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Optical Fiber': A Seminar Report ON

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Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of Award of Degree of

M.Sc. (Electronics)

Submitted By :-


M.Sc. (Electronics)

Roll No- 7071204

Submitted to :-

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

University Institute of Engineering and Technology

C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur

Session: 2018-19



This is to Certify that the seminar entitled is “OPTICAL FIBER” has been
submitted by KAUSHLENDRA SINGH under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the
degree of the master of science in “ELECTRONICS” from UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE
the academic year 2018-19.

Dr. Ram Janma Dr. Ajay Tiwari Er. Neeraj Kumar

(Seminar Guide) (Seminar Incharge) (Head of Department)

(Department of Physics) (Department of ECE) (Department of ECE)


It is matter of great pleasure for me to submit this seminar report on “OPTICAL

FIBER”, as a part of curriculum for award of “Master of Science in Electronics and
Communication Engineering”, from University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
C.S.J.M. University Kanpur.

My heartfelt thanks to my seminar guide Dr. Ram Janma for him constant
encouragement and guidance. I am so thankful to Dr. Ajay Tiwari who are the incharge of
seminar, for their valuable support.

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude towards those, who have
helped me in various ways, for preparing my seminar. Last but not least, I am thanksful to my
parents, who had encouraged and inspired me with their blessing.

I am thankful to all my friends for their valuable support.


M.Sc. (Electronics)


Optical fiber (or "fiber optic") refers to the medium and the technology associated
with the transmission of information as light pulses along a glass or plastic wire or fiber.
Optical fiber carries much more information than conventional copper wire and is in general
not subject to electromagnetic interference and the need to retransmit signals. Most telephone
company long-distance lines are now of optical fiber.

Transmission on optical fiber wire requires repeaters at distance intervals. The glass
fiber requires more protection within an outer cable than copper. For these reasons and
because the installation of any new wiring is labor-intensive, few communities yet have
optical fiber wires or cables from the phone company's branch office to local customers
(known as local loops).

Optical fiber consists of a core, cladding, and a protective outer coating, which guide
light along the core by total internal reflection. The core, and the higher-refractive-index
cladding, are typically made of high-quality silica glass, though they can both be made of
plastic as well. An optical fiber can break if bent too sharply. Due to the microscopic
precision required to align the fiber cores, connecting two optical fibers, whether done by
fusion splicing or mechanical splicing, requires special skills and interconnection technology.

Two main categories of optical fiber used in fiber optic communications are multi-
mode optical fiber and single-mode optical fiber. Multimode fiber has a larger core allowing
less precise, cheaper transmitters and receivers to connect to it as well as cheaper connectors.







1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 History of Optical Fiber 2

3.0 Construction of Optical Fiber 4

4.0 Guiding Mechanism in Optical Fiber 5

5.0 Basic Components of OFC 6

5.1 Transmitter 6

5.2 Fiber 6

5.3 Receiver 6

5.4 Process 6

6.0 Principle of optical transmission 7

6.1 Refractive Index 7

6.2 Snell’s Law 7

6.3 Critical Angle 7

6.4 Total Internal Reflection 8

6.5 Acceptance Cone 10

6.6 Numerical Aperture 10

7.0 Advantage of optical fiber communication 12

8.0 Dispersion 14

8.1 Material 14

8.2 Mode 14

8.3 Waveguide 14

9.0 Attenuation 15

9.1 Absorption loss 16

9.2 Light Scattering 16

9.3 Bending loss 17

10.0 Fiber 18

10.1 Multi Mode 18

10.2 Single Index 19

11.0 Limitations of Optical Fiber Technology 19

12.0 Application 20

12.1 Future Applications of Optical Fiber Communication 21

13.0 Optical Fiber Fabrication 22

13.1 OVD Process 23

13.2 VAD Process 23

13.3 MCVD Process 23





1. Bundle of Optical Fiber 1

2. TIR of Light Beam in Water Flowing 2
3. Optical Voice Transmission 2
4. Movement of Light Beam in Fiber 3
5. Wavelength Spectrum 3
6. Construction of Fiber 4
7. Mechanism of Light Wave Guide 5
8. Basic Components of an Optical Fiber 6
9. Snell’s Law 7
10. Critical Angle 8
11. Total Internal Reflection in Fiber 8
12. Optical Rays leaks out from Core 9
13. Optical Rays Reflected back due to TIR 9
14. Acceptance Cone 10
15. Numerical Aperture 10
16. Effect of Dispersion 14
17. Fiber Infrared Absorption Spectrum 15
18. Scattering Process 16
19. Bending Loss 17
20. Multimode Step-Index Fiber 18
21. Multimode Graded-Index Fiber 18
22. Single-Mode Fiber 19
23. Optical Fiber Fabricarion 22


