finance.
ii) Re-fixing the delivery date without LD with concurrence of Finance, by
clearly recording reasons for arriving at the decision.
iii) Forfeit the performance security and cancelling the contract and
repurchasing the non-supplied quantity with concurrence of Finance.
iv) Impose other available penalties under the contract as per penal
provision in vogue with concurrence of Finance.

4.19 Re-fixation of Delivery Period

a) Re-fixation of delivery period means arriving at a fresh delivery period by
recasting the original contractual delivery period after taking care of the
lost period, for which the supplier was not responsible. Re-fixation of
delivery period should be done with the concurrence of Finance.

b) Normally, in the following circumstances, the contractual delivery period

needs to be re-fixed to cater for the lost period, without imposing any
penalty to the supplier with concurrence of Finance.
i) Cases where the manufacture of stores is dependent on the
approval of the advance sample and delay occurs in approving the
sample though submitted by the supplier in time.
ii) Where extension in delivery period is granted on account of some
omission on the part of the purchaser which affects the due
performance of the contract by the supplier.
iii) Cases where the buyer controls the entire production.
iv) where the input (part or full) is to be provided by the buyer and
there has been a delay in the part of the buyer in doing so.

c) The delivery cannot be re-fixed to make a contract a ‘severable’ contract
without the specific agreement of the supplier, if the delivery originally
stipulated in the contract was in the form of an ‘entire’ contract.

4.20 Extension of Delivery Period

a) If the supplier is unable to complete the supply within the stipulated
delivery period (including 30 days after issue of I-Note, in case of inspection at
firm’s premises), the supplier is required to request for extension of delivery
period. If the contractual delivery schedule is decided to be extended then the
same may be done by issuing an amendment to the contract with suitable
denial clauses and right to impose liquidated damages for delay. The liquidated
damages shall apply from the contracted delivery period. The amendment
letter should mention, inter alia that, in addition to imposition of liquidated
damages, no extra price or additional cost for any reason whatsoever beyond
the contractual cost will be paid to the supplier for the delayed supply; at the
same time, if for any reason, whatsoever the cost of the goods to be supplied/
services to be performed by the supplier decreases that benefit shall be passed
on to the purchaser. Supplier’s unconditional acceptance of the amendment by
a specified date is to be watched and if the supplier does not agree to accept
the amendment letter, further action is to be taken against the supplier in
terms of the contract. CFA for granting delivery period extension, shall be as
per DFP of OFB. When there is no downward trend in prices, and DP extension
with LD is applicable, then financial consultation shall not be required.
However, for DP extension without LD, financial consultation shall be required.
If the last day of delivery period falls on a holiday, DP should automatically be
extended to include next working day.

b) When there is downward trend in prices, advantage of the same should

be taken while considering the request for extension of the delivery period in
consultation with finance as given below:-

i) Where the total cost differential on account of lower trend observed is

less than the Liquidated Damages leviable (if the delay is attributable to
the supplier), the delivery period may be extended with application of
Liquidated Damages.
ii) If the total cost differential on account of lower trend is more than the
Liquidated Damage leviable (if the delay is attributable to the supplier),
the lower price should be counter offered to the firm. If the firm accepts
the counter offer, the delivery period shall be extended at lower price
without Liquidated Damages. If the firm does not accept the lower price,

the contract may be cancelled/short closed and appropriate action be
taken to re-purchase the stores on priority keeping in view the

c) While carrying out assessment of downward trend, if any, the provisions

of para 5.23 and 5.24 shall be considered.

4.21 Risk and Expense Purchase

a) Risk and expense purchase clause may be included in the TE and the
contract, if considered necessary. Risk and Expense purchase clause is provided
to safe guard against the eventuality of the supplier failing to honour the
contract obligations. While initiating risk purchase at the cost & expense of the
supplier, the purchaser must satisfy himself that the supplier has failed to
deliver and has been given adequate & proper notice to discharge his
obligations. When risk purchase clause is invoked the defaulting supplier is
liable to pay the additional amount incurred by the Government, if any, in
procuring the said contracted goods/ services through a fresh contract (i.e.
additional cost if any incurred as compared with the amount contracted with
him). Factors like method of recovering such amount should also be
considered while taking a decision to invoke the provision for risk purchase.

b) Risk purchase at the cost and expense of the supplier may not always be
a practical proposition as it may not be feasible to enforce recovery without
legal action. In proprietary/ single known source items where it would not be
possible to procure the item from any other alternate source, the contract
should necessarily have other forms of safe guards like Performance Bank
Guarantee instead of the risk purchase clause. Similarly in case of foreign
contracts also, risk and expense clause is generally not feasible. The other
remedies available to the purchaser in the absence of the Risk and Expense
Clause are:
(i) Deduct the quantitative cost of discrepancy from any of the outstanding
payments of the supplier.
(ii) Avoid issue of further TEs to the firm till resolution of the discrepancy.
(iii) Obtain suitable Performance Bank Guarantee
(iv) In import contracts, finally approach the Government of the supplier’s
country through the Ministry of Defence, if needed.

4.22 Performance Notice
There can be situations where supply/ services has not been completed
within the period stipulated in the contract due to the negligence/ fault of the
supplier, and the supplier has not made any request for extension of delivery
period, and the contracted goods/ services are still required by the purchaser
and the purchaser does not want to cancel the contract at that stage. In such a
case, a Performance Notice (also known as Notice-cum-Extension Letter) may
be issued to the supplier by suitably extending the delivery date and by
imposing liquidated damages with denial clauses etc. Supplier’s unconditional
acceptance of the Performance Notice by a specified date is to be watched and
if the supplier does not agree to accept the same, further action is to be taken
against the supplier in terms of the contract.

4.23 Despatch of Goods after Expiry of Delivery Period

a) As per the contract terms and subject to provision of 4.7 the supplier is
not to supply the goods when there is no valid delivery period. In case the
supplier makes any supply after expiry of delivery period, the purchaser/
consignee can reject the supplies and inform the supplier accordingly; the
purchaser shall also have the right to cancel the contract (w.r.t. unsupplied
goods) in terms of the contract. If, however, the purchaser/ consignee requires
the goods (which has been supplied after expiry of the delivery period), the
purchaser may extend the delivery period with the usual LD & denial clauses
and there is no downward trends and accept the goods.
b) Denial clause refers to the clause in the tender/ contract denying
increase in price, taxes, duties, etc., taking place during the extended DP, when
DP extension is granted.

4.24 Packaging and Despatch for Imports

The stores are required to be packaged to withstand normal conditions
of transportation (shipment and short-term storage during transit and in the
country of destination in imports). The following conditions will apply with
reference to packaging (i) seller shall be responsible for any loss or damage or
expenses incurred by the purchaser because of inappropriate packages (ii)
packages containing articles classified as hazardous should be packed and
marked in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate regulations
governing their despatch by sea or air (iii) seller shall also comply with the
detailed packaging and despatch instructions, if specified in the contract (iv)
responsibility of sending despatch documents will rest with the seller. Detailed
shipping instructions for imports issued from time to time by the buyer will

4.25 Warranty Claims for Imports
a) All stores to be supplied should be free from all defects/ faults in
material, workmanship and manufacture. They should be of the highest grade;
and consistent with the established/ generally accepted standards for material
of the type used; and in full conformity with the specifications, drawings or
samples; and shall, if operable, operate properly. The seller shall be bound to
furnish a clear written warranty regarding the same. In the event of the
ultimate consignee in India not finding the stores in accordance with the order,
the seller will be required to replace them free of cost inclusive of all freight
and handling charges. Such replacement will be done within specified number
of days from the claim report raised by the purchaser. These standard
conditions will also apply in respect of replaced stores. This warranty shall
remain valid for eighteen months after delivery or twelve months after their
arrival at the ultimate destination in India, whichever is earlier, or as specified
in the contract. The Warranty shall be applicable for use and storage of stores
in Indian climatic conditions.
b) Technical life of the unit to be delivered for replacement will not be less
than the remaining technical life of the faulty/defective/deficient unit being
replaced by new unit. Warranty claims, if any, shall be raised within the time
frame prescribed for it in the contract.

4.26 Short Deliveries

There can be occasions when excess/ short supplies are made by the
suppliers due to various reasons. These variations in supplies may be accepted
with the approval of CFA, subject to the value of such excess/ short supplies
not exceeding 5% (five per cent) of the original value of the contract.

4.27 Correspondence with the Supplier after Breach of Contract

The purchaser (or its authorized representative) is not to enter into
correspondence after expiry of the delivery date stipulated in the contract,
because such a correspondence will make the contract alive. This situation will
not allow the purchaser to cancel the contract straight away without first
serving a performance notice to the supplier. However, even after expiry of the
delivery period of the contract, the purchaser may obtain information
regarding past supplies etc. from the supplier, simultaneously making it clear
to the supplier that calling of such information is not intended to keep the
contract alive and it does not amount to waiving the breach and that it is
without prejudice to the rights and remedies available to the purchaser under
the terms of the contract.

4.28 Cancellation of Contract for Default
a) The purchaser may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of
contract, by written notice of default sent to the supplier, terminate the
contract in whole or in part:
i) If the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the stores within the
time period(s) specified in the contract, or any extension thereof
granted by the Purchaser; or
ii) If the supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the
contract within the period specified in the contract or any
extension thereof granted by the purchaser.
b) In the event the purchaser terminates the contract in whole or in part;
the purchaser may take recourse to the following action:
i) Performance Security may be forfeited;
ii) The purchaser may procure, upon such terms and in such manner
as it deems appropriate, stores similar to those undelivered, and
the supplier shall be liable for all available actions against it in
terms of the contract.
iii) Penalty as per existing guidelines on penalties issued by
c) However, the supplier shall continue to perform the contract to the
extent not terminated. Before cancelling the contract and taking further
action, if considered necessary legal advice may be obtained.

4.29 Termination of Contract for Insolvency

If the supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the purchaser
may, at any time, terminate the contract, by giving written notice to the
supplier, without compensation to the supplier provided that such termination
will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or
will accrue thereafter to the purchaser.

4.30 Termination of Contract for Convenience

After placement of contract, there may be some unforeseen situation
compelling the purchaser to cancel the contract. In such a case, the purchaser
is to send a suitable notice to the supplier for cancellation of the contract, in
whole or in part, for its (purchaser’s) convenience, inter alia, indicating the
date with effect from which the termination is to become effective. Depending
on the merits of the case, the purchase organization may have to suitably
compensate the supplier on mutually agreed terms for terminating the

contract. Suitable provisions to this effect are to be incorporated in the tender
document as well as in the resultant contract. However, a rate contract / long
term umbrella agreements should not have any provision for compensation
after first year execution of contract.

4.31 Signing of Contracts/ Placing of Supply Orders

After the TPC decisions, a sanction letter / supply order, as the case may
be should be issued / signed immediately. It must be ensured that the
contract/ supply order is as per the terms & conditions approved and the rates
finally negotiated and accepted by the TPC are correctly reflected, to this
extent the contract/ supply order shall be got vetted by the Finance before
issue. Copies of the contract/ supply order should be sent to all concerned,
including the IFA, the audit authority and the paying authority, and their
acknowledgement obtained.

4.32 Amendment to Contract

All amendments to contracts, which have financial implications,
including short closing and delivery period extensions without imposition of
liquidated damages, should be invariably approved by the CFA as per DFP, and
also in consultation with the IFA, wherever the original contract was concluded
with the concurrence of integrated finance. Amendments affecting delivery
period should not be made as a matter of routine. All cases for extension of
delivery period shall be processed with imposition of liquidated damages and
other penalties as per the contract, except for the cases where the contract
provides for waiving off of the liquidated damages on account of justified
reasons. When there is no downward trend in prices, and DP extension with LD
is applicable, then CFA shall approve the same without financial consultation.
For other DP extension cases, financial consultation is necessary.


Chapter 5

5. Commercial Aspects
5.1 Price and Payment Terms
a) The elements of price included in the quotation of a bidder depend on
the nature of the goods to be supplied and the allied services to be performed,
location of the supplier, location of the user, terms of delivery, extant rules &
regulations about taxes, duties, etc., in the seller’s & the buyer’s countries/

b) In case of indigenous goods, the bidder shall be asked to indicate the

basic price of the finished material and other elements of cost distinctly and
separately. In case of imported goods, in addition to similar elements of price
as above (other than Excise Duty and taxes), there may be elements of Custom
Duty, Import Duty, Landing &Clearing charges, etc. Further, depending on the
nature of the goods (whether domestic or imported), there may be cost
elements towards installation & commissioning, operator’s training etc. It is,
therefore, necessary that, to enable the bidders to frame their quotations
properly in a meaningful manner, the tender documents clearly specify the
desired terms of delivery and, also the duties & responsibilities to be
performed by the supplier in addition to supply of goods. Where the price has
several components like price of the goods, costs for installation &
commission, operators’ training etc. the bidders should be asked to furnish the
cost break-up indicating the applicable prices for each such component (as
specified and desired in the tender enquiry document) along with the overall

5.2 Currency
The tender documents shall specify the currency (currencies) in which
the tenders are to be priced. As a general rule (i) domestic bidders are to quote
and accept their payment in Indian currency (ii) costs of imported goods that
are directly imported against the contract may be quoted in foreign currency
(currencies) and paid in the currency as the case may be (iii) in imported goods
also the portion of the allied work/ services that are to be undertaken in India
(like installation & commissioning) are to be quoted and paid in Indian
currency (iv) authorised Indian dealers of foreign vendors shall quote in Indian

5.3 Earnest Money Deposit
a) To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bids during
the bid validity period in the case of advertised or limited tender enquiry, Bid
Security (also known as Earnest Money Deposit) is to be obtained from the
bidders except Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) having UAM number as
defined in MSE Procurement Policy issued by Department of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSME) or are registered with the Central Purchase
Organisation or the concerned Ministry or Department (including OFs) or
Startups as recognised by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
(DIPP), irrespective of the store for which they are registered. EMD is also not
required from Central PSUs. The bidders should be asked to furnish EMD along
with their bids. Amount of EMD should ordinarily range between two percent
to five percent of the estimated value of the goods to be procured. The
amount of EMD should be determined accordingly by the Factories (VSL TPC)
and indicated in the bidding documents. EMD shall be obtained in favour of
the Sr.GM/General Manager/ Head of Department. The EMD may be accepted
in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker's
Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the commercial banks or payment
online in an acceptable form, safeguarding the purchaser’s interest in all
respects. The EMD is normally valid for a period of forty-five days beyond the
final bid validity period.

b) EMDs of the unsuccessful bidders should be returned to them at the

earliest after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day
after the award of the contract.

c) In place of a EMD, the OFs may require Bidders to sign a Bid securing
declaration accepting that if they withdraw or modify their Bids during the
period of validity, or if they are awarded the contract or they fail to sign the
contract, or to submit a performance security before the deadline defined in
the request for bid document, they will be suspended for the period of time
specified in the request for bids document from being eligible to submit Bids
for contracts with the entity that invited the Bids.

d) EMD need not be taken for tenders with an estimated value (including
all taxes) of less than Rs. 5 lakhs.

e) EMD need not be taken necessarily in PAC/SKS/STE cases, since there is
no other alternative source available and factories have no other option rather
than to purchase from that single firm to meet production target. However, for
such cases exemption will be granted by higher CFA.

5.4 Performance Security Deposit

a) To ensure due performance of the contract, Performance Security
Deposit shall be obtained from the successful bidder (s) awarded the contract.
Performance Security Deposit shall be obtained from every successful bidder
irrespective of his registration status etc. Performance Security Deposit is,
however, not necessary for contracts valuing up to Rs. 10 lakh. Above Rs. 10
lakh, PSD is mandatory.

b) The Performance Security Deposit should be for an amount equal to 5%

of the contract value.

c) PSD is initially to be given by the supplier for original supply order

quantity without option clause quantity. PSD for the original supply order
quantity may be returned after 60 days of fulfilment of all contractual
obligations of the original supply order quantity including warranty period (if
any). Regarding Option Clause, PSD amount may be worked out based on
Option Clause quantity. PSD for Option Clause quantity may be returned after
60 days of fulfilment of all contractual obligations of the Option Clause
quantity including warranty period (if any).

d) Performance Security Deposit may be furnished in the form of an

Account Payee Demand Draft/Banker Cheque, Fixed Deposit Receipt from a
Commercial Bank, Bank Guarantee from a Commercial Bank or online payment
in an acceptable form safeguarding the purchaser’s interest in all respects. It
should be drawn in favour of PCA(Fys), Kolkata. A model format of Bank
Guarantee for obtaining Performance Security Deposit is provided at
Annexure. Indemnity Bonds may be accepted as Performance Security Deposit
from Central PSUs. At the request of the supplier, (i) EMD or (ii) pending bills of
the contractor, if any, against other contracts, can be adjusted against the
Performance Security Deposit demanded. Any interest accrued in FDR
submitted as PSD by the vendors shall remain in their account.

e) In foreign procurement, Performance Security Deposit shall be obtained
from the supplier in the form of Bank Guarantee, in the prescribed format,
issued by an Indian Public Sector Bank or a Private Sector bank authorized to
conduct government business or any International bank for which counter
guarantee is given by Indian Bank acceptable to the purchaser.
f) Performance Security Deposit submitted by suppliers in permitted form
shall be kept in the custody of the General Manager of the Ordnance factory or
an officer authorised by him in writing. The bank guaranty, etc., after
verification/ confirmation of genuineness by the relevant bank should be
entered in a suitable register and a copy of the bank guaranty, etc., shall be
endorsed to the Branch AO for cross check. The validity of the bank guaranty,
etc., shall be monitored closely by the factory.
g) Performance Security is to be furnished by a specified date (generally 30
days after notification of the award) and it should remain valid for a period of
60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the
supplier, including warranty obligations if any. There shall be no warranty
period for raw materials and certain service contracts like AMC, Labour
contract and any additional items notified by OFB. Therefore, PSD shall be
released after 60 days of completion of contractual obligations in such cases.
Since firms include in their price the element of finance cost on account of the
Performance Security Deposit, it is necessary for suppliers to submit the
Performance Security Deposit as per the terms & conditions of the Supply
Order. Receipt of the Performance Security Deposit should be intimated to the
LAO and QC. After the date specified for submission of PSD, QC shall take up
inspection of the store only on receipt of the intimation about receipt of the
requisite Performance Security Deposit. Care should be taken to ensure that
whenever DP extension/ re-fixation, etc. are granted, the Performance Security
Deposit is got suitably re-validated so that it is valid for 60 days beyond the
new date of completion of all contractual obligations.

h) Performance Security can be submitted by the vendor for the entire

contract at a time or in part proportionate to the part quantity to be supplied.
Thus, before completion of Supply Order, full PSD (put together part PSDs)
should be submitted. However, the Performance Security Deposit would
qualify for being returned only when all the contractual obligations against the
original contract quantity are fulfilled. In case of Option Clause, full PSD for
Option Clause quantity may be submitted.

i) Submission of the Performance Security Deposit within the specified
date shall be insisted upon, unless otherwise, within the specified date allowed
for submission of Performance Security Deposit, the firm completes all its
contractual obligations qualifying for return of the Performance Security
Deposit had it been submitted. In such situations, if requested by the supplier,
the Performance Security Deposit may also be adjusted against the current
j) If a firm fails to submit (within the specified date) the requisite
Performance Security Deposit as per the contract conditions, then he shall be
treated as an unreliable firm and shall be governed as per existing guidelines
on penalties issued by MoD.
k) As a rule Performance Security Deposit should not be waived except in
the most unavoidable circumstances. At the specific request made by the
supplier, Performance Security Deposit may be waived, in unavoidable
circumstances, by the respective CFAs within their financial powers as per the
DFP after taking into account the reliability and financial standing of the firm
on the basis of their registration with any Body specified by MoMSME (like
MSEs having UAM number registered with NSIC, DIC, KVIC etc) or with
Ordnance Factories or in the case of reliable national/ international OEMs.
Performance Security Deposit can be waived in PAC/ SKS procurements if the
firms are unwilling to provide Performance Security Deposit, since there is no
other alternate source available. However, in such cases of SKS procurement,
the factory shall necessarily step up efforts to develop more sources.
l) Performance Security Deposit shall be forfeited and credited to the
government (PCA(Fys), Kolkata Account) in the event of a breach of contract by
the supplier, in terms of the relevant contract.
m) Performance Security Deposit is taken for the due performance of an
individual contract and becomes returnable (without interest except FDR) to
the contractor immediately on his performing/ completing the contract in all
respects and not later than 60 days of completion of all such obligations under
the contract, including warranty obligations if any. In severable contracts, since
each instalment is a separate contract, the related Performance Security
Deposit (if separately provided for each instalment) would qualify for being
returned as and when all the contractual obligations against each of the
separate contract are fulfilled. In an entire contract with instalment deliveries,
since it is a single contract, the Performance Security Deposit would qualify for
being returned only when all the contractual obligations against the entire
contract are fulfilled.

5.5 Firm (Fixed) Price vis-à-vis Variable Price
a) Contracts, with delivery period less than 12 months, should be
concluded on firm and fixed price by inviting tenders accordingly. However,
contracts may be entered with variable price, even if the delivery period is less
than 12months, when the price trend of the store is volatile. Where it is
decided to conclude the contract with variable price, an appropriate clause
incorporating, inter alia, suitable price variation formula should also be
provided in the tender enquiry documents. In the price variation clause, the
price agreed upon should specify the base level (i.e. the month and year to
which the price is linked) to enable variations being calculated with reference
to the price levels prevailing in that month and year. A formula for calculation
of price variation that has taken place between the base level and the
scheduled delivery date should be included in the price variation clause. The
variations are to be calculated by using indices published by Governments/
Chamber of Commerce/ reputed markets periodically. Suitable weights are to
be assigned to the applicable elements (i.e. fixed overheads & profits,
material(s) and labour) in the price variation formula. If the production of the
goods needs more than one raw material, then the input cost of material may
be further sub-divided for different categories of material, for which cost
indices are published. The price variation formula is also to stipulate a
minimum percentage of variation of the contract price above which the price
variation will be admissible (e.g., where the resultant increase is lower than,
say, 2% of the contract price, no price adjustment will be made in favour of the
b) The Price Variation clause shall specify cut-off dates for material and
labour, as these inputs taper off well before the scheduled delivery dates. The
Price Variation clause shall provide for a ceiling on the price variations. It could
be a percentage per annum or an overall ceiling or both. The buyer should
ensure a provision in the contract for benefit of any reduction in the price in
terms of the Price Variation clause being passed on to him.
c) Where advance or stage payments are made, there should be a further
stipulation that no price variations will be admissible on such portions of the
price, after the dates of such payment. No upward price variation will be
admissible beyond the original scheduled delivery date for defaults on the part
of the supplier. Price variation may be allowed beyond the original scheduled
delivery date, by specific alteration of that date through an amendment to the
contract in cases of Force Majeure or defaults by the purchaser.

d) Where deliveries are accepted beyond the scheduled delivery date
subject to levy of liquidated damages as provided in the contract, the
liquidated damages (if a percentage of the price) will be applicable on the price
as varied by the operation of the Price Variation clause.

e) Where contracts are for supply of equipment, goods, etc., imported

(subject to Customs Duty and foreign exchange fluctuations) and/or locally
manufactured (subject to GST and other duties and taxes), the percentage and
element of duties & taxes included in the price should be specifically stated,
along with the selling rate of foreign exchange element taken into account in
the calculation of the price of the imported item. The mode of calculation of
variations in duties & taxes, foreign exchange rates, and the documents to be
produced in support of claims for such variations should also be stipulated in
the contract.

f) The Price Variation clause should also contain the mode and terms of
payment of the price variation admissible. Integrated Financial Advisor/ LAO
should vet the price variation clauses/ exchange rate variation clauses.

An illustrative price variation clause and examples for using the same have
been provided at Annexure.

5.6 Exchange Rate Variation

In case of a contract involving substantial import content(s) and having a
long delivery period (exceeding one year from the date of contract), an
appropriate Foreign Exchange Variation clause may be formulated and
incorporated in the Tender. In that clause, the bidders shall be asked to
indicate the import content(s) and the currency (currencies) used for
calculating the value of import content(s) in their total quoted price, which (i.e.
the total quoted price) will be in Indian Rupees. The bidders may be asked to
indicate the Base Exchange Rate for each such foreign currency used for
converting the FE content into Indian Rupees and the extent of foreign
exchange rate variation risk they are willing to bear. To work out the variation
due to changes (if any) in the exchange rate(s), the base date for this purpose
will be the last date of submission of commercial bid. The variation may be
allowed between the above base date and the date of remittance to the
foreign principal/ mid-point of manufacture of the foreign component/…..
(Purchaser shall decide an appropriate date). The applicable exchange rates as
above will be according to the TT selling rates of exchange of SBI, Parliament
Street Branch, New Delhi on the dates in question. No variation in price in this

regard will be allowed if the variation in the rate of exchange remains within
the limit of plus/minus 2.5 percent. Any increase or decrease in the customs
duty by reason of the variation in the rate of exchange in terms of the contract
will be to the buyer’s account. In case delivery period is extended due to
default of the vendor, any increase in exchange rate will not be admissible and
exchange rate on the last date of original DP shall be considered. In case there
is decrease in exchange rate during extended DP, lower exchange rate will be
considered. The purchaser may formulate an appropriate ERV clause in
consultation with the Finance. The following documents should be furnished
by the supplier for claiming ERV:
(i) A bill of ERV claim enclosing working sheet
(ii) Banker’s Certificate/ debit advice detailing FE paid, date of
remittance and exchange rate
(iii) Copies of import order placed on supplier
(iv) Invoice of supplier for the relevant import order.

5.7 Modes of Payment

a) Payments to domestic suppliers are usually made by NEFT/cheque/
demand draft drawn on a Government treasury or branch of the Reserve Bank
of India or State Bank of India transacting government business. Such payment
can also be made to the supplier’s bank, if the bills are endorsed in favour of
the bank with a pre-receipt embossed on the bills with the words, "Received
payment" and both the endorsement and pre-receipt are authenticated by the
supplier. In addition, an irrevocable power of attorney is to be granted by the
supplier in favour of the bank.
b) In international trade, buyer and seller being located in different
countries may not know each other well. Further, the two countries would
have different legal systems, currencies and trade and exchange regulations.
As a result of these uncertainties, the buyer and the seller require assurance
regarding the delivery of goods and payments, respectively. The seller would
want to be assured that (i) he will be paid as soon as the goods are shipped (ii)
he will be paid by the buyer or his bank as per contractual obligations (iii) he
will receive the payments in his own country and currency of the contract. The
buyer would want to ensure that (i) payment is made for the goods only after
they are shipped by the seller (ii) the seller will ship the goods ordered for and
deliver them in time. These concerns are addressed by adopting letter of credit
or direct debit transfer as the mode of payment in imports.

c) Payments to foreign suppliers are ordinarily made by Letters of Credit
(LC) opened by the State Bank of India or any other scheduled/ authorized
Bank. While opening the Letters of Credit the purchaser should follow the
provision of Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credit (UCPDC).
Apart from Letter of Credit mode, payment can also be made to the seller
through Direct Bank Transfer for which buyer has to ensure that payment is
released only after the receipt of prescribed documents.

d) In procurement through global tendering, especially in high value

contracts, to have uniform payment clauses in case domestic suppliers desire
payment through Letter of Credit, then depending on the merits of the case,
the same can be agreed to.

e) The specific office of the Principal Controller/ Controller or the Unit

Accounts Office, which would be responsible for making payment, should be
clearly mentioned in the tender and the contract.

5.8 Standard Payment Terms to Domestic Vendors

a) Payment terms are important since it has a direct influence on the
vendors cost of finance that plays a significant role in deciding the cost of the
store or service being procured. Normally, 90% of the contract amount shall be
paid against provisional receipt of the item at the consignee’s premises along
with inspection note and other relevant documents. Balance 10% shall be paid
after the stores have been properly checked and accounted for. Alternatively,
where considered necessary (such as raw materials), 95% of the contract
amount can be paid against provisional receipt of the item at the consignee’s
premises along with inspection note and other documents. Balance 5% can be
paid after the stores have been properly checked and accounted for.

b) Some suppliers prefer 100% payment on delivery and acceptance of

material at factory premises, which can be accepted. In such cases, payment is
to be made within 30 days of receipt of materials at the factory premises along
with requisite/relevant documents from suppliers.

c) In many cases, suppliers request for allowing part supply and the
corresponding part payment. Such requests may be considered based on the
merits of the case, duly safeguarding government interests.

d) Generally the preferred terms of delivery are CIP/ destination or delivery
at site, so that the supplier remains responsible for safe arrival of the ordered
stores at the site. Therefore, unless otherwise decided Ex-works or FOR/
despatching station should be avoided.

e) In some exceptional procurement of COTS items with extremely high

commercial demand (i.e. a situation of seller’s market), suppliers may be
unwilling to deliver/ supply the item unless Spot Payment is made. In such
exceptional cases Spot Payment can be agreed to by the TPC after duly
recording the reasons for taking the decision.

f) Trade Receivable Discounting System (TReDS) is a digital platform to

help MSMEs to get their trade receivables financed at a competitive rate
through an auction mechanism where multiple financiers can bid on invoices
accepted by Buyers. TReDS is governed by the Reserve Bank of India under the
Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2017 and the Factoring Regulations Act,
2011. Under the TReDS initiative, at present, RBI has given licenses to three
participants (A.TREDS Ltd, RXIL, M1Xchange). Factories /Units should be
registered in TReDS online platform with any one of the Licencee to facilitate
payments to MSMEs through TReDS.

5.9 Payment Terms for Foreign Vendors

a) The normal mode of payment to foreign vendors is through irrevocable
Letters of Credit or Direct Bank Transfer (DBT). It should be ensured that the
payment is released in accordance with the provisions of the contract and
subject to the deductions of such amounts as the supplier may be liable to pay
under the agreed terms of the contract.

b) Where the payment is to be made through Letter of Credit, it shall be

opened within forty five days of receipt of notification of readiness of goods
for delivery from the foreign vendor. The vendor shall normally be given forty
five days from the date of signing of contract for notifying such readiness. The
period may be varied, as per requirement, but it should be decided while
processing the proposal and indicated in the tender. The period for notification
of readiness of goods and opening of LC should be so fixed that LC is opened
three months prior to the expiry of the delivery period. The period mentioned
in the tender should not be varied, particularly in Global Tender Enquiry and
Limited Tender Enquiry cases.

c) It should also be mentioned in the tender that the LC would be valid for
ninety days from the date of its opening, on extendable basis by mutual
consent of both the buyer and the seller, unless it is a revolving LC. The period
may also be varied, as per requirement, but it should be decided while
processing the proposal and indicated in the RFP. All expenses related to
Letters of Credit outside India should be borne by the foreign vendor.

d) In case of extension of delivery period, both LC and delivery period

should be extended and the LC charges borne by the supplier, if the extension
is due to reasons attributable to the supplier.

e) Payment through Direct Bank Transfer (DBT) would be the normal mode
for payments below USD 100000, and such payments should be made within
30 days of receipt of clear payment documents (Bill of Lading, AWB, Proof of
shipment, etc.) or as specified in the contract. In cases the supplier is not
agreeable to DBT and insists on payment through LC, then payment can be
made through Letter of Credit subject to the supplier bearing extra costs, if
any, involved.

f) In case installation, commissioning, etc., are relevant in the procurement

and the supplier is responsible for the same, then 80 - 90% of FOB/ FAS price
may be paid against invoice, inspection certificate (where applicable), shipping
documents etc., and balance within 21-30 days of successful installation &
commissioning at the consignee’s premises and acceptance by the consignee.

5.10 Stage/ Part Payments

Stage/ part payments may become relevant in high value tenders/
contracts when the (i) throughput time for manufacture of the stores being
procured or (ii) delivery period is very long. Such instances of procurement
involving stage/ part payment would be rare. Stage/ part payments, if
unavoidable, shall be made only against satisfactory completion of clearly
identifiable physical milestones and the quantum of the stage/ part payment
should be commensurate with the quantum of work completed at up to the
milestone, else it would become another form of advance which is not
permissible. If stage/ part payments are proposed to be made on completion
of milestones, it should be clearly mentioned upfront in the TE with the
approval of CFA and the concurrence of the IFA, wherever required as per DFP.
The percentage payable and the milestones on satisfactory completion of
which the stage payments will become admissible shall be unambiguously
disclosed in the tender to ensure transparency, fair & equitable treatment

vendors. In stage/ part payments adequate safeguard should be taken against
the risk of the contractor not completing the balance uncompleted work. This
risk can be covered through a suitable Bank Guarantee from banks authorised
to carryout government business. Where stage payments are made, there
should be a further stipulation that no price variations will be admissible on
such portions of the price, after the dates of such stage payments.

5.11 Advance Payment to Suppliers

a) Generally no advance should be paid to the firms/ contractors and
payments for services rendered or supplies made should be released only after
the services have been rendered or supplies made. However, it may become
necessary in the case of maintenance contract, development/ fabrication
contracts or in case of turnkey projects to give an advance. In such cases it
should be ensured that only a minimum reasonable amount, up to 15%, is
given as advance at the time of placement of the order. Such advance
payments will be made only against the supplier furnishing of a bank
guarantee (for 110 % of the advance given) from a public sector bank or
private sector bank duly authorized by RBI to handle Government transactions.
If it is decided to provide advance then the same shall be indicated in the
tender to ensure fair and equitable treatment of vendors.
b) Cases of advance payment over and above the limits prescribed above
would require the approval of the Department of Defence Production.
c) Where advance payment is made in contracts with price variation, there
should be a further stipulation that no price variations shall be admissible on
such portion of the price, after the date of payment of the advance.

5.12 Bank Guarantees

a) Bank Guarantee is a one way contract made by the bank on behalf of its
client (supplier) and the beneficiary (purchaser) guarantying to secure
compliance of the supplier to a contract between the client (supplier) and the
beneficiary (purchaser). The salient features of the guarantee are (i) absolute
in character and independent of the underlying contract (ii) imply obligation to
unconditional and without demur payment against a valid claim (iii) for
specified amount and period (iv) issued against matching counter-guarantee
from the applicant (supplier).
b) The format of the Bank Guarantee should be provided by the purchaser
and should adequately cover the risks. The essential elements of PBG are (i)
amount (ii) address of the beneficiary, applicant and the bank (iii) validity date
(iv) contract number and date.

c) Bank Guarantee can only be invoked after fulfilling the following
conditions (i) claim/ intimation should reach the issuing Bank on or before the
expiry date (ii) claim/ intimation should be in strict conformity with the terms
of the Guarantee (iii) Issuing Bank cannot enquire into merits of the claimant
or take views on any dispute between the (supplier) applicant and the
(purchaser) beneficiary (iv) compliance of terms of the guarantee, payments
are to be effected immediately and unconditionally.
d) The various Bank Guarantees obtained from suppliers (Performance
Bank Guarantee, Advance Bank Guarantee, Warranty Bond, Earnest Money
Deposit, etc.) shall be necessarily got confirmed/ verified for its genuineness,
standing of the issuing bank, etc.
e) In domestic procurement Bank Guarantee issued by any of the
Commercial Bank can be accepted. The genuineness of the Bank Guarantee
shall be got confirmed from the issuing bank.
f) In foreign procurement, Bank Guarantee shall be obtained from the
supplier, in the prescribed format, issued by an Indian Public Sector Bank or a
Private Sector bank authorized to conduct government business or any
International bank for which counter guarantee is given by Indian Bank
acceptable to the purchaser.

5.13 Direct Bank Transfer

a) The DBT mode of payment is a direct transfer of funds to the account of
the supplier by the purchaser’s bank, on being so authorised by the purchaser.
DBT shows high degree of trust between parties. Buyer ensures that the
payment is released only after receipt of the requisite documents provided in
the contract and confirmation from the Supplier that one set of the documents
has been sent to the port consignee immediately after dispatch of the stores.

b) In comparison with payments through Letters of Credit, payment

through DBT has the following advantages (i) payment is released only after
receipt of goods (ii) payment is made only after full satisfaction to the
quality, quantity etc. (iii) it is cost-effective as compared with LCs.

5.14 Letter of Credit

a) Two banks are involved for payment to the supplier by Letter of Credit –
purchaser’s bank and supplier’s bank. The purchaser is to forward the request
to its bank in the prescribed format as formulated by State Bank of India, along
with all relevant details including authenticated copy of the contract. Based on
the same, the purchaser’s bank opens letter of credit on behalf of the
purchaser for transacting payment to the supplier through the supplier’s bank.
Care should be taken to ensure that the payment terms and the documents to
be produced for receiving payments through letter of credit are identical with
those shown in the contract. Generally, irrevocable letter of credit is opened so
that the supplier is fully assured of its payment on fulfilling its obligations in
terms of the contract.

b) Following points should be checked by granting extension of LC (i)

extension of delivery date in the contract and corresponding amendment in LC
for latest date of shipment (ii) Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) extension
(iii) Onus of charges for LC extension. In case, the delivery date of the contract
is extended to take care of delay in supply, for which supplier is responsible,
the letter of credit is also to be extended, but the expense incurred for such
extension (of letter of credit) shall be borne by the supplier.

c) LC can be extended with the concurrence of the Finance and the

approval of the CFA if the value of the procurement requires consultation with
Finance as per the DFP.

5.15 Liquidated Damages

a) Compensation of loss on account of late delivery where the loss is pre-
estimated and mutually agreed to is termed as the Liquidated Damage (LD).
Law allows recovery of pre-estimated loss, provided such a term is included in
the contract. For imposition of LD, there is no need to establish actual loss due
to late supply. The legal position with regard to claim for liquidated damages is
as follows:
(i) Whatever the quantum of the loss sustained, the claim cannot exceed
the sum stipulated in the contract.
(ii) Only reasonable sum can be calculated as damages, which in given
situation may be less than the sum stipulated.
(iii) What is a reasonable sum would depend on facts.
(iv) Court may proceed on the assumption that the sum stipulated reflects
the genuine pre-estimates of the parties as to the probable loss and such
clause is intended to dispense with proof thereof.
(v) The distinction between penalty and LD has been abolished by the
Indian Contract Act and in every case; the Court is not bound to award
more than ‘reasonable compensation’ not exceeding the amount so

b) There should be a suitable provision in the terms & conditions of the

contract for claiming liquidated damages of appropriate amount from the
supplier to take care of delays in supplies and (or) performance that are
attributable to the supplier. Such recovery through liquidated damages should
be without prejudice to the other remedies available to the purchaser under
the terms of the contract. The standard Liquidated Damages percentage is
0.5% per week (or part thereof) of the prices of any stores/ service which the
contractor has failed to deliver within the delivery period specified in the
contract. There should also be an appropriate maximum limit of such
deduction, to be shown as a specific percentage of the contract value of
delayed supplies/ services and incorporated in the contract terms. The ceiling
of LD is 10%. Liquidated Damages are to be calculated on the basic cost
(excluding taxes & duties) as per MoD O.M No. 8(8)/O2P/2018 dated

c) When deliveries are accepted beyond the scheduled delivery date

subject to levy of liquidated damages as provided in the contract, the
liquidated damages (if a percentage of the price) will be applicable on the price
as varied by the operation of the price variation clause.

5.16 E-Payment
It will be mandatory for the suppliers/ vendors to indicate their bank
account numbers and other relevant e-payment details so that payments could
be made through ECS/ NEFT/ RTGS mechanism instead of payment through

5.17 Estimating the Cost of the Procurement

a) Correct estimation of cost is an important step for (i) determining the
level of the CFA (ii) establishing the reasonability of the offers received from
suppliers and (iii) determining the availability of funds. Cost estimation should,
therefore, be done in a realistic, objective, comprehensive and professional
manner after duly considering the prevailing market rates, last purchase price,
economic indices for raw material/ labour, other input costs, the intrinsic
value, etc. Cost shall be estimated by the procurement section while initiating
the procurement proposal. The all inclusive estimated cost (including the
tendered quantity and the option quantity specified in the tender) of the
procurement shall be the basis for determining the CFA as per the DFP.

b) Various methods available for estimating the cost are (i) on the basis of
the Last Purchase Price duly neutralised for inflationary/ deflationary trends,
(ii) Professional Officers’ Valuation, (iii) obtaining budgetary quotations from
prospective suppliers, (iv) market survey, (v) estimation from first principles
etc. Estimation can also be done by R&E or Planning Sections of the factory or

through a Technical Committee formed for that purpose. These methods are
not mutually exclusive. Any of the method or combination of methods or any
other appropriate method may be applied for estimation. The method adopted
for estimation of cost should be clearly recorded while seeking the approval of
the CFA. The estimated cost, if worked out in foreign currency, should be
converted to Rupee, and shown both in terms of the foreign currency as well
as Rupee (indicating the exchange rate adopted and date & source i.e SBI,
Parliament Street Branch, New Delhi/RBI) while seeking CFA’s approval. In
evaluation of price bids exchange rate adopted shall be as on the date of last
date of submission of bids.

5.18 Evaluation of Price Bids

a) Tenders are issued on the basis of the estimated cost (on approval of
CFA relevant for the estimated cost). On opening of the price bids, the actual
financial implication of the procurement shall be worked out based on price
quoted by the lowest responsive bidder, and the CFA accordingly determined
for further processing of the proposals.

b) The evaluation criteria for the financial bids (as also the technical bid)
should be unambiguously indicated in the tender. The bids received shall be
ranked as per provisions contained in para 5.19 of this manual, which shall be
unambiguously indicated in the TE.

c) Where relevant, it may be specified in the tender that along with their
quote, firms shall also offer their rates for comprehensive AMC for a specified
period (say 5 years) after expiry of warranty/ guarantee. In such cases the
evaluation criteria contained in the tender should clearly specify whether or
not the AMC cost will be considered in the CST to decide the L1 vendor.

5.19 Basis for Cost Comparison

a) The basis for comparison of cost shall be as follows:
i) When the competition is only among the Indian suppliers, the F.O.R
Prices at destination, less levies, taxes and duties levied by Central /
State / Local Governments such as GST etc. on final product, should be
the basis for ranking of quotations.
ii) When the competition is only among foreign suppliers, the landed price
(CIF) at the destination (designated port) shall form the basis for ranking
the bids.
iii) When the competition is amongst domestic and foreign suppliers, the
CIF cost quoted by the foreign suppliers plus custom duty and other

duties / levies such as anti-dumping duty which cannot be claimed as
input tax credit, shall be the basis for comparison with the basic cost
offered by the domestic suppliers, after offloading the GST etc. and
other local taxes and levies, if any.
b) Offers of foreign suppliers are compared with the offers of domestic
suppliers on the basis of the CIF cost of foreign supplier. However, difficulties
in comparing the offers arise when the foreign supplier indicates only the FOB/
FCA cost. There is no standard formula for arriving at the CIF cost in such cases,
and it will not be appropriate to add a notional additional cost as a percentage
of FOB/ FCA cost to arrive at the CIF cost. To avoid such a situation, it should
be clearly mentioned in the tender that quote on CIF basis is essential to
enable evaluation of the offers of foreign vendors. Similarly the domestic
vendors should also clearly indicate in their offer separately the basic cost,
GSTetc. and other local taxes & levies (if any) to enable a proper evaluation of
their offer, providing only an all-inclusive rate will make the offer invalid.

5.20 Comparative Statement of Tenders

a) The procurement section shall compile the offers in the form of a
Comparative Statement of Tenders. The quotes in foreign currencies should be
converted into Indian Rupees and indicated in the CST. The exchange rate may
be obtained from SBI exchange rate of Parliament Street Branch, New
Delhi/RBI on the last date of submission of bids. The CST should be exhaustive
and it must include all details given in the quotations. Any deviation from the
tender documents is to be brought out in the CST. Last purchase price,
wherever available, should be indicated in the CST for a fair comparison of the
offered prices. The purchase officer (Member Secretary of the TPC) should
sign the CST and it should be vetted/ countersigned by the Finance/ LAO when
the DFP prescribes financial powers be exercised with the concurrence of
integrated finance.

b) What would be done on the file is the preparation of comparative

statement, checking of calculations, the premises on which the comparative
statement of tenders has been prepared and prima facie determination of L1
offer. However, it would be the TPC only which will finally determine the
lowest acceptable offer (L1 offer).

