HMDA-Abridged Building Guidelines-English PDF
HMDA-Abridged Building Guidelines-English PDF
HMDA-Abridged Building Guidelines-English PDF
Energy Sewage
Storm water Pollution
Ecology and geology
Solid waste management
Building materials
An abridged manual on
e n v i r o n m e n ta l
building Guidelines
for Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without prior permission of The Energy and Resources Institute, Terra Viridis Partnership Ltd, and
Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.
Published by
T E R I Press
The Energy and Resources Institute Tel. 2468 2100 or 4150 4900
Darbari Seth Block Fax 2468 2144 or 2468 2145
IHC Complex India +91 • Delhi (0) 11
Lodhi Road E-mail
New Delhi – 110 003, India Web
Printed in India
Project team iv
Messages v
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Abbreviation xiii
Introduction xv
Energy........................................................................ 1
Comfort....................................................................... 15
Water......................................................................... 21
Storm water................................................................. 27
Sewage....................................................................... 33
Solid waste management.................................................. 39
Pollution...................................................................... 45
Ecology and geology........................................................ 49
Building materials.......................................................... 53
Glossary . .................................................................... 55
Project team
HMDA (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority)
Project Coordinator
V Madhwa Raja
Committee Members
Anant Bhide, Venugopal Reddy, Sudhir Mohan,
Vivek Deshmukh, and S P Shorey
TERI Press
Richa Sharma, R Ajith Kumar, Chandni Sengupta, and
T Radhakrishnan
This message was received prior to the sad demise of the then H’ble Chief Minister Dr Y S R Reddy.
r C V.S.K. SARMA,IAS Municipal Administration &
Principal Secretary to Government & Urban Development Department
Chairman, Hyderabad Metro Rail Government of Andhra Pradesh
L-Block, A.P.Secretariat
Hyderabad - 500 022.
(() : Off : + 91-40- 2345 2499
Tele/Fax: + 91 -40- 23450622
Res: + 91-40- 2355 0256
There is currently no end in sight to our daily power and municipal water
shortages. There will be no respite from the flooding of our roads during
the monsoon and the over flowing of garbage on to our streets. The air
we breathe and the lakes we utilise are getting more and more polluted.
The loss of Hyderabad's unique rock formations and corresponding
biodiversity is accelerating.
These problems will only get worse unless each one of us make a
conscious effort to change the way the city operates, the buildings we
build and our behavioural patterns within our own gamut, be it the
government, corporate bodies, institutions or individuals.
Going green does not mean a reduced standard of living. Quite the
opposite, it not only enhances your current quality of life but also
ensures an enhanced quality of life for your children and the future
ndia heads for an economic growth of about 8 per During the study, the builders, planners, architects,
cent with cities contributing a major portion to this engineers, resident welfare associations, GHMC, APPCB,
growth. Meeting the infrastructure requirements of APCPDCL, HMWS&SB, GoAP, academicians and various
these cities is of fundamental importance to India’s stakeholders in HMR were actively involved. The EBRGs
economic growth aspirations and its efforts to raise proposed by the consultants were placed for further extensive
the level of human development. stakeholders dialogues and finally a set of Environmental
Hyderabad Metropolitan Region (HMR), the capital city Building Guidelines (EBGs) were firmed up covering various
of Andhra Pradesh state is witnessing high economic growth aspects of urban development like energy, comfort, water
especially in IT sector, biotechnology, entertainment industry, and storm water, sewage, solid waste management, building
manufacturing and service sector. Building and real estate materials, ecology and geology.
sector is likely to grow along with this economic growth. The The detailed guidelines and other information are
existing status of various infrastructure facilities related provided at HMDA website <>. The
to construction, operation and maintenance of buildings website has easy to use tools, calculators and links to other
– including water, energy, and waste management – all resources.
demonstrate serious gaps at present, which are expected to This booklet summarises the guidelines and can be
increase in the future. However, the building sector holds used by one and all as a ready reckoner for both new and
a lot of potential to conserve and reduce the pressure on existing buildings. The EBGs can be followed by architects,
depleting resources like energy and water besides improving engineers, developers, building owners and common man to
environmental quality in Hyderabad. enable design, construction and operation of environment
Considering immense challenges on climate change friendly buildings and developments.
and global warming, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development A book of this magnitude and complexity could not have
Authority (HMDA) initiated a study in the year 2007 on been brought out without help of all the stakeholders and
Environmental Building Regulations and Guidelines (EBRGs) their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
for a sustainable development of Hyderabad Metropolitan TERI and TVPL made a commendable work in providing
Region. The broad vision behind the EBRG project is to assess the research content in simple and lucid manner with
the present and future environmental issues in the building attractive illustrations for easy understanding.
industry, specifically with respect to urban development We encourage everyone to read and derive benefit of
and propose guidelines for environmental sustainable the knowledge resources that have been provided in this
building design, construction and operation to promote and contents, practice and spread the spirit of green concepts.
integrate sustainable practices and provide an affordable
and higher quality environment for the residents.
This is an unique initiative and Hyderabad is one of first
cities in India to take up this initiative, which forcefully
reinstates HMDAs commitment towards sustainable
development of Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi in Dr K S Jawahar Reddy, IAS
association with Terra Viridis Partnership Limited (TVPL) are Metropolitan Commissioner
the consultants for the project. HMDA
he EBRG (Environmental Building Regulation The EBRGs look at various aspects of buildings like energy
Guideline) educational booklet is an attempt consumption, water requirements, ecology and geology
to create environmental awareness in the on site, building materials, sewage disposal, comfort,
built environment available to all. The booklet storm water management, solid waste management, and
is a concise version of the EBRGs developed pollution control. The Guidelines look at these aspects at
for the HMDA (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development the neighbourhood level as well as the buildings level. The
Authority). Due to rapid growth in the Greater Hyderabad neighbourhood level interventions and the building level
region, HMDA decided to develop environmental building interventions together create a sustainable habitat.
regulations, which can be used as guidelines for all future The booklet has one page description of various aspects
developments, keeping in mind the environmental impacts of each Guideline along with tips and easy solutions for the
of construction. The EBRGs attempt to provide model users to understand and adopt the concepts easily. Various
parameters to adopt and follow in order to minimize the aspects of each Guideline, have been explained in the
negative impacts of construction. This is to ensure that the simplest possible way in order to ensure that even a non-
pressure on infrastructural facilities like electricity, sewage technical person is able to read and understand them.
disposal, and so on, for the upcoming sub-urban regions is
A American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code
HMDA Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
LED Light-emitting diode
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests
NBC National Building Code
RCC Reinforced cement concrete
RO Reverse osmosis
SEGR Specific Energy Generation Ratio
SHGC Solar heat gain coefficient
SUDS Sustainable urban drainage systems
TDS Total dissolved solids
VOC Volatile organic compounds
rban centres across the world face major The current system of guidelines for buildings do not cover
challenges in the form of increasing population all the aspects such as energy efficiency, comfort conditions,
and infrastructure pressures. As a result, major on-site water and waste management, consideration of
shortages of natural resources occur as demand specific topography, site conditions, and other ecological
increases alongside population, even while issues. It is also observed that the connectivity, between
supplies decrease. Buildings alone are major contributors to individual buildings and its surroundings, is currently lacking
energy and resource consumption and, therefore, provide in the existing system of guidelines. As a result, the area is
many possibilities for reduction in resource consumption. fast growing into a concrete jungle with complete dismay
Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, is one such to its rich heritage and natural bounty. It has, therefore,
fast growing urban centre facing enormous population and become essential to redraw our vision and frame guiding
infrastructure pressure with buildings contributing to the principles to drive Hyderabad towards a greener and
various environmental hazards in the area. healthier place in line with its beautiful past.
Recognizing these concerns and challenges, the HMDA The broad vision behind developing the new framework of
(Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) is guidelines is to assess the present and future environmental
committed to put in place building regulations and guidelines issues in the building industry, specifically with respect to
to. urban development in the Hyderabad Development Area
PP Assess present and future environmental issues in the and propose guidelines for environmentally sustainable
building industry with a focus on urban development in building design, construction, and operation in a wider
Greater Hyderabad; context to promote and integrate sustainable practices and
PP Provide an affordable and higher quality environment provide an affordable and higher quality environment for
for habitants of Greater Hyderabad; the residents.
PP Promote and integrate sustainable building practices, as
it benefits both current and future generations; Relevance of EBRGs for a green habitat
PP Formulate guidelines and regulations in building
design, construction, and operation for a balanced and Environmental building regulations and guidelines encompass
sustainable built environment; a wide range of issues both at the neighbourhood scale and at
PP Facilitate guidelines and regulations in building the individual buildings level. These guidelines try to build a
design, construction, and operation for a balanced and greener habitat, by considering various environmental issues,
sustainable built environment; at both these scales and attempts to incorporate the green
PP Educate people in environmental building design and buildings concept. Green building is the practice of increasing
remove the false notion that environmental building the efficiency through which buildings use resources, viz.,
design equates to higher building costs; and energy, water and materials, while reducing building impacts
PP Create awareness among public utility agencies, building on human health and the environment during the building’s
professionals, and users in making decisions to introduce lifecycle, through planned design, construction, operation,
sustainable building features in design and construction. maintenance, resource recycle, and reuse in a wider context
of its locality.
Environmental building regulations and Green buildings are the ones, which encompass several
environment-friendly products and features. They showcase
concern for extending life span of natural resources;
The existing system of guidelines and building regulations provide human comfort, safety, and productivity. This
were prepared with a piecemeal approach and a strong need results in reduction of operation and maintenance costs,
was felt to improve the building guidelines in an integrated conservation of energy and water, health, social benefits,
manner, keeping it at par with the best international and other intangible benefits.
practices. The HMDA has taken this initiative to draw a These guidelines are, thus, designed to reduce the
vision for a sustainable Hyderabad. The development of overall impact of the built environment on human health
EBRGs (environmental building regulations and guidelines) and the natural environment by
for Hyderabad is a first move towards this direction.
xvi Introduction
PP Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources 9. Design energy-efficient lighting in all new residential
PP Protecting occupant health and improving employee and commercial buildings and retrofit external and
productivity common area lighting with efficient fixtures and apply
PP Reducing waste, pollution, and environmental lighting controls in existing residential complexes/
degradation buildings
10. Design energy-efficient space conditioning in commercial
They are designed to use the least amount of non- buildings
renewable energy and natural resources, and to use these 11. Replace existing equipment by BEE labelled appliances
resources in the most efficient manner. Further, such /equipment and use BEE labelled appliances/equipment
buildings produce a minimum amount of pollution and cost in all new buildings
less as compared to conventional buildings. In addition to 12. Provide solar water heating systems to meet minimum
these, such a habitat creates a healthy and comfortable 20% of service hot water requirement for new
place for people to live and work. commercial and residential buildings
13. Perform mandatory energy audit for existing commercial
Scope of the booklet buildings with connected load in cases of 500 kW or 600
kVA and reduce energy expenditure by 20% over previous
This booklet is an attempt to give a concise summary of
year. Follow prescriptive/mandatory requirements of
the aforementioned building guidelines and regulations to
lighting, HVAC, electrical, and hot water systems as per
the common man in an easy-to-understand format. These
the ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code) 2007 for
guidelines will introduce the common people to the ‘what’
all new commercial buildings, as stipulated by the ECBC
and ‘how’ of various issues pertaining to constructing a new
building or retrofitting an existing building at neighbourhood
scale, as well as the individual building level with the
prime objective of living a healthier lifestyle. The booklet
contains simple solutions and tips to improve the energy 14. Provide thermal comfort (for air conditioned and
and resource performance of new and existing buildings— naturally/mechanically ventilated spaces) as per the
residential and non-residential. NBC (National Building Code) for all new residential and
Kindly visit the website of HMDA for further detailed commercial buildings
information on any of the guidelines and the legal process 15. Provide adequate day lighting as per the NBC and the
to do so. ECBC
16. Use internal finishes with no or low VOC (volatile organic
List of EBRGs compound) content
17. Indoor noise levels as per the NBC, 2005
The developed guidelines have been classified under three
18. Maintain indoor air quality standards
broad sectors and sub-sectors within as follows.
a) Energy and indoor comfort-energy, comfort
b) Water and wastewater—water, sewage, storm water
c) Quality of built environment— solid waste, pollution, 19. Water conserving fittings
ecology and geology, building materials 20. Drinking water quality requirements
21. Water conserving landscaping
Following gives a list of all these guidelines under the 22. Water audits to assess water conservation potential in
various sub-sectors: existing buildings
he prime intent for developing energy-related EBRGs (Environmental
Building Regulations and Guidelines) is to enable the reduction of energy
consumed by buildings, through proper transport planning in large
neighbourhoods, site planning, and adopting climate-responsive design
for buildings, in addition to using efficient lighting and space cooling.
