Engineering Solutions and Services PDF
Engineering Solutions and Services PDF
Engineering Solutions and Services PDF
Innovative technology
for impactful insights
Rolta Engineering & Enterprise Solutions
Market Overview
With a soaring GDP the Indian energy demand, in the last
► Contents decade has grown at an annual rate which is almost double
1. Rolta Engineering & Enterprise Solutions 1 the global growth rate. Conventional power generation and
2. Rolta Engineering Design Services refining capacities are both expected to double in the next
decade in India. According to Frost & Sullivan, over the next
3. Rolta Engineering Technology Services 8
7-10 years, E&LP investments in India alone are expected to
4. Portfolio of SmartPlant Enterprise Solutions 9 be in the range of US $90-110 billion, with expected investments
. SmartPlant® P&ID 11 worth over US $40 billion under the Eleventh Five-Year Plan
• SmartPlant® Safety Solutions 13 (2007-2012) across the oil and gas value chain. According to
McKinsey & Co., India's power sector will need investments of
• SmartPlant® Instrumentation 15
about US$ 600 Billion by 2017. While the International Energy
• SmartPlant Electrical 17 Agency states that US$ 26 Trillion infrastructure investment will
• SmartSketch 19 be required to meet global demand for energy which is expected
• SmartPlant Explorer 19 to increase by 40% by 2030.
• SmartPlant® Layout 20 All such power and process plants have thousands of interrelated
• SmartPlant® 3D 21 real-time and operational decisions to produce gasoline,
• SmartMarine 3D 23 electricity, chemicals, etc. Disconnected pieces of information
spread across the organization need to be bound together to
• SmartPlant 3D Material Handling Edition 25 extract actionable intelligence while driving the culture of data
. PDS 26 based decision-making to achieve Operational Excellence.
• SmartPlant® Review 27 Organizations are under growing pressure from the Environment
• SmartPlant® Isometrics 29 and Compliance Regulations. Additionally they need to optimize
• SmartPlant Referance Data 31 utilization, avoid failures and lower operational expenditure
whilst maintaining customer satisfaction. The need for
• SmartPlant Database for SmartPlant 31
Referance Data Innovation and Value maximization has therefore become more
critical than ever before.For Engineering Procurement and
• SmartPlant® Materials 32
Construction (EPC) companies, India has emerged as a
• SmartPlant® Construction 34
destination of choice for engineering outsourcing and as a
• SmartPlant® Spoolgen 35 consequence, design & engineering work for numerous projects
• SmartPlant Foundation 37 across the globe is now being executed in India.
• SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators 39 Owner-Operators (O/Os) of plants have started to realize the
Core Solution
benefits of using modern information technology tools for project
• SmartPlant® Enterprise for Owner Operators 40 & plant life cycle management i.e. Design, Build, Operate &
Operating Plant Solution
Maintain phases, as a result of maturing of the such tools, as well
• SmartPlant® Enterprise for Owner Operators 42 as the changing economies. O/Os are, therefore, seeking services
Project Execution Solution
to not only obtain digital intelligent models of their plants, but
• SmartPlant® Enterprise for Owner Operators 44
Validation, Transformation & Loading Solution also to have their engineering design systems integrated with
other enterprise-level systems to efficiently manage the EPC as
• SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators 45
Handover Solution well as O&M phase. The benefits of integrating such enterprise
wide systems across disparate databases and heterogeneous
5. About Rolta 46 platforms are pushing up the demand for a comprehensive and
TheRo lta logo is a registered trademark of Rolta India Limited, lant f integrated solution to address this need.
SmartP P&ID, SmartPlant Process Safety, SmartPlant
1 n ct"T"l 1 TT1
iPT"it"nt"irM"i Smnrtl nfit" ppptTirrn ^mnrt"^\zpt~pn Smnrtl nfit Rolta, with its years of domain experience, expertise & insights
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• Process Simulation
I Engineering Information
Management Services As-
Shutdown Planning
Plant Safety & Reliability
Operations & Built Plant Information & Plant Revamp & Decommissioning
Maintenance Services Modeling Services Plant 3D
Technology Services
Consulting • Technical Information Management • Reference Data Creation & •
Software System Deployment Management • Software
Customization & * Data Migration, Audit & Compliance Integration
• Training
Rolta Engineering Design Services
• Hydraulic analysis, line sizing and relief valve sizing Rolta uses specialised tools like:
• Design of process equipment AutoCAD, SmartPlant Instrumentation, Infomaker,
• Development of Process Flow Diagrams (PFD's) and MicroStation, PDS, SmartPlant3D & other platform for 3D
equipment data sheets modeling.
• Development of Process and Instrumentation Diagrams
(P&ID's) Electrical Engineering
• Safety and Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) reviews The electrical engineering group deals with design and detail
engineering services for process and power plants. The discipline
Rolta uses specialised tools like:
also carries out power systems studies using ETAP and other
Aspen Plus, HTFS, HTRI, PVElite, SmartPlant P&ID, Zyqad and applicable software. The group also undertakes 3D modeling of
a number of internally developed equipment design programs. trays, lighting fixtures and other electrical equipments. The
various services covered as part of detailed engineering are as
Instrumentation & Controls Engineering listed below.
The Instrumentation & Control systems engineering group • Electrical load analysis and design of system architecture
executes complete detail engineering activities for all types of
• Power distribution system design
Instrumentation for Process & Power industries.
• Motor control center and substation design
Major activities of the discipline includes Instrument markups on • Protective relay coordination
P&IDs, Creation / Import of Instrument Index, Flow sensor, • Lighting design
Control valve and Thermo well sizing calculations, Preparation of • Grounding design
Specification datasheets, development of Field
• 3D design of electrical components
Instrument/JB/Panel Location plans, Preparation of Wiring and
loop diagrams, Hook-up drawings, PLC/DCS I/O assignment, • Cable and tray routing, sizing, scheduling
DCS configuration etc. • Hazardous area classification
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) design
and specification
. Plant communication system design Civil/ Structural Engineering
• Procurement services for all types of electrical equipment The civil/structural engineering group undertakes complete detail
engineering of all structures and foundations pertaining to any
Rolta uses specialized tools like:
plant, non-plant, utility, offsite and offshore structures. The group
AutoCAD, CG Lux, ETAP, MicroStation, SmartPlant Electrical, comprises of a team of engineers and designers equipped with
PDS, SmartPlant3D & other platform for 3D modeling. international design codes and experience in executing all types of
structural analysis design and drafting assignment. The various
Mechanical Engineering services covered as part of detailed engineering are as listed
The mechanical engineering group carries out design of various below.
static and dynamic equipments using internationally accepted • Structural analysis and design
design codes / software. The various services covered as part of
• Foundation and reinforced concrete analysis and design
detailed engineering are as listed below.
• Cut and fill design
• Design of static and rotating equipment such as pumps,
vessels, tanks and heat exchangers, reactors, columns and • Site drainage and road design
agitators • Structural steel connection design and detailing services
• Heat exchanger setting plans
Rolta uses specialized tools like:
• Finite element analysis
ACE Frameworks Utilities, Base Plate, Frameworks Plus & PCA-
• Design of material handling equipment such as conveyors,
Columns, STAAD.Pro, SDS/2, PDS, SmartPlant3D & other
crushers, elevators, and cranes
platform for 3D modeling and a number of internally developed
• Preparation of technical specifications for procurement of structural and foundation design programs.
• Generation of fabrication drawings Marine Engineering
• Technical bid evaluation Rolta's ship design group includes a core team of professionals from
the marine sector comprising of naval architects, marine,
• Vendor coordination and Expediting services
mechanical, electrical and structural engineers. They collectively
Rolta uses specialized tools like: have years of experience in ship/submarine design, FPSO offshore
platform, ship construction and repairs. Rolta's ship design
ANSYS, AutoCAD, COMPRESS, CodeCalc, MicroStation,
professionals are well versed with ship design/construction
PVElite, SmartPlant 3D, Tank and a number of internally
standards, class rules and specifications and have worked in some
developed equipment design programs. of the leading shipyards on various projects in India and abroad.
The various services covered as part of Marine engineering are
Plant Design & Piping Engineering listed below:
The piping engineering group carries out the entire range of • Hull Structures
activities viz. stress analysis, conceptual planning and studies 3D • Outfitting
modeling, Isometrics, Pipe Supports, interference check, design
• Machinery and HVAC
reviews and reports. The various services covered as part of
detailed engineering are as listed below. • Electrical and Instrumentation
• Complete plant layout services, including equipment • Top sides & Structures for FPSO
arrangement, plot plan development and conceptual • Documentation and Project Management
Rolta uses specialized tools like:
• 2D and 3 D equipment and piping modeling
SmartMarine 3D, PDS & other platform for 3D Marine
• Static and dynamic piping stress analysis
modeling, Orthogen, Isogen, CATIA V5, CADDS 5, AutoCAD,
• Laser scanning and "as-builting" services MicroStation, SmartSketch, Nupas-CADmatic etc
• Complete piping material management services, including
pipe specification and reference data base (RDB) Project Management
development and maintenance Project planning and management is the bedrock of all EPCm
• Procurement of piping materials and specialty items Site projects. Rolta firmly believes that an efficient and intelligent
construction support services project management is of utmost importance in the success of the
project it undertakes. Rolta has a large project management team
Rolta uses specialized tools like:
with extensive industry and implementation experience. The team
AutoCAD, CAESAR II, Isogen, MicroStation, Orthogen, PDS, is well equipped with some of the latest project management tools
SmartPlant3D & other platform for 3D modeling, Global Server, and information systems to perform project management,
Pelican Forge Pipe Support Modeler, SmartPlant Materials, scheduling, monitoring and cost control etc. The execution team is
SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Spoolgen, Smartsketch. fully geared up for co-ordinating the activities of design,
engineering, procurement, inspection & expediting, stores Rolta with its over a decade long experience leverages its support
management, construction, pre-commissioning & commissioning experience to hundreds of Plant owners. Rolta offers a range of
by means of an integrated system for schedule, cost and quality Plant IT enabled engineering data management services for its
control. customers in India and across the world.
Rolta has deployed some of the best tools project scheduling and These services include supply and installation of the latest
planning with an on-line monitoring & reporting system which hardware and software tools for engineering data management for
tracks and corrects the slippages in schedule and resources in time. the Process & Power industries. The services also include
The tools provide an extensive management reporting system for extensive training and hand holding for users and plant
details of planning, monitoring and progress. maintenance staff.
