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FRGURE395 Detection
compre fas, Py
wea, =e,
123... ells thes tha he Boundary value problem
Yrly=0 YO=0 yier=0
ones cal he vial soaton y = Obscaus iis moran cigemalue: thats, Iisa he
sauare of a pose ining =
|] Buckting of a Thin Vertical Column In dee eiphneenth century Leonhard Euler was
‘os of he fint sathematcianststody an sipssralu prom in aang hw athan etic
‘columbus under acorresve ail fae
(Coss alcnaslener vera clumacf unformros sting and eegth I. Let yx deme
(te defkctonofthecolumn whes.aconsz! veal compressive farce, orld, is applid i
itstop. as shown ia RBUREAAE By comparing beg moments lazy pot alg the cham
“ow agen a
‘where Eis Young's modulus of asic ands the momen of inertia of across action about
erica line tro its cer.
The Euler Load
Find te deflecsionof achin vetieal ecpeacas column oflengih Ladijecied a constant
asial load P ithe cota simply supported or hinged al bath ens.
‘SOLUTION The beundey-value prcblem tobe sobs
wea yaa gue
Ft amet y = Disappear hain
nave iurpetton: I the lad Pisa great enough thesis na deflection. The quests
then i this: For wal values of P will the column bead? Ia mathematical terms: Fx whad
“us of P does the give bondi. robes poss ncn sti?
Ty woking a = PET we acetal
Yeay=0, xO=0, xL)=0
i idea tothe problem in Example 2 From Case ott caine weet he
1.2... Psclytismear tte colume wl accede cay when
tbe compres force cae of the wales P= a’ EL x
mest Nata tigi co me Eel eye ipa
‘thes he smallest critical oa wile Fy = 4=°E? a he deletion curve wil be a hrs
in igure 39h. resis ae pt nthe colume w= 13 anda = 22/3, then te cium
sul ot che ul the erica Nal P= SEL is appied andthe delet curve wl he
‘es shows in Figur 39.6) See Problem 25 in Exercises 39.
[| Rotating String. The simple linear second-order diflereatial equatice
Yeav=0 a
ccursgan and again ata madera model I Seton 3.8 wes in he oe +
(Won = Oandd gd? + (UEC =Oas mode fx. specie te Simple frmonic con oa
‘19 Ungar Modo: Baundary-Velu Protlors | 171