Easa Ad CF-2002-39R1 1

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AD Number: CF-2002-39R1

This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued pursuant to Civil Aviation Regulation (CAR) 521.427.
No person shall conduct a take-off or permit a take-off to be conducted in an aircraft that is in their legal
custody and control, unless the requirements of CAR 605.84 pertaining to ADs are met. Standard 625 -
Aircraft Equipment and Maintenance Standards Appendix H provides information concerning alternative
means of compliance (AMOC) to ADs.

Number: Effective Date:

CF-2002-39R1 21 June 2019
ATA: Type Certificate:
53 A-131

Bombardier CL-600-2B19 - Fuselage Pressure Floor Skin
Supersedes AD CF-2002-39, issued 19 September 2002
Bombardier Inc. model CL-600-2B19 aeroplanes, serial numbers 7003 through 8999
As indicated below, unless already accomplished.
Transport Canada (TC) has received in service reports of cracks occurring on the pressure floor skin at
fuselage stations (FS) 460 and 513. Failure of the pressure floor skin, which is a principal structural
element, could result in a rapid decompression of the aeroplane during flight. The original version of this
AD mandated a reduction in the inspection intervals for Airworthiness Limitation (AWL) Task number 53-
41-149 to ensure that fatigue cracking of the pressure floor skin is detected and corrected.
AD CF-2002-39 mandated the revised inspection requirements for AWL Task number
53-41-149 as introduced by Temporary Revision (TR) 2B-1230.
AD CF-2002-39R1 expands the effectivity for AWL Task number 53-41-149 to aeroplanes serial numbers
7003 through 8999. Also, this revision mandates AWL Task number 53-41-193 and provides phase-in
time for the two AWLs discussed herein, includes changes to the background for clarity and adds the ATA
Corrective Actions:
Part I - For Aeroplane Serial Numbers 7003 through 8079
1. Within 30 days from the effective date of CF-2002-39R1, revise the TC approved maintenance
schedule by incorporating the revised inspection requirements for AWL Task number 53-41-149 as
introduced by TR 2B-2265, dated 19 July 2018, of the Maintenance Requirements Manual (MRM),
Appendix B, Airworthiness Limitations.
CF-2002-39R1 2 of 3
2. Initial Inspection phase-in:

Flight Cycles (FC) accumulated as of 25 Compliance Schedule for Initial Inspection

October 2002 (the effective date of the AD
8000 or less Prior to exceeding 10 000 FC
Within 2000 FC from the effective date of AD
More than 8000 but less than 10 000
CF-2002-39 (25 October 2002)
Within 1500 FC from the effective date of AD
10 000 or more but less than 15 000
CF-2002-39 (25 October 2002)
Within 1000 FC from the effective date of AD
15 000 or more but less than 17 325
CF-2002-39 (25 October 2002)
17 325 or more but less than 18 325 Prior to exceeding 18 325 FC
Not required if the Initial Inspection has already
18 325 or more
been performed in accordance with
AWL Task number 53-41-149

For aeroplanes modified in accordance with Service Bulletins 601R-53-067 and/or 601R-53-077: the
inspection requirements of AWL Task number 53-41-194, as introduced by MRM TR 2B-2266,
supersede those of AWL Task number 53-41-149 only in the areas covered by the doublers at FS460
and FS513.
3. For aeroplanes that have accomplished the 18 325 FC Initial Inspection and where no cracks were
found as of the effective date of AD CF-2002-39 (25 October 2002), the repeat interval of 10 000 FC
starts from the completion date of the Initial Inspection.
4. Phase-in for AWL Task number 53-41-149 inspection:
For aeroplanes that were previously inspected in accordance with AWL Task number 53-41-193
which are now required to be inspected in accordance with AWL Task number 53-41-149, perform
the inspection Task number 53-41-149 within 10 000 FC from the previously accomplished
Part II - For Aeroplane Serial Numbers 8080 through 8999
1. Within 30 days from the effective date of CF-2002-39R1, revise the TC approved maintenance
schedule by incorporating the revised inspection requirements for AWL Task number 53-41-193 as
introduced by TR 2B-2266, dated 19 July 2018 of the MRM, Appendix B, Airworthiness Limitations.
Note: AWL Task number, 53-41-193 was originally introduced by TR 2B-2106, dated 26 October
2. Phase-in for AWL Task number 53-41-193 inspections:
For aeroplanes that were previously inspected in accordance with AWL Task number 53-41-149
which are now required to be inspected in accordance with AWL Task number 53-41-193, perform
the inspection Task number 53-41-193 within 10 000 FC from the previously accomplished

If any damage is found, repair before further flight. Contact Bombardier Inc. CRJ, Technical Help Desk for
approved repair instructions. The instructions must specifically reference this AD. Repairs issued prior to
the effective date AD CF-2002-39R1, that are approved by Bombardier Inc.’s Design Approval
Organization (DAO) or TC and which refer to the original version of this AD, are also acceptable.
New limitations or inspection requirements specified in the approved repair obtained from Bombardier Inc.
supersede the inspection requirements introduced in Part I and II, for the area affected by the repair, if
they are referring to this AD.
Compliance in accordance with superseding TRs or later revisions of the AWL section of the MRM,
approved by TC, also satisfies the requirements of this AD.
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For the Minister of Transport,


Rémy Knoerr
Chief, Continuing Airworthiness
Issued on 7 June 2019
Mihaela Kramer, Continuing Airworthiness, Ottawa, telephone 888-663-3639, facsimile 613-996-9178 or
e-mail AD-CN@tc.gc.ca or any Transport Canada Centre.

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