Our current “age of technology” is the result of many brilliant inventions and
discoveries, but it is our ability to transmit information, and the media we use to do it, that is
perhaps most responsible for its evolution. Progressing from the copper wire of a century ago
to today’s fiber optic cable, our increasing ability to transmit more information, more quickly
and over longer distances has expanded the boundaries of our technological
developm nt in all areas. An optical fiber (or fiber) is a glass or plastic fiber that carries light
along its length. Fiber optics is the overlap of applied science and engineering concerned
with the design and application of optical fibers. Optical fibers are widely used in fiber optic
communications, which permits transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths
(data rates) because light has high frequency than any other form of radio signal than other
forms of communications. Light is kept in the core of the optical fiber by total internal
reflection. This causes the fiber to act as a wavegui e. Fibers are used instead of metal wires
because signals travel along them with less loss, and they are also immune to electromagnetic
interference, which is caused by thunderstorm. Fibers are also used for illumination, and are
wrapped in bundles so they can be used to carry images, thus allowing viewing in tight
spaces. Specially designed fibers are used for a variety of other applications, including
sensors and fiber lasers.

(Bundle of Optical Fiber)


In 1870, John Tyndall, using a jet of water that flowed from one container to another
and a beam of light, demonstrated that light used internal reflection to follow a specific path.
As water poured out through the spout of the first container, Tyndall directed a beam of
sunlight at the path of the water. The light, as seen by the audience, followed a zigzag path
inside the curved path of the water. This simple experiment, illustrated in Figure, marked the
first research into guided transmission of light.

In the same year, Alexander Graham Bell developed an optical voice transmission
system he called the photo phone. The photo phone used free-space light to carry the human
voice 200 meters. Specially placed mirrors reflected sunlight onto a diaphragm attached
within the mouthpiece of the photo phone. At the other end, mounted within a parabolic
reflector, was a light sensitive selenium resistor.This resistor was connected to a battery that
was, in turn, wired to a telephone receiver. As one spoke into the photo phone, the
illuminated diaphragm vibrated, casting various intensities of light onto the selenium resistor.
The changing intensity of light altered the current that passed through the telephone receiver
which then converted the light back into speech. Bell believed this invention was superior to
the telephone because it did not need wires to connect the transmitter and receiver. Today,
free-space optical links find extensive use in metropolitan applications.

The first practical all-glass fiber was devised by Brian O'Brien at the American
Optical Company and Narinder Kapany (who first coined the term 'fiber optics' in 1956)
and colleagues at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. Early all-glass
fibers experienced excessive optical loss, the loss of the light signal as it traveled the fiber,
limiting transmission distances. In 1969, several scientists concluded that impurities in the
fiber material caused the signal loss in optical fibers. The basic fiber material did not prevent
the light signal from reaching the end of the fiber. These researchers believed it was possible
to reduce the losses in optical fibers by removing the impurities.Jun-ichi Nishizawa, a
Japanese scientist at Tohoku University, was the first to propose the use of optical fibers for
communications in 1963. Nishizawa invented other technologies that contributed to the
development of optical fiber communications as well. Nishizawa invented the graded index
optical fiber in 1964 as a channel for transmitting light from semiconductor lasers over long
distances with low loss.

Below Figure shows three curves. The top, dashed, curve corresponds to early 1980's
fiber, the middle, dotted, curve corresponds to late 1980's fiber, and the bottom, solid, and
curve corresponds to modern optical fiber. The earliest fiber optic systems were developed at
an operating wavelength of about 850 nm. This wavelength corresponds to the so- called 'first
window' in a silica-based optical fiber. This window refers to a wavelength region that offers
low optical loss. As technology progressed; the first window became less attractive because
of its relatively high loss. Then companies jumped to the 'second window' at 1310 nm with
lower attenuation of about 0.5 dB/km. In late 1977 the 'third window' was developed at 1550
nm. It offered the theoretical minimum optical loss for silica-based fibers. A 'fourth window,'
near 1625 nm, is being developed. While it is not lower loss than the 1550 nm window.

(Wavelenght Spectrum)


An optical fiber is a very thin strand of silica glass in geometry quite like a human
hair. In reality it is a very narrow, very long glass cylinder with special characteristics. When
light enters one end of the fiber it travels (confined within the fiber) until it leaves the fiber at
the other end.

An optical fiber consists of two parts: the core and the cladding. The core is a narrow
cylindrical strand of glass and the cladding is a tubular jacket surrounding it. The core has a
(slightly) higher refractive index than the cladding. Light travelling along the core is confined
by the mirror to stay within it even when the fiber bends around a corner.