Increasing usage and / or adoption of 'state-of-the-art' Plant To meet and overcome the above challenges, Rolta has created an
Design and Engineering Software tools and solutions by EPCs as apex group, called "Smart Plant Center of Excellence" in the
well as Owner-Operators has led to an approach of integrating Technology Center which provides following services:
engineering data throughout the enterprise and also over life cycle
of a project including data handover from the EPCs. This approach Consulting & SmartPlant Enterprise (SPE)
of integration has enormous advantages which promotes
Implementation Assistance
'interoperability. Using this approach, we can make engineering
data available even for non-engineer users and better interact with • Requirement analysis for SmartPlant deployment
the Owner-Operator IT architecture. • SmartPlant configuration & automation
• Custom training & handholding
Data / Information Handover on a capital project is an activity that
has traditionally been low on the priorities of both the Owner- • Helpdesk assistance
Operator (O/O) and the EPCs company alike. Often O/O's believe • SmartPlant Implementation & administration support
the ownership of consolidation and integrity of the content to be • Onsite/offshore implementation
the responsibility of the EPC and then wonder why the data /
information handed over is organized by project codes and EPC Data Handover support to O/Os
structures and not plant codes and structures, or that data is • Creation of project specific data handover spec for O/O
duplicated, mis-indexed or just missing. Equally, EPC's typically do • Audit of EPC provided SmartPlant data for ensuring total
not allocate key engineering resources or impact their existing compliance to O/O standards
processes to provide the co-ordination tasks. • To make EPC data compliant to O/O standards
• Assistance for EPC data publishing to SPF
It is not just for handover of Greenfield projects either, Brown field
turnarounds are equally affected by inefficient information. • Bulk data load utilities
Process of closing the gap between EPCs and O/Os, so win-win is
SmartPlant Content Customization
Smart Handover. In efficient engineering information in the
• SmartPlant tools Seed template configuration
operating facility is resulting in extended turnaround times,
causing lost production/revenue opportunity and higher capital • SP3D Reference data creation for Piping, Equipment,
expenses, up to 30% of the costs for modifications are involved in Electrical, HVAC & Structural from paper spec to SP3D or
verifying and correcting the 'As-built' plant data. Smart Handover paper spec to SPRD to SP3D
during the development phase of a project and continual • SP3D Symbol creation for Piping components,
verification can reduce handover costs practically to zero. Instruments, HVAC, Electrical, Pipe Supports
• PDS Eden for piping and equipment
We have realized that business model of companies who create the • SP3D/PDS Drawing &Report content creation
engineering design basis (for eg. EPCs) must be improved in the • SP2D Report content creation
process. Besides providing automation tools to EPCs, Rolta will
create a path for EPC to begin packaging their intellectual property SmartPlant Foundation implementation Services
(IPs) and realizing value from it. We can help EPCs to protect and • SPF configuration
package their IPs and Owner-Operators to create and own • Tool Schema Mapping
automation rules on top of plant design software, which serves all • Work flow configuration for Management of change
parties in the value chain ie EPCs can realize increasing margins,
• Workflow configuration
Owner-Operators can realize decreasing project costs, and we can
• Transmittals configuration
realize increasing revenue as we bring more value. The business of
packing engineering rules for automation is complex and here's • Publishing TEF and Non-TEF data
where Rolta provides its expertise thru their Technology Services. • Datasheet template configuration
• Help desk support for SmartPlant suite
The challenges that are faced for implementation of such complex
yet state-of-the-art engineering solutions are Automation Services
• Adoption of new workflow process • Developing Automation routines for Quality checking of SP
tool databases
• Getting the right implementation partner
• Creating utilities to enhance basic functionality of SP tools
• Development of functional requirements specifications
• SP3D and SPF programming
• Experienced resources
• Other software development
artPlant 9 P&ID artPlant9
Process Safety artPlant
Engineering & Instrumentation
lartPlant Electrical
Schematics lartSketch9 SmartPlant
SmartPlant Layout
SmartPlant9 3D
lartMarine9 3D
3D Modeling & lartPlant 3D Materials Handling Edition
lartPlant9 Review, SmartPlant9 Review Publisher &
lartPlant9 Free View™ SmartPlant Isometrics
• SmartPlant9 Spoolgen9
SmartPlant Foundation
SmartPlant9 Enterprise for Owner Operators
Information • SPO Core
>PO Operating Plant
Management !PO Project Execution
/alidation, Transformation, and Loading
!PO Handover
SmartPlant® P&ID I Smart Plant
SmartPlant Import Assistant and technical support services to
Create and Manage your Plant Configuration
SmartPlant P&ID.
from Concept to Operations
A key part of Intergraph® SmartPlant® Enterprise, SmartPlant Streamline Engineering Tasks throughout the
P&dD is an asset-centric, rule-driven engineering solution that Workflow
can help to efficiently create, maintain, and improve plant The design rules that are built into SmartPlant P&ID streamline
configurations. SmartPlant P&dD helps you design and configure engineering tasks throughout the workflow. Automation enables
your plant processes using design rules that enforce engineering application integration and provides the ability to import data from
and customer standards. It enables you to configure the plant other tasks such as equipment data from the mechanical group,
accurately and make the right decision early in the design cycle, process data from process engineers, etc. SmartPlant P&ID
increasing the efficiency of downstream design activities such as provides workshare capabilities to support multi-office project
control system design and piping. Engineering decisions made in execution and allows you to compare versions for effective
five minutes impact the 40-year life of a plant. So, early, accurate management of change. SmartPlant P&ID's built-in design rules
decisions are important. SmartPlant P&dD plays a key role in
and system editing capabilities also allow fast and consistent data
design, construction, commissioning, and operations, enabling
entry throughout a complete piping system. The rules (e.g.
plant owners to better plan for maintenance, operational tasks,
checking against piping specifications) enable design validation
and expansions or modifications. In addition, the SmartPlant
across the project and allow automatic updating of the design
P&ID data can be leveraged to plant operation-critical systems,
when the design basis changes, saving a significant amount of
such as control systems (SmartPlant Instrumentation) and safety
design checking time and increasing the design quality.
with HAZOP analysis (SmartPlant Process Safety).
Benefits for EPC Companies
Add Value across the Enterprise
EPC contractors can use SmartPlant P&ID to efficiently deliver a
SmartPlant P&dD offers value for all plant operations teams, such
high-quality design with a competitive edge by streamlining project
as engineering, technical services, research, environment, and
inspection. It helps improve the value of your existing P&IDs by execution. SmartPlant P&ID helps to:
being focused on data and derived deliverables. SmartPlant P&ID • Facilitate global worksharing for multi-office project execution
streamlines data entry, identifies and resolves inconsistencies, and concurrent engineering, reducing hours and cost and
consolidates data that may r e s i d e in various increasing design quality (on- and off-line modes).
files/spreadsheets/databases, and helps you present your data in the
• Drive substantial savings during front-end engineering design,
format that best meets the needs of your specific task, lowering
ensure accurate data and deliverables, and optimize design and
costs and operational risks. This is made possible by functions such
review scenarios.
as system editing, plant data editing (non-graphical interface to
edit data across all P&dDs in the plant), automation, the ability to • Create consistent design driven by the built-in rules,
import data from spreadsheets, and the display set function, which streamlining the entire data checking process. Perform system
basically queries the data and presents it in a graphical view.
SmartPlanrt P & ID is a task-driven software, which means that • Shorten the commissioning cycle, speed time to plant startup,
depending on your login, the software will display different and provide as-built P&IDs for operations.
properties and access rights to add or change data. This greatly • Automate deliverables and automate design actions.
improves user efficiency. SmartPlant P&dD enables conversion of
• Take advantage of typicals.
P&IDs created in AutoCAD, MicroStation, and other formats via
• Use pipe specification access and rules. • Access related information for the "roadmap of the plant" with
• Edit data efficiently using Plant Editing in a non-graphic SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators.
environment across all P&IDs in the plant. • Conduct maintenance planning and identify critical
• Take advantage of HAZOP, logic diagrams, and action dependence of systems through the connectivity model.
management. • Meet regulatory agency demands and prove compliance with
• Support a hosted environment. governmental regulations, such as OSHA, EPA, and FDA.
SmartPlant Safety Solutions rProcess Safety r***t*4 **
SmartPlant Safety Solutions offer next-generation software (MOC) processes, you can achieve improved and much faster re-
packages that streamline process safety review and build your HAZOPs and also increase plant safety. Powered by HAZID,
corporate safety knowledge base, leading to considerable benefits SmartPlant Process Safety is an integral part of Intergraph's world-
for capital projects and your operating plant. leading SmartPlant Enterprise process design and asset
SmartPlant Safety Solutions not only apply to HAZOP execution, management suite.
but also deals with challenges in checking design against safety
practices and engineering rules to avoid repeated and time
Real-world Benefits from a Process Performance
consuming HAZOP study requirements. Solution
To deal with these challenges, Intergraph offers the SmartPlant
• Substantially Reduce HAZOP Study Time and Cost
Safety Solutions. Purchase the products which fit your workflow —
• Gain a Powerful Visual Aid to Understanding
each is available separately:
• Enhance Action Management with Comprehensive Change
• SmartPlant Process Safety
• SmartPlant P&ID Engineering Integrity
• See Thorough, Consistent, Auditable Results
• SmartPlant Action Management
• Enable Better Quality Designs and Reduced Cost of Change
• Build and Retain Corporate Safety Memory
• Check the Safety of your Plants against Recently Reported
Improve Safety by reducing risk in Capital Incidents
Projects and Plant Operations • Support Mergers and Acquisitions
Intergraph® SmartPlant® Process Safety streamlines process • Gain ROI within two Studies
safety review and builds your corporate safety knowledge base,
leading to considerable benefits for capital projects and your Business Benefits
operating plant. By automatically identifying hazards from the • Identifies and eliminates hazard and operability issues much
plant's schematic drawings using SmartPlant P&ID, Intergraph earlier in the design - before change becomes limited and
SmartPlant Process Safety enables companies to: expensive
• Produce consistent, high-quality HAZOP study reports for • Substantially shortens the time and cost of HAZOP studies
much less time and cost across the complete design and critical path activities - enabling new projects to come to
• Identify and eliminate hazards early in the design process, market and achieve payback
before change becomes limited and expensive • Reduces the cost of HAZOPs
• Quickly and easily assess the effect of change on the safety
• Improves the management of change processes - helping to
of the entire plant
save costly plant down time
• Take advantage of action management to execute risk
reductions • Supports mergers and acquisitions — provides a fast process
for analyzing the newly acquired plant against corporate
For capital projects, SmartPlant Process Safety leads to lower risk,
standards for process safety
improved design quality, and reduced schedules. For the operating
plant, it means that through better Management of Change • Ensures HAZOPs are consistent — producing a full, auditable
record of the team's decisions
• Captures and reapplies expert's safety and operability SMARTPLANT ACTION MANAGEMENT
knowledge — making it consistently available across the
Enhance Productivity, Quality, and Consistency
• Integrates safety into a project's electronic workflow -
provides a mechanism to integrate hazard identification, by tracking actions and completions
analysis of likelihood versus severity, and risk reduction SmartPlant Action Management transmits the required actions
through the standardized manner in which information is produced by the HAZOP and engineering checks to the
appropriate disciplines. The software tracks the actions process
and completions.
