All About Red: Learning Objectives
All About Red: Learning Objectives
All About Red: Learning Objectives
Preschool Science,
Use this lesson to show your students all of the red items around us. Your students will have a great time using
red paint to create fingerprints on a class poster board!
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify words that rhyme with red. Students will be able to identify various objects that
are red.
The Color Red
What Rhymes with Red?
Introduction (5 minutes)
Tell your students that today they will be learning about the color red.
Ask your students if they can name any objects that are red.
Go around the class and ask your students to name an object that is red.
List the words, along with a drawing, on the board.
Ask your students to color the pictures and trace the words on The Color Red worksheet.
Set the timer to ten minutes.
After the timer goes off, have your students cut the pictures along the dotted lines.
Go around the class to staple the books together for your students.
Ask your students to complete the What Rhymes With Red? worksheet.
Ask your students to use the words and illustrations on the board to help them.
Enrichment: Ask your students to write five sentences using the word "red."
Support: Take your students around the class in a line. Have them point and touch red objects. Tell
them the name of the object. Have them repeat it.
Ask your students to draw and write the names of any two objects that are red.