A fiber optic cable has an additional coating around the cladding called the jacket.
The jacket usually consists of one or more layers of polymer. Its role is to protect the core
and cladding from shocks that might affect their optical or physical properties. It acts as a
shock absorber. The jacket also provides protection from abrasions, solvents and other
contaminants. The jacket does not have any optical properties that might affect the
propagation of light within the fiber optic cable.

(Construction of Fiber)

Light ray is injected into the fiber optic cable on the right. If the light ray is injected
and strikes the core-to-cladding interface at an angle greater than an entity called the critical
angle then it is reflected back into the core. Since the angle of incidence is always equal to
the angle of reflection the reflected light will again be reflected. The light ray will then
continue this bouncing path down the length of the fiber optic cable. If the light ray
strikes the core-to-cladding interfac at an angle less than the critical angle then it passes into
the cladding where it is attenuated very rapidly with propagation distance. Light can be
guided down the fiber optic cable if it enters at less than the critical angle. This angl is fixed
by the indices of refraction of the core and cladding and is given by the formula:

The critical angle is measured from the cylindrical axis of the core. By way of
example, if n1=1.446 and n2= 1.430 then a quick computation will show that the critical
angle is 8.53 degrees, a fairly small angle.

(Mechanism of Light Wave Guide)

Of course, it be noted that a light ray enters the core from the air outside,to the left of
Figure. The refractive index of the air must be taken into account in order to assure that a
light ray in the core will be at an angle less than the critical angle. This can be done fairly
simply. Suppose a light ray enters the core from the air at an angle less than an entity called
the external acceptance angle It will be guided down the core.


5.1 Transmitters :- Fiber optic transmitters are devices that include an LED or laser source,
and signal conditioning electronics, to inject a signal into fiber. The modulated light may be
turned on or off, or may be linearly varied in intensity between two predetermined levels.

(The Basic Components of an Optical Fiber)

5.2 Fiber :- It is the medium to guide the light form the transmitter to the receiver.

5.3 Receivers :- Fiber optic receivers are instruments that convert light into electrical signals.
They contain a photodiode semiconductor, signal conditioning circuitry, and an amplifier at
the receiver end.

5.4 Process of Optical Fiber Communication :- A serial bit stream in electrical form is
presented to a modulator, which encodes the data appropriately for fiber transmission.

 A light source (laser or Light Emitting Diode - LED) is driven by the modulator and
the light focused into the fiber.
 The light travels down the fiber (during which time it may experience dispersion
and loss of strength).
 At the receiver end the light is fed to a detector and converted to electrical form.
 The signal is then amplified and fed to another detector, which isolates the
individual state changes and their timing. It then decodes the sequence of state
changes and reconstructs the original bit stream.
 The timed bit stream so received may then be fed to a using device


6.1 Index of refraction :- This is the measuring speed of light in respective medium. it is
calculated by dividing speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in material. The RI for
vacuum is 1, for the cladding material of optical fiber it is 1.46, the core value of RI is
1.48(core RI must be more than cladding material RI for transmission. it means signal will
travel around 200 million meters per second. it will 12000 km in only 60 seconds. Other
delay in communication will be due to communication equipment switching and decoding,
encoding the voice of the fiber.

6.2 Snell's Law :- In order to understand ray propagation in a fiber. We need one more law
from high school physics. This is Snell's law.

n1 sin .01 = n2 sin .02

Where n denotes the refractive index of the material.01/02 are angles in respective
medium. Higher Refractive Index means denser medium.

1. When light enters in lighter medium from denser it inclines towards normal.
2. When light enters to normal in denser medium from lighter it inclines away.

6.3 Critical Angle :- If we consider we notice above that as the angle 01 becomes larger and
larger so does the angle 02. Because of the refraction effect 02 becomes larger more quickly
than 01 .At some point 02 will reach 90° while 01 is still well less than that. This is called the
“critical angle”. When 01is increased further then refraction ceases and the light starts to be
reflected rather than refracted. Thus light is perfectly reflected at an interface between two
materials of different refractive index if:

1. The light is incident on the interface from the side of higher refractive index.
2. The angle is greater than a specific value called the “critical angle”. Glass refractive
index is 1.50 (critical angle is 41.8), Diamond critical angle is 24.4 degree.

6.4 Total Internal reflection (TIR) :- When light traveling in a dense medium hits a
boundary at a steep angle (larger than the "critical angle “for the boundary), the light will be
completely reflected. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection.

This effect is used in optical fibers to confine light in the core. Light travels along the
fiber bouncing back and forth off of the boundary; because the light must strike the boundary
with an angle greater than the critical angle, only light that enters the fiber within a certain
range of angles can tra el down the fiber without leaking out.