SMARTPLANT P&ID ENGINEERING The solution helps ensure on-time, high-quality delivery. You can
INTEGRITY also check before you release the P&ID or perform another check
or HAZOP to ensure that all corrections have been completed,
Make the Right Decisions Early and if not, determine who needs to complete the actions.
The next step in engineering leads to rule-based or knowledge- Actions to make design modifications are assigned and managed
based designs. The majority of an engineer's time is spent looking for follow-up and approvals to ensure that the final design meets
for data and checking for correctness and consistency. These tasks your safety standards and engineering practices. You can manage
can now be automated with SmartPlant P&ID Engineering design activities across disciplines. SmartPlant Action
Integrity. Management helps you check design against safety and
engineering practices early in the design and during all the design
The out-of-the-box product delivers more than 3,000 rules based
phases, reducing the risk of late and costly changes.
on API 14C. These rules can be plugged into SmartPlant P&ID.
No programming skills are needed to add or modify the rules. Streamline the action management process. After reported issues
have been actioned, users can rerun SmartPlant Action
SmartPlant P&ID Engineering Integrity will check the P&ID
Management and produce a comparison report that outlines all
against these safety and engineering practices and project
eliminated issues and highlights new issues that may have been
standards. The product then automatically reports any areas of
introduced by the action.
inconsistency. The rules engine can be extended with customers'
rules on safety or any other engineering checks that are normally
performed manually. This powerful solution helps you make the
right decisions early in the process, producing significant savings in
checking and late changes.
Return On Investment
SmartPlant P&ID Engineering Integrity delivers consistency. The
solution offers an excellent return on investment in comparison to
the manual approach. In addition to these cost savings, the
solution delivers the significant benefit of leveraging intelligent
P&ID capabilities beyond reports and integration.
Customizable rules
A customizable rules set can be easily extended to automatically
validate the P&ID for safety and engineering practices before a
HAZOP will be performed or before it is released for client review
or construction. You can extend and/or customize the rules and
check for any engineering practice, not just safety practices.
SmartPlant Instrumentation SmartPlant
Pa we ma by IN too) a"
A Single Source of Plant Instrumentation
• Enable all users plant operations, maintenance and
Intergraph® SmartPlant® Instrumentation — the industry-
management to access consistent, current information from a
leading instrumentation solution - helps EPCs execute projects
single source (Supported by SmartPlant Explorer)
with high efficiency and design quality. Owner operators can lower
their operational risks by better managing and storing the history • Exchange data with vendors, saving time and increasing data
of their instrumentation and control systems, as well as prevent quality
unscheduled shutdowns by improved planning maintenance. • Improve plant uptime, safety and compliance through effective
SmartPlant Instrumentation also helps EPCs and O/Os plan plant change management
expansions or control system modernizations. • Integrate with business systems to provide access to
SmartPlant Instrumentation provides a single source of instrumentation data across the entire life cycle through the
instrumentation information that can be easily accessed and SAP R/3 interface
updated. It ensures consistency across the different instrument • Better schedule plant shutdowns with accurate, current data and
tasks and deliverables, which are automatically created as a "view" a long-range view of instrument behavior
of the design data. The software pays for itself by providing
• Maintain instrument performance through capture and analysis
information quickly and accurately. Since there is a single data
of calibration, as-found and as-left, through the Fluke interface
source, it eliminates the need to search for information in multiple
• Keep plant information up-to-date with as-built functionality
locations. Its External Function allows for on-the-fly data
and allow multi-project execution on an existing facility
validation and data entry-based custom rules which can access
external data sources. • Add multiple process cases for production scenarios
• Support new control system technology, such as Fieldbus
Why Choose SmartPlant Instrumentation?
• Integrate with SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant P&ID, and
SmartPlant Instrumentation helps you shorten time to market,
SmartPlant 3D through SmartPlant Enterprise
improve compliance with safety and environmental regulations,
and reduce instrumentation expenses. It provides an efficient way • Benefit from the Dimensional Data for Piping (DDP) module
to engineer and manage your instrumentation and control system Benefits for EPCs
adding value to your company's work processes and bottom line.
• Enforce engineering standards with design rules and validation
SmartPlantlnstrumentation supports distributed projects in
hosting or thin-client environments, which has been proven to • Facilitate faster, concurrent engineering reducing hours and
yield large benefits on largescale projects, such as LNG plants. cost — because all instrumentation data is consolidated,
managed and revised in one database
Benefits for Owner/Operators • Support distributed inter-office and inter-company engineering
• Streamline data handover from design to operations and using thin client technology
maintenance • Support Fieldbus designs with rules and flexibility to mix-and-
• Enforce engineering standards with design rules and validation match the best instrument components
• Streamline assembly of instrument construction and • Design automation with wiring, connectivity validation, cross
commissioning packages during commissioning and enjoy wiring, etc.
accurate, up-to-date test status for planning and reporting • Interface with up-and down-stream engineering, procurement,
• Promote rapid input of as-built data, providing a platform for and construction tasks
safe, compliant startup and operations • Use template design to increase productivity and data
consistency and take advantage of established best practices
• Create deliverables quickly, accurately and automatically The software ensures accurate data and consistent deliverables,
directly from the database, including instrument loop diagrams effectively manages change, and optimizes design and review
• Exchange data with vendors such as Emerson, Honeywell, scenarios. To ensure data integrity, the software offers the powerful
ABB, and E&H, saving time and increasing data quality capability to create engineering rules.
• Streamline procurement, helping to avoid surplus material or Design
Material shortages, protect schedule and eliminate costs SmartPlant Instrumentation flexibly adapts to your design
• Use revision tracking to manage engineering changes process. Conceptual data can be entered and refined and
• Enable specific plant views to be extracted from the database, documents can be created at any time during the project cycle to
supporting construction review or use the data. It can interface with DCS component
• Enjoy the support of engineering standards, such as KKS, for vendors such as Emerson Process Management, Yokogawa, ABB,
power industry intelligent data sheets to ensure accurate and and Honeywell, to reduce design time and increase data quality.
correct designs Interfaces with the up-stream tasks (SmartPlant P&dD) and
down-stream tasks (SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant 3D) help
Gain Value Across the Workflow to drive productivity and design quality.
SmartPlant Instrumentation addresses instrument-related work Procurement
processes throughout the plant life cycle - from process cases
through the design construction and operational tasks like Used with SmartPlant Materials, powered by MARIAN
calibration. —Intergraph's material procurement and management system —
SmartPlant Instrumentation eliminates handover of instrument
Engineering design data to procurement, shortening the procurement and
Use SmartPlant Instrumentation to create and manage delivery cycle and supporting downstream change control. You
instrumentation data in a single database, facilitating faster, can minimize materials surplus/shortages, reducing project cost
concurrent engineering and reducing work hours and cost. and schedule. SmartPlant Instrumentation also provides a solid
basis for other procurement methods in easily extractable specialty
Fieldbus Device Dara Snew
instrument and bulk material information.
SmartPlant Instrumentation lets you extract views of the control
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subcontractors, and then track progress/completion. The solution
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will be integrated with SmartPlant Construction.
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SmartPlcmt Electrical SmartPlant
1 Electrical
SmartPlant Electrical helps you increase efficiency in electrical project uses. Expensive last-minute redraws due to equipment
system design, construction, operation and maintenance. changes or vendor updates are things of the past. Simply update
SmartPlant Electrical stands up to today's rigorous demands of the data; the drawings will take care of themselves.
compressed schedules and operating budgets, fixed price contracts
and concurrent engineering. SmartPlant Electrical delivers clear SmartPlant Electrical provides provision to accommodate large
benefits by: scale single line diagram through improved off-page connectors
and the ability to make custom connection within same diagram
• Offering a life cycle solution — from conceptualization
to detailed design to operations, maintenance and Standards and data reuse
decommissioning SmartPlant Electrical actually helps your company make the best
• Saving time and cost through automation, such as improved use of assets the company already possesses. Features within
load modeling, automatic drawings and diagrams, and report SmartPlant Electrical provide defaults that you can use to increase
generation quality and efficiency during Plant Design, Operations, and
Maintenance. Default data and values can be entered to maintain
• Maintaining and enforcing standards, such as corporate rules design integrity.
and plant-specific dictates including stringent distinct KKS
naming conventions Flexible operations
SmartPlant Electrical is made up of two modules that offer life SmartPlant Electrical supports quantity operations for a
cycle coverage for both engineering companies as well as plant timesaving workflow process. SmartPlant Electrical can create,
owners. The two modules can be used separately or together as an organize and maintain large quantities of data or entities, or
integrated total electrical solution based on your project scope: manipulate data on a "one-by-one" basis, improves data entry
through select set behavior. The Apply Options feature adds
• SmartPlant Electrical Basic - Power distribution network tremendous flexibility, such as dynamically associating and
engineering and design, including a bi-directional interface
creating power cables & control stations and their control cables
with ETAP for comprehensive electrical analysis and
(implied components) along with their default data for selected
electrical equipment. Additionally, you can accommodate project
• SmartPlant Electrical Detailed (powered by SIGRAPH.CAE®) changes by replacing any equipment, including implied
— Detailed scope with three-line schematics, wiring, panel components, with new sets.
designs and PLC configuration
Report generation
SmartPlant Electrical Basic SmartPlant Electrical provides two different types of reports:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic helps you increase quality, reliability, graphical reports and tabular reports. Graphical reports include
and efficiency in electrical design, construction, operation, and schematic drawings and single-line diagrams; once the design is
maintenance. It delivers clear benefits by: complete, these graphical reports can be generated and saved to
any of the major commercial CAD formats (SmartSketch®,
• Saving time and cost through batch profile-based creation of
AutoCAD and MicroStation®). Tabular reports using the standard
electrical data, automation, batch load balancing, cable
Microsoft Excel report mechanism link to the project database.
management, automatic drawings and diagrams, report
generation, and change management
• Maintaining and enforcing standards, such as corporate rules
and plant-specific dictates, to help you make the right
decisions early with the rules enforcing engineering practices
and best practices
• Integrating with the advanced analysis solution from ETAP to
validate the design
SmartPlant Electrical provides you with standard reports that can you can reuse your design data, datasheets, and documentation to
be customized or used as a baseline for new custom reports, such as: support various work processes. With the automatic creation of
each electrical item, a relationship is created to ensure
• Electrical equipment indices
consistency, check for the optimal design solution, and enable fast
• Cable schedules navigation through the design and deliverables.
