Twelve Tribes PDF
Twelve Tribes PDF
Twelve Tribes PDF
Reuben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Simeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Levi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Judah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Zebulun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Issachar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Gad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Asher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Naphtali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
“Reuben, you are my first-born; My might and the
beginning of my strength, Preeminent in dignity
1. The first-born son of Jacob by his wife Leah and preeminent in power. “Uncontrolled as water,
(Gen. 29:31-32). you shall not have preeminence, Because you went
up to your father’s bed; Then you defiled it—he
2. Was the youth who provided mandrakes for went up to my couch.
1. He is uncontrolled as water. This is the de- girls in shame who learned that lesson too late and
scriptive prophecy which will be fulfilled in are experiencing the permanent damage that often
the Tribe of Reuben. results from an immediate gratification of lust.
2. zj’P’ pachaz #6349: recklessness, wanton- The second lesson follows: Our sins can be forgiven,
ness, unbridled license, frothiness (used only but the effects of our sins often must still be experi-
here, Gen. 49:4). zj’P; pachaz #6348: to enced. Jewish tradition alleges that Reuben even-
be wanton, be reckless, be frothy (Judg. 9:4; tually repented of his sin with Bilhah. This may
Zeph. 3:4). have been so, since he later saved Joseph’s life from
the murderous plot of the other jealous brothers
3. Two examples of these reckless descendants (Gen. 37:20–30). This was not enough, however, to
were Dathan and Abiram (Num. 16), who remove the scar of the earlier wound, even though
joined with the rebellion of Korah the Levite that wound may have healed. “But whoso com-
against Moses and Aaron. mits adultery with a woman lacks understanding;
he that doeth it destroys his own soul. A wound
4. The reckless Reubenites desired to remain
and dishonor shall he get; and his reproach shall
outside of the land of Canaan (Num. 32).
not be wiped away” (Prov. 6:32–33).
5. The wanton Reubenites were unwilling to
join the struggle against Sicera (Judg.
5:15,16). Simeon
6. Reuben never excelled in his tribal develop-
ment. 1. The second son of Jacob by his wife Leah
(Gen 29:33).
a. At the beginning census (Num. 1:20),
Reuben numbered 46,500. 2. Together with Levi, and eventually their
other full brothers, exacted revenge upon
b. In the later census (Num. 26:7), Reuben num- Shechem for the rape of their sister, Dinah
bered 43,730. (Gen. 34:24-31).
c. By the time Moses blessed the tribes before 3. And the sons of Simeon: Jemuel (also called
he died, Reuben may have been in danger of Nemuel) and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin
extinction, since Moses prayed, “Let Reuben (also called Jarib) and Zohar (also called
live, and not die; and let not his men be few” Zerah) and Shaul the son of a Canaanite
(Dt. 33:6). woman (Gen. 46:10).
7. Reuben produced not one single prophet, mil- 4. Selected to remain in Egypt as a hostage in
itary leader, judge or important person in Joseph’s jail (Gen. 42:24).
the history of Israel. As a matter of fact,
the most impressive contribution made by
Reuben seems to be the lending his name to Levi
a delicious corned beef and sauerkraut sand-
1. The third son of Jacob by his wife Leah (Gen
Two lessons loom large from the example of Ja-
cob’s firstborn. The first lesson is that long-range 2. Together with Simeon, and eventually their
tragic effects can result from a fleeting act of sin. other full brothers, exacted revenge upon
Reuben’s few moments of unbridled passion with Shechem for the rape of their sister, Dinah
Bilhah were not worth the sorrow caused to Jacob (Gen. 34:24-31).
and eventually to Reuben himself. A wise man
once said, “Don’t sacrifice the permanent on the al- 3. And the sons of Levi: Gershon (also called
tar of the immediate.” There are men in prison and Gershom), Kohath, and Merari (Gen.46:11).
1 Varner, William, Jacob’s dozen: a prophetic look at the tribes of Israel, © 1987, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, inc.
All of the shaded paragraphs in this study guide are direct quotations from Varner. The icon graphics for each tribe are likewise
from Varner’s work.