5.21 Negotiations
a) Negotiations should generally be avoided. When multiple vendors
participate competitively in a tender, the contract should be concluded with
the L1 vendors without any requirement for price negotiations. However, in
exceptional circumstances where valid logical reasons exist, then negotiations,
if inescapable, may be held only with the L1. Such exceptional situations
include (i) procurement of proprietary items, (ii) items with limited sources of
supply (iii) items where there is suspicion of cartel formation and (iv)price
quoted is considered as unreasonably high with reference to the estimated
price. In each case the TPC shall record its assessment regarding the
reasonableness of the price offered by the L1 bidder and the need for
negotiation or otherwise along with detailed justification. In PAC/ SKS/ STE /
RST procurements where there is lack of competition since there is only one
source, negotiations may be held after carrying out detailed cost/ price
analysis. In cases where a decision is taken to re-tender due to high prices
quoted, but the requirements are urgent, negotiations may be under taken
with L1 bidder(s) for the supply of a bare minimum quantity.

5.22 Bench Marking

a) Before scheduled negotiation (wherever negotiation is considered
necessary), the TPC shall estimate the reasonable rate or benchmark rate to
judge acceptability of the L1 offer. The approach to be adopted for assessing
reasonability in different contingencies is given below.

b) In the case of competitive tendering where two or more vendors are

competing independently to secure a contract, the competitive bids form the
basis for determining reasonableness of prices. The reasonableness of the
prices may be established by taking into account (i) the competition observed
from the response of the trade to the enquiry, (ii) last purchase price, (iii)
estimated value as given in the indent, (iv) database maintained on costs based
on the past contracts entered into, (v) market price, (vi) wherever available the
changes in the indices of various raw materials, electricity, whole sale price
index, and statutory changes in wages, rates etc. The reasonableness of price
may also be examined by resorting to cost analysis when there is a wide
variance over the last paid price not explained by corresponding changes in
indices. In imports the indices for inflation/ price of industrial products,
exchange rate variation, etc., relevant to the country of origin may also be
considered to assess the reasonable price.

5.23 Last Purchase Price
a) LPP is one of the important factors in deciding price reasonableness.
However, following needs to be considered while comparing the quoted rates
with the LPP:
i) The last purchase price pertains to the latest contract of similar
magnitude as well as scope and is not more than three years old. LPP of
more than three years old may not offer a realistic basis for comparison.
However, if recent rates are not available for use as LPP, then the LPP
more than 3 years old may also be used by factoring in the annual
escalation. Appropriate rate of escalation shall be arrived at after
studying the movement of relevant indices representing the inputs for
manufacturing the item. This escalation factor should be carefully
worked out on the basis of data of past purchases of the same/ similar
items or as per the Pricing Policy Agreements, if any.
ii) Factors like basket price/ bulk discount offered should be taken in to
account while using LPP as a benchmark
iii) Where the price indicated in the LPP is subject to price variation then
the updated price as computed in terms of the price variation clause
may be considered
iv) Factors like items supplied against LPP being of current production or ex-
stock supply need to be taken into account. Similarly, market conditions,
downward price trends and other factors like re-starting production lines
due to obsolescence, etc., may also have to be considered.
v) In imported stores the comparison of the last purchase price should be
made with the net CIF value in foreign currency only.
vi) In SDOTE, new suppliers at times quote low price (entry price) to gain
entry. On the other hand, while establishing production of new items;
suppliers are likely to incur additional expenditure towards developing
tools, fixtures & gauges, process, training, etc., which will result in the
initial cost being higher than that of an established supplier. In addition,
when the item is being made for the first time the estimates itself may
vary substantially from the actual. In view these factors the rates in an
SDOTE may not correctly reflect the cost of an item. Therefore, the
SDOTE rates, being un-established, need not necessarily be considered
for bench marking the rates achieved in LTE, the relevant TPC may take
an appropriate decision.
vii) DRDO and Production Agencies may be associated while assessing the
reasonability of prices in complex and high value procurement cases.

b) In addition to the parameters enumerated above, in case of imports the
following shall also be considered:
i) The price fixation procedure/ methodology prevailing in the country of
the vendor.
ii) The prices of similar products, systems and subsystems wherever
available should be referred. The database maintained in the respective
division connected with the procurement of such type of stores should
be accessed.
iii) The foreign vendor may be asked to provide the details of past supplies
and contract rates, if any, of similar kind of product to other buyers.

5.24 Indices for Assessing Price Movements

a) Indices of indigenous items can be accessed from the website of
Ministry of Industry Metals and other minerals may be
accessed on Other useful websites are
www.tradintelligence.comand The RBI monthly bulletin,
Economic survey and its appendix contain statistical tables that are useful for
assessing the market trends. The World Economic Outlook – a monthly report
from IMF and European Commission provide data on economic trends like
inflation, wages, etc., of different countries. LME (London Metal Exchange)
gives price trends of nonferrous metals.

b) The business and commercial newspapers are another source of inputs

for assessing price movements. The monthly report of CMIE (Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy) and the PROWESS Package of CMIE give updates
on performance of listed Indian companies.

c) Some of the above mentioned data sources are priced or require a

subscription. The factories can subscribe to these data sources to enable
effective examination of the procurement proposal.
d) Analysis of Financial Statements of the supplier can also provide
necessary information for assessing the reasonableness of price quoted. The
allocation of overheads should be in line with the established principles of
costing. Assessment should also be made on the vendor’s approach to
controlling cost, adherence to delivery schedule, Cost Accounting System and
other factors affecting contractor’s ability to meet cost/schedule targets.

e) Reputed expert agencies can also be approached for market intelligence,
forecasting trends and best practices. Similarly, Public Sector Banks,
particularly SBI, may be consulted before firming up major payments involving
LC, Performance Bank Guarantee, reputation of foreign banks etc.

f) Assessing reasonableness of price is an arduous and critical task,

especially where complete price data is not available or in case of overseas
purchases. However, it is important to place on record the efforts made for
arriving at the acceptable price and taking the procurement decision.

5.25 Deduction of Income Tax etc. at Source from Payments to Suppliers

This will be done as per the existing law in force during the currency of
the contract. Other taxes, if any, will be paid/ reimbursed on production of
documentary evidence.

5.26 Payment of Air Freight Charges

Goods that are required to be air lifted are to be despatched through Air
India only (except on the routes where Air India doesn’t operate)on a `Charge
forward basis'. All air freight charges, which are shown on the relevant
consignment note as chargeable to the consignee, are to be paid to Air India /
other Airlines as applicable in Rupees.

5.27 Documents for Claiming Payment

The documents to be submitted for audit and payment depend upon the
nature of procurement and the terms and conditions of a particular supply
order/ contract. However, essential documents that are required for audit and
payment are indicated in the annexure. The supply order or copy of supply
order issued to the supplier should be received back before release of last/
final payment.

5.28 Refund from Supplier

Sometimes, the suppliers, after claiming and receiving reimbursements
for Sales Tax, Excise Duty, Custom Duty etc. from the purchaser, applies to the
concerned authorities for refunds, on genuine grounds, of certain portions of
such duties & taxes paid by it and receives the permissible refunds. Such
refunds contain the purchaser’s share also (out of the payments already made
by the purchaser to that supplier). The tender enquiry document and the
contract are to contain suitable provisions for obtaining such refunds, if any,
from the supplier.

5.29 Verification of Bank Guarantees
Bank Guarantees submitted by the bidders/ suppliers as EMD/
Performance Security Deposit, etc need to be immediately verified from the
issuing Bank before acceptance. If Bank Guarantees issued by foreign banks are
received in import cases, they shall be got confirmed by the SBI immediately.

5.30 Safe Custody/ Monitoring of EMDs and PSDs

Suitable mechanism for safe custody/ monitoring of EMDs, Performance
Securities and other Instruments should be evolved and implemented by each
factory/ unit. The factories/ units shall also make appropriate institutional
arrangements for taking necessary action, timely, for extension/ encashment/
refund of EMDs and Performance Securities. Monitoring should include
monthly reviews of all Bank Guarantees and other instruments expiring after 3
months, along with a parallel review of the progress of the corresponding
contracts. Extension of Bank Guarantees and other instruments, where
warranted, should be sought immediately and implemented within their
validity period.

5.31 Duties & Taxes on Domestic Goods

a) The duties & taxes i.e. GST etc. levied on domestic goods by the
Government vary from product to product. As a general policy, the statutory
variations in such duties & taxes shall be allowed during the period from the
last date of submission of bids to the date of acceptance of the tender (i.e.
placement of contract) and during the original/ re-fixed /extended delivery
period of the contract so that both the supplier and purchaser are equally
compensated for rise or fall in the prices of the goods on account of such
statutory variations.

b) In the tender conditions, the bidder(s), shall necessarily indicate the

prices along with the break-up details of taxes and duties, even if these are nil.
In the absence of any indication to this effect by the bidders, the bids shall be
treated as invalid. Sometimes, bidders mention in their bids that the quotation
includes current rates of taxes & duties as applicable and statutory variations,
if any at the time of supply will be applicable. This condition can be accepted.
However, correctness of the taxes & duties quoted by a bidder as applicable
during that period is to be verified while considering its tender. Also, only
statutory variations, and no other type of variations are allowed.

5.32 Custom Duty on Imported Goods
a) In imported stores, the bidders shall specify separately the total amount
of custom duty included in the quoted price duly indicating the break-up
details of basic, additional and special custom duty. The bidders shall indicate
correctly the rate of custom duty applicable for the goods in question and the
corresponding Indian Customs Tariff Number. Where customs duty is payable,
the contract should stipulate the quantum of duty payable in unambiguous
terms. Customs duty exemption, if any, notified by the Government of India
shall be availed.
b) If the contracted stores are entitled to any drawback of customs duty in
respect of the store or the raw materials involved in its manufacture, then the
price to be charged by the seller should be the net price after the deduction of
all the entitled custom duty drawbacks.

5.33 Duties &Taxes on Raw Materials

The purchaser is not liable to any claim from the supplier on account of
fresh imposition and/ or increase (including statutory increase) of GST etc. on
raw materials and/ or components used directly in the manufacture of the
contracted goods taking place during the pendency of the contract, unless such
liability is specifically agreed to in terms of the contract.

5.34 Procurement governed by General Contracts

In case of procurements under long term general / umbrella contracts /
main agreements between the Government of India and the Government of
the country concerned, provisions of the such contracts/agreements will
prevail in respect of the format of the RFP, quotations, general terms and
conditions, LD clause, integrity pact etc. However, provisions of this Manual
shall apply in respect of those aspects that are not covered by such


Chapter 6

6. Rate Contracts and Long-Term Agreements/ Contracts

6.1 Items Suitable for RC

Items satisfying any one of following parameters may be considered for
concluding a RC (i) available in the market ex-shelf or otherwise as per
requirement of several users including OFs (ii) required by several users on
recurring basis and having clear specifications (ii) that are fast moving with
short shelf life or storage constraints (iii) expected to have only marginal price
fluctuation (if not stable prices) during the currency of the RC or price
fluctuation may be captured through standard/Govt price indices available on
the web (iv) that take long gestation period to manufacture and for which
there is only one source for manufacturing. RC can be concluded for direct/
indirect material including the allied services.

6.2 RC Definition
A Rate Contract (commonly known as RC) is an agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier for supply of the specified goods (and allied
services if any) at specified price and terms & conditions (as incorporated in
the rate contract) during the currency of the contract. No quantity is
mentioned nor is any minimum off-take guaranteed in a Rate Contract. The
Rate Contract is in the nature of a standing offer from the supplier. The firm
and (or) the purchaser is/ are entitled to withdraw/ cancel the Rate Contract
by serving an appropriate notice on each other (not less than 30 days).
However, once a supply order is placed on the supplier for supply of a definite
quantity as per the terms of the rate contract during its validity, the supply
order becomes a valid & binding contract and the supplier is bound to supply
the ordered quantity.

6.3 OFB Rate Contracts

a) No Rate Contract should be concluded for items which is available with

b) Ordnance Factory Board may, where feasible, conclude RCs through OTE
on a 2- bids system for stores of standard type that are identified as common
user items and are needed on recurring basis by various ordnance factories.
RCs can be finalized through LTE with PSUs in respect of items which are
known to be manufactured only by them. Ordnance factories may procure

these items, as Direct Demanding Officer, under the RC concluded by
Ordnance Factory Board. The Ordnance Factory Board, on a case-to-case basis,
may also specifically authorise the ordnance factories to conclude RCs under
their delegated powers.

c) When RCs are concluded the specifications, prices and other salient
details of the rate contracted items shall be posted on the COMNET, and
appropriately updated, for use by all ordnance factories/ units under the
Ordnance Factory Board. The RCs concluded by the Ordnance Factory Board/
ordnance factories shall be operated to the maximum extent possible.

d) The rate contract may normally be concluded for one year. However, if
necessary, shorter or longer period, not exceeding five years, with PV clause if
feasible can also be considered after recording the reasons for the decision. As
far as possible termination period of RC should be so fixed as to ensure that
budgetary levies would not affect the price and thereby frustrate the

6.4 Competent Financial Authority

Assessed annual value of off-take plus 10% additional off-take, over the
period of the rate contract, shall be considered for determining the level of
CFA for conclusion of rate contract/ price agreement. The rate contract during
its validity can be operated up to a maximum of 10% in excess of the assessed
off-take. Any additional quantity is required to be approved by next higher

6.5 Estimate/ Indent/ Requisition

A rate contract can be concluded based on the assessed annual
requirements of various users under the authority processing an RC proposal.
The contract concluding authority (Ordnance Factory Board or the nodal
Ordnance Factory authorized by Ordnance Factory Board) shall obtain assessed
annual requirement from user Ordnance Factories duly approved by its
General Manager along with the detailed specifications.

6.6 Selection of Firms

Rate contracts should be normally concluded only with the registered
firms based on their capacity assessment by the designated Registering/
Inspecting Agency. In respect of unregistered firms bidding for Rate Contract
for the first time, their technical and financial capabilities must be verified. Past
performance of the firm shall be taken into account before finalising the RC.

6.7 Price Negotiation
While concluding RC, it may be required to conduct price negotiations by
the relevant TPC to obtain best value for money and confirm clearly the RC
terms & conditions to avoid ambiguity and dispute at a later stage.

6.8 Conclusion of a RC
RC concluded will be signed for and on behalf of the President of India
by the authority delegated powers to enter into RC or an officer authorized to
sign financial documents on his behalf, after CFA’s approval.

6.9 Conclusion of Parallel RC

In case it is observed that a single supplier does not have enough
capacity to cater to the entire demand of an item or where it is desirable to
have a wider vendor base due to criticality of the items or required by more
than one factory in such cases parallel RCs with more than one firm at the
same rate may be concluded. In order to ensure the vendor base intact,
minimum order quantity may be prescribed in TE. RC may be concluded
area/zone wise at the same rate, if vendors are available for various area/zone.
The preferred choice of zone/area may also be asked from the vendors in TE.
It is preferred to have more than one vendor in RCs due to multiple locations
of OFs. The CFA, based on the merit of each case, may decide the number of
firms to be awarded RC for an item so that the DDO will have a wider choice. If
the intention is to conclude parallel RC the same shall be indicated in the
tender documents. In all such cases, the proposal to distribute the order will be
part of the tender, and the bidders other than L1 have to match the L1 price.

6.10 Operating RCs

Orders against a RC concluded by any authority may be placed on the
terms & conditions of the RC by all Direct Demanding Officers. To facilitate
such operation, a suitable provision should be made in the RCs and the details
of the RCs posted on the website.

6.11 Special Conditions Applicable for RC

Some conditions of rate contract differ from the usual conditions
applicable for other contracts. Some such important special conditions of rate
contract are (i) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is not applicable (ii) the Schedule
of Requirement may indicate only the anticipated off-take without any
commitment (iii) purchaser reserves the right to conclude more than one rate
contract for the same item (iv) purchaser as well as the supplier may withdraw
the rate contract by serving suitable notice (30 days’ notice period) to each
other (v) purchaser has the option to renegotiate the price with the rate
contract holders (vi) in case of emergency, the purchaser may purchase the
same item through ad hoc contract with a new supplier (vii) normally the terms
of delivery in rate contracts are FOR, since the users are spread all over the
country (viii) supply orders, incorporating definite quantity of goods to be
supplied along with all other required conditions following the rate contract
terms, are to be issued for obtaining supplies through the rate contract (ix)
purchaser and the authorized users of the rate contract are entitled to place
supply orders up to the last day of the validity of the rate contract and, though
supplies against such supply orders will be effected beyond the validity period
of the rate contract, all such supplies will be guided by the terms and
conditions of the rate contract (x) the rate contract shall incorporate a Fall

6.12 Fall Clause

a) Fall clause is a price safety mechanism in rate contracts. The fall clause
provides that if the rate contract holder reduces its price or sells or even offers
to sell the rate contracted goods following conditions of sale similar to those of
the rate contract, at a price lower than the rate contract price, to any Govt or
Govt. owned organization during the currency of the rate contract, the rate
contract price will be automatically reduced with effect from that date for all
the subsequent supplies under the rate contract and the rate contract
amended accordingly. Other parallel rate contract holders, if any, are also to
be given opportunity to reduce their price as well, by notifying the reduced
price to them and giving them 15 (fifteen) days’ time to intimate their revised
prices, if they so desire, in sealed cover to be opened in public on the specified
date & time and further action taken as per standard procedure.

b) On many occasions, the parallel rate contract holders attempt to grab

more orders by unethical means by announcing reduction of their price (after
getting the rate contract) under the guise of Fall Clause. This situation is also to
be dealt with in similar manner as mentioned earlier. It is, however, necessary
that the purchaser keep special watch on the performance of such rate
contract holders who reduce their prices on one pretext or other. If their
performances are not up to the mark, appropriate action should be taken
against them including deregistering them, suspending business dealing with
them, terminating the contract, etc.

6.13 Performance Security
Depending on the assessed overall off-take against a rate contract and,
also, assessed number of parallel rate contracts to be issued for an item, the
authority concluding the RC (s) may consider obtaining performance security of
reasonable amount from the RC holders. RC Firms should submit the
Performance Security within 30 days of issue of RC Order, failing which order
will be cancelled. In case of cancellation of RC, for the reason of any default, RC
can be concluded with the next eligible firms (participated in the TE) for
balance quantity at the same L1 rate. A suitable clause to this effect is to be
incorporated in the tender enquiry documents. Performance Security shall,
however, not be demanded in the supply orders issued by Factories against
rate contracts.

6.14 Renewal and Extension

It should be ensured that new rate contracts are made operative
immediately after the expiry of the existing rate contracts without any gap. In
case, however, it is not possible to conclude new rate contracts due to some
reasons, timely steps are to be taken to extend the existing rate contracts with
same terms, conditions etc. for a suitable period, with the consent of the rate
contract holders. Rate contracts of the firms, which do not agree to such
extension, are to be left out of consideration for renewal and extension. Period
of such extension should generally not be more than three months. Also, while
extending the existing rate contracts, it shall be ensured that the price trend is
not downward, if so extension may be made provided the RC holder agrees to
reduce the price commensurate with the drop in prices.

6.15 Termination and Revocation of RC

RC is in the nature of standing offer and a legal contract comes into
being only when a supply order is placed by the CFA/ Direct Demanding
Officers. Being just a standing offer, embodying various terms of the offer, the
purchaser may revoke it at any time during its currency. However, reasonable
opportunity shall be given to the supplier to represent against any revocation/
cancellation of RC.

6.16 Payment Terms
Standard Payment terms, as indicated below, should be incorporated in
all Rate Contracts:-
(i) Up to 95 % on receipt of stores at consignee’s premises against despatch
documents (provisional receipt and copy number 1 of Inspection Note).
However, in case it becomes essential to despatch stores by train, 90%
payment can be released against proof of despatch (copy of the RR and
inspection note).
(ii) Balance on accounting of stores by the consignee.
(iii) Payment should be made by the paying authority within 21 working days
from the date of receipt of bill, if the supporting documents meet paying
authority requirement. Consolidated observations, if any should be
forwarded within 10 working days by paying authority to the CFA.

6.17 Paying Authority

The organization of the Principal Controller/ Controller of Finance &
Accounts concerned or their subordinate offices or any paying authority
authorized to make payment for such procurements will be the paying

6.18 Long-term Umbrella Agreements/Contracts

a) Generally MTO items are being considered for concluding a Long-term
Umbrella Agreements/Contracts. The items considered suitable for
Long-term Agreements/Contracts are those (i) which are exclusively
manufactured for OFs (ii) required by one or more than factories on
recurring basis.

b) The provisions/guidelines contained in para 2.6 items may also be

considered while initiating the Long-term Umbrella Agreements

c) Prior approval of the Member of Operating division shall be taken for

initiating Long Term procurement proposals.

d) OFs are authorised to conclude long term contract up to 5 years.

e) Staggered delivery schedule of the consignee shall be forwarded
periodically to the suppliers on whom the long-term umbrella
agreement/contracts are concluded, in such a way that no point of time
neither stock-out situation shall arise nor the inventory level shall
exceed that authorised.
f) Based on the capacity of the firms, the annual requirement and
criticality of the stores parallel Long term umbrella agreement/contract
may be finalised keeping prices and other terms & conditions same so
that factories can operate the contracts depending on economy of
transportation charges, landing charges and the availability of capacity
with the firms. The condition on parallel contracts should be mentioned
in the Tender Enquiry.

6.19 Processing Long-term umbrella agreement/contract by Nodal Factory

(i) Where the consumption will be by more than one Ordnance Factory
within an operating division, concerned Additional DG or
Member/ Operating Division in consultation with Member/P&MM and
Member/ Finance, shall decide a nodal factory for each of the items for
which long-term umbrella agreement contract is to be concluded on the
basis of maximum consumption of the store. The nodal factory shall be
responsible for the tendering process. For Items that are common for
factories under different Operating Divisions, the nodal factory shall be
decided by Member/P&MM depending on the approximate value of
Annual requirement of all Factories.

(ii) Nodal factory will collect the approximate annual estimated requirement
from all the Ordnance Factories concerned and consolidate the same.

(iii) Nodal Factory will collect the list of established suppliers for the item
from all the Ordnance Factories, and short list suppliers based on the past
performance, capacity and registration status.

(iv) In case the number of established suppliers is less than three, one of the
concerned factories (other than the nodal factory) shall take action for
further source development through OTE.

(v) LTE(as decided by VSL TPC) to be issued to the short listed suppliers with
unambiguous terms & conditions.

(vi) Price shall be obtained with price variation clause, for which an
appropriate price variation formula shall be indicated in the tender duly
indicating the period for which the long-term contract is being proposed.

(vii) Prices shall be obtained on FOR destination basis (with clear break-up of
basic, taxes & duties, transportation, etc.) at the concerned consignee

(viii) After opening the tenders, case shall be forwarded to OFB (MM division) /
OEFHQ/AVHQ (as relevant) along with the factory level-I TPC
recommendations, in case the case exceeds powers delegated to the
factory on the basis of the value of average annual requirement.

6.20 Long-term Product Support

Long-term (up to 5 years) Price Agreement for product support can also
be concluded with the OEM by OFB/OFs (as per DFP) for the items having firm
long-term requirement supported by indents or Roll-on-Plans or LoI. CFA shall
however be decided on the basis of the value of average annual requirement
(Average annual requirement = Total tendered quantity divided by multi year
period). The procedure/ mechanism for long-term product support shall be
similar to that for long-term umbrella agreement/contract. For IT turnkey
projects concluded by OFB/IT or a nodal factory nominated by OFB/IT, the
period of long term contracts/agreements up to 7 years may be considered
with the prior approval of O.F Board.

6.21 Long-term Contract for Transportation in case of Import through

ocean/sea route
Long-term (up to 5 years) contract for transportation in case of import of
general liner cargoes (project cargoes, heavy lift, container, break bulk cargoes
etc) may be concluded by OFB or a nodal factory nominated by OFB on FOB
(Free on Board)/FAS (Free Alongside Ship) or C&F (Cost & Freight)/CIF (Cost,
Insurance & Freight) basis through ocean / sea route. The Office Memorandum
No. SC-18013/1/2013-ASO-I dated 08.09.2015 or amended from time to time
on the matter issued by Ministry of Shipping may be referred.



7. Contracts
7.1 Elementary Law
a) The principles of contract and the meaning of various legal terms used in
contracts are contained in the Indian Contract Act (1872) read along with the
Sale of Goods Act (1930). The law relating to redressal of disputes is laid down
in the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment), Act 2015 No. 3 of 2016
published vide the Gazette of India Notification dated 01-01-2016. Some of the
salient principles relating to contracts are set out briefly in this chapter.

b) Government contracts (supply orders/ purchase orders are also basically

contracts) are governed by the same laws which are applicable to contracts
between private parties.

7.2 Contract
The proposal or bid or offer made by the supplier when accepted is a
promise. A promise and every set of promises forming the consideration for
each other is an agreement, and an agreement if made with free consent of
parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful
object is a contract.

7.3 Proposal or Offer

When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain
from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of the other to such
act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal or offer. In a sale or purchase
by tender, the tender signed by the bidder is the proposal. The invitation to
tender and instructions to bidders do not constitute a proposal.

7.4 Acceptance of the Proposal

When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent
thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal when accepted
becomes a promise.

7.5 Agreements are Contracts
An agreement is a contract enforceable by law when the following are satisfied
(i) competency of the Parties, (ii) freedom of consent of both Parties, (iii)
lawfulness of consideration, and (iv) lawfulness of object. A defect affecting
any of these renders a contract un-enforceable.

7.6 Competency of Parties

Under law any person who has attained majority and is of sound mind or
not debarred by law to which he is subject, may enter into contracts. It,
therefore, follows that minors and persons of unsound mind cannot enter into
contracts nor can insolvent person do so.

7.7 Parties to the Contract

Categories of persons and bodies who can be parties to the contract may
be broadly sub-divided as (i) Individuals (ii) Partnerships (iii) Limited
Companies, and (iv) Corporations other than limited companies.

7.8 Contracts with Individuals

a) Individuals tender either in their own name or in the name and style of
their business. If the tender is signed by any person other than the concerned
individual, the authority of the person signing the tender on behalf of another
must be verified and a proper power of attorney authorizing such person
should be insisted on.

b) In case, a tender is submitted in a business name, and if the business is a

concern of an individual, the constitution of the business and the capacity of
the individual should appear on the face of the contract and the tender signed
by the individual himself as proprietor or by his duly authorized attorney.

7.9 Contracts with Partnerships

a) A partnership is an association of two or more individuals formed for the
purpose of doing business jointly under a business name. It is also called a firm.
It should be noted that a partnership is not a legal entity by itself, apart from
the individuals constituting it. A partner is the implied authority to bind the
firm in a contract coming in the purview of the usual business of the firm. The
implied authority of a partner, however, does not extend to enter into
arbitration agreement on behalf of the firm.

b) While entering into a contract with partnership firm care should be
taken to verify the existence of consent of all the partners to the arbitration

7.10 Contracts with Limited Companies

Companies are associations of individuals registered under Companies
Act in which the liability of the members comprising the association is limited
to the extent of the shares held by them in such companies. The company,
after its incorporation or registration, is an artificial legal person, which has an
existence quite distinct and separate from the members of shareholders
comprising the same. A company is not empowered to enter into a contract for
purposes not covered by its memorandum of association; any such agreement
in excess of power entered into the company is void and cannot be enforced.
Therefore, in cases of doubt, the company must be asked to produce its
memorandum for verification or the position may be verified by an inspection
of the memorandum from the office of the Registrar of Companies before
entering into a contract. Normally, any one of the Directors of the company is
empowered to present the company. Where tenders are signed by persons
other than Directors or authorized Managing Agents, it may be necessary to
examine if the person signing the tender is authorized by the company to enter
into contracts on its behalf.

7.11 Corporation other than Limited Companies

Associations of individuals incorporated under statutes such as Trade
Union Act, Co-operative Societies Act and Societies Registration Act are also
artificial persons in the eye of law and are entitled to enter into such contracts
as are authorized by their memorandum of association. If any contract has to
be entered into with any one of such corporations or associations, the capacity
of such associations to enter into contract should be verified and also the
authority of the person coming forward to represent the said associations.

7.12 Parties to Contracts entered into by Ordnance Factories

The parties to the contracts into by ordnance factories are the President
of India as the purchaser, acting through the authority signing the contract/
agreement/ purchase order etc., and the supplier named in the contract.

7.13 Consent of Both Parties
Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the
same thing in the same sense. When two persons dealing with each other have
their minds directed to different objects or attach different meanings to the
language which they use, there is no agreement. The misunderstanding which
is incompatible with agreement may occur when (i) misunderstanding relates
to the identity of the other party to the agreement (ii) it relates to the nature
or terms of the transactions (iii) it relates to the subject matter of the

7.14 Free Consent of the Parties

The consent is said to be free when it is not caused by coercion, undue
influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake. Consent is said to be so caused
when it would not have been given but for the existence of coercion, undue
influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake. When consent to an
agreement is caused by coercion, undue influence, fraud or misrepresentation,
the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent
was caused. A party to a contract, whose consent was caused by fraud or
misrepresentation, may, if he thinks fit, insist that the contract shall be
performed, and that he shall be put in the position in which he would have
been if the representations made had been true.

7.15 Consent given under Mistake

In case consent to an agreement has been given under a mistake, the
position is slightly different. When both the parties to an agreement are under
a mistake as to a matter essential to the agreement, the agreement is not
voidable but void. When the mistake is unilateral on the part of one party only,
the agreement is not void.

7.16 Mistake of Fact and Law

Distinction has also to be drawn between a mistake of fact and a mistake
of law. A contract is not void because it was caused by a mistake as to any law
in force in India but a mistake as to law not in force in India has the same effect
as a mistake of fact.

7.17 Consideration
Consideration is something which is advantageous to the promisor or
which is onerous or disadvantageous to the promisee. Inadequacy of
consideration is, however, not a ground for avoiding the contract. But an act,
forbearance or promise, which in contemplation of law has no value, is no
consideration and likewise an act or a promise, which is illegal or impossible,
has no value.
7.18 Lawfulness of Object
The consideration or object of an agreement is lawful, unless it is
forbidden by law or is of such a nature that if permitted, it would defeat the
provisions of any law, or is fraudulent or involves or implies injury to the
fraudulent property of another or the court regards it as immoral or opposed
to public policy. In each of these cases the consideration or object of an
agreement is said to be unlawful.
7.19 Communication of an Offer or Proposal
The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the
knowledge of the person to whom it is made. A time is generally provided in
the tender forms for submission of the tender. Purchaser is not bound to
consider a tender, which is received beyond that time.
7.20 Communication of Acceptance
A date is invariably fixed in tender forms up to which tenders are open
for acceptance. A proposal or offer stands revoked by the lapse of time
prescribed in such offer for its acceptance. If, therefore, in case it is not
possible to decide a tender within the period of validity of the offer as
originally made, the consent of the bidder firm should be obtained to keep the
offer open for further period or periods.

7.21 Completion of Communication of Acceptance

The communication of an acceptance is complete as against the
proposer or offerer, where it is put in the course of transmission to him, so as
to be out of the power of the acceptor, and it is complete as against the
acceptor when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer or offerer. The
medium of communication in government contracts is generally by post and
the acceptance is, therefore, complete as soon as it is posted. So that there
might be no possibility of a dispute regarding the date of communication of
acceptance, it should be sent to the correct address by some authentic fool-
proof mode like registered post acknowledgement due, etc.

7.22 Acceptance to be Identical with Proposal
If the terms of the tender or the tender, as revised, and modified, are
not accepted or if the terms of the offer and the acceptance are not the same,
the acceptance remains a mere counter offer and there is no concluded
contract. It should, therefore, be ensured that the terms incorporated in the
acceptance are not at variance with the offer or the tender and that none of
the terms of the tender are left out. In case, uncertain terms are used by the
bidders, clarifications should be obtained before such tenders are considered
for acceptance. If it is considered that a counter offer should be made, such
counter offer should be carefully drafted, as a contract is to take effect on
acceptance thereof. If the subject matter of the contract is impossible of
fulfilment or is in itself in violation of law such contract is void.

7.23 Withdrawal of an Offer or Proposal

A bidder firm, which is the proposer, may withdraw its offer at any time
before its acceptance, even though the firm might have offered to keep the
offer open for a specified period. It is equally open to the bidder to revise or
modify his offer. Such withdrawal, revision or modification must reach the
accepting authority before the date and time of opening of tender. No legal
obligations arise out of such withdrawal or revision or modification of the offer
as a simple offer is without a consideration. Where, however, a bidder agrees
to keep his offer open for a specified period for a consideration, such offers
cannot be withdrawn before the expiry of the specified date. This would be so
where earnest money is deposited by the bidder in consideration of his being
supplied the subsidiary contract and withdrawal of offer by the bidder before
the specified period would entitle the purchaser to forfeit the earnest money.

7.24 Withdrawal of Acceptance

An acceptance can be withdrawn before such acceptance comes to the
knowledge of the bidder. A telegraphic revocation of acceptance, which
reaches the bidder before the letter of acceptance, will be a valid revocation.

7.25 Signing of Contracts

All defence contracts are in the name and on behalf of the President of
India. However, the contract, after due approval of the CFA, may be signed by
a gazetted officer, duly authorized by the CFA in writing. The specimen
signature of such officer is to be sent to all concerned, including the paying and
inspecting authorities. As for the contractor, the person signing the contract is
deemed to have been authorized by the supplier.

7.26 Acceptance of the Contracts
Any contract, when not signed by both parties, namely the purchaser
and the supplier, is deemed to come into force with the acceptance of the
tender as per mutually agreed terms & conditions contained in the tender and
the firm’s offer. However, in the case of supply orders, the firm should check
the supply order and convey acceptance of the same within seven days of
receipt of the supply order. If such an acceptance or communication conveying
their objection to certain parts of the contract is not received within the
stipulated period, the supply order is deemed to have been fully accepted by
the firm. In case of foreign contract, normally both parties sign the document
thus conveying their acceptance of the contract.

7.27 Stamping of Contracts

Under entry 5 of Schedule I of the Indian Stamp Act, an agreement or
memorandum of agreement for or relating to the sale of goods/ merchandise
exclusively is exempt from payment of stamp duty.

7.28 Types of Contracts

Government contracts can be of many types depending on the nature of
the item being procured, work to be executed, and services required to be
rendered and support to be provided. The provisions contained in this Manual
are applicable to the contracts for activities falling in the scope of this Manual.
These will apply to all other types of revenue contracts. The general types of
contract could be (i) purchase order for items of stores, spares or equipment
(ii) rate contract (iii) price agreement (iv) service contract (v) annual
maintenance contract/ comprehensive maintenance contract (vi) consultancy
contract (vii) development contract.

7.29 General Principles of Contracting

The following principles are laid down for the guidance of the authorities
who have to enter into contracts or agreements involving expenditure from
public funds (i) the terms of contract must be precise and definite, and there
must be no room for ambiguity or misconstruction therein (ii) standard forms
of contracts should be adopted, wherever possible, and the terms of the
contract should be subjected to close prior scrutiny (iii) as far as possible and
where mandated, particularly if standard format of contract is not to be
adopted, legal and financial advice should be taken in drafting of contracts and
before they are finally entered into (iv) the terms of a contract, once the
contract is concluded, should not be materially varied without the previous
consent of the authority competent to enter into the contract as so varied (v)

no contract involving an uncertain or indefinite liability or any condition of an
unusual character should be entered into without the previous consent of the
competent financial authority (vi) Whenever practicable and advantageous,
contracts should be placed only after tenders have been openly invited (vii) in
selecting the tender to be accepted, the financial status of the individuals and
firms tendering must be taken into consideration in addition to all other
relevant factors (viii) even in those rare cases where a formal written contract
is not made, no order for supplies, etc., should be placed without at least a
written agreement as to the price (ix) adequate provision must be made in the
contracts for safeguarding government property entrusted to the service

7.30 Changes/ Amendments to a Concluded Contract

a) No variation in the terms of a concluded contract should normally be
made, unless the contract specifically provides for it, in which case this can be
done with the specific written consent of the parties to the contract.

b) Amendment to a contract already concluded may become essential in

certain situations when either party to the contract requests for an
amendment and the proposed amendment is acceptable to other party to the

7.31 Enhancement in Rates

No enhancement in rates/ prices should be made unless the contract
specifically provides for it. Such situations may arise in those cases where the
contract provides for price variation clauses or the change is due to variation in
GST/ Custom Duties/ other Government taxes & levies and the contract
provides for payment of these duties on the basis of actual rates, provided the
supplies are made during the original/ re-fixed /extended delivery period.
Consultation with Integrated Finance in such cases would be required if the
original contract was concluded with the concurrence of Integrated Finance or
after increase in value, the contract falls within the delegated powers of the
CFA, exercisable with the concurrence of Integrated Finance.

7.32 Vetting of Price Variation Clause

Financial Advisor should be consulted for vetting of price variation
clauses/ exchange rate variation clauses.

7.33 Imposition of LD while Granting Extensions
While granting extensions of delivery period on an application of the
contractor, the letter and spirit of the application should be kept in view in
fixing a time for delivery and it must be decided while granting extension
whether it would be with or without imposition of liquidated damages.

7.34 Liability on account of Taxes & Duties on Grant of Extension of Delivery

While granting extension of delivery period, any increase in the taxes
and levies, may be payable.

7.35 Consultation with IFA

All amendments to contracts, which have financial implications,
including short closing and delivery period extensions without LD should be
approved by the CFA as per DFP in consultation with the IFA, where the
original contract was concluded with the concurrence of integrated finance.
When there is no downward trend in prices, and DP extension with LD is
applicable, then CFA can approve the same without financial consultation.

7.36 Termination of a Concluded Contract

A contract may be terminated when (i) the supplier fails to honour any
part of the contract including failure to deliver the contracted stores/render
services in time (ii) the contractor is found to have made any false or
fraudulent declaration or statement to get the contract or he is found to be
indulging in unethical or unfair trade practices (iii) both parties mutually agree
to terminate the contract (iv) the item offered by the supplier repeatedly fails
in the inspection and/ or the supplier is not in a position to either rectify the
defects or offer items conforming to the contracted quality standards (v) any
special circumstances, which must be recorded to justify the cancellation or
termination of a contract.

7.37 Contract Effective Date

The contract effective date is normally the date on which the contract is
signed by both the parties unless otherwise mutually agreed to and clearly
indicated in the contract as per agreed terms and conditions.

7.38 Conditions of Contract
A contract is a legal document and must be governed by certain terms &
conditions to protect the interest of both the parties to the contract. It is
important that every purchase officer is not only familiar with each conditions
of a contract, but that he is also able to take appropriate & timely action to
safeguard the rights of the purchaser. It is also desirable that the conditions of
a contract are practical, fair and just for both the purchaser and supplier. The
conditions of contract become binding for both parties on signing/ acceptance
of the mutually agreed contract.

7.39 General Conditions of Contract

In order to facilitate clear understanding of the conditions of contract, a
set of general conditions of contract (GCC), generally applicable to all
contracts, is formulated and made available to all firms at the time of
registration itself. GCC may be published on the website also. The tender
format contains reference to the GCC as well as special conditions of the
contract (SCC) that the bidders would be required to abide by. The contract
must also include the GCC as well as SCC specific to a particular case, as
mentioned in the tender. The GCC and SCC of contract are included in the
format of the tender as well as the supply order/ contract, respectively.

7.40 Special Conditions of Contract

Special conditions of contract (SCC) are supplementary conditions
applicable to a specific tender and contract. Such conditions become essential
particularly in cases of contract for supply of services or even equipment.
Special conditions of contract are given in Annexure which can be included on
case-to-case basis. In addition, there may be a need to stipulate conditions like
stage inspection, acceptance trials, installation, setting to work, and
commissioning or pre-defined stages of payment for services. Such conditions
should be decided while processing the proposal for CFA’s approval and
mentioned in the tender as well as the contract/ supply order.

7.41 Applicability of GCC to Supply Orders

The GCC and SCC of contract are applicable to supply orders also.
Acceptance of supply order by the firm is essential to make the same as legally
valid document.

7.42 Applicability of all Terms and Conditions
The formats of the tender and the contract agreement contain all the
general and special conditions of contract. All the general terms & conditions
and special conditions should invariably be mentioned in the tender and the
contract. Minor changes in the text would be permissible, as long as such
changes do not materially alter the context or import of the relevant article.
CFAs would be competent to take a decision in this regard in consultation with
Integrated Finance, wherever such consultation is required for sanctioning the
proposal. Legal opinion may be sought, if considered necessary, before making
any such alteration. However, standard text of clause given in tender and
supply order should not be altered without seeking legal opinion.

7.43 Amplification of the Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions included in the specimen format of the tender
and the contract are self-explanatory. However, some of the salient terms and
conditions are also explained in the succeeding paragraphs for better

7.44 Effective Date

Normally, the date of signing of the contract will be the effective date of
contract, except when specifically provided otherwise in the contract. Where
specifically agreed to by the parties to the contract, effective date may be the
date on which any or the last of the following conditions, as applicable, is
complied with (i) furnishing of the Performance Bond in the form of PBG by the
seller (ii) obtaining of the export license for supply of stores by the seller and a
confirmation in writing sent to the buyer within specified days of signing of the
contract (iii) receipt of Bank Guarantee for advance payment (iv) date of issue
of the End User Certificate. The contract will be valid from the effective date till
fulfilment of all contractual obligations by the parties to the contract.

7.45 Arbitration
a) A tender being issued to Indian private firms should have an arbitration
clause as per the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment), Act 2015
No. 3 of 2016 published vide the Gazette of India Notification dated 01-
b) All the arbitration should be completed and settled as per timelines
given in the Act.
c) A tender being issued to Indian Private Firms/Vendors should have an
arbitration clause stating the following:
“All disputes & differences arising out of or in any way touching or
concerning this agreement (except those for which specific provision has
been made therein) shall be referred to Sole Arbitrator to be appointed
by Director General Ordnance Factories (DGOF), Government of India,
10-A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 001 with the mutual consent of the
parties. The Arbitrator so appointed shall be a Government Servant / Ex
Government Servant (with mutual consent) who had not dealt with
matter to which this agreement relates and in course of his duties had
not expressed views on all or any of the matter in dispute or differences.
The Award of Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.”
7.46 Appointment of Arbitrators through Court
There may be situations when either party approaches a court of law for
appointing an independent arbitrator. Purchase Officers must consult the Legal
Advisor and Government counsel in all cases of arbitration.

7.47 Settlement of Disputes

Considering the legal complications, cost involved in litigation and
difficulties in enforcing legal awards, all efforts have to be made to settle
disputes with overseas contractors through negotiations, especially in small
value contracts. The sole-arbitration clauses as laid down in the general
conditions of contract may not be accepted by foreign firms. Where necessary,
as an alternative, provision may be made in the contract for arbitration by
three Arbitrators, one each nominated by the purchaser and the supplier; and
the third, who should not normally be a native of either India or the
contractor's country to be chosen by these two Arbitrators. In case of
disagreement between the two Arbitrators, the third Arbitrator may be left to
be nominated by the Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
or similar prima facie neutral and reputed institutions.

7.48 Buy-back Offer
When procurements are to replace an existing old item (s) with a new
item(s), a suitable clause should be incorporated in the tender so that
prospective and interested bidders may formulate their bids accordingly.
Depending on the value and condition of the old item (s) to be traded, the time
as well as the mode of handing over of the old items to the successful bidder
should be decided and relevant details in this regard suitably incorporated in
the tender. Suitable provision should also be made in the TE to enable the
purchaser either to trade or not to trade the old item (s) while purchasing the
new one (s).

