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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 15575-2 (2005): Electroacoustics - Sound level meters,

Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests [LITD 7: Audio, Video and
Multimedia Systems and Equipment]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)
(Superseding IS 9779: 1981)

m 2 w ytirw=r @kl

Indian Standard

ICs 17.140.50

@ BIS 2005


NEW DELHI 110002

chdy 2005 Price Group 12

Acoustics and Recording Sectional Committee, LTD 5


This Indian Standard (Part 2) which is identical with IEC 61672-2 (2003) ‘Electroacoustics — Sound
level meters — Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests’ issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission
(lEC) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Acoustics and
Recording Sectional Committee (LTD 5) and approval of the Electronics and Information Technology
Division Council.

Existing IS 9779:1981 ‘Sound level meters’ is based on IEC 60651 (1979). IEC 60651 (1979) has been
withdrawn and replaced by IEC 61672-1 (2002) and IEC 61672-2 (2003). This revision has been
undertaken to harmonize the Indian Standard with the IE”C Standard. The other part of the series is
given below:

IS 15575 (Part 1): 2005 Electroacoustics — Sound level meters: Part 1 Specifications

The text of the IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard
without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.
Attention is particularly drawn to the following.

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should
be read as ‘Indian Standard’.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice
is to use a.point (.) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which”lndian Standards
also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their places are listed
below. along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of


IEC 60942 (1997) IS 15059:2001 Electroacoustics — Sound Identical

Electroacoustics — Sound calibrators

IEC 61000-6-2 (1 999) Electro- 1S14700 (Part 6/See 2):1, Electromagnetic do

magnetic compatibility (EMC) — compatibility (EMC): Part 6 Generic
Part 6-2 : Generic standards — standards, Section 2 Immunity for industrial
Immunity for industrial environ- environments

IEC 61672-1 (2002) Electro- IS 15575 (Part 1) :2005 Electroacoustics do

acoustics — Sound level meters — Sound level meters: Part 1 Specifications
— Part 1 : Specifications

‘] Underpreparation.

(Continued on third cover)

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

Indian Standard

1 Scope

This part of IEC 61672 provides details of the tests necessary to verify conformance to all
mandatory specifications given in IEC 61672-1:2002 for conventional sound level meters,
integrating-averaging Saund level meters and integrating sound level meters. Pattern
evaluation tests apply for each channel of a multi-channel sound level meter, as appropriate.
Tests and test methods are applicable to class 1 and class 2 sound level meters. The aim is to
ensure that all testing laboratories use consistent methods to perform pattern evaluation tests.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 60942, E/ectroacoustics - Sound calibrators

IEC 61000-4-2:2001, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-2: Testing and measure-
ment techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test – Basic EMC Publication

IEC 61000-4-3:2002, Electromagnetic compat~bdity (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measure-
ment techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic fie/d immunity test - Basic EMC

IEC 61000-4-6:2001, Electromagnetic compatibdity (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measure-
ment techniques - }mmunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields -
Basic EMC Publications

IEC 61”000-6-2:1999, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards -

Immunity for industrial environments

IEC 61094-1, Measurement microphones - Part 1: Specifications for laboratory standard


IEC 61183, E/ectroacoustics - Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level


IEC 61672-1:2002, EleVeousWs- Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications


I Edition 1.2 consisting of Edition 1:1995 consolidated with amendments 1:1998 and 2:2000

2 Edition 2.1 consisting of Edition 2:2002 consolidated with amendment 1:2002,

3 Edition 1,1 consisting of Edition 1:1996 consolidated with amendment 1:2000.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

CISPR 16-1:1999, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and
methods – Part 1,“ Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus 4
CISPR 22:14397, /formation technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits
and methods of measurement

ISO Express Guide, Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement

ISOIIECJ International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, in addition to the terms and definitions given in [EC 61672-1,
the terms and definitions given in IEC 61000-4-2:2001, IEC 61000-4-3:2002, IEC
61000-4-6:2001, the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement and the
International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology also apply.

4 Submission for testing

4.1 At least three specimens of the same pattern of sound level meter shall be submitted for
pattern evaluation testing. As a minimum, the testing laboratory shall select two of the
specimens for testing. At least one of the two specimens shall then be tested fully according to
the procedures of this standard. The testing laboratory shall decide whether the full tests shall
also be performed on the second specimen or whether limited testing is adequate to approve
the pattern.

4.2 An instruction manual and all items or accessories that are identified in the instruction
manual as integral components for the normal mode of operation shall be submitted along with
the sound level meters. Examples of additional items or accessories include a microphone
extension device or cable and peripheral equipment.

4.3 If the manufacturer of the sound level meter supplies devices that are to be connected to
the sound level meter by cables, then the devices and cables shall be submitted with the sound
level meter.

4.4 A calibrated sound calibrator of a model specified in the instruction manual for the sound
level meter shall be supplied with the sound level meter. An instruction manual for the sound
calibrator shall also be provided. The model of the calibrator shall conform to the specifications
of IEC 60942 for the class, as required by 5.2.2 -of IEC 61672-1:2-002.

5 Markin_g of the sound level meter and information “$

in the instruction manual

5.1 It shall be verified that the sound level meter is marked according to the requirements of
Clause 8 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

5.2 Before conducting any tests, it shall be verified that the instruction manual contains all the
information that is required by Clause 9 of IEC 61672-1:2’002 as relevant to the facilities
provided by the sound level meter.

4 In English, CISPR stands for International Special Committee on Radio Iriterfereme.

1S 15575 -(Part 2):2005
IEC 61672-2(2003)

5.3 If, the sound level meter does not conform tothe requirements of 5.1 and 5.2, no pattern
evaluation tests shall be performed.

5.4 After completion of all tests, the information shall be reviewed to ensure that it is correct
within the appropriate tolerance limits.

6 Mandatory facilities and general requirements

6.1 No test specified in this part of IEC 61672 shall be omitted unless the sound level meter
does not possess the facility described for the test,

NOTE Where the design of a sound level meter, which has been pattern approved, is changed and a new pattern
approval is requested, then, at the discretion of the testing laboratory, it is not necessary to repeat those tests for
eiectraacoustical performance characteristics that are not affected by the design change.

6.2 A conventional sound level meter shall be verified to be able to display A-frequency-
weighted and F-time-weighted sound level, and to be able to indicate overload and under-range
conditions, if applicable.

6.3 An integrating-averaging sound level meter shall be verified to be able to display

A-weighted time-average sound level, and to be able to indicate overload and under-range
conditions, if applicable.

6.4 An integrating sound level meter shall be verified to be able to display A-weighted sound
exposure level, and to be able to indicate overload and under-range conditions, if applicable.

6.5 All display devices for the sound level meter shall be verified to be able to display sound
levels or sound exposure levels with the resolution required by 5.15.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002.
The range of the display shall be at least the minimum specified in 5.15.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

6.6 Where a sound level meter is capable of measuring maximum ‘or peak sound levels, or
both, it shall be verified that.a “hold” feature is provided.

‘6.7 A class 1 sound level meter shall be verified to have frequency-weighting C, at least for
pattern evaluation testing.

6.8 tf the sound level meter is capable of indicating peak C sound levels, it shall be verified
that the capability to display C-weighted, time-weighted sound level or C-weighted, time-
average sound level is also provided, at least for pattern evaluation testing.

6.9 For sound level meters with multiple level ranges, it shall be verified that the level range
overlap conforms to the specifications of 5.5.8 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

6.10 For sound level meters that can display more than one measurement quantity, it shall be
verified that there is a clear means to ascertain the quantity that is being displayed.

6.11 If the sound level meter does not possess the mandatory facilities listed in 6.2
through 6.10, as applicable, the sound level meter does not conform to the specifications of
IEC 61672-1:2002 and no pattern evaluation tests shall be performed.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

6.’12 For all pattern evaluation tests, the configuration of the sound level meter, or the multi-
channel sound level meter system, shall be as specified in the instruction manual for one of the
normal modes of operation, including required accessories. The configuration shall include a
windscreen if a windscreen is an integral component for the normal mode of operation, or if the
instruction manual states that the sound level meter conforms to the specifications of
IEC 61672-”1 with a windscreen installed around the microphone. The model of the windscreen
shall be as stated in the instruction manual for use with the sound level meter. All
configurations of the sound level meter that are stated in the instruction manual as conforming
to the requirements of IEC 61672-1 shall be tested.

6.13 If the instruction manual states that the sound level meter conforms to the specifications
of IEC 61672-1 with optional facilities installed, the combination with the optional facilities
installed shall also be tested to verify conformance to the relevant specifications.

6.14 If an electrical output is provided on the sound level meter and the testing laboratory
intends to utilize the electrical output instead of the display device, the laboratory shall verify
that changes in the levels of applied acoustical or electrical input signals produce changes in
the signal levels indicated on the display device and at the electrical output in accordance
with 5.16.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002. This requirement applies to each channel of a multi-channel

NOTE Where multiple outputs are present, if an output is specified in the instruction manual for testing, this output
should be used for the pattern evaluation tests.

6.15 For all tests, the sound level meter shall be powered from its preferred supply. “If the
instruction manual specifies internal batteries of a particular type, such batteries shall be
installed for the pattern evaluation tests.

6.16 The sound level meter shall be allowed to reach equilibrium with the prevailing
environmental conditions before switching on the power to perform a test.

6.17 Tests for conformance to the specifications for the effects of changes in environmental
conditions preferably should -be conducted before tests for conformance to the specifications
for etectroacoustical performance.

6.18 If the sound level meter has more than cme signal-processing channel, pattern
evaluation tests shall be performed for each channel that utilizes unique signal processing
techniques. For multi-channel systems with the same functional equivalence in all channels,
the number of channels to be tested may be less than the number of channels, at the discretion
of the testing laboratory.

NOTE 1 For a multi-channel system, the number of channels to be tested should be determined from
consideration of a scenario for which there is an array of microphones supplying signals to each input with each
channel processing the signals in an identical manner. Selection of how many and which channels to test should
consider differences, as described in the instruction manual, in the implementation of signal-processing techniques
in the various channels.

NOTE 2 If the sound level-meter is a multi-channel device (for example, a sound level meter with two or more
separate signal inputs with non-parallel processing of digitized data by time-sharing, but quasi-parallel display for
the displayed signals), it should be possible to test the channels for identical functionality either by ‘setting the
functions of the channels for identical processing and reading the display(s) or by allowing the channel functionality
to rotate by a special test setting procedure thereby allowing comparison of display(s).

6.1.9 Con-formance to the specifications of IEC 61672-1 is verified-when measured -deviations

from design goals, extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement of the
testing laboratory, lie fully within the applicable tolerance limits. A positive value for a
measured extended deviation shall be not greater than the corresponding positive tolerance
limit. A negative value for a measured extended deviation shall be not less than the
corresponding negative tolerance limit.
IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 12003)

6.20 The testing laboratory shall use instruments with current calibrations for the appropriate
quantities. The calibrations shall be traceable to national standards, as required.

6.21 Laboratories performing pattern evaluation tests shall calculate all uncertainties of
measurements in accordance with the guidelines given in the Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement. Metrological terms are defined in the /nternationa/ vocah.dary
of basic and genera/ terms in n?etro/ogy. Actual expanded uncertainties shall be calculated for
-a level of confidence of.95 ?/0, using the necessary coverage factor.

NOTE 1 When a testing laboratory is only required to perform a single measurement, it is necessary for the
laboratory to make an estimate of the random contribution to the total measurement uncertainty. The estimate may
be determined from an earlier evaluation of several measurements for a similar sound level meter.

