List of Application Documents by Education System

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School of International Liberal Studies (SILS), Waseda University

List of Application Documents by Education System

A --> Those who have graduated from high school at the time of application
B --> Those who are enrolled in high school at the time of application

List of Country/Education System (hyperlink with Ctrl + Click):

Asia: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,
North America: Canada, USA
Europe: Denmark, Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden, UK
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand
Others: IB (International Baccalaureate), High School Graduation Equivalency Examination, EJU

Matters to be attended to

1. Submit the ORIGINAL document(s) or a copy AUTHENTICATED with the original.

2. For documents in languages other than Japanese or English, attach a Japanese or English translation notarized by a
senior high school, an embassy or another appropriate office.
3. Even if you have not taken a university entrance qualification examination or a standardized test in your country, you
can take such a test provided by a foreign country, and submit the score results. For instance, you can take SAT Test
or ACT Test, tests given under the section of “Education system of the United States of America,” outside the U.S.
4. If you are a high school (secondary school) student at the time of application, and if you cannot submit the results of
your country’s or region’s university entrance qualification examination or another standardized test (during the
application period) due to the timing of graduation, or if the country or region where you are receiving or have
received your education has no national standardized test for assessing your qualification to enter university, please
select (1) or (2) at “STEP 3. Test Information” on the “University Entrance Qualification Examination” screen of the
Waseda Online Admissions Application and enter the required information.
*You do not need to attach a separate letter detailing why you cannot submit test results.
5. If you cannot submit test results for any reason other than above “4”, please make sure to submit a “Letter to Explain
the Reason Why You Are Unable to Submit the Documents”, which you can download from the school website,
enter the information in the required fields in English that describes the reason.
6. For details about SAT test, please refer to the section of “USA”.

Results of
Education Certificate of (Expected)
Category Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
System Graduation
Examinations/Standardized Tests

A 高等学校の卒業証明書 希望者に対して開示される「成績通知書」の原本を提出すること。成績
(高等学校の最終学年を含む 3 年間分)

Japan 高等学 校 の卒 業見込 証 成績証明書(調査書) 理由書(“Matters to be attended to” 4.に該当する場合はその指示に

明書 (高等学校の最終学年を含む 2.5 年間分) 従うこと)

日本の高等学校を卒業した方:AO入学試験(4月入学・国外選考) への出願資格はないので予め注意すること。AO入学試験(4月入学・国内選考) およびAO入学試験(9

月入学選考) への出願は可能。ただし、IBDPやCanada・BC州の課程を修める高校の卒業(見込)者はこの限りではありませんので、対象者は当該試験の欄をご確認ください。

Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the Results of the GAOKAO (普通高等学校招生全国统一考
A Certificate of graduation
last year of high school) 试)

Academic transcript (for a period of 2.5 years, including

China the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Certificate of expected document (*In cases where your situation comes under the
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Application> number “4” in the list of “Matters to be attended to” above,
Academic transcript (for a period of 2 years, including the follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the Results of the CSAT (More than 3 subjects including
A Certificate of graduation
last year of high school) Korean, Math and English)

<April Entry (Overseas) applicants>

Korea Certificate of expected Results of the Pre-CSAT in June (More than 3 subjects
B Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
Graduation including Korean, Math and English)
the first term/semester of the last year of high school)

If you graduate from your high school in February and apply for the “AO September Entry” for the same year’s September entrance, please follow
the category “A” in the above column.

Certificate of Results of
Category (Expected) Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
Graduation Examinations/Standardized Tests

Both 1 and 2
Either 1 or 2
1. Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including
Certificate of 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗)
A the last year of high school)
graduation * 4 or more subjects required
2. 學生個人成績暨分數百分比一覽表
2. AST (指定科目考試)
(↑hyperlink with Ctrl + Click for a SAMPLE)

Both 1 and 2
1. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
the first term or semester of the last year of high school)
2. 學生個人成績暨分數百分比一覽表
Taiwan (↑hyperlink with Ctrl + Click for a SAMPLE)
Certificate of
GSAT (學科能力測驗)
B expected
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission> * 4 or more subjects required
Both 1 and 2
1. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including
the most recent academic term at the time of application)
2. 學生個人成績暨分數百分比一覽表
(↑hyperlink with Ctrl + Click for a SAMPLE)