Intergraph® SmartSketch® is a versatile and cost-effective precision Engineers spend the majority of their time trying to find data —
engineering and drafting product. It gives EPCs and O/Os a more specifically, in an effort to find the latest data. SmartPlant
competitive edge throughout the plant life cycle by speeding Explorer can help reduce that time by giving you easy access to
productivity, cutting costs, and offering a sophisticated degree of your data from the SmartPlant Enterprise Engineering &
automation for detail work. As an interlocking piece of Intergraph's Schematics solution suite.
best-in-class life-cycle solution, SmartSketch is a premium tool for
SmartPlant Explorer is your solution for viewing, querying, and
the drawing generation tasks inherent in your work process. You can
reporting on data generated by SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant
also use SmartSketch to support Smart 3D drawing production and
Electrical, and SmartPlant Instrumentation (powered by
INtools®) design applications in the familiar Web browser.
SmartSketch supply task- and application-specific templates that set SmartPlant Explorer enables you to set roles to make only specific
up appropriate units, drawing scales, borders, title blocks, toolbars, data available to certain groups of people. Plus, it is possible to
and more than 7,500 symbols specific to your discipline's work define shortcuts or favorites to access data in a single step.
SmartPlant Explorer gathers live data from SmartPlant Enterprise
SmartSketch's Save As PDF functionality converts drawings to PDF Engineering & Schematics solutions and ensures access to the
format for quick publication to your corporate intranet or extranet.
latest data to enable faster, more accurate decision-making.
In addition, the user can navigate across tasks. For example, users
The Value Proposition can select a control valve on the P&ID and view the specification
Save design time, increase accuracy, and enjoy cost savings.
sheet which comes from the SmartPlant Instrumentation
Parametric design: Enter variables to save time and increase environment w ithout having to open SmartPlant
consistency when creating new designs Instrumentation.
Precision drawing: Use real coordinates and dimensions to
Using a familiar Microsoft® Windows interface, SmartPlant
create high- quality designs for construction and maintenance.
Explorer will also allow you to link to and view related documents,
Ability to leverage legacy data: Read and write traditional
such as maintenance work orders; vendor specifications; CAD
CAD formats such as AutoCAD and MicroStation. drawings created with AutoCAD, MicroStation®, or
Complements data-centric engineering suite: Realize SmartSketch®, and more.
benefits in all phases of engineering, from front- end preliminary
SmartPlant Explorer also enables a user-defined Web call. This
P&IDs to back- end drawing production. The solution powers
enables you to link to other software allocations that have Web
the drawing creation functionality of SmartPlant 3D.
Extends to fit your work process: Easily configure to
interface or perform specific tasks that will enhance your Microsoft Internet Explorer is the only client requirement for
work process. complete use of SmartPlant Explorer. With no need for special
Microsoft Office-compatible: Insert and combine graphics training, you can enjoy immediate productivity with the familiar
with Microsoft Office files. Internet Explorer interface.
Engineering task templates: Take advantage of symbol libraries
and templates used by the various engineering disciplines,
such as HVAC, architectural, and piping.
Relationships: Create and maintain relationships that ensure
data connectivity and consistency.
Report results: Report symbol attributes in Microsoft Excel format.
Platform for custom or third-party tool: Build your own tools
on top of SmartSketch.
Other functionalities: Take advantage of coordinate readout,
revision cloud, and SmartSelect.
SmartSketch Viewer
The SmartSketch Viewer is a free tool that enables the viewing and
printing of 2D graphics files created from the Intergraph SmartPlant
suite of products. This tool will display files from SmartSketch,
SmartPlant 3D Drawing Editor, SPP&ID, SPEL, and SPI.
SmartPlant Layout
SmartPlant® Layout is a new solution for preliminary 3D plant process, you can generate preliminary layout drawings and review
layout, including proposal development, early design estimates, models. Similarly, SmartPlant Layout's advanced reporting
and plant layout optimization from Intergraph®. Based on capabilities help you create a wide variety of standard and user-
Intergraph's next-generation 3D design solution, SmartPlant 3D, defined reports, including summary bulk materials quantities for
SmartPlant Layout is a standalone product extending the cost estimation purposes.
SmartPlant Enterprise suite through the addition of tools for
automatic pipe routing, layout case management, and cost Benefits of using SmartPlant Layout
estimation. SmartPlant Layout offers powerful tools for preliminary plant
SmartPlant Layout enables preliminary designs to be reused by layout and design, including:
carrying forward initial layouts into detailed design without
• Comprehensive SmartPlant 3D equipment, piping, structure
additional remodeling — saving time and improving design quality.
and space management commands
Because SmartPlant Layout is built on SmartPlant 3D
architecture, software administrative burden is significantly • User-definable design layout rules used to monitor and where
diminished in comparison to using standalone early design necessary, enforce industry or project design standards for
software. equipment and rack spacing, piping configuration and object
Streamlining Preliminary Design
SmartPlant Layout significantly streamlines the preliminary layout • Available pipe-run interface options:
design process. The interface is simple to learn and use — all
• Direct user input
application commands are available in a single, consistent
environment. We have optimized the resulting plant layout • Import from line list spreadsheet (s)
workflow to ensure you achieve high-quality layout options with
minimal design modifications by the designer. You can initially • P&IDs
define the location of major equipment, pipe racks, and other • SmartPlant Layout-integrated pipe autorouter to calculate and
important space reservation zones used by the integrated pipe display the lowest possible cost pipe routes for a given plant
autorouter, such as attraction, avoidance, and obstruction areas.
layout and applied design standards
Supporting this stage, you can define and apply rules that monitor
and enforce your design standards to ensure consistency, including • Automated definition of SmartPlant 3D drawings and reports,
layout of pipes inside pipe rack volumes, and minimum nozzle including bulk materials quantities reports for cost estimation
standout distances. purposes
Following initial zone definition, pipe runs are either directly input • Ability to publish a SmartPlant Review visualization model(s)
by the user, imported from an externally created line-list of the preliminary layout
spreadsheet, or derived from P&IDs. The integrated SmartPlant
Layout pipe autorouter then calculates and displays the lowest • Case management enabling the display and comparison of
possible cost pipe routes for a given plant layout and applied rules. results from various layouts
Case management enables the display and comparison of results • When used with SmartPlant 3D, elimination of up to 90
from various layouts. At any point in the preliminary design percent of the remodeling normally required when
transitioning from preliminary design applications and formats
to detailed design
Extending the capabilities of Intergraph's PDS The Model Data Reuse command offers:
Even without translation of PDS data, SmartPlant 3D leverages • Inclusion of assemblies such as spools
existing designs by complementing and extending the capabilities • Automated expansion to include WBS hierarchy and
of PDS. By enabling PDS design data to be referenced from the assignments
SmartPlant 3D model, SmartPlant 3D is immediately useful for
revamp projects with no translation effort necessary. SmartPlant The Copy to Catalog command has been enhanced to provide
3D provides for intelligent referencing of PDS, enabling functions additional capabilities:
such as interference detection, drawing generation, display filters • Portability of "copied" assemblies across catalog databases
and queries and access to property data. If you do require
• Increased compatibility with route solver while "pasting" data
translation of PDS data to a SmartPlant 3D format, Intergraph
into the model.
now offers the capability to translate specifications,
projects/models and other data from PDS to SmartPlant 3D.
Reference 3D
SmartPlant 3D continues to bolster its ability to bring external 3D
data into projects through enhancements to its powerful
Reference 3D (R3D) functionality. Integrating the proven
SmartPlant Review engine, this technology continues to expand
its support for a wide array of 3D formats, including multiple
Proactive interference checking capabilities provide continuous, consistent
versions of SmartMarine 3D and SmartPlant 3D, PDS 3D,
management of change.
SmartMarine® 3D }3D
Changing the way Marine Structures are • Streamline building processes
Business Benefits
Cost and Schedule Reduction
With SmartPlant 3D Materials Handling Edition, you can
complete better and more accurate design reviews using 3D
technology with comments and feedback at earlier stages in the
project. You can consult all involved parties from the owners
during initial design. This is when you can implement changes at a
lower cost and with limited schedule impact compared to
traditional 2D design systems.
System Improvements
You can make early and informed decisions about system design by
reviewing the model with the owner at various design stages.
Quickly and easily change the model and BOM based on a variety
of scenarios across multiple disciplines. This ensures both the
designer and the owner can make the best decisions.