NOTE 2 Generally a coverage factor of 2 approximates to a level of confidence of 95 %, unless the contributions
are such that it is necessary to use a different coverage factor to maintain the 95 ‘A level of confidence.

6.22 The actual expanded uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed the corresponding
maximum expanded uncertainties of measurement from Annex A of IEC 61672-1:2002. When
this condition is not achieved, the result of the test shall not be used to demonstrate
conformance to a specification and pattern approval shall not be granted.

NOTE Calculation of the expanded uncertainty of measurement for a ‘particular test should consider at least five
components. The first component is the uncertainty attributed to calibration of the individual instruments and
equipment used to perform the test, including the sound calibrator, where applicable. The second component is any
contribution resulting from environmental effects or adjustments. The third component is any small errors that may
be present in the applied signals and are considered as uncertainties. The fourth component is any random
uncertainty attributed to repeated measurements and dependent on the characteristics of the sound level meter
under test. The fifth component is, where applicable, an uncertainty contribution for reading the indication fram the
display device of the sound level meter under test. For digital display devices that indicate signal levels with a
resolution of 0,1 dB, the uncertainty component should be taker? as a rectangular distribution with semi-range of
0,05 dB.

6.23 For legal metrology purposes, the tolerance limits around the design goals specified in
IEC 61672-1 shall be considered to be the maximum permissible errors for pattern evaluation,
initial verification and subsequent verification.

7 ‘Environmental, electrostatic and radio-frequency tests

7.1 General

7.1.1 Before conducting, but not during, the tests described in the various subclauses of
Clause 7, the indication at the calibration check frequency shall be checked by application of
the sound calibrator specified in 4.4 and adjusted, if necessary, to indicate the required sound
pressure level under reference environmental conditions. The adjustment shall use the
procedure given in the instruction manual for the sound level meter. For multi-channel devices,
the corresponding indications shall be checked for all channels selected for testing.

7.1.2 Environmental conditions at the time of checking the indication shall be recorded.

7.1.3 The effect of environmental conditions on the sound pressure level produced by the
sound calibrator shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedure in the instruction
manual for the sound calibrator and data from its calibration. The effects shall be evaluated
relative to the sound pressure level produced under reference conditions.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :20-05
IEC 61672-2 (2003}

7.1;4 For environmental tests, a sound calibrator shall be used to provide a signal of known
sound pressure level at the microphone 01 the sound level meter. The sound calibrator shall be
a class 1 device as specified in IEC 60942. The effects of static pressure, air temperature and
relative humidity on the sound pressure level produced in the coupler of the sound calibrator,
over the range of environmental conditions specified for the tests, shall be known.

NOTE A class LS sound calibrator as specified in IEC 60942 may be used if the effects of static pressure, air
temperature and relative humidity, as applicable, on the sound pressure level produced in the coupler of the sound
calibrator, over the range of environmental conditions specified’for these tests, are known. It should be noted that
the range of environmental conditions specified for these tests exceeds the range specified in .IE.C 60942 for class
LS sound calibrators, .

7.1.5 The sound level meter shall be set to perform a typical measurement of time-weighted
sound level, time-average sound level or sound exposure level on the reference level range.
The frequency weighting shall be set to A weighting. F-time-weighted sound level or time-
average sound level is preferred,

7.1.6 Time-weighted sound levels, time-average sound levels or sound expasure levels
indicated by the sound level meter in response to the signal from the sound calibrator shall “be
recorded for each test condition. Where necessary, time-average sound levels shall be
calculated in accordance with Equation (5b) of IEC 61672-1:2002 from the indications of sound
exposure level and -elapsed time. Averaging times for time-average sound levels or integration
times for sound exposure levels shall be recorded.

7.2 Expanded uncertainties for measurements of environmental test conditions

The actual expanded uncertainty of measurement shall not exceed 0,2 kPa for measurements
of static pressure. The actual expanded uncertainty of measurement shall not exceed 0,3 “C
and 4 % relative humidity for measurements of air temperature and relative humidity,

7.3 Influence of static pressure

7.3.1 During the measurements of the influence of static pressure, air temperature shall be
maintained within *2,3 K (t2,3° C) of the reference air temperature. Relative humidity at the
reference static pressure shall be maintained within +24 YO relative humidity to -14 ‘A relative
humidity of the reference relative humidity. The variation limits refer to the measured air
temperatures and relative humidities with allowance for measurement uncertainty from 7.2.

7.3.2 For practical reasons, relative humidity is specified for the reference static pressure.
Evacuating or pressurizing an enclosure around a sound level meter will chan_ge the relative
humidity within the enclosure. No corrections for this effect shall be applied.

7.3.3 The influence of static pressure shall be tested at the reference static pressure and at
seven other static pressures. At each static pressure, the sound calibrator of 7.1.4 and the
sound level meter (or its relevant components) shall be permitted to acclimatize for at least
10 min before recording the indicated sound level. For tests of the influence of static pressure,
the sound calibrator shall remain coupled to the microphone of the sound level meter during
the acclimatization periods. The power to the sound level meter may be on continuously, or
may be switched off and on by remote means.
IS 15575 (Part 2) : 200S
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

7.3.4 Sound levels shall be measured twice at nominal static pressures spaced at
approximately equal intervals between the minimum and the maximum static pressure
specified in 6.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002. For each nominal static pressure condition, the two
measured static pressures shall be the same within 1 kPa. One measurement sequence shall
start from the minimum static pressure and increase to each selected nominal pressure until
the maximum Ls reached. The other sequence shall follow a decrease in pressure from the
maximum via each of the selected nominal pressures until the minimum is reached. At the
maximum static pressure, only one indication of sound level shall be recorded.

7.3.5 The indicated sound levels shall be corrected for any difference between the sound
pressure level generated by the sound calibrator under the test condition and the sound
pressure level generated under reference environmental conditions.

7.3.6 At each static pressure test condition, the deviation of the indicated sound level from
the sound level first indicated at the reference static pressure shall be extended by the actual
expanded uncertainty of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the applicable
tolerance limits specified in 6.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

7.4 Tulerance limits on air temperature, relative humidity and static pressure

Unless specified otherwise, for each test of the influence of air temperature and relative
humidity, including the acclimatization requirements given in 7.5, the air temperature shall be
within *1,3 K (*1,3 ‘C) of a specified air temperature, the relative humidity shall be within t9 ‘A
relative humidity of a specified relative humidity, and the difference between the maximum and
minimum values of the prevailing static pressure shall not exceed 6,2 kPa. The variation limits
~efer to the measured air temperatures, relati~e humidities and static pressure with -allowance
for measurement uncertainties from 7.2.

7.5 Acclimatization requirements for tests of the influence of air temperature and
relative humidity

7.5.1 The sound calibrator of 7.1.4 and the sound level meter (or relevant components) shall
be placed in an environmental chamber to test the influence of air temperature and relative
humidity on the sound level meter.

7.5.2 For tests of the influence of air temperature and relative humidity, the sound calibrator
and the microphone on the sound level meter shall be uncoupled and the power to both
instruments switched off during an acclimatization period.

7.5.3 The sound calibrator and sound level meter shall be permitted to acclimatize at the
reference environmental conditions for at least 12 h.

7.5.4 +or all test conditions other than reference environmental conditions, the sound
calibrator and sound level meter shall be permitted to acclimatize for at least an additional 7 h
after completion of the initial 12 h acclimatization period, unless the testing laboratory has
applicable evidence that a shorter acclimatization period is sufficient.

7.5.5 After completion of an acclimatization period, the sound calibrator shall be coupled to
the microphone of the sound level meter and the power switched on to both instruments.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

7.5.6 The testing laboratory may have the facility to couple Ihe sound calibrator to the
microphone of the sound level meter without affecting the temperature and relative humidity in
the environmental test chamber. If this facility is available, sound levels may be recorded
following the time specified in the instruction manual for pressure equalization of the
microphone. If this facility is not available, at least a further 3 h acclimatization time shall be
allowed before commencing a test.

7.6 Abbreviated test of the influence of air temperature

and relative humidity combined

7.6.1 To reduce the time and cost of verifying the influence of air temperature and relative
humidity on the performance of a sound level meter, a set of abbreviated tests shall first be
performed for certain combinations of air temperature and relative humidity.

7.6.2 For the abbreviated tests of the influence of air temperature and relative humidity
combined, the tolerance limits are smaller than those specified in 6.3 and 6.4 of
IEC 61672-1:2002. If the sound level meter conforms within the reduced tolerance limits at all
specified test conditions, then the sound level meter shall be considered to fully conform to the
specifications of 6.3 and 6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002. No additional tests are required. [f the
sound level meter fails to conform within the reduced tolerance limits for any specified
test condition, then additional temperature and humidity tests shall be performed to determine
conformance to the specifications of IEC 61672-1. The additional tests are described in 7.7
and 7.8.

.7.6.3 Following the acclimatization procedures described in 7.5, the sound level indicated in
response to application of the sound calibrator of 7.1.4 shall be recorded for certain
combinations of air temperature and relative humidity.

NOTE 1 When settrng the test conditions, rapid changes of air temperature in the test chamber should be avoided.
NOTE 2 Care should be taken to avoid condensation while the temperature is being changed in the environmental
test chamber.
NOTE 3 It is important to monitor the relative humidity in the environmental test chamber each time the air
temperature is changed to ensure that it remains -within the specified tolerance limits.

NOTE 4 The indicated combinations of temperature and relative humidity were chosen in consideration of the
dewpoints that were obtainable within available environmental test facilities. The combinations also reflect the
range of environmental conditions for general applications of class 1 and class 2 sound level meters.

7.6.4 For sound level meters where all components can be operated over the wide range of
air temperature and relative humidity covered by the specifications in 6.3 and 6.4 of IEC
61672-1:2002, the target test conditions are:

● for class 1:
— reference air temperature and reference relative humidity,
— air temperature of -10 “C and relative humidity of 65 Yo,

— air temperature of +5 “C and relative humidity of 25 ?40,

— air temperature of +40 ‘C and relative humidity of 90 Yo, and

— air temperature of +50 ‘C and relative humidity of 50 Yo.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (20031

● for class 2:
— reference air temperature and reference relative humidity,
— air temperature of O ‘C and relative humidity of 30 ‘A, and
— air temperature of +40 “C and relative humidity of 90 ‘A.

7.6.5 For those components of a sound level meter that are designated in the instruction
manual as intended only for operation in an environmentally controlled enclosure, the target
test conditions are:
— Teference air temperature and reference relative humidity,
— air temperature of +5 ‘C and relative humidity of 25 ?40, and
— air temperature of +.35 ‘C and relative humidity of 8“0 Yo,

7.6.6 For sound level meters that consist of combinations of components, the abbreviated
environmental tests shall be performed in three steps.

● In step 1, the components that can be operated over a wide range of environmental
conditions (for example, a microphone and preamplifier) and the components that operate
only in the controlled environment (for example, a computer) shall be exposed to the
reference environmental conditions.
● In step 2, the wide-range components shall be exposed to the combinations of
environmental conditions of 7.6.4 (four conditions for class 1 or two conditions for class 2
sound level meters) while the controlled-environment components are maintained at
reference environmental conditions.
● In step 3, the controlled-environment components shall be exposed to the two combinations
07 environmental conditions of 7.6.5, while the wide-range components are maintained at
reference environmental conditions.

For each test condition, the acclimatization procedure of 7.5 shall be followed. The sound
levels indicated in response to application of the sound calibrator shall be recorded.

NOTE In step 3, when the microphone is exposed to reference environmental conditions, an equivalent electrical
input signal may be substituted for the acoustical signal from the sound calibrator if necessary to ensure that the
actual expanded uncertainty of measurement remains less than the maximum allowed expanded uncertainty.

