Tourism Management: Zhiwei Liu, Sangwon Park

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Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151

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What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product

Zhiwei Liu a, Sangwon Park b, *
Beijing Blasacapital Ltd, Beijing, China
Hospitality and Food Management, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, 53MS02, Guildford, Surrey,
GU2 7XH, United Kingdom

h i g h l i g h t s

 We propose a model explaining the perceived usefulness of online reviews.

 Reviews with disclosure of reviewer's identity and high reputation are useful.
 Review ratings and review elaborateness positively affect the perceived usefulness.
 Enjoyment and readability of reviews have positive influences on the usefulness.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While the proliferation of online review websites facilitate travellers' ability to obtain information
Received 6 April 2014 (decrease in search costs), it makes it difficult for them to process and judge useful information (increase
Accepted 22 September 2014 in cognitive costs). Accordingly, this study attempts to identify the factors affecting the perceived use-
Available online 10 October 2014
fulness of online consumer reviews by investigating two aspects of online information: (1) the charac-
teristics of review providers, such as the disclosure of personal identity, the reviewer's expertise and
reputation, and (2) reviews themselves including quantitative (i.e., star ratings and length of reviews)
Travel products
and qualitative measurements (i.e., perceived enjoyment and review readability). The results reveal that
Online reviews
Usefulness of online reviews
a combination of both messenger and message characteristics positively affect the perceived usefulness
of reviews. In particular, qualitative aspects of reviews were identified as the most influential factors that
make travel reviews useful. The implications of these findings contribute to tourism and hospitality
marketers to develop more effective social media marketing.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction important in purchasing experiential goods (e.g., destinations, ho-

tels, restaurants) because people find it difficult to assess the
Online reviews have become an important information source quality of the intangible products before consumption. Hence
that allow consumers to search for detailed and reliable informa- consumers tend to rely on online comments (a form of e-word of
tion by sharing past consumption experiences (Gretzel, Fesenmaier, mouth) that allow them to obtain sufficient information and have
Lee, & Tussyadiah, 2011; Yoo & Gretzel, 2008). According to the indirect purchasing experiences so as to reduce their level of
report by Vlachos (2012), about 87 percent of international trav- perceived uncertainty (Ye, Law, Gu, & Chen, 2011).
ellers have used the Internet for planning their trips and 43 percent Given the recognition of the importance of online reviews,
of them have read reviews by other travellers. More specifically, several online communities (e.g., Tripadvisor, Yelp, Citysearch,
nearly half of online consumers indicated that they actively read Virtualtour) that provide a platform showcasing consumer reviews
and post reviews after experiencing service products (Santos, have gained popularity and in turn have become the leading in-
2014). This study argues that consumer reviews are particularly formation source in tourism and hospitality. In this vein, many
studies have investigated the effect of online reviews on travel
behaviours (Vermeulen & Seegers, 2009) and product sales
(Duverger, 2013; Racherla, Connolly, & Christodoulidou, 2012;
* Corresponding author.
Sparks & Browning, 2011). It is important to recognize that while
E-mail addresses: (Z. Liu),
(S. Park). the abundance of online consumer reviews in travel-related social
0261-5177/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151 141

