The Business Issue - Edition 56 - Edibles Magazine
The Business Issue - Edition 56 - Edibles Magazine
The Business Issue - Edition 56 - Edibles Magazine
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8 I
Greetings my friends, version of the American dream. association with cannabis, despite the
fact that Professor Dale J. Chamberlain,
This is the Business Issue and features a former NASA scientist and
CBD Living on the cover and as the bioengineer, is a regularly contributing
featured story. We also review their writer for Edibles. It seems the stigma
stoneground CBD matcha green tea attached to cannabis still lingers in the
and lavender bath bombs alongside mainstream and because of that, we
some other great new infused won’t be going to AlienCon - because
products. Some amazingly delicious why would people who smoke weed
and fun summer recipes are included want to attend a UFO expo? There’s
that will elevate your mid summer a few days left for them to change
cookouts in the best of ways. The their minds but we’re not keeping our
international cannabis news this calendars clear. John Salley will be at
month spotlights what’s happening our booth for the Civilized Games and
“Freedom is something that dies unless in Australia and Japan, and both Ozzy that’s exciting so we hope to see you at
it's used.” - Hunter S. Thompson Osbourne and Gene Simmons are in Venice Beach for that.
the cannabis news here in the states,
That’s not only my favorite Hunter S. but each for different reasons. As always, smile at your budtender,
Thompson quote, but also my favorite tip your delivery driver, and know
quote about freedom and liberty and The Edibles Media team applied for your dose.
I always think of it when the Fourth press passes to AlienCon LA but they
of July is approaching. Thompson turned us down and it’s a bummer. “Truth is not obliged to stick to
was a special kind of patriot and a We’re big UFO and alien enthusiasts possibilities.”
true American original. Thompson and hardcore fans of Ancient Aliens
lived life as a true revolutionary but and all types of science fiction and
despite his ongoing social critique and conspiracy theories so we were really
antagonistic attitude towards politics excited at the prospect of attending but
and politicians he always seemed to it seems that what prevented us from Patrick Ian Moore
love the USA and believed in some being taken seriously as press is our Editor-in-Chief
CA LIC.#: CDPH-T00001587
CA LIC.#: A-12-18-0000089
and gain a competitive advantage of its own.
Herban Industries, an Oakland based company
in California, (owned by Canadian corporation DionyMed and Eaze used to be partners, but they
DionyMed), is suing Eaze under California’s severed ties earlier this year when DionyMed
unfair competition laws and additionally decided to stop using Eaze to fulfill delivery
accusing the delivery service of credit fraud. orders. This was allegedly because DionyMed
could not confirm Eaze was operating under
Herban Industries’ 72-page complaint was regulatory compliance.
filed in San Francisco County Superior Court,
claiming that Eaze set up a system “designed to “The complaint alleges Eaze’s processing of debit
conceal the true nature” of purchases in order and credit cards is fraudulent and illegal, and
to credit or debit cards for cannabis goods. gives Eaze an unfair competitive advantage over
Chill and other compliant operators,” DionyMed
The lawsuit alleges, “Eaze’s rapid growth and CEO Edward Fields said in a statement provided
dominant position are a result of the market to Leafly. “We are completely committed to I 15
or Distribution
B. Le Grand
If you’re interested in launching a cannabis years, California lowers the egregious tax
product in California, or seeking expanded rates and multiple tax classes in every
distribution, we’re happy to announce that stage of the game. Not only does it make
in California?
we are licensed and operating in Southern companies go out of business, unable to
California. We are the go-to manufacturing turn a profit, the consumer is the one who
house for edibles and infused products ends up paying for the crazy taxes, which
and are partnering with brands to help on both accounts, drives the illicit market.
streamline the licensing process and help Until the taxes get lowered, we will forge on
companies stay in business. and pave the way for brands who couldn’t
make it on their own, or don’t want to.
It’s truly been a long hard road for us to get
licensed, but we seek to continue adding If the taxes weren’t enough of a deterrent
value to the cannabis markets. With our to be legal, there’s no clarity from the IRS
experience and knowledge we offer a on how to file a state licensed cannabis
Call Us Today:
competitive edge to others just joining the business. They treat you like Al Capone, as
industry now. if you were a criminal and running a racket.
The barrier to entry is extremely high in You’re allowed to pay taxes, but you can’t
California’s cannabis industry. There’s the write anything off, so what profit you thought
expensive application fees, the increased would be there now belongs to the IRS.
rates for real estate per square foot from Packaging and minute details bog down
greedy landowners, the never ending the process as do expensive testing
compliance efforts that require multiple requirements. With over 30+ years of
permits through a multitude of agencies. marketing and branding experience on our
Did you know that once distributors are team we are eager to break new brands or
licensed they are required to get another bring back products to the market.
special permit to weigh things? Or that
We help brands navigate through the legal
distributors need a motor carriers permit
market is flooded with products, with varying house sales team, call center, with
degrees of quality, making it hard to get brand analytics offices and an in-house art
recognition or shelf space. department.
CBD Living stands behind its products and But it wasn’t all fun and games, it
labels and even puts a QR code with a link to wasn’t easy either. Bill expressed
the test results so you can see exactly how the importance of trademarking
much CBD is in their products. Where they and intellectual property, as more
started and what they’ve become is quite and more brands copy his signature
impressive. They’re partnering with HUGE squiggle logo or counterfeit his
names and corporations products. It took
that I can’t print just yet, tremendous
but I assure you, they perseverance
are the top companies in and endurance of
the beverage and health the struggle to be
sectors. #Goals the multi-million
dollar company
B. Le Grand It all started with CBD Living is
California Prop 215 today.