7.6.7 For all tests, the indicated sound levels shall be corrected for any difference between
the sound pressure level generated by the sound calibrator under the test conditions and the
sound pressure level generated under reference environmental conditions.

7.6.8 For sound level meters that do not consist of separate components and for each test
condition, the absolute value of the deviation of the indicated saund level from the sound level
indicated for reference air temperature and reference relative humidity shall be extended by the
actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. For those sound level meters consisting of a
combination of components, the sum of the absolute value of the greatest deviation of the
sound level from step 2 -of 7.6.6 from the sound level measured in step 1 and the absolute
value of the greatest deviation of the sound level fram step 3 from the sound level measured in
step 1 shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainty of measurement.

7.6.9 The extended deviations from 7.6.8 shall not exceed the reduced tolerance limit of
0,7 dB for class 1 sound level meters and 1,2 dB for class 2 sound level meters,

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

7.6.10 In addition to the tests described above for the influence of temperature and humidity
on the performance of a sound level meter, the special test described in 9.8.2 shall also be
performed for the influence of elevated temperature on level linearity errors.

7.7 Influence of air temperature

7.7.1 The following tests for the influence of air temperature shall be performed if a sound
level meter does not conform to the requirements for the abbreviated tests of 7.6. The
specified relative humidity is the reference relative humidity.

NOTE 1 H is important to monitor the relative humidity in the environmental test chamber each time the air
temperature is changed to ensure that it remains within the specified tolerance limits.
NOTE 2 When setting the test conditions, rapid changes of air temperature in the environmental test chamber
should be avoided.

NOTE 3 Care should be taken to avoid condensation while the temperature is being changed in the environmental
test chamber.

7.7.2 For sound level meters where all components can be operated over the wide range of
air temperatures covered by 6.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002, sound levels indicated in response to
application of the sound calibrator of 7.1.4 shall be measured for five air temperatures. The
temperatures are: (1) the reference air temperature, (2) the minimum and, (3) the maximum
applicable air temperature specified in 6.3.1 of IEC 61672-1:2002, (4) +15 “C and (5) +30 “C.
For each test condition, the acclimatization procedures of 7.5 shall be followed.

7.7.3 For sound level mete~s that consist of combinations of components, the influence of air
temperature shall be tested in three steps.

● In step 1, the components that can be operated over a wide range of environmental
conditions and the components that operate only in the controlled environment shall be
exposed to the reference air temperature. \
● In step 2, the wide-range components shall be exposed to the minimum and the maximum
air temperature specified in 6.3.1 of IEC 61672-1:2002, and to +15 ‘C and +30 “C, while the.
controlled-environment components are maintained at reference air temperature.
● In step 3, the controlled-environment components shall be exposed to the minimum and the
maximum air temperature specified in 6.3.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002, while the wide-range
components are maintained at reference air temperature.

For each test condition, the acclimatization procedure of 7.5 shall be followed. The sound
levels indicated in response to application of the sound calibrator shall be recorded.

7.7.4 The indicated sound levels shall be corrected for any difference between the sound
pressure level generated by the sound calibrator under the test conditions and the sound
pressure level generated under reference environmental conditions.

7.7.5 For sound level meters that do not consist of separate components and for each test
condition, the absolute value of the -deviation of the indicated sound level from the sound level
indicated for reference air temperature and reference relative humidity shall be extended by the
actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. For those sound level meters consisting of a
combination of components, the sum of the -absolute value of the greatest deviation of the
sound level from step 2 of 7.7.3 from the sound level measured in step 1 and the absolute

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

value of the greatest deviation of the sound level from step 3 from the sound level measured in
step 1 shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. Each extended
deviation shall not exceed the absolute’ value of the applicable tolerance limits in 6.3 of
IEC 61672-1:2002.

7.8 Influence of relative humidity

7.8.1 Tests for the influence of relative humidity shall be ~erformed if a sound level meter
does not conform to the requirements for the abbreviated tests of 7.6.

7.8.2 During the tests, the static pressure shall be within the limits stated in 7.4. The actual
relative humidity shall be within the limits stated in 7.4 for the target relative humidities
specified in 7.8.3 and 7.8.4.

7.8.3 For sound level meters where all components can be operated over the range of relative
humidities covered by 6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002, sound levels indicated in response to
application of the sound calibrator of 7.1.4 shall be measure-d for four combinations of relative
humidity and air temper.ature. The test conditions are:

1) the reference relative humidity at the reference air temperature,

2) the minimum relative humidity specified in 6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002 at an air temperature of
+40 “c,

3) the maximum relative humidity specified in 6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002 at an air temperature
of +40 “c,

4) 70 % relative humidity at an air temperature of +40 “C.

For each test condition, the acclimatization procedures of 7.5 shall be followed.

7.8.4 For sound level meters that consist of combinations of components, the influence of
relative humidity shall be tested in three steps.

● In step 1, all components shall be exposed to the reference relative humidity at the
reference air temperature.
● In step 2, with an air temperature of +40 “C, the wide-range components shall be exposed
to the minimum and the maximum relative humidity specified in 6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002
and to 70 ?40 relative humidity, while the controlled-environment components are maintained
at reference relative humidity and reference air temperature.
● In step 3, with an air temperature of +35 ‘C, the controlled-environment components shall
be exposed to the minimum and the maximum relative humidity specified in 6.4 of
IEC 61672-1:2002, while the wide-range components are maintained at reference relative
humidity and reference air temperature.
For each test condition, the acclimatization procedure of 7.5 shall be followed. The sound
levels indicated in response to application of the sound calibrator shall be recorded.

7.8.5 The indicated sound levels shall be corrected for any difference between the sound
pressure level generated by the sound calibrator under the test conditions and the sound
pressure level generated under reference environmental conditions.

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7.8.6 For sound level meters that do not consist of separate components and for each test
condition, the absolute value of the deviation of the indicated sound level from the sound level
indicated for reference air temperature and reference relative humidity shall be extended by the
actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. For those sound level meters consisting of a
combination of components, the sum of the absolute value of the greatest deviation of the
sound level from step 2 of 7.8.4 from the sound level measured in step 1 and the absolute
value of the greatest deviation of the sound level from step 3 from the sound level measured in
step 1 shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. Each extended
deviation shall -not exceed the absolute value of the applicable tolerance limits in 6.4 of IEC

7.9 Influence of electrostatic discharges

7.9.1 The equipment ~equired to determine the influence of electrostatic discharges on the
operation of a sound level meter shall conform to the specifications given in Clause 6 of
IEC 61000-4-2:2001. The test set-up and test procedure shall be in accordance with the
specifications given in Clauses 7 and 8 of IEC 61000-4-2:2001.

7.9.2 Electrostatic discharge tests shall be conducted with the sound level meter operating
and set to be most susceptible to electrostatic discharge, as determined by preliminary testing.
If the sound level meter can be fitted with connection devices that are not required for the
configuration of the normal mode of operation as specified in the instruction manual, then no
cables shall b.e fitted during the electrostatic discharge tests. Sound level meter systems with
two or more signal-processing channels shall have at least two microphone systems installed.

7.9.3 Discharges of electrostatic voltages shall not be made to electrical connector pins that
are recessed below the surface of a connector or below the surface of the sound level meter.

.7.9.4 Electrostatic discharges of the greatest positive and greatest negative VOl@e specified
in 6.5.1 of .IEC 61672-1:2002 shall be applied ten times by contact and ten times through the
air. Discharges shall be applied to any point on the sound level meter that is considered
appropriate by the testing laboratory. The points shall be limited to those that are accessible
during normal usage. If user access is required to points inside the sound level meter, those
points shall be included, unless the instruction manual prescribes precautions against damage
by electrostatic discharges during this access.

NOTE Care should be taken to ensure that any effects of a discharge to the sound level meter under test are fully
dissipated before repeating the application of a discharge.

7.9.5 After a discharge, the sound level meter shall return to the same operating state as
before the discharge. Any data stored by the sound level meter before the discharge shall be
unchanged after the discharge. Unquantified changes in the performance of the sound level
meter are permitted when a discharge is applied.

7.10 Influence of a.c. power frequency and radio-frequency fields

7.10.-1 Sound signal The manner of applying the sound signal to the microphone shall cause no
interference to the applied a.c. power frequency or radio-frequency field. The method of
applying the sound signal also shall not interfere with r?ormal operation of the sound level
meter, or with the susceptibility of the sound level meter to the power frequency or radio-
frequency field.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 6167.2-2 (2003) The sound signal, having the characteristics specified in 6.6.5 of IEC 61672-1 :2Q02,
shall be adjusted to produce an indication of A-weighted time-average sound level or F-time-
weighted sound level of 74 dB 3 1 dB. With no power frequency or radio-frequency field
applied, the indication of A-weighted sound level shall be recorded. The averaging time shall
be recorded for indications of time-average sound level. The level range shall be that for which
the sound level at the specified lower limit is closest to, bul not greater than, 70 dB if more than
one level range is provided.

NOTE If the sound level meter only indicates sound exposure level, the corresponding time-average sound level
should be calculated by means of Equation (5b) of IEC 61672-1:2002.

7.10.2 AC power lrequency-tests Tests for the influence of a.c. power frequency fields shall use a device capable of
producing an essentially uniform root-mean-square magnetic field strength of 80 Afro. The
device -shall permit immersion of the complete sound level meter, or the relevant components
designated in the instruction manual, in the magnetic field. The frequency of the alternating
magnetic field shall be 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Actual expanded uncertainties for measurement of
magnetic field strength shall not exceed 8 A/m. The sound level meter under test shall be oriented as specified in the instruction
manual for greatest susceptibility (least immunity) to an a.c. power frequency field. For sound
level meters that require the microphone to be on an extension cable to conform -to the
specifications of IEC 61672-1:2002, the a.c. power frequency ‘tests shall also include the
microphone unit. Before initiating the tests of the influence of alternating magnetic fields, the sound
signal described in shall be applied and the indicated sound level recorded. The sound
level indicated when the sound level meter is immersed in the alternating magnetic field shall
be recorded for-the same sound signal at the microphone as for the initial test. The duration of
exposure shall be at least 10 s. Deviations of the indicated A-weighted sound level from the
A-weighted sound level indicated before immersion in the magnetic field shall be extended by
the actual expanded uncertainty of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the
tolerance limits given in 6.6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE The maximum allowed expanded uncertainties of measurement from Annex A of IEC 61672-1:2002 do not
include any contribution from the uncertainty of the measurement of magnetic field strength.