communities makes it easy for travellers to find information, it is possess refers to information asymmetry (Pavlou & Dimoka, 2006).
difficult for them to process and judge useful information. More Since online consumers have to rely on the electronic information
specifically, the extensive travel information available through so- with a lack of ability to physically investigate the product, people
cial media enables people to spend lower costs/efforts that stimu- are likely to involve additional risk along with the incomplete or
late the search for information online. However, many individuals distorted information provided by online sellers (Lee, 1998). Ba and
have a limited capability to process a substantial amount of infor- Pavlou (2002) identified that the appropriate feedback mecha-
mation, which may bring about information overload (Frias, nisms, including positive and negative ratings, induce trust in on-
Rodriguez, & Castaneda, 2008). In other words, the tendency is to line sellers and mitigates information asymmetry by reducing
decrease in search costs but increase in cognitive costs (Bellman, transaction risks.
Johnson, Lohse, & Mandel, 2006). Thus identifying the factors Mudambi and Schuff (2010) investigated the helpfulness of re-
that generate the perceived usefulness of online reviews is a crucial views based on the statement that helpfulness as a measure of
issue in online tourism marketing as online sites with more useful perceived value in the decision-making process reflects information
reviews offer greater potential value to customers and contribute to (i.e., online review) diagnosticity. They identified the positive effects
building their confidence in making a purchase decision (Sussman of review depth (or elaborateness) on the perceived helpfulness of
& Siegal, 2003). the review. Baek, Ahn, and Choi (2013) investigated review credi-
This study explores two key elements in online reviews bility by performing sentiment analysis for mining review text.
including the characteristics of review providers and of consumer Based on the dual process theory, they found that consumers tend to
reviews themselves in order to predict perceived usefulness. focus on different information sources of reviews. Specifically, pe-
Within the online environment, offering limited cues of peer ripheral cues (i.e., star ratings and rankings of the reviews) are useful
recognition and a disclosure of personal information (e.g., real in the information search stage whereas central information pro-
photo, name and address) and online reputation in the community cessing (i.e., the number of total words in a review and the number of
have a large influence on the way consumers respond to messages negative words) is influential in the stage of the evaluation of al-
(Forman, Ghose, & Wiesenfeld, 2008). Furthermore, the extant ternatives. Hu, Liu, and Zhang (2008) concluded that online con-
literature has discussed the importance of the numerical ratings of sumer reviews infer product quality and reduce product uncertainty,
the reviews assigned by readers and examined their effects on the in turn aiding the final purchase decision.
purchase decision process (Poston & Speier, 2005), search costs A number of previous researchers have examined the relation-
(Todd & Benbasat, 1992), and product sales (Duan, Gu, & Whinston, ship between online reviews and product sales. Chevalier and
2008). However, the authors of this research argue that such Mayzlin (2006) found a positive relationship between consumer
quantitative characteristics of online reviews can explain a partial reviews on retailing websites and book sales (e.g., Barnes & Nobel
aspect of review effectiveness due to limited cognitive cues for and They also identified that the valence (average
recipients to identify the differences between numerous reviews. numerical rating) (Dellarocas, Zhang, & Awad, 2007) and number of
This study thus suggests a research approach combining not only online consumer reviews (Duan et al., 2008) are vital predictors of
quantitative (i.e., length of reviews and star ratings) elements of box office sales. Clemons, Gao, and Hitt (2006) showed that not
information but also qualitative/textual (i.e., perceived enjoyment only the variance of ratings but also the strength of the most pos-
and readability of reviews) aspects to better explain the perceived itive quartile of reviews has a significant impact on the growth of
usefulness of online reviews (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010; Van der craft beers. In addition to the features of online reviews, the effect
Heijden, 2003). of the degree to which review writers disclose their identity in the
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify factors evaluation of product quality and product sales has been discussed
important to reviewers (i.e., identity disclosure, expertise, and (e.g., Forman et al., 2008). While a number of researchers have
reputation) and composing online reviews (i.e., quantitative concluded that an improvement in the review score leads to an
including star ratings and length of reviews, and qualitative mea- increase in relative sales online, Chen and Wu (2005) and Duan
surements containing perceived enjoyment and review read- et al. (2008) demonstrated that high product ratings do not
ability), both of which affect information evaluation online. In order necessarily lead to increased sales. They explained that consumers'
to address the research purpose, this study analyses over 5000 tastes could be heterogeneous to the extent that the ways in which
online reviews of travel products posted by online consumers. The consumers use other consumers' opinion in their purchase decision
findings of this research contribute to the ability of tourism and are different.
hospitality marketers to develop more effective online marketing From the tourism and hospitality perspectives, several re-
strategies. searchers have investigated the role of online reviews in the deci-
sion making process for general trips (Xiang & Gretzel, 2010), hotels
2. Literature reviews (Sparks & Browning, 2011), and restaurants (Racherla & Friske,
2012), as well as in estimating the market shares of travel prod-
2.1. Online consumer reviews ucts, such as hotels (Duverger, 2013; Ogut & Tas, 2012) and res-
taurants (Zhang, Ye, Law, & Li, 2010). Vermeulen and Seegers
The studies regarding online consumer reviews have focused (2009) investigated the impact of online hotel reviews on the for-
their attention on two aspects: (1) the consumer decision making mation of consumer consideration, and found out that online re-
process and (2) product sales. The research into the effect of online views improve hotel awareness, which ultimately helps travellers
reviews on consumer purchasing behaviour has largely discussed to develop their consideration set. Ye et al. (2011) estimated the
the concepts of trust and credibility in online reviews, based on the effect of online review features on room sales in hotels based on the
assumption that the uncertainty of product quality exists in the assumption that the number of reviews encompasses the linear
online environment. For example, when online consumers view a function of sales. They concluded that review ratings and room
product listing on a shopping website (e.g., auction, retail websites), prices are important elements to predict room sales online. The
they may not have easy access to information about the ‘true’ studies by Zhang et al. (2010) analysed online information reflect-
quality of the product and therefore may not be able to judge ing context-specific variables in restaurants (e.g., food quality,
precisely a product's quality prior to its purchase (Fung & Lee, environment and services) as well as the number of reviews and
1999). The difference between the information sellers and buyers review ratings of the online popularity of restaurants.
142 Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151

