Taylor Baker

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David S. Taylor, Sam Houston State University, davidtaylor@shsu.edu
Gary A. Baker, Sam Houston State University, garybaker@shsu.edu

ABSTRACT Video-based, audio-based, and correspondence

courses all have the benefit of being asynchronous in
Prior research that examined the effectiveness of that participants can learn at different times and
face-to-face versus various computer-assisted places from each other and the instructor. But these
teaching methods has resulted in “no significant methods lack interaction between the student and the
differences.” However, this research was conducted instructor or students with other students. Some
without the benefit of a theoretical model that could correspondence courses have limited written or e-
be tested empirically with structural equation mail interaction between the instructor and the
modeling techniques. The purpose of this paper is to participant. However the lack of timeliness of the
develop such a model that will be operationalized postal service and the instructor’s responses
with appropriate data as a second step. moderates any beneficial interaction effect. Some
learning theories view learning as a social process
Keywords: Distance Learning, Learning Models, that occurs more effectively through interaction in a
Learning Performance cooperative context [8]. The need for interaction
cannot be satisfied by such one-way teaching

Distance learning is not a new concept. Instruction using Internet technologies is currently
Correspondence courses have long been a means of the only method of teaching that allows for
educating students at all grade levels that are instructor-student interaction, student-student
geographically removed from institutions of learning. interaction, and asynchronous processing allowing
These types of courses have also been a low cost the student to control the pace of learning. In
method of delivering adult education programs. In addition, Internet-based learning also has the
the 1960s television and teaching machines [2] advantage of being available anywhere there is a
became the modern mode of delivering course telephone plug. In today’s global economy,
materials. The 1970s introduced the VCR and low punctuated with business men and women with their
cost audiocassette components opening the door to laptops, effective learning need not require a
audio and video type programs. The 1980s and 1990s classroom.
launched inexpensive personal computers and
enabled the development of teleconferencing The cost of Internet-based learning is also very
technologies. We now have the Internet and a whole attractive. Teleconferencing requires a large
new set of resources available for use as teaching investment in classrooms with computers built into
tools. the desks, large screen video displays, cameras in
each classroom, audio pickup and broadcast,
Each of these media has its own strengths and broadband transmission capability, routers, and
weaknesses. Television broadcasting and modems. By comparison, Internet-based learning
teleconferencing are both limited to being in the requires only a personal computer or laptop with a
synchronous mode. All participants have to be modem, a server, an Internet service provider, and a
present at the same time (although not in the same telephone plug. Virtually all business people today
place) and the instructor controls the pace at which already have the equipment needed.
the material is presented. However research has
shown that the synchronous mode of learning is less This paper will develop a theory of learning
desirable. A positive relationship was found to exist performance from a review of current literature. The
at the college level between student control of the purpose of this theory is to develop a model that can
learning pace with motivation and performance [1, be used to empirically test learning effectiveness
5]. resulting from two different teaching methods;
specifically, an Internet-based approach as compared
to a traditional face-to-face classroom format.

Volume VII, No. 1, 2006 383 Issues in Information Systems

The Development of a Theory of Learning Performance: A First Step

Previous research in the field repeatedly results in Figure 1 shows the basic motivation-behavior
“no significant differences” between face-to-face and sequence described by Expectancy Theory along with
various computer-assisted methods. However, none a single moderator. Ability to achieve the behavior
of these studies used a causal path model that would moderates the effort-to-performance relationship. An
explain the constructs and interactions occurring in individual can be highly motivated and put out the
the learning process. effort but because of limitations in ability, he or she
is not able to fully achieve the necessary level of
It is important to mention one point relative to performance. Similarly, a low level of effort could
generalizability. The Theory of Learning still result in acceptable performance when there are
Performance is developed specifically for the high levels of abilities.
academic environment at the high school, college or
university level. Although many aspects of the
Theory of Learning Performance are applicable to motivation
lower levels, it is not intended for those purposes.
The basic theory is goal attainment oriented and
relates goal attainment to academic attainment. As
will be discussed later, previous research has shown effort
these constructs to be related using high school age
subjects. Goal setting and attainment at the sub-high ability
school level may not result in the same relationships
as it does at the high school and college level. performance