7.49 Fall Clause

In cases where contracts have to be concluded with the firms, whose
rate contract with any central procurement agencies has expired and renewal
of RC has not taken place, a 'fall clause' should be incorporated in the supply
order/ contract to the effect that during the currency of the supply order/
contract, in case rates are found to be lower on conclusion of rate contract, the
lower rates as in the rate contract shall be applicable.

7.50 Penalties
All contracts whether with domestic or foreign vendors will have
provision for Suspension or Banning or debarment. The existing guidelines
issued by MoD vide I.D No. 31013/1/2016-D(Vig) Vol.II dated 21.11.2016 &
30.12.2016(or revised time to time) for penalties in business dealing with
entities and the suitable procedure (SOP) for levy of financial penalties and/or
suspension/banning of business dealings with entities promulgated by OFB
should be followed. Action may be taken by the Head of Department by issuing
a show cause notice to the firm(s) and after due consideration of all relevant
facts and circumstances of the case, an appropriate decision may be taken. The
reasons for the decision should be duly recorded in detail. If the Head of
Department is of the view that the gravity of misconduct justifies penal action
involved more than one Factory/Unit, then the case shall be referred to
concerned Operating Division for appropriate action by Competent Authority.



8. Procurement of Consultancy
8.1 Requirement for Engaging Consultants
The requirement for engaging external experts/ consultants may arise due to (i)
absence of required in-house expertise (ii) need for high quality services (iii) need for
economy/ efficiency. External professionals, consultancy firms or consultants may be
engaged as consultant for a specific job that is well defined in terms of (i) scope &
content (ii) time frame for completion. The CFA for engaging consultants is provided in
the DFP as amended from time-to-time. The provisions contained in GFR 2017 (or
amended time to time) in conjunction with “Manual on Policies and Procedure on
Employment of Consultants” brought out by the Ministry of Finance (available in the
website of Ministry of Finance), which contains detailed procedure, are to be followed.

8.2 Procedure for Engagement of Research Assistance

For procuring of research assistance from Government institutions and
laboratories for R&D work in the Ordnance Factories, a detailed procedure has been
approved by the Department of Defence Production vide MoD I.D No.5(10)/2010/
D(Prod) dated 10th February 2011 (copy in annexure) or revised time to time.

8.3 Conflict of Interest

To eliminate conflict of interests, the consultants and (or) his associates should not
be engaged for implementation of downstream services, supplies or works related to the
consultancy. This provision shall be included in the consultancy contract.


List of Acronyms used in this Manual

1. ACASH – Association of Corporations and Apex Societies of Handloom

2. AHSP – Authority Holding Sealed Particulars
3. AMC – Annual Maintenance Contract
4. AON – Acceptance of Necessity
5. ASSOCHAM – Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
6. AVHQ – Armoured Vehicles Head Quarters
7. AWB – Airway Bill
8. BC – Base Currency (i.e. INR)
9. BE – Bill of Entry
10. BL – Bill of Lading
11. CC – Cash and Carry
12. CD – Customs Duty
13. CFA – Competent Financial Authority
14. CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight
15. CII – Confederation of Indian Industries
16. CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid
17. COTS – Commercially-Off-The-Shelf
18. CPSUs – Central Public Sector Undertakings
19. CST – Central Sales Tax
20. CST – Comparative Statement of Tenders
21. CVC – Central Vigilance Commission
22. DAVP – Directorate of Advertisement and Visual Publicity
23. DBT – Direct bank Transfer
24. DCF – Discounted Cash Flow
25. DDO – Direct Demanding Officer
DFP – Delegation of Financial Powers to Ordnance Factory Board and its
26. units
27. DGOF – Director General of Ordnance Factories
28. DICCI – Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
29. DP – Delivery Period
30. DPE – Department of Public Enterprises
31. DPM - Defence Procurement Manual
32. DPP - Defence Procurement Procedures
33. DRDO – Defence Research and Development Organization
34. ECS – Electronic Clearance Service
35. ED – Excise Duty
36. EFT – Electronic Fund Transfer
37. EMD – Earnest Money Deposit
38. EPF – Employees Provident Fund
39. ERV – Exchange Rate Variation
40. ESI – Employees State Insurance
41. FAS – Free Alongside Ship
42. FE – Foreign Exchange

43. FICCI – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
44. FOB – Free on Board
45. FOR – Free on Rail
46. GCC – General Conditions of the Contract
47. GeM – Government e-Marketplace
48. GFR - General Financial Rules
49. GST – Goods and Services Tax
50. GTE – Global Tender Enquiry
51. IFA – Integrated Financial Advisor
52. IFD – Inter Factory Demands
53. INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms
54. ITJ – Indian Trade Journal
55. JRI - Joint Receipt Inspection
56. JSS - Joint Services Specifications
57. KVIC – Khadi Village Industries Commission
58. LAO - Local Accounts Office
59. LC – Letter of Credit
60. LD – Liquidated Damages
61. LoI – Letter of Intent
62. LPC – Local Purchase Committee
63. LPP – Last Paid Price
64. LTE – Limited Tender Enquiry
65. MHA – Ministry of Home Affairs
66. MIS – Management Information System
67. MSEs – Micro and Small Enterprises
68. MSMEs – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
69. MM – Material Management
70. MOD – Ministry of Defence
71. MP – Material Planning
72. MTO – Made to Order
73. NEFT – National Electronic Fund Transfer
74. NIC – National Informatics Center
75. NIT – Notice Inviting Tender
76. NPV – Net Present Value
77. NSIC – National Small-scale Industries Corporation Ltd
78. OC – Option Clause
79. OEFHQ – Ordnance Equipment Factories Head Quarters
80. OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
81. OFB – Ordnance Factory Board
82. OFBPM - Ordnance Factory Board Procurement Manual
83. OTE – Open Tender Enquiry
84. P&MM – Planning & Material Management
85. PAC – Proprietary Article Certificate
86. PBG – Performance Bank Guarantee
87. PSD – Performance Security Deposit
88. PSU – Public Sector Undertaking

89. PV – Price Variation
90. QA - Quality Assurance
91. QC - Quality Control
92. QR – Qualitative Requirements
93. RC – Rate Contract
94. RO - Repeat Order Clause
95. RST - Resultant Single Tender
96. RTGS – Real Time Gross Settlement
97. SCC – Special Conditions of the Contract
98. SDOTE – Source Development Open Tender Enquiry
99. SHIS – Store Holders Inability Sheet
100. SIH - Stores-in-hand
101. SKS – Single Known Source
102. SO – Supply Order
103. SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
104. STE – Single Tender Enquiry
105. SWOD - Supplementary Work Order Draft
106. TAC - Tender Advisory Committee
107. TE – Tender Enquiry
108. TEC - Technical Evaluation Committee
109. TPC - Tender Purchase Committee
110. TT – Telegraphic Transfer
111. TReDS – Trades Receivables Discounting System
112. VAT – Value Added Tax
113. VSL TPC – Vendor Selection TPC
114. WIP - Work-in-progress
115. UAM – Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum


Unless the context requires otherwise, the terms used in this Manual will have the meaning as
described herein below.

1. Authority Holding Sealed Particulars (AHSP): AHSP is the authority responsible for collecting,
collating, developing, amending, updating, holding and supplying sealed particulars of the defence
items in accordance with the laid down procedure. AHSP may be the Director General of Quality
Assurance (DGQA) or an authority in the Service Headquarters for service specific items. Similar
responsibility for the Naval and Air Force equipments rests with respective Service Headquarters.
Ordnance Factories are the AHSP for certain types of ‘B’ vehicles and some other items issued to the
defence and/or non-defence indentors. DGAQA is the AHSP for aviation stores of all the Services and
the Coast Guard. Procurement officers, the suppliers and the Inspection Agencies are required to
comply with the drawing / specifications drawn up by the AHSP.
2. Competent Financial Authority: The Competent Financial Authority (CFA) is an authority duly
empowered by the Government of India/OFB to sanction and approve expenditure from public
accounts up to a specified limit in terms of amount of such expenditure and subject to availability of
funds. All financial powers are to be exercised by the appropriate CFA.
3. Contract : A proposal or offer when accepted is a promise, a promise and every set of promises
forming the consideration for each other is an agreement and an agreement, if made with free
consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, is a
4. Direct Demanding Officers: The authorities in the Ordnance Factories & other establishments under
OFB, who have been duly authorized to place purchase orders directly on the rate contract holding
firms/suppliers with whom Rate Contracts have been concluded by the OFB or central purchase
5. Financial Power: Financial power is the power to approve expenditure to be incurred for bonafide
purposes in accordance with the laid down procedure and subject to availability of funds.
6. Indent: An indent is a requisition placed by the provisioning authority on the procurement agency to
procure an item. Indent is the authority for initiating procurement action and may contain one or
more items, each with a distinct item code/part number.
7. Inspecting Authority: Consequent upon delegation of responsibility to OFB for inspection of revenue
items, Sr. General Managers and General Managers of Ordnance Factories will act as Inspecting
Authority for items needed by them.
8. Inspecting Agency: The Inspecting Authority nominates the Inspecting Agency and the Inspecting
officer based on the type of items and geographical location of the purchaser and supplier.
9. Integrated Finance: While Finance Division of OFB functions as Integrated Finance for CFAs in OFB,
officers from Local Accounts Office at the appropriate level in the factories constitute Integrated
Finance for the CFAs in the Factories/other establishments under OFB.
10. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): The original equipment manufacturer which is the only
firm manufacturing the specified item/equipment of a specific make, as distinguished from the
stockists /distributors or suppliers of such items/equipment.
11. Paying Authority: In respect of procurements made under this Manual, Paying Authority means any
of the following authorities:
(a) Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts/Controller of Finance & Accounts under the
Controller General of Defence Accounts.
(b) A sub-office of the Principal Controller of Accounts/Controller of Finance & Accounts.

(c) An authority holding cash assignment/imprest and duly authorized to make payment for
12. Procurement : Procurement refers to the entire gamut of activities involved in and the procedures
to be adopted for acquiring goods and services as defined in paragraph 1.4 of this Manual.
13. Procurement Agency: The Procurement or Procuring Agency is the material management group at
factory/establishment that is responsible for the actual procurement as per the prescribed
procedure to meet the requirement of the unit.
14. Purchaser : The President of India acting through the Authority issuing the purchase/supply orders
or signing the Contracts/Memo of Understanding/Agreements, is the Purchaser in all cases of
procurement on behalf of the Government of India. Where the context so warrants, other terms
such as the ‘buyer’, have also been used in this Manual.
15. Rate Contract (RC): A Rate Contract is an agreement between the Purchaser and the Supplier to
supply stores at specified prices during the period covered by the contract. An RC is in the nature of
a standing offer from the supplier and no minimum drawal need be guaranteed. A contract comes
into being only when a formal order is placed by the CFA or the Direct Demanding Officer (DDO) on
the Supplier based on actual requirement.
16. Stores: The terms ‘Stores’ would include all items mentioned in paragraph 1.5 of this Manual.
17. Supplier: Supplier is the entity, which enters into a contract to supply goods and services. The term
includes employees, agents, assigns, successors, authorized dealers, stockists and distributors of
such an entity. Where the context so warrants, other terms, such as ‘vendor’ or ‘seller’, have also
been used synonymously in this Manual.
18. Authority for Procurement: Indent / Extract / IFD / SWOD / Annual Supply Plan given by OFB/
purchase requisition given by user section will be taken as authority for procurement.
(a) Extract: Extract is an authority given by OFB to Ordnance Factory / Factories to undertake
production of the items mentioned therein. This is placed based on Indent.
(b) SWOD: Supplementary Work Order Draft is placed by other Defence Department on OFB/
Ordnance Factory.
(c) IFD: Inter Factory Demand is placed by one Ordnance Factory on another Ordnance factory
which is the supplier of the item.
(d) Annual Supply Plan: Annual Supply Plan is issued by OFB to Ordnance Factories for making
supplies to indentors/ Ordnance factories. This is issued based on the annual plan of supply
of various items to various indentors.
(e) Purchase Requisition: Purchase Requisition is the demand raised by user section on purchase
department to procure off the shelf items, tools, consumables, maintenance items and other
miscellaneous items, service contracts, whole job contracts, transport services, maintenance
contracts and other similar outsourcing contracts etc.
19. E-Bid : Bid received through OFB e-Procurement System.
20. Registered Vendor : A vendor registered as per the Standard Operating Procedure for Vendor
Registration issued by OFB as updated from time to time.
21. Certain terms like Low Value/Low Tech items, High Value & High technology items have been used
in the manual. Considering the diverse range of inputs procured by the Ordnance Factories, generic
definition of these terms is not feasible. The relevant TEC/TPC, after due deliberations and recording
reasons, shall carry categorize appropriately at the relevant procurement stage.
22. Terms and expressions not defined in the Manual: The terms and expressions not defined herein
shall have the meaning assigned to them, if any, in the Indian Sale of Goods Act 1930, the Indian
Contract Act 1872, the General Clauses Act 1897, or other Indian Statutes and Government
Instructions, as amended from time to time.

Format for Proprietary Article Certificate


(Description of Goods): _________________________

It is certified that:

1. The indented goods are manufactured by M/s …………………………...

2. No other make or model is acceptable for the following reasons ...……………………….
3. *Approval of the Operating Member has been obtained
4. Estimated value of the case.........................................

Controlling Officer Group Officer Controlling Officer Group Officer

MM MM User User

Finance Member

Sr. General Manager/ General Manager

*for cases exceeding the financial powers delegated to General Managers/ Head of Department

Format for Single Known Source Certificate


1. Nomenclature of Item:
2. Specifications of Item:
3. Total Quantity required:
4. 2/3 of the Quantity required:
5. End Use:
6. Name and Address of the Firm:
7. It is certified that the indented item has been developed and supplied by M/s
………………………………………............... against Open Tender Enquiry** number
…………………… dated ……………………………………… and said firm is the only known and
established source on date.
8. The action taken for development of more sources and its/ their present status is
as follows (indicate here the SDOTE details and its/ their present status):
9. Estimated value of the case:
10. *Approval of the Operating Member has been obtained

Controlling Officer Group Officer Controlling Officer Group Officer

MM MM User User

Finance Member

Sr. General Manager/ General Manager

* for cases exceeding the financial powers delegated to General Managers/ Head of Department
**if the Source was not developed through OTE, then brief detail on how it was developed to be indicated

(for cases valuing above Rs. 100 Cr)


1. Whereas the PRESIDENT OF INDIA, represented by _____________, hereinafter referred to as the

Buyer and the first party, proposes to procure (Name of the Store/ Equipment), hereinafter referred to
as Defence Stores, and M/s ______________________,represented by, Mr /
Mrs______________________, Chief Executive Officer(which term, unless expressly indicated by the
contract, shall be deemed to include its successors and its assignees), hereinafter referred to as the
Bidder/Seller and the second party, is willing to offer/has offered the stores.

2. Whereas the Bidder is a private company/public company/partnership/registered export agency,

constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and the Buyer is a Departmental
Organisation under Ministry of Defence, Government of India performing its functions on behalf of the
President of India.


3. Now, therefore, the Buyer and the Bidder agree to enter into this pre-contract agreement,
hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact, to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is
fair, transparent and free from any influence / unprejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to
the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to:-

3.1 Enabling the Buyer to obtain the desired defence stores at a competitive price in conformity
with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of
corruption on public procurement, and

3.2 Enabling bidders to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from bribing and
other corrupt practices and the Buyer will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by their
officials by following transparent procedures.

Commitments of the Buyer

4. The Buyer Commits itself to the following:-

4.1 The Buyer undertakes that no official of the Buyer, connected directly or indirectly with the
contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any
bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other
advantage from the Bidder, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party
related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation,
contracting or implementation process related to the Contract.

4.2 The Buyer will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike, and will provide to all
Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular Bidder
which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in comparison to other Bidders.

4.3 All the officials of the Buyer will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted
or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a

5. In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the Bidder to
the Buyer with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by the Buyer,
necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings
may be initiated by the Buyer and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the
contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the Buyer the proceedings under
the contract would not be stalled.

Commitments of Bidders

6. The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair
means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract
stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commits himself to
the following:-

6.1 The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration,
reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees,
brokerage or inducement to any official of the Buyer, connected directly or indirectly with the
bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange
for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.

6.2 The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or
other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Buyer or
otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing
or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contractor any other
Contract with the Government.

6.3 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.

6.4 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means
and illegal activities.

6.5 The Bidder further confirms and declares to the Buyer that the Bidder is the original
manufacturer/integrator/ authorised government sponsored export entity of the defence stores
and has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede,
facilitate or in any way to recommend to the Buyer or any of its functionaries, whether officially
or unofficially to the award of the contract to the Bidder, nor has any amount been paid,
promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or company in respect of any such
intercession, facilitation or recommendation.

6.6 The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before
signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to
make to officials of the Buyer or their family members, agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such

6.7 The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on
to others, any information provided by the Buyer as part of the business relationship, regarding
plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic
data carrier. The Bidder also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such
information is divulged.

6.8 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other
manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.

6.9 The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the
actions mentioned above.

7. Previous Transgression

7.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in
respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in
India or any Government Department in India, that could justify bidder’s exclusion from the
tender process.

7.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified from the
tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason.

8. Earnest Money/Security Deposit

8.1. Every bidder, while submitting commercial bid, shall deposit an amount * ________as
Earnest Money/Security Deposit, with the buyer through any of the following instruments:-

(i) Bank Draft or a Pay Order in favour of the PCA(Fys), Kolkata.

(ii) A confirmed guarantee by an Indian Nationalized Bank, promising payment of the guaranteed
sum to the Buyer, a Departmental Organisation under Ministry of Defence, Government of India,
represented on behalf of the President of India, on demand within three working days without
any demur whatsoever and without seeking any reasons whatsoever. The demand for payment
by the Buyer shall be treated as conclusive proof for payment. A model Bank guarantee format is

Note: - In case of foreign supplies, the vendor may, if required, furnish the Bank Guarantee from
a first class International Bank provided the same is confirmed/ verified by the State Bank of

(iii) Any other mode or through any other instrument (to be specified in the RFP/TE).

* At present, the amount of pre-contract EMD/SD is Rs. 1 Cr in cases where the cost as
estimated by the Buyer is “above Rs. 100 Cr & up to Rs. 300 Cr”, and Rs. 3 Cr if the cost as
estimated by the Buyer is above Rs. 300 Cr.

Note: - The option of all acceptable instruments needs to be retained. However, the Buyer
should consider the validity of the instrument and the need for revalidation while obtaining the

8.2. The Earnest Money/Security Deposit shall be valid up to a period of five years beyond the
bid validity specified in the TE (or subsequent request made by the buyer for validity extension)
or the complete conclusion of contractual obligations to complete satisfaction of both the bidder
and the buyer, whichever is later. In case there are more than one bidder, the Earnest
Money/Security Deposit shall be refunded by the buyer to those bidder(s) whose bid does not
qualify (do not qualify) after the stages of TEC/TPC, as constituted by the Buyer, immediately
after a recommendation is made by the TEC/TPC on bid(s)after an evaluation.

8.3 In the case of successful bidder a clause would also be incorporated in the Article pertaining
to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions for Violation shall
be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Buyer to forfeit the
same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this pact.

8.4 The provisions regarding Sanctions for Violation in Integrity Pact include forfeiture of
Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Buyer to forfeit the same without assigning any
reason for imposing sanction for violation of Integrity Pact.

8.5 No interest shall be payable by the Buyer to the Bidder(s) on Earnest Money/Security Deposit
for the period of its currency.

9. Company Code of Conduct

9.1 Bidders are also advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of
bribes and other unethical behavior) and a compliance program for the implementation of the
code of conduct throughout the company.
10. Sanctions for Violation

10.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting
on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) or the commission of any
offence by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter
IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 or any other act
enacted for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Buyer to take all or any one of the
following actions, wherever required:-

(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving
any compensation to the Bidder. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s) would

(ii) The Earnest Money/Security Deposit/Performance Bond shall stand forfeited either fully or
partially, as decided by the Buyer and the Buyer shall not be required to assign any reason
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to
the Bidder.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the Buyer, and in case of an Indian Bidder with interest
thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India (or Base Rate
of State Bank of India in the absence of Prime Lending Rate), while in case of a Bidder from a
country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding
payment is due to the Bidder from the Buyer in connection with any other contract for any other
defence stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum
and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance-cum-warranty bond, if furnished by
the Bidder, in order to recover the payments, already made by the Buyer, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the Bidder.
(vii) To ban the Bidder from entering into any bid from the Government of India for a minimum
period of five years and not more than ten years at the discretion of the Buyer.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by Bidder(s) to any middleman or agent or
broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) If the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder or any person acting on behalf of the Bidder,
either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the officers of the Buyer, or alternatively,
if any close relative of an officer of the Buyer has financial interest/stake in the Bidder’s firm, the
same shall be disclosed by the Bidder at the time of filing of tender. Any failure to disclose the
interest involved shall entitle the Buyer to rescind the contract without payment of any
compensation to the Bidder.

The term ‘close relative’ for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing with the
Government servant or not, but not include a spouse separated from the Government servant by
a decree or order of a competent court; son or daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly
dependent upon Government servant, but does not include a child or step child who is no longer
in any way dependent upon the Government servant or of whose custody the Government
servant has been deprived of by or under any law; any other person related, whether by blood or
marriage, to the Government servant or to the Government servant’s wife or husband and
wholly dependent upon Government servant.

(x) The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings
or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the Buyer, and if he does so, the
Buyer shall be entitled forthwith to rescind the contract and all other contracts with the Bidder.
The Bidder shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the Buyer resulting
from such rescission and the Buyer shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the
money(s) due to the Bidder.
(xi) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contract
signed by the Buyer with the Bidder, the same shall not be opened.

10.2 The decision of the Buyer to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity Pact has
been committed by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder, however, the Bidder can
approach the monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.

11. Fall Clause
11.1 The Bidder undertakes that he has not supplied/is not supplying the similar systems or
subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India and if it is found at any stage that the similar
system or sub-system was supplied by the Bidder to any other Ministry/Department of the
Government of India at a lower price, then that very price, with due allowance for elapsed time,
will be applicable to the present case and the difference in the cost would be refunded by the
Bidder to the Buyer, if the contract has already been concluded.

11.2 The Bidder shall strive to accord the most favoured customer treatment to the Buyer in
respect of all matters pertaining to the present case.

12. Independent Monitors

12.1 The Buyer has appointed Independent Monitor(s) for this Pact in consultation with the
Central Vigilance Commission (Names and Addresses of the Monitors to be given) :

12.2 As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this Pact, he will so
inform the DGOF and Chairman/ Ordnance Factory Board, Ayudh Bhavan, 10A, S. K. Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700 001.

13. Examination of Books of Accounts

In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Integrity Pact or payment of commission,
the Buyer or its agencies shall be entitled to examine the Books of Accounts of the Bidder and the
Bidder shall provide necessary information of the relevant financial documents in English and shall
extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination.

14. Law and Place of Jurisdiction

This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the Buyer i.e.
the nearest location from the seat of the Buyer of a High Court or a Bench of High Court.

15. Other Legal Actions

The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may
follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal

16. Validity

16.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend up to 5 years or
the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the Buyer and the
Bidder/Seller, whichever is later.

16.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original

17. The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at __________ on ______________


( ) ( )
Designation: Chief Executive Officer
Ordnance Factory_____ Name of Firm:________

Witness Witness

1. ___________________ 1. ____________________

2. ___________________ 2. ____________________

(for cases valuing above Rs. 5 Cr and up to 100 Cr)


1. Whereas the PRESIDENT OF INDIA, represented by _____________, hereinafter referred to as the

Buyer and the first party, proposes to procure (Name of the Store/ Equipment), hereinafter referred to
as Defence Stores, and M/s ______________________,represented by, Mr /
Mrs_________________________,Chief Executive Officer(which term, unless expressly indicated by the
contract, shall be deemed to include its successors and its assignees), hereinafter referred to as the
Bidder/Seller and the second party, is willing to offer/has offered the stores.

2. Whereas the Bidder is a private company/public company/partnership/registered export agency,

constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and the Buyer is a Departmental
Organisation under Ministry of Defence, Government of India performing its functions on behalf of the
President of India.


3. Now, therefore, the Buyer and the Bidder agree to enter into this pre-contract agreement,
hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact, to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is
fair, transparent and free from any influence / unprejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to
the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to:-

3.1 Enabling the Buyer to obtain the desired defence stores at a competitive price in conformity
with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of
corruption on public procurement, and

3.2 Enabling bidders to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from bribing and
other corrupt practices and the Buyer will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by their
officials by following transparent procedures.

Commitments of the Buyer

4. The Buyer Commits itself to the following:-

4.1 The Buyer undertakes that no official of the Buyer, connected directly or indirectly with the
contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any
bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other
advantage from the Bidder, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party
related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation,
contracting or implementation process related to the Contract.

4.2 The Buyer will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike, and will provide to all
Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular Bidder
which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in comparison to other Bidders.

4.3 All the officials of the Buyer will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted
or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a

5. In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the Bidder to
the Buyer with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by the Buyer,
necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings
may be initiated by the Buyer and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the
contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the Buyer the proceedings under
the contract would not be stalled.

Commitments of Bidders

6. The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair
means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract
stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commits himself to
the following:-

6.1 The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration,
reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees,
brokerage or inducement to any official of the Buyer, connected directly or indirectly with the
bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange
for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.

6.2 The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or
other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Buyer or
otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing
or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contractor any other
Contract with the Government.

6.3 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.

6.4 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means
and illegal activities.

6.5 The Bidder further confirms and declares to the Buyer that the Bidder is the original
manufacturer/integrator/ authorised government sponsored export entity of the defence stores
and has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede,
facilitate or in any way to recommend to the Buyer or any of its functionaries, whether officially
or unofficially to the award of the contract to the Bidder, nor has any amount been paid,
promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or company in respect of any such
intercession, facilitation or recommendation.

6.6 The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before
signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to
make to officials of the Buyer or their family members, agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such

6.7 The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on
to others, any information provided by the Buyer as part of the business relationship, regarding
plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic
data carrier. The Bidder also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such
information is divulged.

6.8 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other
manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.

6.9 The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the
actions mentioned above.

7. Previous Transgression

7.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in
respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in
India or any Government Department in India, that could justify bidder’s exclusion from the
tender process.

7.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified from the
tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason.

8. Earnest Money/Security Deposit

8.1. All procurement cases above Rs. 5 Cr and up to Rs. 100 Cr, Integrity Pact is required to be
executed without any additional Financial Guarantee. The EMD/SD/PBG required to be
submitted by the vendor as prescribed in the respective Procurement Manual shall only act as
the financial guarantee for the IP.

8.2. The validity of the IP will be the validity of the EMD/SD/PBG or the complete conclusion of
contractual obligations to complete satisfaction of both the bidder and the buyer, whichever is
later. In case there are more than one bidder, the Earnest Money/Security Deposit shall be
refunded by the buyer to those bidder(s) whose bid does not qualify (do not qualify) after the
stages of TEC/ TPC, as constituted by the Buyer, immediately after a recommendation is made by
the TEC/TPC on bid(s) after an evaluation.

8.3 In the case of successful bidder a clause would also be incorporated in the Article pertaining
to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions for Violation shall
be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Buyer to forfeit the
same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this pact.

8.4 The provisions regarding Sanctions for Violation in Integrity Pact include forfeiture of
Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Buyer to forfeit the same without assigning any
reason for imposing sanction for violation of Integrity Pact.

8.5 No interest shall be payable by the Buyer to the Bidder(s) on Earnest Money/Security Deposit
for the period of its currency.

9. Company Code of Conduct

9.1 Bidders are also advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of
bribes and other unethical behavior) and a compliance program for the implementation of the
code of conduct throughout the company.

10. Sanctions for Violation

10.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting
on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) or the commission of any
offence by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter
IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 or any other act
enacted for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Buyer to take all or any one of the
following actions, wherever required:-

(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving
any compensation to the Bidder. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s) would
(ii) The Earnest Money/Security Deposit/Performance Bond shall stand forfeited either fully or
partially, as decided by the Buyer and the Buyer shall not be required to assign any reason
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to
the Bidder.

(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the Buyer, and in case of an Indian Bidder with interest
thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India (or Base Rate
of State Bank of India in the absence of Prime Lending Rate) and in case of a Bidder from a
country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding
payment is due to the Bidder from the Buyer in connection with any other contract for any other
defence stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum
and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance-cum-warranty bond, if furnished by
the Bidder, in order to recover the payments, already made by the Buyer, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the Bidder.
(vii) To ban the Bidder from entering into any bid from the Government of India for a minimum
period of five years and not more than ten years at the discretion of the Buyer.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by Bidder(s) to any middleman or agent or
broker with a view to securing the contract.

(ix) If the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder or any person acting on behalf of the Bidder,
either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the officers of the Buyer, or alternatively,
if any close relative of an officer of the Buyer has financial interest/stake in the Bidder’s firm, the
same shall be disclosed by the Bidder at the time of filing of tender. Any failure to disclose the
interest involved shall entitle the Buyer to rescind the contract without payment of any
compensation to the Bidder.

The term ‘close relative’ for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing with the
Government servant or not, but not include a spouse separated from the Government servant by
a decree or order of a competent court; son or daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly
dependent upon Government servant, but does not include a child or step child who is no longer
in any way dependent upon the Government servant or of whose custody the Government
servant has been deprived of by or under any law; any other person related, whether by blood or
marriage, to the Government servant or to the Government servant’s wife or husband and
wholly dependent upon Government servant.

(x) The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings
or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the Buyer, and if he does so, the
Buyer shall be entitled forthwith to rescind the contract and all other contracts with the Bidder.
The Bidder shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the Buyer resulting
from such rescission and the Buyer shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the
money(s) due to the Bidder.
(xi) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contract
signed by the Buyer with the Bidder, the same shall not be opened.

10.2 The decision of the Buyer to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity Pact has
been committed by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder, however, the Bidder can
approach the monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.

11. Fall Clause

11.1 The Bidder undertakes that he has not supplied/is not supplying the similar systems or
subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India and if it is found at any stage that the similar
system or sub-system was supplied by the Bidder to any other Ministry/Department of the
Government of India at a lower price, then that very price, with due allowance for elapsed time,
will be applicable to the present case and the difference in the cost would be refunded by the
Bidder to the Buyer, if the contract has already been concluded.

11.2 The Bidder shall strive to accord the most favoured customer treatment to the Buyer in
respect of all matters pertaining to the present case.

12. Independent Monitors

12.1 The Buyer has appointed Independent Monitor(s) for this Pact in consultation with the
Central Vigilance Commission (Names and Addresses of the Monitors to be given) :


12.2 As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this Pact, he will so
inform the DGOF and Chairman/ Ordnance Factory Board, Ayudh Bhavan, 10A, S. K. Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700 001.

13. Examination of Books of Accounts

In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Integrity Pact or payment of commission,
the Buyer or its agencies shall be entitled to examine the Books of Accounts of the Bidder and the
Bidder shall provide necessary information of the relevant financial documents in English and shall
extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination.

14. Law and Place of Jurisdiction

This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the Buyer i.e.
the nearest location from the seat of the Buyer of a High Court or a Bench of High Court.

15. Other Legal Actions

The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may
follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal

16. Validity

16.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and will remain valid upto
the validity of the PBG or the complete conclusion of contractual obligations to complete
satisfaction of both the Buyer and the Bidder/Seller, whichever is later.

16.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original

17. The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at __________ on ______________


( ) ( )
Designation: Chief Executive Officer
Ordnance Factory_____ Name of Firm:________

Witness Witness

1. ___________________ 1. ____________________

2. ___________________ 2. ____________________


Sl.No. Activities Time Frame

WORKING OUT & VETTING OF REQUIREMENT (to be taken at Factories)

1. Preparation and Vetting of SHIS 2 Weeks
2. Vendor Selection TPC 2 Weeks
3. Approval of TPC members and floating of LTE/STE 1 Week
4. Preparation of TE and floating of LTE/STE & Notification of Tender 2 Weeks
through CPP Portal/OFB E-proc /GeM etc

PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at Factories)

5. Time allowed for submission of offer in a single bid system 3 Weeks
(Commercial bid only)

6. Opening of commercial offers, preparation of CST, Tech vetting 1 Week

7. Proposal for procurement/scheduling of TPC with CFA approval 1 Week
8. Brief for TPC, Notice for TPC and TPC meetings 1 Week
9. TPC Minutes and signatures 1 Week (3 Weeks in cases of Counter
10. IFA concurrence and CFA Approval of Purchase Proposal (for 1 Week
cases within GM’s power)
11. Sending Proposal including soft copy to OFB along with relevant 1 Week
papers for cases within OFB’s power
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at OFB) for OFB cases
12. Preparation & distribution of brief at OFB, holding of TPC at OFB 3 Weeks (6 Weeks in cases of
and issuing approval letter to Factory Counter offer/Negotiation)
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at Factories)
13. Preparation of SO and Despatch of SO 1 Week
Total Time Frame
i) Cases within GM’s Power 16-18wks
ii)Cases within OFB’s Power 20-25wks

In case of delay in finalization of cases during TPC stage, reason for delay with justifications is to be recorded in
TPC minutes.


Sl.No. Activities Time Frame

WORKING OUT & VETTING OF REQUIREMENT (to be taken at Factories)
1. Preparation and Vetting of SHIS 2 Weeks
2. Vendor Selection TPC 2 Weeks
3. Preparation of TE and floating of OTE/GTE & Notification of Tender 2 Weeks
through CPP Portal/OFB E-proc /GeM etc
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at Factories)
4. Time allowed for submission of offers in a Two bid system 4 Weeks (OTE)
(Commercial bid and Tech bid) 6 Weeks (GTE)
5. Opening of Tech Bids and Technical Evaluation by TEC (to be done at 3 Weeks
the Factory)
6. Capacity Verification & Registration of firm 13 Weeks
7. Scheduling of TEC, TEC minutes and signature 3 Weeks
8. Sending Proposal including soft copy to OFB along with relevant 1 Week
papers for cases within OFB’s power
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at OFB) for OFB cases
9. Preparation & distribution of brief at OFB, holding of TEC at OFB and 3 Weeks
issuing approval letter to Factory for opening of price bid
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at Factories)
10. Opening of Commercial offers, preparation of CST, Tech Vetting etc. 1 Week
11. Proposal for Procurement / Scheduling of TPC with CFA approval 1 Week
12. Brief for TPC, notice for TPC and TPC meetings 1 Week
13. TPC minutes and signature 1 Week (3 Weeks in cases of
Counter offer/ negotiation)
14. IFA concurrence and CFA Approval of Purchase Proposal (for cases 1 Week
within GM’s power)
15. Sending Proposal including soft copy to OFB along with relevant 1 Week
papers for cases within OFB’s power –for TPC
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at OFB) for OFB cases
16. Preparation & distribution of brief at OFB, holding of TPC at OFB and 3 Weeks (6 Weeks in cases of
issuing approval letter Counter offer/ negotiation)
PROCUREMENT ACTION (to be taken at Factories)
17. Preparation of SO and Despatch of SO 1 Week
Total Time Frame OTE cases GTE cases
i) Cases within GM’s Power 35-37 wks 37-39 wks
ii)Cases within OFB’s Power 43-48 wks 45-50 wks
1. In case of Advance Vendor Registration, Capacity Verification & Registration of firm are required to be
completed before issue of Source Development OTE.
2. 13 weeks is maximum time frame for capacity verification but Factory will try to make it as minimum as
3. In case of delay in finalization of cases during TEC/TPC stage, reason for delay with justifications is to be
recorded in TEC/TPC minutes.

F. No. 5(1)/2010/D(Prod)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Deptt. of Defence Production
New Delhi dated 10th February, 2011
The DGOF & Chairman
Ordnance Factory Board
10-A, S.K.Bose Road
Kolkata – 700 001

Sub (i) Delegation of Financial Powers for Expenditure on local purchase of stationery stores
(ii) Placement of Contracts for acquisition of Research Assistance from Government Technical
Institutions and Government owned laboratories

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 5/12/99/D/Prod/B dated 26th July, 2010 & OF Board’s
proposals of OFB ID No. DEL/FIN/BS/2010/Vol-II/847 dated 19.08.2010 and 027/TS/R&D/BS/I dated 01.01.2010
on the above subject.

2. The proposals have been examined by this Ministry in consultation with Defence Finance and the sanction
of the President is hereby conveyed for the delegation of financial powers to Ordnance Factory Board as given in
the Enclosure-I of this letter.

3. This issues with the concurrence of MoD Finance (IF/DP-I) vide their Diary No. 96/IF(DP-I) dated
Yours faithfully,

(Victor Baa)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Copy to:-
1. The Secretary (Def Finance)
2. The Joint Secretary (LS)
3. The JS (Personnel), Ministry of Finance
4. The Dir (P&C)
5. The OSD(LS)
6. The CGDA, RK Puram, New Delhi
7. The Pr Controller of Accounts (Fys), OFB Kolkata
8. The DADS, New Delhi
9. The Pr Director of Audit, Kolkata
10. IF/DP-I 11. US D(Proj-I) 12. US D(Proj-II)
13. D(Official Language-II), MoD

F. No. 5(1)/2010/D(Prod)
Enclosure –II

Detailed Procedure for Acquisition of Contract Services for R&D

1. Procedure for placement of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services:

1.1 Generation and Approval of Research Service Qualitative Requirement (RSQR): The requirement for
acquisition for research services will be raised through a statement of case, internal to Factory/ODC, by those
who need that service. The requirement shall be in the form of a Research Service Qualitative Requirement
(RSQR). The officer not below Jt.GM/Director/ODC of the factory/ODC will approve the RSQR.

1.2 Solicitation of offers for provision of Research Services Provider (RSP) :

a) The approved RSQR will be sent to potential providers of research services, as identified by the approver of
the RSQR, and formal offers solicited from them. To ensure continuity of work expected to of work expected to
last more than eighteen (18) months, RSPs should be asked to identify at least two key personnel who will engage
in the work.
Note : The task of identifying the potential providers of research services is exclusively matter of technical
judgment alone based on the knowledge and experience of the approver of the RSQR. This judgment will be
exercised by the approver in the light, inter alia, of previous experience with pedigree of intellectual resources of,
uniqueness of facilities and quality and technical merit of research personnel available at the institution(s) solicited
to provide the research service.

b) The offers of provision of research services, and their revisions, from such solicited RSPs shall be made by
them in the format at Annex 1.
c) The validity of an Offer from an academic institution for the provision of research services shall not be
invalidated merely on account of the date of its receipt by Factory/ODC.

1.3 Selection and nomination of RSP: Selection and nomination of RSP based on the offer made by each
potential Research Service Provider( RSP) will he made by the competent authority (Based on the value of
acquisition, competent authority has been defined in the last para of the proposal separately). Reasons for
nomination will be recorded on file.

1.4 Placement of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services:

a) The Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be placed by the factory/ODC on the nominated RSP,
following acceptance of its Offer by competent authority.
b) All Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be placed in the form in Annex 2.

1.5 Acceptance of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services by Academic Institution: The Contract for
Acquisition of Research Services as placed by the factory/ODC on the institution, shall be deemed accepted by the
Institution when a copy of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services is returned to issuing factory/ODC by the
RSP, signed by the latter's competent authority.

1.6 Amendments to Contract for Acquisition of Research Services:

a) Normally, a need for financial amendments to Contract for Acquisition of Research Services should not
arise. However, such amendments can be made in cases in which unforeseen circumstances/events predicate
additional expenditure. Approval of such amendments shall be put up by approver of RSQR to next higher
competent authority with justification for approval.

b) All amendments to Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be in the form specified at Annex 3.
c) All amendments to Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be authorized by CA (Competent
Authority), except that amendments resulting in an increase in the Total Financial Commitment shall require the
approval as per(a) of para 1.6 above, to accept an Offer.

2. Financial provisions in Contract for Acquisition of Research Services:

2.1 Advances, work-in progress and schedule of payments
a) The factory/ODC may take payments of advances and/or make progress payments for executing the
contract. Such payments shall be made against the Contract for Acquisition of Research Services and after
certification by the cognizant Financial Authority of the RSP that the monies already released against previous
demands have been utilized for the purposes for which they were provided.
b) Advances or progress payments are interim payments, which shall be deducted from the total sums due
to the research provider institution.
c) Except with the specific written pre-agreement of the factory/ODC, the research provider institution shall
not use for any purposes other than those specified in the Contract for Acquisition of Research Services, any
material or services for which advances or progress payments have been made.

2.2 Financial guarantee

a) No bank or other financial guarantees are requirement for Contract for Acquisition of Research Services.
b) For Work whose estimated time for completion is six (6) months or less, the RSP shall submit only those
reports as relate to the purchase of equipment by the RSP, within thirty (30) days of such purchase.
c) For Contract for Acquisition of Research Services in which the estimated time for submission of the final
report is more than six (6) months, the research provider institution stall provide the factory/ODC, not later than
thirty (30) days after end of each half-yearly financial statement showing the actual expenditure incurred, against
each of the entries at 'item 9.1' in the CARS, for the execution of the contract up to the end of the preceding half-
d) Books of accounts pertinent to each Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be maintained
separately by the RSP and those shall be open to the factory/ODC. The factory/ODC, or other authority specified
by them may inspect all such books, bills, vouchers and other financial records at any time until the accounts
relating to the Contract for Acquisition of Research Services are settled. The research service provider shall supply
the factory/ODC with such financial documents as are necessary for final settlement of claims, without explicit
request by the factory/ODC, within three (3) months after submission of the final report.

3. Delivery schedule :
3.1 The outcome, of the contract (invariably a set of reports/documents/records in hard-copy or machine-
readable form/sub-systems etc) shall be delivered at the time or times and in the manner specified in the

3.2 The research provider institution shall inform the factory/ODC promptly of any occurrence that is likely to
cause delay in delivery of contracted outcomes. The factory/ODC shall determine, in the light of circumstances
reported, the extent of change(s) required in the delivery schedule of the contract.

Note : The above covers only unexpected technical difficulties, gross delays in deliveries by suppliers of purchased
equipment or consumables, illness or other justifiable cause of unavailability of research personnel and similar
unforeseen circumstances.

3.3 An extension of the time limit for execution of the contract, or as a postponement of delivery shall
require the explicit approval of the Competent Authority who has approved the contract.

4.1 Short-closure of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services : The Contract for Acquisition of Research
Services may be short-closure at any time during the currency of its execution if the factory/ODC feels that no
useful purpose will be served by continuing the implementation of contract for Acquisition of Research Services.
The short-closure of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services will be approved by the OFB and after receiving
justification for the same recorded in the file. This is to be put up by Competent Authority who has approved the
contract in form of a Board Paper to full Board. The short-closure will be deemed to be effective from the day the
short-closure order is received by the institution. Subsequent to this short-closure the RSP will submit a technical
report on the work done till short-closure. The monies left unspent on the date of receipt of short-closure order
by the RSP shall be returned to factory/ODC. All equipment and unused consumables acquired out of contract
monies shall also be returned to factory/ODC.

Note: The factory/ODC will ensure delivery of any short-closure order to the institutions (with a copy to the
investigator(s) within ten (10) working days of the decision to short-close by OF Board.

5. Reports:

5.1 Reports giving details of the progress of the work shall be sent to the factory/ODC at intervals as specified
in the conditions of the contract.

5.2 On completion of the contract, the RSP will submit a final report (Contractor Report).

5.3 All reports shall be in a format conforming to Indian Standard IS : 1064-1980, bound with Bibliography
Description sheet conforming to IS : 9400-1980.

6. Ownership of Intellectual Property:

6.1 The ownership of intellectual property, whether or not legally protected (e.g. by patent), generated by
research performed under a Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall vest in OFB.

6.2 Notwithstanding the above, all documents and information detailing the technical performance of
Contract for Acquisition of Research Services (including pertinent laboratory notebooks, sketches, photographs,
video tapes of experiments, electronic data acquisition records and other similar shall be the property of OFB,
whether or not in the physical possession of OFB.