“Simeon and Levi are brothers; Their swords are im- 10. Jewish interpreters have taken notice of the
plements of violence. “Let my soul not enter into history of Simeon. In Jewish tradition, all
their council; Let not my glory be united with their poor Jews supposedly came from that ill-
assembly; Because in their anger they slew men, fated tribe.
And in their self-will they lamed oxen. “Cursed be
their anger, for it is fierce; And their wrath, for it 11. Levi would be scattered, and yet they are the
is cruel. I will disperse them in Jacob, And scatter objects of special blessing! In the blessing of
them in Israel. Moses (Dt. 33), the tribe of Simeon is not
mentioned. The tribe of Levi receives the
longest blessing! (Dt. 33:8-11).
1. They will be dispersed and scattered in Is-
rael. This is the core of the prophecy against 12. The tribe of Levi seems to have been the one
Simeon and Levi. spiritual tribe at the golden calf incident (Ex.
32:26). This is generally believed to be the
2. µqeL]j’a} ’achalleqem <piel.imperf.> ql’j; reason why Levi was set aside as the priestly
chalaq #2505: (piel) to divide, apportion, as- tribe (Ex. 32:29; Dt. 10:8,9).
sign, distribute, scatter. Used 65x64vv. Abra-
ham divided his armies (Gen. 14:15). <Hi-
Certainly Simeon and Levi were zealous, but their
fil.imperf.> ÅWP puwts #6327: (hifil) to
zeal was not channeled into godly paths. Zeal in it-
self is not sufficient, even in the Lord’s work. There
3. The territory that Simeon would be allotted are those who think that activity, devotion, com-
entirely within the territory allotted to Judah mitment and sincerity are the only necessities in
(Josh. 19:1-9 cp. Josh. 15). serving the Lord. Such zeal, however, can be misdi-
rected. We must remember Paul’s earnest remark
4. The tribe of Levi would have no specific ter- about his Jewish kinsmen according to the flesh,
ritory, but would have individual cities scat- “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for
tered all throughout the land of Israel (Josh. Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them
21). witness that they have a zeal for God, but not ac-
cording to knowledge” (Rom. 10:1–2).
5. Like Reuben, the tribe of Simeon decreased
in population between the two censuses. In
Numbers 1:23 their adult male population is Judah
recorded as 59,300, while in Numbers 26:14
(nearly forty years later) it is 22,200.
1. The fourth son of Jacob by his wife Leah (Gen
6. One of the only Simeonites that Scriptures 29:35).
record is Zimri, son of Salu (Num. 25:14).
2. Convinced his brothers to sell Joseph into
7. It is possible that the tribe of Simeon was slavery (Gen. 37:26,27).
the predominant tribe involved in the idola-
try of Baal-peor, and that they were the pre- 3. Married a Canaanite, a daughter of Shuah of
dominant victims of the Divine plague (Num. Adullam (Gen. 38:2).
4. And the sons of Judah: Er and Onan and She-
8. During the reign of Hezekiah, a large group of lah and Perez and Zerah (but Er and Onan
Simeonites migrated farther south to the land died in the land of Canaan). And the sons of
of Edom, where they conquered and displaced Perez were Hezron and Hamul (Gen. 46:12).
the Amalekites who dwelt there (1 Chr. 4:38– 5. Exhibited Godly leadership in the face of test-
43). ing (Gen. 43:8-10).
9. Certain later references suggest the possi- 6. Offered himself as a substitute for the punish-
bility that many Simeonites had also mi- ment of Benjamin (Gen. 44:18-34).
grated to the northern kingdom, for they are
mentioned in conjunction with the tribes of 7. Demonstrates leadership within the twelve
Ephraim and Manasseh (2 Chr. 15:9; 34:6). tribes prior to the death of Israel (Gen.46:28).
“Judah, your brothers shall praise you; Your hand e. The succession of kings in the southern king-
shall be on the neck of your enemies; Your father’s dom of Israel is the legitimate line of succes-
sons shall bow down to you. “Judah is a lion’s sion.
whelp; From the prey, my son, you have gone up.
