TD Nereus 04 2015
TD Nereus 04 2015
TD Nereus 04 2015
Eduardo A. Haddad
Jesús P. Mena-Chalco
Otávio J. G. Sidone
TD Nereus 04-2015
São Paulo
Scholarly Collaboration in Regional Science in Developing Countries:
The Case of the Brazilian REAL Network1
1. Introduction
Regional science has developed and flourished in the developed world. However, as
recognized by Chatterji (2014), it has much more potential applications to developing
countries since those countries have stronger socioeconomic spatial diversity. Despite
important developments of the field in countries such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, and,
lately, China, its main journals have always been dominated by authors and themes
from developed countries (Rey and Anselin, 2000; Suriñach et al., 2003; Royuela et al.,
2006, 2008). More recently, nonetheless, institutional efforts are being directed to
strengthen the presence of the field in the developing world (Pyke et al., 2007; Capello,
2013). Recognition of a broader international standing of regional science is especially
important for its future development.
The first version of this paper was presented at the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory 25th
Anniversary Workshop, November 12, 2014, Washington D.C., USA. It has benefited from comments
and suggestions from various participants of the meeting, to whom we are indebted. We are also grateful
to Carlos R. Azzoni, Geoffrey JD Hewings, Alan Murray and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho for their
suggestions on a previous version of the paper.
A great deal of attention has always been directed in this journal (Isserman, 1995, Rey
and Anselin, 2000; Donaghy, 2014; Markusen, 2015) and in other scholarly journals of
the field (Pyke et al., 2007) to reflections on the establishment, evolution and progress
of regional science. More and more attention has been also directed lately to the
identification of patterns of publication in the field (Rey and Anselin, 2000; Suriñach et
al., 2003; Royuela et al., 2006, 2008). However, very little empirical evidence has been
collected to inform the scientific community about successful experiences in broadening
the presence of regional science in the developing world.2 In this paper, we focus on the
Brazilian case, describing recent developments of regional science in the country
through the establishment of a network of scholars closely related to the Regional
Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign (UIUC). We claim that the growing presence of the discipline in Brazil,
measured by the number of scientific publications by Brazilian scholars, is heavily
influenced by proximity mechanisms embedded in the network.
From a broader perspective, the rapid growth of the world’s scientific production is
intimately associated with increased collaborative interaction among researchers, i.e.,
the typical organizational unity of science changed from single individuals for the
establishment of research groups in all areas of knowledge. Understanding and
identifying operating patterns of scientific networks become increasingly important for
the formulation of science and technology (S&T) policies. One of the biggest challenges
faced by S&T policymakers in Brazil is the diffusion of scientific excellence from
research centers in the Southeast to research centers in other less privileged regions
(Cruz and Chaimovich, 2010). This challenge could be addressed more properly and
efficiently by evaluating the perceptions that are inextricably linked to the establishment
and operation of scientific collaboration in Brazil. Research collaboration is one of the
main mechanisms for the dissemination of knowledge and is closely associated with a
higher quality of scientific production.
Chatterji (2014) reports on some of the experiences related to India he has shared with Walter Isard
during the early days of regional science.
in Sidone et al. (2014). The authors provide evidence that geographic proximity plays
an important role in determining inter-regional collaboration. While geographic
proximity facilitates face-to-face interactions that enhance collaboration, other forms of
proximity are also important.3 For instance, while cognitive proximity is reflected in a
shared knowledge base that is fundamental for interactive learning, organizational
proximity helps fostering knowledge creation through organizational arrangements that
reduce transaction costs. Institutional proximity allows actors of a network to share the
same institutional framework, both formal (laws and rules) or informal (values, norms
and cultural habits), potentially fostering collaboration. Social proximity, in turn, can be
defined by the intensity in which two researchers have friendly relations with each
other. The intensification of friendly relations can facilitate interaction by creating trust
between researchers, which is essential in the continuity of complex research projects
(Frenken et al. 2009). We show in this paper that the recent development of the field of
regional science in Brazil has benefitted, to different degrees, from these different forms
of proximity. We illustrate how these different facets of proximity successfully operated
in the process of building a network of regional scientists in a developing country.
We use as our case study the transnational experience related to the Regional
Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), that celebrated in 2014 its 25th
anniversary. That was 25 years to the day since Philip Israilevich and Geoffrey JD
Hewings started a cooperative venture between the Federal Reserve Bank at Chicago
and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Since then, REAL has
become one of the leading research centers of regional science worldwide.4
REAL was created to operate as a science laboratory – with students and faculty
together in one space, promoting interaction and collaboration on regional science
research. This format has been very successful in terms of its intended outcome: to
create a global network of researchers that generates high standard scholarly
collaboration and social interactions. Throughout the five lustra of its existence, REAL
has received over 500 scholars from more than 40 different countries.
The usual definitions of the dimensions of proximity are presented by Boschma (2005).