Porter and Lawler [9] developed the notion of
Expectancy Theory as a means of understanding the Figure 1. Motivation-Behavior Sequence
relationships between motivation and performance
behaviors. There are three concepts that are the
building blocks for the theory; performance-outcome Adaptation to a Learning Theory
expectancy, valence, and effort-performance
expectancy. Performance-outcome expectancy states John Keller [4] adapted the motivation-behavior
that every behavior has associated with it, in an sequence from Expectancy Theory to a learning
individual’s mind, an expected outcome (rewards or environment by making certain changes to the
punishments). The individual believes that if he/she definitions of the constructs. The change to the above
behaves in a certain way then he/she will obtain Figure 1 is that “performance” becomes “learning”
certain things. Valence is the value, worth, and the “outcomes” are more specifically defined as
attractiveness of an outcome to the individual. People “goal attainment.” Learning is operationalized in five
put different values on a reward or punishment based different ways: volume of information acquired,
on their own perceptions of relevance. Effort- ability to retain information acquired, ability to apply
performance expectancy represents the individual’s information acquired to applicable situations,
perception of how difficult it will be to achieve a changes in attitudes towards the value of the subject
behavior and the probability of successful matter, and perception of one’s own learning. The
achievement of that behavior. goal attainment outcomes are those goals associated
with learning, such as being able to perform a certain
These concepts can be put together and reflect that task or be qualified for a new job.
motivation will be greatest when
This Theory of Learning Performance then can be
a) The individual believes that the behavior will further defined with the implied propositions as
lead to outcomes (performance-outcome follows:
b) The individual believes that these outcomes have P1 The greater a person’s motivation to learn, the
positive value for him/her (valence) more effort he or she will expend in learning.
c) The individual believes that he/she is able to P2 The greater the effort applied to learning, the
perform at the desired level (effort-performance greater the learning performance.

Volume VII, No. 1, 2006 384 Issues in Information Systems

The Development of a Theory of Learning Performance: A First Step

P3 The greater the ability to learn, the greater the groups. The societal environment includes cultural,
learning performance. community, and family influences. The positive or
P4 The greater the learning performance, the greater negative attitudes of the peers, family, community,
the chances of attaining goals. and cultural group towards education and the
P5 The greater the perceived value of the goal, the educational system will have an influence on the
greater the motivation. student’s attitudes, motivations and other behaviors
within the learning process.
In George Homan’s [10] exchange propositions, his
success proposition, value proposition, and stimulus Adding the cultural and societal subsystems to the
proposition closely parallel the Porter and Lawler learning performance theory also generates additional
concepts of performance-outcome expect-ancy, propositions:
valence, and effort-performance expectancy.
However, Homan’s perspective generates additional P8 The more positive the peer groups’ attitudes
propositions to be evaluated in the Theory of towards learning, the more motivated the
Learning Performance as follows: student.
P9 The more positive the family’s attitudes towards
P6 The more learning success a person has learning, the more motivated the student.
experienced in the past, the more effort they will P10 The more positive the com-munity’s attitudes
apply to current learning. towards learning, the more motivated the
P7 The more valuable a person perceives the goal to student.
be, the greater the effort they will expend. P11 The more positive the cultural group’s attitudes
towards learning, the more motivated the
Operationalization of Constructs student.