7.10..3 Radio-frequency tests The equipment required to determine the influence of radio-frequency fields on the
operation of a sound level meter shall conform to the specifications in Clause 6 of
IEC 61000-4-3:2002. The characteristics of suitable facilities for testing immunity 10 radio-
frequency fields are given in Annexes C, D, and E of IEC 61000-4-3:2002. Antennas for
generating radio-frequency fields are described in Annex B of IEC 61000-4-3:2002. The
uniformity of the radio-frequency fields in the test facility shall be determined by the procedure
given in 6.2 of IEC 61000-4-3:2002. The test set-up and test procedure shall be in accordance
with the specifications given in Clauses 7 and 8 of IEC 61000-4-3:2002.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003) Tests for the influence of radio-frequency fields shall be conducted with the sound
level meter set to the normal mode of operation as stated in the instruction manual. For sound
level meters for which the specified configuration includes a microphone attached by a cable,
the microphone sha!l be positioned centrally above the case of the sound level meter at a
height of approximately 250 mm. If the cable is longer than ’250 mm, it shall be folded back on
itself in .a figure-of-eight pattern. There shall be an even number of folds of equal length, with
all parts secured together at each end of the folds and in their centre. The reference orientation
of the sound level meter, as stated in the instruction manual, shall initially be aligned with the
principal axis of the emitter of radio-frequency fields. If the sound level meter has any connection device that permits the attachment of
interface or interconnection cables, the influence of radio-frequency fields shall be tested with
cables connected to all available connection devices. The lengths of the cables shall be as
recommended in the instruction manual. All cables shall be unterminated and arranged as
described in 7.3 of IEC 61000-4-3:2002 unless the manufacturer of the sourtd level meter also
supplies the device that is connected to the sound level meter by a cable. In the latter event,
the influence of radio-frequency fields shall be determined with all items connected together. Where several connections may be made to the same connecting device, the
influence of radio-frequency fields shall be tested with the configuration stated in the instruction
manual that has minimum immunity (or maximum susceptibility) to radio-frequency fields.
Other configurations, which are equally, or more, immune (or equally, or less, susceptible) to
radio-frequency fields, may be included in the instruction manual in a list of conforming
configurations. The other configurations may be included without further -testing if the tested
configuration fully conforms to the specifications given in 6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002. In accordance with IEC 61000-4-6:2001, for group Z hand-held sound level meters,
during the tests of the influence of radio-frequency fields, an artificial hand shall be placed
around the hand-held accessories or keyboard, as required. The root-mean-square electric field strength (when unmodulated) shall be as

specified in 6.6.4 of IEC 61672-1:2002. The carrier frequency of the modulated signal shall be
varied in increments of up to 4 !/o over the range from 26 MHz to 500 MHz. The interval shall
be up to 2 % for ‘frequencies from 500 MHz to 1 GHz. Actual expanded uncertainties of mea-
surement shali not exceed +40 YO or -O YO of the target radio-frequency electric field strength.

NOTE A frequency increment of 2 Y. or.4 % means that the next signal frequency is greater than the previous
signal frequency by a factor of 1,02 or 1,04, respectively. Although carrier frequency increments of 1 0+6are
specified in IEC 61000-4-3:2002, frequency increments of up to 2 ‘A and up to 4 YO are considered appropriate for
the purposes of this standard. Before initiating the tests of the influence of radio-frequency fields, the sound signal
described in shall be applied and the indicated sound level recorded. At each carrier
frequency, the indicated sound level shall be recorded for the same sound signal at the
microphone as for the initial test. At each carrier frequency, the time-average sound level (or
sound exposure level) shall be reset at the start of the measurement. The measurement
duration shall be at least 10 s in both the presence and the absence of a radio-frequency field.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
[EC 61672-2 (2003) Deviations of the indicated A-weighted sound level from the A-weighted -sound level
indicated before immersion in a radio-frequency field shall -be extended by the actual exDanded
uncertainties of measu~ement. Each extended deviation shall be within the applicable toierance
limits given in 6.6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE The maximum allowed expanded uncertainties of measurement from Annex A of IEC 61672-1:2002 do not
include any contribution from the uncertainty of the measurement of electric field strength. If the instruction manual states that the sound level meter conforms to the
specifications given in 6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002 “for electric field strengths greater than that
specified in 6.6.4 of IE-C 61672-1:2002, then all tests for the influence of radio-frequency-fields
shall be repeated for-the greatest of those field strengths. Testing at the discrete frequencies noted in does not eliminate the
requirement to conform to the specifications given in 6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002 at all carrier
frequencies within the specified range. ‘Tests shall be performed at other carrier frequencies if
there are indications that the tolerance limits given in 6.6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002 might be
exceeded at carrier frequencies between any two successive frequencies from Maintaining the configuration described in to, the tests of
to shall be repeated to measure the influence of radio-frequency fields in at least one
other plane. The other plane shall be approximately orthogonal to the principal plane of the
reference orientation, within the limits of positioning for the test fixture. Deviations of
the indicated A-weighted sound level from the ,4-weighted sound level indicated before
immersion in a radio-frequency field shall be extended by the -actual expanded uncertainties
of m.easurement. Each -extended deviation shall be within the tolerance limits of 6.6.6 of
IEC 61672-1:2002. When a radio-frequency field is applied, the sound level meter shall remain
operational and in the same configuration as before the radio-frequency field was applied. The instruction manual may state that the sound level meter conforms to the
specifications given in 6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002 at sound levels less than 74 dB. In this event,
an additional test of the influence of radio-frequency fields shall be performed on each
applicable level range. The additional test shall be conducted at the lowest sound level stated
in the instruction manual for conformance to the specifications of IEC 61672-1. The sound
source described in and the sound signal described in shall be employed for
the additional tests. Deviations of the indicated A-weighted sound level from the A-weighted sound level
indicated before immersion in a radio-frequency field shall be determined for each step in the
signal level from the sound source. At each step, the deviations shall be extended by the actual
expanded uncertainties of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the
applicable tolerance limits given in 6.6.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002. For group Y or group Z sound level meters, additional tests described in Table 4 of
IEC 61000-6-2:1999 shall be performed to verify conformance to the specifications of 6.6.7 of
IEC 61672-1:2002 for susceptibility to radio-frequency interference at a.c. input and output
ports. Actual -expanded uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed +4fl % or –O % of the
target radio-frequency electric field strength.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

. For group Z sound level meters utilizing or specifying interconnecting cables longer
than 3 m, the additional tests described in Table 2 of IEC 61000-6-2:1999 shall be performed
to verify conformance to the specifications given in 6.6.8 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for the immunity
of signal and control ports to radio-frequency interference. Actual expanded uncertainties -of
measurement shall not exceed +5 YO or -O ?40 of.the target voltage.

8 Radio-frequency emissions and public power supply disturbances

8.4 Radio-frequency field-strength emission levels, in decibels relative to 1 ~V/m, shall be

measured with a quasi-peak-detector instrument as specified in CISPR 16-1:1999 for the
frequency ranges sp-ecified in 5.18.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002. Measuring receivers, antennas, and
test procedures shall be as specified in Clause 10 of CISPR 22:1997. All emission levels shall
conform to the specifications given in 5.18.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002, Environmental conditions
prevailing at the time of the tests shall be recorded. Radio-frequemcy emission tests shall be
conducted with the sound level meter operating, powered by its preferred supply, and set to the
mode and level range, as -stated in the instruction manual, that produce the greatest radio-
frequency emission levels.

8.2 All fixtures -and fittings used to maintain the position of the sound level meter, including
the microphone and extension cable, if appropriate, shall have negligible influence on the
measurement of radio-frequency emissions from the sound level meter.

8.3 Radio-frequency emission levels shall be measured over the frequency ranges specified
.in 5.18.2 of IEC 61672-1 :20!32 with the sound level meter in the specified re-ference orientation.
For sound level meters for which the specified configuration includes a microphone attached by
a cable, the microphone and cable shall be arranged as described in 7.10.3.-2. Multi-channel
sound level meter systems shall be equipped with a microphone connected to every
channel input.

8.4 Maintaining, if appropriate, the microphone-cable-to-case arrangement specified in 8.3,

the radio-frequency emission levels shall be measured in one other plane chosen by the testing
laboratory, The other plane shall be approximately orthogonal to the principal plane of the
reference orientation, within the limits of positioning for the system employed to measure
radio-frequency emission levels.

8.5 If the sound level meter has any connection device that permits attachment of interface or
interconnection. cables, radio-frequency emission levels shall be measured with cables
connected to all available connection devices. The length of the cables shall be the maximum
recommended in the instruction manual. All cables shall be unterminated and arranged as
described in 8.1 of CISPR 22:1997 unless the manufacturer of the sound level meter also
supplies the device connected to the sound level meter by a cable. In this latter case, the radio-
frequency emission levels shall be measured with all items connected together.

8.6 Where several connections may be made to the same connection device, radio-frequency
emission levels ‘shall -be measured with the configuration stated in the instruction manual as
producing the greatest radio-frequency emission levels. Other configurations with the same,
or lower, radio-frequency emission levels may be included in the instruction manual in a list of
conforming configurations, without further testing, if the tested configuration fully conforms to
the limits given in 5.18.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

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8.7 For a group Y or group Z sound level meter that is operated from a public power supply,
the disturbance to the public power supply shall be measured as described in Clause 9 of
CISPR 22:1997. For these tests, the sound level meter shall be set to the reference level range
unless the instruction manual specifies another level range. The sound level meter shall
conform to the specifications given in 5.18.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002 and to the limits given in
Table 5 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for conducted disturbance.

9 Electroacoustical performance tests

9.1 General

9.1.1 Tests described in this clause are performed with acoustical or electrical signals .as
specified for each test. An o~erator shall not be txesent in the sound field durina tests with
acoustical signals. Electrical signals shall be applied to the sound level meter throu~h the input
device specified in the instruction manual. The difference between changes in the levels of the
signal indicated on-the display device and the changes in the corresponding levels of the signal
at the electrical output, if used, shall be verified to not exceed the requirement in 5.16.3 of
IEC 61672-1:-2002.

9.1.2 For tests with acoustical signals, the non-frequency-weighted sound pressure level at
the position of the microphone of the sound level meter shall be measured with a calibrated
laboratory standard microphone conforming to the specifications given in IEC 61094-1. The
frequency response of the laboratory standard microphone shall be taken into account when
establishing the sound pressure level at a test frequency. For multi-channel sound level meter
systems with identical microphone units and identical installation configurations, one or more
microphone channels shall be tested, at the discretion of the testing laboratory. Where the
microphone units or installation configurations are not identical, then each different microphone
channel shall be tested.

9.1.3 The frequency of an input signal shall be within ~0,25 %’. of a required frequency,

9.1.4 For tests with acoustical signals and for measurements of self-generated noise, the
environmental conditions at the time of a test shall be within the following ranges: 97 kPa to
103 kPa for static pressure, 20 ‘C to 26 “C for air temperature and 40 ‘A to 70 ‘A for relative

9.1.5 Where the location of the testing laboratory is such that it is not practical to maintain the
static pressure within the range specified in 9.1.4, the testing laboratory may use the results of
the tests performed according to 7.3 to establish the performance of the sound level meter at
the reference static pressure. In this case, the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement
shall include additional components for corrections applied to account for the effects of
differences between the prevailing static pressure and the reference static pressure.

-9.1.6 Environmental conditions at the time of a test shall be recorded,

9.2 Indication at the calibration check frequency

9.2.1 -Before conducting, but not during, the tests in this Clause 9 with acoustical signals, the
indication at the calibration check frequency shall be checked by application of the sound
calibrator specified in 4.4 and adjusted, if necessary, to indicate the required sound pressure
level under reference environmental conditions. The adjustment shall use the procedure given
in the instruction manual forthe sound level meter.

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9.2.2 The effects of environmental conditions on the sound pressure level produced by the
sound calibrator shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedure in the instruction
manual for the sound calibrator and data from its calibration. The effects shall be determined
relative to the sound pressure level produced under reference environmental conditions.

9.3 Directional response

9.3.1 The directional response of a sound level meter shall be determined with plane
progressive sinusoidal sound waves in a free-field test facility. All configurations of the sound
level meter that are stated in the instruction manual as conforming to the directional response
requirements of IEC 61672-1 shall be tested.

9.3.2 If an electrical output is available and used for the directional response tests,
preliminary tests shall be performed to determine the correspondence between the levels of a
frequency-weighted signal indicated on the display device and the voltages at the electrical
output. For sound level meters without an electrical output, directional response tests may be
performed on .an acoustically and electrically equivalent device supplied by the manufacturer of
the sound level meter and having exactly the same physical dimensions and shape but with an
electrical output,

9.3.3 Time-average sound levels or F-time-weighted sound levels shall be measured. Where
necessary, time-average sound levels shall be calculated from indicated sound exposure levels
by the application of Equation (5b) of IEC 61672-1:2002’ for any convenient integration time.
The C or Z frequency weighting shall be selected, if available; otherwise, the A frequency
weighting shall be selected.