Plant Design System (PDS)
Intergraph's Plant Design System (PDS) is a comprehensive, COADE CAESAR II - The PD Stress feature in PDS speeds up
intelligent computer-aided design/engineering (CAD/CAE) your analysis process by exporting pipeline information for use as
application. Production-driven, PDS delivers the best design input to this popular pipe stress analysis program. AutoPipe,
possible — and does it more efficiently to reduce the total installed TriFlex and ADLPipe are also supported by this feature.
cost of the project. It reduces costs, enhances value, and minimizes
DST PipeStress2000 - This nuclear-certified pipe stress product
risk while preserving the value of data.
uses a powerful interface to rich data in the Material Data
PDS is the market leader, chosen by owner/operators (O/Os); Publisher database to rapidly and easily build input decks by
engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firms; and pipeline, by area, or by project.
their vendors to design projects around the world since the mid-
Leica Geosystems HDS (Cyra), MENSI and Quantapoint —
1980s. Due to its capability and commitment to the industry, many
These laser scanning solution providers have interfaces with PDS
leading EPCs and O/Os have selected PDS as their corporate
which allow as-built point clouds to be viewed along with the PDS
model and also imported into PDS as intelligent models via PDS
The software perfectly fits into your corporate strategy, whether ModelBuilder and Frame Works Plus FPL programming.
you're operating on a global scale or at the project level. PDS
Frameworks Plus Integration With Third-party Analysis And
projects range from small plant revamps to multibillion-dollar
Steel Detailing Software
offshore platform construction.
Analysis and integration capabilities promote completeness and
PDS helps companies achieve more with fewer accuracy of data exchange with integrated, third-party analysis
resources by providing: packages such as TEKLA, STAAD-III, GT STRUDL, LARSA,
SAP2000, and RAM Steel. FrameWorks Plus has a two-way link to
• Automation that improves productivity STAAD-III and GT STRUDL that makes it an ideal preprocessor
• Three-dimensional modeling that helps designers create a for analysis.
offered by FARO, Leica Geosystems HDS, Trimble and Z+F, compatible, familiar menus and navigation tools help lower
allowing you to manage existing-condition data by enabling the training costs.
display of laser scanning data within SmartPlant Review. This helps
lower the time, effort and cost of process plant retrofit engineering Scaleable
and construction projects. It extends the use of 3D CAD to more SmartPlant Review provides a core product loaded with
projects. Point cloud integration also helps in the planning of functionality that can then be supplemented with additional
existing plant remodeling by coupling existing plant configuration modules for the specific functionality required. Buy what you need
provided by point cloud scans with 3D model displays. — no more, no less. SmartPlant Review is hardware-scaleable, too!
Once you've chosen your software configuration, you can run it on
Construction module standard desktop PCs, ruggedized notebook computers on the
The SmartPlant Review Construction module provides integrated construction site, or on high-end multimedia workstations with
project scheduling and collision detection functionality. As a multiple processors.
construction sequencing tool, SmartPlant Review includes
Schedule Review, which turns data from your project planning
software, such as Primavera Project Planner and Microsoft®
Project, into a visual display of the construction or demolition
SmartPlant Review Publishe
progress. Plan safe and appropriately timed equipment installation
SmartPlant Review Publisher supports the conversion of common
with the collision detection function as you move equipment
plant formats for reviewing in the SmartPlant Review. This
through the plant with sound effects and highlights.
separately available product adds versatility to SmartPlant Review
by enabling to compress and distribute project file to a network
API Module server or a user's machine for viewing. Because SmartPlant
The SmartPlant Review API module includes programming Review Publisher server-based, it needs only one copy to schedule
libraries that enable developers to create programs that run on the conversion and distribution of projects.
SmartPlant Review. The API module is not required to run the
custom applications, merely to create them. The API module also
provides the ability to create a VUE file interactively while inside
SmartPlant Review.
SmartPlant® FreeView
Accessible Smart Plant
Think about where you need 3D visualization and data access,
especially in construction. With SmartPlant Review, you are no
longer limited in your access to the design by the constraints of your SmartPlant FreeView is a free viewer to open Intergraph's 3D
computer network. SmartPlant Review enables you to display the models (VUE files) for display and navigation of process, power,
entire plant model and associated data at any remote location, and marine projects. Users can walk through the plant and select
totally independent of the office network. You can display the true any object in the view to see its associated plant properties (MDB2
plant coordinates at any time, execute searches automatically and file). Easy-to-use, on-screen motion controls allow even the most
perform accurate, repeatable measurements that can be labeled in casual user to walk through complex 3D plants with no training.
the view. SmartPlant Review gives you this kind of access to data
Industry-standard, gaming-style keyboard navigation is also
and the independence to do your j ob.
simple to use and learn.
SmartPlant Review is a modular, scaleable, flexible visualization
environment. SmartPlant Review offers users the opportunity to
customize the product to meet their individual needs. Windows-
SmartPlant® Isometrics SmartPlant
pipes from any ISOGEN-compliant plant design system can be number of files can be visualized simultaneously to create a 3D
imported. Using SmartPlant Isometrics on a ruggedized tablet PC model of the entire piping system, enabling pipes designed in close
device, you can walk-down the pipelines in the field, marking up proximity to one another to be visually inspected to detect clash
the original as-designed piping data to reflect the real-world, as problems between new and existing pipework.
built status of the pipes. Finally, new isometrics documenting plant
conditions can be produced. Interface Piping data with Downstream IT
Document as-built Piping Systems Interface SmartPlant Isometrics-generated piping report data
When isometric documents do not exist, SmartPlant Isometrics with almost any downstream IT system, such as material control,
can be used to capture as-built piping systems electronically — it's procurement, workshop and weld management systems,
no longer necessary to use pencil and paper. You can simply sketch SmartPlant Materials, Oracle, SAP , Microsoft Excel or Access
the piping system directly into SmartPlant Isometrics on a rugged based systems, or other legacy systems.
tablet device in the field, and the application produces all of the SmartPlant Isometrics integrates with all of the leading 3D plant
required as-built isometric drawings and bills of materials. design systems and contains all the key features of I-Sketch while
adding the following functionality:
Integrate With Leading Plant Design Systems • Allows the design of several pipelines within one session
SmartPlant Isometrics automates the conversion of reference data
• Creates an instant 3D scaled view of pipelines, provided by
from a variety of plant design systems. Following a brief
embedded I-View
implementation period during which the specific structure of the
• Provides simultaneous 3D view of multiple pipelines-allows for
data is described to the software, the conversion process takes only
design of several pipelines in a confined location and visual
minutes. SmartPlant Isometrics' ability to receive reference data in
clash checks with new or existing pipelines
this way allows it to work closely with leading 3D plant design
systems. • Allows the design of complete piping systems
• Creates ISOGEN industry-standard piping system isometric
Reference data held in Intergraph's SmartPlant Reference Data drawings
application can also be transferred to SmartPlant Isometrics,
ensuring consistency of design and control of the materials and With the addition of this new functionality, SmartPlant Isometrics
piping specifications used by engineers on projects. meets the broader design and documentation challenges faced by
EPCs, pipe fabricators and owner operators. And, as with I-
Visualize Piping Data In 3D Sketch, it requires no prerequisite CAD or drafting skills and is
easy to learn and use. For existing I-Sketch users, upgrading to
Using its integral 3D view, interactively visualize pipelines
SmartPlant Isometrics is seamless and will be at no charge to
designed in SmartPlant Isometrics, or IDF or PCF files from any
maintenance paying customers.
other ISOGEN-compliant system, as scaled 3D models. Any
SmartPlant® Reference Standard Database for
Data SmartPlant® Reference Data
Intergraph® SmartPlant® Reference Data provides materials New database delivers wide range of unique
libraries at the corporate and project levels and enables better
standardization and change management. SmartPlant Reference
commodity codes for project materials
Data is the software tool for maintaining catalog and pipe With millions of individual parts to describe, each part having to be
specifications for SmartPlant 3D, SmartPlant Materials, and other described differently for each phase of a project, the complexity in
SmartPlant Enterprise solutions. standardizing material descriptions is significant. Companies
devote significant effort to define commodity codes that satisfy
Enjoy Web access to a common database located at a single requirements throughout various phases of a project.
location from any other location around the world. Enable global
workshare of reference data along with centralized control. Take To reduce this effort, Intergraph® has built a Standard
advantage of integrated change management and exception Database (SDB) for SmartPlant® Reference Data (SPRD) that
handling for an optimized workflow. delivers a comprehensive range of commodity codes you can use to
uniquely describe materials throughout a project life cycle. Within
Interfaces SmartPlant® Reference Data, the Standard Database employs
Interfaces enable data to be fed into design systems with relevant, sophisticated and exhaustive rules to maintain material
standardized project data, eliminating duplicated effort. Several descriptions.
interfaces are included with SmartPlant Reference Data, such as:
Standard Database for SmartPlant Reference Data is a
• SmartPlant 3D - Export comprehensive data to the
preconfigured, recommended best practice solution to enable
SmartPlant 3 D proj ect database
rapid implementation of enterprise reference data management
• PDS® - Export comprehensive data to the PDS project
and/or materials management in general. The SDB incorporates a
comprehensive catalog of industry-standard material parts,
• PDMS - Export comprehensive data to the AVEVA PDMS organized and described for out-of-the-box use by owner
project database operators, engineering, procurement, fabrication, and
• SAP® R/3 - Export standardized data to the SAP R/3 Material construction.
Management Module
• Open Ident - Import unstructured material data, including Benefits
material descriptions and definitions and geometrical and
• Depending on the scope of the implementation, you can
dimensional data
typically save 3 to 12 months on the initial implementation and
Benefits corresponding consulting and training fees.
Choose SmartPlant Reference Data, the proven and professional • Training is minimized, reducing implementation time and cost.
solution for comprehensive materials management, to: • High- quality production startup is ensured by eliminating the
• Standardize materials use by different users need foryou to re-enter the same standard reference data.
• Deploy company best practices
• Benefit from rule -based intelligence of reference data
SDB is delivered with a pre- configured interface to PDS &
• Implement organizational specification control
SmartPlant 3D, PDMS
• Eliminate " recreating the wheel"
SmartPlant Materials fMaterials
Total Materials Management and Subcontract • Increasing competitiveness through minimized project bidding
time, compressed schedules, and reduced labor hours -
Management for Plants and Projects
including administration, engineering, procurement, supply
SmartPlant® Materials is the Intergraph® integrated life-cycle
chain management, and construction
material and supply chain and subcontracting management
• Improving risk management through better overall project
solution. It provides a common collaboration platform and project
performance, project cash flow management, and true
workbench for all partners in any engineering, procurement, and
management by exception
construction (EPC) project supply chain.