Integration of renewable energy for water heating is also suggested in the regulations.
There are also a number of existing buildings that need to be made energy efficient.
An EBRG on conducting energy audit of existing buildings has also been included.
The EBRGs have been divided into two sections. The first section comprises
guidelines that specify the actions that need to be taken at the neighborhood and site
levels during the planning stage. These include layout and planning as per the solar
geometry, planning for eco-friendly transportation on-site, energy-efficient and solar-
based site lighting, making available facilities within easily approachable distances,
and controlling light pollution. The next set of EBRGs is tailored for building-level
interventions for new and existing buildings. The basic approach towards developing
EBRGs is based on three fundamental strategies adopted to optimize energy
performance in a building.
1 Reducing energy demand
2 Maximizing system efficiency
3 Optimizing the usage of renewable energy
Orientation of buildings
P A building can be laid out and designed on the basis of sun path and wind direction.
P A building designed according to solar path remains comparatively cool in summers and warm in
winters, thus obviating the need for artificial heating or cooling.
P If oriented properly, a building receives comparatively less radiation, which results in lesser heat gains.
This reduces overall air conditioning requirement, which, in turn, saves energy.
P Solar angle and altitude with respect to a particular surface vary with time, following a distinct
geometry. This geometry can be followed while designing a building.
P Proper layout and design of a building ensure that the building benefits the maximum from the wind so
that there is no need for artificial ventilation and cooling.
P Planned layout and design of a building make the building
get just enough sunlight, without any glare.
P Incorporation of shading devices can be planned in the initial stages of layout and design, which will
lead to energy efficiency and add to the aesthetic appeal of the building.
P As the sun moves from east to west and sun path is more inclined towards south, the north façades of
the building do not receive direct radiation.
P Solar angles are low in east and west, while high in south.
P In efficient buildings, the longer façade faces north and south, while the smaller façade faces east and
P The radiation can be cut-off by using shading devices.
P Shading devices protect the building by obstructing the vertical shadow angle and horizontal shadow
angle, which are calculated from sun path diagram.
Guidelines for
ensuring eco-friendly
P Cluster layout Clusters reduce
the long lengths of road and also
the vehicular speed. Parking
spaces in cluster development
can be provided outside the
P Facilities for cyclists and
pedestrians Pedestrians and
cyclists should be provided
with amenities like drinking
water fountains, benches, cycle Trees shade walking paths and cycling tracks
parking, and so on. Cycling
tracks and sidewalks should be planted with shady trees.
P Landscaping Landscaping plan should be incorporated in road systems to enhance the aesthetics. Green
belt should be maintained around roads.
P Visibility Landscaping should be done in such a way that it does not obstruct the visibility and
P Public transportation Public mode of transportation should be encouraged to make travelling efficient
and convenient.
P Electric vehicle Electric vehicles are least polluting, so their use should be encouraged. Facilities
should be provided for charging the batteries used for such vehicles.
Efficient lighting
P Efficient lighting ensures visual comfort and utilizes energy optimally and
P The switches used for outdoor lighting generally do not take seasonal
variation into account, which results in the wastage of energy. Therefore, Bollard
a device or a timer should be used that is sensitive to seasonal variations
and adjusts on the basis of actual length of day/night.
P Microcontroller-based time switch has inputs like real time, date, month,
year, and plus and minus offset. Due to its versatile concept of switching
at sunset and sunrise timings throughout the year, it saves on electrical
units, resulting in reduced electric bills.
P Solar energy and other sources of renewable energy can be used for outdoor
lighting, which requires minimum maintenance and operation cost.
Various facilities for which guidelines have been provided are as follows.
P Schools Ideally, there should be a pre-primary/nursery school for a population of 200 people, a primary
school for a population of about 5000 people, and a senior secondary school for a population of 7500
people. This will ensure that children do not have to travel long distance.
P Hospitals A clinic should be available for a population comprising 15 000 people, and a nursing home
with child care facilities should be available for a population of 50 000 people.
P Recreational facility People need community halls to organize various functions like marriages or to
simply play or relax. There should be a community hall for 5000 people, and for a population of about
15 000 people, there should be a community hall and a library.
P Petrol pump There should be at least one petrol pump for 150 hectares of gross residential areas.
P Milk booths Milk booths offer various dairy products like milk, curd, buttermilk, and so on. There
should be a milk booth for every 5000 people.
P LPG (liquid petroleum gas) godowns LPG facilities should be made available for the residential areas.
There should be a gas godown for 40 000 to 50 000 people.
P Police post Any residential area needs to have a foolproof security system. There should be a police
post for 40 000–50 000 people and a police station for a population of 90 000.
P Fire station There should be at least one fire station or a sub-fire station for a population of 200 000
people, within 1–3 kilometres.
P Fruit and vegetable market Informal activities take place in a fruit and vegetable market. So such a
market needs to be planned and designed keeping the specifications of the residential areas in mind.
Roof insulation
Parapet wall
Roof insulation protects the building
against the inflow of heat during the day. Fillet
In India, construction practices mainly 3mm thick app modified lloyd plastolay-(P)
Reinforced with 160 gms nonwoven polyester
involve using RCC (reinforced cement Elastomeric sealant filled in the joint
P Windows can achieve natural daylight and natural cooling through ventilation.
P Windows can be properly designed to cut down solar heat gains.
P Windows can be designed to provide glare-free diffuse natural daylight inside the building.
P Optimized window designs reduce the annual energy consumption for lighting and air conditioning.
Window design
Window size and placement
P The higher the window head, the deeper will be the penetration of daylight.
P Strip windows provide more uniform daylight.
P Big windows should not be placed close to work area, as they may cause
thermal discomfort.
P View and light windows should be separate.
P Window-to-wall ratio should not be more than 60% of the gross wall area.
Overhang Projection
Factor = A//B
Glass is the most common glazing material used, although recently,
polycarbonate sheets are being used for skylights. Shading projection factors
P Glass with higher light transmittance should be selected.
P Reflective glazing reflects a large portion of solar radiation incident on it and thereby restrict heat gains
from window.
P Thermal transmittance, or U-value (affecting conduction heat gains), should be lower.
The type and quality of window frame affects a window’s air infiltration and heat gain/heat loss
characteristics. The most common types of framing materials used are metal, wood, and polymers.
Shading devices
P External shading It is the most effective, as it cuts off direct sunlight during summer and allows winter
sunlight to enter inside the space.
P Internal shading device By adjusting these properly, diffuse sunlight can be allowed to enter. However,
they do not keep solar heat out.
LED lamps
cooling equipment.
P Serve the remaining load with high efficiency
refrigerate cooling More efficient chillers, pumps, Air Very cool
and fans, multiplexed chillers, low friction duct
layout and sizing, low pressure drops in air handling
and piping components, and overall optimization of
Chilled water
the entire HVAC system will further help in making pump
Air-handling unit
cooling coil
system more efficient.
Courtesy: E source; adapted from EPA
P Use of economizers/energy recovery wheel
Economizers are mechanical devices that reduce
energy consumption or perform other useful Chiller system in a central HVAC plant
functions like preheating a fluid. In simple term, an
economizer is a heat exchanger. It could be air-side or water-side.
v Air-side economizer It can save energy in buildings by using cool outside air for cooling the indoor
space. It also improves indoor air quality.
v Water-side economizer It uses water cooled by a wet cooling tower to cool buildings, without
operating a chiller.
P Improve control Through better algorithms, sensors, signal delivery, user interface, simulators, and
other measures. Use of variable frequency drives in fans and pumps can save significant amount of
Star performance
P The rating of appliances in India is done by the BEE. BEE star label for appliances
P Labelled appliances carry the symbol of stars.
P The higher the number of stars, the more efficient the product is.
P For example, a BEE 3-star rated 1.5-tonne window AC (air conditioner) would consume 2800 units of
electricity in a year compared to an inefficient unrated AC of the same size, which would consume
3625 units in a year.
P An efficient 3-star 1.5-tonne AC would cost about Rs 21000, while an unrated AC of the same size
would cost Rs 15000. The price difference would vanish in a little over one year due to savings in the
electricity bill.
Efficient refrigerators
P The cost of running a refrigerator is several times the initial purchase price. So, more efficient model
should be bought.
P Smaller models will obviously use less energy than larger models.
P Models with top- or bottom-mounted freezers use, on an average, 12% less energy than side-by-side
P Features like through-the-door ice, chilled water or automatic ice-makers increase the energy
consumption, purchase price, and energy use.
P A 5-star rated refrigerator does cost more initially compared to, say, a 2-star refrigerator, but its cost
of operation over the years is less due to better design and insulation.
he primary function of the building envelope is to protect the occupants
of the building from the heat of the sun and rains, and provide a congenial
environment for work and leisure. To achieve this, it is almost always
essential to provide energy-consuming space-conditioning and lighting
devices. To reduce energy demand, it is necessary that the design
measures adopted should result in the reduction in space conditioning, lighting, and
service water heating loads. The first step towards reducing energy demand is to
integrate suitable bio-climatic design principles while designing the macroclimate
and microclimate of the site. The climatic design varies from one climate zone to the
other. India has six climatic zones representing varying climatic conditions, ranging
from extreme cold conditions in the cold desert of Leh, Ladakh, to extreme hot and
dry conditions in Rajasthan. A building designed for hot climate should have features
to reduce solar gain, like smaller window size, shaded walls, minimum exposure to
west and east directions, use of external wall and roof insulation, or design elements
like solar chimneys, wind towers, and so on to maximize ventilation. Hyderabad is in
a predominantly hot and dry climate, and hence, water-based features also aid in the
cooling of spaces.
Thermal comfort
Provide thermal comfort (for air-conditioned and naturally ventilated spaces) as per
the National Building Code, 2005
Advantages of daylight
P In a typical air-conditioned building, artificial lights account for approximately
30% of the total electricity demand. This demand can be reduced considerably by
integrating natural daylight during the daytime.