Countless companies both private, prototype of CBD Freeze, hyped up about the Collectives and now
public and start-up are trying CBD Water he was about to launch in 2014. they’re in some of the How did CBD
to launch CBD brands. One big Bill spent years in the medical cannabis largest retailers in the Living begin?
advantage that any company will have market before launching CBD Living, and he nation, and they’re still a private company.
in any industry is being first to market. never really was in it for the money. He was They’re not willing to sell out just yet. CBD Living Over 5 years ago, I was at a MMJ show
CBD Living has that advantage that always in it for the patients that needed the has weathered the storm of the challenges of in Las Vegas, I was approached by
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
have no integrity on what they are selling state’s legislation, from label changes to
to the public. We take so much pride in the restrictions on where CBD can and can’t
quality of all our products that it is hard be sold. We work side-by-side with our
to watch when somebody else puts out a legal team to make sure we are up-to-date
substandard product. and compliant with all state regulations.
still our best-selling product. It’s being Social media is a game-changer in the
distributed by the truckloads across the business world today. It helps us get our brand
country every day. We are constantly name out to hundreds of thousands of people
working on developing new products and who otherwise would not know about CBD
have an entire new line getting ready to Living. We appreciate all the incredibly posts
launch - stay tuned! and testimonials we receive daily.
Can you share with us any advantages For new users and newcomers to CBD, what
that came from being the 1st to market types of products would you recommend for
and how soon did you realize that you their getting started?
were going to be the very 1st ones to
take off? CBD Living Water is a good place to start. It
doesn’t have a “hemp”
The advantage of taste. Plus, everyone needs
being one of the first to drink water, so it’s an
to market is that we easy way to get your daily
have had the time to intake of CBD while also
perfect our products staying hydrated. We also
to be some of the best recommend our CBD Living
in the marketplace, Freeze, our number-one
and get the brand best seller in the topical
r e co gnition w hile category, for anyone with
doing s o. We’r e aches and pains. Our CBD
not jumping on the Gummies are also popular
bandwagon, so to speak. We’ve believed - since they’re so delicious, there’s no way
in the value of CBD for years. you’re going to miss your daily dose! But all
of our CBD products are exceptional, so we
What kinds of exciting partnerships do recommend choosing the format (topical,
you have? edible, vape, etc.) based on what fits best into
your daily routine.
We have some unbelievable partnerships
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
currently in the works - that I still can’t What advice would you have for someone
believe are happening myself - but hoping to launch a CBD product now?
unfortunately we cannot reveal these at
this time. Good luck!
How has social media boosted the Did you ever feel like quitting or giving up?
brand's presence and what can you
tell us about the positive feedback you Many many times. But here we are today a
received after the press like BuzzFeed? leader in the CBD Industry.
22 I
Illinois Legalizes
B. Le Grand
Illinois is the 11th state to legalize cannabis.
The Illinois General Assembly passed a HB 1438
legalizing recreational cannabis use and sale in
the state for adults on May 31, 2019.
The bill takes effect January 1, 2020. Adults aged 21
The possession limits are up to 30 grams, about
an ounce, of cannabis plant material, edibles
totaling no more than 500mg of THC, and five
grams of cannabis concentrate products. Non-
residents will be able to purchase half those
Only medical marijuana patients will be able to
grow up to 5 plants at home. You will not be able to
smoke marijuana in public legally. Consumption
in private residences will be legal. Local
jurisdictions will be able to decide for themselves
if they allow dispensaries to let people smoke on-
On January 1, existing licensed medical marijuana
cultivators and dispensaries will begin selling to
adults until new licenses are approved. Per the
law, the state will begin receiving and processing
new license applications on March 15, 2020 and
new dispensary licenses will be issued starting
on May 1, 2020. Further rounds of licenses will
not be issued until after the state completes a
disparity and market study of the industry. The
second round of licenses must take into account
the study's findings.
Similar to California's Prop 64, the legalization
allows for cannabis-related crimes to be
expunged. The Illinois law allows for people
convicted of possession of under 30 grams prior
to legalization to have their records referred
to the Prisoner Review Board and Governor
Pritzker for pardon. If the pardon is granted, the
Illinois attorney general will move to expunge
their records. Those convicted of possession of
larger amounts can petition for engagement
themselves. Local state's attorneys can also
pursue expungements on a case by case basis.
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has stated
she supports marijuana legalization in Illinois,
and that her office will expunge all misdemeanor
marijuana convictions once it becomes legal. She
also said the State's Attorney's Office is currently
looking at its policy on prosecuting people who
have been detained for selling marijuana once it
becomes legal in the state.
Ozzy Osbourne
Now Uses CBD Oil
B. Le Grand
After a tough year of battling pneumonia and injuring
himself at home tripping and colliding with a mirrored
bedside table, Ozzy Osbourne’s wife Sharon revealed
that the former Black Sabbath singer is now using CBD
oil to treat his pain and stay off pharmaceutical pain
killers. The Osbournes joined the long and growing list
of celebrities vocalizing support and the use of CBD or
Sharon told iTV’s Loose Women in Britain, “He’s off all of
those [painkillers]. He had to have it after he was operated
on the last time but now for pain, he has that CBD —
whatever it’s called— and he’s dealing with it that way.”