學生個人成績暨分數百分比一覽表 (高一上、高一下、高二上、高二下)
NOTE Prepare in accordance with the explanation of “在校成績” as described in “大學甄選入學招生簡章”.
“學業成績之總平均” and “總平均以及各科目的百分比” must be listed.
Results of the
Those who have HKALE Results of the HKCEE (Hong Kong Certificate of
completed (Hong Kong Education Examination) and academic transcript of Results of the HKALE
Form 7 Advanced Form 6 and 7
Level Examination)
Those who have
completed the
Certificate of All of 1, 2 and 3 below
completion 1. Academic transcript for Form 4 (Grade 10)
of the preparation 2. Results of the HKCEE
curriculum in
education curriculum 3. Academic Transcripts for the entire period of a
Japan after
in Japan preparatory education course in Japan
completion of Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Form 5 document (Explain in English that you are unable to
Those who are submit the results of the HKALE because you took a
scheduled to preparatory education course in Japan)
Hong complete the Certificate of * Follow the number “5” in the list of “Matters to be
All of 1, 2 and 3 below
Kong preparatory expected attended to” above.
1. Academic transcript for Form 4 (Grade 10)
education completion of the
2. Results of the HKCEE
curriculum in preparation
3. Academic Transcripts for the entire period of your
Japan education
enrollment in a preparatory education course in Japan
after curriculum in Japan
completion of
Form 5
Those who have
Certificate of Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the Results of the HKDSE, must include 4 Core Subjects and
completed the
graduation last year of high school) at least 2 Elective Subjects (Category A, B or C)
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
Those who are the first term/semester of the last year of high school)
Certificate of HKDSE Predicted Score issued by High School, must
scheduled to
expected include 4 Core Subjects and at least 2 Elective Subjects
complete the <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
graduation (Category A, B or C)
HKDSE Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Certificate of Results of
Category (Expected) Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
Graduation Examinations/Standardized Tests
Both 1 and 2
Certificate of
1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or Secondary 4) Certificate of the results of the GCE (Two or more A-level
A graduation from the
2. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including H2 subjects)
Junior College
Junior the last year of Junior College)
College Certificate of Both 1 and 2
expected 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or Secondary 4) Certificate of the predicted scores of the GCE (Two or
graduation from the 2. Academic Transcript (for a period of 1.5 years including more A-level H2 subjects)
Junior College the first semester of the last year of Junior College)
Certificate of Both 1 and 2
graduation from the 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or Secondary 4)
senior high school or 2. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years of
Singapore Polytechnic Secondary 5 & 6 or 3 years of Polytechnic)
Both 1 and 2 It is preferable to submit results of the SAT Test
1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or Secondary 4) * refer to the number “6” in the list of “Matters to be
2. Academic Transcript (for a period of 1.5 years of attended to” above.
Others Certificate of Secondary 5 & the first semester of Secondary 6 or 2.5 If you cannot, submit a letter to explain the reason for not
expected years of Polytechnic) being able to submit them.
B graduation from the * Follow the number “5” in the list of “Matters to be
senior high school or <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> attended to” above.
Polytechnic Both 1 and 2
1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or Secondary 4)
2.Academic Transcript (for a period of 1 year of Secondary
5 or 2 years of Polytechnic)
Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the
A Results of the Ujian Nasional (UN)
graduation last year of high school)
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Indonesia Certificate of
document (*In cases where your situation comes under the
B expected
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission> number “4” in the list of “Matters to be attended to” above,
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)
Results of Both 1 and 2
Upper A Matriculation 1. Academic Transcript for Grade 10 Results of Matriculation Examination
Secondary Examination 2. Results of Matriculation Examination
Myanmar (a htet tan a Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Certificate of
sint pyin document (*In cases where your situation comes under the
B expected Academic Transcript for Grade 10
nya yee) number “4” in the list of “Matters to be attended to” above,
follow that guideline)
Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the Results of the O-NET (Ordinary National Educational
graduation last year of high school) Testing)