P Working in daylight will be easy on eyes and will increase productivity.
Day lighted zone
Following factors help in accomplishing daylighting in a building.
Room characteristics
P Rooms facing north receive fairly constant, indirect daylight and rooms facing south receive bright,
direct sunlight all the year. So, a room should be constructed in such a way that it is illuminated by both
direct and indirect sunlight.
P Rooms with windows on two sides get maximum daylight.
P For good light penetration, the depth of rooms adjacent to the daylight source should be kept relatively
P The internal and external finish of a building should be light in colour, as light-coloured surfaces reflect
more light.
Window design
P The higher the window head, the deeper will be the penetration of daylight.
P Strip windows provide more uniform daylight.
P Big windows close to task areas should be avoided, as they may heat up the
P Separate apertures for view and daylight should be used.
Glazing type
P Single glazing gives the best daylight, while double glazing gives 20% less sunlight. External shades help cut
P Tinted glazing has low visibility, thus it cuts out daylight. direct sunlight, reduce glare
P An ideal spectrally selective glazing admits only that part of the sun’s energy and heat gain
that is useful for daylighting.
P A good glazing for daylighting with a relatively high visible
transmittance will appear transparent from outside.
Shading devices
P External moving shading device is the most effective, as it cuts off
direct sunlight during summer.
P With proper adjustment, an internal shading device allows indirect
sunlight to enter inside. However, it is not preferred, as it does not
keep solar heat out.
Light pipes should be used
for better interior daylighting
Innovative daylighting system
P Light shelves protect occupants from direct sunlight in summers and allow sufficient light in winter.
P Fixed and movable louvers are preferred options for integration of diffuse daylight.
P Skylight adds natural lighting to dull, dark, and deep rooms.
P Light pipes transport daylight through thick roof structures and attics.
200 feet
P Zoning Town planning authorities can undertake zoning of
different areas in a city, taking into account, besides other
aspects, noise levels in different zones and establishments.
Significant noise reduction
Some buildings and establishments are particularly
vulnerable to noise, like recording and radio studios,
hospitals, and research laboratories.
P Green belts and landscaping Thick belts of planting are of
No noise reduction (psychological)
particular importance in combating noise pollution. Strong
leafy trees should be planted. Shrubs or creepers may
also be planted along with trees. Hard paving should be Dense vegetation helps reduce noise levels
avoided, and plantation should be grown to effectively cut-off noise.
P Highway noise barriers Barriers are often the most effective
means of reducing traffic noise around residential areas. These barriers can be in the form of free-
standing walls, artificial mounds, and so on. Even multi-storeyed dwellings and garages block noise.
P Internal planning A building should be designed and
oriented in such a way so as to reduce noise. The Bright zone Shadow zone
in such a way that they face away from the noisy side. Noise
Windows of noisy and quiet rooms should not open Figure 1: The barrier blocks the direct path from the noise source to the receiver. A shadow
zone is created behind the barrier, in which listeners are protected from the noise. However,
on the same side. For critical quiet spaces, insulated sound can still reach the receiver by sound diffraction at the top edge of the barrier.
glazing units should be used. Reduction of insulation
due to door opening between rooms and corridors
should be borne in mind. Use of noise barriers
P Walls and partitions Walls of appropriate thickness
reduce the transmission of noise through them.
P Sound absorbents Sound-absorbing materials can also be utilized to reduce the built-up or air-borne noise
at the source.
Picture sources:
ater is one of the basic requirements of any habitat. Hyderabad is
endowed with a number of natural and artificial lakes and tanks.
So, ideally, the state should be able to meet the increasing water
demand to a great extent. However, the situation is just the opposite.
The state is facing severe water crisis due to increasing demand as a
result of rapidly increasing population and changing lifestyles. The existing lakes and
tanks are not able to provide sufficient water, as encroachments into lake beds and
catchment areas have reduced their storage capacity.
To add to this problem of water scarcity, the water supply system has many
drawbacks: the hours of water supply are limited; network coverage is partial and
there are very few piped connections; per capita water supply is as low as 90 lpcd
(litres per capita per day); meters are not functional; and water loss is very high.
Adopting water conservation practices, increasing awareness on water conservation
amongst city dwellers, using rainwater harvesting system, recycling water, and ensuring
proper maintenance for removing leakages would eventually lead to a reduction in
water demand. By using low-flow fixtures and adopting xeriscaping, water demand in
buildings can be reduced by up to 40%. Rainwater harvesting can reduce the demand
for potable drinking water by almost 80%.
In order to implement such potential water conservation measures, water-related
EBRGs have been developed as per the framework described below.
P Reducing water demand in new buildings by reducing wastage and increasing
efficiency internally and externally by adopting suitable design and ensuring
optimal operation.
P Reducing water demand in existing buildings by encouraging retrofitting.
P Ensuring high standards of drinking water quality by recommending appropriate
water treatment systems.
P Suggesting alternative supply through rainwater harvesting and waste water
recycling (these guidelines are under sewage and storm water sections).
P Water saving fittings can save up to 40% of potable water in a typical four-member
P Savings with individual fittings can be as indicated below.
v An old style single-flush toilet could use up to 12 litres of water per flush, while a
standard dual-flush toilet uses just a quarter of this on a half-flush.
v Use of electronic flushing system or magic eye sensor can further reduce the flow
of water to 0.4 litre per flush, and waterless urinals use no water.
v A standard showerhead may use up to 25 litres of water per minute, whereas
water-efficient showerhead might use as little as 7 litres of water per minute,
Water flow from
which is less than a third of that consumed by standard showerhead. conventional showerheads
v Showers with flow regulators or aerators can save up to 55% of water used could be 3 times higher
for showers. than that of a water
v Aerators can result in flow rates as low as 2 litres per minute, which is adequate efficient showerhead
purification system
Maintaining the quality of drinking water helps to ensure safe drinking water to
the consumer, and for this, both municipal and groundwater have to be treated.
Municipal water
P Requires treatment only for biological contamination to ensure safety.
P As simpler and cheaper treatment systems are sufficient to treat biological contamination, advance
treatment systems such as RO (reverse osmosis) and ion exchange systems are not only unnecessary for
treating municipal water but also expensive to install and maintain.
P If groundwater in Hyderabad is used for drinking without proper treatment, it could lead to health risks,
as shown in the detailed guideline (available on the website).
P Hence, advance systems such as RO and ion exchange systems have to be installed to ensure safe
drinking water.
P However, these treatment systems should be used to treat the quantity of water required for drinking
and cooking purposes only, in order to reduce wastage.
Beneficial aspects
P Judicious and efficient irrigation practices (like using drip irrigations and sprinkler methods) and
appropriate planting can reduce the use of irrigation water by 50%–70%.
P Planting native species and xeriscape vegetation ensures minimal maintenance and reduced water
requirement, promotes ecological balance, and enhances water quality.
torm water management, though an intrinsic component of the urban
environmental management, is generally neglected in India. Storm water
management in Hyderabad involves both natural and man-made drains
and waterbodies. The entire surface run-off finally finds its way into the
River Musi and many surrounding lakes. Storm water drains in Hyderabad
are constructed and maintained by the municipal corporation and other urban local
bodies. Normally, storm water management is carried out only when there is a need.
Although fresh water resources are scarce in Hyderabad, it witnesses heavy floods
during monsoons. The precipitation discharge system in Hyderabad is poor, covering
only 30% of the area. The existing system is unable to carry the total precipitation to
discharge points, as it is designed only for 12 mm/hour rainfall as against an average
of 23 mm/hour of rainfall and a peak rainfall of 52 mm/hour that the state receives.
The natural drainage has been affected due to various reasons, leading to frequent
flooding of low-lying areas. The natural water courses have been illegally encroached
upon. Land use planning is not concomitant with natural drainage patterns, which
has led to the illegal encroachment of lakes. There are no regulations that mandate
storm water management on site. Also, increased impervious and concrete areas have
resulted in an increase in run-off, leading to flooding and, thus, unhygienic environs.
Haphazard development is also responsible for the storm water drainage problems
in the city, thus necessitating integrating management measures into the existent
practices. The various measures for managing the storm water run-off are listed
P Natural drainage and channel management
P Catchment area management
P Storm water run-off reduction on-site
P Groundwater recharge
Deterioration of lakes
Lakes in Hyderabad are in a decrepit state because of the following construction-induced reasons.
P Human settlements, infrastructure development, encroachment, and effluent release have caused
degradation of lakes.
P Construction activity increases the imperviousness, which, in turn, increases run-off, thus leading to
flash floods/waterlogging.
P Interference with the natural drainage pattern of storm water leads to waterlogging during the short
spells of rain in the catchment neighbourhoods.
P Flow of silt from stored construction materials and quarrying rocks in the catchment areas reduces the
water-holding capacity and infiltration rate of the lakes.
Lakes - the regional storm water management instruments of Hyderabad are being encroached upon
Advantages of SUDS
Green roofs are instruments of SUDS
P SUDS manage storm water run-off on-site effectively by reducing the and indoor thermal comfort
impacts of urbanization on drainage patterns and infrastructure.
P SUDS enhance run-off water quality by reducing pollutant concentration in the storm water at the source.
P SUDS lead to groundwater recharge and enhance the site aesthetics. They also reduce the problems that
arise due to the storage of stagnant water.
An overview of SUDS
SUDS include water quantity, water quality, and amenity aspects to achieve efficient storm water
management at the source of generation, that is, on-site. The aim of SUDS is to replicate, as closely as
possible, the natural drainage mechanism of a site.
P Planning and design It requires multidisciplinary approach involving considerations of many factors like
landscaping and planning, ecology, groundwater, topography, geological profile, local climate, and so on.
P Source control and prevention techniques These techniques are
used to counter increased discharge from developed sites and
reduce the volume of water discharged directly to a river.
P Pavements Permeable pavement using gravel, grass pavers,
grasscrete or concrete blocks is an alternative to conventional
paving in which water permeates instead of draining off.
P Green roofs Green roofs reduce the water running off the roof.
Green roofs built with the most appropriate base and vegetation
have the potential to absorb 15%–90% of roof run-off.
P Rainwater harvesting Rainwater can be stored and reused, which,
in turn, reduces the site storm water run-off volume and rate.
P Infiltration devices These comprise infiltration trenches and infiltration basins, which store storm
water run-off until it gradually infiltrates through the soil.
P Permeable conveyance systems These transport run-off water slowly towards a receiving watercourse,
allowing storage, filtration, and some loss of run-off.
P Passive treatment systems These use natural processes like filter strips, detention ponds, retention
ponds, and wetlands to remove and break down pollutants present in surface water run-off.
P Integrated SUDS require more space than conventional drainage systems to operate effectively.
P Infiltration devices may not work efficiently where
v soil is not permeable,
v water table is shallow, and
v there is land contamination.
P Hard paving can be replaced with porous or permeable paving, which allows a portion of storm water
to infiltrate through void surfaces, reducing the run-off volumes.
P Alternatively, grass paving can be used, which provides greenery and reduces the ambient
temperature of the surroundings. This would prevent the development of ‘heat island effect’ on-site,
indirectly reducing the consumption of energy.
P Permeable paving and grass paving can be combined with planting trees and shrubs in the vicinity,
which will further cool the environment and help in groundwater recharge.
Maintenance measures
P Post signs identifying porous/permeable pavement
P Clean the surface regularly, preferably using vacuum
sweeping machines.