Total internal reflection occurs when light enters from higher refractive index to
lower refractive index material, i.e from glass to air total possible in air to glass.internal
reflection is possible but it is not possible in air to glass.

Figure-1(optical rays leaks out from core i.e. is loss)

Fig-2 (Optical rays reflected back due to TIR)

If we now consider above Figures we can see the effect of the critical angle within the
fiber. In Figure 2 we see that for rays where angle01 is less than a Critical value then the ray
will propagate along the fiber and will be “bound” within the fiber. In Figure 1 we see that
where the angle 01 is greater than the critical value the ray is refracted into the cladding and
will ultimately be lost outside the fiber. This is loss.

6.5 Acceptance Cone :- When we consider rays entering the fiber from the outside (into the
end face of the Fiber) we see that there is a further complication. The refractive index
difference between the fiber core and the air will cause any arriving ray to be refracted. This
means that there is a maximum angle for a ray arriving at the fiber end face at which the ray
will propagate. Rays arriving at an angle less than this angle will propagate but rays arriving
at a greater angle will not. This angle is not a “critical angle” as that term is reserved for the
case where light arrives from a material of higher RI to one of lower RI. (In this case, the
critical angle is the angle within the fiber.) Thus there is a “cone of acceptance” at the end
face of a fiber. Rays arriving within the cone will propagate and ones arriving outside of it
will not. The size of acceptance cone is function of difference of RI of core and cladding.

(Acceptance Cone)

6.6 Numerical aperture :-

(Numerical Aperture)

One of the most often quoted characteristics of an optical fiber is its “Numerical
Aperture”. The NA is intended as a measure of the light capturing ability of the fiber.
However, it is used for many other purposes. For example it may be used as a measure of the
amount of loss that we might expect on a bend of a particular radius etc.

Figure 2 on shows a ray entering the fiber at an angle close to its axis. This ray will be
refracted and will later encounter the core-cladding interface at an angle such that it will be
reflected. This is because the angle 02 will be greater than the critical angle. The angle is
greater because we are measuring angles from a normal to the core-cladding boundary not a
tangent to it.

Figure 1 on shows a ray entering at a wider angle to the fiber axis. This one will reach
the core-cladding interface at an angle smaller than the critical angle and it will pass into the
cladding. This ray will eventually be lost. It is clear that there is a “cone” of acceptance
(illustrated in Figure 3 ). If a ray enters the fiber at an angle within the cone then it will be
captured and propagate as a bound mode. If a ray enters the fiber at an angle outside the cone
then it will leave the core and eventually leave the fiber itself.

We know that sin 02 =n2/n1

Because 02 is the critical angle

And n0 sin 00 = n1 sin 01 from Snell's Law

Now, cos 01 = sin 02 =n2/n1

We know that sin x = (1 − cos2x )1/2(Rule)

Therefore sin 01 = (1 –n22/n12)1/2

Since n0 = 1 then sin 00 = n1 (1 –n22/n12)1/2

Therefore NA = (n12-n22)1/2

Where n1 = refractive index of the core

n2 = refractive index of the cladding

Typical NA for single-mode fiber is 0.1. For multimode, NA is between 0.2 and
0.3(usually closer to 0.2)

Fiber optic transmission systems a fiber optic transmitter and receiver, Connected by
fiber optic cable offer a wide range of benefits not offered by traditional copper wire or
coaxial cable. These include:

 Less Expensive- First, fiber optics are less expensive than copper wire. This is
because many miles of optical cable are easier and less expensive to install than the
same amount of copper wire or cable.
 Thinner- Fiber optics is thinner than copper wire cables, so they will fit in smaller,
more crowded places. This is important for underground cable systems, like in cities,
where space needs to be shared with sewer pipes, power wires, and subway systems.
 Higher Carrying Capacity- More information can also be carried over fiber optic
systems. This can be especially important for computers, since a computer has to send
so much information at one time. Also, more phone lines can be in one optical fiber.
Many people use the same optical cable for phone conversations at the same time.
 Less signal degradation- Information gets lost over distances an any kind of wire.
But, fiber optic cables don’t lose as much signal (information) as other kinds of wires
and cables.
 Use Light Signals- Because fiber optics use light signals instead of electricity, the
signals don’t interfere with each other. This makes the signals clearer and easier to
 Low Power- Optical fiber signals are created using low-power transmitters because
the signal degrades less (instead of high-power electric transmitters used for copper
wires). Lower power use saves money for users and providers.
 Digital Signals- Computer networks need digital information, since fiber optic cables
send information digitally; they are the best thing to use for computer networks.
 Non-flammable- Since fiber optics send light instead of electricity,fiber optics are
non-flammable. This means there is not a fire hazard. Fiber optics also does not cause
electric shocks, because they do not carry electricity.
 Light weight- Fiber optics is easier to install and transport than copper wires. That
is good news for technicians
 Flexible- Since fiber optics is more flexible, they can go around corners and into
tighter places than traditional cable. This is important in computer and very big office