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
Thailand the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Certificate of
document (*In cases where your situation comes under the
B expected
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission> number “4” in the list of “Matters to be attended to” above,
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)
Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the
A Results of the National High School Examination
graduation last year of high school)
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
Vietnam the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit the
Certificate of
document (*In cases where your situation comes under the
B expected
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission> number “4” in the list of “Matters to be attended to” above,
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Results of
Education Certificate of
Category Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
System (Expected) Graduation
Examinations/Standardized Tests
Either 1, 2 or 3
1. Graduation
certificate of the senior
All of 1, 2 and 3 Certificate of the results of AISSCE (Grade XII)
high school
1. Certificate of the results of AISSCE (Grade X) (Statement of Marks)
A 2. Senior Secondary
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Grade XI *The marks on “Statement of Marks” should be
School Leaving
3. Certificate of the results of AISSCE (Grade XII) presented in percentage terms.
3. Pass Certificate of
Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of AISSCE (Grade X)
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1.5 years of Grade
Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected XI & the first semester of Grade XII
the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B graduation of the senior
under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
high school <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
attended to” above, follow that guideline)
Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of AISSCE (Grade X)
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Grade XI
Either 1, 2 or 3
1. Graduation
certificate of the senior
All of 1, 2 and 3 Certificate of the results of ISC (Year-12) Examination
high school
1. Certificate of the results of ICSE (Year-10) (Statement of Marks)
A 2. Senior Secondary
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Year-11 *The marks on “Statement of Marks” should be
School Leaving
3. Certificate of the results of ISC (Year-12) presented in percentage terms.
3. Pass Certificate of
ISC (Year-12)
Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of ICSE (Year-10)
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1.5 years of
Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected Year-11 and the first semester of Year-12
the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B graduation of the senior
under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
high school <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
attended to” above, follow that guideline)
India Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of ICSE (Year-10)
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Year-11
Either 1, 2 or 3
1. Graduation
certificate of the senior All of 1, 2 and 3
Certificate of the results of Senior Secondary
high school 1. Certificate of the results of Secondary Examination
Examination (Year-12)
2. Senior Secondary (Year-10)
A (Statement of Marks)
School Leaving 2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Year-11
*The marks on “Statement of Marks” should be
Certificate 3. Certificate of the results of Senior Secondary
presented in percentage terms.
3. Pass Certificate of Examination (Year-12)
Senior Secondary
NIOS Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of Secondary Examination
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 years of Year-11
Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected and the first semester of Year-12
the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B graduation of the senior
under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
high school <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
attended to” above, follow that guideline)
Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of Secondary Examination
2. Academic Transcript for a period of 1 year of Year-11
Either 1, 2 or 3
1. Graduation
certificate of the senior Either 1 or 2
Certificate of the results of the HSC Year-12 recognized
high school 1. Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including
by the State Board
2. Senior Secondary the last year of high school)
Others A (Statement of Marks)
School Leaving 2. Certificate of the results of the SSC Year-10 & HSC
*The marks on “Statement of Marks” should be
Certificate Year-12 recognized by the State Board, and Academic
presented in percentage terms.
3. Certificate of HSC Transcript of Year-11
Year-12 recognized by
the State Board