REAL-UIUC is listed as one of the Main Regional Science Schools at
“Since its inception, REAL has provided at least two years (and usually more)
support for 38 doctoral students from agricultural economics, economics,
geography and urban and regional planning, welcomed 10 ‘Bolsa Sandwich’
PhD students from Brazil who spent one year at REAL working on their doctoral
dissertations and hosted over 100 international visitors (visiting students, visiting
scholars and visiting professors) who stayed three months or more. Several
experiences of foreign scholars coming informally to the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign demonstrated that a period of one or two semesters resulted
in a major contribution to the thesis of these young researchers, as well as to
their personal enhancement. At any one time, from 15 to 30 visitors and students
will be in residence. Foreign visitors appreciate more especially the exposure to
the challenges, issues and opportunities in another country because it provides
them an important perspective that cannot be ‘taught’ effectively by distance
learning. Residence in another country, coupled with engagement with other
students and faculty involved in their work provide them with an invaluable
learning opportunity. In addition, the mass of students and the profound respect
of REAL’s director for the various techniques of regional science allow foreign
visitors to build quickly partnerships for their work and receive sound
feedback.” (
In what follows, we describe the scholarly network involving REAL’s alumni working
in academia in Brazil. We analyze the patterns of research collaboration among around
50 Brazilian researchers whose main activities are related to academic institutions in
Brazil. We first define, in section 2, the core of the network through the genealogy of
Geoffrey JD Hewings’ Brazilian PhD students. We then provide, in section 3, a brief
description of the database on Brazilian REAL’s alumni scientific production and
collaboration. After that, we present the main characteristics of the endogenous and
exogenous scientific collaboration networks involving those alumni. Concluding
remarks follow in the last section, where we present some of the developments in areas
of research in regional science of particular interest to Brazil and other developing
countries, taking stock of some of the network’s contributions to the field.
It is fair to say that the Brazilian branch of Geoffrey JD Hewings’ academic tree is
heavily rooted in the perennial influence of Professor Werner Baer in the shaping-up of
economics graduate studies in Brazil. The partnership between the two scholars has
been fundamental to the maintenance of a regular flow of Brazilian visitors to REAL.
As attested by Azzoni (2010), in the early years of institutional development of graduate
studies in Brazil, “[Werner Baer] was instrumental in (…) choosing young professors to
be trained abroad, arranging scholarships in the USA and influencing American
universities to accept Brazilian students (…)” (p. 295). Since then, he has
uninterruptedly generated a flow of Brazilian and Latin American scholars to graduate
programs in the USA (especially at UIUC), accepting and sponsoring students from the
region. According to Azzoni (op. cit., p. 295), “he must be responsible for at least 20%
of all PhD degrees in economics in Brazil, at UIUC and other universities”.
The constant and increasing flow of PhD students from Brazil and Latin America to the
Department of Economics at UIUC in the late 1980s and early 1990s, together with the
creation of REAL in 1989, provided the opportunity for a fruitful partnership between
Werner Baer and Geoffrey JD Hewings. Still before REAL, academic interactions
between Baer’s students and Hewings created the roots of the Brazilian REAL network.
Initial collaboration with Eduardo Martins, Joaquim Guilhoto, and Manuel Fonseca5 in
the second half of the 1980s triggered the network.
See Hewings et al. (1989).
As of October 2014.
Before that, Geoffrey JD Hewings had co-advised, with Werner Baer, Joaquim Guilhoto’s PhD
dissertation, finished in 1986.
Over the years, Hewings’ academic sons developed their careers, some of them in
academia back in Brazil. As they became advisers of their own PhD students in their
home institutions, stronger ties with REAL started to be created. Through a special
program sponsored by the Brazilian government, the so-called Sandwich Scholarship
Program, PhD students from Brazil would spend one year at REAL working on their
doctoral dissertations. Since 2000, REAL has already welcomed ten of such “Sandwich”
scholars from Brazil, who have already successfully defended their dissertations, with
Geoffrey Hewings as their co-adviser.
Obs. There are four “Sandwich Scholars” currently pursuing their PhD degrees, three of them advised by
Edson Domingues – Luiz Carlos Ribeiro (2014), Glaucia Possas da Motta (2015), and Debora Freire
(2015) – and one advised by Raul Silveira-Neto (visiting scholar in 2013-2014) – Alvaro Furtado Coelho
The data used in our analysis were extracted from information available in the Lattes
curricula vitae (CV), a part of the CNPq Lattes Platform, which consists in an
information system, deployed and maintained by the Brazilian government for
managing information related to researchers, institutions and research activities across
the country (CNPq, 2014).8 The public availability of CV information and research
groups via web and the utilization of such information by universities stimulate the
correct insertion and veracity of published data, which became the national standard
system to the registry of scientific community academic and professional activities.
Therefore, the establishment of a real incentive mechanism to fill and correct update of
information provided credibility and international recognition to the Lattes system, a
successful model to be internationally followed (Lane, 2010).
The CVs are publicly available on the Lattes Platform web portal (CNPq, 2014),
though, despite the immediate access to individual information, the portal does not
enable systematic access to the entire database. Thus, the effort in gathering information
is the main obstacle to the analysis of a large amount of data, making it necessary to
automate this process.
The Lattes Platform consists of a comprehensive system of curriculum information of researchers,
teachers, students and professionals from all knowledge areas and has crucial importance in planning,
management and operation of the federal funding agencies, the foundations of science support,
universities and research institutions, mainly to provide reliable information for the analysis of
researchers merit and competence, evaluation of postgraduate programs and analysis of claims for
funding (CNPq, 2014).
The report was generated using the scriptLattes V.8.10, developed at NUVEM/UFABC and CCSL-
IME/USP by Jesús P. Mena-Chalco and Roberto M. Cesar-Jr. The complete report can be accessed at
In the social network analysis, each researcher is represented by a node and the detection of
coauthorships relations among them is represented by a connection between nodes (edge).
reviewed journals, and chapters of published books (Figure 2), amounting to the
analysis of 1,061 distinct academic outputs published between 1989 and 2013.11
Papers in journals Chapters in books
After the coauthorship identification, the links among researchers were accounted by
means of the full-counting process, in which each unit of analysis (authors) receives one
unit of collaboration for its participation in publications (Scherngell and Barber, 2011).
This procedure generated the database to create the endogenous collaboration network.
We have then extended the database by including the collaborations with other REAL
researchers that are not registered in the Lattes Platform. Thus, an extended endogenous
collaboration network was created.