9.3.4 ‘For each plane of symmetry (see 9.3.10), sound levels as indicated on the display
device, or equivalent indications of sound levels at an electrical output, shall be recorded for
sounds incident on the microphone over the applicable ranges of relative angles from Table 1
of IEC 61672-1:2002. One of the sound incidence angles shall be for the reference direction.

9.3.5 The following test method shall be used when the instruction manual does not provide
tables of detailed information indicating that the directional response of the complete sound
level meter-conforms to the specifications in 5,3 and Table 1 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

For class 1 and class 2 sound level meters, the frequency of the sound signal shall range from
500 Hz to 2 kHz at nominal one-third-octave intervals and then from greater than 2 kElz to
.8 kHz at nominal one-sixth-octave intervals. For class 1 sound level meters, the frequency of
the sound signal shall range from greater than 8 k-Hz to “12,5 kHz at nominal one-twelfth-octave
intervals, At each test frequency, angular intervals for measurement of directional response
shall not exceed 10°.

9.3.6 For each of the sound level meter’s planes of symmetry, the instruction manual may
provide detailed tables of directional response information for the sound level meter as a
function of sound incidence angle over the entire range of angles required by Table 1 of IEC
61672-1:2002 and at nominal one-third-octave frequency intervals. For each frequency, the
detailed directional-response information should include the nominal values of the maximum
absolute differences in the sound levels indicated on the display device for each range of
sound incidence angles specified in Table 1 of IEC 61672-1:2002. If the detailed information is
provided, directional response shall be measured in each plane of symmetry over the entire
range of sound incidence angles from Table 1 of IEC 61672-1:2002, but at intervals not
exceeding 30°. The tests shall be performed at nominal one-third-octave intervals from 500 Hz
to 12,5 kHz for class 1 sound level meters and at nominal octave intervals from 5.00 Hz to
8 kHz for class 2 sound level meters.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.3.7 For sound level meters designed to measure sounds with random incidence,
measurements of directional response shall cover the range of sound incidence angles to
+1”80° around the reference direction for each plane of symmetry (See 9.3.10).

9.3.8 Measurements of directional response at different sound incidence angles, obtained by

moving the sound level meter or by moving the sound source, shall maintain the axis of
rotational symmetry for the microphone and the principal axis of the sound source in the same
plane, preferably horizontal. If time-average sound level or sound exposure level is measured,
sufficient integration time shall be allowed to obtain a stable indication at each angular

NOTE 1 The movement of the sound level meter in a horizontal plane is preferably a rotation about a vertical axis
through the microphone reference-point.

NOTE 2 If the sound source and the microphone reference point remain at fixed positions during measurements of
directional response, the effect of small variations in the sound field of the test room is minimized.

9.3.9 At any test frequency, the signal from the sound source shall be maintained constant as
the sound level meter is positioned at the various sound incidence angles. For all tests, the
sound pressure level at the microphone shall be at least 30 dB greater than the sound level
indicated when the sound source is not operating.

NOTE An alternative test -procedure is to measure the directional response by varying the frequency of the signal
from the sound source while maintaining a given sound incidence angle. The test is repeated for each sound
incidence angle. The sound pressure tevel at the microphone of the sound level meter should be the same for a
given test frequency at any sound incidence angle. For each sound incidence angle, the same signal from the
sound source should be used at each test frequency,

9.-3.10 For sourrd level meters that are not symmetric around the principal axis through the
microphone or for which the microphone is not connected to the sound level meter by means of
an extension cable or other device, directional response shall be measured in two planes
perpendicular to each other, Each plane shall contain the principal axis of the microphone. One
plane shall be perpendicular to the surface of the sound level meter that contains the controls
and the display device, as applicable.

9.3.11 In the measurement planes of 9.3.10 and for all applicable frequencies, the measured
sound levels shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement. For each
test frequency, the maximum absolute difference shall be determined between the extended
sound levels at any two sound incidence angles in each range of sound incidence angles
specified in Table 1 of [EC 61672-1:2002, All absolute differences in sound level shall be within
the applicable tolerance limits of Table 1 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.3.12 When detailed directional response information is supplied in the instruction manual
and directional response is measured at a limited number of sound incidence angles and signal
frequencies (see 9.3.6), in addition to the requirements in 9.3.11, the measured values of
maximum absolute differences between extended sound levels from 9.3.11 shall rtot exceed
the corresponding nominal values of maximum absolute differences in sound level that are
given in the instruction manual.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.4 Tests of frequency weighings w-ith acoustical signals

9.4.1 General The procedure described in to for verifying a frequency weighting by
tests in a free-field test facility assumes that the sound level meter does not have an electrical
output and the sound pressure level at the position of the sound level meter is first determined
by means of a calibrated laboratory standard microphone, When an electrical output is
available, it may be convenient to carry out the measurements in reverse order, that is, the
sound level meter is first installed in the test facility and the sound source is adjusted to give a
particular indication on the sound level meter, Then, the sound level meter is removed and the
laboratory standard microphone is placed at the position of the microphone of the sound level
meter to determine the corresponding free-field sound pressure level. If an electrical output is available and used for the tests, preliminary tests shall be
performed to determine the correspondence between the levels of a frequency-weighted signal
indicated on the display device and the voltages at the electrical output. No attempt shall be
made to account for level linearity errors in any test of a frequency weighting. At least one of the frequency weighings for which specifications are given in
IEC 61672-1:2002 shall be tested with sinusoidal acoustical and electrical signals. Other
frequency weighings shall be tested using either acoustical signals or electrical -signals. For
tests of the other frequency weighings with electrical signals, the test methods account for the
corrections for the nominal frequency response of the microphone and the effects of reflections
from the case of the sound level meter and diffraction around the microphone. The sound level meter shall be set to measure F-time-weighted sound level, if
available; otherwise, it shall be set to measure time-average sound level or sound exposure
level, as available. Where necessary, time-average sound levels shall be calculated from
measurements of saund exposure levels by the application of Equation (5b) of
IEC 61672-1:2002 for any convenient integration time. Where possible, all tests of frequency weighings and other frequency responses shall
be performed with the sound level meter set for the reference level range. Where the testing
laboratory considers that the setting of the level range control may influence conformance to
the specifications for a frequency weighting, additional tests shall be performed on other level
ranges. Acoustical signal tests shall be performed with the C or Z frequency weighting, if
available in the sound level meter. If C weighting or Z weighting is not available, tests shall be
performed with the A frequency weighting. Tests with acoustical signals shall be performed
with plane progressive sound waves in a free-field test facility for frequencies greater than ‘the
lower limiting frequency of the free-field test facility. Tests at frequencies less than the lower
limiting frequency shall be performed by use of a closed coupler. If a windscreen is required by 6.12, the frequency weighting shall be determined with
and without a windscreen of specified model installed around the microphone. The differences
between the frequency weighings are the measured windscreen corrections. At each test
frequency, the measured windscreen corrections, extended by the actual expanded uncertainty
of measurement, shall not exceed the nominal windscreen corrections given in the instruction

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.4.2 Free-field tests

9.4.2,1 If frequency weighting C or Z is selected for the free-field tests and for the purpose of
providing the comparison data needed in 9.7 to verify the free-field adjustment data, the
frequency weighting tests shall also be performed for frequency weighting A, but only for test
frequencies for which free-field adjustment data are provided in the instruction manual. For tests of class 1 and class 2 sound level meters, the frequency of the sound signal
in the free-field test facility shall range from the lower limiting frequency of the free-field test
facility to 2 kHz at nominal one-third-octave intervals and then from greater than 2 kHz to 8 kHz
at nominal one-sixth-octave intervals For class 1 sound level meters, the frequency of the
sound signal shall range from greater than 8 kHz to 20 kHz at nominal one-twelfth-octave

NOTE If tables of detailed frequency weighting information are given in the instruction manual, the tests to verify
the manufacturer’s data may be restricted to one-third-octave intervals for class 1 sound level meters and one-
octave intervals for class 2 sound level meters. For all test frequencies, the non-frequency-weighted sound pressure level, at the
position of the reference point for the microphone on the sound level meter, shall be
determined by means of a laboratory standard microphone in the absence of the sound level
meter. Sound waves shall arrive at the reference point of the laboratory standard microphone
from the direction for which the microphone was calibrated. At any test frequency, the sound
pressure level with the sound source operating shall be at least 30 dB greater than the sound
pressure level with the sound source not operating. At each test frequency, the output from the sound source shall be adjusted to produce
the reference sound pressure level at a selected location in the free-field test facility. If the
reference sound pressure level cannot be maintained at any test frequency, other sound
pressure levels may be used. The non-frequency-weighted sound pressure levels and all
adjustments shall be recorded. The sound level meter shall then be substituted for the laboratory standard
microphone. The reference point of the microphone on the sound level meter shall occupy the
same position as previously occupied by the reference point for the laboratory standard
microphone. Sounds shall arrive at the microphone from the specified reference direction. At
each test frequency, the signals from the sound source shall be the same as they were for the
tests with the laboratory standard microphone. The signal level indicated by the sound level
meter shall be recorded at each test frequency. At each test frequency, the frequency weighting shall be calculated from the sound
level indicated by the sound level meter minus the non-frequency-weighted sound -pressure
level measured with the laboratory standard microphone. The tests described in to shall be repeated for at least two other
appropriate sound-source-to-microphone distances or locations in the free-field test facility. At each test frequency, the measured frequency weighting shall be calculated from
the arithmetic average of the frequency weighings determined at the different sound-source-
to-microphone distances and locations.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.4.3 Closed coupler tests For frequencies less than the lower limiting frequency of the free-field test facility,
frequency weighings for class 1 sound level meters shall be measured at nominal one-third-
octave intervals from 10 Hz to the lower limiting frequency and, for class 2 sound level meters,
from 20 Hz to the lower limiting frequency. For the closed coupler tests, the microphone of the
so-und level meter and the laboratory standard microphone shall be exposed to the sound field
in a closed coupler or equivalent device. The coupler shall be such that the normal vent system
for the microphone on the sound level meter is exposed to the sound field in the coupler. The
sound levels measured by the sound level meter and the non-frequency-weighted sound
pressure levels measured by the laboratory standard microphone shall be recorded. The
windscreen, if installed, may be removed for the closed coupler tests.

NOTE At frequencies less than approximately 250 Hz, the pressure response measured with a microphone
inserted in a closed coupler generally may be assumed to equal the corresponding free-field or random-incidence
response. For this assumption to be valid, the vent of the microphone needs to be exposed to the sound field in the
coupler, If the upper limit of the closed coupler tests exceeds approximately 250 Hz, the testing laboratory may be
required to demonstrate the equivalence between the pressure response measurements and the corresponding
measurements for the reference direction in a free-field facility and for random incidence, To perform tests of frequency weighting A down to 10 Hz, the linear operating range
of the sound level meter would need to be greater than 70 dB. If necessary, the tests of
frequency weighting A shall be performed down to the lowest frequency for which the indicated
sound level is 5 dB greater than the lower limit of the linear operating range.. For the closed coupler tests, measured frequency weighings shall be calculated from
the frequency-weighted sound levels indicated by the sound level meter minus the corres-
ponding non-frequency-weighted sound pressure levels measured with the laboratory standard
microphone. Measurements of frequency weighings in the closed coupler shall be performed at

least three times. The microphones shall be removed from the coupler and then re-installed for
each test. At each test frequency, the measured frequency weighting shall be calculated from
the arithmetic average of the separate determinations.