She explained that she doesn’t want him on highly
addictive painkillers, given his past drug addiction
problems. Sharon also admitted that she’s been on
antidepressant drugs for 23 years and continues to
battle the disease. Ozzy said that he first saw a cheap
CBD product adorned with cannabis leaves while
waiting in line at a bodega and said to himself, “Fuck it,
it’s only a dollar.”
“Ozzy’s had a really tough year, really,” Sharon said. “It
started off with flu, which went to bronchitis, which went
to pneumonia. He was hospitalized. He came out, he
was well on the road to recovery and he gets up in the
middle of the night to go to the loo, and on the way back,
he tripped up on the carpet that was under our bed and
fell against the corner of the bedside table, which is
made of mirror [glass] and he hit it at such a speed and
taken to hospital.”
Ozzy is now 70 years old, and we’re stoked for him
that he’s finally turned to CBD. In addition to the many
injuries witnessed on their reality tv show, Sharon
described his reinjuries in detail. “A few years ago, he
was in a motorbike accident and he had to have metal
rods put in his body and the accident moved all the
metal rods and the bones they were screwed into all
splintered. Then he had trouble with his neck and they
had to do two operations on him and he’s in recovery
now, thank goodness. But every day he has to work with
a physiotherapist.”
the trend has since reversed, climbing up with world wide trends happening
back up to 1,519 adolescent arrests in on social media discussions, with
2017. Around 80% of the cannabis cases some celebrities bucking Japanese
in 2018 involved possession, followed conservative tradition in favor of a
by dealing, cultivation, and receiving. more public debate for legalization, but
Cultivation has particularly been on authorities in Japan have shown little
an upward trend, with 152 people interest, if any, in moving in that direction.
28 I
MORE RECIPES & It’s officially mid-picnic season now so we’re elevating the game. The 4th of July is here but it’s
Stoney Sweet
cookout time all Summer long, so get the food, friends and cannabis together and celebrate with
these extra special seasonal recipes. Lamb burgers, fruit salad, potato skins and pie - all of them
terrifically infused with THC. You can also make these same dishes using CBD if you choose. As
always, please post pics and tag us on IG @ediblesmagazine. Get cooking!
Fruit Salad
2 cups cubed fresh pineapple
2 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced
3 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced
3 bananas, sliced
2 oranges, peeled and sectioned
1 cup seedless grapes
2 cups blueberries
Bring orange juice, lemon juice, cannabis brown
sugar, orange zest, and lemon zest to a boil in a
saucepan over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to
medium-low, and simmer until slightly thickened,
Ingredients: about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, and stir in
2/3 cup fresh orange juice vanilla extract.
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup cannabis infused, Set aside to cool. Layer the fruit in a large, clear glass
water soluble brown sugar bowl in this order: pineapple, strawberries, kiwi
1/2 teaspoon grated orange zest fruit, bananas, oranges, grapes, and blueberries.
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest Pour the cooled sauce over the fruit. Cover and
1 teaspoon vanilla extract refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours before serving.
Ganja Pie
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
Sprinkle bacon and cheddar cheese inside skins. Bake until 8 bacon strips, cooked
degrees C), and continue baking for 40 to
(We recommend Mystery
and crumbled
cheese is melted, about 2 minutes longer. Drizzle melted
1-1/2 cups shredded Baking Company) 45 minutes. Serve warm or cold. Top with
cannabis butter evenly over everything and top with sour cheddar cheese
1/2 cup sour cream 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch pie crust whipped cream if desired.
cream and onions as garnish. Serve immediately.
4 green onions, sliced
Canna Lamb
Ingredients: Directions:
Prepare a hot fire in a charcoal or gas grill. In a large bowl, mix the
1 1/3 pounds ground
lamb with the THC olive oil and a few big pinches of salt and pepper,
American lamb
tossing gently with the tines of a fork; be careful not to mash the
Cannabis Infused THC olive
meat. Divide the mixture into 4 portions and form hamburger patties,
pressing gently to shape. Grease the grill grates with oil.
Kosher salt and freshly
ground pepper
Place the burgers on the hottest part of the grill and cook, turning
Vegetable oil, for greasing
once, until a nice crust forms on each side and they are medium-
the grill
rare to medium in the middle, 7 to 10 minutes. Move the burgers to
4 ounces American blue
a cooler part of the grill as needed to avoid blackening or flare-ups.
cheese, crumbled
Transfer the burgers to a platter and immediately top with the blue
4 hamburger buns,
cheese. Meanwhile, grill the buns, cut side down and brushed with
preferably brioche, or cannabis olive oil, until toasted.
pretzel buns
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
1 large heirloom tomato, cut Place a hamburger in each bun. Arrange the tomato slices, lettuce
into 4 thick slices leaves, pickled onions, and any additional condiments on a large
4 butter lettuce leaves serving tray. Serve the burgers and toppings at the table, and let
1/4 cup pickled red onions everyone assemble their own perfect lamb burger.
34 I
f Aging •
of of
Aging • •
• Treats • Treats
•• Treats
Arthritis Arthritis
& Joint & Joint
&& Joint
Issues Issues
Treats •
Treats • •
& Anxiety
& Anxiety
& Anxiety
Weed The People on Netflix: Lords would work together again in 1993
in the low budget psychological horror
A Documentary with Heart movie, “Skinner”, starring Sam Raimi’s
brother Ted in the title role. The same
year Skinner was released was also the
year “Ricki Lake” debuted on television.