2.2. Perceived usefulness of online reviews facet of the messages (i.e., enjoyment and readability of the re-
views). Detailed discussions about the relationships between these
Many review websites have designed peer reviewing systems factors and perceived usefulness are presented in the following
that allow people to vote on whether they found a review useful in sections.
their decision making. For instance, provides a service
that displays the top two most helpful, favourable, and critical re- 2.3.1. Messenger factors
views posted by online users in order to help its customers evaluate Reviewers' identity disclosure. Online identity is defined as a
each displayed product easily. These useful votes are generally social identity that an individual establishes in online communities
believed not only to be an indicator of review diagnosticity to and/or websites. It is a way of presenting oneself that helps others
separate the useful reviews from the rest (Mudambi & Schuff, find one's personal profile or geographic location. Although many
2010), but also to be a signalling cue for users to filter numerous members of the online community are concerned that people's
reviews efficiently (Ghose & Ipeirotis, 2008). In other words, the identity disclosure is pertinent to privacy issues (discouraging
useful information in a review may assist customers to evaluate the them from allowing themselves to be named in the text) (Nabeth,
attributes of the service so as to build confidence in the source 2005), precise information about message providers can bring
(Gupta & Harris, 2010). That is, the possibility to make better de- salient contributions to recipients' perception of the message.
cisions and experience greater satisfaction with the online plat- Prior studies have demonstrated the importance of identity
forms can be increased when information seekers encounter disclosure in online interaction, arguing that identifiable sources
numerous pieces of useful information that affect their decisions. enhance the efficiency of customers' information acquisition
This implies that online sites with more useful reviews offer greater (Racherla & Friske, 2012). Source identity also plays a significant
potential value to customers and contribute to building confidence role in reducing customers' uncertainty, which arises from the lack
in their purchase decisions. of social cues when they search for information in the online
From the online retailers' perspective, review usefulness can be environment (Tidwell & Walther, 2002). Sussman and Siegal (2003)
used as the primary way of measuring how consumers evaluate a emphasized that the disclosure of reviewer identity leads to an
review (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). It is beneficial for marketers to increase in the message's credibility and, as a result, the source is
gain knowledge about customers' perception of information. perceived to be more useful (Kruglanski et al., 2006). Fogg et al.
Kumar and Benbasat (2006) asserted that the presence of useful (2001) demonstrated that reviewers' names and photos in the
reviews on a website can improve its social presence. That is, those online information source have a positive relationship with peo-
reviews have the potential to attract consumer visits, increase ple's perception of the credibility of websites on the basis of the
length of time to stay in the platform, and eventually increase the information processing theory (Mackie, Worth, & Asuncion, 1990).
sales of businesses on the site. Accordingly, online retailers are Forman et al. (2008) pointed out that message recipients may use
encouraged not only to provide easy access to useful messages that the personal information of the message creator as a heuristic cue,
can create a source of differentiation but also establish the strategic drawing on the evaluation of the information provider as a cogni-
potential to improve the quality of customer reviews to offer tive device to assist them to reach judgements and actions. Thus,
greater value to customers. reviews developed by online users who disclose their personal
identities may increase the credibility of the information source
2.3. Factors affecting the perceived usefulness of online reviews and thus the reviews could be judged as more useful. Therefore, it is
hypothesized that:
Previous studies which interpret the perceived usefulness of a
Hypothesis 1a (H1a). Reviewers' disclosure of their identity has a
review as a key determinant of consumers' intent to comply with it
positive effect on the perceived usefulness of their reviews.
(Cheung, Lee, & Rabjohn, 2008), have paid attention to identifying
the factors affecting information usefulness. Most studies have
mainly investigated the characteristics of consumer reviews, Reviewer expertise. When consumers search for informa-
particularly for quantitative attributes, including review ratings and tion to help them make a decision, they are inclined to follow an
elaborateness of reviews (e.g., counting words) (Chevalier & expert's suggestion (Gilly, Graham, Wolfinbarger, & Yale, 1998).
Mayzlin, 2006; Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). Recently, several re- Online information provided by an expert is considered to be more
searchers in information systems suggested the importance of useful and to have more influence on attitudes toward the product
presenting a messenger's identity (e.g., identity disclosure) in and purchase intentions than non-expert ones (Harmon & Coney,
developing confidence in the information. For example, Racherla 1982; Lascu, Bearden, & Rose, 1995). Bristor (1990:p.73) referred
and Friske (2012) investigated the effects of three types of to expertise as ‘the extent to which the reviews provided by experts
reviewer characteristics and concluded that the levels of a re- are perceived as being capable of providing correct information and
viewer's reputation and expertise significantly affect the usefulness they are expected to prompt reviewers’ persuasion because of their
of online reviews. More importantly, the authors of this study little motivation to check the reliability of the source's declarations
suggests that considering the qualitative elements of the online by retrieving their own thoughts'. Gotlieb and Sarel (1991) also
information reflects ‘source effects’ with regard to persuasive asserted that the indicator of an ‘expert’ message is determined by
communication (Janis & Hovland, 1959). Schindler and Bickart the evaluation of the degree of competence and knowledge that a
(2012) stated that the message contents and styles are vital fac- message holds regarding specific topics of interests. However, the
tors which make the reviews appealing to consumers. Accordingly, limited online setting makes it difficult for people to make such an
the perceived enjoyment suggested by Mathwick and Rigdon evaluation given the availability of personal information (Cheung
(2004) and readability of reviews proposed by Korfiatis, Garcia- et al., 2008; Schindler & Bickart, 2005). In other words, message
Bariocanal, and Sanchez-Alonso (2012) are analysed in this study providers' social background and attributes cannot be verified for
as measurements for qualitative elements of online messages. This the level of product knowledge in the online environment with
research attempts to estimate three aspects of online review limited cues. Evaluations of messengers' expertise, therefore, have
related factors: (1) messenger element (i.e., identity disclosure, to rely on their past behaviours (Weiss, Lurie, & MacInnis, 2008):
expertise, and reputation), (2) quantitative facets of online mes- for example, the number of reviews written, information provided
sages (i.e., review valence and elaborateness) and (3) the qualitative in response to others' queries, and the opinions of the present
Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151 143