9.4.4 Conformance

Deviations of the measured frequency weighings from the corresponding design goal
frequency weighings shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement.
Each extended deviation shall be within the applicable tolerance limits given in Table 2 of
IEC 61672-1:2002. Design goal frequency weighings shall be those given in Table 2 of [EC
61672-1:2002, or as calculated from Equation (6), (7), or (8) of IEC 61672-1:2002 and rounded
to the tenth of a decibel.

9.4.5 Random “incidence For sound level meters designed to measure sounds arriving from random directions,
tests with acoustical signals shall use one of the two methods described in IEC 61183 to
determine the random incidence sensitivity levels. if applicable, random incidence tests shall
be performed with and without a windscreen installed around the microphone. Random incidence sensitivity levels shall be determined at nominal one-third-octave

intervals over the frequency range from the lower limiting frequency of the free-field test facility
to 16 kHz for class 1 sound level meters and from the lower limiting frequency to 8 kHz for
class 2 sound level meters. For frequencies less than the lower limiting frequency, random
incidence frequency weighings shall be determined as described above for the closed coupler

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.4.5,3 If the free-field method is used, di~ectivity factors shall be determined using data
acquired during the directional response tests of 9.3 if detailed directional response information
is not provided in the instruction manual. If the instruction manual provides tables of detailed
directional response information, and the information has been verified as described in 9.3,
that information shall be used to determine the directivity factors. Random incidence sensitivity
levels shall be calculated as the sum of the free-field sensitivity levels in the reference direction
and the corresponding directivity factors. At each test frequency, the measured frequency weighings are the random incidence
sensitivity Iev.els. Deviations of the measured random-incidence frequency weighings from the
design-goal frequency weighings shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of
measurement, which shall not exceed the corresponding maximum expanded uncertainties of
measurement given in Annex A of IEC 61672-1:2002. All extended deviations shall be within
the applicabl.e”tolerance limits given in Table 2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE Until better information is available, the maximum expanded uncertainties of measurement from Annex A of
IEC 61672-1:2002 were considered applicable for measurements of frequency weighting for sounds at random

9.5 Tests of frequency weighings with electrical signals

9.5.1 Electrical sigrral tests shall be performed for all frequency weighings that are provided
in the sound level meter for which design goals and tolerance limits are specified in IEC
61672-1 or in the instruction manual. Sinusoidal input signals at the same test frequencies as
used for the tests in 9.4 shall be used for all tests, except that the frequency spacing shall be
not larger than one-third octave. All tests shall be performed with the sound level meter set for
the level range used for the tests in 9.4.

9.5.2 Two alternative procedures are provided for tests of frequency weighings with electrical
signals. For each test frequency and frequency weighting, the first procedure requires that the
input signal level be adjusted to produce the same indication on the display device for electrical
signals as for acoustical signals. This procedure minimizes the influence of level linearity errors
but may lead to the inability to measure a frequency weighting at some frequencies because a
large input signal voltage might cause an overload condition to occur for some frequency
weighings. If preliminary testing indicates that an overload condition occurs at some test
frequencies for some frequency weighings, then the second test procedure shall be used for
all tests.

9.5.3 First test procedure (same indication .on the display device) Starting with the frequency weighting selected for the acoustical signal tests of 9.4, at
each test frequency the level of the input electrical signal shall be adjusted to give the same
indication on the display device of the sound level meter as was obtained at that frequency for
the acoustical signal tests of 9.4. The test shall be repeated for the other frequency weighings.
The levels of the input signals and the corresponding indications on the display device shall be

NOTE input signals may be measured as root-mean-square voltages or as the settings, in decibels, of an input
signal attenuator.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61?572-2 (2003) Frequency weighings equivalent to those that would have been obtained with
acoustical signals shall be calculated as follows. At each test frequency, the differences shall
be calculated, in decibels, between the input signal level recorded for a frequency weighting
and the input signal level recorded for the frequency weighting that was selected for the
acoustical signal tests of 9.4. The differences in input signal levels shall then be subtracted
from the frequency weighting determined from the tests in 9.4 to give the equivalent frequency
weighings for the electrical signal tests.

NOTE Differences between electrical input signal levels may be determined from the differences in the settings of
an input signal attenuator or from 20 lg(J’z/Vl) where P’Zand F’I are the root-mean-square voltages measured for a
frequency weighing and for the frequency weighting that was selected for the tests in 9.4, respectively.

9.5.4 Second test procedure (constant input signal level) Beginning with the frequency weighting used for the tests in 9.4, for the second test
procedure, the level of a 1 kHz input signal shall be adjusted to give an indication that is 5 dB
less than the -upper limit of the linear operating range at 1 kHz. At any other test frequency,
the input signal level shall be that for the 1 kHz signal. The levels of the input signals and the
corresponding indications on the display device shall be recorded.

NOTE If the linear operating range on the selected level range is large enough, the second test procedure permits
a frequency weighting to be measured at any test frequency, but the influence of level linearity errors may be
somewhat greater than for the first test procedure. For either test procedure, no attempt should be made to account
for level linearity errors, For all other frequency weighings, at each test frequency, the level of the input signal
shall be the same as noted for the tests in The indications of the display device shall
be recorded.

9.5,4.3 At each test frequency, the differences shall be calculated between the indications of
the display device from and the indications from These differences in indicated
levels shall be added to the corresponding frequency weighting measured by a -procedure
of 9.4 with acoustical signals to obtain the equivalent frequency weighings for the electrical
signal tests.

9.5.5 Deviations of the equivalent frequency weighings from the design goals shall be
extended by the corresponding actual expanded uncertainties of measurement. Each extended
deviation shall be within the applicable tolerance limits given in Table.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002 or
in the instruction manual, as appropriate,

9.5.6 Deviations of the optional FLAT frequency response from the design goal, extended by
the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, shall be within the applicable tolerance
limits given in the instruction manual.

9.5.7 A sound level meter provided with frequency weighings C or Z, or the FLAT frequency
response, or any combination thereof, shall be tested with a steady 1 kHz sinusoidal electrical
signal. The input signal shall be adjusted to indicate the reference sound pressure level on the
reference level range with frequency weighting A and the indication recorded. For the same
input signal, the time-weighted sound level, time-average sound level, or sound exposure level
indicated with the C and Z weighings and the FLAT response shall then be recorded.

9.5.8 Deviations of the level of the C-weighted and Z-weighted measurement quantity, and the
level of the FLAT-response measurement quantity, from the corresponding level of the
A-weighted measurement quantity shall be extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of
measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the applicable tolerance limits of 5.4.14
of IEC 61672-1:2002.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.6 Combined effect of reflections, diffraction and corrections for nominal microphone
frequency response and for the influence of a windscreen

9.6.1 The combined effect, as stated in the instruction manual, of the nominal effects of
reflections and diffraction, the corrections for the nominal frequency response of any
microphone specified for use on the sound level meter, and the corrections for the nominal
influence of a windscreen, if applicable, shall be verified with steady sinusoidal electrical
signals. The frequency weighting shall be that selected for the frequency weighting tests of 9.4
with acoustical signals. The combined effect shall be verified for a microphone of each model
specified in the instruction manual for use on the sound level meter for which different
corrections are specified for the nominal microphone frequency response.

9.6.2 Input signal frequencies shall range at nominal one-third-octave intervals from the lower
limiting frequency of the free-fieldtest facility to 16 kHz for class 1 sound level meters and from
the lower limiting frequency to 8 kHz for class 2 sound level meters.

.9.6.3 At 1 kHz, the input signal shall be adjusted to indicate the same sound level as was
indicated at 1 kHz for the acoustical signal tests of 9.4 and on the same level range. The
electrical input signal and the corresponding indication of signal level shall be recorded.

NOTE The electrical input signal may be recorded as a root-mean-square voltage or as the setting, in decibels, of
an input signal attenuator.

9.6.4 With the input signal maintained constant, the signal level indicated by the sound level
meter shall be recorded for test frequencies other than 1 kHz.

9.6.5 The electrical signal frequency weighting shalt be calculated from the level indicated at
a test frequency minus the level indicated at 1 kHz.

9.6.6 At each test frequency, the measured effects of reflection from the case of the sound
level meter, diffraction around the microphone, corrections for the nominal microphone
frequency response, and corrections for the influence of a windscreen shall be calculated from
the acoustical signal frequency weighting determined according to a method from 9.4 minus the
electrical signal frequency weighting determined according to 9.6.5. At each lest frequency, the
difference between the measurement of the combined effects and the nominal combined
effects given in the instruction manual shall be within -the tolerance limits given in 5.2.6 of
IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE This method for verifying-the combined effects of reflections and diffraction, and the corrections for nominal
microphone frequency response, does not account for any level non-linearity between the sound levels measured in
the free-field test facility and the signal levels indicated in response to electrical signals.

9.7 Adjustments to obtain free-field sound levels

9.7.1 If the instruction manual recommends a calibrated multi-frequency sound calibrator or

an electrostatic actuator to check the frequency weighting A during periodic testing, then the
instruction manual is required to provide data to adjust the indicated A-weighted sound levels
to sound levels equivalent to those that would be indicated in response to plane sound waves
in a free field. The adjustment data shall be verified as part of the pattern evaluation-tests.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.7.2 Before conducting the test to verify the adjustment data from the instruction manual,
the A frequency weighting at 1 kHz shall have been verified during the frequency weighting
tests of 9.4 to be within the applicable tolerance limits from Table 2 of IEC 61672-1:2002. The
A-weighted sound level indicated in response to application of a sound calibrator, or an
electrostatic actuator, shall then be recorded for each frequency for which adjustment data are
provided in the instruction manual.

9.7.3 The indications of sound levels shall be corrected, if necessary, for the difference
between the sound pressure level generated by the sound calibrator at a test frequency and the
sound pressure level generated at 1 kHz, or by the corresponding difference in -the relative
response level of the electrostatic actuator. The adjustment data from the instructim manual
shall be applied to the corrected sound levels to determine equivalent free-field sound levels
for the reference direction. At each frequency, the relative equivalent A-weighted sound level
shall then be calculated relative to the equivalent A-weighted sound level at 1 kliz. The result is
the equivalent A-weighted frequency response.

9.7.4 At frequencies other than 1 kHz, the deviation of the relative equivalent A-weighted
frequency response, determined from application of the sound calibrator or electrostatic
actuator, from the arithmetic mean of the relative A-weighted frequency response measured in
the free-field test facility (see ., extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of
measurement. -shall be within the tolerance limits given in 5,2.8-of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.7.5 The procedure to verify the adjustment data from the instruction manual shall be
repeated for a microphone of each model specified for the sound level meter for which different
free-field adjustment data are provided.

9.8 Level linearity

9.8.1 Tests at an air temperature near the reference air. temperature Level linearity shall be tested with steady sinusoidal electrical signals and at an air
temperature withirr&5 K (5 ‘C) of the reference air Temperature and any convenient relative
humidity and static pressure. The frequencies of the signals shall be 31,5 Hz, 1 kHz and
12,5 kHz for class 1 sound level meters and 31,5 Hz, 1 kHz and 8 kHz for class 2 sound level
meters. Level linearity shall be tested with the sound level meter set to indicate A-weighted,
F-time-weighted sound level, if available, and also with the sound level meter set to “indicate
A-weighted time-average sound level, if available. If only A-weighted sound exposure level
is displayed, level linearity errors shall be determined from A-weighted time-average sound
levels calculated from indications of sound exposure level by means of Equation (5b) in
IEC 61672-1:2002 for any convenient integration time. For all input signals, a level linearity error is the deviation of an indicated sound level
from the corresponding anticipated sound level. At any test frequency and for any level range,
the anticipated sound level shall be calculated as the starting -point specified in the instruction
manual on the reference level range plus the change in the level of the input signal relative to
the level of the input signal that caused the display of the starting point.

