Mapeh: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Date and Time Quarter
Mapeh: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Date and Time Quarter
Mapeh: School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Date and Time Quarter
• the salient features of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) by showing the relationship of
the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the country
• the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times
B. Performance standard The learners…
create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands)
exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning competencies/ The learners create The learners derive The learners are able to The learners are able to
Objectives crafts that can be elements from shows the relationship of Mount an exhibit using
assemble with local traditions/history of the development of completed Luzon (highlands
materials, guided by a community for crafts in specific areas of and lowlands)- inspired arts
local traditional one’s artwork. and crafts in an organized
the country, according to
techniques (e.g., habi, (A7PR-If-2) manner (A7PR-Ig-5)
lilip, etc). functionality, traditional
specialized expertise,
and availability of
resources (e.g. pottery,
weaving, jewelry,
baskets) (A7PR-If-3)
The learners are able to
show the relationship of
Luzon (highlands and
lowlands) arts and crafts
to Philippine culture,
traditions, and history
(Islamic influences,
Spanish heritage, and
American legacies in
education, business,
modernization, and
entertainment, as well as
in indigenous practices,
fiestas, and
religious and social
practices) (A7PR-Ih-4)
Arts and Crafts of Luzon Arts and Crafts of Arts and Crafts of Luzon Arts and Crafts of Luzon
(Highlands and Luzon (Highlands and (Highlands and Lowlands) (Highlands and Lowlands)
Lowlands) Lowlands) • Attire, Fabrics, and • Attire, Fabrics, and
• Attire, Fabrics, and • Attire, Tapestries Tapestries
Tapestries Fabrics, and • Crafts and • Crafts and Accessories,
• Crafts and Tapestries Crafts Accessories, and and Body
Accessories, and and Accessories, Body Ornamentation
Body Ornamentation and Ornamentation • Architectures
• Everyday objects Body • Architectures • Sculptures
Ornamentation • Sculptures (gods/rituals)
I. Elements of Art • Everyday (gods/rituals) • Everyday objects
• Line objects • Everyday objects
• Shape and Form I. Process
• Value I. Elements of Art I. Elements of Art Drawing and Painting
• Color Line • Line Sculpture and
• Texture • Shape and • Shape and Form Assemblage
Form Mounting an exhibit:
• Space • Value
• Value
• Color
• Texture • Color Concept
II. Principles of Art • Space • Texture Content / labels
• Rhythm, • Space Physical
Movement II. Principles of Art layout
• Balance • Rhythm, II. Principles of Art
• Emphasis Movement • Rhythm,
• Harmony, • Balance Movement
Unity, Variety • Emphasis • Balance
• Proportion Harmony, • Emphasis
Unity, Variety • Harmony, Unity,
III. Process • Proportion Variety
Drawing and Painting • Proportion
Sculpture and
Muyot, F. R.; Garcia, M. D.; Baarde, MC. G.; et. Al. (2013)
B. OTHER LEARNING MAPEH on the Go 7. Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc.,
REFERENCES 3/F Maine City Tower, 236 Tomas Morato Ave., Brgy. South
Triangle Quezon City.
Loma de Gato, Marilao, Bulacan.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson The teacher will ask the Arrange the Metacards What are the What are the roles
or Presenting New students. into correct significance of the played by different
Lessons order/sequence of making tradition and history to factors that enhanced
What are the examples a Habi.
the derived elements of and influenced the arts
of highlands and community arts and and crafts of Luzon. 5
lowlands artworks crafts. 5 mins mins
influenced by internal
and external factor? 5
5 mins
B. Establishing A Purpose For I got it Right! Knock1 Knock! Who is there? The teacher will give a Picture Frame
The Lesson piece of clay for each
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask two group. Ask them to form The teacher will give a
students to feel the volunteers, 1 Girl and 1 Boy. objects out of it. One theme or subject where
object inside the box. volunteer will discuss the each group will present
Give each student 5 output of the group. through actions in a
The two students will pick
seconds and let him/her one word and they will be static position.
guess the mystery object. given 2 minutes to think of a The teacher will ask the
Knock! Knock! following questions: Based on the situations
Example objects: given, what do you think
Clay, coconut leaf, 1st word is Tradition • Were the group is the core substance of
magazine etc. 2nd word is History able to discuss the activity?
the object to be
3rd word is Elements
The teacher will briefly • Did all the
explain the role of the members of the
objects to the different group agree
arts and crafts of Luzon. with the object
C. Presenting Examples / The teacher will present The teacher will present a The teacher will present The teacher will show
Instances of the New different arts and crafts video exhibiting the unique different arts and crafts different pictures of
Lesson that are assembled arts and crafts of Luzon in from highlands and MiniExhibit conducted
using available materials relation to history and lowlands of Luzon in the school.
through traditional tradition of their respective through a simple video
method. community. presentation. (Note: If there are no
available photos.