 Wider bandwidth: The information carrying capacity of a transmission system is
directly proportional to the carrier frequency of the transmitted signals. The optical
carrier frequency is in the range 1013 to 1015 Hz while the radio wave frequency is
about 106 Hz and the microwave frequency is about 1010 Hz. Thus the optical fiber
yields greater transmission bandwidth than the conventional communication systems
and the data rate or number of bits per second is increased to a greater extent in the
optical fiber communication system. Further the wavelength division multiplexing
operation by the data rate or information carrying capacity of optical fibers is
enhanced to many orders of magnitude.
 Low transmission loss: Due to the usage of the ultra low loss fibers and the erbium
doped silica fibers as optical amplifiers, one can achieve almost lossless transmission.
In the modern optical fiber telecommunication systems, the fibers having a
transmission loss Of 0.002 dB/km are used. Further, using erbium doped silica fibers
over a short length in the transmission path at selective points; appropriate optical
amplification can be achieved. Thus the repeater spacing is more than 100 km.
Since the amplification is done in the optical domain itself, the distortion produced
during the strengthening of the signal is almost negligible.
 Dielectric waveguide: Optical fibers are made from silica which is an electrical
insulator. Therefore they do not pickup any electromagnetic wave or any high current
lightning. It is also suitable in explosive environments. Further the optical fibers are
not affected by any interference originating from power cables, railway power lines
and radio waves. There is no cross talk between the fibers even though there are so
many fibers in a cable because of the absence of optical interference between the
 Signal security: The transmitted signal through the fibers does not radiate. Further
the signal cannot be tapped from a fiber in an easy manner. Therefore optical fiber
communication provides hundred per cent signal security.
 Small size and weight: Fiber optic cables are developed with small radii, and they
are flexible, compact and lightweight. The fiber cables can be bent or twisted without
damage. Further, the optical fiber cables are superior to the copper cables in terms of
storage, handling, installation and transportation, maintaining comparable strength
and durability.

Dispersion occurs when a pulse of light is spread out during transmission on the fiber.
A short pulse becomes longer and ultimately joins with the pulse behind, making recovery of
a reliable bit stream impossible. (In most communications systems bits of information are
sent as pulses of light. 1 = light, 0 = dark. But even in analogue transmission systems where
information is sent as a continuous series of changes in the signal, dispersion causes
distortion). There are many kinds of dispersion, each of which works in a different way, but
the most important three are discussed below:

(Effect of Dispersion)

8.1 Material dispersion (chromatic dispersion) :- Both lasers and LEDs produce a range of
optical wavelengths (a band Of light) rather than a single narrow wavelength. The fiber has
different refractive index characteristics at different wavelengths and therefore each
wavelength will travel at a different speed in the fiber. Thus, some wavelengths arrive before
others and a signal pulse disperses (or smears out).

8.2 Intermodal dispersion (Mode Dispersion) :- When using multimode fiber, the light is
able to take many different paths or “modes” as it travels within the fiber. The distance
traveled by light in each mode is different from the distance travelled in other modes. When a
pulse is sent, parts of that pulse (rays or quanta) take many different modes (usually all
available modes). Therefore, some components of the pulse will arrive before others. The
difference between the arrival times of light taking the fastest mode versus the slowest
obviously gets greater as the distance gets greater.

8.3 Waveguide dispersion:- Waveguide dispersion is a very complex effect and is caused by
the shape and index profile of the fiber core. However, this can be controlled by careful
design and, in fact, waveguide dispersion can be used to counteract material dispersion.

Dispersion in different fibers:

Mode dispersion > material dispersion > waveguide dispersion.

Attenuation in fiber optics, also known as transmission loss, is the reduction in
intensity of the light beam with respect to distance travelled through a transmission
medium. Attenuation coefficients in fiber optics usually use units of dB/km through the
medium due to the relatively high quality of transparency of modern optical transmission

Figure:- Fiber Infrared Absorption Spectrum. The lower curve shows the characteristics of a single-mode
fiber made from a glass containing about 4% of germanium dioxide (GeO2) dopant in the core. The
upper curve is for modern graded index multimodefibre. Attenuation in multimode fiber is higher than in
single- mode because higher levels of dopant are used. The peak at around 1400 nm is due to the effects of
traces of water in the glass.

