Organic Molecules Worksheet Re (Key)
Organic Molecules Worksheet Re (Key)
Organic Molecules Worksheet Re (Key)
6. What is the building block of each of "the four classes of organic molecules?
a. The bu][diag blocks of cÿrbohydrÿtes are ...... ; ..........
b. The building blocks of lipide are ÿ,t;t.g, ;t.;,-.ÿ-..sÿ..s
co The building blocks of proteims are ÿÿÿ ÿ<ÿ6¢ÿ{S
d. The building blocks of nucleic acids ÿre ÿÿÿ< ....... -ÿ]."
7. What is a polymer? .ÿ -ÿ?, .<ÿ"..,ÿ..ÿ--ÿ..!.(-ÿ- ÿ ÿi,% ÿÿ ÿ ÿ4 ÿ...-L.ÿL.:.,
The last common characteristic of atl organic molecules is that their form determines their
function. That means that their shape determines how they will behave and how they will react
with other molecules. For example, the order of amino acids in a protein wil! determine the shape
and function of the protein just as the order of words in a sentence shapes the meaning of the
Carbohydrates i ....
Carbohydrateÿ'ÿore the most common organic molecule because they make up most plant
matter. They are made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Their building block, a single sugar, is
called a monosaccharide. Sugars (monosaccharides) consist of carbon rings. When two
monosaccharides, or sugars, combine, they form a disaccharide (di = two). When more than two
monosaccharides join together, a polysaccharide (poly = many) is formed.
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10. What are ÿhe eÿements contained in carbohydrates? ÿ.Zÿ.. ÿ ÿ"'ÿ ÿ'ÿ
There ore three classes of carbohydrate poIysaccharides. The first is starch. Starch is a
carbohydrate used in food storage in plants. Potatoes, pasta and rice are rich in starch. Starches
are very valuable because they provide a quick form of energy for the body. The second is
glycogen, 61ycogen is used for food storage in onimaJs, The third is ceIIuJose, CeIIuJose is used for
structural support in plants (stems, leaves).
15. What are the three dasses of carbohydrates?
19. Why wouÿd an otNete hove a big pasta dimmer the ÿi#ht before a race?
Sugars can be detected in foods through a simple lab test. To find out if a food contains
starch, iodine (a reagent) is placed on the food. A food containing starch wUl turn black when in
contact with iodine. A test for simple sugars involves mix;rig the food with a liquid blue reagent
called Benedict's solution and then heating the mixture. If the food is positive for simple sugars,
the heating process will cause the benedict's solution to turn red, orange, or green.
O t4 *I H 14 ÿ4 N H
Lipids are a class of organic molecules which includes fats and oils, and has the function of
Ions-term storage of enersY in the, body. The building block of lipids is the fatty acid, which is a
The. monomer' of nucleic acids Js the nudeotide. All nucleic acids are formed from a series
of these nucleotides. Nucleotides consist of three parts: a five-carbon sugar, a. phosphate group
and a nitrogen base.
33° What is the building block of nucleic ac(ds? ÿsÿs 4ÿ..S!:_ .ÿi] ................
34° What are the three parts @f this men@inert
The structure of DNA resembles that of a twisted ladder, cdJed a 'double helix.' The rails
(outside) of the DNA ladder are made from alternating sugars, called deoxyribose, and phosphates
(sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate...). The rungs (inside) of the ladder are made of four different
kinds of nitrogen containing bases, with one base hanging off of the sugar portion of each rail The
four nitrogen containing bases are: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), @tosine (C), and Guanine (6)o The
rails of the ladder are hdd together by the nitrogen containing bases: from one rail--ÿ to the
bases and from the bases---ÿ to the other rail = to form rungs. The bases from one side of the
ladder attach to the bases hanging from the other side; -this keeps the ladder together. The bases
attach ta one another in a very specific way': Adenine always attaches to Thymine, and Cytosine
always attaches to Guanine. ÿÿ -ÿ :ÿo [
. Describe the structure and shape of DNA: ., S
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Iÿ 36. What are the raims of the ladder ÿn,.ÿde of? ".*.ÿ.ÿ ÿ"
37. What are the fÿur different nitr@gen c@ntaining bases? ÿ /ÿ
RNA is very similar to DNA, except for a few differences. First, where the sugar in DNA is
deoxyribose, the sugar in RNA is ribose. Second, where DNA is a double helix, RNA has just one
strand. Third, where the bases in DNA are d, G, A and T, in RNA the bases are d, G, A and U. The
U = Uracil in RNA, and takes the place of the T in DNAÿ Fourth, DNA cannot leave the nucleus of
the cell and RNA can.
40. List four differences between DNA and RNA: