Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke
The Jerusalem artichoke, (Helianthus tuberosus L.), also known as sunchoke, can be produced throughout the
United States. However, the plant is better adapted to the northern two-thirds of the country than the southern
third. Jerusalem artichokes are also often used for pickling purposes. The fresh tuber tastes like a water chestnut
and is used in salads. Tubers can also be cooked like potatoes.
This crop is adapted to various soil types and cultural conditions. However, for best results, it should be planted
in fertile sandy loams or well-drained river bottoms in which tubers are easier to dig. Generally soils suitable for
potato (Solanum tuberosum) and corn (Zea mays) production are suitable for Jerusalem artichoke production.
Generally it is suggested that 6-12-6 be broadcast in the row. This rate may be increased on soils low in natural
Planting should be early in the spring, when the soil can be satisfactorily worked. Later planting results
in reduced yields. Whole tubers or pieces of tubers that are no less than two ounces and have two or three
prominent buds should be planted. Smaller seed pieces will reduce yields but larger seed pieces (over 2 oz) will
not significantly increase them. Do not allow cut seed pieces to dry before planting. Plant 3 to 5 inches deep, in
rows 36 to 42 inches wide with 15 to 24 inches between plants.
Cultural Management
Cultivate shallowly and only as needed to control grass and weeds as the planting is being established. During
plant establishment, grass and weed problems will be reduced by shading since plants grow over 6 ft high.
Tubers begin to form in August and may become 4 inches long and 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
The crop should not be harvested until after frost. Tubers dug later in the season are sweeter but have less
inulin. Tops should be cut with a mower. Plow open the furrow, pick up the tubers, place in field containers, and
remove from the field. Hand rakes can be used to great advantage in locating the tubers. Because of their small
size it is necessary to use a small, modified potato harvester to mechanically harvest the tubers.
Handling and Storage
The skin of Jerusalem artichokes is very thin. Care should be taken in handling to avoid skinning, cuts and
bruises. The skin is also susceptible to rapid moisture loss so the crop should be put in storage immediately after
harvest. Cold storage facilities should have high humidity (85 to 95% relative humidity) and a temperature near
32 0F. Under these conditions, tubers can be kept for several months. If the tubers are to be washed, fresh water
sanitized with bleach should be used.
Very little information is known about insects on Jerusalem. Very few pesticides are labeled on this crop. Few
diseases are reported to affect Jerusalem artichoke. The primary disease is Sclerotinia (white mold), which can
cause early wilt, stalk rot and degradation of the tubers. This pathogen also can cause severe yield reductions in
dry edible bean, sunflower, and soybean.
If possible, susceptible crops should be rotated with small grains or corn. Avoid close rotations with dry edible
beans, sunflowers, safflower, mustard and soybeans. Diseases such as downy mildew, rust and southern stem
blight have been reported but have not been of economic concern. No fungicides are currently labeled for
Jerusalem artichokes.
The Jerusalem artichoke is a very strong growing perennial and can become a weed problem. Since it is nearly
impossible to harvest all the tubers in a field or garden, there will be a large number of volunteer plants the
following spring. If you do not want to continue the crop the following year, it is important to destroy all these
volunteer plants before they can set tubers in August.
Information courtesy of North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and Purdue University Horticulture