7. Disclosure and use of information by the research provider institution: The research provider
institution will ensure that the documents supplied by the factory/ODC are not disclosed to any person other than
a person authorized by the factory/ODC. Any pattern, sample or information supplied by factory/ODC to the RSP
in documentary or other physical form is the property of the factory/ODC and shall be returned to the
factory/ODC after execution of the contract, unless their disposal is otherwise provided for in the Specific
Conditions of Contract.

8. Publicity relating to contracts: The existence of the contracts or the status of their execution shall not be
published by the RSP in the media or in its Periodic/ Annual Report except with the written consent of OFB.

9. Communications: All communications affecting the performance of the contract, or its terms and
conditions, shall be contractually valid only when confirmed by formal amendments to Contract for Acquisition of
Research Services made by the original signatories to the contract.

10. Compliance with law: Notwithstanding anything contained in a Contract for Acquisition of Research
Services, the RSP shall be solely responsible for complying with all laws in force in India.

11. Settlement of disputes: All disputes relating to a Contract for Acquisition of Research Services shall be
settled mutually between the RSP and agency placing the Contract for Acquisition of Research Services. Any
remaining unresolved disputes shall be referred to final binding settlement by DGOF and Chairman or his
authorized representative.

Competent Authority (CA) is the Authority competent to accept an Offer. This authority shall be three levels as

CA-I : The Jt. GM nominated by GM of the factory for this purpose/Director ODC where the estimated
expenditure of the offer received from RSP is up to 5 Lakhs.

CA-II : The Controlling General Manager / DDG/R&D at OFB HQ where the estimated expenditure of the Offer
received from the RSP is up to 20 Lakhs.

CA-III : Member/TS where the estimated expenditure of the Offer received from the RSP is up to 50 Lakhs.

F. No. 5(1)/2010/D(Prod) dt 10.02.2011
(Annexure 1)

Summary Offer of Provision of Research Services

1. Title of Service qualitative Requirement (RSQR): Office Number:

Date received:
Revised on:
2. RSQR Document Ref. Nos. Date of Issue Issuing Factory/ ODC: Remarks of RSQR initiation

3. Name of Research Service Provider (RSP) making this 4 RSP’s Ref. No. Judgment of OEC:
3. (a) RSP’s address for correspondence:
Pin code:
Telephone: Fax: 5. (a) Key personnel of RSP to be deployed:
Email. 5. (b) RSP's sub-contractors/consultants
a) Name:
b) Name:
6. Principal technical feature of offer as related to RSQR:
7. Equipment that RSP requires to be positioned by Factory/ODC:
8. Estimated time to complete provision research services and submit Final Report: Months:
9.1 Estimated expenditure (as enclosed on revise) on : Rs. in lakhs
a) Personal:
b) Equipment:
c) Others:
9.2 Required schedule of payments (Rs. in lakhs)
a) Initial advance:
b) at Performance Milestone I of RSQR:
c) at Performance Milestone II of RSQR:
d) at Performance Milestone III of RSQR:
e) On submission of Final Report
10. Reference rates to R&D work being performed by 11. Offer as above valid till date:
RSP for Armed Services/DRDO/other S&T (including 12. Signature of competent authority of RSP:
foreign) agencies:


F. No. 5(1)/2010/D(Prod) dt 10.02.2011
(Annexure 2)

Contract for Acquisition of Research Services

1. Short title of Research Service to be provided: Contract Number:

In response to:
2. RSQR Document Ref. Nos. Date of Issue Issuing Factory/ ODC: Dates for contract for
YY MM DD Lab/Estt/Project: Acquisition of Research
Services Amendments,
if any:

3. Name and address of Research Service Provider (RSP): 4. RSP’s Ref. No.


5.(a)This contract will require a formal amendment if the following key professionals are not available to RSP:
(b)RSP is authorized to engage these professionals as research consultants (names, institutions/companies):
6. Principal technical feature of Research service to be provided:

7. Factory/ODC will make available the following equipment to RSP:

8. The technical performance of this contract shall be complete when RSP submits the Final
Report before (date):
9.1 Expenditure on items below, shall not exceed sums shown against each Rs. in lakhs
a) Personal:
b) Equipment:
c) Others:
9.2 Schedule of payments (Rs. in lakhs) Date Payment
a) Initial advance:
b) at Performance Milestone I:
c) at Performance Milestone II:
d) at Performance Milestone III:
e) On submission of Final Report (Refer also entry 8 above)
Payments will be made within 45 days of receipt by Factory/ODC Total:
10. OFB will deem this contract, including amendments 11. Signature of Factory/ODC contract administrator:
thereto, to have been consummated when signed
below by the authority of academic institution (e.g. Name:
Registrar) competent to enter into this contract: Designation:
Sign over seal Telephone:
Name: Email:

F. No. 5(1)/2010/D(Prod) dt 10.02.2011
(Annexure 3)

Amendment of Contract for Acquisition of Research Services

1. Short title of Research Service to be provided: Contract Number:

In response to:
2. RSQR Document Ref. Nos. Date of Issue Issuing Factory/ ODC: Dates of amendment of
YY MM DD Lab/Estt/Project: contract for Acquisition of
Research Services:

3. Name and address of Research Service Provider 4. RSP’s Ref. No.


5.(a)Reason for which amendment in the contract is being sought and justification thereof for the amendment:

9.1 Amended expenditure on items below, shall not exceed sums shown against each Rs. in lakhs
a) Personal:
b) Equipment:
c) Others:
9.2 Amended Schedule of payments (Rs. in lakhs) Date Payment
a) Initial advance:
b) at Performance Milestone I:
c) at Performance Milestone II:
d) at Performance Milestone III:
e) On submission of Final Report (Refer also entry 8 above)
Payments will be made within 45 days of receipt by Factory/ODC Total:
10. OFB will deem this contract, including amendments 11. Signature of Factory/ODC contract administrator:
thereto, to have been consummated when signed
below by the authority of academic institution (e.g.
Registrar) competent to enter into this contract: Name:
Sign over seal Address:
Name: Telephone:
Designation: Email:



In INCOTERMS 2010, the delivery and transportation of goods are grouped into four
categories as under: -

(a) “E” – Terms - Implies Ex-works, where under, the seller only makes the goods available
to the buyer at the seller’s own premises. The responsibility of providing the carrier is that
of the buyer.

(b) “F”-Terms- FCA, FAS and FOB are various clauses of “F” terms under which the seller is
called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer. The responsibility of
providing the carrier is that of the buyer.

(c) “C”-Terms- CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP are various clauses of “C” terms under which the seller
has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss of or damage the goods or
additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch.

(d) “D”- Terms- DAT, DDP and DAP are various clauses of “D” terms under which the seller
has to bear costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the placed of destination.


• EXW Ex Works

“Ex Works” means that the seller delivers when it places the goods at the disposal of the
buyer at the seller’s premises or at another named place (i.e., works, factory, warehouse,
etc.). The seller does not need to load the goods on any collecting vehicle, nor does it need
to clear the goods for export, where such clearance is applicable. This term thus represents
the minimum obligation for the seller, and the buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved
in taking the goods from the seller’s premises.

• FCA Free Carrier

“Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person
nominated by the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place. The parties are
well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of delivery, as
the risk passes to the buyer at that point.

• CPT Carriage Paid To

“Carriage Paid To” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person
nominated by the seller at an agreed place (if any such place is agreed between parties) and
that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods
to the named place of destination.

• CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To

“Carriage and Insurance Paid to” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or
another person nominated by the seller at an agreed place (if any such place is agreed
between parties) and that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage
necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination.
‘The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to
the goods during the carriage. The buyer should note that under CIP the seller is required to
obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have more insurance
protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own
extra insurance arrangements.

• DAT Delivered at Terminal

“Delivered at Terminal” means that the seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from
the arriving means of transport, are placed at the disposal of the buyer at a named terminal
at the named port or place of destination. “Terminal” includes a place, whether covered or
not, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal. The seller
bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them at the terminal at the
named port or place of destination.

• DAP Delivered at Place

“Delivered at Place” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the
disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named
place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named

• DDP Delivered Duty Paid

“Delivered Duty Paid” means that the seller delivers the goods when the goods are placed at
the disposal of the buyer, cleared for import on the arriving means of transport ready for
unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all the costs and risks involved
in bringing the goods to the place of destination and has an obligation to clear the goods not
only for export but also for import, to pay any duty for both export and import and to carry
out all customs formalities.


(i) FAS Free Alongside Ship

“Free Alongside Ship” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside
the vessel (e.g., on a quay or a barge) nominated by the buyer at the named port of
shipment. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are alongside
the ship, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards.

• FOB Free On Board

“Free On Board” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by
the buyer at the named port of shipment or procures the goods already so delivered. The
risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel, and
the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards.

(a) CFR Cost and Freight

“Cost and Freight” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures
the goods already so delivered. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the
goods are on board the vessel. The seller must contract for and pay the costs and freight
necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.

• CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight

“Cost, Insurance and Freight” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel
or procures the goods already so delivered. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods
passes when the goods are on board the vessel. The seller must contract for and pay the
costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.
‘The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to
the goods during the carriage. The buyer should note that under CIF the seller is required to
obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have more insurance
protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own
extra insurance arrangements.”

SERVICES Who Pays Who Pays Who Pays Who Pays Who Pays Who Pays Who Pays
Export Packing Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Marking & Labeling Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Block and Brace 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Export Clearance (License, EEI/AES) Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Freight Forwarder Documentation Fees Buyer Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Inland Freight to Main Carrier Buyer 2 Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Origin Terminal Charges Buyer Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Vessel Loading Charges Buyer Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Ocean Freight / Air Freight Buyer Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Nominate Export Forwarder Buyer Buyer Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper Shipper
Marine Insurance 3 3 3 Shipper 3 3 3
Unload Main Carrier Charges Buyer Buyer 4 4 Shipper Shipper Shipper
Destination Terminal Charges Buyer Buyer 4 4 4 Shipper Shipper
Nominate On-Carrier Buyer Buyer 5 5 5 5 Shipper
Security Information Requirements Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer
Customs Broker Clearance Fees Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Shipper
Duty, Customs Fees, Taxes Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Shipper
Delivery to Buyer Destination Buyer Buyer 5 5 5 5 Shipper
Delivering Carrier Unloading Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer

1 – Incoterms® 2010 does not allocate this task to the Buyer or the Seller and therefore it should be addressed in the sales contract.
2 – FCA Seller’s Facility – Buyer pays inland freight; other FCA qualifiers. Seller arranges and loads pre-carriage carrier and pays inland freight
to the “F” delivery place.
3 – Marine Insurance – The obligation to arrange insurance is only covered under CIP & CIF. Under all other terms it must be addressed in the
sales contract.
4 – Terminal Charges paid by Buyer or Seller depending on Carrier practice to include/exclude in transport charges.
5 – Delivery to Buyer Destination paid by Seller if through Bill of Lading or door-to-door rate to Buyer’s destination.

Government of India
Ministry of Shipping
1, Parliament Street
New Delhi- 110 001

No. SC-18013/1/2013-ASO-I Dated : 08th September, 2015


Subject: Decentralization of shipping arrangements in respect of ocean transportation

of Cargoes under the control of Government/Public Sector Undertakings

The undersigned is directed to say that as per the existing policy of the Government
of India, all import contracts are to be finalized on FOB (Free on Board)/FAS (Free Alongside
Ship) basis in respect of Government owned/controlled cargoes on behalf of Central
Government Departments/ State Governments and Public Sector Undertakings under them
and in case of any departure thereon, prior permission is required to be obtained from the
Chartering Wing of the Ministry of Shipping on a case-to-case basis.

2. Based on the growing demand of various Government Departments/PSUs to allow

them to organize their own shipping arrangements so as to take quick decisions in efficiently
managing their cargo supply and logistics chain operations, it has now been decided by the
Government that:

• All importing Government Departments/PSUs will make their own shipping

arrangements without needing to route their requirements through Chartering
Wing of Ministry of Shipping subject to following:

(i) the import of bulk cargoes, both dry and liquid, will continue to be made
on FOB/FAS basis by importing Government Departments / PSUs and
shall remain subject to extant Government policy notified vide this
Ministry’s OM No. SC-11011/1/1994-ASO-II/Vol.III dated 27th February,
1996 (Annexure-I) and OM No. SC-11021/3/1999-ASO-I/Vol.III dated 15th
November, 2001 (Annexure-II) and that in case of any departure
therefrom, prior permission and No objection Certificate will have to be
obtained from the Ministry of Shipping on a case-to-case basis with the
approval of the concerned administrative Ministry/Department.
(ii) the import of general liner cargoes (project cargoes, heavy lift, container,
break bulk cargoes etc.) can now be made by Government
Departments/PSUs on FOB (Free on Board)/FAS(Free Alongside Ship) or
C&F (Cost & Freight)/CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight) basis which shall
otherwise remain subject to extant Government policy notified vide this
Ministry OM No. SC-11011/1/1994-ASO-II/Vol.III dated 27th February,
1996 (Annexure-I) and OM No. SC-11021/3/1999-ASO-I Vol.III dated 15th
November, 2001 (Annexure-II). In case of C&F/CIF import, there is no
need of obtaining NOC from the Ministry of Shipping.

3. Until the various Government Departments/PSUs organize their own chartering

arrangements, the services of the Chartering Wing of the Ministry of Shipping will remain
available during the transition period only until 31.12.2015.

4. It is requested that the above decision taken by the Government of India may kindly
be brought to the notice of all the Public Sector Undertakings/projects/autonomous
bodies/purchasing and selling organizations under the administrative control of Ministries
and Departments concerned. Government Departments/PSUs may utilize the services of the
Chartering Wing of the Ministry of Shipping till 31st December, 2015, if required.

5. A copy of the instructions issued may please be endorsed to this Ministry.

(Barun Mitra)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
(1) All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
(2) The Chief Secretary of all the State Governments including the Union Territories

Government of India
Ministry of Surface Transport
(Chartering Wing)

No. SC-11011/1/94-ASO.II/ Vol.III New Delhi, the 27th February, 1996


Subject: Ocean Transportation of cargo under the control of Government / Public

Sector Undertakings - review of the policy regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that as per the existing policy of the Government
of India, all import contracts are to be finalized on FOB (Free on Board)/FAS (Free Alongside
Ship) basis and those for exports on C&F (Cost and Freight)/CIF (Cost, Insurance, freight)
basis in respect of Government owned/controlled cargoes on behalf of Central Government
Departments/ State Governments Departments and Public Sector Undertakings under them
and in case of any departure therefrom, prior permission is required to be obtained from
the Chartering Wing of the Ministry of Surface Transport on a case to case basis. The
shipping arrangements are centralized in the Ministry of Surface Transport. These
instructions about FOB/FAS purchases and C&F/CIF sales and entering into contracts where
the element of foreign exchange expenditure is minimum already stand incorporated in the
General Financial Rules of the Government.

2. Based on the difficulties/problems, as intimated by certain Government

Departments / Public Sector Undertakings in the changed context of economic
liberalization, the thrust on performance improvement and competitiveness of Public Sector
Undertakings, decanalisation of certain cargoes, Government has undertaken a through
review of the above policy at various levels and it has now been decided by the Government

(i) Government policy for import contracts to be finalized on FOB/FAS basis and for
exports on CIF basis in respect of Government owned/controlled cargoes on behalf
of Central Government Departments/State Government Departments and Public
Sector Undertakings under them and centralized shipping arrangements through the
Ministry of Surface Transport (Chartering Wing) in association with the concerned
user Ministry / Department /PSU may continue.

(ii) Prior permission is required to be obtained from Ministry of Surface Transport on a
case to case basis in case of any departure from the above policy. However, Ministry
of Surface Transport shall ensure disposal of such requests within four working days
on receipt of the complete information/request from the concerned Ministry/PSU.
(iii) Ministry of Surface Transport, Chartering Wing to ensure full utilization of suitable
Indian vessels in case they are able to meet the indentor’s requirements at
competitive rates and are able to maintain the time schedule.
(iv) In case of import of bulk quantities like fertilisers, coal, food grains etc. where freight
element is substantial, a representative from Ministry of Surface Transport may be
invited to participate in the discussions for advising on the shipping aspects of
import/export contracts.
(v) Ministry of Surface Transport should make all out efforts to finalise vessels, Indian or
foreign, at the most competitive rates and before fixing the vessels, prior approval of
the indenting department/PSU should be obtained.
(vi) In order to make imports and exports cost-effective and for judicious use of foreign
exchange, Ministries / Departments should ensure imports on FOB/FAS and exports
on CIF basis failing which necessary No Objection Certificate (NOC) should be
obtained from Ministry of Surface Transport (Chartering Wing) while applying for
release of necessary foreign exchange for the purpose of chartering foreign vessels
and for making freight payment in foreign currency.
(vii) The tendering system to be followed by Ministries/Departments/PSUs will be
standardized. The Cabinet secretariat will initiate appropriate action in this regard.

3. It is requested that above decision taken by the Government of India may kindly be
brought to the notice of all the Public Sector Undertakings / Projects / Autonomous Bodies /
Purchasing & Selling Organisations under the administrative control of Ministries and
Departments concerned and they may be advised to follow the prescribed procedure for
arranging shipment of their cargoes through Chartering Wing (popularly known by its Cable
Address “TRANSCHART” in the shipping circle, the world over) of this Ministry and
incorporating the prescribed Shipping Clauses in the purchase orders/contracts. They may
also be instructed to send two copies of each of the contracts in respect of both exports as
well as imports, along with cargo particulars like weight, volume, loading port, discharging
port, loading rate, discharging rate, period of shipment, parcel size and any other specific
condition relating to shipment of cargoes etc. to this Ministry as soon as the same are
finalized, for taking further necessary action with regard to the shipping arrangements.

4. A copy of the instructions issued may please be endorsed to this Ministry.

Chief Controller of Chartering


(1) All Ministries/Departments of Government of India

(2) The Chief Secretary to all the State Governments including the Union Territories

Government of India
Ministry of Shipping
Chartering Wing

No. SC-11021/3/99-ASO-I. VOL.III New Delhi, Dated the 15th November, 2001


Subject: Ocean Transportation of cargo under the control of Government / Public

Sector Undertakings review of – The policy regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that as per the existing policy of the Government
of India, all import contracts are to be finalized on FOB (Free on Board)/FAS (Free Alongside
Ship) basis and those for exports on C&F (Cost and Freight)/CIF (Cost Insurance, freight)
basis in respect of Government owned/controlled cargoes on behalf of Central Government
Departments/ State Governments Departments and Public Sector Undertakings under them.
In case of any departure therefrom, prior permission is required to be obtained from the
Chartering Wing of the Ministry of Shipping. These instructions about FOB/FAS purchases
and C&F/CIF sales and entering into contracts where the element of foreign exchange
expenditure is minimum already stand incorporated in the General Financial Rules of the

2. Based on the difficulties/problems, intimated by certain Government Departments /

Public Sector Undertakings for exporting their cargoes in the changed context of economic
liberalization, Government has undertaken a thorough review of the above policy at various
levels. It has now been decided by the Government that:-

(i) The present policy for placing import contract on FOB/FAS basis and Centralised
shipping arrangements through Ministry of Shipping (Chartering Wing) notified
vide this Ministry’s O.M. No. SC.11011/1/94-ASO.II/VoL.III dated 27th February,
1996 in respect of government owned / controlled cargoes on behalf of Central
Government Departments/State Government Departments and Public Sector
Undertakings under them will continue.
(ii) The policy of centralized shipping arrangements through Chartering wing has
been relaxed in case of exports. Government Departments/PSUs are free to
finalize export contracts on FOB/FAS basis without seeking prior clearance from
Ministry of Shipping (Chartering Wing).

3. It is requested that above decision taken by the Government of India may kindly be
brought to the notice of all the Public Sector Undertakings/Projects/Autonomous Bodies /
Purchasing & Selling Organizations under the administrative control of Ministries and
Departments concerned and they may be advised to follow the prescribed procedure
described above. They may also be instructed to send two copies of Import contracts along
with cargo particulars like weight, volume, loading port, discharging port, loading rate,
discharging rate, period of shipments, parcel size and any other specific condition relating to
shipment of cargoes etc. to this Ministry as soon as the same are finalised for taking further
necessary action with regard to the shipping arrangements in respect of import cargoes.

4. A copy of the instructions issued may please be endorsed to this Ministry.

Chief Controller of Chartering


(1) All Ministries/Departments of Government of India

(2) The Chief Secretary to all the State Governments including the Union Territories


Government of India
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
O/o the Development Commissioner (MSME)
Nirman Bhavan, A-Wing, 7th Floor
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi- 110 108

Policy Circular No. 1(2)(1)/2016-MA Dated : 10th March, 2016

All Central Ministries/Departments/CPSUs/All concerned

Subject: Relaxation of Norms for Startups and Micro & Small Enterprises in Public
Procurement on Prior Experience – Prior Turnover criteria

1) The Government of India has notified Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs) Order 2012 with effect from 1st April, 2012 and 20% procurement
from Micro & Small Enterprises of the total procurement by Central Ministries/
Departments/CPSUs has become mandatory with effect from 1st April, 2015.
2) The Government of India has announced ‘Startup India’ initiative for creating a
conducive environment for Startup of India.
3) The Startups are normally Micro and Small Enterprises which may not have a track
record. These will have technical capability to deliver the goods and services as per
prescribed technical & quality specifications, and may not be able to meet the
qualification criterion relating to prior experience-prior turnover.
4) In exercise of Para 16 of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises
Order 2012, it is clarified that all Central Ministries/Departments/Central Public
Sector Undertakings may relax condition of prior turnover and prior experience with
respect to Micro and Small Enterprises in all public procurements subject to meeting
of quality and technical specifications.
5) This issues with the approval of Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium
(Surendra Nath Tripathi)
Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner-MSME
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

No. F.20/2/2014-PPD(Pt)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Decision

516, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the 25th July, 2016


Subject:- Relaxation of Norms for Startups Medium Enterprises in Public

Procurement regarding Prior Experience – Prior Turnover criteria.

The Government of India has announced ‘Startup India’ initiative for creating a
conducive ecosystem for the growth of Startups in India. The Startups are defined in
Annexure A of the “Action Plan for Startups India”. The same is available on the website of
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

2. Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) vide Policy Circular No.
1(2)(1)/2016-MA dated 10th March, 2016 has clarified that all Central
Ministries/Departments/Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) may relax condition of
prior turnover and prior experience with respect of Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) in all
public procurements subject to meeting of quality and technical specifications.

3. As per Rule 160(i)(a) of GFR, 2005, there is already a provision that the bidding
documents should contain criteria for eligibility and qualification to be met by the bidders
such as minimum level of experience, past performance, technical capability, manufacturing
facilities and financial position etc. In view of above, it is further clarified that all Central
Ministries/Departments may relax condition of prior turnover and prior experience in public
procurement to all Startups (whether MSEs or otherwise) subject to meeting of quality and
technical specifications in accordance with the relevant provisions of GFR, 2005.

(Vinayak T.Likhar)
Under Secretary to Government of India
The Secretaries of all Central Government Ministries/Departments.

Copy to:-
Financial Advisors of all Central Government Ministries/Departments.

No. F.20/2/2014-PPD(Pt)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Decision

516, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the 20th September, 2016


Subject:- Relaxation of Norms for Startups Medium Enterprises in Public

Procurement regarding Prior Experience – Prior Turnover criteria.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.M of even number dated
25 July, 2016, wherein it was clarified that all Central Ministries/Departments may relax
condition of prior turnover and prior experience in public procurement to all Start-
ups[whether Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) or otherwise] subject to meeting of quality
and technical specifications in accordance with the relevant provisions of GFR, 2005.

2. A doubt has arisen if it makes optional for Central Ministries / Departments to relax
condition of prior experience and prior turnover in public procurement to Startups. In this
regard, it is again clarified that normally for all public procurement, the Central Ministries /
Departments have to ensure that criteria of prior turnover and prior experience for all
Startups is relaxed subject to their meeting of quality and technical specifications.

3. However, there may be circumstances (like procurement of items related to public

safety, health, critical security operations and equipments etc) where procuring entities may
prefer the vendors to have prior experience rather than giving orders to new entities. For
such procurements, wherever adequate justification exists, the procuring entities may not
relax the criteria of prior experience/turnover for the Startups.

4. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.

(Vinayak T.Likhar)
Under Secretary (PPD)
The Secretaries of all Central Government Ministries/Departments.
Copy to:-
(i) Financial Advisors of all Central Government Ministries/Departments.




1. Settlement of Disputes through Sole Arbitrator:

1.1 The General Terms & Conditions of T.E/Contracts issued to Indian private
firms/vendors have an arbitration clause states that all disputes & differences arising out of
or in any way touching or concerning this agreement (except those for which specific
provision has been made therein) shall be referred to Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by
Director General Ordnance Factories (DGOF), Government of India, 10-A, S.K. Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700 001 with the mutual consent of the parties. The Arbitrator so appointed shall
be a Government Servant / Ex Government Servant (with mutual consent) who had not
dealt with matter to which this agreement relates and in course of his duties had not
expressed views on all or any of the matter in dispute or differences. The Award of Sole
Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. Further the arbitration proceedings
would be subject to the provisions of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 (or
amended from time to time) and the rules thereon.

1.2 With a view to obtaining the consent of the contractor to the arbitration clause as
mentioned above the contractor to give his acceptance/or rejection to the said clause at the
time of submission his quotation. It is stipulated that an omission to answer specifically in
this regard will be deemed as an acceptance of the clause.

1.3 Where the contractor has answered or is deemed to have answered the question
specified above, in the affirmative, the words, “Including Arbitration Clause of TE/Contracts
thereof” are to be added, at the appropriate place, in the clause relating to the conditions of
Contract in the schedule to the Acceptance of Tender. Where the contractor has not
accepted the Arbitration Clause, the words, “Excluding Arbitration Clause of TE/Contracts
thereof” are to be inserted in the Acceptance of Tender. Once the contractor has accepted
Arbitration clause of the General Terms & Conditions of TE/Contract, any dispute/claim
arising out of the contract by either side becomes adjudicable by the Sole Arbitrator to be
appointed by the DGOF & Chairman/OFB.

1.4 Occasion may arise where in respect of a contract, the supplier had earlier not
agreed to the Sole Arbitration Clause but later agrees to the settlement of the disputes(s)
arising out of the contract through Arbitration by signing an agreement to refer the dispute
to the Sole Arbitrator by an officer appointed by the DGOF. Before the agreement is
executed the factory will undertake an exercise, in consultation with the Legal Adviser to
determine whether the case is fit for reference to Arbitration. If the view arrived at is to
refer the dispute to Arbitration, administrative approval of the competent authority will be
obtained. After such an approval is obtained, the concerned GM will be competent to sign
the agreement irrespective of the value of the contract.

2. Settlement of Disputes/Claims through Arbitration in the case of Contracts entered
into with Public Sector Undertakings:

2.1 The above provisions are not to be applied in the case of disputes/claims arising out
of contracts entered into with Public Sector Undertakings of the Central Government. As per
the instructions issued by the Department of Public Enterprises, disputes regarding
commercial and other contracts between the Government Department and a Public Sector
Enterprises (excluding those relating to income tax, customs and central excise) are to be
referred to permanent arbitration machinery set up in the Department of Public Enterprises.

2.2 As the arbitration machinery is designed to be financially self supporting, the

disputants are required to share equally the cost of the service rendered by the machinery
and would be intimated to them.

2.3 In case the Department of Public Enterprises fails to settle the dispute/claim, the
matter may be referred to the Cabinet Secretariat through Department of Defence
Production in line with the instructions issued by the Cabinet Secretariat vide their Office
Memorandum No. 53/3/91-Cab dated 31.12.1991(or amended time to time) for settlement
of disputes. Further it has to be ensured that no litigation involving such disputes is taken up
in a Court or Tribunal without the matter having been first examined by the above
constituted Committee and the Committee’s clearance for litigation is obtained. The
Committee consists of:

1) Cabinet Secretary
2) Secretary, Department of Industrial Development
3) Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises
4) Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs
4) Finance Secretary
5) Secretary of the concerned Ministry/Department.

2.4 The concerned Ministry /Department should refer the cases of dispute with the
Public Sector Undertaking to the Cabinet Secretariat with a self-contained note for placing
before the above constituted Committee for decision.

2.5 Accordingly, in so far as contracts entered into with Public Sector Enterprises are
concerned, a suitable clause should be included in the Acceptance of Tender that in the
event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the
provisions of the contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to
the permanent Arbitration Machinery set up in the Department of Public Enterprises and
that if the Department of Public Enterprises fails to settle the dispute, the same will be
referred to the Committee constituted by the Cabinet Secretariat .

3. Settlement of Disputes through Court of Law of Competent Jurisdiction:
Where a contractor has not agreed to Sole Arbitration Clause of the General
Conditions of Contract, the dispute/claims arising out of the contract entered into with
him/her will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent court of law as per the
provisions of clause of the General Conditions of Contract. In the Acceptance of Tender
under the heading “Jurisdiction” below the entry relating to conditions of contract, the
following should be inserted:

“This contract is subject to jurisdiction of Courts at _________only”. The name of the

place from which A/T is issued should be inserted in the blank space.

4. Procedure leading to the appointment of the Arbitrator when the

contractor/supplier seeks to refer the dispute to Arbitration:

4.1 On receipt of a request from the contractor/supplier to refer the dispute to

arbitration, the factory will verify that the arbitration clause is included in the contract. On
such verification, the factory will prepare a self contained note giving points put forward by
the contractor and the points of the purchaser in reply thereto and refer this note to the
Legal Adviser for advice whether the purchaser’s stand is tenable and whether the case is fit
to be referred to arbitration. It should be ensured that all doubtful points requiring a ruling
are clearly brought out by the Purchase Section in the self contained note. If the advice of
the Legal Adviser is in the affirmative, the case will be put up along with the advice of the
Legal Adviser to the Arbitration Cell of OFB for referring the dispute to arbitration. All
relevant papers including a copy of Supply Order shall be forwarded to Arbitration Cell of

4.2 The Arbitration Cell of OFB thereupon will submit the file to DGOF & Chairman/OFB
for appointment of Arbitrator and arrange to issue a letter appointing the Arbitrator with a
copy to both the parties involved in the contract.

5. Procedure leading to the Appointment of Arbitrator when it is proposed to refer

Dispute on behalf of the Purchaser:

5.1 In the case of Government claims where the Ordnance Factory contemplates taking
recourse to arbitration, the factory should first verify the financial standing of the party and
the prospect of recovery of the amount claimed, where the amount to be recovered is less
than Rs. 5,000/-. A certificate will be given by the factory after that they are satisfied that
recovery is possible. In respect of claims over Rs. 5,000/- no verification of the financial
standing of the party need to be made. In cases where the amount to be recovered is less
than Rs. 5,000/- and the firms are registered with Ordnance Factory, the financial scrutiny
may be carried out with reference to the registration records only. Claims of this magnitude
from unregistered firms and in the case of those registered firms where no conclusion can
be formed with reference to the registration records, full scrutiny should be done as laid
down below:

1) Report from the Bankers who originally reported on the financial status of
the firm.
2) Report from the Income Tax Officer whether they are prompt in paying
income tax if not, whether they are in arrears.
3) Report from the Wealth Tax Officer regarding payment of wealth tax by its
4) Report from the Registrar of Companies as to the balance sheets showing
Profit and Loss Account of the concern.
5) Report from the Registrar of Partnership firms regarding the names and
addresses of the partners if the firm is partnership concern.
6) Details about attachable assets/financial condition of the firm from the
Deputy Commissioner/Collector of the District concerned.

5.2 After the financial standing of the party has been done, where required, a complete
summary of the case will be prepared and referred to the Legal Adviser for opinion as to
whether or not the Government has got a tenable and strong case fit for reference to
arbitration. If the Legal Adviser advises that the case is fit for reference to arbitration, the
factory should refer the case to Arbitration Cell of OFB for appointment of Arbitrator.

5.3 If the contractor has not complied with the Demand Notice served on him/her by the
Purchaser Demand Notice to deposit the Government dues along with interest within 15
days from the date of issue of the Notice.

5.4 Thereafter the file will be referred to the Arbitration Cell of OFB to take necessary
steps for appointing an arbitrator on behalf of the Government.

6. Reference of Disputes to Arbitration on the Direction of Courts:

6.1 The Ordnance Factory contracts are usually governed by the standard arbitration
clause. On a request received from the contractor/supplier, effort should be made to ensure
the appointment of an arbitrator and not to compel the firm to go to the Court unless; there
is any objection to it. In certain cases, the firms file petitions in courts for directions to the
Union of India for reference of disputes to arbitration in terms of the Arbitration Clause. On
receipt of such an order of the Court, the factory will examine the case and obtain the
administrative approval of the competent authority.

6.2 The value of the contract shall be taken into account for deciding as to the officer
competent to accord such approval.

6.3 Immediately after obtaining administrative approval as above the factory will send
the file to Arbitration Cell of OFB for appointment of Arbitrator as per the procedure.

6.4 The reference to particulars of the suit filed by the firms and the order of the Court
in terms of which disputes are being referred to arbitration shall be indicated in the file.

7. Preparation, Examination and Finalisation of Pleadings to be filed before the

7.1 The concerned factory will specify the documents in support of the claims preferred
by them. It will also be the responsibility of the concerned factory to collect the particulars
from Accounts Officer, the concerned QA officer in respect of any items necessary for
formulating the claim on behalf of the Union of India or any other purchaser shown in the
contract. It will also be the responsibility of the concerned factory to give the list of officers
who have dealt with the contract during the relevant period.

7.2 In the cases in which the Government is the Respondent, a copy of the claim
statement, as and when received from the claimant contractor, will be forwarded by the
Arbitrator to the concerned factory. The concerned factory has to admit or deny
categorically all the allegations made in the firm’s claim statement and should also give
explanatory notes about the stand and should also give explanatory notes about the stand
taken by the factory giving reference to the advice of the Legal adviser which might have
been obtained earlier. The concerned factory will also examine the copies of the
documents, filed on behalf of the claimant firms and will also give explanatory notes,
whether documents, the copies whereof have been filed by the claimant firm, are available
in the purchase files and whether they are true and correct copies of the original available
with the factory.

7.3 If, there are some mistakes in the copies filed by the claimant firm, the same should
also be pointed out. The factory will also consult the Accounts office, the QA officer if some
particular item referred to in the claim statement or some particular item necessary for
substantiating the Government’s counter claim, is required to be ascertained from the said

7.4 In cases where Government counsels are engaged, the detailed para-wise comments
offered by the factory or the self contained statement of facts offered by the factory will be
submitted before the Government Counsel so appointed and the said Counsel will be
requested to prepare the claim/counter statement of claim.

7.5 If the Government Counsel engaged for conduct of the case, requires prior
consultation with the conversant officer of the factory to enable him to prepare or settle the
claim/counter claim, the concerned factory shall depute the conversant officer for such
consultation. The officer so deputed shall record on the file the date, time and duration of
the discussions held with the Government Counsels to enable verification of the bills of the

7.6 After the draft claim/counter statement of claim is settled by the officer, the same
will be fair typed as many copies as may be required in each case. The fair typed
copies/counter statement of claim will thereafter be signed by the factory Officer dealing
with the contract after verification of the factual position and swearing in of affidavits,
where required, by presenting themselves before the Oath Commissioner. The pleadings
shall then be signed and filed by the Officer/Government counsel, conducting the case.
7.7 List of documents referred to in the statement/counter statement of
claim/replication/rejoinder as also in the advice of the Legal Adviser to support the claims of
Government shall be prepared and finally settled with the approval of the Officer/Counsel
who is to conduct the case.

7.8 It will be the responsibility of the factory to arrange for the presence of witness to
give evidence on behalf of the Government where so desired by the Government Counsel.
The factory will be completely responsible for watching the progress of each case, for
production of evidence, and shall render all assistance to the Government counsel as he
may require and to see to the successful conduct of the cases.

8. Examination of Awards/Decrees and Action thereafter :

Arbitration awards may be classified as :

(a) Declaratory Awards: This is an award which either dismisses claim made but
awards no sum of money whether by way of cost or otherwise or only declares
an interpretation of the contract. In the case of such an award, the factory will
take steps promptly to cause the award to be filed in the competent court to
make it a rule unless it is advised by the Legal Adviser and a suit relating to the
dispute referred to arbitration has become barred by time.

(b) Other Awards: These are awards which direct payment of a sum of money by
one party to other. If the award is wholly in favour of the purchaser, action
should be taken for recovery of the awarded amount and the Demand Note as in
“Form A” at Annexure-11A should be issued.

9. Speaking Awards: The speaking awards made by an Arbitrator contain reasons for
admission or rejection of claims.

10. Non-Speaking Awards:

10.1 Non-speaking awards do not contain reasons for admission or rejection of claims.
When the arbitrator/the court has delivered the award, the factory will arrange to obtain
copies of the award.

10.2 Government Counsels conducting the cases, would examine the awards very
carefully and after the detailed study pin point any unusual features, defects, infirmity or
weaknesses and refer to the factory for obtaining the approval of the competent authority
for acceptance or otherwise of such awards.

10.3 In cases where the sole arbitrator makes a non-speaking award directing the
Government to pay a certain sum to the party in full and final settlement of all the claims
and counter claims of all the parties against each other, the examination of every cases as to
why the Government did not get its full claim before the arbitrator would involve labour
which would not be commensurate with the results achieved as the award is a non-speaking

10.4 In respect of Arbitration cases covered under the new Act, 1996 request for any
correction, interpretation or additional award can be made under section 33 of the Act
within 30 days from receipt of the award unless another period of time has been agreed
upon by the parties.

11. Procedure of Follow-Up Action - Award in favour of the Government:

11.1 Immediately on receipt of the award or the decree as the case may be by the
factory, it will initiate action to obtain the decision of the competent authority as to the
acceptance or otherwise on behalf of the Government of India. Reference to the Legal
adviser would not be necessary where;

(a) the Arbitrators/court has allowed the claim of the Union of India to the full extent;
(b) the Arbitrator/court has dismissed the claim of the contractor against the Union of
India and the Union of India preferred no claim.

11.2 If the award is fully in favour of the Union of India, the question of challenging the
same does not arise and the file need not be sent to the Legal Adviser unless advised or any
question of Law is still required.

11.3 An Arbitrator has to make an award within 4 months of the date of which he enters
upon reference or within such time as is extended by the parties through mutual consent.
Where an award is made after the time allowed as referred to above, an application shall
also be made under section 28 of the Arbitration Act for the extension of time for making
the award. Such an application for Extension of time for making the award can also be made
along with the application under section 14 and 17 of the Arbitration Act for making the
award a rule of the court.

11.4 In respect of cases, coming under Arbitration Act 1996 an application for setting
aside an award is to be made under section 34 of the Act within 3 months from the date on
which the party making that application have received the arbitral award or, if a request has
been made under section 33 of the new Act, from the date on which that request had been
disposed off by the Arbitral Tribunal.

11.5 The factory concerned who shall thereupon serve a demand notice for recovery of
the awarded amount from the contractor as per Form A at Annexure-11A. The factory shall
at the same time explore the possibility of effecting recovery in full or part of the awarded
amount from the pending bills of the firm and report the result to the Operating Division. In
case payment is not made within 30 days of the issue of the demand notice the factory shall
forthwith institute investigations through appropriate civil and police authorities to find out
financial assets of the judgements debtors and also ascertain the immoveable properties
and other assets held by them and intimate the same to the Operating Division along with
certificate that recovery through normal channels could not be possible so that immediately
after award is converted into a decree, execution proceedings may be initiated for getting
an order of the court for attachment of the properties in question in satisfaction of the
decree. It must be noted that complete details and location of all such properties are to be
given in the execution petition itself to enable the court to pass the requisite order of

12. Procedure of Follow-Up Action - Award Not in Favour of the Government:

12.1 Where the award is against Government or partly in favour and partly against the
Government as for example where it directs the Government to pay a sum lesser than the
sum claimed by the Contractor it is not necessary to cause the award to be filed in court, if
the Government accepts the award and other party accepts payment thereof in full and
final settlement of all claims forming the subject matter of reference in pursuance of an
offer made in accordance with the procedure laid down.

12.2 The factory shall, immediately after obtaining the approval of the competent
authority to accept the award communicate to the contractor in “Form B” at Annexure-11B
the fact of such acceptance and offer payment in terms of the award. If the contractor
communicates acceptance of the award within specified time, payment so made will bar the
contractor from using again in respect of the same dispute vide decision of the Supreme
Court reported in Kashinath Shah and Narsing Shah AIR 1961 SC 1077.

11.3 It may be clarified that a letter of consent from the firm can serve the purpose and in
cases where an amount has to be paid to the firm by the Union of India or by the firm to the
Union of India, for, in such cases discharge is obtained by payment of the amount by either
of the parties in pursuance of the award. In cases where there is simply a declaratory award,
it if always advisable to have the award made a rule of court. In the latter category of cases,
it would not be possible to urge that the letter of consent from the firm operates as a

12. Procedure for making Provisional Payment of Charged Expenditure:

12.1 The provisional payments in respect of decretal amount awarded by Courts should
not be released without specific allotment of funds under charged expenditure for making
payments. As soon as a copy of the judgement of Court is received, immediate action may
be initiated by the factory to get allotment of funds under the head Charged Expenditure.
Such proposal should be sent to Finance/Budget section (of OFB) through the concerned
Operating Division along with following:

(i) A copy of the Judgement/Award on the basis of which payment has been

(ii) Precise amount needed to satisfy the Judgement/Award. In case the amount
could not be precisely calculated, tentative amount indicating the variable
parameters should be intimated for allotment of funds.

12.2 In order to avoid any delay the factory should ensure that immediately after the
allotment of funds by OFB/Finance the payment is released on a provisional basis and the
case submitted to OFB/Finance for ex-post facto sanction along with the following

a) A copy of self – contained statement of case.

b) A copy of account statement/calculation should duly vetted by LAO.
c) Details of payment.
d) Amount for which M of D sanction has to be obtained.
e) Date of payment.
f) Code Head of booking.
g) Financial year in which the payment has been made.
h) Other relevant documents if any.

12.3 To ensure sufficient allotment of funds for such payments factories should anticipate
the requirement of funds under charged expenditure based on the pending
Court/Arbitration cases and project their requirements for the next year along with the FE,
Budget Estimate submitted during the previous year as well as periodical projections in the
current year (PR/PRE/RE/MA).




M/s ………………………………………

Sub: Award dated …………………. made by …………………….. the Arbitrator in regard to

dispute arising out of Supply Order No. ……………….. dated ………………….. and
Arbitration Case No. ………………

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to the award mentioned above, I hereby on behalf of

__________________ (name of purchaser) call upon you to remit the awarded amount by
demand draft in favour of (DGOF & Chairman, OFB/GM ………) on the RBI or SBI within 15
days of receipt hereof by you.

Please note that in the event of your failure to do so the Government shall take steps
to cause the award to be filed in the Court and obtain a decree in terms thereof, for the
cause and consequences of which you will be responsible.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of President of India





M/s ………………………………………

Sub: Award dated …………………. made by …………………….. the Arbitrator in regard

to dispute arising out of Supply Order No. ……………….. dated …………………..
and Arbitration Case No. ………………

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to the award mentioned above, you are requested to intimate by
__________ (the date to be specified) that you agree to accept the award and remit the
sum awarded in full and final settlement of all your claims constituting the subject matter of
the reference to arbitration in the above cited cases.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of President of India



(i) All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with the present contract
including the one connected with the validity of the present contract or any part thereof,
should be settled by bilateral discussions.

(ii) Any disputes or differences arising out of or in any way touching or concerning this
agreement (except those for which specific provision has been made therein) shall be
referred to Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the Director General Ordnance Factories
(DGOF), Government of India, 10-A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 001 with the mutual
consent of the parties. The Arbitrator so appointed shall be a Government Servant / Ex
Government Servant (with mutual consent) who had not dealt with matter to which this
agreement relates and in course of his duties had not expressed views on all or any of the
matter in dispute or differences. The Award of Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on
the parties.