The program was Lake's first daytime talk
show and at the age of 24, she was the
youngest person at the time to host one.
The show specialized in topics involving
invited guests and incorporated questions
and comments from a studio audience. I
remember an episode about cannabis had
Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach as a
guest and he told Lake he hadn’t gotten
stoned right before the show. Which brings
us to Weed the People.
Patrick Ian Moore As far as cannabis documentaries go, it’s
definitely the most moving and emotionally
Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein’s new cannabis products are Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, hard hitting of the bunch. Be prepared
documentary, “Weed the People”, is finally Cruelty-Free, Made in the USA, and lab to feel outraged and get ready to cry. It’s
available to stream online. It’s $3.99 on tested for pesticides and residual solvents, an often heartbreaking piece of cinema
Youtube or Amazon but if you’ve got a microbiologicals, terpenes, and potency.” that sadly does not go in the direction
subscription to Netflix you can watch it I saw Tracy speak and tell her story at a you hope it will and it isn’t the fault of the
there. Originally released in March of 2018, “Seed Series” event in Chinatown, Los filmmakers by any means, it the fault of the
the movie follows the lives of families who Angeles back in 2015. In 2016 Tracy and policy makers and the laws that enforce
turned to medical cannabis in order to Josh brought Sophie to “The Infused Expo” those policies. Mara Gordon is a Medical
save their children from life threatening event that Edibles Magazine produced at Cannabis Pioneer and co-founder of her
illnesses. Filmed over a period of five years Cast Vertigo, and in 2017 they appeared on own cannabis company, Aunt Zelda’s. Early
and featuring a diverse group of parents, season one of “The Edibles Show”. in the film she acts as a kind of mentor to
kids, and cannabis professionals. One of Tracy, and towards the end there is some
the subjects featured is Sophie Isabella The first time I saw Ricki Lake was in the drama between them that starts to get
Ryan. Sophie was diagnosed with a rare 1988 John Waters classic, “Hairspray”, awkwardly entertaining and reminiscent
Optic Pathway Glioma brain tumor on June when she played Tracy Turnblad in the of the feuds you see between people in
23rd, 2013 at the age of 8 1/2 months old. original movie. We all thought she was reality television. As much as I kind of
Her parents, Tracy and Josh, immediately awesome and Hairspray was the movie wish we’d been able to see more of said
began documenting her journey. that introduced me to both John Waters, drama, a gut wrenchingly depressing story
and the legend that was “Divine”. Later about families going through these struggles
I met Tracy, Josh and Sophie in 2015 when I was in college majoring in theatre needed to end in a way that seems hopeful, so
while Josh and I were working together and smoking tons of weed, I would I guess I’m glad the guilty pleasures of seeing
at W Vapes in Los Angeles. By that discover “Polyester”, “Desperate Living”, people quarrell weren’t indulged more.
time, their brand of medicinal cannabis, and “Pink Flamingos”. Waters’ follow up
CannaKids. The CannaKids website says: to Hairspray was the Johnny Depp vehicle, Weed the People currently holds a 100%
“California-based brand with a focus on “Cry-Baby”, featuring Lake as Cry-Baby approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That’s
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
supplying medical cannabis oil tinctures Walker’s sister, “Pepper” alongside Tracy rare and something very few movies has
and cannabis products to patients of all Lords. Lords had gained notoriety in the achieved. Visit the weedthepeoplemovie.
ages. The final product is a concentrate 1980s as a pornographic actress who com website to see where the best place
that contains a profile extremely similar turned out to be two years underage at the for you to check out this inspirational
to that of the actual flowers of the plant time. Cry-Baby was her first mainstream and important documentary is and go to
while remaining free of residual solvents feature film and also had Iggy Pop and Amy to learn more about
and unwanted contaminants. All of our Locane in the cast. Ricki Lake and Tracy Sophie Ryan.
CA LIC.#: CDPH-T00002296
44 I The Business Issue Issue 56 I Page 45
F E AT U R E D P R O D U C T S Daddy Burt Hemp Co. Strawberry
Kiwi CBD Gummies
Sunrise CBD Pain Cream CBD Living Stone Ground Matcha Tea
Jack Paradise Patrick Ian Moore
CBD Living Stone
Ground Matcha Tea
is infused with high
quality, hemp-based
nano-CBD. CBD Living’s
unique nano-CBD
technology creates tea Joe “Daddy Burt” Burton was a recognized leader
Sunrise CBD pain cream provides fast relief that is with high bioavailability, in Kentucky hemp farming in the 1930s and 1940s.
also long-lasting using a unique cooling menthol making the CBD easily Burton was committed to always doing the right thing
combined with the inflammation fighter in CBD absorbable. Matcha used and never cutting corners. Traditions the company
that provides deep penetrating pain relief for sore in ceremonies is referred honors today by providing products of the highest
muscles, sore joints, backaches, and arthritis, as to as ceremonial-grade matcha, meaning that the quality from hemp grown in Kentucky. Daddy Burt’s
well as pain and inflammation from exercise or matcha powder is of a high enough quality to be used Delicious CBD gummies are made with 10mg of
sports. Sunrise cream is powered by 1500mg of in the tea ceremony. Matcha Green Tea is a great CBD per bite and packed with strawberry-kiwi flavor.