Attenuation in an optical fiber is caused by absorption, scattering, and bending losses.

Attenuation is the loss of optical power as light travels along the fiber. Signal attenuation is
defined as the ratio of optical input power (Pi) to the optical output power (Po). Optical input
power is the power injected into the fiber from an optical source. Optical output power is the
power received at the fiber end or optical detector.

Each mechanism of loss is influenced by fiber-material properties and fiber structure.

However, loss is also present at fiber connections i.e. connector, splice, and coupler losses.

9.1 Absorption loss :- Absorption in optical fibers is explained by three factors:

➢ Imperfections in the atomic structure of the fiber material

➢ The intrinsic or basic fiber-material properties

➢ The extrinsic (presence of impurities) fiber-material properties

Imperfections in the atomic structure induce absorption by the presence of missing

molecules or oxygen defects. Absorption is also induced by the diffusion of hydrogen
molecules into the glass fiber.

Intrinsic Absorption - Intrinsic absorption is caused by basic fiber- material properties. If

an optical fiber were absolutely pure, with no imperfections or impurities, then all absorption
would be intrinsic. Intrinsic absorption sets the minimal level of absorption.

Extrinsic Absorption - Extrinsic absorption is caused by impurities introduced into the fiber
material. Trace metal impurities, such as iron, nickel, and chromium, OH ions are introduced
into the fiber during fabrication. Extrinsic absorption is caused by the electronic transition of
these metal ions from one energy level to another.

9.2 Light scattering- Basically, scattering losses are caused by the interaction of light with
density fluctuations within a fiber. Density changes are produced when optical fibers are
manufactured. During manufacturing, regions of higher and lower molecular density areas,
relative to the average density of the fiber, are created. Light traveling through the fiber
interacts with the density areas as shown in Light is then partially scattered in all direction.

(Scattering process)

In commercial fibers operating between 700-nm and 1600-nm wavelength, the main
source of loss is called Rayleigh scattering.. As the wavelength increases, the loss caused by
Rayleigh scattering decreases. If the size of the defect is greater than one-tenth of the
wavelength of light, the scattering mechanism is called Mie scattering.

9.3 Bending loss :- As light travels along the fiber, it is reflected from the interface between
the core and cladding whenever it strays from the path straight down the Center. When the
fiber is bent, the light only stays in the fiber because of this reflection. But the reflection only
works if the angle of incidence is relatively low. If you bend the fiber too much the light
escapes. The amount of allowable bending is specific to particular cables because it depends
on the difference in refractive index, between core and cladding. The bigger the difference in
refractive index, the tighter the allowable bend radius.

There is a tradeoff here because there are many other reasons that we would like to
keep this difference as small as possible. Two types of losses are there.microbend loss or
macro bend loss. Micro bends losses are small microscopic bends of the fiber axis that occur
mainly when a fiber is cabled. Micro bend losses are caused by small discontinuities or
imperfections in the fiber. External forces are also a source of micro bends.

(Bending loss)

10.0 FIBER
Fiber is the medium to guide the light form the transmitter to the receiver. It is
classified into two types depending on the way the light is transmitted: multimode fiber and
single-mode fiber.

10.1 Multimode Fiber :- Multimode fiber designed to transmit more than one light at a time.
Fiber diameter ranges from 50-to-100 micron. Multimode fibers can be divided in to two
categories Multimode Step-index Fiber and Multimode Graded-index Fiber.In Multimode
Step-index Fiber the lights are sent at angles lower than the critical angle or straight (or
simply the angle is zero). Any light angle exceed the critical angle will cause it to penetrate
through cladding (refracted) and being lost as shown in Figure 9. Obviously light with lower
angle which has less number of reflection, reach the end faster than those with larger angle
and this will result in unstable wave light. To avoid this problem there should be spacing
between the light pulses, but this will limit the bandwidth and because of that it is used for
very short distance.

(Multimode Step-index Fiber)

The Multimode Graded-index Fiber designed to reduce the problem in Multimode

Step-Index fiber by making all the beams reaching the receiver at the same time. This can be
done by slowing down the ones with shorter distance and increasing the speed for ones with
longer distance, see Figure 10. This is done in fiber implementation by increasing its
refractive index at the center and gradually decreases it toward the edges. In the Figure 10 we
can see the light near the edges is curved until it is reflected, this is due to the refraction
caused by the change in density.

(Multimode Graded-Index Fiber)

10.2 Single-Mode Fiber :- In single-mode, only one light is transmitted in the fiber which
diameter ranges from 8.3 to 10 microns, see Figure 11. Since there is only one light the
problem associated with the multimode fiber does not exist and by this we can have a higher
transmission rate and also it can be used for longer distance.