• Enabling global project worksharing and execution, using
SmartPlant Materials helps to lower project costs, compress correct, complete, and consistent data
schedules, improve risk management, and enable companies to act • Enabling data reuse throughout the plant life cycle, including
globally to maintain advantage in a highly complex, international, plant operations and maintenance, and refurbishment
and competitive market. From initial cost estimation through the • Managing subcontracts via eSupplier functionality from the
supply chain to on-site management, SmartPlant Materials planning phase to tracking each progress step of a subcontract
handles materials standardization, bills of materials and
requisitions, procurement functions, fabrication tracking, and site Quantification
functions, such as warehousing and disposition. New
SmartPlant Materials supports materials quantification for bulk or
comprehensive subcontracting functionality that covers all the
itemized materials from estimate and basic (front-end) design,
way from planning to progress management is now available.
through detailed design, to the as-built plant.
The only complete, commercially available materials management
and subcontracting solution, SmartPlant Materials is a real project Supplier management
workbench for all material and subcontract-related activities. It SmartPlant Materials offers a Supplier Management solution, an
spans the entire project life cycle, and enables you to focus on integral part of the Material Supply Chain Management Module.
corporate project objectives rather than departmental or You can access historical information on supplier performance
discipline-specific goals. SmartPlant Materials uses the latest during previous projects, define and assign criteria for selecting
information technology to provide you with a high degree of suppliers based on predetermined qualifications and past
flexibility, scalability, and easy integration into existing systems and performance, and maintain supplier history/details/products and
workflows. Each department or function can simply access vendor history/ratings.
whatever materials data is needed for a specific material-related
task, in the format most appropriate to that task. The supplier can register and maintain information via the
eSupplier Module. This reduces the amount of EPC or contractor
Responding to Business Drivers effort required for this kind of maintenance work.
Modular, open, and fully Web-enabled, SmartPlant Materials
Inquiry Cycle and Purchasing
responds to owner operator (O/O) and EPC business drivers by:
SmartPlant Materials provides a central location for the storage of
• Lowering total project and installed costs by reducing labor
all inquiry and procurement data, and enables effective
hours and eliminating materials surpluses and shortages
management of the data throughout the inquiry cycle and all
• Reducing plant schedule through integration with design and
procurement activities. You can greatly reduce the inquiry cycle
cost systems
SmartPlant Materials benefits the EPC in many ways.
Project teams can access information online during all
project phases. Knowledge gained from previous
projects can be re-used to address the industry's
business drivers. Deliveries can be effectively tracked
and traced for just-in-time delivery and efficient
SmartPlant® Construction
Proven Technology to Streamline Construction Material Controls, Field Procurement, Weld Inspector, Shop
Superintendent, Shop Foreman
and Integrate Engineering
Intergraph SmartPlant Construction is the innovative solution for Open API: Integrate with Your Engineering
construction planners, designed to meet the specific needs of
construction companies, project management offices, fabricators
SmartPlant Construction promotes better planning and
and owners in managing construction resources, materials and
management by incorporating the dynamic inputs from
schedules. The intuitive, configurable interfaces enable work
engineering, scheduling, procurement, fabrication and materials
package planners to create effective work packages using industry-
management into a solution specifically developed for
proven work processes. Real-time material integration availability
construction by industry-leading construction companies. To
reports provide dynamic re-planning capabilities and a configurable
enhance flexibility and interoperability, SmartPlant
planning window enables planners to make economical
Construction offers full integration with the industry-leading
modifications before problems grow.
SmartPlant Enterprise suite of products.
SmartPlant Construction offers dynamic work package planning,
construction sequencing and reporting to streamline and integrate
engineering for improved CAPEX efficiency and maximum
construction readiness. It enables even the most complex
construction projects stay on budget and schedule.
4D Visualization
With the solution's 4D technology, planners can sequence
construction to optimize the project and visualize complex schedule
information. SmartPlant Construction helps companies to identify
project-critical paths and re-sequence work packages to eliminate
costly delays and achieve project deadlines.
Automatic Piping Isometrics for Fabrication and the isometric drawing on-screen. SmartPlant Spoolgen then
automatically produces the required number of spool isometrics for
pipe fabrication in the workshop. Erection isometrics for the
SmartPlant® Spoolgen® is specifically designed for piping
complete pipe can also be produced, aiding on-site construction
fabricators who need to add fabrication and construction
activities when the spools are finally erected in- situ.
information to design isometrics delivered by EPCs, generated
from 3D models held in plant design systems. Fabricators can use
Provide a Rapid Return on Investment
SmartPlant Spoolgen to easily split complete pipeline isometric
SmartPlant Spoolgen is widely used by the world's leading pipe
drawings into spool drawings, which are then used to fabricate pipe
fabricators. Extensive global project use has identified quantifiable
spools in the workshop. The system automatically generates all
necessary drawings and reports. savings in terms of man-hours, manufacturing costs, project
schedules, rework and erection errors. SmartPlant Spoolgen
SmartPlant Spoolgen provides a fast return on investment, is
generates significant financial savings and provides a very quick
simple to use and requires minimal training. SmartPlant Spoolgen
return on investment.
significantly reduces:
• Man-hours Integrate with all Leading Plant Design Systems
• Fabrication costs Piping fabricators can use SmartPlant Spoolgen in conjunction
• Project schedules with all leading 3D plant design systems. This ensures that
• Rework whatever system an EPC uses, SmartPlant Spoolgen will be able to
deliver the isometric drawings required for fabrication and
• Construction errors
. Waste
Create Electronic Pipes from Paper Documents
Eliminate errors and rework through data When you purchase a license of SmartPlant Spoolgen, you also
Consistency receive a license of SmartPlant Isometrics, formerly I-Sketch™.
Piping data is typically delivered from the engineering contractor Piping specifications and materials catalogs from a variety of plant
to the pipe fabricator via IDF or PCF files. Using SmartPlant design systems can be converted automatically to SmartPlant
Spoolgen ensures total data consistency with the original design of Isometrics format, thus enabling piping isometrics available in
the piping system. This accurate flow of electronic data paper copy only to be sketched and an electronic PCF produced.
significantly reduces the chances of piping data errors and the need The PCF is then submitted to SmartPlant Spoolgen for automatic
for expensive and time-consuming rework, saving time and spool drawing production.
associated cost.
Modify As-designed Pipes to reflect As-Builtsite
Add Fabrication and Erection Information to Conditions
Isometrics During erection, when a piping spool does not fit and needs to be
Using simple functionality, piping fabricators can add fabrication reworked to reflect the as-built conditions at the construction site,
and construction information to electronic pipeline data files (IDF SmartPlant Isometrics enables the quick updating of the original
or PCF) without the need for re-drafting or re-entry of material as-designed piping data to as-built status based on information
data. Spools are defined by the addition of field weld positions on received from construction. The revised PCF data file produced by
SmartPlant Isometrics can then be submitted to SmartPlant • Supports industry-standard drawing sizes that conform to
Spoolgen to produce the spool sheet isometric required to fabricate ANSI, "A" series, or a user's custom size
either a completely new piping spool, or to make a modification to
• Enables the importing of design data from Microsoft Excel and
the existing spool piece.
Smart Plant® Foundation Smart Plant
1 Foundation
Intergraph's information management solution, SmartPlant® completion and support regulatory review; and enhance decisions
Foundation, is the "e-Engineering integration hub" for the with cross-discipline, cross-referenced data and indices.
SmartPlant Enterprise. This collaborative conduit ensures that
valid, consistent and high-quality engineering data is shared It reduces the cost and errors associated with multiple tools by
between applications and users whenever and wherever they need eliminating the boundaries between them. SmartPlant
it. This engineering information is consistent and highly accurate on Foundation is the single source of access to the engineering truth
three fronts: about a plant — its structure, tags, equipment, data and documents.
1) The physical asset information (what is there) No other product on the market today supports such a wide scope
2) Logical and functional information (what was designed and yet is deployable in a modular, incremental fashion.
to be there)
3) Regulatory and safety imperatives (what is required to be The Goal: Engineering Information Integrity
there). Information is the basis upon which real-time decisions are made.
These are the pivotal tenets of engineering integrity. Engineering information is abundant, dynamic and complex.
Keeping this information current, synchronized and readily
SmartPlant Foundation is multi-dimensional in its usage and accessible is the challenge — whether it is used concurrently by
deployment capabilities. These include: multiple companies during plant design, by engineers during plant
• Application integration to manage inconsistencies and reduce construction and commissioning, or by maintenance workers on
errors the plant floor.
• Engineering and technical data handover from execution into
operations SmartPlant Foundation — Intergraph's total solution for plant
• "Engineering companion" between operations, maintenance, and information management — ensures secure access to plant
ERP systems for rapid decision support in time-critical situations information whenever and wherever it is needed. It is a
• Client and Regulator remote review portal to minimizez plant complementary offering to Intergraph's industry-leading design
startup and ensure continued operations tools - PDSS, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical,
• Engineering Content Management (EngCM) including SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant 3D and SmartPlant Materials.
document and drawing management and control, list and sheet SmartPlant Foundation provides:
development, and exchange with suppliers and contractors • Common integration architecture: Features all five tiers of
• Plant configuration control and concurrent engineering to integration
manage the evolving engineering design basi □ Presentation integration: Unified interface and information
The solution supports global collaboration between clients, presentation ensure rapid assimilation and understanding in
contractors, and suppliers. It helps streamline business processes order to provide a portal - a "single point of access to the
that share common information. These overarching and truth"
collaborative workflows through the internal and external value- □ Data integration: Consolidation and aggregation of data
chains deliver quality information to the desktop regardless of the from multiple heterogeneous sources to provide the single
source application; audit activities and signatories to ensure reliable source of truth — the data repository
Tiers of Integration
Business Process
Application Integration
Data Integration
Presentation Integration
SmartPlant Foundation is the single source of
access to complete plant information which helps
support real-time business decisions that, in turn,
reduce cost, improve quality and reliability,
shorten project schedules and plant shutdowns
and address safety and environmental issues
throughout the plant life cycle.
□ Application integration: Adaptors to move the workflows and manages the revisions of both plant objects and
consolidated information between applications documents, while keeping an audit history of activities.