He couches, he lies down as a lion, And as a lion,
1) They descend from David.
who dares rouse him up? “The scepter shall not de-
part from Judah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between 2) They consist of the line of Jesus Christ.
his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall bethe
obedience of the peoples. “He ties hisfoal to the
vine, And his donkey’s colt to the choice vine; He 4. “Shiloh” is promised to Judah. What is
washes his garments in wine, And his robes in the Shiloh?
blood of grapes. “His eyes are dull from wine, And
his teeth white from milk. a. A town in Israel.
a. The Lord anticipated the desire of Israel to 4) Unfortunately, this translation of Shiloh re-
have a king over them (Dt. 17:14-20). quires one consonental change in order to be
accurate. We cannot alter the text to agree
b. Israel’s first king, by human choice was of the with the interpretation we’re trying to reach!
tribe of Benjamin (1st Sam. 9:1,2).
c. Israel’s second king, and the first by Divine c. A proper name for the Messiah.
choice was of the tribe of Judah (1st Sam.
1) The Talmud lists “Shiloh” as one of the
d. The succession of twenty kings in the north- names of Messiah (Sanhedrin 98b).
ern kingdom of Israel (Jeroboam to Hoshea,
930-721BC) were all illegitimate, as they did 2) The most ancient Jewish commentary on the
not descend from the tribe of Judah, and the Book of Genesis also adopts this interpreta-
family of David. tion (Bereshit Rabba 99).
3) The name “Shiloh” easily could be related to The lesson of Judah is the message of grace. Al-
the word Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace. though Judah certainly was not perfect, he saw the
error of his ways, and moved on in the plan of God.
a) This would agree with His name, Prince of Judah illustrates the believer who accepts the re-
Peace (Isa. 9:6). sponsibility of leadership as designated by God.
b) This would also be in agreement with the Judah illustrates for us the importance of accepting
Messianic passage in Mic. 5:5. the responsibility that God delegates. Judah illus-
trates for us the burden to wait for Shiloh, Who is
to come.
4) This is the sixth (out of seven) specification
concerning the Christ in Scripture.
a) Seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15).
b) Descendent of Shem (Gen. 9:26).
1. The tenth son of Jacob, and the sixth son by
c) Descendant of Abraham (Gen. 12:3). his wife Leah (Gen. 30:19,20).
d) Descendant of Isaac (Gen. 21:12). 2. And the sons of Zebulun: Sered and Elon
and Jahleel (Gen. 46:14). These are the
e) Descendant of Jacob (Gen. 25:23). sons of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob in
f) Descendant of Judah (Gen. 49:10). Paddan-aram, with his daughter Dinah; all
his sons and his daughters numberedthirty-
g) Descendant of David (2nd Sam. 7:12-16). three (Gen. 46:15).
a. Zebulun’s territory was separated from Sidon 3. Issachar has no significant mention in Gene-
by the tribe of Asher (Josh. 19:24–31). sis apart from the group functions he partici-
pates in with his brothers.
b. Asher, however, was never able to dislodge
the Canaanites who dwelt in that coastal area 4. Jewish tradition held that Issachar was a stu-
north of Mount Carmel and Haifa Bay (Judg. dent of the Torah, while his younger brother
1:31,32). Zebulun toiled as a merchant to support Is-
sachar in his studies. Although there is
no scriptural foundation for this tradition,
5. One notable Zebulunite in Scripture was Elon the rabbis based it on Moses’ blessing in
the Zebulunite, who judged Israel ten years Deuteronomy 33:18: “And of Zebulun he said,
(Judg. 12:11,12). Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out [i.e., trad-
ing]; and, Issachar, in thy tents [i.e., study-
6. Zebulun is praised in the Song of Deborah ing].”
(Judg. 5:18). They despised their lives even
unto death.
“Issachar is a strong donkey, Lying down between
7. Zebulun is noted for being single-minded, or the sheepfolds. “When he saw that a resting place
pure of heart (1st Chr. 12:33). was good And that the land was pleasant, He
bowed his shoulder to bear burdens, And became a
slave at forced labor.