Either 1 or 2
1. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years
including the first term or semester of the last year of high
Either 1 or 2
2. Certificate of the results of the SSC Year-10
1. Certificate of
recognized by the State Board, and Academic Transcript
expected graduation of
for a period of 1.5 years of Year11 & the first semester of Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
the senior high school
Year12 the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B 2. Certificate of the
under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
predicted scores of
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission> attended to” above, follow that guideline)
HSC Year-12
Either 1 or 2
recognized by the State
1. Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including
the most recent academic term at the time of application)
2. Certificate of the results of the SSC Year-10
recognized by the State Board, and Academic Transcript
for a period of 1.5 year of Year11

Example of examination recognized by State Boards: SSC Year-10 (Secondary School Certificate), HSC Year-12
(Higher Secondary School Certificate)

Results of
Education Certificate of
Category Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
System (Expected) Graduation
Examinations/Standardized Tests
Those who have
Certificate of Results of the STPM (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan
completed Academic transcript from Form 4 to Form 6
graduation Malaysia)
Form 6

Academic Transcript of Form 4, Form 5 and Form 6

Those who are Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Semester 1
scheduled to Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
complete Form graduation under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
6 attended to” above, follow that guideline)
Academic Transcript from Form 4 to Form 5

Those who have

completed the All of 1, 2 and 3
preparatory Certificate of 1. Academic Transcript for a period of 2 years including
education completion of the the last year of high school
curriculum in preparation education 2. Academic Transcript for the whole period of preparatory
Japan after curriculum in Japan education course in Japan
Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
completion of 3. Results of the SPM (The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia)
the document (Explain why you are unable to submit the
Form 5
results of the STPM (the Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan
Those who are
scheduled to
All of 1, 2 and 3 * Follow the number “5” in the list of “Matters to be
complete the
Certificate of expected 1.Academic Transcript for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above.
completion of the last year of high school
preparation education 2.Academic Transcript for the whole period of preparatory
curriculum in
curriculum in Japan education course in Japan
Japan after
3. Results of the SPM (The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia)
completion of
Form 5
Malaysia Either1 or 2
Those who have
1. A certificate of the results of the GCE (Two or more
Both 1 and 2 A-level subjects)
the Pre-University Certificate for
1. Academic Transcript for Form 4 and Form 5
curriculum in completion of the
2. Certificate of grades for a period of one year of a 2. For those who are currently studying in the
Malaysia after pre-university course
pre-university course (school reports, etc.) Australian/Canadian matriculation courses (programs),
completion of
certificate of the final exam results (12-grade
Form 5
examinations held by state examination institutions)
Those who are Either1 or 2
Both 1 and 2
scheduled to 1. A certificate of the predicted scores of the GCE (Two
1. Academic Transcript for Form 4 and Form 5
complete the or more A-level subjects)
Certificate for expected 2. Certificate of grades for a period of half a year of a
completion of the pre-university course (school reports, etc.)
curriculum in 2. For those who are currently studying in the
pre-university course
Malaysia after Australian/Canadian matriculation courses (programs),
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
completion of follow the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript for Form 4 and Form 5
Form 5 attended to” above
Those who have
graduated from Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the Results of the UEC (MICSS Unified Examination
a UCSCAM graduation last year of high school) Certificate)
high school
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
Those who are
the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
scheduled to
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
from a UCSCAM
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
high school
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Results of
Education Certificate of
Category Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
System (Expected) Graduation
Examinations/Standardized Tests

Certificate of the results of the 12-grade examinations

held by state examination institutions

Academic transcript of grades of 30/31-level courses
taught in Grade 12

[British Columbia]
Academic transcript of the results of the Provincial

Academic transcript of grades of 40S/40G-level courses
Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the
A taught in Grade 12
graduation last year of high school)
[Nova Scotia]
Academic transcript of course grades (University
Preparatory Academic or Advanced) taught in Grade 12

Academic transcript that indicates the successful
completion of at least six units of University Preparation
(U) Courses and University/College Preparation (M)
Courses taught in Grade 12.

Academic transcript of the results of CEGEP

Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including

the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the

graduation last year of high school) One of the following 1, 2 or 3
1.Pre 2016 March SAT (SAT-Reasoning Test) (Code:
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
the first term/semester of the last year of high school)
2.SAT (Redesigned) (Code: 0837)
Certificate of expected
B (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math and Essay)
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
3. ACT (Code: 5473)
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the
most recent academic term at the time of application)
 If you have any AP scores, you may submit the original score report(s) together with academic transcripts. In addition, enter the information in
the “Other Tests” column on the “STEP3 Test Information” screen of the Waseda Online Admissions Application. (Note you still should submit
a certificate showing the results of a university entrance qualification examination or standardized test, such as the SAT, since AP scores do not
satisfy the requirements in the category “Certificate of Results of University Entrance Qualification Examination and Other Standardized Tests.”
 For those who are from high schools whose educational system is different from the US system but have AP scores, follow the same procedure.
 If you ask the College Board to send your test certificate directly to the School, use the WASEDA University code: 0837.

Certificate of Results of
Category (Expected) Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
Graduation Examinations/Standardized Tests
Certificate of
graduation Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years, including
Leaving Certificate including the marks of the
A from the senior high the last year of high school)
school (Leaving Certificate)
(Leaving Certificate)

Denmark Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including

the first term (or semester) of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Certificate of Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the Certificate of the results of the Leaving Certificate
graduation last year of high school) Examinations

Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
graduation under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Certificate of Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the

A Certificate of the results of the Baccalaureate
graduation last year of high school)

Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including Either 1 or 2

France 1.Predicted Score of Baccalaureate
the first term/semester of the last year of high school)
Certificate of expected 2.Letter to explain the reason for not being able to
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> submit the document (*In cases where your situation
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the comes under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
most recent academic term at the time of application) attended to” above, follow that guideline)

Certificate of Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the

A Certificate of the results of the Abitur
graduation last year of high school)

Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including

Germany Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
the first term/semester of the last year of high school)
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Certificate of
graduation Either 1 or 2
Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the
from the senior high 1. Leaving Certificate / Higher Education
last year of high school)
A school Preparatory Diploma
(Leaving Certificate / Higher Education Preparatory
(Leaving Certificate / 2. Hogskoleprovet (The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude
Higher Education Test)
Preparatory Diploma)

Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including

the first term/semester of the last year of high school) Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the attended to” above, follow that guideline)
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Both 1 and 2
Certificate of the
1. Certificate of the results of the GCSE Certificate of the results of the GCE (Two or more
A results of the GCE
2. Certificate of grades for a period of 2 years for 6th A-level subjects)
Form (school reports, etc.)