□ Business process integration: Overarching delivery, Information access
collaboration and execution, enhancing the workflow Enables flexible search and retrieval of information. Engineers can
□ Extensible composite applications (applets): New access information via familiar plant terminology.
applications that make use of the high integrity repository
e-Engineering access
Plant/project configuration A user-configurable view of engineering information delivered
Models and audits the evolving plant configuration, including all remotely over the Internet via a single, consistent browser interface —
plant components (i.e., structure, tags and assets) and associated secure, intuitive access to information eliminates the need for the
characteristics, logical function, physical location and inter- authoring application at the remote desktop, thereby reducing cost and
relationships. Houses all plant information — tag/asset data and training requirements.
associated plant documentation — against the familiar plant
structure, delivering relevant, timely and accurate information to
Streamlined work processes
authorized personnel. The data-centricity of the solution enables Provides electronic definition of processes, enforcing mandatory
management of data to a very granular level. The system tracks procedures such as required approvals and sign-offs, while remaining
flexible for ad-hoc workflows. Delivers tasks to authorized personnel,
revisions and changes, assuring data accuracy and integrity.
recording the tasks and resulting actions performed.
Change management Collaborative engineering
Enables effective management of change by providing an overview
Supports collaborative engineering between companies and supply
of engineering changes, tracking the details and status of each
chains, controlling shared information access and updates, notifying
change, and highlighting plant items subject to change. It enables
interested parties of changes and retaining a complete history of all
early visibility of changes, including "what's in the pipeline,"
actions taken. SmartPlant Foundation builds a comprehensive
manages the electronic delivery of work items to pre-defined repository of information about a plant, including its structure, tags,
equipment and documents.
SP Foundation Framework
^*>----- --" JUI IsJ^I Foundation 'i ■"• A
"V* 'V' V'"~nsFrumenr'V'"iquipmenrN/" Document"N/"
,' Valve y' Cable Y i{ Assets i{ Progress i{ xmtls i
\ Schedule j \ Schedules jt \^
Integration, Data and Document Information Storage, Change Management and Workflow
Smart Plant" Enterprise for SmartPlant
1 Enterprise
Owner Operators Core Solution
The SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators Core Solution check-in and check-out, on-line approval, transmittal of
includes key work processes that are relevant throughout the documentation internally and externally.
complete plant life cycle. To help you manage the engineering
design basis, this solution provides common core work processes Plant Data Loading
and is a prerequisite for the other SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Bulk loading of data into SPO via pre-configured, template
Operators (SPO) solutions. The following SPO core solution Microsoft Excel® Load Files is provided by SPO Core. A more
business packages are available: comprehensive solution for loading and validation is also available
with Intergraph's SPO Validation, Transformation, and Loading
On-plant Engineering & Design Solution.
Maintaining the dynamic design basis in-line with plant
modifications during the plant life cycle is a critical, demanding
Conceptual Engineering
activity. A bundle of pre-configured, well-proven Intergraph's The commercial and technical evaluation of alternative plant
SmartPlant Enterprise applications like, SmartPlant Reference layouts is an essential part of the conceptual engineering process for
Data, SmartPlant Isometrics (formerly I-Sketch™) &SmartSketchs both greenfield and brownfield projects. The Conceptual
Engineering business package exploits SmartPlant layout (based on
is offered on a plant site basis to support maintenance of the
SmartPlant 3D) for the conceptual layout of plants.Various plant
engineering design basis and to perform small on-site projects.
layout concepts can be quickly generated and compared. The results
In addition, SmartPlant Foundation is included as the common of any layout can be exported to estimating tools to facilitate cost
information hub to support data exchange between tools and comparison.
provides the workflow engine to power the preconfigured SPO work
processes. SmartPlant Foundation also serves as a flexible Engineering Data Browsing
information management repository. The SPO Core Solution provides rapid access to key information
within the engineering design basis via multiple search mechanisms
Plant & Work Breakdown Structure and navigation paths. This reduces the time taken to gather
Establishing the plant breakdown structure is a fundamental necessary information and ensures that all relevant information is
activity required to manage the design basis of any plant. Managing made available to facilitate quicker and better decision making.
the work breakdown structure by definition of work packages is a
critical part of managing activities such as engineering, Fast Track Implementation
construction, and procurement both in greenfield / brownfield Intergraph offers an optional Fast Track implementation approach
developments and turnarounds. for the SPO Core solution. Fast Track is based on completing a fixed
implementation scope to configure SPO Core for a plant and
Tag Management meeting customer needs within 60 days from the beginning of
The consistent and accurate allocations of tag numbers in implementation. Fast Track avoids lengthy initial analysis
accordance with the plant engineering numbering system — in workshops and specification preparation and can potentially satisfy
addition to the capture and maintenance of design properties in the the complete needs of a customer with basic requirements or can be
tag index — are essential activities during all phases of the plant life used to achieve the first implementation milestone for a customer
with more extensive needs.
Smart Plant" Enterprise for Owner Operators
Operating Plant Solution
The SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO) links between tag, functional location, and equipment. Outof-the
Operating Plant Solution builds upon the SPO Core Solution and box, end-to-end integration is available for SAP The
provides business packages supporting common, critical work synchronization process in SPO is generic and can potentially be
processes for the operating plant. To help you manage the extended to other third-party systems, including parallel
engineering design basis and ensure seamless interoperability with synchronization with multiple systems if needed.
the maintenance system in operating plants, SPO Operating Plant
The MOC process includes the review, authorization, design,
Solution's business packages available currently are:
engineering, approval, and confirmation of implementation and
• Management of Change for Operations
incorporation of as-built updates. It also addresses the process of
• Plant Information Browser
notifying maintenance to perform changes by optionally creating
• Inspections Assistant notification records in the plant maintenance system. You can also
perform the impact assessment of engineering change. During the
Management of Change for Operations
planning of engineering change, plant engineering must anticipate
Maintaining the accuracy of essential plant engineering,
the MOC implications of planned plant change. The Web portal
maintenance, and operations information is crucial to safe and
will assist you in assessing the plant items affected. The linking of
efficient plant operations. Traceability of plant changes and
affected plant items to changes also facilitates the assessment of
auditability of the management of change (MOC) process is
change impacts with other ongoing or pending changes.
essential to demonstrate compliance with regulatory
requirements. We've designed the Management of Change for Plant Information Browser
Operations business package to provide rigorous MOC of
The Plant Information Browser business package provides
engineering information with full traceability and audit trail.
seamless access to plant design data and documentation via a
This solution supports the synchronization of information between common, intuitive, role-based Web portal. Data is available via
the engineering design basis in SPO and other third-party systems drill-down of the plant structure, structured queries, or from
such as computerized maintenance management systems 2D/3D graphical navigation of the plant. Enjoy access to
(CMMS) to provide ensured consistency. This is important to engineering data and selected data in SAP EAM.
ensure all maintainable equipment is captured and has an Intergraph recognizes that many different roles are required to
appropriate maintenance plan and that change in the design basis
achieve successful plant operations. Each role has its own need to
for equipment is reflected in the CMMS to ensure correct purchase
access information. The SPO portal supports these various roles
of replacement equipment and parts.
and their needs to quickly and easily access information to
Tags created, updated, or terminated in the design basis will trigger efficiently perform their tasks. A maintenance engineer can
an automated update of the corresponding functional location in seamlessly access data in the SAP maintenance system and
the CMMS such as SAP® EAM using SAP NetWeaver® PI. engineering design basis and then interrogate the system by
Similarly, when you install or replace equipment against a functional location or equipment number. A plant engineer can
functional location in SAP EAM, you'll receive an update of the use a tag number to access design data, data from SAP, data from
corresponding data in SmartPlant Foundation that holds the the DCS, and plant historian.
t Equipment install'
Tag -FL -EQ
,^^^__ ,,^-, ■^^^^!T3^33 iwn
i-w !■■■
SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators is , -■* ^^ ffl ^r ^C ■
designed to enable asset owners to fully
exploit engineering design data to manage *■
asset performance and to give them a means to
ensure proper maintenance of information £
integrity across the owner operator system
Inspections Assistant
The Inspection Assistant business package is designed to
assist plant owners meet increasing regulatory demands for
demonstrable compliance with requirements for equipment
inspection. The business package manages the scheduling of
equipment inspections, capture of inspection results, and
follow-up of punch items. The process is aided by the
workflow to provide auditable traceability of the entire
process. For each inspection, multiple inspection check
sheets are generated, one for each inspection point. These
inspection check sheets can be completed in the field on
hand-held Pcs, then uploaded to SPO when returning to the
SAF Certified
Pamrarmd by SAP P^BlWeavsr
Safety Content
■ \ \
Management of Technical and Site Queries Tags, areas, systems, and more provide multiple access routes to
On any major project, thousands of technical and site queries (also interface information. Management reporting highlights where
known as Requests for Information) need to be addressed and interface issues are not being addressed as planned. This enables
answered within a tight schedule to avoid impacting project schedule management to take remedial measures before consequences become
serious and reduce the risk of claims and disputes.
and potential variation orders. Traditional paper-based or electronic
archive-based solutions demand a high level of administration and Key Features
manual effort between all of the parties involved in resolving
• Out-of-the-box, user-friendly processes that can be rapidly
queries. The technical/site query process in SPO greatly simplifies
adjusted and deployed at low risk.
the administration and processing of queries. Flexible, templated
workflows and management reports ensure consistent handling. • Capture, retrieval, and analysis across the project life cycle for
Bottlenecks can be identified early to enable management to key project management processes.
implement remedial action before claims arise • Tight integration with affected plant objects of the plant design
basis in the SPO Core Solution that enables the potential
Interface Management impact of these processes to be analyzed.
Interface management provides technical interface control between • Powerful management reporting for overall visibility, enabling
project stakeholders such as the owner operator project team, the proactive intervention and better decision-making.
owner operator corporate organization, any PMC, EPC, contractors,
• Automated and flexible workflows ensuring consistent
package suppliers, authorities, and many others. A typical CAPEX adherence to project procedures, demonstrable compliance,
project will have 20 to 100 separate interfaces that need to be and complete auditable traceability.
managed, each with hundreds of interface issues that need to be
• The ability to link project execution processes to each other.
resolved. The traditional use of spreadsheets is insufficient for
For example, a technical query arising from a site can result in a
managing the complexity of interfaces and reporting. SPO's
temporary or permanent non-conformity or a project change
templated process offers hierarchical structuring of interface needs
that could impact an interface item. The ability to link these
and manages the identification, responsibility, planning, and status of
project execution work processes provides complete control
both physical and soft interface items. Interface issues and
and traceability.
information needs can be linked to the affected parts of the plant.