Finally, we have run the scriptLattes to look at the collaborations involving the REAL’s
alumni with all their coauthors – those registered in the Lattes Platform –, generating
the exogenous collaboration network. In what follows, we characterize the three
networks derived from the database.
Compared to the total number of publications (7,351,957) contained in all the CVs in the Lattes
Platform (1,131,912), the “location quotient” of publications by scholars pertaining to the REAL network
is 3.4, suggesting a much higher productivity than the average Brazilian scholar.
4. Networks
We have identified 51 Brazilian REAL’s alumni, 48 of them are registered in the Lattes
Platform. Over time, the number of new REAL members from Brazil increased from 6,
in the period 1989-1998, to 11 in 1999-2003 and in 2004-2008, reaching 23 in 2009-
2014 (Figure 3). The increasing number of Brazilian researchers associated with REAL
is reflected in the temporal evolution of the endogenous network, as the network grows
through the addition of new nodes (researchers) and new edges (coauthorship). Figure 4
depicts the non-cumulative network edges in different periods. REAL’s alumni are
represented in blue color; REAL researchers not registered in the Lattes Platform are
represented in red color.13 It is clear that the network became denser over the years,
signaling a process of increasing interaction among its members. Notice that
collaboration among Brazilian researchers did not take off until 1999, ten years after the
Among the mechanisms responsible for the articulation of social relations among the scientific
community, the network of coauthorships is particularly important since it provides indicators of
knowledge flows among researchers. However, coauthorship is only one facet of the collaboration
process, since there are numerous cases in which collaboration does not result in coauthored publications
(Katz and Martin, 1997). Although coauthorship is a rather imperfect or partial indicator of research
collaboration between individuals, we will use both terms interchangeably throughout the text.
The focus is on the time at which the links have been added to the network. It reveals only part of the
network dynamics, since we have depicted the total nodes as of 2014.
creation of the Lab. In the first years, collaborations involving international REAL
researchers were fundamental for the kick-off of the network, suggesting that the
process of the establishment of a scientific network requires a long period of maturation.
Figure 3. Number of Brazilian Scholars at REAL, by Period of Initial Affiliation
Number of Scholars
1989-1998 1999-2003 2004-2008 2009-2014
Figure 5 reveals the structure of the endogenous network over the period 1989-2013.
Nodes are sized based on the authorRank14 (Liu et al., 2005) considering the number of
endogenous collaborations produced; edges are sized based on the number of
collaborations between authors. Coauthorship among REAL’s alumni involves 27 out of
the 48 members of the network. While there are two isolated links (Cavalcante-
Uderman and Mattos-Menezes), the remaining 23 researchers form an integrated
network. The two main clusters are associated with the nodes Domingues-Haddad-
Perobelli and Azzoni-Guilhoto-Haddad. The former is closely related to social
proximity – Haddad was the adviser of both Domingues and Perobelli (see Figure 1);
the latter is related to geographic and organizational proximities – the three scholars are
based in the same department at the University of Sao Paulo. The intersection of the two
clusters is heavily influenced by institutional proximity, as the five researchers are
The authorRank (a weighted version of the PageRank) is an indicator of the impact/prestige of an
individual author in weighted coauthorship network.
associated, to different degrees, to the activities of the University of São Paulo Regional
and Urban Economics Lab (NEREUS), and the Institute of Economic Research
Foundation (FIPE).
This case study provides a clear example of the possibility of interaction among
different dimensions of proximity over time. Initial geographic proximity at REAL has
favored the development of a larger cognitive and social proximity that allowed
researchers to continue to work effectively even when they moved to other institutions
in their home country. Thus, while geographic proximity is necessary in many forms of
scientific interactions, it is expected that it will become less important in cases in which
researchers build stronger social networks.
Figure 5. Endogenous Collaboration – Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals and
Chapters in Books, 1989-2013
4.2. Extended Endogenous Collaboration Network
We have also highlighted REAL’s alumni using different colors to identify their current
institutional affiliation. In addition to scholars currently at REAL, usually at the early
stages of their academic careers, four institutions were considered: USP – where
NEREUS and FIPE are hosted, UFMG and UFJF, both in the state of Minas Gerais, and
UFPE (located in Brazil’s Northeast). With Geoffrey JD Hewings at the center of the
network, there is an immediate first-order collaboration cluster, identified with
researchers at NEREUS (Azzoni-Guilhoto-Haddad), responsible for subsequent strong
interactions with three second-order clusters – UFMG and UFJF, that also collaborate
between themselves, and UFPE. It seems that the Brazilian REAL network has evolved
following hierarchical steps, from initial localized international collaboration involving
researchers from a center of national excellence (i.e. USP), followed by a gradual
expansion of domestic collaboration networks that relied on social, geographical,
organizational and institutional proximities.
Figure 6. Extended Endogenous Collaboration – Papers in Peer-Reviewed
Journals and Chapters in Books, 1989-2013
4.3. Exogenous Collaboration Network
We have identified, in the Lattes Platform, 501 collaborators with REAL’s alumni in
Brazil. Figure 7 shows the coauthor network generated from their publications. Nodes
are sized based on the authorRank measure (impact in collaboration) and colored to
highlight whether the researcher is a REAL’s Brazilian alumnus (blue), another REAL
researcher (red) or a collaborator (green). Similarly, edges are sized and colored based
on the number of collaborations between authors. A brief inspection reveals the
important role played by Geoffrey JD Hewings (larger red node) and a group of REAL
scholars in the whole network, suggested by the prominence of larger blue nodes. It is
important to note that the average number of collaborators per REAL member is 15.94.
We can also redesign the network in order to identify its main clusters more clearly.
Belter (2012) mentions that a visual representation, or “map”, of the entire network can
be created once the network is constructed. In laying out the map, each node is
positioned between other nodes to which it is connected by edges. This means that the
absolute position of a node on the map is not meaningful, but its relative position is.
