PT Pelat Timah Nusantara TBK.: Summary of Financial Statement

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PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk.

Metal and Allied Products

Head Office Gedung Krakatau Steel 3rd Floor Summary of Financial Statement
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 54
Jakarta 12950 (Million Rupiah)
Phone (021) 520-9883 (Hunting) 2011 2012 2013
Fax (021) 521-0079, 521-0081 Total Assets 921,278 1,069,657 1,526,633
Email: Current Assets 653,979 735,771 1,127,687
Website: of which
Factory Jl. Australia I Kav. E-I Cash and cash equivalents 85,076 77,012 104,013
Kawasan KIEC Cilegon 42443, Banten Trade receivables 220,613 300,476 470,530
Phone (0254) 392-353 (Hunting), 393-570 Inventories 321,055 350,905 542,309
Fax (0254) 393-569, 393-247 Non-Current Assets 267,298 333,886 398,947
of which
Fixed Assets-Net 201,947 251,787 294,382
Business Comprises of Industrial tin plate
Investments 1,161 1,238 1,571
Company Status PMDN
Other Assets 3,810 2,118 1,632
Financial Performance: The Company booked net income
in 2013 at IDR3.41 billion, increasing from IDR62.55 billion net Liabilities 477,182 657,154 999,809
Current Liabilities 431,884 609,036 950,496
loss booked in 2012.
of which
Brief History: PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk, abbreviated Bank loans 296,811 355,634 496,002
PT Latinusa Tbk, was establish on 19 August 1982. PT Latinusa Trade payables 97,824 218,880 423,904
Tbk is a PMDN with the initial shareholders being PT Tambang Taxes payable 6,144 2,891 908
Timah, PT Krakatau Steel and PT Nusamba. Since formally es- Non-Current Liabilities 45,298 48,118 49,313
tablished in 1982 as a PMDN (domestically funded company),
Shareholders' Equity 444,096 412,503 526,825
it has now produced all types of tinplate under the ASTM, JIS, Paid-up capital 252,335 259,581 329,376
ISO, and Euronom standards. The Company is the only tinplate Paid-up capital
(raw material for can packaging) producer in Indonesia and has in excess of par value 107,289 110,373 140,050
been a public listed company since its IPO in 14 December Retained earnings 84,471 42,548 57,399
2009. The Rp 157.7 billion fund generated from the IPO is used
Net Sales 1,264,410 1,368,789 2,116,096
to finance Latinusa’s revamping project, which will increase Lat-
Cost of Goods Sold 1,178,789 1,320,206 1,953,224
inusa’s capacity from 130,000 to 160,000 ton per year. Gross Profit 85,621 48,582 162,872
Operating Expenses 100,294 113,903 124,982
Operating Profit (Loss) (14,673) (65,321) 37,890
Other Income (Expenses) (5,197) (6,489) (31,718)
Profit (Loss) before Taxes (19,870) (71,809) 6,172
Compreehnsive Profit (Loss) (19,263) (62,555) 3,411

Per Share Data (Rp)

Earnings (Loss) per Share (8) (24) 1
Equity per Share 176 159 160
Dividend per Share n.a n.a 1
Closing Price 260 220 164

Financial Ratios
PER (x) (34.06) (9.13) 158.36
PBV (x) 1.48 1.38 1.03
Dividend Payout (%) n.a n.a 49.25
Dividend Yield (%) n.a n.a 0.31

Current Ratio (x) 1.51 1.21 1.19

Shareholders Debt to Equity (x) 1.07 1.59 1.90
Nippon Steel Corporation 35.00% Leverage Ratio (x) 0.52 0.61 0.65
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk 20.10% Gross Profit Margin (x) 0.07 0.04 0.08
Operating Profit Margin (x) n.a n.a n.a
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 10.00%
Net Profit Margin (x) n.a n.a n.a
PT Baruna Inti Lestari 5.01% Inventory Turnover (x) 3.67 3.76 3.60
Nippon Steel Trading Co., Ltd. 5.00% Total Assets Turnover (x) 1.37 1.28 1.39
Metal One Corporation 5.00% ROI (%) (2.09) (5.85) 0.22
Ardhiman T. Akanda 0.01% ROE (%) (4.34) (15.16) 0.65
R. Suprapto Indroprayitno 0.01% PER = -13,95x ; PBV = 0,74x (June 2014)
Himawan Turatmo 0.01% Financial Year: December 31
Employees 0.42% Public Accountant: Siddharta & Widjaja
Public 19.44%

376 Indonesian Capital Market Directory 2014

PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk. Metal and Allied Products

Board of Commissioners Board of Directors

President Commissioner Kazumasa Shinkai President Director Ardhiman T. Akanda
Commissioners Sukandar, Keiichiro Kawaguchi, Vice President Director Masaaki Enjuji
Mitsuo Ikeda, Teguh Pranotojudo Slamet, Directors R. Suprapto Indropayitno, Himawan Turatmo,
Budi Irmawan Slamet Gunawan

Number of Employees 382

No Type of Listing Listing Date Trading Date Number of Shares Total Listed
per Listing Shares
1 First Issue 14-Dec-09 14-Dec-09 504,670,000 504,670,000
2 Company Listing 14-Dec-09 14-Dec-09 2,018,680,000 2,523,350,000

PT Bahana Securities
Stock Price, Frequency, Trading Days, Number and Value of Shares Traded and Market Capitalization
Stock Price Shares Traded Trading Listed Market
Month High Low Close Volume Value Frequency Day Shares Capitalization
(Rp) (Rp) (Rp) (Thousand Shares) (Rp Million) (Rp Million)
January-13 265 215 230 608,004.00 150,002.00 86,971 21 2,523,350,000 580,371.00
February-13 230 215 220 35,022.00 7,764.00 2,393 20 2,523,350,000 555,137.00
March-13 230 220 225 35,735.00 7,955.00 1,128 19 2,523,350,000 567,754.00
April-13 230 215 215 46,291.00 10,372.00 11,774 22 2,523,350,000 542,520.00
May-13 230 200 205 86,289.00 8,993.00 16,352 22 2,523,350,000 517,287.00
June-13 205 177 186 3,741.00 714.00 491 19 2,523,350,000 469,343.00
July-13 199 167 18 23,456.00 4,476.00 3,541 23 2,523,350,000 471,866.00
August-13 205 150 174 7,317.00 1,353.00 679 17 2,523,350,000 439,063.00
September-13 190 165 176 3,719.00 662.00 721 20 2,523,350,000 444,110.00
October-13 200 176 189 12,359.00 2,374.00 1,822 21 2,523,350,000 476,913.00
November-13 191 163 164 1,949.00 345.00 338 20 2,523,350,000 413,829.00
December-13 170 160 164 4,357.00 724.00 200 18 2,523,350,000 413,829.00
January-14 167 149 162 951.00 154.00 323 20 2,523,350,000 408,783.00
February-14 174 157 165 2,156.00 360.00 529 20 2,523,350,000 416,353.00
March-14 194 165 174 22,953.00 4,199.00 8,243 20 2,523,350,000 439,063.00
April-14 180 170 173 8,129.00 1,427.00 3,271 20 2,523,350,000 436,540.00
May-14 175 160 167 11,479.00 1,920.00 3,577 18 2,523,350,000 421,399.00
June-14 168 152 160 2,600.00 413.00 427 20 2,523,350,000 403,736.00

Stock Price and Traded Chart

Stock Price (Rp) Thousand Shares

250 4,500

200 3,500



50 1,000


- -
Jan-13 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 May-14

Institute for Economic and Financial Research 377

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