(iii) The venue of the arbitration shall be at place of concerned Factory.



In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and

application of the provisions of the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by
either party for Arbitration to the sole Arbitrator in the Department of Public Enterprises to
be nominated by the Secretary to the Government of India in-Charge of the Department of
Public Enterprises.

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicable to the disputes,
provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for
setting aside or revision of the award to be Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs,
Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. Upon such reference the dispute shall be
decided by the Law Secretary or the Special Secretary / Additional Secretary, when so
authorised by the Law Secretary, whose decision shall bind the Parties finally and
conclusively. The Parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated
by the Arbitrator. If the Department of Public Enterprises fails to settle the dispute, the
same will be referred to the Committee constituted by the Cabinet Secretariat.



(i) All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with the present contract
including the one connected with the validity of the present contract or any part thereof,
should be settled by bilateral discussions.

(ii) Any disputes, disagreement or question arising out of or relating to construction or

performance (except as to any matter the decision or determination whereof is provided for
by these conditions) which cannot be settled amicably, shall within sixty (60) days or such
longer period as may be mutually agreed upon, from the date on which either party informs
the other in writing by a notice that such dispute, disagreement or question exists, will be
referred to the Arbitration Tribunal consisting of three arbitrators.

(iii) Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the said notice, one arbitrator shall be
nominated in writing by the SELLER and one arbitrator shall be nominated by the BUYER.

(iv) The third arbitrator, who shall not be a citizen or domicile of the country of either of
the parties or of any other country unacceptable to any of the parties, the said arbitration
shall be nominated by the parties within ninety (90) days of the receipt of the notice
mentioned above, failing which the third arbitrator may be nominated under the provisions
of UNCITRAL by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris at the request of either
party. However the said nomination would be after consultation with both the parties and
shall preclude any citizen or domicile of any country as mentioned above. The arbitrator
nominated under this clause shall not be regarded nor act as an umpire.

(v) The Arbitration Tribunal shall have its seat in New Delhi or such other place in India
as may be mutually agreed to between the parties.

(vi) The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in India under the Indian Arbitration
and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the award of such Arbitration Tribunal shall be enforceable in
Indian Courts or as may be mutually agreed between the parties.

(vii) The decision of the majority of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the
parties to the contract.

(viii) Each party shall bear its own cost of preparing and presenting its case. The cost of
arbitration including the fees and expenses of the third arbitrator shall be shared equally by
the Seller and Buyer, unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Tribunal.
(ix) In the event of a vacancy caused in the office of the arbitrators, the party which
nominated such arbitrator shall be entitled to nominate another in his place and the
arbitration proceedings shall continue from the stage they were left by the outgoing

(x) In the event of one of the parties failing to nominate its arbitrator within 60 days as
above or if any of the parties does not nominate another arbitrator within 60 days of the
place of arbitrator failing vacant, then the other party shall be entitled after due notice of at
least 30 days to request the International Chamber of Commerce to nominate another
arbitrator as above.

(xi) If the place of third arbitrator falls vacant, his substitute shall be nominated
according to the provisions herein above stipulated.

(xii) The parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this contract
during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings except in so far as such obligations are
the subject matter of the said arbitration proceedings.

(Note – The provisions with regard to appointment of an Arbitrator by the International

Chamber of Commerce, Paris shall only be resorted to in cases of International Commercial
Arbitration. Similarly, the UNCITRAL provisions will only apply with regard to appointment of
Arbitrator, fixation of fees of the Arbitrator when it is a foreign arbitration. The procedure to
be adopted during arbitration will be as provided in the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation
Act, 1996 or amended time to time.)


Ministry of Defence

Subject: Guidelines of the Ministry of Defence for Penalties in Business

Dealings with Entities.

Please find enclosed the guidelines of Ministry of Defence for penalties in business
dealings with entities applicable for both Capital and Revenue Procurement of Goods and
Services, duly approved in the meeting of DAC held on 07.11.2016, for compliance.

Encl: As above.

(Atul Kumar Singh)
Director (Vigilance)

SA to RM Secretary (DP) Secretary (Defence Finance)

DG(Acquisition) AS(R) AS(P) JS&AM(LS) JS&AM(MS)
JS&AM(Air) JS(Army) JS(Air) JS(E/CAO)&CVO

MoD ID No. 31013/1/2016 D (Vig) Vol.II dated 21.11.2016

Copy to

PS to RM
SO to Defence Secretary

Copy also to: NIC with the request to upload the guidelines on the website of the Ministry

Encl to MoD I.D No. 31013/1/2016 D (Vig) Vol.II dated 21.11.2016



(A) Introduction

A.1 It is imperative that the highest standards of propriety be maintained throughout the
process of procurement of defence equipment.

A.2 The procurement process needs to proceed without loss of credibility and therefore,
there is a need to put in place appropriate measures to deal with act of impropriety.

A.3 The following paragraphs lay down the policy and guidelines for Levy of Financial
Penalties and/or Suspension/Banning of business dealings with entities seeking to enter into
contract with / having entered into a contract for the procurement of goods and services by
the Ministry of Defence.

A.4 In applying the measures provided for under the guidelines, the concerned
authorities shall be guided by the need to ensure probity, transparency, propriety and
compliance in the defence procurement process. Equally, the concerned authorities shall
also ensure fairness, impartially, rigour and correctness in dealing with entities, keeping in
view the overall security interests of the country.

(B) General

B.1 Ministry of Defence will include Department of Defence, Department of Defence

Production, Department of Defence Research & Development, HQ IDS, Armed Forces
Headquarters and their attached / subordinate offices.

B.2 “Entities” will include companies, trusts, societies, as well as individuals and their
associations with whom the Ministry of Defence has entered into or intends to enter into or
could enter into contracts or agreements.

B.3 All firms/companies which come within the sphere of effective influence of the
entities shall be treated as its allied firms. In determining this, the following factors may be
taken into consideration:-

(i) Whether the management is common or the majority interest in the

management is held by the partners or directors of the entities.

(ii) Majority shares are owned by the entity, their directors/shareholders and
by virtue of this it has a controlling voice.

B.4 Effect of actions, viz. levy of financial penalties and/or suspension/banning of

business dealings with an entity in accordance with these guidelines may, with the approval
of competent authority also apply when an entity participates in the procurement process
as member of consortium.

B.5 The competent authority for the purpose of these guidelines will be Raksha Mantri.

B.6 The Competent Authority may constitute Committees as necessary, to examine and
make recommendations on any matter provided for under the guidelines.

(C) Causes for Suspension and Banning of Business Dealings with Entities

C.1 The competent authority may levy financial penalties and/or suspend/ban business
dealings with an entity for one or more of the grounds listed below:-

a) Violation of Pre-Contract Integrity Pact (PCIP) (where such PCIPs are entered into
between the Ministry of Defence and an entity).
b) Resort to corrupt practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of
bid/ contract to secure a contract, even in cases where PCIP is not mandated.
c) Violation of Standard Clause in the contract of agent/agency commissions.
d) If national security considerations so warrant.
e) Non-performance or under performance under the terms and conditions of
contract(s) or agreements(s) not covered in grounds listed in (a) to (c) above in
accordance with provisions in contract or arrangement.
f) Any other ground for which the Competent Authority may determine that
suspension or banning of business dealings with an entity shall be in the public

(D) Suspension

D.1 Suspension of business dealing with an entity may be ordered by the competent
authority pending a full proceedings into allegations or facts related to any grounds
enumerated in paragraph C.1(a) to (f) above.

D.2 The competent authority may suspend business dealings with an entity when it
refers any complaint against the entity to CBI or any investigating agency or when
intimation is received regarding initiation of criminal investigation or enquiry against any

D.3 An order of suspension of business dealings with an entity will be issued for such
period as the competent authority may deem fit. The period of suspension shall not
ordinarily exceed one year. A review of the Order of suspension of business dealings with an
entity shall be undertaken within six months of the issue of such an Order and before expiry
of the period specified therein. The suspension of an entity may be extended beyond the
period of one year, on the order of the Competent Authority for subsequent periods of six
months each. The total period of suspension of business dealings with an entity shall not
exceed the maximum period of banning of business dealings with an entity for the same
cause of action.

(E) Effect of Suspension of Business Dealings with an Entity

E.1 An order of suspension of business dealings with an entity shall result in immediate
ineligibility of the entity from participating in future bids. No RFP will be issued to such an

E.2 Any on-going procurement process where L1 determination has not yet been done
will be progressed after excluding the bid involving an entity with which business dealings
are suspended. In case there are only two bidders, one being the entity with which business
dealings are suspended, the procurement will be progressed as per extant provisions of DDP
after excluding such an entity.

E.3 Any on-going procurement process where the lowest bid involves the entity with
which business dealings are suspended by order of competent authority, will be held in
abeyance till decision of revocation of such order or banning of business dealings with an
entity or till expiry of the validity of the existing bid, whichever is earlier. Extension of the
validity of the bid involving such entity will not be permitted. On expiry of the bid validity,
the procurement process will be terminated and fresh procurement process, if required,
may be initiated. In cases of operational urgency, the procurement process may be
foreclosed prior to the expiry of the bid validity and a fresh process initiated, excluding the
entity with which business dealings are suspended.

E.4 Order of suspension of business dealings with an entity may be extended to its allied
firms by specific order of the competent authority.

(F) Banning of Business Dealings with an Entity / Debarment of an Entity

F.1 Banning of business dealings with an entithy may be ordered by the competent
authority on acceptance of misconduct related to any of the grounds enumerated in
paragraph C.1(a) to (f) above by the entity or establishment of such misconduct by a
competent court/ tribunal / authority.

F.2 Banning of business dealings with an entity may be ordered by the competent
authority on receipt of information regarding filing of charge-sheet in the court of law by CBI
or any other investigating agency.

F.3 The order of banning of business dealings with an entity will be issued for such
specified period as the competent authority may deem fit. For the grounds listed in
paragraph C.1(a) to (d) above, the period of banning business dealings with an entity shall
not be less than five years. For the grounds listed in paragraph C. 1(e) and (f) above, banning
of business dealings may be resorted to if, in the view of the competent authority, the
grounds for action are such that continuation of business dealings with an entity would be
detrimental to public interest. In such cases, the period of banning of business dealings with
an entity shall not ordinarily exceed three years. The period of Banning of business dealings
with an entity in both the categories will be inclusive of period of suspension of business
dealings with an entity, if any, for the same cause of action. In exceptional cases and those
involving national security considerations the competent authority may order a longer
period of banning of business dealings with an Entity, as deemed appropriate.

(G) Effect of Banning of Business Dealings with an Entity/Debarment of an Entity

G.1 An order of banning of business dealings with an entity shall result in immediate
ineligibility of the entity from participating in future bids for a specified period with effect
from the date of such order. No RFP will be issued to such an entity.

G.2 Any on-going procurement process where L1 determination has not yet been done
will be progressed after excluding the bid involving entity with which the business dealings
are banned. In case there are only two bidders, one being the entity with which business
dealings are banned, the procurement will be progressed as per extant provisions of DPP
after excluding such an entity.

G.3 Any on-going procurement process where the lowest bidder involves an entity with
which business dealings are banned, will be terminated and fresh procurement process, if
required, may be initiated.

G.4 Orders of banning of business dealings with an entity may be extended to its allied
firms by specific order of the competent authority.

(H) Employees / Agents of an Entity

H.1 Any employee or agent of an entity, who is convicted for any act of impropriety, will
not be allowed to engage in any bid process in any capacity with the Ministry of Defence any
time in the future.

H.2 Any employee or agent of an entity with which business dealings are suspended or
banned and who is involved in a case of alleged impropriety for which investigation or
judicial proceedings is in progress, will not be allowed to engage in any bid process in any
capacity with the Ministry of Defence even after the expiry of the period of suspension /
banning of business dealings with an entity.

(I) Miscellaneous

I.1 The entity with which business dealings are suspended or banned may with the
approval of competent authority, participate in the future RFPs for spares, upgrades,
maintenance etc. for the equipment/weapon systems supplied earlier by it, if the
equipment which is the object of the Contract is a proprietary item and there are no
available alternate sources of supply.

I.2 In cases wherein Transfer of Technology (ToT)/Licenses production has been taken in
the past for manufacturing of equipment/weapon systems in India from the entity with
which business dealings are suspended or banned, may with the approval of the competent
authority participate in the future RFPs related to components / rotables / additional items
of such equipment/weapon systems for which the ToT/Licenses production has been taken.

I.3 Any contract(s) related to the procurement process(es) in connection with which
business dealings with an entity have been suspended will be held in abeyance. Any
contract(s) related to the procurement process(es) in connection with which business
dealings with an entity have been banned shall be cancelled. However, other contracts
involving such entity shall continue unless a decision to the contract is taken by the
competent authority, on a case to case basis.

I.4 If it becomes necessary on grounds of national security and operational

preparedness/export obligations, to deal with an entity with which business dealings have
been suspended or banned in a procurement process and which is the only source that can
supply/manufacture an equipment/weapon systems, the Competent Authority will be

approached for approval of issuance of RFP or conclusion of contract with such an entity.
Certificates (as provided in Annexure-I) signed by the Vice Chief of the service concerned /
CISC / Additional Secretary (Defence Production) will be placed before the Competent
Authority SHQ/ Department of Defence Production may propose special conditions to
conclude a contract with such an entity.

I.5 The entity with which business dealings have been suspended or banned will not be
permitted to transact contracts or agreements under a different name or division either
through a transfer of assets of such an entity to another legal entity or otherwise.

I.6 An updated list of entities with which business dealings have been suspended or
banned by the competent authority and/or against which financial penalties have been
imposed shall be maintained on the official website of the Ministry of Defence.

(J) Application

J.1 These guidelines shall come into force with immediate effect.

(Refer I.4 of Guidelines)

1) The …………………………………………………………………………………………………. (equipment/weapon

system) is inescapably required for national security and operational preparedness / export
obligations and no other alternative / combination of equipment / weapon system can fulfill
the requirement.

2) The …………………………………………………………………………………………………. (equipment/weapon

system) is not available from any other source.

3) It is absolutely necessary to deal with ……………………………………. (name of the entity) with

which business dealings have been suspended or banned for meeting the instant

**Certificates as above signed separately by the Vice Chief of the Service concerned / CISC
are to be placed before the Competent Authority.
**Certificate for inescapable requirement on account of export obligations, signed by
AS(DP) is to be placed before the Competent Authority.

Ministry of Defence

Subject: Amendment to the guidelines of the Ministry of Defence for

Penalties in Business Dealings with Entities.

Reference is invited to MoD ID Note of even number dated 21.11.2016 on the

subject cited above forwarding the Guidelines of Ministry of Defence for penalties in
business dealings with entities for compliance.

2. With the approval of the Competent Authority the following amendment is made to
Para F.3 of the said guidelines:-
Para F.3, 2nd Sentence: For the grounds listed in paragraph C.1(a) to (d) above, the
period of banning of business dealings with an entity shall
not be less than five years.
Para F.3, 2nd Sentence as: For the grounds listed in paragraph C.1(a) to (d) above, the
period of banning of business dealings with an entity shall
not be less than five years and not more than ten years.

(Atul Kumar Singh)
Director (Vigilance)

SA to RM Secretary (DP) Secretary (Defence Finance)

DG(Acquisition) AS(R) AS(P) JS&AM(LS) JS&AM(MS)
JS&AM(Air) JS(Army) JS(Air) JS(E/CAO)&CVO
MoD ID No. 31013/1/2016-D (Vig) Vol.II dated 30.12.2016

Copy to
PS to RM
SO to Defence Secretary

Copy also to: Director(IT) with the request to get the above amendment to the guidelines
uploaded on the website of this Ministry.

No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
(Public Procurement Section)
Dated 28th May 2018
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi

All Central Ministries/Departments/CPSUs/All concerned


Subject: Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 –

Revision; regarding.

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, in partial modification of Order No.

P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II dated 15.06.2017, hereby issues the revised “Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India), Order 2017’ with immediate effect:-

Whereas it is the policy of Government of India to encourage ‘Make in India’ and

promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India with a view to
enhancing income and employment, and

Whereas procurement by the Government is substantial in amount and can

contribute towards this policy objective, and

Whereas local content can be increased through partnerships, cooperation with

local companies, establishing production units in India or Joint Ventures (JV) with Indian
suppliers, increasing the participation of local employees in services and training them,

Now therefore the following Order is issued:

1. This Order is issued pursuant to Rule 153(iii) of General Financial Rules 2017.

2. Definitions: For the purpose of this Order:

‘Local content’ means the amount of value added in India which shall, unless otherwise
prescribed by the Nodal Ministry, be the total value of the item procured (excluding net
domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in the item (including all
customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in percent.
‘Local supplier’ means a supplier or service provider whose product or service offered for
procurement meets the minimum local content as prescribed under this Order or by the
competent Ministries / Departments in pursuance of this order.

‘L1’ means the lowest tender or lowest bid or the lowest quotation received in a tender,
bidding process or other procurement solicitation as adjudged in the evaluation process as
per the tender or other procurement solicitation.

‘margin of purchase preference’ means the maximum extent to which the price quoted by a
local supplier may be above the L1 for the purpose of purchase preference.

‘Nodal Ministry’ means the Ministry or Department identified pursuant to this order in
respect of a particular item of goods or services of works.

‘Procuring entity’ means a Ministry or department or attached or subordinate office of, or

autonomous body controlled by, the Government of India and includes Government
companies as defined in the Companies Act.

‘Works’ means all works as per Rule 130 of GFR-2017, and will also include ‘turnkey works’.

3. Requirement of Purchase Preference : Subject to the provisions of this Order and to

any specific instructions issued by the Nodal Ministry or in pursuance of this Order,
purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers in all procurements undertaken by
procuring entities in the manner specified hereunder”

a. “In procurement of goods, services or works in respect of which the Nodal Ministry
has communicated that there is a sufficient local capacity and local competition, and
where the estimated value of procurement is Rs. 50 lakhs or less, only local suppliers
shall be eligible. If the estimated value of procurement of such goods or services or
works is more than Rs. 50 lakhs, the provisions of sub-paragraph b or c, as the case
may be, shall apply”.

b. “In the procurements of goods or works which are not covered by paragraph 3a and
which are divisible in nature, the following procedures shall be followed”;

i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1.

ii. If L1 bid is not from a local supplier, 50% of the order quantity shall be awarded to
L1. Thereafter, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be invited to match
the L1 price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to the local supplier’s quoted

price falling within the margin of purchase preference, and contract for that quantity
shall be awarded to such local supplier subject to matching the L1 price. In case such
lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price or accepts less than the
offered quantity, the next higher local supplier within the margin of purchase
preference shall be invited to match the L1 price for remaining quantity and so on,
and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case some quantity is still left
uncovered on local suppliers, then such balance quantity may also be ordered on the
L1 bidder.

c. “In procurement of goods or works not covered by sub-paragraph 3a and which are
not divisible, and in procurement of services where the bid is evaluated on price
alone, the following procedure shall be followed”:-

i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract will be awarded to L1.

ii. If L1 bid is not from a local supplier, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers,
will be invited to match the L1 price subject to local supplier’s quoted price falling
within the margin of purchase preference, and the contract shall be awarded to such
local supplier subject to matching the L1 price.

iii. In case such lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price, the local
supplier with the next higher bid within the margin of purchase preferences shall be
invited to match the L1 price and so on and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In
case none of the local suppliers within the margin of purchase preference matches
the L1 price, then the contract may be awarded to the L1 bidder.

4. Exemption of small purchases: Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 3,

procurements where the estimated value to be procured is less than Rs. 5 lakhs shall be
exempt from this Order. However, it shall be ensured by procuring entities that
procurement is not split for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this Order.

5. Minimum local content: The minimum local content shall ordinarily be 50%. The Nodal
Ministry may prescribe a higher or lower percentage in respect of any particular item and
may also prescribe the manner of calculation of local content.

6. Margin of Purchase Preference: The margin of purchase preference shall be 20%.

7. Requirement for specification in advance: The minimum local content, the margin of
purchase preference and the procedure for preference to Make in India shall be specified in
the notice inviting tenders or other form of procurement solicitation and shall not be varied
during a particular procurement transaction.

8. Government E-marketplace: In respect of procurement through the Government E-

marketplace (GeM) shall, as far as possible, specifically mark the items which meet the
minimum local content while registering the item for display, and shall, wherever feasible,
make provision for automated comparison with purchase preference and without purchase
preference and for obtaining consent of the local supplier in those cases where purchase
preference is to be exercised.

9. Verification of local content:

a. The local supplier at the time of tender, bidding or solicitation shall be required to
provide self-certification that the item offered meets the minimum local content and
shall give details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made.
b. In cases of procurement for a value in excess of Rs. 10 crores, the local supplier shall
be required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the
company (in the case of companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or
practicing chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving
the percentage of local content.
c. Decisions on companies relating to implementation of this Order shall be taken by
the competent authority which is empowered to look into procurement related
complaints relating to the procuring entity.
d. Nodal Ministries may constitute committees with internal and external experts for
independent verification of self-declarations and auditor’s/accountant’s certificates
on random basis and in the case of complaints.
e. Nodal Ministries and procuring entities may prescribe fees for such complaints.
f. False declaration will be breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of
the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for
up to two years as per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such
other actions as may be permissible under law.
g. A supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation of this Order
shall not be eligible for preference under this Order for procurement by any other
procuring entity for the duration of the debarment. The debarment for such other
procuring entities shall take effect prospectively from the date on which it comes to
the notice of other procurement entities, in the manner prescribed under
paragraphs 9h below.

h. The Department of Expenditure shall issue suitable instructions for the effective and
smooth operation of this process, so that:

i. The fact and duration of debarment for violation of this Order by any procuring
entity are promptly brought to the notice of the Member-Convenor of the Standing
Committee and the Department of Expenditure through the concerned Ministry /
Department or in some other manner;

ii. on a periodical basis such cases are consolidated and centralized list or
decentralized lists of such suppliers with the period of debarment is maintained and
displayed on website(s);

iii. in respect of procuring entities other than the one which has carried out the
debarment, the debarment takes effect prospectively from the date of uploading on
the website(s) in the such a manner that ongoing procurements are not disrupted.

10. Specifications in Tenders and other procurement solicitations:

a. Every procuring entity shall ensure that the eligibility conditions in respect of
previous experience fixed in any tender or solicitation do not require proof of
supply in other countries or proof of exports.
b. Procuring entities shall endeavour to see that eligibility conditions, including on
matters like turnover, production capability and financial strength do not result
in unreasonable exclusion of local suppliers who would otherwise be eligible,
beyond what is essential for ensuring quality or creditworthiness of the supplier.
c. Procuring entities shall, within 2 months of the issue of this Order review all
existing eligibility norms and conditions with reference to sub-paragraphs ‘a’ and
‘b’ above.
d. If a Nodal Ministry is satisfied that Indian suppliers of an item are not allowed to
participate and/ or compete in procurement by any foreign procurement, it may,
if it deems appropriate, restrict or exclude bidders from that country from
eligibility for procurement of that item and / or other items relating to that Nodal
Ministry. A copy of every instruction or decision taken in this regard shall be sent
to the Chairman of the Standing Committee.
e. For the purpose of sub-paragraph 10 d above, a supplier or bidder shall be
considered to be from a country if (i) the entity is incorporated in that country, or
(ii) a majority of its shareholding or effective control of the entity is exercised
from that country; or (iii) more that 50% of the total value of the item being
supplied has been added in that country. Indian suppliers shall mean those
entities which meet any of these tests with respect to India.”

11. Assessment of supply base by Nodal Ministries: The Nodal Ministry shall keep in view
the domestic manufacturing / supply base and assess the available capacity and the extent
of local competition while identifying items and prescribing minimum local content or the
manner of its calculation, with a view to avoiding cost increase from the operation of this

12. Increase in minimum local content: The Nodal Ministry may annually review the local
content requirements with a view to increasing them, subject to availability of sufficient
local competition with adequate quality.

13. Manufacture under license / technology collaboration agreements with phased

indigenization: While notifying the minimum local content, Nodal Ministries may make
special provisions for exempting suppliers from meeting the stipulated local content if the
product is being manufactured in India under a license from a foreign manufacturer who
holds intellectual property rights and where there is a technology collaboration agreement /
transfer of technology agreement for indigenous manufacture of a product developed
abroad with clear phasing of increase of local content.

14. Powers to grant exemption and to reduce minimum local content: Ministries /
Departments of Government of India and Board of Directors of Government companies or
autonomous bodies may, by written order,

a. reduce the minimum local content below the prescribed level;

b. reduce the margin of purchase preference below 20%;
c. exempt any particular item or procuring or supplying entities or class or classes of
items or procuring or supplying entities from the operation of this Order or any part
of the Order.
A copy of every such order shall be marked to the Member-Convenor of the Standing
Committee constituted under this Order.

15. Directions to Government companies: In respect of Government companies and other

procuring entities not governed by the General Financial Rules, the administrative Ministry
or Department shall issue policy directions requiring compliance with this Order.

16. Standing Committee: A standing committee is hereby constituted with the following
Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion – Chairman
Secretary, Commerce – Member
Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology – Member
Joint Secretary (Public Procurement), Department of Expenditure – Member
Joint Secretary (DIPP) - Member Convenor.

The Secretary of the Department concerned with a particular item shall be a
member in respect of issues relating to such item. The Chairman of the Committee may co-
opt technical experts as relevant to any issue or class of issue under its consideration.

17. Functions of the Standing Committee: The Standing Committee shall meet as often as
necessary but not less than once in six months. The Committee

a. shall oversee the implementation of this order and issues arising therefrom, and
make recommendations to Nodal Ministries and procuring entities.
b. shall annually assess and periodically monitor compliance with this order.
c. Shall identify Nodal Ministries and the allocation of items among them for issue of
notifications on minimum local content
d. may require furnishing of details or returns regarding compliance with this Order
and related matters
e. may, during the annual review or otherwise, assess issues, if any, where it is felt that
the manner of implementation of the order results in any restrictive practices,
cartelization or increase in public expenditure and suggest remedial measures.
f. may examine cases covered by paragraph 13 above relating to manufacture under
license / technology transfer agreements with a view to satisfying itself that
adequate mechanisms exist for enforcement of such agreements and for attaining
the underlying objective of progressive indigenization.
g. May consider any other issue relating to this Order which may arise.

18. Removal of difficulties: Ministries/Departments and the Board of Directors of

Government companies may issue such clarifications and instructions as may be necessary
for the removal of any difficulties arising in the implementation of this Order.

19. Ministries having existing policies: Where any Ministry or Department has its own
policy for preference to local content approved by the Cabinet after 1st January 2015, such
policies will prevail over the provisions of this Order. All other existing orders on preference
to local content shall be reviewed by the Nodal Ministries and revised as needed to conform
to this Order, within two months of the issue of this Order.

20. Transitional provision: This Order shall not apply to any tender or procurement for
which notice inviting tender or other form of procurement solicitation has been issued
before the issue of this Order.

Under Secretary to Government of India



1. The Tender Enquiry (TE)/RFP is issued without any financial commitment. The Buyer
reserves the right to amend or modify any part of the TE at any stage. Such amendments/
modifications to the TE, if any, shall be duly notified similarly as the TE. Buyer reserves the
right to withdraw the TE at any stage, should it so become necessary.

2. Effective Date of the Contract: Unless the consequent Contract specifically defines a
different effective date-of-the-contract, the effective date-of-the-contract shall be the date
on which the Parties to the Contract have affixed their respective signatures on the Contract
or the date of Supply Order. The Contract shall come into effect on the effective date and
remain valid until the completion of the obligations of the Parties under the Contract. The
deliveries, supplies and performance of the services under the Contract shall commence
from the effective date-of-the-contract.

3. The TE is divided into the following five Parts:

a) Part I – Contains general information and instructions for the Bidders about the TE
such as the date, time, place of submission and opening of tenders, validity period of
Tenders, etc.
b) Part II – Contains essential details of the stores/ items/services required, such as the
Schedule of Requirements, Technical Specifications, Delivery Period, Mode of
Delivery and Consignee details, which will form part of the consequent Contract with
the successful Bidder.
c) Part III – Contains standard conditions of TE, which will form part of the consequent
Contract with the successful Bidder.
d) Part IV – Contains special conditions applicable to this TE and which will also form
part of the consequent Contract with the successful Bidder.
e) Part V – Contains evaluation criteria and format for price bids.

4. All procurements valuing above the specified threshold limit (presently Rs. 2 lakhs & above)
is normally procured through e-procurement. However, in certain situations, the Buyer may
consider it necessary to resort to the conventional manual system even if the procurement
is above the specified threshold limit with the approval of competent authority as per
OFBPM 2018. Procurements below the specified threshold limit may be through the
conventional manual system. The web address of the e-procurement portal is

5. Prospective Suppliers are supposed to enroll themselves through the e-procurement portal.
The system is accessible through the internet by (i) Digital Signature Certificates (ii) user
login ID & password. Tender Management activities through the e-procurement system
a) Online enrolment by vendors
b) Publication of Tenders and amendments/ modifications, if any, thereafter
c) Bid submission by the Bidders
d) Seeking and publication of clarifications, including clarifications resulting out of pre-
bid meeting, if scheduled
e) Opening of bids (both technical and commercial bids)

f) Technical evaluations of the Bids and automatic generation of Comparative
Statement of Technical Bids
g) Commercial evaluations of the technically qualified Bids and automatic generation
of Comparative Statement of Commercial Bids

6. The e-procurement portal has a centralized Help Desk facility with toll free number, online
customer complaint facilities and full-fledged operational manuals. The portal also contains
the manual for e-procurement as well as the OFBPM 2018. These operational & procedure
manuals provide requisite information on using the portal as well as an insight into the
procurement procedure followed by the Ordnance Factory Organization.

7. Tender fees shall not be applicable for tenders processed through e-procurement. However,
in procurements made through the conventional manual system a nominal Tender fee is
applicable in advertised (Open/ Global) tenders. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
having UAM number (to be submitted by MSEs) as defined in MSE Procurement Policy
issued by Department of MSME are exempted for tender fee. The requisite Tender fees in
the prescribed form needs to be submitted either along with the application for Tender
documents or along with the Bid. Non submission of requisite Tender fee in the prescribed
form may result in rejection of the Bid. There is no provision for providing Tender fees
subsequent to the Tender opening. In cases where the drawings, specifications, etc., are
priced, the same shall be so stated in the TE, which is applicable for both systems of

8. The usage of the term ‘Bid’ in the TE, unless repugnant to the context, refers to the Bids
(including the documents, financial instruments, etc., required to be submitted) in the e-
procurement as well as the conventional manual system.

9. The usage of the term ‘Seller’ in the TE, unless repugnant to the context, refers to the
successful Bidder (s) in the TE on whom the consequent Supply Order/ Contract has been

10. The usage of the term ‘Contract’ in the TE, unless repugnant to the context, refers to the
consequent Supply Order/ Contract.

11. All dates and times specified in this TE are in date/month/year and 24 Hrs formats,



Part I of the Tender Enquiry (TE) contains general information and instructions about the TE
such as the date, time, place of submission and opening of tenders, validity period of tenders, etc.

1.1. The …………………………………………..…… (the Buyer), through this TE No. …………….. dated ………….,
issued as ………….. [Advertised Tender (Global/ Open) / Limited Tender/ Single
Tender(SKS/PAC)], invites Bids, on …………………. (Single Bid/ Two Bid) basis, from all eligible
Bidders for supply of ……………….. (Title of the TE).

1.2. The pre-qualification/ eligibility criteria, if any has been prescribed by the Buyer, shall be
indicated under this paragraph as sub-paragraphs (a), (b), … (n), if none has been indicated
under this paragraph , the TE shall be open to any bidder desirous of participating in the
a) ……………………………………….….
b) …………………………………….……., etc.

1.3. Bidders shall be solely responsible for ensuring timely submission of their sealed Bids (and
their related final instruments & documents) by the specified date & time, and in the manner
prescribed in the TE. If due to any exigency, the due date for Tender opening is declared as a
closed holiday, the Tender opening will be held on the next working day at the same time or
on any other day/time, as intimated by the Buyer. Should it so become necessary for the
Buyer to extend the Tender opening date, such extended date shall be duly intimated/
notified. In e-Procurement, the tenders shall be opened online.

1.4. In the e-procurement system of procurement various procurement activities mentioned in

paragraph 5 above are performed online. In conventional manual system, the relevant details
to facilitate submission of Bids are given below:
a) The last date and time for Bid submission is ………..………. (date) at …………..… (time)
b) Bids & queries to be addressed to: ………………………………………..……………………..….
c) Postal address for sending the Bids: ……………………………………………………………...
d) Location of the Tender Box is ………………………..………, marked as ……………….………….
e) Tender shall be opened on ………………… (date) at …………. (time)
f) Place of opening of Bids is ……………………………………………………………….……..
g) Name/ designation of the contact personnel: …………………………………………….…
h) Telephone number (s) of the contact personnel: ………………………………………...
i) Official e-mail ID (s) of contact personnel: ………………………………………………………………...
j) Fax number (s): …………………………………………………………………………………………….…

1.5. Bids (including the related financial instruments, etc.,) received with a lower validity than that
specified in the TE can be treated as invalid and may be rejected. The prescribed validity for
financial instruments is given in subsequent Parts of the TE. Bids should necessarily remain:
a) valid for ………………. days from the specified last date for Bid submission
b) valid till ………………….. (date)

1.6. Submission of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is an essential requirement to be fulfilled. Bids
not accompanied by the EMD specified in the TE shall be treated as invalid Bids. In the instant
TE Bidders are required to submit along with their Bids, EMD for an amount equal to Rs.
…………… in the prescribed form (refer to Part III of the TE). The EMD shall be in favour of
………………….. (GM/HOD).

1.7. In e-procurement, the Bidders shall upload along with their Bid, the scanned copies of the
instrument of their EMD and forward the original EMD instrument by post in a separately
sealed envelope clearly mentioning the ‘EMD for TE No …….. and due date of opening of
technical bid…..’ on the envelope. However, if the physical original instruments is not received
by the Buyer prior to the specified Tender opening date & time, the Bid being incomplete on
Tender opening, shall be treated as invalid/ late tender and rejected.

1.8. Bidders requiring clarifications on the contents of the TE may request the Buyer in writing or
through e-Procurement System (so as to reach the Buyer not later than fourteen days prior to
the date of Tender opening) bringing out unambiguously the specific clarifications needed.
Copies of the clarifications requested by the Bidder and the clarifications provided by the
Buyer shall be sent to all prospective Bidders who have been issued TE.

1.9. Manual Bidders should forward their Bids under their original memo/ letter pad inter-alia
furnishing details like GST number, Bank details with NEFT account details, complete postal &
e-mail address, telephone & fax numbers, etc., of their office. In e-procurement bids shall be
submitted through e-procurement portal.

1.10. When Bids are called on Single Bid basis the technical and financial/ commercial bids shall be
submitted in the same bid. However, when Bids are called for on Two Bids basis, the Bids shall
comprise of two parts, namely (i) Technical Bid, and (ii) Financial/ Commercial Bid. In manual
bidding, the Technical Bid and the Financial/ Commercial Bid should be sealed by the Bidder in
separate covers duly super-scribed to indicate the appropriate Bid. Both these sealed covers
are to be put in a bigger cover, which should also be sealed and super-scribed as prescribed

1.11. Bids, for supply of the item (s) listed in Part II of the TE, shall be submitted through the e-
procurement portal or in sealed cover in case of procurements on conventional manual
system. In conventional manual system, the sealed cover of the Bids should neatly and legibly
be super-scribed with the details of (a) Title of the TE (b) TE No. and date (c) Tender opening
date. Lack of these superscription may result in the Bid being declared invalid.

1.12. In conventional manual system, Bidder may modify or withdraw his bid after submission
provided a written notice of modification or withdrawal is received by the Buyer prior to the
deadline prescribed for Bid submission. The withdrawal notice may be sent by fax provided it
is followed by a signed confirmation copy to be sent by post and such signed confirmation
reaches the purchaser not later than the Bid submission deadline. In case of e-procurement, a
bidder can change, withdraw or cancel earlier submitted offer before the bid submission closing
date and time. In case tender specifications or price bid format is revised the submitted bids
will become null and void & the vender need to re-submit the bids. TE closing date & time,
opening date & time will also change. Information for the same will be sent to vendor through

1.13. Bids cannot be modified after the Bid submission deadline. Similarly, after the Bid submission
deadline, Bids cannot be withdrawn till expiry of the Bid validity.

1.14. In conventional manual system, only Bids that are found in the specified Tender Box shall be
opened. Bids, if any, dropped in a wrong Tender Box shall be treated as invalid Bids.

1.15. In conventional manual system, Bidders may depute their representatives, duly authorized in
writing, to attend the opening of Bids on the due date and time. Rates and other important
commercial/ technical clauses quoted by all Bidders will be read out in the presence of the
representatives of all the Bidders. This event will not be postponed due to the absence of the
representative of any Bidder. In case of e-procurement, the tenders shall be opened online
and bidders, who participated in the TE can view the spot CST also online through OFB e-
procurement portal.

1.16. In Two-bid system, only the Technical Bids will be opened on the specified Tender opening
date and time. Financial Bids of only those firms will be opened, whose Technical Bids are
found technically compliant/ suitable on Technical Evaluation by the Buyer. Date of opening of
the Financial Bids shall be separately intimated after evaluation of the Technical Bids.

1.17. During evaluation of Bids, the Buyer may, if so required, ask the Bidder (s) for clarification on
the Bid submitted. The request for such clarification shall be in writing (or through e-
Procurement System). The clarification furnished by the Bidder should not result in any
change in prices or substance of the Bid nor will the same be permitted. No post-bid
clarification at the initiative of the Bidder will be entertained.

1.18. In procurements where it is necessary to physically verify the facilities & capacities of the
Bidder, the Buyer may depute Capacity Verification Teams for carrying out such physical
verification of facilities & capacities as per OFB Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
Capacity Verification and Vendor Registration as available on the Ordnance Factory Board
website and e-procurement portal. However, for the items valuing up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh the said
SOP will not be mandatory.

1.19. Canvassing in any form by the Bidder, unsolicited letter and post-bid amendment/
modifications/ corrections shall attract summary rejection of the Bid with forfeiture of EMD.

1.20. Bidder should comply with all the Parts of this TE and confirm acceptance of all the clauses of
Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V of the TE, which shall automatically be part of the
consequent contract with the successful Bidder (s) (i.e. Seller in the consequent contract).
Failure to confirm acceptance to the clauses mentioned under Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part
V of the TE may result in rejection of the Bid submitted by the Bidder. Conditional Bids shall be
treated as invalid and rejected. In the manual system, the bidder should sign on each page of
the tender document.

1.21. In case of LTE, Bidders not willing to participate in the TE should ensure that an intimation to
that effect reaches the Buyer before the date and time prescribed for opening of Bids, failing
which the defaulting Bidder may be delisted for the range of items for which the TE is issued.

1.22. The Buyer reserves the right to reject/cancel/scrap the Tender Enquiry or change the quantity
of tendered item(s) without notifying any reason whatsoever.

1.23. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Buyer shall be final and binding on all participants in
the tender.

1.24. In e-Procurement cases, Bidders have to submit their bids through OFB e-Procurement portal
only. Bids submitted by any other mode shall be treated as invalid.



Part II of the TE contains essential details of the Stores/ Services required, such as the
Schedule of Requirements, Technical Specifications, Delivery Period, Mode of Delivery, Consignee
details, etc.

2.1. The Schedule of Requirements, duly indicating the Stores/ Services required, is given below:

Sl. Nomenclature of the Specification of the Store/Description of Quantity

No. Stores/ Service the Service Required

2.2. Technical details of the stores/ service required are given below.
a) Specifications/drawings details or Type of Service required:
b) Technical details duly covering all technical parameters or detailed Scope of Service
c) Evaluation, Inspection and Factory Acceptance Trial criteria or Minimum Acceptable
Service Level (MASL):
d) Installation/ commissioning requirements:
e) Pre-site/ Pre-dispatch inspection requirements or basis of assessing MASL:
f) Warranty and post-warranty requirements:
g) Training/on-job training requirements:
h) Technical documentation required:
i) Details of any other requirements:
2.3. If the Buyer finds it necessary to hold a pre-bid Conference (refer Part IV) to familiarise the
prospective Suppliers with the requirement of the TE, then the notice of such pre-bid
Conference shall be provided as hereunder. If such notice for pre-bid Conference is not
specified as hereunder then it should be considered that the Buyer does not intent to hold any
pre-bid Conference.
Notice for Pre-bid Conference
i) Date: …….………………………………
ii) Time: …….………………………………
iii) Venue: ….………………………………

2.4. For strategic reasons the quantity tendered in this TE may be distributed as per the
distribution ratio ………………. (refer Part IV).

2.5. In cases where the Buyer issues material to the Supplier under the consequent Contract, the
issued material will be duly secured by obtaining a Bank Guarantee, from a bank authorized to
carry out government business, of value equal to the 110% of the value of the issued material
and validity till delivery of supplies accepted by the Buyer. The details pertaining to such
issued material is given below:
a) Batch size of issue material, if applicable ………………………….
b) Value of issue material for the Batch size
c) BG value ……………………………..
d) Other special instructions ……………………………………….

2.6. The Bidders shall furnish along with their Technical Bid a clause-by-clause Compliance
Statement bringing out the compliance (without disclosing the price) of their offer to the TE
specifications and duly indicating unambiguously the deviations, if any. The detailed
Compliance Statement shall be provided in the format attached herewith.

2.7. Delivery period for supply of the Stores/ Services shall be ………………………….. from the effective
date (refer Part III) of the consequent Contract placed on the successful Bidder. The mode/
terms of delivery shall be ……….…………….…… . Reckoning the date of delivery on the basis of
the mode/ terms of delivery shall be as given below.

2.8. Staggered deliveries (where applicable) required in the TE is given below. In TE with staggered
deliveries, the Buyer shall clearly specify hereunder as to whether the consequent Contract
will be an “Entire Contract” or a “Severable Contract”. If nothing is specified the consequent
Contract shall be an “Entire Contract”.

Sl. Quantity to be Date of Delivery/ Delivery Remarks/ Special Instructions for

No Delivered Period Delivery

2.9. Inspection Authority in the consequent Contract shall be ……………… . The mode of Inspection
applicable in the consequent Contract shall be ………………………… (Buyers Inspection/ Joint
Inspection/ Self-certification). The Inspection applicable in the consequent Contract shall be
………………………… (Pre-dispatch Inspection/ Joint Receipt Inspection / Buyers Receipt
Inspection). The ………. Shall be the Inspection Officer. The firm should furnish the test report
of chemical and physical parameters of raw materials used for manufacture of components,
fabricated stores, tools and gauges along with chalan. The instruments used for carrying out
test as above shall have national traceability and evidence of the same will be furnished in the

2.10. The mode/ terms of delivery required in the TE is ……………………. To enable equitable
comparison of Bids received against the TE, it is necessary that the Bidders quote as per the
mode/ terms of delivery specified in the TE.

2.11. The applicable Rules & Regulations for delivery & transportation of Stores (domestic and from
foreign countries) shall be as per the contemporary version of International Commercial Terms

(INCOTERMS). Reckoning the date of delivery from the terms of delivery shall be as given

Sl. No Mode/ Terms of Delivery Reckoning of the Date of Delivery

a) Local Delivery at Site The date on which the delivery is made at the Buyers site mentioned in the
b) Ex-works The date the Seller delivers the goods to the Buyer at the Sellers Works mentioned
in the contract
c) F.O.R Station of Dispatch The date on which the goods are placed, by the Seller, on rail with clear Rail
d) By Post Parcel The date of postal receipt
e) FCA (Airport) The date of Air-way Bill
f) F.O.R. Destination The date on which the goods reach the destination specified in the contract,
unless otherwise stated
g) C.I.P. Destination The date on which the delivery is effected at the destination mentioned in the
h) F.A.S. Port of Shipment The date on which the Seller deliver the goods alongside the vessel at the
specified port of shipment mentioned in the contract. This date is reflected in Bill
of Lading
i) F.O.B. Port of Shipment The date on which the Seller delivers the goods at the Port of shipment mentioned
in the contract, the dated as reflected in the Bill of Lading
j) C.I.F. Port of Destination The date on which the goods actually arrived at the destination Port mentioned in
the contract

2.12. The FAS, FOB & CIF terms of delivery are applicable only for Stores directly imported from
foreign countries against the consequent Contract and not for imports by the Seller under its
own arrangement. The CIP terms of delivery are applicable both for domestic as well as
imported supplies.

