Kotak Securities
Kotak Securities
Kotak Securities
I would also like to thank Mr. Akash Munshi for his constant guidance
and encouragement which helped me immensely, and without which I
could not have accomplished my project.
I also take this opportunity to thank all the members of KOTAK family for
providing me with constant cooperation and thus making my summer
training a memorable one.
The aim was not only to do a project but also to make myself
aware of the various functions of this department and learn
through observing the day-day activities. In this report, I have
made an attempt to capture all my experiences and learning’s
during my summer training, followed by a brief on the project
that I had undertaken as part of my internship.
clients & helping them in exploring investment opportunities in
the Equity, Derivatives & Commodity markets.
I was fortunate enough to join the company at the time of its
opening of second branch in Pune city, thus I was able to gain a
first hand experience of how a new venture is initiated.
About The Company
The group has a net worth of around Rs.1, 700 crore and employs
over 4,000 employees in its various businesses. With a presence in
74 cities in India and offices in New York, London, Dubai and
Mauritius, it services a customer base of over 5,00,000.
The Kotak Mahindra Group was born in 1985 as Kotak Capital
Management Finance Limited. Uday Kotak, Sidney A. A. Pinto and
Kotak & Company promoted this company. Industrialists Harish
Mahindra and Anand Mahindra took a stake in 1986, and that's
when the company changed its name to Kotak Mahindra Finance
Limited. Since then it's been a steady and confident journey to
growth and success which is as follows:
Ford Credit Kotak Mahindra Limited,
for financing Ford vehicles. The
launch of Matrix Information Services
Limited marks the Group’s entry into
information distribution.
1998 Enters the mutual fund market with
the launch of Kotak Mahindra Asset
Management Company.
2000 Kotak Mahindra ties up with Old
Mutual plc. For the Life Insurance
2003 Kotak Securities launches
kotakstreet.com - its on-line broking
Kotak Securities needs no introduction as India's largest stock
broking house and it is also the leader as far as primary market
distribution goes.
A corporate member of the BSE and the NSE, Kotak Securities is also
a depository participant with the National Securities Depository
Limited (NSDL) and the Central Depository services Limited (CDSL)
for trading and settlement of dematerialized shares.
Kotak Securities Limited manages assets over 1700 crores under
Portfolio Management Services (PMS) which is mainly to the high end
of the market. Kotak Securities Limited has newly launched “Kotak
Infinity” as a distinct discretionary Portfolio Management Service,
which looks into the middle end of the market.
Indian Stock Markets are one of the oldest in Asia. Its history dates back
to nearly 200 years ago. The earliest records of security dealings in India
are meager and obscure. The East India Company was the dominant
institution in those days and business in its loan securities used to be
transacted towards the close of the eighteenth century.
Post-independence Scenario
During early sixties there were eight recognized stock exchanges in India
The number virtually remained unchanged, for nearly two decades.
During eighties, however, many stock exchanges were established:
Cochin Stock Exchange (1980), Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchange
Association Limited (at Kanpur982), and Pune Stock Exchange Limited
(1982), Ludhiana Stock Exchange Association Limitesd (1983), Gauhati
Stock Exchange Limited (1984), Kanara Stock Exchange Limited (at
Mangalore, 1985), Magadh Stock Exchange Association (at Patna, 1986),
Jaipur Stock Exchange Limited (1989), Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange
Association Limited (1989), Saurashtra Kutch Stock Exchange Limited
(at Rajkot, 1989), Vadodara Stock Exchange Limited (at Baroda, 1990)
and recently established exchanges - Coimbatore and Meerut. Thus, at
present, there are totally twenty-one recognized stock exchanges in India
excluding the Over The Counter Exchange of India Limited (OTCEI) and
the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL).
The Table given below portrays the overall growth pattern of Indian stock
markets since independence. It is quite evident from the Table that
Indian stock markets have not only grown just in number of exchanges,
but also in number of listed companies and in capital of listed
companies. The remarkable growth after 1985 can be clearly seen from
the Table, and this was due to the favoring government policies towards
security market industry.
Capital per
Cos. (Lakh Rs.)
Appreciated 358 170 148 126 170 260 344 803
8 of Capital per
Listed Cos.
(Lakh Rs.)
Source: Various issues of the Stock Exchange Official Directory, Vol.2 (9)
(iii), Bombay Stock Exchange, Bombay.
The Exchange, while providing an efficient and transparent market for
trading in securities, debt and derivatives upholds the interests of the
investors and ensures redressal of their grievances whether against the
companies or its own member-brokers. It also strives to educate and
enlighten the investors by conducting investor education programmes
and making available to them necessary informative inputs.
