Hadith 18
Hadith 18
Hadith 18
This hadith implies a very important advice and general ruling in Islam:
Allah’s protection. Ibnu Rajab quoted one scholar as saying: “What a
pity for the one who is ignorant of this hadith and has little
understanding of its meaning.”
The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, starts the hadith by getting
the attention of Ibn ‘Abbas by saying “O young man, I shall teach you
some words of advice”. By saying “O young man”, Ibn ‘Abbas knows
that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, is talking specifically to
him. And by following it with “I shall teach you…” Ibn ‘Abbas knows
how important the next words of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi
wasallam, are going to be. Hence, these words at the beginning have
attracted the undivided attention of Ibn ‘Abbas.
2. Allah will protect His servants’ deen (religion) and iman (faith).
He will protect us from misunderstandings and being misled or
influenced by misconceptions and self-desires. He will help us
and give us guidance so that we are protected from negative
Allah will also protect our deen when we leave this world. When
we leave this world, we will leave with iman for being a mua'min
(believer). We will be protected from shaitan’s influence to lead
us astray right at the very last moment in our life.
Allah recorded the qadar (fate) of all creations 50,000 years before He
created the heavens and the earth (Sahih Muslim). In another Sahih
Muslim hadith, a man asked the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam,
whether what we do today is something that has already been
recorded or whether it is something that just happens. The Prophet,
sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, replied that whatever happens is according
to what has already been recorded. The man then asked why he
should do anything at all. The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam,
made a command [not just to the man but to the whole Muslim ummah]
to do good deeds – everyone will be guided towards what he has been
created for.
1. There are actions that take place which we do not have any
control over. We have to surrender to the will of Allah and be
2. There are actions that take place which we had control over.
These events happen as a result of our recklessness, laziness,
of not being alert, etc. Even though the minute these things
happen they already become qadar, those who are responsible
for the actions will be held responsible. Thus, whatever we do,
we should do it carefully, completely and to the best of our
abilities. For example, construction workers building a site,
doctors taking care of patients, driving, etc.
This hadith teaches us how we can live a peaceful and happy life by
being mindful of Allah and by totally trusting and worshipping Him. By
understanding qadar positively, we will not live a stressful, unhappy life
of always worrying about our future or what the consequences of our
actions or decisions will be. We do our best to fulfil Allah’s obligations
and we trust and accept whatever He wills for us.