P Inspect the surface frequently for any deterioration of
Various options of
P Grass pavers may require periodic reseeding. permeable paving
Rooftop rainwater
P All new buildings with a potential to save 10% or more (to be calculated
using the water consumption calculator) of their potable water demand
through rainwater collection and reuse have to construct a rainwater
collection system.
P The rainwater harvesting system for collection and reuse should be
constructed with adequate collection, filtration, storage, and disinfection A typical rainwater collection tank fed
from the roof
systems in place. Refer to detailed guideline available on the website.
n efficient sewerage system is often an indicator of the good hygiene
in an urban centre. Indian cities, in general, are characterized by an
improper and inefficient sewerage system, and Hyderabad is no exception
to this. The existing sewerage system for the twin cities of Hyderabad
and Secunderabad was designed to serve an area of about 54 km2 and
a population of only about 468 000. The implementing authorities are focusing on
increasing the treatment capacity of the existing sewerage system by bringing more
and more area under its ambit. Currently, a very small percentage of the sewage
generated by the cities is reaching the STPs (sewage treatment plants). Since the
sewage treatment facilities at present are inadequate, a large quantity of untreated
sewage is discharged into waterbodies. Often, sewage drains also carry storm water
along with sewage, thereby, getting flooded.
Various measures can be taken up to manage the problem of sewage generation
and treatment. Centralized STPs can be maintained and monitored better and have
the advantage of economies of scale during operation. Although decentralized STPs
are unable to treat the sewage generated by all the buildings in an area, they are
required as a stop-gap arrangement, until the concerned authority implements its
master plan. Recycling grey water, installing dual plumbing systems, and carrying out
continuous O&M (operation and maintenance) enable efficient sewage management.
O&M contracts will enable better maintenance of decentralized STPs and increase the
reuse potential of treated waste water.
A review of the Indian as well as international best practices in sewage management
was undertaken to develop a suitable framework for EBRGs for managing sewage for
Hyderabad as outlined below
P Though centralized STPs are preferred, decentralized STPs should be used till such
STPs are operationalized.
P A waste water treatment system should be installed only where sewage network is
not available, otherwise grey water recycling is recommended.
P In all cases, a dual plumbing system for separating waste water and grey water and
using recycled water has to be installed so that waste water treatment systems can
also function as grey water treatment systems when required.
P Continuous O&M safeguards should be in place to enable
efficient waste water and sludge management.
What is O&M
P O&M (operation and management) refers to all activities required to operate and manage a treatment
system. It does not include planning and construction of a new system and retrofitting the existing one.
P Operation includes the planning and control of the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste water.
P Maintenance includes systematic routine actions and minor repairs and replacements to keep the system
in good working condition. This is called preventive maintenance.
P Reactive maintenance takes place as a result of serious damage to or malfunctioning or breakdown of
P Recycled water, if used efficiently, can reduce dependence on municipal
and bore water by as much as 70%.
P Application of treated wastewater on land for irrigation would help in
enhancing plant growth and also groundwater recharge potential.
P Disposal into waterbodies in the local vicinity increases the water levels,
enhances the recharge potential, and provides nutrient for growth of
aquatic flora and fauna.
P Accumulation of waste water in low-lying areas is avoided, which
otherwise becomes stagnated and breeding ground for vector-borne
diseases. Disposing via under turf sub-surface
drip irrigation network
he main aim of the EBRGs related to solid waste management is to close
the waste cycle loop and follow a more systematic and integrated approach
towards waste management. To overcome the various problems observed
in the existing set-up of municipal solid waste management, an attempt
has been made to manage and treat the waste in a decentralized way
as far as possible, followed by final disposal. There have been various precedents
of success stories in India, where such experiments have been successful. Based on
these experiments and lessons learnt from other countries, separate EBRGs have been
framed for the following categories:
P Waste management at locality/ward level
P Waste management in apartments and townships
P Waste management for commercial buildings
P Waste management of biomedical waste from health care facilities
P Construction and demolition waste management
Suggested measures
P Each locality should have a common place for further sorting of collected waste, where the
biodegradable waste will be treated using any low-cost appropriate technology such as biosanitizer,
vermicomposting, and so on, and the recyclables will be given to recyclers for reusing/recycling.
P Individual residents and shop owners can also treat biodegradable waste on-site by using in-vessel
composting or any other appropriate technology.
Public–private alliance
It is also proposed to encourage public–private alliances between local bodies,
non-governmental organizations, resident welfare associations, and community-
based organizations to develop innovative models for managing solid waste at
neighbourhood level.
Collection of waste at your doorstep
P Health Proper management of biomedical waste ensures that the waste is disposed of in a holistic way so
that it does not affect the health of health care providers, patients or waste handlers.
P Environment Safe disposal of hazardous and toxic biomedical waste ensures that there are no adverse
impacts on the environment.
onstruction of buildings not only consumes Hyderabad’s already depleting
resources but also leads to environmental pollution.
Noise pollution and air pollution are caused due to the use of heavy
machineries and vehicles during construction and demolition, operation
of off-grid diesel generators for power, loading and unloading operations,
concrete and plaster preparation, bore well digging, and so on.
Pollution-related EBRGs have been designed to check and control pollution due to
buildings in Hyderabad. These guidelines include measures to control air pollution
levels during construction stages and noise pollution during and after construction.
Rest of the pollution related measures are covered under other sections.
Outdoor noise
Ensure that the outdoor and indoor noise levels conform to the ambient
environmental standards of noise prescribed by the Central Pollution Control
Board and National Building Code, 2005. While using diesel generator sets
during and after construction, ensure that the maximum permissible sound
pressure level for new diesel generator sets with rated capacity upto 1000 kVA,
manufactured on or after 1 July 2003, is 75 dB(A) at 1 m from the enclosure
surface. Noise control measures should be incorporated during the design and
installation of electrical devices, air conditioners, and ventilation devices,
and the noise emitted from these devices should adhere to the recommended
outdoor and indoor noise criteria as given in the National Building Code, 2005.
Measuring noise
Noise can be measured with the help of noise meters. Based on their range of measurement, precision, cost,
and so on, the noise meters can be classified as analog, digital, and calibrated.
settlement is characterized by its individual and unique characteristics.
Urban centres have to carefully preserve and conserve its flora and fauna,
geological formations, and heritage zones and buildings, which become the
identity of a settlement. Like many other cities in India, Hyderabad, once
known as a city of gardens, is now left with only 0.50 m2 per capita of
recreational space in the MCH (Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad) area, as against
the national standard of 3 m2. Encroachment of open spaces and community parks
for building purposes is exasperating the issue. Remote sensing studies reveal that
the area under water bodies has reduced from 22.79 km2 in 1989 to 20.84 km2 in 1999
in the city and the surrounding municipalities. Plant species, being promoted for
parks and private gardens, comprise of a lot of non-native species. The unique rock
formations that are the identity of the city are being destroyed indiscriminately due
to aggressive construction activities.
As a result, Hyderabad is losing its ecological and geological identity and its
biodiversity is being severely affected. The large number of migratory birds that used
to be seen in the city’s lakes are not seen anymore. With increasing population and
economic activity, the situation in the core city will inevitably spread to the heritage
and conservation zones and the water bodies located in the peripheral areas of the
city. To avoid such a situation, solutions to conserve these resources are required,
which will mean addressing the city’s ecological and developmental patterns.
While landscaping regulations at the building level exist at the national and local
levels, they are insufficient to address these issues and are not being stringently
enforced. Countries, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, could provide
us with some very good examples of regulated green cover both in parks and in specific
building zones.
The geological formations of Hyderabad have been declared by HMDA (Hyderabad
Metropolitan Development Authority) as conservation and heritage precincts, making
it the only city in India where rocks are protected as natural heritage. HMDA, GHMC
(Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation), and APTD (Andhra Pradesh Tourism
Department) have started developing rock gardens in the city, which is a laudable
initiative. However, efforts have to be made at every site level to protect these
unique features that are millions of years old.
Hence, the guidelines on Ecological and Geological Conservation cover the following
1. Conservation of existing vegetation on a building site and improving
the ecological value of the site through plantation of native species.
2. Soil conservation on build gin sites through top soil conservation,
erosion control, and soil and runoff water pollution control
3. Conservation of rock formation on site through design
measures and methods to stabilize them
Benefits envisaged
P Proper construction material storage will secure the building material from theft and reduce material
wastage, and prevent traffic problems.
P Erosion control and soil protection measures erosion due to storm water run-off and wind, siltation of
drains, dust pollution during construction, and water pollution. They will improve the green cover and
groundwater level.
he use of readily available, environment-friendly materials contributes
towards a sustainable habitat. An environment-friendly material is made
from recycled material that uses only renewable energy in its extraction,
production, and transport, and can be reclaimed and recycled.
On the one hand, the phenomenal growth of building industry results
in unplanned and unchecked exploitation of natural resources, while on the other
hand, growth catalyses the need for intensive efforts to standardize energy-efficient
production processes, reuse production waste, and analyse a material in terms of its
sustainable footprint. To meet the goal of finding a suitable material, there needs
to be a frame of reference to select materials based on environmental concerns. Of
the many available alternatives, the use of fly ash in concrete products such as fly-
ash-based bricks, blocks, and pavers are some sustainable technologies being used in
Hyderabad for the construction of buildings. Some of the key concerns in the building
industry that uses various types of building materials are as follows.
P Use of environment-unfriendly materials.
P Increase in heat gain effect, as these materials are climatologically inappropriate,
thereby effecting the indoor comfort levels
P Moving away from traditional architecture.
P Increasing natural resource extraction, leading to the depletion of fossil fuels.
P Increase in transportation and other related costs due to the use of locally
unavailable materials.
Energy but constant air flow rates. Most residential forced air
systems are small CAV systems with on/off control.
Air change per hour: The number of times per hour that Controller: A device that controls the operation of part or all
the volume of a specific room or building is supplied or of a system. It may simply turn a device on and off or it
removed from that space by mechanical and natural may more subtly modulate burners, compressors, pumps,
ventilation. Air handler, or AHU (air handling unit) valves, fans, dampers, and the like. Most controllers are
central unit consisting of a blower, heating and cooling automatic but have user inputs such as temperature set
elements, filter racks or chamber, dampers, humidifier, points, for example a thermostat. Controls may be analog,
and other central equipment in direct contact with the or digital, or pneumatic or a combination of these.
airflow. This does not include the ductwork through the Damper: A plate or gate placed in a duct to control air flow
building. by introducing a constriction in the duct.
British thermal unit: Any of several units of energy (heat) in ΔT
the HVAC industry, each slightly more than 1 kJ. One BTU ΔT (delta T) is a reference to a temperature difference.
(British thermal unit) is the energy required to raise one It is used to describe the difference in temperature of
pound of water 1° Fahrenheit, but the many different a heating or cooling fluid as it enters and as it leaves a
types of BTU are based on different interpretations of heat transfer device. This term is used in the calculation
this definition. In the United States the power of HVAC of coil efficiency.
systems (the rate of cooling and dehumidifying or heating) Ecotect: Ecotect analyses the 3D models within the actual
is sometimes expressed in BTU/hour instead of watts. context of design. It does surface mapping, spatial
Chiller: A device that removes heat from a liquid via a volumetric renderings or simple shadow animations. One
vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. can interact with data usually in real time to get visual
This cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and feedback in Ecotect.
passes through coils in air handlers, fan-coil units or Evaporator: A component in the basic refrigeration cycle
other systems, cooling and usually dehumidifying the that absorbs or adds heat to the system. Evaporators can
air in the building. Chillers are of two types—air cooled be used to absorb heat from air (by reducing temperature
or water cooled. Air-cooled chillers are usually outside and by removing water) or from a liquid. The evaporator
and consist of condenser coils cooled by fan-driven air. is the cold side of an air conditioner or heat pump.