Nodes that are more closely related are placed near each other, while nodes that are less
related are placed farther away. In Figure 8, three main clusters emerge: (i) a cluster
identified with three strong nodes (Domingues-Haddad-Perobelli) that includes
Hewings’ academic grandchildren and great-grandchildren from Haddad’s heritage –
located at the center of the network; (ii) a cluster identified with the nodes Azzoni-
Guilhoto, with the prominence of Guilhoto’s node clustering many external
collaborators – center-right part of the network; (iii) a cluster involving 10 different
alumni, most of them based in institutions located in the Northeast of Brazil, whose
main link with the core network is given by interactions with Azzoni’s node – bottom-
right of the network.
Finally, we can examine the geographical aspects of the Brazilian REAL network. We
adopted the same procedure as in Sidone et al. (2014). We considered the Brazilian
municipalities as our geographical unit of analysis. However, instead of locating the
coauthors from their addresses informed in the publications (or with the aid of
complementary databases), we used the direct information about the professional
addresses of researchers reported in each CV.15 Figure 9 shows the map with the
collaboration flows for the complete period (1989-2013), revealing a relatively
widespread geographical coverage, despite the polarization from the Southeast.
Obs. Blue nodes refer to Brazilian REAL’s alumni; red nodes refer to REAL researchers outside Brazil;
green nodes refer to external collaborators.
Researchers whose locations were not reported in their CVs were excluded from the sample.
Figure 8. Clusters in the Exogenous Collaboration Network, Papers in Peer-
Reviewed Journals and Chapters in Books, 1989-2013
Obs. Blue nodes refer to Brazilian REAL’s alumni; red nodes refer to REAL researchers outside Brazil;
green nodes refer to external collaborators.
Figure 9. Geographical Distribution of Exogenous Collaboration, 1989-2013
Obs. Blue nodes refer to Brazilian REAL’s alumni; green nodes refer to external collaborators – it
includes all types of publication.
5. Accomplishments and the Road Ahead
In scientifically emerging economies with large territorial extensions, such as the case
of Brazil, it is expected that, parallel to an increase in international scientific
collaboration, an expansion of domestic collaboration networks from nodes located in
centers of national excellence emerges. It is a different situation from that of the smaller
or less developed European countries for which international collaborations are
practically unavoidable and respond, in some cases, by more than 90% of the scientific
output. In those economies, the accelerated growth production is directly associated
with the intensification of domestic collaborative efforts (Royal Society, 2011). Because
the size of their country allows some scale advantages related to the existence of
specialized research institutes, national researchers have more opportunities to
collaborate with local partners (Glänzel and Schubert 2005; Chinchilla-Rodríguez et al.
The “Brazilian REAL Network” has shown to be an interesting case study that reflects
this pattern of evolving collaboration networks in regional science in scientifically
emerging economies. The expansion of the REAL scientific collaboration network in
Brazil arises as a relevant mechanism for both the qualitative leap of national scientific
production in regional science and for the dissemination of knowledge in peripheral
regions of the country. Conducted under the leadership of Geoffrey JD Hewings, it has
helped to further develop regional science in the country, triggering a second cycle of
academic development of the field in Brazil.16
Initial links in the network were more strongly related to international collaboration
involving Geoffrey JD Hewings, Michael Sonis and Werner Baer, from the “foreign”
side, and Joaquim Guilhoto and Eduardo Haddad from the “domestic side”. By the time
the network was already established, its own dynamics generated a pattern of
hierarchical integration in which NEREUS, a REAL-like lab founded by REAL alumni
at the University of São Paulo, served as the key institutional node in Brazil to foster the
spread of the network across the country.
The first cycle of academic development of regional science in Brazil has its roots in the creation of the
Center for Development and Regional Planning at the Federal University of Minas Gerais – CEDEPLAR-
UFMG in 1968, led by the pioneers Fernando Antônio Roquete Reis, Élcio Costa Couto, Álvaro Fontes
Santiago and Paulo Roberto Haddad.
But what have we learned so far? A partial qualitative assessment of the publication
patterns associated with the network may elucidate part of the sense of the scientific
embedded in the research outcomes.17 As many developing countries, Brazil is
characterized by strong regional inequalities. Many studies have looked at the evolution
of regional inequality in Brazil with special attention to spatial effects. Given the
country’s territorial size and public availability of regional-level databases, Brazil
became a laboratory for testing several of the facets of the Solow model in a subnational
context (Azzoni, 2001; Azzoni and Servo, 2002; Azzoni and Silveira-Neto, 2005; Cravo
and Resende, 2013; Ferreira, 2000; Laurini et al., 2005; Lima and Resende, 2007;
Magalhaes et al., 2005; Mossi et al., 2003). The existence of a persistent regional
dualism, in which spatial spillovers are very important, is one of the most robust results
of these studies. Geography has been shown to play an important role also in the drivers
of regional growth. Regional efficiency of manufacturing sectors, for instance,
independent of their technology-intensity, is heavily affected by neighborhood effects
(Schettini et al., 2011). Spatial spillovers are also important in determining regional
innovative capacity and technology diffusion in Brazil (Gonçalves and Almeida, 2009).
Demography influences the economic environment either through income inequality
across individuals or through the possible influence of demographic characteristics on
economic growth, with important effects on the process of convergence across Brazilian
regions (Menezes et al., 2012). The existing uneven spatial distribution of demographic
indicators that are deemed important to understand the current and future levels of
welfare of a region (e.g. infant mortality) may, however, be improved by investments in
health infrastructure, with more likely impacts in the long-run (Barufi et al., 2012).