(Single-Mode Fiber)


1. The terminating equipment is still costly as compared to copper wire.

2. Delicate so has to be handled carefully.
3. Communication is not totally in optical domain, so repeated electric to optical to
electrical conversion is needed.
4. Optical amplifiers, splitters, MUX-DEMUX are still in development stages.
5. Tapping is not possible. Specialized equipment is needed to tap a fiber.
6. Optical fiber splicing is a specialized technique and needs expertly trained manpower.
7. The splicing and testing equipments are very expensive as compared to copper
8. Bending Cables
9. Gamma Radiation
10. Electrical Fields
11. Sharks Eat the Cable
12. Gophers (and Termites) Really Do Eat the Cable


 Due to the advantages of fiber optic over the traditional connectivity networks,
networks are being changed to the new technology of fiber optic. Here is
some applications use fiber optics for the communication:
 Long Haul telecommunication systems on land and at sea to carry many
simultaneous telephone calls (or other signals) over long distances. These include
ocean spanning submarine cables and national backbone networks for telephone and
computer data transmission.
 Interoffice trunks that carry many telephone conversations simultaneously between
local and regional switching facilities.
 Connections between the telephone N/W and antennas for mobile telephone
 Links among computers and high resolution video-terminals used for such purposes
as computer aided design.
 Transmission of signals within ships and aircraft.
 Local area Networks operating at high speeds or over large areas, and backbone
systems connecting slower local area Networks.
 High speed interconnections between computer and peripherals devices, or between
computers, or even within segments of single large.
 Cable TV,CCTV ,Optical Fiber Sensors, X-ray Imaging ,Night Vision.

Other uses of optical fibers -

 Fibers are widely used in illumination applications. They are used as light guides
in medical and other applications where bright light Some buildings, optical fibers are
used to route sunlight from the roof to other parts of the building .
 Optical fiber illumination is also used for decorative applications, including
signs, art, and artificial Christmas trees.
 Optical fiber is also used in imaging optics i.e. an endoscope, which is used to view
objects through a small hole. Medical endoscopes are used for minimally invasive
exploratory or surgical procedures (endoscopy). Industrial endoscopes are used for
inspecting anything hard to reach, such as jet engine interiors.
 In spectroscopy, optical fiber bundles are used to transmit light from a spectrometer to
a substance which cannot be placed inside the spectrometer itself, in order to analyze
its composition.
 A spectrometer analyzes substances by bouncing light off of and through them. By
using fibers, a spectrometer can be used to study objects that are too large to fit inside,
or gasses, or reactions which occur in pressure vessels.

12.1 Future Applications of Optical Fiber Communication :-
Today, however, lower costs and higher production volumes mean that fiber optics
can now make sense in areas where it didn't before, including relatively short distances.

Advancement in Communications -

 Fiber technologies provide higher bandwidth, higher speed, and increased reliability
over existing DSL technology, which uses Copper wires for communication.
 In future it will be possible to have Wave length Band in Radio compare to FM band
(where synchronizing is done through frequency).In Wavelength band Channels will
have Different wavelengths (earlier, it was once just one wavelength of light traveling
through the fiber, today it is more like 160 wavelengths traveling at once.).So as
research is going on number of wavelength per fiber is increasing.
 In cars, fiber optics is replacing copper as a lighter alternative for entertainment
systems, CD players, and global positioning systems.
 Research is going on to integrate semiconductor devices, including a transistor, inside
micro structured optical fibers. Then it will be possible to manipulate signals inside
optical fibers. After these developments there will be not any need of electronic
switching devices at both ends of fiber. So signal will never leave fiber. This results in
faster cheaper and more efficient operation.
 INTEL has developed new technology to connect PC USB to Optical Fiber. So
direct communication can be achieved between users through Optical Fiber.

Advancement in Fiber Optics -

 In the research world, fiber is enabling the creation of clocks that are more accurate
than ever before, By combining a laser with an optical fiber, these clocks allow
scientists to measure time more accurately than they've been able to previously,
enabling better, more precise.
 By using Fiber optics it is possible to prepare more reflective and shining cloths.
 Room Lighting may improve. Now you can imagine a home with cheerful splashes of
natural sunlight in every room at once. Lighting Colour wili be changed. So, by using
some almost invisible optical fibers to an outside light source, they could bring
natural, outside light to a space that needs.
 This is new way to get sunlight into a place that wouldn't otherwise have it. Such as a
dark, interior room.
 Fiber-optic light bulbs have already been developed, and may be an additional way to
tap into fiber optics for household lighting.


