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Nursing Informatics-Innovative Technology in Health

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Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Nursing Informatics-Innovative Technology in Health

Melba Elizabth k
Assistant professor
Koshys College of nursing

Abstract:- The present paper explores about the The main aspect of healthcare information is nursing
technological upliftment in the field of nursing, it is documentation. Wherein patient documentation plays a
termed or called as nursing informatics. Nurses are the vital role in communicating the patient’s condition and
major workforce in the health care industry, hence organizing their cares and concerns as per their needs.
innovative involvement of electronic records and
computer enhanced the ease of work, promoted various III. BENEFITS OF DIGITALIZATION OF
activities and reduced the work timings. This article HEALTH RECORDS
describes about the application and benefits of
computer in various aspects of nursing. A. Enhanced Patient Care:
Electronic health records (EHR) alerts the treating
I. INTRODUCTION physicians and enhance their abilities to attend allergies or
intolerances towards certain medicines.
Software technology have taken a wide coverage,
quick understanding of facts, galaxy of information and B. Improved Public Health
also put an end to great number of laboring resources. EHRs provide extremely helpful data to clinical
There is an extensive possibility for improving the researchers, which make progress in medical knowledge
perception about health care through electronic media and and the evolution of modern therapy for common health
information technology. Although with its enormous problems.
usage, there are some difficulties, accountability and
defense which need to be thought while using information C. Facility of Work Flow
technology as a means for health care delivery. EHRs throw a great impact on medical billers and
coders. With the introduction of EHRs has made life much

Upcoming medical services like invasive and non D. Lower Healthcare Costs
invasive diagnostic tests, medical equipments producers as The shift from manual documentation to paper free
well as hospital chains are greatly fetching profit from electronic documentation brought more monetary benefit
various venture capitalists. Information and technology for hospital. There is a drastic improvement in the economy
have merged to become essential parts of health care, of the hospital.
accordingly has the distinctive, hybrid role of informatics in
nursing. At the time nursing suitably make easy the IV. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION
sequestrate use of health information and technology TECHNOLOGY
systems; they have speedily moved to indispensable roles
in modifying health care settings. Information and communication technology associates
healthcare professionals with patients through Email, smart
The informatics nurse is part of the providers of care, phones, web cam, telemedicine, and telemonitoring systems
the building of apprehension, competency and the to share information.
encounter in the use of information technology. The
American nurses association defined nursing informatics A. M Health
“as a specialty that integrates nursing science and computer Mobile technology that supports the field of
science to manage and communicate data, information and healthcare and medical information are known as mobile
knowledge in nursing practice”. health or m health. Approximately 80% of medical
professionals including doctors and nurses uses mobile
Many health care persons link the area of nurse devices and medical apps, while 25% of them use it for
informatics as having dual roles, the clinician who make patient care provisions.
use of health information technology and the specialist,
who designs, smoothen the way, and execute new
information technology. Healthcare outgrowth including
quality of life measures are the effect of heterogeneous
bond between the patient, the nurse, the therapy and the
information healthcare system.

IJISRT19AP297 www.ijisrt.com 1126

Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A nurse can assist in ‘telemedicine’ and ‘telehealth’; it
can be utilized to refer to two-way video consultation, or
the channeling of healthcare data like electrocardiogram
(ECGs). Tele monitoring technology can read and record
vital signs and symptoms. Eg: A nurse practitioner in a
village emergency department could be directed by
telephone in the proper procedure for inserting chest tubes,
so a man with a hemothorax or pneumothorax could be
settled for successive move to a super specialty hospital.


A. General Practice Among several healthcare organizations, nurses

In general practice the application of nursing constitute the largest technology user group. Earlier nurses
informatics include- work list to remind staff about felt electronic documentation and information systems were
implementations of interventions, documenting client a disturbance to their daily work flow and a interference
related data’s, recording of vital parameters through from bedside care. In recent years and over time, nurses
monitors, robotic billing for supplies or nursing procedures have become more habitual to the technology, which is
done, timely prompting alarm for overall draft. positive since their receipt of it is all-important to
successful system implementation. Discovering the right
B. Nursing Administration (Health Care Information balance of information science in concurrence with nursing
System) science is a ongoing process that will lean on the innovative
Informatics that involved in administration are development and determination of today’s modern nurse
scheduling of nursing staff duty, exchange of patient and the support of nursing informatics specialists.
information between the departments, promote record
keeping, storage of data as a result minimize nursing hours REFERENCES
spent in non nursing activities. Computer helps in nursing
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D. Nursing Research:
Computer helps in formulation of research problem,
searching of literature, sampling, collection of data and data
analysis. Software used in nursing research is SPSS,
STATA. It also helps in editing, referring, coding,
managing and interpretation of data. Computer saves the
time of researchers and gives more accurate and fast

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