Urbano, Karl Antonette T. and Tabili, Jaycel Bspharmacy Iv

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Urbano, Karl Antonette T.

and Tabili, Jaycel BSPharmacy IV

Generic Name: Phenylephrine HCl, Chlorphenamine maleate, Paracetamol

Brand name: Neozep
Classification: Cough and cold preparation
Indication: Relief of runny nose, nasal congestion
Dosage: Childn >12 yr 15 mL (3 tsp), 7-12 yr 10 mL (2 tsp), 2-6 yr 5 mL (1 tsp). Oral drops
Childn 1-2 yr 1.5-2 mL, 6-12 mth 1.25-1.5 mL, 3-6 mth 1-1.25 mL, 1-3 mth 0.75-1 mL. All
doses to be taken 6 hrly.
Administration: May be taken with or without food
Contraindication: Hyperthyroidism, HTN, coronary & CV diseases, MAOI therapy; nephropathy
Special precaution: Hepatic, alcoholics. May impair ability to drive or operate machinery,
Side effect: GI upsets, drowsiness, dizziness
Interaction: Antihistamines may potentiate other CNS depressants. Possible additive effects w/
MAOIs, rauwolfia alkaloids, TCAs, ganglionic-blocking agents & halogenated hydrocarbon
general anesth. Prolonged use of paracetamol may potentiate effects of oral anticoagulants.
Price: P4.50/caplet, P73.95/syr

Generic Name: Paracetamol

Brand name: Biogesic
Classification: Analgesics (Non-opioid) & Antipyretics
Indication: Relief of minor aches & pains; fever reduction
Dosage: Adult & childn >12 yr 1-2 tab 4-6 hrly as needed. Max: 8 tab in 24 hr. 250 mg/5 mL
susp Childn 7-12 yr 5-7.5 mL (1-1½ tsp), 3-6 yr 2.5-5 mL (½-1 tsp), 1-2 yr 2.5 mL (½ tsp) 4
hrly. 120 mg/5 mL susp Childn 7-12 yr 10-15 mL (2-3 tsp), 3-6 yr 5-10 mL (1-2 tsp), 1-2 yr 5
mL (1 tsp) 4 hrly. DROPS Childn 1-2 yr 1-1.2 mL, 7 mth to 1 yr 1 mL, 4-6 mth 0.6-1 mL, 0-3
mth 0.3-0.6 mL 4 hrly. SUSP & DROPS Max: 5 doses/24 hr.
Administration: May be taken with or without food
Contraindication: Anemia, cardiac & pulmonary disease, hepatic or severe renal disease
Special precaution: Liver warning & disease,medicines containing paracetamol. Concomitant
use of warfarin
Side effect: Allergic skin reactions & GI disturbances
Interaction: Anticonvulsants, aspirin, INH, phenothiazines, alcohol
Price: P3.25/caplet, P87.28/bottle

Generic Name: Paracetamol

Brand name: Tempra
Classification: Analgesics (Non-opioid) & Antipyretics
Urbano, Karl Antonette T. and Tabili, Jaycel BSPharmacy IV

Indication: Fever, headache, muscular aches

Dosage: TAB Adult 1-2 tab. Childn 6-12 yr ½-1 tab. Forte tab Adult 1-2 tab. SYR Childn 6-12
yr 2-4 tsp, 1-5 yr 1-2 tsp, 3 mth-1 yr ½-1 tsp. FORTE SYR Childn ≥13 yr 2-3 tsp, 6-12 yr 1-2
tsp, 1-5 yr ½-1 tsp. DROPS 3 mth-1 yr 0.6-1.2 mL, <3 mth 10 mg/kg body wt. All doses to be
taken tid-qid.
Administration: May be taken with or without food
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Special precaution: Renal or hepatic disease, CV or hematological disorders. Monitor patients
if fever persists >3 days (72 hr) or pain continues >5 days. Pregnancy & lactation.
Side effect: Skin rashes, other allergic reactions
Interaction: Anticoagulants
Price: P4.25/tab (forte 500 mg), P3.85/tab (325 mg), 30 ml P55.75/bottle, 60 ml P90.50/bottle,
120 ml P149.00/bottle

Generic Name: Carbocisteine

Brand name: Solmux
Classification: Cough and cold preparation
Indication: Relief of cough associated w/ excessive & tenacious sputum or phlegm
Dosage: CAP Adult & childn >12 yr 1 cap. FORTE SUSP Adult & childn >12 yr 5
mL. 100 mg/5 mL ped syr Childn 8-12 yr 15 mL, 4-7 yr 10 mL, 2-3 yr 5 mL. 200 mg/5
mL ped susp Childn 8-12 yr 7.5 mL, 4-7 yr 5 mL, 2-3 yr 2.6 mL. INFANT
DROPS Infant 1-2 yr 1.5 mL. All doses to be taken 8 hrly (except for infant drops ie 6
Administration: Should be taken with food
Contraindication: Peptic ulcer
Special precaution: History of gastric or duodenal ulcer & GI bleeding. Pregnancy &
Side effect: Nausea, diarrhea, gastric discomfort, GI bleeding & skin rash, dizziness,
insomnia, headache, palpitations
Price: P10.20 (500mg), P75,56 (Infant oral drops 40mg/ml), P117.08 (oral susp 500
mg/5 mL), P79.70 (oral susp 200 mg/5 mL), P84.24 (syr 100 mg/5 mL)

Generic Name: Ibuprofen

Brand name: Medicol
Classification: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Indication: Relief of headaches, toothaches, muscular aches, minor arthritic pain, backache,
minor aches
Urbano, Karl Antonette T. and Tabili, Jaycel BSPharmacy IV

Dosage: CAP 1 softgel cap every 4-6 hours. Max:6 softgel cap/24 hours, max duration of
treatment: 10 days for pain, 3 days for fever. Adult & childn >12 yr tid as needed. Leave at least
4hr between each dose. Alternatively, 1 softgel cap every 8 hr as needed.