message. Cheung et al. (2008) discovered that when a consumer tend to be perceived more helpful. Therefore, the relationship be-
seeks comments posted by a high degree of expertise user, he/she tween review ratings and review usefulness can be assumed as the
tends to have a higher perception of usefulness of the information. following:
Therefore, the following hypothesis can be formulated:
Hypothesis 2a (H2a). The star ratings of online reviews have a
Hypothesis 1b (H1b). A high level of reviewer expertise has a positive relationship with the perceived usefulness of the reviews.
positive effect on the perceived usefulness of a review. Review elaborateness. The concept of review content is Reviewer reputation. In addition to expertise, the reputa- usually defined as the extensiveness/depth of the information
tion of reviewers is a core indicator that differentiates one reviewer offered in the review (Racherla & Friske, 2012). Essentially, online
from the others. As defined by Helm and Mark (2007), reputation is reviews are informational cues that facilitate customers' evaluation
the extent to which recipients believe that a reviewer is honest and of specific attributes of products and services. Shelat and Egger
concerned about others and constant in the long term. Prior (2002) pointed out that the elaborateness of online reviews rep-
research has argued that reputation and peer recognition can resents the length of the reviews and showed a positive influence
significantly enhance the degree to which information sharing in- on shopping intentions. Mudambi and Schuff (2010) also found that
fluences customers' perceptions of product value and likelihood of longer reviews include detailed product information regarding how
recommending the product (Gruen, Osmonbekov & Czaplenski, and where the product was purchased and used in specific con-
2006). Online review providers who provide a substantial texts. Recent studies have asserted that the elaborateness of mes-
amount of effort writing reviews are eager for other consumers to sages can play a powerful role in the message persuasion process.
provide their contributions with positive feedback in the form of That is, online reviews with elaborate information contribute to the
friendship requests or votes (Racherla & Friske, 2012). Many review alleviation of customers' uncertainty about the product quality and
websites related to tourism and hospitality (e.g., and lead them to develop confidence in the decision process (Johnson &, therefore, have established an online reputation Payne, 1985). Hence, the hypothesis is formulated that:
system to assist users to find the reputation of others by collecting, Hypothesis 2b (H2b). Reviews with longer text have a positive
distributing, and aggregating the feedback associated with the re- effect on the perceived usefulness of the reviews.
viewers' past behaviour in the online community (Resnick,
Zeckhauser, Friedman, & Kuwabara, 2000).
From the social psychological perspective, reputation effects Messages' qualitative characteristics
essentially signal social validation and improve credibility (Cialdini, Customer perceived enjoyment. Perceived enjoyment
2001). As such, consumers can utilize reputation as an indication of (PEN) can be defined as the extent to which the reading and un-
the quality of information to reduce uncertainties regarding infor- derstanding of reviews are perceived to be enjoyable in their own
mation quality (Helm & Mark, 2007; Resnick et al., 2000). Due to right, apart from any performance consequences that may be
the features of the online environment involving limited interac- anticipated (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1992). It is considered as a
tion compared with face-to-face communication, the reviews qualitative factor presenting individuals' feeling of pleasure,
provided by high-status messengers can create greater compliance depression, disgust, or hate associated with a particular act
in online groups, so reputation can be used as a heuristic cue (Triandis, 1980). Prior studies discussing motivation theory have
(Gueguen & Jacob, 2002). Hence, the relationship between repu- indicated that a certain human behaviour (e.g., the usage of infor-
tation and review usefulness is formulated as follows: mation technology) is determined by both intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation (Davis et al., 1992; Van der Heijden, 2003). Perceived
Hypothesis 1c (H1c). Reviewers' high reputation has a positive enjoyment has been considered as intrinsic motivation, which
effect on their reviews' perceived usefulness. drives the performance of an action that is not undertaken for any
reason other than the process of performing the activity per se. As
2.3.2. Message characteristics such, intrinsic motivation can lead to user behaviour. In terms of Quantitative characteristics userecomputer interaction, Mattila and Wirtz (2000) stressed that Review star ratings. Review star ratings refer to the consumers' affective reaction is important as a cognitive process to
number of stars allocated by the reviewers, indicating their understand consumer behaviour and, in particular, emotion is
assessment of the products/services used. Peer rating is considered essential in the evaluation process of products. Furthermore,
as a useful cue to reflect the extent of consumers' attitude and in intrinsic motivation enhances the deliberation and thoroughness of
turn helps consumers to evaluate the quality of the products cognitive processing, which leads to perceptions of perceived
(Krosnick, Boninger, Chuang, Berent, & Camot, 1993). Willemsen, usefulness (Venkatesh, Speier, & Morris, 2002). Based on these
Neijens, Bronner, and de Ridder (2011) defined those ratings as findings, it is assumed that the enjoyment vote in each review
numeric summary statistics (overall ratings) shown in the form of represents the recipients' perception of enjoyment and an expected
five-point star recommendations at the surface level of the review correlation with the perceived usefulness of online reviews:
and reviewers' general assessments of the product. The extant
Hypothesis 3a (H3a). The reviews that indicate perceived
literature has demonstrated an association between online review
enjoyment by recipients have a positive effect on perceived use-
ratings and customer behaviours (Clemons et al., 2006; Park, Lee, &
fulness of the reviews.
Han, 2007). The findings of previous studies can be presented in
relation to two different arguments. First, a linear relationship has Review readability. Online reviews are information
been identified. Online consumer reviews with positive ratings for resources that consumers utilize to gain knowledge about products
search goods may exert a significant effect on consumers' attitudes and services. Zakaluk and Samuels (1988) stated that the extent to
and evaluations of the experience product (Zhang et al., 2010). which an individual requires to comprehend the product infor-
Second, online consumers usually perceive positive or negative mation can present the level of readability. As noted earlier, un-
ratings (i.e., one- and five-star ratings) as more useful than mod- derstandability is thought to be an important qualitative factor to
erate ratings (i.e., three-star ratings) (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, display the extent to which customers accept online information on
Kossinets, Kleinberg, & Lee, 2009). Wei, Miao, and Huang (2013) social media platforms. Thus, a readability test can be used as a
found that reviews offered by those who give lower hotel ratings measurement of the degree to which a piece of text is
144 Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151

understandable to readers based on its syntactical elements and 3.2. Data collection
style. According to the linguistic characteristics, the method to
calculate readability is considered as a scale-based indication of 3.2.1. Research sampling
how difficult a piece of text is for readers to comprehend (Korfiatis In total, 5090 online reviews were collected during summer
et al., 2012). Table 1 lists the readability tests used in the present 2013. This research examines online reviews of restaurants because
study. As identified by Gunning (1969), Gunning's Fog Index (FOG) this category constitutes the majority of the reviews on the website
is an indication of the level at which people who have an average (, 2011) and consumers are inclined to resort to signals
high school education would be able to understand a particular (useful votes) for evaluating these attributes. Moreover, it is highly
text. Similar to FOG, the FlescheKincaid Reading Ease Index (FRE) is recommended to obtain data from the leading restaurant market in
a linguistic measurement to calculate the words per sentence and this research context: for example, London in the United Kingdom,
syllables per word in a given text (Kincaid, Fishburne, Rogers, & and New York City in United States. The London tourism market,
Chissom, 1975). FRE can be used to evaluate the complexity of the including the food and hospitality sectors, reached a total of
text in order to determine the number of years of education that £79.7 billion in 2013, which represents one of the best economies in
would be needed for someone to understand the text being Europe and has grown twice as fast as the rest of the UK
assessed. Another well-known readability test, namely the Auto- (SagitterOne, 2013). Lushing (2012) reported that New York City is
mated Readability Index (ARI), focuses on the simple approach of one of top five cities with the most restaurants as an indicator of the
calculating the amount of words and characters to evaluate the restaurant market share. Apart from the size of the market, these
given text's readability (Senter & Smith, 1967). The fourth method two cities are also listed in Yelp's top 100 places to eat in each
is the ColemaneLiau Index (Coleman & Liau, 1975), which is similar country (Yelp, 2014). These statistics indicate that two selected
to the ARI in providing a simpler evaluation and more careful se- cities encompass large supply and demand of restaurant sectors so
lection of review characteristics. In summary, the FRE and ARI that the findings have limited bias relevant toward the specific
scores measure the reading ease of each review, whereas the CLI context of the research setting. The researchers of this study
and FOG indexes present the complexity of the text. Therefore, a collected 2500 (35 restaurants) reviews and 2590 (10 restaurants)
hypothesis that the readability of the review content would posi- reviews about restaurants located in London and New York City,
tively affect the review usefulness is formulated: respectively, in order to reduce the effect of geographical issues.
Note that, in general, the number of consumer reviews for restau-
Hypothesis 3b (H3b). The readability of the review text has a
rants located in New York are relatively larger than the restaurants
positive effect on the perceived usefulness of the review.
in London. To extract a consistent number of reviews as an indi-
vidual sample in this study, restaurants in London have been
3. Research methodology selected more than the restaurants in New York City. Furthermore,
the price level of the restaurants ranged from budget to luxury
3.1. Research context prices, based on four categories of price groups assigned by the
online review website.
This research collected data from in the form of online The literature about consumer behaviour has suggested that
customer generated reviews. First, is one of the most prior knowledge of a product/service affects the external informa-
popular online advisory sites dedicated to allowing customers to tion search and evaluation as well as the final decision (Gursoy &
share and post information about tourism and hospitality products McCleary, 2004). Thus, the restaurants selected for this research
across major cities in the world (, 2013). Schein (2011) exclude national and regional chains; rather, local restaurants are
pointed out that is the largest business-listing website, focused on to ensure a valid sample. As suggested by Racherla et al.
which has amassed over 42 million reviews about local businesses, (2012), a restaurant's position on the website page has a profound
and is more popular than any of its rivals, like and impact on users' perception. The authors of this research, therefore, Second, can avoid language comprehen- focused on the top-ranked businesses on the first page due to high
sion heterogeneity between informants and recipients, which level of attention to those restaurants displayed on the first two
might have a negative influence on text comprehension. To mea- pages. In order to control the listing of restaurants in a specific order,
sure the qualitative element of the reviews, Korfiatis et al. (2012) the collection process operates in a random way instead of dictating
proposed that the analysis of textual characteristics is pointless the targeted data in high/low rankings or alphabetical order. Fig. 1.
when the reader is a non-native speaker of the written language.
Thus, allows the researchers to obtain sufficient online 3.2.2. Operationalization of data variables
review information as well as to control the confounding effect This study used reviewer and review information retrieved
during the data collection. from the selected sample shown in Fig. 2, presenting all the