Since the late 1980s until recently, the agreed agenda for Brazil included the
competitive integration of the country in the global trade network, with additional
domestic concerns focused on sustainable stabilization and social cohesion. This
implied the attraction of foreign investments and a responsible (balanced) budget policy
for all levels of government, reinforced by the promulgation of the “Lei de
Responsabilidade Fiscal” (Fiscal Responsibility Law) in 2000. The latter restricted
regional policies based primarily on re-distributional expenditures, as was the case in
the 1970s (Haddad, 1999). The research undertaken in the last two decades by regional
Despite the much higher number of publications in Brazilian journals, we will concentrate our
discussion in results published in international scholarly journals.
scientists in Brazil refer to this context of policies in such areas as macroeconomic
stabilization, economic opening with respect to both trade and investment, and the
expansion of market forces within the domestic economy, common to many developing
countries that embraced the “Washington Consensus”.
Studies have shown that the interplay of market forces in the Brazilian economy tends
to favor the more developed regions of the country. Regional repercussions of trade
liberalization policies, including the creation of Mercosur, were very likely to increase
regional inequality in the country (Guilhoto and Fonseca, 1998; Haddad et al., 2002,
2005). The future of Mercosur, in turn, brings challenges for Brazilian regional
economies as specific rules for the free trade area (FTA) seem to overcome the usual
effects of relative competitiveness associated with movements in relative prices (Vieira
et al., 2014).
Even though fiscal incentives continued to play a role in attracting capital to the regions,
for private investors the search is dominated by attention to maximal financial returns
with little concern for regional equity; location is defined on a purely economic basis. A
stream of research has looked at the implication of investors’ rationale to location of
investments in Brazil. While Silva and Hewings (2012) attempted to understand, from a
theoretical perspective, the role played by the internal organization of the firms, other
authors addressed important empirical features of the Brazilian economy, common to
many developing countries, such as financial constraints and volatility of the business
cycle (Kalatzis et al., 2008, 2011). The results reveal that, in the Brazilian case, there
are significant differences across regions in the importance of investment determinants,
bringing relevant insights for the design of regional policies in the country (Azzoni and
Kalatzis, 2008).
One important area of regional science research in Brazil relates to the development of
large-scale integrated modeling systems for impact analysis. By inserting a core CGE in
a broader modeling framework, Brazilian scholars have been able to suppress some of
the shortcomings of isolated models. Applications for transportation policies have dealt
with market imperfections in the Brazilian spatial economy, by introducing non-
constant returns and non-iceberg transportation costs in an interregional CGE model
integrated with a GIS transportation network model (Haddad and Hewings, 2005). In
the case of Brazil, as well as in many developing countries, where transportation costs
are high and accessibility low compared to European or North American standards,
handling market imperfections becomes imperative as does the need to address internal
spatial issues from the perspective of Brazil’s increasing involvement with external
markets. Projects of spatially connective infrastructure have been assessed using this
methodology providing insightful results on the various trade-offs that emerge. Haddad
et al. (2011) make it clear for policies of domestic integration in the country showing
that, given different policy options, decision-makers face non-trivial choices: different
projects perform differently in different dimensions, usually presenting outcomes with
different hierarchies related to multi-dimensional policy goals. This is also true for other
types of infrastructure investment. For instance, the choice of ports for government
investment would have, potentially, significant implications on the hinterlands serving
those ports as well as on other areas that may be able to access them once the
investments have been completed, with very strong regional development policy
implications (Haddad et al., 2010)
Despite still fettered to the reins of the perfectly competitive modeling paradigm,
Almeida et al. (2010) add to the previous results revealing that, methodological
differences aside, the evidence about the nature of the relationship between the
provision of transport infrastructure and regional equity is controversial due to a
fundamental characteristic associated with this issue. In other words, even with the same
theory or model, method, and its specification, one may continue to obtain different
results about this relationship. This outcome arises because this relationship crucially
depends on where the transport infrastructure is located. In addition to methodological
considerations, there seems to exist authentic spatial reasons that might yield
controversial results. Indeed, transport infrastructure is strongly region-dependent. The
spatial structure of the provision of transport infrastructure matters in this question,
playing a fundamental role in determining its effects on the economic system, as shown
in a model developed for the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Large-scale integrated modeling systems have also been developed for regional impact
analysis of energy policies in Brazil (Santos et al., 2013). Simulations of the long-run
regional impacts of electric power tariff policy in Brazil showed that the heterogeneity
of energy-intensity and the differentials of energy substitution drive the spatial impacts
of changes in electric power prices. On the other hand, the recent trend of spatial
dispersion of electric power prices might contribute to a decrease in the long-run
economic growth and to an increase in the regional inequalities in Brazil.
Since the 1990s, the energy sector in Brazil has been the subject of a variety of reform
initiatives that are changing the market structure and the energy price levels. These
reforms were also triggered by the implementation of neoliberal policies in the Brazilian
economy. Energy policy in the country has stimulated energy diversification to increase
the inter-fuel substitution. Some studies have attempted to understand the new patterns
of sectoral and regional consumption of energy that emerged in the country (Perobelli
and Oliveira, 2013; Carvalho et al., 2013). Emphasis on renewable energy has
implications for food security in the country, since biofuels production in Brazil rely
heavily on processing sugarcane. There is an ongoing debate on the risks associated
with diverting farmland or crops for biofuels production to the detriment of the food
supply. The expansion of sugarcane growing in Brazil, spurred particularly by increased
demand for ethanol, has triggered the need to evaluate the economic, social, and
environmental impacts of this process, both on the country as a whole and on the
growing regions. Despite some evidence that the presence of sugarcane growing in
these areas is not relevant to determine their social conditions (Chagas et al., 2012),
positive demand shocks upon the sugarcane agro-industry does produce a greater
income impact upon the less developed region of the country (North) compared to the
Center-South (Costa et al., 2006; Martínez et al., 2013).