The Exchange has inserted new Rule No.126 A in its Rules, Bye-laws &
Regulations pertaining to constitution of the Executive Committee of the
Exchange. Accordingly, an Executive Committee, consisting of three
elected directors, three SEBI nominees or public representatives,
Executive Director & CEO and Chief Operating Officer has been
constituted. The Committee considers judicial & quasi matters in which
the Governing Board has powers as an Appellate Authority, matters
regarding annulment of transactions, admission, continuance and
suspension of member-brokers, declaration of a member-broker as
defaulter, norms, procedures and other matters relating to arbitration,
fees, deposits, margins and other monies payable by the member-brokers
to the Exchange, etc
The ban on all deferral products like Borrowing & Lending of Securities
Scheme (BLESS) and Automated Lending & Borrowing Mechanism
(ALBM) in the Indian capital markets by SEBI w.e.f. July 2, 2001,
abolition of account period settlements, introduction of Compulsory
Rolling Settlements in all scrips traded on the Exchanges w.e.f.
December 31, 2001, etc. has adversely impacted the liquidity in the
market and consequently there is a considerable decline in the average
daily turnover at the Exchange as reflected in above statistics.
Corporation of India, all Insurance Corporations, selected commercial
banks and others incorporated the National Stock Exchange in 1992.
Trading at NSE can be classified under two broad categories:
NSE brings an integrated stock market trading network across the
The Exchange has a separate Listing Department to grant approval for
listing of securities of companies in accordance with the provisions of the
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, Securities Contracts
(Regulation) Rules, 1957, Companies Act, 1956, Guidelines issued by
SEBI and Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange.
A company intending to have its securities listed on the Exchange has to
comply with the listing requirements prescribed by the Exchange. Some
of the requirements are as under: -
The intial part of my internship involved working with the retail sales
division of the company. This involved direct selling of the services to the
clients. I worked upon a target to attain a target of 25 clients per month
in a team of 3. The process of achieving target and various observations
made during that period is as follows:
Details about the stock market to the naïve investors and
encouraging them to invest in capital market.
Making them aware of various risks attached with the stock
Advising clients as to which kind of investment they should go in
Analyzing the requirement of the client on different parameters,
(which are mentioned in detail further), and providing them with
the suitable investment patterns.
Providing them in detail all the services Kotak has to offer.
Also various formalities need to be dealt with before a client can
actually open an account. The person who wishes to open the account
needs to provide certain document for verifications. These are needed
basically for:
Identity Proof
Address Proof
The documents, which can be provided, are:
Driving License.
Ration Card
PAN card
3. Dr.Reddy’s
4. Century Textile.
Rf MVE Frontier
From this big beginning step, Sharpe, Linter, and Treynor (some
also say Mossien) helped to develop what has become known as
the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). This MODEL is one of the
most famous of all financial models.
Unsystematic risks:
These are risks that are unique to a firm or industry. Factors such as
management capability, consumer preferences, labour, etc. contribute to
unsystematic risks. Unsystematic risks are controllable by nature and
can be considerably reduced by sufficiently diversifying one's portfolio.
and cannot be controlled or eliminated merely by diversifying one's
The degree, to which different portfolios are affected by these
systematic risks as compared to the effect on the market as a whole, is
different and is measured by Beta. To put it differently, the systematic
risks of various securities differ due to their relationships with the
market. The Beta factor describes the movement in a stock's or a
portfolio's returns in relation to that of the market return. For all
practical purposes, the market returns are measured by the returns on
the index (Nifty, Mid-cap etc.), since the index is a good reflector of the
market. In other words it is the measure of the contribution of an
individual securities to the risk of a well-diversified security. The CAPM
contends that shares co-move with the market. If the market moves by
1% and a share has a beta of two, then the return on the share would
move by 2%. The beta indicates the sensitivity of the return on shares
with the return on the market. Some companies' activities are more
sensitive to changes in the market - eg luxury car manufacturers - have
high betas, while those relating to goods and services likely to be in
demand irrespective of the economic cycle - eg food manufacturers - have
lower betas. The beta value of 1.0 is the benchmark against which all
share betas are measured.
These shares will generally experience smaller than average gains in a
rising market and smaller than average falls in a declining market.
Methodology / Formula
Beta is calculated as:
= Cov (X, Y)
Var (X)
Y is the returns on your portfolio or stock - DEPENDENT VARIABLE
In order to calculate the beta of a portfolio, multiply the weightage of
each stock in the portfolio with its beta value to arrive at the weighted
average beta of the portfolio.