Optical fiber fabrication covers three different methods for the production of preforms
for optical fibers: the OVD process (outside vapor deposition), the VAD method (vapor axial
deposition) and the MCVD (modified chemical vapor deposition). It also discusses the
cabling of fibers. Low-attenuation optical fibers are most often based on silica (SiO2 ). The
refractive index is adjusted by an appropriate doping.

The most commonly used dopant to increase the refractive index are germanium
dioxide (GeO2 ) and P2 O5. The most commonly used dopant to lowering the refractive
index is fluorine (F). For low-loss optical waveguides a high-purity manufacturing process is
required, especially for the fiber core. Therefore, glass fibers are produced with the aid of
chemical deposition from the vapor phase (CVD - chemical vapor deposition). The starting
point are halogenide, in particular chlorides, such as SiCl4 . Hence fused silica (SiO2 ) is
obtained from the oxidation.

SiCl4 + O2 ←→ SiO2 + 2Cl2

The reaction can proceed in both directions, with the complete conversion to SiO2 for
temperatures T >1800 K . For the dopant GeO2 the reaction is similar:

GeCl4 + O2 ←→ GeO2 + 2Cl2

The maximum conversion of GeO2 proceed for T ≈ 1800 K . The conversion

efficiency is relatively low and is in the order of maximum 25 %.

13.1 OVD process (outside vapour deposition) :- SiCl4 and GeCl4 are liquids at room
temperature. Oxygen as a carrier bubbles through the liquids and sweeps gas vapors of these
compounds along. Usually a H2 O2 -(oxyhydrogen gas)-burner is used as burner. The glass is
deposited in layers. The control of the relative amount of SiO2 and GeO2 and therefore the
refractive index profile is controlled by the carrier gas (O2 ), which is defined by the flow rate
through the SiCl4 and GeCl4 containers. The result is a porous deposition (glass soot).
However, the porous glass preform can be cleaned. By flushing with chlorine gas
(dehydrogenation), for example, the OH-percentage can be reduced.

2H2 O + 2Cl2 → 4HCl + O2

The reaction takes place at temperatures above 1200◦ C . At the same time the porous
preform becomes a glass (vitrification). Such preforms were manufactured with a mass of up
to e.g. 1800 g (11 cm diameter and 80 cm length), which allows a fiber length of up to about
50 km.

13.2 VAD process (vapour axial deposition) :- As in the OVD process H2 O2 -burners are
used. The preform is rotating while the two burners are passing different fractions of SiCl4
and GeCl4 . By a suitable arrangement of the burners, the refractive index profile can be
adjusted. The dehydration and vitrification using the VAD method takes place, similar to the
OVD process, in one operation. Since it is a closed process, a very low OH content to below
1 ppb (parts per billion = 1 part OH on 109 parts SiO2 ) is feasible. This corresponds to an
attenuation increase at λ = 1.39 µm , due to the OH-impurities, of less than 0.04dB/km.

13.3 MCVD process (modified chemical vapor deposition) :- The formation of SiO2 and
the vitrification takes place in one step. About 30 to 100 layers are grown. A change in the
refractive index profile is possible by changing the gas flow from layer to layer. Since the
reaction takes place only in the quartz tube, there is only a little risk of contamination. A
disadvantage of the MCVD method is that no dehydrogenation is possible, because no porous
preform is produced. One first obtains a quartz tube with the deposited doped layers. The
preform is produced by collapsing of the preform tube. At temperatures of 2000◦ C the tube
collapse together to a rod by the surface tension. The OH concentration of a MCVD fiber is
typically in the order of less than 1 ppm.


The age of optical communications is a new era. In several ways fiber optics is a
pivotal breakthrough from the electric communication we have been accustomed to. Instead
of electrons moving back and forth over a regular copper or metallic wire to carry signals,
light waves navigate tiny fibres of glass or plastic to accomplish the same purpose.

With a bandwidth and information capacity a thousand times greater than that of
copper circuits, fiber optics may soon provide us with all the communication technology we
could want in a lifetime, at a cost efficient price.

At present there are many optical fiber communication links throughout the world
without using optical solutions. When we introduce optical solutions as light pulses through
the fibers, we can achieve high quality telecommunication at a lower cost. We can expect a
great revolution in optical fiber communication within a few years by means of solutions.


1. From paper written by Harry J. R. Dutton for International Technical Support

Organization titled as Understanding Optical Communications by IBM.
2. From paper Optical fiber communication—An overview by MARUMUGAM
(Department of Physics), Anna University.
3. An educational resource published by Communications Specialties, Inc.paper titled
Introduction to Fiber Optics.
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_fiber
5. http://www.fiber-optics.info/articles/wdm.htm
6. http://www.arcelect.com/fibercable.htm


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