Assessment Cover Page: BSBPMG412 - Apply Project Cost Management Techniques

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Assessment Cover Page

BSBPMG412 - Apply project cost management techniques

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with
any other student(s).
I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against
me according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
 I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
I understand the rights to re-assessment
 I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Uyanga Boldbaatar
Student name

Student ID number

Student signature Date: 2019.06.09

Task Number

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Task 3: Cost monitoring project

1. Monitor income and expenditure against project budget baseline.

Appendix D

This document is Project Status Report Template. It is part of the supporting assessment
resources for Assessment Task 3 of BSBPMG412. To complete this template, please revise Case
Study in Task 3, page 19
Manager Networks

Leadership Conference 2019: Leading in the twentieth century

Project Status Report

Distribution List
Name Position Signature Date
Sunaina.R Project senior manager 07.01
Crystal.B Project manager 07.01

Version Control
Revision # Change Description Approval Date Author
005/2019 Updated cost 2019.07.01 Uyanga

Project Name: Leadership Conference

Project #005
Sponsor/Client: Manager Network
Project Manager: Uyanga

Summary Dashboard
Budget  Under  On  Over
Planned $ $86,200
Actual $ $91,200/Venue change /
% Budget spent 7.09%
Remaining $ $84,730

Record in the dashboard the relevant information to enable accurate reporting of actual
performance against planned costs incurred (budget).

Record relevant and concise information as at the reporting date identifying both the
Earned Value and Actual Cost data. Analyse and justify any variations between planned
and actual results and the corrective actions (if required).

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Earned Value Analysis
Activity Earned Value
Cost at this Activity Status
Work Breakdown Structure % Actual Cost
stage/1 Started/Complete
Code Complete Cost Variance
month d
1 Venue $37,700
1.1 Get quotes $500 Completed 100% $400 $100
1.2 Decide venue $1,000 Completed 100% $900 $100
Book venue and
1.3 equipment ` Started 10% $2,000 $18000
1.4 Arrange catering $16,200 Started 10% $1,620 $14,580
2 Speakers $20,000
2.1 Decide topics $500 Not started 0% 0 $500
2.2 Identify speakers $100 Not started 0% 0 $100
2.3 Catering $1,000 Not started 0% 0 $1,000
2.4 Arrange speakers $500 Not started 0% 0 $500
2.5 Brief speakers $10,100 Not started 0% 0 $10,100
Accommodation for
$3,100 $3,100
2.6 speakers Not started 0% 0
2.7 Local travel cost $2,600 Not started 0% 0 $2,600
2.8 International travel cost $2,100 Not started 0% 0 $2,100
3 Marketing $10,000
Decide marketing
3.1 communication strategies Completed 100% $500 0
Develop promotional
3.2 materials Not started 0% 0 $7,700
Implement marketing
3.3 communications Not started 0% 0 $1,800
4 Registration 18500
Prepare conference
4.1 materials Started 20% 1050 $4,200
Create registration
4.2 process Not started 0% 0 $8,500
4.3 Process registrations 4750 Not started 0% 0 $4,750

Financial Report for period

Cost Area Budget Actual Variance
Venue $37,700 $42,700 $5,000
Catering $16,200 $16,200 $0
Speakers $10,100 $10,100 $0
Speakers travel and accommodation $7,800 $7,800 $0
Marketing $10,000 $10,000 $0
Registration $18,500 $18,500 $0
Cost Variance Analysis: Actual cost of this project is more than the plan cost of it. We
need to spend for Venue $5000 more than we expected. All of this modification causes
from the venue. The venue which we choose is not available in that day. That is reason
why our budget increases.
Record all work outstanding and budget requirements for completion. Reference should
include potential risks, contingencies, proposed changes, approvals and other escalating
issues, potential delays and/or anticipated cost over-runs impacting successful completion
— on time, on budget and as specified.
Get a quote and decide the venue had been completed recently. Currently the
project is spent approximately $6,430. It’s 8% of our actual total cost. The further activities
we planned are the following sections. Such as: speaker section, marketing sections and
registration section. Risks that can be occurred.
 Equipment or power failure
 Medical emergencies
 Last-minute cancellations
 Food safety concerns
 Severe weather or natural disasters
 Financial troubles
 The venue is small and doesn’t seem to fit massive amount of
people. Or, Due to lack of chairs people would be squeezed in the
corner of the venue. Confirm dates with your guests to avoid any of
the absence and guests can plan vacations and book hotels. Set
clear expectations about where and when your presenters should
be available and make sure they agree.
 Natural disaster can happen in the area where your venue locates
the night before your conference starts, and you have to move the
event. Or, something less dramatic causes like some other event
take place in your venue and you still have to relocate. Scout out
the area for a couple of other options that you could relocate to in
an emergency. Make sure you have a way to contact everyone
involved including attendees, and confirm the venue close to your
conference date.
 Attendees can arrive late, or at the wrong venue, or be absence
due to confusion over the time and location of your event. If you
can, include specific details of the venue, date and time of your
conference on all correspondence with attendees including
promotional materials, tickets and confirmation and reminder

Sign off
2. Develop a project change request
As set out in the organizational procedures, you are required to write a project change request
report to the Project Manager on project costs that addresses:

Date: 10/06/2019
 Project: Leadership Conference -2019
Change Requestor: Uyanga Change No:003

Change Category (Check all that apply):

□ Schedule  Cost □ Scope □

□ Testing/Quality □ Resources

Does this Change Affect (Check all that apply)?

 Corrective Action □ Preventative Action □ Defect Repair


□ Other
Describe the Change Being Requested: The first choice of venue is
unavailable on the day you require. The second-choice venue, the convention
rooms in the Elements Hotel (which is more centrally located and has better
facilities), will require an additional $5,000 to rent the venue. There are no
other suitable venue options available on that date. The venue will require an
additional $5000 to rent the venue. There is no other suitable venue at all.
Describe the Reason for the Change: The first choice of venue is unavailable
on the day you require.

Describe all Alternatives Considered: The budget of venue will be changed.

Because of the modification, the project might be delay.

Describe any Technical Changes Required to Implement this Change: None

Describe Risks to be Considered for this Change: The project might be delay.
All the printing materials are useless

Estimate Resources and Costs Needed to Implement this Change: The cost of
venue is increased by $5000.

Describe the Implications to Quality and time: Any other modification is not
occurred in this project relating to quality and time .


Approve □ Reject □ Defer

Justification of Approval, Rejection, or Deferral:
Change Board Approval:

Name Signature Date

3. Send an email to the Project Manager (your assessor).

4. Send an email to the replacement venue (your assessor).

5. Send an email to the Marketing Manager (your assessor).

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