Standard Deviation
Where, is the sample mean, xi’s are the observations (returns), and N is
the total number of observations or the sample size.
Thus when a graph is plotted with the expected return in y-axis and beta
in x-axis, we get:
Security Market Line (SML)
Expected Rm (Market
Risk Premium
Rf (Treasury Bills)
The line that connects Rf & Rm (market return) is called the security
market line (SML). “For Rf the beta is zero and for Rm it is one.” Any
investment considered must lie along SML because beta – the slope of
the line 0 is directly proportional to the expected rate of return.
This is called the market risk premium. (Difference
between market return and risk free return).
Now for any stock that is considered, the slope will be the same.
Therefore slope = (Ri – Rf)/ (i) (2)
Where Ri is the expected rate of return for stock (i)
(i) = The sensitivity of stock (i) to the market.
1) The pure time value of money: This is the reward for waiting for your
money, without taking any risk. Rf denotes it
2) The reward for bearing systematic risk: This is the reward that market
offers for bearing an average amount of systematic risk in addition to
It is denoted by (Rm – Rf), i.e the market risk premium.
3) The amount of systematic risk: This I the amount of systematic risk
present in a particular asset or portfolio, relative to an average asset. It is
measured by .
Uses of CAPM:
1.To find out the expected return of any particular asset.
2.To find out the discount rate for a new capital investment.
2.If investor can lend or borrow at the risk free rate of interest, one
efficient portfolio is better than all the others: the portfolio that offers the
highest ratio of risk premium to standard deviation (i.e. A risk averse
investor will put part of his money in this efficient portfolio and part in
risk free assets. For eg. Government bonds.
The above discussed are the various terminologies which are used in
evaluating various stocks for their return and risk under the CAPM
model. It is essential to know these functions so as to understand the
whole process. Below are mentioned the step-by-step process of working
of “CAPM”.
1.To find the average earnings of each stock, data of 52 weeks is taken
on weekly basis and the weekly return is calculated using the formula
mentioned below. To calculate the Expected rate of return and further
Beta, the prices of securities were taken over 52 weeks from 5 thjuly2004
to 5th July 2005. The return per week was calculated by the following
= Pi – Po+E (divd)
Where Pi =closing price of the stock for a week
Po = opening price of the stock for a week
E (divd) = earning in form of dividend per week i.e. divided over 52
2.After calculating the weekly returns of a stock over 52 weeks, its total
sum was calculated by adding up the returns of 52 weeks. Then from
that we took the average return of 52 weeks. This average return is said
to be “Ri”, which is the return from that security over the period of 1 year
or 52 weeks. After that Standard deviation is calculated which is
considered to be the risk attached to that particular security. This
standard deviation as mentioned earlier measure the variability of the
returns from the expected value. Thus the standard deviation gives the
volatility of the stock in terms of its return. The table mentioned below
gives us the return and standard deviation or risk attached to the given
security. Also return per unit of risk is calculated to find out the best
scrip to be held for this period of time. For our sample stocks the return
per unit of risk are as follows:
CENTURY 0.02413 0.05368 0.4494
We can make out from the above table that the best return per unit of
risk is given by BAJAJ AUTO i.e. 47.62%, followed by CENTURY
TEXTILE at 44.94%.
4.As the next step we will calculate Beta of all the securities, which will
show us to what extent a security is sensitive to market returns. To
calculate Beta we need the market return. We will assume the index to
be the base to calculate market return, as market holds all the securities
and thus it will give us the picture of the market as to what is the return
from that. Market index is supposed to be the most diversified portfolio
containing all the securities in the market. Thus we take the data of 52
weeks of BSE 30 index. Further we will calculate the return and risk
from the market. Beta will be calculated by the formula:
Cov (Ri, Rm)/Var (m)
Where Ri= security return
Rm= market return
Var (m)= standard dev^2 of market.