In the context of the fiscal adjustment process of the 1990s, the role of the central
government in stimulating directly productive activities has been replaced by strategies
of socio-economic inclusion. Seemingly non-spatial government policies in the form of
spatially blind social programs played an important role in the recent decline in regional
income inequality in Brazil (Silveira-Neto and Azzoni, 2011, 2012). However, regional
inequality continues to be very high in Brazil, and this issue will continue to be in the
research agenda for many years to come. Important components of income and,
especially, wealth inequality are still unknown in the Brazilian case. The distribution of
property rights and rents on natural resources in Brazil need to be better understood
(Goeschl and Igliori, 2006). Furthermore, a more complete picture of income and
wealth distribution is still needed. As it has been shown by Piketty (2014), there can
now be no doubt that the phenomenon of inequality is not dominantly about the
inadequacy of the skills of lagging workers. Understanding the process of wealth
accumulation across regions may change drastically our prescriptions of regional
There are many other important challenges for regional economies in the developing
world that will also shape the future research agenda in the field. “Local” and “global”
phenomena can illustrate two promising research areas to be further developed in
industries, deal with different restrictions as compared to footloose activities. The
immediate impact of climate change will very likely be more intense in activities more
dependent on nature. However, the repercussions of these effects will be felt also in
other sectors, thus affecting the compositions of regional income, of household
consumption, with influence on the tertiary sector of the main cities in the region, and
finally reaching the industrial sectors supplying the regional demand. Thus, it is
expected that the initial stimuli from natural resource-based industries will eventually
result in major changes in the economy of the region as a whole (Azzoni and Haddad,
2012). In Brazil, the most vulnerable regions to climate change are the traditionally less
developed areas of the country: the Amazon and the Northeast (Barbieiri et al., 2010).
This is a challenging interdisciplinary research area, bringing various challenges for
regional scientists in the country. It could provide opportunities in the form of increased
integration between institutions, more accurate data through information sharing and
interdisciplinary approaches, and a greater understanding of the potential impacts of
climate change in Brazil to ensure the most effective response by the relevant political,
economic and social sectors.
In sum, research topics developed by scholars involved in the Brazilian REAL network
mainly address concerns with the analysis of regional problems in Brazil using the tool
kits in regional science (Figure 10). There is, nonetheless, increasing collaboration with
scholars in other parts of the developing world (Haddad et al., 2009, 2011, 2014,
Haddad, 2014; Perobelli et al., 2010). The Brazilian experience has been proved
relevant to be shared with other countries that face similar problems. Brazilians seem to
have embraced the field seriously – by applying and amending the available tools to
analyzing concrete problems of the Brazilian economy –, since, according to the
founder of regional science, it “concerns the careful and patient study of social problems
with regional or spatial dimensions, employing diverse combinations of analytical and
empirical research” (Isard, 1975, p. 2).
Figure 10. Word Cloud based on Titles of Papers in International Peer-Reviewed
Journals Published by REAL Brazilian Scholars
Azzoni, C. R. and Servo, L. M. S. (2002). Education, Cost of Living and Regional
Wage Inequality in Brazil. Papers in Regional Science, v. 81, p. 157-175.
Azzoni, C. R. and Silveira-Neto, R. (2005). Decomposing Regional Growth: Labor
Force Participation Rates, Structural Changes, and Sectoral Factor Reallocation. The
Annals of Regional Science, v. 39, p. 221-239.
Barabási, A.L., Jeonga, H., Nédaa, Z., Ravasza, E., Schubertd, A. and Vicsekb, T.
(2002). Evolution of the Social Network of Scientific Collaborations. Physica A, 311,
p. 590-614.
Barbieiri, A. F., Domingues, E. P, Queiroz, B. L., Ruiz, R. M., Rigotti, J. I., Carvalh, J.
A. M. and Resende, M. F. C. (2010). Climate Change and Population Migration in
Brazil’s Northeast: Scenarios for 2025 2050. Population and Environment, v. 31, p.
Barufi, A. M. B., Haddad, E. A. and Paez, A. (2012). Infant Mortality in Brazil, 1980-
2000: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis. BMC Public Health, v. 12, n. 181, p. 1-15.
Belter, C. (2012). Visualizing Networks of Scientific Research. ONLINE, Information
Today Inc., v. 36, n. 3. Available at:
Visualizing-Networks-of-Scientific-Research.shtml. Access: October 2014.
Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment. Regional
Studies, v. 39, n. 1, p. 61-74.
Carvalho, T. S, Santiago, F. S. and Perobelli, F. S. (2013). International Trade and
Emissions: The case of the Minas Gerais State - 2005. Energy Economics, v. 40, p.
Chagas, A. L. S., Toneto, R. and Azzoni, C. R. (2012). A Spatial Propensity Score
Matching Evaluation of the Social Impacts of Sugarcane Growing on Municipalities
in Brazil. International Regional Science Review, v. 35, n. 1, p. 48-69.
Chatterji, M. (2014). Walter Isard and the Role of Regional Science and Peace Science
for the Poor Countries. International Regional Science Review, v. 37, n. 1, p 96-106.
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Vargas-Quesada, B., Hassan-Montero, Y., González-Molina,
A. and Moya-Anegón, F. (2010). New Approach to the Visualization of International
Scientific Collaboration. Information Visualization, v. 9, n. 4, p. 277–287.
CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (2014).
Plataforma Lattes. Brasília. Available at: Access: October
Costa, C. C., Burnquist, H. L. and Guilhoto, J. J. M. (2006). Relations of the Regional
Brazilian Cane Agro-industry with the National Economy: Analysis Applied to the
Centre-South and North-Northeast. Applied Economics, v. 38, n. 5, p. 519-531.