CBD organically grown in Colorado, that’s 100% way to take your CBD on the go, while maintaining
natural. Sunrise is all organic, gluten-free and is These CBD gummies are 100% legal in the United
discretion. CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive States with CBD derived from hemp and all edible
formulated to absorb quickly, so it starts working cannabinoid found in the hemp plant so there is no
as soon as you apply it to affected areas topically CBD batches are tested by third-party labs to ensure
worry about feeling “high” after drinking CBD Tea. CBD strength. There is currently no real standard
as needed. It’s safe to use all day long and is good Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown
first thing in the morning or right before you go to dietary recommended amount for Cannabidiol, so
and processed green tea leaves. It is special in two
sleep. The ingredients are simple and few and aspects of farming and processing: the green tea you may need to explore different amounts of CBD to
include Pure cannabidiol, Organic Fractionated find out what personally works best for you. According
Coconut Oil (MCT), Camphor, Menthol, Methyl plants for matcha are shade-grown for three to
four weeks before harvest, and the stems and veins to their website, “Regular users commonly report
Salicylate, White Beeswax, Ethoxydiglycol, and experiencing their desired wellness benefits around
Preservative. According to the Sunrise site, the are removed during processing, and matcha has
many health benefits all on it’s own. When you drink 25mg/day of CBD, which is two to three gummies.
directions state, “Apply a small amount to affected The benefits of CBD often last for 4-6 hours. So,
area and rub in until absorbed. Repeat every 4-6 matcha you ingest the entire leaf and receive 100%
hours. Stop using product if irritation or redness of the nutrients of the leaf Matcha powdered green many people will eat a gummy every few hours to
appears. Do not apply on open wounds. Keep out of tea has 137 times more antioxidants than ordinarily keep the effects all day long. If you are a new CBD
eyes and face.” Menthol and methyl salicylate are brewed green tea. One cup of matcha equals ten cups user, you can start with a single gummy, or even
known as counterirritants. They work by causing of regularly brewed green tea as far as nutritional half a gummy, then increase from there to find your
the skin to feel cool and then warm. These feelings content goes. One 2oz. package of CBD Living desired wellness benefits.”
on the skin distract you from feeling the aches/ Matcha Instant Green Tea contains 150mg of CBD.
pains deeper in your muscles, joints, and tendons. Each individual serving of tea contains 7.5mg of CBD. 30 gummies are 6.3 oz total ans at 10mg of CBD each
that’s 300mg total. They’re an interesting shell type
Their website also states, “At Sunrise CBD, we The Matcha blended quickly with no clumping and
are parents and pet lovers, athletes and chemists, shape and the color is very natural. Light pink and
tasted great both with and without honey added. You
wellness practitioners and nature lovers. We about the same shade as juice. They really do taste
can also make it cold just by putting half a spoonful
are from many walks of life, united by our deep- into a cold bottle of water and shaking it well. I great, and the most striking aspect of the flavor is
rooted belief in the power of healthy living and first had Matcha five years ago at The Los Angeles that they taste less like candy and more like a fruit
the healing potential within nature and our own Tea Festival in Little Tokyo and became a huge fan snack. The difference might seem minor to some,
bodies. We think people deserve an alternative but I really appreciate the taste and these gummies
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
CA LIC.#: CDPH-10003429
46 I The Business Issue Issue 56 I Page 47
CBD Living Bath Bombs - 60mg CBD Lavender Cannafornia Premium Flower
B. Le Grand Jack Paradise
Cannafornia is Silver Haze with Snow Lotus. Cannabinoid content
a cultivator, listed on the jar was 20.2% THC and 1% CBD. Those
m a n u fa c t u re r are nice numbers and it smoked very smoothly, easy
and supplier to grind and simple to roll. The effects were great and
of high-quality perfect for the middle of the day. Heads were clear
cannabis based in and we had plenty of energy but definitely felt both
Salinas, California. head and body high and mellow while still uplifted,
Founded in 2017 all at the same time. The dominant terpenes in the
by South Florida Silver Lotus profile are terpinolene and myrcene,
native Paul King, which is why this strain tastes and smells sweet and
Cannafornia’s mission is to connect recreational earthy. The stoned feelings lasted a good couple of
and medical cannabis consumers with quality hours and I got lots of creative writing done while
and competitively priced safe and clean cannabis watching the latest season of “Cash Cab” in the
products. From seed to flower, the entire production background. That show is hilarious and I’m super
process is handled by them in-house. Water is the glad it’s back.
only outside element, so there is virtually no risk of
contamination and the result is top shelf, pesticide- I’m highly recommending this brand of highly natural
free OG cannabis. The eighth of an ounce (3.5 grams) tasting and top quality cannabis. Next time I’ll be
of Cannafornia flower came in a nice glass container reviewing their cannabis cigars soon and am very
that preserves the premium quality, smell and taste. much looking forward to trying one of those. Visit to learn more about them, where to
The strain we tested was Silver Lotus. Silver Lotus is buy and to view their full product line. There are a lot
Last issue I wrote about using cannabis at it to make it disperse, or worse the bath a sativa dominant hybrid strain, with 80% sativa and of strains available and they also make concentrate
to treat my Endometriosis symptoms. I bomb has no shape and disintegrates into 20% indica, created by crossing the strains Super and a line of prerolls.
included the recommendation of using a powder that doesn't achieve it's proposed
cannabis infused hot baths. This issue we effectiveness. CBD Living really worked out
were lucky enough to be gifted with an array the kinks on this product. Their bath bombs
of CBD Bath Bombs from CBD Living. are better than any infused bubble bath
product out there.