Table 1
The readability tests.

Readability Score range Formula Measurement implications

Automated 1e12 ARI ¼ 4.71  ðCharacters

words Þ  21:43
Þþ 0.5  ðSentences Indicates the educational grade level required.
The lower the grade, the more readable the text.
Readability Index (ARI) 1e12 CLI ¼ 5.89  ðCharacters
Þ  0:3  ðSentences
Þ  15:8 Indicates the educational grade level required.
The lower the grade, the more readable the text.
The ColemaneLiau 0e100 total words Þ  84.6  ðtotal syllablesÞ
FRE ¼ 206.835  1.015  ðtotal Scores above 40% indicate that the text is
sentences total words
understandable by literally everyone. As the value
of the index decreases, the comprehensibility of
the text becomes more difficult
Index (CLI) 1e12 Words Þ þ 100  ð Nðcomplex wordsÞ ÞÞ
FOG ¼ 0.4  ððSentences Indicates the educational grade level required.
The lower the grade, the more readable the text

Source: Gunning, 1969; Flesch, 1951; Kincaid et al., 1975; Coleman & Liau, 1975.
Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151 145

the messenger's name, address, and real photo, are binary vari-
ables to be measured as ‘1’ if they disclose information and ‘0’
otherwise. The website requires providing background informa-
tion during the registration process, including name, address,
and a photo. The researchers of this study manually checked if
members indicate their full names or just provide initials (e.g., M.
T.) (see Baek et al., 2013; Forman et al., 2008; Racherla & Friske,
2012). To determine whether the user has a real photo, we
checked if the reviewers use real photos clear enough to identify
their faces or provide no animations and screen shots (e.g., a
scene, status). To verify address, we determined if a reviewer
provided information about their residence in their profiles such
as city, state and country.
The number of reviews that messengers have written represents
their expertise, and reviewers' reputation is calculated by the
number of their friends, fans and Elite awards (Forman et al., 2008;
Racherla & Friske, 2012; Weiss et al., 2008). To capture the features
of reviews, the number of words in each review and the rating that
Fig. 1. The proposed research model.
the reviewer gave from one to five stars were collected as quanti-
tative characteristics (Chevalier & Mayzlin, 2006; Mudambi &
Schuff, 2010). For qualitative characteristics, the perceived enjoy-
variables utilized for this research. To be more specific, the ment was estimated by checking the number of readers who
dependent variable is online review usefulness (PU) measured by clicked the funny and cool voting systems at the end of a review
counting the number of online users who voted that the reviews (Van der Heijden, 2003). Last, four types of readability methods
were useful in response to the reviews posted (Ghose & Ipeirotis, were taken into account for each review: ARI, CLI, FOG, and FRE
2010; Jin, Lu, & Shi, 2002). The independent variables, including (Korfiatis et al., 2012).

Fig. 2. Illustration of the variables in an online consumer review.

