14 Management Principles of TOYOTA

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TOYOTA production system (TPS)

14 management principles of Toyota Way

TPS (Toyota Production System)

Best Quality-Lowest Cost-Shortest Lead Time-Best

Safety- High Morale
People& Teamwork
JIT Jidoka
(Just-in-Time) Kaizen In-station quality
Right Part Continuous Improvement Make Problems Visible
Right Amount
Right Time Waste Reduction
Leveled Production (heijunka)
Stable and Standardized Processes
Visual Management
Toyota Way Philosophy
4 Ps Model / 14 Management
principles of TOYOTA
4 Ps Model / 14 Management principles of TOYOTA
Solving 14. Make decisions slowly by consensus, considering all options,
(Continuous implement rapidly
Improvement & 13. Go see for yourself to understand the situation “Genchi Genbustu”
Learning) 12. Continual organizational learning through “Kaizen”

People and 11. Respect, challenge and respect your suppliers

Partners 10. Respect, develop and challenge your teams
(Respect, Challenge
and Grow them) 9. Grow leaders who live the philosophy

8. Use only reliable, tested technology

7. Use visual controls so no problems are hidden

Process 6. Standardize Tasks for continuous improvement

5. Stop when there is a quality problem “Jidoka”
(Eliminate Waste) 4. Level out the work load “Heijunka”
3. Use Pull systems to avoid overproduction
2. Create process flow to surface problems

Philosophy 1. Base management decisions on Long-term

philosophy even at the expense of short-term
(Long-term Thinking) financial goals
Applying TPS outside the shop floor

Map the
Start with the process that
Define value
customer adds value to
the customer
Applying TPS outside the shop floor

Bulk of these processes are fairly repetitive

and standardizing them is possible.
Kaizen Workshop

The kaizen workshop is one key tool for change in any service organization.

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