NOTE 1 For any test frequency, Iev-el linearity error is zero at the starting point on the reference level range.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

NOTE 2 Changes in the level of the input signal, in decibels, may be determined from changes to the setting of an
input signal attenuator or calculated from the root-mean-square voltages of the input signals. At any test frequency, tests of level linearity shall begin with the input signal adjusted
to display the starting point on the reference level range. Level linearity errors shall be
measured in steps of input signal level of not greater than 1 dB. Tests shall proceed from the
starting point up to the first indication of overload and then down through the starting point to
the first indication of under-range or to the lowest sound level specified in the instruction
manual to be within the tolerance limits, whichever is the greater. The tests then -shall be
continued back up to the starting point. The same input signal levels shall be used for
ascending and descending measurements. On level ranges other than the reference level range, level linearity errors shall be
measured in steps of input signal level of not greater than 10 dB toward the upper limit
specified for Ihe linear operating range and then toward the lower limit. On each of the othar
level ranges, tests of level linearity error shall begin at the sound level indicated for the input
signal that gave the display of the starting point on the reference level range and adjusted by
the nominal change in the level range control relative to the setting for the reference level
range. On each level range, within 5 dB of the stated upper limit, and within 5 dB of the stated
lower limit or the lowest sound level specified in the instruction manual to be within the
tolerance limits, the steps of input signal level shall be not greater than 1 dB to the first
indication of overload and to the first indication of under-range, respectively.

NOTE For any test frequency, level linearity error may not be zero at the starting point on level ranges other than
the reference level range (see Note 1 to 9.8, 1.3), At each test frequency and over the extent of the linear operating range specified in
the instruction -manual for each level range, the level linearity errors, extended by the actual
expanded uncertainties of measurement, shall be within the applicable tolerance limits of 5.5.5
of IEC 61672-1:2002. Level linearity errors corresponding to 1 dB to 10 dB changes in input signal level,

extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, shall be within the applicable
tolerance limits given in 5.5.6 of IEC 61672-1:2002. At each test frequency, the total range of A-weighted sound levels for which the level
linearity errors, extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, are within the
applicable tolerance limits shall be not Lless than the corresponding total range stated in
the instruction .manual.

9.8.2 Tests at elevated air temperature As noted in 7.6.10, level linearity errors also shall be measured at an elevated air
temperature. This test shall be -performed with steady sinusoidal 1 kHz electrical signals. For
this test, the components of the sound level meter that are intended for use in a wide range of
environmental conditions shall be exposed to an air temperature that is within 2 K (2 “C) of, but
not more than, the maximum applicable air temperature specified in 7.6.4. The relative
humidity and static pressure may have any convenient values.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003) The test procedure of 9.8.1 shall be followed for these elevated temperature tests
except that the level linearity errors shall be measured only on the reference level range and
only in 10 dB steps from the starting point up toward the specified upper limit for the linear
operating range, down toward the lower limit and back to the starting point, and shall include
the upper and lower limits. The level linearity errors, extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of
measurement, shall be within the ‘applicable tolerance limits given in 5,5.5 and .5.5.6
of IEC 61672-1:20”02. The total range of A-weighted sound levels for which the level linearity
errors, extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, are within the
applicable tolerance limits also shall be not less than the corresponding total range stated in
the instruction manual.

9.9 Under-range indication

On each level range and for each frequency used for level linearity tests, it shall be verified that
the indication of an under-range condition is not displayed when the tirn+weiqhted Sound level
time-average sound level, or ~ound exposure Ievel”is greater than, or equal-to, the lower limit
specified in the instruction manual for the linear operating range. When an under-range
condition is indicated, it shall be verified that the under-range indicator operates as specified in
5.11.1 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.10 Self-generated noise

9.10.1 Levels of self-generated noise shall be measured with the microphone installed on the
sound level meter. The sound level meter, in the configuration specified in the instruction
manual for the normal mode .of operation, shall be placed in a low-level SQUnd field. Self-
generated noise levels shall be measured for a microphone of each model specified in the
instruction manual for use on the sound level meter. Levels of self-generated noise shall also
be measured with the microphone replaced by the specified electrical input device and
terminated as specified in the instruction manual.

NOTE When a microphone extension device is specified for the normal mode of operation, the components of the
sound level meter at the non-microphone end of the extension device do not have to all be placed in the law-level
sound field.

9.10.2 Self-generated noise levels shall be measured on the level ranges for which the
instruction manual provides statements of the highest anticipated levels of self-generated

9.10.3 Air temperature and relative humidity shall be within the ranges specified in 9.1.4 for
measurements of the levels of self-generated noise.

9.10.4 Levels of self-generated noise shall be recorded for all available frequency we(ghtings
and frequency responses. F- and S-time-weighted sound levels shall be determined from the
arithmetic average of ten observations taken at random over a 60 s interval. For measurements
of time-average sound levels, the averaging time shall be that specified in the instruction
manual for the highest levels of self-generated noise.

9.10.5 For each model of microphone and for the tests with the microphone replaced by the
electrical input device, the measured levels of self-generated noise shall not exceed
the corresponding highest anticipated levels of self-generated noise that are stated in the
instruction manual.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.11 Decay time constants for time wai@tings F and S

9.11.1 The F and S exponential decay time constants shall be tested with steady 4 kHz
sinusoidal electrical signals. The signal level shall be adjusted to indicate a sound level that is
3 dB less than the upper limit specified for the linear operating range on the reference level
range. The steady signal shall be applied for at least 10 s.

9.11.2 The signal shall be suddenly shutoff and the rate of decay of the displayed sound level
measured from the initial shut-off. The decay rates for the F and S time weighings, extended
by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, shall be within the tolerance limits given
in 5.7.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE Exponential decay rates may be measured from visual observations of the sound levels shown on the
display device along with corresponding elapsed times as determined by a stopwatch or equivalent timing device or
from the sampling rate specified as the update rate for diskiay of digital signal ~evels, Another technique is to use a
video camera, or equivalent device, to record the sound levels shown ,on the display device along with a digital
clock displaying time to the millisecond. If the sound level meter can display an indication of sound level as a
function of time with appropriate time constant and resolution, this function may be used to verify the decay
time constants.

9.11.3 For a sound level meter where time weighting S is provided, a steady 1 kHz sinusoidal
electrical input signal shall be adjusted to produce an indication of the reference sound
pressure level on the reference level range with time weighting F. The A-weighted sound level
shall be recorded. With the same input signal, the A-weighted sound level indicated with time
weighting S shall then be recorded.

S.1 1.4 The deviation of the sound level measured with time weighting S from the sound level
measured with time weighting F, extended by the actual expanded uncertainties of
measurement, shall be within the tolerance limits of 5.7.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.12 TQneburst response for sound level meters

that measure time-weighted sound level

9.12.1 Toneburst response for sound level meters that measure F- and S-time-weighted
sound levels shall be tested using 4 kHz sinusoidal electrical signals on the reference level

9.12.2 Toneburst response tests shall begin with a steady signal applied to the sound level
meter set for frequency weighting A. With time weighting F, the input signal shall be adjusted to
give an indication that is 3 dB less than the upper limit specified for the linear operating range.
The indication of F-time-weighted sound level shall be recorded. The process shall be repeated
to obtain the same indication for S-time-weighted sound level, if applicable.

9.12.3 Tonebursts, extracted from the steady signal, then shall be applied for all toneburst
durations given in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for time F and S, as available. The
indications of maximum sound levels in response to the tonebursts shall be recorded.

9.12.4 Toneburst response tests shall be repeated with the indicated level of the steady signal
reduced in s eps of 20 dB starting from the indication established in 9.12,2. The 20 dB steps
shall be rep & ed until the final step would indicate a sound level that is less than 20 dB above
the lower limit specified for the linear operating range. Toneburst responses also shall be
measured for a steady signal that produces an indication that is 10 dB greater than the lower
limit specified for the linear operating range.

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IEC 61672-2 (2003)

At each step, the indications of F-time-weighted and S-time-weighted sound level of the steady
signal and the corresponding indications of maximum F-time-weighted and maximum S-time-
weighted sound level for the tonebursts shall be recorded, At each step, toneburst responses
shall be tested for all toneburst durations in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for which maximum
F-time-weighted and maximum S-time-weighted sound levels are indicated.

9.12.5 Tests of toneburst response also shall be performed with the indicated level of the
steady signal increased, in steps of 1 dB above the signal level established in 9.12.2, until the
first indication of overload. The durations of the tonebursts shall be the shortest applicable
durations from Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for F and S time weighings.

9.12.6 Measurements of toneburst responses shall be calculated from the maximum F-time-
weighted and maximum S-time-weighted sound levels indicated for the toneburst signals minus
the F-time-weighted and S-time-weighted sound levels indicated for the corresponding steady

9.12.7 Deviations of measured toneburst responses from the corresponding reference

toneburst responses given in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 shall be extended by the actual
expanded uncertainties of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the
applicable tolerance .Iimits given in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:21302 as long as the toneburst
responses can be observed on the display device with indications that -are at least 16 dB
greater than the greatest anticipated A-weighted level of self-generated noise specified in the
instruction manual.

9.13 Tor?eburst response for sound level meters that measure

sound exposure level or time-average sound level

9.13.1 Toneburst response for sound level meters that measure sound exposure level or
time-average sound level, or both, shall be tested using 4 kHz sinusoidal electrical signals on
the reference level range. If cmly sound exposure levels are measured, time-average sound
levels for the steady signal shall be calculated from the measurements of sound exposure level
and integration time. If only time-average sound levels are measured, the sound exposure
levels of the tonebursts shall be calculated from the measurements of time-average sound
level and averaging time.

9.13.2 Toneburst response tests shall begin with a steady signal applied to the sound level
meter set for frequency weighting A. The input signal shall be adjusted to give an indication
that is 3 dB less than the upper limit specified for the linear operating range. If the sound level
meter only displays sound exposure level, the input signal shall be adjusted to obtain an
indication of a sound exposure level for which the corresponding time-average sound level
is as specified. An integration time of 10 s is recommended for which, by Equation (5b) of
IEC 61672-1:2002, the sound exposure level is 10 dB greater than the corresponding time-
average sound level. The time-average sound level and averaging time, or sound exposure
level and integration time, shall be recorded. If provided, averaging times or integration times
shall be those indicated on the display device.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.13,3 Tonebursts, extracted from the steady signal, shall be applied for all toneburst
durations specified in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for sound exposure levels. For each test,
the indication of sound exposure level, or time-average sound level and averaging time, shall
be recorded. Integration times for indications of sound exposure level shall be long enough to
include all contributions from a toneburst. If only time-average sound level is displayed by the
sound level meter, then the sound exposure level of a tone burst shall be determined from the
time-average sound level and corresponding averaging time by application of Equation (4) of
IEC 61672-1:2002. Averaging times for measurements of time-average sound level shall .be
greater than the duration of a toneburst.

9.13.4 Toneburst response tests shall be repeated with the indicated level of the steady signal
reduced in steps of 20 dB starting from the indication established in 9.13.2. The 20 dB steps
shall be repeated until the next step would indicate a time-average level that is less than 20 dB
above the lower limit specified ‘for the linear operating range. Toneburst responses also shall
be measu~ed for a steady signal that produces an indication that is 10 dB greater than the
lower limit specified for the linear operating range. At each step, the indication of the time-
average sound level of the steady signal and the indication of the sound exposure level of the
toneburst shall be recorded. Toneburst responses shall be measured for all toneburst durations
in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for which sound exposure levels or time-average sound levels
are indicated.