Both 1 and 2
1. Certificate of the results of the GCSE
UK 2. Certificate of grades for a period of 1.5 years
including the first term or semester of the last year of Certificate of the results of the GCE (Two or more
Certificate of the school (school reports, etc.) A-level subjects)
B predicted scores of
GCE A-level <September Entry: Early Bird Admission> *If you (only) have predicted scores of the GCE, submit
1. Certificate of the results of the GCSE a certificate of these results.
2. Certificate of grades for a period of 1 year including
the most recent academic term of school (school reports,

Certificate of Results of
Category (Expected) Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
Graduation Examinations/Standardized Tests
Both 1 and 2
1. ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) or OP
(Overall Position)
2.Certificate of the results of the 12-grade examinations
held by state examination institutions

Certificate of Certificate of grades for a period of 3 years including the
A ACT year12 Certificate
graduation last year of high school (school reports, etc.)
NSW Higher School Certificate
NT Certificate of Education
QLD Senior Certificate
Australia SA Certificate of Education
TAS Certificate of Education
VIC Certificate of Education
WA Certificate of Secondary Education

Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit

Certificate of grades, such as school reports (for a period
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B of 2.5 years including the first term/semester of the last
graduation under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
year of high school)
attended to” above, follow that guideline)

Certificate of Certificate of grades for a period of 3 years including the Certificate of the results of the NCEA (National
graduation last year of high school (school reports, etc.) Certificate of Education Achievement) Level3

Letter to explain the reason for not being able to submit
Certificate of grades, such as school reports (for a period
Certificate of expected the document (*In cases where your situation comes
B of 2.5 years including the first term/semester of the last
graduation under the number “4” in the list of “Matters to be
year of high school)
attended to” above, follow that guideline)

Results of
Education Certificate of
Category Academic Transcript University Entrance Qualification
System (Expected) Graduation
Examinations/Standardized Tests

IB Diploma with final grades

Either 1 or 2
* At least six subjects, three or more Higher-Level (HL)
1. Graduation
Academic transcript (for a period of 3 years, including the subjects
A Certificate of the senior
last year of high school) * If you are requesting the IBO to send your certificate
high school
directly to Waseda University, use the
2. IB Diploma
WASEDA University code: 00549


Either 1 or 2
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including
1. Certificate of
the first term/semester of the last year of high school)
expected graduation of Certificate of IB Diploma predicted score
B the senior high school * At least six subjects, three or more Higher-Level (HL)
<September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
2. Certificate of subjects
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the
prediction of IB
most recent academic term at the time of application)

Those who have Pass certificate with

Pass certificate with grades
passed the exam grades

Documents certifying Certificate of results of any university entrance

High School the fact that you are qualification examination and other standardized tests
those who are Documents certifying the fact that you are scheduled to
Graduation scheduled to pass the
expected to pass pass the examination with grades of subjects already
Equivalency examination with
the examination completed
Examination grades of subjects
already completed

 If you have been enrolled in high school in the past, please submit an academic transcript for the entire period during which you were enrolled in
high school.
 For those who have a result from a High School Graduation Equivalency Examination taken in countries or areas other than Japan, please follow
the same procedure. (i.e. GED in U.S.A., High School Equivalency Examination in South Korea or Taiwan)

Certificate of Academic Transcript (for a period of 3 years including the

graduation last year of high school)
Results (Score Report) of the EJU
Academic Transcript (for a period of 2.5 years including * The exam given in either Japanese or English is
for Japanese the first term/semester of the last year of high school) acceptable
University Certificate of expected * No subjects requirements
Admission for graduation <September Entry: Early Bird Admission>
International Academic Transcript (for a period of 2 years including the
Students) most recent academic term at the time of application)

It is necessary to submit both “Document to Prove Your Applicant Qualification” and “Academic Transcript” on the basis of the educational system
of your high school.


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