146 Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151

3.3. Data analysis ‘expertise’ and readability indexes (around .80). However,
Tabachnick and Fidell (2007) stated that “The statistical problems
This study used the TOBIT regression model to analyse the data created by singularity and multicollinearity occur at much higher
due to the specific feature of useful votes (dependent variable) and correlations (.90 and higher)” (p. 90). Furthermore, this study
the censored nature of the sample (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). The conducted a series of statistical estimations for multicollinearity in
first reason for choosing the TOBIT model is that the dependent regression analysis (see Appendix A).
variable is bounded in its range and the distribution is skewed in Model 1, shown below, reflects the hypothetical relationships
one direction. More specifically, the distribution of the data about between messenger factors and perceived usefulness (PU), refer-
useful votes (dependent variable) appears to be skewed to the left ring to H1a, H1b, and H1c.
side: 96 per cent of the data is in the range between ‘0’ and ‘5’, with
‘65’ as the maximum value. Thus, this study focused on the reviews Model 1: PU ¼ b11 *RealName þ b12 *RealPhoto þ b13 *
voted lower than 6 (valid sample: N ¼ 4908 reviews) to control the RealAddress þ b14 *Expertise þ b15 *Friends þ b16 *Fans þ b17 *
outliers. The second reason for applying the TOBIT model is that the EliteAward þ 3 1
regression method is a useful analysis for estimating the relation-
ship between a non-negative dependent variable and a set of in- The results of the regression analysis for Model 1 are shown in
dependent variables (Long, 1997). In a similar vein, the TOBIT model Table 4 (log likelihood ¼ 6642.81). As this study proposed, Real-
has the potential to solve the selection bias inherent in this research Name (b ¼ .30) in a marginal manner (p < 0.10) and RealPhoto
context. For example, counting the number of people who have (b ¼ .66; p < 0.001) were statistically significant, while RealAddress
read a certain review is hard on an online platform. Rather, re- (b ¼ 1.50) was not insignificant regarding perceived usefulness. In
searchers can recognize how many of those online users voted that addition, the number of friends (b ¼ .0007; p < 0.001) and Elite
they perceived the review as useful and the number of enjoyment awards (b ¼ .18; p < 0.001) as well as fans (b ¼ .002; p < 0.10) within
votes on a review. As such, it is possible for a review to receive a the marginal level positively influenced the dependent variable
zero response to the ‘useful’ votes, meaning that readers perceived (perceived usefulness). These variables explained about 3 per cent
that the particular review is not useful when it is read. The OLS of the variance of perceived usefulness (R2 ¼ 0.03).
model, in general, is an effective method to illustrate the correla- Model 2 reflects the hypothetical relationships between the
tions between variables. However, OLS regression has a potential quantitative characteristics of review messages and perceived
restriction that regards a zero value as a missing value, while it usefulness, referring to H2a and H2b.
actually presents customers' perception of reviews in this research
context (Kennedy, 1994). Compared with the OLS model, the TOBIT Model 2: PU ¼ b21 *RealName þ b22 *RealPhoto þ b23 *
model can present the real value of each review, which has zero RealAddress þ b24 *Expertise þ b25 *Friends þ b26 *Fans þ b27 *
useful votes if the case meets the conditions to be regarded as zero. EliteAward þ b28 *Rating þ b29 *Rating2 þ b210 *WordCount þ 3 2
Based on the censored nature of the dependent variable and the
potential selection issues, this current study, therefore, performed Model 2 was estimated by adding the variables about the
TOBIT regression to analyse the data and measured the fit with the quantitative characteristics of reviews from Model 1, including the
likelihood ratio and Efron's pseudo R-square value (Long, 1997). star rating, square of the star rating and word count. All three
factors showed statistically significant results. The relationship of
4. Results the star rating is interesting: the star rating (b ¼ .37, p < 0.001) and
the square of the star rating (b ¼ .16, p < 0.001), which implies a
4.1. Descriptive analysis of the variables positive and U-shaped pattern together, were both statistically
significant. When comparing coefficient values, this research
Table 2 provides the descriptive statistics for the main variables emphasized the positive relationship. That is, online reviewers tend
of the data set. It is interesting that most messengers provided real to assign a higher level of usefulness to the reviews that provide
names (N ¼ 4681, 95.4%), photos (N ¼ 3499, 71.3%) and addresses positive star ratings. This finding is consistent with studies inves-
(N ¼ 4858, 99.0%), indicating that the level of identity disclosure is tigated by Wei et al. (2013). Word counts (b ¼ .003, p < 0.001)
quite high. With regard to the other variables of the review pro-
viders, expertise (mean ¼ 157.65, SD ¼ 283.45), friends
(mean ¼ 78.68, SD ¼ 245.25) and fans (mean ¼ 10.67, SD ¼ 42.17) Table 2
show relatively large variance compared with Elite awards Descriptive statistics for the variables.
(mean ¼ 1.16, SD ¼ 1.77). Variable Minimum Maximum Frequency Percent
Looking at the variable about useful votes, on average, each
Real name 0 1 4681 95.4%
review has one useful vote to represent the probability of evalu-
Real photo 0 1 3499 71.3%
ating the perceived usefulness of online consumers. In addition, the Real address 0 1 4858 99.0%
average review star rating was 4.28 (SD ¼ 0.88), with an average
Variable Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
text length of 138.42 (SD ¼ 119.53) words. In terms of message
qualitative characteristics, the review enjoyment shows the dis- Expertise 0 6614 157.650 283.453
Friends 0 4947 78.676 245.248
tribution from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 36. The values of Fans 0 866 10.669 42.173
the readability test vary across the four methods, FOG Elite award 0 9 1.159 1.765
(mean ¼ 9.23, SD ¼ 3.17), ARI (mean ¼ 6.21, SD ¼ 3.87), CLI Useful votes 0 5 0.865 1.203
(mean ¼ 7.08, SD ¼ 2.52) and FRE (mean ¼ 81.62, SD ¼ 13.05). Word count 1 965 138.424 119.527
Rating 1 5 4.275 0.873
Enjoyment votes 0 36 0.909 1.922
4.2. Hypothesis testing FOG 0.4 56.809 9.225 3.169
ARI 9.36 84.579 6.208 3.866
Initially, a correlation analysis including all of the variables to CLI 17.47 30.474 7.077 2.515
estimate was conducted. Correlation values shown at Table 3 FRE 48.38 162.505 81.623 13.048

indicate acceptable levels with little concerns for variables of N ¼ 4908.

Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151 147

Table 3
Correlation analysis.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 PU 1
2 realname 0.07* 1
3 realphoto 0.18* 0.21* 1
4 realaddress 0.02 0.01 0.01 1
5 expertise 0.18* 0.09* 0.33* 0.01 1
6 friends 0.25* 0.17* 0.48* 0.01 0.72* 1
7 fans 0.27* 0.13* 0.40* 0.01 0.80* 0.77* 1
8 Eliteaward 0.22* 0.15* 0.39* 0.02 0.74* 0.71* 0.76* 1
9 Pevotes 0.66* 0.06* 0.17* 0.03 0.20* 0.27* 0.28* 0.23* 1
10 wordcount 0.26* 0.07* 0.17* 0.02 0.24* 0.27* 0.28* 0.26* 0.22* 1
11 star_ratings 0.07* 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.11* 0.04* 0.06* 0.07* 0.09* 0.05* 1
12 FOG 0.07* 0.02 0.03* 0.01 0.04* 0.02 0.06* 0.03* 0.06* 0.30* 0.01 1
13 ARI 0.09* 0.03 0.06* 0.01 0.07* 0.06* 0.10* 0.06* 0.08* 0.35* 0.03* 0.86* 1
14 CLI 0.03* 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.13* 0.05* 0.66* 0.78* 1
15 FRE 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.11* 0.07* 0.78* 0.75* 0.79* 1

