Connection Design Procedure
Connection Design Procedure
Connection Design Procedure
Connection or joint are used to transfer the forces supported by a structural member to other parts
of the structure or to the supports without any failure. According to Eurocode EN 1993-1-8
connection can be defined as connection that consists of fasteners such as bolts, pin, rivets or weld
and the local member elements connected by these fasteners. Connection also may use bolts or/and
weld connect the member elements. Connection always considered as fixed or pinned. Normally
there are two kind of connection that always be used in construction which are bolts connection
and welds connection.
Bolts connection is defined as one of the mechanical fasteners that important to tight the
joints of the members in construction. Advantages of using bolts as a mechanical fasteners
connection are there is no softening of the materials due to the influence of heat and can be used
on site contrarily to welding which is an in-shop method. Therefore, for the assembly on site
preferably bolting is the joining method.
Welding is defined as the joining of materials by the use of heat, sometimes force or
combining heat and force with or without filler metal. Advantages of using welded connection are
saving of work and materials, absence of drilling and overlap and tight the joints.
There are the procedure to design the connection according to the types.
1. Bolted Connection
a. Direct shear – check on shear and bending resistance due to the Table 3.4 EC3-1-
b. Shear and Tension
i. Load due to shear.
ii. Load due to torsion
iii. Resultant load
iv. Shear resistance per bolt due to the Table 3.4 EC3-1-8 and compared with
resultant load.
c. Shear and Tension
i. Force due to shear
ii. Force due to tension
iii. Shear resistance per bolt due to the Table 3.4 EC3-1-8 and compared with
force due to shear.
iv. Tension resistance due to the Table 3.4 EC3-1-8 and compared with force
due to tension
v. Combined shear and tension refer to the Table 3.4 EC3-1-8.
2. Welded Connection
a. Direct shear – calculate fvw,d & Fw,Rd (Table 3.4 EC3-1-8)
i. Design shear strength of weld, fvw,d ( EC3-1-8)
ii. Design resistance of the weld per unit length Fw,Rd ( EC3-1-8)
iii. Total resistance – min. length required (Fw,Ed/Fw,Rd), the required length
( min. length req. + 2s), total resistance (Fw,Rd x the req. length)
b. Shear & Torsion
i. Force due to shear
ii. Force due to torsion
iii. Resultant force
iv. Design shear strength of weld, fvw,d refer to the ( EC3-1-8)
v. Design resistance of the weld per unit length Fw,Rd refer to the (
EC3-1-8 and compared with resultant force.
c. Shear and Tension
i. Force due to shear
ii. Force due to tension
iii. Resultant force
iv. Design shear strength of weld, fvw,d due to the ( EC3-1-8)
v. Design resistance of the weld per unit length Fw,Rd due to the (
EC3-1-8) and compared with resultant force
To summaries our design of connection, we used simple construction method to design the
connection of joining members of beam and column for example to design the connection of beam
(B3) to column (C2). We used simple construction method because this method helped us to design
the connection more satisfied and adequate. Normally, the beam connected to the column face
usually inducing a small bending moment due to the eccentric application of transferred force.
Overall verification of our design connection for beam (B3) to column (C2) is a satisfactory which
is 0.28 < 1.0. In addition, the eccentricity connection of bolt in shear and tension for our design
also satisfied due to our design which is 0.01 < 1.0.