The bath bombs contain 60mg of CBD in
each bomb. They come in 4 scents, Lavender, These bath bombs are made of 6 very natural
Amber Bergamot, Eucalyptus and Coconut ingredients, CBD, sodium bicarbonate
Lime. Each CBD bath bomb is infused with (baking soda), citric acid, shea butter,
natural essential healing oils which help natural fragrance and natural dye. The shea
with relaxation, pain and recovery. butter was a nice addition as it makes your
skin feel smooth and moisturized, even
Since Lavender is one of my favorite essential when you take an after bath shower washing
oils, I tried that one first. Upon dropping the it off.
bath bomb into the hot tub, it immediately
fizzed and started to bubble. Surprisingly, What's even better is, this is a product you
the purple color did not overwhelm the tub can give to someone potentially looking to
or even look like it was going to leave a stain try CBD or even cannabis products but is
in the tub. The lavender essential oil extract afraid of getting high. Not only is it non-
also added a nice aromatherapy effect, psychoactive, it's something for both men
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
Cultivation is what many people think of first
when they think of the cannabis industry.
Growing good flower is perhaps the most
important factor in the cannabiz food chain.
There’s indoor, outdoor, light deprivation
and greenhouse to choose from and each
Patrick Ian Moore had their advantages. Organic, pesticide
free plants from good seeds are the new
This issue is highlighting cannabis businesses. There's a variety of different types of standard.
businesses to get involved with, so we've assembled our top list of seven canna-business
sub-categories. For a list of who we think are the top businesses in each category check
out our annual Best of Edibles List Awards. Enjoy, and mind your business.
The modern marijuana world uses a lot of
1.RETAIL - STOREFRONT 2. MANUFACTURING: 3. DISTRIBUTION: technology. Lights used for indoor growing,
concentrate extraction machines, terpene
SERVICE: Cannabis product Distribution is a sometimes reintroduction and distillation equipment,
manufacturing can overlooked aspect of the complex watering systems, pre-roll production
In a Medical cannabis mean many things and industry but it’s also a vital machines, vape cartridge filling and capping
dispensary, patients receives is a very important and one. Without distribution devices, plus anything and everything you can
cannabis medication as creative business.. Making there’d be no way to get think of for a large kitchen.
allowed per the patient's and baking edibles and the cannabis products from
doctor's recommendation.
In recreational shops,
drinks, producing extracts
and concentrates, vape
the manufacturers to the
dispensaries. Distribution 6. ANCILLARY:
any adult 21+ can enter cartridges, topicals, centers require special
Ancillary is defined as: providing necessary
to purchase cannabis. A p re- rolls, bat h bombs, licenses, transportation and
support to the primary activities of an industry.
cannabis delivery service suppositories and insurance. Having a diverse
So that’s pipes, bongs, vaporizers, batteries,
allows consumers to place more. It all falls under menu and competit ive
roach clips, wraps, papers and all other
orders online or by phone manufacturing and without pricing is a key factor.
smoking devices, as well as clothing, jewelry,
and a driver will legally it we’d literally have no
artwork and packaging. This category also
deliver marijuana direct to products to consume.
includes media, software, events, security,
your door.
accounting, payment processing, and your
lobbyists and attorneys too.
7. CBD:
CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most
popular cannabinoid after THC. It’s non-
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
Professor Dale J. Chamberlain
THCA, CBG, CBD, THC? Is base in many economies new evidence is actually
one of these things, not worldwide. Now Federally demonstrating that perhaps As the industry’s largest and most representative national trade association, NCIA is known
like the other? legal in the United States, not using THC is unhealthy. and trusted for delivering the most professional networking and educational experiences.
low or no THC items are THC in Cannabis is natural. When you participate in Cannabis Business Summit & Expo, you are actively supporting
Having a ring of an old folk being produced and available A creative mental stimulant
tune, it can be difficult to nationwide. neither as intoxicating nor
the progress and expansion of your business by helping to reform unfair federal policies,
discern the difference, dangerous as previously while expanding your network and knowledge base.
among compounds found Unfortunately, the THC derided. We need to stop
within the Cannabis plant. molecule has been demonizing the important
Fear of the unknown can lead incorrectly singled out. fundamental che m ica l
to a true phobia with strange Without scant evidence it has structure known as THC.
Reassurance can be found Dismissed with misleading now legal at the Federal
in the simple number of studies. Lives are being level. However, all of the
deaths attributed directly to destroyed by draconian chemicals in the Cannabis
Cannabis – none. A non-toxic laws. Talented candidates plant are important.
produce, the Cannabis plant are excluded from work by Full spect rum pro du ct s
is interwoven with humanity. the negative stigma alone.