Note: realname refer to whether the messenger has a real name; realphoto refer to whether the messenger has a real photo; realaddress refer to whether the messenger has a
real address; expertise refer to the numbers of prior reviews that messenger writes; friends refer to the numbers of friends that messenger has in; fans refer to the
numbers of fans that messenger has in; eliteaward refers to how many times that messenger achieves the Elite title in; wordcount refer to the number of
words in each review; star_rating refer to the ratings that reviewer post; Pevotes refer to perceived enjoyment; FOG refers to Gunning's FOG Index; ARI refers to Automated
Readability Index; CLI refers to the Coleman-Liau Index; FRE refers to Flesch Reading Ease Index; *p < 0.05.

positively affected the perceived usefulness of the reviews. This elements to predict the dependent variable (b ¼ .50, p < 0.001). Of
means that as the online reviews included a larger number of the four readability tests, the Flesch Reading Ease Index, positively
words, consumers were more likely to perceive the usefulness of affected the perceived usefulness (b ¼ .01, p < 0.05), whereas the
the contents. Despite the significant results of the quantitative Automated Readiblity Index was marginally significant (b ¼ .02,
measurements, the number of significant reviewer-related factors p < 0.01). Referring to the definition of the readability tests, the FOG
diminished into two variables: the existence of real photos and CLI scores are the measurements of text complexity, whereas
(b ¼ 0.6028, p < 0.001) and the number of friends (b ¼ .0007, the FRE and ARI scores reflect the ease of reading the reviews. It was
p < 0.01). As a result, Model 2 accounted for about 4 per cent of the found that review complexity has no effect on online users'
variance of the perceived usefulness (R2 ¼ 0.04) (see Table 5). perceived usefulness of the information; however, the ease of
Model 3 reflects the hypothetical relationships between the reading the reviews was regarded as an important element in
qualitative characteristics of the review message and the perceived judging the usefulness. Interestingly, comparing the coefficient
usefulness, referring to H3a and H3b. values between FRE and word counts, it can be said that qualitative
characteristics present a greater effect than merely counting the
Model 3: PU ¼ b31 *RealName þ b32 *RealPhoto þ b33 * number of words in the consumer reviews (see Table 6).
RealAddress þ b34 *Expertise þ b35 *Friends þ b36 *Fans þ b37 *
EliteAward þ b38 *Rating þ b39 *Rating2 þ b310 *WordCountþ
5. Discussion
b310 *WordCount þ b311 *EnjoymentVotes þ b312 *FOG þ b313 *
FRE þ b314 *ARE þ b314 *CLI þ 3 3
5.1. Messengers' factors
Model 3 additionally contains enjoyment votes and the four
The findings of this research reveal that reviewers' identity
types of readability metrics, to test mainly the relationships be-
disclosure has a significant impact on review usefulness. Based on
tween the qualitative characteristics of online reviews and the
the assumption that message recipients use social information
perceived usefulness. Overall, the variables reflecting the qualita-
about the source of a review as a heuristic factor to judge message
tive characteristics increased considerably by an additional 11 per
providers' reliability (Chaiken, 1987), the result of this research
cent (Pseudo R2 ¼ 0.13; DR2 ¼ 0.11) compared with Model 1. In
particular, perceived enjoyment had a greater coefficient value than
any other variables, referring to one of the most important Table 5
Results of Model 2 regression analysis.

Coefficient Std. Err. P value 95% Conf. Interval

Table 4 Constant 1.6779 1.2813 0.190 4.1899 0.8341
Results of Model 1 regression analysis. realname 0.2574 0.1737 0.139 0.0832 0.5980
realphoto 0.6028 0.0823 0.000*** 0.4414 0.7642
Coefficient Std. Err. P value 95% Conf. Interval
realaddress 1.3850 1.2009 0.249 0.9693 3.7393
Constant 2.6089 1.235 0.035* 5.0302 0.1875 expertise 0.0002 0.0002 0.201 0.0006 0.0001
realname 0.3035 0.178 0.088± 0.0448 0.6517 friends 0.0007 0.0002 0.001** 0.0003 0.0011
realphoto 0.6629*** 0.084 0.000*** 0.4982 0.8276 fans 0.0022 0.0011 0.053± 0.0000 0.0044
realaddress 1.4983 1.222 0.220 0.8976 3.8941 eliteaward 0.1621 0.0250 0.000*** 0.1131 0.2112
expertise 0.0002 0.000 0.213 0.001 0.0001 star_ratings 0.3688 0.0524 0.000*** 0.2660 0.4715
friends 0.0007*** 0.000 0.000*** 0.0003 0.0011 rating2 0.1566 0.0308 0.000*** 0.0960 0.2171
fans 0.0021 0.001 0.064± 0.0001 0.0044 wordcount 0.0034 0.0003 0.000*** 0.0029 0.0039
eliteaward 0.1846*** 0.026 0.000*** 0.1344 0.2347
Pseudo R2 0.0403
Pseudo R2 0.0255 DR2 0.0148

Note: Log likelihood ¼ 6642.8095; ±Significance: p < 0.1. *Significance: p < 0.05. Note: Log likelihood ¼ 6541.8392; ±Significance: p < 0.1. *Significance: p < 0.05.
**Significance: p < 0.01. ***Significance: p < 0.001. **Significance: p < 0.01. ***Significance: p < 0.001.
148 Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151

