Accounting Concepts Basic
Accounting Concepts Basic
Accounting Concepts Basic
Direct sources:
Public IL Private IL
Persons Governs sovereign Governs private
involved states and entities individuals or
internationally corporations
recognized or
possessed of
Nature International in Municipal in
character character
Transactions Transactions Transactions
involved concerning states strictly private; not
and internationally of general interest
entities; generally
affect public
Remedies Diplomatic Judicial or
applied negotiations, administrative
mediation, tribunals in
arbitration or accordance to
judicial settlement the rules of
by international procedure of the
tribunals; country where
severance of they sit.
relations, reprisals,
embargo, boycott
or war.
ART 17. GR: Forms and solemnities of contracts, wills RULE 14. Defendant whose identity or whereabouts
and other public instruments: governed by laws of are unknown – service may, BY LEAVE OF COURT, be
country of execution. effected by publication in a newspaper of general
EXC: when the same are executed before the
consular or diplomatic officials of the RP, PH laws RULE 15. Extraterritorial service, when allowed:
defendant does not reside and is not found
The ff shall not be rendered ineffective by laws or in PH, and action affects personal status of
judgments promulgated, or determination or the plaintiff
conventions agreed upon in a foreign country. defendant does not reside and is not found
in PH, and action relates to property (real or
prohibitive laws concerning persons, their
personal) within PH, in which defendant has
acts or properties
a claim or interest, actual or contingent
laws which have for their object:
defendant is non-PH resident but the subject
o public order
of the action is property located in the PH,
o public policy
the relief for which demands exclusion of
o good customs
defendant from any interest therein
property of the non-resident defendant has
been attached in the PH
personal service
publication, and copy of the summons and
order of the court must be sent by mail to the
defendant’s last known address
any other manner deemed sufficient by the
Any order granting leave of court shall specify a Jurisdiction over the SUBJECT MATTER
reasonable time for defendant to answer, which
It is the power conferred by law to hear and
shall not be less than 60 days after notice.
determine a case of the general class to which the
RULE 17. Leave of court, how made: proceeding in question belongs.
basis: presence of the property within the Service by publication is allowed only in:
territorial jurisdiction of the forum
actions in rem
Actions in rem Actions quasi in rem actions quasi in rem
Purpose: not to impose Purpose: not to impose actions involving the personal status of the
personal liability but to personal liability nor affect plaintiff
affect interests of all interests of all persons in a
persons in a thing. thing, but to affect the Extraterritorial service, when allowed:
interests of particular
persons in a thing. defendant does not reside and is not found
No need for jurisdiction Jurisdiction over particular
in PH, and action affects personal status of
over persons. persons whose interests
are affected is needed. the plaintiff
defendant does not reside and is not found
in PH, and action relates to property (real or
personal) within PH, in which defendant has
a claim or interest, actual or contingent
defendant is non-PH resident but the subject
REFUSAL TO ASSUME JURISDICTION: The principle of of the action is property located in the PH,
forum non conveniens the relief for which demands exclusion of
defendant from any interest therein
The court, by invoking the principle of FNC, refuse to property of the non-resident defendant has
assume jurisdiction in view of the ff reasons: been attached in the PH
unavailability of the witnesses and evidence How extraterritorial service is effected: by leave of
court dockets already too clogged; speedy court;
administration of justice will be hampered
matter can be better tried and decided in personal service
another jurisdiction because: publication, and copy of the summons and
o main aspects of the case transpired order of the court must be sent by mail to the
there defendant’s last known address
o material witnesses reside there any other manner deemed sufficient by the
curb the evils of forum shopping (case filed court
to merely harass or annoy defendant)
lack of interest in the case by the forum
o parties involved are non-residents
o subject matter involved is elsewhere
other courts are open and can try the case
inadequacy of the local judicial machinery
difficulty in ascertaining the foreign law