This testimony of the Zebulunites’ bravery and will-
ingness to risk their own lives for God’s cause serves 1. The primary prophecy concerning Issachar
as a stirring example to today’s soldiers for Christ. centered on his being a strong donkey. This
A New Testament parallel is found in that noble is complimentary—not insulting.
word of commendation for Paul and Barnabas is-
sued by the Jerusalem church: “Men that have 2. The donkey was the primary beast of burden
hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Je- in the ancient world (Dt. 5:14; 22:10; 2 Sam.
sus Christ” (Acts 15:26). The trail of those saints 19:26). It would even be a donkey’s blessing
willing to sacrifice their lives for the Lord reaches to bear the Messiah (Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:7).
from notables of the early Church, such as Stephen
3. The expression “lying down between the sad-
and Justin Martyr, through such modern martyrs
dlebags” is indicative of Issachar’s geograph-
as the Auca missionaries and others who suffered
ical allotment in the land of Canaan (Josh.
the ultimate human sacrifice because of their will-
19:17-22). Issachar was assigned the land at
ingness to lay down their lives for the gospel.
the east end of the Jezreel valley, between Mt.
Singleness of heart and mind enabled Zebulun to Tabor and Mt. Gilboa.
be stable and successful. They kept rank and did
4. The prophecy stating “He bowed his shoul-
not flee the battle because their attitude was the
der to bear burdens, And became a slave at
same as that of the Apostle Paul: “but this one
forced labor” again is complimentary and not
thing I do” (Phil. 3:13). A divided heart and mind
produce instability: “A double-minded man is un-
stable in all his ways” (Jas. 1:8). This is the great 5. Tola, of Issachar, judged Israel for 23 years
lesson from Zebulun: courage to face the conflict (Judg. 10:1,2).
due to an unswerving commitment to the goal.
6. Issachar is praised in the Song of Deborah
(Judg. 5:15).
Issachar 7. Issachar is described as “valiant” (1st Chr.
1. The ninth son of Jacob, and fifth son by his 8. The Tribe of Issachar were dispensationalists
wife Leah (Gen. 30:18). (1st Chr. 12:32).
2. And the sons of Issachar: Tola and Puvvah Rather than criticizing Issachar, as some commen-
(also called Puvah and Puah) and Iob (also tators are prone to do, Jacob portrayed him as hav-
called Jashub) and Shimron (Gen. 46:13). ing insight and as one who carried the burdens of
others. These traits are sorely lacking and desper- 2) They conquered another land by human ef-
ately needed in God’s people today. The apostle fort (Judg. 18:27,28).
reminds us, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and
3) They established their own religious center
so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). Dear reader,
(Judg. 18:17-20,30-31)
are you a burden creator for others or a burden
bearer? Do you help to shoulder the heavy bur- 4) This religious center would later serve the
dens under which some of God’s children labor, or purposes of Jeroboam (1st Kgs. 12:28-30).
do you add additional burdens to already weary
shoulders? God, grant us a host of Zebuluns and b. It is highly likely that the False Prophet
Issachars in our midst—men and women who are (Rev. 13:11) will be from the tribe of Dan.
committed to the work and who care for the work-
ers! 5. In the twenty different listings of the tribes,
Dan is generally far down and often is the last
in the list.
a. Dan was the rear guard in the wilderness
march (Num. 10:25).
1. The fifth son of Jacob, and first-born son by
his concubine Bilhah (Gen. 30:6). b. Dan received his allotment of land last (Josh.
2. And the sons of Dan: Hushim (also called
Shuham) (Gen. 46:23). c. Dan is entirely absent from the extensive
tribal genealogies (1st Chr. 2-10).