Table 6 quadratic relationships. This suggests for the future research to

Results of Model 3 regression analysis. investigate the links between star ratings and review usefulness/
Coefficient Std. Err. P value 95% Conf. Interval helpfulness. Other than review ratings, the empirical results also
Constant 1.9891 1.1365 0.080± 4.2171 0.2389
imply that message recipients perceive reviews with longer text to
realname 0.1860 0.1421 0.191 0.0926 0.4645 be more useful than those with shorter text. This result is similar to
realphoto 0.3394 0.0676 0.000*** 0.2069 0.4718 the findings of recent eWOM research (e.g., Chevalier & Mayzlin,
realaddress 0.7139 0.9455 0.450 1.1398 2.5675 2006; Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). Racherla and Friske (2012)
expertise 0.0000 0.0001 0.973 0.0003 0.0003
concluded that longer reviews relatively contain more informa-
friends 0.0003 0.0002 0.071± 0.0000 0.0006
fans 0.0022 0.0009 0.021 0.0040 0.0003 tion about the product, which helps consumers to obtain indirect
Eliteaward 0.0933 0.0206 0.000*** 0.0530 0.1337 consumption experiences.
wordaccount 0.0020 0.0002 0.000*** 0.0015 0.0025
star_ratings 0.1696 0.0433 0.000*** 0.0845 0.2547
5.3. Messages' qualitative characteristics
rating2 0.0980 0.2519 0.000*** 0.0486 0.1474
PEvotes 0.5014 0.0140 0.000*** 0.4740 0.5288
FOG 0.0047 0.0181 0.795 0.0308 0.0403 The empirical study supports the notion that perceived enjoy-
ARI 0.0245 0.0143 0.086± 0.0035 0.0524 ment and readability metrics are two stronger determinants of
CLI 0.0230 0.0176 0.190 0.0114 0.0575 customers' perception of usefulness when evaluating online infor-
FRE 0.0086 0.0043 0.046* 0.0001 0.0170
mation. To be specific, the analysis of the affective factor of enjoy-
Pseudo R2 0.1289 ment shows a greater impact than the other variables, implying
DR2 0.1034 that the influence of reviews' qualitative characteristics on their
Note: Log likelihood ¼ 5937.6205; ±Significance: p < 0.1. *Significance: p < 0.05. usefulness moves beyond the impact of messengers' social infor-
**Significance: p < 0.01. ***Significance: p < 0.001. mation as well as messages' quantitative features. Prior research
highlighted that individuals seek hedonic information in the
shows that reviews with self-disclosure are evaluated as more
computer-mediated environment to satisfy their entertainment
useful. That is, online consumers respond more positively to re-
purposes and eventually to bring about actual behaviours
views including social information than non-identifiable online
(Atkinson & Kydd, 1997).
sources (Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1999; Xia & Bechwati, 2008).
In addition to customer perceived enjoyment, the readability of
Moreover, we identified that the variable of expertise has no sig-
the message content appears to be an important predictor of re-
nificant relationship with the review's usefulness. This is in contrast to
views' usefulness. An interesting finding is that just measurements
the results of the previous literature that expertise enhances message
estimating the ease of reading reviews (ARI and FRE scores) show a
persuasiveness and credibility (Belch & Belch, 2011). One possible
significant relationship with perceived usefulness. This finding
explanation for this inconsistent finding may lie in the conceptuali-
suggests that online consumers would be likely to search for
zation of expertise: the definition of expertise in this study refers to
tourism product reviews that are easy to read, which facilitates
the source's level of expertise (i.e., cues provided by a system to pre-
them obtaining the specific information necessary within the
sent how many reviews a messenger posts on the website). It reflects a
overwhelming amount of reviews posted online. This finding is
slightly different approach from previous studies: for example,
coincided with the argument of Dillard, Shen, and Vail (2007) that
Biswas, Biswas, and Das (2006) asserted that a perceived ‘expert’ is
consumers would prefer reviews that are ‘playful, useful and un-
related to a great deal of knowledge on a particular topic rather than a
derstandable’ rather than reviews with complicated content.
generalized level of knowledge. Another explanation is that the role of
the information provider's reputation varies according to the different
6. Implications
goals of information seekers online between a learning orientation
and a decision-making orientation (Weiss et al., 2008). This implies
The implications of this study can be explained through two
that understanding the motivations of online information recipients
fields: theoretical and managerial aspects. This research takes an
to check reviews is an important research subject recommended for
important step towards identifying the factors that drive cus-
future research.
tomers' perception of the usefulness of online reviews. First, the
Furthermore, the results regarding the number of friends, fans,
findings of this paper highlight that review messages' qualitative
and Elite awards strongly support the notion that the messages
characteristics (i.e., perceived enjoyment and readability) make
written by the information providers with a high reputation are
greater contributions to explaining the review usefulness beyond
perceived as more useful than reviews posted by those who have a
the other characteristics, such as messengers' and reviews' quan-
low reputation. As asserted in the previous sections, such a repu-
titative factors. Moreover, this paper attempts to assess the com-
tation mechanism can reduce the uncertainties regarding service
bination of all the factors related to online reviews, which allows
quality and performance because they help customers to identify
the researchers to develop a comprehensive model so as to esti-
whom to trust for their decision making. This finding also em-
mate the relative importance of predicting review usefulness.
phasizes the importance of a reputation system in maintaining the
Along with the theory of information diagnosticity that refers to the
valuable consequence of peer recognition for both message crea-
extent to which the consumer believes the product information is
tors and recipients (Jeppesen & Frederiksen, 2006).
helpful to understand and evaluate products (Herr, Kardes, & Kim,
1991), the findings of this research sheds light on the multi-aspects
5.2. Messages' quantitative characteristics of information attributes to improve the perceived diagnosticity. In
the online environment where consumers have limited capability
The results show that positive reviews are perceived as more to diagnose the integrity of the product information, especially for
useful than either negative or moderate reviews. As explained by the experience goods, the information about reviewer's identity
Russo, Meloy, and Medvec (1998), positive information in valence and previous experiences in the online community and also mes-
evaluation that is consistent with a customer's pre-decisional sage related attributes (such as the quantitative elements and
preference provides validation for their interests in the tourism features representing the quality of online reviews) improves the
industry and is thus perceived to be more useful. Interestingly, perceived usefulness (i.e., perceived information diagnosticity)
however, the findings of this study indicated both positive and (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010).
Z. Liu, S. Park / Tourism Management 47 (2015) 140e151 149

With the online environment in which online travellers are now To assess collinearity between explanatory variables, a series of
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views competing for a portion of their viewing time, the findings of tolerance and conditional index. Since multicollinearity is an issue
this research provide a number of practical implications to develop between independent variables, not a dependent variable, it does
online marketing strategy in tourism and hospitality. First, online not depend on the link function. Accordingly, the steps applied in
community should disclose details of the information providers' OLS regression are reasonable approaches in censored regression
identity, such as their names, addresses and photos as reviewers' (Belsley, Kuhand, & Welsch, 1980). Table 7 presents that VIF values
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usefulness of the reviews. In the same vein, online marketers are levels are over .10 as the cut-off points (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, &
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they have left a review but also the contents of the reviews itself so is limited concern of collinearity between explanatory factors in the
that online consumers can trust the authorized Elite award. Since regression model.
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