Water-cooled chillers are usually inside a building and Fan coil unit: A small terminal unit that is often composed
heat from these chillers is carried by re-circulating water of only a blower and a heating and/or cooling coil (heat
to outdoor cooling towers. exchanger), as is often used in hotels, condominiums,
Coil: Equipment that performs heat transfer when mounted or apartments. One type of DCU (fan coil unit) is a unit
inside an air handling unit or ductwork. It is heated ventilator.
or cooled by electrical means or by circulating liquid Fenestration: All areas (including the frames) in the building
or steam within it. Air flowing across it is heated or envelope that let in light including windows, plastic
cooled. panels, clerestories, skylights, glass doors that are more
Condenser: A component in the basic refrigeration cycle than one-half glass, and glass block walls.
that ejects or removes heat from the system. The Fresh air intake: An opening through which outside air is
condenser is the hot side of an air conditioner or heat drawn into the building. This may be to replace air in
pump. Condensers are heat exchangers and can transfer the building that has been exhausted by the ventilation
heat to air or to an intermediate fluid (such as water or system or to provide fresh air for combustion of fuel.
an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol) to carry heat to a Furnace: A component of an HVAC system that adds heat to
distant sink such as ground (earth sink), a body of water, air or an intermediate fluid by burning fuel (natural gas,
or air (as with cooling towers). oil, propane, butane or other flammable substances) in
Constant air volume: A system designed to provide a CAV a heat exchanger.
(constant air volume) per unit time. This term is applied to Grille: A facing across a duct opening, usually rectangular
HVAC systems that have variable supply-air temperature is shape, containing multiple parallel slots through which
air may be delivered or withdrawn from a ventilated conditions. The usual standard is at a temperature
space. gradient of 24 °C at 50% humidity with no wind.
Heat load, heat loss or heat gain: Terms for the amount Variable air volume system: An HVAC system that has a
of heating (heat loss) or cooling (heat gain) needed to stable supply-air temperature and varies the air flow
maintain desired temperatures and humidity in controlled rate to meet the temperature requirements. Compared
air. Regardless of how well-insulated and sealed a building to CAV systems, these systems waste less energy through
is, buildings gain heat from warm air or sunlight or lose unnecessarily high fan speeds. Most new commercial
heat due to cold air and radiation. Engineers use a heat buildings have VAV (variable air volume) systems.
load calculation to determine the HVAC needs of the Lighting power density: It is calculated by dividing the
space being cooled or heated. total lighting load in wattage with total area (m2). The
Hottest average day: The average temperature of this day units are W/m2.
is highest in the year. Energy performance Index: It is calculated as the ratio
Louvers: Blades, sometimes adjustable, placed in ducts or of total building energy consumption in a year to the
duct entries to control the volume of air flow. The term total built up area.
may also refer to blades in a rectangular frame placed in Chiller Performance: It is calculated based on the
doors or walls to permit the movement of air. formula given below.
Makeup air unit: An air handler that conditions 100% outside • The refrigeration TR is assessed as TR = Q × Cp × (Ti
air. MAUs (makeup air unit) are typically used in industrial – To) / 3024
or commercial settings, or in ‘once-through’ blower • Where Q is mass flow rate of coolant in kg/hr
sections that only blow air one-way into the building), • Cp is coolant specific heat in kCal /kg deg C
‘low flow’ (air handling systems that blow air at a low • Ti is inlet, temperature of coolant to evaporator
flow rate) or ‘primary-secondary’ (air handling systems (chiller) in °C
that have an air handler or rooftop unit connected to an • To is outlet temperature of coolant from evaporator
add-on makeup unit or hood) commercial HVAC systems. (chiller) in °C.
Orientation: It is the direction an envelope element faces, The above TR is also called as chiller tonnage.
that is, the direction of a vector perpendicular to and The specific power consumption kW/TR is a useful
pointing away from the surface outside of the element. indicator of the performance of refrigeration system. By
Packaged terminal air conditioner: An air conditioner and measuring refrigeration duty performed in TR and the
heater combined into a single, electrically-powered kilowatt inputs, kW/TR 128
unit, typically installed through a wall and often found Pump performance: Pump efficiency can be calculated
in hotels. based on the formula given below.
Packaged unit or rooftop unit: An air-handling unit, defined Efficiency: hydraulic power/electrical input power
as either ‘recirculating’ or ‘once-through’ design, made Hydraulic power: Q (m3/s) × Total head, (hd – hs) (m)
specifically for outdoor installation. They most often × ρ (kg/m3) × g (m/s2) / 1000
include, internally, their own heating and cooling devices. Where hd – discharge head,
RTUs are very common in some regions, particularly in hs – suction head,
single-story commercial buildings (roof top unit). ρ – density of the fluid,
Reflectance: The fraction of radiant energy that is reflected g – acceleration due to gravity
from a surface. Cooling tower performance: Cooling tower performance
Solar heat gain coefficient: SHGC (Solar heat gain coefficient) is calculated based on the formula given
is the fraction of external solar radiation that is admitted Efficiency: range/ (range + approach)
through a window or skylight, both directly transmitted, Range: Difference between the cooling tower water
absorbed, and subsequently released inward. inlet and outlet temperature.
Thermal zone: A single or group of neighboring indoor Approach: Difference between the cooling tower
spaces that the HVAC designer expects will have similar outlet cold water temperature and ambient wet bulb
thermal loads. Building codes may require zoning to save temperature
energy in commercial buildings. Zones are defined in Window wall ratio: It is the fraction of the cumulative
the building to reduce the number of HVAC subsystems, window area to the wall area (including fenestration
and thus initial cost. For example, for perimeter offices, area) on the same facade.
rather than one zone for each office, all offices facing
west can be combined into one zone. Small residences Comfort
typically have only one conditioned thermal zone, plus
unconditioned spaces such as unconditioned garages, Air change rate: It is a measure of how quickly the air in
attics, and crawlspaces, and unconditioned basements. an interior space is replace by outside (or conditioned)
Transmittance: The fraction of radiant energy that passes air by ventilation and infiltration. Air change rate is
through a surface. measured in appropriate units such as cubic meters per
U-factor: It measures the rate of heat transfer through a hour divided by the volume of air in the room.
building element over a given area, under standardized
Dry bulb temperature: It is the temperature of air measured intensity. Sound power and intensity are not easy to
by a thermometer freely exposed to the air but shielded measure. However, sound pressure is easily measured
from radiation and moisture. with a sound level meter. Sound pressure may also
Metabolic rate: The metabolic rate, expressed in met, is be expressed in dB since sound pressure squared is
used as a measuring unit of human heat production. proportional to sound power or intensity. We use dB
Day light factor: The ratio of interior illuminance at a given instead of the actual amplitude of the sound in units of
point on a given plane (usually the work plane) to the pressure because its logarithmic value represents the
exterior illuminance (reference) under the same sky way our ears interpret sound and because the numbers
conditions. are more manageable for our calculations. Most sounds
Decibel: The dB (decibel) is a logarithmic unit of fall in the range of 0 to140 dB, which is equivalent to
measurement that expresses the magnitude of a physical waves with pressures of 20 to 200 000 000 micropascals
quantity (usually power or intensity) relative to a (or 2 × 10 – 10 to 2 × 10 – 2 atm). The approximate SPLs
specified or implied reference level. of some common sound sources are given in the following
Fenestration: All areas (including the frames) in the building table.
envelope that let in light including windows, plastic
panels, clerestories, skylights, glass doors that are more SPL of common sound sources
than one-half glass, and glass block walls. Source SPL(dDA)
Illuminance: Illuminance is the total luminous flux incident
on a surface per unit area. Faintest audible sound 0
Noise: Noise (in sound) is generally any unpleasant sound Whisper 20
and, more technically, any unwanted sound that is Quiet residence 30
unintentionally added to a desired sound. Soft stereo in residence 40
Orientation: It is the direction an envelope element faces, Speech range 50–70
that is, the direction of a vector perpendicular to and Cafeteria 80
pointing away from the surface outside of the element. Pneumatic jackhammer 90
Reflectance: The fraction of radiant energy that is reflected Loud crowd noise 100
from a surface. Accelerating motorcycle 100
Transmittance: The fraction of radiant energy that passes Rock concert 120
through a surface. Jet engine (75 feet away) 140
Volatile organic compounds: VOCs (volatile organic
compounds) are organic chemical compounds that have However, calculating the SPL of two sources together is
high enough vapor pressures under normal conditions to not as simple as adding their individual decibel levels.
significantly vaporize and enter the atmosphere. Two people speaking at 70 dBA each are not as loud as a
Window wall ratio: It is the fraction of the cumulative jet engine at 140 dBA. To combine two decibel values,
window area to the wall area (including fenestration they must be converted back to pressure squared,
area) on the same facade. summed, and converted back to decibel.
non-replenishable ‘fossil water’ or replenishable by fixtures, flow rate gives the amount of water (in litres
infiltration of surface water after flowing certain or gallons) that flows from a particular fixture in a given
distances through porous geological formations. In time (in minutes or seconds).
this process, in proper conditions, the water gets (or Flow regulator: A device that controls the flow of water
used to get) mostly free from organic matter, including (in the present context) to the desired level, generally
pathogenic organisms. used to reduce the flow coming from faucets where
Brackish water: Water containing dissolved solids in the conserving water is the aim.
range of 1000 to less than 15 000 parts per million. Habitat: The place where a population (for example,
Catchment area: It is the area drained by a stream or human, animal, plant or microorganism) lives, with its
other water bodiesbody of water. The amount of water surroundings, both living and nonliving.
reaching the river, reservoir or lake from its catchment Hardness: A common quality of water, which contains
area depends on the size of the area, the amount of dissolved compounds of calcium and magnesium and,
precipitation, and the loss through evaporation and sometimes, other divalent and trivalent metallic
through absorption by the earth or by vegetation. elements. Hardness prevents soap from lathering
Conductivity: The property of a substance to conduct by causing the development of an insoluble curdy
(carry) heat or electricity; the unit of measure is the precipitate in the water; hardness typically causes
Siemens. the buildup of hardness scale (such as seen in cooking
Deionization: The removal of all ionized minerals and salts pans). Dissolved calcium and magnesium salts are
(both organic and inorganic) from a solution by a two- primarily responsible for most scaling in pipes and
phase ion exchange procedure water heaters and cause numerous problems in laundry,
Demineralization: The act or process of removing minerals kitchen, and bath.
or mineral salts from a liquid such as water. Water is Household: A household includes all the persons who
passed through a mixed-bed ion exchanger to remove occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, an
soluble ionic impurities. apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a
Distribution downtakes: The pipelines/ duct work that single room that is occupied (or if vacant, is intended
distribute water from an overhead water-storage for occupancy) as separate living quarters.