2.13. Special instructions on consignee details & other special conditions pertaining to shipment,
transportation, etc., if any applicable under this TE, shall be as indicated hereunder.
a) Consignee details: ……………………………………………………..
b) Packing instructions: ……………………………………………………..
c) Shipment/ Transportation instructions: ……………………………………………………..
d) Other Special instructions, if any: ……………………………………………………..

2.14. Bidders shall offer their quotes only on firm and fixed basis, unless otherwise the Buyer has
specifically invited the TE on variable price basis duly prescribing the Price Variation (PV)
formula in Part III. In such TEs with the Price Variation formula specified, the Bidders shall
quote strictly in accordance with the Price Variation formula prescribed. Quotes not
conforming to the prescribed Price Variation formula shall be treated as unresponsive and

2.15. Time being the essence of the contract, Bidders should note that the consequent Contract can
be cancelled unilaterally by the Buyer in case deliveries are not received within the contracted
delivery period. In this regard the provisions of the Risk & Expense clause in Part IV may be

2.16. Extension of contracted delivery period due to reasons attributable to the Seller of the
consequent Contract shall be at the sole discretion of the Buyer, with applicability of
Liquidated Damages (LD) clause as mentioned in Part III.


Part III of the TE contains the Standard Conditions of the TE.

3.1. Scope of Supply – Technical Description/Requirement/Quality requirement etc.: The

stores supplied shall be of the best quality and Workmanship, shall be in strict conformity
with all the drawings and specifications furnished with the Purchase Orders and shall
address the Technical description in all respects. Where tenders are called for in accordance
with ‘particulars’, the seller’s tender to supply in accordance with such ‘particulars’ shall be
deemed to be an admission on his part that he has fully acquainted himself with the details
thereof and no claim on his part which may arise on account of non-examination or
insufficient examination of the ‘particulars’ will in any circumstances be considered. The
items not specifically listed but required for completeness of stores / system deemed to be
included. All supplies should be accompanied by Sellers works inspections/ test certificates
duly certifying, the Stores are in strict conformity with the drawings/specifications. The final
acceptance will be subject to inspection and approval at Buyer’s premises. Once the material
are rejected and communicated to the Seller, no request shall be entertained for re-
inspection or acceptance of the stores. However, Buyer reserves the right to re-inspect the
stores and consider acceptance at his discretion.

3.2. Price: The rates offered shall be ‘Firm & Fixed’ with full and detailed breakup of various
applicable cost elements like Basic Price, packing charges, freight/ transport, forwarding
charges, handling charges, landing & clearing charges, installation & commissioning,
training, technical assistance, etc.; and duly indicating all the applicable Taxes & Duties along
with the relevant taxation rate and value for each of the applicable Tax/ Duty, till the
execution of the total quantity on the order. To facilitate assessment of reasonability of
price quoted, the Bidder shall indicate split-up details of the cost elements of the Basic price.
No increase shall be permissible on any account after finalization of the order / till delivery
of total quantity of the order. Price quoted should on F.O.R. Destination basis, for delivery at
Buyer premises inclusive of all charges including transit insurance. Foreign sellers will quote
the prices on the FOB/FCA Port of dispatch basis, as applicable (INCOTERMS 2010).

Seller should clearly mention whether the prices hold good when the full quantity of enquiry
is not ordered but only a part of it. Unless otherwise mentioned, it would be assumed that
the rates hold good even when lesser quantities than those enquired of are ordered. Any
increase in prices at a later date for ordering lesser quantities will not be agreed to.

3.3. Price Variation Clause :

Invariably, Purchase Orders shall be placed on a firm price basis. In exceptional cases, where
the firm insists on escalation or on price ruling at the time of despatch, the purchase order
should contain a clause to this effect for admissibility. The Purchase order should clearly
specify the formula for determining the quantum of escalation admissible with reference to
a fixed base period and prices ruling at that period taken as a base for deciding the
escalations. The base period and prices should be mutually agreed based on necessary
documentary evidence. The claims shall be supported by necessary documentary evidence,
as compared to the base prices for admitting the escalation claims. Price Escalation Clause
needs to clearly define applicability of Escalation up to point of ordering or point of delivery.
Whether the escalation to be calculated on year to year basis or point to point basis, same
to be specified. Methodology of calculation of escalation is to be specified.

PV formula may specify cut-off dates for material and labour, as these inputs taper off well
before the scheduled delivery dates. The Price Variation formula may also provide for a
ceiling on the price variations as a percentage per annum or an overall ceiling or both.

If advance or stage payments have been allowed, no price variations will be admissible on
such portions of the price, after the dates of such payment. No price variation will be
admissible beyond the original scheduled delivery date for defaults on the part of the
supplier. Price variation may be allowed beyond the original scheduled delivery date, by
specific alteration of that date through an amendment to the contract in cases of Force
Majeure or defaults by the purchaser.

When deliveries are accepted beyond the scheduled delivery date subject to levy of
liquidated damages as provided in the contract, the liquidated damages (if a percentage of
the price) will be applicable on the price as varied by the operation of the Price Variation

Where contracts are for supply of goods, etc., imported (subject to customs duty and foreign
exchange fluctuations) and/ or locally manufactured (subject to excise duty and other duties
and taxes), the percentage and element of duties & taxes included in the price should be
specifically stated, along with the selling rate of foreign exchange element taken into
account in the calculation of the price of the imported item. The mode of calculation of
variations in duties & taxes, foreign exchange rates, and the documents to be produced in
support of claims for such variations should also be stipulated in the contract.

Price Variation formula will vary from Contract to Contract. However, a suggested price
variation formula could be as follows:
P = Po {(A + B(L/Lo)+ C (M/Mo)}
P = Final price payable in the year of delivery
Po = The base price at _ (year) economic conditions
Lo = Average Labour Index of the base _ (year)
Mo = Average Material Index of the base _ (year)
L = Average Labour Index …….. Months prior to date of delivery (as applicable at Seller's
M = Average Material Index …….. Months prior to date of delivery (as applicable at
Seller's country).
A, B & C = Percentages corresponding to fixed elements, labour and material respectively.
Escalation cap (+/-) applicable (percentage) with the above price variation formula to be
The indices incorporated in the escalation formula should be Govt. Published/ in public
domain and capable of being verified.
Escalation/Revision in price shall not be admitted for the delayed supplies.
3.4. Packing Conditions: The stores should be properly packed for tropical storage and for
transport by rail, road, sea or air so as to ensure and to protect them against loss, damage,
corrosion in transit on arrival at their destination. The packing and marking of packages shall
be done by and at the expense of the seller. Each package shall contain a Packing Note
quoting Purchase Order number and date showing its contents in detail. Each package shall
be properly marked with Purchase Order No., Consignee’s name & address, gross weight,
package-handling instructions etc. The package shall have adequate provision for handling
during transit and at destination.

The packing, shipping, storage and processing of the delivery must comply with the
prevailing legislation and regulations concerning safety, the environment and working
conditions. In case of Imports, items packed with raw/ solid wood packing material should
be treated as per ISPM-15 (fumigation) and accompanied by Phytosanitory/ Fumigation
certificate. If safety information sheets exist for a delivery or the packaging, the seller must
always supply these sheets direct (at the same time). The packing shall allow for easy
removal and checking of goods on receipt and comply with carrier’s conditions of packing or
established trade practices. If any consignment needs special handling instruction, the same
shall be clearly marked with standard symbols / instructions. Hazardous material should be
notified as such and their packing, transportation and other protection must conform to
relevant regulations.

3.5. Inspection and Technical documents requirements:

(a) The supply made against respective orders will be subject to Buyer inspection at his
premises. The Seller shall be responsible for items supplied till the same have been
inspected and accepted by Buyer. In case the goods / services are rejected at the time of
inspection at Buyer Place or the rejections are noticed at the time of further processing the
Seller will be informed of these rejections. On receipt of this information the Seller shall
immediately arrange to collect the rejected items at his cost and risk and arrange for the
replacement of goods within the shortest possible time. Under no circumstances the Seller
shall compel the Buyer to rework the rejected goods. The rejected material will lie in Buyer
factory premises at the risk and cost of the Seller, pending receipt of disposal instruction
from them. If so desired by the Seller, the rejected materials, for which no payment made by
Buyer may be packed and returned to the Seller for arranging replacement /rectification on
‘freight to pay’ basis at his cost and risk and the dispatch documents will be forwarded to
the Seller directly by Buyer to enable him to arrange insurance and take delivery of the
same. Wherever payment is already made by Buyer to the Seller, the rejected material will
be returned to the Seller against refund of the amount already paid by Buyer / submission of
BG for the value of rejected goods. The packing, freight charges etc., on replacement of
returned materials shall be borne by the Seller irrespective of the terms in the purchase
order, since such charges were already incurred and borne by Buyer on the original
consignment, which got rejected and returned to the Seller. In case the rejected materials
are not required to be replaced, freight, insurance charges etc., incurred by Buyer on the
original consignment shall be recovered from the Seller's bills.

(b) Ground Rent: If the material supplied by the vendors is rejected at the factory premises,
the vendor is required to lift the rejected material within 30 days of issue of rejection I-Note.
Factories have right to recover a charge for the storage space at @1% of the cost of material
un-cleared, per week or part thereof, with maximum ceiling of 10% of value of the items.
After lapse of 10 weeks, if it is found that firm has not taken any action for lifting of items,
the goods may be confiscated and disposed off as per disposal procedure in vogue after
sending a notice and giving 30 working days time to the firm. Ground rent shall be calculated
from the date of expiry of the period of removal of item. No ground rent should be charged
from Central/State Govt/Central PSUs. When the firm fails to pay the applicable ground rent
within the prescribed period, factory is entitled to recover the ground rent due and all
incidental expenses from EMD/PSD.

(c) Buyer or his authorized representative shall be entitled at all reasonable times during
execution to inspect, examine and test at the Seller's premises the material and
workmanship of all stores to be supplied under the Contract, and if the part of the stores are
being manufactured at other premises the Seller shall obtain Buyer's or his authorized
representative’s concurrence to inspect, examine and test as if the said stores are being
manufactured at the Seller's premises. Such inspection, examination and testing, if made
shall not release the Seller from any obligation under the Contract. If the defects are not
remedied within a reasonable /stipulated time, the purchaser may proceed to rectify the
defects at the seller’s risk & cost but without prejudice to any other rights which the buyer
may have against the Seller in respect of their failure to remedy such defects. All costs
related to inspections and re-inspections shall be borne by the Seller. The cost of inspection
staff/ third party specified by the Buyer shall be borne by Buyer, unless otherwise specifically
agreed. When the Contract provides for tests on the premises of the Seller or any of his Sub-
contractor/s, Seller shall be responsible to provide assistance such as, labour, materials,
electricity, fuels, stores, apparatus, instruments as may be required and as may be
reasonably demanded to carry out such tests efficiently. Cost of any type test or such other
special tests shall be borne by the Buyer only if specifically agreed. The Seller shall give the
authorized representative of the Buyer reasonable prior notice in writing of the date on and
the place at which any stores will be ready for inspection/ testing as provided in the
3.6. Acceptance of Goods: Material on arrival at Buyer’s premises will be inspected by
QA/Inspection Department as per appropriate Quality Assurance Plan and their decision in
the matter will be final. The test certificate and relevant supporting documents should be
sent along with the consignment.

3.7. Training & Technical Assistance : The successful tenderer shall arrange for the training of a
reasonable number of the Buyer’s technical personnel in shops manufacturing the
equipment and in plants where equipment similar to those covered in the tender documents
are in operation. The number of such personnel and the period of training will be mutually
agreed upon. The travelling and living expenses of the trainees will be borne by the Buyer.
Training and technical assistance clause may include:

i. Manufacturing processes of the stores wherever applicable, as well as quality assurance

procedures, programming, operation, mechanical maintenance and electronic/electronic
maintenance at seller’s work and also during commissioning.
ii. Duration of training,
iii. No. of personnel to be trained.
iv. Place of training.
v. Charge applicable / or FOC
vi. Documentation / training material.
vii. Boarding, lodging & travelling charges etc.
viii. Free Mandays / Extra Mandays for service engineering.
ix. Any other aspect related to training & technical assistance.

3.8. Payment Terms : The standard payment terms shall be 100% payment against Seller’s bill
by Account transfer through NEFT/RTGS only for accepted materials within 30 days from the
date of receipt of material or submission of bills/documents, whichever is later. Normally no
request for Advance Payment is entertained. However, where Advance Payment is
considered in select cases, the same may be allowed, subject to furnishing Bank Guarantee

(in prescribed format) from a scheduled commercial Bank (other than Cooperative Bank) for
an amount equal to 110% of the advance released.
90% of the contract amount shall be paid against provisional receipt of the item at
the consignee’s premises along with inspection note from NABL accredited
/authorised Lab and other relevant documents. Balance 10% shall be paid after the
stores have been properly checked and accounted for. Alternatively, where
considered necessary, 95% of the contract amount can be paid against provisional
receipt of the item at the consignee’s premises along with inspection note and other
documents. Balance 5% can be paid after the stores have been properly checked and
accounted for.

Stage-wise payments (may be considered only in complex cases, provided the stage-wise
payments admissible is indicated above) .


Quarterly/ monthly payments for work completed on submission of User Clearance

Certificate in respect of AMC/ Service contract.


Payment may also be made through TReDS (Trades Receivable Discounting System) on its

3.9. Warranty:

(a) All the Stores supplied shall be warranted against any defect in material, Workmanship,
defective design, materials and non-conformance to intended performance, manufacturing
defects, or dimension etc., for a period of ______ calendar months from the date they are
actually put to use or ______ calendar months from the date of receipt and acceptance of
supply in Buyer's place / buyer's designated place, whichever is earlier and the seller shall
remedy such defects at his/her own cost or replace free of charge such stores when called
upon to do so.

(b) The seller cannot absolve their responsibility for warranty of material even though it is
inspected & approved by Inspection authority.

(c) In case of defective Stores which need to be re-exported for repairs to the
manufacturer’s works, To & Fro freight, insurance charges & custom duty for replacement
have to be borne by the seller.

(d) During warrantee period any equipment or component thereof supplied by the seller,
suffers due to defective material and or due to improper design and or due to defective
drawing or due to faulty workmanship the seller will assume full responsibility of
rectification of such defective equipment or component thereof including direct expenses
related to removal and re-positioning of the replacement/repaired equipment or
component thereof and subsequent test & trial, incurred thereon without any financial
implication to Buyer.

(e) In the event Buyer desires to have extension of Warranty period beyond the stipulated
period, as above, the seller shall quote for the same (on monthly basis) for the period of
such extension.

(f) If the defects intimated during the Warranty period are not remedied within a
reasonable / stipulated time, the Buyer may proceed to rectify the defects at the seller's risk
and cost, but without prejudice to any other rights which the Buyer may have against the
Seller in respect of the failure of the Seller to remedy such defects.

(g) In the event of Seller’s failure to attend the Warranty defects within a reasonable period
of time, the Performance Bank Guarantee will be encashed by the Buyer. The Buyer’s
decision shall be final and binding on Seller in this regard.

(h) All packing, forwarding, insurance and delivery charges arising against this would be
borne by the Seller. The guarantee period would be extended by equivalent period for which
the material is not available for the repaired parts, which were repaired & replaced during
the Warranty period. The Warranty is subject to proper preservation, maintenance, storage,
handling and usage of equipment by Buyer & Buyer's customer and does not covers repairs
carried out without the prior consent of the seller / seller rep.

(i) Warranty calls needs to be attended within ________ hrs. Warranty of the stores will be
extended by residual period

3.10. Option Clause:

(a) The Buyer reserves the right to place orders for additional quantity up to a maximum of
25% of the originally contracted quantity at the same rate and terms of contract within the
original Delivery Period (DP) as well as Re-fixed/Extended DP subject to :

(i) there being a requirement for the item,

(ii) incorporation of Option clause in the contract,

(iii) there being no downward trend in price (consent of supplier is not necessary) or if
there is a downward trend, the supplier agreeing to reduce the price for the enhanced
quantity duly matching with the fall in prices, and

(iv) if no fruitful result will accrue by floating fresh TE or when the store is urgently
required for meeting production targets.

(b) The Option clause can be exercised (if necessary more than once) provided the
cumulative of the Option clause quantities exercised does not exceed the option clause
quantity provided in the contract.

(c) In multi vendor situation, to provide a level playing field to all the vendors, any bid
received without compliance to Option clause, may be considered as unresponsive by
concerned TPC.

(d) Option clause may be operated normally on completion of 90% quantity of original
supply order (or lesser qty as decided by concerned TPC).

3.11. Product Support : The successful Seller should agree to provide product support for the
equipment supplied, assemblies/sub-assemblies, fitment items and consumables, Special
Maintenance Tools (SMT) / Special Test Equipments (STE) subcontracted from other
agencies / manufacturer by the Seller, by making available spare parts, components & tools
etc., accessories of equipment and services for a minimum period of ______ years from the
date of supply.

Seller should supply recommended spares for operator level servicing and should carry out
necessary product support activities. Seller should also recommend a list of test equipment /
fixtures and special tools required for servicing at ______/its customer bases. Seller will
extend need based technical assistance to the BUYER for maintenance of the
product/System during the warranty period. Seller shall provide an effective Product
Support and maintenance services on demand from the BUYER and at mutually agreed
financial consideration, for mutually agreed period from the date of supply of the
product/System. Product Support covers the following areas:

-Spares Support
-Field Support
-Maintenance Support

1.SELLER shall advice on the requirement of spares and stock to be maintained as and when
required by the BUYER.
2.Supply spares on demand.
3.Should any of the spares or equipment be earmarked for discontinuance of production,
give notification to BUYER one year before the production is discontinued, to allow for a life
time purchase. SELLER shall assist the BUYER in establishing alternate source of supplies.

On the request of the BUYER, SELLER shall resolve all technical queries and problems on
product/System in service and provide the services of its service engineers at base of the
BUYER on mutually agreed terms and conditions as and when required to facilitate repair of
the product/System or to carry out modifications within the framework of system safety and
for other field services.

SELLER shall carry out scheduled, periodic and unscheduled maintenance and snag
rectification and for this purpose maintenance personnel will be deputed at mutually agreed
terms and conditions.

In case of prices for long-term supplies of spare parts or price catalogue are not
available/applicable, provision for entering into long term business agreements on supply,
servicing and repairs like LTSA/LTRA should be provided by Seller in the scope of the
contract till establishment of Repair Overhaul Facility at ___________ or in India. Seller
should indicate lead time for supply of spares and should authorize _________ for direct
purchase from OEMs/Primary vendors.

The Seller agrees to undertake Maintenance Contract for a maximum period of ______
months, extendable till the complete Engineering Support Package is provided by the Seller.
In the event of any obsolescence during the above mentioned period of product support in
respect of any component or sub-system, mutual consultation between the Seller and Buyer
will be undertaken to arrive at an acceptable solution including additional cost, if any. Any
improvement / modification / up gradation by the Seller or their sub supplies on the stores /
equipment being purchased under the Contract will be communicated by the Seller to the
Buyer and, if required by the Buyer, these will be carried out by the Seller at Buyer’s cost.
The Seller agrees to provide an Engineering Support Package as modified after confirmatory
Maintenance Evaluation Trials (METs). The Seller agrees to undertake the repair and
maintenance of the equipment, SMTs/STEs test set up, assemblies / sub assemblies and
stores supplied under this contract for a period of ______ years as maintenance contract as
specified or provision of complete Engineering Support Package to the Buyer whichever is
later, as per terms and conditions mutually agreed between the Seller and the Buyer.

3.12. Taxes & Duties

a) GST: Rate of GST or any other Tax chargeable should be clearly indicated in the offer/ bid
as inclusive in the price quoted or extra. If not indicated, Buyer will assume that the rates
quoted are inclusive of taxes.

b) Wherever Excise Duty is applicable and payable, the same shall be reimbursed at actual
against production of qualified Excise Duty gate pass in original as a proof for having paid the
duty on the particular consignment. The Seller should ensure that the Gate Pass
accompanies each consignment that are sent to us. In addition a photocopy of Gate Pass, in
advance along with Invoice to be sent to Purchase Department in case of payment through
Bank. If the terms of payment is other than the above, the photo copy of the Gate Pass with
the bills etc., shall be sent to concerned Accounts Department. The Excise Duty Gate Pass
number and date shall be incorporated in the Invoice, Delivery Challan and all other dispatch

c) Seller is entitled for increase in statutory taxes, duties & levies within original DP and
extended DP. However, there is decrease in statutory taxes, duties & levies, the same must
be passed on to the Buyer.

d) Foreign Bidders: All taxes, duties, levies and charges which are to be paid for the delivery
of goods in their respective countries, shall be paid by the foreign bidders.

(e) Customs Duty:

(i) In case of imported stores offered against forward delivery, the Bidders shall quote prices
exclusive of customs duty, duly specifying separately the CIF Price and the customs duty
payable. The Bidder shall also indicate the rate of customs duty applicable along with Indian
Customs Tariff Number. Customs duty actually paid shall be reimbursed on production of
necessary documents i.e. (1) copy of Bill of Entry, (2) copy of Bill of Lading, (3) foreign
Principals invoice. However, if the Bidder imports the stores in question against his own
commercial quota Import license, he will also be required to submit in addition to the
triplicate copy of bills of entry, etc., a certificate from his Internal Auditor on the bill, to the
effect that the following items/ quantity in the bill of entry are related to the stores
imported against the Buyers Contract Number …………………… dated ………….
(ii) Subsequent to the reimbursement of customs duty if the Seller obtains any refund of
customs duty, such refund shall immediately be remitted, in full, to the Buyer. In case of
failure to do so, the Buyer shall be fully empowered to deduct a sum equivalent to the
amount of customs refunded, without any further reference to the Seller, from any of their
outstanding bills against the contract or any other pending Government contract and no
disputes on this account shall be raised by the Seller.
(iii) Subsequent to the reimbursement of customs duty, the Seller shall submit to the
concerned Paying Authority a certificate to the effect that he has not obtained any customs
duty refund. In addition, Seller shall also submit to the Paying Authority a certificate,
immediately after lapse of the period specified in the Customs Act by which application for
refund are to be filed with the Customs Authorities, stating that he has not applied for
refund of the customs duty.

3.13. Pre-contract Integrity Pact:

a) For purchases exceeding Rs. five(5) Cr, a Pre-contract Integrity Pact shall be signed
between the Buyer and the Bidder. This is a binding agreement between the Buyer and
Bidder in which both agree to enter into a pre-contract agreement to avoid all forms of
corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence prior
to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract.

b) Bidder shall submit duly signed Pre-contract Integrity Pact in original, strictly as per the
format (without any deviation) enclosed with the T.E/RFP. Bidders not complying with this
are liable for rejection and their bids will not be considered for evaluation. In case of two bid
system, the Bidder is required to submit the signed pre-contract IP as part of technical bid,
failing which offers are liable for rejection.

c) The Pre-contract Integrity Pact shall be valid, from the date of signing of the contract, for a
period extending up to 5 years or completion of contractual obligations whichever is later.

d) The Pre-contract Integrity Pact requires every Bidder to deposit along with his Bid the
following amount as Security Deposit.
i) Rs. 1 Cr (Additional financial guarantee), if the estimated cost procurement is above
Rs. 100 Cr and up to Rs. 300 Cr.
ii) Rs. 3 Cr (Additional financial guarantee), if the estimated cost procurement is above
Rs. 300 Cr.
iii) All procurement cases above Rs. 5 Cr & up to Rs. 100 Cr, Integrity Pact is required to
be executed without any additional Financial Guarantee. The EMD/SD/PBG required
to be submitted by the vendor as prescribed in OFBPM 2018 shall only act as the
financial guarantee for the IP.
iv) For procurement cases above Rs. 5 Cr & up to Rs. 100 Cr, in case EMD is exempted
and/or PSD is waived, separate Bank Guarantee of the PSD value required to be
submitted by the vendor.
v) Bidder shall furnish the said EMD/ Security Deposit through any of the following
1) Bank Draft or Pay Order in favour of the PCA(Fys) Kolkata.
2) A Confirmed Guarantee by an Indian Nationalized Bank, promising payment
of the guaranteed sum to the Buyer, on demand, within three working days
without any demur whatsoever and without seeking any reasons whatsoever. The
demand for payment by the Buyer shall be treated as conclusive proof for
3) In case foreign suppliers, the Bidder may, if necessary, furnish the Bank
Guarantee from a first class International Bank provided the same is confirmed/
verified by the State Bank of India.

vi) The EMD/ Security Deposit shall be valid up to a period of five years beyond the bid
validity specified in the TE (or subsequent request made by the Buyer for validity
extension) or the complete conclusion of contractual obligations to complete
satisfaction of both the Bidder and the Buyer, whichever is later.
vii) In case there are more than one bidder, the Earnest Money/Security Deposit shall be
refunded by the Buyer to those bidder(s) whose bid does not qualify (do not
qualify)after the stages of TEC/ TPC, as constituted by the Buyer, immediately after a
recommendation is made by the TEC/ TPC on bid(s)after an evaluation.
viii) No interest shall be payable by the Buyer to the Bidder(s) on Earnest
Money/Security Deposit for the period of its currency.
ix) The Buyer has nominated ________________________ (Name & address to be
given) as Independent Monitor (IEM) for this Pact.

3.14. Liquidated Damages (LD): The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in
the Purchase Order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract, and delivery must be
completed not later than the dates specified therein. Should the Seller fail to deliver the
material to our premises or any consignment thereof within the period prescribed for such
delivery, Buyer shall be entitled to recover from the Seller agreed liquidated damages, and
not by way of penalty a sum of 0.5% per week of delay or part thereof, subject to a
maximum of 10% as our claim towards liquidated damages on the undelivered part of the
order. The LD will be charged on the basic cost excluding taxes and duties. Imposition,
recovery or settlement of this LD shall not affect Buyer’s right to performance,
compensation and termination of the agreement. Liquidated Damages in contracts with
Price Variation formula shall be levied on the price as varied by the operation of the Price
Variation clause.

3.15. Earnest Money Deposit:

a) EMD for a value of Rs. ________ to be submitted in the form of Account Payee Demand
Draft / Fixed Deposit Receipt /Banker’s Cheque / Bank Guarantee (in prescribed format)
from any of the Commercial banks / payment online (to be specified, on implementation).
EMD should be valid for ____ days beyond the validity of the bid. Bank details are as
b) Offers not accompanied with requisite amount of EMD or EMD not submitted in the
specified form in original shall be summarily rejected.
c) EMD will not carry any interest for the period it is retained with Buyer. EMD will be
forfeited if a Seller withdraws, amends, impairs and/or derogates within validity period.
d) EMD is to be submitted by the bidders except Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) having
UAM number as defined in MSE Procurement Policy 2012 issued by Department of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) or are registered with the Central Purchase
Organisation or the concerned Ministry or Department (including OFs) or Start-ups as
recognised by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), irrespective of the
store for which they are registered. EMD is also not required from Central PSUs.
Bidders/Sellers exempted from submission of EMD must submit certified copy of Govt of
India authority for such exemption in lieu of EMD.
e) EMD of the technically rejected bidder shall be returned immediately after technical
evaluation. EMD of balance unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the earliest
after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day after award of
contract/ finalization of the tender. The EMD of the successful bidder would be returned,
without any interest whatsoever, after the receipt of PSD from them as called for in the
consequent Contract.
f) In case of two bid system EMD in original form should be enclosed along with the technical
bid. Technical bid without EMD in original will be rejected.
g) EMD remittance document, either in Indian currency or any other convertible currency of
the specified amount, can be arranged by the Indian subsidiary / branch office in India of a
foreign Seller which shall be submitted along with a certificate confirming the relationship of
subsidiary / branch office in the Seller’s offer.
h) EMD shall be submitted in favour of ______________ (Sr.GM/GM/HOD).

3.16. Performance Security Deposit (PSD):

(a) The Seller (successful bidder awarded contract) shall deposit 5% of the total value of this
order /contract value including taxes & duties as Performance Security Deposit which
amounts to Rs. _______ by way of Account Payee Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque/Fixed
Deposit Receipt from a Commercial Bank of India/Bank Guarantee in the prescribed
format(enclosed) from a Commercial Bank of India (for Indigenous Sellers)/ Bank of
International repute for which counter guarantee is given by Indian Bank (for Foreign Sellers)
within specified date(normally 30 days after notification of the award of contract/ date of
acceptance). Indemnity Bonds may be accepted as PSD from Central PSUs.

(b) PSD is not necessary for contracts valuing up to Rs. 10 lakhs.

(c) The PSD/Performance Bank Guarantee should be valid for additional period of 60 days
beyond the delivery date of completion of all contractual obligation including Warranty
period (if any). In the event of the Contractual delivery period being extended by the Buyer,
the Seller shall be responsible to ensure that the validity of the Performance Guarantee is
also simultaneously extended/re-validated so that it is valid for additional period of 60 days
beyond the new delivery date of completion of all contractual obligation including warranty
period (if any).

(d) In the event of non-performance of the item and if Seller fail to attend the defects within
reasonable period of time, the PSD will be forfeited /the Performance Bank Guarantee will
be encashed. In case any claims or any other contract obligations are outstanding, the Seller
shall extend the Performance Bank Guarantee as requested by the Buyer till such time as the
Seller settles all claims and completes all contract obligations. The Performance Bank
Guarantee shall also be liable for encashment/forfeited if conditions regarding adherence to
delivery schedule and other provisions of the contract are not fulfilled by the Seller. The
Buyer decision shall be final and binding in this regard.

(e) Performance Security Deposit is initially to be given by the supplier for original supply
order quantity without option clause quantity. PSD (without interest except FDR) for the
original supply order quantity may be returned after 60 days of fulfillment of all contractual
obligations of the original supply order quantity including warranty period (if any ).
Regarding Option Clause, PSD amount may be worked out based on Option Clause quantity.
PSD for Option Clause quantity may be returned after 60 days of fulfillment of all contractual
obligations of the Option Clause quantity including warranty period(if any).

(f) PSD will be submitted in favour of Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys) Kolkata. The
Seller should sent original copy of PSD to Factory /Unit concerned first with a copy to
PCA(Fys) Kolkata. After verification/confirmation of genuineness by the relevant Bank, a
copy of the same can be forwarded by Factory to PCA(Fys) Kolkata.

3.17. Spares Management:Seller should provide Product Support for full lifetime of the product.

a) Shall advice on the requirement of spares and stock to be maintained as and when
required by the BUYER.

b) Supply spares on demand. Should any of the spares or equipment be earmarked for
discontinuance of production, give notification to BUYER one year before the production is
discontinued, to allow for a life time purchase.

c) Shall assist the BUYER in establishing alternate source of supplies

3.18. Obsolescence: The Seller shall continue to support the equipment for a minimum period of
___ years from the date of supply by making available spare parts and assemblies of the
equipment supplied. For any reason Seller wishes / decides to close / discontinue the line for
manufacture of the products or procurement of certain components, sub-components,
Seller undertakes to notify such a decision to Buyer by means of a prior __ years notice
(before closure of the said production line) in writing so as to enable Buyer to place buy
order / a life time buy of all spares before closure of said production line. Seller will transfer
tools, drawings etc to Buyer after such notice period. Seller to indicate the source from
where Buyer can procure these items. The said aspect would also form an integral part of
the contract.

3.19. Withholding tax :

(a) BUYER would be deducting at source applicable Income Tax as per Government of India
Rules applicable at the time of making payments in respect of services rendered in India.
(Generally on the amounts towards services like training, technical assistance offered by the
Seller and license fees). As per the Rules, Income tax has to be borne by the recipient of the
Income and relevant certificate to this effect will be issued to the Seller on deduction of such
amounts, if applicable.

(b) Seller should bear the applicable withholding income tax in India. Tax would be deducted
at source by Buyer as per DTAA where the Seller could claim the benefit of double taxation
in their country as per the bilateral agreement between the two countries. Certificate to this
effect would be issued by Buyer to enable the Seller to claim the benefit under DTAA.

(c) Seller is required to indicate the PAN/TAN No. issued by Indian Income Tax Authorities
and Permanent Establishment Certificate, If Applicable.

3.20. Product Liability : The Product Civil Liability on the product, for any loss arising in course of
its utilization, for which Buyer may be held legally responsible, is the responsibility of Seller.
Seller will carry out Product Liability Insurance to the extent set for herein in an amount not
less than Rs. ___. Buyer will not be responsible for the payment of any premium for this

3.21. Risk Purchase :

(a) If the equipment / article / service or any portion thereof be not delivered / performed
by the scheduled delivery date / period, any stoppage or discontinuation of ordered supply /
awarded contract without written consent by Buyer or not meeting the required quality
standards, the Buyer shall be at liberty, without prejudice to the right of the Buyer to
recover Liquidated Damages / penalty as provided for in these conditions or to any other
remedy for breach of contract, to terminate the contract either wholly or to the extent of
such default. Amounts advanced or part thereof corresponding to the undelivered supply
shall be recoverable from the Seller at the prevailing bank rate of interest.

(b) The Buyer shall also be at liberty to purchase, manufacture or supply from stock as it
deems fit, other articles of the same or similar description to make good such default and or
in the event of the contract being terminated, the balance of the articles remaining to be
delivered there under at the risk & cost of Seller. Any excess over the purchase price, cost of
manufacture or value of any articles supplied from the stock, as the case may be, over the
contract price shall be recoverable from the Seller.

3.22. Termination Clause : Buyer reserves the right to cancel the order with 15 days notice
without any financial liability in the event of any of the following:

a) When the item offered by the Seller repeatedly fails in the inspection and/or the Seller is
not in position to either rectify the defects or offer items conforming to the contracted
quality standards.
b) When the Seller fails to honour any part of the contract including failure to deliver the
contracted stores/ render services in time.
c) Adulterated supplies as determined according to Prevention of Food Adulteration Act,
1954 and Rules, 1995 as amended from time to time.
d) Supplies inferior to the specified quality.
e) Unbranded/deceptively branded / spurious supplies against branded items in the
Purchase Order.
f) Time expired supplies.
g) When the Seller is found to have made any false or fraudulent declaration or statement
to get the contract or he is found to be indulging in unethical or unfair trade practices.
h) Based on the decision of Arbitration Tribunal.
i) The seller is declared bankrupt or become insolvent.

3.23. Insolvency : If the Seller enters into liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntary (otherwise
than or amalgamation or reconstruction with another party taking over all his rights as well
as commitments) or becomes insolvent or Suffers a receiver of the whole or part of this
asset to be appointed,

i) shall forthwith notify the same to Buyer and the Buyer shall have the right without
prejudice to his other rights or remedies to terminate the unexecuted part of this Contract.

ii) In such an event, the Buyer shall become entitled forthwith to get the refund within 30
days of all the advance payments received by the Seller and expenditure incurred as a part
of its obligations under this contract.

3.24. Appropriation : Whenever under this contract any sum of money is due or recoverable from
Seller or payable by the Seller, Buyer shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating
in part or whole by deducting any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may
become due to the Seller in this or any other contract entered by Buyer as a whole its
Divisions and Branch Offices etc., held by him/her alone or in partnership with others.

Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the Seller shall pay to
Buyer on demand the remaining balance due within 30 days of such written notice. The
remaining balance due, if any, will be recovered through due process of law in case seller
becomes defaulter.

3.25. Applicable Laws/Jurisdiction: All questions, disputes or differences arising out of or in

connection with the contract, if concluded shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
Court within the local limits whose jurisdiction the place from which the Acceptance of
Tender is issued, is situated. This contract shall be governed by and subject to and
interpreted and construed in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of India, as may be in
force from time to time.

3.26. Arbitration:
(i) Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of relating to the
construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this contract or the validity or the
breach thereof shall be settled by bilateral discussions.
(ii) Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the
construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this contract or the validity or the
breach thereof, which cannot be settled amicably within sixty (60) days or such longer
period as may be mutually agreed upon, from the date on which either party informs the
other in writing by a notice that such dispute, disagreement or question exists, shall be
settled by arbitration.
(iii) The Arbitration Proceedings shall be conducted in India under the Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 (amended time to time) and the award of such Arbitration shall be
enforceable in Indian Court only. The law applicable to an arbitration shall be Indian law. In
case of Foreign Seller, Indian law of Foreign law to be decided by contracting parties is

For Indigenous Seller: The arbitration tribunal shall be consisting of sole arbitrator. The
sole arbitrator shall be nominated by the parties within ninety(90) days of the receipt of the
notice mentioned above through mutual discussions and referred to Director General
Ordnance Factories, Government of India, Ordnance factory Board, 10 –A, S.K.Bose Road,
Kolkata 700001 for appointment of the Sole Arbitrator with the mutual consent of the
parties. The Arbitrator so appointed shall be a Government Servant /Ex Government Servant
(with mutual consent) who had not dealt with matters to which this agreement relates and
in course of his duties had not expressed views on all or any of the matter in disputes or
differences. Failing which the arbitrator shall be nominated under the provision of Indian
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (amended time to time) at the request of either party
or by dispute resolution institutions like Indian Council of Arbitration or ICADR, but said
nomination would after consultation with both the parties. The Award of arbitration shall be
final and binding on the parties to this contract.

For Foreign Seller: The arbitration tribunal shall be consisting of sole arbitrator. The
arbitrator, who shall not be a citizen or domicile of the country of either of the parties or of
any other country unacceptable to any of the parties shall be nominated by the parties
within ninety (90) days of the receipt of the notice mentioned above, failing which the
arbitrator may be nominated under the provisions of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 (amended time to time) or by dispute resolution institutions like Indian Council of
Arbitration and ICADR. In case, nomination of third arbitrator under Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 (amended time to time) or by dispute resolution institutions like ICA

and ICADR are not acceptable to the SELLER, then the sole arbitrator may be nominated by
the President of International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, but the said nomination would
be after consultation with both the parties and shall preclude any citizen with domicile of
any country as mentioned above.

The Arbitration Tribunal shall have its seat in ___________ in India or any suitable place in
India as may be decided by the arbitrator.

Each party shall bear its own cost of preparing and presenting its case. The cost of
arbitration including the fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the
SELLER and the BUYER, unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Tribunal. In the event of
a vacancy caused in the office of the arbitrator, the parties which nominated such arbitrator
shall be entitled to nominate another in his place and the arbitration proceedings shall
continue from the stage they were left by the retiring arbitrator.

In the event of both parties failing to nominate arbitrator within sixty (60) days of the place
of arbitrator falling vacant, then the other party shall be entitled after due notice of at least
thirty (30) days to request dispute resolution institutions in India like Indian Council of
Arbitration or ICADR to nominate another arbitrator as above.

The parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this contract during
the pendency of the arbitration proceedings except in so far as such obligations are the
subject matter of the said arbitrator proceedings.

The language(s) of the arbitration shall be English.

“Except as may be required by law, neither a party nor its representatives may disclose the
existence, content, or results of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent
of (all /both) parties.”

In case of technical disputes involving confidential matters, the issue shall be referred to a
high level technical authority for each party, appointed for this purpose.


In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the
provisions of the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party for
Arbitration to the sole Arbitrator in the Department of Public Enterprises to be nominated
by the Secretary to the Government of India in-Charge of the Department of Public

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (amended time to time) shall not be applicable to
the disputes, provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may make a further
reference for setting aside or revision of the award to be Law Secretary, Department of Legal
Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. Upon such reference the dispute
shall be decided by the Law Secretary or the Special Secretary/ Additional Secretary, when
so authorized by the Law Secretary, whose decision shall bind the Parties finally and
conclusively. The Parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated
by the Arbitrator. If the Department of Public Enterprises fails to settle the dispute, the same
will be referred to the Committee constituted by the Cabinet Secretariat.

3.27. Indemnity against Patent rights: The Seller shall at all times protect, indemnify and save/
keep harmless the Buyer, its successors, assigns, , any claim made by a third party against all
liability, including costs, expenses, claims, suits or proceedings at law, in equity or otherwise,
arising out of, or in connection with, any actual or alleged patent infringement (including
process patents, if any), or violation of any license with respect of the stores covered by the

3.28. Bribes: The Seller undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees brokerage or inducement to any
person in service of the Buyer or otherwise in procuring the Contracts or forbearing to do or
for having done or for borne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the
Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show
favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract or any other Contract with the
Government. Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the seller or any one employed by
him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the seller) or the
commission of any offers by the seller or anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf, as
defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act,
1988 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Buyer to
cancel the contract and all or any other contracts with the seller and recover from the seller
the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation. A decision of the buyer or his
nominee to the effect that a breach of the undertaking had been committed shall be final
and binding on the Seller.

Giving or offering of any gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt at any such act on behalf
of the seller towards any officer/employee of the buyer or to any other person in a position
to influence any officer/employee of the Buyer for showing any favour in relation to this or
any other contract, shall render the Seller to such liability/ penalty as the Buyer may deem
proper, including but not limited to termination of the contract, imposition of penal
damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the Buyer.

3.29. Sub-contracting/Sub-letting with the permission of the Buyer : Seller shall not be entitled
without buyer’s prior written consent to Sub-contract/Sublet to a third party all or part of
the benefits or obligations of the Contract (even by way of change of ownership or control),
except as expressly permitted in this Contract if any, to sub-contract any of its rights and
interest under this Contract.

3.30. Works & Payments during Arbitration: Work under the Contract shall be continued by the
Seller during the arbitration proceeding, unless otherwise directed in writing by the Buyer or
unless the matter is such that the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of
the arbitrators is obtained, and save as those which are otherwise expressly provided in the
Contract, no payment due or payable by the Buyer shall be withheld on account of such
arbitration proceedings, unless it is the subject matter or one of the subject matters thereof.

3.31. Fall Clause: The price quoted shall be in no event exceed the lowest price at which you sell
the stores or offer to sell stores of identical description to any person(s) / organization
including the purchases by any department of the Govt. of India, the State Govt. or any
statutory undertaking of the Govt. of India / State Govt., as the case may be during the
period till the completion of the performance of the order placed and during currency of the
order. If at any time during the said period, the Seller reduces the sales price, sells or offers
to sell such stores to any person/ organization including the Buyer or any department of
Central Govt. or any Dept. of State Govt., or any statutory undertaking of the Central or
State Govt., as the case may be at a price lower than the price chargeable under the
contract, he shall forthwith notify such reduction/sale or offer to sale to the Buyer and the
price payable under the contract for the stores supplied after the date of coming into force
of such reduction or sale or offer to sale shall stand correspondingly reduced with due
allowance for quantities and intervening time period.

3.32. Export License: Foreign Seller making proposals should ensure availability of export license
as per their Govt. regulations for export to India. Seller shall be required to obtain and
maintain all Export/Import licenses and permits etc., as the case may be, required for
performing supplies against this tender. Obtaining export license shall be entire
responsibility of the Seller and he shall discharge this within a reasonable time. End User
Certificate will be issued by the Buyer.

