MCQ Mutual Fund With Answers FDFSD

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MCQ based on Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual

Funds) Regulations, 1996

1 A Close ended mutual fund has a fixed
(i) NAV
(ii) Fund size
(i) Rate of return
(ii) Number of distributors

2As per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds)

Regulations, 1996 ,an application for registration of a mutual fund
shall be made to the
(i) Board in Form A by the sponsor
(ii) RBI in Form A by the sponsor
(iii) Board in Form B by the sponsor
(iv) RBI in Form B by the sponsor
3 Every application for registration under regulation 3 of Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 shall
be accompanied by non-refundable application fee
(I) Rs 1 lac
(ii) Rs 5 lacs
(iii) Rs 10 lacs
(v) Rs 25 lacs
4 As per regulation 7 of Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 , for the purpose of grant of a
certificate of registration, the applicant has to fulfil the following,
(i) the sponsor has contributed or contributes at least 10% to
the net worth of the asset management company:
(ii) the sponsor has contributed or contributes at least 20% to
the net worth of the asset management company:

(iii) the sponsor has contributed or contributes at least 30% to

the net worth of the asset management company:

(iv) the sponsor has contributed or contributes at least 40%

to the net worth of the asset management company:

5 As per regulation 7B of Securities and Exchange Board of India

(Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 No sponsor of a mutual fund, its
associate or group company including the asset management company
of the fund, through the schemes of the mutual fund or otherwise,
individually or collectively, directly or indirectly, have –
(I) 1% or more of the share-holding or voting rights in the
asset management company or the trustee company of any
other mutual fund;
(II) 5% or more of the share-holding or voting rights in the
asset management company or the trustee company of any
other mutual fund;
(III) 10% or more of the share-holding or voting rights in
the asset management company or the trustee company
of any other mutual fund;
(IV) 40% or more of the share-holding or voting rights in the
asset management company or the trustee company of any
other mutual fund;
6 A mutual fund shall be constituted in the form of
(I) a trust
(II) a Private limited co
(III) a Public limited Company
(IV) a listed company
7 As per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996, No trustee shall initially or any time thereafter be
appointed without prior approval of
(i) Sponsor
(ii) RBI
(iii) SEBI
(iv) Assets Management Company

8 As per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds)

Regulations, 1996 the appointment of an asset management company
can be terminated by
(i) majority of the trustees or by sixty six per cent of the
unitholders of the scheme.
(ii) Sixty six of the trustees or by majority of the unitholders
of the scheme
(iii) seventy-five per cent of the trustees or by majority of the
unitholders of the scheme
(iv) majority of the trustees or by seventy-five per cent of
the unitholders of the scheme
9 As per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996 the sponsor or asset management company shall
invest ……………………, in the growth option of the scheme and such
investment shall not be redeemed unless the scheme is wound up .
However that this requirement shall not apply to close ended

(i) not less than one percent of the amount which would be
raised in the new fund offer or fifty lakh rupees, whichever
is less
(ii) not less than five percent of the amount which would be
raised in the new fund offer or fifty lakh rupees, whichever is
(iii) not less than ten percent of the amount which would be
raised in the new fund offer or ten lakh rupees, whichever is
(iv) not less than ten percent of the amount which would be
raised in the new fund offer or fifty lakh rupees, whichever is

10 Every mutual fund which has previously entered into agreements

with a recognised stock exchange to list units of its schemes shall
execute a fresh listing agreement with such stock exchange
……………………….of the date of notification of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015.
(i) within one month
(ii) within two months
(iii) within three months
(iv) within six months
11 No scheme of a mutual fund other than the initial offering period
of any equity linked savings schemes shall be open for subscription
(i) more than 15 days
(ii) more than 30 days
(iii) more than 45 days
(iv) more than 90 days

12 A scheme of a mutual fund may be wound up, after repaying the

amount due to the unit holders,…….. pass a resolution that the
scheme be wound up;—
(i) if fifty one per cent of the unit holders of a scheme
(ii) if sixty six percent of the unit holders of a scheme
(iii) if seventy-five per cent of the unit holders of a scheme
(iv) if all of the unit holders of a scheme

13 Every mutual fund and asset management company shall,

despatch to the unitholders the dividend warrants within …… of the
declaration of the dividend
(i) 10 days
(ii) 15 days
(iii) 30 days
(iv) 60 days

14 Every mutual fund shall within ………… months from the date of
closure of each financial year forward to SEBI a copy of the Annual
Report and other information including details of investments and
deposits held by the mutual fund so that the entire scheme wise
portfolio of the mutual funds is disclosed to the Board.
(I) Three
(II) Four
(III) Six
(IV) Nine
15 A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than …… of its NAV
in debt instruments comprising money market instruments and non-
money market instruments issued by a single issuer which are rated
not below investment grade by a credit rating agency authorised to
carry out such activity under the Act.

Such investment limit may be extended to ……. of the NAV of the

scheme with the prior approval of the Board of Trustees and Board of
Directors of the asset management company

(i) 5% 7%
(ii) 8% 10%
(iii) 10% 12%
(iv) 15% 17%

16 A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than ……. of its NAV
in unrated debt instruments issued by a single issuer and the total
investment in such instruments shall not exceed ……of the NAV of
the scheme. All such investments shall be made with the prior
approval of the Board of Trustees and the Board of asset management

(i) 5% 20%
(ii) 8% 23%
(iii) 10% 25%
(iv) 15% 30%

Note As per Second Schedule to Securities and Exchange Board

of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996

Application fees payable by mutual funds Rupees five lakh

Registration fees payable by mutual funds Rupees twenty five lakhs

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