facility to the various water supply points in the Ion-exchange systems: An installation having a water-
building, that is, bathrooms, kitchens, wash areas, and softening method often found on a large scale at
so on. water purification plants; the treatment removes some
Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation can help use water organics and radium by adding calcium oxide or calcium
efficiently in meeting the irrigation requirements of a hydroxide to increase the pH to a level at which the
landscape. An irrigation method involving small pipes metals will precipitate out.
placed at the base of plants delivering water slowly to IR sensors: It is an electronic device, which measures
the plant roots. A well-designed drip irrigation system infrared light radiating from objects in its field of view.
loses practically no water to runoff, deep percolation or They are now being used in the construction of PIR-
evaporation. based motion detectors installed on taps that activate
Dual flush toilet: A dual-flush toilet is a variation of the as soon as hands come within a few inches above,
flush toilet that uses two handles to flush different below or along the sides of the spout.
levels of water. The main feature of the toilet is that it KPA: KiloPascal is a unit of measuring pressure.
has two buttons for releasing water. The smaller level is Lake beds: Refers to the bottom of a lake—the depression
designed for liquid waste, and the larger is designed for forming the ground under a lake.
solid waste. Lakes: An inland body of usually fresh water, larger than
Ecological balance: A state of dynamic equilibrium within a pool or pond, generally formed by some obstruction
a community of organisms in which genetic, species, in the course of flowing water. This could be naturally
and ecosystem diversity remain relatively stable, occurring or man-made.
subject to gradual changes through natural selection. Landscape: The art of arranging or modifying the existing
Economic feasibility: Term used to understand whether features of (an area of land, a highway, and so on), to
expected cost savings; increased revenue, increased improve its appearance by planting trees, shrubs, or
profits, and reductions in required investment exceed grass or altering the contours of the ground.
the costs of developing and operating a proposed Lawns: A lawn is an area of recreational or amenity land
system. planted with grass, and sometimes clover and other
Exotic/ornamental plants: The term is often used to plants, which are maintained at a low, even height.
describe plant species that have been, or are being, Lawns are a standard feature of ornamental private
introduced in to parts of the world other than their and public gardens and landscapes in much of the world
historical or documented range by humans, often as today.
ornamental plants. Leakage (water-related): Wastage of water from
Flow rate: Flow rate is a parameter used to mark the dysfunctionaldysfunctional water appliances/fixtures
efficiency of appliances using liquids. For water due to chinks, breaches or loosening of internal
mechanical parts leading to constant unintended Piped connections: This refers to one type of water
dripping, seepage or outflow of water. supply connections given by the corresponding utility
Low-flow fixtures: Low-flow fixtures use high pressure in an Indian city. The purified and chlorinated water is
and/or aeration to produce a comfortable, pleasing flow supplied to valid connections via piped network running
without using much water. There are two main types of from the supply source to the supply destination,
low-flow faucets and showerheads—aerating (the most which is usually through valves/taps installed in the
popular) and non-aerating. Aerating mixes air into the destination building.
water stream. This maintains steady pressure so the Potable water: Water that is safe for drinking and cooking.
flow has an even, full shower spray. Non-aerating adds a Rainwater collection and reuse: Collection and re-use or
pulse to the water stream delivering a strong spray. recycling of rainwater mainly from the building rooftop
Llpcd: Litres per capita per day. A unit that denotes the for the purpose of garden irrigation, car washing,
average daily water quantity usage/supply by a single toilet flushing, and so on. Infrastructure installation for
person. water collection and storage, filtration and reuse to
Mm head: Metres head is a unit to measure pressure implement this system of harvesting rain water will be
available to a shower head. The higher the metre head, required. With an efficient filtration system in place,
the greater will be the pressure with which the shower the collected rain water may even be used for potable
head operates. purposes.
Mg/l: Milligrams per litre is the unit used to measure the Rainwater harvesting system: It is defined as an induced
dissolved and suspended solids present in water. WHO human activity involving collection and storage of
recommends various TDS (total disolved solids) and TSS rainwater in some natural or artificial container either
levels for water quality intended for various purposes. for immediate use or use before the onset of the next
Micro-irrigation systems: Micro-irrigation refers to low- monsoon.
pressure irrigation systems that spray, mist, sprinkle Recycled water: Water taken from any waste (effluent)
or drip. The term ‘micro-irrigation’ describes a family stream and treated to a level suitable for further use,
of irrigation systems that apply water through small where it is used safely and sustainably for beneficial
devices. These devices deliver water onto the soil surface purposes. This is a general term that can incudedinclude
very near the plant or below the soil surface directly into reclaimed water.
the plant root zone. In urban landscapes, micro-irrigation RO systems: An installation with a water treatment
is widely used with ornamental plantings. process used in small water systems by adding pressure
Municipal water: Purified and chlorinated water supplied to force water through a semi-permeable membrane,
by the local utility agency and delivered to various RO (reverse osmosis) removes most drinking water
buildings. In Hyderabad, municipal water refers to contaminants. It is also used in wastewater treatment.
water supplied by HMWSSB through piped water Large-scale RO plants are now being developed.
connections to individual buildings or PSPs (public stand Shower: A plumbing fixture with an overhead nozzle
posts. that sprays water down on the body with accelerated
Native species: Any plant species that occurs and grows pressure.
naturally in a specific region or locality. Native plant Sprinkler irrigation: Irrigation by pumping water under
species do not require watering other than during the pressure through nozzles and spraying it over the land
initial years of establishment. is called sprinkler irrigation. There are several types
Network coverage: This refers to the extent of of portable sprinklers, and each type is best suited to
connectivity of a politico-geographical area to the certain lawn shapes and landscape configurations.
utility provided pure drinking water supply, existing TDS: It refer to disintegrated organic and inorganic
in the area. It is expressed as a percentage of the material contained in water. Excessive amounts
total area covered by the network of water supply make water unfit for drinking or for use in industrial
connections given. processes.
Pathogenic: Capable of causing disease. Pathogens are Vegetated area: An area or part of any site that has
mMicroorganisms that can cause disease in other plantation or greenery on it in any form, that is, grass,
organisms or in humans, other animals, and plants. They plants, trees, and so on.
may be bacteria, viruses, or parasites and are found Water consumption calculator: A customized and user-
in sewage, in runoff from animal farms or rural areas friendly calculator has been designed for professional
populated with domestic or wild animals, and in water sand public to calculate their water consumption levels
used for swimming. in various sectors, viz., wWater fixtures, waste water
Physical feasibility: This term refers to the issue of treatment, rainwater harvesting, landscape water
considering feasibility of a proposed option with respect requirement, and so on. It has been developed to aid in
to its physical implementation—availability of physical understanding the conventional consumption patterns
components, external constraints, interaction and and highlights areas where water conservation can be
compatibility with existing and other systems, and so practiced and achieved, following implementation of
on. the Guidelines.
Water demand: The total amount of water required height will remain undeformedunreformed without
to satisfy/fulfill the various daily needs – physical or some form of support.
industrial or commercial –, of any community, which Detention ponds: Depressed landscaped areas used to
is the basis of volume determination of water supply detain storm water runoff during heavy rainstorms. A
requirements for inhabitants of a politico-geographical detention pond is a low lying area that is designed to
area, that is, village, town, city, and so on. temporarily hold a set amount of water while slowly
Water treatment/ filtration/ purification systems: Various draining to another location. They are used for flood
mechanical, electrical or other systems/installations control when large amounts of rain could cause flash
employing different technologies to purify water to flooding if not dealt with properly.
the desired quality, determined by the end use of the Drainage pattern: The configuration of a natural or
same. Various water treatment/purification systems are artificial drainage network that drain a watershed
filtration, boiling, demineralization, activated carbon Effluent: Wastewater — treated or untreated — that flows
filtration, RO systems, ion-exchange systems, nano out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial
filtration systems, UV filtration systems, and so on. Filter strips: Filter strips are land areas of either planted
Water- efficient showerheads: They refer to low-flow or indigenous vegetation, situated between a potential,
showerheads that can reduce home water consumption pollutant-source area, and a surface-water body that
costs by as much as 50%. Low-flow showerheads either receives runoff.
draw in air, or have it forced into the water stream Flash floods: A flash flood is a rapid flooding of geomorphic
by using compressed air. The air-water mixture under low-lying areas—washes, rivers, and streams. It is
pressure creates a high velocity spray, which makes caused by heavy rain associated with a thunderstorm or
it seem like more water is coming out than there tropical storm.
actually is. Flora and Fauna: Plants considered as a group, especially
Water- saving potential: It refers to the potential/ the plants of a particular country, region, or time are
possibility of saving water by implementing various termed as Flora and animals, especially the animals of
water conserving practices, and is expressed as a a particular region or period, considered as a group are
percentage of the total water volume that is required termed as Fauna.
to operate the systems with conventional practices. Fresh water resources: Sources of water that are
Xeriscape: Landscaping designed specifically for areas that useful or potentially useful to humans that include
are susceptible to drought or where water conservation agricultural, industrial, household, recreational, and
is practiced. It refers to gardening in ways that reduce environmental activities. Fresh water resources are
or eliminate the need for supplemental irrigation. renewable and are contained as surface water (rivers,
Derived from the Greek xeros meaning ‘dry’, the term lakes, streams), ground water, and frozen water
xeriscape means literally ‘dry landscape’. (glaciers and polar caps) on earth.
Grading: The act or method of changing the natural or
Stom water management existing surface of ground level to a smooth horizontal
or gently sloping surface to the desired level is called
Amenity: A feature that adds value or perceived value grading or leveling.
to something. For example, a swimming pool is an Grass pavers: Cellular blocks with grass growing in the
important amenity of many apartment complexes.. voids. These are mostly used for external paving viz.,
Breast height: To allow measurements of tree trunk size to compounds of factories, office complex, gardens, and
be compared, a standard point on the trunk is defined. so on. They need extensive maintenance and have good
It is important that this point is at a convenient height infiltration capacity.
near the ground and that it can be reliably located (and Gravel: A loose mixture of pebbles and rock fragments
relocated) by different measurers. This standard height coarser than sand, often mixed with clay, and so on.
is termed breast height. The diameter of the stem of a Green roofs: Green roofs are rooftops planted with
tree measured at breast height (4.5ft or 1.37m) from vegetation. Intensive green roofs have thick layers of
the ground. soil (6 to 12 inches or more) that can support a broad
Catchment neighbourhoods: Communities, developments, variety of plant or even tree species. Extensive roofs
areas that are developed for habitation around are simpler green roofs with a soil layer of 6 inches or
catchment areas of surface water bodies, viz., lakes. less to support turf, grass, or other ground cover.
Channels: Trenches or grooves that carry water from one Ground water recharge: The supply of fresh water found
place to another; they could be natural drainage channels beneath the earth’s surface (usually in aquifers), is
or man-made to satisfy any specific requirement. known as ground water. Any intervention that leads
Clogging agent: A material that aids the obstruction or to increasing the ground water levels or aids the
hinders the motion of any liquid passing through a availability of ground water at shallower depths is
surface understood to facilitate ground water recharge.