9.13.5 Tests of toneburst response shall also be performed with the indicated level of the
steady signal increased, in steps of 1 dB above the signal level established for 9.13.2, until
the first indication of overload. The duration of the tonebursts shall be 0,25 ms.

-9.13.6 Measurements of toneburst responses shall be calculated from the sound exposure
levels indicated or calculated for the toneburst signals minus the time-average sound levels
indicated or calculated for the-corresponding steady signals.

9.13.7 Deviations of measured toneburst responses from the corresponding reference

toneburst responses given in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 shall be extended by the actual
expanded uncertainties of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the
applicable tolerance limits given in Table 3 of tEC 61672-1:2002.

9.14 Response to sequences of repeated tonebursts for sound level meters that
measure time-average sound level

9.14.1 For sound level meters that measure time-average sound level, the response to
sequences of repeated 4 kHz sinusoidal electrical tonebursts shall be tested on the reference
level range.

9.14.2 Tests of responses to sequences of repeated tonebursts shall begin with a steady
signal applied to the sound level meter set for frequency weighting A. The input signal shall be
adjusted to give an indication of time-average sound level that is 3 dB less than the upper limit
specified for the linear operating range. The time-average sound level and the corresponding
averaging time shall be recorded.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.’t4.3 Sequences of tonebursts shall be extracted from the steady signal. Single ton-ebursts
in sequences of repeated tonebursts shall have the durations specified for sound exposure
levels in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002. Each sequence of repeated tonebursts shall contain a
sufficient number of tonebursts to provide a stable measure of time-average sound level. Each
individual toneburst in a sequence shall begin and end on a zero crossing. The time between
individual tonebursts in a sequence shall be at least three times the duration of an individual
toneburst. Time-average sound levels shall be recorded for each sequence. The averaging
time shall be that used to determine the time-average sound level of-the steady signal.

9.14.4 Tests of responses to sequences of repeated tonebursts shall be repeated with a

steady input signal that produces an indication of time-average sound level that is 10 dB
greater than the lower limit specified for the linear operating range. Tests of responses to
sequences of repeated tonebursts shall be performed for all individual toneburst durations
specified for sound exposure levels in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 that give indications of
time-average sound levels. The time-average sound levels and the corresponding averaging
times -shall be recorded for the steady signals and the sequences of repeated tonebursts.

9.14.5 Measurements of the response to a sequence of repeated tonebursts shall be

calculated from the time-average sound level of the sequence minus the time-average sound
level of the corresponding steady signal.

9.14.6 Deviations of the measured respcmses to sequences of repeated ‘tonebursts from the
corresponding theoretical toneburst responses shall be extended by the actual expanded
uncertainties of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be within the applicable tolerance
limits given in Table 3 of IEC 61672-1:2002 for sound exposure }evel. Theoretical responses
shall be determined by means of Equation (17) in IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.15 Overload indication

“9.1 5.1 Overload indication is partially tested during measurements of level linearity and tone-
burst response. Additional cwerioad indication tests are described here.

9.15.2 Overload indications shall be tested on the reference level range with the sound level
meter set to display A-weighted, time-weighted sound level or A-weighted, time-average sound
level. The overload indication for time-weighted sound levels shall be verified for the F time
weighting and, if provided, for the S time weighting. Positive and negative one-half-cycle
sinusoidal electrical signals at frequencies of 31,5 Hz, 1 kklz, and 4 kHz shall be used. At each
test frequency, the one-half-cycle signals shall be extracted from steady signals of the same
signal level and shall begin and end at zero crossings.

9.15.3 At each test frequency, the test for overload indication shall begin at the indicated
time-weighted or time-average level of the steady input signal corresponding to 1 dB less than
the upper limit specified for the linear operatrng range. The level of the positive one-hatf-cycle
input signals, extracted from the steady signal, shall be increased in steps of 0,1 dB until the
first indication of overload. The process shall be repeated for negative one-half-cycle signals.
The levels of the one-half-cycle input signals that produced the first indications of overload
shall be recorded to a tenth of a decibel.

NOTE Relative levels of the one-half-cycle input signals may ‘be determined from the setting of an input

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.15.4 Measurements of overload indication with positive and negative one-half-cycle signals
shall be repeated with the sound level meter set to measure peak C sound levels, if available.

9.15.5 The differences between the positive and negative one-half-cycle input sgnals that
first caused the displays of overload indication shall be extended by the actual expantid
uncertainties of measurement. Each extended difference shall be within the tolerance limits
of 5.10.3 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.15.6 Where the sound level m“eter is used to measure F- or S-time-weighted sound levels, it
shall be verified that the overload indication is displayed as specified in 5.10.4 of IEC
61672-1:2002. When time-average sound levels, sound exposure levels, maximum sound
levels, or peak -C sound levels are measured, it shall be verified that the overload indicator
latches on as specified in 5.10.5 of IEC 61672-1:2002 when an overload condition occurs.

9.16 Peak C sound level

9.16.1 Indications of peak C sound level shall be tested with steady sinusoidal electrical
signals, and with one-cycle and one-half-cycle electrical signals. The one-cycle and one-half-
cycle signals shall be those described in Table 4 of IEC 61672-1:2002 and shall be extracted
from the steady signals. One-cycle and one-half-cycle signals shall begin and end on a zero

9.16.2 On the reference and least sensitive level ranges, measurements of peak C sound
level shall be tested at the level of three steady input signals. One steady input signal is that
which gives an indication of C-weighted, F-time-weighted sound level or ‘C-weighted, time-
average sound level that is 4 dB less than the upper limit specified in the instruction manual for
the peak level range. The second steady input signal is that which gives an indication -of
C-weighted s-ound level that is 1 dB greater than the lower limit specified for the peak level
range. The third steady input signal is that which produces an indication midway, to the nearest
1 dB, between the C-weighted sound levels specified in the instruction manual for the upper
and lower limits of the peak level range.

9.16.3 For the three signal levels specified in 9.16.2, peak C sound levels shall be measured
for the one-cycle and one-half-cycle signals specified in Table 4 of IEC 61672-1:20.02. Time-
average or F-time-weighted sound levels shall be measured for the corresponding steady
signals. The differences shall be calculated between the indications of peak C sound level for
the one-cycle and the one-half-cycle signals and the indications of time-average .or F-time-
weighted sound level of the corresponding steady signals.

9.16.4 Deviations of the measured differences between peak C sound levels and the
corresponding steady-signal sound levels from the corresponding design-goal differences
specified in Table 4 of IEC 61672-1:2002 shall be extended by the actual expanded
uncertainties of measurement. -Each extended deviation shall be within the.applicable tolerance
limits given in Table 4 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

IS 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

9.16.5 It shall be verified that no overload indication is present for all measurements of
peak C sound levels made in accordance with the procedure described above.

9.17 Reset

Where provided, it shall be verified that operation of the reset facility cancels the previous
indication on the display device, It shall also be verified that operation of the reset facility does
not give rise to spurious indications on any display device.

9.18 Electrical output

A 1 kHz sinusoidal electrical signal shall be applied to the electrical input facility of the sound
I.evel meter. The sound level meter shall be set to measure A-weighted, F-time-weighted sound
level or A-weighted, time-average sound level. The signal shall be adjusted to produce an
indication of the reference sound pressure level on the reference level range and the indication
recorded, A short circuit shall then be applied in turn across all analogue electrical outputs
and the indications recorded. The difference between the indicated sound levels, extended
by the actual expanded uncertainties of measurement, shall be within the tolerance limits
specified in 5.16.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

9.19 Timing facilities

The minimum averaging time for measurement of time-average sound level, or the minimum
integration time for measurement of sound exposure level, shall be verified to be not greater
than the minimum times stated in the instruction manual. The maximum averaging time or
integration time shall be verified to be not less than the maximum times stated in the
instruction manual.

NOTE The maximum averaging or integration time to be verified under this standard should not exceed 24 h.

9.20 Crosstalk in multi-channel sound level meter systems

9.20.1 Crosstalk between any pair of channels of a multi-channel system shall be tested with
steady electrical signals applied to the electrical input facility of one channel of the pair at
frequencies of 31,5 Hz, 1 kHz, and 8 kHz.

9.20.2 At each test frequency, the input signal shall be adjusted to indicate the upper limit
stated in the instruction manual for the linear operating range. The signal level indicated for the
channel and for all other channels shall be recorded. The differences in the indicated signal
levels shall be not less than the applicable minimum difference specified in 5.19.2 of
IE:C 61672-1:2002. The frequency weighting shall be the C -or Z weighting or, if necessary,
the A weighting.

9.21 Power supply

The sound level meter shall first be tested with its power supply delivering the nominal voltage
specified in the instruction manual. With the sound calibrator supplied with the sound level
meter applied to the microphone and the sound level meter set for the reference level range,
the indication of A-weighted, F-time-weighted sound level or A-weighted, time-average sound
level shall be recorded. The test shall be repeated with the power supply delivering the
maximum voltage and then the minimum voltage specified in the instruction manual. The
deviations of the sound level indicated at the maximum voltage and at the minimum voltage
from the sound level indicated at the nominal voltage shall be extended by the actual expanded
uncertainties of measurement. Each extended deviation shall be ‘within the tolerance limits
given in 5.20.2 of IEC 61672-1:2002.

NOTE The term “power supply” includes .batteries,

K 15575 (Part 2) :2005
IEC 61672-2 (2003)

10 Pattern evaluation report

10.1 For each sound level meter that is tested, the pattern evaluation report shall give full
details of the configuration that was tested rncluding the windscreen and accessories that were
installed, sound level meter orientations, test conditions including environmental conditions,
and test results. Actual expanded uncertainties of measurement shall be given for each test
result. A standard format is preferred for reporting the results of the pattern evaluation tests.

NOTE A standard format for reporting the results of pattern evaluation tests is expected to be an additional part
of IEC 61672,

10.2 The test report shall state that the model of the complete sound level meter conforms to,
or does not conform to, the mandatory specifications of IEC 61672-1 for the stated
performance class and hence whether the pattern for the model of the sound level meter is, or
is not, approved. If the model of the sound level meter is pattern approved, notice of such
approval should be made publicly available for use during subsequent periodic tests.

10.3 The additional test information noted in Clause 8 of IEC 61000-4-3:2002 shall be
included in the test report. The report shall describe any temporary degradation in perform-
ance, loss of function, or loss of data noted at the end of a series of tests with electrostatic
discharges, a.c. power frequency fields, or radio-frequency fields.

(Continued.from second cover)

The concerned Technical Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has reviewed the
provisions of the following International Standards and has decided that these are acceptable for use in
conjunction with this standard:
International Standard Title

IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-2: Testing and measurement
techniques — Electrostatic discharge immunity test —.Basic EMC Publication

IEC 6 000-4-3 (2002) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-3: Testing and measurement
techniques — Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test —
Basic EMC Publication

IEC 6 000-4-6 (2001 ) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-6: Testing and measurement
techniques — Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency
fields — Basic EMC Publication

IEC 61094-1 (2001) Measurement microphones — Part 1 : Specifications for laboratory standard

IEC 61183 (1994) Electroacoustics — Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level

CISPR 16-1 (1999) Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and
methods — Part 1 : Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus

CISPR 22 (1997) Information technology equipment — Radio disturbance characteristics — Limits

and methods of measurement

ISO Publication International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology

ISBN 92-67-01075-1

ISO Express Guide : Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement


Only the English language text in the International Standard has been retained while adopting it in this
Bureau of Indian Standards

61S is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of /ndkm Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


61S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or gcade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates
that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the tatest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. LTD 5 (2024),

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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