Our bodies contain the Moreover, these common
natural ability to process misconceptions impede
containing a comple te
range of cannabinoids have
demonstrated the most
150+ 10,000+ 5 400+
the 'Cannabinoid' oils. important medical THC positive results. THC is AND THOUGHT INDUSTRY TRACKS ON THE
The nutritional, industrial research. Worst, life saving truly in a "guilty until proven LEADERS PROFESSIONALS EXPO FLOOR
and pharmacological use therapy is impossible as innocent" scenario. Don't
of this plant has yet to be regulations strangle away any panic, THC is not scary. THC
fully explored. But - what liberty to pursue happiness. did nothing wrong!
we do know can be easily
demonstrated in one The alphabet soup of
important fact - Cannabis C a n n a b i s chemicals Professor Dale J. Chamberlain is NCIA MEMBERS
overdose does not occur is nothing to fear. The
(with the notable exception op p ressive regulatory
a former NASA plant scientist and
Dean of the High Altitude School 888.347.6445 SAVE $150.
of being crushed by a bale). framework being built is
Edibles Magazine™ Issue 56
52 I
apparent around averaging
The public comment window 70mg a day.
is open until July 2, and nearly
• A 2019 survey by Consumer
everyone who testified at the
hearing urged the FDA to act Reports says about 25% of
swiftly. It is unclear what the all US adults(64Million) have
FDA’s timeline is to create tried CBD, but that about 7%
B. Le Grand of that number, or about
regulations for CBD.
On Friday, May 31st, finding quality products and all, or contain synthetic or 4.5Mil are current regular
2019, the Food and Drug navigating what a quality other adulterants or other users.
Companies in the space
Administration (FDA) held certificate of analysis looks substances that shouldn’t should start evaluating their
the first public hearing in like, what the different be in there or shouldn’t be in • Disagreement that CBD is
practices and whether their a medicine: Drug ingredient
history to receive public vernaculars that are out there in the proportion that products will be compliant
comments on CBD. Industry there really mean, what they’re in the product. giant Noramco(white label
under the FDA’s forthcoming supplier to pharma) thinks
stakeholders say the FDA’s different structure function regulations to prepare for
forthcoming guidance will claims are and how they One of FDA’s main concerns, CBD is an ingredient, not a
FDA oversight. free-standing medicine on
likely take aim at developing should and shouldn’t be will likely be developing
industry standards and used, and of course, a lot unified standards a n d its' own. - Several speakers
Other Key Take Aways stated bluntly, Epidiolex is not
regulating label claims. of clinical-based medical regulations to weed out bad
research from medical actors. the same as CBD, and should
• The majority of witnesses not be placed in the same
The hearing lasted nearly organizations.” believe the FDA has existing analysis category by the FDA.
10 hours, with over The hearing also emphasized rulemaking tools, and should
100 speakers providing Veritas Farms runs a 140- the need for more research expedite designating CBD as • On a FDA "path forward",
testimony regarding the vast acre hemp farm, is a CBD on the impact of CBD, a "dietary supplement". Some many said a 2 to 5 year
array of experiences and product manufacturer and part icularly on sp e cia l want expedited FDA action, (clinical-trial) review is not
anecdotes from the industry. brand in Pueblo, Colo., that populations such as pregnant practical. Several called for
Some say the focus seemed packs, labels and ships women and children. or temporary emergency
rules, citing the consumer expedited approval for New
off. Lawyers promised new its products directly from Drug Ingredient (or self
future lawsuits, while others its farm. For the Veritas C o n ce r n s we re a l s o "explosion" of interest.
designated GRAS) which
when testified that their lives team, the hearing offered brought up about using would allow quicker research
have been greatly improved valuable insight into the a consistent vernacular and • Everyone wants upgraded
"truth-in-labeling" protocols, into safety and efficacy.
by access to CBD. consensus on CBD, and understanding of accepted
the company sought to see t e r m i n o l o g y. A n o t h e r especially in support of dosing
information. Others would like • MJNA's Dr. Stuart Titus
It’s important to note that where its understanding of problem is t hat s ome suggested that more than 2500
the FDA wasn’t specifically the industry aligned with and companies are m ak in g a national testing regime for studies have been undertaken
looking for comment on differed from that of others. egregious claims, thought safety (and efficacy) helping to on medical cannabis or CBD,
hemp CBD or CBD products. to be unfounded, urging the push out CBD "online fakers" with more than 10,000 studies
They were seeking comment The agency’s questions and regulation of label claims. and quick-buck "CBD private conducted on cannabis and
on “cannabis-containing and remarks to speakers showed labelers." terpenes in general.
cannabis-derived products,” where its main concerns The industry has taken
which technically means all might lie. It suggests we steps with the U.S. Hemp • The extensive United • Several spoke to allowing
cannabis not just CBD. are going to see regulations Authority’s Certification Nations' WHO (World Health over-the-counter CBD at
around labeling, dosing and Seal, modeled after dietary Organization) review of CBD a lower dose (ie., red yeast
D e r e k T h o m a s , V i c e consistency. supplement manufacturing verified the substance as safe rice, fish oil, Aleve) and
P re s i dent of B usiness sta n d a rd s . S o m e h a ve and non-addictive was cited by higher dosing available only
Development for Veritas In an unregulated market, praised these efforts, while 20-plus of the 130 witnesses, through a prescription. FDA
Farms said, “It everything there are products that others have pointed to the including Dr. Philip Blair of panelists express concern
f r o m t h e c o n s u m e r don’t contain the amount of general lack of consumer Elixinol. Blair confirmed his for too much CBD being
experience to the challenges CBD that they say they do, t rust prevalent in t h e own years of careful patient consumed (ie., a gummy,
that the consumer faces in don’t contain any CBD at supplement industry today. feedback and concluded few oil, topical) on the same day.
During an interview with SmallCapPower, KISS bassist
Gene Simmons talked about why he partnered with
Canadian cannabis company Invictus MD Strategies.