Administration: Should be taken with food

Contraindication: Hypersensitivity, allergic type reactions after taking aspirin or any other
Special precaution: Risk of allergic reaction, severe stomach bleeding, pregnancy & lactation
Side effect: Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
Interaction: Decreased blood concentrations with aspirin, Increased risk of intestinal bleeding
w/ phenylbutazone
Price: P5.20 (200 mg softgel cap), P10 (400 mg softgel cap)

Generic Name: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen

Brand name: Alaxan
Classification: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory
Indication: Faster relief of mild to moderately severe pain of masculoskeletal origin eg. Muscle
pain, arthritis, rheumatism, sprain, stiff neck, tension headache, dysmenorrhea
Dosage: 1 cap 6 hrly
Administration: Take immediately after meals
Contraindication: Patients with whom bronchospasms, angioedema, nasal polyps. Advanced
liver and kidney diseases
Special precaution: Do not use >10 days for pain or for >3 days for fever, peptic ulcer, liver
and kidney impairment, heart failure, and high BP
Side effect: GI, renal, hepatic, CNS, otic & ocular, dermatologic effects
Interaction: Anti-coagulant or thrombolytic agents, Aspirin, salicylate, other NSAIDs
Price: P7.20/cap

Generic Name:
Brand name: Cortal Pain
Special precaution:
Side effect:
Urbano, Karl Antonette T. and Tabili, Jaycel BSPharmacy IV

Generic Name:
Brand name: Cortal Flu
Special precaution:
Side effect:

Generic Name: Mefenamic acid

Brand name: Dolfenal
Classification: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory
Indication: For relief of mild to moderately severe somatic & neuritic pain; headache, migraine,
traumatic pain, postpartum pain, post-op pain, dental pain, dysmenorrhea
Dosage:250-500 mg tid. Max: 7 days
Administration: Take immediately after meals
Contraindication: GI ulceration or inflammation. Kidney or liver impairment
Special precaution: Peptic ulcer, asthma, dehydration
Side effect: Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, skin reactions, nephropathy
Interaction: Oral anticoagulant, high protein-bound drugs
Price: P10.82/tab (250 mg), P20.84/tab (500 mg)

Generic Name: Mefenamic acid

Brand name: Ponstan
Classification: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory
Indication: Symptomatic relief of RA (including Still's disease), OA & pain including muscular,
traumatic & dental pain, headaches of most etiology, post-op & post-partum pain, primary
Dosage: Mild to moderate pain/RA/ Osteoarthritis Adults and Adolescents >14 Years:500
mg 3 times daily.
Administration: Should be taken with food: Take immediately after meals.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Special precaution: Patients w/ HTN, CV disease, prior history or active GI disease, liver
dysfunction & nephrotic syndrome. Concomitant use w/ aspirin. Avoid use w/ NSAIDs including
COX-2 inhibitors. Not recommended during pregnancy & lactation. Elderly.
Side effect: GIT eg, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea w/ or w/o vomiting, GI bleeding &
ulceration; agranulocytosis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, eye irritation, ear
pain, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, palpitation, hypotension
Urbano, Karl Antonette T. and Tabili, Jaycel BSPharmacy IV

Interaction: May enhance response to anticoagulant. Reduce efficacy of diuretics & other
antihypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonists, β-blockers). May increase
risk of GI ulceration or bleeding w/ corticosteroids
Price: P15.88/cap (250 mg), P33.52/cap (500 mg), P163.03/box (50mg/5ml),

Generic Name: Ambroxol HCl

Brand name: Bromacef
Indication: Acute & chronic disorders of the resp tract associated w/ abnormal bronchial
secretions especially in exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis & bronchial
Dosage: TAB Adult 30-120 mg in 2-3 divided doses daily. SYR Adult & childn >12 yr 10 mL
bid. Childn 6-12 yr 5 mL bid-tid, 2-6 yr 2.5 mL tid, 1-2 yr 2.5 mL bid. ORAL DROPS Infant 13-
24 mth 1.25 mL bid or 15 mg/day, 7-12 mth 1 mL bid or 12 mg/day, <6 mth 0.5 mL bid or 6
Administration: Should be taken with food: Take immediately after meals.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Special precaution: GI ulceration. Syr: Pregnancy & lactation.
Side effect: GI disturbances, rash.
Price: P72.00/bottle (oral drops 6 mg/mL), P73.50/bottle (syr 15 mg/5 mL), P81.50/bottle (syr 30
mg/5 mL), P3.35/tab ( tab 30 mg)

Generic Name:
Brand name:
Special precaution:
Side effect:

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