Cravo, T. A. and Resende, G. M. (2013). Economic Growth in Brazil: A Spatial
Filtering Approach. The Annals of Regional Science, v. 50, n. 2, p 555-575.
Cruz, C. H. B. and Chaimovich, H. B. (2010). “Brazil”. In: S. Schneegans (Ed.),
UNESCO Science Report 2010 – The Current Status of Science around the World
(pp. 103–121), UNESCO.
Donaghy, K. P. (2014). Walter Isard’s Evolving Sense of the Scientific in Regional
Science. International Regional Science Review, v. 37, n. 1, p. 78-95.
Ferreira, A. (2000) Convergence in Brazil: Recent Trends and Long-run Prospects.
Applied Economics, v. 32, n. 4, p. 479-489.
Frenken, K., Hardeman, S. and Hoekman, J. (2009). Spatial Scientometrics: Towards a
Cumulative Research Program. Journal of Informetrics, v. 3, n. 3, p. 222-232.
Glänzel, W. and Schubert, A. (2005). Analyzing Scientific Networks through Co-
autorship. In: H. F. Moed,, W. Glänzel and U. Schmoch (Eds.), Handbook of
Quantitative Science and Technology Research, New York: Springer, p .257-276.
Goeschl, T. and Igliori, D. C. (2006). Property Rights for Biodiversity Conservation and
Development: Extractive Reserves in the Brazilian Amazon. Development and
Change, v. 37, n.2, p. 427-451.
Gonçalves, E. and Almeida, E. (2009). Innovation and Spatial Knowledge Spillovers:
Evidence from Brazilian Patent Data. Regional Studies, v. 43, n. 4, p. 513-528.
Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Fonseca, M. A. R. (1998). The Northeast and the Rest of Brazil
Economies in a Mercosur Context, 1992-2014: An Econometric Interregional Input-
Output Approach. Studies in Regional Science, v. 29, n.1, p. 171-185.
Guilhoto, J. J. M., Hewings, G. J. D. and Sonis, M. (2002). Productive Relations in the
Northeast and the Rest of Brazil Regions in 1995: Decomposition and Synergy in
Input-Output Systems. Geographical Analysis, v. 34, n. 1, p. 62-75.
Haddad E. A. (1999), Regional Inequality and Structural Changes: Lessons from the
Brazilian Experience. Farnham: Ashgate.
Haddad, E. A. (2014). Spatial Perspectives of Increasing Freeness of Trade in Lebanon.
The Annals of Regional Science, v.53, n. 1, p. 29-54.
Haddad, E. A., Barufi, A. M. B. and Costa, S. M. (2011). Regional Integration in
Colombia: A Spatial CGE Application. Scienze Regionali / Italian Journal of
Regional Science, v. 10, p. 5-30.
Haddad, E. A.; Bonet, J.; Hewings, G. J. D. and Perobelli, F. S.(2009). Spatial Aspects
of Trade Liberalization in Colombia: A General Equilibrium Approach. Papers in
Regional Science, v. 88, p. 699-732.
Haddad, E. A., Domingues, E. P. and Perobelli, F. S. (2002). Regional Effects of
Economic Integration: The Case of Brazil. Journal of Policy Modeling, v. 24, p. 453-
Haddad, E. A., Domingues, E. P. and Perobelli, F. S. (2005). Brazil-Argentina Trade
and its Impacts in Brazilian States. Investigaciones Regionales, v. 7, p. 113-137.
Haddad, E. A., Farajalla, N., Camargo, M., Lopes, R. L. and Vieira, F. V. (2014).
Climate Change in Lebanon: Higher-order Regional Impacts from Agriculture.
REGION, v. 1. ,n. 1, p. 9-24.
Haddad, E. A. and Haddad, P. R. (2010). Major Sport Events and Regional
Development: The Case of the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games. Regional
Science Policy and Practice, v. 2, p. 79-95.
Haddad, E. A. and Hewings, G. J. D (1999). The Short-run Regional Effects of New
Investments and Technological Upgrade in the Brazilian Automobile Industry: An
Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Oxford Development
Studies, v. 27, n.3, p. 359-383.
Haddad, E. A. and Hewings, G. J. D. (2005). Market Imperfections in a Spatial
Economy: Some Experimental Results. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,
v. 45, p. 476–496.
Haddad, E. A., Hewings, G. J. D., Perobelli, F. S., Santos, R. A. C. (2010). Regional
Effects of Port Infrastructure: A Spatial CGE Application to Brazil. International
Regional Science Review, v. 33, n, 3, p. 239-263.
Haddad, E. A., Hewings, G. J. D., Porsse, A. A., Van Leeuwen, E. and Vieira, R. S.
(2015). The Underground Economy: Tracking the Higher-order Economic Impacts
of the São Paulo Subway System. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and
Practice, v. 73, p. 18-30.
Haddad, E. A., Perobelli, F. S., Domingues, E. P. and Aguiar, M. (2011). Assessing the
Ex Ante Economic Impacts of Transportation Infrastructure Policies in Brazil.
Journal of Development Effectiveness, v. 3, n. 1, p. 44-61.
Haddad, E. A.; Porsse, A. A. and; Rabahy, W. A. (2013). Domestic Tourism and
Regional Inequality in Brazil. Tourism Economics, v. 19, p. 173-186.
Haddad, E. A. and Teixeira, E. (2015). Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters in
Megacities: The Case of Floods in São Paulo, Brazil. Habitat International, v. 45, p.