Plant Iniornntion I
Non L-2-Vurrr-tv Vli!" ^u-c-n-.Tl Plant Ntor,t£tff>ec\i o( Chame*
I .-i I" :■ : il/ ■> :.■ Querici Synchf omzitlon with CMMS
PHS Manq-gvmpnt
V ■1.iTiilp -n--rf Maintenance Bulltl 'Prelim. HS m
fcnginceririg tapsters Turnaround Planning'Prelim.
Dacu-rnc-nl Marvapcrncnt
Trarumittali- friarHgernent
W«k Pack Mdnduer "
Mechanical Confrpleiion
Statk GwnmfcslonlFii
Dau Es0CiriAoi4J w Tart el
IT Ii+ar! up hnfoty rr
Smart Plant" Enterprise For Owner Operators Validation,
Transformation, and Loading (VTL) Solution
The handover of data and documentation occurs many times feed" on a daily or weekly basis. For example, owner operators
during the life of a facility. The costs, resources, and time required typically require information and documentation to be handed over
for handover are considerable. The increasing adoption of incrementally to support a variety of activities, such as Review of key
SmartPlant® Foundation (SPF) -based systems by contractors and deliverables, Progress updates, Familiarization, Preparation of
owner operators has led to increasing demand for a solution to training materials, Development of maintenance plans & Spare
make the process of handover of data and documentation between parts planning.
these systems simpler. The Handover Solution supports incremental handover from SPF
Intergraph® meets this need with the SmartPlant Enterprise for without disturbing data entered into the target SPF system. Even
Owner Operators (SPO) Handover Solution, enabling data and where handovers have omitted intermediate revisions of published
documentation to be quickly and easily moved between SPF-based documents, the Handover Solution will ensure that any tag deletions
systems. This includes standalone SPF systems, SmartPlant are rolled-up intelligently across revisions to preserve the consistency
Enterprise-based systems with integrated SmartPlant design tools, between source and target systems.
SmartPlant Construction, and SPO.
The solution supports the handover of intelligent 3D models and Handover Of SmartPlant Design Tools
schematics that have been published from SmartPlant design tools There is an increasing demand from owner operators to take over
into SPF. The Handover Solution preserves the inherent integrated SmartPlant design tool databases from contractors at the
intelligence so that intelligent navigation in the source SPF system end of a project and maintain them during operations. The
is available on target SPF systems as if it had been published locally. Handover Solution supports the re-registration of integrated
The Handover Solution supports both data and documentation SmartPlant design tool databases from a source system against the
that has been published from SmartPlant design tools as well as target SPF system so that tools can work together on the target SPF.
non-published data that has been authored in SPF or loaded into
Protecting Intellectual Property
SPF, such as vendor data and registers.
The Handover Solution can be configured to filter the data to be
Auditable Traceability handed over from the source SPF system. This enables the providing
Managing handover requires that records are maintained of what party to protect data that they do not wish to be included in the
data and documentation has been handed over from SPF, to whom, handover to the target system. For example, filtering could ensure
and when. All these records are maintained as part of the only the latest signed-off version of documents is sent. This enhances
Handover Solution, including support for hand-over to multiple the control of what SPF data is handed over and ensures that
parties. For example, a project management contractor (PMC) intellectual property is not compromised by the handover process.
may hand data and documentation over to fabrication yards, a Filtration of data in SmartPlant design tools is handled separately.
completion contractor, and the owner operator. Mapping Between SPF Implementations
Handover Throughout the Facility Life- cycle Data can be handed over between two SPF installations that are
The Handover Solution can be applied to a variety of typical configured differently. For example, handover can occur between a
handover scenarios, including: custom SmartPlant Enterprise implementation at a contractor and
SPO at an owner operator. Mappings using XSLT are required to
From To
map between the data models. Any com-mercially available tool can
FEED Contractor Owner Operator be used. The level of effort required for mapping is dependent on the
Owner Operator extent of the difference between schemas. Intergraph advises to align
Detail design and
procurement contractors on a common base schema between stakeholders as much as
Engineering contractor Fabrication contractors
Handover And VTL - Complementary Tools
Owner operator or PMC The SPO Validation, Transformation, and Loading (VTL) Solution
Completions contractors and the Handover Solution play important but different roles in
managing the handover of data and documentation. The
Owner Operator Maintenance & modification Handover Solution is designed to move selected data and
contractors documentation "as-is" between two SPF-based systems with no
Maintenance & modification Owner Operator validation but preserving intelligence in 2D and 3D published
Owner Operator Decommissioning contractors
The VTL Solution is designed to manage the take-on of data from
In each case, handover may be incremental or a final handover any source system (Intergraph or third party) by placing the data
into a quarantine area for it to be validated against sets of business
Incremental Handover
rules, after which data is exported and loaded into either
There are many instances where information and documentation
Intergraph or third-party systems, such as CMMS reliability
are not handed over at one final instance. Instead, hand-over may
systems, and inspection systems.
occur at several milestones during a project or as a continual "drip
About Rolta
Rolta is a leading provider of innovative IT solutions for many including C4ISTAR information systems, Military
vertical segments, including Utilities, Governments, Communications, Digital Soldier, and Vehicle Systems. Rolta is
Transportation, Process, Power, Banking and Insurance. These a multinational organization headquartered in India, which has
enterprise level solutions are built around Rolta's intellectual executed projects in over 40 countries. Rolta has a countrywide
property and domain expertise to offer unique business infrastructure and international subsidiaries across the globe.
intelligence for impactful insights for effective decision making. Forbes Global ranked Rolta amongst the "Best 200 under a
Rolta's solutions framework includes Geospatial Fusion™, a suite Billion" four times in six years. The Company is listed on the
to integrate disparate spatial and business data; Rolta Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange in cash
OneView™, a BI solution for operational excellence; and Rolta and F&O segment, and forms part of various indices on
iPerspective™, a unique platform for SOA and "Cloud" BSE/NSE. The Company's GDRs are listed on the Main Board
enablement. Rolta's intellectual property repository contains of London Stock Exchange and its FCCBs are listed on the
cutting-edge software for mapping and earth sciences, providing Singapore Stock Exchange.
the foundation for Defense and Homeland Security solutions
8 Oracle Titan Awards for excellence in solving Rolta has been included in the S&P Global
real-world customer challenges and for Challengers List™ 2008 by Standard & Poor's
development and deployment of Oracle (S&P)
technology "Geospatial Award of the Year" by Geospatial Today
Ranked at the 2nd position in overall ranking in "GeoSpatial Leadership in India" award by Map
the 2011 DATAQUEST survey of Best Employers World Forum
in the IT sector
"Technology Leadership Award in the Hydro carbon
1st Company in the world to be assessed 'Level 5' Industry" by Chemtech Foundation
certification under Certified Practice in
Usability™ from 'Human Factors International'- "Amity Corporate Excellence" award by Amity
International Business School
Won the award for 'Excellence in Science,
Technology and Technological Innovation' for the Rolta was ranked 11th amongst "India's most
year 2009-10 from the Federation of Indian investor-friendly companies" by Business Today
Chambers of Commerce and Industry Forbes Global "200 Best Companies" outside US -4
"The Great Mind Challenge for Business 2010" times in 6 years
award by IBM for building the most innovative Amongst the 500 fastest growing technology
solution using IBM's Rational Suite companies in Asia Pacific - Deloitte Touche
Microsoft Partner Network IMPACT Award for Tohmatsu
Data Management Solution of the Year category Listed amongst the 'Top 10 Wealth Creators' in the
Oracle Platinum Partner (DB, EBS, BI, Fusion, mid-cap segment, in India, by Hindustan Times
SOA) "25 Fastest Growing Companies" - Business World
Rolta ranked 26th among the 500 best performing "Most Valuable Companies" - Business Today
midsize firms in India by Inc. magazine
Thought leaders - Authors of 23 Oracle Best sellers
Mumbai Rolta Tower A, Rolta Delhi NCR
Mittal Towers
Technology Park, MIDC, Rolta Technology Park, Plot
'C, Wing, 8th Floor,
Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 #187, Phase I, Udyog Vihar,
47/6,M. G. Road,
093. Tel:+91 (22)2926 6666 Gurgaon - 122016. Tel: +91
Bangalore - 560 001.
(124)439 7000
Pune Tel : +91 (80) 2558 1614
101,Mantri House, Chandigarh SCO - 840, 2nd
929, Fergusson College Road, Floor, Shivalik Enclave,
Rolta Tower A, White House, Block III, 2nd
Pune - 411 004. NAC, Manimajra,
Rolta Technology Park, floor, No. 6-3-1192/1/1,
Tel : +91 (20) 2565 3772 Chandigarh- 160 101. Tel:
MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093. Kundanbagh, Begumpet,
+91 (172)273 0254
Tel: +91 (22) 2926 6666, 3087 6543 Bhopal Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
Fax: +91 (22)2836 5992 2nd Floor, Harrison House, Dehradun Tel: +91 (40)2330 6806,
Email: 6 Malviya Nagar, 2nd Floor, Raj Plaza, 75, Raj 2339 1083
Raj Bhavan Road, pur Road, Dehradun - 248
CORPORATE OFFICE: Bhopal - 462 003. 001. Tel : +91 (135)274
21st Floor, Maker Tower F, 2474 Kolkata
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005. 501, Lords, 5th Floor,
303 / 304 Concorde, 3rd Floor, SOUTH
Tel: +91 (22) 2215 3984 7/1 Lord Sinha Road,
R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri,
Chennai Kolkata-700 071.
Fax: +91 (22)2215 3994 Vadodara - 390 005.
Century Plaza, 6th Floor, Tel : +91 (33) 2282 5756
Email : Tel: +91 (265)235 2612
561/562 Mount Road,
Bhubaneshwar 47,
Gandhinagar Chennai- 600 018. Tel: +91
Madhusudan Nagar,
Plot No. 565 / 1, Sector 8 C, (44)2432 9107
Bhubaneshwar - 751 001. Tel
Gandhinagar - 382 008. Tel:
: +91 (674) 239 0190
+91 (79)2324 1322