Critical Slope area: The maximum angle with the Hard paving: Paving made with impervious, hard, and
horizontal at which a sloped bank of soil of a given durable surface materials such as stone, ceramic tiles,
concrete, and so on. The construction joints are also Pergola: A framework of cross rafters or latticework on an
sealed completely to make the surface long-lasting and open roof supported on posts or columns, usually with
strong. Hard paving contributes to increased runoff climbing vines
from building sites and also adds to increasing the Permeable/pervious pavements: Permeability is the rate
Urbanurban heat Island effect. at which liquids pass through soil or other materials in
Illegal encroachment: Encroachment is the situation that a specified direction. Permeable/pervious paving refers
exists when a structure is built in whole or in part on a to a range of materials and techniques for paving roads,
property that is not legally owned by the owner. parking lots and walkways that allow the movement of
Impervious: A quality of a material that does not allow water and air around the paving material.
water to penetrate through it. Planters: Containers hold saplings or plants that are used
Infiltration rate: The quantity of water that can enter the for vegetating any surrounding
soil in a specified time interval Pollutant concentration: A measure of the amount of a
Infiltration technique: The penetration of water through polluting substance in a given amount of water, soil, air,
the ground surface into sub-surface soil is termed as food or other medium.
iInfiltration and the various techniques that aid this Precipitation: Any and all forms of water, whether liquid
phenomenon are called iInfiltration techniques. or solid, those fall from the atmosphere and reach the
Infiltration trenches and basins: Two slightly altered eEarth’s surface. A day with measurable precipitation/
techniques that use the infiltration method of rainfall is a day when the water equivalent of the
controlling storm water runoff from site. precipitation is equal to or greater than 0.2 mm/hour.
Land contamination: Land contamination is a broad term Quarrying: The process of extracting stone for
used to describe situations where elevated levels of commercial use from natural rock deposits is called
contaminants are present in land due to industrial use, quarrying. The extracted material is used for various
waste disposal, accidents or spillages, aerial deposition purposes, including construction, ornamentation, road
or migration of contaminants from adjacent areas. building, and as an industrial raw material.
Land use planning: The long-term development or Receiving water course: A river, lake, ocean, stream, or
conservation of an area and the establishment of a other watercourse into which wastewater or stormwater
relationship between local objectives and regional run off goes to.
goals is the main objective of Land use planning. Land- Reseeding: To sow similar seed on the same surface or
use planning is often guided by laws and regulations. area again.
The major instrument for current land-use planning Retention ponds: A retention pond is designed to hold a
is the establishment of zones that divide an area into specific amount of water indefinitely. Usually the pond
districts, which are subject to specified regulations. is designed to have drainage leading to another location
Low-lying area: Area having little or no elevation above a when the water level gets above the pond capacity, but
surface or level, especially ground level or water level still maintains a certain capacity.
mm/hour: Millimetres per hour is the standard unit of Ridgelines: They are formed at the intersection of two
measuring rainfall intensity. slopes, dividing the drainage basins of separate water
Natural drainage: The naturally occurring channelled flow bodies. Their existence is critical because they form
formed by land contours and ridges and then streams natural drainage channels that carry runoff into the
and rivers, which removes water from the land surface. receiving water bodies.
Natural site contours/topography: Naturally occurring Runoff volume and rate: The quantity of the total runoff
elevations and surface features of a site. The study emerging from a particular site during a rainfall event is
and recording of these features on a map is termed of termed as runoff volume and is expressed in cubic metres
topography. or thousand litres. The time taken by the total runoff to
Natural water courses: Natural channel through which finally leave a particular site gives the runoff rate. Both
water flows to the receiving water bodies outfall; runoff volume and rate are directly proportional to the
generally refers to wastes discharged into surface imperviousness and built-up area onsite.
waters. Scale (on appliances): The whitish hard deposits left
Percolation capacity: Percolation is the movement of behind by dissolved calcium and magnesium salts in
water downward and radially through the subsurface water are primarily responsible for most scaling in
soil layers, usually continuing downward to the pipes and water heaters and cause numerous problems
groundwater. The capacity of a surface material or in laundry, kitchen, and bath.
the soil itself to allow percolation into the sub-soil is Sediment: Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material
percolation capacity. that come from the weathering of rock and are carried
Percolation pit: One of the easiest and most effective and deposited by wind or water.
forms of rain water harvesting are designed on the Silt: Fine particles of sand or rock that can be picked up
basis of expected runoff and filled with pebbles or brick by the air or water and deposited as sediment.
jelly, and river sand and covered with perforated slabs Site disturbance: Any man-made activity that alters a
wherever necessary site’s natural contours, elevations, vegetation cover or
any other features can be termed as site disturbance. order restriction, which allows use of the land outside
Softeners: Chemical agents or solutions that are used as the requirements of the zoning for that area. A variance
additives to water to reduce the hardness, to render application generally included the premise and degree
the water more utilitarian are called softeners. of deviation from an established set of rules.
Soil erosion: Soil erosion is the wearing away of the land Vegetated roof/ green roof: Roofs that are vegetated ,
surface by physical forces such as rainfall, flowing and have plant life growing on them are also called
water, wind, ice, temperature change, gravity or other green roofs. Green roofs last longer than conventional
natural or anthropogenic agents. roofs, reduce energy costs with natural insulation,
Solar radiation: Energy that is radiated or transmitted in create peaceful retreats for people and animals, and
the form of rays or waves or particles absorb storm water, potentially lessening the need for
Storm water drainage management: Stormwater is of complex and expensive drainage systems.
concern for two main issues—one related to the volume Water logging: Water stagnating on ground, site or roads
and timing of runoff water (flood control and water with no draining route or because of flooding. This
supplies) and the other related to potential contaminants generally occurs during flash floods in low lying areas
that the water is carrying, that is, water pollution. where drainage channels are altered.
Storm water drainage management includes practices Water pollution: The man-made or man-induced alteration
developed in an attempt to reduce the negative impacts of the physical, biological, and radiological integrity of
of storm water on stream and watershed health. water.
Storm water: Stormwater is a term used to describe water Water scarcity: This is a relative concept describing
that originates during precipitation events. Stormwater the relationship between demand for water and its
that does not soak into the ground becomes surface availability. It can be defined as a situation where there
runoff, which either flows directly into receiving water is insufficient water to satisfy normal requirements.
bodies or is channeled into storm water drains, which Water-holding capacity: The ability of the soil to retain or
eventually discharge to surface waters. store water. Generally, the term is applied to systems
Sub-soil/sub strata: The layer of earth immediately below that act as infiltration instruments, for example, lakes.
the top soil, consisting predominantly of minerals Wetlands: Constructed wetlands for the purpose of
and leached materials such as iron and aluminium storm water management are a further enhancement
compounds. of retention ponds, and incorporate shallow areas
Sub-surface storage: Water that is stored below the planted with marsh or wetland vegetation. These
surface of the earth where either a separate facility provide a much greater degree of filtering and removal
is constructed or its occupies space in soils or geologic of nutrients by algae and, to a lesser extent, by
strata. incorporation into plant material.
Surface runoff: That part of precipitation, snowmelt, or
irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or Sewage management
other surface water; can carry pollutants from the air
and land into the receiving waters. Aerobic: Life or processes that require, or are not
Sustainable urban drainage systems: Aim to reduce destroyed by, the presence of oxygen
flooding by managing urban run off in the way most Anaerobic: A life or process that occurs in, or is not
suited to the specific development. Examples of SUDS destroyed by, the absence of oxygen
(sustainable urban drainage system) measures include: Aquifer: An underground geological formation,, or group of
excavation of swales, basins, ponds and soak-aways; formations, containing usable amounts of groundwater
permeable paving or other pervious surfaces, and that can supply wells and springs
planting of reed beds/wetlands. Biomethanization: Production of methane gas from bio-
Urban Heat Island Effect: The well-known phenomenon degradable material by anaerobic digestion of municipal
allusive to the atmospheric temperature rise solid waste is called Bio-methanization.
experienced by any urbanized area. The heat island Chlorides: Compounds of chlorine, which is a highly
phenomenon has been commonly associated to cities, reactive halogen element, used most often in the form
because their surfaces are characterized by low albedo, of a pungent gas to disinfect drinking water
high impermeability and favourable thermal properties Compliance: The state of being in accordance with
for the energy storage and heat release. established guidelines, specifications or legislation or
Urbanization: Urbanization is an index of transformation the process of becoming so
from traditional rural agrarian economies to modern Discharge: The releasing of any liquid, generally effluent
industrial ones. from a treatment process or untreated wastewater into
Vacuum sweeping machine: An appliance that cleans an intended or unplanned destination by connecting to
outdoor areas, mainly pavements, roads, parking areas, the same
and so on, by suction so as to remove particulate Disposal: Final placement or destruction of toxic,
matter and rid the surface of any clogging of the pores. radioactive or other wastes; surplus or banned
Variance: A variance is an exception to a zoning/ rule/ pesticides or other chemicals; polluted soils. Disposal
may be accomplished through use of approved secure of waste by recovering usable products that might
landfills, surface impoundments, land farming, deep otherwise become wastes
well injection, ocean dumping or incineration. Regulations: Principles, rules or laws designed to control
Dual plumbing: Separate piping systems installed for or govern conduct aimed at achieving social wellbeing
fresh water and recycled/treated grey or black water Residual: Amount of a pollutant remaining in the
reuse within a facility, which could be water usage environment after a natural or technological process
areas in the building or site like toilets, wash areas, has taken place, for example, the sludge remaining
landscaping, and so on. after initial wastewater treatment, or particulates
Effective microorganisms: EM (effective microorganism) remaining in air after the air passes through a scrubbing
technology as it is is trademarked now uses a laboratory or other pollutant removal process
cultured mixture of micro organisms, which coexist Retrofitting: The process of addition of new technology or
for the benefit of whichever environment they are features to older systems to enhance or optimize their
introduced, and is being extensively used in sewage and performance
solid waste treatment. Reuse: The additional use of a component, part, or
Fertilizer: Materials such as nitrogen and phosphorus product after it has been removed from a clearly
that provide nutrients for plants. Commercially sold defined service cycle. Reuse does not include
fertilizers may contain other chemicals or may be in the reformation. However, cleaning, repair or refurbishing
form of processed sewage sludge. may be done between uses.
Grey water: Wastewater from clothes, washing machines, Sewage: The waste and wastewater produced by
showers, bathtubs, hand washing and sinks, but not residential and commercial establishments and
sewage discharged into sewers
Groundwater: The supply of fresh water found beneath Sewer: A channel or conduit that carries wastewater and
the earth’s surface (usually in aquifers), which is often storm water runoff from the source to a treatment
accessed through wells and springs plant or receiving stream. Sanitary sewers carry
Irrigation: Technique for applying water or wastewater to household, industrial, and commercial wastes. Storm
land areas to supply the water and nutrient needs of sewers carry runoff from rain or snow. Combined sewers
plants are used for both purposes.
Land application: Discharge of wastewater onto the Sludge: A semisolid residue from any of a number of air or
ground for treatment or reuse water treatment processes. Sludge can be a hazardous
Landfill: Landfills are land disposal sites for non-hazardous waste.
solid wastes at which wastes are spread in layers, Suspended solids: Small particles of solid pollutants that
compacted to the smallest practical volume, and float on the surface of or are suspended in sewage or
covered at the end of each operating day other liquids. They resist removal by conventional means.
Manure: Material, especially organic refuse, often with Sustainable: Development that ensures that the use
discarded animal dung, used to fertilize soil of resources and the environment today does not
On-site: The performance of any related activity, either compromise their use in the future
during construction or operation and maintenance on Temperature: The degree of hotness or coldness of a body
the construction/ building site itself is termed as an or material.
