STD.4507 Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing PDF
STD.4507 Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing PDF
STD.4507 Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing PDF
Engineering Standards and Specifications Pipeline
This standard defines requirements for pressure testing of new and existing pipelines, pump
stations, terminals, and other related pipeline facilities to substantiate the Maximum Allowable
Operating Pressure (MAOP) or the Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP), and to assist in
verifying the integrity of steel pipelines.
1.1. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
49 CFR 192 Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline
49 CFR 195 Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline
(2) No Enterprise facility may be placed in pressure service without first having been tested in
accordance with this procedure except that pressure testing is not required for a single component
(new) other than pipe that is added or replaced if the manufacturer certified either:
a. The component was hydrostatically tested to at least the minimum test pressure required
below; or
b. The component was manufactured using a quality control system ensuring each item
manufactured is at least equal in strength to a prototype that was tested to at least the
minimum test pressure required below.
(1) Personnel safety and environmental concerns shall be considered during the planning and during all
phases of a pressure test.
(2) No personnel shall be in the ditch during pressuring or within the testing area if the pressure is above
50 percent of SMYS.
(3) There shall be no public/contractor personnel or equipment working over a test section after the test
pressure has exceeded the operating pressure.
(4) Test equipment and personnel shall be positioned to minimize potential hazards. Typical positioning
should include a barrier between the test equipment and test manifold and/or placement of test
equipment a minimum distance of 50 feet from the test manifold. Personnel performing the test
should approach the pressured line only in the performance of their duties.
(5) Local authorities, governmental agencies, potential emergency response personnel, and landowners
along the right-of-way should be notified as applicable prior to the test.
(6) Provide and maintain reliable communication equipment during pressure testing so that all personnel
directly involved may communicate.
(7) All pressure must be reduced to static pressure prior to tightening of flanges or screwed fittings.
(8) When filling, if high pressure hose is not used, adequate support and bracing shall be provided for the
rigid piping used in connecting to the facility to be tested to avoid whipping.
(9) After the test is complete, adequate support and bracing shall be provided for the dewatering line and
extreme caution shall be taken when deflectors such as ells are used.
(10) When required, an enclosed, lighted, heated, and/or air-conditioned shelter sized to house test
recording equipment and test personnel at the data procurement site of each test section shall be
provided. Adequate lighting shall be available for testing operations performed at night.
(2) The filter system shall be equipped with valves, gauges, and fittings sufficient to allow any necessary
backwashing and to monitor the differential pressure across the filter and positive pressure on the
discharge side of the filter.
(3) Water suction lines shall also be equipped with a filter screen to ensure no solids or debris is
introduced into the test section.
(2) Certification documents shall be provided to the Company Representative by the Contractor prior to
(3) The temperature recorder(s) shall be located so that they will not be affected by the injection of water
used to pressure the segment to be tested.
(4) The temperature probe shall be taped to the pipe and connected to the temperature recorder. For
below ground tests, the temperature probes shall be buried. For aboveground tests, appropriate
measures shall be taken to ensure the temperature probe is insulated and shielded from ambient
conditions to better reflect the temperature of the water in the pipe and not ambient temperatures.
(5) When test water temperature is significantly different from ground temperature, consideration should
be given to locating one recorder at each end of the segment being tested, and the bulbs insulated
from the surrounding soil with a suitable insulation.
(6) Compare the temperature readings against a certified thermometer immediately before beginning the
(7) The serial number shall be clearly indicated on the temperature recorder.
(8) Ambient temperature can be monitored using a test thermometer as long as it is of laboratory grade
with a range from 0°F to 120°F, and have 1°F divisions. Keep the thermometer shaded.
6.10 Tracer
Consider adding fluorescent dye or sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) – a colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-
flammable greenhouse gas to the fill water to aid with locating of leaks.
Permits shall be acquired for the use and/or discharge of hydrostatic test water per Enterprise
Environmental Practice PRA-WW-5a Hydrostatic Test Discharge Permitting – Pipelines and all
applicable Company procedures referenced therein.
8.2 Filling
(1) Prior to filling the test section, ensure that valves, flanges, closures or bull plugs at the high point are
set to an appropriate position (open, closed, or partially open) to bleed all air out during filling, and
that all instrument tubing has been disconnected.
(2) Fill water shall be obtained only from approved sources.
(3) As per environmental permit requirements, arrange with an approved contract laboratory to collect a
sample of the fill water prior to filling the test section. Requested analysis will be dependent on the
state the test is being conducted in and if the section is new or used as well as the final discharge
water quality limitations.
(4) Fill the pipeline section with water at a continuous rate. Should the fill stop at any time due to
uncontrollable circumstances, the fill line shall be purged of air. Care shall be taken to ensure that no
excess air is entrapped in the pipeline.
(5) The pipeline and components shall be completely filled with clean water from a source approved by
the Company, free of silt, trash or any substance that might be injurious to the system.