BPCL 1.24437
Dr.Reddy’s 0.70224
Century Textile 0.54549
In order to find out the risk of the portfolio it will be wrong to take the
average of the variance of individual securities because some of the risk
will be reduced because of diversification. Thus in order to find out the
risk of efficient portfolio, we will find the weighted variance and also the
co-variance of different securities which make up the portfolio. It is
essentially important to find out the co-variance of different securities
because it tells us how a security behaves and changes with respect to
the other securities, which make up the portfolio.
as it gives the highest return per unit of risk i.e. 16.11%. The return per
unit of risk for 5 portfolios is as follows:
6.After calculating the return and risk from the various portfolios and
verifying how diversification reduces the risk we now try and take into
account another concept of free securities available to the investors in
the free market. As there are certain government securities, which are
risk free, and thus returns on these types of securities are less than the
normal securities. In such a situation an investor in order to cover the
risk, invest a part of the investment in these types of securities. For
understanding this we take our most efficient portfolio and introduce
risk free security in that and then will conclude on the affect it had on
the return and risk of the portfolio. For this we will take a government
security giving a return of 8%. We will also assume that he invest 40% in
government security say bonds and remaining 60% in our portfolio. After
calculating the return by risk of the portfolio with the introduction of risk
free security we can clearly infer that the return per unit of risk has
increased from 16%to 49%.
7. Now as mentioned earlier the expected return from any security will
required rate of return on any stock = Expected rate of return from risk
free Investment + beta of that stock * Market risk premium
Thus, Ri= Rf+ (Rm-Rf)
Where Rf= risk free investment return
Rm = return from market.
= Beta of a stock.
Ri= expected rate of return from a security.
The required return from the sample stock taken is as follows:
Thus from the above table we can infer that expected return is highest
for BAJAJ AUTO at 3.77 followed by CENTURY TEXTILE at 3.54. for
BPCL the Expected return is negative at –1.94 which can be justified as
the Beta of BPCL is also the highest at 1.24, which means it is a scrip
highly sensitive to market movements.
sensex. They found that model seems to perform well in explaining the
returns on BSE market.
Sell shares in F plc as the expected return does not compensate the
investors for its perceived level of systematic risk, it has a negative alpha.
Buy shares in G plc as the expected return more than compensates the
investors for its perceived level of systematic risk, ie it has a positive
providing me the real experience of setting up a new venture and what all
details need to be tackled with. The structure of the organization goes as
follows. We have the territory head. Under him are the 2 branch
managers for each branch. Further down we have sales team and
dealers. The sales team is mainly responsible for the selling and
educating clients regarding the services provided by the company and
also on the stock market. The dealers’ teams are the people sitting on the
terminals of NSE and BSE and directly punching the orders as received
from the clients who want to buy and sell their holdings. Ones the sales
team brings in the client they are assigned a dealer and after that there
is a direct interaction between the dealer and the client. We have direct
phone lines on which orders are taken from the clients regarding what
they want to buy or sell. These lines are recorded lines, in order to avoid
any misunderstandings in the communication between the client and the
dealer. In case of any problem or confusion, the client can approach
either the dealer assigned to him or the sales person so called
relationship manager. The sales team is a target driven team and thus
works either individually or in teams. I was a part of such team. There is
one employee who handles the back office job, which includes
maintaining and giving the details of a clients account. Calling them in
case they have some debit to be cleared off. At the end of every working
day the notes are sending to each of the customers clearly mentioning
their transaction for the previous day so as to ensure transparency in the
I personally found the entire Kotak team, right from the Top management
to the lower level extremely helpful and cooperative. In case of any
problem I was free to approach any senior. The overall working system
was very friendly and comfortable to adjust in. one thing where I faced a
little difficulty was their was no unity of command, due to which I
confronted a bit trouble at times.
The selling team in particular who tend to have 1 st interaction with the
clients leaves a very humble impression on them. The clients are
provided with almost all possible facilities to make them aware of the
stock market as a whole, thus ensuring that they should be aware as to
where their money is being invested in. we even have the provision for
the clients to come and directly sit with the dealers and have a feel of
how their money is put into the stock market. Ones the client opens an
account with Kotak, they are given access to e-mail account of their own
on which through the KOTAK RESEARCH TEAM, reports are send daily
regarding the movements of stock market sand how things will be in the
coming days. Other than this they are also provided with the hard copy
of the research report. On this point I will like to put a suggestion that as
the investors can directly relate to the return and risk factors, using the
above-mentioned CAPM model we can enhance the research work and
can mention in the research reports the return expected from a
particular stock in terms of percentage. Also to the tips (as to which
stocks to buy and which to sell given) by kotak research team, this model
will help to add on the parameters like expected return and how risky is
the security, thus providing better weightage to the reports issued.
Communication Process
There is no rigid structure that is followed in kotak in terms of top down
approach or bottoms up approach of communication. The head
office lays most of the policy decisions, but for day to day
activities they are open to any kind of suggestions from the
employees lower down in the echelon. There have been
instances in the company where executives came up with their
proposals and they were promptly taken and effectuated in the