3. Dan has no significant mention in Genesis
d. Dan is absent from the 144,000 Jews sealed
apart from the group functions he partici-
in the Tribulation (Rev. 7:4-8).
pates in with his brothers.
e. Dan does, however, receive a tribal inheri-
“Dan shall judge his people, As one of the tribes tance in the Millennial kingdom (Ezek. 48:1-
of Israel. “Dan shall be a serpent in the way, A 2).
horned snake in the path, That bites the horse’s
heels, So that his rider falls backward. “For Thy 6. Jacob concludes his prophecy with the prayer
salvation I wait, O Lord. for Dan’s salvation (Gen. 49:18).
2. The theme of the prophecy for God centers we can rest assured that “in all these things we are
on the raiders he would encounter. more than conquerors through him that loved us”
(Rom. 8:37).
3. Gad’s inheritance on the east side of the Jor-
dan, exposed him to raiders from Ammon
and Moab. Asher
4. Gad provided some of David’s fiercest war-
riors (1st Chr. 12:8).
1. The eighth son of Jacob, and the second son
5. Moses would also make reference to the war- by his concubine Zilpah (Gen. 30:12,13).
like future of Gad (Dt. 33:20).
2. And the sons of Asher: Imnah and Ishvah
6. Jair, a Gadite, judges Israel 22 years (Judg. and Ishvi and Beriah and their sister Serah.
10:3-5), as was Jephthah the Gileadite (Judg. And the sons of Beriah: Heber and Malchiel
11:1). (Gen. 46:17). These are the sons of Zil-
pah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah;
7. Elijah the prophet was also of Gad (1st Kings and she bore to Jacob these sixteen persons
17:1). (Gen. 46:18).
Though little is mentioned of the tribe of Gad in 3. Asher has no significant mention in Genesis
the Bible, the lessons to be learned from them are apart from the group functions he partici-
many. Gad graduated from the proverbial school of pates in with his brothers.
hard knocks. His difficult experiences produced a
toughness that only hard times can bring. The spir- “As for Asher, his food shall be rich, And he shall
itual lesson gleaned from Gad is that in the furnace yield royal dainties.
of affliction we are prepared to come forth as gold.
Some of the most profitable lessons about suffer-
1. The main point of the prophecy concerning
ing and adversity are learned, not in the classroom,
Asher centered on the richness of his food.
but by undergoing the experience of suffering itself.
The psalmist testifies, “It is good for me that I have 2. Asher never developed militarily, and could
been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes” (Ps. not dislodge the Canaanites from the terri-
119:71). tory allotted to them (Judg. 1:31,32).
Furthermore, Gad’s constant readiness teaches us
3. Asher produced no Judges, or military heros.
of the spiritual preparedness necessary to face the
The only significant Asherite in Scripture is
spiritual foe. Gad, much like his modern Israeli
Anna the Prophetess who greeted Christ in
descendants, was constantly ready to face hostile
the temple (Lk. 2:36-38).
neighbors. Peter reminds us of a similar danger
that continually lurks around us: “Be sober, be 4. The word for “rich” is the feminine form of
vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, like a the word for oil. ÷m,v, shemen #8081: fat,
roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may oil. The oil of Asher was, and continues to be
devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). Believers never can afford famous throughout Israel. Moses’ prophecy
to be without the armor God has provided lest we concerning Asher also made reference to the
be caught off guard by one of Satan’s fiery darts tribe’s olive oil (Dt. 33:24).
(cf. Eph. 6:10–17).
Finally, the promise to Gad is that “he shall The lesson of this prophecy is that Asher will be
overcome at the last” (Gen. 49:19b). The seven blessed with an abundance which he will share with
churches of The Revelation each received a promise others. The Apostle Paul expressed it this way:
to the overcomer (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21). “Let him that stole steal no more but, rather, let
The overcomer is defined by John as follows: “For him labor, working with his hands the thing which
whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and is good, that he may have to give to him that
this is the victory that overcomes the world, even needeth” (Eph. 4:28). We are to share with others
our faith. Who is he that overcomes the world, but that with which God has blessed us, not hoard it for
he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 ourselves (Lk. 16:9–12; 1 Tim. 6:16–18). Further-
Jn. 5:4–5). Whatever trials are faced by believers, more, the fruitfulness of Asher is associated with
to the 74,600 of the next largest tribe, Ju- 2. And the sons of Benjamin: Bela and
dah. In Numbers 26, their total population Becher and Ashbel, Gera and Naaman,
was 85,200 while Judah’s was 76,500. Jacob Ehi (also called Ahiram) and Rosh, Mup-
prophesied that the tribes of Ephraim and pim (also called Shephupham and Shuppim)
Manasseh would “grow into a multitude in and Huppim (also called Hupham) and Ard
the midst of the earth” (Gen. 48:16). (Gen. 46:21). These are the sons of Rachel,
who were born to Jacob; there werefourteen
3. The promise of blessings is seen in both tribes
persons in all (Gen. 46:22).