3.33. Immunity to the Government of India: It is expressly understood and agreed by and
between Seller & buyer that buyer is entering into this contact solely on its own behalf and
not on behalf any other person or entity. In particular, it is expressly understood and agreed
that Government of India is not a party to this contract and has no liabilities, obligations or
right hereunder. It is expressly understood and agreed that buyer is an independent legal
entity with power and authority to enter into contracts solely on its own behalf under the
applicable laws of India and general principles contract law. Seller expressly agreed
acknowledges and understand that buyer is not an agent, representative or delegate to the
Government of India. It is further agreed and understood that Government of India is not
and shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions, breaches or other wrongs
arising out of the contract. Accordingly, Seller hereby expressly waives releases and foregoes
any and all actions, including counterclaims, impleader claims or counter claims against the
Government of India arising out of this contract and covenants as to any manner, claim
cause or action or this whatsoever arising out of or under this contract.

3.34. Intellectual Property Rights:

(a) If any Patent design, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property rights apply
to the delivery or accompanying documentation, Buyer shall be entitled to the legal use
thereof free of charge by means of a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual license. All
intellectual property rights that arise due to the execution of the delivery by the Seller and by
its employees or third parties involved by the Seller for performance of the agreement
belong to Buyer.

(b) The Seller shall be obligated to do everything necessary to obtain or establish the above
mentioned rights. The Seller guarantees that the delivery does not infringe on any of the
intellectual property rights of third parties. The Seller shall also be obligated to do everything
necessary to obtain or establish the alternate acceptable arrangement pending resolution of
any (alleged) claims by third parties. The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against any
(alleged) claims by third parties in this regard and shall reimburse Buyer for any damages
suffered as a result thereof.
3.35. Amendment & Waiver :
Any amendment to Purchase Orders / Contracts would be enforceable only if made in
writing and duly signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. Failure of either
Party at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract shall not per se constitute
a waiver by that Party of any such provisions nor in any way affect the validity of the
Contract or any part hereof.

3.36. Classified/Confidentiality: The conditions are as follows:-
(a) This Contract and its annexure(s) shall be treated as confidential by the Parties and their officers
and employees.
(b) Unless otherwise specified herein, neither Party or any of their affiliated companies shall make
any news release, public announcement, advertisement, denial or confirmation, disclose of
some or any part of this Contract or transactions contemplated under this Agreement to any
third party without the prior consent of the other Party.
(c) The Party Disclosing information is termed as Disclosing Party and the Party receiving
information is termed as Receiving Party, Each Party undertakes:
i) to keep the other Party's Confidential Information confidential using the same degree of care
as the receiving Party uses to protect its own Proprietary Information against public disclosure
but in no case any less degree than reasonable care; and
ii) not to make any disclosure of the other Party's Confidential Information to any third party
and to use the same only for the Purpose; and
iii) not to make any copies of the other Party's Confidential Information, or translation or
transfer of the same to other documents or media nor to disseminate the same within its own
organisation save as is strictly necessary for the Purpose; and
iv) not to assign the rights and obligations of the Parties without their prior written consent
(d) Provided, however, that the foregoing restrictions and obligations shall not apply to any
information which it can be shown:
i) is already or hereafter becomes published otherwise than through the fault or negligence of
the receiving Party; or
ii) is lawfully obtained by the recipient from a third party having rights to disclose to the
receiving Party, without restrictions as to use or disclosure, or
iii) is already known to the receiving Party at the date of receipt of the information pursuant to
this Agreement, or
iv) is independently developed by the receiving Party.
v) is required to be disclosed under any law, judicial order or Government order or regulation
provided receiving Party gives disclosing Party timely notice, where possible, of the
contemplated disclosure so as to give the disclosing Party an opportunity to intervene to
preserve the confidentiality of the information. Or such disclosure is limited to those persons to
whom the Receiving Party is legally compelled to disclose the information to; and
(e) The technical information provided by SELLER under this Contract shall be treated as
confidential by the BUYER and shall be used by BUYER only for purpose intended and shall not
be disclosed to any third party.
(f) The provisions of this clause shall survive and remain in force notwithstanding the termination
or expiry of this Contract.
(g) The BUYER shall limit access of technical documentation being provided under this Contract
only to such of its employees involved in relevant operations concerning the equipment on a
need to know basis.
(h) Non-adherence to this Clause by the Seller shall be treated, amongst others, as a material
breach of this Contract.

3.37. Agents / Agency Clause : The seller confirms and declares to the buyer that the seller is the
original manufacturer or authorized distributor / stockiest of original manufacturer or Govt.
Sponsored / Designated Export Agencies (applicable in case of countries where domestic laws
do not permit direct export by OEMS) of the stores referred to in this offer / contract /
Purchase order and has not engaged any individual or firm, whether Indian or Foreign
whatsoever, to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to Buyer or any of its

functionaries, whether officially or unofficially, to the award of the contract / purchase order
to the Seller; nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such
individual or firm in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. The
Seller agrees that if it is established at any time to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the
present declaration is in any way incorrect or if at a later stage it is discovered by the Buyer
that the Seller has engaged any such individual / firm, and paid or intended to pay any
amount, gift, reward, fees, commission or consideration to such person, party, firm or
institution, whether before or after the signing of this contract / purchase order, the Seller
will be liable to refund that amount to the Buyer. The Seller will also be debarred from
participating in any RFQ / Tender for new projects / program with Buyer for a minimum
period of five years. The Buyer will also have a right to consider cancellation of the Contract /
Purchase order either wholly or in part, without any entitlement or compensation to the
Seller who shall in such event be liable to refund all payments made by the Buyer in terms of
the Contract / Purchase order along with interest at the rate of 2% per annum above LIBOR
(London Inter Bank Offer Rate) (for foreign vendors) and Base Rate of SBI (State Bank of
India) plus 2% (for Indian vendors). The Buyer will also have the right to recover any such
amount from any contracts / Purchase order concluded earlier with Buyer.

3.38. Force Majeure:

(a) If at any time during the execution of the supply order, the performance in whole or in
part by either Buyer or and by the Seller(s) is / are delayed by any reason of force majeure
situations such as acts of civil war, civil commotion, sabotage, hostilities, war, fires,
explosions, epidemics, natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, acts of
God & laws of respective governments or any other causes beyond the control of either
parties, hereinafter referred to as "events", provided notice of the occurrence of such
event/s is / are communicated by either party, to the other party within 21 days from the
date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason such events be entitled to
terminate the contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in
respect of such non performance and or delay in performance of the contract / order.
Executions on either side shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event has come
to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of Buyer as to whether activities can resume or
not, shall be conclusive and final. Occurrence of the events to be certified by Chamber of
Commerce / Indian High Commission or Embassies / Government in that Country.
(b) The performance in whole or in part under the captioned tender / contract is prevented
or delayed by reason of any such event for a period exceeding sixty days either party may at
its option terminate the contract / further processing of the tender. The relative obligations
of both the parties remain suspended during the actual period of force majeure.
(c) The Buyer may extend the delivery schedule as mutually agreed, on receipt of written
communication from the Seller regarding occurrence of 'Force Majeure' conditions, but not
exceeding six months from the scheduled delivery date. If the 'Force Majeure' conditions
extend beyond this period, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the order without any
financial implication to the Buyer or on terms mutually agreed to.

3.39. Exit Criteria: The contract/order may be terminated under the following circumstances:

(a) In the event of unsatisfactory performance by the Seller during the contract period, or
any of the information provided by the Seller is found to be untrue, or Seller is found to
have attempted to influence any person involved with the contract through unethical
means, the contract shall be terminated with _____ month’s advance notice without any
financial implication to Buyer. Notwithstanding, the foregoing, in cases where it is found

that a Seller is engaged in unethical practices, the same shall be barred from participating in
the future contracts for a period of ………… years.

(b) If there is change in Buyer requirement, contract shall be terminated with _____ months
advance notice. The liability of Buyer in this case will be agreed mutually. In the event of
termination of contract by either party the Seller shall ensure following:-
i) IPR’s are transferred to Buyer to enable Buyer to proceed on the work with other
Seller. Seller also will render all assistance till the other Seller fully take over the
balance work.
ii) Transfer title and deliver all or any part thereof of the supplies, materials, work-in-
progress, finished Products, Tooling, drawings and data produced or acquired by
Seller specifically for the Product being terminated.
iii) Supply of products and its components / spares at least for a period of ___ years
from the date of such termination.

(c) The Seller is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.

(d) The delivery of material is delayed due to causes of Force Majeure by more than
(________ months).

(e) Based on the decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.

3.40. Cartel Formation:

a) Cartel formation or quoting of pool rates or quoting in collusion is against the basic
principle of competitive bidding and shall attract penal and punitive measures; including
suspension/banning of such Bidders for a specific period as per Procedure for Penal Action in
OFs/Units of OFB under the Guidelines of the Ministry of Defence for Penalties in Business
Dealings with Entities in vogue, apart from reporting to the Competition Commission of India,
other Regulatory Authorities, Chambers / Association of Commerce, etc.

b) Firms are expected to quote for full quantity or part thereof but not less than 50% of
tendered quantity. Offers for quantity less than 50% of tendered quantity will be considered
unresponsive and liable to be rejected if CARTEL Formation is suspected. The
management(CFA), reserves the right to order any quantity on one or more firms.

c) Whenever all or most of the approved firms quote equal rates in CARTEL, the purchaser
reserves the right to place order on any one or more firms with exclusion of the rest. The
selection of firms for placement of order would be based on a pre-determined ranking of the

d) The purchaser reserves the right to place order on two or three firms: in such cases tender
quantity will be distributed between Rank 1(R1) and Rank 2(R2) firms in the ratio of 60:40 or
among R1, R2 and Rank 3(R3) firms in the ratios 50:30:20 respectively.

e) The purchaser reserves the right to delete the registered firms who quote in CARTEL from
list of approved/registered sources or to debar them for competing for a period to be
decided by the purchaser.

f) The name of the newly registered firm which enters into CARTEL on getting registered will
be summarily deleted from the list of registered suppliers.

g) New firms will have to submit an undertaking that they will not be part of a cartel with
other vendors and will quote competitive rates in the tenders; otherwise would face
expulsion from the list of vendor.

3.41. Access to Books of Accounts: In case it is found to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the
Bidder has engaged an Agent or paid commission or influenced any person to obtain the
contract as described in clauses relating to Agents/Agency Commission and penalty for use of
undue influence, the Bidder, on a specific request of the Buyer, shall provide necessary
information / inspection of the relevant financial documents / information.

3.42. Non-disclosure: Except with the written consent of the Buyer/Bidder, the other Party shall
not disclose the TE or consequent Contract or any provision, specification, plan, design,
pattern, sample or information thereof to any third party.



Part IV of the TE contains the Special Conditions of the TE that will form part of the contract with the
successful Bidder

4.1 Pre-bid Conference: In certain procurements of specialised or complex nature, turn-key

contract, etc., the Buyer may consider it necessary to hold a Pre-bid Conference with
prospective Bidders for clarifying the requirement, specification or other allied technical/
evaluation/ commercial details of the procurement and also clearing doubts, if any, the Bidders
may have on the TE. All eligible Bidders are requested to participate in the Pre-bid Conference.
In procurements necessitating Pre-bid Conference, the notice for the Pre-bid Conference shall be
given in the TE.

4.2 Notices: Any notice required or permitted by the consequent Contract shall be written in English
language and may be delivered personally or sent by FAX or registered /speed post/e-mail,
addressed to the last known address of the Party to whom it is sent.

4.3 Special conditions for Source Development Open Tenders:

(a) Established sources for an item will not be eligible to participate in the SDOTE for that item.
The status whether a firm is established or not shall be reckoned as on the last date of the
previous month in which vendor selection TPC is held.
(b) Freak Rates: Any quote that is less than 70% of simple average of the basic rate (LTE and
successfully executed SDOTE/OTE) at which orders (excluding import orders) have been placed
over the preceding three years (reckoned from the date of tender opening) shall be deemed as
freak rate and rejected.
(c) To have more firms developing an item and thereby improve the probability of developing
new sources, in SDOTE the L-2 firm may be given 40% of the tendered quantity on accepting the
L-1 rates, provided this was indicated in the tender.
(d) Vendors become established source for a particular item after securing order by participation
in a SDOTE for the item and successfully delivering at least 60% of ordered quantity against the
supply order, and the same being accepted on conformity to the qualitative requirements.
However, supplies against subsequent LTE orders shall be accepted subject to completion of the
supplies under the SDOTE. Established vendors for aggregates, assemblies and sub-assemblies
shall be considered as established vendors for components and sub-assemblies that go into
making of the aggregate, assembly and sub-assembly.
(e) The firm having one SDOTE supply order is also not allowed to participate in other SDOTE for
same item, floated by same or any other Factory. An Undertaking in this regard may be obtained
from firms.
(f) If a firm on which source development order has been placed, is unable to develop the item
within the specified time frame, existing provision of OFB DFP should be followed for DP
(g) In the retender, the firm that was unable to develop the particular item even with the
extended timeframe that resulted in the retender shall not be allowed to participate.
(h) System Integrators may also be considered for participation having facility/capabilities
of integration with testing facilities. These firms may not have manufacturing facilities
but have agreement (self-declared by vendors) for supplying of
components/assemblies/sub-assemblies. The warranty of the integrated product shall
be given by the integrator

4.4 Applicable Currency: Domestic Bidders shall quote and be paid only in Indian Rupees (INR).
Foreign Bidders may quote in US Dollars or Euros and may be paid in the same currency. If the
offer of foreign Bidders includes some portion of the allied work/ services to be undertaken by
Indian purchaser (e.g. installation, commissioning, etc.) such portion shall be quoted and paid
only in INR. Authorised Indian dealers of foreign OEMs participating in the TE shall quote and be
paid only in INR. The foreign exchange rates applied for conversion from one currency to
another shall be the exchange rate (BC Selling Rate) notified by the Parliament Street Branch of
SBI, New Delhi / RBI on the last date of submission of Bids.

4.5 Stage Payments: Stage payments are admissible, as well as relevant, only in rare cases involving
very high value and where the throughput time for manufacture of the stores under
procurement is very long. The Buyer, if satisfied that the throughput time and the value of
procurement are very high, may then allow stage payment only against satisfactory completion
of clearly identifiable physical milestones with the quantum of the stage payment being
commensurate with the quantum of work completed up to the milestone, subject to the Seller
submitting a Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format(enclosed) from a Commercial Bank of
India (for Indigenous Sellers)/ Bank of International repute for which counter guarantee is given
by Indian Bank (for Foreign Sellers), with validity up to additional period of 60 days beyond the
delivery date of the completion of all contractual obligations, for an amount equivalent to the
stage payment to be released. The physical milestones/ stages and the admissible stage
payment as percentage of the total contract value are given in the table below. When stage
payments are made in contracts with Price Variation formula, no price variations shall be
admissible on such portions of the price, after the dates of such stage payments.

Stage Physical Activity to be completed for claiming the Stage payment as % of the
Number stage payment total contract value

4.6 Mode of Payment:

Indigenous Bidders: It will be mandatory for the Bidders to indicate their bank account
numbers and other relevant e-payment details to enable payments through ECS/ NEFT
mechanism instead of payment through cheques, wherever feasible. A copy of the model
mandate form prescribed by RBI to be submitted by Bidders for receiving payments through
ECS is enclosed as annexure.

Foreign Bidders:
a) If the value of the contract is up to US $ 100,000, payments shall be made by Direct Bank
Transfer. DBT payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of clean Bill of Lading/
AWB/ Proof of shipment and such other documents as are provided for in the
consequent Contract, but such payments will be subject to the deductions of such
amounts as the Seller may be liable to pay under the agreed terms of the Contract.
b) The payment shall be through Letter of Credit from State Bank of India/ any other Indian
Public Sector Bank, as decided by the Buyer, to the Bank of the Foreign Seller. The Seller
shall give a notification within a specified period of ………… days about the readiness of
goods. Letter of Credit shall be opened by the Buyer within …………….. days on receipt of
notification of readiness from the firm. The Letter of Credit shall be valid for ninety days
from the date of its opening, on extendable basis by mutual consent of both the Seller
and the Buyer. All expenses related to Letters of Credit outside India shall be borne by
the foreign vendor. In case of extension of delivery period the LC extension charges shall
be borne by the Seller, if the extension is due to reasons attributable to the Seller.

4.7 Paying Authority: The organization of the Principal Controller/ Controller of Finance & Accounts
concerned or their subordinate offices or any paying authority authorized to make payment for
such procurements will be the Paying Authority. The name, address and contact details of the
Paying Authority are:

4.8 Document to be submitted for Effecting Payments: The Seller submit the requisite documents
to the Paying Authority to enable effecting the payment.
(a) Indigenous Sellers: Payment of bills will be made on submission of the following
documents by the Seller to the Paying Authority along with the bill:
i) Ink-signed copy of Sellers Bill/ Commercial Invoice/ Contingent Bill
ii) Inspection Note (and User Acceptance, if applicable)
iii) Copies of Supply Order/ Contract along with all amendments to the Supply Order/
iv) If DP was extended, copy of the amendment (s) to the Supply Order/ Contract duly
indicating whether the extension was granted with or without LD
v) Claim for statutory and other levies to be supported with requisite documents/ proof of
payment, like GST Invoice, Excise Duty Challan (wherever applicable), Customs Duty
Clearance Certificate, ,proof of payment for EPF/ ESIC contribution with nominal roll of
beneficiaries, etc., as applicable
vi) Exemption Certificate, if applicable.
vii) UAM number of MSEs for availing benefits of Procurement Policies for MSEs Order 2012
viii) Bank Guarantee for advance, if any, paid
ix) Performance Bank Guarantee/ Indemnity bond (only for PSUs), as applicable
x) Guarantee / Warranty certificate
xi) Name and address, Account type, Account number, IFSC code, MICR code (if these
details are not incorporated in supply order/contract)
xii) Any other document / certificate that may be provided for in the consequent Supply
Order/ Contract
(Note – From the above indicative list, the documents relevant to the procurement undertaken
shall be included in the TE)

(b) Foreign Sellers: Paid Shipping documents shall be provided to the Bank, by the
Seller, as proof of dispatch of goods as per consequential Contractual terms to enable the
Seller to get payment from the LC. The Bank will forward these documents to the Buyer for
getting the Stores released from the Port/ Airport. Documents shall include:
i) Clean on Board Airway Bill/ Bill of Lading
ii) Original Invoice
iii) Packing List
iv) Certificate of Quality and current manufacture from OEM
v) Performance Bond/ Warranty Certificate
vi) Dangerous Cargo certificate, if applicable
vii) Insurance policy for 110% of the CIF/ CIP contract
viii) Certificate of Conformity & Acceptance Test at PDI, if applicable
ix) Fumigation Certificate, if any
x) Any other document/ certificate provided for in the Supply Order/ Contract
(Note – From the above indicative list, the documents relevant to the procurement undertaken
shall be included in the TE).

4.9 Quantity Tolerance: Normally no quantity variation in the supplies under the consequent
Contract shall be permitted. However, in justified cases, such excess/ short supplies may be
accepted by the Buyer, subject to the value of such excess/ short supplies not exceeding five
percent of the original value of the contract, and the payment being admitted only for the
actually quantity supplied.

4.10 Capacity Constraints of L1: Firms are expected to quote for full quantity or part thereof but
not less than 50% of tendered quantity. The management(CFA), reserves the right to order
any quantity on one or more firms. If the L1 Bidder has not quoted for the entire tendered
quantity, then the supply order shall be placed for the balance quantity on L2 provided the L2
accepts the L1 rates. If the L2 is not agreeable to the L1 rate or if the L1 and L2 Bidders
together cannot meet the tendered requirement, then the order for the balance quantity shall
be placed on the next ranking supplier (L3) at the L1 rates provided L3 accepts the L1 rates. If
the situation so warrants, this process shall be repeated in the order of the ranking (i.e. L1, L2,
L3... so on) till the entire tendered quantity is covered or no Bidder is left.

4.11 Distribution of Quantity for Strategic Reasons: As a strategic requirement the Buyer may
need multiple sources, in such cases the Buyer may conclude orders on more than one firm in
the order of ranking on financial evaluation (in the distribution ratio clearly specified in the TE
Part II). The ratios of splitting may be either (a) 60:40 if two sources are necessary (provided
at least three sources were issued tenders and have also quoted). Or (b) 50:30:20 if three
sources are necessary (provided at least four sources were issued tenders and have also
quoted). The distribution shall be done between L1 and L2 (on the L2 accepting the L1 rates) or
between L1, L2 and L3 (on the L2 and L3 accepting the L1 rates) depending on whether 60:40
or 50:30:20 is specified as the distribution ratio. If the L2 or L3 Bidder (s) does not accept the
counter-offered L1 rate then such undistributed quantity shall revert back to the L1 Bidder. If
the distribution ratio is not specified hereunder then the supply order shall be concluded only
on the L1 Bidder.

4.12 Acceptable Year of Manufacture: Unless stated other-wise in the TE, the goods supplied shall
be of current manufacture. Quality/ Life certificate will need to be enclosed by the Seller
along with the Bill.

4.13 Transportation: Standard transportation instructions are as follows:

a) CIF/CIP (Port of Destination): Seller will bear the costs and freight charges necessary to
bring the goods to the port of destination. The Seller shall also procure Marine Insurance
against the Buyers risk for loss or damage during the carriage. In this regard the Seller shall
contract for the insurance and pay the insurance premium. Seller shall obtain the necessary
clearances for export of the goods. The date of issue of the Bill of Lading shall be considered
as the date of delivery. No part shipment of goods would be permitted. Trans-shipment of
goods would not be permitted. In case it becomes inevitable to do so, the Seller shall not
arrange part-shipments and/or transshipment without the express/prior written consent of
the Buyer. The goods may be shipped through Indian vessels. Seller will be required to convey
the following information well in advance before the Ship sails the port of loading:
i) Name of the Ship:
ii) Port of Loading and name of Country:
iii) ETA at Port of Discharge:
iv) Number of Packages and Weight:
v) Nomenclature and details of major equipment:
vi) Special instructions, if any, to be provided by the Buyer:
b) FOB/ FAS (Port of Shipment): The stores may be shipped through Indian Ships in case of
FOB/ FAS contracts. Notice about the readiness of Cargo for shipment shall be given by the
supplier from time to time at least eight weeks in advance for finalizing the shipping
arrangement, through Fax and courier, to Factory concerned. Within 3 (three) weeks of receipt
of the advance notice, as above, the Factory Concerned will advise the supplier, through Fax
and courier when, and on board what vessels, these goods, or such part thereof, are to be
delivered. If the advice for shipping arrangement is not furnished to the Seller within 3 (three)
weeks as aforesaid or if the vessel arranged is scheduled to arrive at the specified port of
loading later than 15 (fifteen) days of the date of readiness of cargo, as aforesaid, the Seller
may arrange for such transport on alternative carriers with the prior written consent of the
Buyer. Where the Seller is required under the contract to deliver the goods on FOB/ FAS basis,
and to arrange on behalf and at the expense of the Buyer, for ocean transportation on Indian
flag vessels or vessels of conference lines in which India is a member country, the Seller may
arrange for such transportation on alternate carriers if the specified Indian flag vessels or
conference vessels are not available to transport the goods within the time period(s) specified
in the contract, with the prior written consent of the Buyer. Should the goods or any part
thereof be not delivered on the nominated vessel (except in case where prior written consent
of the Buyer was obtained), the Seller will be liable for all payments and expenses that the
Buyer may incur, or be put to, by reason of such non-delivery including dead and extra freight,
demurrage of vessels and any other charges, whatsoever incurred by the Buyer. The date of
issue of the Bill of Lading shall be considered as the date of delivery. No part shipment or
Trans-shipment of goods would be permitted. In case it becomes inevitable to do so, the Seller
shall not arrange part-shipments/ trans-shipment without the express/prior written consent of
the Buyer. The Seller may contact Factory concerned.


c) FCA (Airport): The dispatch of goods shall be made by air to the port of the consignee. The
Buyer shall advise full details of its freight forwarder to the Seller no later than 60 days prior to
the delivery of the first consignment otherwise the Seller may nominate the freight forwarder
at the Buyers expense. Delays in advising or delays by the Buyers freight forwarders shall not
be the responsibility of the Seller. The date of issue of the Air Way Bill shall be the considered
as the date of delivery.

4.14 Air lift: Should the Buyer intend to airlift all or some of the stores, the Seller shall pack the
Stores accordingly on receipt of an intimation to that effect from the Buyer. Such deliveries
will be agreed upon well in advance and paid for as may be mutually agreed.

4.15 Quality: The quality of the stores offered shall strictly comply with the technical parameters
contained in the Technical Specifications & its related standards and shall be new & of current
manufacture. The mode of Inspection may be Buyers Inspection/ Joint Inspection/ Self-
certification. The inspection of the stores may be Pre-dispatch Inspection (and/ or) Joint
Receipt Inspection/Buyers Receipt Inspection to check their compliance with the Technical

4.16 Pre-Dispatch Inspection (PDI): The Buyer will send his authorized representative(s) to attend
the PDI. The Seller shall intimate the Buyer at least 45 days before the scheduled date of PDI.
The time required for completing visa formalities by the Seller should not be included in this
notice. The list of Buyers Representatives along with their details like, Name, title, date & place
of birth, passport number (including date of issue & expiry), address, etc., shall be
communicated to the Seller, by the Buyer, reasonably in advance of the PDI date.
Upon successful completion of such PDI, the Seller and Buyer will issue a Certificate of
Conformity in the specified format enclosed in annexure.

The Buyer reserves the right not to attend the PDI or to request for postponement of the
beginning of the PDI in order to allow his representative(s) to attend such tests, in which cases
he shall inform in writing the Seller within 15 days before the date of the beginning of the PDI.
Should the Buyer request for such postponement, liquidated damages, if any, shall not apply
for such period of postponement. In case the Buyer informs the Seller within the period
mentioned hereinabove that he cannot attend the PDI or in case the Buyer does not come at
the postponed date requested by him for performance of the PDI as mentioned above, the
Seller shall be entitled to carry out said tests alone as scheduled. The Certificate of Conformity
and the Acceptance Test Report shall be signed by the Sellers Quality Assurance
Representative alone, which will have the same value as if they were signed by both the
Parties. In case Buyer does not elect to attend the PDI, the same shall be intimated to the
Seller in writing.

The Seller shall provide all reasonable facilities, access and assistance to the Buyers
Representatives for safety and convenience in performance of their duties in the Sellers

All costs associated with the stay of the Buyers PDI Representative (s) in the country of PDI,
including travel expenses, boarding & lodging, accommodation, daily expenses shall be borne
by the Buyer.

4.17 Joint Receipt Inspection (JRI): The Joint Receipt Inspection (JRI) of delivered goods shall be
conducted jointly by the Buyers Representative (s) and the Sellers Representative (s), on
arrival in India, at the location to be nominated by the Buyer. JRI shall be completed within
…………….. days of arrival of good at the Consignee Port. The JRI shall consist of:

a) Quantitative checking to verify that the quantities of the delivered goods correspond
to the quantities defined in this contract and the invoices.
b) Complete functional checking of the stores as per specifications in the contract and
as per procedures and tests laid down by Buyer.
c) Check proof and firing, if required.
d) Any other checks (to be specified)

The Buyer shall give the Seller a prior notice of at least fifteen (15) days for attending the JRI.
The bio-data of the Sellers Representatives shall be communicated at least fifteen (15) days
prior to the dispatch of goods to the Buyer for obtaining necessary security clearance, etc.

Upon completion of each JRI, the JRI proceedings and Acceptance Certificate shall be jointly
signed by the Buyers Representative (s) and the Sellers Representative (s). In case the Seller
does not depute his Representative for JRI on the scheduled date, then the Buyer
Representative (s) shall carryout the Inspection alone and the same shall have the effect of the
regular JRI and shall be fully binding on the Seller.

Copy of the JRI proceedings and Acceptance Certificate shall be dispatched to the Seller within
30 days of completion of the JRI. In case of deficiencies in quantity and (or) quality or defects,
details of these shall be recorded in the JRI proceedings, however, Acceptance Certificate shall
not be issued. Further, necessary claims shall be raised by the Buyer as per the Article on
Claims in the contract.

4.18 Claims: Claims may be presented either on (a) quantity of the stores, where the quantity does
not correspond to the quantity shown in the Packing List/Insufficiency in packing, or (b) quality
of the stores, where quality does not correspond to the quality mentioned in the contract. The
time frame for raising claims shall be as follows:
a) Quantitative Discrepancy: Within ninety days from the date of delivery of the consignment
in case of delivery by Air or road and within one hundred and twenty days from date of
delivery in case of delivery by Sea.
b) Qualitative Discrepancy: The warranty should remain valid for twelve months after the
goods or any portion thereof, as the case may be, have been delivered to and accepted at the
final destination indicated in the contract, or for eighteen months after the date of shipment
from the place of loading, whichever period concludes earlier.
c) Quality Claims on account of Defects or Deficiencies in JRI: The quality claims for defects or
deficiencies in quality noticed during the JRI/PDI shall be presented within forty five days of
completion of JRI/PDI and acceptance of goods. Quality claims shall be presented for defects
or deficiencies in quality noticed during warranty period earliest but not later than forty five
days after expiry of the guarantee period.
The quantity and quality claims should be submitted to the seller in the prescribed format
enclosed in annexures.

The Seller shall settle the claims within 45 days from the date of receipt of the claim at the
Sellers Office, subject to acceptance of the claim by the Seller. In case no response is received
during this period the claim will be deemed to have been accepted.

The Seller shall collect the defective or rejected goods from the location nominated by the
Buyer and deliver the repaired or replacement goods at the same location under the Sellers

Claims may also be settled by reduction of cost of goods under claim from bonds submitted by
the Seller or payment of claim amount by Seller through demand draft drawn on an Indian
Bank, in favour of Paying Authority.

4.19 Market Exploration: If the Buyer intents to explore the Market prior to finalisation of the
requirement, then the Buyer may through a separate Expression of Interest explore the
Market for the current availability and trends.

4.20 Buy-Back Offer:

In case the Buyer desires to trade the existing old goods while purchasing new ones, the
details of the old goods to be traded and other relevant details in this regard shall be indicated
hereunder, whereupon the Bidders may formulate and submit their tenders accordingly.
Bidders can also inspect the old goods to be traded through this TE. Buyer, however, reserves
the right to trade or not to trade the old goods while purchasing the new ones, therefore,
Bidders are required to frame their bids covering both the options, i.e. with buy-back and
without buy-back. Handling charges and transportation expenses to take out the old items will
be on account of the successful Bidder. Factory may fix reserve price for the items to be
offered for the buyback well before the TE opening. In case, the firm quoted the buy back
price below than the reserve price then buyback offer of the firm may not be considered. In
the rankings the buy back price may not be considered. Details for the buy-back are:
a) Details of Items for buy-back: (make/model, specifications, year of production/
purchase, period of warranty/ AMC, etc)

b) Place for inspection of old items: (address, telephone, fax, e-mail, contact personnel,
c) Handing over details: (date & time, place, mode of handing-over, etc.)
d) Timings for Inspection: All weekdays between …….. hours to …….. hours
e) Last date for inspection: 1 day before the last date of submission of bids

4.21 Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) :

ERV is applicable only in contracts involving substantial import content(s) and having a long
delivery period (exceeding one year from the date of contract). The bidder should indicate the
import content(s) and the currency (currencies) used for calculating the value of import
content(s) in their total quoted price, which (i.e. the total quoted price) will be in Indian
Rupees. The bidder should also indicate the Base Exchange Rate for each such foreign currency
used for converting the FE content into Indian Rupees and the extent of foreign exchange rate
variation risk they are willing to bear. To work out the variation due to changes (if any) in the
exchange rate(s), the base date for this purpose will be the last date of submission of
commercial bid. The variation may be allowed between the above base date and the date of
remittance to the foreign principal/ mid-point of manufacture of the foreign component/…..
(Purchaser shall decide an appropriate date). The applicable exchange rates as above will be
according to the TT selling rates of exchange of SBI, Parliament Street Branch, New Delhi/RBI
on the dates in question. No variation in price in this regard will be allowed if the variation in
the rate of exchange remains within the limit of plus/minus 2.5 percent. Any increase or
decrease in the customs duty by reason of the variation in the rate of exchange in terms of the
contract will be to the buyer’s account. In case delivery period is extended due to default of
the vendor, any increase in exchange rate will not be admissible and exchange rate on the last
date of original DP shall be considered. In case there is decrease in exchange rate during
extended DP, lower exchange rate will be considered. The following documents would need to
be submitted by Seller in support of the claim on account of ERV:
(i) A bill of ERV claim enclosing working sheet
(ii) Banker’s Certificate/ debit advice detailing FE paid, date of remittance
and exchange rate
(iii) Copies of import order placed on supplier
(iv) Invoice of supplier for the relevant import order.

4.22 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Policy: Provisions contained in Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 issued by DIPP, Ministry of Commerce
& Industries vide letter No. P-45021/2/2017-B.E-II dated 15-06-2017 along with MoD I.D No.
59011/8/2015-D(HAL-II) dated 19-07-2017 and subsequent amendment issued by DIPP dated
28.05.2018 shall be followed. No such restrictive clauses should be mentioned in terms and
conditions of tender enquiries including matter like turnover, production capability and
financial strength for the bidders that would be advantageous to the foreign manufactured
goods at the cost of domestically manufactured goods. The minimum local content shall
ordinarily be 50%. The Requirement of Purchase Preference under PPP-MII, Order 2017 is as
(a) If the estimated value of procurement is Rs. 50 lakhs or less for which sufficient local
capacity and local competition available, only local suppliers shall be eligible to participate.

(b) In the procurement of goods more than Rs. 50 lakhs and which are divisible in nature,
following procedure shall be followed:-
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1.
ii. If L1 bid is not from a local supplier, 50% of the order quantity shall be awarded to L1.
Thereafter, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be invited to match the L1
price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to the local suppliers quoted price falling
within the margin (20%) of purchase preference, and contract for that quantity shall be
awarded to such local supplier subject to matching the L1 price. In case such lowest
eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price or accepts less than the offered
quantity, the next higher local supplier within the margin of purchase preference shall
be invited to match the L1 price for the remaining quantity and so on, and contract shall
be awarded accordingly. In case some quantity is still uncovered on local suppliers, then
such balance quantity may also be ordered on the L1 bidder.

(c) In the procurement of goods more than Rs. 50 lakhs and which not divisible in nature,
following procedure shall be followed:-
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract will be awarded to L1.
ii. If L1 is not from a local supplier, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be
invited to match the L1 price subject to local suppliers quoted price falling within the
margin (20%) of purchase preference and the contract shall be awarded to such local
supplier subject to matching the L1 price.
iii. In case such lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price, the local supplier
with the next higher bid within the margin of preference shall be invited to match the L1
price and so on and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case none of the local
suppliers within the margin of purchase preference matches the L1 price, then the
contract may be awarded to the L1 bidder.

4.23 Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012 :

Any order issued by Central Government in relation to Micro, Small or other sections of
Industries relevant to procurement shall be followed by Factories / Units. One such Public
Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 is in force w.e.f
01.04.2012 and should be strictly adhered to. The Public Procurement Policy shall apply to
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and
Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National
Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body
specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Declaration of Udyog
Aadhaar Memorandum(UAM) number by the MSME vendors on CPPP/OFB e-procurement
portal should be made. The MSE bidders who fail to submit UAM number will not be able to
avail the benefits available to MSEs as contained in Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order,
2012 for tenders invited electronically through CPPP/OFB e-procurement portal as follows:-
(a) Tender set free of cost
(b) Exemption from the payment of Earnest Money (EMD)
(c) In tender, participating MSEs quoting price within price band of L1+15% shall also be
allowed to supply a portion of requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a
situation where L1 price is from someone other than a MSE and such MSE(s) shall be
allowed to supply up to 20% of the total tendered value.
(d) 358 items are also reserved for exclusive procurement from MSEs.

4.24 Safeguard while Taking Support from Private Companies in RFP Cases – Conflict of Interest
Any company and or their group/associate company who are participating in the < Details of
the RFP Proposal issued by the Service HQrs >* will not be eligible to participate in this Tender
Enquiry. An undertaking to the effect that the firm or its group associate is not participating in
< Details of the RFP Proposal issued by the Service HQrs > * is to be provided by the firm. At
any stage during the period of the contract, if the aforesaid undertaking is found to be false
the BUYER (OFs/OFB) to take all or any one or more of the following actions, wherever

(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or
giving any compensation to the Bidder. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s)
would continue

(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Security Deposit/Performance Bond shall stand
forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by the Buyer and the Buyer shall not be
required to assign any reason therefore.

(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to
the Bidder.

(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the Buyer (OFs/OFB), and in case of an Indian Bidder
with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of
India (or Base Rate of State Bank of India in the absence of Prime Lending Rate), while in
case of a Bidder from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than
the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the Bidder from the Buyer (OFs/OFB) in
connection with any other contract for any other defence stores, such outstanding
payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum of interest.

(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance-bank-warranty bond, if furnished
by the Bidder, in order to recover the payments, already made to by the Buyer (OFs/OFB),
along with interest.

(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the Bidder.

(vii) To ban the Bidder from entering into any bid from the OFB organization and/or MoD
and/or other Ministries/Departments of Government of India for a minimum period of five
years and not more than ten years at the discretion of the Buyer (OFs/OFB) as per
Procedure for Penal Action in OFs/Units of OFB under the Guidelines of the Ministry of
Defence for Penalties in Business Dealings with Entities in vogue (or amended time to

[*Details of such RFP/TE No & Date; Details of item/service being procured’ Details of the
procurement agency of Service HQrs]



5.1. Evaluation Criteria: The broad guidelines for evaluation of Bids will be as follows:
a) Only Bids that fulfill all the eligibility & qualifying requirements of the TE, both technically
and commercially, shall be considered for evaluation.
b) In Two-Bid system, the Technical Bids shall be evaluated with reference to the technical
requirements of the stores/ service prescribed in the TE. The Buyer may obtain technical
clarifications during the evaluation of the Technical Bids. Further, if considered necessary
during the course of Technical evaluation, the Buyer may invite the vendors who meet the
essential parameters for technical presentation/ clarification.
c) The Price Bids of only the technically complaint Bidders shall be opened.
d) The Lowest Bid (L1) will be decided, from out of the Technically & Commercially compliant
Bids, based on the lowest price quoted. Consideration of Taxes & Duties in evaluation
process shall be as follows:
i) When competition is only among Indian Suppliers, the F.O.R Prices at destination
(Consignee’s premises) shall be the basis for ranking of the quotations.
ii) If the competition is amongst foreign suppliers, the basis for comparison shall only be
the landed price at the destination (designated port).
iii) When the competition is amongst indigenous and foreign suppliers, the basic cost (CIF)
quoted by the foreign suppliers shall be the basis for comparison with the basic cost
offered by the indigenous suppliers, after offloading the GST & Excise Duty (if
applicable). Therefore, to enable evaluation of the Bid, it is important for foreign Bidders
to ensure that they duly quote, both on, CIF as well as FOB basis. Similarly, it is
important for the Indian Bidders to duly indicate the GST & Excise Duty (if applicable) in
their quote as separate elements.
e) The quotes of foreign suppliers in foreign currency shall be brought to a common
denomination in Indian Rupees by adopting the exchange rate as BC Selling Rate of the
Parliament Street Branch of State Bank of India, New Delhi/RBI on the date of the closing
of Bids.
f) If there is any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price will prevail and the total price will be
corrected accordingly. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words will prevail for calculation of price.
g) The Buyer reserves the right to evaluate the offers received by using Discounted Cash Flow
(DCF) method. If this method is applied the discounting rate shall be the lending rate of
the Government of India on loans given to the State Government as notified annually by
the Budget Division of Ministry of Finance. The DCF may be applied for converting
differing Payment Terms of Bidders to a common basis and thereby determine L1 status.
h) The Lowest Acceptable Bid will be considered for placement of contract/ Supply Order,
after complete clarifications and price negotiations, if so necessary. The Buyer also
reserves the right to award contracts to different Bidders for being lowest in particular
items. The Buyer further reserves the right to apportion the quantity, if it is convinced that
Lowest Bidder will not be able to supply the full tendered quantity in stipulated time.
i) Any other criteria as applicable to suit a particular case.

5.2. Price Bid Format: The Price Bid Format is enclosed as annexure. Bidders are required to
quote as per the format duly providing complete details.

If not
Compliance to TE
Clause No. Commercial & General Terms. Specification

Quoted for at least 50 % of tender quantity

Tender Fee sent by post( if not exempted).

EMD sent by post ( if not exempted) and Copy

enclosed with the technical bid.

Application form for Vendor Registration sent

by post , in case not registered already for
tendered item

Registration Fee for Vendor Registration sent

by post, in case not registered already for
tendered item & mention the detail of
registration fee.

Details of technical capability including list of

Plant & Machineries, test equipments,
manpower attached

Details of Quality Systems, ISO- 9000

certifications etc attached (For unregistered

Documents in support of financial capability

attached.(Balance sheet for last 3 years) (For
unregistered firm)

Copies of valid registrations with Ordnance

Factories/ DGQA/NSIC/DIC/KVIC etc attached .
In case of MSEs, UAM no. and relevant

GSTIN No. and relevant documents attached.

Undertaking that the firm will not be part of

CARTEL and confirm that firm will quote
competitive rate in future tenders in the
format attached.

Price quoted firm and fixed

Delivery & Prices on F.O.R destination basis.

Whether the offered store is as per
specifications mentioned in TE.

Inspection at Buyer’s premises.

Delivery as per Delivery Period mentioned In


Payment Terms of the TE acceptable.

Agreed for Option Clause as mentioned in TE.

Agreed for Submission of Security Deposit/

Performance Security Deposit.

Liquidated Damages Clause accepted.

Arbitration Clause accepted.

Jurisdiction Clause accepted.

Access to Books of Accounts clause accepted.

Cartel Formation Clause accepted.

Agents / Agency Commission Clause accepted.

Agreed for condition of Non-disclosure of

Contract documents

Agreed for condition of Evaluation Criteria

Validity of offer-as per tender.

Guarantee/ Warranty Clause accepted.

Pre-Integrity Pact Clause accepted.

Risk Purchase Clause accepted

Bribes Clause accepted

Classified /Confidentiality Clause accepted

Intellectual Property Right Clause accepted

Force Majeure Clause accepted

Immunity to Govt of India Clause accepted

Termination Clause accepted

Appropriation Clause accepted

Obsolescence Clause accepted

Product Liability Clause accepted

Indemnity against Patent Rights accepted

Export License Clause accepted

Amendment & Waiver Clause accepted

Exit Criteria Clause accepted

Insolvency Clause accepted

Product Support Clause accepted

Packing Conditions Clause accepted

Price Variation Clause accepted

Conflict of Interest Clause accepted



Clause Compliance to TE If not complied,

Commercial & General Terms.
No. Specification (Yes/No) Specify deviations

Quoted for at least 50 % of tender quantity

Price quoted Firm and Fixed

Delivery & Prices on F.O.R destination basis.

Whether the offered store is as per

specifications mentioned in TE.

Inspection at Buyer’s premises acceptable.

Delivery as per Delivery Period mentioned In

TE acceptable.

Payment Terms of the TE acceptable.

Agreed for Option Clause as mentioned in TE.

Agreed for Submission of Security Deposit/

Performance Security Deposit.

Liquidated Damages Clause accepted.

Arbitration Clause accepted.

Jurisdiction Clause accepted.

Access to Books of Accounts Clause accepted.

Cartel Formation Clause accepted.

Agents / Agency Commission Clause


Agreed for condition of Non-disclosure of

Contract documents

Agreed for condition of Evaluation Criteria

Validity of offer-as per tender.

Guarantee/ Warranty Clause accepted.

Pre-Integrity Pact Clause accepted.

Risk Purchase Clause accepted

Bribes Clause accepted

Classified /Confidentiality Clause accepted

Intellectual Property Right Clause accepted

Force Majeure Clause accepted

Immunity to Govt of India Clause accepted

Termination Clause accepted

Appropriation Clause accepted

Obsolescence Clause accepted

Product Liability Clause accepted

Indemnity against Patent rights accepted

Export License Clause accepted

Amendment & Waiver Clause accepted

Exit Criteria Clause accepted

Insolvency Clause accepted

Product support Clause accepted

Packing conditions Clause accepted

Price Variation Clause accepted

Conflict of Interest Clause accepted

Copies of valid registrations with Ordnance

Factories attached . In case of MSEs, UAM no.
and relevant documents

GSTIN No. and relevant documents attached.



