Impact of Digital Currency in E-Commerce
Impact of Digital Currency in E-Commerce
Impact of Digital Currency in E-Commerce
ISSN: 2455-5703
Neethidevan V Murugachandravel J
Department of MCA Department of MCA
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India
E-Commerce, also called, Electronic Commerce or Internet Commerce, deals with buying and selling of goods or services using
the internet, and the transfer of data and money to execute these transactions. The different forms of E-commerce are Business-to-
Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Government (B2G). Using the latest trends can improve
communication and E-Commerce business. With more digital innovations in finance, public people were showing much interest
in this form of business. Apart from this, financial sector stakeholders and academicians are also attracted towards this. The main
idea of Crypto currencies is to replace centralized systems such as banks and to reduce the need for an intermediary. As a result,
the shopping process becomes much easier. With E-commerce, there is a possibility of reaching more people across the world with
less expense than the traditional business. With the introduction of crypto currency, like Bitcoin, it has become easier for the users
to move value around the web. Market volatility is the key issue with crypto currency payments. Price fluctuations in the value
of a crypto currency can lead to net gains or net losses for e-commerce merchants. To put up risks and volatility, consider
incremental additions such as rolling out crypto payments support on a web app before making them available via native app
capabilities or vice versa.
Keywords- Block Chaining, Crypto Currency, Mining, Bitcoins, Security Threats, E-commerce, User Privacy
The term Electronic commerce refers to the effective use of an electronic medium to do commercial transactions. It also refers to
the sale and the purchase of products or services through internet. In certain cases, electronic commerce makes it easier to
customize products, especially, when the electronic commerce site is linked with the production system of the enterprise (e.g.
business cards, customized items such as T-shirts, cups, caps, etc.)
1) Litecoin (LTC)
Litecoin uses the script algorithm, which incorporates the Secured Hash Algorithm, SHA - 256. It favors large amounts of high-
speed RAM, rather than raw processing power alone.
2) Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that allows developers to build and deploy decentralized
applications. It is also used to build Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). A DAO is a fully autonomous, decentralized
organization with no single leader. DAOs are run by programming code, on a collection of smart contracts written on the Ethereum
3) Zcash (ZEC)
Zcash is a decentralized and open-source crypto currency used to provide extra security, in which all transactions are recorded and
published on a blockchain, but other details such as the sender, recipient, and amount remain private. Zcash encrypts the contents
of shielded transactions. Since the payment information is encrypted, the protocol uses a novel cryptographic method to verify its
4) Dash (DASH)
It is built upon Bitcoin’s core code with the more advanced features like privacy and quick transactions. It has a blockchain, wallet
infrastructure and community. Its transaction fee is negligible.
5) Ripple (XRP)
The payment providers exhibit more interest in using this. It is built for enterprise and individuals. The main objective is to move
lots of money around the world as rapid as possible. It is stable and more than 35 million transactions are processed without any
issue. It has the ability to handle more than 1500 transactions per second.
6) Monero (XMR)
Monero is a secure, private currency system that uses cryptography to ensure that all of its transactions are not linkable and are
untraceable. Nowadays it is more desirable.
A. Benefits
Since no third party is involved, there is no chance for central authority to manipulate or seize the currency.
3) Theft Resistance
Bit coins could not be stolen because of its design. Moreover, bitcoins are free from Charge-backs, i.e., once bitcoins are sent, the
transactions could not be reversed.
B. Challenges
High energy consumption: Bitcoin’s blockchain uses PoW model to achieve distributed consensus in the network. In general,
processing time needs more energy than using a Visa credit card. So there is a need for innovative technologies to reduce this
energy consumption. Likewise, due to the heavy load in network, each transaction consumes more energy and, transaction
processing time is also increasing.
2) Criminal activity
The secrecy provided by the Bitcoin system helps the cyber criminals to perform various illicit activities such as ransom ware, tax
evasion, underground market, and money laundering.
Moreover, block chain in e-commerce allows for faster and cheaper executions of transactions in E-Commerce. For online
payment in E-Commerce business, there are many online payment methods, coming with high transaction fees and limited payment
options. But, in case of using blockchain technologies for payments, there is no need for financial intermediaries.
These transactions provide direct access to all details and documentation. Usually, users spend time in requesting this
information from intermediaries. Also, blockchain-based payments don’t require customers to give sensitive information to the
Transactions using blockchain occur directly between customers and merchants. This benefits the customers, who usually
carry the extra costs, and sellers, who can offer products at a more competitive, lower price. The only fees necessary are for the
network behind the blockchain, which validates transactions and secures the network. As of now, these fees are smaller than those
charged by other digital payment providers.
With more advancements in the field of Internet, Internet applications and mobile applications with crypto currency are playing a
major role in E-Commerce Business. In this paper, we have explored various advancements, the role and impact of Crypto currency
in E-Commerce. Since the Government has made major regulations and systematic implementations of policies, use of digital
currency in E-Commerce business is a major success. Now more secured transactions are possible in internet with crypto currency.
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