of Ephraim and Manasseh.
3. Benjamin was the son of Jacob that Joseph
a. Manasseh had the largest territory of any desired to keep with him in Egypt, and so
tribe, and extended its boundaries on either had the silver cup planted within his bags
side of the Jordan river. (Gen. 44:2ff.).
b. Ephraim became so prominent, that in many
of the later prophets, the northern ten tribes “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he de-
of Israel are referred to as Ephraim (Hos. vours the prey, And in the evening he divides the
11:3; 12:1; Jer. 31:9,20). spoil.”
After meditating on the faithful life and fruitful- 1. The central theme of Jacob’s prophecy con-
ness of Joseph, one final lesson emerges. Joseph is cerning Benjamin is his vicious, warlike na-
a convincing example of the truth stated in 1 Pe- ture.
ter 5:6: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the
mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due 2. The first prominent example of a vicious Ben-
time.” Humanly speaking, it must have been ex- jamite is Ehud (Judg. 3:12-30).
tremely difficult to wait for God’s timing after hav-
3. The next prominent example of vicious Ben-
ing been unjustly sold as a slave, unjustly impris-
jamites is the tragedy of the Levite concubine
oned for remaining pure and unjustly forgotten by
(Judg. 19; 20:21,25).
an acquaintance whom he had helped. Most of us
would have cried out, Why me? Yet, Joseph waited 4. The next prominent example of a vicious Ben-
on God during his trials without seeking either re- jamite is Saul, son of Kish, King of Israel (1st
venge or advancement. Finally, in His timing, God Sam. 9:21; 11:1-11; 14:47b.).
exalted His faithful servant and lifted him to a place
of honor where he could be a blessing to others. 5. Saul’s son, Jonathan is another vicious wolf
of a Benjamite (1st Sam. 14).
Our responsibility is not to be ambitious and self-
seeking. It is to be faithful. His job is to hand out 6. Esther and Mordecai were also vicious wolves
the promotions. Joseph faithfully waited in prison of Benjamin who faught for their people (Est.
before he was lifted to the throne. Elijah faithfully 2:5).
waited at Cherith before he triumphed at Carmel.
Moses faithfully labored in Median before he chal- 7. The greatest vicious wolf of Benjamin in all
lenged the power of Egypt. Jesus faithfully carried of Scripture was Saul of Tarsus (Rom. 11:1;
the cross before He wore the crown. Phil. 3:5; Gal. 1:13; Acts 8:3; 9:1,2; 22:4;
This is a principle of spiritual growth—“thou hast
been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Matthew Henry has written graphically, “Blessed
ruler over many things” (Mt. 25:21,23). Paul was of this tribe and he did, in the morning
May this great lesson of Joseph’s faithfulness in of his day, devour the prey as a persecutor, but in
trial not be lost on our impatient and ambitious the evening he divided the spoil as a preacher.”
God can mold and utilize any temperament—
whether it be phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine or
Benjamin melancholy—when that person has surrendered
completely to the Lord. God transformed the Ben-
jamite Paul, not by drastically altering his temper-
1. The twelfth son of Jacob, and second son by ament, but by refining and rechanneling his mis-
his wife Rachel (Gen. 35:18). guided zeal into a God-honoring direction.
2 Tabulation taken from The Bible Knowledge Commentary : an exposition of the scriptures / by Dallas Seminary faculty ;