S.No. Term Options Remarks

1. Type of TE GTE
OTE(All bidders including Established sources
Source Development OTE(Established sources
not allowed)
LTE (Established and registered sources
2. No of bids One/Two
3. Tender Fee Applicable/Not-Applicable
If applicable, then amount
4. EMD Amount (2-5%) Applicable/Not-Applicable
If applicable, then amount
5. Option Clause Applicable/Not-Applicable
If applicable, then proportion (______% )
6. Pre-Bid Conference Yes/No
If Yes, then date
7. Pre-contract Integrity Applicable/Not-Applicable
Pact If applicable, then amount & Name of IEM
Name and address of
8. Inspection type PDI followed by JRI (Normally in import cases)
PDI at firm’s premises and final inspection at
Buyer’s premise
Final Inspection at Buyer’s premise
9. Inspection Authority
10. Inspection Officer
11. Price Variation Clause Applicable / Not Applicable
If applicable, then – Text of PV formula
12. Distribution of tender No The CFA reserves
Quantity 60:40 the right to order
50:30:20 any quantity on
one or more firms.
13. Delivery
a) Mode
c) Schedule
14. Public Procurement Applicable/Not-Applicable
(Preference to Make in If not applicable, then reason with justification
India), Order 2017
15. Public Procurement for Applicable/Not-Applicable
MSEs, Order 2012 If not applicable, then reason with justification
16. Conflict of Interest Applicable/Not-Applicable



Customer’s option to receive payments through e-Payment (ECS/ EFT/ DIRECT CREDIT/ RTGS/ NEFT/
Other payment mechanism as approved by RBI.)

Credit Clearing Mechanism

1. Customer’s Name

2. Particulars of Bank Account –

a. Bank name
b. Branch name
c. Address
d. Telephone numbers
e. IFS code
f. 9 Digit code number of Bank and Branch appearing on MICR cheque issued by Bank
g. Account Type (S.B. Account / Current Account or Cash)
h. Ledger number
i. Ledger Folio number
j. Account number as appearing on Cheque Book

3. Please attach a blank cancelled cheque, or, photocopy of a cheque or front page of your
savings bank passbook issued by your bank for verification of the above particulars.

4. Date of Effect “I, hereby, declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete.
If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information,
I would not hold the user institution responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to
discharge the responsibility expected of me as a participant under scheme.”

Signature of Customer

Date :

Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.

Bank’s Stamp : ( ……………………………………….)


Signature of the Authorized Official from the Bank



Whereas………………………………………………………………………… (hereinafter called the “tenderer”)

has submitted their offer dated …………for the supply of……………………………………………….. (hereinafter
called the “tender” know all men by these presents that
we……………………………………………………………………. of…………………………………having our registered office
at………………………………………… (hereinafter called the “bank” are bound unto…………………………………
the sum of…………………………………………….. ( hereinafter called the “Purchaser”) for which payment
will be truly to be made to the said purchaser, the bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by
these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said bank this……………….day of……...


(1) If the tenderer withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect
within the period of validity of the tender.

(2) If the tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the purchaser during
the period of its validity.

a) If the tenderer fails to furnish the Performance Security for the due performance of the

b) Fails or refuses to execute the contract.

We undertake to pay the purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the
Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both
the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 45 days after the period of tender
validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

(Signature of the Bank)




Bank _______________

The President of India
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Whereas you have entered into a contract No._______ dated_________(hereinafter

referred to as the said Contract) with M/s__________________________, hereinafter referred to as
the “seller” for supply of goods as per Part-II of the said contract to the said seller and whereas the
Seller has undertaken to produce a bank guarantee for( % ) of total Contract value amounting to
_________ to secure its obligations to the President of India. We the _______________ bank hereby
expressly, irrevocably and unreservedly undertake and guarantee as principal obligors on behalf of
the seller that, in the event that the President of India declares to us that the goods have not been
supplied according to the Contractual obligations under the aforementioned contract, we will pay
you, on demand and without demur, all and any sum up to a maximum of ____________Rupees
_____________ only. Your written demand shall be conclusive evidence to us that such repayment is
due under the terms of the said contract. We undertake to effect payment upon receipt of such
written demand.

2. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements, variations made between you and the Seller, indulgence to the Seller by you, or by
any alterations in the obligations of the Seller or by any forbearance whether as to payment, time
performance or otherwise.

3. In no case shall the amount of this guarantee be increased.

4. This guarantee shall remain valid for …… months from the date of JRI acceptance of test
consignment in India or until all the store, spares and documentation have been supplied according
to the contractual obligations under the said contract.

5. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing or on before the
aforesaid expiry date as provided in the above referred contract or unless this guarantee is extended
by us, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be discharged from the
liabilities hereunder.

6. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by and change in
the constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of M/s____________________________



Date :
No :
Product Name :
Product No :
Lot No :
Quantity :
Contract No :
Packaging List No :



----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------



Quantity Claim to the Contract No ………………………………dated ………………………………………

Claim Protocol number ……………………....

Laid down …………………………………………………………………….

For inter/tare storage Commission, consisting of Chairman …………and Members

………………………………………………………………………. having examined the state of the delivered
equipment ascertained as follows:-

1. The equipment was delivered by M/s …………………………… against Bill of Lading No

…………………………….. of ………………………………….. in the quantity of one collie with the Marking
………………………………. Case No …………………………………………..

2. The obtained equipment is delivered under Contract number………………………… Item Sr

Number ……………… Cost…………………………

3. The state of packing and seals on goods packages, correspondence of the gross weight and
the weight indicated in the way bills (packing lists) Nos of the collies are to be pointed out
……………………………… Condition of the collie ………………………………………………….. Gross weight of the
collie …………………………………….. Net weight of the collie ………………………..

4. While unpacking the goods packages, the following discrepancy between the shipping
documents (packing lists as the packed equipment was discovered/separately for the each package

5. Conclusion of the commission ………………………………………………….

6. The following documents confirming the justification of the complaint are attached to the
report (Packing list, photos of the damaged sports and others) ……………………………

Chairman ……………………………..
Members ………………………………

Place and date of issue ……………………………………………………….



Quality Claim to the Contract No ……………………..………………………dated………………………………………

Claim Protocol number ……………………..
Laid down on
Concerning (Name of the claimed equipment)
Commission Members …………………………………………………………………..
Chairman ……………………………. ………………………………………………………..

The Commission has acquainted with the claimed equipment and made the following
1. ……………………………………………………………………... Serial No …………………………………(equipment)
Production by the ………………..…. Made by the manufacturer …..…………….... …………………………………..
………………………………………………………… (date of manufacture) No of running hours ……….. With
guarantee period of ……………………………... (completed) …………………………………………………………….
………………………………………………….. (years, months) From the beginning of operation, the product has
been operating for …………. hours.

2. Indicate operation conditions of the equipment ……………………………..… ……………………………......

(State type of fuel and oil used during operation of the equipment)

3. Description of the defect …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

(the date and circumstances under which the defect was ascertained, short description of the
probable causes and probable consequences of the defect)

4. List of units (or their parts) (defective equipment will remain in that organization store-room

5. Conclusion of the Commission ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………… (on investigation the commission decided that the
claimed equipment is not serviceable and that it must be subject to repair or must be replaced with
a new equipment. The kind of repair and place where the repair should be carried out are to be

6. The following parts are required for the repair of the equipment (or its parts)

7. The defect occurred …………………………… within the guarantee period from the reason as
follows ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. The costs of the repair of the equipment or its parts …………………………

……………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The defect occurred …………… within the guarantee period from the reason as
………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… The costs of the repair will
be debited to (….. manufacturer/owner………..)
10. To settle the claim, the Seller has to replace the equipment and dispatch the unit and other
parts, reimbursement of costs connected with the repair of the equipment, etc.

Supplementary data:

The equipment was handed over in accordance with the ……………………. No

………………………………………………………………………………… on (date)

The following documents are enclosed to this claim protocol to support the justification of
the claim (photos, samples, results of analysis, packing sheets, etc.)

Signature of the commission members





Name and Address of Buyer

Contact details like Telephone, Fax, e-mail
File number:
Name of Seller

Placement of Supply Order Number _________________ dated __________

Against RFP/TE Number _________________ dated __________________

Part I
Dear Sir/Madam

1. This is to inform you that a formal Supply Order is being placed on you for supply of
items/services at price mentioned in Part-II. The Commercial terms and conditions are
contained in Part-III and Part-IV of this Supply Order (S.O in short). The word “Seller” in this
S.O is meant for your organisation/company while the word “Buyer” is meant for this
organisation acting on behalf of President of India.

2. Following documents shall be the sole responsibility of this transaction:

a) Our RFP number ____________dated _________

b) Your Bid number ____________dated _________
c) Our letters numbers ____________dated _________
d) Your letters numbers ____________dated _________
e) Five Parts of this Supply Order as under:-

i. Part I – Communication of acceptance of Seller’s Bid as finalised by Buyer.

ii. Part II – Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell items/services mentioned in
Part II at the prices mentioned therein. This Part also contains essential details of
the items/services required, such as the Technical specifications, Delivery Period,
Place of Delivery and Consignee details agreed by Seller.

iii. Part III – Buyer and Seller agree to abide the Standard Conditions of Supply Order
mentioned in Part III.

iv. Part IV – Buyer and Seller agree to abide the Special Conditions of Supply Order
mentioned in Part IV.

v. Part V – It contains list of other addresses and other relevant details pertaining to
this S.O.

3. Two copies of ink-signed Supply Order are being sent to you. Please acknowledge
receipt within seven days of receipt of this Supply order, on your office letterhead duly
signed by the authorised signatory. One copy of Supply Order duly signed and stamped on
all pages should be returned to this office along with your acknowledgement letter. If such
an acceptance or communication conveying any objection to certain part of this Supply
Order is not received within seven days, then it would be deemed that this Supply Order is
fully accepted by you and all obligations of Seller will be applicable to you under this S.O.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

Name and designation of Buyer

On and behalf of President of India.

Part-II – Essential Details of Items/Services Supply Ordered

1. Schedule of Prices - List of items/ services Supply Ordered is as follows :-

Sl. No Denomination Quantity Unit Price Total price Remarks

of items /

Grand Total

2. Technical Details

a. Functional characteristics of items Supply Ordered.

b. Specifications/drawings, as applicable
c. Technical details within technical parameters
d. Details of training/on-job training
e. Details of installation/commissioning
f. Details of Factory Acceptance Trials (FAT), Harbour Acceptance Trails(HAT)
and Sea Acceptance Trials (SAT)
g. Details of technical documentation
h. Nature of assistance required after completion of warranty
i. Details of pre-site/equipment inspection
j. Any other details, as considered necessary.

3. Delivery Period - Delivery period for supply of items would be ……………from the
effective date of Supply Order. Please Note that Supply Order can be cancelled unilaterally
by the Buyer in case items are not received within the Supply Ordered delivery period.
Extension of Supply Ordered delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the Buyer, with
applicability of LD clause.

4. INCOTERMS for Delivery and Transportation - (“E” / “F” / “C” / “D” Terms). The
definition of Delivery Period for this Supply Order will be ----------------------------

5. Consignee details: …………………………………………….

Part III – Standard Conditions of Supply Order

Note: To be mentioned as per standard terms & conditions of T.E

Part IV – Special Conditions of Supply Order

Note: To be mentioned as per special conditions of T.E

Part V – Other Details

1. Distribution :

a) Paying Authority (Address) – Following details are given to enable internal audit to
admit payments in connection with this Supply Order –

i. Head of Account for this Supply Order – Major Head ……………., Minor Head ………..
Code Head ………………….
ii. CFA for this Supply Order ________________
iii. Schedule of Powers applicable for this Supply Order - _________________
iv. It is confirmed that concurrence of IFA has been taken.

b) IFA (Address) – This is with reference to IFA’s concurrence accorded vide U.O.
number ……………………………………………dated …………………….
c) Inspection Authority (Address) – Please ensure timely inspection by the Inspecting
d) Consignee (Address) – for information and necessary action.

e) Indentor (Address), if applicable –

f) User (Address), if applicable -

2. Legal addresses of Buyer and Seller


(Full Name and Designation) (Full Name and Designation)

For and On behalf of
President of India

Address , Telephone, Fax, e-mail details address, Telephone, Fax

e-mail details



(This slip should be completed, signed and returned to the office from which the Acceptance
of Tender is received, immediately on its receipt)

Ref. Tender No. ………………………………. For supply of ………………………………………………………….


Received Acceptance of __________________ in respect of the above Tender No. _______

Dated the _________ day of ______________20…


Date of Receipt

Signature of Contractor



M/s ………………………….

Sub : Tender Enquiry No. …………………………….. opened on ………………….

Ref: Your quotation No. ……………………….dated …………………………………

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is hereby informed that your above mentioned quotation could not be considered
as :

i) It was received late.

ii) It was not furnished with EMD as required in the Tender Enquiry.
iii) It was deficient of documents (to be specified).
iv) It contained inconvenient / unacceptable terms and conditions in the tenders.
v) Stores offered were not as per the tender enquiry specification.
vi) Delivery schedule offered was not as per tender enquiry requirements.
vii) You are not registered with ___________ indicated in the enquiry.
viii) Past performance was not meeting the required performance level.
ix) Price quoted were not within the acceptable range.
x) Due to revision of your original offer after tender opening.
xi) Any other reason (to be specified as applicable)

(Tick mark whichever is applicable)

Yours faithfully,

For General Manager



Government of India
Ministry of Defence


M/s ………………………………

Sub : S.O No. …………………………….. dated ……………………………………….. for supply of


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please confirm that you have received 100% payment against the subject supply
order and you have nothing due whatsoever so that this office may close the case.

Your reply should reach this office latest by ……………………… failing which it will be
presumed that you have no claim whatsoever in respect of the above contract and the case
will be closed accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

For General Manager




The General Manager

__________ Factory (Through Inspector of …………)
Store Specification Number or Inspection by Date by (a) Open PDC
Drawing or Qty Factory or which Extract
Pattern required Inspection required (b) Issue
& Issue

The above mentioned stores are required. General Manager

Only when I.S Inspection is required in which case an additional Factory
copy for retention by Inspector will be necessary Indentor
Concurred in


………. Factory (Indentor)

No. ___________ Date ___________
To The GM
……………… Factory
Accepted and returned

GM……………… Factory
Copy to: The D.A.C.A.F.A
----------------------- Factory (Supplier)




The President of India


With reference to contract No. _________________________ dated_____________

concluded between the President of India, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’ and M/s
_________________________ hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’ and M/s _______________
hereinafter referred to as the “the contractor” for the development and supply of
______________________ as detailed in the above contract which contract is hereinafter referred
to as “the Said Contract” and the consideration of the Purchaser having agreed to make an advance
payment in accordance with the terms of the Said Contract to the said contractor, we the
__________________ bank, hereinafter call ‘the Bank’ hereby irrevocably undertake and guarantee
to you that if the Said Contractor would fail to develop and supply the stores in accordance with the
terms of the Said Contract for any reason whatsoever or fail to perform the Said Contract in any
respect or should whole or part of the said on account of payments at any time become repayable to
you for any reason whatsoever, we shall, on demand and without demur pay to you all and any sum
up to a maximum of Rs. _______________ (Rupees _______________________________________
only) paid as advance to the Said Contractor in accordance with the provisions contained in Clause
________ of the Said Contract.

2. We further agree that the Purchaser shall be the sole judge as to whether the contractor has
failed to develop and deliver the stores in accordance with the terms of the Said Contract or has
failed to perform the said contract in any respect or the whole or part of the advance payment made
to Contractor has become repayable to the Purchaser and to the extent and monetary consequences
thereof by the Purchaser.

3. We further hereby undertake to pay the amount due and payable under this Guarantee
without any demur merely on a demand from the Purchaser stating the amount claimed. Any such
demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding upon us as regards the amounts due and
payable by us under this Guarantee and without demur. However, our liability under this Guarantee
shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ________________ (Rupees
_______________________________________ only).

4. We further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect
for a period of 12 months from the date of the last advance payment was made or for a period of 90
days from the date on which final delivery of the stores after development was made and accepted
by the Purchaser whichever falls later unless the Purchaser in his sole discretion discharges the
Guarantee earlier.

5. We further agree that any change in the constitution of the Bank or the constitution of the
contractor shall not discharge our liability hereunder.

6. We further agree that the Purchaser shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any
way our obligations hereunder with or without our consent or knowledge to vary any of the terms
and conditions of the Said Contract or to extend the time of development/delivery from time to time
or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Purchaser
against the contractor and either to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to
the Said Contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
any indulgence or for bearance shown or any act or omission on the Purchaser or by any such matter
or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the
effect of so relieving us.

7. We lastly undertake not to revoke the Guarantee during the currency of the above said
Contract except with the prior consent of the Purchaser in writing.

Yours faithfully,

For __________________ Bank

(Authorised Attorney)
Place : ____________
Date: _____________ Seal of the Bank




1. In terms of RBI’s guidelines issued vide letter No. AP(DIR Series) Circular No. 15
dated 17th September, 2003, all remittances of foreign exchange beyond US$ 100,000 are to
be against BGs/ stand by Letter of Credit from banks of international repute. Accordingly,
Ministry of Defence will obtain Bank Guarantees (BGs) from foreign suppliers from banks of
international repute for:-

(a) Advances paid to them.

(b) Performance of contracts as Performance BGs
(c)Warranty bonds to ensure warranty support of equipments supplied by the

2. To ascertain whether BGs given by foreign vendors are from Banks of international
repute, Ministry of Defence will be assisted by the Parliament Street Branch of SBI.

3. With a view to institutionalize the procedure to be adopted for obtaining advice of

State Bank of India, an Arrangement Letter has been signed with SBI which covers the
services that SBI will offer.

4. While CNC commences its commercial deliberations, SBI’s advice on the BG will be
sought in parallel. The advisory role of SBI will be put into action in the following manner:-

(a) On receiving details of BG proposed to be submitted by the foreign vendor, the

matter is to be referred to SBI.
(b) SBI will render its advice within 7 days from the date of receipt of reference / details
of the BG from MoD.
(c) SBI’s advice will as follows:
i. In case the BG is from a Bank of international repute and country rating is
satisfactory, SBI will advise MoD to accept BG without need for confirmation
of the BG by an Indian Bank.
ii. In case the advice of SBI is that the BG is not from a Bank of international
repute and / or a confirmation of a local bank is required to be obtained by
MoD, the vendor will be asked by MoD to instruct its banker to mutually
settle the issue of BG with SBI who will turn advise MoD regarding further
action to be taken.
iii. Only in case the vendor’s bank is unable to settle the issue of BG with SBI, the
matter will be referred back to MoD by SBI.
iv. In such cases, as required, MoD will associate SBI officials in Contract
Negotiation Committee (CNC) for settling the issue of BG with the vendors.





……………………………………….. i) Bank concerned

……………………………………….. ii) Head Office of the Bank

Sub: Bank Guarantee – Verification of.


With reference to our Contract No. ……………………… placed on ……………………….. a

Bank Guarantee No. ………………………… dated ……………………… for Rs. …………………………. Issued
from …………………….Bank located at ……………………………………….. (Photostat copy of Bank
Guarantee enclosed) has been received.

2. It is requested that the genuineness of the Bank Guarantee may be verified and
intimated to the undersigned at the earliest.

Encl: As above.

Yours faithfully,

( )
For and on behalf of the Purchaser



The ______________
(Purchase Officer)


This refund of Performance Security Deposit amounting to Rs. _________ (Rupees

……………………………………………………………………….. only) against us and therefore its repayment
may please be arranged. Necessary receipt duly stamped is given hereunder in Part-B.

It is certified that I/We, have not received any complaints from the consignees
regarding non-receipt, shortage or defects in the stores supplied under the contract.

(Signature of the Contractor)

Received from ……………………….. the sum of Rs. ………………….. amount in refund of
may / our Performance Security Deposit in full in respect of :

Contract No_____________________
Station ________________________
Dated _________________________
(Contractor’s dated signature)
(Revenue stamp for sums exceeding Rs. 5000/- should be affixed)


It is certified that no demands against the above contractor are outstanding in the
record of this office and that the instant Security Deposit (PSD) is free from the Government
claims in terms of clause ______________ of General Conditions of Contracts as far as A/T
No. ________________________ is concerned and can be refunded to the Contractor by
A/c Payee Cheque.

Signature ……………………………….. Designation …………………….


Pay Rs. __________________ (Rupees ______________________________ only)




Government of India
Ministry of Defence
M/s ………………………………

Sub :

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your attention is invited to the acceptance of Supply Order cited above, according to
which advance samples ought to have been submitted by you on or before ________________.
In spite of the fact that the time for submission of acceptable advance samples stipulated in the
supply order is all along of the essence of the contract. It appears that the acceptable advance
samples are still outstanding even though the date of submission has expired.

2. Although not bound to do so, I hereby extend the date of submission of acceptable
advance samples up to ……………. and you are requested to note that the submission of
acceptable of advance samples by the said date is of the essence of contract and in the event of
your failure to submit the samples within the date as hereby extended the contract shall be
cancelled and the stores shall be purchased at your risk and cost.

3. Please communicate your acceptance of the aforesaid extension up to ______ and your
readiness to act upon it within a week of the receipt of this letter failing which it shall be
resumed that you are not interested in performance of the contract and the contract will be
cancelled at your risk and cost. If having communicated the acceptance of the aforesaid
extension, you fail to submit the acceptable advance samples, the contract will be cancelled at
your risk and cost.

4. All other terms and conditions of the contract remain unaltered and shall be applicable.

Yours faithfully,

( )
For and on behalf of the President of India



Registered Acknowledgement Due

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
M/s ………………………………

Sub : Contract No. ____________________ dated __________________

for supply of ____________________________________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your attention is invited to the Supply Order cited above according to which supplies
ought to have been submitted by you on or before ________. In spite of the fact that the
time of delivery of goods stipulated in the contract is deemed to be of the essence of the
contract. It appears that _____________ (details of outstanding goods) are still outstanding
even though the date of delivery has expired.

2. Although not bound to do so, the delivery date is hereby extended to _________ and
you are requested to note that in the event of your failure to deliver the goods within the
delivery period as hereby extended, the contract shall be cancelled for the outstanding
goods at your risks and cost.


Yours faithfully,

( )
For and on behalf of the President of India



Registered Acknowledgement Due

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
M/s ………………………………

Sub : Contract No. ____________________ dated __________________

for supply of ____________________________________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

The date of delivery of the subject contract expired on _________. As supplies

against the same have not yet been completed, there is a breach of the contract on your
part. As information is required regarding past supplies against this contract, you are
requested to send the particulars regarding the quantity so far supplied and, also, the
quantity so far inspected but not yet dispatched and the quantity so far not tendered for
inspection before the expiry of the date of records and is not intended to keep the contract
alive and does not waive the breach.

This is without the prejudice to the rights and remedies available to the Buyer in
terms of the contract and law applicable in this behalf.

Yours faithfully,

( )
For and on behalf of the President of India



Registered Acknowledgement Due

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
M/s ………………………………

Sub : Contract No. ____________________ dated __________________

for supply of ____________________________________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since you have failed to supply outstanding quantity of ______ of the above store as
per subject contract, the contract is hereby cancelled for the balance quantity at your risk
and cost in terms of clause no……………………… of the General terms and conditions of the
contract. The amount of recovery involved, if any, as a result of the cancellation will be
intimated to you in due course.

This is without the prejudice to the rights of the purchaser in accordance to the
terms and conditions of the contract.

Yours faithfully,

( )
For and on behalf of the President of India
Copy to:

1. The Controller of Inspection ……………………..




Government of India
Ministry of Defence
M/s ………………………………

Sub : Contract No. ____________________ dated __________________

for supply of ____________________________________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please furnish the following information to enable this office to finalise the above
case for your 5% payment:

(a) Please intimate reasons for delay in supply and furnish details of dispatches.
(b) Please confirm that you have received payment in full for all quantities supplied by
you against the above contract, except 5% referred to above.
(c) Please certify that you have no claims in connection with on arising out of the said
contract by any of duties or otherwise whatsoever. Your reply should reach this
office latest by ………………….. failing which it will be presumed that you have no
claims whatsoever in respect of the above contract and the case will be finalized

Yours faithfully,

( )
For General Manager

New Delhi, the 23rd March 2012

Whereas, the Central Government Ministries, Departments and Public Sector Undertakings
shall procure minimum of 20 percent of their annual value of goods or services from Micro and Small

And whereas, the Public Procurement Policy shall apply to Micro and Small Enterprises
registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and
Village Industries Commission or Khadi or Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small
Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

And whereas, the Public Procurement Policy rests upon core principles of competitiveness,
adhering to sound procurement practices and execution of orders for supply of goods or services in
accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective; and

And whereas, for facilitating promotion and development of micro and small enterprises,
the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, by Order notify from time to
time, preference policies in respect of procurement of goods and services, produced and provided
by micro and small enterprises, by its Ministries or Departments, as the case may be, or its aided
institutions and public sector enterprises.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred in section 11 of the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act 2006, the Central Government, by Order, notifies
the Public Procurement Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) in respect of procurement of
goods and services, produced and provided by micro and small enterprises, by its Ministries,
Departments and Public Sector Undertakings.

2. Short title and commencement –

(1) This Order is titled as ‘Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Order, 2012’.
(2)It shall be come into force with effect from 1st April 2012.

3. Mandatory procurement from Micro Small and Enterprises

(1) Every Central Ministry or Department or Public Sector Undertakings shall set an annual goal of
procurement from Micro and Small Enterprises from the financial year 2012-13 and onwards,
with the objective of achieving an overall procurement of minimum of 20 percent, of total
annual purchases of products produced and services rendered by Micro and Small Enterprises in
a period of three years.
(2) Annual goal of procurement also include sub-contracts to Micro and Small Enterprises by large
enterprises and consortia of Micro and Small Enterprises formed by National Small Industries
(3) After a period of three years i.e from 1st April 2015, overall procurement goal of minimum of 20
percent shall be made mandatory.
(4) The Central Ministries, Departments and Public Sector Undertakings which fail to meet the
annual goal shall substantiate with reasons to the Review Committee headed by Secretary
(MSME), constituted in Ministry of MSME, under this Policy.

4. Special provisions for Micro and Small Enterprises owned by Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes: Out of 20 percent target of annual procurement from Micro and Small Enterprises, a
sub-target of 20 per cent (i.e, 4 per cent out of 20 per cent) shall be earmarked for procurement
from Micro and Small Enterprises owned by the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
entrepreneurs. Provided that, in event of failure of such Micro and Small Enterprises to participate in
tender process or meet tender requirements and L1 price, 4 per cent sub-target for procurement
earmarked for MSEs owned by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs shall be met
from other Micro and Small Enterprises.
5. Reporting of targets in Annual Report.
(1) The data on Government procurements from Micro and Small Enterprises is vital for
strengthening the Policy and for this purpose, every Central Ministry or Department or Public Sector
Undertaking shall report goals set with respect to procurement to be met from MSEs and
achievement made thereto in their respective Annual Reports.
(2) The annual reporting shall facilitate in better understanding of support being provided by
different Ministries or Departments or Public Sector Undertakings to Micro and Small Enterprises.

6. Price quotation in tenders.

(1) In tender, participating MSEs quoting price within price band of L1+15% per cent shall also be
allowed to supply a portion of requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation
where L1 prices is from someone other than a Micro and Small Enterprise and such Micro and Small
Enterprise shall be allowed to supply up to 20 per cent of total tendered value.
(2) In case of more than one such Micro and Small Enterprise, the supply be shared proportionately
(to tendered quantity).
7. Developing Micro and Small Enterprise Vendors – The Central Ministries or
Department or Public Sector Undertakings shall take necessary steps to develop appropriate vendors
by organizing Vendor Development Programmes or Buyer-Seller Meets and entering into Rate
Contracts with Micro and Small Enterprises for a specified period in respect of periodic
8. Annual Plan for Procurement from Micro and Small Enterprises on Website – The Ministries
or Departments or Public Sector Undertakings shall also prepare Annual Procurement Plan for
purchases and upload the same on their official website so that Micro and Small Enterprises may get
advance information about requirement of procurement agencies.
9. Enhancing participations of Micro and Small Enterprises including those owned by Scheduled
Castes or Scheduled Tribes in Government Procurements.
For enhancing participation of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes in Government
procurement, the Central Government Ministries, Departments or Public Sector Undertakings shall
take following steps, namely:-
a) Special Vendor Development Programmes or Buyer-Seller Meets shall be conducted by
Department/Public Sector Undertakings for Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes.
b) Outreach programmes shall be conducted by National Small Industries Corporation to cover
more and more Micro and Small Enterprises from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
under its schemes or consortia formation; and
c) National Small Industries Corporation shall open a special window for Scheduled Castes or
Scheduled Tribes under its Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS).

10. Reduction in transaction cost. To reduce transaction cost of doing business, MSEs
shall be facilitated by providing them tender sets free of cost, exempting Micro and Small
Enterprises from payment of earnest money, adopting e-procurement to bring in transparency in
tendering process and setting up a Grievance Cell in the Ministry of MSME.

11. Reservation of specific items for procurement. To enable wider dispersal of

enterprises in the country, particularly in rural areas, the Central Government Ministries or
Departments or Public Sector Undertakings shall continue to procure 358 items (Appendix) from
Micro and Small Enterprises, which have been reserved for exclusive purchase from them. This will
help them in promotion and growth of Micro and Small Enterprises, including Khadi and village
industries, which play a crucial role in fostering inclusive growth in the country.

12. Review Committee.

(1) A Review Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary, MoMSME
for monitoring and review of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises vide Order
No. 21(1)/2017-MA dated the 21st June 2010.
(2) This Committee shall, inter alia, review list of 358 items reserved for exclusive purchase from
Micro and Small Enterprises on a continuous basis, consider requests of the Central Ministries or
Departments or Public Sector Undertakings for exemption from 20 per cent target on a case to case
basis and monitor achievements under the Policy.

13. Setting up of Grievance Cell. In addition, a ‘Grievance Cell’ will be set up in MoMSME for
redressing grievances of Micro and Small Enterprises for redressing grievances of Micro and Small
Enterprises in Government procurement. This cell shall take up issues related to Government
procurement raised by Micro and Small Enterprises with Departments or agencies concerned,
including imposition of unreasonable conditions in tenders floated by Government Departments or
agencies that put Micro and Small Enterprises at a disadvantage.

14. Special Provisions for Defence Procurements. Given their unique nature, defence
armament imports shall not be included in computing 20 per cent goal for Ministry of Defence. In
addition, defence equipments like weapon systems, missiles etc. shall remain out of purview of such
Policy of reservation.

15. Monitoring of Goals. The monitoring of goals set under the Policy shall be done, in so far
as they relate to the Defence sector, by Ministry of Defence itself in accordance with suitable
procedures to be established by them.

16. Removal of difficulty. Any difficulties experienced during the course of implementation of
the above Policy shall be clarified by MoMSME through suitable Press releases which would be kept
on the public domain.

[F.No. 21(1)/2011-MA]
AMARENDRA SINHA, Additional Secretary and
Development Commissioner (MSME)


Sl.No. Item Description Sl.No. Item Description

1. AAC/and ACSR Conductor upto 19 strands 2. Agricultural Implements

(a)Hand Operated tools and implements
(b)Animal driven implements
3. Air/Room Coolers 4. Aluminum builder’s hardware
5. Ambulance stretcher 6. Ammeters/ohm meter/volt meter (Electro
magnetic upto Class I accuracy)
7. Anklets Web Khadi 8. Augur (Carpenters)
9. Automobile Head lights Assembly 10. Badges cloth embroidered and metals
11. Bags of all types i.e made of leather, 12. Bandage cloth
cotton, canvas and jute etc including kit
bags, mail bags, sleeping bags and water-
proof bag.
13. Barbed Wire 14. Basket can (Procurement can also be made
from State Forest Corpn and State Handicrafts
15. Bath tubs 16. Battery Charger
17. Battery Eliminator 18. Beam Scales (upto 1.5 tons)
19. Belt leather and straps 20. Bench Vices
21. Bituminous Paints 22. Blotting Paper
23. Bolts and Nuts 24. Bots Sliding
25. Bone Meal 26. Boot Polish
27. Boots and Shoes of all types including 28. Bowls
canvas shoes
29. Boxes Leather 30. Boxes made of metal
31. Braces 32. Brackets other than those used in Railways
33. Brass Wire 34. Brief Cases (other than moulded luggage)
35. Brooms 36. Brushes of all types
37. Buckets of all types 38. Button of all types
39. Candle Wax Carriage 40. Cane valves / stock valves (for water fittings
41. Cans metallic (for milk and measuring) 42. Canvas Products:
(a) Water Proof Deliver, Bags to spec. No. IS-
(b)Bonnet Covers and Radiators Muff to spec
Drg Lv7/NSN/1A/130295
43. Capes Cotton and Woolen 44. Capes Waterproof
45. Castor Oil 46. Ceiling roses upto 15 amps
47. Centrifugal steel plate blowers 48. Centrifugal Pumps suction and delivery 150mm
x 150 mm
49. Chaff Cutter Blade 50. Chains lashing
51. Chappals and sandals 52. Chamois Leather
53. Chokes for light fitting 54. Chrome Tanned leather (Semi-finished Buffalo
and Cow)
55. Circlips 56. Claw Bars and Wires
57. Cleaning Powder 58. Clinical Thermometers
59. Clothe Covers 60. Cloth Jaconet
61. Cloth Sponge 62. Coir fibre and Coir yarn
63. Coir matters cushions and matting 64. Coir Rope hawserlaid
65. Community Radio Receivers 66. Conduit pipes

67. Copper nail 68. Copper Napthenate
69. Copper sulphate 70. Cord Twine Maker
71. Cordage others 72. Corrugated Paper Board and Boxes
73. Cotton Absorbent 74. Cotton Belts
75. Cotton Carriers 76. Cotton Cases
77. Cotton Cord Twine 78. Cotton Hosiery
79. Cotton Packs 80. Cotton Pouches
81. Cotton Ropes 82. Cotton Singlets
83. Cotton Sling 84. Cotton Straps
85. Cotton tapes and laces 86. Cotton Wool (non absorbent)
87. Crates Wooden and plastic 88. (a)Crucibles upto No. 200
(b)Crucibles Graphite upto No. 500
(c)Other Crucibles upto 30 Kgs
89. Cumblies and blankets 90. Curtains mosquito
91. Cutters 92. Dibutyl phthalate
93. Diesel engines upto 15 H.P 94. Dimethyl Phthalate
95. Disinfectant Fluids 96. Distribution Board upto 15 amps
97. Domestic Electric appliances as per BIS 98. Domestic (Hose wiring) P.V.C. Cables and Wires
specification:- Toaster Electric, Elec Iron, (Aluminium) Conforming to the prescribed BIS
Hot Plates, Elect Mixer Grinders, Room specifications and upto 10.00 mm sq. nominal
heaters and convectors and ovens cross section
99. Drawings and mathematical instruments 100. Drums and Barrels
101. Dust Bins 102. Dust Shield leather
103. Dusters Cotton all types except the items 104. Dyes:
required in Khadi (a) Azo Dyes (Direct and Acid)
(b)Basic Dyes
105. Electric Call bells/buzzers / door bells 106. Electric Soldering Iron
107. Electronic Transmission Line Hardware 108. Electronic door bell
items like steel cross bars, cross arms
clamps arching horn, brackets etc
109. Emergency light (Rechargeable type) 110. Enamel Wares and Enamel Utensils
111. Equipment camouflage Bamboo support 112. Exhaust Muffier
113. Expanded Metal 114. Eyelets
115. Film Polythene – including wide width film 116. Film spools and cans
117. Fire Extinguishers (wall type) 118. Foot Powder
119. French polish 120. Funnels
121. Fuse Cut outs 122. Fuse Unit
123. Garments (excluding supply from Indian 124. Gas metals
Ordnance Factories)
125. Gauze cloth 126. Gauze surgical all types
127. Ghamellas (Tasllas) 128. Glass Ampules
129. Glass and Pressed Wares 130. Glue
131. Grease Nipples and Grease guns 132. Gun cases
133. Gun Metal Bushes 134. Gumtape
135. Hand drawn carts of all types 136. Hand gloves of all types
137. Hand Lamps Railways 138. Hand numbering machine
139. Hand pounded Rice (polished and 140. Hand presses
141. Hand Pump 142. Hand Tools of all types
143. Handles wooden and bamboo 144. Harness Leather
(Procurement can also be made from State
Forest Corpn and State Handicrafts Corpn)
145. Hasps and Staples 146. Haver Sacks
147. Helmet Non-Metallic 148. Hide and country leather of all types
149. Hinges 150. Hob nails

151. Holdall 152. Honey
153. Horse and Mule Shoes 154. Hydraulic Jacks below 30 ton capacity
155. Insecticides Dust and Sprayers (Manuals 156. Invalid wheeled chairs
157. Inverter domestic type upto 5 KVA 158. Iron (dhobi)
159. Key board wooden 160. Kit Boxes
161. Kodali 162. Lace leather
163. Lamp holders 164. Lamp signal
165. Lanterns Posts and bodies 166. Lanyard
167. Latex foam sponge 168. Lathies
169. Letter Boxes 170. Lighting Arresters – upto 22 KV
171. Link Clip 172. Linseed Oil
173. Lint Plain 174. Lockers
175. Lubricators 176. L.T Porcelain KITKAT and Fuse Grips
177. Machine screws 178. Magnesium Sulphate
179. Mallet Wooden 180. Manhole covers
181. Measuring Tapes and Stick 182. Metal clad switches (upto 30 Amps)
183. Metal Polish 184. Metallic containers and drums other than N.E.C
(not elsewhere classified)
185. Metric weights 186. Microscope for normal medical use
187. Miniature bulbs (for torches only) 188. M.S Tie Bars
189. Nail Cutters 190. Naphthalene Balls
191. Newar 192. Nickel Sulphate
193. Nylon Stocking 194. Nylon Tapes and Laces
195. Oil Bound Distemper 196. Oil Stoves (Wick stoves only)
197. Pad locks of all types 198. Paint remover
199. Palma Rosa Oil 200. Palmgur
201. Pans Lavatory Flush 202. Paper conversion products – paper bags,
envelops, ice-cream cup, paper cup and saucers
and paper plates
203. Paper Tapes (Gunmed) 204. Pappads
205. Pickles and Chutney 206. Piles fabric
207. Pillows 208. Plaster of Paris
209. Plastic Blow Moulded Containers upto 20 210. Plastic cane
litre excluding Poly Ethylene Terphthalate
(PET) containers
211. Playing Cards 212. Plugs and Sockets electric upto 15 Amp
213. Polythene bags 214. Polythene Pipes
215. Post Picket (Wooden) 216. Postal Lead seals
217. Potassium Nitrate 218. Pouches
219. Pressure Die Casting upto 0.75 Kg 220. Privy Pans
221. Pulley Wire 222. PVC footwear
223. PVC pipes upto 100 mm 224. PVC insulated Aluminum Cables (upto 120 (ISS:694)
225. Quilts, Razais 226. Rags
227. Railway Carriage light fittings 228. Rakes Ballast
229. Razors 230. RCC Pipes upto 1200 mm dia
231. RCC Poles Prestressed 232. Rivets of all types
233. Rolling Shutters 234. Roof light Fittings
235. Rubber Balloons 236. Rubber Cord
237. Rubber Hoses (Unbranded) 238. Rubber Tubing (excluding braided tubing)
239. Rubberised Garments Cap and Caps etc 240. Rust/Scale Removing composition
241. Safe meat and milk 242. Safety matches
243. Safety Pins (and other similar products like 244. Sanitary Plumbing fittings
paper pins, staples pins etc.)

245. Sanitary towels 246. Scientific Laboratory glass wares (barring
sophisticated items)
247. Scissors cutting (ordinary) 248. Screws of all types including High Tensile
249. Sheet skin all types 250. Shellac
251. Shoe laces 252. Shovels
253. Sign Boards painted 254. Silk ribbon
255. Silk Webbing 256. Skiboots and shoes
257. Sluice Valves 258. Snapfastner (excluding 4 pcs ones)
259. Soap Carbolic 260. Soap Curd
261. Soap Liquid 262. Soap soft
263. Soap washing or laundry soap 264. Soap Yellow
265. Socket / pipes 266. Sodium Nitrate
267. Sodium Silicate 268. Sole leather
269. Spectacle frames 270. Spiked boot
271. Sports shoes made out of leather (for all 272. Squirrel Cage Induction Motors upto and
Sports games) including 100 KW 440 volts 3 phase
273. Stapling machine 274. Steel Almirah
275. Steel beds stead 276. Steel Chair
277. Steel desks 278. Steel racks/shelf
279. Steel stools 280. Steel trunks
281. Steel wool 282. Steel and aluminum windows and ventilators
283. Stockinet 284. Stone and stone quarry rollers
285. Stoneware jars 286. Stranded Wire
287. Street light fittings 288. Student Microscope
289. Studs (excluding high tensile) 290. Surgical Gloves (except Plastic)
291. Table knives (excluding Cutlery) 292. Tack Metallic
293. Taps 294. Tarpaulins
295. Teak fabricated round blocks 296. Tent Poles
297. Tentage Civil/Military and Salitah Jute for 298. Textiles manufacturers other than N.E.C (not
Tentage elsewhere classified)
299. Tiles 300. Tin Boxes for postage stamp
301. Tin can unprinted upto 4 gallons capacity 302. Tin Mess
(other than can O.T.S)
303. Tip Boots 304. Toggle Switches
305. Toilet Rolls 306. Transformer type welding sets conforming to
IS:1291/75 (upto 600 amps)
307. Transistor Radio upto 3 band 308. Transistorized Insulation – Testers
309. Trays 310. Trays for postal use
311. Trolley 312. Trolleys – drinking water
313. Tubular Poles 314. Tyres and Tubes (Cycles)
315. Umbrellas 316. Utensils all types
317. Valves Metallic 318. Varnish Black Japan
319. Voltage Stabilizers including C.V.Ts 320. Washers all types
321. Water proof covers 322. Water proof paper
323. Water tank upto 15,000 litres capacity 324. Was sealing
325. Waxed paper 326. Weighing Scale
327. Welded Wiremash 328. Wheel barrows
329. Whistle 330. Wicks cotton
331. Wing Shield Wipers (Arms and Blades only) 332. Wire brushes and Fibre Brushes
333. Wire Fencing and Fittings 334. Wire nails and Horse shoe nails
335. Wire netting of gauze thicker than 100 336. Wood wool
mesh size
337. Wooden ammunition boxes 338. Wooden Boards
339. Wooden Box for Stamps 340. Wooden Boxes and Cases N.E.C (Not elsewhere

341. Wooden Chairs 342. Wooden Flush Door Shutters
343. Wooden packing cases all sizes 344. Wooden pins
345. Wooden plugs 346. Wooden shelves
347. Wooden veneers 348. Woolen hosiery
349. Zinc Sulphate 350. Zip Fasteners

Sl.No. Description Source of Supply

351. Cane furniture Handlooms North Eastern Handicrafts and Development

Assam Govt. Marketing Corpn.
Craft Society of Manipur, Nagaland Handicrafts and
Handlooms Development Corpn.
352. Bamboo file tray, Baskets, Pencil -do-
Stand, side racks etc
353. Artistic Wooden Furniture Rajasthan Small Industries Corpn,
U.P Export Corporation
354. Wooden Paper weight, racks etc -do-
355. Glass covers made and grass jute of -do-
356. Jute furniture West Bengal Handicrafts Dev. Corpn
Jute Dev. Corpn
Orissa State Handicrafts Dev. Corpn
357. Jute bags, file cover -do-
358. Woolen and silk carpets U.P Export Corporation
Jand K Sale and Export Corporation




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