Not only did he say that he was wrong about cannabis.
He acknowledged the health benefits of the plant as
well as how benign it is.
“Historically, I have to say I was completely wrong about
the entire space. I thought cannabis was for stoners
and losers and all that, and slowly but surely, over
the years, the amount of research that I saw just blew
me away. Seeing little girls who suffer from epilepsy
rubbing a salve, not on the inside but outside of their
body and seemingly miraculously getting cured made
me take stock.
Big Pharma [the global pharmaceutical industry] is
not fond of this space, because cannabis, in its various
SPORTS · HEALTH · CULTURE · CANNABIS forms, is actually gonna help people. That’s what
researchers are telling me. And I’m telling everybody
else there are a lot of new companies, especially in
Canada, and good for them.
Come play. Come watch. Join us. Some of them are solid, some of them are garbage,
and it’s up to you to find out what it’s all about. I happen
June 22, 2019, Venice Skatepark, Venice Beach to believe in Invictus, and all I urge anybody to do is to
go to and do your own research.
Coming soon When you go into a restaurant, you get a menu. Think
what looks good for you. It’s all there. Some of it’s good,
San Francisco & Sacramento some of it’s fresh, some of it’s rotten and been there a
long time. But, generally, the cannabis space, I think,
is gonna be good for humanity.
Certainly much better than cigarettes, which might
give you cancer. This other thing, even as a recreational
Join our community item, might give you the munchies [the desire for salty,
sweet or fatty carbohydrate-rich foods]. Let me see: I get the munchies or I might get cancer.” I 59
of Cannabis
the Five Power Defence Arrangements with
Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and the
United Kingdom, and the ABCA Armies
Randy’s Papers
Standardisation Program with the United
States, the United Kingdom, Canada and
New Zealand. Australia has a very large
veteran population, many of whom have
Tommy Knowledge PTSD and would most likely benefit greatly
An Australian-first trial using medicinal from medicinal cannabis.
cannabis to treat returned servicemen
and women suffering from post-traumatic The project is being carried out in conjunction
stress disorder (PTSD) has begun. Medical with Bod Australia, a global health and
researchers are seeking 300 people to take wellness business. Bod Australia recently
part in the national trial, which has already developed a CBD wafer that achieved faster
attracted a lot of attention from the Australian absorption rates than in oil form. In addition
veteran community. The study will see the to the CBD, THC has also shown some good
individuals selected prescribed a baseline dose results treating PTSD in veterans as well.
of cannabidiol oil, the non-psychoactive part CBD and THC are capable of helping treat
of medicinal cannabis. The lead researcher, people suffering from PTSD by improving
Dr Sharron Davis, said traditional treatments the endocannabinoid system’s mediation
have not seen positive results treating PTSD. of essential functions including memory
"It can present itself in lots of different ways, consolidation and retrieval. By activating
so it's very difficult to find a treatment that is CB1 and CB2 receptors located throughout
going to treat all of the symptoms of PTSD... this core system, cannabinoids could prompt
"We have to be able to show the Therapeutic the system to produce neurotransmitters
Goods Administration that these people have that helps promote happiness, pleasure, and
tried everything conventional medicine has to memory. According to a new study conducted
offer," Dr. Davis told ABC Australia. by NYU Langone Medical Center, “People Purveyors of Cannabis Americana come in all shapes
suffering from PTSD have much lower levels and sizes, and so begins this essay on Randy’s Insta
The Australian Defence Force is the military of a neurotransmitter called anandamide Purveyors
Roach Wired of Cannabis Americana1975).
Papers (established come Advertised
in all shapes as
organisation responsible for the defence of than others. Anandamide is one of the and
the “Easiest Rolling Paper Ever,” they became a bigInsta
sizes, and so begins this essay on Randy’s hit
for theirWired
highlyPapers (established
in-genius 1975).
concept and Advertised
design. A comicalas
Australia. It consists of the Royal Australian body’s primary endocannabinoids, meaning the “Easiest Rolling Paper Ever,” they became a big hit
sleepy eyed Roach Mascot added to the wrapper’s appeal
Navy, Australian Army, Royal Australian Air natural cannabinoids produced by the body. for
the highly
brand’sin-genius concept
street rep. and design.
This product is stillAavailable
Force and a number of 'tri-service' units. These operate in a similar way to cannabis sleepy eyed Roach Mascot added to the wrapper’s appeal
and the(,
brand’s street and
rep.holds a uniqueislegacy
This product among
still available
The Australian Defence Force cooperates by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, smoke shop paraphernalia.
online (, and holds a unique legacy among
with militaries around the world. Australia's which is responsible for core functions such smoke shop paraphernalia.
formal military agreements include the as mood, happiness, fear, and anxiety.” A Golden Frog Press Production
ANZUS Alliance with the United States, the Maybe if the CBD trials go well they’ll ©2018
A Golden Frog Press Production
Closer Defence Program with New Zealand, incorporate THC into the mix soon.
Issue 56 I Page 60 I
Dr. Norms
B. Le Grand
The citizen-sponsored initiative prohibits growing
cannabis in residential zones, authorizes and
regulates medical marijuana dispensaries, and
limits commercial cultivation sites to industrial
and manufacturing zones with a permit issued
by the city. Opponents said the measure doesn’t
do enough to protect the community, while the
supporters said Measure U will provide oversight
and transparency.
68 I