(6) All fill pump filter apparatus back flushing operations and test media shall be properly disposed of
without damage to land or contamination to the water source. Monitor the gauges on the filter for any
differential pressure across the filter and positive pressure on the discharge side of the filter.
(7) Measure the quantity of fill water pumped into the pipeline. Consider monitoring the pressure and
temperature of the test medium during the filling operation.
(8) During the filling process, construct dewatering piping (but do not connect) and water and sediment
containment/filtration facilities as provided in the water discharge permit.
8.3 Pressuring
(1) Prior to pressuring, ensure that the public, environment and Company personnel are secured. The test
area should be secured with visible tape or fence materials and with visible signs indicating hazardous
(2) The stabilization period shall begin after the fill operation is complete. Sufficient time shall be
allowed for the temperature of the pipe, test medium and backfill (if any) to become relatively stable.
Verify stabilization by comparing temperature readings taken from the temperature probes at the pipe
and in the ground. Verify that all valves and components are in the proper orientation prior to
(3) After the stabilization period, the test section shall be pressurized to the test pressure with caution,
recognizing the possibility of failure of the piping or equipment or the potential over-pressurization of
the pipe. Meter and record the volume of water pumped into the test section during pressurization.
(4) For pipeline test sections which are not 100 percent visible for tests pressures above 90% SMYS, the
Company Representative will make a plot of the pressure versus volume of water being injected into
the test section. Refer to section 9.0 of this standard, Stroke – Pressure Plot.
(5) Pressurize the pipeline at a uniform rate, which can be maintained until test pressure is reached, and at
a reasonable rate which allows accurate pressure readings and proper collection of data. Any abrupt
changes or breaks on the charts should be labeled as to the cause, at that point on the face of the chart.
Pressure charts should have the dead weight pressures noted at the beginning and end of the test.
(4) Test pressures and ambient temperatures should be recorded at approximately 15 minute intervals for
the entire test period. All information shall be recorded in ink in a neat and legible manner on the
Form 4507. The form shall incorporate all pertinent information relating to the particular test.
During all phases of pressuring, repressuring, and bleeding, an accurate log of time, pressures,
strokes, and temperatures shall also be recorded in a similar manner.
(5) The pressure and temperature recorders shall be operated throughout the test period including the
pressuring, the test duration, and the bleed down.
(2) An initial evaluation shall be conducted. The initial evaluation may consist of the following:
a. Visual inspection of the failure location to note general ROW condition, geographic
characteristics of the location, and any unusual or possibly contributing factors such as water
accumulation, other pipelines/utilities in the area, highway crossings, indications of land
movement, third-party equipment/activity in the area, and obstacles to excavation safety.
b. Visual and NDE inspection of the pipe/component at the failure location to note steel
condition (corrosion attack, gouges, dents, discoloration, etc.), external coating condition
(disbonded, damaged, missing, etc.), appearance of the leak/rupture (small hole, longitudinal
crack, circumferential crack, etc.), orientation of the leak/rupture (o’clock position), location
of the leak/rupture (pipe body, longitudinal weld, girth weld, component body, etc.), any
solids/liquids located around the pipe/component, and any solids/liquids inside the
c. Photographic evidence should be collected to document the failure site and other pertinent
details regarding the failure. This should be made in place before the sample has been
removed from the ditch. Mark each photograph with the Line Name, Line ID No. and the
Asmt No., as well as the date and time the photograph was taken.
(3) Subsequent to the initial location evaluation, activities can begin to repair or replace the failed
pipe/component. All repair activities should follow STD.9006 Pipeline Defect Evaluation and Repair
(4) For pre-in service hydrostatic tests, all pipe failures must undergo a root cause failure analysis to
include a metallurgical examination of the failed pipe.
(5) For in-service systems, metallurgical examination is required for hydrostatic test failures unless a
waiver has been obtained and approved per Enterprise STD.0002 section 9.0 Specification Waivers.
plot shall begin prior or equal to 200 psig below the anticipated ending test pressure or after reaching
80% of the anticipated final test pressure. The test section is to be pressured with the pump operated
continuously at the determined stroke rate. It is most important that full attention be given to
maintaining a constant pump rate. Observation of a tachometer or counting strokes versus time and
small throttle adjustments may be needed to achieve a constant rate. The constant rate shall be
maintained throughout preparation of the stroke-pressure plot.
(2) A continuous plot shall be made of pump stroke versus pressure during at least the last 200 psig of
pressuring to the anticipated ending test pressure, after reaching 80% of the anticipated final test
pressure, or if the pipe properties are unknown. The yield level is defined as that point along the
stroke pressure plot at which the number of strokes per pound of pressure rise is equal to twice the
number of strokes per pound of pressure rise experienced prior to initial deviation and the yield is
determined by using the pressure at the highest elevation within the test section. (See Figure 1) Pump
strokes in excess of that determined for a constant pressure rise could be indicative of a leak. Pump
strokes versus pressure shall be indicated as a plot point at 10 psig intervals in whole multiples of 10.