Let the students analyze The teacher will ask the Teachers can simply cut
and observe the (Note: The teacher can also following questions: or print different
materials used in the post arts and crafts instead.) exhibits.)
different examples • What arts and
presented. crafts were Ask the students the
Ask the students the
following questions: presented in the following questions:
Ask the students the video?
following questions: • Where are these • What are the
• What are the
communities or products coming characteristics of
• What are the places shown in the from? an exhibit?
materials used video? • How significant • What makes an
in the object? • What particular are the objects to exhibit good or
• What do you art/craft their community? appealing?
think is the highlighted in the • What are the • How important
process or video clip? factors that are the themes or
technique used to • What elements and contribute to the the subject of the
create such work? principles can be development of exhibit?
derived from the their arts and
given art/craft? crafts?
• Do you think that • What do you
the tradition and think is the
history of the relevance of their
community works to the
somehow reflected
in their arts and
culture and
tradition we
F. Developing Mastery The students will create Picture analysis (Group Write down the different The students will have
(Leads To Formative a Habi or Lilip using Activity) factors that contribute to 25 minutes to put up
Assessment 3) available local materials. the development of the their exhibit.
following art forms.
The teacher will present The teacher will distribute • Carving The students will go
and demonstrate the reading materials for each • Pottery around to take a look of
process of the activity. group. • Metal Work and others work/exhibit.
The teacher will Let the students read, • Weaving
explain the criteria for understand and analyze the
the activity. artwork assigned in their
5 mins 20 mins
30 mins Identify and discuss some
factors that contribute to the
features of the object.
(Tradition and History).
15 mins
G. Finding Practical The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will The teacher will ask the
Applications of the following questions: following questions: distribute a small piece of following questions:
Concepts And Skills In paper with a picture of
Daily Living What particular • How important is Jar. What particular
values you have tradition and history? characteristic of
learned from the • As a student, what The students will be yours was
activity? particular tradition do given 5 minutes to developed
How can you you think must be design their own jar. Ask through the
apply this in to carried on by every volunteers to say activity?
your day-to-day individual? Why? something about their
activity? How important are work. • What is your
the arts and crafts of participation/cont
highlands and The teacher will ask the ribution in order
lowlands to the questions: to put up your
culture, tradition group exhibit?
and history of our • What particular
country? character of
yours do you • As a student,
think is reflected were you able to
The teacher will sum-up all in your work? appreciate the
the answers drawn from • Do you think that value and the
the students there are also message of the
factors that works you have
hinder you to able witnessed?
to work out you
• If you have a
chance to
enhance/ develop
5 minutes
an artwork of
Luzon, what
would it be and
5 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will ask The teacher will ask a Big Group Sharing The teacher will post
and Abstractions volunteers from the volunteer to connect the elements and principles
About the Lesson class to present his/her word from the board to its Ask each group to on the board. Let the
work. students arrange words
corresponding origin. answer the
and identify which is an
After which, the teacher following
Let the students element and a principle.
will ask the student to questions:
discuss the materials,
discuss how
process and technique
tradition/history of the
used in order to organize community brought into What are the different The teacher will ask the
his/her work. piece of work derived from factors that students the following
different elements. influenced the art questions;
The teacher will forms of Luzon?
summarize the answers 5 minutes • How do these
drawn out from the class. How were the elements and
indigenous communities principles work
5 minutes able to preserve the in arts and crafts
design of their folk arts? of Luzon?
• Give/Name
5 minutes examples of arts
and crafts coming
from places in
Luzon. Discuss
their function and
significance to its
• What are the
relevance of the
tradition and
history to the
development of
their crafts?
10 minutes
I. Evaluating Learning List Down the 5 steps on Identify the elements Table completion. The teacher will give
how to make a Habi derived from different Factors that his/her feedback to the
artwork. artworks of Luzon. influenced the arts exhibit presented by
and crafts of Luzon. each group. The teacher
• The feel, real or will announce the best
5 minutes implied; of an object See attachment group.
or its surface
(Note: The teacher can
• Shows an object in
space, the mass or also give simple awards
positive space it like Most Creative
occupies. presentation, Most
• Area enclosed when Organize presentation,
both sides of a line Best Artwork etc.)
• The lightness or 5 minutes
darkness of an object 5 minutes
or color.
• Proper distribution
between objects
5 minutes
J. Additional Activities for Name 5 local materials Define the following Identify the similarities
Application and and products made out elements. and differences of the
Remediation of it. • Color highlands and
• Lines lowlands arts and
Example: • Shape crafts using Venn
Buri Leaves-Banig, • Value Diagram.
Basket etc. • Form
K. Assignment Research on other arts and Bring different
crafts from Luzon influenced decorative
by different factors. (Islamic materials for the final
influences, Spanish performance task
heritage, and American tomorrow.
legacies in education,
business, modernization, The teacher will also
and entertainment, as well remind the students to
as in indigenous practices, bring their previous
fiestas, and religious and outputs/ best works for
social practices) the exhibit.
A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With
Other Teachers?