In order to empirically test the Theory of Learning Accounting for the Presentation of the Learning
Performance, learning would become the dependent Material
variable rather than goal attainment. Learning can be
measured a lot more precisely. Volume of A construct is added to the Theory of Learning
information learned can be measured with a Performance for the presentation of the course
before/after test. Retention can be measured with a material. Presentation is a combination of the
before/after/after test. Perceptions of learning and attributes of the instructor, the methods used in
changes in attitudes toward the value of the subject presenting the material, and the subject matter itself.
matter can be uncovered with scaled measures. The This construct is both a predictor of learning and of
ability to apply information acquired can be effort to learn. The synergies of the instructor can
determined experimentally. elicit more or less effort from the individual students
or perhaps different teaching methods will influence
There are also various measures of ability such as the amount of effort the student puts forward. Leidner
GRE or SAT score, grades earned in previous & Jarvenpaa [6] found, while studying three different
classroom environments, or even IQ tests. Motivation instructors and varying degrees of electronic
and effort can both be measured with scaled classroom environments, that teacher style appeared
questionnaires. to be an important factor. They also determined that a
student preference (learning style) for one teaching
Accounting for the Learning Environment method over another was an important moderating
variable between the method and its effect. Matta and
Kurt Lewin [11] developed the idea that behavior is a Kern [7] found that there are student personality
function of a person in his/her environment. This characteristics that effect learning success with
concept was specifically restated to the learning different teaching methods. In particular, they found
environment by Hunt and Sullivan [3] in their Social that introverted students performed better than did
Learning Theory and codified as follows: extroverted students when utilizing computer aided
B=ƒ(P&E) instruction techniques. In the following propositions,
the term “fit” refers to the alignment of the student’s
The environmental issues impacting the educational needs, abilities, and learning styles to the instructor’s
system can be categorized either as within the teaching style, abilities, experience, and leadership
immediate academic environment or in the broader qualities:
societal environment. Academic environment
influences include social norms within the peer

Volume VII, No. 1, 2006 385 Issues in Information Systems

The Development of a Theory of Learning Performance: A First Step

P12 The more effective the perceived quality of the expects himself or herself to perform more capably
presentation of the material, the greater the relative to another individual or other individuals.
amount of effort spent to learn. This concept is central to the notion of Expectation
P13 The more effective the perceived quality of the State as described by Joseph Berger and his
presentation of the material, the greater the associates [10; pg 452].
amount of learning that will occur.
P14 The more effective the perceived quality of the P24 The more the student can accept the power
presentation of the material, the greater the imbalance and their roles in the teacher/student
motivation to learn. exchange, the greater the amount of effort spent
P15 The better the “fit” of the teaching method to the to learn.
student, the greater the amount of effort spent to P25 The greater the level of self-efficacy, the greater
learn. the amount of effort spent to learn.
P16 The better the “fit” of the teaching method to the
student, the greater the amount of learning that By adding self-efficacy as a construct in the theory,
will occur. the moderation impact of the learning ability
P17 The better the “fit” of the teaching method to the construct previously defined will be affected. By
student, the greater the motivation to learn. including a person’s perception of their learning
P18 The better the “fit” of the teaching materials to ability as antecedent to their actual learning ability,
the student, the greater the amount of effort spent the amount of variance left to be explained by the
to learn. actual ability would now just represent the difference
P19 The better the “fit” of the teaching materials to between the perceived ability of the student as
the student, the greater the amount of learning reflected in self efficacy and the actual ability as
that will occur. measured by grade point averages, SATs, or possibly
P20 The better the “fit” of the teaching materials to by IQ testing. There is also a causal relationship
the student, the greater the motivation to learn. between actual and perceived ability. A person with a
P21 The better the “fit” of the teacher’s attributes to greater amount of learning ability is more likely to
the student, the greater the amount of effort spent have performed better in learning situations in the
to learn. past and would therefore have a perception of greater
P22 The better the “fit” of the teacher’s attributes to ability.
the student, the greater the amount of learning
that will occur. P26 The greater the level of actual ability, the greater
P23 The better the “fit” of the teacher’s attributes to the level of perceived ability.
the student, the greater the motivation to learn.
The pieces of the Theory of Learning Performance
Accounting for the Concept of Self can now be combined as diagrammed in Figure 2
(after the Reference section).
Peter Blau looked at differences in power in an
exchange as leading to conflict. However, this REFERENCES
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Volume VII, No. 1, 2006 386 Issues in Information Systems

The Development of a Theory of Learning Performance: A First Step

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of Self

Presentation of Learning Goal

Method Effort
Material Performance Attainment


Peer Motivation


Figure 2. Theory of Learning Performance

Volume VII, No. 1, 2006 387 Issues in Information Systems

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