Stroke readings shall be indicated at each plot point. Time in hours, minutes, and seconds shall be
indicated at the beginning and ending points as well as intermediate points at 50 psig intervals.
(3) Gear ratios and throttle setting for the pressure pump should be set so that speed changes will not be
necessary during the plot. The recommended rate of pressure increase during pressuring is 10
psig/minute or less.
(4) The pressure pump should be stopped when double stroking occurs or if a specified maximum test
pressure is reached. If double stroking (yielding) occurs before the specified minimum test pressure
is reached, the Company Representative and the Test Director shall determine whether to proceed
with increasing the pressure, revising the specified minimum test pressure to the double stroke
pressure, or other alternatives such as running a post-test deformation smart pig to detect pipe that has
been expanded.
pressure. The volume of water added or removed shall be either measured or calculated and
(8) The test section shall be pigged, if required, during the dewatering stage to assure that all test water is
removed. Especially in the case of the aboveground test, the test section shall be completely
dewatered as this section will be tied into an existing facility or pipeline and will not be tested again
as would a pre-tested section
(3) For in-service pipelines, the Company Representative shall also ensure the hydrotest is reviewed and
certified by a Professional Engineer (PE) unless a waiver has been obtained and approved per
Enterprise STD.0002 section 9.0 Specification Waivers. This requirement does not apply to pre-
testing of pipe or testing of newly fabricated segments.
a. The PE review will be performed as a project Quality Assurance/Quality Control and will most
likely occur after the project field work has been completed. The PE review is not required prior
to dewatering and placing the line back into service.
b. Upon completion of the PE review, the Company Representative and Test Director shall also
perform a quality control review of the entire test package and any documents provided by the
PE. Refer to section 15.1 of this standard for a list of items to be reviewed.
(4) An approved specification waiver per Enterprise STD.0002 Section 9.0 is required for exceptions to
the above requirements for an acceptable pressure test.
approved by the Test Director. The Project Name, Project Number, and Line Identification are to be
included on ALL documentation. At minimum, the following reports shall be provided:
15.1 Final Test Report
(1) A final test report shall be prepared and filed per Enterprise Standard STD.0250 Project Records
Management. The test report shall be retained for the useful life of the pipeline and shall include the
originals of all test forms, recorder charts, etc. The Company’s Test Director shall be responsible for
documenting and filing the test reports and records.
(2) The following information shall be included and clearly labeled with the test report:
a. Recorder serial number.
b. The original pressure chart shall be signed after successful completion of the test by the Company
Representative present during the test.
c. AFE number and name of job.
d. Test reports on plants shall include a piping drawing showing what piping is included in each test.
e. Where elevation differences in the section under test exceed 100 ft, a profile of the pipeline that
shows the elevation and test sites over the entire length of the test station.
f. Calibration data and independent party certification of test equipment.
g. Start time and date of “on” test with initial pressure.
h. End time and date of “off” test with final pressure.
i. Description of test section, to include pipe data and test section number.
j. Pressuring, leak test, start of plot (if applicable), and bleed down.
k. Test Site Location and Stations.
l. Pressure of any anomalies on chart with comment.
m. The name of the operator, the name of the person responsible for making the test and the name of
the test company used (contractor – where applicable).
n. An explanation of any pressure discontinuities, including test failures.
o. In the case of a test failure, location, description, time and date of the failure, failure pressure,
cause (if known), method of repair, any metallurgical analysis report and disposition of failed
p. Description of the test medium, source of the test medium and any additives used with it.
q. Other records as determined by the operator or required by regulation or law.
(3) The following records should also be maintained with the test report following any pressure test:
a. Sketch and/or profile drawing of the pipe or pipeline being tested including equipment location
and stationing.
Pipelines 8 hours 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
double deviation
Compressor station piping, metering 8 hours 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
facilities, offshore risers and storage double deviation
field facilities
Above Ground and Pretest 8 hours 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
double deviation
Stations and Terminals As Determined by the Test Director
Pipelines Operating with an MAOP 1 hour 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
<30% of SMYS, at or above 100 psig double deviation
Fabrications and short sections of 4 hours or 8 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
pipe per 192.505(e)** hours double deviation
Pipelines Class 1 or 2 locations 8 hours 1.25 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
double deviation
Pipelines in Class 3 or 4 locations, 8 hours 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
storage fields, facilities † double deviation
Compressor station yard piping , 8 hours 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
metering facilities, and offshore risers double deviation
Pipelines Operating with an MAOP 1 hour 1.5 X MAOP The lesser of 110% SMYS or
<30% of SMYS, at or above 100 psig double deviation
A component other than pipe does not need to be hydrotested if it is the only item being replaced or added to the
pipeline system and complete records have been provided to confirm that the component was hydrostatically tested at
the mill.
Form 4507
STD.4507 Appendix