‘on-site’ activity. Volatile: Description of any substance that evaporates
Operation and maintenance: Actions taken after readily
construction to ensure that facilities constructed Waste water treatment: A facility containing a series of
to treat wastewater will be properly operated, tanks, screens, filters, and other processes by which
maintained, and managed to achieve efficiency levels pollutants are removed from water
and prescribed effluent levels in an optimum manner Waste water: Water that carries wastes from homes,
Organic: Referring to or derived from living organisms. In businesses, and industries. It is usually a mixture of
chemistry, any compound containing carbon water and dissolved or suspended solids.
pH: A measure of both acidity and alkalinity on a scale
of 0–14, with seven representing neutrality; numbers Building material
less than seven indicate increasing acidity and numbers
greater than seven indicate increasing alkalinity. Acid Building materials: Refers to various materials used for
rain can increase the pH level of the water in a lake, constructing buildings
thereby, killing all life. Compressed earth blocks: CEB (compressed earth blocks),
Potable water: Water that is safe for drinking and cooking are construction blocks made with clay, sand, and a
Recharge (groundwater): The addition of water to stabilizing ingredient such as lime or Portland cement.
an aquifer by natural or induced measures, so as to The earth mixture is poured into a hydraulic press
increase it availability levels machine. Since they are machine-made, compressed
Recycle: The process of minimizing the generation earth blocks are uniform in size and shape.
Ecology: The relationship of living things to one another viability of developmental plans of a particular site
and their environment or the study of such relationships Aesthetic quality: The visual and functional appeal of a
Embodied energy: Energy required to extract, process, natural or man-made asset that increases the perceived
package, transport, install, and recycle or dispose off quality of the same
materials that make up a building’s construction. Air quality: A measurement of the pollutants in the air; a
Environmental footprint: The environmental impact description of healthiness and safety of the atmosphere
that an entity makes as it performs any activity. A Basement: One or more floors of a building that are
footprint is determined by how well raw materials or either completely or partially below the ground floor.
by-products are or are not absorbed by the surrounding Basements are typically used as utility spaces where
environment. such items as car parking, air conditioning system, and
Ferro-cement systems: A thin shell of highly reinforced electrical distribution systems are located.
Portland cement mortar. Generally, ferroFerro cement Biodiversity: The variety of different living organisms
shells range from 1/2 inch to 2 inches in thickness, from all sources including terrestrial, marine and
and the reinforcement consists of layers of steel mesh, other aquatic ecosystems and the variety of different
usually with steel reinforcing bars sandwiched midway ecosystems that they form. This includes diversity
between within species, between species and of ecosystems, and
Fly ash: Non-combustible residual particles from the the genetic variability of each species.
combustion process carried by flue gas Black cotton soil: Soil type that is characterized by high
Lumber: Wood or wood products used for construction clay content, absorb water heavily, swell, become soft,
Masonry: Construction achieved through the use of units lose strength, easily compressible and is unsuitable for
of various natural or artificial mineral products, such construction activities generally.
as stone, brick or concrete. The term may be applied Conservation zone: A designated area of local, national or
to the craft itself or to the finished product. Nowadays global architectural, historic or ecological importance,
good quality fly ash is available from thermal power the character and appearance of which is desirable to
plants, which are processed and used in manufacturing preserve or enhance
of PPC (Portland pozzolana cement). Construction runoff/ waste water: Runoff that is
Portland pozzolona cement: It is obtained by either inter- generated due to water used in various construction
grinding a pozzolanic material with clinker and gypsum related activities on a site, viz., curing, concrete and
or by blending ground pozzolana with Portland cement. mortar mixing, etc. Due to the nature of the various
Precast systems: Components which are cast and partly chemicals used in manufacturing various building
matured in a factory or on the site before being lifted materials, construction runoff is highly polluted and
into their final position on a structure. Precasting laden with sediments.
increases the strength and finish durability of the Contaminated material: Material that is polluted by
member and decreases time and construction costs. hazardous or non-hazardous chemicals and cannot be
Ready mix concrete: Ready-mix concrete is a type of accepted for its
concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching Demarcation: The setting or marking of boundaries or
plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a limits to delineate a specified area from a larger area
worksite, by truck mounted transit mixers. Divert: The act of changing a natural course or
Reinforced cement: Poured concrete (a strong hard intentionally creating a directional channel to allow
building material composed of sand, gravel, cement, material to be carried from one point to another.
and water) containing steel bars or metal netting to Dust pollution: Air pollution caused by dust particles
increase its tensile strength Ecosystems: Natural unit consisting of all plants, animals
Renewable: Resources that have the capacity to be and micro-organisms in an area functioning together
naturally replenished despite being harvested (for with all the physical factors of the environment. It is a
example, forests, fish). The supply of these resources unit of inter-dependent organisms which share the same
can, in theory, never be exhausted, usually because it is habitat.
continuously produced Effective planting: Planting vegetation that is most
Salvaged timber: Second-hand timber; also called suitable for the soil characteristics and the local
reclaimed timber. Timber available for harvest in climate, and it also gives the additional benefit of
connection with incidental development, geological or preventing soil erosion and conserving the top soil
geo-physical exploration or acts of nature Erosion control: The wearing away of land surface by
wind, water, glaciers, chemicals, and exposure to
Ecology and geological conservation the atmosphere. Erosion occurs naturally but can
be intensified by land-clearing practices related to
Accredited geologist: A professionally qualified and farming, residential or industrial development, road
certified scientist, who, by virtue of his/her education building or deforestation.
and experience is eligible to survey, analyse and advise Evolution: A gradual process in which something changes
appropriately regarding the geological suitability/ into a different and usually more complex or better form
Geology: Science that deals with the origin, history, and Peripheral areas: Areas on or near an edge or constituting
structure of the earth, including the study of rocks and an outer boundary of a central location
minerals Preservation: The act or process of safeguarding any
Hazardous: Any material/ substance that can pose a resource from injury, destruction or decay
substantial or potential hazard to human health or the Rainfall intensity: The amount of rainfall occurring in a
environment when improperly managed unit of time, usually expressed in inches or millimetres
Heritage: A property, structure, culture or something that per hour
defines the unique identity of a place and comes or Recreational space: A public space that is allocated
belongs to a community by virtue of birth or living in it. and designed for recreational purposes. For example,
Hydrological regime: The natural behavioral pattern parks, auditoria, galleries, river and lake fronts, and
of water movement over the surface and below it, so on
consisting of magnitude, flow direction and timing, Regulated green zones: Earmarked or designated zones
and so on that that define the water resource scenario protected by law where specific human activities are
of a region. The geology, climate, and the ecological restricted for want of protecting and enhancing the
activities of the region have a high bearing to the ecological value of the same
formation of this regime. Remote sensing: The use of satellites to gather data,
Inventory: An evaluation or a survey consisting of a images, and so, so as to study various phenomena on
detailed, itemized list, report or record of assets or earth or other bodies of the solar system
resources making up a particular property Replantation: To plant again or in a new place; refers to
Landscape architect: One whose profession is the compensatory replantation in the event of unavoidable
decorative and functional alteration and planting removal of a tree/ plant from a particular site
of grounds, especially at or around a building site. Rock formations: Isolated, scenic or spectacular
Landscape architects are concerned with improving the surface roof outcrops. These are usually the result of
ways in which people interact with the landscape, as weathering and erosion sculpting the existing rock over
well as with reducing the negative impacts that human millions of years.
use has upon sensitive landscapes. Rock gardens: Rock gardens really offer some of the most
Mature tree: A tree that has reached a desired size or age spectacular garden vistas. Along with extensive usage
for its intended use. Size, age or economic maturity of rocks and stones the plants native to the rocky or
varies depending on the species and intended use. It alpine environments are featured in the rock gardens
also refers to a tree that has a well-developed tree or rockeries. The rock garden is usually observed as a
canopy (that is, mature canopy). Smaller trees are pile of rocks of different sizes that are aesthetically
usually considered ‘mature’ at 20 years and for larger arranged with small gaps being introduced in between
trees, 25 years. them for planting of flora.
Micro habitats: A small, localized habitat within a larger Rock stabilization: The application of various techniques
ecosystem, as a decomposing log in a forest, having to make an unstable rock slope or structure, stable, and
conditions that sustain a limited range of animals and safe
plants Sapling: A young tree; specifically one that is not over four
Migratory birds: Birds travelling from one place to another inches in diameter at breast height
at regular times of the year, often over long distances. Sedimentation pit: A temporary pit, which is constructed
Mulch: Any loose material placed over the soil to control to trap the sediments coming from construction runoff
weeds and conserve soil moisture. Usually this is a so that it is filtered before being disposed or further
coarse organic matter, such as leaves, clippings or bark, treated
but plastic sheeting and other commercial products can Seeding: To sprinkle with seed or sow seeds for developing
also be used. If placed around plants, mulch provides any vegetation
additional benefits, including the diminution of erosion Settlement: A community of people living together, that is
and water loss, and the regulation of soil temperature. smaller than a town
Non-invasive: Species, which are able to proliferate and Site planning: The organizational stage of planning any
aggressively alter or displace indigenous biological site development. It includes outlining of all structures
communities. along with site improvements, such as driveways,
Non-native: Not indigenous or originating from a particular parking lots, landscaping, and utility connections.
area Soil characteristics: The various physical, chemical,
Onsite treatment plant: A treatment facility set up on hydrological, and geological characteristics of soil types
the very site that is generating the waste water/runoff, that collectively determine its suitability for supporting
so that conveying the untreated water to a common plant life and other site developments
facility or disposing without treatment can be avoided. Soil pollution: Build-up of soils of persistent toxic
Percolate: The property of a material/system that allows compounds, chemicals, salts, radio-active materials, or
liquid to pass through or drain through small holes disease causing agents, which have adverse effects on
plant growth and animal health
Spillages: The accidental causing of falling or draining of Top soil conservation: The activity or the process
liquids of removing and protecting the top soil from any
Stabilizing material: Material used to cover soil to give construction or development site for reusing it onsite
additional support or stability and prevent it from later on for developing a landscape; basically done to
eroding away from slopes, in case of rainfall or other conserve the top soil that have high geological value.
causes, and so on. Transplantation: The process of digging up a plant/tree
Survey: The collection of data from a given population and moving it to another location
for the purpose of analysis of a particular issue. Data Urban niches: Niche or specialized zones in urban areas
is often collected from only a sample of a population, that are assemblages of various native ecological
which is known as a sample survey. factors (water, food, energy, land, climate, and so
Swales: Low tract of land, especially one that is moist on) and ecological relationships (quality of life, inter-
and marshy. The term can refer to a natural landscape relations with other life systems, and so on)
feature or a human-created one. When created
specifically, this open drain system is usually designed Others
to manage runoff.
Particulate: Fine liquid or solid particles, such as dust,
smoke, mist, fumes or smog, found in air or emissions
Comfort visual, thermal, noise level, air quality
Energy Sewage Ecology and geology
This booklet aims to provide a concise summary of the ERBGs in an easy-to-understand format.
EBRGs cover various aspects of sustainable design at the building level, as well as the neighbourhood
levels. These guidelines attempt to provide information and direction to various stakeholders in order to
create an environment-friendly sustainable habitat. Divided into various sub-heads – energy, comfort,
water, storm water, sewage, solid waste management, pollution, ecology and geology, and materials
– the booklet contains simple solutions and tips to improve the energy and resource performance of
the new as well as existing buildings.