Haddad, M. A. and Nedović‐Budić, Z. (2006). Using Spatial Statistics to Analyze Intra‐
urban Inequalities and Public Intervention in São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Human
Development, v. 7, n. 1, p. 85-109.
Hewings, G. J. D. (1986). “Problems of Integration in the Modelling of Regional
Systems.” In: P. W. J. Batey and M. Madden (eds.), Integrated Analysis of Regional
Systems, London Papers in Regional Science, Pion.
Hewings, G. J. D., Fonseca, M. A. R., Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Sonis, M. (1989). Key
Sectors and Structural Change in the Brazilian Economy: A Comparison of
Alternative Approaches and their Policy Implications. Journal of Policy Modeling, v.
11, n.1, p. 67-90.
Hewings, G. J. D., Nazara, S. and Dridi, C. (2004). Channels of Synthesis Forty Years
On: Integrated Analysis of Spatial Economic Systems. Journal of Geographical
Systems, v. 6, p. 7-25.
Isard, W. (1975). An Introduction to Regional Science. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice
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Analysis. Environment and Planning A, v. 14, p. 359-376.
Isserman, A. (1995). The History, Status, and Future of Regional Science: An American
Perspective. International Regional Science Review, v. 17, n.3, p. 249-296.
Kalatzis, A. E. G., Azzoni, C. R and Achcar, J. A. (2008). Financial Constraints and
Investment Decisions: Evidence from a Highly Unstable Emerging Economy.
Applied Economics, v. 40, n. 11, p. 1425-1434.
Kalatzis, A. E. G., Bassettoa, C. F. and Azzoni, C. R. (2011). Multicollinearity and
Financial Constraint in Investment Decisions: A Bayesian Generalized Ridge
Regression. Journal of Applied Statistics, v. 38, n. 2, p. 287-299.
Katz, J. S. and Matin, B. R. (1997). What is Research Collaboration? Research Policy,
v. 26, p. 1-18.
Lane, Julia (2010). Let’s Make Science Metrics More Scientific. Nature, v. 454, n. 25,
p. 488-489.
Laurini, M., Andrade, E. and Pereira, P (2005) Income Convergence Clubs for Brazilian
Municipalities: A Non-parametric Analysis. Applied Economics, v. 37, n. 18, p.
Lima, M. A. M. and Resende, M. (2007) Convergence of Per Capita GDP in Brazil: An
Empirical Note. Applied Economics Letters, v. 14, n. 5, p. 333-335.
Liu, X., Bollen, J., Nelson, M.L. and Van de Sompel, H. (2005). Coauthorship
Networks in the Digital Library Research Community. Information Processing &
Management, v. 41, n. 6, p. 1462-1480.
Magalhaes, A., Hewings, G. J. D. and Azzoni, C. R. (2005). Spatial Dependence and
Regional Convergence in Brazil. Investigaciones Regionales, v. 6, p. 5-20.
Markusen, A. (2015). Problem-driven Research in Regional Science. International
Regional Science Review, v. 38, n. 1, p. 3-29.
Martínez, S. H., Van Eijck, J., Cunha, M. P., Guilhoto, J. J. M., Walter, A. and Faaij, A.
(2013). Analysis of Socio-economic Impacts of Sustainable Sugarcane-Ethanol
Production by Means of Inter-regional Input-Output Analysis: Demonstrated for
Northeast Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 28, p. 290-316.
Mena-Chalco, J. P. and Cesar-Jr, R. M. (2009). ScriptLattes: An Open-source
Knowledge Extraction System from the Lattes Platform. Journal of the Brazilian
Computer Society, v. 15, n. 4, p. 31-39.
Menezes, T., Silveira-Neto, R. and Azzoni, C. R. (2012). Demography and Evolution of
Regional Inequality. The Annals of Regional Science, v. 49, p. 643-655.
Menezes, T. A., Silveira-Neto, R; Ratton, J. L. and Monteiro, C. (2013). Spatial
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Mossi, M., Aroca, P.; Fernandez, I. and Azzoni, C. R. (2003). Growth Dynamics and
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Perobelli, F. S., Haddad, E .A., Bastos, S. Q and Pimentel, E. (2007). Fiscal Incentives
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1996/1999, Latin American Business Review, v. 7, n. 3-4, p. 49-75.
Perobelli, F. S., Haddad, E. A., Bonet, J. and Hewings, G. J. D. (2010). Structural
Interdependence Among Colombian Departments. Economic Systems Research, v.
22, p. 279-300.
Perobelli, F. S. and Oliveira, C. C. C. (2013). Energy Development Potential: An
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Piketty, T. (2014). Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Translated by Arthur
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Porsse, A., Haddad, E. A. and Ribeiro, E. P. (2007). Economic Effects of Regional Tax
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n.3-4, p. 195-216.
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Santos, G. F.; Haddad, E. A. and Hewings, G. J. D. (2013). Energy Policy and Regional
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Schettini, D., Azzoni. C. R. and Paez, A. (2011). Neighborhood and Efficiency in
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Silveira-Neto, R. and Azzoni, C. R. (2011). Non-Spatial Government Policies and
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Silveira-Neto, R. and Azzoni, C. R. (2012). Social Policy as Regional Policy: Market
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Suriñach, J., Duque, J. C., Ramos, R. and Royuela, V. (2003). Publication Patterns in
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Vieira, F. V., Haddad, E. A. and Azzoni, C. R. (2014). Export Performance of Brazilian
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15, n.3-4, p. 253-267.
Table A.1. List of Brazilian REAL’s Alumni Registered in the Lattes Platform
Obs. There are three of the first Brazilian scholars at REAL that are not registered in the Lattes Platform and/or do not work in
research institutions in Brazil: Eduardo Borges Matins (1989); Ricardo Gazel (1991); Mônica Amaral Haddad (1997).