Essay-Inclusive Education: 18158263 Nimmi Ann Varghese 1
Essay-Inclusive Education: 18158263 Nimmi Ann Varghese 1
Essay-Inclusive Education: 18158263 Nimmi Ann Varghese 1
Inclusive education is a term that has been in the educational and teaching practices
for decades in Australia. Inclusive education, the concept is based on the philosophy that
schools should provide the needs for all the children in their community, irrespective of their
ability, disability and other diversities (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014). The meaning of the
term has shifted from being exclusively about students with disabilities to delivering high
quality education to all students (Anderson & Boyle, 2015). The essay discusses the specific
legislation involved in the inclusion of students with disabilities within the main stream
classrooms and the changing views for inclusion over the years. It also examines the inclusion
in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder and the different teaching skills as well as strategies
to support students with special needs.
The first forms of schooling for students with disabilities were organised by parents or
charity organisations and were not overseen by the government. It was in 1970s that the
Australian State governments took over the full responsibility for education of all students
without any discrimination for learners with disabilities (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014).
However, most of the schools had segregated special schooling system for students with
disabilities and most of them only catered for one kind of a disability.
However, later the era marked for a normalisation movement for mainstreaming and
integration and finally in 1994, the World Conference on Special Needs Education held at
Salamanca, Spain passed a Statement that supported inclusion as the standard form of
education for students with disability and was agreed by 90 countries (Foreman & Arthur-
Kelly, 2014). There were many acts passed around the globe, for example, the United States
(Education for All Handicapped Children Act; 1975; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
1990; 1997; Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, 2004) and United
Kingdom (Education Act, 1981; 1993; Special Educational Needs and Disability Act, 2001; The
Warnock Report, 1978) (Boon, Wilson & Curwood, 2014). All these happened based on facts
that there has been widespread acceptance of right for all persons and research had failed to
show evidence for better social or academic outcomes from special schools Foreman &
Arthur-Kelly, 2014).
The Australian Government had passed the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA),
which addressed different areas along with education. It was aimed to implement the
Australia’s international human rights obligations under the convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities along with obligations relating to non-discrimination under other
treaties, like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The DDA protects people
with disability against discrimination in many areas of public life, including: employment,
education, accommodation, getting or using services–such as banking and insurance services,
government services, professional services of doctors, lawyers etcetera, and accessing public
places. The DDA also protects people against harassment because of their disability, in
employment, education or in getting or using services (DET, 2015).
The Disability Standards for Education, which came into effect in 2005, provide a
framework to ensure that students with disability get equal access and participation in
education, as their fellow peers on the same basis (NSW DET, 2012a). The DDA makes it
unlawful to contravene a disability standard. These standards apply to all government and
non-government education providers, preschools, schools, vocational education and training
providers, higher education and adult and community education systems and the
organisations who develop and accredit curricula and courses (NSW DET, 2012a). The
guidelines enact that there should be necessary adjustments or accommodations done for
the students so that they the same experience and opportunities as others. These are termed
as ‘reasonable adjustments’. Parents, and where appropriate, students with disability, must
be consulted on the adjustments provided. An adjustment is reasonable if it meets the
interests of the parties involved (NSW DET, 2012a).
There is no comprehensive set of strategies for helping students with ASD, a few are
discussed below which can make a significant difference in the classrooms. Responding
appropriately to their behaviour is the first one, as the unusual behaviours can interfere with
the learning of themselves and others (Friend & Bursuck, 2012). Fostering social interactions
according to their sensitive behaviour is another important aspect. Supporting a student with
ASD to develop linguistic or symbol-based communication involves an intensive one-on-one
program (applied behavioural analysis) (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014).
However, all these strategies can be tailored to accommodate different students with
differing difficulties in the classrooms. Differentiation is such a strategy that can be used to
accommodate a range of students within the classroom. Differentiation allows the students
to access the same curriculum or classroom materials with different entry and exit points,
that line with their capabilities and encourages them to set higher level goals in future.
Differentiation can help students, both struggling and advanced learners, to learn within their
current proficiency and emerge to the next level (Meng & Bell, 2015; MacDonald & Dana,
2016). Differentiation is a process through which students are given tasks that aligns with
their capabilities at the same time meet the learning outcomes. Similarly, assessment tasks
should also be tailored for the students depending on their capabilities. For example, students
with English language difficulties should be given other modes of expressing their content
knowledge, while they work on their literacy skills.
The ARACY (2013) report also highlights the good in class practices as follows:
In conclusion, the changing view of inclusive education and the increasing demands of
accommodating more students with disabilities have created the elevating needs for teachers
to acquire skills and knowledge of inclusive education. The implementation of different
legislative requirements and good practice benchmarks increases the responsibilities and
Anderson, J., & Boyle, C. (2015). Inclusive education in Australia: rhetoric, reality and the
road ahead. Support for Learning, 30(1), 4-22. doi: 10.1111/1467-9604.12074
Australian Government Department of Education and Training (DET). (2012a). Disability
Standards for Education 2005. Australian Government. Retrieved from
Australian Government Department of Education and Training (DET). (2015). Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 Fact Sheet. Retrieved from
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY). (2013). Inclusive Education for
Students with Disability A review of the best evidence in relation to theory and
practice. Retrieved from
Autism Spectrum Australia. (2017). What is Autism. Retrieved from
Boon, R., Wilson, R., & Curwood, J. (2014). Inclusive Education in Australia: An Introduction
to the Special Issue. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 17(2), 45-47.
doi: 10.9782/2159-4341-17.2.45
Foreman, P., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2014). Inclusion in action (4th ed.). Melbourne, Victoria:
Cengage Australia.
Graham, L., & Spandagou, I. (2011). From vision to reality: views of primary school principals
on inclusive education in New South Wales, Australia. Disability & Society, 26(2), 223-
237. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2011.544062
MacDonald, M., & Dana, Nancy Fichtman. (2016). The Role of Differentiation and
Standards-based Grading in the Science Learning of Struggling and Advanced
Learners in a Detracked High School Honors Biology Classroom, ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses.